中国文化概况 Chapter 7
”(《论语·卫灵公》)天文历法书籍先秦《夏小正》秦《颛顼历》汉《太初历》三国·魏《景初历》南朝《大明历》隋《大业历》《皇极历》唐《麟德历》《大衍历》元《授时历》明《崇祯历书》清《时宪历》天文仪器先秦土圭汉•张衡浑天仪魏晋南北朝•葛衡浑天象唐•李淳风浑天黄道仪唐•僧一行、粱令瓒黄道游仪宋•苏颂、韩公廉水运仪象台浑天象元• 简仪、仰仪元•郭守敬大明殿灯漏(二)中国古代天文学理论1,关于宇宙本原的思想·五行说·元气说2,关于宇宙结构的学说盖天说浑天说宣夜说3,关于宇宙无限性的辩证论述宇:空间宙:时间(三)中国古代天文学的特征1,中国古代的天象记录是当时世界上最丰富,最有系统的。
Shadow boxing ➢ A school of Chinese popular martial arts marked for slow and gentle movements that are designed for defense, strengthening of physique and prevention of diseases.
Traditional Physical Activities
Martial arts (Wushu 武术) Distinguished Chinese Martial Arts
Martial arts
Wushu is also called Kong fu. According to the
formation of Chinese characters, 武 (wu) is made up of 止 and 戈. The former means “stop” while the later means “dagger-axe” or “any kind of weapon”. The combination of the two means stopping martial actions. With 术 (shu), which means strategies, together, the term means “using methods and skills to stop martial actions and activities”. Another meaning of this word is the martial activities between two people or two groups with the weapons.
下面小编为大家整理了中国文化概况原文翻译,希望能帮到大家!一、The constitution of the people’s republic of china is the fundamental law of the state.中华人民共和国宪法是中国的根本法。
The NPC is the highest organ of state power. Local people’s congresses are local organs of state power. The standing committee of the NPC is the permanent organ of the NPC. The term of office of the NPC and its standing committee is 5 years. The NPC and its standing committee are empowered with the rights of legislation, decision, supervision, election and removal.全国人民代表大会是最高国家权力机关。
The communist party is the sole party in power in china. Apart from it, there are eight democratic parties in china. Multi-party cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the CPC is the basic political system in china.共产党是中国唯一的执政党。
中华文化概况 7
![中华文化概况 7](
Chinese Chopsticks
• In remote ages----branches, bamboo or natural animal bones. • Later-- scraped bamboo or wood • during the Xia and Shang dynasties-- Ivory and jade chopsticks appeared • during the Spring and Autumn Period-- bronze and iron chopsticks emerged • the Han Dynasty-- Laquer chopsticks appeared • Later-- silver and gold chopsticks were made • the ones made with rhinoceros horns, jade or ebony inlaid with gold were the rarest
Chinese Chopsticks
Chinese Chopsticks
• a wonder of Chinese dining utensils--- a food picking utensil made of bamboo or wood, is widely used by the Hans and some minority ethnic groups. • a history of thousands of years • In ancient China, they were called zhu • fully displayed the dexterity and intelligence of the Chinese people
Features of Chinese Food
Yin-yang Principle Each food has its own characteristics of yin or yang. Yin foods : thin, cold ,low calories.
Boiling makes food yin. Yang foods : rich, spicy, hot ,high calories.
Features of Chinese Food
taste mainly depends on the seasonings. many tastes—salty (salt, soy sauce), sweet (sugar, honey), sour (vinegar), fragrant (sesame oil, coriander, wine), spicy(chilli, garlic, ginger), tangy(monosodium glutamate or MSG), bitter(dried tangerine, bitter apricot kernel),etc.
