
二、实习内容及过程1. 外贸业务磋商在实习过程中,我参与了多次外贸业务磋商,包括与外国客户的电子邮件沟通、电话沟通以及视频会议。
通过这些磋商,我熟悉了外贸业务的基本流程,了解了价格谈判、付款方式、 delivery 条款等关键环节。
2. 外贸函电撰写在实习过程中,我负责撰写了一系列外贸函电,包括询盘、报价、还盘、接受等。
3. 外贸合同签订在实习过程中,我参与了多次外贸合同的签订工作。
4. 外贸单证制作在实习过程中,我负责制作了一系列外贸单证,包括商业发票、装箱单、提单等。
三、实习收获及反思1. 实习收获通过本次实习,我掌握了外贸英语的基本沟通技巧,熟悉了外贸流程,提高了自己的外贸业务能力。
2. 实习反思在实习过程中,我发现自己在某些方面还存在不足。

外贸谈判英语范文English:During foreign trade negotiations, it is important to establish a good relationship with the other party. The first step is to do thorough research on the cultural background and business practices of the country you will be negotiating with in order to understand their expectations and communication styles. It is also important to be respectful and understanding of their customs and traditions.The next step is to clearly define your objectives and understand the other party's interests and goals. This can be achieved through effective communication and active listening to avoid misunderstandings. It is also important to be transparent and honest in your negotiations to build trust and credibility.Another crucial factor is to be well-versed in the details of the products or services being offered, including prices, delivery times, and specifications. This will allow you to negotiate effectively and respond to any questions or concerns the other party may have.Finally, it is important to remain patient and persistent throughout the negotiation process. Be prepared to make concessions and compromise in order to reach a mutually beneficial agreement. It is also important to follow up after negotiations are complete to ensure that all agreed-upon terms are met.Overall, successful foreign trade negotiations require a combination of research, communication, transparency, knowledge, patience, and persistence.中文翻译:在外贸谈判中,与对方建立良好关系至关重要。


外贸英语对话之谈判引导语:怎样用英语去谈判有关业务的问题?下面是的外贸英语对话之谈判,希望可以帮助到你!a: you could save a lot if you would ordera little more .b: how could we do that ?a: we offer a discount for large orders .b: let me take another look at our requirements .a:如果你单子下得多一点,可以省不少的钱。
a: your prices seem a little high .b: we could make them lower for you .a: how ?b: if you order in large lots , we'll reduce the price .a:你们的价钱高了一些。
a: we can offer a 10% discount for orders over 10000 pieces.b: i'm not sure we can use that many .a: it would represent quite a savings .b: ok, i'll see what i can do .a:订购一万个以上,我们可以打九折。
a: why are there three prices quoted for this part ? b: they represent the prices for different quantities. a: i see .b: the more you order , the more you will save .a:这种零件为什么有三种不同的报价?b:那表示不同的量有不同的价钱。

二、实训内容及过程(一)实训内容1. 熟悉和掌握一般贸易的实际运用。
2. 参与国际贸易买卖合同的磋商,熟悉询盘、发盘、还盘和接受环节的实践过程,掌握合同条款的具体规定与表达。
3. 掌握国际贸易货物买卖合同履行过程中货、证、船、款等内容。
4. 了解国际贸易买卖中货款的结算方式,熟悉与掌握L/C、T/T、D/P、D/A的结算程序和运用技巧。
5. 熟悉与掌握信用证的申请、开证、审证要点。
6. 熟悉海洋运输方式的具体操作。
7. 熟悉各种单据的缮制与运用技巧。
8. 了解如何在国际贸易货物运输过程中减少风险,熟悉与掌握价格术语CIF、CFR、FOB 的细节与运用技巧。

Example of negotiation谈判实例A:Hello,Mr.Wang.I am glad to meet you here at the fair.A:你好,于先生,很高兴在交易会上见到你。
B:Like wise.Take a seat, please. How about a cup of tea?B:我很高兴。
请坐,喝杯茶好吗?A:Sure.Thank you. It seems your business is prosperous. There are many customers here.A:好,谢谢。
B:Yes.it's not too bad.Our sales are going up year after year. And we still have a large potential production capacity.B:是的,还可以。
A: Well.what do you think of choosing a commission representative or agent abroad to promote your sales?A:哦,你们是否想在国外选择一家代办商或代理人为你们推销产品?B:That's a good idea.So far,we have several agents abroad.B:这个主意不错.不过,目前我们在国外已有几家代理人。
A:We are willing to be your agent in Thailand for hand-held tools. What do you think?A:我们愿意在泰国做你方的手工工具代理人,不知你们意下如何?B:That sounds good.B:听起来不错A:Then.what's your usual commission rate for your agents?A:那么,你们通常给代理人的佣金率是多少?B:Usually.we give a commission of 4% to our agents.B:通常给4%。
商 务 模 拟 谈 判

商务模拟谈判一时间:外贸英语选修课二地点:校3号楼2楼学生会办公室三谈判双方:中国浙江绍兴华联纺织品有限公司VS 美国现代纺织品进出口公司四参加人员:中方(12人):美方(6人)谈判首席代表(04商外金小莉)谈判首席代表(04电商钱彩金)法人代表(04大英严佳倩) 市场部经理(04电商陶刚锋)产品研发部经理(04大英胡桂荧)销售部经理(04国商陈文勇)销售部经理(04大英李娟) 秘书(04国商陈泽慧)质检部副部长(04大英殷成龙) 质检部负责人(04电商陆华锋)设计师(04大英任凤) 法律部职员(04商外姚月娇)秘书(04大英寿晓晔)模特(04大英倪淼凤04国商陈建兰04电商沈军军陈栋梁04财电2马丽)五交易产品:男女各式围巾六使用语言:英语七过程设计:1.引子:关于这次谈判的背景介绍(用大屏幕放映事先拍摄的录象,加上背景音乐。
商务谈判实训(双语) Unit 5 strategies and tactics for Business Negotiations



