热力学与统计力学【英文】 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics
热力学专业英语作文Title: Thermodynamics in EnglishThermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, work, energy, and temperature.It is one of the fundamental sciences that help us understand and predict the behavior of systems.In this essay, we will explore some key concepts and terms related to thermodynamics in English.Firstly, let"s talk about the laws of thermodynamics.There are four laws of thermodynamics, but the first and second laws are the most fundamental.The first law of thermodynamics, also known as the law of conservation of energy, states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed from one form to another.The second law of thermodynamics states that in a closed system, the total entropy always tends to increase over time, meaning that processes tend to become more disordered.ext, let"s discuss some common units of measurement in thermodynamics.The joule (J) is the unit of energy in the International System of Units (SI), while the calorie (cal) is a non-SI unit of energy commonly used in nutrition.The watt (W) is the unit of power, which is the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.The kilowatt-hour (kWh) is a common unit of energy consumption, often used in the context of electricity usage.Thermodynamic properties are characteristics of a system that can be used to describe its state and predict its behavior.Some common thermodynamic properties include temperature, pressure, volume, and internal energy.Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a system, while pressure is a measure of the force exerted by the particles on the walls of the container.Volume is the amount of space occupied by the system, and internal energy is the total energy of the system, including both kinetic and potential energy.ow, let"s talk about some thermodynamic processes.An isothermal process is a process in which the temperature of the system remains constant.A reversible process is one that can be undone by a small change in the system"s state, while an irreversible process is not reversible and may involve a large change in the system"s state.An adiabatic process is one in which there is no heat transfer between the system and its surroundings, while a diabatic process involves heat transfer.In conclusion, thermodynamics is a fundamental science that helps us understand the behavior of systems.By studying the laws of thermodynamics, units of measurement, thermodynamic properties, and processes, we can gain a deeper understanding of how energy and heat are transformed and transferred.With this knowledge, we can apply thermodynamics to various fields, such as engineering, physics, andchemistry, to solve real-world problems and improve our lives.。
《热力学与统计物理》课程教学大纲课程英文名称:Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics课程编号:0312043002课程计划学时:48学分:3课程简介:《热力学与统计物理》课是物理专业学生的专业基础课,与理论力学、量子力学、电动力学共同构成物理专业重要的四门必修课,通常称为物理专业的四大力学课。
掌握:物态方程的得出,实验系数及由实验系数k 、、βα 求物态方程。
(重点,难点)(考核概率100%) 1物态方程(①掌握:独立参量的选择与态函数的相对性。
《热力学与统计物理》教学大纲(54学时)(理论课程)一课程说明(一)课程概况课程名称:《热力学与统计物理》英文名称:Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics课程编号:3910252118开课学院:理学院适用专业/开课学期:物理学/第六学期学分/周学时:3/3《热力学与统计物理》课是物理学专业专业发展课程的专业方向核心必修课程,与《理论力学》、《量子力学》、《电动力学》共同构成物理专业重要的四大力学。
(三)学时分配二 教学方法和手段以讲授为主,讨论课和多媒体教学为辅的教学法。
统计物理(Statistical Physics):统计物理是研究宏观系统的微观基础的物理学分支。
黄淮学院《热力学与统计物理》课程教学大纲一、课程编码及课程名称课程编码:3321320514课程名称:热力学与统计物理Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics二、学时及学分总学时数:72,其中,讲授学时:72。
