Chapter2 Using Proper Words 教案1

Chapter Four Composing Essays
ChapterFiveManuscript Form and Punctuation4periods
ChapterSixPracticalWriting(1)2 periods
2.1 What is writing
The dictionary defines writing as “relating or communicating by forming symbols on a surface with a pen, pencil, or other tools.” The key words here are relating and communicating. Written ideas are usually meant to pass on a message.
A BriefIntroduction of the Course1 period
Chapter One Using Proper Words5 periods
Chapter Two Making Correct and Effective Sentences6 periods
2.Being clear: don’t puzzle your readers.
3.Being brief: don’t waste your reader’s time.
4.Seeking variety: to vary sentence length; to work on liveliness.
Unit2Usinglanguage教案- 高中英语外研版(2019)必修第一册

转化词 例词
动词→名词 walk v.行走→walk n.散步
swim v.游泳→swim n.游泳
it is not ________ (suit) for the
2.Is English an ________(option)
lesson,or does everyone have to
learn it?
3.With so many people
________(focus) their eyes on him,he
学部 课型 课题
现代学校教、学案活页 备课日期: 年 月 日
New Lesson
班级 教师
1: 构词法定定义 2:常见几种构词法举例
教学手段 及方法
教学环节 时间分配
理解构词法的定义 理解构词法中单词词性的转变
4.My parents have always encouraged
me in my choice of ________ (职业).
5.You shouldn't ________ (忽视) your
step4sho w+Group work20'
《Unit 2 Using Language》第1课时示范课教案【高中英语人教版】

Unit 2 Bridging CulturesUsing Language Period 1 教学设计教材分析本节课为Using Language板块的第一部分,该部分的活动主题是“谈论国外的汉语学习情况”(Talk about Chinese language learning abroad),听说活动聚焦孔子学院的汉语学习情况,听力文本中的巴基斯坦孔子学院就体现了汉语和中国文化的传播对当地的影响。
教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 充分利用听力内容中的有效信息判断对话发生的场景。
2. 把握访谈对话的特点及常用语。
3. 了解并谈论世界上其他国家和地区学习汉语的情况以及孔子学院在传播中国文化中所起的作用。
教学重难点【教学重点】1. 能够充分利用听力内容中的有效信息判断对话发生的场景。
2. 把握访谈对话的特点及常用语,并能与同伴顺利开展相关话题的访谈对话。
教学过程Step 1 Warming-upHow do we Chinese study English?设计意图:讨论问题,引导学生思考自己学习英语的经历引出外国人学习中文的话题,为听力活动作铺垫。
Step 2 Pre-Listening1.Discuss the two questions with your partner.(1) What do you know about Chinese language learning abroad?(2) How do people from other countries get to know Chinese culture?设计意图:引导学生就世界上其他国家和地区学习汉语的情况展开讨论,激活学生的背景知识。