(1)Negotiation on Price 1Mr. Lee: Good morning, Mr. Smith. My name is Jack Lee. Here is my name card.Mr. Smith: Thank you! Nice to see you, Mr. Lee! My name is Tony Smith. And this is my card.Mr. Lee: Thanks! Mr. Smith, it is very nice to have you in our company. I do hope you will have a fruitful stay here. By the way, this is Tina, myassistant.Tina: Nice to meet you! (Handshakes)Mr. Smith: Nice to meet you, too! And this is my secretary, Lucy.Lucy: Nice to meet you! (Handshakes)Mr. Lee: Well, Mr. Smith, I am wondering if you have already got our offer? Mr. Smith: Yes, we did. It reached us three days ago.Mr. Lee: what do you think of it? Is it satisfactory?Mr. Smith: To tell the truth, we are greatly surprised at the prices you offered us. Mr. Lee: This year’s prices are higher than last year. But they are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.Mr. Smith: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.Mr. Lee: Well, in order to get the business, I’m willing to make some concessions.Mr. Smith: The size of our order depends greatly on the prices. Let’s settle that matter first.Mr. Lee: Well, if you order more than 5,000 pieces, I will reduce my price by 3 percent.Mr. Smith: It will be rather difficult for us to push any sales if we buy them at the price.Mr. Lee: What is your proposal?Mr. Smith: You need to reduce your price at least by 10-15 percent?Mr. Lee: What about 8 percent? Those will be our rock bottom prices, Mr. Black.No further concession I can make in this respect.Mr. Smith: I’m sorry, but your price is not acceptable. Your price has gone up so rapidly. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price. Mr. Lee: I’m a little surprised to hear you say that. The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.Mr. Smith: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.Mr. Lee: But you must take the quality into consideration.Mr. Smith: I agree that yours are of better quality. But we’ll still have a lot of difficulties in persuading our clients to buy at this price.Mr. Lee: Well, then, what’s your idea of a competitive price?Mr. Smith: I suggest somewhere around $30 per set CIF Beijing.Mr. Lee: I’m sorry the difference between our price and your counter offer is significant. It’s impossible for us to entertain your counter-offer, I’mafraid.Mr. Smith: What about meeting each other half way? Let’s say USD 30.5.Mr. Lee: Ok, Let’s make a deal.Mr. Smith: Thank you! Mr. Lee.Mr. Lee: You’re welcome.(2)Negotiation on Price 2Mr. Smith: I was wondering if you would give us a response to our email inquiry?Mr. Lee: Certainly. We are pleased to offer you 120,000 cotton poplin blouses at USD 16.8 each, FOB Shanghai. The blouse will be packed in plasticbags, each four dozens in a corrugated cardboard box. They will bedelivered in two consignments of 60,000 each, the first by August 20thand the second by September 10th. The terms of payment will be thesame as those in the previous contract, that is, sight letter of credit. Mr. Smith: Thank you very much for your offer, and we will give it serious consideration. As it’ll take us some time to calculate, may I suggest thatwe take a 20-minute break? Then we’ll give you an answer.Mr. Lee: Fine. (After the break)Mr. Smith: Well, Mr. Lee. I’ve discussed your offer with our manager, and I’m afraid we found it rather on the high side.Mr. Lee: I wonder why you think so.Mr. Smith: To be honest with you, just before we left for China, we were approached by a Filipino garment manufacturer. His offer was USD13.50 each blouse. So, we don’t see why we should pay more for yourblouse.Mr. Lee: USD 13.50 each blouse? Really?Mr. Smith: That’s right, USD 13.50.Mr. Lee: that’s really cheap. I guess you must have bought a lot from him.Mr. Smith: We bought 1,000 pieces.Mr. Lee: Only 1,000 pieces?Mr. Smith: Well, as we don’t know much about that firm so we just place a trial order.Mr. Lee: Right, it takes time to find out whether a business partner is trustworthy. Mr. Smith: This is why we sent our inquiry to you. I believe you are not only trustworthy but also competitive in price.Mr. Lee: You bet!Mr. Smith: but your offer is obviously far from competitive.Mr. Lee: Then what do you think would be a competitive price?Mr. Smith: USD 13.50, the price we paid the Filipino firm.Mr. Lee: Oh, come on, our blouses certainly deserve more than that.Mr. Smith: Oh, why?Mr. Lee: Because our quality is high, and high quality goods deserve high price.Mr. Smith, you wouldn’t disagree on that, would you?Mr. Smith: You may have a point here. But, how can you prove your blouses are better than the Filipino ones?Mr. Lee: Our blouses are one hundred percent natural, they are pure cotton. Mr. Smith: Well, that’s certainly a plus for you.Mr. Lee: This year, we have also won a gold medal from the Best Commodity Expo sponsored by the General Association of Textiles. Here is thecertificate from the association.Mr. Smith: I take off my hat to you, Mr. Lee.Mr. Lee: Thank you, but I think the best evidence is this: the orders we have received from overseas customers have doubled in the last three years.This is our sales report.(3)Negotiation on quality and quantityMr. Lee: I’d like to discuss with you the quantity, quality and other details of the goods. By the way, have you received our samples?Mr. Smith: Yes. We examined your designs and catalogues carefully at the very moment we received them.Mr. Lee: Do you have any questions?Mr. Smith: Yes, we find that the colors and quality of the glove puppet monkeys, ducks and dogs are very nice, so we don’t have any comments on them.However, the quality and patterns of the dolls are not suitable at all. Iam sorry to say that none of our customers in the USA likes it.Mr. Lee: So far as I know, there is no problem with the quality of the dolls. In fact, it’s so popular abroad that we can not meet the demands from ourcustomers. But will you tell me in detail your problem with the patterns? Mr. Smith: The patterns with golden fish are not popular with the American people, and therefore they don’t sell well.Mr. Lee: Are you kidding? I’ve never heard of that. Anyway, it is easy to solve the problem. Here are some more catalogues of different designs for youto select from.Mr. Smith: These designs are so cute. I think they probably will sell well. I’d like to order these two in the following amounts. New material Dolls No.01,quantity 50,000, synthetic fibre dolls No.02, quantiy 20,000.Mr. Lee: Since New Material Doll No.01 can find such a ready market, and the production falls behind the demand, we can only supply you with30,000 pieces. It is said that synthetic fibre dolls are popular withAmerican people. Why don’t you order more?Mr. Smith: 30,000 New Material Dolls No.01 are far from enough. Can you supply us with another 10,000? As to the synthetic fibre dolls, the price is prettyhigh, as I see.Mr. Lee: We’ll try our best to satisfy your demand for the additional 10,000 of New Material Dolls No. 01. It seems you don’t realize that theprevailing price of synthetic fibre dolls on the international market hasgone up recently, and the price we offer is the lowest.Mr. Smith: Thank you! We’ll increase the size of the order for synthetic fibre dolls No.02 by 20,000 and leave the others as they are.(4) Negotiation on transshipmentMr. Smith: Can you make shipment in early November?Mr. Lee: We have the goods in stock. Therefore, we could effect prompt shipment if there were a steamer available. But unfortunately we can notget hold of any liner sailing for London in November, because theshipping space for sailing to London up to the end of November has allbeen booked up.Mr. Smith: You know the time of shipment is very important to us. Our customers are in urgent need of the goods.Mr. Lee: I see your point. However, I am very sorry that we can do nothing about it.Mr. Smith: But I am informed that tramps are still available.Mr. Lee: Yes, but tramps are scarce. And I’m not sure there would be enough tonnage to make a full cargo, even if a tramp could be obtained.Mr. Smith: Then, what if we allow transshipment?Mr. Lee: Transshipment adds to the expenses, risks of damage and may possibly delay arrival. But we’ll try if you insist and are willing to bear the extraexpenses.Mr. Smith: We prefer direct shipment, of course. But now that there is no directsteamer, we can do nothing but agree to tansship at Hong Kong.Mr. Lee: Then we’ll get all the necessary information about the connecting steamers right away.Mr. Smith: I guess if we start now, there’s still hope. To hedge our bets, how about adding Liverpool as an optional port of destination?Mr. Lee: Good. Then what would you say if we put it like this in the contract:”shipment: by first available steamer before the 30th of November. Port ofdestination: London or Liverpool. Transshipment at Hong Kongallowed.”?Mr. Smith: It seems I’ve no alternative. Thank you.(5) Negotiation on the amendment of an L/CMr. Lee: Mr. Smith, we’ve received your L/C, but find two points inconsistent with other documents, rendering us unable to get the payment.Mr. Smith: What are they?Mr. Lee: The first point. The credit calls for a clean bill of lading marked ”freight prepaid”, when it should call for a clean bill of lading marked ”fright tocollect”.Mr. Smith: I see.Mr. Lee: We’ve sold on FOB terms. We’re therefore not responsible for the freight charges and can only provide you with a bill of lading marked“fright to collect”. Obviously the bank won’t release the money againstsuch a document. Can we ask you to amend the latter of credit according?The vessel is loaded and waiting to depart, but we can’t let the vessel gountil we are assured of the payment.Mr. Smith: Yes, I am sorry this has happened. It must be an oversight on our part.We’ll amend the L/C at once. What’s the other problem, Mr. Lee?Mr. Lee: The other problem is: in your letter of credit there is no mention of tansshipment. But when we are talking about shipment we agreed ontransshipment via Hong Kong. This is clearly written in the contract andon other documents too. And the fact is, there is no direct steamersailing to your port, and we are actually sending the goods throughtansshipment.Mr. Smith: That’s true. I’m terribly sorry about such a mistake on our side. I must find out how this was caused and who made such a terrible mistake asthis.Mr. Lee: Can we ask you to amend the L/C by allowing transshipment via Hong Kong?Mr. Smith: Of course. I’ll inform the bank to make the relevant amendment immediately.。

