英孚英语1-16级level 4
创始之初:一位名叫Bertil Hult的瑞典年轻人在1965年创办了英孚教育集团。
今日的EF英孚教育:40年后,EF 英孚教育已跃居为全球最大的私人英语教育机构,旗下有15个下属机构及非盈利性组织,主要致力于语言学习、留学旅游及学位课程等方面。
如今,EF 英孚教育遍布全球51多个国家,帮助了1500多万学员,员工和教师多达31000多人。
EF 英孚教育已经把世界变成了一个英语大课堂。
EF英孚教育的未来:EF 英孚教育的未来应运而生。
EF 英孚教育秉承打破语言、文化和地域障碍的理念,使学员无论通过出国留学、国内英语学习还是在线英语学习都能体验最高质量的英语教学经历。
EF 英孚教育英孚国际语言学校EF Academic Year AbroadEF留学旅游EF University PreparationEF International AcademyEF高中生交流项目Englishtown网络学校假日游霍特国际商学院保姆留学Smithsonian Student Travel爱瑞卡保险EF英孚产品架构EF语言培训中心——是EF英孚在世界各地开设的英语学校,为各年龄段、各种英语水平的学员提供常规的语言培训课程,包括小班外教口语课程、iLAB网络课程和Life Club生活俱乐部等内容。
EF英孚英语 单词表 High Flyers Book F 完整版
================================================== Unit 1 Pirates!================================================== 【vocabulary】----places----baycaveislandjunglelakemountainportrivertownvillagewaterfall----pirate vocabulary----chestcompassgoldkeypalm treeropeshipwreckspadetreasuretreasure map----giving directions----crossgo overgo straightstopturn leftturn right----prepositions of place----behindbetweenbyinin front ofnearnext toon----compass points----northsoutheastwest【grammar phrases】Go straight.How do I get to the shop?Walk straight for 200 meters,then turn left.They're brothers.Their house is small.There is a treasure in the cave================================================== Unit 2 Free Time Fun================================================== 【vocabulary】----hobbies----collecting coinscollecting stampscollecting shellsdrawing picturesflying a kitelistening to musicmaking modelsmaking jewelryplaying video gamestaking photosthrowing a frisbeewatching movies----musical instruments----drumsfluteguitarpiano----adverbs of frequency----alwaysusuallyoftensometimesnever【grammar phrases】I often draw pictures.How often do you play the guitar?I play the guitar on Sundays.I like to take photos.He likes to watch movies.================================================== Unit 3 Savannia================================================== 【vocabulary】----wild animals----buffalocheetahcrocodileelephantgazellegiraffegorillahippolemurleopardlionrhinosnakezebra----adjectives----darkheavylightstrongthickthinweak----body parts----furhornsmanetailtrunk----patterns----spotsstripes【grammar phrases】They have long teeth.It has a dark gray tail.Does it have any spots or stripes?Young lions have stripes and spots.Cheetahs are faster than lions.Gazelles have stripes,but they don't have spots.================================================== Unit 4 On Sale!================================================== 【vocabulary】----places----mallart storebakerybookstoreclothes storeelectronics storefood courtpet storerestroomssupermarket1st/2nd/3rd floor----In a store----batteriesbookcameracomicdictionarydog foodlaptopmagazinememory cardnewspaperstickers----numbers----seventyeightyninetyone hundred【grammar phrases】I'm going to the supermarket because I need some milk.I'm going to the bakery to buy bread.How much is it?It's49.99.That's cheap. / That's expensive.================================================== Unit 5 Summer Vacation================================================== 【vocabulary】----places to visit----beachforesthotelmountainmuseumoceanrestauranttheme parkwater parkzoo----travel destinations----AustraliaChinaHong KongIndonesiaSingaporeThailandthe UKthe USA【grammar phrases】I went to Australia.What did you do?I climbed a mountain.Did you see any kangaroos?Yes, I did. / No,I didn't.================================================== Unit 6 To Adventure!================================================== 【vocabulary】----story characters----alienastronautcowboydragonfairyheropirateprincessqueenrobotvampirevillainwizard----parts of a story----middleend【grammar phrases】There was a mean vampire In a cave.It was scary.In the beginning, a dragon scared a princess.In the middle, some heroes fought the dragon.At the end, the dragon flew away.================================================== ==================================================。
EF Sa mll Sta r 蓝色课
1. 理解并学会运用与各个主题相关的单词(参照以上
2. 提高和熟悉英语发音: /r/, /l/, /h/, /p/,
/k//g//f//a//z //b/ 及补充每单元相关句型的单词。
3. 理解并回答以下问题: ‘What’s this? Do you have …? What color is it? Is it … ? How many …?’
4. 使用以下语法结构来会话: ‘I have …, It’s …, It’s … (color)’.
