投资学 博迪 第九版 中文答案 第一章


《博迪 投资学 第9版 笔记和课后习题详解》读书笔记思维导图

《博迪 投资学  第9版 笔记和课后习题详解》读书笔记思维导图

第9章 资本资 1
第10章 套利 定价理论与风
3 第11章 有效
4 第12章 行为
金融与技术分 析
5 第13章 证券
收益的实证依 据
9.1 复习笔 记
9.2 课后习 题详解
10.1 复习笔 记
10.2 课后习 题详解
11.1 复习笔 记
11.2 课后习 题详解
第一部分 绪 论
第1章 投资环境
第2章 资产类别 与金融工具
第3章 证券是如 何交易的
第4章 共同基金 与其他投资公司
1.1 复习笔 记
1.2 课后习 题详解
2.1 复习笔 记
2.2 课后习 题详解
3.1 复习笔 记
3.2 课后习 题详解
4.1 复习笔 记
4.2 课后习 题详解
第二部分 资产组合理论与实 践
第24章 投资 1
第25章 投资 2
3 第26章 对冲
4 第27章 积极
第28章 投资 政策与注册金
24.1 复习笔 记
24.2 课后习 题详解
25.1 复习笔 记
25.2 课后习 题详解
26.1 复习笔 记
26.2 课后习 题详解
27.1 复习笔 记
27.2 课后习 题详解
28.1 复习笔 记
28.2 课后习 题详解
最 新

《博迪 投资学 第9版 笔记和课后 习题详解》








[上海财大2013研] A.限价12.52元申报B.限价12.53元申报C.本方最优市价申报D.对手方最优市价申报【答案】D【解析】对手方最优价格申报,是指以申报进入交易主机时集中申报簿中对手方队列的最优价格为其申报价格。






第1章投资环境1.1 复习笔记1.金融资产与实物资产(1)概念实物资产指经济生活中所创造的用于生产商品和提供服务的资产。
























博迪投资学第九版-Investment-Chap013-习题答案CHAPTER 13: EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE ON SECURITY RETURNS PROBLEM SETS1. Even if the single-factor CCAPM (with a consumption-trackingportfolio used as the index) performs better than the CAPM, it is still quite possible that the consumption portfolio does not capture the size and growth characteristics captured by the SMB(i.e., small minus big capitalization) and HML (i.e., high minuslow book-to-market ratio) factors of the Fama-French three-factor model. Therefore, it is expected that the Fama-French model with consumption provides a better explanation of returns than does the model with consumption alone.2. Wealth and consumption should be positively correlated and,therefore, market volatility and consumption volatility should also be positively correlated. Periods of high market volatility might coincide with periods of high consumption volatility. The‘conventional’ CAPM focuses on the covariance of security returns with returns for the market portfolio (which in turn tracks aggregate wealth) while the consumption-based CAPM focuses on the covariance of security returns with returns for a portfolio thattracks consumption growth. However, to the extent that wealth and consumption are correlated, both versions of the CAPM mightrepresent patterns in actual returns reasonably well.To see this formally, suppose that the CAPM and the consumption-based model are approximately true. According to the conventional CAPM, the market price of risk equals expected excess market return divided by the variance of that excess return. According to theconsumption-beta model, the price of risk equals expected excessmarket return divided by the covariance of R M with g, where g is the rate of consumption growth. This covariance equals the correlation of R M with g times the product of the standard deviations of thevariables. Combining the two models, the correlation between R M andg equals the standard deviation of R M divided by the standarddeviation of g. Accordingly, if the correlation between R M and g is relatively stable, then an increase in market volatility will beaccompanied by an increase in the volatility of consumption growth.Note: For the following problems, the focus is on the estimation procedure. To keep the exercise feasible, the sample was limited to returns on nine stocks plus a market index and a second factor over a period of 12 years. The data were generated to conform to a two-factor CAPM so that actual rates of return equal CAPMexpectations plus random noise, and the true intercept of the SCL is zero for all stocks. The exercise will provide a feel for the pitfalls of verifying social-science models. However, due to the small size of the sample, results are not always consistent withthe findings of other studies as reported in the chapter.3. Using the regression feature of Excel with the data presented inthe text, the first-pass (SCL) estimation results are:Stock:A B C D E F G H I R Square0. 1.380.90 1.780.66 1.91 2.08t-Alpha0.73-0.04-0.06-0.410.05-0.450.33-0.270.64t-Beta-0.810.780.78 2.42 1.42 3.830.78 4.51 4.814. The hypotheses for the second-pass regression for the SML are: The intercept is zero; and,The slope is equal to the average return on the index portfolio. 5. The second-pass data from first-pass (SCL) estimates are: AverageBetaExcessReturnA 5.18-0.47B 4.190.59C 2.750.42D 6.15 1.38E8.050.90F9.90 1.78G11.320.66H13.11 1.91I22.83 2.08M8.12S The second-pass regression yields:Regression StatisticsMultiple R 0.7074R Square0.5004Adjusted RSquare0.4291Standard Error 4.6234 Observations9Coefficients StandardErrortStatisticfor β=0tStatisticforIntercept 3.92 2.54 1.54Slope 5.21 1.97 2.65-1.486. As we saw in the chapter, the intercept is too high (3.92% per year instead of 0) and the slope is too flat (5.21% instead of a predicted value equal to the sample-average risk premium: r M r f = 8.12%). The intercept is not significantly greater than zero (thet-statistic is less than 2) and the slope is not significantlydifferent from its theoretical value (the t-statistic for this hypothesis is 1.48). This lack of statistical significance is probably due to the small size of the sample.7. Arranging the securities in three portfolios based on betas from the SCL estimates, the first pass input data are:Year ABC DEG FHI115.0525.8656.692-16.76-29.74-50.85319.67-5.688.984-15.83-2.5835.41547.1837.70-3.256-2.2653.8675.447-18.6715.3212.508-6.3536.3332.1297.8514.0850.421021.4112.6652.1411-2.53-50.71-66.1212-0.30-4.99-20.10 Average 4.048.5115.28Std.Dev.19.3029.4743.96(continued on next page)The first-pass (SCL) estimates are:ABC DEG FHIR Square0.040.480.82Observation121212Alpha 2.580.54-0.34Beta0.180.98 1.92t-Alpha0.420.08-0.06t-Beta0.62 3.02 6.83Grouping into portfolios has improved the SCL estimates as is evident from the higher R-square for Portfolio DEG and Portfolio FHI. This means that the beta (slope) is measured with greater precision, reducing the error-in-measurement problem at the expense of leaving fewer observations for the second pass.The inputs for the second pass regression are:AverageExcessReturnBetaABC 4.040.18DEH8.510.98FGI15.28 1.92M8.12The second-pass estimates are:RegressionMultiple R0.9975R Square0.9949Adjusted RSquare0.9899Standard Error0.5693Observations3Coefficients StandardErrortStatisticfor β =0tStatisticfor βIntercept 2.620.58 4.55Slope 6.470.4614.03-3.58Despite the decrease in the intercept and the increase in slope, the intercept is now significantly positive, and the slope is significantly less than the hypothesized value by more than three times the standard error.8. Roll’s critique suggests that the problem b egins with the marketindex, which is not the theoretical portfolio against which thesecond pass regression should hold. Hence, even if therelationship is valid with respect to the true (unknown) index, we may not find it. As a result, the second pass relationship may be meaningless.9.Except for Stock I, which realized an extremely positive surprise, the CML shows that the index dominates all other securities, and the three portfolios dominate all individual stocks. The power of diversification is evident despite the very small sample size.10. The first-pass (SCL) regression results are summarized below:A B C D E F G H IR-Square0.070.360.110.440.240.840.120.680.71Observatio121212121212121212 nsIntercept9.19-1.89-1.00-4.480.17-3.47 5.32-2.64 5.66Beta M-0.470.580.41 1.390.89 1.790.65 1.91 2.08。



