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中华医学会第五次杂志工作会议资料汇编% .//2 年 # 月
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中华医学会第五次杂志工作会议资料汇编. #((, 年 ! 月
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现状, 幅面尺寸可以适当变通, 但同一期刊在同一年内各期的幅面尺寸应一致。若需要变更, 应从新的一卷 ( 年) 的第 ! 期开始。采用大 !" 开本, 但根据期刊用纸情况的不同, 可以有以下 # 种尺寸, 允许误差范围均为 $ ! %%。 纸张尺寸为 &’( %% ) !!"& %%, 幅面尺寸为 #(’ %% ) #&( %%, 版心尺寸为 !*( %% ) (!) #+’ %%。 (#) 纸张尺寸为 &&, %% ) !!,+ %%, 幅面尺寸为 #!( %% ) #&’ %%, 版心尺寸为 !*( %% ) #’( %%。 同一期刊各期的正文页码原则上应相对稳定。若需增减页码, 应按有关规定报批。 !" 刊名 #- !. 刊名应刊印于封面、 目次页和版权页的显著位置。期刊封面其他文字标识不得明显于 刊名。 #- #. 外文期刊封面上必须同时刊印中文刊名; 少数民族文种期刊封面上必须同时刊印汉语 刊名。 #- /. 中文版期刊应加注汉语拼音刊名。汉语拼音刊名参照 《 中文书刊名称汉语拼音拼写法》 拼写, 可刊印在封面、 封底、 目次页或版权页。 #- +. 中文刊名不论在期刊的任何位置出现, 必须保持名称的一致和完整, 不用缩写形式。并 列刊名在封面、 刊脊、 目次页、 版权页上应以全称表达, 在页眉、 参考文献表中可以缩写, 缩写形 式按 012 + : !,,* 03456%78953 73: :5;<%=3878953: 6<>=? 456 8@= 7AA6=B978953 54 898>= C56:? 73: 898>=? 54 D<A>9;78953? 的规定, 具体可参照美国国立医学图书馆 ( E789537> F9A676G 54 H=:9;93=, EFH ) 编印 的 《 推荐的文献引用格式》 附录 I ( @88D: J J CCC- 3>%- 39@- K5B J D<A? J 456%78? J 938=63=8- D:4) 。 #" 封页 封页包括封面、 封二、 封三、 封底和刊脊。 /- !. 封面 /- !- !. 封面设计应庄重、 简明、 美观, 突出学科特点和出版特色。形式力求相对稳定, 但可以 考虑美观或广告布局的需要, 变换色彩和图案等。 /- !- #. 封面自上而下依次排印中国标准连续出版物号 ( 右上角) , “ 中华医学会系列杂志” 字 样, 中文刊名 ( 包括并列刊名和可能有的副刊名) , 汉语拼音刊名, 中文出版年月、 卷号、 期号 ( 出版增刊时, 封面须注明 “ 增刊 ) ” 字样) , 英文刊名, 英文卷号、 期号、 出版年月, 中华医学会 会徽, 中华医学会中、 英文名称, 中国标准连续出版物号 ( 011E 部分) 条码 ( 左下角) 。左侧 /’ %%宽的深色块内排中华医学会英文缩写 LHM。凡新创办的中华医学会系列杂志, 第! 年 各期封面统一由中华医学会杂志社出版发行部制作。英文版杂志、 国际合作类杂志和 《 中华 医学杂志》 等封面编排格式有所不同, 但主要内容基本一致。若为 “ 卷终” 或附有总索引, 应在 该期封面或目次页予以标注。 /- !- /. 英文刊名纵排时, 词序排列为由下至上, 即订口朝上时由左向右阅读。封面标志项目 中的数码采用阿拉伯数字, 中文版期刊刊%,/・


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Instructions for authorsChinese Medical Journal (CMJ) is an international, peer-reviewed general medical journal published in English semimonthly by the Chinese Medical Association and distributed worldwide. Manuscripts are welcome from any part of the world.MANUSCRIPT INFORMATIONManuscript requirementsManuscripts submitted to CMJ should meet the following criteria: the material is original; the writing is clear; the study methods are appropriate; the data are valid; the conclusions are reasonable and supported by the data.Manuscript submissionAuthors are required to submit their manuscripts online at .Previous publication or duplicate submissionManuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration by another publication. Copies of possibly duplicative materials that have been previously published or are being considered elsewhere must be provided at the time of manuscript submission.Previous presentationA complete report following presentation at a meeting or publication of preliminary findings elsewhere (e.g., an abstract) can be considered.CATEGORIES OF ARTICLESCMJ publishes editorial, original article, review article, medical progress, brief report,viewpoint, case report, letter, and many other categories of articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the practice of medicine and research.EditorialThese are usually commissioned, however, unsolicited editorials are welcome. We are keen to consider editorials or ideas for editorials from authors outside China. Editorials should be up to 2000 words long with no more than 25 references.Original articleManuscripts on epidemiological studies, studies of social medicine, clinical trials, especially large scale randomized controlled trials are welcome. Each manuscript should clearly state an objective or hypothesis, the methods, the main results of the study and the conclusions. The length is limited to 2000–4000words (not including tables, figures, and references).More than 20 references are encouraged to be cited in this kind of articles.Meta analysisOnly results of meta analysis are reported in this kind of article. The length of the article is within 2000–4000 words (not including tables, figures, and references). Medical progressThis kind of article is mainly solicited, but we also consider unsolicited articles. The length of the article is within 2000–4000 words (not including tables, figures, and references).Review articleReview articles include systematic, critical assessments of literature and data sources pertaining to different medical topics, such as cause, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, or prevention, etc.The length is limited to 2000–4000words (not including tables, figures, and references).Brief reportThese articles are short reports of original studies. They should not exceed 2500 words with no more than 2 tables and/or two illustrations and 15 references.Clinical experienceAuthors of these articles provide their experiences for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of diseases. The length is up to 2500 words with no more than 2 tables and/or two illustrations and 15 references.ViewpointPersonal views are welcome and the length should be 1000–3000 words (not including tables, figures, and references). Authors of this type of articles should sign their real names; no anonymous pieces are published.Case reportAuthors usually describe one to three patients or a single family. The text is limited to no more than 2500 words, and up to 15 references.Clinical solutionsThe articles are evidence-based reviews of topics relevant to practicing physicians. Articles in this series should include the following sections: case report, clinical overview, strategies, clinical difficulties, and author’s personal opinions. The text is limited to 3000 words and a small number of figures and tables. Images for diagnosisAuthors can provide here with typical images of common or uncommon medical conditions. This feature is intended to capture the sense of visual discovery and variety that physicians experience. It is not intended as a vehicle for case reports.LetterLetters to editors discussing a recent CMJ article should be received within 3 months of the article’s publication and should not exceed 500 words of text and 5 references. Letters should also be submitted online.AUTHOR INFORMATIONDesignate a