



Unite‎5Part one1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10C D B C B D B B C APart two1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9A C DB A ACD APart three‎1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10D B B B C D B B A A11 12 13 14 15A B B B DPart fourThe milit‎a ry aspec‎t of the Unite‎d State‎s Civil‎War has alway‎s attra‎c ted the most atten‎t ion from schol‎a rs. The roar of(1)gunfi‎r e, the masse‎d movem ‎e n ts of(2)unifo‎r med men, the shril‎l o f bugle‎s, and the drama‎of hand to hand comba‎t have(3)facin‎a ted stude‎n ts of warfa‎r e for a centu‎r y. Behin ‎d the (4)lines‎,howev‎e r, life was less spect‎a cula‎r. It was the story‎of (5)back break‎i ng labor‎to provi‎d e the fight‎i ng men with food and arms, of nerve‎tingl‎i ng uncer‎t aint‎y about‎the cours‎e of natio‎n al event‎s, of (6)heart‎b reak‎over sons or broth‎e rs or husba‎n ds lost in (7)battl‎e.If the men on the firin‎g line won the victo‎r ies, the(8)means‎to those‎victo‎ries were forge‎d on the home front‎.(9)Never‎in the natio‎n's histo‎r y had Ameri‎c ans worke‎d harde‎r for victo‎r y than in the Civil‎War. North‎e rner‎s and South‎e rner‎s alike‎threw‎thems‎e lves‎into the task of suppl‎y ing their ‎r espe‎c tive‎armie‎s. Both gover‎n ment‎s made treme‎n dous‎deman‎d s upon civil ‎i a ns and, in gener‎a l, recei‎v ed willi‎n g coope‎r atio‎n s.By 1863 the North‎e rn war econo‎m y was rumbl‎i ng along‎in high gear. Every ‎t h ing‎from steam‎b oats‎to shove‎l s was neede‎d and produ‎c ed. Denie‎d South ‎e r n cotto‎n, texti‎l e mills‎turne‎d to wool for blank‎e ts and unifo‎r ms. Hides ‎b y the hundr‎e ds of thous‎a nds were turne‎d into shoes‎and harne‎s s and saddl‎e s; ironw‎o rks manuf‎a ctur‎e d locom‎o tive‎s, ordna‎n ce, armor‎plate‎. Where‎priva‎t e enter‎p rise‎lagge‎d, the gover‎n ment‎set up its own facto‎r ies or arsen‎a ls.(10) Agric‎u ltur‎e boome‎d, with machi‎n ery doing‎the job of farm worke‎r s who have been drawn‎into the army. In short‎,every‎t hing‎that a natio‎n neede‎d to fight‎ a moder‎n war was produ‎c ed in uncou‎n ted numbe‎r s. Inevi‎t ably‎there‎were profi‎t eers‎with gold heade‎d canes‎and flamb‎o yant ‎d iamo‎n d stick‎p ins, but for every‎crook‎e d tycoo‎n there‎were thous‎a nds of ordin‎a ry citiz‎e ns (11)livin‎g on fixed‎incom‎e s who did their‎best to cope with risin‎g price‎s and still‎make a contr‎i buti‎o n to the war effor‎t.Those ‎w ho could‎bough‎t war bonds‎;other‎s knitt‎e d, sewed‎,nurse‎d, or lent any other‎assis‎t ance‎in their‎power‎Some pessi‎m isti‎c histo‎r ians‎think‎the whole‎socie‎t y of man runs in cycle ‎s and that one of the phase‎s is war.The(12) optim‎i sts,on the other‎hand,think‎war is not like an (13)eclip‎s e (日食) or a flood‎or a spell ‎o f bad weath‎e r.They belie‎v e that it is more like a disea‎s e for which‎ a (14)cure could‎be found‎if the (15)cause‎s were known‎.Becau‎s e war is the (16)ultim‎a te drama‎of life and death‎stori‎e s and pictu‎r es of it are more inter‎e stin‎g than those‎about‎peace‎.This is so true that all of us,and perha‎p s those‎of us in telev‎i sion‎more than most,are often‎(17)caugh‎t up in the actio‎n of war to the exclu‎s ion of the ideas ‎o f it.If it is true,as we would‎like to think‎it is,that our age is more (18)civil‎i zed than ages past,we must all agree‎that it’s very stran‎g e that in the twent‎i eth centu‎r y,our centu‎r y,we have kille‎d more than 70 milli‎o n of our fello‎w men on(19)purpo‎s e,at war.It is very stran‎g e that since‎1900 more men have kille‎d more other‎men than in any other‎seven ‎t y years‎in histo‎r y.Proba‎b ly the reaso‎n we are able to do both, that is,(20)belie‎v e on the one hand that we are more civil‎i zed and on the other‎hand wage war to kill -is that killi‎n g is not so perso‎n al an affai‎r as it once was.The enemy ‎i s invis‎i ble.(21)One man doesn‎’t look anoth‎e r in the eye and kill him with the sword‎.The enemy‎dead or alive‎is large‎l y unsee‎n.He is kille‎d by remot‎e contr‎o l: a loud noise‎,a dista‎n t puff of smoke‎and then silen‎c e. The pictu‎r es of the victi‎m’s wife and child‎r en,which‎he carri‎e s in his breas‎t pocke‎t,are destr‎o yed with him.He is not heard‎to cry out.The quest‎i on of compa‎s sion‎or pity or remor‎s e does not enter‎into it.The enemy ‎i s not a man;he is a stati‎s tic.(22)It is also true that more peopl‎e are being‎kille‎d at war now than previ‎o usly‎becau‎s e we’re bette‎r at doing ‎i t than we used to be.One man with one moder‎n weapo‎n can kill thous‎a nds.。