教案课程名称新生代英语高级教程2课时班级专业教师系部教研室教材《新生代英语高级教程2》1教学计划教学单元单元主题教学内容Unit 1 “My schedule is crazy”.StudyingShow Time“ My schedule is crazy.”ReadingHow to stop procrastinating?Chat TimeI aced my chemistry test.WritingA scheduleGrammarTagquestionsMy StorySchedules and routines课时8安排教学目标Warm-up To get students to talkabout the main topic ofthis unit in acomfortable andrelaxed manner教学活动建议Focus students’ attention onlearningthegoals for the unit and explain that thefocus of this unit is on time management.Ask students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see. (A student isworking on an assignment very late atnight. ) Read the words in the boxes aloud,modeling the correct pronunciation andeliciting their meanings. Give studentsseveral minutes to complete the passage.2Vocabulary Builder A and BTo teach students newvocabulary related tostudyingCTo improve studentslistening andcomprehension skillsNominate students to read the passagearound the class. Ask students: Do youhave a schedule as busy as this? What ’ s yourschedule like?Have students listen and repeat the wordsand the expression, teaching thedefinition for each one. You can checktheir comprehension by asking questions,such as: What is another word forhomework? (assignment) What is the verbwe use to describe missing a class? (skip)What is another word for studentaccommodation? (dormitory )Once students seem comfortable with thenew words and the expression, have themcomplete Exercise B and then switchbooks. Go through the answers, calling ondifferent students each time. Correct anyerrors.If you want to, you can start eachclass with a short spelling test, whichworks quite well as a warm-up.Tell students they will hear a conversationbetween a man and a woman who are’discussing their semester schedules. Thereare a few words in the conversation youmay need to teach. They are physics,elective and Shakespeare. Write thesethree words on the blackboard. Askstudents: Which one is a famous writer?(Shakespeare) You can also ask studentsto tell you the names of some famousShakespeare plays. Then ask students:Which one is a kind of science? ( physics)You may want to add that Newton is themost famous figure in the history of physics.Students will probably have heard of thestory of an apple falling on his head.Tell students that we use elective to talkabout subjects that we choose. Askstudents if they have any elective classes.Play the audio, twice if necessary. Pausethe audio so that students have time to fill3DTo improve studentsspeaking andcomprehension skillsShow Time ATo teach studentsspeaking skillsthrough the use ofpicturesB, C and DTo improve studentslisteningcomprehensionthrough the use ofvideoReading A and BTo improve studentsreadingin the blanks.Read the rubric aloud and checkthat students understand the task.’Organize students into pairs. Challengethem to see who can be the first tocomplete the puzzle, but don ’ t allow fast finishersto reveal their answers to their classmates.As a possible extension task, get studentsto write sentences about themselvescontaining the words from this activity. Tellstudents to look at the pictures and asksome basic comprehension questions,such as: Who are these people? Whereare they? What are they doing?Ask students to guess what happened inthis video and to match the pictures to thesentences according to their ownunderstanding.Have students watch the video in itsentirety. Ask them to check theiranswers with a partner.For Exercise B, ask students to readthrough each statement and to decide if it’is true or false.For Exercise C, play the video again. Havea pair of students read out the conversationwith one student playing the role of Hectorand the other as Naomi. For an extensionactivity, you can also have studentsrewrite the conversation, using the wordsand expressions learned in this unit.For Exercise D, have students readthrough each sentence and choosethe correct word or expression.Check the answers for Exercises B, C, andD. Students can exchange books and listenas you go through the answers.Exercise AAsk students to describe the picture. Then’read the headline aloud. If students don ’ t know themeaning of the word4comprehensionC, D and ETo review the useful words and expressionsprocrastinating , tell them to guess whatthey think it means. Elicit thatprocrastinate means putting off doingsomething until a later date. Ask studentsto tell you whether or not theyprocrastinate and get them to describethe situations in which they are most likelyto procrastinate.Give students several minutes to read thetext. Encourage students to refer toWORDS & EXPRESSIONS.Ask students to complete the exercise.Allow them to check their answers with apartner before conducting class feedback. Exercise BGet students to look at the statements.They should then read the text again, anddecide whether the statements are true orfalse.Check answers around the class. Exercise CChallenge students to see who can bethe first to match the words to thedefinitions. Fast finishers should writesentences containing the words in the leftcolumn. They should then blank out thewords and read the sentences aloud toanother fast finisher, who should listenand provide the missing words.Check answers orally, focusing on correctpronunciation of the words.Exercise DRead the words and expressions in theboxes aloud. Ask students to complete thesentences. Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before reading thesentences around the class.Personalize the new language by askingstudents questions, such as: What best-selling books have you read? When youmake a plan, do you find it difficult to stickto it? When were you last tempted toprocrastinate?5Beyond the TextTo improve studentscritically thinkingability and encouragethem to learn a lessonfrom the textChat Time To improve studentslistening, speaking,writing and actingskills through the useof conversationExercise EFocus students ’ attention on the Bingo gridand check that they understand the rules ofthe game.Ask students to write the words into theblanks.When everyone is ready, play the audioof the definitions.When someone calls out“ Bingo” , see if he/she can remember the definitions for thewords in their row.Exercise ARead what Olivia says to the class. Then’get a student to read the advice aloud. Askstudents whether or not they agree with theadvice, and whether they have anydifferent or better suggestions.Focus students on what Nick says.Organize students into pairs and get themto discuss what advice they would giveNick. After they have shared their ideas,get a few students to report back.Encourage the rest of the class to givefeedback on each other’ s advice. Exercise BGive students several minutes to read thequotes and sayings. Allow them to askquestions about any new or unfamiliarwords.Organize students into pairs to completethe task. Monitor as students share theirideas, offering support where necessary. Exercises’ A & BFor Exercise A, explain to students thatthey will hear a conversation in which aman and a woman discuss midterm tests.Introduce the key words and expressionsfor this conversation.Tell students to listen carefully and to writedown what they hear in the blanks. Ifnecessary, pause the audio so that studentshave time to write.Have students practice talking about6Writing To improve studentswriting skills and learnto write a schedulestudying using the questions in Exercise B.Have students read through LANGUAGENOTE, which teaches the idiom “to turnover a new leaf. Ask students: Have youever turned over a new leaf? What did youwant to change? Were you successful?Why (not)?Exercise CRead the rubric aloud and direct students’attention to the clues. As a class, readthrough the expressions in Usefullanguage, focusing on the correctpronunciation, sentence stress andintonation.Organize students into pairs and get themto work on their role-plays. Circulate asstudents do this, listening and makingnotes of any examples of good languageyou hear or any issues students need helpwith.Nominate a couple of confident pairs toperform their role-plays to the rest of theclass. Conduct class feedback, taking timeto discuss any issues you have observedand any examples of good language andcommunicative skills.Exercise’ATell students that they are going to putsome of the skills they have learned in thisunit into practice, by writing a schedule.Give students several minutes to skim thenotes and to match them to the scheduleentries.Allow students to check their answers witha partner before conducting classfeedback.Exercise BFocus students’ attention on the headingsand elicit their meanings.Read the rubric aloud and challengestudents to see who can be the first tocomplete the task.Check answers orally. For each heading,7Grammar To teach students howto use tag questionsask students to suggest a couple morepossible schedule entries.Exercise CGet students to look at Kara’ s schedule.Read the rubric and make sure studentsknow they should only write the mostimportant information.Do the first schedule entry in Exercise Btogether, as an example. Students shouldcomplete the rest of the task alone.Monitor, offering support wherenecessary.Bring the class together again. Go throughthe schedule, asking students to tell youwhat they wrote and where they wrote it. Exercise DAsk students: What do you need to do thisweek? Ask them about their daily life,school and their part-time job. Tellstudents about some of the things you needto do this week.Get students to make notes under theheadings. Ask a couple of students toreport back on what they have written.Exercise EGet students to put their notes intothe schedule. Remind them that theyonly need to write the most importantinformation.Monitor as students complete the task,offering support where necessary. Whenstudents have completed the task, displaythe schedules on the screen and getstudents to look at each other ’ s schedule. Askstudents: Who has the busiestschedule?Exercise AStart by explaining that tag questions areused in two situations. In the first situation,you are not sure something is true, butwant to make sure. In this case when youspeak, your voice will rise. Write anexample on the blackboard, such8as: You aren ’ t my student, are you?↗Explain that we also use tag questionswhen we want to confirm something weknow is true.In this case, your voice will go down whenyou speak. Write an example on theblackboard, such as: You don’ t have asister, do you? ↘Once students seem comfortable with thegrammar, have them complete the exerciseand then switch books to correct theirmistakes.Exercise BAsk students to look at the picture and todescribe what they see. (A sleepy boy whois finding it difficult to get up for school.His mom is making breakfast for him.)Elicit when we use tag questions. (Whenwe want to check conversation or elicit aresponse from our conversational partner.)Read the rubric aloud. Complete the firsttag question together with students as anexample.Get students to complete the rest of theconversation. Allow them to check theiranswers with a partner before choosingtwo confident students to read theconversation aloud to the rest of the class.9My Story To improve studentslisteningcomprehension andspeaking abilitythrough the use ofvideo Exercises’ A & BTell students that they will see a video inwhich real people talk about what theydo in their free time.Play the video and have studentscomplete the true or false statements inExercise A. In some cases, you may needto pause the video to help students.Have students tell you the answers,correcting any mistakes. Play the videoagain and have students answer thequestions in Exercise B, pausing the videoif necessary.Check students ’ answers, correcting anymistakes.Exercise CGive students several minutes to read thequestions and to think about their answers.Organize students into pairs. They shouldtake it in turns to ask and answer thequestions.Circulate, encouraging students to usesome of the new words and expressionsthey have learned in this unit.Ask a few students to report back on theirdiscussions. Write down any newlanguage on the blackboard.课后学习设计作业Finish all the exercises in Unit 1.Read the text in this unit again and try tosummarise its content.Write a schedule.课后总结与反思10补充教学资源Vocabulary Builder参考译文蒂姆:嗨,希拉里。
Unit 2 Using Proper Words

