高教社 剑桥英语 English in Mind




englishinmind1讲解《English in Mind 1》是针对初学者设计的一套英语教材,属于剑桥大学出版社所出版的英语教材,以真实的语言材料为基础,强调学习者的语言输入和输出能力,让学生在轻松愉快的情境中快乐地学习英语。



2.每个单元包含词汇( Vocabulary),语法(Grammar),音标( Pronunciation),文化(Culture)彩色绘图,图片,漫画等有趣直观的元素和短文(Reading),对对话(Dialogue)的练习及听力和口语练习材料( Listening and Speaking),巩固练习(Consolidation e某ercises)和拓展练习(E某tension)。







综上所述,《English in Mind 1》是一套适用于初学者的优秀英语教材。


剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书The English in Mind First Edition Teacher's Book is a comprehensive resource for educators who are looking to effectively implement the English in Mind series in their classrooms. This series, designed for young learners, aims to provide a well-structured and engaging approach to English language acquisition. The teacher's book serves as a vital tool in guiding instructors through the various components of the program, ensuring a seamless and successful learning experience for both teachers and students.One of the standout features of the English in Mind First Edition Teacher's Book is its detailed lesson plans. Each unit is meticulously outlined, providing teachers with a clear roadmap for delivering the content. The lesson plans cover a wide range of activities, including warm-ups, presentation of new vocabulary and grammar, practice exercises, and engaging communicative tasks. This level of organization and guidance is particularly valuable for new or inexperienced teachers, as it helps them navigate the curriculum withconfidence and ensure that all learning objectives are effectively addressed.In addition to the comprehensive lesson plans, the teacher's book also includes a wealth of supplementary materials. These resources, such as photocopiable worksheets, extra practice activities, and assessment tools, allow teachers to customize and enhance the learning experience to better suit the needs of their students. The inclusion of these supplementary materials demonstrates the publisher's commitment to providing educators with a versatile and adaptable teaching resource.Another notable aspect of the English in Mind First Edition Teacher's Book is its focus on developing students' communicative competence. The activities and tasks within the curriculum are designed to encourage active participation and meaningful interaction. This approach aligns with the current best practices in language education, which emphasize the importance of fostering real-world communication skills rather than solely focusing on grammar and vocabulary acquisition.The teacher's book also provides valuable guidance on classroom management and teaching techniques. It offers suggestions for managing group work, maintaining student engagement, and addressing common challenges that may arise in the languageclassroom. These practical tips and strategies can be especially helpful for novice teachers or those transitioning to a new teaching context.Furthermore, the English in Mind First Edition Teacher's Book integrates seamlessly with the other components of the series, such as the student's book, workbook, and audio materials. This level of cohesion and integration ensures that teachers can easily navigate the various resources and create a comprehensive and coherent learning experience for their students.One aspect of the teacher's book that deserves particular attention is its emphasis on ongoing assessment and evaluation. The book includes a variety of assessment tools, including unit tests, progress checks, and suggestions for alternative assessment methods. This focus on assessment not only helps teachers monitor student progress but also provides valuable feedback to guide instructional decisions and ensure that learning objectives are being met.Overall, the English in Mind First Edition Teacher's Book is a remarkable resource that empowers educators to deliver high-quality English language instruction. Its detailed lesson plans, supplementary materials, and practical guidance on teaching techniques and classroom management make it an invaluable tool for teachers at all levels of experience. By utilizing thiscomprehensive teacher's book, educators can create engaging and effective learning environments that foster their students' language development and communication skills.。

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书Cambridge English for Young Learners (CEYL) is a series of textbooks designed for young learners who are studying English as a second language. One of the popular textbooks in this series is English in Mind, which is aimed at teenagers and young adults. The first edition of the Teacher's Book for this series provides comprehensive support and guidance for teachers who are using the textbook in their classrooms.The Teacher's Book for English in Mind contains a wealth of resources to help teachers plan and deliver effective lessons. It includes detailed lesson plans, teaching tips, and suggestions for activities and exercises that can be used in conjunction with the Student's Book. The book also provides answers to all the exercises in the Student's Book, as well as extra activities and ideas for extension work.One of the key features of the Teacher's Book is the inclusion of photocopiable worksheets and activities that can be used in class or for homework. These worksheets cover a wide range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, speaking, and listening. They are designed to give students additional practice and reinforcement of the material covered in the Student's Book.In addition to the resources provided in the Teacher's Book, there is also a companion website where teachers can find additional materials and resources to support their teaching. This includes audio files for the listening exercises in the Student's Book, as well as extra worksheets, flashcards, and games that can be used to supplement the lessons.Overall, the Teacher's Book for English in Mind is a valuable resource for teachers who are using this textbook with their students. It provides all the support and guidance that teachers need to plan and deliver engaging and effective lessons, and helps to ensure that students make progress in their English language learning. With its comprehensive range of resources and materials, the Teacher's Book is an essential companion for any teacher using English in Mind in their classroom.。