5. 运用‘I’m….’的句型来回答‘What’s your name?’ 的问题。
6. 会说‘Hello and goodbye, Yes and no ’
7. 理解行为动词: fly, swim, drive, sleep, draw, go, run, jump, count, wave, eat, smell, smile, cry, 8. 玩各种游戏,并且在游戏中模仿老师的语句(记忆力游戏, 竞猜游戏,木偶游戏等)。
上海英孚儿童英语的基本介绍英孚针对儿童,青少年的课程具体分为四种:英孚幼儿英语Small Stars(适合3-6岁幼儿)英孚儿童英语High Flyers(适合7-9岁儿童)英孚少儿英语Trailblazers(适合10-13岁少儿)英孚青少年英语Frontrunner(适合14-18岁儿童)儿童英语课程High Flyers的基本介绍英孚儿童英语High Flyers是英孚儿童英语培训课程中适合7~9岁儿童的英语培训课程。
英孚儿童英语High Flyers课程能够帮助孩子们打好学习英语的扎实基础,轻松应对之后进入小学的英语学习,流畅地使用英语。
针对7-9岁的小学员,英孚儿童英语High Flyers课程使用的是英孚专门研发的比同等级小学英语课程略深的英语教材,结合了英孚独创的Efekta™高效学习方法,从听、说、读、写等基础英语知识结构的各个方面出发,帮助孩子们学习,实现跳跃式的进步,并且轻松应对学校的英语课程。
教学模式英孚儿童英语High Flyers课程中的外教都是亲切可爱并且性格活泼开朗、热爱孩子的人,他们都是持有双重国际教师专业资格证的“双证”教师,能够熟练有效地使用教室内的多媒体设备、神奇互动白板,并且通过自己的热情以及独特的教学方法来激发孩子的兴趣,让孩子在学到知识的同时又能获得快乐,确保每一个孩子都能得到教师足够的关注,在专业的引导下轻松开口说英语。
课程收获通过英孚儿童英语High Flyers课程,学员们将收获:说英语的自信——课程中会模拟真实的英语环境,帮助学员们解决“哑巴英语”的难题轻松学好小学英语——通过比同级学校教材略深的课程,学员们能在学校中获得优秀的成绩扎实的英语基础——通过强化单词与语法,帮助孩子们打下扎实的英语基础英语发音强化矫正——帮助孩子矫正不正确的发音,学习正确的发音方法教学目标High Flyers 1该级别的儿童英语学员将学习英语基础技能,学习并掌握各种最基础的英语单词,包括:动物、身体部位的名称、以及食物等方面的英语词汇。
第1页------Englishtown 的背景第2-3页------Englishtown课程设置说明第4-11页------图示说明Englishtown Introduction一、Englishtown 的背景:English First Education教育集团,于1965年起步于瑞典,具有超过45年的英语教育和课程研发经验,是目前世界上最大的英语教育集团公司。
EF英孚机构一览:∙EF 英孚教育∙EF国际语言学校∙EF Academic Year Abroad∙EF留学旅游∙EF University Preparation∙EF International Academy∙EF高中生交流项目∙Englishtown网络学校∙假日游∙霍特国际商学院∙保姆留学∙Smithsonian Student Travel∙爱瑞卡保险二、Englishtown 解决方案简介:1、全球第一家提供整体在线语言教育解决方案,与剑桥大学,哈佛大学合作;2、对教育课程的研发投资超过同业公司的10倍;3、强大的网络科技支持;4、超过26,000个经过专业认证的英文教师,分布在全世界的教学网络中心;5、超过1500小时的课程容量;6、每星期7天、每天24小时全天候专业老师授课;7、于全球超过50个国家设立了400多个分支机构;8、学生来自于150个国家和地区;9、我们同时使用十几种语言进行支持和服务。
三、Englishtown 解决方案的优点:1、满足每一个学员个性化的需求,包括起始级别、学习进度等等;2、自由、方便。
EF Level 01Unit 1LUKE: Hi Tim. What's up?"怎么样?"是问好的一种非正式的问好方式.TIM: Hey Luke! How're you? I'd like to introduce you to Gloria. She's from China.同事是你一起工作的人.LUKE: Hello Gloria. Nice to meet you!GLORIA: Nice to meet you.LUKE: So, you're Chinese! Are you from Beijing?以"to be"开头的句子是一般疑问句?GLORIA: No, I'm from Shanghai. How about you?这是特殊疑问句还是一般疑问句?LUKE: I was born in the UK. I'm English, but I live here in Canada now.GLORIA: Oh, Really?当我们对某人的回答很惊讶的时候用"really---真的吗?"LUKE: What do you do here?疑问句以'what' 'where' 'when' 'which' 'why'和'how'这几个词.GLORIA: I'm starting in accounts.会计是处理公司财务的人.LUKE: Oh, cool. I'm working there too. We should have lunch sometime.我们在表示喜欢某个主意的时候用'cool'这个词.GLORIA: OK, good idea!Unit 2LOREN: Would you like to see a movie tonight?'would' 是用来提建议的.CATHERINE: Do we have time? I have to be home by 9:30.'Do you have time?' 这句话是问我们是否有足够的时间? 'Do you have the time?'是问现在几点? LOREN: Well, I guess it's around 6:15 now, that should be plenty of time.'plenty' 的意思是很多(绰绰有余).CATHERINE: Alright, let's look in the newspaper and see what's playing.LOREN: I haven't seen any of these movies. How about this one... The Scorpion?CATHERINE: Yeah, it's supposed to be a good movie. How much time do we have?'yeah'是一种非正式的表达赞同的方式.LOREN: I don't know. It starts at half past six. Do you have the time?我们还可以说'what time is it' 或者'Do you know what the time is?'CATHERINE: Yes, it's twenty-five past six.LOREN: That gives us almost three hours, that should be plenty of time.LOREN: So, let's go get tickets.CATHERINE: I don't have any cash. Do you think I can pay with a credit card?LOREN: Let's look. Hmm...It says you can, but if there is a problem, I can buy your ticket. CATHERINE: And I can pay you later.Unit 3ERIC: Wow, you have a big family. Who are all of these people?'Wow'用来表示惊讶或兴奋.SUSANNAH: Well, this is my mom and here's my dad. That's my brother David with his wife and their kids.ERIC: They're cute! How old are they?'cute'表示'有吸引力'或'可爱'. 