大学英语高级写作教程Unit One
《大学思辨英语教程写作1》练习答案-Unit 1 Life and Value

Unit 1 Life and ValuePre-class Exploration1 Make up your own story with the following words.1) apple, 2) alligator, 3) angry, 4) ambulance, 5) apologizeWhen I was enjoying my apple pie in the park, I heard a cry for help. It looked like an angry alligator was going to attack a naughty boy who got too close, now frightened. The police and ambulance were called but fortunately the alligator swam away. The boy thanked everyone and apologized for his misbehavior.The ambulance left and the parents were still angry with the naughty boy who could have been killed by attacking the alligator with an apple core. The boy apologized to his parents that he would never do it again.2 Read the fable “Hare and the Tortoise” on Page 5 and 6 and complete the following outline.1. Introduction of characters_Hare&Tortoise ______________2. The bet_Tortoise challenged Hare to have a race.__________3. The beginning of the race_Hare raced off while Tortoise crawled slowly behind._____4. The middle of the race_Hare stopped to took a nap while Tortoise kept going._5. The end of the raceWhen Hare woke up, he ran as fast as he could, but Tortoise passed the finishing line first.__ 6. The moral of the story_Perseverance is the key to success.__________________________Part I: Learning the SkillsActivity 1Read the following passage and analyze it in terms of character(s), setting, plot, point of viewActivity 2Make notes about an important event in your life. Then discuss in small groups. Suggestions for instructors :Students share some events in their life, discuss it and then can select the most interesting story and talk about the reason of what makes it most interesting.Activity 3The following narrative passage by Jimmy Carter describes his childhood experience-mopping cotton on his father’s farm during the 1930s. To kill insects that ate cotton plants, Carter’s family covered each cotton plant with molasses mixed with poison.Task 1 Understanding the textWrite T for true or F for false for each statement._F_ 1) Carter wore shorts when he mopped cotton._T_ 2) The poison turned from a liquid to a solid on his pants._F_ 3) Carter folded his pants every night before he went to sleep._F 4) Carter washed his pants with his other clothes.Task 2 Responding to the textAnswer the following questions in full sentences. Then discuss your answers with your partner.1) Carter wrote “I preferred to protect my legs with long pants.” Why was this necessary?It would protect his legs from the sticky poison.2) Was this a comfortable job? Why or why not? How do you think Carter felt about it?It was very uncomfortable because the pants were sticky at first and hardened after a while and it was covered with poison. He felt “terrible” to put them back on in the morning.3) Why do you think mopping cotton was an important formative experience for Carter?It was hard work and he learned to deal with it from young.Part II: Case AnalysisActivity 4Read Text A and consider how the author presents the most important day in her life.Task 1 Understanding the textComplete the following chronological outline for the text. Include the most important events in it. Add adjectives whenever possible.1) Helen met Miss Sullivan on the third of March, 1887.2) Miss Sullivan led Helen into her room, gave Helen a doll and spelled into her hand d-o-l-l.3) Miss Su llivan put Helen’s hands under spout and spelled into her hand w-a-t-e-r.4) An awareness of the live meaning of “w-a-t-e-r” awakened Helen’s soul, gave it light, hope, joy, set it free!Task 2 Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences. Then discuss your answers with your partner.1) Why did Helen often feel angry and bitter before she met Miss Sullivan?She could not see nor hear anything.3) What was Helen’s reaction when Miss Sullivan first spelt the word “d-o-l-l” into her hand?She was interested in this figure play and imitated it.4) What impact did this “w-a-t-e-r” incident have on Helen’s life?It is the start of her education, the life-changing event in her life.Activity 5Read Text B and think about how the story is developed.Task 1 Understanding the textComplete the following chronological outline for the text. Include the most important events in it. Add adjectives whenever possible.1) Mathilde felt sad because she was poor.2) Mathilde’s husband got a select invitation to a ball_______.3) Mathilde was irritated about the news.4) Mathilde’s husband agreed to give her _400 francs to buy a suitable gown____.5) Matilde borrowed a diamond necklace from her friend.6) Mathilde was a great success at the night of the ball.7) She left the ball about four o’clock in the morning_______.8) Mathilde found that she lost_the diamond necklace________.9) Mathilde and Loisel bought a diamond necklace, returned it to Madame Forestier _ and had a hard life since then.10) Ten years later, _Mathilde learned the diamond necklace she had borrowed was not real___.Task 2 Responding to the textWrite your answer to each question in full sentences. Then discuss your answers with your partner.1) Why was Mathilde so unhappy at the beginning of the story?Young and good-looking as she was, she yearned for a luxurious life, but she was married to a government clerk with limited income. Her life was far from her expectations.2) What was her reaction when she learned of the invitation to the ball? Why?She was frustrated as she did not have a proper gown to wear to the ball.3) How did her life change due to the loss of the necklace?She and her husband paid 3400 francs for a diamond necklace that she could return it to Madame Forestier. They had to work very hard and lead a miserable life in order to pay off the debts.4) What was the primary ca use of Mathilde’s misfortune in your view?The primary cause of Mathilde’s misfortune is her vanity and desire for a luxurious life. Unsatisfied with her plain life as a clerk’s wife, she was eager to show her beauty at the grand ball, earning admiration from others.5) How do you judge Mathilda’s behavior from an ethical perspective?Answers may vary. For example, Mathilda was honest because she bought a real diamond necklace when she thought the one she lost was real and she was willing to work hard for ten years to pay off the debt—a high price to pay for her vanity but on the other hand, it showed her courage.Part III: Language StudyActivity 7Activity 8Read Text A and Text B again, find out two more examples with concrete details from each text, and discuss your examples with your partner.Example 1:General: Do you know what it feels like if you can’t see and hear?Specific:Have you ever been at sea in a dense fog, when it seemed as if a tangible white darkness shut you in, and the great ship, tense and anxious, groped her way toward the shore with plummet and sounding-line, and you waited with beating heart for something to happen? I was like that ship before my education began, only I was without compass or sounding-line, and had no way of knowing how near the harbour was.Example 2:General:I was so happy that day that I looked forward to the next day to come when I went to bed. Specific:It would have been difficult to find a happier child than I was as I lay in my crib at the close ofthe eventful day and lived over the joys it had brought me, and for the first time longed for a new day to come.Example 3:General: Madame Loisel was pretty and attracted lots of attention at the ball.Specific:The night of the ball arrived. Madame Loisel was a great success. She was prettier than any other woman present, elegant, graceful, smiling and wild with joy. All the men looked at her, asked her name, sought to be introduced. All the attaches of the Cabinet wished to waltz with her. She was remarked by the minister himself.Example 4:General: She had to do all the housework herself.Specific:She came to know what heavy housework meant and the odious cares of the kitchen. She washed the dishes, using her dainty fingers and rosy nails on greasy pots and pans. She washed the soiled linen, the shirts and the dishcloths, which she dried upon a line; she carried the slops down to the street every morning and carried up the water, stopping for breath at every landing.。

Unit 1 .1.1)The little boy was chicken-hearted.2)That statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.3)We sat down by the oak tree ,enjoying the breeze coming from the lake.4)We need to drink the milk before it sours.5)The child had difficulty finding his way to school.6)The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.7)My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.8)Our university can accommodate 4,000 students.9)Social customs vary greatly from country to country.3.1)experienced2)elapsed3)attempting4)with5)take up6)made7)endeavor8)true4.1)The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.2)We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested.3)Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.4)We must pursue this matter farther.5)The principle behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.6)All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.7)The federal government comprises the legislative,judicial,and executive branches.8)The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.9)(correct)10)He was awaked to the risk.6.1)Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.2)The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.3)Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.4)Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was at fault..7)He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.8)The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.9)Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.10)The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.11)He believes that athletics improves school morale.12)Up goes the starter”s gun,and each of the runners becomes tense.13)Either The Moning Post or The City News is a reliable sourse of news.14)The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.15)She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.2.1)play a minor role/be a utility man2)That’s Greek to me.3)belated action/advice4)Where there is smoke there’s fire.5)an evil creature6)walk into the trap7)one’s face glowing with he alth3.1)We must practice economy./We must reduce unnecessary expenditures .2)It is essential to control environmental pollution.3)We must arrive at the station on time.4)Financial expenditures should be arranged in order of priority.5)We should speed up construction of urban housing so as to improve the housing conditions.6)To be allowed to make profits,private capital has to meet tow condition:1)the profits must belegal,and 2)they must not be excessive.7)During the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grainproduction.Instead,we must steadily increase it.5.1)me 2)who 3)I4)me/myself 5)me 6)each other’s7)who 8)us 9)whom10)Some 11)one’s 12)His13)his 14)his,his1.1)When I was assigned a certain task,I did it to my best ability.2)Fog can cause blindness.3)Recently I joined a social club which raise money for the care of needychildren,and we meet every Wednesday afternoon.4)An eassy should be understandable to the reader.5)Many items are expensive at discount stores.6)Bears that have just come out of hibernation are usually hungry and dangerous.7)The author should have shortened the story by half.8)The city’s environmental surroundings are not the most comfortable.9)I learned certain facts that I believe are vital to every freshman.2.1)simmer:cook food gently at or just below boiling pointsauté:fry quickly in a little hot fatbake:cook by using direct heat in an oven2)Other verbs about cooking include roast,steam,braise,fly,deep-fly,boil,poach,scramble,grill,stew,curry,baste,barbecue.3.1)For dinner we had barbecued steaks and sweet corn.2)Last week my brother John joined an insurance company.3)He is not a friendly and easy-going colleague.4)Our view of the sea at sunset was splendid/breathtaking.5)It was a fine day to play outdoors.6)What impressed me most adout the city was the hustle in the streets.4.There are seize,hurl,choke,blind,leap,flee,etc.5.1)I admire Jenny’s long black glossy hair so much.2)The fearless explorer finally landed at the South Pole.3)Fast driving on a smooth road can be great fun.4)John and I often wrote each other long e-mails full of jokes.5)The pale skinny woman fainted suddenly.6.1)I invited the visiting professor to the English Club.2)Shooting stars warm us of catastrophe.3)The deleted sentence was unnecessary.4)Stephanie tiptoed up the carpeted steps.5)The students attending the art school are highly active.6)The dollar bill split in half was taped.7)Amy was the only winning contestant who was below 10.8)The freshly painted house shone in the sun7.1)indescribably 2)dark 3)occasional4)steadily 5)surely,bad 6)terribly8.1)At his mother’s request,he agreed to wait at least a year before getting married. 2)Halfa of the girls in town were in love with Ben,but he wanted to marry Christine only.3)John hopes that in the years to come he can be as successful as his father has been.4)The winner of the contest ate almost three dozen hamburgers.5)Debbie knew that chicken when fried always pleased ED.6)Mary could not resist the temptati on to whisper in her friend’s ear about what she had seen.Unit4p.544.1) lay-lie2) opened-opens3) lead-led4) were-are5) arrived-had arrived6) seemed-seems7) died-had died8) will x9) return-returns10) is-were11) is-were12) finds-find5.1) was attacked 2) robbed 3) was taken 4) released 5) spent 6) left 7) had promised 8) be 9) was walking 10) was attacked 11) described 12)took 13) containing 14) was (just) turning 15) occurred 16) saw 17) was happening 18) rushed 19) ran 20) warn 21) be 22) walk 23) had 24) commented 25) be。

