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Lung isolation in patients with previous lung resections: Selective sequential lobar blockade using a Fuji Uniblocker® endobronchial blocker. 2016 Revista Española de
BB-用于阻断单侧肺漏气 Management of traumatic pneumothorax with massive air leakage: role of a bronchial blocker: a case report. 2014 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology
• Lung isolation in a child with unilateral necrotizing Clostridium perfringens pneumonia. 2005 critical care medicine
• Case report of using a connector (phycon TCB bronchial blocker) for pediatric one-lung anesthesia. 2007 Masui • Single lung ventilation in a young child for repair of coarctation of aorta.2010
Successful management of a trauma patient with pulmonary hemorrhage using a wire-guided bronchial blocker. 2007 The Journal of Trauma: Injury, Infection, and Critical Care.
Bronchial Blocker Versus Left Double-Lumen Endotracheal Tube for One-Lung Ventilation in Right Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery. 2018 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
An update on bronchial blockers during lung separation techniques in adults. 2003 Anesthesia & Analgesia
成人胸外科患者9-F Arndt支气管阻封堵器腔内和腔外置入 的前瞻性比较。
• • •
腔外方法放置的时间显著缩短, 术后喉咙痛的发生率没有任何差异。 无论是在腔内还是在腔外,大部分支气管内阻滞器至少需要一次术中重新定位。
BB-用于气管出血止血 Use of bronchial blocker in emergent thoracotomy in presence of upper airway hemorrhage, and cervical spine fracture: a difficult decision. 2018 Revista Brasileira de Anestesiologia Experience of hemostasis in tracheal bleeding very close to the carina by the bronchial blocker: a case report. 2016 Korean Journal of Anesthesiology

• •

• Anaesthetic management for a left pneumonectomy in a child with bronchopleural fistula. 2000 Pediatric Anesthesia • One-lung anesthesia was successfully maintained by means of Fogarty Catheter in infant. 2002 Masui
BB-气管切开后置入单肺通气 Extraluminal Placement of an Arndt Bronchial Blocker Through a Tracheal Stoma. 2016 Journal
of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
Exsanguinating tuberculosis-related hemoptysis: bronchial blocker introduced through percutaneous tracheostomy. 2009 Minerva Anestesiologica Foley catheter used as bronchial blocker for one lung ventilation in a patient with tracheostomy--a case report. 1995 Acta anaesthesiologica Sinica
Journal of the College of Physicians and Surgeons--Pakistan
• Alternative methods of lung isolation in cases of pediatric bilateral thoracoscopic surgery . 2016 Pediatric Anesthesia
BB- 支气管残端瘘 Two successful cases in the treatment of post-operative bronchial stump fistulae.
2005 Annals of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Lung Isolation for Thoracic Surgery: From Inception to Evidence-Based. 2017 Review Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
A Comparison of the Efficacy and Adverse Effects of Double-Lumen Endobronchial Tubes and Bronchial Blockers in Thoracic Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. 2015 Journal of
• BB 始于1936,Magill 在胸科手术中使用末端带气囊的长管 封堵支气管,后改进与单腔气管导管配合使用。(带套囊 尿管) • 现 BB 不断有新品面世。
BB 类型
Arndt BB
Cohen BB
TCB Univent BB Fuji BB
Coopdech BB
BB:困难气道DLT 的板凳队员
BB 治疗肺血栓取栓术后大咯血 Management of Massive Hemoptysis After Pulmonary Thromboembolectomy Using a Double Bronchial Blocker System. 2017 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular
Clinical Trial
28 1996 – 2018 1/y
Bronchial Blocker (BB)——PubMed
Case Report
103 人-102;动物-1。 1983 – 2018
Case Report
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ~ 1990 ~ 1995 ~ 2000 ~ 2005 ~ 2010 ~2015 ~ 2018 篇数
Segmental Lung Isolation in a Postpneumonectomy Patient Undergoing Contralateral Lung Resection. 2017 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
Anestesiologí a y Reanimación
Update on selective lobar blockade during pulmonary resections. 2009
Current Opinion in Anesthesiology
Sequential lobar-lung-lobar isolation using a deflecting tip bronchial blocker. 2006 Journal of clinical anesthesia
A Prospective Comparison of Intraluminal and Extraluminal Placement of the 9-French Arndt Bronchial Blocker in Adult Thoracic Surgery Patients.
2017 Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia
赵雪莲 河北医科大学第四医院
支气管封堵器 -中国知网
70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0
篇数Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu
支气管封堵器 -中国知网
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 ~ 2005 ~ 2010 ~ 2015 ~ 2018 篇数
Bronchial Blocker (BB)——PubMed
• One lung ventilation in cases with unsuccessful double-lumen endobronchial intubation.1993 Chinese journal of anesthesiology Independent placement of a bronchial blocker for single-lung ventilation: an alternative method for the difficult airway. 1996 Anesthesia & Analgesia Use of the Univent System tube for difficult intubation and for achieving one-lung anaesthesia. 1996 Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Lung isolation techniques for patients with difficult airway. 2010 Current opinion in anaesthesiology One-lung ventilation in a patient with stenting for tracheobronchial stenosis caused by esophageal cancer. 2011 Journal of Clinical Anesthesia Use of the Coopdech Bronchial Blocker as a tracheal tube introducer in a patient with difficult laryngoscopy. 2010 Journal of Clinical Anesthesia