我们经常用来谈论小孩子.SUSANNAH: Well, Beth is ten, and Paul is five. Do you have any nieces or nephews?我们还可以说'你有没有...?'ERIC: No, my family is pretty small -- just me, my mum, my dad, my brother and my grandfather.本句中,'pretty' 是一个副词,意思是'相当'或'相比较而言'SUSANNAH: Do you have an aunt or an uncle?你和'阿姨' 和'叔叔' 是什么关系呢?ERIC: Oh yeah, I forgot about my uncle. He lives in Australia, so I never get to see him or his family. SUSANNAH: Would you like to have a big family?'would'用来表示某事还未发生.ERIC: I guess so. Perhaps when I'm married I'll have three or four kids. But who knows? How about you?当我们不知道什么会发生什么已经发生时,我们说'谁知道?'SUSANNAH: I don't think I want that many. It's hard work to look after a big family. My grandmother had eight children!'Look after'表示'照顾'ERIC: Wow, so you have seven aunts and uncles? How many cousins do you have?我们可在问句末用升调来表示陈诉.SUSANNAH: Well, let me see . . . There are three, five, seven, eight, ten!ERIC: Wow, I bet you get a lot of Christmas presents!'I bet'的意思是我肯定.Unit 4TOURIST: Excuse me, sir. I'm a little lost, could you help me out?MAN: Sure. What can I do?'sure'的意思是'可以'或'没问题'.TOURIST: Well, I'm looking for the Capitol. Is it far?MAN: Not far at all. Let me see your map. Well, you're here right now. Go right along Beacon Street for two blocks and the State House is on your left.'not far at all' 的意思是非常近.TOURIST: Great, thanks. Is there anything else I should see while I'm there?MAN: Sure, take a walk through the old streets and shops. Louisburg Square is quite nice, too.TOURIST: I think I know where that is. Close to Mount Vernon Street, right?当我们需要确定的时候,我们把'right?'放在句字的末尾处并使用升调.MAN: Right. And be sure to go walk along the river. You'll find that this city is a great one to walk through.在回答时,'right'表示'正确' 或'对'.TOURIST: Thanks for all your help. This city seems like a really friendly place. Everyone is so nice.'seems'表示'样子象' 或'看起来'.MAN: Well, I'm glad you think so. Just go straight and you'll see the State House.你能记得其他用来指方向的表达方式吗?TOURIST: Thanks again for your help!Unit 5ALEX: Nick, I need to pick up some things at the store. Would you like to join me?NICK: Sure. What do you need to buy?ALEX: Well, I need some juice, bread, and cheese. I also need shrimp for tonight. We're going to a dinner party and everyone has to bring something.你能想出相似发音的其他单词吗?NICK: You're always going to dinner parties. Whose party is it tonight?使用/谁的/来询问东西是谁的。
英孚幼儿英语探索课程(3-6岁)、英孚儿童英语腾飞课程(7 – 9岁)、10-14岁英孚英语全项突破课程、英孚青少年英语领先课程(15-18岁)。
The furthest distance in the worldIs not between life and deathBut when I stand in front of youYet you don't know thatI love you.The furthest distance in the worldIs not when I stand in front of youYet you can't see my loveBut when undoubtedly knowing the love from bothYet cannot be together.The furthest distance in the worldIs not being apart while being in loveBut when I plainly cannot resist the yearningYet pretending you have never been in my heart.The furthest distance in the worldIs not struggling against the tidesBut using one's indifferent heartTo dig an uncrossable riverFor the one who loves you.倚窗远眺,目光目光尽处必有一座山,那影影绰绰的黛绿色的影,是春天的颜色。
影片 Movie
步骤 Step 1
步骤 Step 2
步骤 Step ‘n’
终极任务 Final Task
练习 Activity 1
练习Activity 2
练习Activity 3
练习Activity ‘n’
英孚Englishtown — 您的最佳选择
培训机构资质 听说读写系统化提高 个性化学习 时间灵活 专业外籍教师 小班口语课 1对1私人口语课 行业英语 认证证书
观看进度报告 看一下你目前离学习目标的距离
学习时间 你的学习历史一览和你的成就
From Cambridge and Hult
• 银行、旅游、制药、物流、化工、通讯、电子、汽车、法律、 建筑、医学、航空、IT等不同行业的英语知识和技巧
全球最大私人教育机构,奥运会和1200家知名企业选择 16个级别和欧盟通用语言标准(剑桥大学研发)对应
不确定 不确定
全部以英语为母语,具备大学文凭和执教资质 一年365次口语课,每天24小时开课 可选择最优秀的老师,可自定主题和时间 涵盖20多个行业 剑桥及美国霍特国际商学院结业证书 质量 无保障 不确定
培训几千名裁判员和技术官员及数以十万计的志愿者以成就 北京奥运会和广州亚运会的盛举。
