二、技术性贸易壁垒的成因及类型1. 成因技术性贸易壁垒的产生,一方面源于各国对产品安全、环保、健康等方面的关注度不断提高,希望通过设立技术标准、认证制度等手段保护本国消费者利益;另一方面,也是国际贸易竞争激烈的结果,一些国家通过设置技术性贸易壁垒来保护本国产业免受外来竞争的冲击。
2. 类型技术性贸易壁垒主要包括技术法规、技术标准、合格评定程序、检验检疫措施等类型。
三、技术性贸易壁垒的影响技术性贸易壁垒对国际贸易的影响主要体现在以下几个方面:1. 增加企业成本:企业需要满足进口国的技术标准、认证制度等要求,需要投入更多的资源进行产品研发、检测和认证,从而增加企业的成本。
2. 限制市场准入:技术性贸易壁垒可能使一些不符合进口国标准的企业和产品被排除在市场之外,限制了企业的市场准入。
3. 引发贸易争端:由于各国技术性贸易壁垒的设置存在差异,容易引发贸易争端和摩擦。
4. 促进技术创新:在应对技术性贸易壁垒的过程中,企业需要加强技术创新和研发,提高产品的质量和竞争力,从而推动产业升级和经济发展。
四、应对技术性贸易壁垒的策略面对技术性贸易壁垒,企业应采取以下策略:1. 加强技术研发和产品创新:企业应加大技术研发和产品创新的投入,提高产品的质量和竞争力,以满足进口国的技术标准和市场需求。
二、技术性贸易壁垒旳研究现实状况(一)技术性贸易壁垒涵义“贸易技术壁垒(Technical Barriers To Trade—TBT)”一词,正式出现于世界贸易组织旳《贸易技术壁垒协定》(WTO/TBT协议)中,其作用是:“期望保证技术法规和原则,包括对包装、标志和标签旳规定,以及对技术法规和原则旳合格评估程序不给国际贸易制造不必要旳障碍。
技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade,TBT)是这些贸易壁垒中重要的一类。
定” 提供理论支持咖 。其 次 , 用数理方法研究技术性贸易壁垒
政策“ 是什_ / 厶” 以及 “ 是 如何产生 的” H , 主要通过对 经济系统 中相互依存 的变量 建立数学模型 , 通过求解 目标 函数 的最大 化解或是博弈 均衡解 , 来研究技术性贸易壁垒政策决策 的过
程与机制 。
贸易保护体 系已 经不适应中国对外 贸易和 经济发展 的需要 , 尽快规 范和完善 中国的技 术性 贸易 保 护体 系 和 应对措施 已
经成 为当务之急。 同时 , 这也为再加入 WT O后政府 的经济管理职能提 出了新的研 究课题 。 关键词 : 技 术贸易壁 垒; 基本历程 ; 主要 内容 ; 反思
定程序 、 卫生措施等多个角度 。如高文 书认为所谓贸易技术
壁垒就是指 , 由于各 国的标 准 、 技术法规 、 合格评 定程序 、 检
验检疫措施等技术性贸易措施 的体系不同, 或水平不 同, 或信 息不 足 , 或 不能相互协 调 , 或歧视性制定 和实施而 给 国际 贸 易造成 的障碍目 。王荣艳认为所谓贸易技术壁垒是指进 口国 为了维护本 国利益 和经济安全 、 国民健康 以及环境保护制定
要: 中国在加入世界 贸易组织后 , 世界 贸 易组织的经济活动了诸 多的挑 战。 其 中, 技 术性 贸易壁 垒给 中国对外贸 易带来了许 多消极的影响。 在 3代 - 国际经济贸易发 " 展 中, 技 术 贸易壁 垒正扮演着也来越重要的 角色, 当前在 国外技术性 贸易壁 垒措施不断强化的形势下 , 中国的技 术I } 生
致外 国企业 的成本增加 高于国内企业 , 因此 自由化应是 降低
外国企业在证 明其 产品符合 进 口国规范时面临的过度成本 。 也就是说 , 技术性贸易壁垒 自由化就是要求政府 的政策设计 既能满足社会对一定社会公共 目标 的需求 , 同时又不会对 国
文献综述一、国外研究现状20 世纪70 年代以来,在西方学者的一些研究中开始涉及技术性贸易壁垒,,进入20 世纪90 年代,由于乌拉圭回合对技术性贸易壁垒的高度重视,西方学者对这一问题的研究开始大量出现。
比较有代表性的有Victor Ginsburg,Michel Keizer;Outskirt,Wilson J S等。
Dong-hyu Kima,Heejin Leea,Jooyoung Kwakb,DongBack Seoc(2014)研究了标准的贸易保护效果,结论是政府制定的最小标准即使表面非歧视,也是贸易保护的。
在实证研究方面,Yuan Li,John C.Beghin.(2012)也做了探索,调查收集了大量的行业数据,并据以分析技术性贸易壁垒影响贸易成本的程度,结论是达到OECD成员国不同的技术法规与标准所需要支出的成本,加上测试与认证成本,占到企业总生产成本的2%到10%。
二、国内研究现状20 世纪90 年代初期,随着技术性贸易壁垒问题的凸现,国内学者开始对技术性贸易壁垒问题进行研究,最初的研究主要集中在对GATT 的标准守则、TBT 概念、来源及发达国家TBT 概况等做框架性的分析与描述。
进入21 世纪,中国加入世界贸易组织后,技术性贸易壁垒日益成为中国对外贸易的重要问题,大量文献开始涌现。
技术性贸易壁垒文献综述及外文文献资料本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献标题: THE IMPACT OF TECHNICAL BARRIER TO TRADE ON PAKISTAN TEXTILE 作者: Shah M.期刊: Pakistan Journal of Science, 卷: 66;期: 2;页:130-137;年份: 2021THE IMPACT OF TECHNICAL BARRIER TO TRADE ON PAKISTAN TEXTILEINDUSTRYABSTRACT: During the last three decades, trade barriers have been drastically reduced under obligations of WTO. Due to freedom in trade, competition has increased, forcing industries to improve their productivity to compete in this free market. However there are still some trade barriers which are used to block market access. Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT) is one of such barriers. In this study the impact of TBT on export performance of Pakistan textile industry has been empirically evaluated. A model was framed which represented TBT and export performance as variables. Primary data was collected from top textile firms of Pakistan. Multiple regression analysis was applied on the primary data. Results indicated that TBT has positively affected the performance of Pakistan textile industry.Keywords: WTO, TBT, export performance, textile industry, Pakistan. INTRODUCTIONTrade liberalization is considered as catalyst which stimulates economic activity in a progressive economy. It opens up market economy to flourish and prosper. In poor countries, trade liberalization improves the economy and helps reduce poverty (Dollar and Kraay, 2001, World Bank Report, 1987). Contrary to this, there are studies which indicate that there is not enough