高级英文写作一《高级英文写作》一1.Tell an unforgettable thing that happened between you andyour father (or mother, or one of your relatives).I can forget one thing that benefit me enormously. Thathappened when I studied at Middle School. I studied very hard. I wanted to be the best student in my class. But, I could catch up with my deskmate, Liu Fang. She didn’t have father. She was very poor.But I didn’t know my father cared for her. Once we joined the Maths compition. She did better than me. I was envious of her success. I told it to my father. My father said that I should stuely to her. Don’t envy her. She’s a good student and my good friend. Next day ,my father invited her to my home and cooked many delicious food for her. But Li Fang thought that I was her best friend. She remembered our friend ships. And my father’s loving care for her. I thank my father. Now Li Fang is my best friend.2.an unforgettable thing that happened between you andone of your teachers.I can’t forget one thing that benefit me enormously. Thathappened when I studied at Middle School. I studied very hard. I wanted to be the best student in my class. But, I could catch up with my deskmate, Liu Fang. She didn’t have father. She was very poor.But I didn’t know my father cared for her. Once we joined the Maths compition. She did better than me. I was envious of her success. Itold it to my Maths teacher, Mr Wang. He’s a careless man and made good friends with us. My teacher said that I should stuely to her.Don’t envy her. She’s a good student and my good friend. Next day ,my teacher invited us to his house and cooked many delicious food for us. But Li Fang thought that I was her best friend. She remembered our friend ships. And my teacher’s loving care for her. I thank my teacher. Now Li Fang is my best friend.3.Tell one thing that influenced you deeply.When I was eight years old , I studied in Primary School. In winter , it was very cold and often snowed. After school ,it snowed very hart ,most of us hard to stay in class and waited for the parents.My classmates left school one by one. At last, only me stayed in class.I felt worried and thought if I stayed in the classroom for one night. Ilooked and looked. I t was white outside and thought:“ Where’re my parents Please take me to home quickl y.” Suddenly I saw Miss Li came here. She asked me what happened. I told her . Then she said warmly :“Don’t worry. I will take you to your home.” I laughed. At last, we were got home safely. Miss Li’s concern made me remember for ever.4.Tell one thing about which you feel regretful.When I was ten years old. One day, I was alone at home. I felt nothing to do. So I danced with the music. Suddenly I heard a noicewhat something was falled down. I stoped dancing and turned back.I saw a vase was broken on the ground. I felt regret. I didn’t knowhow to do. At that time ,my mother came back and saw the broken vase. She asked me what happened and who broken the vase. I told her it’s MiMi’s mistake.(MiMi is our cat ) To my surprised ,my mother believed me and cleaned the floor. I was afraid of it . I said a lie. I must told the truth to my mother ,but I didn’t do that. I didn’t forget the thing for ever.5.Tell one thing that you want to do most for your family.There are five people in my family: grandmother, father, mother, my sister and me. My parents are farmers, so economy is not so good. But they also look after us very carefully. We live in a small house, only fifty squares. Nowadays , I have worked. I can buya nice house for my family. It’s big and fright. There’s a study, mysister can read some books in it . There’s a big sitting room,we can watch TV toghter. There’s a morden kitchen ,my mothe can cook delious food . There’s a garden behind my house, my grandmother can do some exercise and get hralthier. What a nice plan! I must work hard , then everyone lives happily.《高级英文写作》二do you want your child to be like (Or what do you want your future child to be like)If I have a child , he must be polite and helpful . When he was a baby , we teach him how to touch with the others , let him know become a usefualman must to do it when he is a baby . As the age is older , if he meet someone , he must say hello to them, and if someone have difficulties , he must try his best to help them , let him do the all the things by himself . Sometimes we will give him some advice . Trains him into a man if he meet problems . No matter the life or study , he must have his advice , we also inviode his advice , let him know we are his friends and assistants . We don’t take par t in the strict parents . In the study , we couldn’t force him to study , he must try his best to learn what the teachers teach . Spo much for this , if he become a usefulman , he knows o lot , but the important thing is he must inspect the others first so the others can inspet him . do you think soyou were given the chance to live a second life, how would you plan to spend itIf I were given the chance to live a second life , I will do something important what I think. When I little ,as usually I will study things hard and well. Then I will work hard. Doing my most to help others. To do good things for my country and family. When I so-years-old , I will make a plan fro my rest life. I will spend about one year to make my house well. Then I will spend three years to visit theplace of interesting. I think this days is very happy. Then I will spend some time to help the old people who older than me or have illess. I think this kind of days is worth enjoying. When the days is well, you will find all the things are well . If I c an live more lo nge r , I will to spend time to play with the little children , let them fell happy . I think I will fell more happy.is your most-cherished quality Why do you think it is importantIn the morden days , the society is processing , the people’s basic quality is raising , the life is getting well and well , but in the culture society , there are also some bad moral character in our life .They don’t attentaion their image , unbridled do the things. For example: throw the rabbish everywhere ; don’t observe the traffic regulations ; make noise in the public place ; don’t be touch with the neighbours and don’t attention his image . His image is effect our society , we must tell them how to do and what to do . The task is ver y hard , only depend on the people’s conscious , so all the people must do the civilization things and become a civilization man . Our society is civilization , we need the talent. The people’s basic quality is raised , the society can progress . We must to do the civilization man , so do it when we was a child and do it by everyone.is your dream to be fulfilled What are you going to do tomake it come trueSometimes I dream about the life in the 21 st century . What will it be like Perhaps some people will go to the moon for a holiday , and some scientists will live under the sea . Maybe we will have visionphones in every home. We can have a medical examination or do shopping at home . And children won’t need to go school every day . They will study on the radio or TV at home . Many people don’t like doing housework . Maybe each family will have a robot . Every day we can tell the robot what to do ---- the shopping ,the housework and son on . I believe the dream will be turned into reality . So we must work hard , learn a lot of knowledge .Make our country become stronger and bigger. I t can imfilled our dream.is your favorite book And why do you like itMy favorite book is << How the steel was tempered >> , it is a good book . In the book , I learn a lot of knowledge and the book is very value . It teaches the people how to life , how to study , how to work . In one words , the book is worth to study . The master’s ambition in the book is worth to study . He is a common man , but he does the great thi ngs , it’s very greatful . The best thing is he works hard , studies painstaking , temper his ambition , make him into a great man . In our life , some people are very downhearted , healways thinks some day he will become a man of wealth , he couldn’t work , make a dream all day . His image is bad for our society . To make our country richer and nobler , the society must be advanced , the people must be cultured . The people must upright his idea , make up his mind , work hard , the society can get progress ,the country can get prosperous and powerful , it can take the important part in the world.。