因为对中国社会的巨大贡献,获评中国企业联合会2009年度 “最受尊敬外资企业” 50强。
少儿英语剑桥等级考试(Cambridge English: Young Learners)是剑桥大学考试委员会(Cambridge Assessment English)专为5-12岁儿童设计的英语等级考试,它是基于欧洲语言共同参考标准(CEFR)设计的。
1. 预备级(Pre-Starters):适合完全没有英语基础的5-6岁儿童。
2. 入门级(Starters):适合有一定英语基础,但还未达到能使用简单英语进行交流的7-8岁儿童。
3. 初级(Movers):适合已经能使用简单英语进行交流的9-10岁儿童。
4. 中级(Flyers):适合已经能流利使用英语进行交流的11-12岁儿童。
英孚幼儿英语探索课程(3-6岁)教材:EF Small Stars3.0(3-6岁)分为L1、L2、L3、L4,4个级别。
教材设置:L1:学生用书1+练习册1L2:学生用书2+练习册2L3:学生用书3A/3B+练习册3A/3BL4:学生用书4A/4B+练习册4A/4B课程简介:幼儿英语探索课程(Small Stars3.0)引入全人教育理念,课程拥有6大核心特色,通过游戏、故事、情境、对话交流、日常应用等灵活的方式,让孩子充分享受学习英语的快乐,锻炼多方面能力,建立对自己的信心,一站式解锁你的全能宝贝!孩子早期教育的关键,你想要的,这里都有!下面小E将为大家逐一揭秘课程特色,一起来看看吧!在英语启蒙阶段如何能培养兴趣让孩子爱上英语呢?当然是要投其所好啦!每个孩子都对卡通动画没有抵抗能力吧?英孚请到了国际优质团队为孩子们设计了全新的超萌3D卡通形象,话不多说,先跟小E来一起看一下这群小伙伴有多可爱!是不是已经被萌化了!这些可爱生动的萌宝,将陪伴孩子们度过英语启蒙的快乐时光。
单元 单元 单元 单元 单元
unit-3 人类的好朋友
unit-4 您在做什么 unit-5 谁做的 unit-6 你们是怎么遇上的 unit-7 就诊 unit-8 聊天
单元 单元 单元 单元 单元
unit-3 时尚达人
unit-4 工作英文 unit-5 个性简介 unit-6 好建议 unit-7 检查 unit-8 互联网
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Social Skills / Telephoning
unit-1 与客户社交(谈论工作,正确穿 着,商务场合人物介绍等) Socializing with clients unit-2 商务旅行全套安排(预订,登记 酒店,询问信息,学习旅行规则 等) Making travel arrangements unit-3 主持各种社会活动(称赞,敬久, 加强联系,学习礼节等) Hosting a social event
Topics for Classic English & Business English
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Topics for Classic English
听力表达 可以对复杂的事 项进行了详细的 描述,完善观点 并以一个合适的 结论圆满结束
书面写作 可以写有一定长 度且结构良好的 文字选择合适的 风格,表达和强 调若干观点
Level 13
单元 unit-1 单元
Level 14
单元 unit-1 单元
Level 15
北京英孚少儿英语Trailblazers的课程介绍英孚针对儿童,青少年的课程具体分为四种:英孚幼儿英语Small Stars(适合3-6岁幼儿)英孚儿童英语High Flyers(适合7-9岁儿童)英孚少儿英语Trailblazers(适合10-13岁少儿)英孚青少年英语Frontrunner(适合14-18岁儿童)少儿英语课程介绍英孚教育中的英孚少儿英语Trailblazers是针对10-13岁孩子推出的英语课程。
课程目标- 帮助孩子在高中乃至大学的入学考试中获得更好的成绩- 帮助孩子培养在日常生活中使用英语的自信,从容面对将来的出国留学及职业生涯- 培养孩子获得更强的与人沟通与交流的能力- 培养孩子独立主动学习的精神课程优势卓越的老师EF的大部分英语教师都是拥有多年教学经验,并且持有国际认可的“双证”专业教师。
第四部分 考试范围一、 参考词汇范围( Level 4-9 )1. Level-4参考词汇范围hello 你好 hi 嗨goodbye 再见 bye(口语)再见是什么I’m =I am我是good 好的morning 早晨,上午 what’s=what ismy 我的name 名字a 一(个,件??) bird 鸟 panda 熊猫 boy 男孩 girl 女孩afternoon 下午 one 1 two2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6是no 不,不是 green 绿色 black 黑色 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 yesblue 蓝色 white 白色 red 红色 yellow 黄色 colour 颜色 ball 球stand 站立up 向上open 打开 window 窗户door 门 sit down 坐下 它是 point 指,指向 to 去,到,向 Ms 女士 this 这个it’s=it isour 我们的 classroom 教室 desk 课桌 and 和 seat 桌子teacher 老师 cat 猫 dog 狗 that 那个 school bag 书包 pen 打开 ruler 尺子 book 书 pencil 铅笔pencil-box 铅笔盒 eraser 橡皮 crayon 蜡笔 look 看fox 狐狸 kite风筝house 房子 box 盒子how old 多大你是happy 高兴的 birthday 生日 thank 谢谢you’re=you arewelcome 欢迎 where’s=where is 在哪里in 在……里 hat 帽子on 在上面 under 在……下面 bed 床 balloon 气球 doll 布娃娃how many 多少 eleven 11 twelve 12 orange 橙色 know 知道other 其他的 tree 树 so 如此many 许多的 bird 鸟let’s=let us 让我们 father 爸爸 grandpa 爷爷 grandma 奶奶sister 姐姐;妹妹 brother 哥哥;弟弟 friend 朋友 doctor 医生她是 her 她的 bag 包 his 他的 pupil 学生he’s=he is他是 she’s=she iscoat 外套 their 他们的 nurse 护士 dress 连衣裙 driver 司机bus 公共汽车 head 头 face 脸 nose 鼻子 mouth 嘴 ear 耳朵他(她、它)们是 cow 奶牛 eye 眼睛these 这些leg 腿they’re=they arefarm 农场 pig 猪chicken 鸡 egg 鸡蛋 thin瘦的fat 胖的 baby 幼崽 小的 big 大的 pink 粉红色 snake 蛇long 长的 zoo 动物园littleshort 矮的;短的 tall 高的 very 很,非常 lion 狮子 cute 可爱的scary 吓人的 play玩,剧本football 足球 like 喜欢 basketball 篮球 ping-pong 乒乓球 hot 热的 swimming 游泳go swimming 去游泳dance 跳舞tired 疲劳的,累的 with 用together 一起sport 运动favourite 特别喜欢的about 关于 meat 肉noodles 面条 rice 米饭 sweets (常复)糖果 children 孩子们ice cream 冰淇淋here’s= here is 这是 present 礼物2. Level-6参考词汇范围use 使用 chopsticks 筷子 hard 困难的 people 人,人们 knife 刀子fork 叉子 easy容易的hamburger汉堡包chips 薯条fast food 快餐make 制作 cake 蛋糕 idea 主意 instead 代替 lovely 可爱的naughty 淘气的 dragon boat 龙舟 row 划(船) lake 湖 feed 