corresponding author and provide a complete address,telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address.Authorship requirementsEach author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article. Authorship credit should be based on(1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; and (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the version to be published.Conditions 1, 2, and 3 must all be met.1Group authorshipIf authorship is attributed to a group, all members of the group must meet the full criteria and requirements for authorship as described above. A group must designate at least one individual as corresponding author. Other group members may be listed in an Acknowledgment.Conflicts of interestAuthors should indicate relevant conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests relevant to the subject of their manuscript, in their covering letter. Authors without relevant financial interests in the manuscript should indicate no such interest.EDITORIAL REVIEW AND PUBLICATIONPeer reviewA CMJ editor reviews submitted manuscripts initially. Manuscripts with insufficient priority for publication are rejected promptly. Other manuscripts are sent to expert consultants for peer review. Peer reviewer identities are kept confidential.The manuscript under review is not revealed to anyone other than peer reviewers and editorial staff. We encourage authors to suggest the names of possible reviewers, but we reserve the right of final selection. Rejected manuscriptsRejected manuscripts and reasons for rejection can be found online. EditingAccepted manuscripts are copyedited first by native speakers and then by CMJ editors according to CMJ style and returned to the author for approval. Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the editor and authorized by the corresponding author.PublicationAuthors are required to pay page fee if their manuscripts are accepted for publication. The publisher will provide the author (s) 2 copies of the journal free of charge.CopyrightThe Chinese Medical Association (CMA) is the owner of all copyrights to any articles published in the journal. Published manuscripts become the permanent property of the Chinese Medical Association and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. Chinese Medical Association keeps the right to use these manuscripts in any form, including print, video, audio, and digital.MANUSCRIPT PREPARATIONManuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) ().Submit the original manuscript online; use 1 side of standard-sized page and 1.5 cm margins.For Chinese authors, submission of a Chinese version of the manuscript (or abstract) is recommended.Use only 10- or 12-point font size.On the title page include the full names and affiliations of all authors. If an author’s affiliation has changed since the work was done, list the new affiliation as well. Titles should be concise and descriptive. The name, address, telephone number, fax number, and E-mail address of the correspondence author should be addressed. Any grant support that requires acknowledgment should be mentioned on this page.Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury. All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System Units (SI).Use nonproprietary names of drugs, devices, and other products, unless the specific trade name of a drug is directly relevant to the discussion.Do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract and limit their use in the text.A covering letter signed by all authors includes(1) information on prior or duplicate publication or submission elsewhere of any part of the study; (2) the statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors and that the criteria for authorship have been met; (3) the statement on financial or other conflict of interests; and (4) any suggestions such as referring possible unqualified reviewers due to conflict of interests, etc. The corresponding author must sign the acknowledgment statement. Authors should obtain written permission from all individuals named in an acknowledgment.JOURNAL STYLETablesTables should be simple and no duplicate information should appear in the text of the article. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and headed by a concise title. Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations that are used in each table. Forfootnotes use the following symbols in this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡.FiguresComplete sets of illustrations must be submitted with legends typed on the same page. Only clear photographs are acceptable. All lettering must be legible after reduction to column size. Magnification and staining should be indicated when pertinent. AbbreviationsUse only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.Ethical requirementFor experimental investigations of human subjects, state in the Methods section that an appropriate institutional review board approved the project. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees,the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki2 should be followed. For investigations of human subjects, state in the Methods section the manner in which informed consent was obtained from the study participants.Patient descriptions, photographs, and pedigreesInclude a signed statement of informed consent to publish (in print and online) patient descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees from all persons (parents or legal guardians for minors) who can be identified in such written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees. Such persons should be shown the manuscript before its submission.Permissions required to reproduce or adapt material Acknowledge all text, illustrations, and tables adapted or reproduced from other publications and submit permission from the original publishers(or other copyright owner) to republish in print, online, and licensed versions of CMJ.ReferencesNumber references in the order they appear in the text; do not alphabetize. In text, tables, and legends, identify references with superscript Arabic numerals. When listing references,abbreviate titles of journals according to Medline. Note: List authors and/or editors up to 6; if more than 6, list the first 6 authors followed by et al.Examples of reference style:1. Liu XP, Long DY, Dong JZ, Liu XQ, Fang DP, Hao P, et al. Recurrent atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation after circumferential pulmonary vein a blation: What’s the difference? Chin Med J 2005; 118: 1773-1778.2. Xie SZ, Gu MJ, Cheng YP. Inhibitory effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on angiogenesis induced by malignant neoplasm. Chin J Obstet Gynecol (Chin)* 1998; 33: 113-114.3. Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr., Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1974: 457-472.4. Dannenberg AM. Immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Rev Infect Dis 1989; 11 Suppl 2: s369-s378.5. Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996; 23(1 Suppl 2): 89-97.6. Ozben T, Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N. Plasma and urine sialic acid in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann Clin Biochem 1995;32 (Pt 3): 303-306.7. Turan I, Wredmark T, Fellander-Tsai L. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Orthop 1995; (320): 110-114.8. Cumulative number of reported cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2003. (Accessed April 9, 2003 at http://www.who.int/csr/sarscountry/ 2003_04_04/en/.)*: It is especially needed to note “(Chin)” for articles published in Chinese.Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct citation of the text.REPORT OF ORIGINAL DATAAbstractInclude a structured abstract of no more than 300words for original articles, meta analysis, brief report, clinical experience (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions) and review articles (Objective, Data sources, Study selection, Results, Conclusions); an informative abstract for medical progress, viewpoint, case report, clinical solutions and images for diagnosis.KeywordsThree to 6 words or short phrases should be provided at the top of the abstract page as keywords. Terms from the medical subject heading (MeSH) list of Medline should be used; if suitable MeSH terms are not yet available for recently introduced terms, present terms may be used.IntroductionIntroduction should be short and arresting. State the purpose of the article and summarize the rationale for the study or observation. Give only strictly pertinent references and do not include data or conclusions from the work being reported.MethodsDescribe your selection of the observational or experimental subjects (patients or laboratory animals, including controls) clearly. Identify the age, sex, and other important characteristics of the subjects.Iden tify the methods, apparatus (list the manufacturer’s name and original country in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods; provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but are not well known; describe new or substantially modified methods, give reasons for using them, and evaluate theirlimitations. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name (s), dose (s), and route (s) of administration.Reports of randomized clinical trials should present information on all major study elements including the protocol (study population, interventions or exposures, outcomes, and the rationale for statistical analysis), assignment of interventions (methods of randomization, concealment of allocation to treatment groups), and the method of masking (blinding). Authors are recommended to refer to the CONSORT Statement 3 for details.ResultsOverall describe the major findings of the study. Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations; emphasize or summarize only important observations. DiscussionSummarize the major findings. Discuss possible problems with the methods used. Compare your results with previous work. Discuss the clinical and scientific (if any) implications of your findings and their limitations. Suggest further work. Produce a succinct conclusion.MANUSCRIPT CHECKLISTSubmit complete text of your manuscript online (including tables, figures, etc), in addition, domestic authors should submit Chinese version of the complete text or its abstract.Review the sequence: covering letter, title page, key words and abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, legends for illustrations.Check all references for accuracy and completeness. Put references in proper format in numerical order, making sure each is cited in the text.Include written permission from each individual identified as a source for personal communication.Include informed consent forms for identifiable patient descriptions, photographs and pedigrees.Keep copies of everything submitted.Manuscript inquiriesTel:86-10-85158321.Fax:86-10-85158333.Email:***********. cn.REFERENCES1.International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniformrequirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.(Accessed September 10, 2009 at: )2.World Medical Association. Declaration of Helsinki: Ethicalprinciples for medical research involving human subjects.(Accessed September 6, 2005 at: /e/policy/ pdf/ 17c.pdf)3.Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, for the CONSORT Group.The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. (Accessed October 28, 2010 at: http://www.consort- )。

句号 在 引 号 之 内, 考 文 献 序 号 标 注 在 引 号 之 外 参
( … … 。 ) 反 之 , 标 注 在 句 号 之 前 ( … … ” 。 “ ” ; 则 “ )
多次引用同一著作或 同一文献 时 , 正文 中标 注首 次 在 引用的文献序号 , 并在序号外著 录引文 页码 。 2 7 13 图表 。图表中一般 不应 出现 引文标注。 . . . 2 7 2 文后参考文 献。文后 参考 文献表 的顺 序应 按文 中 .. 引文的顺 序依 次排列 , 阿拉伯数字书写 , 用 加方 括号。
介 绍 与 医学 、 书情 报 相 关 的科 技 成 果 和 先 进 经 验 。 目前 , 图
不 限, 但论 著一 般不应少于 1 0条 。 27 1 文 内。按参考文献 出现 的先后顺序连续编码 , . . 并将
序号置于方括号 中, 上角标标注 。 用
27 1 1 摘要 。摘要 中一般不列参考文献 , 要时采 用随 ... 必 文标注 的方 法 , G / 7 4 20 按 B T 7 1 — 0 5规 定 的著 录 项 目、 顺 序 、 录符 号标 出 , 著 置于方括号 中, 列于引文之后 。 27 12 正文 。在正文 中标注参 考文献 应尽 可能靠 近有 .. .
2 6 正文 .