国际经济与贸易(2009级)外贸谈判实训指导书实训一Receiving the Foreign Guest 接待外商问好1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you?2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.3. It‟s a great honor to meet you./I have been lookin g forward to meeting you.4. Welcome to China.5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.6. I hope you‟ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your fist visit to China?7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag?机场接客1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation?2. How do I address you?3. May name is Benjamin liu. I‟m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. I‟m here to meet you.4. We have a car an over there to take you to you hotel. Did you have a nice trip?5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.6. Do you need to get back your baggage?7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel?相互介绍1. Let me introduce my self. My name is Benjamin Liu, an Int‟l salesman in the Marketing Department.2. Hello, I am Benjamin Liu, an Int‟l salesman of FUZHOU E-FASHION ELECTRONIC COMPANY. Nice to meet you. /pleased to meet you. / It is a pleasure to meet you.3. I would like to introduce Mark Sheller, the Marketing department manager of our company.4. Let me introduce you to Mr. Li, general manager of our company.5. Mr. Smith, this is our General manage, Mr. Zhen, this is our Marketing Director, Mr.Lin. And this is our RD Department Manager, Mr. Wang.6. If I‟m not mistaken, you must be Miss Chen from France.7. Do you remember me? Benjamin Liu from Marketing Department of PVC. We met several years ago.8. Is there anyone who has not been introduced yet?9. It is my pleasure to talk with you.10. Here is my business card. / May I give you my business card?11. May I have your business card? / Could you give me your business card?12. I am sorry. I can‟t recall your name. / Could you tell me how to pronounce your name again?小聊1. Is this your first time to China?2. Do you travel to China on business often?3. What kind of Chinese food do you like?4. What is the most interesting thing you have seen in China?5. What is surprising to your about China?6. The weather is really nice.7. What do you like to do in your spare time?8. What line of business are you in?9. What do you think about…? /What is your opinion?/What is your point of view?10. No wonder you're so experienced.11. It was nice to talking with you. / I enjoyed talking with you.12. Good. That's just what we want to hear.确认话意1. Could you say that again, please?2. Could you repeat that, please?3. Could you write that down?4. Could you speak a little more slowly, please?5. You mean…is that right?6. Do you mean..?7. Excuse me for interrupting you.社交招待1. Would like a glass of water? / can I get you a cup of Chinese red tea? / How about a Coke?2. Alright, let me make some. I‟ll be right back.3. A cup of coffee would be great. Thanks.4. There are many places where we can eat. How about Cantonese food?5. I would like to invite you for lunch today.6. Oh, I can‟t let you pay. It is my treat, you are my guest.7. May I propose that we break for coffee now?8. Excuse me. I‟ll be right back9. Excuse me a moment.告别1. Wish you a very pleasant journey home? Have a good journey!2. Thank you very much for everything you have done us during your stay in China.3. It is a pity you are leaving so soon.4. I‟m looking forward to seeing you again.5. I‟ll see you to the airport tomorrow morning.6. Don‟t forget to look me up if you are ever in FUZHOU.Have a nice journey!1. May I make an appointment? I…d like to arrange a meeting to discuss our new order.2. Let‟s fix the time and the place of our meeting.3. Can we make it a little later?4. Do you think you could make it Monday afternoon? That would suit me better.5. Would you please tell me when you are free?6. I‟m afraid I have to cancel my appointment.7. It looks as if I won‟t be able to keep the app ointment we made.8. Will you change our appoint tomorrow at 10:00 to the day after tomorrow at the came time?9. Anytime except Monday would be all right.10. OK, I will be here, then.11. We'll leave some evenings free, that is, if it is all right with you.实训二Introducing the Products 介绍产品产品介绍:1. This model of typewriter is efficient and durable, economical and practical for middle school students.这个型号的打字机对中学生来说,高效、耐用、经济、实惠。
国际商务英语谈判实训silk Selling(Part A)