剑桥英语 青少版 第一册单词 English in mind Second Edition Level 1

剑桥英语 青少版 第一册单词 English in mind Second Edition Level 1

Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentence112about prepəˈbaʊt sobre relating to a particular subject or person We learn about some interesting people inhistory lessons.112about advəˈbaʊt uns used before a number or amount to meanapproximatelyI've got about thirty pounds in the bank. 117actor nˈæktəactor a man whose job is to perform in plays and films He's the most famous actor I've ever seen. 117after prepˈɑːftədesprés de when a time or event has happened I have my music lessons after school.112afternoon nˌɑːftəˈnuːn tarda the time between the middle of the day, and theeveningPE lessons are always in the afternoon. 112again advəˈgen una altra vegada once more I'll see you again next week.117age n eɪdʒedat the number of years that someone has lived, or thatsomething has existedYou need to fill in your age on the form.113always advˈɔːlweɪz sempre every time, or at all times; at all times in the past;forever I am always happy to see you; Have you always lived here?; I will always love him.116artistic adjɑːˈtɪstɪk artístic showing skill and imagination in creating things,especially in painting, drawing, etcShe's very artistic and she's good at music. 116away advəˈweɪde distància to or in a different place or situation He doesn’t live far away from me.112back adv bæk al seu lloc where someone or something was before Put it back before anyone sees that it's gone. 115be good at v biː gʊd ət ser bo en to be able to do something well He’s good at sports.115beach n biːtʃplatja an area of sand or rocks next to the sea They enjoy going to the beach in the summer. 112bee n biːabella a yellow and black insect that makes honey(=sweet, sticky food)Bees direct each other to the best flowers. 112beehive nˈbiːhaɪvz rusc a special container where people keep bees Bees live in beehives.112beekeeping nˈbiːˌkiːpɪŋapicultura looking after bees in order to produce honey Beekeeping is an unusual hobby.115bike n baɪk bici bicycle I decided to go on my bike.116Biology n baɪˈɒlədʒi biologia the study of living things She studies Biology at school112book n bʊk llibre pages of paper together in a cover for people toread; a set of pages fastened together in a coverand used for writing on I’m reading such a good book; Let me write that in my address book.116boy n bɔɪnen, noi a male child or young man There are more boys than girls in this class. 112breakfast nˈbrekfəst esmorzar the food you eat in the morning after you wake up What would you like for breakfast?117British adj/nˈbrɪtɪʃbritànic coming from or relating to The United Kingdom The Beatles were a British group.116Chemistry nˈkemɪstri química the scientific study of substances and how theychange when they combine My favourite science is Chemistry, but I also enjoy Biology.112cinema nˈsɪnəməcinema a building where you go to watch films We decided to go to the cinema.115class n klɑːs classe a group of students who have lessons together She's the cleverest person in the class.116club n klʌb club an organization for people who want to take part in asport or social activity together, or the building theyuse for thisOur school has a lot of clubs and groups.112come round v raʊnd venir de visita to visit someone in their home They all came round to my house on my birthday. 113complete v kəmˈpliːt completar to finish doing or making something Once the form is completed, you should post it. 114computer n kəmˈpjuːtəordinador an electronic machine that can store and arrangelarge amounts of informationWe've put all our records on computer.116creative adj kriˈeɪtɪv creatiu good at thinking of new ideas and makinginteresting things The students have all been very creative with this project.116curriculum n kəˈrɪkjʊləm pla d'estudis all the subjects taught in a school, college, etc or onan educational course English and Maths are part of the National Curriculum.115dance v dɑːns ballar to move your feet and body to the rhythm of music If you enjoy dancing, you'll love the show.116day n deɪdia a period of 24 hours I'm only working four days this week.112different adjˈdɪfrnt diferent not the same as someone or something else There are different ways of showing yourfeelings.116Drama nˈdrɑːməart dramàtic plays and acting generally I enjoyed drama, music and art at school.114early adjˈɜːli d'hora near the beginning of a period of time, process, etc I get to school early so I can do my homework. 117email nˈiːmeɪl correu electrònic a message sent to a computer Will you send me an email when you get home? 116England nˈɪŋglənd Anglaterra a country in Europe I have a penfriend in England.116English nˈɪŋglɪʃanglès the language that is spoken in the UK, the US, andin many other countriesWe have an English lesson every day.115example nɪgˈzɑːmpl exemple something that is typical of the group of things thatyou are talking aboutGive me an example of someone being kind. 115false adj fɑːls fals not true or correct Decide if the sentences are true or false.112feed v fiːd alimentar to give food to a person, group, or animal.Don't forget to feed the goldfish.113France n frɑːns França a country in Europe Paris is the capital of France116French adj/n frenʃfrancès coming from or relating to France She speaks with a French accent.116fun n fʌn diversióenjoyment or pleasure, or something that gives youenjoyment or pleasureWe have so much fun in the drama club.116Geography n dʒiˈɒgrəfi geografia the study of all the countries of the world, and of thesurface of the Earth, such as the mountains andseas In Geography this week, we learned about global warming.112get up v get ʌp llevar-se to move out of your bed in the morning I got up at 7.30 this morning.116group n gruːp grup a number of people or things that are together inone place I joined an online group that supports press freedom.114guitar n gɪˈtɑːguitarra a musical instrument with strings that you play bypulling the strings with your fingersan electric guitar116gymnastics n dʒɪmˈnæstɪks gimnàstica a sport in which you do physical exercises on thefloor and on different pieces of equipment, often incompetitions There's a gymnastics club at our local sports centre.117have to v hæv tuːhaver de if you have to do something, you need to do it orsomeone makes you do itI have to go to the doctor’s this afternoon. 