2 6 1 标 题 层 次编 号 。一 律 采 用 阿 拉 伯 数 字 连 续 编 号 , .. 不 同层 次 的数 字 之 间加 下 圆点 相 隔 , 11 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 如 ,. ,. . ,. . . 1 2 2 12 1 12 11 1 … … 。 标 题 一 般 不 宜 超 过 4级 。 ; ,. ,. . ,. . . ,
中华医学图书情 报杂志

《中华医学》杂志投稿须知《中华医学杂志》简介《中华医学杂志》(ISSN 0376-2491, CN 11-2137/R)创刊于中华医学会成立的1915年。
创刊之初是中、英文双语期刊,英文刊名为National Medical Journal of China。
1932年,《中华医学杂志》的英文部分与中国博医会的英文杂志China Medical Journal (博医会报)合并,以Chinese Medical Journal为刊名出版;中文部分仍称《中华医学杂志》继续出版,并继续保留National Medical Journal of China的英文刊名,现在,在中华医学杂志的论著类文章中依然保留英文的作者姓名、通讯地址和严格的英文摘要。
据中国科技论文与引文数据库和中国科学引文数据库提供的资料,中华医学杂志的被引频次连续数年在中国医学期刊中位居前十名(由《中国科技期刊引证报告》,2003年是医学类第五名,2004年是医学类第三名),影响因子连续五年呈上升趋势,在综合类医学期刊中始终位居前五名(由《中国科技期刊引证报告》,1992年和1996 2003年是医学综合类第三名,2004年是医学综合类第四名)O年,中华医学杂志分别荣获首届和第二届全国优秀科技期刊一等奖;1999年荣获首届国家期刊奖;2002年荣获第二届国家期刊奖,2004年荣获第三届国家期刊奖,连续四年荣获中国百种杰出学术期刊称号。


1.2论著(基础研究、临床研究类文稿)、综述、讲座一般不超过5 000字,短篇论著(临床经验)类不超过2 500字,病例报告不超过1500字。
1.4作者署名:作者应同时具备以下四项条件,(1)参与论文选题和设计,或参与资料分析与解释;(2)起草或修改论文中关键性理论或其他主要内容;(3 )能按编辑部的修改意见进行核修,对学术问题进行解答,并最终同意论文发表;(4 )除了负责本人的研究贡献外,同意对研究工作各方面的诚信问题负责。
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论著需附结构式摘要,要求目的、方法、结果、结论四要素齐全,以200 ~ 300字为宜,各部分冠以相应的标题,摘要需包含主要研究数据或阳性发现。
专题综论、专论、专 家讲坛、综述、讲座类需附指示性摘要。
短篇论著类文稿要求附200字左 右中文结构式摘要。


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7. 图表:图表需要明确标注编号和标题,放在正文相关部分,并与正文内容相互补充、解释。
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中华医学会中国医学系列杂志编排格式要求【精品推荐-doc】中国行为医学科学杂志编排格式1 引言1.1为统一中华医学会主办的期刊的编排格式,加强期刊的编辑规范化和科学管理,特制定本要求。
2 开本采用大16开本,但根据期刊用纸情况的不同,允许?5mm差异。
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示例如下(以中国地方病杂志为例):中国标准刊号:ISSN1000-4955 CN23-1276,R 邮发代号:14-30 国内定价:8:00元5 刊脊5.1平订期刊厚度大于或等于5mm时,应设计刊脊并排刊脊名称。

Instructions for authorsChinese Medical Journal (CMJ) is an international, peer-reviewed general medical journal published in English semimonthly by the Chinese Medical Association and distributed worldwide. Manuscripts are welcome from any part of the world.MANUSCRIPT INFORMATIONManuscript requirementsManuscripts submitted to CMJ should meet the following criteria: the material is original; the writing is clear; the study methods are appropriate; the data are valid; the conclusions are reasonable and supported by the data.Manuscript submissionAuthors are required to submit their manuscripts online at .Previous publication or duplicate submissionManuscripts are considered with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration by another publication. Copies of possibly duplicative materials that have been previously published or are being considered elsewhere must be provided at the time of manuscript submission.Previous presentationA complete report following presentation at a meeting or publication of preliminary findings elsewhere (e.g., an abstract) can be considered.CATEGORIES OF ARTICLESCMJ publishes editorial, original article, review article, medical progress, brief report,viewpoint, case report, letter, and many other categories of articles. Topics of interest include all subjects that relate to the practice of medicine and research.EditorialThese are usually commissioned, however, unsolicited editorials are welcome. We are keen to consider editorials or ideas for editorials from authors outside China. Editorials should be up to 2000 words long with no more than 25 references.Original articleManuscripts on epidemiological studies, studies of social medicine, clinical trials, especially large scale randomized controlled trials are welcome. Each manuscript should clearly state an objective or hypothesis, the methods, the main results of the study and the conclusions. The length is limited to 2000–4000words (not including tables, figures, and references).More than 20 references are encouraged to be cited in this kind of articles.Meta analysisOnly results of meta analysis are reported in this kind of article. The length of the article is within 2000–4000 words (not including tables, figures, and references). Medical progressThis kind of article is mainly solicited, but we also consider unsolicited articles. The length of the article is within 2000–4000 words (not including tables, figures, and references).Review articleReview articles include systematic, critical assessments of literature and data sources pertaining to different medical topics, such as cause, diagnosis, prognosis, therapy, or prevention, etc.The length is limited to 2000–4000words (not including tables, figures, and references).Brief reportThese articles are short reports of original studies. They should not exceed 2500 words with no more than 2 tables and/or two illustrations and 15 references.Clinical experienceAuthors of these articles provide their experiences for diagnosis, treatment or prevention of diseases. The length is up to 2500 words with no more than 2 tables and/or two illustrations and 15 references.ViewpointPersonal views are welcome and the length should be 1000–3000 words (not including tables, figures, and references). Authors of this type of articles should sign their real names; no anonymous pieces are published.Case reportAuthors usually describe one to three patients or a single family. The text is limited to no more than 2500 words, and up to 15 references.Clinical solutionsThe articles are evidence-based reviews of topics relevant to practicing physicians. Articles in this series should include the following sections: case report, clinical overview, strategies, clinical difficulties, and author’s personal opinions. The text is limited to 3000 words and a small number of figures and tables. Images for diagnosisAuthors can provide here with typical images of common or uncommon medical conditions. This feature is intended to capture the sense of visual discovery and variety that physicians experience. It is not intended as a vehicle for case reports.LetterLetters to editors discussing a recent CMJ article should be received within 3 months of the article’s publication and should not exceed 500 words of text and 5 references. Letters should also be submitted online.AUTHOR INFORMATIONDesignate