Words that are often used may be divided, from a stylistic point of view(按文体分), into three types: formal, common, and colloquial(有正式的、一般的、口语的).
2. Denotative Meaning and Connotative Meaning
The meaning of a word has two aspects: denotative and connotative. A word’s denotation is what it literally means, as defined by the dictionary; its connotation is the feeling or idea suggested by it.(词 义有两个方面:原义和涵义。原义即词原 来的意思,如词典中所注明的;涵义指词 所暗含的感情或想法。)
It is easy to see that the specific words on the right are much more concrete and colorful than the general ones on the left; they seem to make the reader see, hear, or feel what the writer wishes to describe. 很明显,右边的具体词汇比左边的一般词 汇更细致,更精彩;它们似乎使读者看到、 听到或感到作者所要描写的事物。
Sometimes he may use the wrong words, but more often the words he uses are not entirely wrong, but inappropriate(不恰 当), inexact(不准确), unidiomatic(不 地道) or uninteresting(不生动有趣). A basic knowledge of diction may be of help to him(因而对选词的方法有基本的了解是 会有帮助的).

⼤学英语2教案unit1Unit 1 Growing upTeaching hours: 6-8 hours totalI. Teaching aims and demands:1.To master the new target words and useful phrases;2.To comprehend the whole text;3.To summarize the main points of the text.II. Background information.1.The American Educational SystemIn the United States, education is the responsibility of individual states, not of the federal government, so requirements may vary from one state to another. The following is a generalization:kindergarten: under 5 years oldjunior high / middle school (grades 7~8): 12~13 years oldelementary / primary school (grades 1~6): 6~11 years oldsenior / high school (grades 9~12): 14~17 years oldcollege, institute, academy (学院), university2.A Brief Introduction to John Lennon3. Definition of SpaghettiSpaghetti is the Italian-style thin noodle, cooked by boiling and served with sauce. Unlike some Chinese noodles, it is not served in soup and will never taste pulpy (软乎乎、没有嚼劲的).III. Warm-up1.English Song — Beautiful Boy2.Questions about the Song and the Texts1). In your opinion, what is the song Beautiful Boy going to tell us?2). What does Lennon think of growing up? Is it easy or full of adventures?3). Can you guess what the texts in this unit are going to be about?IV. Language points1. take hold: become establishedEg. The idea of one child has taken hold in many Chinese families.⽼习惯是很难摆脱的。
新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)第二册unit 1教案

授课题目:Language in Mission授课时间:第____周第____周授课类型:理论课授课时数:4教学目的:After finishing this unit, students will be able to:1.To talk about way of learning English;2.Get deeper insights into the text;3.Make creative use of words, phrases and sentence patterns;4.Be able to write an essay with three main parts “introduction, body andconclusion”;5.To read wi th the skill “reading for the key ideas in sentences”.教学重点和难点:1.To further understand the text;2.To apply the words, phrases and sentence patterns.3.To read with the skill “reading for the key ideas in sentences”;4.To write an essay with three main parts “introduction, body and conclusion”;教学方法和手段:Various kinds of teaching methods are used:1.Teaching in class. Explain the profound theoretical knowledge in class;2.Case study. Provide case study during teaching, and make the students to discuss about the case;3.Bilingual and full English teaching;4.Applying modern multimedia teaching technologies;5.Taking advantage of abundant network teaching resources.教学内容和过程:Section A An Impressive English LessonStep One Warming-up Activities 30 minutesI.Lead-in:Discuss the following questions:1.What are the key factors that help people learn English as a foreign language? Good course, excellent syllabus based on some principles;Highly developed methodologies, teaching four primary skills of language acquisition;Put the four skills into a discourse;Analyze three different kinds of interactions.2.Do you have any problem in English learning?—I always feel it difficult to…—It’s not easy for me to…understand what others say;remember so many words;learn the grammar;read quickly;speak in public…3.Do you think grammar is important in English learning?—Yes.The basic building blocks of a language;essential for effective communication;put the words in the right order;help to convey correct, meaningful message.— long as one can understand what other is saying;dynamic and no language is fixed;speak their native language without having studied its grammar.II.Cultural backgroundAmerican university education1.What is Communicative Language Teaching?A type of teaching method;Develop the communicative ability as well as the knowledge of grammar; Learning by doing;Make classroom situation of real foreign language environment.2. What are the features of Communicative Language Teaching? Communicative competence is the goal;An integration of grammatical and functional teaching;Accuracy is secondary to conveying a message;Focus on communicative and contextual factors in language use;Learner-centered and experience-based.3. What is the role of teacher in Communicative Language Teaching?A facilitator of students’ learning;A manager of classroom activities;An advisor of students’ questions;A co-communicator in the communicative activity.Step Two Text Study 80 minutesI.Interactive reading of the text1. Reading comprehension1)What does the son think of the father? (Para. 1)A tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in therules of grammar.2)Why was the writer shocked by his student’s answer? (Paras. 2-4)3)She is unable to describe her excursion to Europe with the right words.4)What conclusion did the writer draw from the example of his student?(Para. 5)Students unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these knowledge deficits because there is a sense that they should know better.5)Why should students not be blamed for their language deficiency? (Paras.6-7)6)The learning environment is misleading.7)Why should students not be blamed for their language deficiency?(Paras.6-7)8)They are not learning the language adequately and efficiently in school.9)How should grammar be taught as far as the writer is concerned?(Paras.8-10)10)Grammar must be handled delicately, step by step. An effective way ofteaching could arouse children’s interest in learning English grammar.11)An example: a grammar lesson with my son12)2. Structure of the textIntroductionIn his son’s eyes, the father is one who he has to obey and an oddity absorbed in grammar. (Para.1)He was shocked by his student’s inability todescribe properly her excursion to Europe. (Paras. 2-4)Thesis of the narration: It is unfair to blame students for their language deficiency. (Para.5)BodyExplains why students shouldn’t be blamed for their language deficiency by providing two reasons and one example. (Paras. 6-10)Elaborates the importance of grammar and vocabulary in learning English. (Paras. 11-13)Concluding partNarrates another incident where his son unconsciously uttered a grammatically perfect sentence with a subjunctive mood, which made the author so proud of his son. (Paras. 14-17)3. Summary of the TextTo my son, I am a _____________: a father he is __________ listen to and a man ____________ the rules of grammar. And I got ______________ this because my student was unable to describe properly her feeling on her __________ to Europe.However, it doesn’t ________________ to criticize our students. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these __________________ because there is a sense that they _________________. On one hand, they are misled by the____________. On the other hand, school fails to _________________ the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary.Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a _________ and a ___________________: often study the road map (check grammar) and ________ thecar engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a ________________ car. __________, _________, and __________ communication depends upon grammar and a good vocabulary, the two __________ assets for students, but they are ________________ in schools.II. Language FocusWords and expressions1. oddity: n. [C] a strange or unusual person or thing 怪人;怪物;奇特的东西With his neat suits on, he felt like an oddity walking in this poor neighborhood.穿着笔挺的西装走在这个贫民区里,他觉得自己就像个怪物。