116History nˈhɪstri història the study of things that happened in the past He’s studying history at college.112hive n haɪv rusc a special container where people keep bees The bees gathered around the hive.112hobby nˈhɒːbi aficióan activity that you enjoy and do regularly when youare not workingMy hobby is making jewellery.112honey nˈhʌni mel a sweet, sticky food that is made by bees Honey is very sweet.116horse n hɔːs cavall a large animal with four legs, which people ride oruse to pull heavy thingsShe's always wanted to own a horse.113ice cream nˌaɪsˈkriːm gelat a sweet food made from frozen milk or cream andsugarchocolate / vanilla ice cream116ICT nˌaɪsiːˈtiːTIC information and communication technology: the useof computers and other electronic equipment tostore and send informationICT is my favourite subject.116idea n aɪˈdɪəidea a suggestion or plan"Why don't we ask Georgia?" "That's a goodidea."117information nˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn informaciófacts about a situation or person It’s a vital piece of information.116Information andCommunicationTechnology nˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn ændkəˌmjuːnɪˈkeɪʃntekˈnɒlədʒitecnologies de lainformació i lacomunicacióthe use of computers and other electronicequipment to send and store informationI am studying Information Technology because Iwant to be a computer programmer.114interest nˈɪntrəst interès something you enjoy doing, studying, orexperiencing We have time for our hobbies and interests at school.Wordlist: English to CatalanUnit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan112n Internet the large system of connected computers around She spends all her time on the Internet.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan116n teatre the work of writing, acting in, and producing plays I saw a Shakespeare play at the theatre.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan223n metall a usually hard, shiny material such as iron, gold, or It’s too heavy to lift; it’s made of metal.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan330n Pequín the capital city of China We went to Beijing for our holiday.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan326v mudar-se If a person or an organization moves, they go to a We used to live in London but then we moved toUnit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan432n febrer the second month of the year We’re going away in February.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan432v saludar to raise your hand and move it from side to side in She waved to the crowds from her carriage.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan540adj respectat admired by people because of your knowledge,He's highly respected by everyone who knowsUnit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan649n plat food that is prepared in a particular way as part of a They do a lot of vegetarian dishes.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan652n refrigeri a small amount of food that you eat between meals Do you want a quick snack before you go out?Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan754adj el més difícil superlative of 'hard'The hardest subject for me is Latin.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan863n piragüisme the activity of travelling in a canoe My favourite part of the activity holiday was theUnit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan861n pla something that you are going to do I don't have any plans for this weekend.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan973n govern the group of people who officially control a country The government have to make a lot of importantUnit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan969n cinta de casset a long, thin piece of plastic which is used to store We used to listen to music on tape.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan1076adv fort making a lot of noise She talks very loudly.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan1186adj polític relating to or involved in politics He was involved in a scandal and his politicalUnit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan1293n llum the brightness that shines from the sun, from fire, or There was light coming from under the door.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan1397v oferir to ask someone if they would like something; to say He offered me a drink but I wasn't thirsty.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to Catalan14104v saltar a corda to jump over a rope while you or two other people She enjoys skipping in the park.Unit Pageno.English Word Part ofspeechIPA Catalan*Català*Definition Example sentenceWordlist: English to CatalanWelcome6n finestra a space in the wall of a building or vehicle that has Open the window if you're too hot.。