喂get out 离开 wet 湿的shorts (复)短裤 can 能 winner 胜利者jump 跳 far 远see 看出,发觉 shop 商店 ill 生病的 biscuit 饼干worry 担心 all 全部的computer game 电子游戏机careful 小心的拼图玩具 pet 宠物 mouse 老鼠headache 头痛fix 修理jigsaw puzzleof course 当然stomach ache 胃痛 test 考试 Friday 星期五 clever 聪明的 cold 感冒 cough 咳嗽 stone 石头 animal 动物 elephant 大象 horse 马visit 参观 man 男人woman 女人 long jump 跳远 Sports Day 运动日火车司机(参加)赛跑train drivehigh jump 跳高 race 赛跑run a racetaxi driver出租车司机 bus driver 公共车司机 Hong Kong 香港airport 飞机场 sea 大海Saturday 星期六 nice 友善的 always 总是but 但是 a bit 有一点 shy 害羞的 quiet 沉默的 loud 吵闹的helpful 有帮助的 plus 加上 twenty 二十more 附加的,更多的wide 宽的 old 老的 London 伦敦 from 来自river 河流 clock 钟很多high 高的 new 新的 round圆的maybe 也许tiger 老虎 lots ofphone 打电话,电话 writer 作家 future将来policeman 警察 fruit 水果 apple 苹果 pear 梨 orange 橘子peach 桃子hard努力地speak 说话,谈话 them (宾格)他们thirteen 十三 fourteen 十四 fifteen 十五sixteen 十六 seventeen 十七 eighteen 十八 nineteen 十九 work 工作,学习,作业 quite 相当地,或多或少地good at 擅长 say 表达,写道 try 努力,尝试 fast 很快地young 年轻的二、句型应用I 询问姓名、年龄:name,How old----你叫什么名字?What’s your name?1. ----我叫……。
英孚剑桥英语水平测试精简版附答案1B: I don??t feel very well.A That??s all right.B What??s the matter?C He??s not a doctor.2A: Whose is this jacket?A Mine.B You are.C John.3C: Are you sure they??ve gone?A They??ve been here before.B Yes, I agree with you.C They left hours ago.Jogging, or slow running, is an excellent form of exercise (4)______will keep you in good health. You can jog at your own (5) ______ ,so it issuitable (6) ______ anyone from a beginner to a top sportsman. It Is popular with many people because of its convenience. You don't need togo to a special sports centre (7) ______ your exercise begins as soon (8)______ you step out of the door.4: Jogging, or slow running, is an excellent form of exercise____B____will keep you in good health.A whatB whichC whoD when5: You can jog at your own ____A____A speedB directionC wayD time6: so it is suitable ____C____ anyone from a beginner to a top sportsman.A toB withC forD by7: You don??t need to go to a special sports centre ____A____A becauseB butC thereforeD although8: your exercise begins as soon ____D____ you step out of the door.A thatB thanC whenD as9: I??ll show you around the city, when you ____C____ to visit me.A will comeB are comingC comeD will be coming10: I??d _____C___ have coffee than tea.A preferB ratherC likeD better11: He felt tired ____D____ he had slept for eight hours.A whereasB despiteC in spite ofD even though12: There??s no point _____D___ knocking at the door - she??s alreadygone out.A forB toC withD in13: I wish I _____C___ to go to the dentist this afternoon.A wouldn't haveB don't haveC didn't haveD haven??t14: She said she was in two ____B____ as to whether to go or not.A thoughtsB mindsC ideasD views15: You promised you??d come with us, so you can??t ___A_____ out of it now.A backB moveC fallD slipScientific research shows that an alarming number of adults suffer from sleep (16) ______, whichnot only causes a loss of productivity at work but also asignificant (17) ______ in the quality oftheir personal lives.If you have (18) ______ sleeping, the following information may help.Starchy foods encourage the body to produce sleep-promoting hormones.If your digestion is a weak (19) ______, eating late at night andthenlying down in bed makes it difficult for your stomach to digest food efficiently.Eating earlier should help, as should sleeping with your head (20)______up high on a pillow.16: Scientific research shows that an alarming number of adultssufferfrom sleep ____A____A deprivationB denialC disintegrationD dislocation17: ...not only causes a loss of productivity at work but also asignificant ____D____ in the quality of their personal lives.A fallB degradationC lossD deterioration18: If you have ____D____ sleeping, the following information may help.A awkwardnessB fussC hindranceD trouble19: If your digestion is a weak ____B____, eating late at night and thenlying down in bedA fixtureB pointC elementD link20: Eating earlier should help, as should sleeping with your head ____A____up high on a pillow.A proppedB pinnedC setD drawn。
