Microsoft Certified Master Program
「微软认证高级技术专家 (MCM)」计划可验证 IT 专业人员的技能以成为产品专家,这些专家可成功地设计和实作符合最复杂之商务需求的解决方案。
「微软认证开发专家 (MCPD)」认证突显您身为专家级的 Windows 应用程序开发人员、Web 应用程序开发人员或企业应用程序开发人员。 这些认证证明您能够使用 .NET Framework 2.0 建立锁定多样化平台的丰富应用程序。
Microsoft Certified Architect Program
「微软认证数据库管理员 (MCDBA)」懂得设计,实作及管理 Microsoft SQL Server 数据库。
「微软认证讲师 (MCT)」是 Microsoft 所认证的合格讲师,负责为 IT 专业人员与开发人员讲授 Microsoft 训练课程。 MCAD Fra bibliotekMCAS
「微软认证应用程序专家 (MCAS)」拥有使用 2007 Microsoft Office System 和 Windows Vista 的进阶商业技能。
「微软认证应用程序开发专家 (MCAD)」则使用 Microsoft 技术来开发及维护部门层次的应用程序,组件,Web 或桌面客户端,或是后端数据服务。
「微软认证解决方案开发专家 (MCSD)」会使用 Microsoft 开发工具,技术,平台与 Windows 结构来设计及开发尖端企业解决方案。
微软正版软件注册号码(收藏起来有备无患)XP可以无限次激活的号码:CXGDD-GP2B2-RKWWD-HG3HY-VDJ7J或者RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQXP 2520 Pro 英文版--60天免激活序列号:RK7J8-2PGYQ-P47VV-V6PMB-F6XPQXP 2505 RC1--序列号:DTWB2-VX8WY-FG8R3-X696T-66Y46 Q3R8Y-MP9KD-3M6KB-383YB-7PK9Q 411Y0-URB45-34R3B-310N6-70U51 F0R6R-347JU-57IC3-M0V34-11Z16 50M38-0DY53-7UPU5-7H380-M8111WindowXP( whistler) Beta2 build 2428--CD Key: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGMellinium( Me)简体中文最终正式版--s/n: B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV332000 Professional 中文版--SN:PQHKR-G4JFW-VTY3P-G4WQ2-88CTW2000 Professional英文正式版--s/n: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG2000 Server 简体中文完全正式版--S/N:XF7DK-7X2WM-2QRCT-Y9R23-4BHDG2000 Server--CD-KEY:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM98 SE 标准正式版--s/n: HMTWJ-VPPWP-9BXP8-WD73Y-GGT6M98序列号--K4HVD-Q9TJ9-6CRX9-C9G68-RQ2D3Microsoft FrontPage 2000 SR-1A V9.0X 中文(簡體)完整正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft FrontPage 2000 SR-1A V9.0X 中文完整正式版 S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 DEVELOPER V9.0 SR1(A) 中文旗艦程式開發完整正式版 S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8 Microsoft Office 2000 Premium V9.0 SR-1 日文完整企業正式版 S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8 OFFICE 2000 Server Extension S/N:4678-0000502Microsoft Office 2000 S/N:gc6j3-gtq62-fp876-94fbr-d3dx8 Microsoft Office 2000 Server Extension S/N:4678-0000502 Microsoft Office 2000 Sr1 中文企業版5CD S/N:KY7XV-6PF6K-FQDGJ-4PYQY-QDFYM s/n:Q3PX2-T7Y8Q-8X2VR-PQCTP-YQCYQ S/N:H3X78-Q23HJ-TGT6Q-DK2H4-T2BQ8 Microsoft Office 2000 STANDARD V9.0 SR-1 日文完整標準正式版 S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 STANDARD V9.0 SR1(A) S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 中文企業版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft Office 2000 簡體版系列 S/N:GJ627-VB478-VJX8D-CFQGK-JHPG8Microsoft Office 2000【3片裝】S/N:GJV8J-DRRCG-MVTRJ-G33HM-8BCVMMicrosoft Office 2001 for Mac Japanese 日文光碟完整正式版S/N:545-465-4655Microsoft Office 2001 For Mac 完整正式版S/N:545-465-4655Microsoft Office 97 日文版 S/N:2601-6686117Microsoft Outlook 2000 V9.0 SR-1A 中文完整正式版S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 中文正式版 S/N:111-1111111Microsoft PhotoDraw 2000 日文正式版S/N:KBTP4-2KJ29-BPWV4-HM6M8-MDJYTMicrosoft PhotoDraw 2000 第二版中文版S/N:KBTP4-2KJ29-BPWV4-HM6M8-MDJYTMicrosoft PhotoDraw 2000 第二版日文專業完整正式版 S/N:KBTP4-2KJ29-BPWV4-HM6M8-MDJYT OFFICE 2000 Server Extension S/N:4678-0000502Microsoft PROJECT 2000 中文完整正式版S/N:DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJMicrosoft PROJECT 2000 中文版 S/N:GC6J3-GTQ62-FP876-94FBR-D3DX8Microsoft PROJECT 2000 日文完整正式版S/N:DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJMicrosoft PROJECT 2000 簡體中文完整正式版S/N:DT3FT-BFH4M-GYYH8-PG9C3-8K2FJMicrosoft SQL Server 2000 中文企業版 S/N:JCYFH-BYJMR-C4PVV-VD9G3-VXDYGMicrosoft visio 2000 V6.0X ENTERPRISE SR-1 中文頂級企業SR1 完整正式版 S/N:123165-500133Microsoft visio 2000 V6.0X Professional Edition 日文專業完整正式版 S/N:60903-111111Microsoft visio 2000 V6.0X Professional SR-1 中文專業 SR1 完整正式版 S/N:60900-111111 or S/N:123035-111111 Microsoft visio 2000 V6.0X Technical SR-1 Edtion 中文工程SR1 完整正式版 S/N:123165-500133Microsoft Visual Basic V5.0 中文版 S/N:0001-0000000Microsoft Visual Foxpro V5.0 S/N:0001-0000000Microsoft Visual Studio V6.0 企業完整正式版【6片裝】S/N:442-1087991Microsoft Whistler Professional Beta 2 2462繁體中文版 S/N:QB2BW-8PJ2D-9X7JK-BCCRT-D233YMicrosoft 2000 ADVANCED SERVER WITH SP1 中文完整正式版 CD-KEY:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMMicrosoft 2000 ADVANCED SERVER 日文販售完整正式版 S/N:RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYBMicrosoft 2000 Professional Debug/Checked Build With Service Pack 1 多國語系完整正式版S/N:DDTPV-TXMX7-BBGJ9-WGY8K-B9GHMicrosoft 2000 PROFESSIONAL 中文專業正式版 S/N:F6PGG-4YYDJ-3FF3T-R328P-3BXTG伺服機版JVJDR-KY99G-B8J4C-MKJ69-P8QG3Microsoft 2000 PROFESSIONAL 中文專業正式版S/N:XFD2W-W7VH8-MVC47-KY7DQ-P8Y4JMicrosoft 2000 PROFESSIONAL 日文販售專業完整正式版 S/N:RM233-2PRQQ-FR4RH-JP89H-46QYBMicrosoft 2000 SERVER WITH SP1 中文完整正式版S/N:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VMMicrosoft 2000 SERVER 中文版S/N:H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM~JVJDR-KY99G-B8J4C-MKJ69-P8QG3~XFD2W-W7VH8-MVC47-KY7DQ-P8Y4JMicrosoft 95 OSR2 2.1 中文正式版CD-KEY:09297-OEM-0021245-57958Microsoft 98 Second Edition 第二版 S/N:WHWGP-XDR8Y-GR9X3-863RP-67J2TMicrosoft ME (Millennium Edition) 中文完整正式版S/N:TCYV8-G6Q2T-R9BHD-BR8VM-J4B36 or S/N:J7C6X-QC2BH-GGX24-7FQG7-2K398 or S/N:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33Microsoft ME (Millennium Edition) 日文正式版S/N:TCJC7-H2QDH-3T7G7-R6RTM-YRK3YMicrosoft ME (Millennium Edition) 英文昇級販售完整正式版S/N:HBTD9-6P338-XT2MV-QBTTF-WPGGBMicrosoft ME/WIN 98/WIN 98 SP1/WIN 98 SE 4合1中文(繁體)正式 S/N:J7C6X-QC2BH-GGX24-7FQG7-2K398Microsoft Millennium B2 V4.90.2438 98 第三版中文完整測試版 S/N:RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMGMicrosoft Millennium Edition OEM 98 第三版中文完整版 S/N:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33Microsoft Millennium V4.90.3000 簡體体中文正式零售版S/N:K9KDJ-3XPXY-92WFW-9Q26K-MVRK8Microsoft Millennium 標準版S/N:J7C6X-QC2BH-GGX24-7FQG7-2K398 隨機版 S/N:WRK9F-68JJR-JBFD8-F8KPM-WCK7T RTM版 S/N:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33Microsoft Whistler Pro CD-Key:F6PGG-4YYDJ-3FF3T-R328P-3BXTGSmall Business Server 2003 CD-KEY:BBGC6-TXDG9-J9CDW-JXK3R-GTMMBPROJECT Server 2003 CD-KEY:DY6WQ-D3FYG-V89BY-8KPG9-8YW9MOffice Pro 2003 CD-KEY:GWH28-DGCMP-P6RC4-6J4MT-3HFDYSHAPEPOINT PORTAL SERVER V2003 cdkey:BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33Visio 2003,OneNote 2003,Project 2003,OFFICE11-Outlook2003CD-KEY:WFDWY-XQXJF-RHRYG-BG7RQ-BBDHMwin2003 Enterprise Server CD-KEY:QW32K-48T2T-3D2PJ-DXBWY-C6WRJwin2003 Standard Server CD-KEY:M6RJ9-TBJH3-9DDXM-4VX9Q-K8M8Mwin2003 Web Server CD-KEY: D42X8-7MWXD-M4B76-MKYP7-CW9FD。
微软系统工程师MCSE教材资料介绍1、Microsoft Windows 2000网络和操作系统基础考试号:70-210内容包括:介绍Windows 2000基础知识和组网的基本概念、Windows 2000网络的维护方法、保护Windows 2000网络安全的手段、网络硬件和拓朴结构、Windows 2000支持的网络。
2、实现Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional和Sever考试号:70-215内容包括:介绍安装或升级到Windows 2000、配置Windows 2000环境、连接基于Windows 2000的客户机网络、创建和管理用户帐户、利用组管理对资源的访问、利用NTFS管理数据、通过网络访问文件资源、在Windows 2000中监测和优化性能、在Windows 2000中实现安全性,配置打印功能,为可移动计算机配置Windows 2000、配置和管理磁盘实现灾难保护、安装和配置"终端服务",实现Windows 2000客户机,以及实现基于Windows 2000的服务器等内容。