English in mind是我国首套为外国语学校、省市重点学校、外语特色学校、国际学校和双语学校引进并改编的原版英语教材。


它引进并改编自剑桥大学出版社原版作品English in mind,共分六个级别,含学生用书、教师用书、同步训练、教师资源、MP3、CD/CD-Rom、DVD和DVD手册、网络资源等丰富的教学材料,取材新鲜、时尚,循序渐进,是优质教学资源的精心集成。


English in mind的总体教学理念、课程目标和设计思路完全与我国《新课标》英语课程的目标要求相吻合。

English in mind第一级(Level 1)结束的水平与新《课标》要求的5级吻合,包括词汇量、语法点、阅读篇幅、句子结构等,相当于普通全日制小学小升初优秀水平;可推荐参加剑桥KET考试。

English in mind第三级(Level 3)结束的水平与新《课标》要求的6-7级吻合,包括词汇、语法、句法、阅读篇章等,相当于英语中考优秀水平;可推荐参加剑桥PET考试。

English in mind第五级(Level 5)的中间水平与新《课标》要求的8级吻合,五级结束与新《课标》9级吻合,包括词汇、语法、句法、阅读篇章等,相当于高考英语的优秀水平;可推荐参加剑桥FCE考试,FCE考试成绩被全世界超过400家高等教育机构作为入学的英语语言标准。

与其他同类教材相比,English in mind作为外国语学校的教材的突出优势有:1、English in mind 是一套综合性、系统性、立体化、国际化的英语语言学习教材,该教材注重听、说、读、写、语音、语法、词汇、日常用语等各项语言技能的训练与提高。


english in mind 活动用书

english in mind 活动用书

english in mind 活动用书
English in Mind是剑桥大学出版社出版的原版英文教材,是一套综合性、系统性、立体化、国际化的英语语言学习教材。


该教材共有六册(Starter, Level 1-5),目标群体为青少年(12-18岁),注重英语核心素养(听说读写,学习能力,思维品质以及文化认知)的全面提升。



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剑桥青少英语第一版english in mind2教师用书

剑桥青少英语第一版english in mind2教师用书

剑桥青少英语第一版english in mind2教师用书全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Cambridge Young English is a popular English language course designed for young learners. The first edition of English in Mind 2 is a comprehensive teacher's guide that accompanies the student's book. This teacher's guide provides invaluable support for educators, offering a variety of resources and tools to help make teaching and learning English engaging and effective.The English in Mind 2 teacher's guide is divided into several sections, each focusing on different aspects of the course. The first section provides an overview of the course and its objectives, as well as guidance on how to use the student's book and other resources effectively. It also offers tips on classroom management and assessment, ensuring that teachers can make the most of their teaching time.The teacher's guide includes detailed lesson plans for each unit in the student's book, with clear objectives, step-by-step instructions, and suggestions for extension activities. These lesson plans are flexible and adaptable, allowing teachers totailor their teaching to suit the needs of their students. The guide also provides a wealth of supplementary materials, including extra worksheets, games, and audio resources to enhance the learning experience.In addition to lesson planning, the teacher's guide also offers guidance on how to teach key language skills, such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. It provides strategies for promoting language learning in the classroom and tips for supporting students with different learning styles and abilities. The guide also includes suggestions for incorporating technology into lessons, such as using interactive whiteboards and online resources.Overall, the English in Mind 2 teacher's guide is an essential resource for educators using the Cambridge Young English course. It provides comprehensive support for teachers, ensuring that they can deliver engaging and effective lessons that meet the needs of their students. With its detailed lesson plans, supplementary materials, and practical advice, this teacher's guide is a valuable tool for any teacher looking to inspire young learners to develop their English language skills.篇2English in Mind is a six-level course for teenagers. It is designed to meet the needs of today's teenagers with its communicative and interactive approach. This series is suitable for both teenagers and young adults who want to improve their English language skills.Among the different levels available, English in Mind 2 is part of the second level of the series. It is designed for students who already have a basic knowledge of English and want to continue improving their language skills.The English in Mind 2 Teacher's Resource Book is an essential tool for teachers using the course in the classroom. It provides additional guidance, support, and resources to help teachers effectively deliver the lessons and engage students in the learning process.The Teacher's Resource Book includes a detailed introduction to the course, offering guidance on how to use the different components of the course effectively. It also includes a wealth of teaching ideas, activities, and worksheets that can be used to supplement the main course book.In addition, the Teacher's Resource Book provides photocopiable materials that can be used in the classroom, including extra activities, quizzes, and games. These materials aredesigned to help reinforce key language points and provide additional practice for students.Overall, the English in Mind 2 Teacher's Resource Book is a valuable resource for teachers using the course in the classroom. It provides the support and guidance needed to help teachers deliver engaging and effective lessons that will help students improve their English language skills.篇3Cambridge Young English, First Edition English in Mind 2 Teacher's Book is an essential resource for teachers using this English language learning curriculum with young learners. The teacher's book provides detailed lesson plans, teaching tips, and additional activities to help teachers effectively deliver the curriculum and engage students in learning.This teacher's book is designed to accompany the English in Mind 2 Student's Book, providing teachers with a comprehensive guide to teaching English to young learners. The book is organized into units that correspond to the units in the Student's Book, making it easy for teachers to plan and deliver lessons. Each unit includes a detailed lesson plan with objectives,teaching notes, and suggestions for extra activities to reinforce learning.The Teacher's Book also includes photocopiable worksheets and assessments to help teachers evaluate students' progress and provide additional practice. These materials cover a range of language skills, including reading, writing, listening, and speaking, ensuring that students have the opportunity to develop their English language skills in a well-rounded way.In addition to the detailed lesson plans and supplementary materials, the Teacher's Book also includes guidance on how to adapt the curriculum to meet the needs of individual students or classes. This flexibility allows teachers to tailor their lessons to the specific needs and abilities of their students, ensuring that all students have the opportunity to succeed in learning English.Overall, the Cambridge Young English, First Edition English in Mind 2 Teacher's Book is an invaluable resource for teachers using this curriculum with young learners. Its detailed lesson plans, supplementary materials, and flexibility make it easy for teachers to deliver engaging and effective English language lessons to their students.。