Syllabus of 《Thermodynamics and Statistic Physics》一、课程基本信息英文名称 Thermodynamics and StatisticalPhysics课程代码 PHYS3127课程性质 Degree course 授课对象 Physics (International Class)学 分 3 Credits 学 时 72 Classes 主讲教师 修订日期 Sep. 2021指定教材 S. J. Blundell and K. K. Blundell,《Concepts in thermal physics》,Oxford University Press,2006.二、课程目标(一)总体目标:The objective of this course is to provide third-or fourth year physics students with a solid introduction to the classical and statistical theories of thermodynamics. In this course, students are supposed to achieve a full knowledge about the theoretical framework of the classic thermodynamics, and how the macroscopic phenomenon can be understood with the microscopic properties of the components.(二)课程目标:Objective 1: Understand the macroscopic properties of thermal systems. Have a full knowledge about the general principles and the relations between state functions and state variablesObjective 2:Develop a clear understanding and firm grasp of the basic principles of statistical physics. Develop some necessary skills to work with probability theory.Objective 3:Have a full and clear picture about the historic development of thermodynamics. Develop an intuitive feel about the way to explore and find out the underlying principles of phenomenon. Be able to think and solve scientific problems independently.(三)课程目标与毕业要求、课程内容的对应关系表1:课程目标与课程内容、毕业要求的对应关系表三、教学内容Introduction :Equilibrium sate and state variables 1.Purpose课程目标 对应课程内容 对应毕业要求(及对应关系说明)Objective 1Ch00 Equilibrium and State variables Ch01 The first law ofThermodynamics and ApplicationsCh02 The Second law ofThermodynamics and Applications Ch03 Thermodynamic potentials Ch04 Real gas and Phase transitionUnderstand the macroscopic properties of thermal systems. Have a full knowledge about thegeneral principles and the relations between state functions and state variablesObjective 2Ch05 Statistical Basis of ThermodynamicsCh06 Ensemble and Thermal average Ch07 Properties of Classical ideal gasCh08 Occupation number of IdealQuantum Gases Ch09 Bose statistics Ch10 Fermi statisticsCh11 Theoretical models of Phase transition Develop a clear understanding and firm grasp of the basic principles of statistical physics. Develop some necessary skills to work with probability theory.Objective 3Ch02 The Second law of Thermodynamics and Applications Ch05 Statistical Basis of ThermodynamicsCh08 Occupation number of IdealQuantum Gases Ch09 Bose statistics Ch10 Fermi statisticsCh11 Theoretical models of Phase transitionHave a full and clear picture about the historic development of thermodynamics. Develop an intuitive feel about the way to explore and find out the underlying principles of phenomenon. Be able to think and solve scientific problems independently.Understand the basic concepts of thermodynamics2.Key points:Equilibrium state; Reversible process3.ContentEquilibrium state;State variables; Work4.Teaching methodTalk and discussion5.EvaluationAssignment.Chapter 1 The Frist law and Applications1.PurposeUnderstand the First law and solve simple problems with it.2.Key points:Mathematical forms of the first law and the limitation for different forms.3.Content3.1 The first lawInternal energy; heat and work.3.2 Isothermal process of ideal gasIdeal gas; isothermal expansion of ideal gas3.3 Adiabatic process of ideal gasAdiabatic equation of ideal gas4.Teaching methodTalk and discussion5.EvaluationAssignment.Chapter 2 The second law and entropy1.PurposeUnderstand properties of Carnot cycle; Develop a full picture of the definition of theefficiency of engine; Understand the different statements of the second law.2.Key points:Statement of the second law; entropy3.Content3.1 Carnot cycleWork and heat in each step of Carnot cycle3.2 The second lawStatements of the second law3.3 Reversible engine;Efficiency of reversible engines3.4 Entropy;Definition of entropy;3.5 Application of the second law;The change of entropy in reversible processes; the entropy of dieal gas4.Teaching methodTalk and discussion5.EvaluationAssignment.Chapter 3 Thermodynamic potentials1.PurposeUnderstand the definitions and their roles of thermodynamic potentials2.Key points:Enthalpy; Free energy; Maxwell relations3.Content3.1 Thermodynamically potentials:Internal energy; entropy; Free energy3.2 Maxwell relations;Derive the Maxwell relations。
