



首先把以内容复制===================aaa,3="o((>ω< ))o"aaa,2=o(≧口≦)oai,3=╮( ̄▽ ̄")╭aiyo,2=( ̄y▽, ̄)╭哎哟哟……ag,3=ag108lauanan,1=安安啦~~~ o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブao,3=ゞ(≧O≦)〃嗷~ao,2=┗|`O′|┛嗷~~aoteman,3=(o|o) 奥特曼……aotuman,3=(o|o) 凹凸曼……baifo,4=(-人-) [拜佛]bai,3=m(__)mbai,2=ゞ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye~huishoupa,4=(ToT)/~~~[含泪挥手帕]huishoupa,3=(@^^)/~~~[挥手帕]baituo,2=拜托啦……(^人^)baobao,5=[抱抱]━((*′▽`)爻(′▽`*))━!!!baobao,4=[抱抱]━((*′д`)爻(′д`*))━!!!!baobao,3=\( ̄︶ ̄)/ 抱抱~baobao,2=\( ̄︶ ̄*\))抱抱~baotou,2=▄︻┻┳═ゟ……◑(>○<)baoxiao,4=ゞ(≧▽≦*)obaoxiao,3=o(*≧▽≦)ツbaozaiwoshenshang,3=ゞ(′▽`*)ゝ[包在我身上!]bbqiang,2=超远程BB枪!(# ̄□ ̄)o―↔‥oo━━━━━━━◑beifaxianle,2=(ˉ▽ˉ;)[呃~被发现了......]bengkui,3=o(≧口≦)obianmi,2=o(′益`)o [便秘]bianzi,3=§(* ̄▽ ̄*)§[辫子]biao,2=<( ̄3 ̄)> 表!biezou,3=______λ......___丬别走啊~~bimao,5=(′゜c_,゜` ) [鼻毛]bingo,1=(o゜▽゜)o◑[BINGO!]bishi,3=╭∩╮(︶︿︶)╭∩╮鄙视你!biti,4=( ̄‘i  ̄;)biti,3=( ̄ii  ̄;) ( ̄" ̄;)bo,2=(*^ ^*)(^ *)bobo,2=(*  ̄3)(ε ̄*) [啵啵]bodongquan,1=真空波动拳!(`o′){ •-=≡))bqlz,2=(◎_x)buhaoyisi,2=o( ̄┰ ̄*)ゞbudong,3=(@_@;)? [不懂]bukan,2=(/▽\) 我不看……bumingzhenxiang,2=“不*明*真*相的围*观群*众”槑槑槑槑呆槑槑槑槑槑槑槑槑……buqi,2=ゞ( ┬o┬)┌θθθθ(;;__).o○[555~他不起来……]bushiwo,3=ㄟ( ▔, ▔)ㄏ[不是我干的]buxie,3=[不屑]( ̄_, ̄)buyao,3=°.°•(((p(≧□≦)q)))•°.°。



<。)#)))≤ 烤鱼 (??nnn 毛毛虫
\(0^◇^0)/ 麻雀
<*)>> >=< 鱼骨头 (=^ ^=) 猫 /(*w*)\ 兔子
≡[。。]≡ 螃蟹 (ˉ(∞)ˉ) 猪 ■D" 咖啡杯
(:≡ 水母 (。。)~ 蝌蚪 ε==3 骨头
<□:≡ 乌贼 <‘▽′> 老虎 ○●○— 烤丸子
‘(*^﹏^*)′ 超级羞羞
‘(*∩_∩*)′ 献上
~_~ 想睡觉了的意思!!

=@~@= 一个看到美眉就紧张+脸红的大学生。
@(一-一) 秘密--------嘘```````
(ˇ^ˇ〉 不以为然
(^人^) 拜托啦^^~
│ - - │
│≡ o ≡│
│ │
| o |
(:◎)≡ 章鱼 ζ。≡ 狮子 (●-●) 太阳眼镜
@/" 蜗牛 ∑^)/ 乌鸦 --<-<-<@ 玫瑰花
(((●< 蟑螂 (=^ω^=) 狐狸 <※ 花束
||||| 杂物篇 |||||
■D〃咖啡杯 ∠※ 花束 8< 小剪刀
~*.*~ 害羞又迷人的小女生
#^_^# 脸红了!!
∩__∩y 耶~~^^ (装可爱?!)
(*^@^*) 乖~(还含个奶嘴哦) X﹏X糟糕.. 完蛋的意思呀~~
(° ο°)~@ 晕倒了..
{{{(>_<)}}} 发抖
╯﹏╰ 粉无奈~~
\(╯-╰)/ 很没劲/无耐的意思



特殊符合大全๑•ิ.•ิ๑๑ ๑♬✾.。.:* ╕╖≦☺☻☼☿♁♡♀♤♁♂♧♨♩ε iddot;bull;╔╒╔ゃ卣hearts; ♡๑ ☜☞☎☏♡≦╓☺☻✖╄ஐﻬ►◄▧▨♨◐◑↔↕▪▫☼♂▀╷╻▌▐░▒▬♦◊◦☼☿♀▣▤▥▦▩◘◙◈♄♬♃♩♭♃の╖Ⅾ〕〖⦆❤。◕‿◕。♯♩♪♫♬♭♮☎☏☪♈♨ºº₪¤큐«»™╘✾♁のⅭⅯⅬⅮ↖↗↙↘㊣§「〒⦅⦆※╗╘©®⁂℡ↂ░▣▤▥▦▧の๑ ๑ ﺴ o(‧'''‧)o ❅べ´⊹⊱⋛⋋⋌⋚⊰⊹ⓛⓞⓥⓔべⅰⅱⅲⅳⅴⅵⅶⅷⅸⅹⅺⅻⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅧⅨⅩⅪⅫ㊊㊋㊌㊍㊎㊏㊛㊚㊐㊑㊒㊓㊔㊕㊖㊗㊘㊜㊝㊞㊟㊠㊡㊢㊣㊤㊥㊦㊧㊨㊩㊪㊫㊬㊭㊮㊯㊰╌╗》「═▿◁╎Ψ※◀◁Ⅾ№Ⅼ㊣ⅲ≨〒〓@ξδω╍∬』※∭ぷ╵╶╸╹╻ⅱ卐」『╏ⅳ∩¤〄╗╘ⅵ≩ㄨ≡↘↙╵╵╶╷╸╹╺╻┗┛╰╖╮≠╵╶╷╸┢┦aΡpy ♡^_^♡ ^_^.......♧♧☜♥☞.」『—ゟ╷」┻┳═ゟ╖«.¸¸.«²¯`«.¸¸.¤ ~♡のⓛⓞⓥⓔ♡~☃⊹⊱⋛⋌⋚⊰⊹✗/(*w*)\ ≡[。

]≡※◦º©¬©º◦ε cute;¯`«»。。╗♡╭╖╯º××ºíº¤í,¸¸,ºº¤ííºﷲﷲ©º¤í,¸¸,げこごさざしじすぜそぞただちぢっつづてでとどなにぬねのはば♃♄╭♁๑•ิ.•ิﻬஐ✌ぱひびぴふぶぷへべぺほぼぽまみむめも↔↕▪Ⅾ{╅╊✾ (¯`•._.• •._.•²¯)(¯`•¸•²¯) ❤`•.¸¸.•²²¯`•• .¸¸.•²¯`•.•╔• ull; ••.•²¯`•.•• ••.•²¯`•.••—¤¶(`[¤* *¤]²)¶¤——(•«¶[ ]¶«•)—ⓛⓞⓥⓔ╬╠╣∷ღ☃❅⦆∆ŠÕ吠呠ⅵ©‡†彠ஜஓஒணஇஆ௰»-(¯`v²¯)-»╻┗┛↘↙╰╖╮≠☜♥☞」『—ゟ╷」┻┳═ゟ -—═┳」ⅴ╬══Ⅾ ::======>> ╖═━┈┈━═╖┣╺╺╺═—╌═▿◁╎◀◁』∭ぷ╵╶╸╹╻」『๑ ๑ ﺴ .╖ bull;:*²¨`*:•. ❤`•.¸¸.•²²¯`••.¸¸.•²²¯`•²❤≩≪≫≬≭≮≯≰≱≲⑪⑫⑬⑭⑮⑯⑰⑱⑲⑳ⓐⓑⓒⓓⓔⓕⓖⓗⓘⓙⓚⓛⓜⓝⓞⓟⓠⓡⓢⓣⓤⓥⓦⓧⓨⓩ凸(≦╵≦✖ )(づ。±。)づヾ(*≨ヮ≨*)ゞ ( c//"-}{-*\\x) (-'๏_๏'-) (◐o ◑ ) 。◕‿◕。๏[-ิ_•ิ]๏(•ิ_•ิ)? \(•ิ_•ิ\) (/•ิ_•ิ)/()【】)(*-`ω²- )人(lsquo;ω²)(╔ゝω)ノヽ(∀<╔)(ㄒoㄒ)(>_<) (◡‿◡✾) (◕‿◕✾) (◕”◕) (∩_∩)ミ╔﹏≦ミ (≣0≢) o(╥﹏╥)o㊱㊲㊳㊴㊵㊶㊷㊸㊹㊺㊻㊼㏠㏡㏢㏣㏤㏥㏦㏧㏨㏩㏪㏫㏬㏭㏮㏯㏰㏱㏲㏳㏴㏵㏶㏷㏸㏹㏺㏻㏼㏽㏾㍘㍙㍚㍛㍜㍝㍞㍟㍠㍡㍢㍣㍤㍥㍦㍧㍨㍩㍪㍫㍬㍭㍮㍯㍰(ゟ)规则形状(圆形、三角形、方形、菱形)╒≦╓◐◑。。。







字词音频[表一]第1-100条1 阿ā2 阿姨āyí3 挨āi4 挨ái5 矮ǎi6 爱ài7 爱国àiguó8 爱好àihào9 爱护àihù10 爱情àiqíng 11 爱人àiren 12 安ān13 安定āndìng 14 安静ānjìng 15 安排ānpái 16 安培ānpéi17 安全ānquán 18 安慰ānwèi 19 安心ānxīn 20 安置ānzhì21 安装ānzhuāng 22 氨ān 23 氨基酸ānjīsuān 24 岸àn25 按àn 26 按照ànzhào 27 案àn 28 案件ànjiàn29 暗àn 30 暗示ànshì31 暗中ànzhōng 32 凹āo33 熬áo 34 敖áo 35 奥秘àomì36 奥运会àoyùnhuì37 八bā38 巴bā39 扒bā40 拔bá41 把bǎ42 把握bǎwò43 把儿bàr 44 爸bà45 爸爸bàbà46 罢bà47 罢工bàgōng 48 白bái49 白色báisè50 白天bái?tiān 51 百bǎi 52 百年bǎinián53 百姓bǎixìng 54 摆bǎi 55 摆动bǎidòng 56 摆脱bǎituō57 败bài 58 拜bài 59 班bān 60 般bān61 颁布bānbù62 搬bān 63 搬家bānjiā64 搬运bānyùn65 板bǎn 66 板凳bǎndèng 67 版块bǎnkuài 68 版bǎn69 办bàn 70 办法bànfǎ71 办公室bàngōngshì72 办理bànlǐ73 办事bànshì74 半bàn 75 半导体bàndǎotǐ76 半岛bàndǎo77 半径bànjìng 78 半天bàntiān 79 半夜bànyè80 扮演bànyǎn 81 伴bàn 82 伴随bànsuí83 伴奏bànzòu 84 瓣bàn85 帮bāng 86 帮忙bāngmáng 87 帮助bāngzhù 88 榜样bǎngyàng 89 棒bàng 90 傍晚bàngwǎn 91 包bāo 92 包袱bāofu93 包干儿bāogànr 94 包含bāohán 95 包括bāokuò96 包围bāowéi 97 包装bāozhuāng 98 孢子bāozǐ99 炮pāo 100 薄báo字词音频[表一]??第101-200条101 饱bǎo 102 饱和bǎohé103 宝bǎo 104 宝贝bǎobèi105 宝贵bǎoguì106 宝石bǎoshí107 保bǎo 108 保持bǎochí109 保存bǎocún 110 保管bǎoguǎn 111 保护bǎohù112 保留bǎoliú113 保守bǎoshǒu 114 保卫bǎowèi 115 保险bǎoxiǎn 116 保障bǎozhàng 117 保证bǎozhèng 118 报bào 119 报酬bào?chóu 120 报道bàodào 121 报复bào?fù122 报告bàogào 123 报刊bàokān 124 报名bàomíng 125 报纸bàozhǐ126 抱bào 127 暴动bàodòng 128 暴力bàolì129 暴露bàolù130 暴雨bàoyǔ131 爆发bàofā132 爆炸bàozhà133 杯bēi 134 背bēi 135 悲哀bēiāi 136 悲惨bēicǎn137 悲剧bēijù138 北běi 139 北方běifāng 140 贝bèi141 备bèi 142 背bèi 143 背后bèihòu 144 背景bèijǐng145 倍bèi 146 被bèi 147 被动bèidòng 148 被告bèigào149 被子bèizi 150 辈bèi 151 奔bēn 152 奔跑bēnpǎo153 本běn 154 本地běndì155 本来běnlái 156 本领běnlǐng157 本能běnnéng 158 本人běnrén 159 本身běnshēn 160 本事běnshì161 本事běnshi 162 本体běntǐ163 本性běnxìng 164 本质běnzhì165 苯běn 166 奔bèn 167 笨bèn 168 崩溃bēngkuì169 蹦bèng 170 逼bī171 鼻bí172 鼻孔bíkǒng173 鼻子bízi 174 比bǐ175 比价bǐjià176 比较bǐjiào177 比例bǐlì178 比如bǐrú179 比赛bǐsài 180 比喻bǐyù181 比重bǐzhòng 182 彼bǐ183 彼此bǐcǐ184 笔bǐ185 笔记bǐjì186 笔者bǐzhě187 必bì188 必定bìdìng189 必然bìrán 190 必然性bìránxìng 191 必须bìxū192 必需bìxū193 必要bìyào 194 毕竟bìjìng 195 毕业bìyè196 闭bì197 闭合bìhé198 壁bì199 壁画bìhuà200 避bì字词音频[表一]??