新视野大学英语第三版第二册第一课教案☐I like sharing my joys and sorrows with my parents.☐I always remember my parents’ birthdays.☐I know about my parents’ hobbies.☐My parents allow me to make my own decisions.Task 2 Text studyLanguage focus活动:Reading comprehension and discuss these questions in groups1) What does the son think of the father? (Para. 1) A tediousoddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar.2) Why was the writer shocked by his student’s answer? (Paras.2-4) She is unable to describe her excursion to Europe with the right words.3) Why should students not be blamed for their languagedeficiency? (Paras. 6-7) The learning environment is misleading.4) How should grammar be taught as far as the writer isconcerned? (Paras.8-10) Grammar must be handled delicately, step by step. An effective w ay of teaching could arouse children’s interest in learning English grammar. An example: a grammar lesson with my sonDifficult sentences1.If I am the only paren t who still corrects his child’s English, thenperhaps my son is right. To him, I am a tedious oddity: a father he is obliged to listen to and a man absorbed in the rules of grammar, which my son seems allergic to. (Para. 1)Meaning: My son is probably right if there is no other parent like me who still corrects his child’s mistakes in English. To my son, I am a boring and strange father, who he has to listen to; I am also the one who pays lots of attention to grammar rules, which he doesn’t seem to like.2.The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecturewere captured in a condensed non-statement. (Para. 4) Meaning: The civilization of Greece and the glory of Roman architecture were just described in one word rather than a complete statement because of her inability to choose appropriate words to express herself.3. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a road map and a valuable possession: often study the road map (check grammar) and tune up the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a well-conditioned car. (Para. 11)Meaning: Maybe, you should regard language as a road map and avery precious property you have. You should often look at the road map (review grammar) and make small changes to your car engine (improve vocabulary).Task 3Assignment:How to write a college essay:An essay normally has three main parts: Introduction, body and conclusion.Introduction: The introduction part is usually one short paragraph that introduces the topic to be discussed and the thesis statement. A thesis statement can be an opinion, an attitude or a stand about the topic. Body: The body is the main part of an essay. It may contain several short paragraphs that use the development methods of examples, narrative, cause and effect, comparison and contrast, classification, argumentation, etc.Conclusion: The conclusion wraps up the discussion of a certain topic. It can briefly summarize the main points discussed and can also restate the thesis statement by using different words and structures. At the end o f the conclusion, the writer’s final thoughts on the topic may be added such as a predication, a suggestion, or a warning. Writing practiceDirections: Write an essay of no less than 150 words on one of the following topics. One topic has an outline you can follow.Topic: Grammar, a headache to meIntroduction:Thesis statement: English Grammar is a big headache to me. Body: Example: The difference between used to and be used to Conclusion: I’m allergic to learning English grammar.More topics: • Learning English through imitation / repetition • Learning English with / without grammarUnit 5 Relax and explore教学重点:1.Talk about different kind of holidays and interesting places2.Introduce a town/city in China教学难点:1.Listen for people’s preference of holidays by indentifyingcomparatives2.make and take orders in a restaurant教学过程:Opening-up1.Read the statements. Then underline the alternatives which aretrue for you or fill in the blanks according to your own experiences.2.Work in pairs and compare your answers.Listening to the world1.Sharing1)Watch a podcast for its general idea.2)Watch part 1 and choose the thing you hear3)Notes: New England (Northeastern corner of United states,consisting of six states of Maine )2.Listening: fill the blanks in the chart3.Viewing1)Notes: Buenos Aires2)Notes: ArgentinaQuestions:1 What difficulties you encountered while learning English?1) I have a limited vocabulary2) I have difficulty understanding authentic listening materials.2. In your opinion, what factors affect intelligence? Why?I prefer going to the cinema because it provides better sound effects.Besides, with more people around, the atmosphere is much betterthan when I watch movies alone at home.Role-playWork in pairs and role-play one of the following situations by using skills for taking orders in a restaurant.Situation 1: Making orders based on menu ASituation 2: Making orders based on menu BAssignment:Work in groups of four. Share briefly with your group members a recent event you went to, e.g. a festival, a concert, a sports event, an exhibition, a play, a party, or a film.。