《热力学与统计物理学》教学大纲课程代码:NANA2051课程名称:热力学与统计物理学英文名称:Thermodynamics and statistical physics课程性质:专业必修课程学分/学时: 3.00学分/54学时考核方式:期末+期中+作业开课学期:第4学期适用专业:纳米材料与技术先修课程:高等数学,普通物理后续课程:固体物理,半导体物理开课单位:纳米科学技术学院选用教材:统计和热物理基础一、课程目标通过本课程的理论教学,使学生具备下列能力:1,了解热力学的基本概念,熟悉热力学方程并能够将其用于具体科学问题的计算与分析。
Thermodynamics and Statistical PhysicsCourse Code: 83034000Course Name: Thermodynamics and Statistical PhysicsCourse Credit: 4 Course Duration: The 8th semesterTeaching Object: All Undergraduate Students in the School of Space Science & PhysicsPre-course: Quatum, Mechanics, Thermology , Theoretical MechanicsCourse Director: Guan Li professorCourse Introduction:Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics is an element course in the scientific disciplines of physics, material physics and space science etc. The course includes two main parts, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. Thermodynamics——Introduces the characters and fundamental conception of thermodynamic functions of the internal energy, entropy, free energy, Gibbs function etc. Introduces the thermodynamics fundamental equation, fundamental rule and method, to lead the students to master the analysis applications of the thermal equilibrium and phase transition equilibrium etc. Statistical Mechanics——Introduces the state describe of the particle and the thermodynamic system in quantum statistical mechanics method or classical mechanics method. Introduces the Boltzmann distribution law, Bose -Einstein distribution law, Fermi-Dirac distribution law. Introduces the statistical expressions of thermodynamic quantity. Brief introduction the statistical ensemble theory. To lead the students to master the statistical computing of various thermodynamic systems.Course Examination:Students’ Final Scores = Scores of Ordinary Tests ⨯ 20% + Scores of the Final Exam⨯ 80%Scores of ordinary tests vary according to students’ performance in attendance and homework.The final examination will be an closed-book examination.Appointed Teaching Materials:(1)Wang Zhicheng. Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics(Third Edition). Beijing: Higher Education Press,2003Bibliography:(1)Zhang Qiren. Statistical Mechanics. Beijing: Science Press ,2002(2)W. Greiner, L.Neise,hong, Zhong Yunxiao(translate). Thermodynamics & Statistical Mechanic. Beijing: BeijingUniversity Press, 2001。
热力学统计物理学课程教学大纲一、课程说明(一)课程名称、所属专业、课程性质、学分;热力学统计物理【Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics】,兰州大学物理科学与技术学院物理学专业专业基础课,4学分。
参考书目:1)王竹溪,《热力学简程》,高教出版社,19642)王竹溪,《统计物理学导论》,第二版,高教出版社,19653)龚昌德,《热力学与统计物理学》,,高教出版社,19824)苏汝铿,《热力学与统计物理基础》,,复旦大学出版社,19905)Landau L.D. and Lifshitz E.M., Statistical Physics, Pergamon Press, 1958 6)Reif F., Fundamental of Statistical and Thermal Physics, McGraw Hill Book Company, 19657)L.E.雷克著,黄昀等校译,统计物理现代教程,上册,北京大学出版社二、课程内容与安排(一)章节详细内容第一章热力学的基本规律第一节热力学系统的平衡状态及其描述;第二节热平衡定律和温度;第三节物态方程;第四节准静态过程及其功表达式;第五节内能、热量和热力学第一定律;第六节热容量和焓;第七节理想气体的内能;第八节理想气体的绝热过程;第九节理想气体的卡诺循环;第十节热力学第二定律;第十一节卡诺定律;第十二节热力学温标;第十三节克劳修斯等式和不等式;第十四节熵和热力学基本方程;第十五节理想气体的熵;第十六节热力学第二定律的普遍表述;第十七节熵增加原理的简单应用。
1.《热力学与统计物理学》(Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics):作者是 Richard Fitzpatrick,这本书具有较强的教学性质,内容系统全面,适合初学者学习。
2.《热力学及其应用》(Thermodynamics and Its Applications):作者是 Jefferson W. Tester,这本书对热力学基础知识和实际应用都有涉及,尤其对于化工和材料领域的学生非常有用。
3.《热力学和统计物理学:一种简明教程》(Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics: A Short Course):作者是 Richard E. Wilde,这本书采用简明易懂的方式讲解热力学和统计物理学的基本概念和
4.《热力学与材料科学》(Thermodynamics and Materials Science):作者是 Richard A. Swalin,这本书探讨了热力学在材料科学中的应用,包括物质的相变、材料的热力学性质等方面,对于材料科学专业的学生非常有用。
- 1 -。
课程代码 : 83034000
英文名称:Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
学分:4 开课学期:第8 学期
授课对象:物理学专业本科生先修课程:热学, 量子力学,理论力学
课程主任: 管立教授
(1)汪志诚.《热力学统计物理》. 北京: 高等教育出版社,2003.3, 第三版.