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书Title: A Guide to the Teacher's Book of Cambridge English for Young Learners - English in Mind 1st EditionIntroductionThe Teacher's Book of Cambridge English for Young Learners - English in Mind 1st Edition is a comprehensive resource for teachers who are using the course book to teach English to young learners. This guide aims to provide an overview of the contents of the Teacher's Book and offer some tips on how to make the most of this valuable resource.Overview of the Teacher's BookThe Teacher's Book of English in Mind 1st Edition is divided into five parts. The first part provides an introduction to the course and offers guidance on how to use the course book effectively. It also includes suggestions for adapting the material to suit the needs of different learners.The second part of the Teacher's Book contains the answers to the exercises in the course book. It is essential for teachers to have access to these answers to assess students' progress accurately.The third part of the Teacher's Book features additional activities and ideas for extending the material in the course book. These activities are designed to reinforce the language skills taught in the course book and provide opportunities for students to practice using the language in a more interactive way.The fourth part of the Teacher's Book includes photocopiable worksheets and tests that can be used in the classroom to assess students' understanding of the material. These worksheets cover all four language skills - reading, writing, listening, and speaking - and can be adapted to suit different levels of ability.The final part of the Teacher's Book contains a detailed grammar reference section and a word list that students can use to revise and consolidate their learning.Tips for Using the Teacher's Book1. Familiarize yourself with the contents of the Teacher's Book before starting the course. This will help you plan your lessons more effectively and make the most of the resources available.2. Use the additional activities and ideas in the Teacher's Book to complement the material in the course book. This will help to reinforce the language skills taught in the course book and provide students with a more varied learning experience.3. Make use of the photocopiable worksheets and tests provided in the Teacher's Book to assess students' progress and tailor your teaching to their individual needs.4. Encourage students to use the grammar reference section and word list in the Teacher's Book to revise and consolidate their learning outside of the classroom.ConclusionThe Teacher's Book of Cambridge English for Young Learners - English in Mind 1st Edition is a valuable resource for teachers who are using the course book to teach English to young learners. By making the most of the resources available in the Teacher's Book, teachers can enhance their lessons and help students to achieve their language-learning goals.。