Unit 1Text C The Social Value of Small Talk1 Small Talk was written by Justine Coupland, an expert in the field of sociolinguistics which is the study of language in relation to social factors. Coupland provides a comprehensive analysis of the powerful and positive effect that small talk has in socia l interactions. She writes, “Small talk cannot be dismissed as peripheral, marginal or minor discourse. Small talk is a means by which we negotiate interpersonal relationships. This is a crucial function with significant implications for ongoing and future interactions.”peripheral: (a.) related to the key issue but not of central importancemarginal: (a.) small in importance or amountnegotiate: (v.) discuss in order to come to an agreementCritical Thinking QuestionsSome experts say only thirty percent of communication comes from talking. Do you think this conclusion is believable? Why or why not? (para.1)Have you ever been in a situation where words just fail you in a communication? What was itlike? What might be the possible reasons? (para.1)2 Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago, takes Coupland’s definition a step further. He agrees with Aristotle’s famous argument that “man is by nature a social animal.” He observed that feeling socially connected increases happiness and health, whereas feeling disconnected makes one feel depressed and unhealthy. Epley writes, “People can begin to improve their own well-being and that of others–by being more sociable with strangers and by trying to create connection s instead of isolation.”Critical Thinking Questions:What is small talk?Where does small talk happen?What’ the point of having small talk?a. Do you agree that man is by nature a social animal? Why or why not?b. Why does social connection increase happiness? Why does disconnection bringabout depression?Being sociable with strangers helps improve well-being, but not many people in China today would like to move their step out. What are their concerns? (para.2)3 Epley conducted a study withdaily commuters on the Chicago metro railroad line and reported these results in an article for the Chicago Tribune . “Commuters asked to interact with other passengers reported having the most pleasant commute. Commuters asked to enjoy their solitude reported the least pleasant commute. We found the same results among both introverts and extroverts .”conduct: (n. & v.) control, manageintrovert: (n. psychology) a person who tends to shrink from social contacts and to becomepreoccupied with their own thoughtsextrovert: (n. psychology) a person concerned more with practical realities than with inner thoughtsand feelingsCritical Thinking Questions :Do you have the courage to start a conversation with a stranger in a means of transportation or on the street? Why or why not? (para.3)Do you like to make friends with introverts or extroverts? (para.3)1. Small talk helps to calm and center us .4. It is very common for many of us to feel uncomfortable or nervous in a social situation. Whether we admit to it or not, everyone fears the possibility of rejection. These fears can cause sweaty palms and make us feel tongue-tied if we try to speak. But through small talk we have a way to overcome these self-imposed limitations and insecurities . By shifting the focus from ourselves to others, we can transform our anxious self-talk from “I never know what to say” to “What I can do is to say hello and show int erest in another person.”Critical Thinking QuestionsDoes everyone fear the possibility of rejection? Are there any solutions? (para.4)How much fear are self-imposed according to you understanding? (para.4)How to show interest in other people in a social interaction? (para. 4)a. Is it natural for us to feel nervous in a social situation?b. Why do people impose limitations and insecurities on themselves?c. How to help a shy person to start small talk?a. What are the qualities needed to have connections among people?b. Is the first impression reliable in personal relationship?c. How do you understand the proverb “The tongue is the rudder ofthe ship ”?2. Small talk provides essential of connection .5. We all have an intrinsic need to not only be seen, but also to be heard. It’s this dual recognition that fosters the respect, harmony, and togetherness that we need to build our relationships. Small talk has the power to open the door of interaction and invite another person into a reciprocal exchange in a non-threatening and welcoming manner. Light and casual conversation is an easy way to let others know we are approachable, friendly, and interested. When we offer a light-hearted comment or ask or answer simple questions, we let the other people know that we are receptive and willing to communicate.intrinsic: (a.)belonging naturally; existing within, not coming from outsidedual: (a.) having two parts or aspects; doublereciprocal: (a) given and received in return; mutual6. Small talk brings us into the present moment with one another. Those first few minutes of contact can form a positive first impression that ignites a desire to know more about each other. A few words of care can bring us together. This can occur by, for example, simply saying “Bless You” when a stranger sneezes or asking “How are you feeling today?” to a co-worker recovering from an illness.ignite: (v.) arouse feelings and passions7. As the proverb states, “The tongue is the rudder of the ship.” Our words of salutation and connection can turn a solitary experience into a shared one, steering us away from loneliness and onward to greater connection.Critical Thinking QuestionsCan you give some examples of human being’s intrinsic need to be seen and heard? (para.5)Do you think feeling understood is even more important than feeling loved? (para.5)What are the qualities needed to have connections among people? (para.5)Why do we need dual recognition in building our relationships? (para.5)Do you think the first impressions about strangers are superficial, misleading or reliable? (para.5)How long do you need to form an assessment of someone’s face? What could be inferred? (para.5)What is a threatening manner in an interaction? (para.5)Would you let others know you are approachable and friendly? Why or why not? If not, what concerns do you have? (para.6)How do you understand the proverb “The tongue is the rudder of the ship”? (para.7)a. Is it easy to make transitions between different roles?b. Could the examples of physician and business meeting alwaysachieve the expected result? Why or why not?3. Small talk makes transitions easier.8. Small talk allows us to move more easily between our various roles, be they personal or professional. Small gestures such as greeting one another in a cordial and warm manner prior to a medical procedure or a difficult work project help immeasurably us to ease into the process or task ahead.* be they personal or professional= no matter what roles they should be, personal or professional9. A physician’s friendly greeting and inquiry about the patient’s family or a favorite sports team prior to an examinati on can soothe a patient’s anxieties. This indispensable small talk helps to strengthen the therapeutic relationship. It contributes greatly to the familiarity and trust that form the launching pad for further cooperative treatment .indispensable: (a.) absolutely necessarytherapeutic: (a.) relating to or involved in therapyCritical Thinking QuestionsHow many roles are you play all together? Which one is the most important one? (para. 8)Is it beneficial for a patient to have small talk with his/her doctor? (para. 9)Why is trust important in any cooperation? (para. 9)10. At the end of a business meeting, engaging in small talk can bring a gentle and appreciative closure. Following a heated debate or argument, small talk can break the ice, helping us to return to a more neutral exchange. It can provide a welcome respite from the stress of accumulated tensions and still unresolved issues. “I know we have more to discuss, but I could use something to drink. Would you like something? Maybe we could try that new tea we bought yesterday.”respite: (n) a temporary reliefCritical Thinking QuestionsIs it common to have argument and debate in a business meeting? What is the possible reasons? (para. 10) How to use small talk to respite from the tension of a business negotiation? (para. 10)a. Why do people need the opportunity to give small talk?b. Some people would like to do charitable work silently. What is theirconsideration?4. Small talk offers an opportunity to give.11. There are many books, coaches and seminars these days promoting small talk as a skill to be learned in order to turn encounters into opportunities to create unforgettable impressions. While small talk can be used to achieve a specific goal, it also provides an additional opportunity to give, share, and connect to another human being. By taking a risk to start up a conversation with another, we are drawn out of our own cubicles and our solitary habits. We demonstrate our willingness to connect. In her book Words to Live By, Mother Teresa of Calcutta calls out the tendency we have to isolate ourselves and exclude others. She cautions, “We draw the circle of our family too small.”Critical Thinking QuestionsIs it easy to turn encounters into opportunities? Is necessary to master this skill? (para. 11)Are you planning to practice giving and sharing? If not, when is the appropriate timing? (para. 11)Why and how should we draw a big circle of family? (para. 11)12.Thus, it turns out that small talk is not so small after all. We can share and receive huge dividends of goodwill and connection by allowing small talk to prove to us its myriad benefits. It’s encouraging and hopeful to realize that, at any given moment, we may be only a few sentences away from shortening our distance from another person.dividend: (n.) share of profits paid to shareholders; a bonusmyriad: (a.) too numerous to be countedCritical Thinking QuestionsWould you please raise five questions to start a small talk? (para. 12)Could you use 3 words to summarize the benefits of small talk in social interactions? (para. 12)Essay Writing:Small Talk isn’t Small。
Chapter Two Using Proper Words(1)