Ⅲ. At t
1.To emphasize our advantage: 2.Make some concessions appropriately.
The emergency assistance plan
1. If the other party would like to sign ,but disagree on $ 5.3. Solutions: negotiate on price, making use of compromise strategies, in exchange for the delivery, technical support, preferential treatment and other interest
Negotiation goals
peace negotiation. To reach an agreement according to our demands, and to acquire the corresponding profits and shares. and establish a friendly and long-term relationship.
Ⅱ.middle course
1. 2. 3. 4.
Foreign a blow to the east and attack in the west. “white face and red face strategy”. To emphasize our advantage. Make some concessions appropriately. handle the bottom line in our hands: to make the concession seriously never make the haste decision and regret later. reach the contract: make the final result clearly and sign the contract in the end.

外贸谈判英语范文Negotiating in international trade requires effective communication skills, especially in English. In this article, we will provide you with a sample of a well-structured and comprehensive English negotiation document. This document will guide you on how to approach and conduct successful negotiations in the field of international trade.Introduction:Negotiating in international trade can be a challenging task, as it involves dealing with different cultures, languages, and business practices. However, with proper preparation and effective communication, successful negotiations can be achieved. In this article, we will discuss the key elements of a successful negotiation process, including preparation, communication, and problem-solving techniques.1. Preparation:Before entering into a negotiation, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and gather relevant information about the other party. This includes understanding their culture, business practices, and negotiating style. Additionally, it is essential to identify your own goals and objectives for the negotiation. By being well-prepared, you can anticipate potential issues and develop strategies to address them effectively.2. Communication:Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful negotiations. It is important to clearly articulate your thoughts and actively listen to the other party. Use concise and precise language to avoid misunderstandings. Additionally, non-verbal communication, such as body language and facial expressions, can also play a significant role in conveying your message. Be aware of cultural differences in communication styles and adapt accordingly.3. Building Rapport:Building rapport with the other party is crucial in establishing a positive and cooperative atmosphere for negotiations. Find common ground and show genuine interest in their perspective. This can be achieved through small talk, sharing experiences, or finding mutual interests. Building rapport helps in creating trust and fostering open communication.4. Problem-Solving:Negotiations often involve solving complex problems and finding mutually beneficial solutions. It is important to approach these challenges with a constructive mindset. Focus on interests rather than positions and explore various options to reach a win-win outcome. Be willing to compromise and show flexibility while maintaining your core objectives. Collaborative problem-solving techniques, such as brainstorming and exploring alternatives, can be highly effective in reaching a satisfactory agreement.5. Managing Conflicts:Conflicts are inevitable in negotiations, especially in international trade. It is essential to handle conflicts professionally and diplomatically. Active listening, empathy, and maintaining a calm demeanor can help de-escalate tense situations. Seek common ground and find mutually acceptable solutions to resolve conflicts. If necessary, involve a neutral third party or mediator to facilitate the negotiation process.6. Closing the Deal:Once an agreement is reached, it is important to summarize the key points and ensure that both parties have a clear understanding of the terms and conditions. Prepare a written agreement that includes all the agreed-upon details and have it reviewed by legal experts if required. Closing the deal on a positive note and expressing gratitude for the successful negotiation can help establish a long-term business relationship.Conclusion:Effective negotiation skills are crucial in international trade. By following the key elements discussed in this article, such as thorough preparation, effective communication,problem-solving techniques, and conflict management, you can increase the chances of achieving successful outcomes in your negotiations. Remember to adapt your approach based on the cultural context and maintain a positive and cooperative attitude throughout the negotiation process.。

实用的外贸英语函电实战范例Price bargain价格在整个业务流程中是重中之重的一个部分。
1.New price request for repeat orderDear Aaron,The Evian and Wins people want laser lens and mother board,please prepare 200 units each spare part for solving the problems.By the Wins order they will buy 2x40HQ,the same as last time and the target price have to be US$20.2.Please send the PI with this price and include the spare part into the container,also for the new Evian order.For the big order,Today i talked to the manager and they said that in this period,he will make an order IF GIVEN A BETTER PRICE.Best regards,DardoNotes,不同时期,产品的某些关键材料的价格会有所不同,所以销售价格也会有所变化。