Unit 1 .1.1)The little boy was chicken-hearted.2)That statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.3)We sat down by the oak tree ,enjoying the breeze coming from the lake.4)We need to drink the milk before it sours.5)The child had difficulty finding his way to school.6)The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.7)My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.8)Our university can accommodate 4,000 students.9)Social customs vary greatly from country to country.3.1)experienced2)elapsed3)attempting4)with5)take up6)made7)endeavor8)true4.1)The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.2)We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested.3)Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.4)We must pursue this matter farther.5)The principle behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.6)All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.7)The federal government comprises the legislative,judicial,and executive branches.8)The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.9)(correct)10)He was awaked to the risk.6.1)Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.2)The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.3)Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.4)Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was at fault..7)He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.8)The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.9)Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.10)The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.11)He believes that athletics improves school morale.12)Up goes the starter”s gun,and each of the runners becomes tense.13)Either The Moning Post or The City News is a reliable sourse of news.14)The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.15)She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.2.1)play a minor role/be a utility man2)That’s Greek to me.3)belated action/advice4)Where there is smoke there’s fire.5)an evil creature6)walk into the trap7)one’s face glowing with he alth3.1)We must practice economy./We must reduce unnecessary expenditures .2)It is essential to control environmental pollution.3)We must arrive at the station on time.4)Financial expenditures should be arranged in order of priority.5)We should speed up construction of urban housing so as to improve the housing conditions.6)To be allowed to make profits,private capital has to meet tow condition:1)the profits must belegal,and 2)they must not be excessive.7)During the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grainproduction.Instead,we must steadily increase it.5.1)me 2)who 3)I4)me/myself 5)me 6)each other’s7)who 8)us 9)whom10)Some 11)one’s 12)His13)his 14)his,his1.1)When I was assigned a certain task,I did it to my best ability.2)Fog can cause blindness.3)Recently I joined a social club which raise money for the care of needychildren,and we meet every Wednesday afternoon.4)An eassy should be understandable to the reader.5)Many items are expensive at discount stores.6)Bears that have just come out of hibernation are usually hungry and dangerous.7)The author should have shortened the story by half.8)The city’s environmental surroundings are not the most comfortable.9)I learned certain facts that I believe are vital to every freshman.2.1)simmer:cook food gently at or just below boiling pointsauté:fry quickly in a little hot fatbake:cook by using direct heat in an oven2)Other verbs about cooking include roast,steam,braise,fly,deep-fly,boil,poach,scramble,grill,stew,curry,baste,barbecue.3.1)For dinner we had barbecued steaks and sweet corn.2)Last week my brother John joined an insurance company.3)He is not a friendly and easy-going colleague.4)Our view of the sea at sunset was splendid/breathtaking.5)It was a fine day to play outdoors.6)What impressed me most adout the city was the hustle in the streets.4.There are seize,hurl,choke,blind,leap,flee,etc.5.1)I admire Jenny’s long black glossy hair so much.2)The fearless explorer finally landed at the South Pole.3)Fast driving on a smooth road can be great fun.4)John and I often wrote each other long e-mails full of jokes.5)The pale skinny woman fainted suddenly.6.1)I invited the visiting professor to the English Club.2)Shooting stars warm us of catastrophe.3)The deleted sentence was unnecessary.4)Stephanie tiptoed up the carpeted steps.5)The students attending the art school are highly active.6)The dollar bill split in half was taped.7)Amy was the only winning contestant who was below 10.8)The freshly painted house shone in the sun7.1)indescribably 2)dark 3)occasional4)steadily 5)surely,bad 6)terribly8.1)At his mother’s request,he agreed to wait at least a year before getting married. 2)Halfa of the girls in town were in love with Ben,but he wanted to marry Christine only.3)John hopes that in the years to come he can be as successful as his father has been.4)The winner of the contest ate almost three dozen hamburgers.5)Debbie knew that chicken when fried always pleased ED.6)Mary could not resist the temptati on to whisper in her friend’s ear about what she had seen.Unit4p.544.1) lay-lie2) opened-opens3) lead-led4) were-are5) arrived-had arrived6) seemed-seems7) died-had died8) will x9) return-returns10) is-were11) is-were12) finds-find5.1) was attacked 2) robbed 3) was taken 4) released 5) spent 6) left 7) had promised 8) be 9) was walking 10) was attacked 11) described 12)took 13) containing 14) was (just) turning 15) occurred 16) saw 17) was happening 18) rushed 19) ran 20) warn 21) be 22) walk 23) had 24) commented 25) be。

写作教程(一)unit-1标准答案Unit 1PART Ⅱ FOCUSDenotation and ConnotationSuggested answer to the questionIf it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has an implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance (e.g. an elderly gentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-aged woman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure (e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we can conclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse in their connotative meanings.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotesprotection but in a serious fashion.wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness.2.Word Denotation Connotation Sentencegold a precious yellow metal wealth, value,preciousness, etcSilence is gold.moon the natural body that moves around the earthonce every 28 days tranquility, purity,something out ofreach, etc.There’s no pointhoping for peace inthe country. It’s likeasking for the moon.ice water frozen so that it has become solid coldness,indifference, cruelty,death, etc.The ice in his voicewas only to hide thepain.blood red liquid flowing through the bodies ofhumans and animals family background,descent, race,temperament, etc.Blood is thicker thanwater.bravery, spirit, and toughness.b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty anddelicacy.AttitudeReference for the Classroom Activities1.Favorable Neutral Unfavorableunique, quaint strange bizarre, abnormal resolute, steadfast stubborn, dogged pigheadedcompliment (v.) praise, commend, flatter lick one’s bootssenior citizen old person fossilbachelor girl single woman spinsterCollocationSuggested answers to the exercisea.do somebody a favorb.do somebody goodc.make a gestured.do evile.do harmf.make an effortReference for the Classroom Activities1.1) D 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) BFalse FriendsSuggested answers to the questionThe misunderstanding occurs due to the use of homonyms or false friends—flour or flower, ground (as the past participle of the verb grind) and ground (meaning the solid surface of the earth). In this excerpt, the use of false friends adds a humorous effect to the text.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.The false friends are lie meaning to keep one’s body in a flat position, andlie meaning to say something dishonest.2. a. Your fever rose yesterday.b. That racket is bad enough to make Aunt Ella’s eyebrows raised.c. Jack has been lying around all day.d. The soldiers laid aside their weapons.e. A heavy fog lay over the land.f. White stationery is always appropriate.g. Is that table stationary, or can it be moved to another corner of theroom?h. It is easier to talk about a principle than to live by it.i. Our principal played on the faculty football team against the schoolall-stars.3. Some other false friends:fair vs. fareIt’s not fair to put all the blame on him.Bus fares are going up again.passed vs. pastI passed the landlady on the stairs this morning.Several boys went past us on mountain bikes.intense vs. intensiveShe suddenly felt an intense pain in her stomach.He took an intensive course on English.farther vs. furtherThe fog’s so thick; I can’t see farther than about five meters.Every day she thinks further and further into depression.PART III GARMMARSubject-Verb AgreementWhen the subject is compoundReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when itexpresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb.2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, not…but, theverb agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject.3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctionsdo not affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions or prepositions or prepositional phrases such as as well as, asmuch as, rather than, along with, in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including.Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take asingular verb.2.Some words or phrases, such as all, most, half, the last, the rest, take asingular or plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows.3.Phrases like l ots of, heaps of, loads of take singular or plural verbs dependingon the form of the nouns that follow.4.In sentences with more than one or many a modifying the subject noun, theverb should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning.Reference for the Classroom Activitiesa.He was one of the candidates who were able to carry out their campaignpledges.He was the only one of the candidates who was able to carry out his campaign pledges.b.What he wants is just a little love from his foster parents.What one thinks and says are not always the same.c.There is a cherry tree and several orchid flowers in the garden.There are hundreds of applicants on the waiting list for the job.Summary1.After a relative pronoun (who, which, that), the verb has the same person andnumber as the antecedent. (In the second sentence in Pair a, the antecedent is the only one, not the candidates.)2.After a what-clause, the verb is usually singular. But if the what-clause is in acompound structure plural in meaning, the verb is in plural form.3.In the there-be structure, the verb is singular or plural depending on thenumber of the subject. The singular there is may be used to introduce a compound subject when the first noun or nominal phrase is singular. Reference for the Classroom Activitiesa.Nobody in town admits seeing him.b.Does anyone want to go with me?c.Are any of you going to the exhibition?d.None works/work so hard as he does.e.Books are her chief source of enjoyment.f.The one thing you must be ready for is their attempts to break up themeeting.g.The jury is finally complete.h.The jury were divided in their opinions.i.New York Times is his bible.j.Semantics is the study of meanings.Summary1.Indefinite pronouns such as anybody, anyone, each, everybody, nobody, no one,and somebody generally require a singular verb.2.The pronouns any and none take either singular or plural verbs.3.The complement of the verb be does not affect its number.4. A collective noun takes a singular verb when the class it names is thought ofas a unit, but a plural verb when the members of the class are thought of as individuals.5.Titles of books, magazines, movies, newspapers, plays, and the like take asingular verb.6.Certain nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning generallytake a singular verb. Some of these are physics, mechanics, news statistics, and whereabouts.Notes (I)Sample 1Suggested answers to the questions1.Notes are the simplest and shortest form of written communication and theyare quick, easy and convenient.2. A note has three essential components:--the addressee—the person(s) to whom the note is written;--the message;--the sender.3. Notes are characterized by their brevity, informality in style, and dedication toa single topic.Sample 2Suggested answers to the questions1.The date is put at the upper right-hand corner. Besides the date or weekday,you may, at times, need to state the hour or even the minute.2.You can add the word Dear before the addressee’s name and acomplimentary close.3. A complimentary close is put before your signature as the sample show. PART V FOLLOW-UP EXERCISESa. The little boy was chicken-hearted.b. The statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.c. We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying the breeze coming from the lake.d. We need to drink the milk before it sours.e. The child had difficulty finding his way to school.f. The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.g. My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.h. Our university can accommodate 4000 students.i. Social customs vary greatly from country to country.2. The writer’s attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences.3. (1) experienced (2) elapsed (3) attempting (4) with(5) take up (6) made (7) endeavor (8) true4. a. The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.b. We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested.c. Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.d. We must pursue this matter further.e. The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditoriumfor the music contest.g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h. The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.i. (correct)j. He was awaked to the risk.5. My sister Lulu accepted a scholarship to study in the UK. She had done very well in school and the principal thought that living with a British family would teach her a lot. Mother said she would let her go if she bought a box of stationery and promised to write home every week. She said that she would live up to her promise and she always does pretty well in living up to her principles. Soon after she arrived in the UK., she adapted to her new environment. Her new life did not affect her a great deal. She knew that as a student she had to be economical and she was not self-conscious of her poor clothing and strange accent. These were the things she was uninterested in; what fascinated her instead was the cultural differences between the two countries. She found people there liked to pay compliments and were more credulous to what she said. Of course, she never lied to them about her motherland. Though she experienced cultural shocks continually, she developed a fair attitude towards the other culture. In the proceeding years, she settled down in the UK. and became a person with an alternative cultural identity.6. a. Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.b. The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.c. Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.d. Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was/is eager to win the contest.e. Corn bread and milk is a popular breakfast in the rural South.f. The instructor as well as the students was at fault.g. He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.h. The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.i. Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.j. The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.k. He believes that athletics improves school morale.l. Up goes the starter’s gun, and each of the runners becomes tense.m. Either The Times or The Tribune is a reliable source of news.n. The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.o. She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.。