3、实现Microsoft Windows 2000网络基础结构考试号:70-216内容包括:关于Microsoft Windows 2000网络基础结构的初步介绍、利用DHCP自动分配IP地址、利用DNS实现名称解析、利用WINS实现名称解析、利用公共密钥基础结构配置网络安全性、利用IPSEC配置网络安全性、配置远程访问、支持到网络的远程访问、利用IAS扩展远程访问能力、将基地Windows 2000 的服务器配置成路由器、针对网络配置Internet访问、配置Web服务器、利用RIS部署 Windows 2000 Professional、管理Windows 2000网络、查找和解决Windows 2000网络服务中的问题、在操作系统之间配置网络连接等。
下面是店铺整理的微软认证MCSA 简介,希望大家认真阅读!微软最近宣布了两个新的认证,其中一个叫MCSA(MicrosoftCertified SystemAdministrator),对于这个认证,微软的定位是:基于Windows 2000和Windows .NET平台对网络环境进行实现(包括安装和配置)、管理(包括监控和维护)以及排错工作的网络管理员、网络工程师、网络技术支持人员等。
可选考试科目:70-210或者70-270可以选择70-210,这是关于Windows 2000 Professional的考试;或者70-270,是关于Windows XP Professional的。
总的来说,这门Windows XP的考试无论是考试内容还是侧重点上和210很相像。
Windows XP由于其华丽的界面,对小型办公室网络环境以及使用笔记本的移动用户的增强支持,以及和Windows 2000 Professioanl相同的内核所带来的优秀的兼容性,因此,作为Windows 2000 Professional 的升级版本,更适合网络应用,同时适合各种规模的企业,有可能逐渐代替Windows 2000 Professional,所以,在这个操作系统上投入一定的注意力是绝对应该的。
微软SQL Server技术
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MCTS :。 NET框架2.0 Web应用程序
MCTS :。 NET Framework 2.0的Windows应用程序
微软认证考试全国各地的考点北京:名称银河网络有限公司地址北京海淀区西土城路2号中国儿童电影制片厂办公楼7层电话 (010) 6205-1906, 6206-1653名称中软教育中心地址北京海淀区学院南路55号中软大厦2#楼 5 层电话 (010) 6217-7722 x 2531名称联想集团公司网络事业部培训中心地址北京市海淀路70号北京8788信箱电话 (010) 6254-1912, 6256-0375名称中科院软件所微软高级技术培训中心地址北京8718信箱, 中科院软件所电话 (010) 6256-1625地址北京市海淀区中关村南四街4号4楼电话 (010) 6261-1503/4/5/6x3700名称北京晓通软件公司地址北京海淀区颐和园路1号,北大燕园教育培训中心电话 (010) 6275-0901/2/3/4/5名称北京大学信息科学中心地址北京大学哲学楼电话 (010) 6275-1937, 6275-9368名称北京昆仑瑞通科技发展有限公司地址北京市海淀区颐和园路1号北大燕园教育培训中心1529室电话 (010) 6275-4979/75, 6874-8418名称清华网络技术培训与服务中心地址清华大学华业大厦二区三层电话 (010) 6277-1781名称北京清华微软高技术培训中心地址北京清华大学旧馆403A电话 (010) 6498-6581,64925471地址北京市朝阳区安定路1号奥林匹克中心电话 (010) 6492-1969, 6492-1914名称北京清华微软高技术培训中心亚运村分部地址北京市朝阳区安慧里三区10号楼205室电话 (010) 649-25471, 649-25472名称中国惠普有限公司地址北京市朝阳区东三环南路2号中国惠普大厦电话 (010) 6564-3888名称中科院软件所微软培训中心东三环分部地址北京市朝阳区关东店南街2号新迪亚商务大厦2楼201室电话 (010) 6591-4712名称北京中达金桥科技发展有限公司地址北京市朝阳区东三环中路42号世福大楼4013室电话 (010) 6739-2558/9, 6503-0452名称启迪(中国)咨询培训有限公司地址北京市西城区南礼士路66号建威大厦七层706室电话 (010) 6801-8117/7978/8062/8082名称中晨电子实业发展公司地址北京市海淀区万寿路27号电话 (010) 6827-3507,6827-3503,6820-7460 名称联想科技发展有限公司软件事业部地址北京市海淀区知春路49号希格玛大厦二层电话 (010) 8262-7925,8809-6806天津:名称天津市大吉科技发展有限公司地址天津和平区建设路78号科学会堂402 电话 (022) 2332-4163名称天津经济技术开发区全力科技有限公司地址天津市塘沽区津塘公路8号电话 (022) 2582-9808, 2534-5811名称天津市英扬计算机系统有限公司地址天津市(南)科研西路16号电话 (022) 2366-8403, 2336-4106名称天津大学天财微软培训中心地址天津南开区鞍山西道220号电话 (022) 2741-0129, 2740-0835名称金网信息工程有限公司培训部地址天津市和平区鞍山道129号电话 (022) 2781-6501, 2783-9337名称广州正道科技天津分公司地址天津河西区围堤道146号华盛广场B座7B电话 (022) 8823-8525/26/27石家庄:名称河北佳诚网络地址石家庄新华路505号河北科技大学(西校区) 电话 (0311) 704-0666, 704-2666郑州:名称银河网络教育中心(郑州)地址郑州市农业路68号宏光大厦4层电话 (0371) 394-1242x416, 384-9019济南:名称山东省海天电脑网络有限公司地址山东省济南市燕山小区中路一号电话 (0531) 894-3242, 894-3342名称山东视想数据网络技术有限公司地址山东省济南市燕子山路36号电话 (0531)-855-5528,855-5628 青岛:名称青岛新启迪贸易发展有限公司地址山东青岛市台东一路116号电话 (0532) 365-1269, 296-6879 东北地区大连:名称大连中联电脑有限公司地址大连市中山区解放路318号电话 (0411) 2383-334, 239-0664名称银河网络教育中心(大连)地址大连市沙河口区迎春街4号军人俱乐部2层电话 (0411) 430-7953哈尔滨:名称龙电电子有限公司地址哈尔滨市南岗区复兴街16号哈工大科技发展中心二层205电话 (0451) 641-5228, 641-5738名称哈尔滨市三强网络系统集成有限公司地址哈尔滨市南岗区西大直街副90号科技大厦5028室电话 (0451) 641-5817, 641-5284沈阳:名称银河网络教育中心(沈阳)地址沈阳市黄姑区崇山西路十号电话 (024)8671-3251名称沈阳市赛威计算机网络有限公司地址沈阳市和平区文萃路3甲4号电话 (024)2399-2828, 2399-3838, 2399-1818华南地区广州:名称广州中圣信息技术有限公司地址广州市东风中路 438号广德大厦六楼电话 (020) 8318-7774,8330-3083名称启迪(中国)咨询培训有限公司地址广州沿江中路298号广信江湾新城C座1704-1706室电话 (020) 8381-2508, 8381-2111名称广州中山大学微软培训中心地址广州市新港西路135号中山大学计算中心205室电话 (020) 8403-6158名称广东省广州市华南理工大学计算机系地址广东省广州市华南理工大学电话 (020) 8711-0893广州:名称广东省中侨实业公司信息产业部地址广州市先烈中路76号中侨大厦30楼电话 (020) 8732-1502, 8732-1551名称天网通广州分公司地址广州石碑西路1-7号太平洋电脑市场10楼1018室电话 (020) 8759-2449, 8759-3295名称广州灵通新技术有限公司地址广州市先烈中路100号省科技图书馆后座3楼电话 (020) 877-70661, 8777-0662福州:名称福州连邦软件(连锁)专卖店地址福州鼓屏路136号银联宾馆七楼电话 (0591) 781-7744, 783-4424深圳:名称深圳赛百威微软教育中心地址深圳燕南路2号2栋美然大厦4层电话 (0755) 324-8396, 320-1694名称天网通实业有限公司地址深圳市深南中路30A号电子科技大厦31层电话 (0755) 325-1188x108,320-6490名称深圳黎明电脑网络有限公司地址深圳市深南中路统建楼一栋15-16层电话 (0755) 332-4000 x 1016, 335-4915名称深圳电子工业人才培训中心地址深圳市深南中路爱华大厦14楼电话 (0755) 369-7114, 369-7622x145海口:名称海南威龙计算机系统工程有限公司地址海南海口金贸区玉沙路14号中房高级公寓十层电话 (0898) 853-9949/8/7/6华中地区武汉:名称武汉瑞琪信息技术有限公司地址湖北省武汉市武昌珞瑜路1号珞伽山饭店638 电话 (027) 8731-8701名称天网通武汉分公司地址武汉市武昌珞瑜路28号中试楼2楼电话 (027) 8787-5784, 8787-4676名称武汉佳都科技有限公司地址武汉市武昌珞瑜路37号附西13-14号电话 (027) 8787-8283名称武汉盛珈软件有限公司地址武汉市武昌区珞瑜路42号电话 (027) 8788-2762, 8786-5836西南地区重庆名称重庆大学中天公司地址重庆沙坪坝重庆大学计算中心微软高级技术培训中心电话 (023) 6510-2559名称重庆广播电视大学思达网络教育中心地址重庆九龙坡区石桥铺科园一路电话 (023) 6860-0447, 6862-9144成都名称成都电子科大-晓通网络地址四川省成都市建设北路南一段4号电子科大主楼中131 电话 (028) 320-2135, 320-0544名称成都思比得网络技术教育中心地址成都市城守东大街59-71蓝光大厦2101室电话 (028) 6899011, 6659601名称成都金海洋计算机公司地址成都市一环路磨子桥天歌大厦712室电话 (028) 554-8806。
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MCDBA认证适合于:数据库管理员、数据库分析员、数据库开发人员5、 MCT---- MCT微软认证讲师在微软的培训和认证过程中有很重要的作用。
目前微软提供了多个ESI认证考试,包括Microsoft 365认证、Azure认证、Exchange Server认证、Skype for Business认证等,考生可以根据自己的实际需求和技术背景选择相应的认证考试。
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MCSE认证考试MCSE认证从1992年设立至今,其考试项目经历了多次的升级,从早先的MCSE on Windows NT3.51、MCSE on Windows NT4.0、MCSE on Windows 2000、MCSE on Windows Server 2003,目前仍然能够参加的有MCSE2000、MCSE2003的考试,而且在目前阶段MCSE2000和MCSE2003的认证是同时存在并且证书的效力也是一样的。
Windows NT 3.51 的考试在2000年6月30日取消。
Windows NT 4.0 的'考试在2001年2月28日取消。
已通过 Windows NT 4.0 核心考试的 MCSE 在2001年12月31日之前将认证升级,否则只能重新参加Win2000的所有考试来获得新的MCSE2000认证。
目前Windows2000系列作为现在市场上的主流服务器操作系统,MCSE 2000认证还将存在相当长的一段时间。
微软认证信息系统管理员(MCSA- Messaging)
包括:1门客户端操作系统70-210 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional或者70-270 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional1门网络操作系统考试70-215 Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Server或者70-218 Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network Environment1门消息平台特定考试Exam 70-284: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003本门课程为学员提供了构建一个可靠的安全的消息系统所必要的知识和技巧。
通过这一使用Microsoft Exchange Server2003构建起来的消息系统,可以支持在中型到大型的企业信息环境中创建,存储和共享信息。
目的是帮助学员有效地掌握在升级和支持Exchange Server 2003所需要的知识和技巧。
具体课程内容包括:执行一个成功地Exchange Server 2003安装并验证描述从Exchange 2000到Exchange Server 2003的升级过程配置和管理Exchange Server 2003管理Exchange Server 2000和Exchange Server 2003的互操作配置Exchange Server 2003的安全管理收件人.管理公共文件夹管理。