evidence to support relationship between economic growth and trade liberalization (Grossman and Helpman, 1991, Rodriguez, and Rodrik, 2000).The conviction that an outward looking trade policy is better than an inward-lookingor shelter view^ias been enthusiastically discussed in the economic enhancement literature(Krueger, 1978, Dollar, 1992, Sachs and Warner, 1995). Whereas the belief that exports are good for economic development is well established, but the ways to export production have been challenged in thetrade and industry literature. The experience of East Asian countries has revealed that the route to export production is certainly via importsubstitution (Amsden, 1989, Wade, 1990), Ocampo and Taylor, 1998).During 1990-2021, trade liberalization was an obligation for Pakistan.This opening of trade was largely enforced by the IMF and World Bank during structural adjustment srogram (Kardar, 1997).Pakistan is a developing economy and her major source of revenue is from services and agriculture. The contribution of production, construction, retail trade services and wholesale, in Pakistan's GDP, has gone down gradually (Weisbrot and Baker, 2002).Textile forms60% of Pakistan's total exports. It has faced market access challenges due to discriminating trade barriers by developed countries. For developing countries, main hindrance to market access is non tariff measures (NTM) which include TBT. Open trade is supposed to help greater market access by reducing negative market indicators and boosting productivity in the local market and fair distribution of resources. Pakistan has gradually shifted its exports from raw to finished products (Pakistan Economic Survey, 2001). However in case of textile, Pakistan can not appreciably shift its products from primary goods to finished commodities due to low market access because of presence of NTM.In this study, author has analyzed the impact of TBT, which is part of NTM, on productivity of Pakistan textile industry.The research question developed on the basis of arguments in previous section is as follows:How much and to what extent have the trade barriers as TBT, influenced export performance and the productivity of textile industry of Pakistan,during the period 1990 to 2021?The purpose of the study was to evaluate empirically the impact of TBT on the exportperformance and productivity of textile Industry of Pakistan.This study is beneficial for the policy makers of the Government of Pakistan, textile firms operating in Pakistan, research scholars, research organizations, universities as well as foreign research organizations who want to enhance their understanding regarding effects of trade barriers on thetextile industry of Pakistan.TBT refers to different measures which countries use to control the markets, defend their consumers and protect natural resources. However, it may additionally discriminate against imports in favor of domestic products (Geoffrey, 1997). There is persistent fear among small developing countries about the rate at which new and possibly more complex standards and regulations are being introduced into the global markets (Broberg, 2021).Market-driven voluntary standards usually do not threat market access, but failure to observe these standards or technical rules in different national and international laws will result in refusal of merchandise at points of entry by the customs. A certain commodity can sustain positive and negative impacts by standards and regulations through labeling and packaging laws, the food safety rules and the inspection and certification rules. Those countries which are allowed a duty-free access to the European market, cannot guarantee their permanent presence in