A violent boy
The end
Duty Report
Today I will introduce to you a story which named Les Choristes
The film talked about a teacher helped his students to be a good person through the power of the song.
"The bottom of pond" was a boarding school, specially designed for "re-education" problem teenagers. Just as its name suggested, the school had dark ancient buildings, heavy doors, mottled gray rooms
It seemed that
everything were
altering(改变) for
the better, but
one day, a fire
changed everything.
The teacher taken
them out of the
school, and the
children were
When the students waved to him through the window and sang a song to him, Mr. Mathieu presented a happy smile.
A violent boy
The end
Duty Report
Today I will introduce to you a story which named Les Choristes
The film talked about a teacher helped his students to be a good person through the power of the song.
"The bottom of pond" was a boarding school, specially designed for "re-education" problem teenagers. Just as its name suggested, the school had dark ancient buildings, heavy doors, mottled gray rooms
It seemed that
everything were
altering(改变) for
the better, but
one day, a fire
changed everything.
The teacher taken
them out of the
school, and the
children were
When the students waved to him through the window and sang a song to him, Mr. Mathieu presented a happy smile.
But Monsieau tries to reach his boys and build trust and true order through music.
Mr. Matthew used the music to open the students’ heart. Under his instruction, everyone picked back their confidence.
Even the headmaster become kind sometimes.
It seemed things getting better
but one day, a fire that changed everything. Because Mathieu take them out of the school, The children accidentally saved, but Mathieu should left due to the offence.
When the students waved to him through the window and sang the song to him, Mr. Matthew presented a smile
The film is full of love and moving
Thank you.
In 1949 Clement Mathieu, an assistant teacher, comes to a school for "difficult" boys.
Pé pinot , a boy that expectd the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war.
电影中的孩子们在困境中不放弃希望,通过合唱找到了生活的意义 和价值。希望成为他们心灵得到救赎的源泉,让他们重新找到了生 活的方向和目标。
电影中的教师形象也经历了从冷漠到关爱的心灵救赎过程。他通过 与孩子们的互动,逐渐认识到教育的真谛,最终实现了个人成长和 救赎。
电影中的音乐不仅为观众营造出一种独特的氛围,还通过音乐的力量, 让观众更加深入地理解故事的主题和情感。
画面构图 电影中的画面构图精致,通过不同的角度和景别,表现出丰富的视觉效 果。
色彩运用 电影中的色彩运用得当,通过色彩的对比和调和,营造出不同的情感氛 围。
画面细节 电影中的画面细节处理得十分到位,每一个镜头都充满了艺术感,让观众 在欣赏故事的同时,也能感受到电影的美学魅力。
音乐的力量 电影中音乐作为一种教育手段,具有强大的感染力和治愈力, 反映了音乐在社会中的重要地位和作用。
集体主义与个人主义 电影中的合唱团体现了集体主义精神,但同时也尊重个体差 异和自我表达,探讨了集体主义与个人主义之间的平衡。
社会阶层与教育机会 电影中不同背景的学生在同一个班级里学习,反映了社会阶 层和教育机会的差异,引发我们对教育公平和社会公正的思 考。
节奏感强 电影的节奏感十分强烈,通过镜头的切换和音乐的配合,让整 个故事充满了张力。 氛围营造 电影中的氛围营造十分成功,通过音效和灯光的配合,让观众 仿佛置身于故事之中。 情感渲染 电影中的情感渲染十分到位,通过情节的发展和音乐的配合, 让观众在感动中体验到故事所传递的情感。
马修老师非常有耐 心和细心,他能够 关注到每一个孩子 的需求和感受,并 给予他们及时的帮 助和支持。
The end
Thank you
Les Choristes
By -ShiLei
Brief introductions
• Director & screenwriter: Christophe Barratier
• Actors: Gé rard Jugnot. François Berlé and. Jean-Baptiste
The choir was invited to perform. Just because the headmaster want to earn more money.
There was no people see him off, but all the students sent him the paper planes.