efset英孚标准英语能力测试 -回复
efset英孚标准英语能力测试-回复[efset英孚标准英语能力测试]Introduction to EFSET (English for Success in Education and Work)EFSET is a standardized English proficiency test developed by EF Education First, a renowned global education company. This cutting-edge assessment tool is widely recognized and has been adopted by numerous institutions to measure the English language skills of non-native speakers. In this article, we will delve into the details of EFSET and its significance in the domains of education and work.Section 1: Understanding EFSET and its PurposeEFSET primarily assesses four language skills - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. It offers a comprehensive evaluation of an individual's proficiency level, ranging from beginner to advanced, through different test sections. The main purpose of the EFSET test is to provide an accurate assessment of a test taker's English language abilities, which can be utilized for academic or professional purposes.Section 2: Test Structure and FormatThe EFSET test consists of three main sections: Listening, Reading, and Writing & Speaking. Each section is designed to cover various aspects of language proficiency. The test can be taken online, making it easily accessible and convenient for test takers worldwide.In the Listening section, the test taker listens to a series of audio recordings and answers multiple-choice questions based on the content. This section evaluates the ability to comprehend conversations, lectures, and discussions in English.The Reading section measures a test taker's reading comprehension skills. It includes passages of varying difficulty levels, followed by comprehension questions that assess the understanding of the text.The Writing & Speaking section, the final part of the EFSET test, evaluates a test taker's ability to convey thoughts effectively in written and spoken English. It includes tasks such as writingessays, responding to prompts, and engaging in a spoken conversation with an examiner.Section 3: Significance of EFSET in EducationEFSET is increasingly being used by educational institutions around the globe to assess the English language proficiency of prospective students. Many universities and colleges use EFSET scores for admission purposes, as it provides a standardized measure of a student's language skills. This ensures that students possess the necessary language abilities to excel in their academic pursuits and ensures a level playing field for all applicants.Moreover, EFSET scores can be utilized to determine placement in English language courses. This helps educational institutions tailor their language programs according to the individual needs of students, allowing them to maximize their learning potential and progress at a suitable pace.Section 4: Importance of EFSET in the WorkforceEFSET scores hold significant value in the highly competitive jobmarket. Employers globally are increasingly recognizing the importance of English language proficiency in their workforce. EFSET provides a reliable measure of a candidate's language skills, enabling employers to make informed decisions during the hiring process.Additionally, many multinational corporations conduct EFSET