2019 年四川美术学院全国硕士研究生入学招生考试考试科目:业务(一)中外设计史论考试方式(闭卷)考试时间:三小时号题一二三四总分阅卷教师分得………………………………………………………………………………………………………………一、选择题(20 分)1.我国历史上第一部艺术与技术的著作是()A. 《园冶》B.《考工记》 C.《营造法式》 D.《髹饰录》2.希腊的帕提农神庙的柱式是()。
A.爱奥尼 B.多力克 C.柯林斯 D.罗马式4.包豪斯的创始人是()。
A.格罗皮乌斯 B.密斯·凡德罗 C.柯布西耶 D.亨利·凡·德·维尔德4.设计批评者是设计欣赏者和() A.使用者 B.评论者 C.生产者 D.消费者 5.下列哪一个设计教育学院秉承的以“科学”为核心的教育理念。
A.佛库特玛斯B.芝加哥艺术学院 C.包豪斯 D.乌尔姆设计学院6. 奥地利维也纳分离派的创始人是()。
A.麦金·托什 B.约瑟夫·霍夫曼 C.奥托·瓦格纳 D.彼得·贝伦斯7. “人面鱼纹盆”属于我国彩陶文化的()类型A.马家窑型 B.半坡型 C.马厂型 D.庙底沟型8、魏晋时期的烧制青瓷的是( )窑。
A.磁州窑 B.耀州窑 C. 刑窑 D.越窑9. 原始时期北方流行穴居、半穴居、地面建筑的居住方式,南方则流行()。
A、高层建筑B、石洞建筑C、杆栏式建筑D、窑洞建筑10. 青铜铭文是在()开始流行的。
A、夏代 B、商代 C、周代 D、战国 11. 战国最重要的铜镜产区是()。
A、荆楚 B、吴越 C、齐鲁 D、巴蜀 12. 秦始皇陵兵马俑多用( )方法制成。
A、模塑结合B、只用陶模C、完全雕塑D、模塑分离13. 元代的琉璃产地以()最为著名。
A、陕西 B、山西 C、河北 D、四川 14. ()是宋代吉州窑烧制出来的重要品种。
(第 1 页共 2 页)A、玳瑁盏B、兔毫盏C、天目盏D、鹧鸪盏15. 明代刺绣艺术成就最高的当数()。
2019年专业英语八级真题试卷(题后含答案及解析)题型有: 1. LISTENING COMPREHENSION 2. READING COMPREHENSION 3. LANGUAGE USAGE 4. TRANSLATION 5. WRITINGPART I LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MINI-LECTUREIn this section you will hear a mini-lecture. You will hear the mini-lecture ONCE ONLY. While listening to the mini-lecture, please complete the gap-filling task on ANSWER SHEET ONE and write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each gap. Make sure the word(s) you fill in is (are) both grammatically and semantically acceptable. You may use the blank sheet for note-taking.You have THIRTY seconds to preview the gap-filling task.听力原文:Body Language and Mind Good morning, everyone. In today’s lecture, I’d like to focus on how our body language reveals who we are. We’re really fascinated with body language and particularly interested in other people’s body language. You know, we’re sometimes interested in an awkward interaction, or a smile, or a contemptuous glance, or maybe a very awkward wink or handshake. So what kind of body language am I talking about? [1] I’m interested in power dynamics, that is, the nonverbal expressions of power and dominance. And what are nonverbal expressions of power and dominance? Well, this is what they are.[2] In the animal kingdom, nonverbal expressions of power and dominance are about expanding. So you make yourself big, you stretch out, you take up space, and you’re basically opening up. And, and humans do the same thing. So they do this when they’re feeling powerful in the moment. And this one is especially interesting because it really shows us how universal and old these expressions of power are. For example, when athletes cross the finish line and they’ve won, it doesn’t matter if they’ve never seen anyone do it. They do this. So the arms are up in the V sign, the chin is slightly lifted. [3] But what do we do when we feel powerless? We do exactly the opposite. We close up. We make ourselves small. We don’t want to bump into the person next to us. And this is what happens when you put together high and low power. [4] So what we tend to do when it comes to power is that we complement the other’s nonverbals. What I mean is if someone is being really powerful with us, we tend to make ourselves smaller. We don’t mirror them. We do the opposite. I’m watching this behavior in the classroom, and guess what I have noticed? [5] I noticed that MBA students really exhibit the full range of power non verbals. They get right into the middle of the room before class even starts, like they really want to occupy space. When they sit down, they’re sort of spread out. They raise their hands high. You have other people who are virtually collapsing when they come in. As soon as they, I mean other people, come in, you see it. You see it on their faces and their bodies, and they sit with their chairs and they make themselves tiny, and they will not fully