3. Avoid using unidiomatic words. 4. Choose the best word when there are synonyms.
• 英语是全世界三千多种语言当中 的一种,属于印欧语系日尔曼语分 支。一提到英语,人们自然会想到 它是英国人的语言,因此当我们谈 论英语发展历史的时候,就得从它 的起点英国英语说起。
The Development of England and Its Language (chronological order时间顺序)
现代英语划分为早期现代英语(从1500 年到1700 年)和现代英语(从1700 年到现 在) 两个不同时期。早期现代英语时期当中以十五世纪为最重要。这个时期(从 乔叟去世算起到伊丽莎白一世去世)的一百余年是英语史上一个转折点,即从中古 英语变为早期现代英语的巨大转折。从大约1400年开始,英语的语音发生了空前 绝后的巨大变化—称为“元音大变化”。这个元音大变化持续了250年,直到大约 1750年才完成。但英语的拼写仍沿用中古英语的习惯拼写,不能反映语音上的巨 大变化。我们可以说:从早期现代英语开始,英语的拼写就和英语的读音分家了。 早期现代英语有两大特点:第一特点是丰富多彩(尤其表现在读音和词汇方面)。 第二个特点是趋向于规范化(继续中古元音把东中部方言,即伦敦方言,作为标准 的文学语言)。尽管早期现代英语还没有完全定型,但十六世纪后半期的元音书面 语言已完全够得上称为标准语言了。另一方面,这个标准语仍处于日趋规范化的 过程中,因此在语法词汇、读音、拼写各方面仍存在着不少相互竞争的形式。直 到十八世纪中叶以后,现代英语的语法、读音和拼写才逐渐固定下来,趋于统一。 早期现代英语时期有两个主要的任务:一个是建立起英语的词汇,另一个是澄清英 语的句法。莎士比亚创造新词,德莱登(Dryden ,1631 - 1700) 和阿迪生(Addison ,1672 - 1719) 努力净化和澄清他们所继承下来的语言。继伊丽莎白时代蓬勃的创 造活动之后,接着是一个整顿和巩固的时期。英语语法结构趋于统一和稳定,语法 形式和习惯用法的改变较少。然而英语并没有停步不前,仍在缓慢而有力地变化 着,发展成为更加成熟,更富于表达力的语言。
Unit 2 Using language教案- 外研版(2019)高中英语必修第二册

Unit 2Using language教学设计科目:英语课题:Using language 课时:1课时教学目标与核心素养:1.Lead students to understand the basic usage of modal verbs to express speculation, enhance their awareness of using modal verbs, and learn to correctly use modal verbs in the real context.2.Lead students to have a preliminary understanding of "Black Friday" and broaden their knowledge3.Lead students to summarize the expressions of various celebrations during the festival and learn to describe the festival.4.Lead students to know how to send and accept invitations politely.教学重难点教学重点:1.Master the basic usage of modal verbs to express speculation, and be able to correctly use modal verbs in the real context.2.Let students understand "Black Friday" and broaden their knowledge.教学难点:1.Ask students to summarize the expressions of various celebrations during the festival and learn to describe the festival.2.Let students learn to send and accept invitations politely.课前准备:多媒体,黑板,粉笔教学过程:一、Pre-class1. Greeting2. Leading-in教师活动:教师通过课件展示黑色星期五的视频,并且让学生用情态动词造句去描述视频中的场面。
新编实用英语综合教程2unit 1 教案

Unit OneInvitationsTeaching ObjectiveIn "Talking Face to Face", learn how to invite friends to attend a party or a dance in oral English.In "Being All Ears", students will fine tune their listening and comprehension skills through exercises relating to inviting people out.In "Maintaining a Sharp Eye",students will learn how foreign people deal with invitations, when one wants to accept or does not accept.In "Trying Your Hand", get some practical experience and writing a invitation and a reply to the invitation one gets.Teaching ProceduresSection I Talking Face to Face1.Warm- up:Patterns and expressions for talking about invitations:I’d like to invite you to dinner.我想请你吃晚饭。
Why don’t you come and join us for disco?你为什么不和我们一起跳迪斯科?It’s very kind of you to invite me.谢谢你邀请我。