Eight Regional Cuisines
Guangdong Cuisine also known as Yuecai (粤菜). fresh, crisp, tender, lightly
seasoned. roasting, stir-frying, sautéing,
deep-frying, stewing and steaming. porridges and soups
Eight Regional Cuisines
中国文化简介(英文版)课后习题答案2Chapter6—chapter8Chapter 61.1) d 2) d 3) d 4) d2.5) Feng, Ya, Song, Fu, Bi, Xing6) The Classic of Poetry; The Classic of History; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Changes; The Spring and Autumn Annals.7) Feng (Ballads); Ya (Odes); Song (Sacrificial Songs)3.8) a. The Great Learningb. The Analects of Confucius9) a. The Doctrine of the Meanb . The Classic of History10) a. The Classic of Changesb. The Four Books and Five Classics4.11) “Confucius Way of the Heart”means if everyone makes strict demands onhimself/herself, and does everything according to the Confucian rites, then the relations between the king and the minister, the father and the son will eventually be harmonized, and the society will go smoothly.12) “To know something is not so good as to like it; to like it is not so good as todelight in it.” It means a person who prefers it can learn better than one who merely understands it; but a person who delights in it learns even better than one who only prefers it.5. 略Chapter 71 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5)controlling flood, Yv the Great, Shun6)Pan Gu, Nv Wa, her own model, yellow clay3 Translate the following terms into English7)a. the descendants of Yan and Huang b. Yv the Great controlling the flood8)a. the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. b. Nv Wa creating man9)a. Pan Gu creating the world b.Kua Fu chasing the Sun4 Answer the following questions.10)Huang Di is resourceful in invention as well as in war and is credited with the invention of many things, like carts and boats, clothes, houses, writing and silkworm breeding and Silk weaving. Yan Di is credited with the invention of farming and medicine. He invented the wooden plow and taught people how to treat diseases. Wars urged the mixture and the assimilation of different tribes and eventually formed a tribal alliance of Huang Di and Yan Di. Traditions has it that Chinese civilization originated from the era of Huang Di and Yan Di, for they are the ancestors of the Chinese people. That is why the Chinese call themselves the descendants of Yan and Huang.11)略5 Retell the stories with the help of the following pictures.略Chapter 81.1) a 2)d 3)d 4) a2.5) the guti verse forms, jinti verse forms, classical, verse form, moder6) Shijing7) Li Sao8) Sage Poet, the greatest realist poet9) Su Shi, Li Qingzhao3.10) a. Tang Poems b. Songci11) a. yuanqu b. Chuci4.12) Yuefu originally referred to the “music bureau” in the Han Dynasty, responsible for collecting or writing poems, folk songs and ballads, and having them set to music. Later, poems, folk songs and ballads collected and compiled by yufu were given the name Yuefu.13) Ci is a kind of poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originated in Tang Dynasty and fully developed in Song Dynasty.14) Apart from the above verse forms, there is also Fu, it’s something between poetry and prose, similar to rhapsody: a descriptive poem, and much cultivated from Han times to the Six Dynasties. Examples are Su Shi's “Fu on the Red Cliff”, Ban Gu’s Rhapsody on Two Capitals”, etc.5. 略。
中国传统文化是指在氏族社会晚期、至少是 周秦以来到五四时期所形成和发展起来的,以 汉族为主体、包括其境内56个民族长期创造的 精神财富,即中华民族共同创造的华夏文化。 它以封建文化为主导,以儒学文化为主干。
第二节 中国传统文化的流变和分期
第二节 儒家思想的第一次改造
由民间学说变为官方意识,经过了董仲舒的改造。 他以奉天法古为旗号,先王之道为楷模,宣扬王权神授,建构 了天人感应为核心、阴阳五行为骨架的神学体系。他写《春秋 繁露》,为三纲五常的始作俑者。他以君为臣纲、父为子纲、 夫为妻纲,仁、义、礼、智、信等道德规范,作为建立法度、 化民成俗的根本,为封建专制提供了理论根据,为以儒为宗的 文化提供了蓝本。其理论以父子夫妻的家庭关系为依据,以封 建宗法制为基础,以君亲、忠孝为纽带,以移孝作忠为目的, 实现家族政治化和国家家族化。在义利上,他提倡“正其谊不 谋其利,明其道不计其功”,维护统治阶级的整体利益。在政 治上,他主张礼乐教化、德政为主、刑罚为辅。在思想文化上, 他主张罢黜百家,独尊儒术,完成了统一思想的最后一道工序。
荀子(荀况)将先秦儒学发展 到新阶段,不仅承认事物发展有客 观规律,而且强调主体能动作用。 这种对社会历史责任感的弘扬,是 中华民族刚健进取精神的反映。他 从“性本恶”出发,认为经过学习 和教化,“人皆可以为尧舜”。他 主张“隆礼重法”,强调礼在为人、 做事、治国方面的作用,礼是法的 根据,法的总纲;法是礼的体现, 礼的确认。只讲礼义,不讲法度; 只重教化,不重刑罚,不足以维护 x x 统治。
