英文报刊阅读在校本课程中的使用1. 引言1.1 背景介绍English newspapers and magazines play a vital role in school-based English curriculum. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on the integration of authentic materials such as newspapers and magazines in English language teaching. This trend is driven by the recognition that exposure toreal-world language usage is essential for students to develop a deep understanding of the language and its cultural context.1.2 目的和意义The purpose and significance of incorporating English newspaper and magazine reading into the school curriculum are multifaceted. Firstly, it enhances students' vocabulary acquisition by exposing them to a wide range of words and expressions used in real-life contexts. This helps students to improve their language skills and become more proficient in English.Secondly, English newspaper and magazine reading aids in enhancing reading comprehension skills. Students are exposed to different writing styles, genres, and topics, which helps them to understand and interpret various types of texts moreeffectively. This, in turn, improves their overall reading abilities and critical thinking skills.Furthermore, incorporating English newspaper and magazine reading into the curriculum can also help to improve students' writing skills. By analyzing and emulating the writing styles of professional journalists, students can learn how to write cohesively, persuasively, and effectively. This exposure to diverse writing styles can help students to become more versatile and skilled writers.Overall, the purpose and significance of including English newspaper and magazine reading in the school curriculum is to provide students with a well-rounded and practical language learning experience. It helps students to develop their language skills, critical thinking abilities, and cultural awareness, which are essential for their future academic and professional success.2. 正文2.1 英文报刊在词汇学习中的作用英文报刊在校本课程中扮演着重要的角色,特别是在学生的词汇学习方面。
2008年12月长春教育学院学报D e c.2008筮2垒鲞复{!基日王Q垡!望垒!Q££b垒婴gg坠坚!旦垒丛£垒!i Q翌!!§!i.!婪!£Y Q!:2垒盟Q:垒浅析英美报刊标题的特点及理解郎永强(长春大学外国语学院,吉林长春130022)摘要:英美报刊涉及社会各个层面,内容包罗万象,阅读这些报刊是人们了解时事,学习英语的重要途径。
一、语法特点(G r am m a t ca Fea t ur e s)1.句法特点(S ynt ax Fea t ur e s)。
·通常可以分为四种:直入式(s t r ai ght),引语式(quot a t i on),提问式(ques t i on)和特色式(f ea t ur e)。
如,Fl oods R a vage N e w O rl eans(洪水袭击新奥尔良).引语式指引用某人的话作为标题,增加了新闻的真实性和准确性。
如,M ao:W e S houl d S uppor t T hi r d W or l d C ount r i e s’(毛说,我们应该支持第三世界国家).提问式指标题以问题的形式体现出来,使读者产生疑问和阅读的兴趣。
The characteristics of English News HeadlinesNumber:Name:The characteristics of English News HeadlinesAbstract: the news headline is an important part of English news, because the title is the readers to get as much information as possible in the shortest possible time language media, plays a unique role in the news. For the reader, read the headline is the first step of reading English newspapers. English news headlines are numerous and varied, but has its internal rules and characteristics, has its own unique title words, grammar and rhetoric. This paper examines some of the characteristics of English news headlines from the vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric in three aspects: simple, general, ellipsis, fresh, interesting.Language learning is a process of practice, for English learners, reading English newspaper is a shortcut to modern English pulse. The news headline is the first step of reading newspaper readers learn English, and many readers initially reading English newspaper, the problem the first encounter is the title. Just started reading English newspaper readers generally encountered such a problem: the title words realize, you don't understand or not fully understand. Because the newspaper headlines are simple, elliptical, humorous, not only to the main content of highly summarized news, play a role in the finishing touch, but also for the fascinating to try to put the title winning new innovation and full of color, make the reader "fall in love at first sight".1.vocabularyBrief summary is one of the major features of news headlines, in order to achieve this objective, the English news headlines are widely used terms, abbreviations and the so-called "small" (Midget Words).1.1 NOUNMaking "noun has the very strong expressive function, but also has extensive grammar tolerance (Grammaticality). It can act as a variety of part of speech, syntactic concept can be expressed by simple structure form complete." Noun (gerund, including compound nouns) can be widely used for word type caption or replace the adjectives (noun reduplication), phrases and clauses.