Because of prejudice and discrimination of the teacher, no matter how nature behaved children, is also very likely to grow into a psychological twisted people. We should treat each child equally, because every child is an angel.
Maunier. Maxence Perrin
• Country :France • Release time:2004 • Awards:2004年奥斯卡最佳外语片提名奖
2005年法国金ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้奖最佳电影奖 • 2005年第三十届法国“恺撒奖”8项提名最佳电影音乐奖、 最佳音响奖
The Role of Music Elements in Movies
The integration of disciplinary and non disciplinary music to enhance emotional impact, with the form providing a realistic soundscape and the latter offering commentary and emotional guidance
The Weaving Maid
Cast as a rising starlet with a background in dance and commercial arts, she brings a unique physique and grace to the role Her performance style
Introduction to the Spring Movie of the Cowherd Class in English
• Movie Background and Plot Introduction • Character Analysis and Actor Performance • Analysis of Film Audiovisual Language
Overview of the storyline
The protocol, a young colleague named Xiaoqiang, aims to leave the village and seek a better life in the city, but is consistently reminded of his low social status and lake of education
当马图听到淘气的孩子以嘲笑他的口气唱着那支“老秃头 ,老秃头……”时,马图并没生气,他曾在日记中这样记 载:“我念念不忘那支歌,唱得差,但毕竟还是在唱歌,” 于是他运用音乐活动为主要手段,来调整孩子们的不良心 理素质。每一个音符宛如一个个鲜活的精灵“随风潜入夜 ,润物细无声”,最终实现了心灵的转向。
全片的焦点人物就是最后成为音乐家的莫朗。他曾被上界班主 任称为“天使的面孔与魔鬼的心灵”。他是由单亲妈妈抚养的。 与别的孩子不同,他更有自尊心,更敏感。马图体会到这位单 身母亲的含辛茹苦,这个孩子的任性。一方面极力从“补牙” 为幌子,用善意的谎言在母亲面前违护莫朗的自尊心,而另一 方面则冒着处犯校长的危险将正在受罚的莫朗放出去,探望母 亲,对他也极为信任。发现他的独唱天赋,又积极培养。特别 是莫朗将墨水瓶投向他时,他依旧宽容地安慰这位失望的母亲。 另一方面以取消莫朗的独唱资格使他明白:要想得到别人的尊 重,必须先尊重别人。特别是为伯爵夫人演出的那一天,马图 从新给予莫朗的充分肯定,最终感化了这头“小野牛”
世界著名指挥家皮埃尔·莫昂克重回法国故地出席母亲的葬礼, 他的旧友佩皮诺送给他一本陈旧的日记,看着这本当年音乐启 蒙老师克莱蒙·马修遗下的日记,皮埃尔慢慢细味着老师当年 的心境,一幕幕童年的回忆也浮出自己记忆的深潭。
克莱门特是一个才华横溢的音乐家,不过在1949年的法国 乡村,他没有发展自己才华的机会,最终成为了一间男子寄宿 学校的助理教师,名为“池塘底教养院”。这所学校有一个外 号叫“池塘之底”,因为这里的学生大部分都是一些顽皮的儿 童。到任后克莱门特发现学校的校长以残暴高压的手段管治这 班问题少年,体罚在这里司空见惯,性格沉静的克莱门特尝试 用自己的方法改善这种状况,闲时他会创作一些合唱曲,而令 他惊奇的是这所寄宿学校竟然没有音乐课,他决定用音乐的方 法来打开学生们封闭的心灵。马修开始教学生们如何唱歌,但 事情进展得并不顺利,一个最大的麻烦制造者就是皮埃尔·莫 昂克,皮埃尔拥有天使的面孔和歌喉却有着令人头疼的调皮的 性格,谆谆善诱的克莱门特把皮埃尔的音乐天赋发掘出来,同 时他也与皮埃尔的母亲产生了一段微妙感情,但却是一厢情愿 。最后因为失火事件被校长解雇,临走前带走了派皮诺 。
A good teacher can influence(影响) his students through their lives. To be a teacher that be admired by(被…欣赏) his students is also a kind of happiness(幸 福). I wish that every teacher would teach his students by heart and enjoy his teaching life.
