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理化性能试料管理办法Management Regulation of Physical and Chemical Property of




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1 范围Scope (1)

2 规范性引用文件Normative References (1)

3 术语和定义Terms and Definitions (1)

4职责Responsibility (1)

5工作流程Work Process (1)

6 培训要求Training Requirements (3)

7 检查与考核Check and Examination (3)

8 表格Forms (3)

1 范围Scope


This procedure specified requirements of XXX. Applies to use and preserve physical and chemicalproperty of specimen in forge company.

2 规范性引用文件Normative References


The following documents forms a part of this document to the extent specified herein. For dated references, only the edition cited applies, and amending list and revision of the document does not apply. For undated references, the applicable issue shall be the current issue. If a specific document issue is specified, perform in accordance with the specified.

HC-DZ-QM-20A 人力资源管理程序

HC-DZ-QM-20A Human Resource Control Procedure

3 术语和定义Terms and Definitions




4.1 The Machining Workshop is responsible for the sawing of the physical and chemical properties ofspecimens.


4.2 The Quality Assurance Department is responsible for the physical and chemical properties of samples and the preservation of the test materials.


4.3 The Technical Department is responsible for the sampling position and test requirements of the physical and chemical properties test.

5工作流程Work Process

5.1 锻压厂按工艺要求将理化性能试样件转交机加工车间,机加工车间按工艺图纸取样,将理化试料和用于复验的试料锯切后(复验试料由质检员现场确认),机加工进行打标后和质检员


5.1 According to the process requirements, the Forging Shop transfers the samples of physical and chemical properties of specimensto the Machining Workshop, and the Machining Workshop takes samples according to the process drawings. After sawing the physical and chemical properties of specimens and the specimens used for the review (confirmed by the quality inspector on site), the machine processes the mark and passes the weight together with the quality inspector, and gives the relevant information to the quality inspector and the quality inspector registers the relevant information in the physical and chemical properties of specimens account.

5.2 机加工车间将用于发给用户复验的理化性能试料,过磅后交给包装人员,质量保障部质检员负责监督检查用户复验试料是否符合工艺要求。

5.2 The Machining Workshop will be used to send the physical and chemical properties of specimens to the consumer, and after weighing the materials, the quality inspectors of the Quality Assurance Department will be responsible for supervising and checking whether the reviewspecimens of the users are in accordance with the requirements of the process.

5.3 所有试料入库出库必须进行登记。

5.3 Allspecimens must be registered in and out of the warehouse.

5.4 完成试验需要保留的理化性能试样,由质检员存放于理化试料库妥善保管并进行登记。5.4Samples of physical and chemical properties of specimens that need to be retained for completion of the test shall be kept and registered by the quality inspector in the physical and chemical properties of specimenbank.

5.5 试料应按合金/产品分类存放,质检员并做好相应标识。

5.5 Test specimens should be stored in accordance with the alloy or product classification, and the quality inspector do a good job of marking.


5.6 If the technicians need to analyze the physical and chemical properties of specimens, they must go through the procedures of borrowing the samples with the quality inspectors, fill out the Registration form for the borrowing of the samples of the physical and chemical properties of specimen, the borrowing time shall not exceed 3 days, the time of borrowing shall be returned in time after using up, and the quality inspectors shall sign and confirm.