• 为语言教学大纲提供依据
Describes language and skills for
communication in a range of contexts
• 描述固定场景交际所需语言、
Defines levels of proficiency • 定义精通程度
Common European Framework 欧洲现代语言教学大纲
—— 张诗韵
• 剑桥 — 高教外语考试中心(HEEC) • MSE 、TKT考试介绍 • English in Mind (EiM)
剑桥大学外语考试部(Cambridge ESOL)
• University of Cambridge - eight hundred history 剑桥大学 – 八百年荣耀
Cambridge Young Learners English Test 剑桥少儿英语证书
Part 2: Main Suite English(MSE)
Main Suite Exam Steps 通用五级考试阶梯
The Common European Framework 欧洲现代语言教学大纲
Provides a basis for language
• Non-profit making department of the university 剑桥大学的非营利部门

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: A Review of the Teacher's Guide for Cambridge English in Mind First EditionIntroductionCambridge English in Mind is a popular English language course designed for young learners. The Teacher's Guide for the first edition provides valuable support and guidance for educators using this curriculum. In this review, we will explore the content and features of the Teacher's Guide and assess its effectiveness in helping teachers deliver engaging and effective lessons.Overview of the Teacher's GuideThe Teacher's Guide for Cambridge English in Mind First Edition is divided into several sections, each providing detailed instructions and resources for teachers. The guide begins with an introduction to the course objectives and structure, followed by guidance on lesson planning, classroom management, and assessment strategies. It also includes supplementary materialssuch as photocopiable worksheets, answer keys, and audio scripts.One of the key features of the Teacher's Guide is the comprehensive lesson plans provided for each unit of the course. These plans outline the learning objectives, teaching strategies, and suggested activities for each lesson, making it easy for teachers to deliver well-structured and engaging lessons.In addition, the Teacher's Guide offers tips and suggestions for adapting the course materials to suit the needs of different learners, including those with varying proficiency levels or learning styles. This flexibility allows teachers to customize their lessons and cater to the individual needs of their students.Effectiveness of the Teacher's GuideOverall, the Teacher's Guide for Cambridge English in Mind First Edition is an invaluable resource for educators using this course. Its clear and detailed instructions, comprehensive lesson plans, and supplementary materials make it easy for teachers to plan and deliver effective lessons that engage and inspire students.The guide also offers practical advice on classroom management and assessment, helping teachers create a positiveand supportive learning environment. Additionally, the flexibility of the course materials allows teachers to adapt their lessons to meet the diverse needs of their students, ensuring that all learners can benefit from the course.ConclusionIn conclusion, the Teacher's Guide for Cambridge English in Mind First Edition is a well-designed and comprehensive resource for educators using this course. Its detailed instructions, lesson plans, and supplementary materials make it easy for teachers to deliver engaging and effective lessons that cater to the individual needs of their students. Overall, this guide is an indispensable tool for teachers looking to enhance their English language teaching skills and create a dynamic and engaging learning experience for their students.篇2Cambridge English: English in Mind is a popular English language learning series designed for young learners. The first edition of the Teacher's Book provides comprehensive support and guidance for teachers using the English in Mind course with their students. In this document, we will explore the key featuresof the Teacher's Book and how it can enhance the teaching and learning experience for both teachers and students.The Teacher's Book for English in Mind first edition is divided into units that correspond with the Student's Book. Each unit includes detailed lesson plans, teaching tips, extension activities, and additional resources to help teachers effectively deliver the content of the course. The lesson plans are structured to promote a communicative approach to language learning, with a focus on developing students' speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills.One of the key features of the Teacher's Book is the inclusion of photocopiable materials, such as worksheets, quizzes, and communication activities. These resources provide teachers with additional materials to supplement the lessons and engage students in interactive learning activities. The photocopiable materials also cater to different learning styles and abilities, enabling teachers to differentiate instruction and meet the diverse needs of their students.Furthermore, the Teacher's Book offers guidance on assessment and evaluation, with suggestions for formative and summative assessment tasks to gauge students' progress and proficiency in English. The assessment tasks are designed to beengaging and reflective of real-life language use, allowing students to demonstrate their language skills in authentic contexts.In addition, the Teacher's Book provides support for teachers in managing mixed-ability classes, fostering a positive learning environment, and promoting student motivation and engagement. The guidance and tips offered in the Teacher's Book empower teachers to create dynamic and interactive lessons that cater to the needs and interests of their students.Overall, the Teacher's Book for English in Mind first edition is a valuable resource for teachers seeking to enhance their English language teaching practice. With its comprehensive lesson plans, photocopiable materials, assessment tasks, and guidance on classroom management, the Teacher's Book equips teachers with the tools and strategies needed to deliver engaging and effective English language lessons to young learners.In conclusion, the Teacher's Book for English in Mind first edition is an indispensable companion for teachers using the English in Mind course with their students. By leveraging the resources and guidance provided in the Teacher's Book, teachers can create a vibrant and stimulating learning environment that fosters students' language acquisition and proficiency.篇3Title: A Comprehensive Review of the Teacher's Book for the First Edition of Cambridge English for Young Learners - English in MindIntroduction:The Teacher's Book for the first edition of the Cambridge English for Young Learners - English in Mind series is an essential resource for teachers looking to deliver effective lessons that engage and inspire young learners. Packed with valuable tips, strategies, and ready-made lesson plans, this book is designed to support teachers in creating a dynamic and stimulating learning environment for their students.Overview:The Teacher's Book is divided into several sections, each focusing on a different aspect of teaching English to young learners. From lesson planning and classroom management to assessment and feedback, this book covers all the key areas that teachers need to consider when delivering engaging and effective lessons.Lesson Planning:One of the key features of the Teacher's Book is its comprehensive lesson plans, which are designed to help teachers deliver engaging and interactive lessons that cater to the diverse needs of young learners. Each lesson plan includes clear objectives, a detailed outline of activities, and suggested extension activities to provide teachers with the flexibility to adapt the lessons to suit their students' needs.Classroom Management:Effective classroom management is essential for creating a positive and productive learning environment. The Teacher's Book provides valuable tips and strategies for managing classroom dynamics, promoting active participation, and fostering a supportive and inclusive classroom atmosphere. From seating arrangements to group work activities, this book offers practical advice on how to create a harmonious and engaging classroom environment.Assessment and Feedback:Assessing students' progress and providing constructive feedback are crucial aspects of teaching English to young learners. The Teacher's Book offers guidance on how to design and implement effective assessments, as well as tips on how to provide meaningful and supportive feedback to students. Byusing a variety of assessment methods, teachers can monitor their students' progress and tailor their teaching to meet their individual needs.Conclusion:In conclusion, the Teacher's Book for the first edition of Cambridge English for Young Learners - English in Mind series is a valuable resource for teachers looking to deliver engaging and effective English lessons to young learners. Its comprehensive lesson plans, practical tips on classroom management, and guidance on assessment and feedback make it an indispensable tool for any teacher working with young learners. With the support of this book, teachers can create a dynamic and stimulating learning environment that inspires their students to excel in English language learning.。