(1)张启仁著.《统计力学》. 北京: 科学出版社,2002.7.
(2)W.顾莱纳等著,钟云霄译. 《热力学与统计力学》. 北京: 北京大学出版社,2001.12.。
热力学统计物理第一章 2
![热力学统计物理第一章 2](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/3551bc1f52d380eb62946d4c.png)
3, 平衡态
一个孤立系统,在经过足够长的时间后, 系统的各种宏观性质在长时间内不发生任何变化。 这样的状态称为热力学平衡态。 几点说明:
• 系统从初始态到平衡态所经历的时间称为弛豫时间。
•系统宏观物理量的数值仍会发生涨落。对于宏观系统,涨落极其微小。 可忽略。
Cp ( H )p T
焓的定义为H =U +pV ,其物理意义由:
Q H Cp ( )p ( )p T T
H (Q) p
即等压过程中系统从外界吸收的热量等于系统焓的增量 焓的性质: ①是系统状态函数
③是广延量 返回
§1-7 理想气体的内能
0 P(V2-V1)
vRT ln
CV (T2 T1 )
C p (T2 T1 )
vRT ln V2 V1 V2 V1
CV (T2 T1 )
CV (T2 T1 )
C p (CV vR)
∞ 0
pV=常量 pV
p1V1 p2V2 1
CV (T2 T1 )
(2)按该量是否具有可加性分类 广延量: 强度量:
具有可加性的量(如体积、质量) 不具有可加性的量(如压强、温度、质量密度等)
V=V1 + V2 M=M 1+M2 (广延量)
V1、M1 P1、T1、ρ1
V2、M2 P2、T2、ρ2 图 1.1.1
P≠p1 + p2
Ρ≠ρ1 + ρ2
§1-2 热平衡定律与温度(p7-11)
热力学·统计物理(Thermodynamics & Statistical Physics)(Ⅱ)周学时:3 学分:3课程性质:物理系理论物理选修课程预修课程:热力学·统计物理(Ⅰ)参考教材:1. 汪志诚,《热力学·统计物理》(第三版),高等教育出版社,2003年;2. 苏如铿,《统计物理学》(第二版),高等教育出版社,2004年;3. P. K. Pathria,Statistical Mechanics(Second Edition),Elsevier(Singapore)Pte. Ltd.,2003.4. L. P. Kadanoff,Statistical Mechanics,World Scientific,2000.教学内容:(共48学时)第一章 系综(Ensemble)理论基础§1.相空间和运动方程§2.Liouville定理及其意义§3.微正则系综(Microcanonical ensemble)§4.微正则分布与热力学公式§5.应用第二章 正则系综(Canonical ensemble)§1.系统与热库(Heat reservoir)的平衡§2.正则系综§3.配分函数(Partition function)和热力学量§4.正则系综与微正则系综之间的关系§5.能量均分(Equipartition)定理和Virial定理§6.集团展式(Cluster expansion)§7.固体热容量§8.顺磁性、负温度§9.铁磁相变第三章 巨正则系综(Grandcanonical ensemble)§1.系统与粒子库(Particle reservoir)的平衡§2.巨正则系综§3.巨配分函数(Grand partition function)和热力学量§4.应用§5.粒子数起伏第四章 涨落(Fluctuation)和关联(Correlation)§1.涨落的准热力学理论§2.临界点附近的涨落和关联§3.布朗运动(Brownian motion)理论§4.时间关联函数、涨落耗散(Fluctuation-dissipation)定理§5.应用第五章 临界现象§1.连续相变§2.举例和模型§3.临界指数§4.Landau平均场理论*§5.标度定律*§6.重正化群方法第六章 非平衡态统计基础§1.Boltzmann积分微分方程§2.H定理§3.细致平衡原理§4.应用。
热力学与统计物理英语Thermodynamics and statistical physics are two important branches of physics that deal with the behavior of matter and energy at different scales. These fields have many applications in engineering, chemistry, and other areas of science. In this article, we will explore some basic English vocabulary and concepts related to thermodynamics and statistical physics.To begin with, let's define some key terms in thermodynamics. Thermodynamics is the study of the relationships between heat, work, and energy. Energy is the capacity to do work, and work is the transfer of energy from one system to another. Heat is the transfer of thermal energy between two bodies at different temperatures. The first lawof thermodynamics is the law of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred or converted from one form to another.Another important concept in thermodynamics is entropy. Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system. The second law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of an isolated system always increases over time. This law is often used to explain why certain processes, such as the combustion of fossil fuels, are irreversible.Moving on to statistical physics, this field deals with the behavior of large numbers of particles or molecules. One key concept in statistical physics is the idea of a probability distribution. A probability distribution describes the likelihood that a particle or molecule willhave a certain energy, velocity, or other property. The Maxwell–Boltzmann distribution is a common probability distribution used in statistical physics.Another important concept in statistical physics is the Boltzmann factor. The Boltzmann factor is a term that appears in many equations in statistical physics and refers to the probability of a given energy state at a certain temperature. The Boltzmann factor is proportional to the energy