马克 吐温

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M a r k T w a i n,(马克•吐温)S a m u e l L a n g h o r n e C l e m e n s(塞缪尔•朗赫恩•克莱门斯)(1835-1910)

Two Fathoms deep—the depth of water necessary for the steamer boats to pass safely

As a young man Twain worked as a riverboat pilot on the Mississippi River. Samuel Clemens ------“Mark Twain”Works:

1. “The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County”

“卡拉韦拉斯县驰名的跳蛙” a frontier tale(He became nationally famous)

2. “the two advantages”

(1)The Adventures of Tom Sawyer


a story of his seeking for freedom, fame, fortune, love, manhood. The novel reveals the American values: one is hero complex, the other is American dream. His adventures is the realization of American dream. On the other hand, the book record the rising Age of American Bourgeois system. It also bears the irony and satire toward the

religion and by-then popular rigid, didactic children education, which curbed the imagination of children and their innate nature for freedom and adventures and molded them into a stereotype of lifeless man.他的一个自由,名誉,财富,追求爱情的故事,成年。小说揭示了美国的价值观:一个是英雄情结,另一是美国梦。他的冒险是美国梦的实现。另一方面,书中记录的美国资产阶级系统年龄上升。它还具有对宗教和讽刺当时流行的刚性,说教式的儿童教育,抑制了孩子和他们的自由和冒险本性的想象塑造成一个刻板的毫无生气的人。


He portrayed uniquely American subjects in a humorous and colloquial, yet poetic, language. His success in creating this plain but evocative language precipitated the end of American reverence for British and European culture and for the more formal language associated with those traditions. His adherence to American themes, settings, and language set him apart from many other novelists of the day and had a powerful effect on such later writers 他描绘的美国独有的


(2)The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn«哈克贝里费恩历险记»("all modern American literature comes.")

Hemingway once wrote: "All modern American literature comes from one book by Mark Twain called Huckleberry Finn... it's the best book we've had... There was nothing before. There has been nothing so good since."海明威曾经写道:“所有现代美国文学来自一本马克吐温的书叫哈克贝利…这已经是我们最好的书…没有前。那里已经没有那么好。”

Satire 讽刺

This novel shows Twain's satire on southern culture before the Civil War, around 1850, when the Mississippi Valley was still being settled. Twain condemned racial discrimination. 讽刺小说展现吐温讽刺的南方文化的内战,在1850左右,当密



Vernacular language and dialect.白话语言和方言。

Local Color地方特色

Twain depicted social life through descriptions of local places and people he knew best.吐温描绘社会生活的地方,他知道最好的人的描述。

Significance 意义

The carefully controlled point of view, with its implicit ironies expressed through the voice of a semi-literate boy; the masterful use of dialects; the felicitous balancing romanticism and realism, humor and pathos, innocence and evil. This novel creates the most memorable characters in all of American fiction.看仔细控制点,其隐含的讽刺通过一个半文盲的男孩的声音表达;方言的娴熟运用恰当的平衡;浪漫主义和现实主义,幽默与感伤,天真和邪恶。这部小说创造了所有美国小说中最令人难忘的角色

S a m u e l C l e m e n s’M a j o r W o r k s