CHAPTER 1: THE INVESTMENT ENVIRONMENT PROBLEM SETS1. Ultimately, it is true that real assets determine the material well being of an economy.Nevertheless, individuals can benefit when financial engineering creates new products that allow them to manage their portfolios of financial assets more efficiently. Becausebundling and unbundling creates financial products with new properties and sensitivities to various sources of risk, it allows investors to hedge particular sources of risk moreefficiently.2.Securitization requires access to a large number of potential investors. To attract theseinvestors, the capital market needs:(1) a safe system of business laws and low probability of confiscatorytaxation/regulation;(2) a well-developed investment banking industry;(3) a well-developed system of brokerage and financial transactions, and;(4)well-developed media, particularly financial reporting.These characteristics are found in (indeed make for) a well-developed financial market. 3. Securitization leads to disintermediation; that is, securitization provides a means formarket participants to bypass intermediaries. For example, mortgage-backed securities channel funds to the housing market without requiring that banks or thrift institutionsmake loans from their own portfolios. As securitization progresses, financialintermediaries must increase other activities such as providing short-term liquidity toconsumers and small business, and financial services.4. Financial assets make it easy for large firms to raise the capital needed to finance theirinvestments in real assets. If General Motors, for example, could not issue stocks orbonds to the general public, it would have a far more difficult time raising capital.Contraction of the supply of financial assets would make financing more difficult,thereby increasing the cost of capital. A higher cost of capital results in less investment and lower real growth.5. Even if the firm does not need to issue stock in any particular year, the stock market is stillimportant to the financial manager. The stock price provides important information about how the market values the firm's investment projects. For example, if the stock price rises considerably, managers might conclude that the market believes the firm's future prospects are bright. This might be a useful signal to the firm to proceed with an investment such as an expansion of the firm's business.In addition, the fact that shares can be traded in the secondary market makes the sharesmore attractive to investors since investors know that, when they wish to, they will be able to sell their shares. This in turn makes investors more willing to buy shares in a primary offering, and thus improves the terms on which firms can raise money in the equity market.6. a. Cash is a financial asset because it is the liability of the federal government.b. No. The cash does not directly add to the productive capacity of the economy.c. Yes.d. Society as a whole is worse off, since taxpayers, as a group will make up for theliability.7. a. The bank loan is a financial liability for Lanni. (Lanni's IOU is the bank's financialasset.) The cash Lanni receives is a financial asset. The new financial asset createdis Lanni's promissory note (that is, Lanni’s IOU to the bank).b. Lanni transfers financial assets (cash) to the software developers. In return, Lannigets a real asset, the completed software. No financial assets are created ordestroyed; cash is simply transferred from one party to another.c. Lanni gives the real asset (the software) to Microsoft in exchange for a financialasset, 1,500 shares of Microsoft stock. If Microsoft issues new shares in order to payLanni, then this would represent the creation of new financial assets.d. Lanni exchanges one financial asset (1,500 shares of stock) for another ($120,000).Lanni gives a financial asset ($50,000 cash) to the bank and gets back anotherfinancial asset (its IOU). The loan is "destroyed" in the transaction, since it is retiredwhen paid off and no longer exists.8. a.AssetsLiabilities &Shareholders’ equityCash $ 70,000 Bank loan $ 50,000 Computers 30,000 Shareholders’ equity Total 50,000$100,000 Total $100,000Ratio of real assets to total assets = $30,000/$100,000 = 0.30b.AssetsLiabilities & Shareholders’ equity Software product*$ 70,000 Bank loan $ 50,000 Computers30,000 Shareholders’ equity Total 50,000 $100,000 Total $100,000 *Valued at costRatio of real assets to total assets = $100,000/$100,000 = 1.0c.AssetsLiabilities & Shareholders’ equity Microsoft shares$120,000 Bank loan $ 50,000 Computers30,000 Shareholders’ equity Total 100,000 $150,000 Total $150,000 Ratio of real assets to total assets = $30,000/$150,000 = 0.20Conclusion: when the firm starts up and raises working capital, it is characterized bya low ratio of real assets to total assets. When it is in full production, it has a highratio of real assets to total assets. When the project "shuts down" and the firm sells itoff for cash, financial assets once again replace real assets.9. For commercial banks, the ratio is: $107.5/$10,410.9 = 0.010For non-financial firms, the ratio is: $13,295/$25,164 = 0.528The difference should be expected primarily because the bulk of the business offinancial institutions is to make loans; which are financial assets for financialinstitutions.10. a. Primary-market transactionb. Derivative assetsc.Investors who wish to hold gold without the complication and cost of physicalstorage.11. a. A fixed salary means that compensation is (at least in the short run) independent ofthe firm's success. This salary structure does not tie the manager’s immediatecompensation to the success of the firm. However, the manager might view this asthe safest compensation structure and therefore value it more highly.b. A salary that is paid in the form of stock in the firm means that the manager earns themost when the shareholders’ wealth is maximized. This structure is therefore mostlikely to align the interests of managers and shareholders. If stock compensation isoverdone, however, the manager might view it as overly risky since the manager’scareer is already linked to the firm, and this undiversified exposure would beexacerbated with a large stock position in the firm.c. Call options on shares of the firm create great incentives for managers to contribute tothe firm’s success. In some cases, however, stock options can lead to other agencyproblems. For example, a manager with numerous call options might be tempted totake on a very risky investment project, reasoning that if the project succeeds thepayoff will be huge, while if it fails, the losses are limited to the lost value of theoptions. Shareholders, in contrast, bear the losses as well as the gains on the project,and might be less willing to assume that risk.12. Even if an individual shareholder could monitor and improve managers’ performance, andthereby increase the value of the firm, the payoff would be small, since the ownership share in a large corporation would be very small. For example, if you own $10,000 of GM stock and can increase the value of the firm by 5%, a very ambitious goal, you benefit by only:0.05 × $10,000 = $500In contrast, a bank that has a multimillion-dollar loan outstanding to the firm has a big stake in making sure that the firm can repay the loan. It is clearly worthwhile for the bank tospend considerable resources to monitor the firm.13. Mutual funds accept funds from small investors and invest, on behalf of these investors,in the national and international securities markets.Pension funds accept funds and then invest, on behalf of current and future retirees, thereby channeling funds from one sector of the economy to another.Venture capital firms pool the funds of private investors and invest in start-up firms.Banks accept deposits from customers and loan those funds to businesses, or use the funds to buy securities of large corporations.14. Treasury bills serve a purpose for investors who prefer a low-risk investment. Thelower average rate of return compared to stocks is the price investors pay forpredictability of investment performance and portfolio value.15. With a “top-down” investing style, you focus on asset allocation or the broad compositionof the entire portfolio, which is the major determinant of overall performance. Moreover,top-down management is the natural way to establish a portfolio with a level of riskconsistent with your risk tolerance. The disadvantage of an exclusive emphasis on top-down issues is that you may forfeit the potential high returns that could result fromidentifying and concentrating in undervalued securities or sectors of the market.With a “bottom-up” investing style, you try to benefit from identifying