(1)with the noun word type captionEntrepreneurs(创业者发迹史)Wineswomanship(妇女酗酒问题)(2) the noun reduplicationMiracle Rescue (神奇般获救)Taiwan’s UN Entry Proposal Opposed (台湾进入联合国提议遭到反对)(3)noun instead of phrases or clausesCorruption Reports Against Police Rise(指控警方受贿呼声四起)(corruption reports=reports on corruption complaints)Superkids? (超级儿童之谜)(Superkids?=Can Supermen Create Superkids?)1.2 AcronymTo save space, extensive use of acronyms in English news headlines (Abbreviations and Acronyms abbreviations and acronyms).(1)abbreviationsMaking making abbreviations, acronyms, i.e.. Abbreviations frequently appear in the title, but whether familiar or strange, whose full name is generally found in the body of the message the first time, confusion can be smoothly done or easily solved. Of course, in order to quickly read the headlines, readers need to be familiar with some of the commonly used abbreviations. The acronym often English title can be divided into three categories: the organization name, name and title or position. The following are a few examplesA.MechanismEU’s Future: The Vision and the Slog (EU=European Union)NATO: Who, What, Why? (NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization)B.The names of thingsCompany Looks to the Golden Arch Link in Chinese JV (JV=joint Venture)C.Position or titleTogo PM Strives to Solve Crisis (PM=Prime Minister)(2)AbbreviationComposition and abbreviations abbreviations are different, which is mainly through the tail or the middle part out of words, or the first of a word with the tail of another word which. Abbreviations are very active in English newspapers, and the number continues to increase, not only in the title, and often appear in the article. Such as:Indian Gov’t Wins Trust V ote in Parliament (Gov’t=Government)No hope for 118 Crew of Russian Sub (Sub=submarine)1.3 SmallSmall single syllable words is short, with the news body characteristics of the title words. Extensive use of words as a result of the newspaper. The length is limited by the small, can avoid the transitional, two is due to semantic category words very wide, and generally more vivid, flexible. Such as:Wages Accord Reached (accord代替agreement)TV Airs “Facts” on Arms Delivery (air代替 make known 或broadcast)Wages Accord Reached (accord代替agreement)TV Airs “Facts” on Arms Delivery (air代替 make known 或broadcast)Acronyms and words meet the eye everywhere in English news headlines, pieces too numerous to cite, here are a few. Beginners in learning to read English newspapers, summing up and remember these words and meaning will be of great advantage, to read the headline and article.2.GrammarEnglish news headlines is a unique set of grammatical system,in the use of tenses, the omission of words has its characteristics.2.1 TemporalMost of the news the event is just happened, is happening or will happen, according to the corresponding temporal rules of English grammar used verbs. But in order to highlight the event sense of reality and freshness, English news headlines almost all use the simple present tense, which is one of the important characteristics of English news headlines. Of course, in meaning and(1)The general said that the present:A.Have happened, such as:NASA Eyes China Ties as New Shenzhou Flies (“神舟3号”飞船上天,美关注与中国关系)B.What is happening, such as:S Korea Resumes US Beef Imports (韩国恢复进口美国牛肉)Soviets Assail US on A-tests (苏联人严厉谴责美国原子爆炸实验)(2)The infinitive said it would happen, such as:2 EC Officials to Visit U.S. to Pave Way for Trade Talks (两名欧共体官员将访问美国为贸易谈判铺平道路)Telecom to Be Privatized (英国电视通讯公司行将实行私人企业化)(3)The present participle for, such as:Radio, TV Coverage Widening (广播、电视覆盖面在拓宽) Deposits, Loans Rising in HK (香港储蓄与贷款额上升)(4)The past participle passive voice several tense:A.Now the state, such as:U.S. Car Makers Viewed as Threat by Europeans (美汽车制造商对欧洲人的威胁)(viewed=are viewed)B.In the past, such as:Beleaguered Bobbies (警察遭到围困) (beleaguered=were beleaguered)C.The ongoing state, such as:Brazil Elite Forced to Make Loans (巴西大亨被迫放贷) (forced=is being forced) D.Now complete the state, such as:Kissinger Institute Launched (基辛格学院成立) (launched=has been launched)In addition to the above the tense and the