IntroductionThe rapid development of information technology and the market economyin China has brought about a significant increase in economic globalization. As a result, the country's economy has been flourishing, leading to closer ties with the international market and an increasing frequency of trade between countries. This has created a high demand for professionals in the field of international trade. To meet this demand and to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical skills, our university has arranged a comprehensive international trade training program for students majoring in international trade.Training ObjectivesThe primary objectives of this international trade training program are as follows:1. To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of international trade.2. To enhance students' practical skills in handling international trade transactions, including negotiation, contract drafting, and documentation.3. To familiarize students with the various aspects of international trade, such as trade finance, logistics, and customs clearance.4. To foster teamwork and communication skills among students through group projects and role-playing activities.Training MethodologyThe training program consists of a combination of lectures, case studies, and practical simulations. The following methods were employed:1. Lectures: Expert lectures were delivered by faculty members and industry professionals to provide students with a theoretical foundation in international trade.2. Case Studies: Students were assigned to analyze real-life international trade cases to understand the complexities involved in international trade transactions.3. Practical Simulations: Students participated in role-playing exercises to simulate various stages of an international trade transaction, such as negotiation, contract drafting, and documentation.4. Group Projects: Students were divided into groups to work onpractical projects related to international trade, such as market research, product sourcing, and logistics planning.Training ContentThe training program covered a wide range of topics related to international trade, including:1. International Trade Theory: The history, development, andsignificance of international trade, as well as the factors influencing international trade.2. International Trade Law: The legal framework governing international trade, including contracts, disputes, and intellectual property rights.3. Export and Import Procedures: The steps involved in exporting and importing goods, including documentation, customs clearance, and transportation.4. Trade Finance: The various methods of payment in international trade, such as letters of credit, documentary collections, and cash transactions.5. Logistics and Supply Chain Management: The management of logistics and supply chain operations in international trade, including transportation, warehousing, and distribution.6. Market Research and Product Sourcing: The importance of market research and product sourcing in international trade, as well as the methods and tools used for conducting market research.Training ProcessThe training program was conducted over a period of five weeks, with each week focusing on a specific aspect of international trade. The following is a summary of the training process:Week 1: Introduction to International Trade- Introduction to the concept of international trade, its significance, and the factors influencing it.- Overview of the legal framework governing international trade.Week 2: Export and Import Procedures- Steps involved in exporting and importing goods, including documentation, customs clearance, and transportation.- Role-playing exercise on export and import procedures.Week 3: Trade Finance- Introduction to trade finance, including letters of credit, documentary collections, and cash transactions.- Case study on trade finance.Week 4: Logistics and Supply Chain Management- Overview of logistics and supply chain management in international trade.- Role-playing exercise on logistics and supply chain management.Week 5: Market Research and Product Sourcing- Importance of market research and product sourcing in international trade.- Group project on market research and product sourcing.Training EvaluationThe training program was evaluated based on the following criteria:1. Attendance and Participation: Regular attendance and active participation in lectures, discussions, and practical exercises.2. Group Projects: Quality of work and teamwork demonstrated during group projects.3. Case Studies: Ability to analyze and solve problems presented in case studies.4. Final Presentation: Ability to present a comprehensive understanding of international trade and the skills acquired during the training program.ConclusionThe international trade training program was a valuable experience that provided students with a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of international trade. The practical simulations and group projects allowed students to apply their knowledge and skills in real-life scenarios, preparing them for future careers in the field of international trade. The program successfully achieved its objectives, and the feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive. We believe that the training program has equipped students with the necessaryskills and knowledge to excel in their future careers in international trade.。

二、实训内容1. 实训目的(1)熟悉外贸谈判的基本流程和技巧;(2)提高英语口语表达能力,培养商务沟通能力;(3)增强团队协作意识,提高谈判策略运用能力。
2. 实训方式(1)分组模拟谈判:将学生分成若干小组,每组扮演不同角色,进行角色扮演谈判;(2)专家点评:邀请具有丰富外贸谈判经验的专业人士对谈判过程进行点评,指出谈判中的优点和不足;(3)案例分析:结合实际案例,分析谈判中的成功与失败因素,总结谈判经验。
3. 实训内容(1)谈判前的准备工作:了解谈判背景、对手信息、自身优势与不足等;(2)谈判策略的制定:根据谈判目的和对手特点,制定相应的谈判策略;(3)谈判过程中的沟通技巧:掌握开场白、提问、倾听、表达观点等技巧;(4)应对突发情况的策略:学会处理谈判过程中出现的分歧、争议等问题。
三、实训过程1. 分组模拟谈判在实训过程中,学生根据所学知识,分组进行角色扮演谈判。
2. 专家点评谈判结束后,邀请具有丰富外贸谈判经验的专业人士对谈判过程进行点评。
3. 案例分析结合实际案例,分析谈判中的成功与失败因素,总结谈判经验。
四、实训成果1. 学生英语口语表达能力得到显著提高;2. 学生掌握了外贸谈判的基本流程、技巧和方法;3. 学生增强了团队协作意识,提高了谈判策略运用能力;4. 学生对外贸谈判有了更加全面的认识,为今后从事外贸工作打下了坚实基础。

二、实习单位及岗位实习单位:某知名外贸公司实习岗位:外贸业务员三、实习内容1. 业务学习在实习期间,我主要学习了以下内容:(1)国际贸易基础知识:包括国际贸易术语、支付方式、运输方式、保险等内容。
2. 实际操作(1)询盘处理:在实习期间,我参与了多个询盘的处理,学习了如何与客户进行有效沟通,了解客户需求,为客户提供合适的解决方案。
3. 团队协作在实习期间,我积极参与团队活动,与同事保持良好的沟通与协作。
四、实习收获1. 专业知识提升:通过实习,我对国际贸易基础知识、外贸业务流程有了更深入的了解,为今后的工作打下了坚实的基础。
2. 英语能力提高:在实习过程中,我不断练习英语口语和书面表达,提高了自己的英语沟通能力。
3. 团队协作能力:通过与同事的协作,我学会了如何与他人沟通、协作,提高了自己的团队协作能力。
4. 实践经验积累:在实习期间,我参与了多个实际业务操作,积累了宝贵的实践经验,为今后的工作积累了丰富的经验。

