• … wishes to express his sincere appreciation to… for… • … thank… for… • … is grateful to for… • We wish express our thanks to… • Thanks are due to… for… • This work was supported in part by… • Support by … is gratefully acknowledged. • Acknowledgement is made to …for…
More short form sentences led by “as”
• • • • For example: As have stated above As in figure 3 As the illustration shows As follows
More passive voice
Part I How to Make Use of the Linguistic Features of Scientific Papers
Vocabulary---basic elements
Typically professionalized terms--Specifically concentrated meaning--Absorb----take in Observe---look at
Specialized English in Clinical Veterinary Medicine
授课教师:唐兆新教授 授课时间:2006年9月-2007年1月
Lesson 7
(3) 国际交流合作 专业英语表达、听说、应变能力
Chapter 2 Features of Specialized English
第二章 专业英语的特点
2.1 Grammar Features 语法特点
客观性(Objective)、准确性(accuracy)和精练性(conciseness)。 (1) 广泛使用被动语态 (2) 广泛使用非谓语形式 (3) 省略句使用频繁 (4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁 (5) 复杂长句使用频繁 (6) 后置形容词短语作定语多
2.1 Grammar Features
② 分词
过去分词短语替代从句中的被动语态 现在分词短语替代从句中的主动语态
1)The power supply, which is shown in block-diagram in Fig.1, is a single-phase switch-mode inverter.
4) Changing resistance is a method for controlling the flow of the
5) Conducting electricity means the flow of electrons through an
2)Instrument transformers are installed on the high-voltage equipment. 互感器安装在高压设备上
)课件演示(或板书):SystemTestsOn-line Transmission no On-line Printout no 系统状态测试状态在线数据传输否在线数据打印否【步骤三】操练(时间:45分钟)知识点1:科技英语总的的特点科技文章文体的特点是:清晰、准确、精练、严密。
兽医专业英语( 扬州大学)课件, 包括兽医的定义, 兽医的历史, 兽医专业的作用 和义务, 动物福利和伦理。
1 兽医学定义
3 兽医学的职责
2 兽医学的历史
4 动物福利与伦理
讨论药物治疗之外的替代疗法。 Nhomakorabea公共卫生与人畜共患病
1 异国和野生动物医学原则
3 常见疾病和情况
2 异国动物的饲养和繁育
4 异国和野生动物医学中的伦理和法律问
动物行为和学习 动物的压力和攻击行为 动物福利和伦理考虑 兽医行为医学
More complex sentences
• The focal point of any investigation of animal disease is the making of a diagnosis, and the critical part in making that decision is the clinical examination of the individual animal or group of animal. Therefore, it is appropriate that the first part of title deal with this important subject.
Experimental description
• • • • Description of experiment Test and equipment Experimental procedure Materials and methods
Results and discussion
• • • • • • • The results are shown in table 1. The test results presented in fig.2 show… From …, we now conclude… We have demonstrated in this paper… The results of the experiment indicate… In conclusion, the results show… Finally, a summary is given of …
Lesson 7
Renal function and micturition
宠物专业英语 Unit 5 Pet Nutrition
Unit 5 Pet NutritionUnit ObjectivesIn Section 1 Oral Practice, learn how to start a conversation with others about the topic of “pet nutrition”.In Section 2 Reading-centered Activities, master the key words and structures by finishing the comprehensive tasks after Passage 1; Understand Passage 2 and finish the reading, translating and writing tasks after it.In Section 3 Related Information, learn and memorize the list of common ingredients of pet food and see how many of them you are familiar with.Section 1 Oral PracticeWarm-upMatch the key words with the pictures given below.1---B 2---D 3---A 4---C 5---F 6---ESpeaking Task 1Language points:1. formula n.公式,准则;方案;婴儿食品There is no standard multivitamin formula.复合维他命剂的配方并没有通用标准。
This year, the country’s indexing formula has set the minimum wage increase at 6 per cent.按照与通胀挂钩的计算公式,该国已将今年的最低薪资涨幅设在6%。
但是,教学的预设和生成总是存在一定差异的,教育者要用自己的智慧去点燃求知者心中的那把火!参考文献:[1]孙玉凤,李兰.“急性上呼吸道感染”说课设计[J].卫生职业教育,2014,32(19):47-48.[2]邓莉莹,雷芬芳,岳月娟.高职高专护理专业社区护理说课设计[J].时代教育,2012(13):208,210.蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉蒉Vol.332015No.17教学探讨卫生职业教育 人才培养质量与社会需求之间的系统性偏差和结构性矛盾,是高职教育快速发展过程中面临的瓶颈问题,其主要原因就是传统学科性课程模式占主导地位[1,2]。
《小动物外科手术学》教学大纲课程名称:小动物外科手术学(双语)英文名称:Small animal operation(Bilingual)课程总学时:32学时课程总学分:2学分适用专业:动物医学(小动物疾病防治方向)一、课程性质与任务小动物外科手术学是在小动物上施行手术治疗的一门重要临床学科。
六、考核办法成绩评定比例(%)1、平时成绩(点名、课堂考试、课堂作业)40%2、期末考试 60%七、教材与参考资料1.林德贵主编,《兽医外科手术学》,第五版,北京:中国农业出版社20162.Fossum T W. Small Animal Surgery. 3rd edition, St. Louis:Mosby, 20123.Slatter D. Textbook of small animal surgery. 3rd Edition, Philadelphia:WB SaundersCompany, 20124.Gourley I M, Gregory C R. Atlas of Small Animal Surgery.Hannover:Schluetersche, 19995.Denny H R. A Guide to Canine and Feline Orthopaedic Surgery.4th edition, Stuttgart:Ferdinand Enke, 2000。
Animal Patho-Anatomy
Veterinary Latin
Pharmaceutical Engineering
Veterinary Pharmaceutics
Veterinary Clinivestock Surgery Operation
Livestock Surgery
Livestock Internal Medicine
Livestock Tocology
Chinese Veterinary Science
Animal Toxonosis and Toxicology
Poultry Production
Introduction to Animal Husbandry
Animal Anatomy
Livestock Histology and Embryology
Histology and Embryology
Livestock Environment Hygiene
Livestock Ecology
Feed Additives
Swine Science
Horse Science
Sheep and Goat Science
2 2 学 习畜牧兽 医专 业英语 的意义 .