stretch their arms when they raise their hands. I also noticed another interesting thing about this. [6]It seems women are much more likely to do this kind of thing than men. I mean, women are more likely to make themselves small. Women feel chronically less powerful than men, so this is not surprising. The second question concerns our minds. [7] We know that our minds change our bodies, but is it also true that our bodies change our minds? And when I say minds, in the case of the powerful, what do I mean? I’m talking about thoughts and feelings and the sort of physiological things that make up our thoughts and feelings, and in my case, that’s hormones. I look at hormones. So what do the minds of the powerful versus the powerless look like? [8] Powerful people tend to be, not surprisingly, more assertive and more confident, more optimistic. They actually feel that they’re going to win even at games of chance. They also tend to be able to think more abstractly. They take more risks. [9] So there are a lot of differences between powerful and powerless people. Physiologically, there are also differences on two key hormones: one is dominance hormone, and the other is stress hormone. What we find is that powerful and effective leaders have high dominance hormone and low stress hormone. What does that mean? That means power is also about how you react to stress. Once, we did an experiment. We decided to bring people into the lab and run that little experiment. These people adopted, for two minutes, either high-power poses or low-power poses. We for two minutes say, “You need to do this or this. “And we also want them to be feeling power. [10] So after two minutes, we will ask them, “How powerful do you feel?” on a series of items, and then we give them an opportunity to gamble. Before and after the experiment, we take their samples of saliva for a hormone test. That’s the whole experiment. And this is what we have found. Risk tolerance, which is gambling, what we find is that when you’re in the high-power pose condition, 86% of you will gamble. When you’re in the low-power pose condition, it’s down to only 60% , and that’s a pretty significant difference. [11] Here’s what we find on dominance hormone. From their baseline when they come in, high-power people experience about a 20% increase, and low-power people experience about a 10% decrease. So again, two minutes, and you get these changes. [12] Concerning stress hormone, high-power people experience about a 25% decrease, and the low-power people experience about a 15% increase. [13] Once again, two minutes lead to these hormonal changes that configure your brain to basically be either assertive, confident, or really stress-reactive, and, you know, feeling sort of shut down. And we’ve all had that feeling, right? So it seems that our nonverbals do govern how we think and feel about ourselves. Also, our bodies change our minds. So, power posing for a few minutes really changes your life in meaningful ways. [14] When I tell people about this, that our bodies change our minds and our minds can change our behavior, and our behavior can change our outcomes, they say to me, “I don’t believe that. It feels fake. “ Right? So I said, “Fake it till you make it. “ I’m going to leave you with this. Before you go into the next stressful evaluative situation, for example, a job interview, for two minutes, try doing this, in the elevator, or at your desk behind closed doors, and say to yourself, “That’s what I want to do. “ [15] Configure your brain to do the best in that situation. Get your dominance hormone up and get your stress hormone down. Don’t leave that situation feeling like, oh, I didn’t show them who I am. Leave thatsituation feeling like, oh, I