Foreign Trade NegotiationImporter:California Hage Enterprises Incorporation.☆Mr Johnson (J),the Sales Manager----------邓☆Mr. Smith (S),the Purchases Manager-------张Exporter :Guangzhou Oklot Import&Export Trading Co.,Ltd☆Mr. Ross (R),the Sales Manager--------------陈☆Mr. Vict (V),the Sales Assistant Manager---陈1.Negotiation Place : The exporter' s meeting room.1.Negotiation Time: In the morning.3.Negotiation Topic : About a purchase of numbers of Men's Leather Bags.Part-1(V is waiting for J&S's coming in the hall.)V:Hello.You must be Mr.Johnson and Smith.J:Yes,I'm Johnson,nice to meet you.V: Nice to meet you.I'm Vict.S: Smith,nice to meet you.V: Nice to meet you.My head is waiting for you.This way ,please.J: Ok.(R is standing in the meeting room)V: Ross,here is Mr.Johnson ,and this is Mr.Smith.R&J: Nice to meet you.R&S: Nice to meet you.J: This is my business card,my Chinese name is Weifeng.R: Wow,nice name,and this is my business card.J: Thanks.R: Won't you sit down?J: Thank you.Part-2R: We have prepared for you,your favorite drink.J: Sure?let me have a try,Oh,it's my favorite tea. Is it from Anhui?R:Yes,you got that right.J:How do you know that it' s my favorite ?R:Tell the true,I prefer to appreciate the celebrities' blogs.From your blog,we knew that you like to drink Chinese tea,especially,the Anhui’s. I guess you are the guy who likes to write logs,no matter what size they are .J:En...yes,I like to record some things and some thoughts,no matter how busy I am,I always take some time and finish it.R:I feel so lucky that I can share your life and ideas.Part-3J:And I'm so happy that you are so lucky. Right ....Now, back to business,we are very interested in your products,this is why we' re here,and would you like to talk something about that?R:I'm glad to hear that. Our company has wide relations with many corporations in your country. Each year,we export a lot of our products ,but yours seems quite new to us.J:Well,we've been in this line only for three years,but we are in a position to place orders with competitive suppliers. This time,we are desirous to see the possibility of swithing our purchase to you.V:That's fine.Our leather bags enjoy a high reputation in America.This is our newly-designed one. This style is an improvement upon the old ones in many respects. We pay much attention to not only its quality but also its cost.J: May I have a look at your catalogue and price list?Part-4R: Yes,we have had here our price sheet on a F.O.B. basis. The prices are given without engagement.J: Good, if you'll excuse me, I'll go over the sheet right now.R: Take your time.J: I can tell you at a glance that your prices are much too high..This is incredible.!R: I am surprised to hear you say it. As you know, there has been a heavy demand for the leather and such a demand will certainly lead to increase in price.Our price is more competitive than that you can get elsewhere.S: I don't think so.I must point out that the price we have received from other sources are lower than yours.V: But you must take the quality into consideration.Everyone in this trade knows Oklot is of superior quality.J: I agree that yours are of better quality. But it will be very hard for us to push sales at this price.R: You know,Mr Johnson, taking everything into consideration ,including the upward tendency of the market price,we finally fixed our price at this level. It's not necessary for you to worry about the selling market. I don't think you will have any difficulty in pushing sales, as I can assure you that the price is already very favorable,because of our famous lebal ,good material and fashion design.J: But we still think the price is too high for us to accept. To conclude the business,I'm afraid you have to reduce your price by 30 percent.R: You mean 30 percent? Impossible! How can you expect us to reduce our price to such an extent? This is impossible.J: How about 25 percent ?R: I'm afraid we can't accept, too.S: So what would you suggest?R: 16 percent, this is our rock - bottom price. We can't make any further concessions.J: If that's the case, there's not much point in further discussion. We might as well call the deal off.R: What I mean is that we'll never be able to come down to your price. The gap is too great.J: (thinking).......(discussing with S).......Well ,Ok, tell you the true,we really like your products, so, how about 20 percent.This is the highest we can accept .Anything higher than this,we'll give up the deal.R: (hesitating).......(discussing with V).......We really want to close the deal with you,so,20 percent is OK,but you must get us an order at least in a 40GP.J: How many pieces in a 40GP?R: 6000 pieces.J: No problem.We accept.R: I'm glad that we've settled the price.Part-5S: How are you going to pack the bags?V: We' re going to pack them in paper boxes.S: Paper boxes? Could you use plastic boxes instead? You know the dampness or rain will easily get into paper boxes.V: You needn't worry about this at all. We have taken measures to avoid suchthings.All our goods were packed in paper boxes,and so far there has been no one who complains about such packing.S: But I still can't set my mind at rest.V: If you insist, we'll use plastic boxes instead. But the cost will be much higher. S:How much should it be added?R: You'll have to pay another USD2 for each plastic box. And it will delay the delivery. You have to wait for another two months.S: Well, in that case, I think we'd better use paper boxes.Part-6J: What do you think about the terms of payment?R: We usually accept payment by irrevocable L/C.J: This is the first transaction conclude between us. In order to promote trade between our cooperation, could you make an exception and accept D/A ?R: I'm very sorry that we can't make an exception.If we did, there would be a lot of trouble.J: What about D/P then?R: Frankly, D/P is impossible. But perhaps after more business together, we could agree to D/P terms.J: If that's the case, I'll have no choice but to accept L/C.R: I'm glad that we've come to full agreement again.(J&S are looking at other terms......)Part-7R: Mr.Johnson, shall we call it a day?J: Yes,both of us deserve a good rest.R: Let's dine out .It's on me.J: Sounds great. I think we may have the contract signed this afternoon.R: So do I.(All went out)Part-8(In the afternoon,all get together.)R: We've finally come to this moment.J: Yes. I've been looking forward to it.V: Each of us will sign two copies of the contract: the Chinese copy and the English one . Here they are, Mr.Johnson.J: After you.(R signed put them to J)R: Please , Mr.Johnson. Please sign your name here...........well. Would you please keep these two copies? We'll keep those two.(J is giving two copies to R)J: Thank you very much. I'm very pleased we've made this deal together.R: Yes, I hold the same feeling, too. Now, let me propose a toast to the success of our negotiation, and to our future cooperations. Cheers!J: Cheers! To our future cooperation! V&S: Cheers!The End.。
国际商务英语谈判实训silk Selling(Part B)