The Delicate Art of the Forest库珀的创造天分并不怎么样;但是他似乎热衷于此并沾沾自喜。
写作教程第二版邹申unit1 GeneralI

? --- unfamiliar to you, so you can not write about it knowledgeably.
Good Topics
succeed 6. play games
surf the net …
Disadvantages 1. expensive 2. harmful radiation 3. disturbing in public 4. dangerous in driving 5. ring in embarrassing
Unsatisfactory Topics
? 2. America should lower the drinking age.
? --- boring or written about too often.
? 3. There are many different theories to explain the disappearance of the dinosaurs.
Unsatisfactory Topics
? 1. The major poets, painters, and dramatists of the Renaissance:
? --- too board and can not be completed within the time allocated
? 1. Alternative fuels. subject ? 2. Henry Ford's development of the
assembly line resulted in the mass production of cars. topic ? 3. America's legal system. subject ? 4. America needs a flat tax. topic ? 5. Butterflies. subject ? 6. Is intelligence determined by nature or by nurture? topic

At both the beginning and the end of a paragraph
The how of reading a newspaper in America is different from that of reading a newspaper in a totalitarian(极权主义的) country. In a democracy, first of all, you can check one newspaper against another; you can compare an account in your newspaper against what you hear on the radio. You can consult books to determine whether a report is accurate. In a totalitarian nation all information comes from one source - the government.
Using Direct Statements-2
The demand for exotic delicacies has caused the reduction of population for endangered species through excessive hunting and overharvesting. Topic : The demand for exotic delicacies Controlling ideas: reduction of population for endangered species
Position of a Topic Sentence

Unit 1PART Ⅱ FOCUSDenotation and ConnotationSuggested answer to the questionIf it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has an implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance (e.g. an elderly gentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-aged woman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure (e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we can conclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse in their connotative meanings.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotes protection but in a serious fashion.wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness.2.a. In the West, every male person has the good qualities of males, such as bravery, spirit, and toughness.b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty and delicacy. AttitudeReference for the Classroom Activities1.2. a. unique b. pigheaded c. flattered d. fossil e. spinsterCollocationSuggested answers to the exercise1a.do somebody a favorb.do somebody goodc.make a gestured.do evile.do harmf.make an effortReference for the Classroom Activities1.1) D 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) BFalse FriendsSuggested answers to the questionThe misunderstanding occurs due to the use of homonyms or false friends—flour orflower, ground (as the past participle of the verb grind) and ground (meaning the solidsurface of the earth). In this excerpt, the use of false friends adds a humorous effect to the text.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.The false friends are lie meaning to keep one's body in a flat position, and lie meaning to say something dishonest.2.a. Your fever rose yesterday.b. That racket is bad enough to make Aunt Ella's eyebrows raised.c. Jack has been lying around all day.d. The soldiers laid aside their weapons.e. A heavy fog lay over the land.f. White stationery is always appropriate.g. Is that table stationary, or can it be moved to another corner of the room?h. It is easier to talk about a principle than to live by it.i. Our principal played on the faculty football team against the schoolall-stars.3. Some other false friends:fair vs. fareIt's not fair to put all the blame on him.Bus fares are going up again.passed vs. pastI passed the landlady on the stairs this morning.Several boys went past us on mountain bikes.intense vs. intensiveShe suddenly felt an intense pain in her stomach.He took an intensive course on English.farther vs. furtherThe fog's so thick; I can't see farther than about five meters.Every day she thinks further and further into depression.PART III GARMMARSubject-Verb AgreementWhen the subject is compound2Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummaryit when most in cases, but with and takes a plural verb 1.A compound subject expresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb., the verb but…nor, not…2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do not3.affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions rather as, as much well such as as as, or prepositions or prepositional phrases. includingthan, along with, in addition to, together with, with, plus, andWhen the subject expresses quantityReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummarya take measurement normally time, money, weight and 1.Nominal phrases of singular verb., take a singular or all, most, half, the last, the rest Some words or phrases, such as 2.plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows.take singular or plural verbs depending on Phrases like l ots of, heaps of, loads of3.the form of the nouns that follow.a modifying the subject noun, the verb or many4.In sentences with more than one should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning.structure -clause, or in the there-be When the subject is a relative pronoun, a what Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesHe was one of the candidates who were able to carry out their campaign pledges. a. campaign carry out his the candidates who was able to He was the only one of pledges.What he wants is just a little love from his foster parents. b.What one thinks and says are not always the same.There is a cherry tree and several orchid flowers in the garden. c.There are hundreds of applicants on the waiting list for the job.Summaryand person the same that), the verb has a 1.After relative pronoun (who, which, the number as the antecedent. (In the second sentence in Pair a, the antecedent is .), not the candidatesonly one a in what-clause is But the verb is usually singular. if the a 2.After what-clause,compound structure plural in meaning, the verb is in plural form.Reference for the Classroom ActivitiesNobody in town admits seeing him. a.Does anyone want to go with me?b.Are any of you going to the exhibition?c.None works/work so hard as he does.d.Books are her chief source of enjoyment.e.The one thing you must be ready for is their attempts to break up the meeting.f.The jury is finally complete.g. 3h.The jury were divided in their opinions.i.New York Times is his bible.PART Ⅳ WRITINGNotes (I)Sample 1Suggested answers to the questions1.Notes are the simplest and shortest form of written communication and they are quick, easy and convenient.2.A note has three essential components:--the addressee—the person(s) to whom the note is written;--the message;--the sender.3. Notes are characterized by their brevity, informality in style, and dedication to a single topic.Sample 2Suggested answers to the questions1.The date is put at the upper right-hand corner. Besides the date or weekday, you may, at times, need to state the hour or even the minute.2.You can add the word Dear before the addressee's name and a complimentary close.3.A complimentary close is put before your signature as the sample show.PART V FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES1.a. The little boy was chicken-hearted.b. The statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.c. We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying the breeze coming from the lake.d. We need to drink the milk before it sours.e. The child had difficulty finding his way to school.f. The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.g. My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.h. Our university can accommodate 4000 students.i. Social customs vary greatly from country to country.2. The writer's attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences.43. (1) experienced (2) elapsed (3) attempting (4) with(5) take up (6) made (7) endeavor (8) true4. a. The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.b. We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested.c. Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.d. We must pursue this matter further.e. The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astoundingsuccess.f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h. The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.i. (correct)j. He was awaked to the risk.5. My sister Lulu accepted a scholarship to study in the UK. She had done verywell in school and the principal thought that living with a British family would teachher a lot. Mother said she would let her go if she bought a box of stationery and promised to write home every week. She said that she would live up to her promise and she always does pretty well in living up to her principles. Soon after she arrived in the UK., she adapted to her new environment. Her new life did not affect her agreat deal. She knew that as a student she had to be economical and she was not self-conscious of her poor clothing and strange accent. These were the things she wasuninterested in; what fascinated her instead was the cultural differences betweenthetwo countries. She found people there liked to pay compliments and were more credulous to what she said. Of course, she never lied to them about her motherland.Though she experienced cultural shocks continually, she developed a fair attitudetowards the other culture. In the proceeding years, she settled down in the UK. andbecame a person with an alternative cultural identity.6. a. Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.b. The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.c. Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.d. Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was/is eager to win the contest.e. Corn bread and milk is a popular breakfast in the rural South.f. The instructor as well as the students was at fault.g. He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.h. The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.i. Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.j. The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.k. He believes that athletics improves school morale.l. Up goes the starter's gun, and each of the runners becomes tense.m. Either The Times or The Tribune is a reliable source of news.n. The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.o. She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.5。
大学英语高级写作教程Unit One

The following are some of the conventions that narrative-asessay and narrative-as-story share in common:
Use of the first person singular or the third person singular; use of an interpolated tale. Whichever person you use, be consistent. Inclusion of the five elements of narration: characters, setting, plot, climax and an ending. Events are usually presented in chronological order, but may use flashbacks to merge past and present. Employment of specific, lively, precise, often sensory, details to explain, support, or embellish the story or to make the point. Design the conflict, sequence and dialogues to make the account lively.
III. Practice
1. Reading, Discussion and Evaluation
Task 1: Read and Decide Discussion Questions – Is the passage a narrative-as-essay or a narrative -as-story? Why? – What are the defining characteristics that have led to your judgment? – If the passage is a narrative-as-essay, what is its generalization? – If the passage is a narrative-as-story, underline the five elements of narrative writing.