Exam : 070-431Title : Microsoft® SQL Server 2005 - Implementation and MaintenanceVer : 11.03.06QUESTION 1:Your application must access data that is located on two SQL Server 2005 computers. One of these servers is named SQL1 and the other is SQL2. You have permissions to create a stored procedure on SQL1 to support your application. However, on SQL2 you only have permissions to select data.You write the stored procedure on SQL1. The stored procedure accesses SQL2 by using the OPENQUERY Transact-SQL statement. However, the query fails when executed. You need to troubleshoot the cause of the error. What should you do?A. Join the two servers by using the four-part syntax of server.database.schema.table.B. Reference SQL2 by using an alias.C. Add SQL2 as a remote server to SQL1.D. Add SQL2 as a linked server to SQL1.Answer: DExplanation: You need to define a linked server for each external data source you want to access and the configure the security context under which your distributed queries will run. After you create a linked server, you can use the Transact-SQL OPENQUERY function to execute your distributed queries.QUESTION 2:You are preparing for a new installation of SQL Server 2005. You need to select the protocols that client computers might use to connect to the server.Which two protocols can you use to achieve this goal? (Each correct answer presents a complete solution. Choose two.)A. Named PipesB. TCP/IPC. Shared MemoryD. Virtual Interface Adapter (VIA)E. MultiprotocolAnswer: A,BExplanation: By default, clients have TCP and Named Pipes as available protocols. You can manipulate the protocol ordering by using the SQL Server Client utility.The client application uses the protocols in the order specified on the client computer. If you are using SQL Server 2005, the protocol order is stored in the ProtocolOrder registry entry under the following registry subkey:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSSQLServer\Client\SNI9.0QUESTION 3:You configure a new SQL Server 2005 computer to use TCP/IP with all default settings. Your corporate policy requires that each server use a firewall. You find that you can connect to the SQL Server instance from the local computer. However, client computers cannot connect to the SQL Server instance.You need to identify the most likely cause of the connection issues. What should you do first?A. Ensure that port 1433 is open in your firewall.B. Ensure that port 443 is open in your firewall.C. Ensure that client computers connect by using Shared Memory protocol.D. Ensure that the server is not paused.Answer: AExplanation: The default instance of the Database Engine uses port 1433, but thatcan be changed. Instances of SQL Server 2005 Express Edition, SQL Server Mobile,and named instances of the Database Engine use dynamic ports. The SQL Server Browser service lets users connect to instances of the Database Engine that are not listening on port 1433, without knowing the port number. To use SQL Server Browser, you must open UDP port 1434.QUESTION 4:Certkiller .com has multiple servers in a distributed environment. You work with two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Each server uses SQL Server Authentication and they use different logins.You need to write a distributed query that joins the data on SQL1 with the data on SQL2. What should you do?A. Ensure that both SQL1 and SQL2 use the same login name as the security context for each server.B. Configure SQL2 as a remote server. Write the query on SQL1.C. Configure SQL2 as a linked server to impersonate the remote login.D. Configure SQL2 as a distributed server. Use pass-through authentication.Answer: CExplanation: When you use linked servers to access external data sources, youshould pay special attention to the security context for the external connection. Youcan configure the linked server to use one of the following three security modes:Self-mapping - When a linked server is created, this mode is added for all local logins, soSQL Server tries to connect to the external data source using the current user's login credentials. The same login and password must exist on the remote server. This is the default behaviour.delegation-This mode impersonates the windows local credentials;the connection forwards the credentials of an authenticated Windows user to the linked server. The Windows user account and password must exist on the linked server.Remote Credentials - This mode lets you map local logins to remote logins on the external data source.Delegation of operating system logins is the securest mechanismQUESTION 5:Certkiller .com uses SQL Server 2005. Users report that report execution is slow. You investigate and discover that some queries do not use optimal execution plans. You also notice that some optimizer statistics are missing and others are out of date.You need to correct the problem so that reports execute more quickly. Which two Transact-SQL statements should you use? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. DBCC CHECKTABLEB. ALTER INDEX REORGANIZEC. UPDATE STATISTICSD. CREATE STATISTICSE. DBCC SHOW_STATISTICSF. DBCC UPDATEUSAGEAnswer: C, DExplanation: When a DBA creates an index, the query optimizer stores statistical information about the indexed columns. Additionally, CREATE STATISTICS, will create statistics on columns that are not contained in indexes but that are used inquery predicates. UPDATE STATISTICS will optimize query performance. QUESTION 6:You are responsible for implementing maintenance jobs on a SQL Server 2005 database server. Certain jobs run every Sunday and other jobs run at the beginning of every month. You need to schedule the jobs in the way that uses the least amount of administrative effort. What should you do?A. Create a job schedule that runs every Sunday. Assign weekly tasks to this schedule. Create a second schedule that runs on the first day of every month. Assign monthly tasks to this schedule.B. Create a job for each task that runs once a day. Use a Transact-SQL statement tocheck the date and day of the week. If the day is either a Sunday or the first day of the month, execute the code.C. Create a job schedule that runs once a day. Assign jobs to this job schedule. If the day is either a Sunday or the first day of the month, execute the jobs.D. Create a job for each task that runs once a week on Sunday. Add a second job schedule that runs the job on the first of the month.Answer: AExplanation: You need 2 schedules or both tasks will be executed on Sundays andon the first day of the month. Creating a job schedule for each task that runs once a week instead of creating one schedule containing all the tasks would use more administrative effort than needed.QUESTION 7:You discover that the msdb database on a SQL Server 2005 computer is corrupt and must be restored. Databases are backed up daily. The database backup files are written to a network share, but the file names do not clearly indicate which databases are in each file. You need to locate the correct backup file as quickly as possible. The first file in the list is named DB_Backup.bak. Which Transact-SQL statement should you use?A. RESTORE LABELONLYFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bakB. RESTORE HEADERONLYFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bakC. RESTORE VERIFYONLYFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bakD. RESTORE