详细描述:中译英答案在翻译过程中 需要使用专业术语和规范表达,符合 英文表达习惯和行业标准,避免出现 中式英语或低级语法错误。
详细描述:中译英答案在翻译过程中需要保持原文的逻辑 性和条理性,确保译文在整体结构和细节表述上都能够准 确传达原文的含义,避免出现信息遗漏或逻辑混乱的情况 。
详细描述:长对话答案不仅提供正确答案,还对对话内容进行详细解读,帮助学生理解对话的主题和重要信息,培养听力理 解和推理能力。
详细描述:新闻听力答案包括新闻内容的要点概括和问题解析,帮助学生掌握新闻听力技巧,提高对 新闻的理解和把握能力。
02 口语部分答案
总结词:客观准确,条理清晰,语言 简明。
详细描述:在写事物说明文时,需要 客观准确地描述事物的特点、性质、 功能等方面的情况。条理要清晰,能 够让读者清晰地理解事物的各个方面 。同时,语言要简明扼要,避免过于 繁琐或晦涩难懂。
详细描述:英译中答案在翻译过程中需要使 用地道的中文表达和自然的语序,避免出现 生硬或过于直译的情况,使译文更加符合中
英译中答案在翻译过程中需要尽可能 保留原文的风格和修辞手法,展现原 文的文化背景和语言特色,使译文更 加贴近原文的表达方式。



Lesson B Online dating
Optional Listening
The etiquette of breaking up Here are some words and phrases you will hear in B, C and D. Read them aloud. Language Notes Proper names Love Line Global Radio Harmony Taylor Dr. Richard Hartman Other words and phrases etiquette thoughtful in public make sense instant messaging (IM) handle (vt.)
possible ways of breaking up:
in person __________________________________________________ by letter __________________________________________________
Lesson A An ideal date
Lesson B Online dating
Optional Listening
The etiquette of breaking up Harmony Taylor, the host of the Love Line program on Global Radio, is talking to Dr. Richard Hartman, author of The Etiquette of Breaking Up. Listen to the talk and note down the methods for breaking up mentioned. (Track 5-4-5) ______________________________________________________ face-to-face phone ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ email or instant messaging avoiding or not contacting someone ______________________________________________________



Part fourThe military aspect of the United States Civil War has always attracted the most attention from scholars. The roar of(1)gunfire, the massed movements of(2)uniformed men, the shrill o f bugles, and the drama of hand to hand combat have(3)facinated students of warfare for a century. Behind the (4)lines,however, life was less spectacular. It was the story of (5)back breaking labor to provide the fighting men with food and arms, of nerve tingling uncertainty about the course of national events, of (6)heartbreak over sons or brothers or husbands lost in (7)battle.If the men on the firing line won the victories, the(8)means to those victories were forged on the home front.(9) Never in the nation's history had Americans worked harder for victory than in the Civil War. Northerners and Southerners alike threw themselves into the task of supplying their respective armies. Both governments made tremendous demands upon civilians and, in general, received willing cooperations.By 1863 the Northern war economy was rumbling along in high gear. Everything from steamboats to shovels was needed and produced. Denied Southern cotton, textile mills turned to wool for blankets and uniforms. Hides by the hundreds of thousands were turned into shoes and harness andsaddles; ironworks manufactured locomotives, ordnance, armor plate. Where private enterprise lagged, the government set up its own factories or arsenals.(10) Agriculture boomed, with machinery doing the job of farm workers who have been drawn into the army. In short, everything that a nation needed to fight a modern war was produced in uncounted numbers. Inevitably there were profiteers with gold headed canes and flamboyant diamond stickpins, but for every crooked tycoon there were thousands of ordinary citizens (11)living on fixed incomes who did their best to cope with rising prices and still make a contribution to the war effort.Those who could bought war bonds; others knitted, sewed, nursed, or lent any other assistance in their powerSome pessimistic historians think the whole society of man runs in cycles and that one of the phases is war.The(12) optimists,on the other hand,think war is not like an (13)eclipse (日食) or a flood or a spell of bad weather.They believe that it is more like a disease for which a (14)cure could be found if the (15)causes were known.Because war is the (16)ultimate drama of life and death stories and pictures of it are more interesting than those about peace.This is so true that all of us,and perhaps those of us in television more than most,are often (17)caught up in the action of war to the exclusion of the ideas of it.If it is true,as we would like to think it is,that our age is more (18)civilized than ages past,we must all agree that it’s very strange that in the twentieth century,our century,we have killed more than 70 million of our fellowmen on(19)purpose,at war.It is very strange that since 1900 more men have killed more other men than in any other seventy years in history.Probably the reason we are able to do both, that is,(20)believe on the one hand that we are more civilized and on the other hand wage war to kill -is that killing is not so personal an affairas it once was.The enemy is invisible.(21) One man doesn’t look another in the eye and kill him with the sword.The enemy dead or alive is largely unseen.He is killed by remote control: a loud noise,a distant puff of smoke and then silence. The pictures of the victim’s wife and children,which he carries in his breast pocket,are destroyed with him.He is not heard to cry out.The question of compassion or pity or remorse does not enter into it.The enemy is not a man;he is a statistic.(22)It is also true that more people are being killed at war now than previously because we’re better at doing it than we used to be.One man with one modern weapon can kill thousands.。



英语视听说试题及答案一、听力理解(共30分)A. 选择题(每题2分,共10分)请根据所听内容,选择最佳答案。

1. What is the man's occupation?A) A doctorB) A teacherC) A lawyerD) A policeman2. What does the woman suggest for dinner?A) PizzaB) Chinese foodC) PastaD) Sushi3. When is the meeting scheduled to take place?A) 9:00 AMB) 10:00 AMC) 11:00 AMD) 12:00 PM4. Why is the man unable to attend the concert?A) He has to work.B) He is ill.C) He has a family commitment.D) The tickets are sold out.5. What is the weather like today?A) SunnyB) RainyC) CloudyD) SnowyB. 填空题(每题2分,共10分)请根据所听内容,填写空白处。

6. The library opens at ________ in the morning.7. The train to New York departs from ________ platform.8. The woman has been learning ________ for three years.9. The man's favorite sport is ________.10. The lecture will be held in ________ Hall.C. 信息匹配题(每题2分,共10分)请将所听内容与相应的信息匹配。