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书

剑桥英语青少版english in mind第一版教师用书English in Mind is a widely-used English language learning series for young learners, and the Teacher's Book for the first edition of the Cambridge English in Mind series offers invaluable resources and guidance for teachers using this coursebook. This comprehensive guide provides teachers with a detailed overview of the course content, as well as practical tips and suggestions for delivering effective lessons.The Teacher's Book for English in Mind contains a wealth of photocopiable materials, such as worksheets, tests, and activities, which can be used to supplement the main coursebook. These resources are designed to help teachers reinforce key language points, assess students' progress, and provide additional practice opportunities. The Teacher's Book also includes answers to all the exercises in the coursebook, making it easier for teachers to check students' work and provide feedback.In addition to the photocopiable materials, the Teacher's Book for English in Mind features detailed lesson plans for each unit of the coursebook. These lesson plans outline the main objectives of each lesson, suggest possible activities and tasks, and provide guidance on how to adapt the material to suit the needs of different learners. The Teacher's Book also offers tips onclassroom management, teaching techniques, and ways to integrate technology into language learning.Furthermore, the Teacher's Book for English in Mind includes suggestions for assessment and evaluation, as well as guidance on how to track students' progress and provide feedback. The book also offers ideas for promoting learner autonomy and encouraging students to take ownership of their language learning.Overall, the Teacher's Book for the first edition of English in Mind is an indispensable resource for teachers using this coursebook. It provides a wealth of materials, guidance, and tips to help teachers deliver engaging and effective English language lessons to young learners.。



E I M介绍English in mind是我国首套为外国语学校、省市重点学校、外语特色学校、国际学校和双语学校引进并改编的原版英语教材。


它引进并改编自剑桥大学出版社原版作品English in mind,共分六个级别,含学生用书、教师用书、同步训练、教师资源、MP3、CD/CD-Rom、DVD和DVD手册、网络资源等丰富的教学材料,取材新鲜、时尚,循序渐进,是优质教学资源的精心集成。


English in mind的总体教学理念、课程目标和设计思路完全与我国《新课标》英语课程的目标要求相吻合。

English in mind第一级(Level 1)结束的水平与新《课标》要求的5级吻合,包括词汇量、语法点、阅读篇幅、句子结构等,相当于普通全日制小学小升初优秀水平;可推荐参加剑桥KET考试。