form, the title is sometimes seen in other tenses, mainly in order to highlight the movements of the time or for ideographic ormodality on request, such as:Unemployment in U.K. Increased in October(十月份英国失业率上升) U.S. Will Not Curb Arms for Israel (美国无意削减对以武器援助)2.2 EllipsisSyntactically, the biggest characteristic is to omit the title. Omit no notional word can greatly shorten the length of the title, be concise statement that, so general omission of function words in English news headlines. Omission of function words is the most articles and the verb "to be", followed by prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs and pronouns, and sometimes even the notional words even if omitted, but does not affect the understanding.(1)Omission of function words, such as:Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered=(An) Italian Ex-Mayor (Is) Murdered Rail Chaos Getting Worse=(The) Rail Chaos (Is) Getting Worse(2)Omission of notional words, such as:Ballots, Not Bullets=(Algerians Want) Ballots, (Do) Not (Want) Bullets Carter and the 52=Carter and the 52 (American hostages in Iron)(3)Ellipsis clause, such as:When America Itself Is the Target= When America Itself Is the Target,(the Reaction in America Has Been Much Greater Than That in Britain to the Bomb s in Docklands and Manchester)3.RhetoricIn order to pursue novel or interesting, vivid image, in order to achieve, humor, sarcasm, the title often make use of various rhetorical devices, which is another major characteristics of English news headlines. The commonly used rhetorical devices, metaphor, exaggeration, rhyme, pun humorous or witty wording, or copiously quote authoritative works, the use of humorous slang etc..(1) MetaphorThe image of the words or language to be lively and vivid image of the title, interesting. Such as: A Dove Taking Wing this title, the United Nations as "a being off the dove of peace", because at the end of the cold war period, the United Nations has been in the U.S. - Soviet cooperation in accordance with the Western ideas played a peacemaking, regulation conflict controversial role, thus this metaphor is very vivid. Another example: Wall Street Takes a Dive , "take a dive " meaning "diving", the metaphor of stock market prices fell sharply. This expression gives people a sense of visual impact, very vivid, but also with the Chinese "diving" has different approaches but equally satisfactory results. The title can be translated as: Wall Street stock market plunge.(2)RhymeFor the pursuit of novelty in word form skillfully Italian arrangement in the title, in order to give the readers a visual and auditory beauty. Rhyme is a commontechnique, (alliteration) includes alliteration, rhyme, rhyme and rhyme symmetry interval (alternate rhyme) etc.. For example:Soldiers Salary Soars (头韵)Beware the Bear (尾韵)After the Boom Everything Is Gloom (对称押韵)Bovver Boy’s Hover Ploy (间隔押韵)(3)PunClever use of puns, the title of the article be full of wit and humour. Such as: Airbus Tries to Fly in a New Formation this title clever use of the word "fly", which refers to the Airbus Company's aircraft to fly, and refers to the company to take off. And as the: African Statesman Still Sowing Seeds for Future中,“sowing seeds”一语双关,指坦桑尼亚总统尼雷尔(Julius Nyerere)退休后,在远离大城市的一个村子里割种收播,以农为乐;同时非洲局势动荡,这位政界元老仍在为非洲的未来而“播种”。
使用井号作为标题标识,例如”# 标题”。
在副标题中可以使用两个井号,例如”## 副标题”。
1. 吸引读者注意力:文章标题通常是读者最先看到的内容,因此必须具有吸引力,能够引起读者的兴趣和好奇心,让读者想要了解更多。
2. 传达主题和内容:文章标题总结了文章的主要内容,给读者一个大体的概念,让他们知道文章的主要话题和要点。
3. 提供导航功能:文章标题可以帮助读者定位他们感兴趣的主题和内容,正确地导航他们到达他们想去的地方。
4. 提高阅读效率:一个好的文章标题可以让读者更加高效地阅读文章,因为标题可以帮助读者集中注意力并快速找到他们需要的信息。
5. 促进搜索引擎优化:一个明确和准确的文章标题可以让搜索引擎更容易地索引和识别文章的内容,从而提高文章的排名和可见性。
6. 强调作者的观点:文章标题可以强调作者的观点和立场,让读者更好地理解文章的语气和目的。
7. 与其他文章区分开来:一个独特的文章标题可以让文章在其他文章中脱颖而出,让读者更容易识别和记住它们。
8. 提供媒体出版的价值:有些文章标题对媒体出版非常有价值,因为它们吸引了更多的读者、提高了媒体的访问量和商业价值。
9. 要点概括:文章标题必须能够简洁地概括文章的主要要点,让读者快速了解文章的核心思想。
10. 艺术性:有些文章标题是真正的艺术品,它们可以通过使用想象力和语言技巧来吸引读者的注意力,并引起他们的想象力、感觉和情绪。
( 苏州工业职业技术学院 , 江苏 苏州 2 5 0 ) 10 0
要: 英语 原版报 刊新闻无疑是我们 了解这 个世界 的一个非常重要 的途 径。然而 , 由于英语新闻写作有 相 当
的特殊性 , 通读 它也殊为不 易。从英语新 闻的标题部分进行 粗略 的探 讨 , 旨在使 读 者能通过标 题更好地 阅读、 解 理 英语新 闻, 拓展 眼界 , 学以致用。 关 键 词 : 语 新 闻 ; 题 ; 闻 英 标 新 中图分类号 :3 5 9 H 1 . 文献标志码 : A 文章编号 :0 8 7 4 2 0 )2- 0 3— 2 10 -6 1 (0 9 1 0 5 0