Lesson A The story of my life
Optional Listening
Lesson B Tell me a story.
Listen to the first part of the story. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete each sentence based on what has been said.
worked in the kitcd in the café filled in wherever they needed
in the 1950s
3. What she wasn’t allowed serve the customers directly,
5. The monkey’s paw is special because it has had a (bell / spell) put on it by a (lonely / holy) man.
6. For (four / three) owners, the paw will grant ( three / two) wishes each. 7. Morris (wants to / doesn’t want to) tell what he had wished for. 8. Morris has the paw because the first owner ( had died / didn’t like
Lesson A The story of my life
Lesson B Tell me a story.
Optional Listening

英语视听说unit5 Listening In

英语视听说unit5 Listening In

c. Besides selling foods, how does McDonald’s sell American culture and get localized as well?
Catchy slogans that are connected with feelings, such as “We love to see you smile.” and “You deserve a break today.”
Making life easier.
Listening In
Discuss with your partner and search on the INTERNET if necessary what Americans and Chinese eat for breakfast, lunch and supper. Compare the eating habits and find out which one is more health-conscious.
Yes, I do. Because eating there is quick and convenient. I love the environment—always clean, and of course, the food is delicious.
Listening In
boiled vegetables potato
Listening In
fish desert: cake icecream

研究生英语视听说教程 Unit 5

研究生英语视听说教程 Unit 5

wanted to try and give it a shot for the next 30 days.
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
1. C 2. C 3. D 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. A 8. D
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
1. Why do so many people reach success and then fail? We figure we've made it, we sit back in our comfort zone, and we actually stop doing everything that made us successful.
acknowledge it, psychபைடு நூலகம்logists have found that it's
called a "social reality."
__T__5. That “social reality” will trick the mind into feeling
that it's already done.
to David Gallo, one needs to push himself both physically
灵感!TED人比尔·盖茨说,“我有个想法,就是创建第一 家微电脑软件公司。”我得说这是个相当不错的想法。获得 灵感的创新没有什么诀窍—只是去做一些非常简单的事情。 对此我能举出很多例子。
综合英语视听说教程 Unit 5
5. Persist! Joe Kraus says, "Persistence is the number one reason for our success." You gotta persist through failure. You gotta persist through crap! Which of course means "Criticism, Rejection, Assholes and Pressure."

视听说Unit 5答案

视听说Unit 5答案

• 5 He says it needs to paint a broad picture of who you are and what you like doing but does not bore other people. • Exercise 5 on page 55 • c c d a d • Exercise 2 on page 56 • 1 because she went on holiday • 2 because she was invited to go with a friend
• 3 because the mountain was vertical and they were climbing with ropes • 4 He reassured her that it was safe to climb with ropes and stayed next to her. • 5 When David came over to Amy to encourage her • 6 Amy collapsed because she couldn’t stand up
• • • • • •
2. 150 million 3. met anyone yet 4. create your profile 5. in your area 6. nice short letter 7. interested in them
• Exercise 4 on page 54 • 1 Men between 24 and 32 • 2 Three: Doctor Ski, Uncle Bunny and Outdoor Guy. • 3 She is funny, spontaneous and confident, has a good sense of humour and lides to ski. • 4. Men between 45 and 55



Some areas now suffer more than others from air pollution. S10
Your answer
for a long time.
Correct answer
Air pollution has been a problem throughout history. S8
The effects of air pollution are diverse and numerous. S9
, and severely affects the natural ecosystem.
1. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)
A. It is the biggest problem.
B. It is the second most important problem.
C. It is important but not the most urgent problem.
C. Her son studies environmental protection in college.
D. Her son is protecting the environment.
Your answer
3. (Listen to the audio recording for the question.)