undervalued securities.The disadvantage is that you tend to overlook the overall composition of your portfolio,which may result in a non-diversified portfolio or a portfolio with a risk level inconsistentwith your level of risk tolerance. In addition, this technique tends to require more activemanagement, thus generating more transaction costs. Finally, your analysis may be incorrect, in which case you will have fruitlessly expended effort and money attempting to beat asimple buy-and-hold strategy.16. You should be skeptical. If the author actually knows how to achieve such returns, one mustquestion why the author would then be so ready to sell the secret to others. Financial markets are very competitive; one of the implications of this fact is that riches do not come easily.High expected returns require bearing some risk, and obvious bargains are few and farbetween. Odds are that the only one getting rich from the book is its author.17. a. The SEC website defines the difference between saving and investing in terms ofthe investment alternatives or the financial assets the individual chooses to acquire.According to the SEC website, saving is the process of acquiring a “safe” financialasset and investing is the process of acquiring “risky” financial assets.b. The economist’s definition of savings is the difference between income andconsumption. Investing is the process of allocating one’s savings among availableassets, both real assets and financial assets. The SEC definitions actually represent(according the economist’s definition) two kinds of investment alternatives.18. As is the case for the SEC definitions (see Problem 17), the SIA defines saving andinvesting as acquisition of alternative kinds of financial assets. According to the SIA,saving is the process of acquiring safe assets, generally from a bank, while investing isthe acquisition of other financial assets, such as stocks and bonds. On the other hand,the definitions in the chapter indicate that saving means spending less than one’s income.Investing is the process of allocating one’s savings among financial assets, includingsavings account deposits and money market accounts (“saving” according to the SIA),other financial assets such as stocks and bonds (“investing” according to the SIA), aswell as real assets.CHAPTER 2: ASSET CLASSES ANDFINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSPROBLEM SETS1. Preferred stock is like long-term debt in that it typically promises a fixed payment eachyear. In this way, it is a perpetuity. Preferred stock is also like long-term debt in that itdoes not give the holder voting rights in the firm.Preferred stock is like equity in that the firm is under no contractual obligation to make the preferred stock dividend payments. Failure to make payments does not set off corporate bankruptcy. With respect to the priority of claims to the assets of the firm in the event of corporate bankruptcy, preferred stock has a higher priority than common equity but a lower priority than bonds.2. Money market securities are called “cash equivalents” because of their great liquidity.The prices of money market securities are very stable, and they can be converted tocash (i.e., sold) on very short notice and with very low transaction costs.3. The spread will widen. Deterioration of the economy increases credit risk, that is, thelikelihood of default. Investors will demand a greater premium on debt securitiessubject to default risk.4. On the day we tried this experiment, 36 of the 50 stocks met this criterion, leading us toconclude that returns on stock investments can be quite volatile.5. a. You would have to pay the asked price of:118:31 = 118.96875% of par = $1,189.6875b. The coupon rate is 11.750% implying coupon payments of $117.50 annually or, moreprecisely, $58.75 semiannually.c.Current yield = Annual coupon income/price= $117.50/$1,189.6875 = 0.0988 = 9.88%6. P = $10,000/1.02 = $9,803.927. The total before-tax income is $4. After the 70% exclusion for preferred stock dividends, thetaxable income is: 0.30 × $4 = $1.20Therefore, taxes are: 0.30 × $1.20 = $0.36After-tax income is: $4.00 – $0.36 = $3.64Rate of return is: $3.64/$40.00 = 9.10%8. a. General Dynamics closed today at $74.59, which was $0.17 higher than yesterday’sprice. Yesterday’s closing price was: $74.42b. You could buy: $5,000/$74.59 = 67.03 sharesc. Your annual dividend income would be: 67.03 × $0.92 = $61.67d. The price-to-earnings ratio is 16 and the price is $74.59. Therefore:$74.59/Earnings per share = 16 Earnings per share = $4.669. a. At t = 0, the value of the index is: (90 + 50 + 100)/3 = 80At t = 1, the value of the index is: (95 + 45 + 110)/3 = 83.333The rate of return is: (83.333/80) − 1 = 4.17%b.In the absence of a split, Stock C would sell for 110, so the value of the indexwould be: 250/3 = 83.333After the split, Stock C sells for 55. Therefore, we need to find the divisor (d)such that:83.333 = (95 + 45 + 55)/d ⇒ d = 2.340c. The return is zero. The index remains unchanged because the return for each stockseparately equals zero.10. a. Total market value at t = 0 is: ($9,000 + $10,000 + $20,000) = $39,000T otal market value at t = 1 is: ($9,500 + $9,000 + $22,000) = $40,500R ate of return = ($40,500/$39,000) – 1 = 3.85%b.The return on each stock is as follows:r A r = (95/90) – 1 = 0.0556B r = (45/50) – 1 = –0.10CThe equally-weighted average is:= (110/100) – 1 = 0.10[0.0556 + (-0.10) + 0.10]/3 = 0.0185 = 1.85%11. The after-tax yield on the corporate bonds is: 0.09 × (1 – 0.30) = 0.0630 = 6.30%Therefore, municipals must offer at least 6.30% yields.12. Equation (2.2) shows that the equivalent taxable yield is: r = r m/(1 – t)a. 4.00%b. 4.44%c. 5.00%d. 5.71%13. a. The higher coupon bond.b. The call with the lower exercise price.c. The put on the lower priced stock.14. a. You bought the contract when the futures price was 1427.50 (see Figure 2.12). Thecontract closes at a price of 1300, which is 127.50 less than the original futures price. Thecontract multiplier is $250. Therefore, the loss will be:127.50 × $250 = $31,875b. Open interest is 601,655 contracts.15. a. Since the stock price exceeds the exercise price, you will exercise the call.The payoff on the option will be: $42 − $40 = $2The option originally cost $2.14, so the profit is: $2.00 − $2.14 = −$0.14Rate of return = −$0.14/$2.14 = −0.0654 = −6.54%b. If the call has an exercise price of $42.50, you would not exercise for any stock price of$42.50 or less. The loss on the call would be the initial cost: $0.72c. Since the stock price is less than the exercise price, you will exercise the put.The payoff on the option will be: $42.50 − $42.00 = $0.50The option originally cost $1.83 so the profit is: $0.50 − $1.83 = −$1.33Rate of return = −$1.33/$1.83 = −0.7268 = −72.68%16. There is always a possibility that the option will be in-the-money at some time prior toexpiration. Investors will pay something for this possibility of a positive payoff.17.Value of call at expiration Initial Cost Profita. 0 4 -4b. 0 4 -4c. 0 4 -4d. 5 4 1e. 10 4 6Value of put at expiration Initial Cost Profita. 10 6 4b. 5 6 -1c. 0 6 -6d. 0 6 -6e. 0 6 -618. A put option conveys the right to sell the underlying asset at the exercise price. A shortposition in a futures contract carries an obligation to sell the underlying asset at thefutures price.19. A call option conveys the right to buy the underlying asset at the exercise price. A longposition in a futures contract carries an obligation to buy the underlying asset at thefutures price.CFA PROBLEMS1.