DATABASE MSDBFROM DISK = N\\Server1\Backup\DB_Backup.bak Answer: BExplanation: VERIFYONLY verifies the backup but does not restore it, and checksto see that the backup set is complete and the entire backup is readable. However, RESTORE VERIFYONLY does not attempt to verify the structure of the data contained in the backup volumes.Syntax:RESTORE VERIFYONLYFROM [ ,...n ][ WITH[ { CHECKSUM | NO_CHECKSUM } ][ [ , ] { CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR | STOP_ON_ERROR } ][ [ , ] FILE =backup_set_file_number ][ [ , ] LOADHISTORY ][ [ , ] MEDIANAME = { media_name | @media_name_variable } ][ [ , ] MEDIAPASSWORD = { mediapassword |@mediapassword_variable } ][ [ , ] MOVE 'logical_file_name' TO 'operating_system_file_name' ][ ,...n ][ [ , ] PASSWORD = { password | @password_variable } ][ [ , ] { REWIND | NOREWIND } ][ [ , ] STATS [ = percentage ] ][ [ , ] { UNLOAD | NOUNLOAD } ]][;]<backup_device>::={{ logical_backup_device_name |@logical_backup_device_name_var }| { DISK | TAPE } = { 'physical_backup_device_name' |@physical_backup_device_name_var }}QUESTION 8:A support engineer reports that inserting new sales transactions in a SQL Server 2005 database results in an error. You investigate the error. You discover that in one of the databases, a developer has accidentally deleted some data in a table that is critical for transaction processing. The database uses the full recovery model. You need to restore the table.You need to achieve this goal without affecting the availability of other data in the database. What should you do?A. Back up the current transaction log. Restore the database with a different name and stop at the point just before the data loss. Copy the table back into the original database.B. Back up the current transaction log. Restore the database to the point just before the data loss.C. Restore the database from the existing backup files to a time just before the data loss.D. Restore the database to the point of the last full backup.Answer: AExplanation: You only want to restore the table that has been accidentally altered.All other suggestions to solution will restore the complete database and thereforeyou will lose data that may have been written to other tables after the point in time where you stop the recovery.QUESTION 9:A power failure occurs on the storage area network (SAN) where your SQL Server 2005 database server is located.You need to check the allocation as well as the structural and logical integrity of alldatabases, including their system catalogs. What should you do?A. Execute DBCC CHECKFILEGROUP for each filegroup.B. Execute DBCC CHECKCATALOG.C. Execute DBCC CHECKDB.D. Execute DBCC CHECKTABLE for each table.Answer: CExplanation: DBCC CHECKDB will check the logical and physical integrity of allthe objects in the specified database by:- Running DBCC CHECKALLOC on the database.- Running DBCC CHECKTABLE on every table and view in the database.- Running DBCC CHECKCATALOG on the database.- Validating the contents of every indexed view in the database.- Validating the Service Broker data in the databaseQUESTION 10:You are responsible for importing data into SQL Server 2005 databases. Your department is starting to receive text files that contain sales transactions from stores across the country. Columns in the data are separated by semicolons.You need to import the files into the sales database. What should you do?A. Create a custom format file, specifying a semicolon as the row terminator.B. Use the bcp command, specifying a semicolon as the field terminator.C. Use the bcp command with the default arguments.D. Use the BULK INSERT statement with the default arguments.Answer: BExplanation: The bcp utility bulk copies data between an instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and a data file in a user-specified format. The bcp utility can be used to import large numbers of new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out oftables into data files. To import data into a table, you must either use a format file created for that table or understand the structure of the table and the types of datathat are valid for its columns.QUESTION 11:You are creating a Web-based application to manage data aggregation for reports. The application connects to a SQL Server 2005 database named DataManager. One page in the application has controls that execute stored procedures in a database named ReportingDatabase. There is an existing Service Broker connection between theDataManager database and ReportingDatabase.You want to add two new message types to the existing service. In each database, you create message types named ProcessReport and SendResult. You need to add the two new message types to the existing service. What should you do first?A. Create a queue on each database with the ACTIVATION argument set to DataManager.dbo.ProcessReport.B. Create a conversation between the databases by using the following statement.BEGIN DIALOG FROM SERVICE 'ProcessReport' TO SERVICE 'SendResult'C. Create a contract between the services by using the following statement.CREATE CONTRACT ProcessData (ProcessReport SENT BY INITIATOR, SendResult SENT BY TARGET)D. Create services for each database by using the following statement.CREATE SERVICE DataManager ON QUEUE ProcessReportAnswer: CExplanation: A contract contains a list of message types and the services that are allowed to send them.Syntax: CREATE CONTRACT contract [AUTHORIZATION owner ] ( {{message_type_name | [DEFAULT ] } SENT BY { INITIATOR | TARGET | ANY } } [,...n])[;]Key: contarct Name of the contract owner Owner of the contract(database user or role) message_type_name Name of a message type to be included as part of the contract.QUESTION 12:You work at the regional sales office. You are responsible for importing and exporting data in SQL Server 2005 databases. The main office asks you to send them a text file that contains updated contact information for the customers in your region. The database administrator in the main office asks that the data be sorted by the StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName columns.You need to satisfy these requirements by using the least amount of effort. What should you do?A. Specify StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName in the ORDER hint in the bcp out command.B. Create a format file for the export operation.C. Specify StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName in the ORDER BY clause in the bcp queryout command.D. Copy the data into a new table that has a clustered index on StateProvince, Surname, and FirstName. Export the data.Answer: CExplanation: The bcp utility bulk copies data between an instance of Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and a data file in a user-specified format. The bcputility can be used to import large numbers of new rows into SQL Server tables or to export data out of tables into data files. Except when used with the queryout option, the utility requiresno knowledge of Transact-SQL. Queryout copies from a query and must bespecified only when bulk copying data from a query.Syntax:bcp{[[database_name.][owner].]