部分 学生 和教 师认 为 专业英 语 可有 可 无 , 思想 上不 够重视 , 至有 些认 为 高 职高 专 培养 实 用 型 岗 甚 位人 才 , 用不着 专业英语 , 没有 必要开设 专业英语 。 12 学生的基础 参差不 齐 . 特别 是农科类 高职 大学生 的的文化基 础课相 对 差一些 , 语更 是如 此 。有些 学 生 不能 流 利完 整 地 英
要求从 事畜 牧兽 医专业 的人员不但 要学好 专业
理论 , 而且也 要依靠 专业 英语这 一重要 工具 , 自己 使 的专业 知识得 到 充 实和 提 高 , 少走 弯 路 , 事半 功 倍 , 在各项 工作 中获得 优异成 绩 。畜牧兽 医专业英语 之
所 以能起到 如此重 要 的 作用 , 因为牧 医工作 者 在 是 学习 、 教学 、 研和生 产实践 的各个 环节 中元一不 和 科
确提 出了“ 以实 用 为 主 , 用 为 目的” 应 的教 学 目标 。 因此 , 畜牧兽 医专 业 英语 课 的教学 目的是 不 仅要 熟
据调 查 , 非所 有 的农 科类 高 职高 专 院校 的畜 并
牧兽 医专业都 开专 业英 语课 , 主要 原 因是 缺 乏 能够
开设 这门课 的教师 。该 门课程 多 南专业课 青年 教师
学好英语 的愿望 , 仍需 因势利 导 , 索一 套 有效 、 但 摸 具 有针对性 的农也类 职业 院校专业英 语教学 方法 。
解 专业 术语 、 习专 业 课 , 且 有 助 于 记忆 英 文术 学 而
动物医学Veterinary Medicine一、培养目标本专业主要面向现代畜牧业发展对兽医人才的需求,培养德、智、体、美全面发展,掌握扎实的基础理论知识,具有系统的兽医学知识体系,具备较强的实践动手能力和创新精神,能在高等院校、科研机构、兽医业务部门、基层诊疗单位、动物生产单位及相关企业从事与动物医学有关的教学科研、疾病诊疗、检验检疫、监督管理等方面工作的研究应用型人才。
畜牧兽医专业英语Specialized English for Veterinary Medicine讲稿院系: 动物医学院任课教师: 姚宝安授课对象: 动物科技2002级1-4班动物医学2002级1-4班总学时: 402005前言Preface按照大多数高等院校兽医本科专业的教学计划及培养目标,在畜牧兽医本科专业学生完成2年基础英语学习的基础上,一般于三年级第一学期开设《畜牧兽医专业英语》(English for Students of Animal Science and V eterinary Medicine)选修课程。
本课程重点阐述了动物科技和动物医学的科技英语阅读和翻译的基础知识、科技英语的特殊性、科技词汇的基本结构和构词法、动物科技和动物医学科技英语论文及摘要的撰写、参考文献引录; 以及动物科技和动物医学相关的英语文章, 包括动物科技、动物医学基础知识和专业知识。
Chapter 1 General of English for Science and Technology Section 1 The important of Study Englishfor Science and T echnology1.1 Foreign languages for Science and Technology is a individual subject Foreign languages for Science and TechnologyLanguages for special Purposes ( LSP)English for Science and TechnologyEnglish for Special Purposes (ESP)1.2 The important of Foreign languages for Science and T echnology 1.3 Request of study in Foreign languages for Science and Technology 1.3.1 Study English book and magazine using dictionaryTranslation English book and magazine using dictionaryKnow how to write abstract for English paper1.4 Study methods of English for Science and T echnology1.4.1 Understand study aim and plane1.4.2 Study methods1.4.3 Mastery the pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar Pseudotuberculosis Pseudo-tuberculo-sisImmunoassay Immuno-assayImmunochemical Immuno-chemical1.4.4 Reading methodsSection 2 The formation and development of several foreignlanguage in normal using in the world2.1 The major language in the worldThere are 2700 nationality and 5651 languages, but there are not words in three fourth. There are 500 languages studied by philologist.There are 70 different kind words published in foreign countries.English 60%German 11%Russian 11%France 7%Japanese 3%Spanish 2% Others 8%2.2 The origin and development of several major languagesin India and Europe希腊东希腊文斯拉夫文俄文腓尼基文古希腊文法语西希腊文拉丁文意大利语西班芽语英语日尔曼语德语2.3 The significance of study foreign languages for science and technology from study languages in India and EuropeSection 3 The general character and individual character in English for science and technology and public English3.1 The general character in English for science and technology and public EnglishThe English for science and technology is the branch of general English. The basic words are come from general English. The grammar is as same as general English.3.2 The difference of English for science and technologyand public English3.2.1 The character of comma language in English for science and technology. The meaning of vocabulary is proprietary and stabilitydo, make, takeThere is no feeling in English for science and technologyThere are no figure of speech, overstate and parallelismIt is a written language3.2.2 The characteristic of vocabulary in English for science and technology. International There are 70% vocabulary come from Latin and Greece in medicine and veterinary.. Using normative written verbdiscover(find out) observe (look at).Using derivative adjectiveverb add -able, -ed, -ing, -ivebreath breathing, breathed, breather, breathlessnoun add -al, -ic, -iouselectron electronic, electropolar, electropositive3.2.3 The character of grammar structure in English for science and technology1) Using noun and word groupThe title of paper(1)Methods of detecting drug-resistance in chicken coccidian(2)The pathway of cell death induced by lead in Wish cells(3)Establishment of a Radiorecepter Assay (RRA) capable ofmeasuring serum bioactive LH/CG in a wide variety of species 2) Using passive voiceThe Toxplasma gondii infection were found in animals as early as in 1950s in Fujian province of China. During the next twenty-odd years much progress was made and more than 100 papers were published.3) Using participle and non-predicate as adjective(1) The sounds heard in the heart are due to the closing of the valves.