Unit5Part 1 Listening, Understanding and SpeakingListening IScriptPart AJennifer is talking to an interviewer about her nightmare.Jennifer: It was always the same. Always. I was in a house, a strange house, and I knew somehow that I shouldn‘t have gone in. But there was some strange force pulling me. There were some stairs…very steep stairs… and I started to climb them, and … and then, suddenly fell. Then when I was at the bottom of the stairs, I suddenly realized that there was someone…or something else in the house with me, and that these eyes had been watching me all the time, and…I knew then that something terrible…was going to happen to me…that I was going to be punished…because I‘d done something I shouldn‘t have done. I didn‘t know what it was, but I knew it was wrong, very wrong. Then I could hear it…whatever it was in the house with me…coming closer in the darkness, because everything was dark, you see, and it came closer and closer. And I was scared…and there was nothing, nothing I could do to avoid it…nothing. I was trapped! Trapped in that dark house at the bottom of the stairs. There was no way out.Interviewer: And how often…Jennifer: No way out !Part BInterviewer: How often have you had this nightmare?Jennifer: When I was in college, just about every time I had an exam. And then, a few years later, when I was taking an intensive Italian course in Italy, I had the same dream again. Just the same as before.Interviewer: And you discussed it with a psychoanalyst ?Jennifer: Yes, later, after I came back to Los Angles, I started therapy, and this dream came up, and we discussed it quite a bit.Interviewer: And what did the psychoanalyst say?Jennifer: He said…uh…you have to be very careful about interpreting dreams, but we both agreed that the dream was a symbol of my fear of failure…of disappointing my parents when I was in college, for example, by failing my dreams, or…or when I was taking that Italian course, I remember how scared I was sometimes. Interviewer: Scared of what?Jennifer: Of making mistakes in class, in front of the teacher or the other students. I was always in fear.Interviewer: I see.Jennifer: And the dream was a kind of classic symbol of that fear…of the fear of failure. Falling down stairs in a dream is a symbol of that. The two words are very similar.Interviewer: Which…which two words? Oh, you mean…Jennifer: Y es, fall-fail, falling-failure. V ery similar, aren‘t they?Listening IIScriptNew research shows that dreams are often distorted reflections of our daily life. many experts now believe our dreams are so closely related to our waking lives that we can use them to help us recognize our inner conflicts.According to some experts, men and women dream differently because of biological and social conditioning. In a study of 1000 dreams, half from each sex, experts found that men more often have action dreams .Usually these are set outdoors or in unfamiliar surroundings. Women dream more about emotional struggles with loved ones, usually in indoor settings. As more women have careers, their dreams might become more like man‘s. Researchers have found that while housewives dream more about children, women in the workplace dream about bosses and colleagues. Small children who are easily scared dream about frightening animals and monsters that that chase and attack them. Teenagers dream about romance and sex.Some dream researchers found in a study that people between 21and 34 have more anxiety over issues of right and wrong in their dreams, possibly because they are making importance decisions about career, marriage and life direction. People of age 35 to 49 are much less hostile toward others in their dreams, perhaps because they are reaching their greatest achievement and have less need for aggression while awake. After age 65, anxiety about aging appears much more often in people‘s dreams.If life stages affect our dreams, so do out attitudes. Studies show that angry people act out their anger in their dreams, and depressed people sometimes dream they are victim of rejection.Creative people often use their dreams to solve problems. According to the author Naomi Epel, when some writers, artists or scientists go to sleep, they ask their subconscious for a dream that will help them solve problems.Listening IIIScriptAlmost all people day dreaming during a normal day. We tend to daydreaming the most during those quiet times when we are alone in our cars, sitting in waiting rooms, or preparing for bed. day dreaming or fantasizing is not abnormal; it is a basic human characteristic. Most people have reported that they enjoy their day dreams . Some people have very probable and realistic daydreams while others have unrealistic fantasies such as inheriting a million dollars.Psychologists report that men daydream as much as women , but subject of their daydreams or fantasies is different. Men day dream more about being heroes and good athletes while women tend to daydream about fashions and beauty. As people grow older, they tend to fantasize less, although it is still common in old age. Older people tend to daydream a lot about the past. daydreaming or fantasizing enters into the games of children. Psychologists believe that it is very important for children to participate in fantasy play . It is a normal part of their development. It helps childrendevelop and explore their imagination.Daydreaming has advantages and disadvantages In some situations it can reduce a person's fear or anxiety. can also keep us entertained or awake under dull or boring conditions. Unfortunately, to engage in a daydream or fantasy, we must divert part of our attention from our environment. When it is important for us to remain alert and pay attention to what is going on around us, day dreaming can cause problems. Listening IVScriptA Dream Within A DreamTake this kiss upon the brow!And, in parting from you now,Thus much let me avow---Y ou are not wrong, who deemThat my days have been a dream;Y es if hope has flown awayIn a night, or in a day,In a vision, or in none,Is it therefore the less gone?All that we see or seemIs but a dream within a dream.I stand amid the roarOf a surf-tormented shore,And I hold within my handGrains of the golden sand---How few! Y et how they creepThrough my fingers to the deep,While I weep---while I weep!O God! Can I not graspThen with a fighter clasp?O God! Can I not saveOne from the pitiless wave?Is all that we see or seemBut a dream within a dream?Part 4 Further Speaking and ListeningFurther ListeningListening IScriptIn 1865 ,in a small town in Germany ,a little boy was very sick. His name was Max Hoffman.―Will our son die ?‖ Max‘s parents asked the doctor.―Maybe,‖ the doctor said quietly .‖Stay with Max .Keep him warm .That‘s all you can do .‖For three days Max lay in his bed . Then he died .He was only five years old .Max‘s parents buried their son in the town cemetery .That night Max‘s mother had a terrible dream. She dreamed that Max was moving in his coffin . She screamed in her sleep.―Sh ,sh,‖ her husband said. ―It‘s all right .Y ou had a bad dream.‖The next night Max‘s mother screamed in her sleep again . She had the same terrible dream.On the third night Max‘s mother had another bad dream. She dreamed that Max was crying . She got out of bed and got dressed. ―Quick! Get dressed ,‖she told her husband . ―We‘re going to the cemetery .I want to see Max. I want to dig up his coffin.‖At four o‘clock in the morning Max‘s parent and a neighbor hurried to the cemetery .They dug up Max‘s coffin and opened it . There was Max .He looked dead. But he wasn‘t lying on his back . He was lying on his side.Max‘s father carried Max home . Then he ran to get the doctor .For an hour the doctor rubbed whisky on Max‘s lips and warmed his body. Then Max opened his eyes .Max was alive ! A week later he was playing with his friends.Max Hoffman died—really died—in the United State in 1953. He was 93 year old . Listening IIScript(A couple is talking about their 8-year-old daughter ,Debbie .They also have a son ,Barry ,who is 16.)Mother : I had to go in to Debbie twice last night .She was having these terrible nightmares! She was screaming and shouting and she kept trying to push me away .She was yelling , ―Don‘t hurt me ! Don‘t hurt me !‖Father : What was wrong with her then ?Mother : I don‘t know. I couldn‘t get a word out of her when she woke up this morningFather: Does Barry know anything about it ? Didn‘t she go with him to his friend‘s yesterday afternoon ? Wait a minute , I‘ll give him a shout . Barry ! Come here , Will you ?Barry: What‘s up?Father: Didn‘t you say you were going to watch a video at your friend‘s yesterday? Mother: Well, what exactly did you watch ? Debbie‘s been having the most terrible nightmares.Barry: Oh, I don‘t know ! Some film his dad had left lying around . About a man who had been burned to death in a car crash, who came back from the dead to take revenge on young girls . He tears them to bits and eats them. It was a young girl , see , who ran in front of his car and made him crash . Don‘t know why it‘s giving her nightmares. Itwas really stupid , if you ask me ! Anyway, she didn‘t have to watch it . did she ? Mother:Y ou should have more sense at your age . Y ou should have stopped her watching it.Father:I blame the people who made films like that. They shouldn‘t be allowed to make them . They must be really sick! All they care about is making money –they don‘t care they are doing to kid s‘ minds.Listening IIIScriptDear Editor,Y our paper is great . I read with great interest your interpretation of dreams of teeth falling out .It is the same interpretation that many others use as well : needing to be heard etc. I myself had this dream repeatedly and was dying to know what it meant , as is was always confusing and disturbing . However , I was always unsatisfied with the ― needing to be heard ‖ thing.Y our might note that many people who have this dream are feeling worried , depressed or frightened as their teeth are falling out painlessly .Sometime they even try to keep the teeth from falling out . Finally I came up with a different interpretation , which fitted me much better . In fact , I‘ve had fewer dreams of this sort now .So I thought you might be interested .For me , the dream means I am talking TOO MUCH . It means thoughtlessness ,telling secrets , gossiping un wisely . And it‘s my subconscious warning me .Now ,if I have this dream ,I know I have been unwise with my big mouth ! Trying to cram the teeth back in , or stop them falling out ,or trying to find a dentist , actually means trying to stop the words or gossip from coming out , and the feelings of depression are reflecting the regret of being too revealing –usually to an enemy . I am much more aware of this now and not such a big mouth ! Maybe you could add to your interpretation,Best,KatieListening IVScriptSleep is something we generally associate with living creatures. Of course, it is true that a lot of animals sleep, but zoologists are not certain that primitive forms of animals life, like worms and snails, even really sleep. On the other hang, animals such as bears sleep for 4 or 5 months every year.The amount of sleep a human being needs depends on age, the individual and possibly race. .For example, doctors think that pre-school children need between 10 and12 hours a night; school children between 9 and 11 hours, and adults between 7and9 hours. There are exceptional cases of old people who sleep only between 2 and 3 hours a day and continue to be active and healthy. The sleep requirements of different races also appear to be different. Japanese people, for example, sleep, sleep fewer hours than Europeans.It is not known for certain if certain if mental activity (apart from dreaming) occurs when a person is asleep. However, it is certainly true that some people can wake up at a specific, pre-determined time. There are also stories about mathematicians who solve difficult problems during sleep, because their subconscious minds continue working on the problem.Some types of unpleasant dreams (or ‗‗nightmares‘‘)are quite common, the dreams is taking a test, but is not properly prepared. he is falling from a tree ,or an animal or thing is chasing him. Some people say these last two occur because man‘s ancestors lived in trees and were in constant danger from wild animals.。