(d)2. The equivalent taxable yield is: 6.75%/(1 − 0.34) = 10.23%3. (a) Writing a call entails unlimited potential losses as the stock price rises.4. a. The taxable bond. With a zero tax bracket, the after-tax yield for the taxable bond isthe same as the before-tax yield (5%), which is greater than the yield on the municipalbond.b.The taxable bond. The after-tax yield for the taxable bond is:0.05 × (1 – 0.10) = 4.5%c.You are indifferent. The after-tax yield for the taxable bond is:0.05 × (1 – 0.20) = 4.0%The after-tax yield is the same as that of the municipal bond.d. The municipal bond offers the higher after-tax yield for investors in tax brackets above20%.5.If the after-tax yields are equal, then: 0.056 = 0.08 × (1 – t)This implies that t = 0.30 =30%.CHAPTER 2: ASSET CLASSES ANDFINANCIAL INSTRUMENTSPROBLEM SETS1. Preferred stock is like long-term debt in that it typically promises a fixed payment eachyear. In this way, it is a perpetuity. Preferred stock is also like long-term debt in that itdoes not give the holder voting rights in the firm.Preferred stock is like equity in that the firm is under no contractual obligation to make the preferred stock dividend payments. Failure to make payments does not set off corporate bankruptcy. With respect to the priority of claims to the assets of the firm in the event of corporate bankruptcy, preferred stock has a higher priority than common equity but a lower priority than bonds.2. Money market securities are called “cash equivalents” because of their great liquidity.The prices of money market securities are very stable, and they can be converted tocash (i.e., sold) on very short notice and with very low transaction costs.3. The spread will widen. Deterioration of the economy increases credit risk, that is, thelikelihood of default. Investors will demand a greater premium on debt securitiessubject to default risk.4. On the day we tried this experiment, 36 of the 50 stocks met this criterion, leading us toconclude that returns on stock investments can be quite volatile.5. a. You would have to pay the asked price of:118:31 = 118.96875% of par = $1,189.6875b. The coupon rate is 11.750% implying coupon payments of $117.50 annually or, moreprecisely, $58.75 semiannually.c.Current yield = Annual coupon income/price= $117.50/$1,189.6875 = 0.0988 = 9.88%6. P = $10,000/1.02 = $9,803.927. The total before-tax income is $4. After the 70% exclusion for preferred stock dividends, thetaxable income is: 0.30 × $4 = $1.20Therefore, taxes are: 0.30 × $1.20 = $0.36After-tax income is: $4.00 – $0.36 = $3.64Rate of return is: $3.64/$40.00 = 9.10%8. a. General Dynamics closed today at $74.59, which was $0.17 higher than yesterday’sprice. Yesterday’s closing price was: $74.42b. You could buy: $5,000/$74.59 = 67.03 sharesc. Your annual dividend income would be: 67.03 × $0.92 = $61.67d. The price-to-earnings ratio is 16 and the price is $74.59. Therefore:$74.59/Earnings per share = 16 Earnings per share = $4.669. a. At t = 0, the value of the index is: (90 + 50 + 100)/3 = 80At t = 1, the value of the index is: (95 + 45 + 110)/3 = 83.333The rate of return is: (83.333/80) − 1 = 4.17%b.In the absence of a split, Stock C would sell for 110, so the value of the indexwould be: 250/3 = 83.333After the split, Stock C sells for 55. Therefore, we need to find the divisor (d)such that:83.333 = (95 + 45 + 55)/d ⇒ d = 2.340c. The return is zero. The index remains unchanged because the return for each stockseparately equals zero.10. a. Total market value at t = 0 is: ($9,000 + $10,000 + $20,000) = $39,000T otal market value at t = 1 is: ($9,500 + $9,000 + $22,000) = $40,500R ate of return = ($40,500/$39,000) – 1 = 3.85%b.The return on each stock is as follows:r A r = (95/90) – 1 = 0.0556B r = (45/50) – 1 = –0.10CThe equally-weighted average is:= (110/100) – 1 = 0.10[0.0556 + (-0.10) + 0.10]/3 = 0.0185 = 1.85%11. The after-tax yield on the corporate bonds is: 0.09 × (1 – 0.30) = 0.0630 = 6.30%Therefore, municipals must offer at least 6.30% yields.12. Equation (2.2) shows that the equivalent taxable yield is: r = r m/(1 – t)a. 4.00%b. 4.44%c. 5.00%d. 5.71%13. a. The higher coupon bond.b. The call with the lower exercise price.c. The put on the lower priced stock.14. a. You bought the contract when the futures price was 1427.50 (see Figure 2.12). Thecontract closes at a price of 1300, which is 127.50 less than the original futures price. Thecontract multiplier is $250. Therefore, the loss will be:127.50 × $250 = $31,875b. Open interest is 601,655 contracts.15. a. Since the stock price exceeds the exercise price, you will exercise the call.The payoff on the option will be: $42 − $40 = $2The option originally cost $2.14, so the profit is: $2.00 − $2.14 = −$0.14Rate of return = −$0.14/$2.14 = −0.0654 = −6.54%b. If the call has an exercise price of $42.50, you would not exercise for any stock price of$42.50 or less. The loss on the call would be the initial cost: $0.72c. Since the stock price is less than the exercise price, you will exercise the put.The payoff on the option will be: $42.50 − $42.00 = $0.50The option originally cost $1.83 so the profit is: $0.50 − $1.83 = −$1.33Rate of return = −$1.33/$1.83 = −0.7268 = −72.68%16. There is always a possibility that the option will be in-the-money at some time prior toexpiration. Investors will pay something for this possibility of a positive payoff.17.Value of call at expiration Initial Cost Profita. 0 4 -4b. 0 4 -4c. 0 4 -4d. 5 4 1e. 10 4 6Value of put at expiration Initial Cost Profita. 10 6 4b. 5 6 -1c. 0 6 -6d. 0 6 -6e. 0 6 -618. A put option conveys the right to sell the underlying asset at the exercise price. A shortposition in a futures contract carries an obligation to sell the underlying asset at thefutures price.19. A call option conveys the right to buy the underlying asset at the exercise price. A longposition in a futures contract carries an obligation to buy the underlying asset at thefutures price.CFA PROBLEMS1.(d)2. The equivalent taxable yield is: 6.75%/(1 − 0.34) = 10.23%3. (a) Writing a call entails unlimited potential losses as the stock price rises.4. a. The taxable bond. With a zero tax bracket, the after-tax yield for the taxable bond isthe same as the before-tax yield (5%), which is greater than the yield on the municipalbond.b.The taxable bond. The after-tax yield for the taxable bond is:0.05 × (1 – 0.10) = 4.5%c.You are indifferent. The after-tax yield for the taxable bond is:0.05 × (1 – 0.20) = 4.0%The after-tax yield is the same as that of the municipal bond.d. The municipal bond offers the higher after-tax yield for investors in tax brackets above20%.5.If the after-tax yields are equal, then: 0.056 = 0.08 × (1 – t)This implies that t = 0.30 =30%.CHAPTER 3: HOW SECURITIES ARE TRADEDPROBLEM SETS1.Answers to this problem will vary.2. The SuperDot system expedites the flow of orders from exchange members to thespecialists. It allows members to send computerized orders directly to the floor of theexchange, which allows the nearly simultaneous sale of each stock in a large portfolio.This capability is necessary for program trading.3. The dealer sets the bid and asked price. Spreads should be higher on inactively traded stocksand lower on actively traded stocks.4. a. In principle, potential losses are unbounded, growing directly with increases in theprice of IBM.b. If the stop-buy order can be filled at $128, the maximum possible loss per share is$8. If the price of IBM shares goes above $128, then the stop-buy order would beexecuted, limiting the losses from the short sale.5. a. The stock is purchased for: 300 × $40 = $12,000The amount borrowed is $4,000. Therefore, the investor put up equity, or margin,of $8,000.b.If the share price falls to $30, then the value of the stock falls to $9,000. By theend of the year, the amount of the loan owed to the broker grows to:$4,000 × 1.08 = $4,320Therefore, the remaining margin in the investor’s account is:$9,000 − $4,320 = $4,680The percentage margin is now: $4,680/$9,000 = 0.52 = 52%Therefore, the investor will not receive a margin call.c.The rate of return on the investment over the year is:(Ending equity in the account − Initial equity)/Initial equity= ($4,680 − $8,000)/$8,000 = −0.415 = −41.5%6. a. The initial margin was: 0.50 × 1,000 × $40 = $20,000As a result of the increase in the stock price Old Economy Traders loses:$10 × 1,000 = $10,000Therefore, margin decreases by $10,000. Moreover, Old Economy Traders mustpay the dividend of $2 per share to the lender of the shares, so that the margin inthe account decreases by an additional $2,000. Therefore, the remaining margin is:$20,000 – $10,000 – $2,000 = $8,000b.The percentage margin is: $8,000/$50,000 = 0.16 = 16% So there will be a margin call.c.The equity in the account decreased from $20,000 to $8,000 in one year, for a rate of return of: (−$12,000/$20,000) = −0.60 = −60%7. Much of what the specialist does (e.g., crossing orders and maintaining the limit order book)can be accomplished by a computerized system. In fact, some exchanges use an automated system for night trading. A more difficult issue to resolve is whether the more discretionary activities of specialists involving trading for their own accounts (e.g., maintaining an orderly market) can be replicated by a computer system.8. a.The buy order will be filled at the best limit-sell order price: $50.25 b. The next market buy order will be filled at the next-best limit-sell orderprice: $51.50c. You would want to increase your inventory. There is considerable buying demand atprices just below $50, indicating that downside risk is limited. In contrast, limit sellorders are sparse, indicating that a moderate buy order could result in a substantialprice increase.9. a.You buy 200 shares of Telecom for $10,000. These shares increase in value by 10%,or $1,000. You pay interest of: 0.08 × $5,000 = $400 The rate of return will be:000,5$400$000,1$−= 0.12 = 12%。