放牛班的春天 Les choristes
New words
• boarding school 寄宿学校
• design for 为…设计
• teenager n. 青少年
• ancient adj. 古老的
• mottled adj. 斑驳的
• atmosphere n. 气氛
• headmaster n. 校长
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be a good person through the powottom of pond”(“池塘之底”) is a boarding school(寄宿学校). Specially design for(为…设计) “reeducation” problem teenagers(青少年) .Just as its name suggests, the school has dark ancient(古老的) buildings, heavy doors, mottled(斑驳的) gray rooms
• 今天我介 绍给你一 个故事,名 叫放牛班 的春天。
• 这部电影谈论老师帮助 他的学生如何成为一个 好人通过歌曲的力量。
• 1949年 Monsieau克 莱门特,助理 教师,涉及到 学校的“困 难”男孩。
• 这所学Байду номын сангаас是由一个硬的本金。学校的 座右铭是“行动——反应”。这种方法 显然不工作,因为有很多问题,问题儿童。
• 学生们如此叛逆,总统没有善待学生。 他不仅没有耐心的学生,但也总是惩 罚他们甚至有一个小错误。
»当学生透过窗 户向他挥手致 意时,他唱这首 歌,马修先生提 出了一个快乐 的微笑
»这部电影充满了爱和感 动。。
从我的角度来看,一个好的老 师可以影响他的学生在他们 的生活。老师,被他的学生欣 赏也是一种幸福。希望每个 老师能教他的学生熟记于心, 享受他的教学生活。
马修用音乐先生打开学生的心灵。在他的 指导下,每个人都选择了他们的信心。
看来事情越来越好,但是有一天,一场大 火,改变了一切。因为老师的学校,孩子 们不小心保存,但老师应该离开由于犯 罪。
电影的最后一部分深深打动了 我。当马修先生伤心地离开了 学校,学校里到处都是纸飞机与 祝福卡片从他的学生即使是坏 人。
• 但Monsieau克莱门特尝试达到他的 男孩和建立信任和真正的订单通过 音乐。
• Morhange, 一个男孩天 使的脸,但魔 鬼的心由一 个美丽的单 身母亲抚养 长大。
• 今天我介 绍给你一 个故事,名 叫放牛班 的春天。
• 这部电影谈论老师帮助 他的学生如何成为一个 好人通过歌曲的力量。
• 1949年 Monsieau克 莱门特,助理 教师,涉及到 学校的“困 难”男孩。
• 这所学Байду номын сангаас是由一个硬的本金。学校的 座右铭是“行动——反应”。这种方法 显然不工作,因为有很多问题,问题儿童。
• 学生们如此叛逆,总统没有善待学生。 他不仅没有耐心的学生,但也总是惩 罚他们甚至有一个小错误。
»当学生透过窗 户向他挥手致 意时,他唱这首 歌,马修先生提 出了一个快乐 的微笑
»这部电影充满了爱和感 动。。
从我的角度来看,一个好的老 师可以影响他的学生在他们 的生活。老师,被他的学生欣 赏也是一种幸福。希望每个 老师能教他的学生熟记于心, 享受他的教学生活。
马修用音乐先生打开学生的心灵。在他的 指导下,每个人都选择了他们的信心。
看来事情越来越好,但是有一天,一场大 火,改变了一切。因为老师的学校,孩子 们不小心保存,但老师应该离开由于犯 罪。
电影的最后一部分深深打动了 我。当马修先生伤心地离开了 学校,学校里到处都是纸飞机与 祝福卡片从他的学生即使是坏 人。
• 但Monsieau克莱门特尝试达到他的 男孩和建立信任和真正的订单通过 音乐。
• Morhange, 一个男孩天 使的脸,但魔 鬼的心由一 个美丽的单 身母亲抚养 长大。
He used music to open the students' heart. Under his instruction, everybody picked back their confidence ,even the headmaster has begun to change.