第201-300条201 避免bìmiǎn 202 臂bì203 边biān 204 边疆biānjiāng205 边界biānjiè 206 边境biānjìng 207 边区biānqū208 边缘biānyuán209 编biān 210 编辑biānjí211 编写biānxiě 212 编制biānzhì213 鞭biān 214 鞭子biānzi 215 扁biǎn 216 变biàn217 变动biàndòng 218 变法biànfǎ219 变革biàngé220 变更biàngēng221 变化biànhuà 222 变换biànhuàn 223 变量biànliàng 224 变迁biànqiān225 变态biàntài 226 变形biànxíng 227 变异biànyì228 便biàn229 便利biànlì230 便于biànyú231 遍biàn 232 辨biàn233 辨别biànbié 234 辨认biànrèn 235 辩护biànhù236 辩证biànzhèng237 辩证法biànzhèngfǎ 238 标biāo 239 标本biāoběn 240 标题biāotí241 标语biāoyǔ242 标志biāozhì 243 标准biāozhǔn 244 标准化biāozhǔnhuà245 表biǎo 246 表层biǎocéng 247 表达biǎodá248 表面biǎomiàn 249 表明biǎomíng 250 表皮biǎopí251 表情biǎoqíng 252 表示biǎoshì253 表述biǎoshù 254 表现biǎoxiàn 255 表象biǎoxiàng 256 表演biǎoyǎn257 表扬biǎoyáng 258 表彰biǎozhāng 259 别bié 260 别人bié?rén 261 别biè 262 宾bīn 263 冰bīng 264 冰川bīngchuān265 兵bīng 266 兵力bīnglì267 丙bǐng 268 柄bǐng269 饼bǐng 270 屏pǐng 271 并bìng 272 并且bìngqiě273 并用bìngyòng 274 病bìng 275 病变bìngbiàn 276 病毒bìngdú277 病理bìnglǐ278 病情bìngqíng 279 病人bìngrén 280 拨bō281 波bō282 波长bōcháng 283 波动bōdòng 284 波浪bōlàng285 玻璃bō?lí286 剥夺bōduó287 剥削bōxuē288 播种bōzhǒng289 播种bōzhòng 290 伯bó291 脖子bózi 292 博士bóshì293 搏斗bódòu 294 薄bó295 薄弱bóruò296 薄bò297 补bǔ298 补偿bǔcháng 299 补充bǔchōng 300 补贴bǔtiē字词音频[表一]??第301-400条301 捕bǔ302 捕捞bǔlāo 303 捕食bǔshí304 捕捉bǔzhuō305 不bù306 不安bù’ān 307 不必bùbì308 不便bùbiàn309 不曾bùcéng 310 不错bùcuò311 不但bùdàn 312 不当bùdāng 313 不等bùděng 314 不定bùdìng 315 不断bùduàn 316 不对bùduì317 不妨bùfáng 318 不服bùfú319 不够bùgòu 320 不顾bùgù321 不管bùguǎn 322 不光bùguāng 323 不过bùguò324 不合bùhé325 不及bùjí326 不禁bùjīn 327 不仅bùjǐn 328 不久bùjiǔ329 不堪bùkān 330 不可bùkě331 不快bùkuài 332 不利bùlì333 不良bùliáng 334 不料bùliào 335 不论bùlùn 336 不满bùmǎn 337 不免bùmiǎn 338 不怕bùpà339 不平bùpíng 340 不然bùrán 341 不容bùróng 342 不如bùrú343 不时bùshí344 不惜bùxī345 不想bùxiǎng 346 不行bùxíng 347 不幸bùxìng 348 不许bùxǔ349 不要bùyào 350 不宜bùyí351 不已bùyǐ352 不用bùyòng 353 不止bùzhǐ354 不足bùzú355 布bù356 布局bùjú357 布置bùzhì358 步bù359 步伐bùfá360 步骤bùzhòu361 步子bùzi 362 部bù363 部队bùduì364 部分bùfen365 部落bùluò366 部门bùmén 367 部署bùshǔ368 部位bùwèi 369 擦cā370 猜cāi 371 才cái 372 才能cáinéng373 材cái 374 材料cáiliào 375 财cái 376 财产cáichǎn377 财富cáifù378 财力cáilì379 财务cáiwù380 财政cáizhèng 381 采cǎi 382 采访cǎifǎng 383 采购cǎigòu 384 采集cǎijí385 采取cǎiqǔ386 采用cǎiyòng 387 彩cǎi 388 彩色cǎisè389 踩cǎi 390 菜cài 391 蔡cài 392 参cān393 参观cānguān 394 参加cānjiā395 参考cānkǎo 396 参谋cānmóu 397 参数cānshù398 参与cānyù399 参照cānzhào 400 残cán字词音频[表一]??第401-500条401 残酷cánkù402 残余cányú403 蚕cán 404 灿烂cànlàn405 仓cāng 406 仓库cāngkù407 苍白cāngbái 408 苍蝇cāngying409 舱cāng 410 藏cáng 411 操cāo 412 操纵cāozòng413 操作cāozuò414 曹cáo 415 槽cáo 416 草cǎo417 草案cǎo’àn 418 草地cǎodì419 草原cǎoyuán 420 册cè421 侧cè422 侧面cèmiàn 423 侧重cèzhòng 424 测cè425 测定cèdìng 426 测量cèliáng 427 测验cèyàn 428 策略cèlüè429 层céng 430 层次céngcì431 曾céng 432 曾经céngjīng433 叉chā 434 差chā 435 差别chābié436 差价chājià437 差距chājù438 差异chāyì439 插chā 440 茶chá441 茶馆儿cháguǎnr 442 茶叶cháyè443 查chá 444 察chá445 叉chǎ 446 差chà 447 差不多chà?bùduō448 差点儿chàdiǎnr449 拆chāi 450 差chà 451 柴chái 452 缠chán453 产chǎn 454 产地chǎndì455 产量chǎnliàng 456 产品chǎnpǐn 457 产生chǎnshēng 458 产物chǎnwù459 产业chǎnyè460 产值chǎnzhí461 阐明chǎnmíng 462 阐述chǎnshù 463 颤抖chàndǒu 464 长cháng 465 长城chángchéng 466 长处cháng?chù467 长度chángdù 468 长短chángduǎn469 长久chángjiǔ470 长期chángqī 471 长远chángyuǎn 472 长征chángzhēng473 场cháng 474 肠cháng 475 尝cháng 476 尝试chángshì477 常cháng 478 常规chángguī479 常年chángnián 480 常识chángshí481 常数chángshù482 厂chǎng 483 厂房chǎngfáng 484 场chǎng 485 场地chǎngdì 486 场合chǎnghé 487 场面chǎngmiàn 488 场所chǎngsuǒ489 唱chàng 490 抄chāo 491 超chāo 492 超出chāochū493 超额chāo’é 494 超过chāoguò 495 超越chāoyuè 496 巢cháo497 朝cháo 498 朝廷cháotíng 499 潮cháo 500 潮流cháoliú字词音频[表一]??第501-600条501 潮湿cháoshī 502 吵chǎo 503 炒chǎo 504 车chē505 车间chējiān 506 车辆chēliàng 507 车厢chēxiāng 508 车站chēzhàn509 车子chēzi 510 扯chě 511 彻底chèdǐ512 撤chè513 撤销chèxiāo 514 臣chén 515 尘chén 516 沉chén517 沉淀chéndiàn 518 沉积chénjī519 沉默chénmò520 沉思chénsī521 沉重chénzhòng 522 沉着chénzhuó523 陈chén 524 陈旧chénjiù525 陈述chénshù 526 称chèn 527 趁chèn 528 称chēng529 称号chēnghào 530 称呼chēnghu 531 称赞chēngzàn 532 撑chēng533 成chéng 534 成本chéngběn 535 成虫chéngchóng 536 成分chéng?fèn537 成功chénggōng 538 成果chéngguǒ539 成绩chéngjì 540 成就chéngjiù541 成立chénglì 542 成年chéngnián 543 成人chéngrén 544 成熟chéngshú545 成为chéngwéi 546 成效chéngxiào 547 成语chéngyǔ 548 成员chéngyuán549 成长chéngzhǎng 550 呈chéng 551 呈现chéngxiàn 552 诚chéng 553 诚恳chéngkěn 554 诚实chéng?shí555 承chéng 556 承包chéngbāo557 承担chéngdān 558 承认chéngrèn 559 承受chéngshòu 560 城chéng561 城市chéngshì562 城镇chéngzhèn 563 乘chéng 564 乘机chéngjī565 乘客chéngkè 566 盛chéng 567 程chéng 568 程度chéngdù569 程式chéngshì570 程序chéngxù 571 惩罚chéngfá 572 秤chèng 573 吃chī 574 吃饭chīfàn 575 吃惊chījīng 576 吃力chīlì577 池chí 578 池塘chítáng 579 迟chí 580 持chí581 持久chíjiǔ582 持续chíxù583 尺chǐ 584 尺度chǐdù585 齿chǐ 586 赤chì 587 赤道chìdào 588 翅chì589 翅膀chìbǎng 590 冲chōng 591 冲动chōngdòng 592 冲击chōngjī593 冲破chōngpò 594 冲突chōngtū 595 充chōng 596 充当chōngdāng 597 充分chōngfèn 598 充满chōngmǎn 599 充实chōngshí600 充足chōngzú字词音频[表一]??第601-700条601 虫chóng 602 重chóng 603 重复chóngfù 604 重合zhónghé605 重新chóngxīn 606 崇拜chóngbài 607 崇高chónggāo 608 冲chòng609 抽chōu 610 抽象chōuxiàng 611 仇恨chóuhèn 612 愁chóu613 丑chǒu 614 臭chòu 615 出chū 616 出版chūbǎn617 出产chūchǎn 618 出发chūfā619 出发点chūfādiǎn 620 出国chūguó621 出口chūkǒu 622 出来chū?lái 623 出路chūlù624 出卖chūmài 625 出门chūmén 626 出去chū?qù627 出色chūsè628 出身chūshēn 629 出生chūshēng 630 出售chūshòu 631 出土chūtǔ632 出席chūx í633 出现chūxiàn 634 出血chūxiě635 初chū 636 初步chūbù637 初级chūjí638 初期chūqī639 初中chūzhōng 640 除chú641 除非chúfēi 642 除了chúle 643 厨房chúfáng 644 处chǔ645 处罚chǔfá646 处分chǔfèn 647 处境chǔjìng 648 处理chǔlǐ649 处于chǔyú650 储备chǔbèi 651 储存chǔcún 652 储量chǔliàng 653 储蓄chǔxù654 楚chǔ 655 处chù 656 畜chù657 触chù 658 川chuān 659 穿chuān 660 穿着chuānzhuó661 传chuán 662 传播chuánbō 663 传达chuándá 664 传导chuándǎo665 传递chuándì 666 传教士chuánjiàoshì667 传染病chuánrǎnbìng 668传授chuánshòu669 传说chuánshuō670 传统chuántǒng 671 船chuán 672 船舶chuánbó673 船长chuánzhǎng 674 船只chuánzhī675 喘chuǎn 676 串chuàn 677 串联chuànlián 678 创chuāng 679 创伤chuāngshāng 680 窗chuāng 681 窗户chuānghu 682 窗口chuāngkǒu 683 窗子chuāngzi 684 床chuáng685 幢chuáng 686 闯chuǎng 687 创chuàng 688 创办chuàngbàn689 创立chuànglì690 创新chuàngxīn 691 创造chuàngzào 692 创造性chuàngzàoxìng693 创作chuàngzuò694 吹chuī695 垂chuí696 垂直chuízhí697 锤chuí698 春chūn 699 春季chūnjì700 春节chūnjié字词音频[表一]??