( hn a y 0 t2 0 ) C iaD i/ c 0 4 l / ( : 国敦促美 国遵守 “ 译 ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ 一个 中国” 原则 ) 显 而易见 , 这是 一个被 动 语态 ,r d u e 之前 的 ws 省 g a被 略了。望题知意 , 本篇新闻应该是美国政府 的某种举动违 背 了之 前“ 一个 中 国” 的原则 , 而引 发中 国政 府 的敦促 。 从 例 2动 名词 短语标 题 : Recigtey uhm re E lann g/ r/ 0 ahn o t ak t( — rigA eMa 2 1 h e M) ( : 准年 轻人市 场 ) 译 瞄 这 是一 个标 准 的 “ 语 标 题 ” 用一 个 动 名 词 短语 就 短 , 让读者对新闻的内容有很好 的了解。一般 的读者很容易 就判 断 出这 篇新 闻的重 点 在 于 r ci 和 m kt至 于是 ehg a n r a e, 谁或什么东西 ( 即主语 ) 的缺少 很容易从正文中寻找 出 来。 例 3 符号 式 :
正是 因为标 题在 英语 新 闻 中的相对 特殊性 , 笔者尝 试 从英 语新 闻标题 的语 法 特点 、 辞 手 法 、 作技 巧 等几 个 修 写 方 面来 阐述如何 通 过 阅读标题 促进 对全 文的理解 。 1“ . 瘦身 ” 标题 由于 新 闻标 题 的特殊 性 和重要 性 , 且又 受限 于长度 和
阅读英文报刊 提升英语水平
2. Reshuffle axes France’s cabinet (法国政府改组 阁 员人数锐减) 比较:reduce drastically
3. Ethiopia Jails Jews Escaping to Israel (逃往 以色列未果 埃犹太人险囹圄)
BBC Considering Starting Global Television Service (BBC is Considering Starting (the) Global Television Service)
Deposits, Loans Rising In Shanghai. (Deposits And Loans Are Rising In Shanghai)
例如: 表示并列成分之间的停顿。
Guangzhou Fair Closes, Trade Booms =》The Guangzhou Fair Closes And The Trade Booms (广交会闭幕 交易量火爆)
2)冒号(colon)除了用在引语之前表示“说” 外,还经常被用 来代替联系动词“Be”。
比较:put into prison
3. Bush’s Approval Rating Plunges to New Low
4. Great Wall at Top of “World’s New Seven Wonders”
5. Both Ends of Films to Be Shortened
6. Lots of Fruit in Childhood Cuts Adult Cancer Risk
如用 deal和pact替换掉agreement,用about替换掉approximately,而walk hurriedly 适用 hurry来表示等,这些简单、短小的词语不但能够避免陈词滥调,而且显得简明扼要,体现了新闻信息的时效性,节省了版面空间。
如World Trade Organization缩略成WTO,世界贸易组织,group of seven 缩略成G7,西方七国集团,Brazil,Russia,India and China缩略成BRICS,金砖四国。
小标题,大作用 ——英语阅读文本中的标题解读
例如,教学鲁教版《英语》(下同)九年级Unit 1 SectionA 3a An AccidentalInvention 时,教师引导学生先看标题和插图,通过以下问题预测文章内容:What can you seein the picture? What do youthink we will talk about in the passage? Who do you know invented tea? Doforeigners drink tea?阅读的心理过程是自上而下的“主动猜测——证实”的过程。
例如,九年级Unit 8 SectionA 3a Save the Sharks!是一篇倡议书,介绍了人类捕捉鲨鱼获取鱼翅,破坏生态平衡的情况。
读后环节我让学生再读标题,然后进行头脑风暴,找出“ways to save thesharks”。
英文作文标题的作用Title plays a crucial role in an English composition, serving as the initial point of contact between the reader and the content. Its significance extends beyond mere identification; it encapsulates the essence of the piece, providing a glimpse into its theme, tone, and purpose. Here are several key functions of an English essay title:1. Capturing Attention: A compelling title captivates the reader's interest, enticing them to delve into the essay. It serves as the first impression, determining whether the audience engages with the content or moves on.2. Conveying Theme: The title offers a preview of the essay's central theme or topic. It provides a concise summary, guiding readers on what to expect and helping them gauge their interest in the subject matter.3. Setting Tone: Whether formal, playful, serious, or humorous, the title sets the tone for the entirecomposition. It establishes the mood, creating expectations regarding the style and attitude of the writing.4. Creating Expectations: A well-crafted title establishes expectations regarding the content's focus and perspective. It hints at the angle or argument the essay will explore, guiding readers on what insights or information they can anticipate.5. Enhancing Memorability: A memorable title sticks in the reader's mind long after they finish reading. It serves as a reference point, aiding recall of the essay's content and facilitating discussions or further exploration of the topic.6. Providing Structure: In longer essays or academic papers, the title may offer structural clues, indicating the organization or framework of the content. It helps readers navigate through complex ideas by signaling the essay's main sections or arguments.7. Invoking Curiosity: An intriguing title sparkscuriosity, prompting readers to seek answers or insights within the essay. It poses questions, presents mysteries,or offers provocative statements, compelling the audienceto delve deeper into the text.8. Establishing Authority: A well-chosen title enhances the author's credibility and authority on the subject matter. It reflects the writer's expertise and confidence, signaling to readers that the essay offers valuableinsights or analysis.9. Differentiating from Similar Works: In a sea of essays or articles on similar topics, a unique title helps the piece stand out. It distinguishes the content from others, attracting readers seeking fresh perspectives or distinctive viewpoints.10. Encouraging Engagement: A title that prompts emotional or intellectual engagement encourages readers to interact with the essay actively. It may inspire discussion, reflection, or action, fostering a deeper connection between the audience and the content.In conclusion, an English essay title serves as a powerful tool for communication, guiding readers' attention, conveying the essence of the content, and shaping their perception of the writing. Its strategic use can enhancethe impact and effectiveness of the composition, making it an indispensable component of the overall narrative experience.。