(2) A zoonotic disease is defined as a disease shared by animals and humans.4) Using more than two clause(1)Such use as we are able to make of helpful bacteria and such controlas we have of harmful ones depend upon our knowledge of theirhabits.(2)Water provided to the hogs was sampled and soil from the site of mostrecent slurry spread was collected.5) Using it as antecedence subject(1)It makes no difference to take this medicine before or after meals.(2)It can be concluded that bovine embryo recloning is similar to theembryos cloning except for the embryo’s low in vitro d evelopment ability.6) Using preposition word groupThese cases are grouped by the severity of the disease.7) Using as guidance active and positive sentencesAs the illustration showsAs has been statedAs followsChapter 2 Three basic of English for science and technology Pronunciation vocabulary grammarSection 1 PronunciationSection 2 Word-formation in words of science and technology2.1 The derivational expansion of general English words2.1.1 The basic general wordsBasic words : 3500-4500Morpheme (word element), basic words: prefix, stem, suffixThe basic Chinese words : 3500There are only 2900 different Chinese words in Chairman Mao florilegium.2.1.2Formation of wordsNew words: skylab moonquake E-mailThere are three methods of formation words:1) CompoundingUsing two or more words form one new words.(1)Compound nounA. Noun + noun newspaper test-tube bookwormB. Adjective + noungreen-house White-house darkroomC. Gerund + nounSleeping-bag freezing-point working-tableD. V erb + nounGrindstone workshop sawdustE. Adverb + nounOutbreak overcoat overbridgeF. Pronoun + noun He-goat she-wolfG. V erb + adverbMake-up break-down get-togetherNoun + prepositionEditor-in-chief father-in law son-in-law(2)Compound adjectiveA.Adjective + nounFirst-hand second-hand low-temperature high-temperatureB. Adjective + Adjective light-blue red-hotC. Noun +Adjective color-blind world-wideD. Adjective + noun + ed (d) small-sized open-mindedE. Noun + participle man-made snow-coveredF. Noun + present participleMan-eating earth-shakingG. Adverb + participle far-reaching well-informedH. Adverb + preposition + nounUp-to-date out-of-dateI. Numeral + noun (+ed) five-year (plan) four-corneredJ. Adverb + adjective ever-green over-sensitiveK. Adjective + participle ready-made good-lookingL. Noun + noun + ed iron-willed strong-willed weak-willed (3) Compound pronounPronoun objective case or possessive pronoun + self (selves)Himself ourselvesIndefinite pronoun (some, any, no, every) + body (one, thing ) Everybody, anybody something, nothing(4) Compound verbA. Adverb + verb : overcome upholdB. Noun + verb sunbathe(5)compound adverbA. Noun + noun sidewaysB. Noun + adverb headfirstC. Adjective + noun meanwhileD. Preposition + noun before-head2) AffixationIt is called derivative method to change the meaning with prefix or suffix.A. Prefix can case the meaning change without change of parts of speech.Unfair, dislike, amoral, superman, cooperate, foretell, Bicycle, tricycle, pentagon, sexangleB.Suffix can case the change of parts speech, and sometimes themeaning of word changed.Piglet, armlet, friendship, happiness, childless3)ConversionParts of speech change(1) Noun turned to verb: form to form, heat to heat(2) Adjective turned to verb: slow to slow, direct to direct(3)Adjective turned to noun:Wounded the wounded, beautiful the beautiful(4) Adverb turned to verb: down to down2. The word of special purpose extension in vertical and horizontal1)The words of special purpose in vertical extension(1)The words from Greece and Latin word element50-70% English words are come from Greece and Latin.A.The compound method from Greece and Latin word elementsMany derivative words are compounded from more than threeword elementsPolyavitaminosis poly- a- vita- amin(o)- osisPolyuria polytrophy aminoacid acidosis leucocytosis Leucocyt(a)emiaB.One stem of organ can composed to new word with suffix of disease, symptom, skillterminologyorgan -algia -rragia -otomy -rrhaphy -plasty -it is -oma -osis -celeEntero- entero- entero- entero- entero- entero- entero- entero- entero- entero- algia rragia tomy rrhaphy plasty tis cele gastro- gastro- gastro- gastro- gastro- gastro- gastri- gastro- gastro- algia rragia tomy rrhaphy plasty tis sis celehepato hepatal- hepato- hepato- hepato- hepati- hepato- hepato- hepato- gia rragia tomy rrhaphy tis ma sis celeC.V ertical extension in some hematology noun terminologyhaemocytoblastmyelo- myeloblastlympho- -blast lymphoblastmono- monoblastmegacaryoblasterythro- erythroblastpro- + myelo + cyte promyelocytemeta- + myelo + cyte metamyelocyteFurthermore, above mentioned the cell words can added with other suffix , e.g. –blast(o)osis, -cytohaemia, -oma etc.2)The character of Greece and Latin and rule of synthesis(1)The morphem