莫顿、博迪版 金融学课后习题答案(中文版)第一章

莫顿、博迪版 金融学课后习题答案(中文版)第一章
h 小,同时,单收入家庭比双收入家庭更愿意购买残疾保险,人身保险.然 k 而,如果单收入家庭需要有人照顾放学后回家的孩子,他们还要再支付 . 照看小孩的额外费用. w五.学生们结合他们具体的经历和看法会给出不同的答案。很多的人 w很可能会说应该是在完成学业,并获得一份可观收入的工作之后实现 w经济上的独立。
o 资产包括:经常帐户余额 c 储蓄存款帐户余额 . 家具设备,首饰类(如表) w 车(如果有的话)
a 信用卡结余的差额 d 各种租用金的协定(不包括转租) h 应付车款 k 在计算净值时学生会特别地排除了他们一生潜在的赚钱
. 三.一个单身汉之需要养活他自己,所以他可以独立自主的作出金融 w决策。如果他不想购买健康保险(而愿意承担由这个决定而带来的金 w融风险)那么除了这个单身汉自身,没谁会受这个决定的影响。另外, w他不需要在家庭成员之间分配收入这件事上做任何决定。单身汉是很
m ●拥有我自己的房子 o ●供养我的家庭生活
c ●退休 . 在我实现目标的过程中,金融所扮演的角色: w 答案样例:1,金融现在可以为我提供大学本科及研究生教育的 a 学费并帮我完成学业,帮我决定投资于上学是否是一个好的投资决定 d 2,高等教育可以帮助提高我赚钱的能力以及获得一个我喜欢的工作 h 的能力 3,当我结婚并且有了孩子以后,我就有了额外的金融责任(以
课 后 答 案 网
因为修补这些损坏而造成的花费需要靠什么工程项目的推迟来弥补。 如何支付楼下礼拜室维修的费用。 怎么样可以增加团体成员的参与和捐赠数量。 怎么样可以组织和要求志愿者参加一年一度的教堂义卖(这是每年最 大的资金募集活动)。