Unit 1PART Ⅱ FOCUSDenotation and ConnotationSuggested answer to the questionIf it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has animplication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance(e.g. an elderlygentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-agedwoman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure(e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we canconclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse intheir connotative meanings.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotesprotection but in a serious fashion.wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness.2.Word Denotation Connotation Sentencegold a precious yellow metal wealth,value,Silence is gold.preciousness, etcmoon the natural body that tranquility,purity,There’s no point moves around the earth something out of hoping for peace in theonce every 28 days reach, etc.country. It’s like askingfor the moon.ice water frozen so that it has coldness,The ice in his voice become solid indifference,cruelty,was only to hide thedeath, etc.pain.blood red liquid flowing through family background,Blood is thicker than the bodies of humans and descent,race,water.animals temperament, etc.2. a. In the West, every male person has the good qualities of males, such as bravery,spirit, and toughness.b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty and delicacy.AttitudeReference for the Classroom Activities1.Favorable Neutral Unfavorableunique, quaint strange bizarre, abnormalresolute, steadfast stubborn, dogged pigheadedcompliment (v.)praise, commend, flatter lick one’s bootssenior citizen old person fossilbachelor girl single woman spinster2. a. unique b. pigheaded c. flattered d. fossil e. spinsterCollocationSuggested answers to the exercisea.do somebody a favorb.do somebody goodc.make a gestured.do evile.do harmf.make an effortReference for the Classroom Activities1.1) D 2) D 3) A 4) B 5) C 6) C 7) BFalse FriendsSuggested answers to the questionThe misunderstanding occurs due to the use of homonyms or false friends— flour or flower, ground (as the past participle of the verbgrind) and ground (meaning the solid surface of the earth). In this excerpt, the use of false friends adds a humorous effect to the text.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.The false friends are lie meaning to keep one’sbody in a flat position, andlie meaning to say something dishonest.2. a. Your fever rose yesterday.b.That racket is bad enough to make Aunt Ella’s eyebrowsraised.c.Jack has beenlying around all day.d.The soldiers laid aside their weapons.e.A heavy foglay over the land.f.White stationery is always appropriate.g.Is that tablestationary, or can it be moved to another corner of the room?h.It is easier to talk about aprinciple than to live by it.i.Our principal played on the faculty football team against the school all-stars.3.Some other false friends:fair vs. fareIt ’snot fair to put all the blame on him.Bus fares are going up again.passedvs. pastI passed the landlady on the stairs this morning.Several boys went past us on mountain bikes.intense vs. intensiveShe suddenly felt an intense pain in her stomach.He took an intensive course on English.farther vs. furtherThe fog’s so thick; I can’tsee farther than about five meters.Every day she thinks further and further into depression.PART III GARMMARSubject-Verb AgreementWhen the subject is compoundReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when itexpresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects isconsidered individually, it takes a singular verb.2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either⋯or, neither⋯nor, not⋯but, theverb agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject.3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do notaffect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced byprepositions or prepositions or prepositional phrases such as as well as, as much as, rather than, along with, in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including .When the subject expresses quantityReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take asingular verb.2.Some words or phrases, such asall, most, half, the last, the rest, take a singularor plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows. 3.Phrases like lots of, heaps of, loads of take singular or plural verbs dependingon the form of the nouns that follow.4.In sentences with more than one or many a modifying the subject noun, theverb should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning.When the subject is a relative pronoun, what-clause, or in thethere-bestructure Reference for the Classroom Activitiesa. He was one of the candidates who were able to carry out their campaign pledges.He was the only one of the candidates who was able to carry out his campaign pledges.b.What he wants is just a little love from his foster parents.What one thinks and says are not always the same.c.There is a cherry tree and several orchid flowers in the garden.There are hundreds of applicants on the waiting list for the job.Summary1.After a relative pronoun (who, which, that), the verb has the same person andnumber as the antecedent. (In the second sentence in Pair a, the antecedent theis only one, not the candidates.)2.After a what-clause, the verb is usually singular. But if the what-clause is in acompound structure plural in meaning, the verb is in plural form.3.In the there-be structure, the verb is singular or plural depending on the numberof the subject. The singular there is may be used to introduce a compoundsubject when the first noun or nominal phrase is singular.OthersReference for the Classroom Activitiesa.Nobody in town admits seeing him.b.Does anyone want to go with me?c.Are any of you going to the exhibition?d.None works/work so hard as he does.e.Books are her chief source of enjoyment.f.The one thing you must be ready for is their attempts to break up the meeting.g.The jury is finally complete.h.The jury were divided in their opinions.i.New York Times is his bible.j.Semantics is the study of meanings.Summary1.Indefinite pronouns such as anybody, anyone, each, everybody, nobody, no one,and somebodygenerally require a singular verb.2.The pronounsany and none take either singular or plural verbs.3.The complement of the verbbe does not affect its number.4. A collective noun takes a singular verb when the class it names is thought of as aunit, but a plural verb when the members of the class are thought of as individuals.5.Titles of books, magazines, movies, newspapers, plays, and the like take asingular verb.6.Certain nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning generally take asingular verb. Some of these are physics, mechanics, news statistics, andwhereabouts.PART Ⅳ WRITINGNotes (I)Sample 1Suggested answers to the questions1.Notes are the simplest and shortest form of written communication and theyare quick, easy and convenient.2. A note has three essential components:--the addressee— the person(s) to whom the note iswritten; --the message;--the sender.3. Notes are characterized by their brevity, informality in style, and dedication to a single topic.Sample 2Suggested answers to the questions1.The date is put at the upper right-hand corner. Besides the date or weekday,you may, at times, need to state the hour or even the minute.2.You can add the word Dear before the addressee’s name and acomplimentary close.3. A complimentary close is put before your signature as the sample show.PART V FOLLOW-UP EXERCISESa. The little boy was chicken-hearted.b. The statesmanis a respectable figure in the political arena.c. We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying thebreezecoming from the lake.d. We need todrink the milk before it sours.e. The child had difficulty finding his way to school.f. The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.g. My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.h. Our university can accommodate4000 students.i. Social customsvary greatly from country to country.2.The writer’s attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences.3.(1) experienced(2) elapsed(3) attempting(4) with(5) take up(6) made(7) endeavor(8) true4.a. The state attorney said that the man would beprosecuted.b.We suppose that a referee should bedisinterested but not uninterested.c.Tony can hit a ballfarther than I can.d.We must pursue this matterfurther.e.The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.f. All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.g. The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h. The whole region was struck by aneconomic disaster.i.(correct)j.He was awaked to the risk.5.My sister Lulu accepteda scholarship to study in the UK. She had done very well in school and the principal thought that living with a British family would teachher a lot. Mother said she would let her go if she bought a box of stationery and promised to write home every week. She said that she would live up to her promise and she always does pretty well in living up to her principles. Soon after she arrived in the UK., she adapted to her new environment. Her new life did not affect her a great deal. She knew that as a student she had to be economical and she was not self-conscious of her poor clothing and strange accent. These were the things she was uninterested in; what fascinated her instead was the cultural differences between the two countries. She found people there liked to pay compliments and were more credulous to what she said. Of course, she never lied to them about her motherland. Though she experienced cultural shocks continually, she developed a fair attitude towards the other culture. In the proceeding years, she settled down in the UK. and became a person with an alternative cultural identity.6. a. Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.b. The jury is expectedto reach its decision very quickly.c.Each of the candidates for the positionhas exceptionally high qualifications.d.Every boy and girl in the sixth gradewas/is eager to win the contest.e.Corn bread and milkis a popular breakfast in the rural South.f.The instructor as well as the studentswas at fault.g.He is one of the students whoplan to attend the speech contest.h.The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.i. Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.j. The symptoms of mercury poisoningvary with each individual case.k. He believes that athleticsimproves school morale.l. Up goes the starter’s gun, and each of the runnersbecomestense.m. Either The Times or The Tribuneis a reliable source of news.n. The first thing that catches your eyeis the headlines.o. She is one of the women whohave madethis country what it is.。