大学英语(2)教案use English learning strategies consciously教学重难点Using proper language to talk about English learningHow to apply the reading skill – reading for the key idea in a sentence教学材料教学方法1. 教学材料:Text A课文、练习2. 教学方法:Under the guidance of student-centered principle, apply communicative and heuristic teaching methods, stimulate students’ interest in learning English and get students involved in class participation教学过程一、课前导入Talking about your experience of learning EnglishWatch the video clip and discuss the following question in pairs.1)According to the speaker, in what ways did Chinese students learn English?Chinese students practice their English by screaming it.2)Do you agree with what he said about Chinese students learning English? Why or why not.Yes, I just learned English exactly that way.No, we have learned English in different ways.3)How do you learn English? What do you think of your way of English learning?I learn English by:listening to the teacher carefully in classtaking notes …to go over lessons latercatching every chance to practice speakinglistening and reading a lotdoing enough exercises to practice grammar rulesI think my way of English learning is:effective, ineffective, interesting, boringchallenging but rewardingexamination-oriented二、文本学习1. Global understanding of the text1)Scan the text in three minutes and fill in the blanks.After I read the passage, I know the text talking about how _________ and __________ can be taught efficiently. The writer might be a ________ and a ________________ as well.2)What is the writing style of the text? Why?The writing style of the text is relaxed, which is proved by a lot of short sentences and paragraphs, casual verbs, daily talks and simple modifiers.3)Map the text structure and fill in the blanks.2. Detailed understanding of the textRead the text again and answer the following questions.1) Why does the son think that his father is a tedious oddity?Because he is tired of listening to his father and he is not interested in grammar rules.2) Why does the author think that students’ language deficits should be blamed on schools?Because the schools fail to set high standards of language proficiency. They only teach a little grammar and less advanced vocabulary. And the younger teachers themselves have little knowledge of the vital structures of language.3) What does the father teach the son while giving him a grammar lesson?He familiarized his son with different parts of speech in a sentence and discussed their specific grammatical functions including how to use adverbs to describe verbs.4) What are the two things that the author uses to describe grammar and vocabulary?The author uses “road map” and “car” to describe grammar and vocabulary. Here, “road map” is considered as grammar and “car” as vocabulary.5) How do you understand the interjection “whoa!” said by the father toward the end of the text?Since the subjunctive mood his son used is a fairly advanced grammar structure, the in terjection “whoa!” reflects the tremendous pride the father had toward his son; it also reflects the author’s humor in using the word because it was once used by his student, though in two different situations and with two different feelings.第二次课一、文本拓展1) Text SummaryAn Impressive English LessonTo my son, I am a _____________: a father he is __________ listen to and a man ____________ the rules of grammar. And I got ______________ this because my student was unable to describe properly her feeling on her __________ to Europe.However, it doesn’t ________________ to criticize our students. They unfairly bear the bulk of the criticism for these __________________ because there is a sense that they _________________. On one hand, they are misled by the____________. On the other hand, school fails to _________________ the essential framework of language, accurate grammar and proper vocabulary. Perhaps, language should be looked upon as a _________ and a ___________________: often study the road map (check grammar) and ________ the car engine (adjust vocabulary). Learning grammar and a good vocabulary is just like driving with a road map in a ________________ car. __________, _________, and __________ communication depends upon grammar and a good vocabulary, the two __________ assets for students, but they are ________________ in schools.2) Language Points3. Criticl thinking1)What do you think of the “impressive English lesson”? Is it effective?●Yes. Because the lesson aroused children’s interest in learning English grammar.●Yes. Because the way to learn grammar is more natural, interesting and enjoyable.●Yes, because learners become more motivated when learning something they like.●No. because it’s like a street learning without forma l instruction.2) Do you think English grammar helps you a lot in learning English? Why or why not?English grammar helps a lot:●Order sentences correctly.●Use words properly.●Talk with other English speakers confidentlyEnglish grammar is of little help:●Only give rules that are hard to remember.●It is not helpful in a real-life setting due to the limited time to think and recall the rules.●Not always applicable to the real language, especially idioms.3) How can you effectively enlarge your vocabulary?●Read more English from online sources.●Watch English TV / listen to English radio / watch English online videos.●Talk often with English speakers.●Listen carefully and extensively.●Use dictionaries to look up unfamiliar words.●Use new words as often as possible.二、写作训练 (P13)1)Structure AnalysisAs the name of our textbook implies, we read English in order to write in it. But how to write in the English way?As is known to all of us, what we write reflects what we think; and how we write mirrors how we think. In that light, our best way of writing in English is to know well how to think in English as the American or British people do. What is their way of thinking then?Different from us who think in the spiral way (螺旋式), they tend to think in the linear way (线性方式). As far as paragraph writing is concerned, deduction (演绎法) is typical of their linear way of thinking, as shown below:Starting from this book, you are moving from paragraph writing to short essay writing. In a likely manner, however, we will go through the same process for essay writing as we did for paragraph writing. In college writing, an essay normally has three main parts: introduction, body,What are minor details and what are the main ideas. (Many words in a sentence describe things about the subject of the sentence but they merely find the details to it. If we ask when, what, where, or why, we will find out these details, which further help us to see the key idea of the sentence.)4) What to keep in mind to find out the key idea of a sentence?Of course, we cannot always easily decide which details are simply descriptive and which add much to the key idea. However, the starting point for determining the key idea ina sentence is to find who or what the sentence is about and what the person or object isdoing.2. 文本学习1) Applying the reading skillWhat can the title “The Great Journey of Learning” tell us?The title “The Great Journey of Learning”, coupled with the topic “Language in Mission” of the unit, tells us the central idea—The process of learning has a profound effect on one’s life.2) Detailed understanding of the textRead Text B and choose the best answer to each of the questions (Page 24)Read the text again and think about the following questions:1. Why did Malcolm X want to learn English? (Para.2)Because he was poorly educated, he felt inadequate to teach his new beliefs to others.2. What motivated Malcolm X to launch on a quest to overcome his language deficiencies? Malcolm X’s considerable frustration at his inability to read and write launched him on a quest to overcome his deficiencies.3. How did Malcolm X move from basic literacy toward true proficiency? (Para. 5)He copied dictionary, read everything he had written aloud and logged important things that happened every day. Repetition helped move him from basic literacy toward true proficiency. 4. What did Malcolm X obtain from language learning? (Paras. 9-10) Reading had changed forever the course of Malcolm X’s life. As he acquired knowledge, his horizons expanded. He had left behind the narrow, ignorant world of his youth to join the world community of thoughts and actions ever since he started with his great journey of learning English in prison.3. 知识总结听说训练第四次课教学目的及要求Talk about learning experiencesListen for signal words for listingGive and respond to adviceTalk about learning / teaching methods教学过程1. Listening to the worldSharing1) Watch a podcast for its general idea.The podcast is mainly about the things people are learning at the moment and the most difficult thing they have ever learned.2) Watch Part 1 and fill in the blanks●new things●At the moment●quite difficult3) Watch Part 2 and check the true statements.ListeningListening skillsListening for signal words for listing●Listen for the total number of items at the beginning●Listen for words and expressions that signal the beginning, following and end of the listing⏹ e.g. the last, the final, lastly, and finally●Listing items with equal value⏹ e.g. to begin with, to start with, furthermore, moreover, in addition, besides, what’smore, the last but not the least, lastly, finally●Words and expressions indicating importance⏹expressions: above all, the most important / obvious / noteworthy⏹Adjectives: main, vital, significant, chief, central, principal, primary, major,distinctive, and the –est forms of adjectives1)Listen to a radio program and rearrange the following expressions.e-c-a-g-d-h-b-f2) Listen to the radio program again and complete the table.●speak●saying the wrong thing。