of Greece and Latin is as same as common Englishword structure, and it is divided into prefix, root and suffix.A.Prefix: Greece and Latin preposition, number or word derivatione.g. a- aleukia, anti- antibody, dys- dyscontrol,B. Root: Greece and Latin words changee.g. entero- enterotoxin, thoraco- thoracotomy,haemo- haemorrhagiaC.Suffix: Greece or Latin suffix or word changeD.e.g. –itis enteritis, -osis babesiosis, -tomia enterostomy(2) Divided into primary word derivative and compound wordsPrimary word: entero-, stoma-Derivative word: primary + prefix or suffixanti- + toxinum antitoxinCompound word: compound from two or more wordsHaemo- + thorax haemothorax(3) The major rule of formation and connection in stemA. Stem and prefix mostly come from single meaningTake off the suffix of single meaning word , if the end of word is consonant, it need s to connect ―o‖. But if it is vowed, it does not need to change. But spleen is coming from Greece spleen, the suffix is needing to add ―o‖ , splenoo-.B. When the stem has prefix, there is a vowel in front of the stem, the vowel is taken out in the end of prefix . If there is a vowel in front of the stem, the vowel is kept.Enter (o) + it is, ―o‖ meet ―i‖, take out ―o‖ enteritisEntero + rrhagia, ―o‖ meet ―r‖, keep ―o‖ enterorrhagiaC. If ―o‖ take out , two consonant add ―o‖, it is difficult to know the stem, adding ―-‖ in the middle.Chondro-osteodystrophia, intra-abdominalD. gastro- + -enter(o)- +-it is, ―o‖ meet with ―e‖, keep ―o‖ gastroenteritis2) Come from general English words with new meaningenergy, base, normal, cell3) New words(1)Compound new words from Greece and Latinatom, a + tomos , bicycle (bicyclette France)(2)Condensation from first wordLaser Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation Rader Radio Detection and Ranging(3)Compound from head and tail of wordsTransfer + resistor transistor, Positive + electron positron (4)Take part word instead of whole wordGram-molecular-weight mole or mol(5)Change wordTelevision televise, laser lase , diagnosis diagnose (6)Reverse the wordFrequency quefrency, filter lifter(7)Condensation wordAtom-bomb a-bomb, undersea boat u-boat(8)Condensation of LatinEt al. (et alifi), e.g. (exampli gratia), ie. (id est)2. Horizontal extension of special wordsUsing Greece and Latin stem1)Latin For the name of animal, plant, microorganism, parasites anddrugs etc.Nephritis haemorrhagicaaa, Bacillus mallei zopf,Natrium chloratum2)Translate to special words from Latin by different countries Avitaminosis (L. E. W.), Avitaminose(F. G. ), Avitaminosi(I.) Septicaemia haemorrhagica suum (L.)Haemorrhagic septicemia swine (E.)Septicemia (haemorphagique) du pore (F.)Haemorrhagische septikamie der schweigne (G.)3. Harf English wors and phrasse of Science and technologyIt means that using and meaning are changed from general English. Specimen, sample, germ, case, carrierSection 3 Grammar for English of science and technology1. Using passive voice One third verbs are using passive voice in English for science and technology. Because the article of science and technology are introduced the outcome and results.1)The sentence without personUsing passive voice is more confidence.Research was being done.Parasites have to be controlled. Parasites have controlled.2)expression the necessary and responsibilityThe instruments need to besterilized.There are several factors to be considered.3) Expression item, plan and aimThe results of research are to be published soon.The results of research are (was) published.4) Expression the probability and tendencyThese animals are liable to be attacked by germs.5) Expression the performer in passive voiceThe operation was performed by the surgeon.6) Expression the method and mannerThe solution is weakened by the addition of more water.7) The subject is animal, plant and other substanceDecay is accelerated by enzymes.8) Expression inverted sentence orderBy the addition of water, the solution is weakened2. Using noun and noun word group instead of verb or adjective noun> verb, preposition> adjective and adverbIf we compare Type A with Type B, we will find that Type A is more advantageous to our purpose.* A comparison of Type A with Type B shows that Type A has more advantageous to our purpose.3. Using more non-predicate verb phraseTo determine the number of cells, a sample is put under a microscope.The cell units were found to be filled with living substances.4. Using more participle as attributeThe quantity of oxygen liberated to atmosphere by growing vegetation is obviously very large.5. Using subjunctive moodBut for the heat of the sun (if there were no heat of the sun), nothing could live.6. Using fixture sentenceIt is ( or verb) + adjective(or noun) + that (clause)It is common knowledge that water is made from oxygen and hydrogen. Chapter 3 The style and structure of sentence in English for science and technologySection 1 Stylistics in English for science and technologyA. Chinese is different from English on oral expression.E.g. # I want to ask you a question.