As a high school student, I have always been fascinated by the power of language and its ability to connect people from different cultures. This semester, we started learning Advanced English 1, and the first unit has been an eyeopening experience for me. The theme of the unit revolves around the importance of communication and the various forms it can take. Heres my take on the subject.Communication is the lifeblood of society. Its how we share ideas, express emotions, and build relationships. In our increasingly globalized world, the ability to communicate effectively is more important than ever. The first unit of Advanced English 1 has taught me that communication is not just about speaking and listening its a multifaceted process that involves a range of skills and strategies.One of the key lessons Ive learned is the importance of active listening. In our fastpaced world, we often rush to get our point across without really hearing what the other person is saying. But effective communication requires us to slow down, pay attention, and truly understand the other persons perspective. This means not just hearing the words, but also picking up on the tone, body language, and underlying emotions.Another important aspect of communication is the use of nonverbal cues. Gestures, facial expressions, and body language can convey a lot of information without saying a word. For example, a smile can show friendliness and openness, while crossed arms can signal defensiveness or disagreement. Learning to read and interpret these nonverbal signals can greatly enhance our communication skills.The unit also emphasized the role of empathy in communication. Empathy involves putting ourselves in someone elses shoes and trying to understand their feelings and perspective. When we communicate with empathy, we are more likely to build trust and rapport, which can lead to more productive and meaningful conversations.Moreover, the first unit highlighted the importance of adapting our communication style to different contexts. Whether were speaking to a friend, a teacher, or a stranger, our choice of words, tone, and body language can greatly affect how our message is received. Learning to adjust our communication style to suit the situation is a valuable skill that can help us navigate a wide range of social interactions.One of the most interesting topics we explored was the impact of technology on communication. With the rise of social media, texting, and video calls, we have more ways than ever to connect with others. However, these digital forms of communication can also create misunderstandings and misinterpretations. For example, without the benefit of tone and body language, it can be easy to misread someones intentions or feelings. Learning to navigate these challenges is an important part of mastering communication in the digital age.In conclusion, the first unit of Advanced English 1 has been a valuable exploration of the art of communication. It has taught me that effective communication involves more than just words it requires active listening, nonverbal cues, empathy, and an ability to adapt to different contexts. As Icontinue to develop these skills, I am excited about the potential they hold for building stronger relationships, expressing myself more clearly, and navigating the complexities of our interconnected world.。
全新版大学进阶英语阅读写作教程1 unit1

以下是本单元的主要内容:阅读理解基本技巧1. 预测问题:在阅读文章之前,可以先阅读问题,并根据问题进行预测。
2. 浏览文章:在阅读文章之前,可以通过快速浏览文章的标题、副标题、段落首句和结尾句等来获取文章的主要内容。
3. 扫读关键词:在阅读文章时,可以扫读关键词和关键短语,以便更好地理解文章的关键信息和主要观点。
4. 推理与判断:在阅读文章时,可以根据已知信息进行推理和判断,以推导出作者的观点和意图。
阅读理解策略1. 重点标记:在阅读文章时,可以使用标记笔或标记功能对关键信息进行标记,以便于后续复和理解。
2. 筛选信息:在阅读文章时,可以根据问题要求,筛选出与问题相关的信息,有针对性地进行阅读。
3. 归纳总结:在阅读文章之后,可以进行归纳总结,将文章的主要观点和主题进行概括和整理。
4. 拓展思考:在阅读文章之后,可以进行拓展思考,思考文章内容在其他领域的应用和相关话题。

Unit 1PART Ⅱ FOCUSDenotation and ConnotationSuggested answer to the questionIf it is your teacher, most probably you will choose b, as the word portly has an implication of a more or less dignified and imposing appearance(e.g. an elderly gentleman, large and portly). However, if it is a doorkeeper, an amiable middle-aged woman, you may choose the word plump as it implies a pleasing fullness of figure (e.g. the plump goddesses of Renaissance paintings). From this exercise we can conclude that words that share the same denotative meanings can be diverse in their connotative meanings.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.father: the male parent. It connotes support and sternness; it also connotesprotection but in a serious fashion.wildflower: uncultivated plant; it connotes vitality and pleasantness.2.Word Denotation Connotation Sentencegold a precious yellow metal wealth, value, Silence is gold.preciousness, etcmoon the natural body that tranquility, purity, There’s no point moves around the earth something out of hoping for peace in theonce every 28 days reach, etc. country. It’s like askingfor the moon.ice water frozen so that it hasbecome solidblood red liquid flowing through the bodies of humans andanimals coldness, The ice in his voice indifference, cruelty, was only to hide the death, etc. pain.family background, Blood is thicker than descent, race, water. temperament, etc.2. a. In the West, every male person has the good qualities of males, such as bravery,spirit, and toughness.b. Anyway, she has the characteristics of a woman, such as frailty and delicacy. AttitudeReference for the Classroom Activities1.Favorable Neutral Unfavorableunique, quaint strange bizarre, abnormalresolute, steadfast stubborn, dogged pigheadedcompliment (v.) praise, commend, flatter lick one’s bootssenior citizen old person fossilbachelor girl single woman spinster2. a. unique b. pigheaded c. flattered d. fossil e. spinsterCollocationa.do somebody a favorb.do somebody goodc.make a gestured.do evile.do harmf.make an effortReference for the Classroom Activities1. 1)D2)D3)A4)B5)C6)C7)BFalse FriendsSuggested answers to the questionThe misunderstanding occurs due to the use of homonyms or false friends— flour or flower, ground (as the past participle of the verbgrind) and ground (meaning the solid surface of the earth). In this excerpt, the use of false friends adds a humorous effect to the text.Reference for the Classroom Activities1.The false friends are lie meaning to keep one’sbody in a flat position, andlie meaning to say something dishonest.2. a. Your fever rose yesterday.b.That racket is bad enough to make Aunt Ella’s eyebrowsraised.c.Jack has beenlying around all day.d.The soldiers laid aside their weapons.e.A heavy foglay over the land.f.White stationery is always appropriate.g.Is that tablestationary, or can it be moved to another corner of the room?h.It is easier to talk about aprinciple than to live by it.i.Our principal played on the faculty football team against the school all-stars.3.Some other false friends:fair vs. fareIt ’snot fair to put all the blame on him.Bus fares are going up again.passedvs. pastI passed the landlady on the stairs this morning.Several boys went past us on mountain bikes.intense vs. intensiveShe suddenly felt an intense pain in her stomach.He took an intensive course on English.farther vs. furtherThe fog’s so thick; I can’tsee farther than about five meters.Every day she thinks further and further into depression.PART III GARMMARSubject-Verb AgreementWhen the subject is compoundReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when itexpresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects isconsidered individually, it takes a singular verb.2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either or, neither nor, not but, the verbagrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject.3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions do notaffect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced byprepositions or prepositions or prepositional phrases such as as well as, as much as, rather than, along with, in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including .When the subject expresses quantityReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take asingular verb.2.Some words or phrases, such asall, most, half, the last, the rest, take a singularor plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows.3.Phrases like lots of, heaps of, loads of take singular or plural verbs dependingon the form of the nouns that follow.4.In sentences with more than one or many a modifying the subject noun, theverb should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning.When the subject is a relative pronoun, a what-clause, or in the there-be structure Reference for the Classroom Activitiesa. He was one of the candidates who were able to carry out their campaign pledges.He was the only one of the candidates who was able to carry out his campaign pledges.b.What he wants is just a little love from his foster parents.What one thinks and says are not always the same.c.There is a cherry tree and several orchid flowers in the garden.There are hundreds of applicants on the waiting list for the job.Summary1.After a relative pronoun (who, which, that), the verb has the same person andnumber as the antecedent. (In the second sentence in Pair a, the antecedent theis only one, not the candidates.)2.After a what-clause, the verb is usually singular. But if the what-clause is in acompound structure plural in meaning, the verb is in plural form.3.In the there-be structure, the verb is singular or plural depending on the numberof the subject. The singular there is may be used to introduce a compoundsubject when the first noun or nominal phrase is singular.OthersReference for the Classroom Activitiesa.Nobody in town admits seeing him.b.Does anyone want to go with me?c.Are any of you going to the exhibition?d.None works/work so hard as he does.e.Books are her chief source of enjoyment.f.The one thing you must be ready for is their attempts to break up the meeting.g.The jury is finally complete.h.The jury were divided in their opinions.i.New York Times is his bible.j.Semantics is the study of meanings.Summary1.Indefinite pronouns such as anybody, anyone, each, everybody, nobody, no one,and somebodygenerally require a singular verb.2.The pronounsany and none take either singular or plural verbs.3.The complement of the verbbe does not affect its number.4. A collective noun takes a singular verb when the class it names is thought of as aunit, but a plural verb when the members of the class are thought of as individuals.5.Titles of books, magazines, movies, newspapers, plays, and the like take asingular verb.6.Certain nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning generally take asingular verb. Some of these are physics, mechanics, news statistics, andwhereabouts.PART Ⅳ WRITINGNotes (I)Sample 1Suggested answers to the questions1.Notes are the simplest and shortest form of written communication and theyare quick, easy and convenient.2. A note has three essential components:--the addressee— the person(s) to whom the note iswritten; --the message;--the sender.3. Notes are characterized by their brevity, informality in style, and dedication to a single topic.Sample 2Suggested answers to the questions1.The date is put at the upper right-hand corner. Besides the date or weekday,you may, at times, need to state the hour or even the minute.2.You can add the word Dear before the addressee’s name and acomplimentary close.3. A complimentary close is put before your signature as the sample show.PART V FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES1.a. The little boy was chicken-hearted.b. The statesmanis a respectable figure in the political arena.c. We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying thebreezecoming from the lake.d. We need todrink the milk before it sours.e. The child had difficulty finding his way to school.f. The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.g. My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.h. Our university can accommodate4000 students.i. Social customsvary greatly from country to country.2. The writer’s attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences.3. (1) experienced(2) elapsed(3) attempting(4) with(5) take up(6) made(7) endeavor(8) true4.a. The state attorney said that the man would beprosecuted.b.We suppose that a referee should bedisinterested but not uninterested.c.Tony can hit a ballfarther than I can.d.We must pursue this matterfurther.e.The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.f.All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium forthe music contest.g.The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches.h.The whole region was struck by aneconomic disaster.i.(correct)j.He was awaked to the risk.5.My sister Lulu accepteda scholarship to study in the UK. She had done very well in school and the principal thought that living with a British family would teach her a lot. Mother said she would let her go if she bought a box of stationery and promised to write home every week. She said that she would live up to her promise and she always does pretty well in living up to her principles. Soon after she arrived in the UK., she adapted to her new environment. Her new life did not affect her a great deal. She knew that as a student she had to be economical and she was not self-conscious of her poor clothing and strange accent. These were the things she was uninterested in; what fascinated her instead was the cultural differences between the two countries. She found people there liked to pay compliments and were more credulous to what she said. Of course, she never lied to them about her motherland. Though she experienced cultural shocks continually, she developed a fair attitude towards the other culture. In the proceeding years, she settled down in the UK. and became a person with an alternative cultural identity.6. a. Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.b. The jury is expectedto reach its decision very quickly.c.Each of the candidates for the positionhas exceptionally high qualifications.d.Every boy and girl in the sixth gradewas/is eager to win the contest.e.Corn bread and milkis a popular breakfast in the rural South.f.The instructor as well as the studentswas at fault.g.He is one of the students whoplan to attend the speech contest.h.The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.i. Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.j. The symptoms of mercury poisoningvary with each individual case.k. He believes that athleticsimproves school morale.l. Up goes the starter’s gun, and each of the runnersbecomestense.m. Either The Times or The Tribuneis a reliable source of news.n. The first thing that catches your eyeis the headlines.o. She is one of the women whohave madethis country what it is.。