of the state and inversely proportional to temperature.Lastly, let's briefly touch upon some other important terms in these fields. Some important thermodynamicquantities include enthalpy, free energy, and Gibbs energy. These terms are often used to describe the energy or work involved in processes such as chemical reactions. In statistical physics, other important concepts include the partition function, which describes the distribution of energy states in a system, and the equipartition theorem, which relates the temperature of a system to the average energy per degree of freedom.In summary, thermodynamics and statistical physics are two important branches of physics with many practical applications. Understanding the basic vocabulary and concepts in these fields is essential for anyone interested in pursuing a career in science or engineering. By studying these concepts, we can gain a deeper understanding of how energy and matter behave in the physical world.。
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Thermo & Stat Mech Spring 2006 Class 16
Pair of Dice
For one die, the probability of any face coming up is the same, 1/6. Therefore, it is equally probable that any number from one to six will come up. For two dice, what is the probability that the total will come up 2, 3, 4, etc up to 12?
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16 4
Pair of Dice
Total 7 8 9 10 11 12 Combinations How Many 1+6, 6+1, 2+5, 5+2, 3+4, 4+3 6 2+6, 6+2, 3+5, 5+3, 4+4 5 3+6, 6+3, 4+5, 5+4 4 4+6, 6+4, 5+5 3 5+6, 6+5 2 6+6 1 Sum = 36
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16
Paint two faces of a die red. When the die is thrown, what is the probability of a red face coming up?
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16 5
Probabilities for Two Dice
Total 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1 Prob. 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 % 2.8 5.6 8.3 11 14 17 14 11 8.3 5.6 2.8
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16 2
To calculate the probability of a particular outcome, count the number of all possible results. Then count the number that give the desired outcome. The probability of the desired outcome is equal to the number that gives the desired outcome divided by the total number of outcomes. Hence, 1/6 for one die.
1 1 1 p 6 6 3
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16
Combining Probabilities
If a given outcome represents the combination of two independent events, whose individual probabilities are pA and pB, then the probability of that outcome is: pA × pB. This is the probability of having both A and B.
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16
Probabilities for Two Dice
D ice
0 .2
P r o b a b ilit y
0 .1 5
0 .1
0 .0 5
0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Nu m b e r
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16
பைடு நூலகம்
Microstates and Macrostates
Each possible outcome is called a “microstate”. The combination of all microstates that give the same number of spots is called a “macrostate”. The macrostate that contains the most microstates is the most probable to occur.
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16
Combining Probabilities
If a given outcome can be reached in two (or more) mutually exclusive ways whose probabilities are pA and pB, then the probability of that outcome is: pA + pB. This is the probability of having either A or B.
Thermo & Stat Mech - Spring 2006 Class 16 3
Pair of Dice
List all possible outcomes (36) for a pair of dice. Total Combinations How Many 2 1+1 1 3 1+2, 2+1 2 4 1+3, 3+1, 2+2 3 5 1+4, 4+1, 2+3, 3+2 4 6 1+5, 5+1, 2+4, 4+2, 3+3 5