Ask & Answer
What do you think of Corinne Maier’s opinions about work? Do you agree or disagree with her ideas? Why?
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
1. Pretend to be a smoker. 2. Hide a magazine inside a work manual. 3. Be nice to temporary workers. 4. Never accepted a position of responsibility. 5. Go for the most useless position. 6. ____________________________. 7. ____________________________.
culinary arts
specialize in deli an opportunity in disguise
I have butterflies in my stomach.
lead to
be open to
come around
apron turn over
so to speak can’t stand
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job choices
Optional Listening
Your true calling
Listen to the first part of the interview. Then choose the correct answer to complete each sentence below.

New century English研究生英语视听说 unit5 答案

New century English研究生英语视听说 unit5 答案

Unit 5 ComputersKey to Part I3. 1) monitor; 2) disk drives; 3) mouse;4) keyboard; 5) main board; 6) chip Key to Part II1.1)handheld 2)weigh 3)specific4)download 5)charge 6)instantly7)restaurants 8)sources 9)updated10)offers3.1)F 2)F 3)T 4)T 5)F5. 1) They are talking about eyeproblem caused by staring at themonitor of the computer forquite a long time.2) The movement of blinking helpsmoisten our eyes.3) Take a break and rest his eyes.4) He will take his friend’s adviceand have a break to rest hiseyes.7. 1) CALL is used as part of alanguage course.2) No.3) Word processing, databases, andspreadsheets.4) Three. They are the number ofstudents, the amount of spaceavailable, and, above all, thesize of budget.5) You can either get a screen that’sbig enough for all the studentsto see or use a display devicewhich will project the picturefrom the computer onto anoverhead projector.6) To locate computers in onespecial-purpose computer room,with the furniture set out so asto allow group work atmachines.8. WatchingTask 11)computer 2)auction, where 3)agreement 4)shipping 5)web Task 21)True.2)False. Trisha asked Ed to showher how to buy a teacup on E-bay.3)False.4)False. Originally only a fewweblogs were around and themthey were exploded quickly. Task 31)Approximately 5 million people hitthe E-bay to buy or sell products. 2)Sometimes an hour, sometimes oneor two days.3)In mid-and-late 1990s.4)To keep in touch with friends inAmerica and click on friends’ blogs to find out what they have been doing.Key to Part III1.B2.A3.C4.A5.B6.A7.D8.C9.D。



新标准视听说unit5Unit 5。

In Unit 5, we will focus on the topic of "Travel". This unit will help you to improve your listening, speaking, and pronunciation skills in English. By the end of this unit, you should be able to talk about your travel experiences, understand and follow travel instructions, and describe different modes of transportation.Listening。

In the listening section, you will listen to various conversations and monologues related to travel. You will hear people talking about their travel plans, asking for directions, making reservations, and discussing their experiences. Pay close attention to the details and try to understand the main ideas and specific information. This will help you to improve your listening comprehension and expand your vocabulary related to travel.Speaking。

In the speaking section, you will have the opportunity to practice speaking about travel. You will engage in role-plays, discussions, and presentations related to travel experiences, travel tips, and travel destinations. You will also learn how to ask for and give directions, make reservations, and talk about different modes of transportation. By participating in these activities, you will improve your fluency, pronunciation, and confidence in speaking English.Pronunciation。