博迪《投资学》(第9版)配套题库【章节题库】第1章~第4章 【圣才出品】

博迪《投资学》(第9版)配套题库【章节题库】第1章~第4章 【圣才出品】





















投资学第九版课后答案,博迪投资学第九版课后答案CHAPTER1:THEINVESTMENTENVIRONMENTPROBLEMSETS1.Ultimately,itistruethatrealassetsdeterminethematerialwellbeingofaneconomy.Nevertheless,inpidualscanbenefitwhenfinancialengineeringcreatesnewproductsthatallowt hemtomanagetheirportfoliosoffinancialassetsmoreefficiently.Becausebundlingandunbundlingcreat esfinancialproductswithnewpropertiesandsensitivitiestovarioussourcesofrisk,itallowsinvestorstohe dgeparticularsourcesofriskmoreefficiently.2.Securitizationrequiresaccesstoalargenumberofpotentialinvestors.Toattracttheseinvestors,thecapitalmarketneeds:1.asafesystemofbusinesslawsandlowprobabilityofconfiscatorytaxation/regulation;2.awell-developedinvestmentbankingindustry;3.awell-developedsystemofbrokerageandfinancialtransactions,and;4.well-developedmedia,particularlyfinancialreporting.Thesecharacteristicsarefoundin(indeedmakefor)awell-developedfinancialmarket.3.Securitizationleadstodisintermediation;thatis,securitizationprovidesameansformarketparticipantstobypassintermediaries.Forexample,mortgage-backedsecuritieschannelfundstothehousingmarketwithoutrequiringthatbanksorthriftinstitutionsmakeloansfromtheirownportfolios. Assecuritizationprogresses,financialintermediariesmustincreaseotheractivitiessuchasprovidingshort-termliquiditytoconsumersandsmallbusiness,andfinancialservices.Financialassetsmakeiteasyforlargefirmstoraisethecapitalneededtofinancetheirinvestmentsinrealasse ts.IfFord,forexample,couldnotissuestocksorbondstothegeneralpublic,itwouldhaveafarmoredifficultt imeraisingcapital.Contractionofthesupplyoffinancialassetswouldmakefinancingmoredifficult,there byincreasingthecostofcapital.Ahighercostofcapitalresultsinlessinvestmentandlowerrealgrowth.4. 1-15.Evenifthefirmdoesnotneedtoissuestockinanyparticularyear,thestockmarketisstillimportanttothefinancialmanager.Thestockpriceprovidesimportantinformationabouthowthemarketvaluesthefirmsinvestmentprojects.Forexample,ifthestockpricerises considerably,managersmightconcludethatthemarketbelievesthefirmsfutureprospectsarebright.Thismightbeausefulsignaltothefirmtoproceedwithaninves tmentsuchasanexpansionofthefirmsbusiness.Inaddition,sharesthatcanbetradedinthesecondarymarke taremoreattractivetoinitialinvestorssincetheyknowthattheywillbeabletoselltheirshares.Thisinturnma kesinvestorsmorewillingtobuysharesinaprimaryoffering,andthusimprovesthetermsonwhichfirmsca nraisemoneyintheequitymarket.6.a.No.Theincreaseinpricedidnotaddtotheproductivecapacityoftheeconomy.b.Yes,thevalueoftheequit yheldintheseassetshasincreased.c.Futurehomeownersasawholeareworseoff,sincemortgageliabilitieshavealsoincreased.Inaddition,thishousingpricebubblewilleventuallyburstandsocietyasawhole(andmostlikelytaxpayers)willendurethedamage.7.a.ThebankloanisafinancialliabilityforLanni.(LannisIOUisthebanksfinancialasset.)ThecashLannirec eivesisafinancialasset.ThenewfinancialassetcreatedisLannispromissorynote(thatis,Lanni’sIOUtothebank).nnitransfersfinancialassets(cash)tothesoftwaredevelopers.Inreturn,Lannigetsarealasset,thecompletedsoftware.Nofinancialassetsarecreatedordestroyed;cashissimplytra nsferredfromonepartytoanother.nnigivestherealasset(thesoftware)toMicrosoftinexchangeforafinancialasset,1,500sharesofMicr osoftstock.IfMicrosoftissuesnewsharesinordertopayLanni,thenthiswouldrepresentthecreationofnew financialassets.nniexchangesonefinancialasset(1,500sharesofstock)foranother($120,000).Lannigivesafinancialasset($50,000cash)tothebankandgetsbackanotherfinancialasset(itsIOU).Theloanisdestroyedinthetransaction,sinceitisretiredwhenpaidoffandnolongerexists.1-28.a.LiabilitiesShareholders’equityCash$70,000Bankloan$50,000computersShareholders’equityTotal$100,000Total$100,000Ratioofrealassetstototalassets=$30,000/$100,000=0.30Assetsb.AssetsSoftwareproduct*computersTotal*ValuedatcostRatioofrealassetstototalassets=$100,000/$100,000=1.0c.AssetsMicrosoftsharescomputersTotalLiabilitiesShareholders’equity$120,000Bankloan$50,000Shareholders’equity$150,000Total$150,000LiabilitiesShareholders’equity$70,000Bankloan$50,000Shareholders’equity$100,000Total$100,000Ratioofrealassetstototalassets=$30,000/$150,000=0.20Conclusion:whenthefirmstartsupandraisesworkingcapital,itischaracterizedbyalowratioofrealassetst ototalassets.Whenitisinfullproduction,ithasahighratioofrealassetstototalassets.Whentheprojectshuts downandthefirmsellsitoffforcash,financialassetsonceagainreplacerealassets.9.Forcommercialbanks,theratiois:$140.1/$11,895.1=0.0118Fornon-financialfirms,theratiois:$12,538/$26,572=0.4719Thedifferenceshouldbeexpectedprimarilybecausethebulkofthebusinessoffinancialinstitutionsistomakeloans;whicharefinancialassetsforfinancialinstitutions.10.a.Primary-markettransactionb.Derivativeassetsc.Investorswhowishtoholdgoldwithoutthecomplicationandcostofphysicalstorage.1-311.a.Afixedsalarymeansthatcompensationis(atleastintheshortrun)independentofthefirmssuccess.Thissalarystructuredoesnottiethemanager’simmediatecompensationtothesuccessofthefirm.However,themanagermightviewthisasthesafestcom pensationstructureandthereforevalueitmorehighly.b.Asalarythatispaidintheformofstockinthefirmmeansthatthemanagerearnsthemostwhenthesharehol ders’wealthismaximized.Fiveyearsofvestinghelpsaligntheinterestsoftheemployeewiththelong-termperformanceofthefirm.Thisstructureisthereforemostlikelytoaligntheinterestsofmanagersandshareholders. Ifstockcompensationisoverdone,however,themanagermightviewitasoverlyriskysincethemanager’scareerisalreadylinkedtothefirm,andthisunpersifiedexposurewouldbeexacerbatedwithalargestockpo sitioninthefirm.c.Aprofit-linkedsalarycreatesgreatincentivesformanagerstocontributetothefirm’ssuccess.However,amanagerwhosesalaryistiedtoshort-termprofitswillberiskseeking,especiallyifthe seshort-termprofitsdeterminesalaryorifthecompensationstructuredoesnotbearthefullcostoftheproject’srisks.Shareholders,incontrast,bearthelossesaswellasthegainsontheproject,andmightbelesswillingtoassumethatrisk.12.Evenifaninpidualshareholdercouldmonitorandimprovemanagers’performance,andtherebyincreasethevalueofthefirm,thepayoffwouldbesmall,sincetheownershipshareinalargecorporationwouldbeverysmall.Forexample,ifyouown$10,000ofFordstocka ndcanincreasethevalueofthefirmby5%,averyambitiousgoal,youbenefitbyonly:0.05×$10,000=$500Incontrast,abankthathasamultimillion-dollarloanoutstandingtothefirmhasabigstakeinmakingsuretha tthefirmcanrepaytheloan.Itisclearlyworthwhileforthebanktospendconsiderableresourcestomonitort hefirm.13.Mutualfundsacceptfundsfromsmallinvestorsandinvest,onbehalfoftheseinvestors,inthenationalandinternationalsecuritiesmarkets.Pensionfundsacceptfundsandtheninvest,onbehalfofcurrentandfutureretirees,therebychannelingfund sfromonesectoroftheeconomytoanother.Venturecapitalfirmspoolthefundsofprivateinvestorsandinvestinstart-upfirms.Banksacceptdepositsfr omcustomersandloanthosefundstobusinesses,orusethefundstobuysecuritiesoflargecorporations.Treasurybillsserveapurposeforinvestorswhopreferalow-riskinvestment.Theloweraveragerateofreturncomparedtostocksisthepriceinvestorspayforpredictabilityofinvestmentperformanceandportfoliovalue.14.1-415.Witha“top-down”investingstyle,youfocusonassetallocationorthebroadcompositionoftheentireportfolio,whichisthemajordeterminantofoverallperformance.Moreover,top-downmanagementisthenaturalwaytoestablishaportfoliowithalevelofriskconsistentwithyourrisktoler ance.Thedisadvantageofanexclusiveemphasisontop-downissuesisthatyoumayforfeitthepotentialhig hreturnsthatcouldresultfromidentifyingandconcentratinginundervaluedsecuritiesorsectorsofthemar ket.Witha“bottom-up”investingstyle,youtrytobenefitfromidentifyingundervaluedsecurities.Thedisadva ntageisthatyoutendtooverlooktheoverallcompositionofyourportfolio,whichmayresultinanon-persifi edportfoliooraportfoliowitharisklevelinconsistentwithyourlevelofrisktolerance.Inaddition,thistechn iquetendstorequiremoreactivemanagement,thusgeneratingmoretransactioncosts.Finally,youranalysi smaybeincorrect,inwhichcaseyouwillhavefruitlesslyexpendedeffortandmoneyattemptingtobeatasimplebuy-and-holdstrategy.Youshouldbeskeptical.Iftheauthoractuallyknowshowtoachievesuchreturns,onemustquestionwhythe authorwouldthenbesoreadytosellthesecrettoothers.Financialmarketsareverycompetitive;oneoftheim plicationsofthisfactisthatrichesdonotcomeeasily.Highexpectedreturnsrequirebearingsomerisk,ando bviousbargainsarefewandfarbetween.Oddsarethattheonlyonegettingrichfromthebookisitsauthor.16.。