中国文化概况中国文化概况1.天何言哉?四时行焉,百草生焉,天何言哉?Heaven does not speak in words. It speaks through the rotation of the four seasons and the growth of all living things.2.生生之谓易。
Continuous creation of life is change.3.天地之大德曰生。
The great virtue of Heaven and Earth is creating life.4.获罪于天,无所祷也。
He who offends against Heaven has none to whom he can pray.5.仁者,人也,亲亲为大。
The greatest love for people is the love for one’s parents.6.父母在,不远游,游必有方。
Children should not travel far while their parents are alive. If they have no choice but to do so, they must retain some restraint.7.父母之年,不可不知也。
Children should think often of the age of their parents. They should feel feel happy for the healthy and longevity of their parents. They should also feel concern for the aging of their parents.8.己欲立而立人,己欲达而达人。
While fulfilling one’s own desires, allow others to fulfill theirs.9.己所不欲,勿施于人。
➢ 闯关东是以山东和直隶人为主,目的地是东三省一带;走西口是以山 西、陕西人为主,目的地是蒙古草原;下南洋是以广东和福建人为主, 目的地是东南亚一带。
➢ C is maily Shandong people and Zhili People, they moved to Northeast part of China; Immigration to the west is maily Shanxi, Shaanxi people, moved to I nner Mongolia grassland; Immigration to the south China sea maily Guangdon g and Fujian people, they moved to southeast asia areas.
National emblem
National treasure Giant panda
National flower
National bird
Red-crowned Cr ane
East Asia, China, Japan, Russia, N orth Korea and South Korea
第三次大移民:发生在12世纪中期,大批移民走到了广东、广西、福建, 甚至海南岛等更靠南的地方。
Third immigration: In the mid 12th century, a large immigration moved to Guan gdong, Fujian, even Hainan island in the very south.
遵循国家语言文字工作委员会发布的《现代汉语通 用字表》、《普通话异读词审音表》等规范标准, 注意避免使用生僻字和异体字,正确使用标点符号 等。
各剧种都有其经典剧目,如京剧《穆 桂英挂帅》、豫剧《花木兰》、越剧 《红楼梦》等。
天文图谱与星表 古代中国天文学家编制了多种天文图谱和星表,如《石氏 星表》、《步天歌》等,为天文研究提供了重要资料。
中医以阴阳五行学说为 基础,构建了独特的医 学理论体系,包括脏腑 经络学说、病因病机学 说、诊法治则学说等。
中国文化具有鲜明的地域特色,不同地域的文化在饮食、建筑、 艺术等方面表现出多样性。
中国文化是多元一体的,由56个民族共同创造,各民族的文化 相互交融、相互影响。
中国文化具有强大的包容性,能够吸收和融合外来文化,形成独 特的文化景观。
中国文化概况 复习资料
![中国文化概况 复习资料](
Chapter 1The Origin of Chinese Culture文化词汇Confucian philosophy 儒家哲学Confucius孔子Mencius孟子the descendants of Y an and Huang 炎黄子孙the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods 春秋战国时期The Art of War《孙子兵法》porcelain 瓷器三皇五帝Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns)Gregorian calendar/ solar calendar格里高利历,是国际通用的历法,即公历lunar calendar阴历the Twenty-four Solar Terms二十四节气Chinese Zodiac生肖Chinese Culture---Past and PresentChinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches(中游)of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into(合并,融合)one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.People at that time believed that the land they lived on was the center of the world, and called their state the "Middle Kingdom"(中国), thus giving China its country name.Traditional Chinese culture is recorded not only in history books and documents, but also in archeological records(考古记载), such as ancient city walls, palaces(宫殿), temples(寺庙), pagodas(宝塔), and grottos(洞窟); artifacts(史前古器物), such as bronze objects, weapons, bronze mirrors, coins, jade and pottery objects, and curios; and folk culture, including song and dance, embroidery(刺绣), cuisine(烹饪), clothing, tea ceremonies, drinking games, lanterns, riddles, martial arts(武术), chess and kites. With a continuous history of 5,000 years, it has undergone frequent transformations to produce a rich and vital cultural heritage.In the modern day, with the rise of western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization have gained adherents in China. Indeed, within today’s globalized environment, modern cultures interact and cooperate increasingly more with each other. China’s culture of the future will most likely reflect this cross-cultural dimension. Thus, obtaining a solid understa nding of China’s culture of the past is necessary in order to successfully embrace all that the culture has to offer to the world.The Appellation of ChinaChina is the appellation of our country given by foreigners. The porcelain china is