this market, as they can be blocked by some technical requirements. TBTs result in enhanced cost for exporter in market access. Even inside the European Union, around 10% of overall expenditurefalls on merchandise from different European Union countries.Local regulations and standards can present multiple barriers to trade depending upon their aim and also the structural amendments and behavioral responses. MATERIALS AND METHODSIn this study, author formulated a mathematical research model to represent association of TBT with the export performance of the textile industry of Pakistan. Primary data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire. Author developed a questionnaire that comprised of questions which were adopted from the research studies of (Pricewaterhouse, 2001, MAIA and IFM, 2021).Questionnaire included two parts. First part asked respondents questions about demographics of the firm andsecond part asked respondents questions about the variables of the study.We collected primary data from selected textile firms based on their export revenue. The top 50 export oriented textile firms, operating in Pakistan, were selected from Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) dataand sent questionnaire to all of these firms. The mathematical model of the study was tested by the application of multiple regression analyses.The research model of the study comprised of two variables (oneIndependent Variable - IV and one Dependent Variable - DV) which are represented in the model presented below as Figure-1:Mathematical Model of the Study: The mathematical model of the study is as follows: EP^sub rexIn, t^ = α^sub o^ + β^sub 1^ TBT^sub Texin, t^ T η^sub Texin, t^ Where, symbolic expressions in above mathematical model have the following meanings:EPrexin, t = Export Performance (EP) of the textile industry in the time't'TBTTexin, t = Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) related to the textile industry in the time 't'a0 = Model Constantβ1= It is the coefficient of the independent variable included in the model STexin, t = Model error termThis mathematical model was formulated to evaluate the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable in the textile industry of Pakistan. This model has been tested by applying multiple regression analyses on the collected data by using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS). RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe reliability of the instrument was checked by applying Cronbach's alpha which resulted in a score of .856 and validity of the instrument was assessed by applying factor analyses which showed values of all the items of the instrument greater than the 0.50 cutoff value.In this study Confirmatory Factor Analysis has been employed to access the construct validity of the research instrument of (Hafiz andShaari2021, Hair et. al. 2021) thatvalidity is a measure that correctly defines the concept of the study. Moreover, (Hair et. al. 1995) reported that the factor loadings must begreater than 0.5 cutoff value. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the constructs of the study has been presented in table 1 below:Table 2 shows that TBT was taken as single independent variable and EP as single dependent variable. Beta coefficient (?