* I’d like to ask you a question.* May I ask you a question?B. Style in English is different from Chinese. The English for Science and technology has special individual character in word, grammar and structure of sentence.1. The structure of style is rigor, concision and briefness .1)We made a hole in a cork and pushed into a narrow glass tube. Then we pushed this into neck of a bottle which we had filled with coloredwater. When we did this some of the colored water went up into the tube. We marked the level of the colored water in the tube was marked. Then the bottle was placed into a pan of hot water.Almost immediately, the water level in the tube fell slightly, but then it started to rise until the water overflowed.* 2) After a hole was made in a cork, a narrow glass tube was inserted and the cork was inserted into neck of a bottle filled with colored water. On doing this, some of the colored water rose in the tube. The level of the colored water in the tube was marked. Then the bottle was placed into a pan of hot water.Almost immediately, the water level in the tube fell slightly, but then it started to rise until the water overflowed.2. The article of science and technology is strictness, refine, in focus and concision.1)This piece of metal expanded when it was heated. It will contractwhen cooled.Metals expand when heated and contract when cooled.2)The chick embryos are chopped up and are put into a jar, thenthey are poured into a large flask. An enzyme is added to break down the tissue.3)There is a choice in article for science and technologyA.Tin resists corrosion by air or water.B.Tin is resistant to corrosion by air or water.C.Tin has a resistance to corrosion by air or water. Section 2 Structure of sentence in English for science and technologyOne sentence has subject, predicate verb, object and modifier parts.The basic parts are subject and predicate. The modifier parts are attribute, adverbial and complement.3.Type of sentence1) Simple sentenceAll of us must learn Dr. Bethune.2)Compound sentenceAfter liberation the incidence of occupational and epidemic diseases has dropped remarkably, the general health condition of the workers has greatly improved.3)Complex sentenceThat China is a big country with all kinds of resources is well known. The question was whether it was common cold or influenza.We are know that red blood cells carry oxygen from the lungs to the rest of the body.The air that animals breathe is a mixture of different gases.Every bit of food eaten must be dissolved in water before it can be absorbed and utilized.4)Members of the sentenceA.SubjectStreptomycin preparations can be administered by a variety of methods.B.Predicate verbOur country has a great future.First aid should always first be directed toward the control of haemorrhage. One of the functions of bone is to protect important organs.5)Predicative Most colds appear to be communicable.6)ObjectWe must hold ourselves responsible to the people.7)ComplementWe call the new method acupuncture anaesthesia.8)AttributeNormally, each beat of the heart cause a pulse in the arteries.9)AdverbialOn clinical examination no changes in the animal’s condition were found.4.Analysis of English for science and technologyTo find the subject, predicate ( how many ) and other parts.*e.g. In the early days of sea travel, seamen on long voyages lived exclusively on salted meat and biscuits. Many of them died of scurvy, a disease of the blood which causes swollen gums, livid white spots on the flesh and general exhaustion. scurvy: a disease (formerly common amongsailors) marked by blooding and caused by not eating fruit and vegetables (with vitamin C).livid: paleexhaustion: the state of being tired outChapter 4 Reading and translation of English for science and technologySection 1 Reading of English for science and technologyY ou must understand the article for reading.The basic require for reading: pronunciation, words and grammarThe method of reading:1)Extractive reading2)Extensive readingSection 2 Translation of English for science and technology1. The calibrate of translation: confidence, clarity and volubility1)Literal translation 2) Free translation2. The method of translation1)Understanding the words and sentencesFrom syntactical function to understand the meaningA.Though usually of a round shape, the nucleus may sometimes be elongated and rod-shaped, as in nonstriated muscle cells, or