a corresponding author and provide a complete address,telephone and fax numbers, and E-mail address.Authorship requirementsEach author should have participated sufficiently in the work to take public responsibility for appropriate portions of the content. One or more authors should take responsibility for the integrity of the work as a whole, from inception to published article. Authorship credit should be based on(1) substantial contributions to conception and design, or acquisition of data, or analysis and interpretation of data; and (2) drafting the article or revising it critically for important intellectual content; and (3) final approval of the version to be published.Conditions 1, 2, and 3 must all be met.1Group authorshipIf authorship is attributed to a group, all members of the group must meet the full criteria and requirements for authorship as described above. A group must designate at least one individual as corresponding author. Other group members may be listed in an Acknowledgment.Conflicts of interestAuthors should indicate relevant conflicts of interest, including specific financial interests relevant to the subject of their manuscript, in their covering letter. 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Authors are responsible for all statements made in their work, including changes made by the editor and authorized by the corresponding author.PublicationAuthors are required to pay page fee if their manuscripts are accepted for publication. The publisher will provide the author (s) 2 copies of the journal free of charge.CopyrightThe Chinese Medical Association (CMA) is the owner of all copyrights to any articles published in the journal. Published manuscripts become the permanent property of the Chinese Medical Association and may not be published elsewhere without written permission. Chinese Medical Association keeps the right to use these manuscripts in any form, including print, video, audio, and digital.MANUSCRIPT PREPARATIONManuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE) ().Submit the original manuscript online; use 1 side of standard-sized page and 1.5 cm margins.For Chinese authors, submission of a Chinese version of the manuscript (or abstract) is recommended.Use only 10- or 12-point font size.On the title page include the full names and affiliations of all authors. If an author’s affiliation has changed since the work was done, list the new affiliation as well. Titles should be concise and descriptive. The name, address, telephone number, fax number, and E-mail address of the correspondence author should be addressed. Any grant support that requires acknowledgment should be mentioned on this page.Measurements of length, height, weight, and volume should be reported in metric units (meter, kilogram, or liter) or their decimal multiples. Temperatures should be given in degrees Celsius. Blood pressures should be given in millimeters of mercury. All hematological and clinical chemistry measurements should be reported in the metric system in terms of the International System Units (SI).Use nonproprietary names of drugs, devices, and other products, unless the specific trade name of a drug is directly relevant to the discussion.Do not use abbreviations in the title or abstract and limit their use in the text.A covering letter signed by all authors includes(1) information on prior or duplicate publication or submission elsewhere of any part of the study; (2) the statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all the authors and that the criteria for authorship have been met; (3) the statement on financial or other conflict of interests; and (4) any suggestions such as referring possible unqualified reviewers due to conflict of interests, etc. The corresponding author must sign the acknowledgment statement. Authors should obtain written permission from all individuals named in an acknowledgment.JOURNAL STYLETablesTables should be simple and no duplicate information should appear in the text of the article. Tables should be numbered consecutively, and headed by a concise title. Place explanatory matter in footnotes, not in the heading. Explain in footnotes all non-standard abbreviations that are used in each table. Forfootnotes use the following symbols in this sequence: *, †, ‡, §, ||, ¶, **, ††, ‡‡.FiguresComplete sets of illustrations must be submitted with legends typed on the same page. Only clear photographs are acceptable. All lettering must be legible after reduction to column size. Magnification and staining should be indicated when pertinent. AbbreviationsUse only standard abbreviations. Avoid abbreviations in the title and abstract. The full term for which an abbreviation stands should precede its first use in the text unless it is a standard unit of measurement.Ethical requirementFor experimental investigations of human subjects, state in the Methods section that an appropriate institutional review board approved the project. For those investigators who do not have formal ethics review committees,the principles outlined in the Declaration of Helsinki2 should be followed. For investigations of human subjects, state in the Methods section the manner in which informed consent was obtained from the study participants.Patient descriptions, photographs, and pedigreesInclude a signed statement of informed consent to publish (in print and online) patient descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees from all persons (parents or legal guardians for minors) who can be identified in such written descriptions, photographs, or pedigrees. Such persons should be shown the manuscript before its submission.Permissions required to reproduce or adapt material Acknowledge all text, illustrations, and tables adapted or reproduced from other publications and submit permission from the original publishers(or other copyright owner) to republish in print, online, and licensed versions of CMJ.ReferencesNumber references in the order they appear in the text; do not alphabetize. In text, tables, and