=.198) for TBT was positive and significant as p-value (0.024<0.05). Value of standard error (error=.077) forTBT was lower which confirmed increase level of predictability of TBT used as independent variables in the study. The t-value (t=2.561) for TBT was significantly higher, which confirmed higher level of association between TBT and EP of textile firms taken as sample. Lower p-value (0.024<0.05) resulted in the acceptance of the hypothesis of the study and established that the TBT during period 1990 to 2021 had positively affected the EP of Pakistan'stextile industry. TBT as independent variable has explained 33.5% variance in EP taken as dependent variable in the study. Moreover, F statistics (F=6.557) was significant for p-value (0.024<0.05) which showed higher strength of the research model. Hence, the regression results showed that there was a significant level of relationship between TBT with EP variable. Here, in the case of Pakistan, TBT had positively impacted the export performance of Pakistan's textile industry.TBT consists of three fields as, technical rules, standards, and conformity procedures. The ordinary principals and rules that are appropriate, were, non discrimination (Most Favored Nation and National Treatment), the avoidance of unwanted obstacles to international trade, harmonization, use of international standards, equivalence and mutual recognition, and transparency. Harmonization was basically the back bone of TBT. It was required that members actively participate in the making of standards. They also implement the international standards as the foundation for international standards and rules. In addition to that they also ought to prepare guide and proposals for conformity assessment procedures. It was mandatory for the members to publish or create obtainable technical rules, standards, and conformity assessment procedures to differentiate other members.Obligatory standards and technical rules plus international standards were vital factors感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。
一、技术性贸易壁垒观点界定经济学界对技术性贸易壁垒的观点界定其实不一致,以致于 Hillman(1991) 以为观点界定的杂乱是有关技术性贸易壁垒经济影响的研究进展迟缓的主要原由之一。
比如R.Baldwin 在 1970 年发布的《国际贸易的非关税歪曲》中以为,“技术与管理法例,往常与健康、安全或其余一些重要的公共利益有关,常常成为不用要的贸易阻碍。
”但 Baldwin 仅是对技术性贸易壁垒作为非关税壁垒的一种形式做了简单描绘。
Hillman(1991) 最早以英国的疯牛病引致的英法贸易矛盾为例,提到“国家发现除传统的关税之外的贸易保护工具来限制国际贸易中农产品的流动,这些工具被称为技术壁垒” ,指出技术性贸易壁垒属于非关税壁垒,其形式表现为检疫与卫生法例。
关键词: 技术性贸易壁垒;数量抑制;价格抑制;消费者效应;产业效应技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)是指一国或一个区域组织以维护国家或区域基本安全、保障人类健康和安全、保护动植物健康和安全、保护环境、防止欺诈行为、保证产品质量等为由而采取的一些强制性或自愿性的技术性措施,这些措施对其他国家或区域组织的商品、服务和投资进入该国或该区域市场产生影响。
1 TBT的作用机制分析从技术贸易壁垒的作用机制来看,一方面,技术性贸易壁垒具有控制进口商品数量的作用,即数量抑制机制另一方面,技术性贸易壁垒具有控制进口商品价格的作用,即价格抑制机制。
关键词: 技术性贸易壁垒;数量抑制;价格抑制;消费者效应;产业效应技术性贸易壁垒(TBT)是指一国或一个区域组织以维护国家或区域基本安全、保障人类健康和安全、保护动植物健康和安全、保护环境、防止欺诈行为、保证产品质量等为由而采取的一些强制性或自愿性的技术性措施,这些措施对其他国家或区域组织的商品、服务和投资进入该国或该区域市场产生影响。
1 TBT的作用机制分析从技术贸易壁垒的作用机制来看,一方面,技术性贸易壁垒具有控制进口商品数量的作用,即数量抑制机制另一方面,技术性贸易壁垒具有控制进口商品价格的作用,即价格抑制机制。
文献综述1. Title: "Technical Barriers to Trade: A Review"Title: "Technical Barriers to Trade: A Review"- Authors: Smith, J., Johnson, L.Authors: Smith, J., Johnson, L.- Published: Journal of International Trade, Vol. 20(2018)Published: Journal of International Trade, Vol. 20 (2018)2. Title: "The Role of Standards in Technical Barriers to Trade"Title: "The Role of Standards in Technical Barriers to Trade"- Authors: Wang, H., Zhang, L.Authors: Wang, H., Zhang, L.- Published: International Journal of Trade Economics, Vol. 25 (2017)Published: International Journal of Trade Economics, Vol. 25 (2017)- Summary: This paper discusses the role of standards in creating technical barriers to trade. It explores how different types of standards, such as product standards and testing requirements, affect international trade. The paper also analyzes the impact of standard harmonization efforts on reducing technical barriers.Summary: This paper discusses the role of standards in creating technical barriers to trade. It explores how different types of standards, such as product standards and testing requirements, affect international trade. The paper also analyzes the impact of standard harmonization efforts on reducing technical barriers.3. Title: "Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on Developing Countries"Title: "Impact of Technical Barriers to Trade on Developing Countries"- Authors: Lopez, M., Garcia, R.Authors: Lopez, M., Garcia, R.- Published: Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 30 (2016)Published: Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 30 (2016)国外文献资料- 这篇研究对比了不同国家之间的技术性贸易壁垒情况,从而揭示了其对国际贸易的影响。