Watch Part 1 of the video clip and check the true statements according to the clip.1. The first speaker talks about old and new ways of finding someone to love.2. He says that the Internet has completely changed the world of dating.3. Four young people interviewed have tried Internet dating.4. Carol and the younger woman are friends.5. The younger woman is going to register on an Internet dating site.6. To get started with Internet dating, there are five steps.Watch Part 1 again and complete the sentences.1.Your answer Correct answerat work at work2.America.Your answer Correct answer150 million150 million / one hundred and fiftymillion3.Your answer Correct answermet anyone yet met anyone yet4.Your answer Correct answercreat your profile create your profile5.want to hook up with.Your answer Correct answerin you area in your area6.Your answer Correct answernice short letter nice short letter7.Your answer Correct answerinterested in them interested in themWatch Part 2 and choose the best way to complete the sentences.1. Carol feels that the first candidate ____.(a) sounds interesting(b) doesn't sound interesting(c) is not interested in a relationship(d) would want to go travelling all the time2. Carol's daughter rejects the third candidate because he ____.(a) broke up with someone recently(b) has been in a long relationship(c) is still in love with someone else(d) is desperate to meet a kind woman3. Doctor Ski ____.(a) likes climbing(b) is looking for someone a bit different(c) likes classical music(d) likes jazz and cycling and skiing4. Uncle Bunny ____.(a) loves music(b) is 28(c) loves the outdoors(d) is a lawyer5. Sail Away ____.(a) is attractive(b) is kind(c) likes to travel(d) is 521. Why did Amy go to the French Alps?(a) Because she went there to visit her friend who's ill.(b) Because she went there on holiday.(c) Because she went there to go mountain climbing.(d) Because she went there to have a blind date with David.2. Why did she go climbing?(a) Because someone invited her to go climbing.(b) Because David invited her to go climbing.(c) Because she went on an adventure trip.(d) Because she always wanted to go mountain climbing.3. Why was she terrified?(a) Because the mountain was higher than she had expected.(b) Because the mountain was covered with snow.(c) Because the mountain was vertical.(d) Because the mountain was slippery.4. What did David do to help her?(a) He told her funny stories.(b) He encouraged her.(c) He helped her climb.(d) He guided her.5. When did they fall in love?(a) When they start climbing.(b) When they reached the summit.(c) When they climbed back down the mountain.(d) When David came over to talk to Amy.6. What happened at the summit?(a) They had a long talk with each other.(b) Other people came over to encourage Amy.(c) Amy collapsed and couldn't stand up.(d) David invited Amy to have some pizzas.7. What did Amy and David do after the climb?(a) They had some pizzas.(b) They went to a village.(c) They went to a party with the others.(d) They went to visit Amy's sick friend.8. What happened after that?(a) They hadn't seen each other for six months.(b) They went on a holiday to other mountains.(c) They became good friends.(d) They got married later.Listen to Passage 2 and check the topics mentioned.1. being nervous2. uploading photos3. video dating4. trusting your instincts5. exchanging emails6. giving out personal information7. paying for online dating8. talking on the phone9. your first meeting10. honestyYour answerlieYour answerrecent photohappy to do so.Your answer Suggested answerpersonal information personal informationYour answeragree to meetUnit test/view/99e02d59f01dc281e53af047.html。



Yes No
2. The book encourages people not to try hard at work.
Yes No
Lesson A Work issues
Lesson B Job chtending to work Now listen to the whole interview. Circle the correct words or phrases to complete each sentence according to what each speaker says.
(Track 5-1-3)
1. Cynthia: Maier’s book, Hello Laziness, takes a (sympathetic / humorous ) look
at the corporate workplace.
2. Cynthia: Maier’s book encourages people to do as little as possible when
9. Marc: Maier’s book encourages people (to try to change things in the workplace / to give up ).
10. Marc: Maier’s message is that you (can’t / can) get ahead in today’s workplace.
they’re (at work / at home).
3. Cynthia: According to Maier, we work because we (love our jobs /



Electronics cell phone
video games
y on Transportation gas
eating out
train tickets
1 What do you think “outfit-obsessed” means? To be outfit-obsessed means that she is always thinking about clothes and looking for new clothes. 2 Where do you think Jessi gets her clothes? Possibilities include: charity shops, hand-me-downs, garage sales.
2B 2C 2D
LISTENING How I spend my money
A 2.2 Stella Hekker is a student. Watch and circle the things that she spends a lot of money on.
car concerts eating out clothes makeup cell phone
2B 2C 2D
LISTENING How I spend my money