the transliteration of the place name Changnan(昌南), which was the old name for Jingdezhen(景德镇). The porcelain made in Changnan was smooth and bright, and earned another name of artificial jade. It became famous both home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large quantities.As time passed, people in Europe forgot the meaning of Changnan and switched the original meaning of porcelain of the word “china” to the place of its origin.The Alternative Names of China⏹Chixian, Shenzhou(赤县、神州)⏹Jiuzhou (九州)⏹Hua ( 华)⏹Huaxia(华夏)⏹Zhonghua(中华)⏹Hainei(海内)Chinese MythologyChinese Mythology is a collection of cultural history, folktales(民间故事), and religions that have been passed down in oral or written form. Chinese mythology is similar to modern religion in that they both believe in relationships between mankind and a higher power.Historians have conjectured(推测)that Chinese mythology began in 12th century BC (close to the time of the Trojan War 特洛伊战争). The myths and legends were passed down in oral form for over a thousand years, before being written down in early book such as Shui Jing Zhu and Shan Hai Jing.The classification of myth神话的分类Creation myth 创世神话:Nvwa Created Man(女娲造人)Hero myth 英雄神话:Houyi Shooting the Sun(后羿射日)War myth 战争神话:Yellow Emperor Tackled Human-God(黄帝擒蚩尤)Cultural MosaicHeavenly Stems and Earthly BranchesThe standard Gregorian calendar is generally referred to as the solar calendar in China. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Jiazi calendar, counts the years in sixty-year cycles by combining two series of numbers---the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches.The Twenty-four Solar TermsThe traditional Chinese lunar year is divided into twenty-four solar terms, according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic in relationship to the earth. The solar terms designate agricultural periods, and can predict changing seasonal conditions, temperature, and weather throughout the course of the year. They are extremely important to agricultural production.Changes in the four seasons are determined by eight solar terms:立春( the Beginning of Spring),春分( the Spring Equinox ),立夏(the Beginning of Summer ),夏至(the Summer Solstice),立秋(the Beginning of Autumn),秋分( the Autumnal Equinox),立冬( the Beginning of Winter),冬至(the Winter Solstice )Changes in temperature are indicated by five solar terms:小暑Slight Heat ,大暑Great Heat ,处暑the Limit of Heat ,小寒Slight Cold ,大寒Great ColdChanging weather conditions are indicated by seven solar terms:雨水Rain Water ,谷雨Grain Rain ,白露White Dew ,寒露Cold Dew,霜降Frost's Descent ,小雪Slight Snow ,大雪Great Snow .Recurring natural phenomena are indicated by four solar terms:惊蛰the Waking of Insects ,清明Pure Brightness ,小满Grain Full,芒种Grain in EarChinese ZodiacIn ancient times, our ancestors counted the years with 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches. Although this was scientific, most people were illiterate and could not memorize or calculate easily. Thus the animals that influenced people's lives were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey , rooster, dog and pig.Chapter 2 Culinary Culture文化词汇culinary厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的cuisine烹饪,烹调法;菜肴main food主食,主粮(staple food )Fire temperature火候food tonic 食补“Food is the first necessity of the people”(“民以食为天。
中国文化概况 Chapter 7
![中国文化概况 Chapter 7](
Traditional Physical Culture
Sport in ancient times Ethnic Sport Traditional physical activities National physical fitness
Sport in ancient times
Horse racing
Horse racing is essential to the lifestyle of many ethnic groups, especially in the areas of Inner Mongolia, Xinjiang, Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan. The prairies (草原) in those areas provide natural fields for horse racing. There are regional variations and the types of competition are diverse.
equestrian polo 击鞠
During the Tang Dynasty, equestrian polo was popular in the palace, the army and among the men of literati (文人墨客).