English in mind第三级(Level 3)结束的水平与新《课标》要求的6-7级吻合,包括词汇、语法、句法、阅读篇章等,相当于英语中考优秀水平;可推荐参加剑桥PET考试。

English in mind第五级(Level 5)的中间水平与新《课标》要求的8级吻合,五级结束与新《课标》9级吻合,包括词汇、语法、句法、阅读篇章等,相当于高考英语的优秀水平;可推荐参加剑桥FCE考试,FCE考试成绩被全世界超过400家高等教育机构作为入学的英语语言标准。

与其他同类教材相比,English in mind作为外国语学校的教材的突出优势有:1、English in mind 是一套综合性、系统性、立体化、国际化的英语语言学习教材,该教材注重听、说、读、写、语音、语法、词汇、日常用语等各项语言技能的训练与提高。


english in mind教材分析

english in mind教材分析




而青少版是外研社根据剑桥大学出版社原版English in mind改编而成。

我们学校正在使用的是原版English in Mind(英音版)。


English in Mind教材介绍原版English in Mind(英音版)是剑桥大学出版社原版作品,是我国众多外国语学校、省市重点学校、外语特色学校、国际学校和双语学校采用的原版英语教材。

English in Mind自2004推出以来席卷全球, 疯魔无数老师及学生, 并一致推崇这套专为青少年人兴趣, 年龄及能力而设计的课程。

与其他同类教材相比(例如新概念),English in mind作为外国语学校的教材的突出优势有:1、English in mind是一套综合性、系统性、立体化、国际化的英语语言学习教材,该教材注重听、说、读、写、语音、语法、词汇、日常用语等各项语言技能的训练与提高。








english in mind 教材目标

english in mind 教材目标

"English in Mind" 是一套非常受欢迎的英语学习教材,它的目标主要是帮助学生提高他们的英语语言技能。

1. 提高听力理解能力:通过听各种口音和语速的英语,学生可以提高他们的听力理解能力。

2. 提高口语表达能力:教材中包含了大量的口语练习,可以帮助学生提高他们的口语表达能力。

3. 提高阅读理解能力:通过阅读各种类型的英语文章,学生可以提高他们的阅读理解能力。

4. 提高写作能力:教材中包含了大量的写作练习,可以帮助学生提高他们的写作能力。

5. 扩大词汇量:教材中包含了大量的词汇练习,可以帮助学生扩大他们的词汇量。

6. 提高语法能力:通过学习和练习各种语法结构,学生可以提高他们的语法能力。

7. 提高文化意识:教材中包含了大量的关于英语国家文化的内容,可以帮助学生提高他们的文化意识。

8. 提高学习策略:教材中包含了大量的学习策略,可以帮助学生提高他们的学习效率。





教材介绍:《剑桥英语(English In Mind)》是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材,帮助学员提高英语的综合运用技能,同时培养他们对社会发展、文化传承、科技进步、自然和谐等的理解和感悟能力。

《剑桥英语(English In Mind)》优势:1、英国剑桥大学最新研究成果2、学习一套教材,应对多种考试3、获全球认可、终身有效的证书4、史无前例的完整、系统学习体系5、教学与测评相结合,学习成果检测明确6、相对其他教材的强大优势剑桥英语2级&3级针对人群:适合高中生水平的学员,词汇量约1500个-2500个之间。






培养先主题句、后支持句的段落写作模式,使用适当的连接词教材介绍:《剑桥英语(English In Mind)》是一套综合性、系统性、国际性英语语言学习教材,帮助学员提高英语的综合运用技能,同时培养他们对社会发展、文化传承、科技进步、自然和谐等的理解和感悟能力。

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高教社剑桥英语 English in Mind (青少版)
Module 2 Follow your dreams
Unit 5 Who’s your hero?
The teacher is of key importance as the primary resource to provide input to generate and maintain interest and encourage learner autonomy. We provide what is needed to personalize, help students feel a sense of achievement, but most of all develop a love of the language to want to learn beyond the classroom. Teachers are the ones who breathe life into words on the page and ensure students get the most out of it.








I. 知识目标:
了解以下词汇的含义:presentation, firefighter, North Pole, alone, New Zealand, Guatemala, journey, completely, husky, temperature, attack, determined, positive, situation.
II. 技能目标:
通过句子结构和语境猜测以下单词词义:medal, volunteer, loads of, one day 。

通过听录音和模仿发音理解以下短语的含义:You can’t be serious, That’s amazing 。


III. 情感态度价值观目标:




