第701-800条701 春秋chūnqiū 702 春天chūntiān 703 纯chún 704 纯粹chúncuì705 纯洁chúnjié 706 唇chún 707 词cí708 词典cídiǎn709 词汇cíhuì710 词义cíyì711 词语cíyǔ712 词组cízǔ713 辞cí714 辞职cízhí715 磁cí716 磁场cíchǎng717 磁力cílì718 磁铁cítiě719 雌cí720 此cǐ721 此地cǐdì722 此后cǐhòu 723 此刻cǐkè724 此外cǐwài 725 次cì726 次数cìshù727 次序cìxù728 次要cìyào729 刺cì730 刺激cì?jī731 赐cì732 聪明cōng?míng733 从cóng 734 从此cóngcǐ735 从而cóng’ér 736 从来cónglái 737 从前cóngqián 738 从事cóngshì 739 从小cóngxiǎo 740 从中cóngzhōng741 丛cóng 742 凑còu 743 粗cū744 粗糙cūcāo745 促cù746 促成cùchéng 747 促进cùjìn 748 促使cùshǐ749 簇cù750 窜cuàn 751 催cuī 752 摧残cuīcán753 摧毁cuīhuǐ754 村cūn 755 村庄cūnzhuāng 756 村子cūnzi757 存cún 758 存款cúnkuǎn 759 存在cúnzài 760 寸cùn761 挫折cuòzhé762 措施cuòshī763 锉cuò 764 错误cuò?wù765 搭dā766 答应dāying 767 打dá768 达dá769 达到dádào 770 答dá771 答案dáàn 772 答复dá?fù773 打dǎ774 打败dǎbài 775 打扮dǎban 776 打倒dǎdǎo777 打击dǎjī778 打架dǎjià779 打开dǎkāi 780 打量dǎliang 781 打破dǎpò782 打算dǎsuan 783 打听dǎting 784 打下dǎxià785 打仗dǎzhàng 786 大dà787 大伯dàbó788 大臣dàchén789 大胆dàdǎn 790 大地dàdì791 大豆dàdòu 792 大队dàduì793 大多dàduō794 大多数dàduōshù795 大风dàfēng 796 大概dàgài797 大纲dàgāng 798 大哥dàgē799 大会dàhuì800 大伙儿dàhuǒr字词音频[表一]??第801-900条801 大家dàjiā802 大街dàjiē803 大姐dàjiě804 大量dàliàng 805 大陆dàlù806 大妈dàmā807 大门dàmén 808 大脑dànǎo 809 大娘dàniáng 810 大炮dàpào 811 大气dàqì812 大庆dàqìng 813 大人dàrén 814 大嫂dàsǎo 815 大厦dàshà816 大婶儿dàshěnr 817 大师dàshī818 大事dàshì819 大叔dàshū820 大体dàtǐ821 大厅dàtīng 822 大王dàiwang 823 大小dàxiǎo 824 大型dàxíng 825 大学dàxué826 大学生dàxuéshēng 827 大洋dàyáng 828 大爷dàyé829 大爷dàye 830 大衣dàyī831 大雨dàyǔ832 大约dàyuē833 大战dàzhàn 834 大致dàzhì835 大众dàzhòng 836 大自然dàzìrán 837 呆dāi 838 待dāi 839 大夫dàifu 840 代dài841 代表dàibiǎo 842 代价dàijià843 代理dàilǐ844 代理人dàilǐrén 845 代替dàitì846 代谢dàixiè847 带dài 848 带动dàidòng849 带领dàilǐng 850 带头dàitóu 851 贷款dàikuǎn 852 待dài853 待遇dàiyù854 袋dài 855 逮捕dàibǔ856 戴dài857 担dān 858 担负dānfù859 担任dānrèn 860 担心dānxīn861 单dān 862 单纯dānchún 863 单调dāndiào 864 单独dāndú865 单位dānwèi 866 单一dānyī867 耽误dānwu 868 胆dǎn869 石dàn 870 但dàn 871 但是dànshì872 担dàn873 担子dànzi 874 诞生dànshēng 875 淡dàn 876 淡水dànshuǐ877 弹dàn 878 蛋dàn 879 蛋白dànbái 880 蛋白质dànbáizhì881 氮dàn 882 当dāng 883 当场dāngchǎng 884 当初dāngchū885 当代dāngdài 886 当地dāngdì887 当即dāngjí888 当今dāngjīn 889 当局dāngjú890 当年dàngnián 891 当前dāngqián 892 当然dāngrán893 当时dàngshí 894 当事人dāngshìrén 895 当选dāngxuǎn 896 当中dāngzhōng897 挡dǎng 898 党dǎng 899 党委dǎngwěi 900 党性dǎngxìng字词音频[表一]??第901-1000条901 党员dǎngyuán 902 当dàng 903 当成dàngchéng 904 当年dàngnián905 当时dàngshí 906 当天dàngtiān 907 当做dàngzuò 908 档案dàng’àn909 刀dāo 910 导dǎo 911 导弹dǎodàn 912 导管dǎoguǎn913 导体dǎotǐ914 导线dǎoxiàn 915 导演dǎoyǎn 916 导致dǎozhì917 岛dǎo 918 岛屿dǎoyǔ919 倒dǎo 920 倒霉dǎoméi921 到dào 922 到处dàochù923 到达dàodá924 到底dàodǐ925 到来dàolái 926 盗dào 927 盗窃dàoqiè928 道dào929 道德dàodé930 道教dàojiào 931 道理dào?lǐ932 道路dàolù933 稻dào 934 稻谷dàogǔ935 得dé936 得到dédào937 得以déyǐ938 得意déyì939 德dé940 德育déyù941 得děi 942 灯dēng 943 灯光dēngguāng 944 灯泡儿dēngpàor945 登dēng 946 登记dēngjì947 蹬dēng 948 等děng949 等待děngdài 950 等到děngdào 951 等候děnghòu 952 等级děngjí953 等于děngyú954 邓dèng 955 瞪dèng 956 低dī957 低级dījí958 低头dītóu 959 低温dīwēn 960 低下dīxià961 滴dī962 的确díquè963 敌dí964 敌对díduì965 敌人dírén 966 抵dǐ967 抵抗dǐkàng 968 抵制dǐzhì969 底dǐ970 底层dǐcéng 971 底下dǐ?xià972 地dì973 地板dìbǎn 974 地表dìbiǎo 975 地步dìbù976 地层dìcéng 977 地带dìdài 978 地点dìdiǎn 979 地方dìfāng 980 地方dìfang 981 地理dìlǐ982 地貌dìmào 983 地面dìmiàn 984 地壳dìqiào 985 地球dìqiú986 地区dìqū987 地势dìshì988 地图dìtú989 地位dìwèi 990 地下dìxià991 地下dìíxia 992 地下水dìxiàshuǐ993 地形dìxíng 994 地域dìyù995 地震dìzhèn 996 地质dìzhì997 地主dìzhǔ998 地租dìzū999 弟弟dìdi 1000 弟兄dìxiong字词音频[表一]??第1001-1100条1001 弟子dìzǐ1002 帝dì1003 帝国dìguó1004 递dì1005 第dì1006 典型diǎnxíng 1007 点diǎn 1008 点燃diǎnrán1009 点头diǎntóu 1010 碘diǎn 1011 电diàn 1012 电报diànbào1013 电场diànchǎng 1014 电池diànchí 1015 电磁diàncí1016电磁波diàncíbō1017 电灯diàndēng 1018 电动diàndòng 1019 电荷diànhè1020 电话diànhuà1021 电离diànlí1022 电力diànlì1023 电量diànliàng 1024电流diànliú1025 电路diànlù1026 电脑diànnǎo 1027 电能diànnéng 1028电器diànqì1029 电容diànróng 1030 电视diànshì 1031 电视剧diànshìjù1032 电视台diànshìtái1033 电台diàntái 1034 电线diànxiàn 1035 电压diànyā1036电影diànyǐng1037 电源diànyuán 1038 电子diànzǐ1039 电阻diànzǔ1040店diàn1041 垫diàn 1042 淀粉diànfěn 1043 奠定diàndìng 1044雕diāo1045 雕刻diāokè1046 雕塑diāosù1047 吊diào 1048 调diào1049 调拨diàobō1050 调查diàochá 1051 调动diàodòng 1052掉diào1053 爹diē 1054 跌diē 1055 迭dié 1056 叠dié1057 丁dīng 1058 叮dīng 1059 盯dīng 1060 顶dǐng 1061 顶点dǐngdiǎn 1062 顶端dǐngduān 1063 订dìng 1064订货dìnghuò1065 钉dìng 1066 定dìng 1067 定额dìng’é 1068 定理dìnglǐ1069 定量dìngliàng 1070 定律dìnglǜ1071 定期dìngqī1072定向dìngxiàng1073 定型dìngxíng 1074 定义dìngyì1075 丢diū 1076 东dōng1077 东北dōngběi 1078 东方dōngfāng 1079 东南dōngnán 1080东欧dōngōu1081 东西dōngxī1082 东西dōngxi 1083 冬dōng 1084 冬季dōngjì1085 冬天dōngtiān 1086 懂dǒng 1087 懂得dǒng?dé 1088动dòng1089 动词dòngcí1090 动机dòngjī1091 动静dòngjing 1092动力dònglì1093 动量dòngliàng 1094 动脉dòngmài 1095 动能dòngnéng 1096 动人dòngrén1097 动手dòngshǒu 1098 动态dòngtài 1099 动物dòngwù1100动摇dòngyáo字词音频[表一]??