tests as part of their recruitment process. They use EFSET scores as an indicator of a candidate's ability to communicate effectively in English,which is crucial in team collaborations, customer interactions, and business negotiations.Moreover, EFSET scores can also assist employees in career growth and development. It helps identify areas where individuals may need improvement, enabling them to focus on enhancing their language skills through targeted language training programs.Section 5: ConclusionEFSET is an invaluable tool in assessing English language proficiency for academic and professional purposes. Its accurateevaluation of language skills enables educational institutions to make informed admission decisions and provide appropriate language support to students. Similarly, employers rely on EFSET scores to select candidates with strong English abilities, enhancing their workforce's international communication capabilities. As English continues to play a significant role in the global economy, EFSET's role in assessing and promoting English proficiency will continue to rise.。
少儿剑桥英语等级划分Young Learners Cambridge English Levels。
Young Learners Cambridge English Tests are designed for children aged 7 to 12 years old. There are three levels of tests: Starters, Movers, and Flyers. Each level corresponds to a different CEFR level, ranging from A1 for Starters to A2 for Flyers. These tests are a fun and motivating way for children to learn English and track their progress.Starters is the first level of the Young Learners Cambridge English Tests. It is designed for children who are just beginning to learn English. The test covers basic vocabulary and grammar, as well as listening and speaking skills. By completing the Starters test, children can demonstrate that they have a basic understanding of English and are ready to move on to the next level.Movers is the second level of the Young Learners Cambridge English Tests. It is designed for children who have a basic knowledge of English and are ready to expand their skills. The test covers a wider range of vocabulary and grammar, as well as reading and writing skills. By completing the Movers test, children can show that they are making progress in their English learning journey.Flyers is the third and final level of the Young Learners Cambridge English Tests. It is designed for children who have a good grasp of English and are ready to take on more challenging tasks. The test covers advanced vocabulary and grammar, as well as more complex reading and writing tasks. By completing the Flyers test, children can demonstrate that they have reached an intermediate level of English proficiency.Overall, the Young Learners Cambridge English Tests are a valuable tool for children to assess their English skills and progress. By taking these tests, children can set goals for their learning and track their improvement over time. The tests are designed to be engaging and age-appropriate, making them a fun and rewarding experience for young learners. Whether a child is just starting out or has been learning English for a while, theYoung Learners Cambridge English Tests offer a structured and effective way to develop their language skills.。
1. Starter Level(入门级)
2. Beginner Level(初级)
3. Elementary Level(初中级)
4. Pre-Intermediate Level(中级前)
5. Intermediate Level(中级)
6. Upper-Intermediate Level(中高级)
7. Advanced Level(高级)
8. Proficiency Level(精通级)
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lesson 1 Office workSTUART:OK, OK, thank you. Bye. Every day I get a hundrede-mails.好的,好的,谢谢你。
ELIZABETH:Well I need a hundred photocopies of that.我需要100份复印件。