Cuju 蹴鞠
Cuju (蹴鞠) was so popular in the Song Dynasty that everyone from the emperor to ordinary people participated in it.
Dragon and lion dance
A Glimpse of Chinese Culture《中国文化概论》讲义-chapters 1-8
![A Glimpse of Chinese Culture《中国文化概论》讲义-chapters 1-8](
Chapter 1The Origin of Chinese Culture文化词汇Confucian philosophy 儒家哲学Confucius孔子Mencius孟子the descendants of Yan and Huang 炎黄子孙the Spring and Autumn and the Warring States Periods 春秋战国时期The Art of War《孙子兵法》porcelain 瓷器三皇五帝Three Emperors and Five Sovereigns)Gregorian calendar/ solar calendar格里高利历,是国际通用的历法,即公历lunar calendar阴历the Twenty-four Solar Terms二十四节气Chinese Zodiac生肖Chinese Culture---Past and PresentChinese history began with two legendary figures—Emperor Huang and Emperor Yan, who, together with their tribes, inhabited the drainage area along the middle reaches(中游)of the Yellow River. By the time of Xia Dynasty, after centuries of living side by side, these two tribes had gradually merged into(合并,融合)one. Consequently, the Chinese people usually call themselves “the descendants of Yan and Huang”.People at that time believed that the land they lived on was the center of the world, and called their state the "Middle Kingdom"(中国), thus giving China its country name.Traditional Chinese culture is recorded not only in history books and documents, but also in archeological records(考古记载), such as ancient city walls, palaces(宫殿), temples(寺庙), pagodas(宝塔), and grottos(洞窟); artifacts(史前古器物), such as bronze objects, weapons, bronze mirrors, coins, jade and pottery objects, and curios; and folk culture, including song and dance, embroidery(刺绣), cuisine(烹饪), clothing, tea ceremonies, drinking games, lanterns, riddles, martial arts(武术), chess and kites. With a continuous history of 5,000 years, it has undergone frequent transformations to produce a rich and vital cultural heritage.In the modern day, with the rise of western economic and military power beginning in the mid-19th century, Western systems of social and political organization have gained adherents in China. Indeed, within today’s globalized environment, modern cultures interact and cooperate increasingly more with each other. China’s culture of the future will most likely reflect this cross-cultural dimension. Thus, obtaining a solid understanding of China’s culture of the past is necessary in order to successfully embrace all that the culture has to offer to the world.The Appellation of ChinaChina is the appellation of our country given by foreigners. The porcelain china is the transliteration of the place name Changnan(昌南), which was the old name for Jingdezhen(景德镇). The porcelain made in Changnan was smooth and bright, and earned another name of artificial jade. It became famous both home and abroad and was exported to Europe in large quantities.As time passed, people in Europe forgot the meaning of Changnan and switched the original meaning of porcelain of the word “china” to the place of its origin.The Alternative Names of China⏹Chixian, Shenzhou(赤县、神州)⏹Jiuzhou (九州)⏹Hua ( 华)⏹Huaxia(华夏)⏹Zhonghua(中华)⏹Hainei(海内)Chinese MythologyChinese Mythology is a collection of cultural history, folktales(民间故事), and religions that have been passed down in oral or written form. Chinese mythology is similar to modern religion in that they both believe in relationships between mankind and a higher power.Historians have conjectured(推测)that Chinese mythology began in 12th century BC (close to the time of the Trojan War 特洛伊战争). The myths and legends were passed down in oral form for over a thousand years, before being written down in early book such as Shui Jing Zhu and Shan Hai Jing.The classification of myth神话的分类Creation myth 创世神话:Nvwa Created Man(女娲造人)Hero myth 英雄神话:Houyi Shooting the Sun(后羿射日)War myth 战争神话:Yellow Emperor Tackled Human-God(黄帝擒蚩尤)Cultural MosaicHeavenly Stems and Earthly BranchesThe standard Gregorian calendar is generally referred to as the solar calendar in China. The traditional Chinese lunar calendar, also known as the Jiazi calendar, counts the years in sixty-year cycles by combining two series of numbers---the 10 Heavenly Stems and 12 Earthly Branches.The Twenty-four Solar TermsThe traditional Chinese lunar year is divided into twenty-four solar terms, according to the position of the sun on the ecliptic in relationship to the earth. The