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Unit five what does he do ?

Part A Let`s l earn 讲课稿


Teaching Aims:

1 学生能够听说读写factory worker, postman ,businessman ,police officer等有关职业的单词和词组。

2 教师通过ZhangPeng 和Oliver在Career Day谈论自己父母工作的情景,来呈现上述单词的词形和意义。

3 学生能够运用本部分的核心词汇和句型谈论职业,描述构思自己的职业梦想,并为之努力。


1 请你借助书本上的图片猜出单词的意思以及情景对话的讨论内容。

2 请你在听完单词及对话的录音后,使“声音”与“图片”对号入座,让发音和认读联系起来。

3 请你跟读录音,同时做到“听,指,读”,听到哪里,手指到哪里,嘴巴读到哪里。


1 Greeting: Morning ,boys and girls, nice meeting you .At first, let me introduce myself: my hobby is reading ,I also like listening to music .Do you like music?<与Ss做互动>My favourite song is ,let`s enjoy it. 教师播放歌曲MV,可与学生一起打拍子,创造良


T:The song is great.Before the class, I am going to divide you in 8groups.教师示意分组:group 1&2&3&4&5……..分别贴上组名,If you do a good job ,I will give you a star. Every group must work hard, and try to be the winner. Some pencils are waiting for you.

2 Warming up I have a big family. My uncle is a farmer, he works on the farm .My brother is a driver. My father is a teacher, my mother is a teacher ,too. So I can say my parents are teachers. WangYuan is a singer,TF Boys are singers.教师依次展示不同职业的图片,最后归类总结:You can see we have learnt so many words about career.Today we are going to learn more words. Are you ready?

3 Presentation

<1>教师出示新词图片:what does she do ?可稍微翻译一下提示学生can you guess?运用此方法依次展示factory worker, postman ,businessman ,police officer:

a 教师领读,follow me,please.

B Together &boys &girls

c group1&2&3&4……..教师适时纠错评价加☆

d practic

e with your partners, i

f you have any questions, ask your team leader for help or hands up, I will help you.师一定要走下讲台,深入学生。

e It is show time. 大小声I speak in a low voice ,you speak loudly. I

speak loudly,you speak in a low voice.If anybody speak something wrong, others : one two three BOOM. 对表现优异的组加☆。

(2)回归文本T:You are so clever. Now look at my pictures,选一位学生:Is your father a postman? S1: No.教师帮助生把答案补充完整:No,he isn`t. T: is your mother a police officer ?s2:No, she isn`t. T: SO, What does she do? S3: she is a farmer. 教师尽量多问几位学生,反复操练新词。

It is career day, ZhangPeng and Oliver are talking about the jobs. what does Oliver`s father do? Listen to the tape and circle the right answer on the book.师播放录音,领读对话。然后男生女生分角色扮演对话。

4 consolidation

(1)Look at the screen,make a new dialogue with your members:

Is your____a______? Yes,___is. / No,____isn`t.

What does he/she do? He /She is a _____.

教师要善于观察,帮助有困难的学生,积极创编新对话。然后,进行展示T:which group want to give us a show? Come on!点评学生的对话,进行纠错与鼓励。

(2)教师帮助学生对第二部分做听前预测,然后完成listen match and say.最后引导大家一起speak out: what does Genan`s father do? He is a _____.对完成好的小组加☆鼓励。

5summing up

(1)教师展示a little girl图片:when I was a little girl ,I wanted to be a