really managed to say who I am and show who I am. To sum up, today, we talked about the nonverbal expressions of power and dominance and the strong effects of the change of behavior. I suggest you try power posing which is simple but will significantly change the outcomes of your life. OK. Next time, we are going to discuss the social functions of body language.Body Language and Mind Introduction Body language reveals who we are. Nonverbal expressions of 【T1】______ 【T1】______ - feeling powerful: 【T2】______ 【T2】______ —e. g. athletes with arms up in a V sign - feeling powerless: 【T3】______ 【T3】______ —e. g. refusing to bump into the person nearby - people’s behavior tends to become 【T4】______ 【T4】______ in a high- and low-power situation. —people don’t mirror each other. - MBA students exhibit the full range of power nonverbals. —e. g. students with power have strong desire for 【T5】______. 【T5】______ - power nonverbals are also related to 【T6】______. 【T6】______ Relationship between 【T7】______ 【T7】______ - the powerful are more 【T8】______. 【T8】______ - hormones differ with 【T9】______. 【T9】______ - an experiment: —procedure: —adopting high- or low-power poses and completing items —being given 【T10】______ 【T10】______ —having saliva tested —results: —【T11】______: much higher with high-power people 【T11】______ —an increase in 【T12】______in low-power people 【T12】______ —hormonal changes: making brain 【T13】______ 【T13】______ Conclusion - Behavior can 【T14】______. 【T14】______ - Before getting into stressful situations —get your brain ready to 【T15】______ 【T15】______1.【T1】正确答案:power and dominance解析:细节辨认题。
自考07189《视听语言》历年真题学习资料电子书目录1. 目录 (2)2. 真题目录 (3)2.1 07189视听语言[福建]200704 (3)2.2 07189视听语言[福建]200707 (3)2.3 07189视听语言[福建]200804 (4)2.4 07189视听语言[福建]200810 (5)2.5 07189视听语言[福建]200904 (6)2.6 07189视听语言[福建]200910 (7)2.7 07189视听语言[福建]201010 (8)3. 相关课程 (8)1. 目录真题目录()07189视听语言[福建]200704()07189视听语言[福建]200707()07189视听语言[福建]200804()07189视听语言[福建]200810()07189视听语言[福建]200904()07189视听语言[福建]200910()07189视听语言[福建]201010()相关课程()2. 真题目录2.1 07189视听语言[福建]200704视听语言试卷(课程代码7189)一、填空题(本大题共5空.每空1分。
四川音乐学院2016年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:音乐基础理论科目代码:825 考试时间:月日(注:特别提醒所有答案一律写在答题纸上,直接写在试题或草稿纸上的无效!)一、名词解释主题:旋律曲式中心对称形象节奏音色黄金分割续数法旋律音列节奏单位和声节奏基数法旋律音形和声功能二、填空题1、音乐分析的方法有主题分析、形象分析、旋律分析、节奏分析、调式分析、曲式分析、音响和声分析、比例分析等。
三、单选1、下列属于复调音乐的题材是(A)A、创意曲B、奏鸣曲C、进行曲D、舞曲12、作曲家用音乐符号记录下要表达的音乐内容,记录下的内容叫(C )A、音乐传播B、音乐表演C、音乐总谱D、音乐创作3、音乐作品中的音乐形象具有突出的(C)A、巨象性B、确定C、抽象D、限定性4、旋律是重要的音乐表现要素之一,被称为(D)A、音乐的基础B、音乐的骨架C、音乐的血肉D、音乐的灵魂5、最早产生音乐表现要素是(B)A、旋律B、节奏C、调式D、和声6、对比性三段曲式,可以用下列图式来表示(D)A、A+B+CB、A+A+AC、A+B+BD、A+B+A7、多声部音乐最基础、关键、重要的因素(A)A、和声B、旋律C、节奏D、音色8、古典奏鸣曲的第一乐章常用的曲式是(D)人、三部曲式B、变奏曲式C、回旋曲式D、奏鸣曲式9、三部曲式所运用的曲式结构原则(C)A、变奏原则B、回旋原则C、三部性原则D、呼应原则10、贝多芬被称为乐圣,他是(A)A、德国B、C、D、11、创意曲属于下列哪种音乐肢体(B)A、主调B、复调C、声部音乐D、流行12、高水平的演奏家所演奏的音乐音响与作曲家的总谱(B)A、完全相同(等)B、不完全相同(等)C、没有关系D、不要求相同13、被人们称为音乐表现灵魂的是(A)A、旋律B、C、D、14、人们常说音乐是实践的艺术,强调音乐表现的要素是(B)15、 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、 A 、旋 B 、节奏 C 、调式 D 、和声 变奏曲式可以用下列图式表示(D ) A 、 A+B+C+D B 、A+A+A C 、A+A+B+B 1 D 、 十八世纪西方代表性的和声类型是(D ) A 、对位法和声 B 、非调性和声 C 、 风格性和声 A+A 1+A 2+ D 、大小调性和声 用东曲的调性主功能完全中止的音乐结构( A 、开放 B 、抒充 C 、收拢 C ) D 、补充 肖邦是(波兰) 贝式格曲属于下列哪种音乐肢体 A 、主调音乐 B 、复调音乐 C 、单声部音乐 D 、 流行音乐 旋律中的音高( A 、不独立存在 、连线题洗星海 《月满楼台》 A )B 、独立存在C 、就是音长D 、它和声意义 《动物狂欢节》《培乐金特》 格里格 《黄河颂》 《为什么》 舒曼德彪西 《蓝色狂想曲》 《六月•船歌》柴可天斯基 《忆奏娥•娄山关》田丰 《为弦乐、打击乐和钢片琴所写的音乐》 巴托克 《水中倒影》 德彪西 《侏儒》 穆索东斯基 《魔鬼凯旋进行曲》 斯特拉维斯基 《梦幻曲》 舒曼 《苏尔维格》 格里格 《打起手鼓唱起歌》 《如两架钢琴和打击乐》 巴托克 贝多芬四、简答1、主题分析的步骤P22、什么是形象分析3、什么是和声分析4、音乐中的和声调性5、力度分析6、什么是主题分析7、形象分析的特点8、节奏分析的步骤9、音乐中的旋律调性10、夏调织体《玩具之屋》 克然•湿克 《伏尔塔瓦河》 斯美塔那 《包划罗舞曲》 拉维尔 《绪任克斯》 德彪西 《致新大陆》 德沃戛克《命运之响曲》贝多芬四川音乐学院2015年攻读硕士学位研究生入学考试试题考试科目:音乐基础理论科目代码:825 考试时间:月日(注:特别提醒所有答案一律写在答题纸上,直接写在试题或草稿纸上的无效!)一、填空1、弦乐器的构造主要由琴身、琴弦和琴弓三部分组成。