第1101-1200条1101 动员dòngyuán 1102 动作dòngzuò 1103 冻dòng 1104洞dòng1105 都dōu 1106 兜dōu 1107 斗dǒu 1108 抖dǒu1109 斗dòu 1110 斗争dòuzhēng 1111 豆dòu 1112 豆腐dòufu1113 逗dòu 1114 都dū1115 都会dūhuì1116 都市dūshì1117 毒dú1118 毒素dúsù1119 独dú1120 独立dúlì1121 独特dútè1122 独占dúzhàn 1123 独自dúzì1124读dú1125 读书dúshū1126 读者dúzhě1127 肚子dǔzi 1128堵dǔ1129 杜dù1130 肚皮dùpí1131 肚子dǔzi 1132 度dù1133 渡dù1134 端duān 1135 端正duānzhèng 1136 短duǎn 1137 短期duǎnqī1138 短暂duǎnzàn 1139 段duàn 1140 断duàn1141 断定duàndìng 1142 锻炼duànliàn 1143 堆duī 1144堆积duījī1145 队duì 1146 队伍duìwu 1147 对duì 1148 对比duìbǐ1149 对不起duì?bùqǐ1150 对称duìchēng 1151 对待duìdài 1152 对方duìfāng1153 对付duìfu 1154 对话duìhuà1155 对抗duìkàng 1156对立duìlì1157 对流duìliú1158 对面duìmiàn 1159 对手duìshǒu 1160对象duìxiàng1161 对应duìyìng 1162 对于duìyú1163 对照duìzhào 1164吨dūn1165 蹲dūn 1166 顿dùn 1167 顿时dùnshí1168 多duō1169 多边形duōbiānxíng 1170 多么duōme 1171 多少duōshǎo 1172多数duōshù1173 多余duōyú1174 夺duó 1175 夺取duóqǔ1176 度duó1177 朵duǒ 1178 躲duǒ 1179 阿ē1180 俄é1181 鹅é1182 额é1183 恶è1184 恶化èhuà1185 恶劣èliè1186 饿è1187 恩ēn 1188 儿ér1189 儿女érnǚ1190 儿童értóng 1191 儿子érzi 1192而ér1193 而后érhòu 1194 而且érqiě1195 尔ěr 1196 耳ěr 1197 耳朵ěrduo 1198 饵料ěrliào 1199 二èr 1200 发fā字词音频[表一]??第1201-1300条1201 发表fābiǎo 1202 发病fābìng 1203 发布fābù1204发出fāchū1205 发达fādá1206 发电fādiàn 1207 发动fādòng 1208发动机fādòngjī1209 发抖fādǒu 1210 发挥fāhuī1211 发觉fājué1212发掘fājué1213 发明fāmíng 1214 发起fāqǐ1215 发热fārè1216发射fāshè1217 发生fāshēng 1218 发现fāxiàn 1219 发行fāxíng 1220发芽fāyá1221 发言fāyán 1222 发扬fāyáng 1223 发音fāyīn 1224发育fāyù1225 发展fāzhǎn 1226 发作fāzuò1227 罚fá1228 罚款fákuǎn1229 法fǎ1230 法定fǎdìng 1231 法官fǎguān 1232 法规fǎguī1233 法令fǎlìng 1234 法律fǎlǜ1235 法人fǎrén 1236法庭fǎtíng1237 法西斯fǎxīsī1238 法学fǎxué1239 法院fǎyuàn 1240法则fǎzé1241 法制fǎzhì1242 发fà1243 番fān 1244 翻fān1245 翻身fānshēn 1246 翻译fānyì1247 凡fán 1248 凡是fánshì1249 烦恼fánnǎo 1250 繁fán 1251 繁多fánduō1252 繁荣fánróng1253 繁殖fánzhí1254 繁重fánzhòng 1255 反fǎn 1256 反动fǎndòng1257 反对fǎnduì1258 反而fǎnér 1259 反复fǎnfù1260反抗fǎnkàng1261 反馈fǎnkuì1262 反面fǎnmiàn 1263 反射fǎnshè1264反应fǎnyìng1265 反映fǎnyìng 1266 反正fǎnzhèng 1267 反之fǎnzhī1268返fǎn1269 返回fǎnhuí1270 犯fàn 1271 犯罪fànzuì1272 饭fàn 1273 饭店fàndiàn 1274 泛fàn 1275 范fàn 1276 范畴fànchóu 1277 范围fànwéi 1278 方fāng 1279 方案fāngàn 1280 方便fāngbiàn1281 方才fāngcái 1282 方程fāngchéng 1283 方法fāngfǎ1284方法论fāngfǎlùn1285 方面fāngmiàn 1286 方式fāngshì 1287 方向fāngxiàng 1288 方言fāngyán1289 方针fāngzhēn 1290 防御fángyù1291 防止fángzhǐ 1292防治fángzhì1293 防fáng 1294 碍ài 1295 房fáng 1296 房间fángjiān 1297 房屋fángwū1298 房子fángzi 1299 仿佛fǎngfú1300访fǎng字词音频[表一]??第1301-1400条1301 访问fǎngwèn 1302 纺织fǎngzhī 1303 放fàng 1304 放大fàngdà1305 放弃fàngqì1306 放射fàngshè 1307 放射性fàngshèxìng 1308放松fàngsōng1309 放心fàngxīn 1310 飞fēi 1311 飞船fēichuán 1312 飞机fēijī1313 飞快fēikuài 1314 飞翔fēixiáng 1315 飞行fēixíng 1316飞跃fēiyuè1317 非fēi 1318 非常fēicháng 1319 非法fēifǎ1320 肥féi1321 肥料féiliào 1322 匪fěi 1323 肺fèi 1324 废fèi1325 废除fèichú1326 沸腾fèiténg 1327 费fèi 1328 费用fèi?yòng1329 分fēn 1330 分辨fēnbiàn 1331 分别fēnbié1332 分布fēnbù1333 分成fēnchéng 1334 分割fēngē1335 分工fēngōng 1336分化fēnhuà1337 分解fēnjiě1338 分开fēnkāi 1339 分类fēnlèi 1340分离fēnlí1341 分裂fēnliè1342 分泌fēnmì1343 分明fēnmíng 1344分配fēnpèi1345 分歧fēnqí1346 分散fēnsàn 1347 分析fēnxī1348分支fēnzhī1349 分子fēnzǐ1350 粉fěn 1351 粉末fěnmò1352 粉碎fěnsuì1353 分fèn 1354 分量fèn?liàng 1355 分子fènzǐ1356 份fèn1357 奋斗fèndòu 1358 粪fèn 1359 愤怒fènnù1360 丰fēng 1361 丰富fēngfù1362 丰收fēngshōu 1363 风fēng 1364风暴fēngbào1365 风格fēnggé1366 风光fēngguāng 1367 风景fēngjǐng 1368 风力fēnglì1369 风气fēngqì1370 风俗fēngsú1371 风速fēngsù1372风险fēngxiǎn1373 风雨fēngyǔ1374 封fēng 1375 封闭fēngbì1376 封建fēngjiàn1377 封锁fēngsuǒ 1378 疯狂fēngkuáng 1379 峰fēng 1380锋fēng1381 蜂fēng 1382 冯féng 1383 缝féng 1384 讽刺fěngcì1385 奉fèng 1386 奉献fèngxiàn 1387 缝fèng 1388 佛fó1389 佛教fójiào 1390 否fǒu 1391 否定fǒudìng 1392 否认fǒurèn1393 否则fǒuzé1394 夫fū1395 夫妇fūfù1396 夫妻fūqī1397 夫人fū?rén 1398 孵化fūhuà1399 伏fú1400 伏特fútè字词音频[表一]第1401-1500条1401 扶fú1402 服fú1403 服从fúcóng 1404 服务fúwù1405 服务员fúwùyuán 1406 服装fúzhuāng 1407 俘虏fúlǔ1408 浮fú1409 浮动fúdòng 1410 浮游fúyóu 1411 符号fúhào 1412符合fúhé1413 幅fú1414 幅度fúdù1415 辐射fúshè1416 福fú1417 福利fúlì1418 抚摸fǔmō1419 府fǔ1420 辅助fǔzhù1421 腐fǔ1422 腐败fǔbài 1423 腐蚀fǔshí1424 腐朽fǔxiǔ1425 父母fùmǔ1426 父亲fù?qīn 1427 付fù1428 付出fùchū1429 负fù1430 负担fùdān 1431 负责fùzé1432 妇fù1433 妇女fùnǚ1434 附fù1435 附加fùjiā1436 附近fùjìn1437 附着fùzhuó1438 服fù1439 赴fù1440 复fù1441 复辟fùbì1442 复合fùhé1443 复杂fùzá1444复制fùzhì1445 副fù1446 副业fùyè1447 赋fù1448 赋予fùyǔ1449 富fù1450 富有fùyǒu 1451 富裕fùyù1452 腹fù1453 覆盖fùgài 1454 该gāi 1455 改gǎi 1456 改编gǎibiān 1457 改变gǎibiàn 1458 改革gǎigé1459 改进gǎijìn 1460改良gǎiliáng1461 改善gǎishàn 1462 改造gǎizào 1463 改正gǎizhèng 1464改组gǎizǔ1465 钙gài 1466 盖gài 1467 概括gàikuò1468 概率gàilǜ1469 概念gàiniàn 1470 干gān 1471 干脆gāncuì1472 干旱gānhàn1473 干净gān?jing 1474 干扰gānrǎo 1475 干涉gānshè1476干预gānyù1477 干燥gānzào 1478 甘心gānxīn 1479 杆gān 1480 肝gān 1481 肝脏gānzāng 1482 杆gǎn 1483 赶gǎn 1484 赶紧gǎnjǐn 1485 赶快gǎnkuài 1486 赶忙gǎnmáng 1487 敢gǎn 1488 敢于gǎnyú1489 感gǎn 1490 感到gǎndào 1491 感动gǎndòng 1492 感官gǎnguān1493 感激gǎn?jī1494 感觉gǎnjué1495 感慨gǎnkǎi 1496感情gǎnqíng1497 感染gǎnrǎn 1498 感受gǎnshòu 1499 感谢gǎnxiè1500感性gǎnxìng字词音频[表一]??第1501-1600条1501 感应gǎnyìng 1502 感知gǎnzhī1503 干gàn 1504 干部gànbù1505 刚gāng 1506 刚才gāngcái 1507 纲gāng 1508 纲领gānglǐng1509 钢gāng 1510 钢琴gāngqín 1511 钢铁gāngtiě 1512 岗位gǎngwèi1513 港gǎng 1514 港口gǎngkǒu 1515 高gāo 1516 高产gāochǎn1517 高潮gāocháo 1518 高大gāodà1519 高等gāoděng 1520高低gāodī1521 高地gāodì1522 高度gāodù1523 高级gāojí1524高空gāokōng1525 高尚gāoshàng 1526 高速gāosù1527 高温gāowēn 1528高校gāoxiào1529 高兴gāoxìng 1530 高压gāoyā1531 高原gāoyuán 1532高涨gāozhǎng1533 高中gāozhōng 1534 搞gǎo 1535 稿gǎo 1536 告gào 1537 告别gàobié1538 告诉gàosu 1539 疙瘩gēda 1540哥哥gēgē1541 胳膊gēbo 1542 鸽子gēzi 1543 搁gē1544 割gē1545 歌gē1546 歌唱gēchàng 1547 歌剧gējù1548 歌曲gēqǔ1549 歌声gēshēng 1550 歌颂gēsòng 1551 歌舞gēwǔ1552革命gémìng1553 革新géxīn 1554 格gé1555 格外géwài 1556 隔gé1557 隔壁gébì1558 隔离gélí1559 个gè1560 个别gèbié1561 个人gèrén 1562 个体gètǐ1563 个性gèxìng 1564各gè1565 各自gèzì1566 给gěi 1567 给以gěiyǐ1568 根gēn。



