legends, identify references with superscript Arabic numerals. When listing references,abbreviate titles of journals according to Medline. Note: List authors and/or editors up to 6; if more than 6, list the first 6 authors followed by et al.Examples of reference style:1. Liu XP, Long DY, Dong JZ, Liu XQ, Fang DP, Hao P, et al. Recurrent atrial tachycardia and atrial fibrillation after circumferential pulmonary vein a blation: What’s the difference? Chin Med J 2005; 118: 1773-1778.2. Xie SZ, Gu MJ, Cheng YP. Inhibitory effect of medroxyprogesterone acetate on angiogenesis induced by malignant neoplasm. Chin J Obstet Gynecol (Chin)* 1998; 33: 113-114.3. Weinstein L, Swartz MN. Pathogenic properties of invading microorganisms. In: Sodeman WA Jr., Sodeman WA, eds. Pathologic physiology: mechanisms of disease. Philadelphia: Saunders; 1974: 457-472.4. Dannenberg AM. Immune mechanisms in the pathogenesis of pulmonary tuberculosis. Rev Infect Dis 1989; 11 Suppl 2: s369-s378.5. Payne DK, Sullivan MD, Massie MJ. Women’s psychological reactions to breast cancer. Semin Oncol 1996; 23(1 Suppl 2): 89-97.6. Ozben T, Nacitarhan S, Tuncer N. Plasma and urine sialic acid in non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. Ann Clin Biochem 1995;32 (Pt 3): 303-306.7. Turan I, Wredmark T, Fellander-Tsai L. Arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis in rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Orthop 1995; (320): 110-114.8. Cumulative number of reported cases of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). Geneva: World Health Organization, 2003. (Accessed April 9, 2003 at http://www.who.int/csr/sarscountry/ 2003_04_04/en/.)*: It is especially needed to note “(Chin)” for articles published in Chinese.Authors are responsible for the accuracy and completeness of their references and for correct citation of the text.REPORT OF ORIGINAL DATAAbstractInclude a structured abstract of no more than 300words for original articles, meta analysis, brief report, clinical experience (Background, Methods, Results, Conclusions) and review articles (Objective, Data sources, Study selection, Results, Conclusions); an informative abstract for medical progress, viewpoint, case report, clinical solutions and images for diagnosis.KeywordsThree to 6 words or short phrases should be provided at the top of the abstract page as keywords. Terms from the medical subject heading (MeSH) list of Medline should be used; if suitable MeSH terms are not yet available for recently introduced terms, present terms may be used.IntroductionIntroduction should be short and arresting. State the purpose of the article and summarize the rationale for the study or observation. Give only strictly pertinent references and do not include data or conclusions from the work being reported.MethodsDescribe your selection of the observational or experimental subjects (patients or laboratory animals, including controls) clearly. Identify the age, sex, and other important characteristics of the subjects.Iden tify the methods, apparatus (list the manufacturer’s name and original country in parentheses), and procedures in sufficient detail to allow other workers to reproduce the results. Give references to established methods, including statistical methods; provide references and brief descriptions for methods that have been published but are not well known; describe new or substantially modified methods, give reasons for using them, and evaluate theirlimitations. Identify precisely all drugs and chemicals used, including generic name (s), dose (s), and route (s) of administration.Reports of randomized clinical trials should present information on all major study elements including the protocol (study population, interventions or exposures, outcomes, and the rationale for statistical analysis), assignment of interventions (methods of randomization, concealment of allocation to treatment groups), and the method of masking (blinding). Authors are recommended to refer to the CONSORT Statement 3 for details.ResultsOverall describe the major findings of the study. Present your results in logical sequence in the text, tables and illustrations. Do not repeat in the text all the data in the tables or illustrations; emphasize or summarize only important observations. DiscussionSummarize the major findings. Discuss possible problems with the methods used. Compare your results with previous work. Discuss the clinical and scientific (if any) implications of your findings and their limitations. Suggest further work. Produce a succinct conclusion.MANUSCRIPT CHECKLISTSubmit complete text of your manuscript online (including tables, figures, etc), in addition, domestic authors should submit Chinese version of the complete text or its abstract.Review the sequence: covering letter, title page, key words and abstract, text, acknowledgments, references, tables, legends for illustrations.Check all references for accuracy and completeness. Put references in proper format in numerical order, making sure each is cited in the text.Include written permission from each individual identified as a source for personal communication.Include informed consent forms for identifiable patient descriptions, photographs and pedigrees.Keep copies of everything submitted.Manuscript inquiriesTel:86-10-85158321.Fax:86-10-85158333.Email:***********. cn.REFERENCES1.International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. Uniformrequirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals.(Accessed September 10, 2009 at: )2.World Medical Association. Declaration of Helsinki: Ethicalprinciples for medical research involving human subjects.(Accessed September 6, 2005 at: /e/policy/ pdf/ 17c.pdf)3.Schulz KF, Altman DG, Moher D, for the CONSORT Group.The CONSORT statement: revised recommendations for improving the quality of reports of parallel-group randomized trials. (Accessed October 28, 2010 at: http://www.consort- )。

禁止吸嗜毒品, 大力弘扬社会文明。早在 8: 世纪 8: 年代,
《 中华医学杂志》 编辑出版史
袁桂清! 燕鸣! 刘小梅! 陈新石! 高健! 李群! 徐弘道!