It seemed that everything were altering(改变)for better, but one day ,a fire changed everything .The teacher taken them out of school ,and the children were saved .but the teacher should left due to the offence.
the parents meet their children within prescribed time . Here,it lacked righteousness(正义),respect,love.....
Evil violent headmaster
曾经是鼓号手的他,也有过梦想与激情,可是 面临教育的异化,逐渐将自我的心灵扭曲变形。
为了利益,他可以不择手段,任意掠取马修的 艰辛努力。
为了逃避自己的责任,他可以把蒙丹送进监狱, 可以宣告合唱团解散,可以解雇马修。
在他眼里,惟有绝对的权威,才能控制消极行 为的发生,抑或惩罚消极行为。
逃学而被公立学校开除了的单 亲家庭的孩子。
马修,一个落魄的艺术行 侠,一个仓皇的生活男人, 一个另类的学监教师。
曹小艳 thank you
Clément Mathieu
He is to treat all students equally, including Simon .He try to tolerate them and give them confidence, motivation and love.His way of education is not a solicitation of education, but the use of music this kind of good things to guide the students and the infection. If one's life can have such a teacher, that is lucky...
A very lovely child, can't sing but is still very popular with the teachers, because of the parents died in the war, but still believe that every day on Saturday, his father will come to pick him up, finally touched by Matthew teacher and follow it to leave.
放 牛 班 的 春 天
On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Clément Mathieu arrives in “Bottom of the Well“( a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys)to work as an inspector. The place is administrated with violence fist by the cruel director headmaster.Most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults. Clément Mathieu decides to teach the boys to sing songs in their spare time.And identify the musical potential of the Pierre Morhange, the son of a beautiful single mother,he also has a special feeling for the young lady.Pépinot, a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war. In his memory, Clément Mathieu changes the lives of the boys and his own.
Clément Mathieu
He is to treat all students equally, including Simon .He try to tolerate them and give them confidence, motivation and love.His way of education is not a solicitation of education, but the use of music this kind of good things to guide the students and the infection. If one's life can have such a teacher, that is lucky...
A very lovely child, can't sing but is still very popular with the teachers, because of the parents died in the war, but still believe that every day on Saturday, his father will come to pick him up, finally touched by Matthew teacher and follow it to leave.
放 牛 班 的 春 天
On 15 January 1949, the former music teacher Clément Mathieu arrives in “Bottom of the Well“( a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys)to work as an inspector. The place is administrated with violence fist by the cruel director headmaster.Most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults. Clément Mathieu decides to teach the boys to sing songs in their spare time.And identify the musical potential of the Pierre Morhange, the son of a beautiful single mother,he also has a special feeling for the young lady.Pépinot, a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate, but indeed lost his parents in the war. In his memory, Clément Mathieu changes the lives of the boys and his own.
放牛班的春天ppt 03.11
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be a good person through the power of songs.
Fifty years after the main story takes place, Pierre Morhange, a conductor performing in the United States, is informed that his mother has died before a concert. After the performance, he returns to his home in France for her funeral. An old friend named Pépinot arrives at his door with a diary: it belonged to their teacher, Clément Mathieu, and they
But Clément Mathieu tries to reach his boys and build trust and true order through music. He teached them to sing, and formed a choir. He grouped the boys into their voice types
In 1949, Clément Mathieu, a failed musician and composer, arrives at "Bottom of the Pond" (or "Rock Bottom"), a French boarding school for "difficult" boys, to work as a supervisor.
sow the seeds of love
Pierre Morhange
Pierre was expelled from the public school .He has single-parent families. He often dives into the classroom alone, let oneself of sound through the bones and across campus.He never under the public display the beauty of the voice. But Matthew know, only music can clean his soul. Pierre has music talent, under the Matthew carefully protect and teach, the dream become a miracle.
Every heart need love,needs tolerant and understanding.Every child comes from pure place should be the very love treasure.
The most annoying people in the film, selfish, serious,ruthless, don't consider the feelings of children, and like to take someone else's work achievement, was finally united complaints.