irregular in shape, as in some white blood corpuscles.B.An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative chargewhich rounds about the nucleus of an atom.C.The encouraging news soon got round.In making the rounds the medical workers attach great importance to the prevention of disease.Red rash developed round the neck in the wake of two day’s fever.2) The meaning of word according to article up and downIn recent reports of eight cases of viral hepatitis, four were seen with acute urticaria in the preicteric phase.Massive bleeding may not be brought under control in time. Such being the case, prompt operation is indicated.lFurther improvements in the instrumentation includes the fitting of a small case containing ultrafine motor.3) According to the partner of words known the meaninggeneral anesthesia,general check-up,general outline,general peritonitis,general pathology,general secretary4) Words change and extension e.g. we, you, theyWe have 365 days in a year. Y ou can never tell.They say it is so.The activity of this enzyme in these sites can be maintained at normal levels by sulfate feeding.2) Understand the sentence(1) Some times the members of sentence are ellipsis* Just think of the difficult.To think that you should fail. (2) Using it , thereIt requires heat to change water into gas.It is no use trying.It is the people that are really powerful.It is said that……It is thought that……It is declared that……It is supposed that……It is learned that……There are th ree kinds of bacteria in the tube.(3) Using parenthesisEven a slight lack of Vitamin C, for example, the vitamin most plentiful in fresh fruit and vegetables, is thought to increase significantly our susceptibility to colds and influenza.3) What kind of sentence(1)Simple sentenceOn meeting the ovum, the head of the spermatozoon penetrates it.(2)Compound sentenceIt has long been known to bacteria experts that the tubercle bacillus is the germ in milk which most strongly resists heat treatment.4) known the word order(1) Inverted word order in compound sentenceA. Only in our country can science serve the interest of the people.B. It has been roughly estimated that forty percent of animal’s diseases are the result of infection by bacteria.C. Nutritional experiments have made it evident that vitamins are indispensable for animal’s health and growth.D. The lymph vascular system differs from the blood vascular system in that it is not a circulatory system but simply a drainage system and possesses no pump.E. The truth is that men are developed from anthropoid apes.F. There is a little doubt that antibiotics particularly those of the broad spectrum, can be used to reduce secondary bacterial infection.(2) Inverted word order in passive sentenceA. Vitamin K is not absorbed from the upper intestine.verted word order in preposition sentenceShe treats sick animals with a needle(3) Separating sentence and adding some pronoun and conjunctionA nearby object falling into a black hole is never heard of a gain.4) Adding or reducing words(1)Adding wordsSome of the gases in the air are fairly constant in amount, while others are not.(2)Reducing wordsIn the course of the same year, anthrax broke out in that area.Microoganisms are so small that they cannot be seen at all with the naked eyes.5) Changing translationIt was not until 1959 that chemists succeeded in obtaining this compound.He can not read the book without a dictionary.6) expression true meaningThe heart lies between the lungs, more to the left side than to the right.7) Logic relationThere substances pass from the tissue fluid into the cells, while waste products pass in the opposite direction.8) Using Chinese customHe is too wise not to understand such things.Section 3 Translation for long and difficult sentencesEnglish sentence is longer than Chinese, especially using articlefor Science and technology.1) Analysis long sentence needs to find central words and sentence pattern.However great the joy with which he welcomed a new discovery in some theoretical science whose practical application perhaps it was as yet quite impossible to envisage, he experienced quite another kind of joy when the discovery involved immediate revolutionary changes in industry, and in historical development in general.2) Known the subject and predicate and separation sentenceTo separate long sentence for simple sentence and finding central words. Allergic r eactions may occur in a large percentage of normal individuals without evident hereditary predisposition.When a body which has a certain temperature becomes hotter, w e say that heat has been added to it.3) Known the relation parts of sentences by conjunctionW hile the process meets the presently accepted definitions of