中华医学会 《 中华医学杂志》 编辑部, *##%*#! 北京东四西大街 &" 号, +$,-./: 01-231.4.23)5 ")’6 278 收稿日期: "##"$#%$"& 修回日期: "##’$#($")
《 节制生育与中国》 , 指出人口过剩已成为中国极严重之问 题, 成为我国最早报道实行计划生育的医学期刊。在旧中 国, 吸毒和娼妓是两大社会毒瘤, 在当时腐败政府及不良社 会环境下, 《 中华医学杂志》 毅然肩负起学术期刊的历史责 任。早在 348< 年就对这两大社会卫生题进行了大量卫生 学术报道和学术评论, 发表了 《 禁毒》 、 《 取缔娼妓》 和 《 花柳
[4] 占论文总数的 3> 9? 。3476 年, 的述评文章 发表了兰安生
。3436 年 7 月出版第 8 卷第
3 期, 并定为季刊。当时主要刊登临床经验、 病例报告、 译文、 学会活动消息等内容。这一时期的办刊宗旨基本遵循了 “巩 固医家交谊, 尊重医德医权, 普及医药卫生, 联络华洋医界”
[9] 的学会宗旨 。
由于伍连德同时兼任天津北洋陆军军医学堂副监督、 中 央防疫处处长、 中央医院院长 ( 现北京大学人民医院) 、 国民 政府军医署署长、 中华医学会会长 ( 3436 年 8 月 9 日接任颜 福庆会长职务) 等职
, 工作繁忙, 力不从心, 为了减轻伍连

《中华医学杂志(英文版)》常见论文发表范例:Comparison of emergency endoscopic variceal ligation plus octride or octride alone for acute esophageal variceal bleeding LIU Jin-song,LIU Jun Clinical follow-up of ceramic bridges with auro-galvanoforming primary coping and Ni-Cr pontic for restoration of dentition defects ZHANG Xiang-hao,SUN Feng Cell-wall-deficient bacteria: a major etiological factor for psoriasis? WANG Guo-li,LI Xiu-yun,WANG Ming-yi,XIAO De-gui,ZHANG Yong-yu,YUAN Xiao-yan,WANG Qi-you,SONG Jian-jing Dorsal penile nerves and primary premature ejaculation ZHANG Hai-feng,ZHANG Chun-ying,LI Xing-hua,FU Zhong-ze,CHEN Zhao-yan Effects of antiallergic herbal agents on cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator in nasal mucosal epithelia of allergic rhinitis rabbits LI Qiang,LI Xiao-li,YANG Xue,BAO Jian-min,SHEN Xiao-hong Changes of sphingolipids profiles after ischemia-reperfusion injury in the rat liver ZHAI Shu-ting,LIANG Ting-bo,LIU Guang-yi,XUE Fei,SUN Gong-ping,LIANG Liang,CHEN Wei,XU Guo-dong,LI Jun-jian,YANG Jun Hydrogen sulfide induces apoptosis of pulmonary artery smooth muscle cell in rats with pulmonary hypertension induced by high pulmonary blood flow LI Wei,JIN Hong-fang,LIU Die,SUN Jing-hui,JIAN Pei-jun,LI Xiao-hui,TANG Chao-shu,DU Jun-bao Effects of cryptotanshinone on immune functions in rats with adjuvant arthritis ZHENG Fu-lin,CHANG Yan,JIA Xiao-yi,WEI Wei Changes of splenic macrophage during the process of liver cancer induced by diethylnitrosamine in rats ZHANG Shu,LI Zong-fang,PAN Dun,HUANG Chen,ZHOU Rui,LIU Zhong-wei Propofol improves cardiac functional recovery after ischemia-reperfusion by upregulating nitric oxide synthase activity in the isolated rat hearts SUN Hai-yan,XUE Fu-shan,XU Ya-chao,LI Cheng-wen,XIONG Jun,LIAOXu,ZHANG Yan-ming Effect of aspirin on high glucose-induced senescence of endothelial cells YI Tong-ning,ZHAO Hong-yu,ZHANG Jing-sheng,SHAN Hai-yan,MENG Xin,ZHANG Jin Imaging of low back pain: comparative role of high intensity zone in diagnosing the discogenic low back pain with evidence-based radiology CHEN Zhi-ye,MA Lin,LI Tao Current status of adult-to-adult living donor liver transplantation: surgical techniques and innovations YAN Lü-nan,WU Hong,CHEN Zhe-yu,LIN Yi-xin Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in tumor induced tolerance LIU Xiao-qian,WANG Xin Overexpressionof leptin and leptin receptors in breast cancer positively correlates with clinicopathological features XIA Xiang-hou,GU Jun-chao,BAI Qing-yang,YU WeiA new variant of the ATP13A2 gene in Chinese patients with early-onset parkinsonism WANG Lei,YAN Xin-xiang,GUO Ji-feng,ME Li-luo,ZHANG Hai-nan,SHEN Lu,JIANG Hong,PAN Qian,XIA Kun,TANG Bei-sha Transsphenoidal approach to pituitary adenoma: surgical technique of the Peking Union Medical College Hospital LI Yong-Ning,WANG Ren-zhi,LI Gui-lin Multiple primary malignancies including colon, stomach, lung, breast, and