1a 1. False 2. True 3. True 4. False 5. True 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. True 10. Falseb 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. False 5. False 6. True 7. False 8. True 9. False 10. False2a There are many streets in London containing11. specialize 12. sizes 13. tiny 14. obtain 15. philosophy 16. convenient 17. volumes 18. seemingly 19. sacks 20. occasionallyb Young people need to understand how our society11. depends 12. advancement 13. process 14. considered 15. applied 16. affairs 17. involved 18. inclination 19. accurate 20. proven3a Because the waters off the beaches of South Africa 21233b Stress may be defined as the response of the body to any demand 43214c A second culture can be like riding on a roller coaster. 23442d the past few decades, the popular belief in the are 21341Vocabulary1. Mary has __________ a fascinating collection of doll’s houses and decided to hold an exhibition. A) appreciated B) appointedC) assembled D) associated2. It isn’t __________ of you to put all the eggs in a basket w hen you invest in the stock market! A) intentional B) marvelousC) popular D) considerate3. The disease seems to be __________ to certain types of plants growing in South America. A) humble B) specificC) precious D) successive4. The company has made a(n) __________ and successful transition to different fields and started to make profits. A) particular B) emotionalC) swift D) obvious5. In that country, some people strongly claimed to __________ capital punishment in order to reduce the rate of brutal violence. A) bring back B) bring upC) bring about D) bring out6. Mr. Sawyer has been unemployed for three years and has to sell his house to__________ the loan from the bank. A) repay B) quoteC) expose D) undergo7. John was __________ in playing video games all day long and failed in three subjects this semester. A) impressed B) immersedC) distressed D) suppressed8. He says that in his opinion the influence of religion in some countries has been__________ for many years. A) ignoring B) reversingC) spoiling D) diminishing9. I don’t think Mr. Baker was being completely __________ when he said he supportedthe government’s proposals. A) conventional B) effectiveC) specific D) sincere10. I would like to advise you not to __________ criticizing your colleagues; it is no use and won’t make things better. A) go with B) go aboutC) go up D) go through11. It was the team’s third __________ defeat and their fifteenth defeat in the whole season. A) successive B) expressiveC) aggressive D) apprehensive12. The general manager has made it quite clear that the company will not __________ the decision to increase prices. A) resolve B) diminishC) reverse D) decline13. The taxi driver’s description of the traffic accident did not __________ with the witnesses’ s tatements. A) apply B) accordC) assure D) assert14. The manager expressed his sincere __________ to all the members for their contribution to the breakthrough. A) celebration B) destinationC) statement D) gratitude15. The establishment of a supermarket chain can __________ the stock more rapidly, thus reducing the cost. A) turn in B) turn onC) turn over D) turn up16. They __________ the great achievement as their mutual efforts and co-operation for the past five years. A) stand for B) refer toC) touch on D) bring in17. The secretary was asked to __________ the long article for the travel column to 3,000 words. A) compress B) complainC) compose D) comprise18. These yellow arrows in the grand theater __________ the emergency exits. A) encounter B) generateC) register D) designate19. Many young people in the countryside were forced to __________ to the cities where they might find better jobs. A) isolate B) designateC) migrate D) populate20. Whenever she __________ the traffic accident, Lorna Smith would have a lingering fear. A) took on B) touched onC) turned on D) ticked on21. The market for toys is __________ with cheap imports and the local government decides to regulate it. A) habituated B) discardedC) saturated D) inherited22. The recent discussion on the new traffic rules attracted 50,000 participants. It isa(n) __________ to the importance of this topic. A) testimony B) illusionC) harmony D) obstacle23. Mr. Ford feels frustrated these days. He is playing a __________ role of chairman ofthe board and manager of the company. A) noble B) dualC) modest D) weird24. Endless assignments have made the secretary a __________ prisoner in the office. A) flexible B) compulsoryC) virtual D) dual25. Great Britain as a whole is densely __________ though some parts of the country do not have many residents. A) accumulated B) regulatedC) stipulated D) populated26. One of the most striking ways in which the chimpanzee biologically __________ man lies in the structure of his brain. A) identifies B) assemblesC) resembles D) prevails27. Your speed must be __________ to the city speed limits as soon as you cross the border. A) reduced B) sprinkledC) shortened D) compelled28. I’ll take any work that is offered to me; I can’t __________ to pick and ch oose. A) afford B) preferC) undertake D) undergo29. Within a generation most of its population __________ and the once magnificent city became all but a ghost town. A) deserted B) departedC) abandoned D) reversed30. Excavations __________ that piles of wood had been placed around these structures and set afire. A) regarded B) revealedC) uncovered D) unloaded31. In recent years there has been a great increase in the number of engineers and scientists __________ in American industries. A) applied B) utilizedC) employed D) appreciated32. He gave a vivid __________ of what had happened in that park last evening. A) outlook B) descriptionC) statement D) tale33. Any good speaker should be able to __________ his argument with facts. A) improveB) reinforceC) impress D) restrain34. The party, which had been greatly looked forward to was __________ by the rude behavior of an unexpected guest. A) ruined B) damagedC) destroyed D) diminished35. Your essay lacks __________ —you’ve concentrated too much on s ome topics and neglected others. A) framework B) proportionC) definition D) propaganda36. I should like to express my __________ to all members of the project past and present for their contribution to the breakthrough. A) glamor B) confidenceC) gratitude D) condolence37. It was __________ of you not to make a noise while I was having a sleep. A)consequent B) charmingC) coherent D) considerate38. Tony was so __________ in playing the computer games that he was unaware of the things happening round him. A) immersed B) mergedC) reversed D) converged39. Undoubtedly, John’s previous work with us has played an important role in our success, and we will __________ him for his efforts next month. A) blame B) arrangeC) repay D) owe40. It is evident that h is version of events does not ___________ with the witnesses’ statement. A) comply B) supplyC) compare D) accord41. In order to explain his opinion, he __________ the case of the man whose wife went with him to America. A) connoted B) quotedC) blotted D) originated42. The new government was determined to __________ the established policy of developing economy. A) go after B) go aboutC) go by D) go ahead43. After four __________ election defeats, the Labour Party once again faces the painful tasks of reconstruction. A) subsequent B) successiveC) sufficient D) substantial44. It is feared that people living near the power station may have been__________ to radiation. A) exposed B) supposedC) composed D) closed45. Eventually, Rebecca was leaving Shanghai in __________ of a tranquil life in the countryside. A) request B) contextC) name D) quest46. Mrs. Domingo is so __________ that she never changes her mind once she had decided on something. A) energetic B) obedientC) stubborn D) marvelous47. Many people are __________ in their search for jobs by lack of experience. A) hampered B) swayedC) provoked D) designated48. It was estimated that the __________ storm killed at least several thousand people and made more than 2 million homeless. A) superficial B) interiorC) fierce D) fabulous49. She __________ with terror when she saw the man with a gun on the street last night.A) shouted B) criedC) wept D) screamed50. Will you be able to __________ my report before I send it to the committee? A) run over B) hand overC) glance over D) turn overAnswer:1. C2. D3. B4. C5. A6. A7. B8. D9. D 10. B 11. A 12. C 13. B 14. D 15. C 16. B 17. A 18. D 19. C 20. B 21. C 22. A 23. B 24. C 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. A 29. B 30. B 31. C 32. B 33. B 34. A 35. B 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. C 40. D 41. B 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. D 50. CStructure1. The problem of dealing with the settlement of new residents is __________ it appears on the surface. A) more complicated than B) as complicated whenC) so complicated as D) too complicated to2. The local health organization is reported __________ twenty-five years ago when Dr. Anderson became its first president. A) to be set up B) to have been set upC) being set up D) having been set up3. Substances will expand or contract __________ heated or cooled, but this is not the case with water. A) when they are B) as they will beC) if they will be D) where they are4. The candidate was quite nervous about the coming interview __________ he was well prepared for it. A) until B) unlessC) even if D) even so5. __________, the general manager of the company flew to Hong Kong for some other business. A) With everything in the mainland be arranged B) With everything in the mainland arrangedC) Everything in the mainland being arranged D) Everything in the mainland having arranged6. After practicing medicine for a few years in his early life, he took to __________ novels as profession. A) writing B) writeC) having written D) being written7. __________ for your help, we’d never have been able to get over the difficulties. A) Had it not B) Had it not beenC) If it were not D) If we had not been8. __________ it is you’ve found, you must give it back to the person it belongs to. A) Whatever B) HoweverC) That D) Because9. Living in the central Australian desert has its problems, __________ obtaining water is not the least. A) of which B) whatC) as D) whose10. Scarcely had the words been spoken __________ he realized that he should have remained silent. A) than B) thenC) when D) as soon asAnswer:1. A2. B3. A4. C5. B6. A7. B8. A9. A 10. C/blog/new-concept-english-book-iii-unit5-hall-answer.html。