{table_name | view_name} | "query"}{in | out | queryout | format} data_file[-mmax_errors] [-fformat_file] [-x] [-eerr_file][-Ffirst_row] [-Llast_row] [-bbatch_size][-n] [-c] [-N] [-w] [-V (60 | 65 | 70 | 80)] [-6][-q] [-C { ACP | OEM | RAW | code_page } ] [-tfield_term][-rrow_term] [-iinput_file] [-ooutput_file] [-apacket_size][-Sserver_name[\instance_name]] [-Ulogin_id] [-Ppassword][-T] [-v] [-R] [-k] [-E] [-h"hint [,...n]"]QUESTION 13:Certkiller .com has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Both servers take part in replication. SQL1 is both the Publisher and its own Distributor of a publication named Pub1. Pub1 is the only publication on SQL1, and SQL2 is the only Subscriber. Your supervisor requests a status report about the replication latencies. Using Replication Monitor on SQL1, you need to find out the current latencies between the Publisher and Distributor as well as between the Distributor and Subscriber.What should you do?A. Select the Subscription Watch List tab for SQL1. View the Latency column for the SQL2 subscription.B. Select the All Subscriptions tab for the Pub1 publication. View the Latency column for the SQL2 subscription.C. Select the Tracer Tokens tab for the Pub1 publication. Select the Insert Tracer option and wait for the requested latency values for the SQL2 subscription to appear.D. Select the Subscription Watch List tab for SQL1. Double-click the SQL2 subscription. View the duration details on the Publisher to Distributor History tab as well as on the Distributor to Subscriber History tab.Answer: CExplanation: Tracer tokens are a new feature of the transactional replication enginein SQL Server 2005. They are a specialized transactions that is used to gain timing information. Since tracer tokens are picked up by the replication engine and transitwith every other transaction, they can be used to determine the amount of time ittakes a transaction to move from the publisher to distributor and then from thedistributor to each subscriber. With this piece of information, you can now answerthe two most predominant questions for replication: How far behind am I and howlong will it take to catch up?QUESTION 14:Exhibit:Certkiller .com has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. A database named DB1 is located on SQL1. DB1 contains a table named Certkiller 4. Certkiller 4 is replicated to a database named DB1Repl, which is located on SQL2. Full-Text Search is not being used. Users report that the queries they run against Certkiller 4 in DB1Repl are very slow. You investigate and discover that only the clustered index of Certkiller 4 is replicated. All other indexes in DB1Repl are missing. You examine the Certkiller 4 article properties. The current Certkiller 4 article properties are shown in the exhibit.You need to change the article properties so that all indexes of Certkiller 4 in DB1 are replicated when the subscription is reinitialized. Which two article properties should you change? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. Copy clustered indexB. Copy nonclustered indexesC. Copy extended propertiesD. Copy unique key constraintsE. Copy index partitioning schemesF. Copy XML indexesAnswer: B,FExplanation:QUESTION 15:You are creating an HTTP endpoint that will be used to provide customer data to external applications. Your SQL Server 2005 computer is named SQL1. You create a stored procedure named p_GetPersonData to retrieve the data in the Certkiller database. You create the endpoint by using the following code.CREATE ENDPOINT SQLEP_AWPersons AS HTTP (PATH = '/AWpersons', AUTHENTICATION = (INTEGRATED), PORTS = (CLEAR), SITE = 'SQL1') FOR SOAP (WEBMETHOD 'PersonData' (NAME=' Certkiller p_GetPersonData'), BATCHES = DISABLED, WSDL = DEFAULT, DATABASE = ' Certkiller ', NAMESPACE = 'http://Adventure-Works/Persons')The first users to connect to the endpoint tell you that they do not get any data. You connect to the endpoint and discover that it is not responding. You need to modify the endpoint so that data is returned as expected. What should you do?A. Change the AUTHENTICATION property to KERBEROS.B. Specify BATCHES = ENABLED.C. Specify STATE = Started.D. Specify WSDL = 'pr_GetPersonData'.Answer: CExplanation: The possible states for an endpoint are STARTED, STOPPED, and DISABLED. For an endpoint to respond to requests, the state must be set to STARTED. To comply with the SQL Server 2005 "off by default" approach to security, the default state is STOPPED.QUESTION 16:You work in Dublin at the main office of Certkiller .com. You are responsible for managing a SQL Server 2005 database. The sales department wants a report that compares customer activity in the previous quarter between the main office in Dublin and the branch office in Buenos Aires. They want the data sorted by surname and first name. You restore a recent backup of the Buenos Aires database onto your server. You write queries to build the report, ordering the data by the Surname and FirstName columns. You review the data and notice that the customer list from the Buenos Aires database is sorted differently. The sales department needs the revised data within 15 minutes for a presentation.You need to implement the fastest possible solution that ensures that the data from bothdatabases is sorted identically. What should you do?A. Use the Copy Database Wizard to copy the data in the Buenos Aires database to a new database with the same collation as the Dublin database.B. Use the SQL Server Import and Export Wizard to copy the data from the Buenos Aires database into new tables, specifying the same collation as the Dublin database.C. Modify the format file to specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Import the table again.D. Modify the query on the Buenos Aires database to use the COLLATE setting in the ORDER BY clause. In the query, specify the same collation as the Dublin database. Answer: DExplanation:COLLATE {collation_name}Specifies that the ORDER BY operation should be performed according to the collation specified in collation_name, and not according to the collation of the column as defined in the table or view. collation_name can be either a Windows collation name or a SQL collation name. COLLATE is applicable only for columns of the char, varchar, nchar, and nvarchar data types.QUESTION 17:You work for a company that sells books. You are creating a report for a SQL Server 2005 database. The report will list sales representatives and their total sales for the current month. The report must include only those sales representatives who met their sales quota for the current month. The monthly sales quota is $2,000. The date parameters are passed in variables named @FromDate and @ToDate.You need to create the report so that it meets these requirements. Which SQL query should you use?A. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID = o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameB. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00))AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID =o.AgentIDWHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDate ANDo.OrderTotal >= 2000GROUP BY s.AgentNameC. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL (o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID = o.AgentID WHERE o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDate AND @ToDateGROUP BYs.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000D. SELECT s.AgentName, SUM(ISNULL(o.OrderTotal,0.00)) AS SumOrderTotalFROM SalesAgent s JOIN OrderHeader o ON s.AgentID =o.AgentIDWHERE o.ordertotal = 2000 AND o.OrderDate BETWEEN @FromDateAND @ToDateGROUP BY s.AgentNameHAVING SUM(o.OrderTotal) >= 2000 Answer: CQUESTION 18:You are creating a stored procedure that will delete data from the Contact table in a SQL Server 2005 database. The stored procedure includes the following Transact-SQL statement to handle any errors that occur.BEGIN TRYBEGIN TRANSACTIONDELETE FROM Person.ContactWHERE ContactID = @ContactIDCOMMIT TRANSACTIONEND TRYBEGIN CATCHDECLARE @ErrorMessage nvarchar(2000) DECLARE @ErrorSeverity int DECLARE @ErrorState int SELECT @ErrorMessage = ERROR_MESSAGE(), @ErrorSeverity = ERROR_SEVERITY(), @ErrorState = ERROR_STATE() RAISERROR(@ErrorMessage, @ErrorSeverity, @ErrorState) END CATCH;You test the stored procedure and discover that it leaves open transactions. You need to modify the stored procedure so that it properly handles the open transactions. What should you do?A. Add a COMMIT TRANSACTION command to the CATCH block.B. Remove the COMMIT TRANSACTION command from the TRY block.C. Add a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command to the CATCH block.D. Add a ROLLBACK TRANSACTION command to the TRY block.Answer: CExplanation: If an exception occurs from one of the statements in the TRY block, control is branched to the CATCH block, where the exception can be handled, logged, and so on. In this case you want to ROLLBACK the transaction if there isan error.QUESTION 19:You are creating an online catalog application that will display product information on the company Web site. The product data is stored in a SQL Server 2005 database. The data is stored as relational data but must be passed to the application as an XML document by using FOR XML. You test your application and notice that not all of the items matching your query appear in the XML document. Only those products that have values for all elements in the schema appear.You need to modify your Transact-SQL statement so that all products matching your query appear in the XML document. What should you do?A. Add an XML index to the table that contains the product data.B. Add the XSINIL argument to the ELEMENTS directive in the query.C. Add a HAVING clause to the query.D. Add the replace value of clause to the query.Answer: BExplanation: If you add the XSINIL instruction to the ELEMENTS clause in theFOR XML construction, SQL Server 2005 generates an empty XML element forNULL values.QUESTION 20:Certkiller .com has two SQL Server 2005 computers named SQL1 and SQL2. Transaction log shipping occurs from SQL1 to SQL2 by using default SQL Server Agent schedule settings.You need to reconfigure transaction log shipping to provide minimum latency on SQL2. What should you do?A. On SQL1, reschedule the transaction log backup job so that it occurs every minute. On SQL2, maintain default schedule settings for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs.B. On SQL1, change the schedule type for the transaction log backup to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts. On SQL2, change the schedule types for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts.C. On SQL1, maintain default schedule settings for the transaction log backup job. On SQL2, change the schedule types for both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs to Start automatically when SQL Server Agent starts.D. On SQL1, reschedule the transaction log backup job so that it occurs every minute. On SQL2, reschedule both the log shipping copy and the restore jobs so that they occur every minute.Answer: DExplanation: In order to minimize latency on SQL2 you need to get a copy fromSQL1 as soon as possible after every write. The shortest possible interval for the transaction log backup is one minute. Once the backup is done you want to copy itand restore it on SQL2 as soon as possible.QUESTION 21:You are implementing transaction log shipping for a database named DB1 from a server named SQL1 to a server named SQL2. Because DB1 is 100 GB in size, it is too big to transfer over the network in a reasonable amount of time.You need to minimize the impact on the network while you initialize the secondary database. Which two actions should you perform? (Each correct answer presents part of the solution. Choose two.)A. Specify the simple recovery model for DB1.B. Specify either the full or the bulk-logged recovery model for DB1.C. Perform a complete backup of DB1 to portable media. Restore the secondary database from that backup; specify the RECOVERY option.D. Perform a complete backup of DB1 to portable media. Restore the secondary database from that backup; specify the STANDBY option.E. Before you activate transaction log shipping to the secondary database, execute the following statement on the primary server.BACKUP LOG DB1 WITHTRUNCATE_ONLYAnswer: B,DExplanation: Standby mode is the RESTORE command option you use to configure standby servers. In this mode, the secondary database is available for read-onlyaccess by users and applications. Log shipping requires that the primary database is configured with the Full or Bulk-Logged recovery model.QUESTION 22:A full backup of your database named DB1 is created automatically at midnight every day. Differential backups of DB1 occur twice each day at 10:00 and at 16:00. A database snapshot is created every day at noon. A developer reports that he accidentally dropped the Pricelist table in DB1 at 12:30. The last update to Pricelist occurred one week ago. You need to recover the Pricelist table. You want to achieve this goal by using the minimum amount of administrative effort. You must also minimize the amount of data that is lost. What should you do?A. Restore the most recent backup into a new database named DB1bak. Apply the most recent differential backup. Copy the Pricelist table from DB1bak to DB1.B. Delete all database snapshots except the most recent one. Restore DB1 from the most recent database snapshot.C. Recover DB1 from the most recent backup. Apply the most recent differential backup.D. Copy the Pricelist table from the most recent database snapshot into DB1. Answer: DExplanation: SQL Server 2005 introduces the capacity for administrators to。