STUART:A hundred photocopies?100份复印件?ELIZABETH:Yep. Thank you.是的。
lesson 2 Too busy for a breakSTUART:Elizabeth?1/ 57Elizabeth?ELIZABETH:Hi, I have a meeting.嗨,我有个会。
STUART:You always have meetings. I never have meetings.你总是在开会。
ELIZABETH:Oh, thank you.哦,谢谢你。
STUART:Lunch?中饭?ELIZABETH:Ah no, I'm really busy. I rarely take a break.不了,我真的很忙。
Lesson 3 I don’t like my job! STUART:2/ 57My boss, Elizabeth, has meetings. Sometimes, like, four or five meetings a day. I'm never in any of the meetings. I do boring jobs. Stupid jobs.我的老板,Elizabeth,有会。
STUART:Same stupid jobs every day. Monday is Tuesday, Tuesday is Wednesday, it's all the same to me. Same thing every day.I don't like my job.每天都重复着愚蠢的工作。
Lesson 4 Working hardELIZABETH:Working hard?努力工作?STUART:I always work hard.我总是努力工作。
ELIZABETH:3/ 57You usually work hard. The box?你通常工作很努力。
盒子?STUART:The box, yeah, it's always about the box with you.盒子,是的,你总是跟盒子过不去。
ELIZABETH:Take it back.把它拿回去吧。
STUART:Really?真的吗?Lesson 5 Morning routine CLIFFORD:six o'clock get up. 602. make bed. 605. pick clothes. 620. brush my teeth. 625. floss my teeth.6点起床。
CLIFFORD:630. check my weight. 640. I have breakfast.4/ 576:30...检查体重。
Lesson 6 Routines are inmportantMAX:Out!出去!CLIFFORD:Now it's seven o'clock time for work. What does it mean?I have to check this everyday. Every day I have to check this. This is, this is definitely not good.现在是7点,该工作了。
CLIFFORD:This is not working yet it's supposed to be working. That doesn't make any sense, but it's why it doesn't.这个还不能正常工作,这个假定在工作。
那样不奏效的,但是这是为什么它不...GIRL:Hey Clifford, how are you Clifford? Clifford?嗨Clifford,Clifford你好吗?Clifford?5/ 57CLIFFORD:I do laundry on Wednesday. I do laundry on Wednesday, never on Thursday, always on Wednesday. This routine is very important. This routine is very important. I need clean clothes.我星期三洗衣服。
Lesson 7 Daily routineCLIFFORD:Every day at 3 o'clock 12B plays piano. Every Sunday, 9A has visitors. Every day at 7 o'clock 18A cooks dinner. It smells terrible. I have routines too, routines for the whole complex.每天3点钟,12B弹吉他。
CLIFFORD:Every Monday I trim the hedges. Every Sunday I clean the mailboxes. I clean every day, every day, every day.6/ 57每周一我修理树篱。
Lesson 8 No dogs allowed CLIFFORD:Garbage. Who did this? No dogs allowed. This has never happened before. I clean this place every day and I have never seen anything like this.垃圾。
CLIFFORD:Ants everywhere, ants.到处都是蚂蚁,蚂蚁。
Lesson 9 Kevi n’s 19th birthdayKEVIN:It's my birthday. First birthday away from home. Back there I usually have dinner with my mom, my dad, my older sister. My grandpa usually makes a cake. Then I go with my friends. I don't have many friends here.7/ 57是我的生日。
KEVIN:Ian and Felton, they're my friends.Ian和Felton,他们是我的朋友。
IAN:Happy birthday! It's his birthday today.生日快乐!今天是他的生日。
FELTON:How old are you?你多大了?KEVIN:Nineteen. It's my first birthday in the US.19岁。
FELTON:Got you a gift.给你的礼物。
KEVIN:8/ 57Thanks.谢谢。
FELTON:So you're having a big birthday celebration. Are you sending any invitations?所以,你举行了一个盛大的生日庆会。
你有发请柬吗?IAN:Shut up. He's not invited. What do you want to do for your birthday?闭嘴。
你想在生日时做些什么?KEVIN:I don't know.我不知道。
IAN:A party. A big party. Let's go.一个派对。
IAN:9/ 57Come on! Have fun.加油!玩得开心。
Lesson 10 The birthday presentIAN:Hey Amy, hey we're going to a party oh, we're going to a party if you want to come.嗨,Amy,嗨,我们就要去参加排对了,如果你想来的话,我们就要去参加排对了。
AMY:Oh thank you, not tonight but thanks for the invite.哦,谢谢。
FELTON:Party, huh.派对,嗯。
IAN:Come on.加油。
AMY:10/ 57I'd love to, but it's Tuesday.我想去,但今天是星期二。
IAN:Just come with me. It's my friend's birthday. Kevin.和我一起来吧。
AMY:Whose?谁的?IAN:Kevin's. Kevin Tan.Kevin的。
Kevin Tan。