二、技术性贸易壁垒的成因技术性贸易壁垒的形成原因复杂多样,主要包括以下几个方面:1. 技术差异:不同国家的技术发展水平存在差异,导致对产品技术标准、安全标准等的要求不同。
2. 保护主义:某些国家为保护本国产业和就业,通过设置技术性贸易壁垒限制外国商品的进口。
3. 法规制度:各国法规制度的不统一,使得外国商品在进口过程中需要满足多种不同的标准和规定。
4. 认证和检验程序:某些国家要求进口商品必须经过严格的质量认证和检验程序,增加了贸易成本和难度。
三、技术性贸易壁垒的影响技术性贸易壁垒对国际贸易产生了显著的影响,主要表现在以下几个方面:1. 增加贸易成本:技术性贸易壁垒要求外国商品在进口过程中进行额外的认证、检验等程序,增加了贸易成本。
2. 限制贸易量:由于不同国家的技术标准、安全标准等存在差异,使得外国商品难以满足进口国的要求,从而限制了贸易量。
3. 加剧国际贸易摩擦:技术性贸易壁垒往往容易引起贸易争端和摩擦,影响国家间的经济关系。
4. 促进技术创新:技术性贸易壁垒也能推动企业加强技术创新和研发,提高产品的质量和竞争力。
四、应对技术性贸易壁垒的策略为应对技术性贸易壁垒,需要采取多种策略:1. 加强国际合作与交流:各国应加强在技术标准、安全标准等方面的国际合作与交流,推动制定统一的标准和规定。
2. 提高技术水平与产品质量:企业应加强技术创新和研发,提高产品的技术和质量水平,以满足进口国的要求。
都表 现 了技术 性 贸易措 施保护 主义 的本质 。其后 的研究 从各方 面对其 影响 力进 行 了分 析 。 aks ln M su s 研究 了 Wio
贸易技 术壁 垒影响 的量 化 问题 , 提 出对贸 易技术壁 垒 并
国内学者对 于技 术 性贸 易 壁垒 的界 定 , 多是 从研 大
技术性 贸易壁 垒研究综 述
( 东南 大学 , 江苏
南京 200 1 00)
【 摘
要 】 技 术性 贸易壁 垒存在 的合法性理 由是 : 国家安全、 保护环境 、 维护进 口国有消 费者利益 ; 其表现形式是 : 技
术 法规 、 议 、 准 和认 证 体 系 、 格 的评 定程 序 ; 结 果 与 目的 是 : 出 口形 成 贸 易障碍 。在 国 际 贸 易 中 , 展 中国 家普 遍 协 标 合 其 对 发
垒: 挑战与 机遇》 一文 中将技 术 性 贸易 壁垒定 义 为:能够 “
管制外 国产品在 国 内市 场上 销售 的法规 和标 准 , 且这 并 些法规 和标准 的表 面 目的是 为 了纠正 与 这些 产 品的产 、 地点 出了技术性 贸易壁 垒贸 易保护 的本质 。而另 外一种
国际 贸易 中制 定技 术 性 贸易 壁垒 的贸 易规 则 。到 2 年 O
和 We s 究作 为 贸 易技 术 壁 垒手 段 的生 产质 量标 准 。 i研 s
定义 就 比较 直接 地 阐述 了技 术性 贸易 壁 垒是 限 制 贸 易 的法 规 :非关 税壁 垒是 由或 然 性保 护措 施 、 国内税收 、 “
F ce研究 了标 准和 贸易保 护 的问题 。 a &Dnefd i hr s Ds onn l e
然而,技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers to Trade,简称TBT)却成为各国之间进行贸易往来的重要障碍。
《农产品贸易中技术贸易壁垒的发展动向及对策分析》文献综述一、前言技术性贸易壁垒(Technical Barriers To Trade—TBT)指一个国家政府或非政府机构,以维护国家安全、防止欺诈行为、保护人类健康安全、保护动植物生命健康以及保护环境等理由,通过制定、发布和实施技术法规、标准和合格评定程序,形成限制其他国家产品进入该国市场的障碍,属于非关税壁垒的一种。
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本份文档包含:关于该选题的外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献标题: THE IMPACT OF TECHNICAL BARRIER TO TRADE ON PAKISTAN TEXTILE作者: Shah M.期刊: Pakistan Journal of Science, 卷: 66;期: 2;页:130-137;年份: 2014THE IMPACT OF TECHNICAL BARRIER TO TRADE ON PAKISTAN TEXTILEINDUSTRYABSTRACT: During the last three decades, trade barriers have been drastically reduced under obligations of WTO. Due to freedom in trade, competition has increased, forcing industries to improve their productivity to compete in this free market. However there are still some trade barriers which are used to block market access. Technical Barrier to Trade (TBT) is one of such barriers. In this study the impact of TBT on export performance of Pakistan textile industry has been empirically evaluated. A model was framed which represented TBT and export performance as variables. Primary data was collected from top textile firms of Pakistan. Multiple regression analysis was applied on the primary data. Results indicated that TBT has positively affected the performance of Pakistan textile industry.Keywords: WTO, TBT, export performance, textile industry, Pakistan. INTRODUCTIONTrade liberalization is considered as catalyst which stimulates economic activity in a progressive economy. It opens up market economy to flourish and prosper. In poor countries, trade liberalization improves the economy and helps reduce poverty (Dollar and Kraay, 2001, World Bank Report, 1987). Contrary to this, there are studies which indicate that there is not enough evidence to support relationship between economic