如表示“破坏”或“损坏”一词意义的动词,标题一般不用damage,而用一些较之简短的词,如hit,harm,hurt, ruin或wreck等。
又如表示“放弃”这一概念的动词,标题一般不用abandon,而用drop,give up,quit,skip或yield 等,表示“爆炸”之类的动词意义时,一般不用explode,而用blast,crash,ram或smash 等词。
为便于读者更好地理解英语新闻标题,现再列举一些常见诸报端的标题小词,以备不时之需:aid=assist(帮助,援助)alter=change or modify(改变)ask=inquire(询问)assail=denounce(谴责)axe=dismiss\reduce(解雇,减少)balk=impede(阻碍)ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)bar=prevent(防止,阻止)bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)blast=explode(爆炸)begin=commence(开始)bid=attempt(努力)bilk=cheat(欺骗)bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)boost=increase(增加,提高)check=examine(检查)claim=ause the death of…(夺去……的生命)clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制)dip=decIlne or decrease(下降)ease=lessen(减轻,缓和)end=terminate(结束,中止)flay=criticize(批评)flout=insult(侮辱)foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)grill = investigate(调查)gut=destroy(摧毁)head=direct(率领)hold=arrest(逮捕)laud=praise(赞扬)lop=diminish(下降,减少)map=work out(制订)mark=celebrate(庆祝)name=appoint\nominate(命名,提名)moot=discuss(讨论)mull=consider(考虑)nab=arrest(逮捕)nip=defeat(击败)nix=deny\disapprove(否决,拒绝)opt=choose(选择)oust=expel(驱逐)peril=endanger(危害,危及)pledge=determine(发誓)plot=conspire(预谋,密谋策划)plunge=plummet(价格等)暴跌poise=ready for action(作好准备)probe=investigate(调查)raid =attack(进攻)rap =criticize(批评)rebuke=criticize(批评)rout=defeat completely(击溃,打垮)slay=murder(谋杀)soar=skyrocket(急剧上升)spur=encourage(激励,鞭策)swap=exchange(交流,交换)sway=influence(影响)trim=reduce(削减)vie=compete(竞争)vow=determine(决心,发誓)weigh=consider(考虑)woo=seek to win(争取,追求)标题除偏爱使用短小动词外,还常常选用简短、字母数少的名词或名词词组。
以下分别从五个方面举例说明标题的特殊用法,例句主要从近几年China Daily和21st Century中筛选出来。
1.标题中的冠词省略FIRST WHITE PAPER ON xxxxCY TO BE ISSUED=THE FIRST WHITE PAPER ON xxxxCY TO BE ISSUED第一份关于民主的白皮书即将出版THREE GORGES xxxx BY “xxxxL”xxxxS=THE THREE GORGES xxxx BY “xxxxL”xxxxS游客惜别不舍,蜂至三峡2.连系动词省略THREE DEAD AFTER xxxxG OVEN GAS=THREE WERE DEAD AFTE0R xxxxG OVEN GAS三人煤气中毒身亡xxxx FUNDS xxxx TO EXPAND OCEAN FLEET=xxxx FUNDS ARE xxxx TO EXPAND OCEAN FLEET 欢迎国外资金发展海上航运3.助动词省略INDIA xxxx FENCES=INDIA IS xxxx FENCES印度正在修复与邻国的关系UK TOLD TO WOO xxxx xxxxS=UK IS TOLD TO WOO xxxx xxxxS有关方面要求英国政府吸引更多的中国学生4.连词省略,常用逗号代替CHINA,US xxxxENT EACH OTHER IN TRADE=CHINA AND US xxxxENT EACH OTHER IN TRADE 中美贸易互补ISRAEL,xxxxNIANS REACH xxxxGEMENT DEAL=ISRAEL AND xxxxNIANS REACH xxxxGEMENT DEAL 巴以达成撤军协议5.介词省略TONY SNOW xxxxED WHITE HOUSE PRESS xxxxRY=TONY SNOW xxxxED AS THE WHITE HOUSE PRESS xxxxRY 托尼·基诺被任命为白宫新闻秘书xxxx FREEZE TO xxxxE AREA xxxx PRICES=THE FREEZE IN xxxx TO xxxxE AREAS xxxx PRICES 佛罗里达的严寒将使该地区的农产品涨价6.代词省略FATHER JAILED FOR MURDER OF xxxxR=FATHER JAILED FOR MURDER OF HIS xxxxR谋杀亲生女儿的父亲锒铛入狱xxxxD xxxxNT OF xxxxC xxxxY=xxxxD xxxxNT OF ITS xxxxC xxxxY泰国对其经济复苏充满信心标题的时态简化和变化标题一般不用过去式和完成式,多采用一般现在时、现在进行时,这通常被称为“新闻现在时”。
3仿辞 Out of Africa———on Fast Tracks (这个标题是仿照奥斯卡金奖获奖影 片“走出非洲”(Out of the Africa)而定的。这篇报道主要介绍第25届 奥运会上非洲运动员径赛项目成绩令人瞩目。) 4压韵
Pressure in Work, Pressure in Life. Easy to Use, Easy to See, Easy on the Wallet.
Figures of speech 修辞
Malaria Still Menaces Quarters of Humanity,Says French Professor , 直接或间接以当事人的话语为题,真实,突出新闻主题
2.套用:对俚语、谚语、俗语、典故、文学经典名著等的套用可以丰富形象增加文 章的趣味性 Kuwait———Midas of the Persian Gulf (标题中的Midas为神话中的米达斯国王, 他始终有一个黄金梦,幻想有朝一日成为天下最富的国王。作者以此形象说明科威 特这一弹丸小国因盛产石油而成为波斯湾地区的富翁。可译为:科威特———波斯 湾的富翁。)
(一)小词的大量使用 (二)缩略词和缩写词的应用 (三)常用报刊新词
英语新闻标题的显著特征就是对简短的词或者小词的频繁使用。 英语新闻标题的显著特征就是对简短的词或者小词的频繁使用。 标题中运用这些词体现了节约报纸成本的作用。 标题中运用这些词体现了节约报纸成本的作用。一方面由于这 些词在长度上较短,可以为版面设计省下更多的空间 为版面设计省下更多的空间。 些词在长度上较短,可以为版面设计省下更多的空间。另一方 面,小词容易吸引读者的眼球,引起读者的共鸣。 小词容易吸引读者的眼球,引起读者的共 吸引读者的眼球
系统功能1. 吸引读者注意力新闻标题是吸引读者的第一步。
2. 提供信息新闻标题应该能够提供基本信息,概括新闻的主要内容。
3. 定位核心问题新闻标题也应该准确地传达新闻的核心问题。
4. 引导读者思考除了提供新闻基本信息之外,新闻标题还应该引导读者思考、独立思考和分析。
对于英文报纸新闻标题,在文体方面需要注意以下几个特点:1. 简洁英文报纸新闻标题通常是简洁明了的,只包含最为关键的信息。
2. 使用动词新闻标题在使用动词时也有一定的规范,通常采用现在时,而不是过去时或将来时。
3. 传递积极信息英文报纸新闻标题通常会强调新闻的积极度,以便吸引读者的兴趣和关注。
4. 借鉴强调句强调句是新闻标题使用的常见手法,在传达新闻信息的同时,通过强调重点,更加深入的表达新闻中的关键信息点。