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七年级下册《平方根》第二课时教案涓冨勾绾т?1锛庡唴瀹?---鐢ㄦ湁鐞嗘暟浼扮畻銆佺敤璁$畻鍣ㄦ眰鍊硷紟2锛庡唴瀹硅В鏋?锛?()鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶ц渶瑕佺殑涓€绉嶈兘鍔涳紟浣跨敤璁$畻鍣ㄥ彲浠ユ眰浠讳綍姝f暟鐨勫钩鏂规牴锛屼絾涓嶅悓鍝佺墝鐨?及璁′竴涓??鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶ц嚧鑼冨洿锛?瀽1锛庢暀瀛︾洰鏍?锛?锛?В琚(鎴栫缉灏?(鎴栫缉灏?鐨勮2锛庣洰鏍囪В鏋?锛?氬埄鐢ㄤ及绠楁瘮杈冨ぇ灏忥紱浜嗚В澶归€兼硶锛岄噰鐢ㄤ笉瓒宠繎浼煎€煎拰杩囧墿杩戜技鍊兼潵锛?圭殑绋嬪簭(鎸夐敭鐨勯『搴?В琚2浣嶏紝瀹冪殑绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍瑰氨鐩稿簲鍦板悜鍙虫垨鍚戝乏绉诲姩1浣嶏紝鍗宠?鎴栫缉灏?100鍊嶏紝瀹冪殑绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍瑰氨鎵╁ぇ(鎴栫缉灏?10鍊嶏紟???鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶цц滃す閫兼硶鈥濊繘琛屼及璁★紝鍗冲埄鐢ㄥ叾涓€绯诲垪涓嶈冻杩戜技鍊煎拰у€涓??鏃犵悊鏁扮殑澶ц嚧鑼冨洿鐨勮繃绋嬶紝??11 锛?锛変粈涔堟槸绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍?鎬庢牱琛ㄧず?锛?锛夎礋鏁版湁绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍瑰悧锛?甯堢敓娲诲姩銆€瀛︾敓鍥炵瓟锛屾?4锛涗絾瀹為??2锛庨棶棰樻帰绌讹紝瀛︿範鏂扮煡21dm2dm堝睍绀哄壀鎷兼柟娉曪紟杩介棶锛?锛?2dm鐨勫ぇ姝f柟褰㈢殑杈归暱搴旇?В绛旓紝鏁欏笀瀵硅В熻繘琛屾寚瀵硷紟杩介棶锛?锛??dm锛?檯鐢熸Н鏋佹€э紝杩介棶锛?锛変富瑕佷负鍚庨潰浠嬬粛鐢ㄦ暟杞翠笂鐨勭偣琛ㄧず浣滃噯澶囷紟3у?фэ紝鐢辩洿瑙傚彲鐭ュぇ浜?鑰屽皬浜?欏笀鏉夸功鎺ㄧ悊杩囩▼锛?杩介棶锛?锛?閭d箞鏄?鍥达紵?涓旀渶鎺ヨ繎鐨?浣嶅皬鏁版槸1锛?锛岃€屽钩鏂规暟澶т簬2涓旀渶鎺ヨ繎鐨?浣嶅皬鏁版槸1锛?锛屾墍浠ュぇ浜?锛?鑰屽皬浜?锛??杩介棶锛?锛?у皬鐨勬柟娉曪?у皬鐨勬柟娉2锛変富瑕佷负鍙婃椂宸╁浐浼扮畻鏂规硶锛?3渚?锛?锛夛紱锛?锛?绮剧‘鍒?锛?01)В绛斿畬锛?у屼綋浼氬す閫兼硶鐨勫彲琛屾€э??锛夛紟?缁冧範44椤电粌涔?锛???4?鐜板湪鎴戜滑鏉ヨВ?4銆€锛?锛変綘浼氳〃绀哄嚭, 鍚楋紵锛?锛夌敤璁$畻鍣ㄦ眰, 锛??屼唬鍏ワ紝鍒╃敤璁$畻鍣ㄦ眰鍑? 锛?旂敤锛?5鈥?鈥?鈥?鈥?杩介棶锛?锛?暟鐨勫皬鏁扮偣鍚戝彸鎴栧悜宸︾Щ鍔?浣嶏紝瀹冪殑绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍圭殑灏忔暟鐐瑰氨鐩稿簲鍦板悜鍙虫垨鍚戝乏绉诲姩1浣嶏紟杩介棶锛?锛?浣犺兘璇村嚭鍏朵腑鐨勯亾鐞嗗悧锛?规暟鎵╁ぇ鐨勫€嶆暟涓庡叾绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍规墿澶х殑鍊嶆暟鎬濊€冨洖绛(鎴栫缉灏?100鍊嶏紝10000鍊嶁€︽椂锛屽叾绠楁湳骞虫柟鏍圭浉搴斿湴鎵╁ぇ(鎴栫缉灏?10鍊嶏紝100鍊嶁€︼紟杩介棶锛?锛?(绮剧‘鍒?锛?01)锛屽苟鍒╃敤鍒氭墠鐨勫緱锛岀殑杩戜技鍊硷紟杩介棶锛?锛?30涓??渚? 400cm鐨勯暱鏂瑰舰绾哥墖锛屾部鐫€杈300cm鐨勯暱鏂瑰舰绾哥墖锛屼娇瀹冪殑涓?:2槑瑙佷簡璇?甯堢敓娲诲姩锛氭暀甯堝嚭绀洪棶棰橈紝瀛︾敓鐞嗚В: 锛??锛??锛?锛夐暱鏂瑰舰鐨勯暱鍜у皬鍏崇郴鏈€鍚庣粰鍑哄畬鏁寸殑瑙g瓟杩囩▼锛?5锛庡綊绾冲皬缁擄細?锛?涔堬紵锛?浼煎€煎悧锛?锛?(鎴栫缉灏?(鎴栫缉灏?鎬庢牱鐨勫憿锛?锛??6?锛?绗?銆?銆?0棰橈紟?1锛庢眰鐨勬暣鏁伴儴鍒嗭紟2锛庢瘮杈冧笅鍒楀悇缁勬暟鐨勫ぇ灏忥紟锛?锛変笌锛涳紙2锛変笌12锛涳紙3锛変笌锛?у皬鐨勮兘鍔涳紟3锛庤嫢锛岋紝閭d箞_______锛沖______锛?鏈夊叧瑙勫緥鐨勭悊瑙o紟4锛庡浗闄呮瘮璧涚殑瓒崇悆鍦虹殑闀垮湪100m鍒?10m涔嬮棿, 瀹藉湪64m鍒?5m涔嬮棿, ?锛?鍊? 闈㈢Н涓?560m,В鍐冲疄闄呴棶棰樼殑鑳藉姏锛?。



QQ起昵称专用特效字符︻︼︽︾◄ⅭⅯ◂∺▨〇▧¤▩▪■▓「」『』▤▥▢▣▼▽▿◁▾▿◀◁№ⅭⅯⅮⅬ↘↙Χ※㊣ⅲ∼∩【】〕〖@μδω□∬〒※》ⅱ卐ⅳ╳〄▫▬ⅵ∽ㄨ∵╬╭╮╰╯╱╲╵╵╶╷╸╹╺╻╵╶╸╹╻╴╵╶╷╸╹╺╻╺╹╸╷╶╵╴贴图字符大全A、希腊字母大写ΑΒΓΓΔΕΖΘΗΚ∧ΜΝΞΟⅱΡⅲΤΥΦΦΧΨB、希腊字母小写αβγδεδεζηθικλμνπξζηυθχψωC、俄文字母大写АБВГДЕЁЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯD、俄文字母小写абвгдеѐжзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюяE、注音符号ヷ・ㄓㄚㄞㄢㄦヸーㄍㄐㄔㄗㄧㄛㄟㄣヹヽㄎㄑㄕㄘㄨㄜㄠㄤヺㄏㄒㄖㄙㄩㄝㄡㄥF、拼音íáǎà、ōèǒç、äîãïâ、ðæǐå、ūëǔê、ǖǘǚǜìG、日文平假名〗ぃぅぇぉかきくけこんさしすせそたちつってとゐなにぬねのはひふへほゑまみむめもゃゅょゎをH、日文片假名ゔィゥヴェォカヵキクケヶコサシスセソタチツッテトヰンナニヌネノハヒフヘホヱマミムメモャュョヮヲI、标点符号ˉˇ¨‘’〄~‖∯”’‘|〃〓〔《》「」『』.〕〖【【】()〓〔{}J、数字序号ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅥⅦⅧⅨⅩⅪⅫ∽∾∿≀≁≂≃≄≅≆一二三四五六七八九十K、数学符号∲∵∴=∶∷<>∸∹∰ª+-×é/∫∬ⅴⅵ∧∨ⅲⅱ∪∩ⅰ∮∭∻‖ⅶ∼∺∳∱ⅳL、单位符号©′〃$⦆¥‰%℃¤⦅M、制表符┌┍┎┏┐┑┒┓—┄┈├┝┞┟┠┡┢┣|┆┊┬┭┮┯┰┱┲┳┼┽┾┿╀╂╁╃N、特殊符号§№▪▩▦▨▧▥▤□■▣▢※ⅮⅬⅭⅯ〒#&@\^_O、补充收集∺▨▦∽◃▧Θ∺¤㊣╵╶╷╸╹╺╻╻■▓回□〒∵╝╚╔╗╬═╓╩┠┨┯┷┏┓┗┛┳∻『』┌▫▤▥▿▾◁▢▼▣▽⊿QQ个性网名大全θiμs ▪玉龙▪ご▪—可珂∲▪肖▧静▪▫杀▫ツ火龙り∼▪YWH▪∼◁∺坦∺克∺◀〒刹〒奇遇+小S▬桃∭子▫しovの吐泡泡∼ω∼⦆婷婷⦆▪岩∺飞▩∸触电∹情缘传奇ゆ※芩勤※▩§狂§▩じ▪ve流星雨∧∧泡ΘAMY¥Ж【紫色流星】※永不言爱※『LY』╵▩ζ弧№〄龙※吻▢∧ⅵ∧Ж阿梁Θ o▦朋友o▦Ⅼ∽∹烟火∴∶C&c▪乐园∷⦆劲⦅【§杰§】^*^ゃ羞の羞* ▫多情少女酷ˇ明ぱ伊男▪夜吻▬芭芘μ网狂少女μμ流〗星ぷ▪芸芸※╰▪真情人▪▩〒张明〒▩卐古愁Ж阿梁Θ▪剑※客▪づぜ▪九▪妹№小猫╭▨▩▩▨╰梦*▪*瑶* ▪▤幽灵▤▪传奇ゆ※婷$婷§▪月光GRIL▪Ⅾ茶褒╆仔∸╰▪▪∬ぷ芷柔ぷ▪∼_∼▪づ▩冰封谷∲▪girl ╭∽ⅵ∽╮▩风の影▩SVmm丫丫y▪girl ~@_@~冷冰▪风ψ铃▪◁◀苹果◁◀ ~∺ō∺~ WeSt囧K┣┫糖の果Iしov のyouだ花魂だsSZzОo 冰▩:)▩@_--3:16--_@ ⦆婷婷⦆№:2^ǒ^ ㊣@_@㊣ROY▪γ∼_∼γ卉▪FQ▪ご▩轩▪ゞだ¥㊣╃じ⦅丫ぢ头ぢ⦅γ^ō^γ~ ΘAMY¥Жじ▪ve熏伊草^o^星禾じ▪ve▩亮亮▩μ深蓝の爱ゞ【▪宝▫贝▪】∲▪灵▬之▪梦▬▪∲LoVѐ爱Ⅾ▫Simleyt ▪づ紫欣〗▩〗ラ▪ラ▪梦琳2002▪(=^o^=)泡(=^o^=) $刺#灵$ ぷA∼囡ぷ∬唯一∬▦Оνo靓⦆仔oνОo泡泡▬灵儿oо㊣〕热血同盟会〖㊣〒∬╰▪Χ【流※星¤狂※喷】Χ▩▩靓妹爱帅哥〒魅力四射▩▩▤嗨--天马流星拳卐【▨】拳【▨】脚㊣〕热血同盟会〖㊣▿ミ非你不可↙╬↘非你不嫁ミ◁ぷ风∲▪ば度▪∲▪翩▪ば∲翩▪ぷ※卡摸卑鄙▪不要骗我※∸爱过 伤过 悔过 哭过 ∹ぷ⦅▧ㄨ▦搞基的你要唔要啊∩¤〄▫▬^ǒ^*▩*^ǒ^*▪*^ǒ^*▫▩▬I▪▩▪▩Love▩▪▩▪You▬▪▫ う∸灬爱你不久メ就壹辈子灬∹う符号表情大全:情绪类:)表示开玩笑的意思:D非常高兴地张嘴大笑;)眨眼睛笑:} 抿着嘴唇笑:] 傻笑:- 难过的时候苦笑~~:-( 极度愤怒,要爆炸了:O 哇...... :<难过的时候苦笑:~)笑出眼泪来了~~>_<~~ 大声哭用(:-……哇!好心力哭碎哟~~~:-) 最基本的笑脸:-D 非常高兴地张嘴大笑;-) 眨眼睛笑:9舌头舔着嘴唇地笑(:)-)戴着潜水镜在偷笑>:-眉毛都竖起来了,我怕(:-& 像是在生谁的气|-D 呵呵笑:~) 喜极度而泣|-) 笑得看不到眼睛:-O 非常高兴地张嘴大笑:-7 火冒三丈符号表情大全:动作类(:-*Kiss……^_< @_@ 挤眉眼!:-? 抽烟斗:-Q 还是吐舌头>>d(˙_˙)b<<带着耳机正在听音乐[:-)戴着耳机在听音乐:-P 吐舌头:-x 嘴巴被封起来了@%$%&骂人的话\(^o^)/ 据举手欢呼p(^o^)q 双手握拳>>@()@鱼儿水中游(:^( 鼻子被打歪了:-\ 媚眼,又撇嘴角>-r他在跟你扮鬼脸符号表情大全:造型类^(oo)^ 猪头^. .^可爱的蝙蝠=^.^= 猫咪*:o) 小丑3:=9 这是一头牛。



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常用商务英语客人询价1.Will you please let us have an idea of your price?2.Are the prices on the list firm offers?3.How about the price/ How much is this?我们报价4.This is our price list.5.We don’t give any commission in general.6.What do you think of the payment terms?7.Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.8. In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis.9.We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.10.Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP?11.This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?客人还价12.Is it possible that you lower the price a bit?13.Do you think you can possibly cut down your prices by 10%?14.Can you bring your price down a bit? Say $20 per dozen.15.It’s too high; we have another offer for a similar one at much lower price.16.But don’t you think it’s a little high?17.Your price is too high for us to accept.18.It would be very difficult for us to push any sales it at this price.19. If you can go a little lower, I’d be able to give you an order on the spot.20.It is too much. Can you discount it?拒绝还价21.Our price is highly competitive./ this is the lowest possible price./Our price is very reasonable.22.Our price is competitive as compared with that in the international market.23.To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price.24.I can assure you that our price if the most favorable. A trial will convince you of my words.25.The price has been cut to the limit.26.I’m sorry. It is our rock-bottom price.27. My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.28.Whil e we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’t reduce our price any further.