solar terms designate agricultural periods, and can predict changing seasonal conditions, temperature, and weather throughout the course of the year. They are extremely important to agricultural production.Changes in the four seasons are determined by eight solar terms:立春( the Beginning of Spring),春分( the Spring Equinox ),立夏(the Beginning of Summer ),夏至(the Summer Solstice),立秋(the Beginning of Autumn),秋分( the Autumnal Equinox),立冬( the Beginning of Winter),冬至(the Winter Solstice )Changes in temperature are indicated by five solar terms:小暑Slight Heat ,大暑Great Heat ,处暑the Limit of Heat ,小寒Slight Cold ,大寒Great ColdChanging weather conditions are indicated by seven solar terms:雨水Rain Water ,谷雨Grain Rain ,白露White Dew ,寒露Cold Dew,霜降Frost's Descent ,小雪Slight Snow ,大雪Great Snow .Recurring natural phenomena are indicated by four solar terms:惊蛰the Waking of Insects ,清明Pure Brightness ,小满Grain Full,芒种Grain in EarChinese ZodiacIn ancient times, our ancestors counted the years with 10 heavenly stems and 12 earthly branches. Although this was scientific, most people were illiterate and could not memorize or calculate easily. Thus the animals that influenced people's lives were chosen to symbolize the terrestrial branches: the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey , rooster, dog and pig.Chapter 2 Culinary Culture文化词汇culinary厨房的,烹饪的;烹调用的cuisine烹饪,烹调法;菜肴main food主食,主粮(staple food )Fire temperature火候food tonic 食补“Food is the first necessity of the people”(“民以食为天。
中国文化简介(英文版)课后习题答案2中国文化简介(英文版)课后习题答案2Chapter6—chapter8Chapter 61.1) d 2) d 3) d 4) d2.5) Feng, Ya, Song, Fu, Bi, Xing6) The Classic of Poetry; The Classic of History; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Rites; The Classic of Changes; The Spring and Autumn Annals.7) Feng (Ballads); Ya (Odes); Song (Sacrificial Songs)3.8) a. The Great Learningb. The Analects of Confucius9) a. The Doctrine of the Meanb . The Classic of History10) a. The Classic of Changesb. The Four Books and Five Classics4.11) “Confucius Way of the Heart”means if everyone makes strict demands onhimself/herself, and does everything according to the Confucian rites, then the relations between the king and the minister, the father and the son will eventually be harmonized, and the society will go smoothly.12) “To know something is not so good as to like it; to like it is not so good as todelight in it.” It means a person who prefers it can learn better than one who merely understands it; but a person who delights in it learns even better than one who only prefers it.5. 略Chapter 71 Multiple choice (choose the best answer).1) a 2) b 3) a 4) a2 Fill in the blanks.5)controlling flood, Yv the Great, Shun6)Pan Gu, Nv Wa, her own model, yellow clay3 Translate the following terms into English7)a. the descendants of Yan and Huang b. Yv the Great controlling the flood8)a. the Eight Immortals crossing the sea. b. Nv Wa creating man9)a. Pan Gu creating the world b.Kua Fu chasing the Sun4 Answer the following questions.10)Huang Di is resourceful in invention as well as in war and is credited with the invention of many things, like carts and boats, clothes, houses, writing and silkworm breeding and Silk weaving. Yan Di is credited with the invention of farming and medicine. He invented the wooden plow and taught people how to treat diseases. Wars urged the mixture and the assimilation of different tribes and eventually formed a tribal alliance of Huang Di and Yan Di. Traditions has it that Chinese civilization originated from the era of Huang Di and Yan Di, for they are the ancestors of the Chinese people. That is why the Chinese call themselves the descendants of Yan and Huang.11)略5 Retell the stories with the help of the following pictures.略Chapter 81.1) a 2)d 3)d 4) a2.5) the guti verse forms, jinti verse forms, classical, verse form, moder6) Shijing7) Li Sao8) Sage Poet, the greatest realist poet9) Su Shi, Li Qingzhao3.10) a. Tang Poems b. Songci11) a. yuanqu b. Chuci4.12) Yuefu originally referred to the “music bureau” in the Han Dynasty, responsible for collecting or writing poems, folk songs and ballads, and having them set to music. Later, poems, folk songs and ballads collected and compiled by yufu were given the name Yuefu.13) Ci is a kind of poetry written to certain tunes with strict tonal patterns and rhyme schemes, in fixed numbers of lines and words, originated in Tang Dynasty and fully developed in Song Dynasty.14) Apart from the above verse forms, there is also Fu, it’s something between poetry and prose, similar to rhapsody: a descriptive poem, and much cultivated from Han times to the Six Dynasties. Examples are S u Shi's “Fu on the Red Cliff”, Ban Gu’s Rhapsody on Two Capitals”, etc.5. 略。