论标题和导语对阅读英文报刊的重要性岳晓妮(机电学院07材成一班)摘要:随着各国之间的经济和文化交流日益频繁, 英语报刊杂志作为获取地道英语的主要途径吸引了大批英语学习爱好者的目光. 因此, 读懂作为报刊“眼睛”的标题成为英语学习爱好者的首要基本功。
关键字:英美报刊;标题;导语;重要性Analysis on the Importance of the Headline and The Leadin the Reading of English Newspapers and MagazinesYue xiaoni(material modeling 1,2007,mechanical and electronic engineerin department) Abstract:Along with the prosperous economic and cultural communication among countries, English newspapers and magazines have, as the main access to native English, caught eyes of many English learners. so understanding and mastering headlines’ textual function and the corresponding stylistic features is quite beneficial. The Lead is the simplest summary of the main fact of the news. It plays an important role in guiding and tips in the press.Key words: English newspapers and magazines ; headline ; lead ; importance随着社会的发展, 各国之间的经济和文化交流日益频繁, 英语报刊杂志作为获取地道英语的主要途径已在全世界范围大为普及, 也吸引了大批英语学习爱好者的目光。
Flu( influenza 流感 ) ; 裁中留前后 : gov t( government 政 府 ) ; 压 缩单词 , 加黑 点表省略 , 如 : Ave. ( Avenue 大街 ) 。又如 : UFO mysteries ( UFO= Unidentified Flying Object 不明飞行物之迷 ) 、 Quake kills 11 in western China ( Quake= earthquake, 新 疆地区 地震 死亡 11 人 ) 、 IBM sets wireless web pacts for E- business ( IBM= international Business M achine Company, 美国商 用机器 公司制定无线电网络公约 ) 。 2. 短词 : 新 闻 标题 大量 使 用短 小精 悍、 形 象生 动 的小 词 , 以 求简 单 易懂 和视 觉 上的 动感。 如 : Six die in Moscow bomb blast( 六 人 在 莫斯 科 炸 弹 爆炸 中 死 亡 , blast = explo sion) 。又如 : near ( approach 接 近 ) , ban ( prohibit 禁 止 ) , back ( support 支 持 ) , deal( agreement/ transaction 协议 ) , poll( election 选举 ) 。 3. 外来词 : 谈到外国事 物 , 尤 其是 新出 现的事 物 , 用外 来词增加新奇感。如 : Ying and Yang( 阴阳之说 ) 。更多的外 来词如 : ad hoc( 拉 丁语 : 特 别的 ) 、 blitz( 德语 : 闪 电战 ) 、 bloc ( 法语 : 集团 ) 、embarge( 西 班牙语 : 禁 运 ) 、 Kung fu( 汉语 : 功 夫 ) 、tycoon( 日语、 巨头 ) 。 4. 新词 : 有旧词添新义 和合 成新词 两种 情况。如 围绕 着 9. 11 恐怖袭击事件产生的一系列的新 词 : plane( 名词 飞 机 用作动词 , 表示用飞 机炸 弹炸毁 ) 、 the pile ( 指世贸 中心 被炸后的废墟 ) ; ground zero( 美 国世贸 大楼旧 址 ) 。 又如在 美国的水门 ( Watergate) 事件 后 , - gate ( 门 ) 成了 表示 scan dal ( 丑闻 ) 的后缀 , 许多 新词被造 了出来 , 如 克林顿 的性丑 闻 拉链门事 件 ( Zippergate) ; 查 尔斯 王子 的性 丑闻 卡米拉 ( 情妇 ) 丑闻 ( Camillagate) 大量因 特网词汇也 构成 了新 词的 一部 分 , 如 F2F ( face - to- face, 面对面 ) 、 Thx( Thanks) 、 M c( computer, 电脑 ) 。 5. 借用名词 : 借用地点、 建筑物的名称或一国 的首都来 指有关的政府机构 , 避免了用词重复 , 使表达更生动且富有 联想意义。如 :Hollywood survives( 美 国电 影业复 苏了 ) 。又 如 : Beijing( 中国政府 ) 、 No. 10( 伦敦唐宁街 , 指英国首相府 ) 、 Fleet Street( 舰队 街 , 指英 国报 界 ) 、 Foggy Bottom( 英 国谷 , 指 美国国务院 ) 。 6. 名词定语 : 用名词代替形容词、 分词或介词 短语作定 语修饰名词 , 语言简炼。如 : China s first space hero retures to ( 上接第 50 页 ) 根据目前的市场供求状况和 发展趋势分 析 , 商品生产重合度过高导致商品市场供过于求是制约中小企 业发展的最 主要因素 , 由于中 小企业 一般投 入产出规 模较 小 , 资本和技术构成一 般较低 , 从而 导致竞 争能力、 抗 风险 能力低下。特别是很大一 部分企业 集中在 技术含 量低、 生 产工艺简单的行业 , 无 力实施 低成本 战略 , 所以 , 采取 差异 化聚集战略是中小企业 必须的、 首要 的发展 战略。当 一个 企业向其客户提供某种独特的有价值的产品而不仅仅是价 格低廉时 , 他就把自 己与其竞 争对手 区别开 来了。差 异化 可以使企业获得溢价 , 即使在周期性或季节性经济萧条 时 , 也会有大量忠诚的客户。如果实现的溢价超出了为使产品 独特而追加的成本 , 则差异化 就会带 来更高 的效 益。中小 企业要想超越竞争 , 不是比竞争对手做得更好 , 而是有所不 同 , 要有差异。中小企业 要取得 成功 , 一定 要个性 化生 存 , 建立自己独特的战略。 四、 中小企业如何实施差异化聚集战略 中小企业应根据自己拥有的资源和正确的市场细分来 判断实施差异化聚集战略的条件 : 目标小市场足够大 , 可以 盈利 ; 小市场具有很好的成长潜力 ; 小市场不是主要竞争对 手成功的关 键 ; 公司 拥有有 效的服 务目标 小市场 的资 源和能力 ; 公司能凭借 其建立 起来的 顾客商 誉和公司 的服 务来防御行业中的竞争者。正确的市场细分是实施差异化 聚集战略成功的关键。 有效的市场细分必须具 有以下 五个特 点 : 一是可 衡量 性 , 即用来划分细分市场大小和购买力的特性程度 , 应该是 能够测定的。二是足量性 , 即细 分市场 的规模 大到足 够获 利的程度。三是可接近性 , 即能 有效达 到细分 市场并 为之 服务的程度。四是差别性 , 细分市场能在观念上被区别 , 并 且对不同的营销组合和方案有不同的反应。五是行动可能 性 , 即为吸引和服务细 分市场 而系统 地提出 有效计划 的可 行程度。 在细分市场后 , 中小 企业应 根据细分 市场 结构的 吸引 力和公司的 目标和资源 对细分市 场进行 评估 , 从产品 差异 化、 市场专门化、 服务差别化、 渠道差别化、 形象差别化或是 他们的组合 差别化等方 面入手 , 实施 符合自 己企业特 色的 差别化战略。 产品差 别化。实 体产品在 它们的 差别 化上变 化多 端 , 包括形式、 特色、 性 能、 一致性、 耐用 性、 可行 性、 可 维修 性、 风格和设计等。中小企业应根据市场上同类或同质产品或
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The characteristics of English News HeadlinesNumber:Name:The characteristics of English News HeadlinesAbstract: the news headline is an important part of English news, because the title is the readers to get as much information as possible in the shortest possible time language media, plays a unique role in the news. For the reader, read the headline is the first step of reading English newspapers. English news headlines are numerous and varied, but has its internal rules and characteristics, has its own unique title words, grammar and rhetoric. This paper examines some of the characteristics of English news headlines from the vocabulary, grammar and rhetoric in three aspects: simple, general, ellipsis, fresh, interesting.Language learning is a process