投资学第1章参考答案第1章参考答案1.实物投资与金融投资的关系:投资具体包括实物投资(real investment)和金融投资(financial investment)两大类。















2.答:证券化通常需要通过大量的金融投资机构如商业银行或投资银行,来集中及重新组 合那些原本不流通或流动性较差的资产。为了吸引投资者,证券化要求资本市场具备以下 条件:
(1)安全的商业法规体系,较低的税负,较少的管制; (2)高度发达的投资银行业; (3)高度发达的经纪行和金融交易体系: (4)高度发达的信息系统,尤其是在财务披露方面。 这些都是一个高度发达的金融市场的必备条件,所以证券化只发生在高度发达的证券市 场上。
11.答:a.固定工资意味着管理者的报酬(至少在短期内)与公司的业绩无关,这种薪酬形 式难以将管理者的利益与公司业绩统一起来,不能解决二者的潜在利益冲突,即使管理者认 为固定工资是稳定的工资结构。 b.将公司股票作为薪酬发放给管理者,在公司业绩好时,公司股价上升,管理者报酬上升。 这在一定程度上将管理者与股东的利益统一起来,能够促使管理者努力提升公司业绩,有助 于解决管理者与股东之间的潜在利益冲突。然而,如果股票补偿过度,管理者可能会认为这 过于冒险,因为管理者的事业与公司紧密相连。 C.与利润挂钩的工资制度将会激励管理者为公司的成功做出贡献。然而,工资与短期利润 挂钩的管理者会过于冒险,尤其是当短期利润决定工资,或者当回报无法补偿项目风险的全 部成本的时候。相比之下,承担着项目的损益的股东可能不太愿意承担这种风险。 12.答: (1)对管理者的监管是需要付出大量成本的,个人投资者的财力、精力和对公司的 控制权都不足以胜任对管理者的监管;而大机构投资者却可以运用其充足的财力、大量的专 业人才和对公司的有力的控制权来雇佣独立人士或在公司内部实行某种机制来对管理者进 行监管。 (2)在监管成本一定时,即使个人投资者可以监控和改善代理人的业绩,增加公司的市值, 但是这种回报会很少,因为个人在一个大公司中拥有的股票数量是非常少的。举例来说,假 如某人拥有 10000 美元通用汽车公司的股票,公司的市值增加了 5%而他仅仅能从中受益 500( 10000 X0.05)美元。相反,对于有几百万美元企业贷款的银行而言,确信企业能偿还贷 款是非常重要的。银行显然值得花费大量的资源去监控企业。 (3)对管理者的监管存在着外部经济效应,即某个股东在对管理者进行监管,他并不能得到 其监管活动的所有收益,因为其他股东也能从其监管中获得好处。当小股东执行监管时,外 部经济效应是非常大的;而大股东执行监管时,虽然仍存在着外部经济效应,却能降低这种 外部经济效应。

投资学(博迪) 中文 答案

投资学(博迪) 中文 答案
P=10 000[1-rB D(n/ 3 6 0 ) ],这里rB D是贴现率。
Pa s k =10 000[1-0.0681(60/360)]=9 886.50美元
( 2 5 0P-5 000)/250P=0.25或当P= 2 6 . 6 7美元时
c.但是现在你借入的是10 000美元而不是5 000美元。因此,股权仅为2 5 0P-10 000美元。你
( 2 5 0P-10 000)/250P=0.25或当P= 5 3 . 3 3美元时
收益%=价格变动的%×总投资/投资者初始股权=价格变动的%×1 . 3 3 3
例如,当股票价格从8 0上涨至8 8时,价格变动百分率为1 0%,而投资者收益百分率是1 . 3 3 3倍,
即1 3 . 3 3%:
收益的%= 1 0%×20 000美元/15 000美元= 1 3 . 3 3%
b. 250股股票价值为2 5 0P。股权为2 5 0P-5 000。你会在
b. i.rB D=[(10 000-9 764)/10 000]×360/91=0.093 4
ii.rB D=[(10 000-9 539)/10 000]×360/182=0.091 2
10.67%; -2.67%; -16%




然而,当金融工程创建新产品时, 个人可以受益,可以让他们更有效地管理金融资产投资组合。






















6. a、不会,价格的增加不会增加经济的生产能力。




7.a 银行贷款是兰尼的金融负债,收到的现金是兰尼的金融资产。



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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库规频学习平台

【比较】美国家庭资产负债表(如表 1-1 所示)不美国国民财富净值表(如表 1-2 所示), 可以収现实物资产不金融资产乀间存在明显的区别。家庭财富包括银行败户、企业股票戒债券 等金融资产。返些家庭金融证券对収行者杢说是负债。因此,在汇总所有的资产负债表时,金 融资产会相互抵消,叧剩下实物资产作为净资产。
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库规频学习平台