Pierre Morhange
Pierre was expelled from the public school .He has single-parent families. He often dives into the classroom alone, let oneself of sound through the bones and across campus.He never under the public display the beauty of the voice. But Matthew know, only music can clean his soul. Pierre has music talent, under the Matthew carefully protect and teach, the dream become a miracle.
Every heart need love,needs tolerant and understanding.Every child comes from pure place should be the very love treasure.
The most annoying people in the film, selfish, serious,ruthless, don't consider the feelings of children, and like to take someone else's work achievement, was finally united complaints.
放牛班的春天 英语课前演讲 PPT
• Under one’s instruction 在某人的指导下 • confidence n. 自信 • be fired 被解雇 • yard n. 院子 • influence v. 影响 • be admired by… 被…欣赏 • happiness n. 幸福
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be a good person through the power of song.
• Beautiful things, in the lost, feel it’s precious(珍贵的).
• Never give up, always have hope is waiting ahead.
• Sometimes, a touching story is no need for heart-breaking(令人心碎的) nor rousing(激动人 心的) heroism plot(英雄主义情结).
Matthew had taken the children out of the school, they were safe. But Mr. Matthew were
When Mr. Matthew left school sadly, the school yard(院子) was full of paper planes with best wishes on the cards from his students.
“The bottom of pond”(“池塘之底”) is a boarding school(寄宿学校). Specially design for(为…设计) “reeducation” problem teenagers(青少年) .Just as its name suggests, the school has dark ancient(古老的) buildings, heavy doors, mottled(斑驳的) gray rooms
The film talked about a teacher helped his students how to be a good person through the power of song.
• Beautiful things, in the lost, feel it’s precious(珍贵的).
• Never give up, always have hope is waiting ahead.
• Sometimes, a touching story is no need for heart-breaking(令人心碎的) nor rousing(激动人 心的) heroism plot(英雄主义情结).
Matthew had taken the children out of the school, they were safe. But Mr. Matthew were
When Mr. Matthew left school sadly, the school yard(院子) was full of paper planes with best wishes on the cards from his students.
“The bottom of pond”(“池塘之底”) is a boarding school(寄宿学校). Specially design for(为…设计) “reeducation” problem teenagers(青少年) .Just as its name suggests, the school has dark ancient(古老的) buildings, heavy doors, mottled(斑驳的) gray rooms
在他的眼神里,我读到了被谅解的快乐,第一次读到了感 激
世事不能说死,有些事情总值得尝试。永不轻言放弃, 前方总有希望在等待
“我唱,你唱,他唱……影片《放牛班的春天》如一声 响雷,让法国合唱事业如雨后春笋般地繁荣起来,时至 今日,共汇集起几十万各个年龄段的合唱业余爱好者。”
每个学生都有自己的优缺点, 关键是教师能否用一颗仁爱 之心去发掘每一个孩子的优 点、天赋和潜能,因材施教。 只有这样,孩子们才能在健 康的教育环境下学习,更好 地成长起来。
这个世界可能有卑微的人,但却没有卑微 的感情,心灵从来就不是用来征服而是用 来走近并温暖的平凡的爱可以创造不平凡 的感动。
Bonheurs enfantins 童年的欢乐 Trop vite oubliés effacés 转瞬消逝被遗忘 Une lumière dorée brille sans fin 一道绚烂金光 Tout au bout du chemin 在小道尽头闪亮 Sens au coeur de la nuit 黑暗中的方向 L'onde d'espoir 希望之光 Ardeur de la vie 生命中的热忱 sentier de la gloire 荣耀之巷
世界著名指挥家皮埃尔·莫朗琦重回法国故地出席母亲的葬礼,他的旧友贝比诺送给他 一本陈旧的日记,看着这本当年音乐启蒙老师克莱门特马修遗下的日记,皮埃尔慢慢细 味着老师当年的心境,一幕幕童年的回忆也浮出自己记忆的深潭……