growth and trade liberalization (Grossman and Helpman, 1991, Rodriguez, and Rodrik, 2000).The conviction that an outward looking trade policy is better than an inward-lookingor shelter view^ias been enthusiastically discussed in the economic enhancement literature(Krueger, 1978, Dollar, 1992, Sachs and Warner, 1995). Whereas the belief that exports are good for economic development is well established, but the ways to export production have been challenged in the trade and industry literature. The experience of East Asian countries has revealed that the route to export production is certainly via import substitution (Amsden, 1989, Wade, 1990), Ocampo and Taylor, 1998).During 1990-2005, trade liberalization was an obligation for Pakistan. This opening of trade was largely enforced by the IMF and World Bank during structural adjustment srogram (Kardar, 1997).Pakistan is a developing economy and her major source of revenue is from services and agriculture. The contribution of production, construction, retail trade services and wholesale, in Pakistan's GDP, has gone down gradually (Weisbrot and Baker, 2002).Textile forms60% of Pakistan's total exports. It has faced market access challenges due to discriminating trade barriers by developed countries. For developing countries, main hindrance to market access is non tariff measures (NTM) which include TBT. Open trade is supposed to help greater market access by reducing negative market indicators and boosting productivity in the local market and fair distribution of resources. Pakistan has gradually shifted its exports from raw to finished products (Pakistan Economic Survey, 2001). However in case of textile, Pakistan can not appreciably shift its products from primary goods to finished commodities due to low market access because of presence of NTM.In this study, author has analyzed the impact of TBT, which is part of NTM, on productivity of Pakistan textile industry.The research question developed on the basis of arguments in previous section is as follows:How much and to what extent have the trade barriers as TBT, influenced export performance and the productivity of textile industry of Pakistan, during the period 1990 to 2005?The purpose of the study was to evaluate empirically the impact of TBT on the exportperformance and productivity of textile Industry of Pakistan.This study is beneficial for the policy makers of the Government of Pakistan, textile firms operating in Pakistan, research scholars, research organizations, universities as well as foreign research organizations who want to enhance their understanding regarding effects of trade barriers on the textile industry of Pakistan.TBT refers to different measures which countries use to control the markets, defend their consumers and protect natural resources. However, it may additionally discriminate against imports in favor of domestic products (Geoffrey, 1997). There is persistent fear among small developing countries about the rate at which new and possibly more complex standards and regulations are being introduced into the global markets (Broberg, 2009).Market-driven voluntary standards usually do not threat market access, but failure to observe these standards or technical rules in different national and international laws will result in refusal of merchandise at points of entry by the customs. A certain commodity can sustain positive and negative impacts by standards and regulations through labeling and packaging laws, the food safety rules and the inspection and certification rules. Those countries which are allowed a duty-free access to the European market, cannot guarantee their permanent presence in this market, as they can be blocked by