接受还价29.Can we each make some concession?30.In order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%.31.If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price.32.Buyer wish to buy cheap and sellers wish to sell dear. Everyone has an eye to his own benefit.33.The price of his commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost.34. Considering our good relationship and future business, we give a 3% discount.二.订单客人询问最小单数量35.What’s minimum quantity of an order of your goo ds?询问订货数量36.How many do you intend to order?37.Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?38.When can we expect your confirmation of the order?39.As our backlogs are increasing, please hasten the order.40.Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?41.We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.客人回答订单数量42.The size of our order depends greatly on the prices.43.Well, if your order is large enough, we are ready to reduce our price by 2 percent.44.If you reduce your price by 5, we are going to order 1000sets.45.Considering the long-standing business relationship between us, we accept it.46.This is a trial order; please send us 100 sets only so that we may test the market. If successful, we will give you large orders in the future.47.We have decided to place an order for your electronic weighing scale.48.I’d like to order 600 sets.49.We can’t execute orders at your limits.感谢下单50.Generally speaking, we can supply form stock.51.I want to tell you how much I appreciate your order.52.Thank you for your order of 100 dozen of the shirts. We assure you ofa punctual execution of your order.53.Thank you very much for your order.三.交货客人询问交货期54.What about our request for the early delivery of the goods?55.What is the earliest time when you can make delivery?56.How long does it usually take you to make delivery?57.When will you deliver the products to us?58.When will the goods reach our port?59.What about the method of delivery?60.Will it possible for you to ship the goods before early October? 答复交货期61.I think we can meet your requirement.62.I ‘m sorry. We can’t advance the time of delivery.63.I’m very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you.64.We can assure you that the shipment will be made not later than the fist half of May.65.We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.66.The earliest delivery we can make is at the end of September.客人要求提早交货67.You may know that time of delivery is a matter of great important.68.You know that time of delivery if very important to us. I hope you can give our request your special consideration.69.Let’s discuss the delivery date first. You offered to deliver the goods within six months after the contract signing.70.The interval is too long. Could we expect an earlier shipment within three months?稳住客人71.We shall effect shipment as soon as the goods are ready72.We will speed up the production in order to ship your order in time.73.If you desire earlier delivery, we can only make a partial shipment.74.But you’d better ship the goods entirely.75.We’ll try our best. The earliest delivery we can make is in May, butI can assure you that we’ll do our best to advance the shipment.76.I’m afraid not. As you know, our manufacturers are full and we havea lot of order to fill.77.I’ll find out with our home office. We’ll do our best to advance the time of delivery.78.Thank you very much for your cooperation.79.I believe that the products will reach you in time and in good order and hope they will give you complete satisfaction.四.签单签单前建议1.Before the formal contract is drawn up we’d like to restate the main points of the agreement.2.We can get the contract finalized now.3.Could you repeat the terms we’ve settled?4.It is very important for us to abide by contracts and keep good faith.5.Have you any questions as regards to the contract?6.I’d like to hear your ideas about the problem.7.I think it is better to have a good understanding of all clauses before signing a contract.8.Do you have any comment to make about this clause?9.Do you think the contract contains basically all we have agreed on during negotiations?10.Everything has been arranged well. I hope the signing of the contract will go smoothly.11.These are two originals of the contract we prepared.询问签单12.When shall we sign the contract?13.Mr. Brown, do you think it is time to sign the contract?14.Shall we go over the other terms and conditions of the contract to see if we agree on all the particulars?15.Shall we sign the contract now?16.Just sign there on the bottom.17.The contract is ready, would you mind reading it through?18.We have reached an agreement on all the clauses discussed so far. It is time to sing the contract.签单后祝语19.I’m very pleased that we have come to an agreement at last.20.Let’s congratulate ourselves for the successful contract.五.付款方式客人询问付款方式1.Shall we discuss the terms of payment?2.What is your regular practice about terms of payment?3.What are your terms of payment?4.How are we going to arrange payment?回复询问付款方式5.We’d like you to pay us by L/C.6.We always require L/C for our exports and we pay by L/C for our imports as well.7.We insist on full payment.8.We ask for a 30 percent down payment.9.We expect payment in advance on first orders.客人建议付款方式10.We hope you will accept D/P payments terms.11.In view of this order of small quantity, we propose payment by D/P with collection through a band so as to simplify the payment procedure. 12.Payment by L/C is the safest method, but rather complicated.礼貌拒绝客人13.’m sorry. We can’t accept D/P or D/A. We insist on payment by L/C.14.I’m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms.15.