2. if other party insists in the "price "and does not make any concessions, and in terms of the delivery time ,they don’t give a positive response. Solution: We firstly highlight the other side the importance of long-term cooperation with us and if we do not reach an agreement, they will suffer a great lost, and then make an ultimatum.
• Buyer: • The attitude is unacceptable for the high price.
SWOT analyze
Seller: Strength: The product patterns are designed to cater to
culture, customs and tastes. different
Silk Selling
Group members (B)
Chief negotiator: 周聪 Vice negotiator:高伟中 Decision maker:何俊 Technical consultant:陆韦任 Legal consultant:梁平
Back ground
• Seller : • Shaoxing Silk Plant decided to open new markets. • The product patterns are designed to cater to different culture,customs and tastes with rich variety. But the quoted price is expensive.

ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
Training Situations:(背景资料)
Buyer: Mr. Lawrence, the general Manager of the
United Textiles Company, Ltd. (26 Lawton Street, Liverpool, England), is a large dealer in textiles in England. He is interested in all Chinese silk products and now is approaching China National Import & Export Corporation, Fujian Branch for an offer for specific products. (They meet with each other at China’s Spring Export Commodities Fair.)
1000件和2000件之间 给3%折扣, 2000件和3000件之间给4%折扣, 3000件以上给5%折扣。 Payment by irrevocable L/C available by draft at sight is required. Catalogues and sample cuttings have been airmailed.
Training Situations:(背景资料)
Seller: Lily, the market representative of China
National Import & Export Corporation, Fujian Branch. She/He is a green hand in the company, and this is her first case, she want to conclude the transaction anxiously.
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(1)Negotiation on Price 1Mr. Lee: Good morning, Mr. Smith. My name is Jack Lee. Here is my name card.Mr. Smith: Thank you! Nice to see you, Mr. Lee! My name is Tony Smith. And this is my card.Mr. Lee: Thanks! Mr. Smith, it is very nice to have you in our company. I do hope you will have a fruitful stay here. By the way, this is Tina, myassistant.Tina: Nice to meet you! (Handshakes)Mr. Smith: Nice to meet you, too! And this is my secretary, Lucy.Lucy: Nice to meet you! (Handshakes)Mr. Lee: Well, Mr. Smith, I am wondering if you have already got our offer? Mr. Smith: Yes, we did. It reached us three days ago.Mr. Lee: what do you think of it? Is it satisfactory?Mr. Smith: To tell the truth, we are greatly surprised at the prices you offered us. Mr. Lee: This year’s prices are higher than last year. But they are still lower than the quotations you can get elsewhere.Mr. Smith: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.Mr. Lee: Well, in order to get the business, I’m willing to make some concessions.Mr. Smith: The size of our order depends greatly on the prices. Let’s settle that matter first.Mr. Lee: Well, if you order more than 5,000 pieces, I will reduce my price by 3 percent.Mr. Smith: It will be rather difficult for us to push any sales if we buy them at the price.Mr. Lee: What is your proposal?Mr. Smith: You need to reduce your price at least by 10-15 percent?Mr. Lee: What about 8 percent? Those will be our rock bottom prices, Mr. Black.No further concession I can make in this respect.Mr. Smith: I’m sorry, but your price is not acceptable. Your price has gone up so rapidly. It would be impossible for us to push any sales at such a price. Mr. Lee: I’m a little surprised to hear you say that. The price we offer compares favorably with quotations you can get elsewhere.Mr. Smith: I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there.Mr. Lee: But you must take the quality into consideration.Mr. Smith: I agree that yours are of better quality. But we’ll still have a lot of difficulties in persuading our clients to buy at this price.Mr. Lee: Well, then, what’s your idea of a competitive price?Mr. Smith: I suggest somewhere around $30 per set CIF Beijing.Mr. Lee: I’m sorry the difference between our price and your counter offer is significant. It’s impossible for us to entertain your counter-offer, I’mafraid.Mr. Smith: What about meeting each other half way? Let’s say USD 30.5.Mr. Lee: Ok, Let’s make a deal.Mr. Smith: Thank you! Mr. Lee.Mr. Lee: You’re welcome.(2)Negotiation on Price 2Mr. Smith: I was wondering if you would give us a response to our email inquiry?Mr. Lee: Certainly. We are pleased to offer you 120,000 cotton poplin blouses at USD 16.8 each, FOB Shanghai. The blouse will be packed in plasticbags, each four dozens in a corrugated cardboard box. They will bedelivered in two consignments of 60,000 each, the first by August 20thand the second by September 10th. The terms of payment will be thesame as those in the previous contract, that is, sight letter of credit. Mr. Smith: Thank you very much for your offer, and we will give it serious consideration. As it’ll take us some time to calculate, may I suggest thatwe take a 20-minute break? Then we’ll give you an answer.Mr. Lee: Fine. (After the break)Mr. Smith: Well, Mr. Lee. I’ve discussed your offer with our manager, and I’m afraid we found it rather on the high side.Mr. Lee: I wonder why you think so.Mr. Smith: To be honest with you, just before we left for China, we were approached by a Filipino garment manufacturer. His offer was USD13.50 each blouse. So, we don’t see why we should pay more for yourblouse.Mr. Lee: USD 13.50 each blouse? Really?Mr. Smith: That’s right, USD 13.50.Mr. Lee: that’s really cheap. I guess you must have bought a lot from him.Mr. Smith: We bought 1,000 pieces.Mr. Lee: Only 1,000 pieces?Mr. Smith: Well, as we don’t know much about that firm so we just place a trial order.Mr. Lee: Right, it takes time to find out whether a business partner is trustworthy. Mr. Smith: This is why we sent our inquiry to you. I believe you are not only trustworthy but also competitive in price.Mr. Lee: You bet!Mr. Smith: but your offer is obviously far from competitive.Mr. Lee: Then what do you think would be a competitive price?Mr. Smith: USD 13.50, the price we paid the Filipino firm.Mr. Lee: Oh, come on, our blouses certainly deserve more than that.Mr. Smith: Oh, why?Mr. Lee: Because our quality is high, and high quality goods deserve high price.Mr. Smith, you wouldn’t disagree on that, would you?Mr. Smith: You may have a point here. But, how can you prove your blouses are better than the Filipino ones?Mr. Lee: Our blouses are one hundred percent natural, they are pure cotton. Mr. Smith: Well, that’s certainly a plus for you.Mr. Lee: This year, we have also won a gold medal from the Best Commodity Expo sponsored by the General Association of Textiles. Here is thecertificate from the association.Mr. Smith: I take off my hat to you, Mr. Lee.Mr. Lee: Thank you, but I think the best evidence is this: the orders we have received from overseas customers have doubled in the last three years.This is our sales report.