英语一大作文高级表达Title: Exploring the Nuances of English Prose: A Dive into Advanced Expressions。
English, as a language, offers a plethora of possibilities for expression, ranging from the simple and straightforward to the intricate and sophisticated. In this exploration, we delve into the realm of advanced English prose, uncovering nuanced expressions that add depth and elegance to writing.At the forefront of advanced English expression lies the mastery of vocabulary. Rather than relying on commonplace words, adept writers harness the richness of the language to convey their thoughts with precision and flair. Synonyms and antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and figurative language serve as tools to paint vivid pictures in the minds of readers. For instance, instead of merely stating "she was happy," one might employ alternatives such as "she exuded an aura of jubilation" or "her countenanceradiated with joy."Beyond vocabulary, sentence structure plays a pivotal role in elevating prose to a higher echelon. By incorporating varied sentence structures, writers can imbue their writing with rhythm and cadence, captivating the reader's attention. Complex sentences, comprising subordinate clauses and conjunctions, lend a sense of sophistication to the writing. Conversely, the strategic use of short, punchy sentences can inject energy and urgency into the narrative, driving the point home with impact.Moreover, the adept use of literary devices enriches English prose, transforming mere words into a tapestry of meaning and emotion. Metaphors and similes infuse language with imagery, allowing readers to visualize abstract concepts in tangible terms. Alliteration and assonance create melodic patterns that linger in the reader's mind, enhancing the overall aesthetic appeal of the writing. Additionally, rhetorical devices such as parallelism and anaphora lend rhetorical power to arguments, compellingreaders to ponder the underlying message.Furthermore, the artful deployment of transitionsfosters coherence and fluidity in writing, guiding readers seamlessly from one idea to the next. Transition words and phrases serve as signposts, signaling shifts in thought or direction. By mastering the nuances of transitions, writers can weave together disparate ideas into a cohesive narrative, ensuring that each paragraph flows logicallyinto the next.In addition to linguistic prowess, cultural andhistorical references add depth and resonance to English prose. Allusions to literary works, historical events, or philosophical concepts imbue writing with layers of meaning, inviting readers to engage on multiple levels. However, itis imperative to strike a balance between accessibility and erudition, ensuring that references enhance rather than obfuscate the intended message.In conclusion, the realm of advanced English proseoffers a vast playground for linguistic exploration andexpression. By harnessing the power of vocabulary, sentence structure, literary devices, transitions, and cultural references, writers can craft compelling narratives that resonate with readers on intellectual and emotional levels. Through continuous practice and refinement, aspiringwriters can unlock the full potential of the English language, wielding it with finesse and artistry.。

英一作文高级模板Advanced Essay Template。
The purpose of this essay is to explore the complex relationship between technology and society in the 21st century. With the rapid advancement of technology, society has experienced significant changes in various aspects of life. This essay will delve into the positive and negative impacts of technology on society, and how individuals and governments can navigate this intricate relationship.Body Paragraph 1: Positive Impacts of Technology on Society。
Technology has revolutionized various industries, leading to increased efficiency and productivity. For instance, in the healthcare sector, technological advancements have resulted in the development of life-saving medical equipment and innovative treatment options. Additionally, in the field of education, technology has provided access to a wealth of information and resources, enabling individuals to learn and acquire new skills from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, technology has facilitated communication and connectivity, allowing people to stay in touch with loved ones and collaborate with colleagues across the globe. These positive impacts of technology have undoubtedly improved the quality of life for many individuals in society.Body Paragraph 2: Negative Impacts of Technology on Society。

Unit 1 .1.1)The little boy was chicken-hearted.2)That statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.3)We sat down by the oak tree ,enjoying the breeze coming from the lake.4)We need to drink the milk before it sours.5)The child had difficulty finding his way to school.6)The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.7)My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.8)Our university can accommodate 4,000 students.9)Social customs vary greatly from country to country.3.1)experienced2)elapsed3)attempting4)with5)take up6)made7)endeavor8)true4.1)The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.2)We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested.3)Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.4)We must pursue this matter farther.5)The principle behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.6)All the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.7)The federal government comprises the legislative,judicial,and executive branches.8)The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.9)(correct)10)He was awaked to the risk.6.1)Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.2)The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.3)Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.4)Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was at fault..7)He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.8)The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial.9)Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display.10)The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.11)He believes that athletics improves school morale.12)Up goes the starter”s gun,and each of the runners becomes tense.13)Either The Moning Post or The City News is a reliable sourse of news.14)The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.15)She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.2.1)play a minor role/be a utility man2)That’s Greek to me.3)belated action/advice4)Where there is smoke there’s fire.5)an evil creature6)walk into the trap7)one’s face glowing with he alth3.1)We must practice economy./We must reduce unnecessary expenditures .2)It is essential to control environmental pollution.3)We must arrive at the station on time.4)Financial expenditures should be arranged in order of priority.5)We should speed up construction of urban housing so as to improve the housing conditions.6)To be allowed to make profits,private capital has to meet tow condition:1)the profits must belegal,and 2)they must not be excessive.7)During the period of the Eleventh Five-Year Plan we must never neglect grainproduction.Instead,we must steadily increase it.5.1)me 2)who 3)I4)me/myself 5)me 6)each other’s7)who 8)us 9)whom10)Some 11)one’s 12)His13)his 14)his,his1.1)When I was assigned a certain task,I did it to my best ability.2)Fog can cause blindness.3)Recently I joined a social club which raise money for the care of needychildren,and we meet every Wednesday afternoon.4)An eassy should be understandable to the reader.5)Many items are expensive at discount stores.6)Bears that have just come out of hibernation are usually hungry and dangerous.7)The author should have shortened the story by half.8)The city’s environmental surroundings are not the most comfortable.9)I learned certain facts that I believe are vital to every freshman.2.1)simmer:cook food gently at or just below boiling pointsauté:fry quickly in a little hot fatbake:cook by using direct heat in an oven2)Other verbs about cooking include roast,steam,braise,fly,deep-fly,boil,poach,scramble,grill,stew,curry,baste,barbecue.3.1)For dinner we had barbecued steaks and sweet corn.2)Last week my brother John joined an insurance company.3)He is not a friendly and easy-going colleague.4)Our view of the sea at sunset was splendid/breathtaking.5)It was a fine day to play outdoors.6)What impressed me most adout the city was the hustle in the streets.4.There are seize,hurl,choke,blind,leap,flee,etc.5.1)I admire Jenny’s long black glossy hair so much.2)The fearless explorer finally landed at the South Pole.3)Fast driving on a smooth road can be great fun.4)John and I often wrote each other long e-mails full of jokes.5)The pale skinny woman fainted suddenly.6.1)I invited the visiting professor to the English Club.2)Shooting stars warm us of catastrophe.3)The deleted sentence was unnecessary.4)Stephanie tiptoed up the carpeted steps.5)The students attending the art school are highly active.6)The dollar bill split in half was taped.7)Amy was the only winning contestant who was below 10.8)The freshly painted house shone in the sun7.1)indescribably 2)dark 3)occasional4)steadily 5)surely,bad 6)terribly8.1)At his mother’s request,he agreed to wait at least a year before getting married. 2)Halfa of the girls in town were in love with Ben,but he wanted to marry Christine only.3)John hopes that in the years to come he can be as successful as his father has been.4)The winner of the contest ate almost three dozen hamburgers.5)Debbie knew that chicken when fried always pleased ED.6)Mary could not resist the temptati on to whisper in her friend’s ear about what she had seen.Unit4p.544.1) lay-lie2) opened-opens3) lead-led4) were-are5) arrived-had arrived6) seemed-seems7) died-had died8) will x9) return-returns10) is-were11) is-were12) finds-find5.1) was attacked 2) robbed 3) was taken 4) released 5) spent 6) left 7) had promised 8) be 9) was walking 10) was attacked 11) described 12)took 13) containing 14) was (just) turning 15) occurred 16) saw 17) was happening 18) rushed 19) ran 20) warn 21) be 22) walk 23) had 24) commented 25) be。