of practice, for English learners, reading English newspaper is a shortcut to modern English pulse. The news headline is the first step of reading newspaper readers learn English, and many readers initially reading English newspaper, the problem the first encounter is the title. Just started reading English newspaper readers generally encountered such a problem: the title words realize, you don't understand or not fully understand. Because the newspaper headlines are simple, elliptical, humorous, not only to the main content of highly summarized news, play a role in the finishing touch, but also for the fascinating to try to put the title winning new innovation and full of color, make the reader "fall in love at first sight".1.vocabularyBrief summary is one of the major features of news headlines, in order to achieve this objective, the English news headlines are widely used terms, abbreviations and the so-called "small" (Midget Words).1.1 NOUNMaking "noun has the very strong expressive function, but also has extensive grammar tolerance (Grammaticality). It can act as a variety of part of speech, syntactic concept can be expressed by simple structure form complete." Noun (gerund, including compound nouns) can be widely used for word type caption or replace the adjectives (noun reduplication), phrases and clauses.(1)with the noun word type captionEntrepreneurs(创业者发迹史)Wineswomanship(妇女酗酒问题)(2) the noun reduplicationMiracle Rescue (神奇般获救)Taiwan’s UN Entry Proposal Opposed (台湾进入联合国提议遭到反对)(3)noun instead of phrases or clausesCorruption Reports Against Police Rise(指控警方受贿呼声四起)(corruption reports=reports on corruption complaints)Superkids? (超级儿童之谜)(Superkids?=Can Supermen Create Superkids?)1.2 AcronymTo save space, extensive use of acronyms in English news headlines (Abbreviations and Acronyms abbreviations and acronyms).(1)abbreviationsMaking making abbreviations, acronyms, i.e.. Abbreviations frequently appear in the title, but whether familiar or strange, whose full name is generally found in the body of the message the first time, confusion can be smoothly done or easily solved. Of course, in order to quickly read the headlines, readers need to be familiar with some of the commonly used abbreviations. The acronym often English title can be divided into three categories: the organization name, name and title or position. The following are a few examplesA.MechanismEU’s Future: The Vision and the Slog (EU=European Union)NATO: Who, What, Why? (NATO=North Atlantic Treaty Organization)B.The names of thingsCompany Looks to the Golden Arch Link in Chinese JV (JV=joint Venture)C.Position or titleTogo PM Strives to Solve Crisis (PM=Prime Minister)(2)AbbreviationComposition and abbreviations abbreviations are different, which is mainly through the tail or the middle part out of words, or the first of a word with the tail of another word which. Abbreviations are very active in English newspapers, and the number continues to increase, not only in the title, and often appear in the article. Such as:Indian Gov’t Wins Trust V ote in Parliament (Gov’t=Government)No hope for 118 Crew of Russian Sub (Sub=submarine)1.3 SmallSmall single syllable words is short, with the news body characteristics of the title words. Extensive use of words as a result of the newspaper. The length is limited by the small, can avoid the transitional, two is due to semantic category words very wide, and generally more vivid, flexible. Such as:Wages Accord Reached (accord代替agreement)TV Airs “Facts” on Arms Delivery (air代替 make known 或broadcast)Wages Accord Reached (accord代替agreement)TV Airs “Facts” on Arms Delivery (air代替 make known 或broadcast)Acronyms and words meet the eye everywhere in English news headlines, pieces too numerous to cite, here are a few. Beginners in learning to read English newspapers, summing up and remember these words and meaning will be of great advantage, to read the headline and article.2.GrammarEnglish news headlines is a unique set of grammatical system,in the use of tenses, the omission of words has its characteristics.2.1 TemporalMost of the news the event is just happened, is happening or will happen, according to the corresponding temporal rules of English grammar used verbs. But in order to highlight the event sense of reality and freshness, English news headlines almost all use the simple present tense, which is one of the