(3)Negotiation on quality and quantityMr. Lee: I’d like to discuss with you the quantity, quality and other details of the goods. By the way, have you received our samples?Mr. Smith: Yes. We examined your designs and catalogues carefully at the very moment we received them.Mr. Lee: Do you have any questions?Mr. Smith: Yes, we find that the colors and quality of the glove puppet monkeys, ducks and dogs are very nice, so we don’t have any comments on them.However, the quality and patterns of the dolls are not suitable at all. Iam sorry to say that none of our customers in the USA likes it.Mr. Lee: So far as I know, there is no problem with the quality of the dolls. In fact, it’s so popular abroad that we can not meet the demands from ourcustomers. But will you tell me in detail your problem with the patterns? Mr. Smith: The patterns with golden fish are not popular with the American people, and therefore they don’t sell well.Mr. Lee: Are you kidding? I’ve never heard of that. Anyway, it is easy to solve the problem. Here are some more catalogues of different designs for youto select from.Mr. Smith: These designs are so cute. I think they probably will sell well. I’d like to order these two in the following amounts. New material Dolls No.01,quantity 50,000, synthetic fibre dolls No.02, quantiy 20,000.Mr. Lee: Since New Material Doll No.01 can find such a ready market, and the production falls behind the demand, we can only supply you with30,000 pieces. It is said that synthetic fibre dolls are popular withAmerican people. Why don’t you order more?Mr. Smith: 30,000 New Material Dolls No.01 are far from enough. Can you supply us with another 10,000? As to the synthetic fibre dolls, the price is prettyhigh, as I see.Mr. Lee: We’ll try our best to satisfy your demand for the additional 10,000 of New Material Dolls No. 01. It seems you don’t realize that theprevailing price of synthetic fibre dolls on the international market hasgone up recently, and the price we offer is the lowest.Mr. Smith: Thank you! We’ll increase the size of the order for synthetic fibre dolls No.02 by 20,000 and leave the others as they are.(4) Negotiation on transshipmentMr. Smith: Can you make shipment in early November?Mr. Lee: We have the goods in stock. Therefore, we could effect prompt shipment if there were a steamer available. But unfortunately we can notget hold of any liner sailing for London in November, because theshipping space for sailing to London up to the end of November has allbeen booked up.Mr. Smith: You know the time of shipment is very important to us. Our customers are in urgent need of the goods.Mr. Lee: I see your point. However, I am very sorry that we can do nothing about it.Mr. Smith: But I am informed that tramps are still available.Mr. Lee: Yes, but tramps are scarce. And I’m not sure there would be enough tonnage to make a full cargo, even if a tramp could be obtained.Mr. Smith: Then, what if we allow transshipment?Mr. Lee: Transshipment adds to the expenses, risks of damage and may possibly delay arrival. But we’ll try if you insist and are willing to bear the extraexpenses.Mr. Smith: We prefer direct shipment, of course. But now that there is no directsteamer, we can do nothing but agree to tansship at Hong Kong.Mr. Lee: Then we’ll get all the necessary information about the connecting steamers right away.Mr. Smith: I guess if we start now, there’s still hope. To hedge our bets, how about adding Liverpool as an optional port of destination?Mr. Lee: Good. Then what would you say if we put it like this in the contract:”shipment: by first available steamer before the 30th of November. Port ofdestination: London or Liverpool. Transshipment at Hong Kongallowed.”?Mr. Smith: It seems I’ve no alternative. Thank you.(5) Negotiation on the amendment of an L/CMr. Lee: Mr. Smith, we’ve received your L/C, but find two points inconsistent with other documents, rendering us unable to get the payment.Mr. Smith: What are they?Mr. Lee: The first point. The credit calls for a clean bill of lading marked ”freight prepaid”, when it should call for a clean bill of lading marked ”fright tocollect”.Mr. Smith: I see.Mr. Lee: We’ve sold on FOB terms. We’re therefore not responsible for the freight charges and can only provide you with a bill of lading marked“fright to collect”. Obviously the bank won’t release the money againstsuch a document. Can we ask you to amend the latter of credit according?The vessel is loaded and waiting to depart, but we can’t let the vessel gountil we are assured of the payment.Mr. Smith: Yes, I am sorry this has happened. It must be an oversight on our part.We’ll amend the L/C at once. What’s the other problem, Mr. Lee?Mr. Lee: The other problem is: in your letter of credit there is no mention of tansshipment. But when we are talking about shipment we agreed ontransshipment via Hong Kong. This is clearly written in the contract andon other documents too. And the fact is, there is no direct steamersailing to your port, and we are actually sending the goods throughtansshipment.Mr. Smith: That’s true. I’m terribly sorry about such a mistake on our side. I must find out how this was caused and who made such a terrible mistake asthis.Mr. Lee: Can we ask you to amend the L/C by allowing transshipment via Hong Kong?Mr. Smith: Of course. I’ll inform the bank to make the relevant amendment immediately.。