写作教程3u n i t1答案(总6页)--本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可----内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小--Part A GRAMMARSubject- Verb AgreementSubject-verb agreement is a very complicated issue and it is not our intention to cover all the ground in this unit. What we attempt to do here is to bring students' attention to some points particularly tricky and let them learn by practice. The method we use in the grammar section of this book is the discovery approach -- to let students find out their own answers. We hope this can raise students' interest in learning grammar and sharpen their inductive skills.The question of subject-verb agreement is very complicated. Generally speaking, there are three basic principles: grammatical agreement, notional agreement, and the principle of proximity. In his unit, we are going to approach this issue in four contexts:When the subject is compoundReference for the Classroom ActivitiesSummary:1. A compound subject with and takes a plural verb in most cases, but when itexpresses a singular meaning or when each of the singular subjects is considered individually, it takes a singular verb.2.After a compound subject with or, nor, either…or, neither…nor, not …but,theverb agrees in number and person with the nearer part of the subject.3.Intervening phrases or clauses not introduced by coordinating conjunctions donot affect the number of a verb. Such phrases are normally introduced by prepositions or prepositional phrases such as well as, as much as, rather than, along with in addition to, together with, with, plus, and including.When the subject expresses quantityReference for the Classroom ActivitiesAll the sentences are correct.Summary:1.Nominal phrases of time, money, weight and measurement normally take asingular verb.2.Some words or phrases, such as all, most, half, the last, the rest, take a singularor plural verb, depending on the meaning of the noun or pronoun that follows. 3.Phrases lik e lots of, heaps of , loads of take singular or plural verbs depending onthe form of the nouns that follow.4.In sentences with more than one or many a modifying the subject nouns, theverb should take a singular form though it is plural in meaning.When the subject is a relative pronoun, a what-clause, or in the there-be structure Reference for the Classroom Activities1). He was one of the candidates who were able to carry out their campaign pledges. He was the only one of the candidates who was able to carry out his campaign pledges2). What he wants is just a little love from his foster parents.What one thinks and says are not always the same.3). There is a cherry tree and several orchid flowers in the garden.There are hundreds of applicants on the waiting list for the job.Summary:1.After a relative pronoun (who, which, that), the verb has the same person andnumber as the antecedent. (In the second sentence in Pair a, the antecedent is the only one, not the candidates.)2.After a what-clause, the verb is usually singular,. But if the what-clause is in acompound structure plural in meaning, the verb is in plural form.3.In the there-be structure, the verb is singular or plural depending on the numberof the subject. The singular there is may be used to introduce a compound subject when the first noun or nominal phrase is singular.OthersReference for the Classroom Activities1). Nobody in town admits seeing him.2). Does anyone want to go with me3). Are any of you going to the exhibition4). None works/work so hard as he does.5). Books are her chief source of enjoyment.6). The one thing you must be ready for is their attempts to break up the meeting7). The jury is finally complete.8). The jury were divided in their Opinions.9). New York Times is his bible.10). Semantics is the study of meanings.Summary:1.Indefinite pronouns such as anybody, anyone, each, everybody, nobody, no one,and somebody generally require a singular verb.2.The pronouns any and none take either singular or plural verbs.3.The complement of the verb be does not affect its number.4. A collective noun takes a singular verb when the class it names is thought of as aunit, but a plural verb when the members of the class are thought of as individuals.5.Titles of books, magazines, movies, newspapers, plays, and the like take asingular verb.6.Certain nouns which are plural in form but singular in meaning generally take asingular verb. Some of these are physics, mechanics, news, statistics,and whereabouts.Part B Keys to the FOLLOW-UP EXERCISES1. 1). The little boy was chicken-hearted.2). That statesman is a respectable figure in the political arena.3). We sat down by the oak tree, enjoying the breeze coming from the lake4). We need to drink the milk before it sours.5). The child had difficulty finding his way to school.6) The young woman received a lot of flowers and gifts.7). My father drew back the curtain a little lest I see him.8). Our university can accommodate 4,000 students.9). Social customs vary greatly from country to country.2. The writer's attitude changes from negative to positive in each pair of sentences3. (1)experienced (2) elapsed(3)attempting (4) with(5)take up (6) made(7)endeavor (8) true4. 1). The state attorney said that the man would be prosecuted.2). We suppose that a referee should be disinterested but not uninterested3). Tony can hit a ball farther than I can.4). We must pursue this matter further.5). The principles behind our constitution are a principal reason for its astounding success.6). Al1 the band instruments except the tuba will be carried to the auditorium for the music contest.7). The federal government comprises the legislative, judicial, and executive branches8). The whole region was struck by an economic disaster.9). (correct)10). He was awaked to the risk.5. My sister Lulu accepted a scholarship to study in the UK. She had done very well in school and the principal thought that living with a British family would teach her a lot. Mother said she would let her go if she bought a box of stationery and promised to write home every week. She said that she would live up to her promise and she always does pretty well in living up to her principles. Soon after she arrived in the UK., she adapted to her new environment. Her new life did not affect her a great deal. She knew that as a student she had to be economical and she was notself-conscious of her poor clothing and strange accent. These were the things she was uninterested in; what fascinated her instead was the cultural differences between the two countries. She found people there liked to pay compliments and were more credulous to what she said. Of course, she never lied to them about her motherland. Though she experienced cultural shocks continually, she developed a fair attitude towards the other culture. In the proceeding years, she settled down in the UK. and became a person with an alternative cultural identity.6. 1). Sixty hours is the amount of work time I contracted for.2). The jury is expected to reach its decision very quickly.3). Each of the candidates for the position has exceptionally high qualifications.4). Every boy and girl in the sixth grade was/is eager to win the contest.5). Corn bread and milk is a popular breakfast in the rural South.6). The instructor as well as the students was at fault.7). He is one of the students who plan to attend the speech contest.8). The jury are to be isolated in individual hotel rooms each night during the trial9). Sam sprawled in the chair and knocked over one of the lamps which were on display10). The symptoms of mercury poisoning vary with each individual case.11). He believes that athletics improves school morale.12). Up goes the starter's gun, and each of the runners becomes tense.13). Either The Times or The Tribune is a reliable source of news.14). The first thing that catches your eye is the headlines.15). She is one of the women who have made this country what it is.7. As a way to wind up the unit, ask students to write a note for each of the situations. This can be done as homework.Part C Complementary of Notes(12) Notes of SuggestionBelow is an example of a note of suggestionDateDear ____,You have asked me for my advice with regard to _________, and I will try to make some constructive suggestions. I think it would be better if ______. … I do hope you can take my suggestion into consideration.Your sincerely ,NamePart D Assignment for this weekAssignment: The question 7 of Page 27 in your text book.Please finish both of questions and hand in next time.。
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Teaching Set-up
I. Lead-in Activities II. Guidance for Narrative Writing III. Practice IV. Sample Narratives V. Assignments
I. Lead-in Activities
Activity 1: Choose one of the following two questions, and talk about it with your partners. • What is the most impressive event you have experienced? Was it exciting? Solemn? Shocking? Humorous? Tragic? What happened?
Activity 2: Listen to the following passage: VOA News Broadcasting1 Listening Activity MP3 VOA 1.mp3 • What is the name of the singer? • Why is she so popular? • Have you ever heard any of the songs sung by her before? • What impresses you most in the passage? • Now retell the story you have heard.
• Use first person and then third person to give accounts of the event. Then discuss the differences between the two. • Who had a decisive influence on you while you were growing-up? Your father? Your teacher? Your friend? How did s/he influence you? • How have you grown or been changed in some way as a result of this influence? • Looking back on your experiences, what are your reflections on those times?
Unit 1 Narrative Writing
Learning Aims and Objectives
• Write a narrative essay; • Distinguish between a narrative-as-essay and a narrative-as-story; • Organize ideas in chronological order; • Give an account of an event or series of events; • Choose details and carefully design the plot of the story; • Manipulate supporting sentences to convey an attitude; • Increase coherence through the use of adverbial clauses of time and sequence.
When reading a narrative, it is important to pay attention to the following points:
--- Heather Attrill
2. Guidance for R源自ading a Narrative
People narrate for two different purposes: to recreate or retell an experience and to make a point. Thus, there are two types of narrative: narrative-as-story and narrative-as-essay. A narrative-as-story is an exact account of what happened with the purpose of recreating or retelling a particular experience. It requires facts be stated correctly and in good chronological order. Such writing is also referred to as factual narrative. A narrative-as-essay is a story that is told to make a particular point. This mode of writing is also known as a personal essay, a personal narrative or a narrative essay. The purpose is to deal with a personal experience or to express a personal attitude towards the chosen subject.
II. Guidance for Narrative Writing
1. What is Narrative Writing? Narrative writing is a recounting of a succession of events and, on a personal level, can give a writer a chance to think and write about themselves.