四端午节 Dragon Boat Festival
五中秋节 MidAutumn Festival
六重阳节 Double Ninth Festival
课后练习题 Practice
一春节 Spring Festival
(一)起源与发展 Origin and Development (二)春节的传说 Legend of Spring Festival (三)习俗 Customs
四中国环保制 度 China’s Environmenta l Protection
课后练习题 Practice
一国旗、国徽、国歌 National Flag, National Emblem, National Anthem
(一)中华人民共和国国旗 The National Flag of the People’s Republic of China
六重阳节 Double Ninth Festival
(一)起源与发展 Origin and Development (二)重阳节的传说 Legend of Double Ninth Festival (三)习俗 Customs
三 “一带一路”倡议 The Belt and Road Initiative
(一)共建原则 Principles (二)合作重点 Cooperation Priorities
一社会变迁中的家庭 生活 The Family Concept in Social Change
二中国人的现代生活 The Modern Life of Chinese People
中国文化概况中英版An Overview of Chinese Culture (English Version)I. IntroductionChinese culture, with its long history and profound essence, is the sum of material and spiritual cultures created and passed down by the Chinese nation throughout its historical development. Chinese culture emphasizes humanism, focusing on moral values, etiquette, family, and social order.II. Main Contents1. History and EvolutionChinese culture boasts a rich history spanning thousands of years, from the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties to the Spring and Autumn period, the Warring States period, and then to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties. It has continuously absorbed and integrated foreign cultures, forming a unique cultural system.2. Traditional ValuesConfucianism is one of the cornerstones of Chinese culture, emphasizing virtues such as benevolence, filial piety, loyalty, and etiquette, which have profoundly influenced the behavior and values of the Chinese people. Taoism emphasizes the harmony between man and nature, advocating a natural and non-interventionist approach. Buddhism, on the other hand, emphasizes compassion and self-sacrifice, having a significant impact on Chinese religion and philosophy.3. Cultural Characteristics- Festival Culture: China has many traditional festivals, such as the Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, and Dragon Boat Festival, each with unique celebration methods and cultural connotations.- Clothing Culture: Traditional Chinese clothing, such as Hanfu and Tangzhuang, reflects the unique aesthetic concepts and cultural characteristics of the Chinese nation.- Architectural Culture: Traditional Chinese architecture, including palaces, temples, and gardens, is renowned for its distinctive styles and exquisite craftsmanship.- Cuisine Culture: Chinese cuisine, known for its rich flavors and exquisiteculinary techniques, is an important representation of China's cultural charm.4. Influence on the WorldThe values and ideological systems of Chinese culture have had a profound impact on the world, especially Confucianism, which has influenced Asia and beyond. Traditional Chinese arts and forms of expression, such as calligraphy, painting, and Peking Opera, are also deeply loved and admired by people around the world.III. ConclusionChinese culture is a treasure of the Chinese nation, embodying unique charm and value. Through learning and understanding Chinese culture, we can gain a deeper understanding of the history, traditions, and spiritual outlook of the Chinese people, further enhancing our sense of national pride and self-confidence. At the same time, Chinese culture has also made significant contributions to the diversity and development of world culture.中国文化概况中英版一、引言中国文化,源远流长,博大精深,是中华民族在长期历史发展过程中所创造并传承下来的物质文化和精神文化的总和。
1. 历史:中国文化的起源可以追溯到5,000年前的黄河流域,经历了数千年的发展和变迁。
2. 语言:汉语是中国的官方语言,同时也是世界上使用人数最多的语言之一。
3. 宗教:中国主要宗教是佛教、道教和儒教。
4. 音乐:中国音乐源远流长,有着独特的音乐文化和乐器。
5. 美食:中国美食有着丰富多样的特色,注重菜肴口味的调味和制作工艺。
6. 绘画:中国绘画历史悠久,涵盖了山水、花鸟、人物等多个类型。
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讨论 (10 minutes) 学生课间展示 (30 minutes)
equestrian polo 击鞠
During the Tang Dynasty, equestrian polo was popular in the palace, the army and among the men of literati (文人墨客).