克莱门特是一个才华横溢的音乐家,不过在1949年的法国乡村,他没有发展自己才华 的机会,最终成为了一间男子寄宿学校的助理教师,这所学校有一个外号叫"池塘之底", 因为这里的学生大部分都是难缠的问题儿童。到任后克莱门特发现学校的校长以残暴高 压的手段管治这班问题少年,体罚在这里司空见惯,性格沉静的克莱门特尝试用自己的 方法改善这种状况,闲时他会创作一些合唱曲,而令他惊奇的是这所寄宿学校竟然没有 音乐课,他决定用音乐的方法来打开学生们封闭的心灵。
世事不能说死,有些事情总值得尝试。永不轻言放弃, 前方总有希望在等待
“我唱,你唱,他唱……影片《放牛班的春天》如一声 响雷,让法国合唱事业如雨后春笋般地繁荣起来,时至 今日,共汇集起几十万各个年龄段的合唱业余爱好者。”
每个学生都有自己的优缺点, 关键是教师能否用一颗仁爱 之心去发掘每一个孩子的优 点、天赋和潜能,因材施教。 只有这样,孩子们才能在健 康的教育环境下学习,更好 地成长起来。
这个世界可能有卑微的人,但却没有卑微 的感情,心灵从来就不是用来征服而是用 来走近并温暖的平凡的爱可以创造不平凡 的感动。
Bonheurs enfantins 童年的欢乐 Trop vite oubliés effacés 转瞬消逝被遗忘 Une lumière dorée brille sans fin 一道绚烂金光 Tout au bout du chemin 在小道尽头闪亮 Sens au coeur de la nuit 黑暗中的方向 L'onde d'espoir 希望之光 Ardeur de la vie 生命中的热忱 sentier de la gloire 荣耀之巷
世界著名指挥家皮埃尔·莫朗琦重回法国故地出席母亲的葬礼,他的旧友贝比诺送给他 一本陈旧的日记,看着这本当年音乐启蒙老师克莱门特马修遗下的日记,皮埃尔慢慢细 味着老师当年的心境,一幕幕童年的回忆也浮出自己记忆的深潭……
克莱门特是一个才华横溢的音乐家,不过在1949年的法国乡村,他没有发展自己才华 的机会,最终成为了一间男子寄宿学校的助理教师,这所学校有一个外号叫"池塘之底", 因为这里的学生大部分都是难缠的问题儿童。到任后克莱门特发现学校的校长以残暴高 压的手段管治这班问题少年,体罚在这里司空见惯,性格沉静的克莱门特尝试用自己的 方法改善这种状况,闲时他会创作一些合唱曲,而令他惊奇的是这所寄宿学校竟然没有 音乐课,他决定用音乐的方法来打开学生们封闭的心灵。
Vois Sur Ton Chemin Caresse Sur L’océan
Les Avions En Papier
Vois sur ton chemin 《Les Choristes 》《放牛班的春天》的主题曲:Vois sur ton chemin 看看你经过的路上。 歌词: Vois sur ton chemin 看看你经过的 路上 Gamins oubliés égarés 孩子们迷了路 Donne leur la main 向他们伸 出手 Pour les mener 拉他们一把 Vers d'autres lendemains 步向往后的 日子 Sens au coeur de la nuit 黑暗中的方向 L'onde d'espoir 希望之光 Ardeur de la vie 生命中的热忱 Sentier de gloire 荣耀之巷 Bonheurs enfantins 童年的欢乐 Trop vite oubliés effacés 转瞬消逝被遗忘 Une lumière dorée brille sans fin 一道绚烂金光 Tout au bout du chemin 在小 道尽头闪亮 Sens au coeur de la nuit 黑暗中的方向 L'onde d'espoir 希望 之光Ardeur de la vie 生命中的热忱 sentier de la gloire 荣耀之巷
I影片简介 II音乐插曲 III精彩剧照
《放牛班的春天》(原名:Les Choristes)是由Christophe
Barratier导演的电影。讲述了世界著名指挥家皮埃尔· 莫安琦 (Pierre Morhange 雅克· 贝汉饰)重回法国故地出席母亲的葬礼, 他的旧友佩皮诺(Pépinot adulte,戴迪亚· 费拉蒙饰)送给他一本陈 旧的日记,看着这本当年音乐启蒙老师克莱门特(Clement Mathieu, 杰拉尔· 朱诺饰)深潭。
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• All the necessary types are present in the classroom: the cute small kid, the brazen thieves and hormone-addled thugs, and of course the surprisingly talented teacher's pet (Jean-Baptiste Maunier), from whose adult perspective the story is told. In the opening scene, we learn that he ends up in New York City as one of the "greatest conductors in the world"--just to make sure that everybody knows right away that this story has a happy end. • • Forgive me if I sound cynical. "The Chorus" is told with skill and charm, and if you like to hear golden teenage sopranos, you will love the music. If you're in the mood to be uplifted in all the usual heartwarming ways--"Mr. Holland's Opus," "Dead Poets' Society," "Billy Elliot" and scores of similar films come to mind--"The Chorus" will not disappoint you. Disappointing, however, is that Barratier didn't pick a fresher subject for his first film, disappointing, also, that out of all the unique and innovative films that came out of France last year, this formulaic and obvious movie was picked to represent the country at the Academy Awards.