“Payment by installments” is not the usual practice in w orld trade.16.It is difficult for us to accept your suggestion接受客人付款方式17.In view of our long friendly relations and the efforts you have made in pushing the sales, we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight; however, this should not be taken as a precedent.18. have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment.信用证要求及货币19.When should we open the L/C?20.Your L/C must reach us 30 days before the date of delivery so as to enable us to make all necessary arrangements.21.How long should our L/C be valid?22.The L/C should be valid 30 days after the date of shipment.23.Could you tell me what documents you’ll provide?24.Together with the draft, we’ll also send you a full set of bill of lading, an invoice, and an insurance policy, a certificate of origin anda certificate of inspection. I suppose that is all.25.In what currency will payment by made?26.We usually do business in U.S.dollars as world prices are often dollars based.六.保险客人询问保险1.As for the insurance, I have quite a lot of things which I am still not clear about.2.May I ask you a few questions about insurance?3.What do your insurance clauses cover?4.I wonder if the insurance company holds the responsibility for the loss.5.Have you taken our insurance for us on these goods?6.Can you tell me the difference between WPA and FPA?7.What risks are you usually covered against?8.Is war risk to be covered?9.I’d like to have the insurance of the goods covered at 110% of the invoice amount.广交会英语整理篇广交会常用外语(一)问好1. Good morning/afternoon/evening./May I help you? /Anything I can do for you?2. How do you do? /How are you? /Nice to meet you.3. It’s a great honor to meet you./I have been looking forward to meeting you.4. Welcome to China.5. We really wish you'll have a pleasant stay here.6. I hope you’ll have a pleasant stay here. Is this your first visit to China?7. Do you have much trouble with jet lag 时差 ?机场接客1. Excuse me; are you Mr. Wilson from the International Trading Corporation?2. How do I address you?3. May name is Benjamin liu. I’m from the Fuzhou E-fashion Electronic Company. I’m here to meet you.4. We have a car can over there to take you to your hotel. Did you havea nice trip?5. Mr. David smith asked me to come here in his place to pick you up.6. Do you need to get back your baggage?7. Is there anything you would like to do before we go to the hotel? 确认话意1. Could you say that again, please?2. Could you repeat that, please?3. Could you write that down?4. Could you speak a little more slowly, please?5. You mean…is that right?6. Do you mean..?7. Excuse me for interrupting you.回答询问7. This is a copy of catalog. It will give a good idea of the products we handle.8. Won’t you have a look at the catalogue and see what interest you?9. That is just under our line of business.10. What about having a look at sample first?11. We have a video which shows the construction and operation of our latest products.12. The product will find a ready market there.13. Our product is really competitive in the world market.14. Our products have been sold in a number of areas abroad. They are very popular with the users there.15. We are sure our products will go down well in your market, too.16. It’s our principle in business “to honor the contract and keep our promise”.17. Convenience-store chains are doing well.18. We can have anther tale if anything interests you.19. We are always improving our design and patterns to confirm to the world market20. Could you provide some technical data? We’d like to know more about your products.21. This product has many advantages compared to other competing products.22. There are certainly being problems in the sale work at the first stage. But suppose you order a small quantity for a trail.23. I wish you a success in your business transaction.24. You will surely find something interesting.25. Here you are. Which item do you think might find a ready market at your end?26. Our product is the best seller.27. This is our newly developed product. Would you like to see it?28. This is our latest model. It had a great success at the last exhibition in Paris.29. I’m sure there is some room for negotiation.30. Here are the most favorite products on display. Most of them are local and national prize products.31. The best feature of this product is that it is very light in weight.32. We have a wide selection of colors and designs.33. Have a look at this new product. It operates at touch of a button. It is very flexible.34. this product is patented35. The functioning of this software has been greatly improved.36. This design has got a real China flavor.37. The objective of my presentation is for you to see the product’s function.38. The product has just come out, so we don’t know the outcome yet.39. It has only been on the market for a few months, bust it is already very popular.