important characteristics of English news headlines. Of course, in meaning and(1)The general said that the present:A.Have happened, such as:NASA Eyes China Ties as New Shenzhou Flies (“神舟3号”飞船上天,美关注与中国关系)B.What is happening, such as:S Korea Resumes US Beef Imports (韩国恢复进口美国牛肉)Soviets Assail US on A-tests (苏联人严厉谴责美国原子爆炸实验)(2)The infinitive said it would happen, such as:2 EC Officials to Visit U.S. to Pave Way for Trade Talks (两名欧共体官员将访问美国为贸易谈判铺平道路)Telecom to Be Privatized (英国电视通讯公司行将实行私人企业化)(3)The present participle for, such as:Radio, TV Coverage Widening (广播、电视覆盖面在拓宽) Deposits, Loans Rising in HK (香港储蓄与贷款额上升)(4)The past participle passive voice several tense:A.Now the state, such as:U.S. Car Makers Viewed as Threat by Europeans (美汽车制造商对欧洲人的威胁)(viewed=are viewed)B.In the past, such as:Beleaguered Bobbies (警察遭到围困) (beleaguered=were beleaguered)C.The ongoing state, such as:Brazil Elite Forced to Make Loans (巴西大亨被迫放贷) (forced=is being forced) D.Now complete the state, such as:Kissinger Institute Launched (基辛格学院成立) (launched=has been launched)In addition to the above the tense and the form, the title is sometimes seen in other tenses, mainly in order to highlight the movements of the time or for ideographic ormodality on request, such as:Unemployment in U.K. Increased in October(十月份英国失业率上升) U.S. Will Not Curb Arms for Israel (美国无意削减对以武器援助)2.2 EllipsisSyntactically, the biggest characteristic is to omit the title. Omit no notional word can greatly shorten the length of the title, be concise statement that, so general omission of function words in English news headlines. Omission of function words is the most articles and the verb "to be", followed by prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliary verbs and pronouns, and sometimes even the notional words even if omitted, but does not affect the understanding.(1)Omission of function words, such as:Italian Ex-Mayor Murdered=(An) Italian Ex-Mayor (Is) Murdered Rail Chaos Getting Worse=(The) Rail Chaos (Is) Getting Worse(2)Omission of notional words, such as:Ballots, Not Bullets=(Algerians Want) Ballots, (Do) Not (Want) Bullets Carter and the 52=Carter and the 52 (American hostages in Iron)(3)Ellipsis clause, such as:When America Itself Is the Target= When America Itself Is the Target,(the Reaction in America Has Been Much Greater Than That in Britain to the Bomb s in Docklands and Manchester)3.RhetoricIn order to pursue novel or interesting, vivid image, in order to achieve, humor, sarcasm, the title often make use of various rhetorical devices, which is another major characteristics of English news headlines. The commonly used rhetorical devices, metaphor, exaggeration, rhyme, pun humorous or witty wording, or copiously quote authoritative works, the use of humorous slang etc..(1) MetaphorThe image of the words or language to be lively and vivid image of the title, interesting. Such as: A Dove Taking Wing this title, the United Nations as "a being off the dove of peace", because at the end of the cold war period, the United Nations has been in the U.S. - Soviet cooperation in accordance with the Western ideas played a peacemaking, regulation conflict controversial role, thus this metaphor is very vivid. Another example: Wall Street Takes a Dive , "take a dive " meaning "diving", the metaphor of stock market prices fell sharply. This expression gives people a sense of visual impact, very vivid, but also with the Chinese "diving" has different approaches but equally satisfactory results. The title can be translated as: Wall Street stock market plunge.(2)RhymeFor the pursuit of novelty in word form skillfully Italian arrangement in the title, in order to give the readers a visual and auditory beauty. Rhyme is a commontechnique, (alliteration) includes alliteration, rhyme, rhyme and rhyme symmetry interval (alternate rhyme) etc.. For example:Soldiers Salary Soars (头韵)Beware the Bear (尾韵)After the Boom Everything Is Gloom (对称押韵)Bovver Boy’s Hover Ploy (间隔押韵)(3)PunClever use of puns, the title of the article be full of wit and humour. Such as: Airbus Tries to Fly in a New Formation this title clever use of the word "fly", which refers to the Airbus Company's aircraft to fly, and refers to the company to take off. And as the: African Statesman Still Sowing Seeds for Future中,“sowing seeds”一语双关,指坦桑尼亚总统尼雷尔(Julius Nyerere)退休后,在远离大城市的一个村子里割种收播,以农为乐;同时非洲局势动荡,这位政界元老仍在为非洲的未来而“播种”。