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戴尔DELL XP-PRO-SP1 BW2VG-XXDY6-VW3P7-YH***-C7RYMXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00100 宏基ACER XP-PRO-SP1 HCBR8-FGC2K-RY7BM-HM3KT-BKVRWXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00107 IBM IBM XP-PRO-SP1 DMQBW-V8D4K-9BJ82-4PCJX-2WPB6XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00106 惠普HP XP-PRO KYKVX-86GQG-2MDY9-F6J9M-K42BQXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00101 康柏 COMPAQ XP-PRO [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00167 七喜HEDY XP-PRO-SP1 ZM68XC-TX2C9-PKK8H-GP8JH-RC8XBXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00180 清华同方THTF XP-PRO-SP1 F4G2M-BH2JF-GTGJW-W82HY-VMRRQXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00297 方正 FONDER XP-PRO-SP1 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00108 三星 SAMSUNG XP-PRO-SP1 [暂缺] XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00111 东芝 TOSHIBA XP-PRO-SP1 [暂缺]3 / 8XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00161 TCL TCL XP-PRO-SP1 C873T-F3X3M-9F6TR-J26GM-YTKKDXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00117 富士通 FUJITSU XP-PRO-SP1 [暂缺] XXXXX-OEM-0011903-001 华硕ASUS XP-PRO-SP1 K7RGC-CDXYJ-FTYH2-Y3VVV-KBYC7XXXXX-OEM-0011964-38550 索尼SONY XP-PRO-SP1 PWBPT-6PGKF-TP6MY-299P4-CPXQGXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00154 联想LENOVO XP-HOME-SP1 RCBF6-6KDMK-GD6GR-K6DP3-4C8MTXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00102 戴尔DELL XP-HOME-SP1 CXCY9-TTHBT-36J2P-HT3T3-QPMFBXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00100 宏基ACER XP-HOME-SP1 DMY26-78CX9-Q89DP-Q8QK8-VF2B8XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00107 IBM IBM XP-HOME-SP1 MK48G-CG8VJ-BRVBB-38MQ9-3PMFTXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00106 惠普HP XP-HOME-SP1 KG27H-JV9M6-2CXKV-GMP22-HF2BQXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00101 康柏COMPAQ XP-HOME-SP1 JMY6-GMJHY-2VJ79-K67WT-KQHYTXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00166 七喜HEDY XP-HOME-SP1 KMHJF-9M82Y-YPFV7-YQHXH-F9JW8XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00179 清华同方THTF XP-HOME-SP1---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ FK4VC-XP9C3-BD78M-68492-BP9BYXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00296 方正FONDER XP-HOME-SP1 XVX72-2WCXQ-48VWH-T66HT-C7R2BXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00108 三星SAMSUNG XP-HOME-SP1 WDHPC-6WQPF-W3R3K-J2VF4-JFP8WXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00111 东芝TOSHIBA XP-HOME-SP1 XPGYX-J7BF9-4YJVV-7MWK9-WQT3YXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00160 TCL TCL XP-HOME-SP1 JY6V8-QV6YB-BD3GX-67DC9-JT7WDXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00137 富士通 FUJITSU XP-HOME-SP1 [暂缺] XXXXX-OEM-0011903-001 华硕 ASUS XP-HOME-SP1 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-001 索尼SONY XP-HOME-SP1 VF4HT-MPWB8-TWV6R-K6QM4-W6JCMXXXXX-OEM-0011903-01808 联想LENOVO XP-PRO-SP2 KG7G9-67KHV-4FQKV-4DYXK-BHQTJXXXXX-OEM-0011903-01811 戴尔DELL XP-PRO-SP2 KDD3G-HGVGM-M24P4-6BMMY-9XHF8XXXXX-OEM-0011903-01807 宏基ACER XP-PRO-SP2 TW8WB-MKT89-FRD3V-H6CGJ-6JW83XXXXX-OEM-0011903-01809 IBM IBM XP-PRO-SP2 P2BXT-D7Y8P-F6WF2-HYXY9-49TJD5 / 8XXXXX-OEM-0011903-01801 惠普 HP XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 康柏 COMPAQ XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 七喜 HEDY XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 清华同方 THTF XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 方正 FONDER XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 三星 SAMSUNG XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 东芝 TOSHIBA XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 TCL TCL XP-PRO-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-018 富士通FUJITSU XP-PRO-SP2 GRDYP-4FGYT-PVTVM-HDFWC-H88C6XXXXX-OEM-0011903-01814 华硕ASUS XP-PRO-SP2 VWYJM-QRYBJ-MF4XT-X33VX-TC7FMXXXXX-OEM-0011903-01800 索尼SONY XP-PRO-SP2 FJXCH-4KYT3-XXJTH-4H848-FYP4DXXXXX-OEM-0011903-01861 长城GREATWALL XP-PRO-SP2 MX9CY-JBQF4-8CVBB-BG7DV-3GYBGXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00578 联想LENOVO XP-HOME-SP2 PB3BB-PGK84-XBWMD-7BTJD-469FDXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00581 戴尔 DELL XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00577 宏基ACER XP-HOME-SP2 KDTCC-2Q322-Q7PGH-RYV3X-MD7MJXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00579 IBM IBM XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]---------------------------------------------------------------范文最新推荐------------------------------------------------------ XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00571 惠普 HP XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-005 康柏 COMPAQ XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-005 七喜 HEDY XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-005 清华同方THTF XP-HOME-SP2 K72PX-D96QW-RCHB9-3P96F-YQBCYXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00596 方正FONDER XP HOME XVWGR-9G3XH-TCM2D-MXQGM-F69DTXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00574 三星SAMSUNG XP HOME MMT39-27M26-DFHXJ-MT9GQ-T3KDQXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00573 东芝TOSHIBA XP-HOME-SP2 CR8C9-M7QQG-FGJWT-CV666-4J3XGXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00822 TCL TCL XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-005 富士通FUJITSU XP-HOME-SP2 M4YRW-BMBQP-HH2CP-TG37G-Y76RMXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00584 华硕 ASUS XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-005 索尼SONY XP-HOME-SP2 WPBTV-FHT4G-7WJJW-388TD-XFHMQXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00837 夏新AMOI XP-HOME-SP2 MJTYD-HFXKV-7M3RR-W69K8-4RRWGXXXXX-OEM-0011903-00586 NEC NEC XP-HOME-SP2 [暂缺]XXXXX-OEM-0011903-005 明基BENQ XP-HOME-SP7 / 8MVWW2Q-22YMY-W4VWC-GTX4Q-47BC6XXXXX-OEM-0011903-00854 富士通FUJITSU XP-MCE-2005 MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBYXXXXX-OEM-0064083-83400 企业版工行XP-VOL-SP2 QC986-27D34-6M3TY-JJXP9-TBGMDXXXXX-OEM-0064004-01249 企业版广州XP-VOL-SP2 CM3HY-26VYW-6JRYC-X66GX-JVY2DXXXXX-OEM-0064013-47917 企业版XP-VOL-SP2 DP7CM-PD6MC-6BKXT-M8JJ6-RPXGJXXXXX-OEM-0064013-46451 企业版XP-VOL-SP2 F4297-RCWJP-P482C-YY23Y-XH8W3XXXXX-OEM-0064004-63601 企业版XP-VOL-SP2 H7VV-6P3G9-82TWK-QKJJ3-MXR96XXXXX-OEM-0064013-15326 企业版XP-VOL-SP2 HCQ9D-TVCWX-X9QRG-J4B2Y-GR2TT。