品质1. We have a very strict quality controlling system which promises that goods we produced are always of the best quality.2. You have got the quality there as well as the style.3. How do you feel like the quality of our products?4. The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place.5. You must be aware that our quality is far superior to others.6. We pride ourselves on quality. That is our best selling point.7. As long as the quality is good. It is all right if the price is a bit higher.8. They enjoy good reputation in the world.9. When we compare prices, we must first take into account the quality of the products.10. There is no quality problem. Quality is something we never neglect.11. You are right. It is good in material, fashionable in design, and superb in workmanship.12. We deliver all our orders within one month after receipt of the covering letters of credit.13. Do you have specific request for packing? Here are the samples of packing available now, you may have a look.14. I wonder if you have found that our specifications meet your requirements. I’m sure the prices we submitted are competitive.Sample Text价格我们报价4. This is our price list.5. We don’t give any commission in general.6. What do you think of the payment terms?7. Here are our FOB prices. All the prices in the lists are subject to our final confirmation.8. In general, our prices are given on a FOB basis.9. We offer you our best prices, at which we have done a lot business with other customers.10. Will you please tell us the specifications, quantity and packing you want, so that we can work out the offer ASAP?11. This is the pricelist, but it serves as a guide line only. Is there anything you are particularly interested in?拒绝还价21. Our price is highly competitive./ this is the lowest possible price./Our price is very reasonable.22. Our price is competitive as compared with that in the international market.23. To tell you the truth, we have already quoted our lowest price.24. I can assure you that our price if the most favorable. A trial will convince you of my words.25. The price has been cut to the limit.26. I’m sorry. It is our rock-bottom price.27. My offer was based on reasonable profit, not on wild speculations.28. While we appreciate your cooperation, we regret to say that we can’treduce our price any further.接受还价29. Can we each make some concession?30. In order to conclude business, we are prepared to cut down our price by 5%.31. If your order is big enough, we may reconsider our price.32. Buyer wish to buy cheap and sellers wish to sell dear. Everyone has an eye to his own benefit.33. The price of his commodity has recently been adjusted due to advance in cost.34. Considering our good relationship and future business, we give a 3% discount.订单询问订货数量36. How many do you intend to order?37. Would you give me an idea how much you wish to order from us?38. When can we expect your confirmation of the order?39. As our backlogs are increasing, please hasten the order.40. Thank you for your inquiry. Would you tell us what quantity you require so that we can work out the offer?41. We regret that the goods you inquire about are not available.交货客人询问交货期54. What about our request for the early delivery of the goods?55. What is the earliest time when you can make delivery?56. How long does it usually take you to make delivery?57. When will you deliver the products to us?58. When will the goods reach our port?59. What about the method of delivery?60. Will it possible for you to ship the goods before early October? 答复交货期61. I think we can meet your requirement.62. I ‘m sorry. We can’t advance the time of delivery.63. I’m very sorry for the delay in delivery and the inconvenience it must have caused you..64. We can assure you that the shipment will be made not later than the fist half of May.65. We will get the goods dispatched within the stipulated time.66. The earliest delivery we can make is at the end of September.付款方式客人询问付款方式1. Shall we discuss the terms of payment?2. What is your regular practice about terms of payment?3. What are your terms of payment?4. How are we going to arrange payment?回复询问付款方式5. We’d like you to pa y us by L/C.6. We always require L/C for our exports and we pay by L/C for our imports as well.7. We insist on full payment.8. We ask for a 30 percent down payment.9. We expect payment in advance on first orders.礼帽拒绝客人13. I’m sorry. We can’t ac cept D/P or D/A. We insist on payment by L/C.14. I’m afraid we must insist on our usual payment terms.15. “Payment by installments” is not the usual practice in world trade.16. It is difficult for us to accept your suggestion接受客人付款方式17. In view of our long friendly relations and the efforts you have made in pushing the sales, we agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight; however, this should not be taken as a precedent.18. I have no alternative but to accept your terms of payment.参观工厂1. You’ll understand our products better if you visit our factory.2. I wonder if you could arrange a visit to the factory.3. Let’s me know when you are free. We will arrange the tour for you.4. I would be pleased to accompany you to the workshops.5. We will drive you to our plant, which is about thirty minutes from here.6. Can I have a brochure of your factory?7. Here is the product shop; shall we start with the assembly line?8. All products have to go through five checks during the manufacturing process.9. The production method has been improved by introducing advanced technologies.10. It is a pleasure to show our factory to our friends, what is your general impression?11. It is nice to meet you. Welcome to our factory.12. Shall we rest a while and have a cup of tea before going around?13. I would like to look over the manufacturing process. How many workshops are there in the factory?14. Some accessories are made by our associates specializing in these fields.15. It is very kind of you to say so. My associate and I would be interested in visiting your factory.16. We believe that the quality is the soul of an enterprise.17. Would it be possible for me to have a closer look at your samples?。

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