Cuju 蹴鞠
Cuju (蹴鞠) was so
Kite Flying
Kite Flying is a traditional Chinese pastime, with millions of participants across the nation. As a sport, it became an official event in 1991. The Weifang International Kite Festival is a kite competition and exhibition that attracts tens of thousands of participants from all over the world.
popular in the Song Dynasty that everyone from the emperor to ordinary people participated in it.
Chuiwan 垂丸
In the Yuan Dynasty, people like playing a
As an important part of popular culture, sports in China began to take real shape during the Qin, Han and Three Kingdoms periods. Sporting images have been recorded over the Dynasties by sepulchral (坟墓的) mural paintings, stone paintings (岩画), brick paintings (画像砖), pottery figurines (人物像) and poems.
Qigong, also called deep breathing exercises, is
practiced by the Chinese on a regular basis to keep fit. Literally “qi” means “air” implying
“life force”. The purpose of qigong is to
formation of Chinese characters, 武 (wu) is made up of 止 and 戈. The former means “stop” while the later means “dagger-axe” or “any kind of weapon”. The combination of the two means stopping martial actions. With 术 (shu), which means strategies, together, the term means “using methods and skills to stop martial actions and activities”. Another meaning of this word is the martial activities between two people or two groups with the weapons.
coordinate the health of the mind and body.
Five-animal exercises
The “five-animal exercises” is a set of health building exercise imitating the movements of five animals— tiger, deer, bear, ape and bird. It’s a physical exercises
Yangge is a traditional dance accompanied
by rhythmic folk music or singing, with the dancers dressed in costumes and holding fans or handkerchiefs. It is very popular in many areas of northern China and among the middle-aged and elderly.
Shadow boxing
A school of Chinese popular martial arts marked that are designed for defense, strengthening of physique and prevention of diseases.
Traditional Physical Culture
Sport in ancient times Ethnic Sport Traditional physical activities National physical fitness
Sport in ancient times
Body-building equipment can be found everywhere in the communities or any public places. Similarly, there is a growing trend for people to engage in their own ways to keep fit.
Traditional Physical Activities
Martial arts (Wushu 武术) Distinguished Chinese Martial Arts
Martial arts
Wushu is also called Kong fu. According to the
combined with qigong and
was initiated by Hua Tuo.
National physical fitness
There are many gymnasiums and stadiums across China, most of them are open to and widely used by the general public.
game called Chuiwan,
which is similar to golf as shown in the mural
Hitting Balls.
Ethnic Sport
With around 1,000 kinds of Ethnic sports, some of the more well known ones are Mongolian wrestling, horsemanship (马术) and archery; Hui kicking the shuttlecock (毽球) and the tug-of-war (拔河); Tibetan yak (牦牛) racing; Miao swinging and dragon-boat racing; Zhuang throwing of colored silk balls (抛绣球); Korean swinging and seesawing jumping (跳板); Manchu skating; Dong walking on stilts (踩高跷); Yao whipping tops (打 陀螺).
Modern martial arts consist of five categories
Boxing Weapon exercises Sparring exercises Actual combat Teamwork
shadow boxing (太极拳)
中国文化概况 Chapter 7
1. 中国传统健身活动; 2. 奥运会的概况; 3. 中国优秀体育项目。
1. 中国传统健身活动介绍; 2. 中国与奥林匹克; 3. 讨论:政府如何加强全民健身运动。
教师课堂讲解 (60 minutes)
Weapon exercises
Sparring exercises
Distinguished Chinese Martial
Shaolin Boxing
It is the representative boxing style of the Long Boxing. Characterized by sturdiness (坚定), fast attacks, and coordinated (协调的) forward and backward moves. Its serial moves are mostly short and straight.
Horse racing
Horse racing is essential to the lifestyle of