微软认证工程师(Microsoft Certified Engineer,简称MCE)是指通过微软官方认证考试获得相应认证资格的技术人员,其含金量主要取决于其获得的具体认证类型和考试难度。
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※ Windows 2000 Advanced Server(Win2000)
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微软认证考试号大全Exam 70-015: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual C++ 6 Exam 70-016: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual C++6 Exam 70-019: Designing and Implementing Data Warehouses with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0 Exam 70-028: System Administration for Microsoft SQL Server 7.0Exam 70-029: Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 7.0Exam 70-057: Designing and Implementing Commerce Solutions with Microsoft Site Server 3.0, Commerce EditionExam 70-080: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 by Using the Microsoft Internet Explorer Administration KitExam 70-081: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5Exam 70-085: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft SNA Server 4.0Exam 70-086: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Systems Management Server 2.0 Exam 70-088: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Proxy Server 2.0Exam 70-091: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Office 2000 and Microsoft Visual Basic for ApplicationsExam 70-098: Implementing and Supporting Microsoft Windows 98Exam 70-100: Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solution ArchitecturesExam 70-105: Design & Implement Collaborative Solutions with Microsoft Outlook 2000 and Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5Exam 70-152: Designing and Implementing Web Solutions with Microsoft Visual InterDev 6.0 Exam 70-155: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0Exam 70-156: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual FoxPro 6.0Exam 70-175: Designing and Implementing Distributed Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0Exam 70-176: Designing and Implementing Desktop Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Exam 70-210: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional Exam 70-214: Implementing and Managing Security in a Windows 2000 Network Infrastructure Exam 70-215: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows 2000 ServerExam 70-216: Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network InfrastructureExam 70-217: Implementing and Administering a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services InfrastructureExam 70-218: Managing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network EnvironmentExam 70-219: Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Directory Services InfrastructureExam 70-220: Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows 2000 NetworkExam 70-221: Designing a Microsoft Windows 2000 Network InfrastructureExam 70-222: Migrating from Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 to Microsoft Windows 2000Exam 70-223: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Clustering Services by Using Microsoft Windows 2000 Advanced ServerExam 70-224: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2000Exam 70-225: Designing and Deploying a Messaging Infrastructure with Microsoft Exchange 2000 ServerExam 70-226: Designing Highly Available Web Solutions with Microsoft Windows 2000 Server TechnologiesExam 70-227: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Internet Security and Acceleration (ISA) Server 2000, Enterprise EditionExam 70-228: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise EditionExam 70-229: Designing and Implementing Databases with Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Enterprise EditionExam 70-230: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft BizTalk Server 2000, Enterprise EditionExam 70-232: Implementing and Maintaining Highly Available Web Solutions with Microsoft Windows 2000 Server Technologies and Microsoft Application Center 2000Exam 70-234: Designing and Implementing Solutions with Microsoft Commerce Server 2000 Exam 70-240: Microsoft Windows 2000 Accelerated Exam for MCPs Certified on Microsoft Windows NT 4.0Exam 70-244: Supporting and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows NT Server 4.0 NetworkExam 70-270: Installing, Configuring, and Administering Microsoft Windows XP Professional Exam 70-271: Maintaining and Troubleshooting Microsoft Windows XP for Desktop Support TechniciansExam 70-272: Maintaining and Troubleshooting Applications on a Microsoft Windows XP Platform for Desktop Support TechniciansExam 70-281: Planning, Deploying, and Managing Enterprise Project Management Solutions Exam 70-282: Planning, Deploying, and Managing a Network Solution for the Small and Medium-Sized BusinessExam 70-284: Implementing and Managing Microsoft Exchange Server 2003Exam 70-285: Designing a Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 OrganizationExam 70-290: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 EnvironmentExam 70-291: Implementing, Managing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network InfrastructureExam 70-292: Managing and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSA Certified on Windows 2000Exam 70-293: Planning and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Network InfrastructureExam 70-294: Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory InfrastructureExam 70-296: Planning, Implementing, and Maintaining a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Environment for an MCSE Certified on Windows 2000Exam 70-297: Designing a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 Active Directory and Network InfrastructureExam 70-298: Designing Security for a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 NetworkExam 70-299: Implementing and Administering Security in a Microsoft Windows Server 2003 NetworkExam 70-300: Analyzing Requirements and Defining Solution Architectures for Microsoft .NET Exam 70-305: Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NETExam 70-306: Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NETExam 70-310: Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET and the Microsoft .NET FrameworkExam 70-315: Developing and Implementing Web Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NETExam 70-316: Developing and Implementing Windows-based Applications with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and Microsoft Visual Studio .NETExam 70-320: Developing XML Web Services and Server Components with Microsoft Visual C# .NET and the Microsoft .NET Framework微软MCTS认证考试科目详细列表微软认证技术专家(MCTS )展示你的专业技术知识与微软认证技术专家(MCTS )认证。