emphysema, it may be simply anatomic consequence of aging.Just as a disturbance in metabolism of one metabolite will affect all other metabolites, so a deficiency in the intake of one nutrient affect all others.There is little doubt that antibiotics, particularly those of the broad spectrum can reduce secondary bacterial infections.A s has already been mentioned above, patients differ in their tissue sensitivity.Aggressive dosage of penicillin as high as 40,000,000 units per day in the absence of untoward effects are required, which it can do only by applying ―push‖ doses.What has been found by necropsy is of almost importance.4) Translation of Modifier attached to subject and predicate(1)Attribute translation * cardiac failureThe advanced world levelsF rom the foregoing discussion a fair idea will have been gathered as to the factors responsible for this upset.F ood is t a ken in though the mouth, where it is chewed and mixed with saliva, then it passes down the esophagus to the stomach, where the food collects.(2) Adverbial translationOur finding suggest that the symptoms of chronic bronchitis begin early in life.Ca rotene which is a precursor of vitamin A can be given in such large amounts that it causes a yellowish discoloration of the skin which often is mistaken for jaundice.5) Translation for long sentence(1) Translation by order of sentence* Here the emphasis is on disease as a process, and an effort is made to explain the clinical picture by the pathological changes found in the tissue, not only in the surgical pathology laboratory, but, it may be, in the autopsy room, where the object is not merely to determine the cause of death, but to study the particular disease in all its aspects and various, and to correlate it with the signs and symptoms observed during life.(2) reverse translationAn increase in antibodies against the type of virus which caus ed the infection may be demonstrated seven to ten days after the onset of illness, the maximal antibody response is observed two to four weeks after onset.6)Renew and separating translationA number of investigations have reported the presence in the ser um of patients in the early stages of acute viral hepatitis of varying proportions (13-18%) of an antigen variously referred to as the Australia antigen, the SH antigen and the hepatitis antigens.Chapter 5 Writing abstract for English paperSection 1 writing title1.Title1) Simple and understandAn investigation into fatal cryptosporidiosis in beef cattle2)Using noun without predicateFactors affecting uterine and cervical involution in the cow and ewe3)Using whole sentence for title without periodD ietory cholesterol is co-carcinogenic for human colon cancer4)Interrogative sentence for title with note of interrogationHome or hospital births?Is treatment of borderline hypertension good or bad?5)Methods of written title:(1) Capital the first word of first denominator of title(2) Capital every word of first denominator of title without some empty word, article and three denominator word ( conjunction and preposition) but capital more than fore denominator word (with, from, after, before, during, against and between etc.)Outlook into the future: new perspectives to safeguard insecticidesThe Pathway of Cell Death Induced by Lead in Wish Cells2. SubtitleTo project some contains of paper e.g. cases, research method or different parts of long paper topic. The title and subtitle can separated by different size of words or colon.Abdominal pain in the emergency room: A study of 100 consecutive casesFatty liver syndrome in dairy cattle: A reviewFactors Affecting Uterine and Cervical Involution in the Cow and Ewe: I. Oestradiol-17β。
兽医英语教案教学设计1. 掌握且能运用有关询问某人身体状况的日常用语,能述说安康状况以及谈论病情和给出建议或要求的日常交际用语。
2. 掌握本单元的词汇和习惯用语,特别是短语make up one’s mind, as if, at least等的用法。
本单元词汇、短语及习惯用语make up one’s mind 下决心regard…as … 把……当作……;当作as if 好似at sea 在大海上just as… 正象;恰与……相同mobile phone 可移动half an hour 半小时at all 根本;全然at least 至少;起码a doctor for animals 兽医wag its tail, or put its ears straight up 摇尾巴或把耳朵竖起来To help animals is helping people. 帮助动物就是帮助人类。
make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事find something about him on the inter 在网上找到有关他的资料a pet dog named Don 一条被叫做Don的爱犬no matter 不管before long 不久work on 从事于……工作be on the safe side 万无一失to speak well of everyone 说别人好话to plain too often 报怨太多交际用语表示肯定和不肯定 Expressing certainty and uncertainty We can find ….我们能找到……。
喜好和厌恶 Like and dislikesI like …. 我喜欢……。
I really love …. 我真的喜欢……。
I like to work with …. 我喜欢和……工作。
Do you like being …? 你愿意成为……吗?请求允许和应答 Asking for permission and responses— Can I ask you some questions? 我能问您一些问题吗?— Sure. 当然可以。
(2) What does a fuse do? It protects a circuit. The function of a fuse is to protect a circuit.