(1)提供引寻资本有效配置信息:资本价格収现和传逑; (2)给主体选择消费时机的机会:金融市场可以使个人的消费不收入在时间上分离(个 人和企业收入的生命周期); (3)在绊济主体间配置风险:资本市场将投资所固有的风险转秱给了愿意承担风险的投资 者; (4)便利公司所有权和绊营权的分离。 两权分离的优势:与业化绊营、聚集资本觃模效应、分散风险、所有权转讥丌破坏 公司运营等。 代理问题:代理问题是指公司的管理者追求自己的利益而非股东利益所产生的管理 者不股东潜在的利益冲突。解决代理问题的管理机制有:薪酬(包括期权等)激励机制、通 过董亊会解雇管理者、讥外部证券分析师(戒其他独立人士)和大机构投资者(比如养老基 金)对公司实斲密切监督、以及讥绩效差的公司管理者面临着被接管的危机(公司收质、代 理权竞赛)等。 3.公司治理和公司伦理 要想使证券市场能够有效地収挥返一功能,就必须有一定的透明度,以便投资者能够在 信息灵通的情冴下做出投资决策。如果企业可以在公司的収展前景斱面误寻公众,那举很多 决策都会出错。 公司治理和伦理危机:会计丑闻、分析师丑闻、审计师丑闻等——信用危机。 公司追求完美的声誉最终将成为企业不客户乀间构建长丽关系的关键,也是企业最有价 值的资产乀一。




















投资学 博迪 第九版 中文答案 第一章

投资学 博迪 第九版 中文答案 第一章


然而,当金融工程创建新产品时, 个人可以受益,可以让他们更有效地管理金融资产投资组合。



为了吸引这些投资者,资本市场需求: 1。























7.a 银行贷款是兰尼的金融负债,收到的现金是兰尼的金融资产。



博迪投资学第九版课件Chap001Chapter 1The Investment EnvironmentThe Investment EnvironmentINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSReal Assets Versus Financial Assets ?Real AssetsReal Assets–Determine the productive capacity andnet income of the economyt i f th–Examples: Land, buildings, machines,knowledge used to produce goods andservicesFinancial Assets–Claims on real assetsINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFinancial AssetsThree types:1.Fixed income or debt1Fixed income or debt/doc/c30ecec07c1cfad6185fa718.html mon stock or equity 3.Derivative securitiesINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFixed IncomePayments fixed or determined by aP t fi d d t i d bformulaMoney market debt: short term, highly ?Money market debt:short term highly marketable, usually low credit risk Capital market debt: long term bonds, can be safe or riskyINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSCommon Stock and Derivatives ?Common Stock is equity or ownershipCommon Stock is equity or ownershipin a corporation.–Payments to stockholders are not fixed,P t t t kh ld t fi dbut depend on the success of the firm ?Derivatives–Value derives from prices of othersecurities, such as stocks and bonds–Used to transfer riskINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFinancial Markets and the Economy ?Information Role: Capital flows tocompanies with best prospectscompanies with best prospectsConsumption Timing: Use securitiesto store wealth and transferto store wealth and transferconsumption to the futureINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFinancial Markets and theEconomy (Ctd.)Allocation of Risk: Investors can select securities consistent with their tastesfor riskfor riskSeparation of Ownership andg y Management: With stability comes agency problemsINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFinancial Markets and theEconomy (Ctd.)Corporate Governance and Corporate Ethicsg–Accounting ScandalsExamples –Enron, Rite Aid, HealthSouth –Auditors –watchdogs of the firms Auditors–watchdogs of the firms–Analyst ScandalsArthur Andersen–Sarbanes-Oxley ActTighten the rules of corporate governanceINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSThe Investment ProcessAsset allocationChoice among broad asset classes–Choice among broad asset classes ?Security selection–Choice of which securities to hold withinasset class–Security analysis to value securities anddetermine investment attractivenessdetermine investment attractivenessINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSMarkets are CompetitiveRisk-Return Trade-OffEfficient Markets–Active ManagementFinding mispriced securitiesFinding mispriced securitiesTiming the marketINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSMarkets are Competitive (Ctd.)(Ctd)–Passive ManagementNo attempt to find undervaluedNo attempt to find undervaluedsecuritiesN tt t t ti th k tNo attempt to time the marketo d g a g y d e s ed po t o o ?Holding a highly diversified portfolioINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSThe PlayersBusiness Firms–net borrowers Households –net saversGovernments can be both borrowers ?Governments–can be both borrowersand saversINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUS(Ctd)The Players (Ctd.)Financial Intermediaries: Pool and invest funds–Investment Companies–Banks–Insurance companies–Credit unionsINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSUniversal Bank ActivitiesInvestment Banking Commercial Banking g ?Underwrite new stockand bond issues g ?Take deposits and ?Sell newly issued securities to public in p make loans pthe primary marketInvestors trade previously issued securities amongthemselves in thesecondary markets INVESTMENTS |BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFinancial Crisis of 2008Antecedents of the Crisis:–“The Great Moderation”: a time in which theU.S. had a stable economy with low interestrates and a tame business cycle with onlyy y mild recessions–Historic boom in housing marketINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFigure 1.3 The Case‐Shiller Index of U.S.Housing PricesINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSChanges in Housing Finance Old Way New Way yLocal thrift institution made mortgage loans to y Securitization: Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac made mortgage loans to homeownersThrift’s major asset:a Mae and Freddie Mac bought mortgage loans and bundled them into Thrift s major asset: a portfolio of long-term mortgage loans large pools ?Mortgage-backed g gThrift’s main liability:depositssecurities are tradable claims against the underlying mortgage pool ?“Originate to hold”underlying mortgage pool“Originate to distribute”INVESTMENTS |BODIE, KANE, MARCUSFigure 1.4 Cash Flows in a MortgagePass‐Through SecurityINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUSChanges in Housing Finance(Ctd.)At first, Fannie Mae and Freddie MacAt fi t F i M d F ddi M securitized conforming mortgages, which were lower risk and properly documented.?Later, private firms began securitizing ,p g g nonconforming “subprime”loans withg e de au t shigher default risk.–Little due diligencePlaced higher default risk on investors–Placed higher default risk on investors–Greater use of ARMs and “piggyback” loansINVESTMENTS|BODIE, KANE, MARCUS。

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然而,当金融工程创建新产品时, 个人可以受益,可以让他们更有效地管理金融资产投资组合。



为了吸引这些投资者,资本市场需求: 1。























7.a 银行贷款是兰尼的金融负债,收到的现金是兰尼的金融资产。


b 兰尼将金融资产投入到软件开发,则兰尼得到实物资产,开发的软件。


c 兰尼用实物资产(软件)和微软公司交换了金融资产(1500股股票),如

d 兰尼将股票金融资产转化为了现金金融资产。



10. a 一级市场进行
b 衍生证券
c 希望拥有黄金但是不具备物理储存条件和成本的投资者
11. a 固定工资意味着补偿(至少在短期内)是和公司的成功相独立的。



b 在公司以股票的形式支付工资意味着当股东财富最大化时,管理者的




c 利润挂钩工资激励经理为公司的成功做出贡献。




例如,如果你拥有10000美元的福特股票和可以增加公司价值的5%,一个雄心勃勃的目标,只有你的收益:0.05×10000 = 500美元。



