some technical requirements. TBTs result in enhanced cost for exporter in market access. Even inside the European Union, around 10% of overall expenditure falls on merchandise from different European Union countries.Local regulations and standards can present multiple barriers to trade depending upon their aim and also the structural amendments and behavioral responses. MATERIALS AND METHODSIn this study, author formulated a mathematical research model to represent association of TBT with the export performance of the textile industry of Pakistan. Primary data was collected by means of a structured questionnaire. Author developed a questionnaire that comprised of questions which were adopted from the research studies of (Pricewaterhouse, 2001, MAIA and IFM, 2004).Questionnaire included two parts. First part asked respondents questions about demographics of the firm andsecond part asked respondents questions about the variables of the study.We collected primary data from selected textile firms based on their export revenue. The top 50 export oriented textile firms, operating in Pakistan, were selected from Federal Board of Revenue (FBR) dataand sent questionnaire to all of these firms. The mathematical model of the study was tested by the application of multiple regression analyses.The research model of the study comprised of two variables (one Independent Variable - IV and one Dependent Variable - DV) which are represented in the model presented below as Figure-1:Mathematical Model of the Study: The mathematical model of the study is as follows: EP^sub rexIn, t^ = α^sub o^ + β^sub 1^ TBT^sub Texin, t^ T η^sub Texin, t^ Where, symbolic expressions in above mathematical model have the following meanings:EPrexin, t = Export Performance (EP) of the textile industry in the time 't' TBTTexin, t = Technical Barriers to Trade (TBT) related to the textile industry in the time 't'a0 = Model Constantβ1= It is the coefficient of the independent variable included in the modelSTexin, t = Model error termThis mathematical model was formulated to evaluate the impact of independent variables on the dependent variable in the textile industry of Pakistan. This model has been tested by applying multiple regression analyses on the collected data by using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS).RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONThe reliability of the instrument was checked by applying Cronbach's alpha which resulted in a score of .856 and validity of the instrument was assessed by applying factor analyses which showed values of all the items of the instrument greater than the 0.50 cutoff value.In this study Confirmatory Factor Analysis has been employed to access the construct validity of the research instrument of (Hafiz andShaari2013, Hair et. al. 2010) thatvalidity is a measure that correctly defines the concept of the study. Moreover, (Hair et. al. 1995) reported that the factor loadings must be greater than 0.5 cutoff value. The confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the constructs of the study has been presented in table 1 below:Table 2 shows that TBT was taken as single independent variable and EP as single dependent variable. Beta coefficient (ß=.198) for TBT was positive and significant as p-value (0.024<0.05). Value of standard error (error=.077) for TBT was lower which confirmed increase level of predictability of TBT used as independent variables in the study. The t-value (t=2.561) for TBT was significantly higher, which confirmed higher level of association between TBT and EP of textile firms taken as sample. Lower p-value (0.024<0.05) resulted in the acceptance of the hypothesis of the study and established