• “The Chorus” is a movie you have seen many times before. Cute, well-acted and utterly predictable, Christophe Barratier's feature debut delivers just what the advertising promises: a musician who has given up on fame takes a job as supervisor at a school for hard cases, and when he teaches the boys how to sing, they mellow out and begin to love him dearly.
Les choristes
——By C171021
• On 15 January 1949,the former music teacher Clément Mathieu (Gérard Jugnot) arrives in "Fond de l' Etang" ("Bottom of the Well"),a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys,to work as an inspector.The place is administrated with iron fist by the cruel director Rachin (François Berléand),and most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults.Clément decides to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare time,and identify the musical potential of the rebel Pierre Morhange (Jean-Baptiste Maunier),the son of a beautiful single mother for whom he feels a crush.He also has a special feeling for the young Pépinot (Maxence Perrin),a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate,but indeed lost his parents in the war.With his methods,Clément changes the lives of the boys,of the other employees and his own.
Thank you!Fra bibliotek• Fond d'Etang, the name of the school run with iron fist by the stern Rachin (Francois Berleand), translates as "Rock Bottom,” but round-faced Clement (Gerard Jugnot) holds on to his good cheer. His cuddly exterior betrays a warm intelligence--apparently he knows that he is in the kind of movie where a little art will certainly tame the teenage beasts, and so he sorts the boys by their voices and starts a choir.
• “The Chorus” is a movie you have seen many times before. Cute, well-acted and utterly predictable, Christophe Barratier's feature debut delivers just what the advertising promises: a musician who has given up on fame takes a job as supervisor at a school for hard cases, and when he teaches the boys how to sing, they mellow out and begin to love him dearly.
Les choristes
——By C171021
• On 15 January 1949,the former music teacher Clément Mathieu (Gérard Jugnot) arrives in "Fond de l' Etang" ("Bottom of the Well"),a boarding school for orphans and problematic boys,to work as an inspector.The place is administrated with iron fist by the cruel director Rachin (François Berléand),and most of the boys have severe punishments for their faults.Clément decides to teach the boys to sing in a choir in their spare time,and identify the musical potential of the rebel Pierre Morhange (Jean-Baptiste Maunier),the son of a beautiful single mother for whom he feels a crush.He also has a special feeling for the young Pépinot (Maxence Perrin),a boy that expects the visit of his father every Saturday near the gate,but indeed lost his parents in the war.With his methods,Clément changes the lives of the boys,of the other employees and his own.
Thank you!Fra bibliotek• Fond d'Etang, the name of the school run with iron fist by the stern Rachin (Francois Berleand), translates as "Rock Bottom,” but round-faced Clement (Gerard Jugnot) holds on to his good cheer. His cuddly exterior betrays a warm intelligence--apparently he knows that he is in the kind of movie where a little art will certainly tame the teenage beasts, and so he sorts the boys by their voices and starts a choir.