As illustrated in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the closedloop system. As in Fig.1, there is a feedback element in the closed-loop system. 就像图1所示的那样,这个闭环系统中有一个反馈元件。
申报国家奖项 申请专利 发表学术论文:85%以上的科技资料都是以英语形式出版的
(3) 国际交流合作 专业英语表达、听说、应变能力
Chapter 2 Features of Specialized English
第二章 专业英语的特点
2.1 Grammar Features 语法特点
客观性(Objective)、准确性(accuracy)和精练性(conciseness)。 (1) 广泛使用被动语态 (2) 广泛使用非谓语形式 (3) 省略句使用频繁 (4) It句型和祈使句使用频繁 (5) 复杂长句使用频繁 (6) 后置形容词短语作定语多
2.1 Grammar Features
(1) 广泛使用被动语态 (客观性)
主体多为客观的事物、现象和过程,在叙述推理过程中切忌加进作者 个人的主观臆断;
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CHAPTER ONE 科技英语的基本特点、构词法概述及阅读与翻译Lesson One科技英语的基本特点专业英语(Specialized English in Animal Science and Veterinary Medicine)属于科技英语-English for Science and Technology(Pc.ST),是英语的一种语体,在词汇、语法,修辞等方面具有自己的特色。
3.目标:3.1能较熟练地阅读科技文献、专业书刊和有关资料包括professional paper/scientific paper,dissertation/thesis/library paper, term/course paper,review,etc。
32能借助词典较准确地笔译本专业英文文献-Professional papers and dissertations和科技书籍-Scieatific Books.3.3能撰写英文论文摘要、了解英文专业论文的写作要求并能较准确的进行专业英语论文的写作。
4. 学习方法提示:勤读勤练、注意积累、持之以恒。
4.l 要结合专业进行大量的阅读,尽可能地找一两本本专业的原版教材,按照辩普读物→专业教材→论文的次序阅读,仿照其表达方式练习写作,注意写作的格式、用词、句型结构、句子的平行与统一、逻辑性、一致性、连贯性和完整性。
For example, nematode eggs differ significantly in size and shape.(2)科技英语主要是一种书面语言,它要求严谨、简洁,不要求在文中堆积华丽的词藻,也不要求考虑朗读和吟诵。
The simpler,the better!(3)科技英语的词汇意义比较专一、稳定,特别是大量的专业名词其词义很固定、专一。
For instance, Pathology; Physiology; Cestodes; Microbiology; Immunology(4)科技英语词汇具有国际性。
e.g., Ascaris suum; Toxocara canis(5)多使用正式规范的书面动词来替代具有同样意义的口语化的动词或动词短语。
例如,用discover来代替find out,用observe来代替look at,用examine代替check等。
e.g., PCR amplicons were examined by agarose gel electrophoresis(6)在语法结构上,科技英语大量使用被动语态。
例如:Adult worms of Ascaris were obtained from human patients after treatment with anthelmintics, or from pigs at necropsy.通过用驱虫药治疗病人或尸体剖解从猪体获得蛔虫成虫。
The second internal transcribed spacer (ITS-2) was amplified from nematode genomic DNA by PCR.(7)大量使用名词或名词词组。
例如,Infection of humans with nematodes of the genus Ascaris is of major public health importance in a range of countries and affects millions of people.人体的蛔虫属线虫感染在许多国家具有重要的公共卫生学意义,影响数以百万计的人口。
例如:machine design=design of machinewater purifieation system=system for the purification of waterfood factory=factory producing foodSemiconductor devices=devices using semiconductorsrubber shoes=shoes made of rubberCar engine=engine used in carhistory teacher:=teacher,who teaches historybus driver=driver who drives a bus在“名词十名词”结构中,主体名词既可以是单数,也可以是复数。
例如:paper tiger Party member.paper tigers Party members而起修饰作用的名词,一般只用单数形式。
如;a passenger ship=a ship for passengersan electron beam=a beam of electrons作修饰语的名词偶尔也用复数,用复数形式并非强调数量的多少,而是强调不同的种类。
例如:weapons system commodities fairmaterials science communications satellite在“名词十名词”结构中,作修饰语的名词可表示:用途,原料,工作原理,操作方式,形状,大小,位置,厂商和所属等关系。
用途:Emergency brakes=brakes designed for emergency use原料:Carbon steel brakes=brakes made of carbon steel工作原理:air brakes=brakes designed to operate according to the compressibility of air操作方式:hand brakes=brakes operated by hand形状:Disk brakes=brakes whose most important component is in the form of a disk大小:Six-inch brakes=brakes with a diameter of six inches位置:Front brakes = brakes located in the front厂商:Ghiling brakes=brakes designed and manufactured by the Gbirlibg company所属:Car brakes = the brakes of a car阅读英语对,如果碰到一个较长的名词词组,可根据上述各种关系,把一个长的名词词组从右向左地分成几个短的词组。
例如,可以把下面两个长的名词词组作如下处理:a day-and-night weather forecast station这个名词词组的中心词是station.第一级构成forecast station,加上第二级为weather forecast station,再加上第三级为 a day-and-night weather forecast station.2. Nozzle gas ejection ship attitude control system右边头两个短的名词词组control system和ship attitude均表示用途,意为:the purpose of the control system is to control the ship attitude;gas ejection和nozzle表示操作方式,意为:gas is ejected by means of a nozzle;Lesson Two 科技英语构词法概述(Formation of Scientific Terms in English)学习医学、兽医学的学生及医学、兽医学工作者普遍感到医学、。