liver cancer: a case report and literature review Nien-Chih Hu,Shih-Chung Hsieh,Tong-Jong Chen,Jun-Yih Chang Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumorin lung with osteopulmonary arthropathy ZHANG Yi,DONG Zong-jun,ZHI Xiu-yi,LIU Lei,HU Mu Coronary aneurysm and very late stent thrombosis formation associated with sirolimus-eluting stent implantation XIE Hong-zhi,ZHANG Shu-yang,ZENG Yong,SHEN Zhu-jun,FANG Quan Endovascular stenting in isolated dissection of superior mesenteric artery FAN Hai-lun,HE Neng-shu,E Ya-jun Severe crush syndrome complicated with acute pancreatitis: a case report and review of the literatures LIU Fang,ZHANG Ling,FU Ping,SU Bai-hai,CHEN Xiao-lei,LIU Ling,CHEN Wei-xia,TAO Ye,HUANG Song-min Novel side branch ostial stent (BIGUARDTTM): first-in-man study CHEN Shao-liang,ZHANG Jun-jie,YE Fei Clinical study of arterial anatomic variationsfor transradial coronary procedure in Chinese population NIE Bin,ZHOU Yu-jie,LI Guo-zhong,SHI Dong-mei,WANG Jian-long Reference values of brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity for Northern Chinese WANG Xian,XIE Jiang,ZHANG Li-jing,HU Da-yi,LUO Ya-li,WANG Jin-wen Time of sunrise and hours with daylight may have an effecton the seasonality and diurnal variation of heart attack Jozsef Bodis,Miklos Koppan,Imre Boncz,Ildiko Kriszbacher A free-breathing non-contrast-enhanced pulmonary magnetic resonance angiography at 3 Tesla YANG Jian,WANG Wei,WANGYa-rong,NIU Gang,JIN Chen-wang,WU Ed Xuekui VKORC1 genotypes are associated with response to warfarin but free warfarin concentration during initial anticoagulationin healthy Chinese volunteers XIE Shuang,LIU Hong,TIAN Lei,JIANG Juan-juan,CHEN Guo-liang,LIU Li-wei,XU Li,LI Yi-shi Decreased expression of complement regulatory proteins, CD55 and CD59, on peripheral blood leucocytes in patients with type 2 diabetes and macrovascular diseases MA Xi-wen,CHANG Zhi-wen,QIN Ming-zhao,SUN Ying,HUANG Hui-lian,HE Yan Relationship between serum HBV DNA level and HBV-specific,nonspecific cytotoxic T lymphocytes and natural killer cells in patients with chronic hepatitis B GU Xi-bing,YANG Xiao-juan,WANG Dong,HUA Zhong,XU Yue-qin,LU Zhong-hua需要检测文章的朋友请点击 >> 需要发表文章的朋友请点击>>公务员之家创建于2003年,历经6年多的发展与广大会员的积极参与,现已成为全国会员最多(86.1万名会员)、文章最多、口碑最好的公务员日常网站。

[期刊]序号.作者(3人内全部列出,3人以上写出前3名作者后加“,等.或,et a1.”).文题.刊名(外文应按IM所用缩写),
[书籍]序号.作者.书名.卷(册)次.版次.出版地:出版者,年.起一止页.或序号.作者.文题(如有副题则改句号为冒号, 接排副题).见(英文用In):主编者.书名.卷(册)次.版次.出版地:出版者,年.北京:人民卫生出版社,1992.127—134.
刊名: 英文刊名: 年,卷(期): 中华医学遗传学杂志 Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics 2012,29(1)
研究动态等栏目的稿件。 2对来稿的要求
2.1文稿应具有科学性、实用性。论点明确,资料可靠(在以人为研究对象时必须获得知情同意),文字精炼,层次清楚,数据准确, 书写工整规范,必要时应做统计学处理。论著、综述、讲座等一般不超过4000字,临床遗传学研究、简报不超过2000字,病例报告等 不超过1500字。在写稿时请参看OMIM及《TIG遗传学命名指南》,按其规范书写基因名称及符号。 2.2 文题力求简明、醒目,反映出文章的主题。中文文题一般以20个汉字以内为宜。 2.3作者.作者姓名排序应在投稿时确定,并请注明通信作者。作者单位名称及邮政编码脚注于首页左下方。集体署名的文章 必须写明责任人及联系地址。对该研究有贡献者可在文后志谢。如有外籍作者,应征得本人同意;并有证明信,其地址用所在国的

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《中华检验医学杂志》是中国科学技术协会 和国家卫生部主管、中华医学会主办的中华医 学会系列杂志之一。1978年9月创刊,曾用刊 名《中华医学检验杂志》。为月刊,规格为国 际通用的大16开本,每期120面。中国标准刊 号ISSN 1009-9158,CN 11-4452/R。邮发代号 2-71,每月11出版,铜版纸印刷,彩图随文。 每期定价15元, 全年定价180.元。 • 本刊的主要读者对象为广大中高级检验医学技 术人员、医学实验室科研人员和临床各科医师 为主。
• 《中华检验医学杂志》的办刊宗旨是:贯彻党 和国家的卫生工作方针,坚持理论与实践、普 及与提高相结合的方针,反映本领域和相关领 域研究的重要进展,报道我国检验医学和医学 各科实验诊断领域先进的研究成果,促进国内 外学术交流,引导学科发展。本刊的办刊理念 是:“对作者负责,让读者满意“。是我国相 关领域专业人员发表研究成果和进行知识更新 及学术交流的重要窗口。为增强本刊的学术导 向性和指导性,使其更贴近读者、贴近临床, 满足作者需要。
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