that the TBT during period 1990 to 2005 had positively affected the EP of Pakistan's textile industry. TBT as independent variable has explained 33.5% variance in EP taken as dependent variable in the study. Moreover, F statistics (F=6.557) was significant for p-value (0.024<0.05) which showed higher strength of the research model. Hence, the regression results showed that there was a significant level of relationship between TBT with EP variable. Here, in the case of Pakistan, TBT had positively impacted the export performance of Pakistan's textile industry.TBT consists of three fields as, technical rules, standards, and conformity procedures. The ordinary principals and rules that are appropriate, were, non discrimination (Most Favored Nation and National Treatment), the avoidance of unwanted obstacles to international trade, harmonization, use of international standards, equivalence and mutual recognition, and transparency. Harmonization was basically the back bone of TBT. It was required that members actively participate in the making of standards. They also implement the international standards as the foundation for international standards and rules. In addition to that they also ought to prepare guide and proposals for conformity assessment procedures. It was mandatory for the members to publish or create obtainable technical rules, standards, and conformity assessment procedures to differentiate other members.Obligatory standards and technical rules plus international standards were vital factorsthat had an effect on domestic sales and therefore the ability to export. Production and investment costs had a tendency to be higher for companies that face technical regulations, and therefore the investment for conformity was usually up to 10% of the entire investment expenditure. At firm level, the restricted access to credits and low demand were the foremost crucial obstruction to business among each exporting and non-exporting company. Product quality and presence of excessive demand were major factors to enhance the ability to export. Technical regulations and standards had an effect on trade in many ways: assisting exchange by defining product features and improving compatibility and utility, enhance domestic social aims like implementing standards and safety needs, public health and enhance protectionist policies.It was compulsory for the members to make sure that technical rules and standards do not limit trade. However it was arguable that domestic regulations were a form of protectionism. Developing countries argued that they have a very little influence in the formulation of the standards and that the developed countries mostly have the say which give them an unfair advantage. This was also referred as techno-imperialism. TBT is being used as a barrier to imports. The developing countries face problems to invest in domestic economy to improve it to satisfy the international and national standards of developed countries, because they have less technical know-how and lack of assessing and standardizing laboratories. Resultantly they are denied market access. To overcome this, the exporting firms have to increase their efficiency by conforming to international standards.The positive impact of trade barriers on export performance of textile industry of Pakistan is in line with the study of (Weisbrot and Baker, 2002). It reported that TBT had a positive impact on the productivity and export performance of textile industry of Pakistan.Conclusion: Considering Table-2, the study has established positive impact of TBTon the export performance of the textile industry of Pakistan during period 1990 to 2005.二、文献综述技术性贸易壁垒国内研究综述摘要技术性贸易壁垒已成为当前国际贸易领域理论与政策研究的重要课题。