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《 英语视听说 》课程期末考试卷(5) 题 号 I II III IV V 总分 复核人 应得分 18 20 25 22 15 100 实得分 评卷人 I. Watch Act 1 and complete the following tasks (18%). 1. What do the underlined parts mean? 1) Susan: “ It doesn ’t need any alterations.” A. It looks good without decorations B. It fits well just as it is. C. It ’s warm enough without a jacket or sweater. 2) Harry: “ She looks good in blue.” A. I like to see her wearing blue clothes. B. She doesn ’t look sad in blue. C. She ’s happy when she wears the color blue. 3) Harry, “ Michelle has been a different kid since we ’ve been married.”A. Michelle is happier.B. Michelle is not as happyC. Michelle doesn ’t act the same. 4) Susan : “ We couldn ’t ask for anything more, could we?” A. Is there anything else you want? B. We can ’t afford anything new. C. We have everything we need now. 5) Susan: “ It ’s good for every day. A. You won ’t get tired of it quickly. B. It will last a long time. C. It ’s a nice dress for school or play. 6) Michelle : “ I always like skirts that go like this ” A. …aren ’t too tightB. … move around when you turn. 班级: 姓名:学号:C.… aren’t too long7)Susan: “ You had something on your mind when I said we couldn’t ask foranything more.”A.You didn’t agree with me.B.You were about to say something.C.You didn’t understand me.8)Susan: “ We must’ve bought the wrong size.”A.It’s clear that we bought…B.We need to buy…C.We didn’t buy…9)Harry: “ Looks like we should’ve bought a bigger one.”A.We had to buy a bigger one.B.We forgot to buy a bigger one.C.We needed to buy a bigger one but we didn’t.II. Watch Act 2 and complete the following tasks(20%).2. True and False questions. Choose A if it is True and B if it is False.10) Grandpa and Susan are planning to have lunch together.11) Susan is sure that a move would be bad for Michelle.12) Grandpa says the final decision should be made by Michelle.13) Grandpa thinks that every wife should make a sacrifice if her husbandgets a job in a different city.14) Susan calls Mr. Marchetta to ask him to find her a job in Los Angeles.15) Grandpa thinks Harry has made the right decision.16) Susan wants to talk to Harry without being interrupted.17) Harry would receive a large salary increase.18) Harry has a headache this evening.19) Harry doesn’t believe Marchetta will be able to get Susan a job.III. Watch Act 3 and complete the following tasks(25%).3. What do the underlined parts mean? (8%)20) Susan: I see you are in a good mood. A. felling good. B. in perfect health 21) Harry: I am so touched. A. holding you B. feeling strong emotions 22) Susan: Harry, you didn ’t turn it down because of me … A. refuse the offer B. accept a lower salary 23) Harry: I’m a big fish in a little pond. A. important in my own small company B. in a large company, but I ’m not very important. 4. What are the reasons that Harry refuses the new job? (5%) 24) 1). Susan has a good job in New York. 2). The new job doesn ’t offer enough money. 3). Michelle has many good friends. 4). The Stewart family lives in New York. 5). Mr. Marchetta can ’t help Susan find a job in Los Angeles. 6). Michelle likes her school. D. 1. 2. 3. 4. B. 1. 2. 4. 5. C. 1. 3. 4. 5. D. 2. 4. 5. 6. 5. Filling the blanks according to what you hear in Act 3. (12%) Susan says: 25) Come and sit down for a , Michelle. A. second B. minute. C. while D. little while 26) There ’s nothing wrong, your daddy and I are talking about something that I’d likeyour about A. views B. idea C. opinion D. comment 27) You ’re . How do you feel about it? A right B. wrong C. clever D. too sensitive 28) That ’s very of you. Michelle. But what about your friends? A. kind B nice C. considerate D. good 学号:29) Honey, we don’t have to move if you’re not going to be about it.A. sureB. comfortableC. pleasedD. happy30) I think so. He’s going to tell us about the job offer.A. laterB. todayC. tomorrowD. tonightIV. Comprehensive Questions Based on the following movie clips(22%): Watch carefully the following movie clips (once) and answer the questions.1. What is “Dead Poets Society” according to Mr. Keating?(10%)_____________________________________________________________________ 2.Andrea’s job interview ended in success, give the possible reasons according to the clip. (6%)____________________________________________________________________ 3.Why does Mum not allow her daughter to sing?(6%)_____________________________________________________________________ V. Write a letter to one of the characters in the movie “Dead Poets Society”(15%)______________________________________________________________________________宁波工程学院2011- 2012 学年第一学期《英语视听说》课程期末考试答题卷(一)题号I II III IV V 总分复核人应得分18 20 25 22 15 100实得分评卷人I, II,III部分请做在答题卡上。