Unit2 Using Language1 名师教学设计Teaching Design forUnit 2 Bridging Cultures Using Language 1 Chinese Language Learning Abroad 1.Teaching Analysis:The topic of unit 2 is “bridging cultures”, which is about crossing-cultural communication. And the topic of this section is about talking about Chinese language learning abroad. With the development of economy and globalization, many foreign friends are learning Chinese since language is a good way to bridge the barriers among cultures. It’s a good chance to guide ss to think about the causes behind Chinese learning heat and evaluate the role of language in crossing-cultural communication. Thus, the teaching objectives are designed as follow:2.Teaching Aims:(1)To listen for the setting by focusing on who,where and what.(2)To identify the detailed information by brainstorming possible questions based on the context.(3)To evaluate the causes behind Chinese learning heat and the role of language in crossing-cultural communication.3.Teaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead-inWatch a video and Discuss Chinese learning heat .How do foreign friends learn Chinese?(Aims: to elicit the topic and stir up ss’ interests in this topic.)Step 2: Pre-listeningWatch a video and discuss what ss can do in Confucius Institute.(Aims: to know some about Confucius Institute and get prepared for the following listening.)Step 3: Listen for the setting.Listen for the setting by focusing on basic information like who, what and where. Raise possible questions as a host.(Aims: to train ss’ the strategy of listening for setting and activate ss listeningmotivation by putting themselves into the authentic setting.)Step 4: Listen for detailed informationListen for the answers to the questions raised by ss.Raise questions based on the general opinions and listen for further information. (Aims: to train ss’ critical thinking ability through raising questions and fully understand the role of language learning in crossing-cultural communication.)Step 5:ThinkingWhy do more and more foreign friends are learning Chinese?(Aims: to explore the causes and extend ss horizons.)Step 6: Interview sb and role-playImagine you're interviewing a student at a Confucius Institute in another country about his or her experience.1. Brainstorm the questions for the interviewer and possible answers.2. Role-play the interview.3. Use the phrases and questions in the box to help you.(Aims: to apply what they’ve learnt into speaking.)Step 7: Pronunciation LearningTo know what the weak form is and practise it.。
Unit 2 Using Language第1课时示范课教学设计【人教选必修1】

Unit 2 Looking into the FutureUsing Language Period 1教材分析听说板块围绕“预测未来的变化”(Make predictions about future changes)展开,学生需要电台访谈,对话中讨论了一些深刻的话题。
教学过程Step 1 Warming-upWork on Activity 1. What do these pictures show? Match the words with the pictures.设计意图:活动1激发学生背景知识,让学生把图片与反映该技术或事件的名称相匹配,引导学生关注时事和科技前沿,熟悉听力对话中的局部话题词汇。
Step 2 Pre-listeningWork on Activity 2. Discuss these questions in groups.设计意图:活动2进一步启发学生讨论活动1中图片所呈现的技术或事件会如何开展、会带来哪些挑战和机遇,在听前有所思考,有助于更好地理解听力内容。
Chapter 2 Using Proper Words

suitable and appropriate, lucky and fortunate, dangerous and hazadous, many and myriad
laugh, smile, chuckle, giggle
It is important to study useful synonyms and their minute differences.
When the trolley came it was full. I stopped on the back platform. “Seats up front,” the conductor said. I looked into the car. There were no seats on the left side. “I'm not going far,” I said. “I'll just stand here.”... “Better go up front and get a seat,” the conductor said. “I get off pretty soon,” I said. “A couple of blocks.” I got off before we reached the post office.
to have no law
He does not live a regular life. He is not a man of regular habits.
Collocations 大雪 heavy snow
3. Synonyms
little and small big large huge great
Choice of Words
【教案】Unit 2 Using language (2) 教学设计(人教版选择性必修第二册)

Unit 2 Period 5 Reading for writing 教学设计The theme of this section is to express people's views on studying abroad. With the continuous development of Chinese economic construction, especially the general improvement of people's living standards, the number of Chinese students studying abroad at their own expense is on the rise. Many students and parents turn their attention to the world and regard studying abroad as an effective way to improve their quality, broaden their horizons and master the world's advanced scientific knowledge, which is very important for the fever of going abroad.Studying abroad is also an important decision made by a family for their children. Therefore, it is of great social significance to discuss this issue. The theme of this section is the column discussion in the newspaper: the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad. The discourse is about two parents' contribution letters on this issue. They respectively express their own positions. One thinks that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages, and the other thinks that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. The two parents' arguments are well founded and logical. It is worth noting that the two authors do not express their views on studying abroad from an individual point of view, but from a national or even global point of view. These two articles have the characteristics of both letters and argumentative essays1.Guide the students to read these two articles, and understand the author's point of view and argument ideas2.Help the students to summarize the structure and writing methods of argumentative writing, and guides students to correctly understand the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad3.Cultivate students' ability to analyze problems objectively, comprehensively and deeply4. Instruct the students to write an argumentative paper with correct views and rigorous argumentation on the above problems, and use cohesive words properly in writing.1.Guide the students to read these two articles, and understand the author's point of view and argument ideas2. Instruct the students to write an argumentative paper with correct views and rigorousargumentation on the above problems, and use cohesive words properly in writing.Step1: Lead in by raising some inspiring questions concerning going abroadWhat do you think of studying abroad?In my opinion…;as far as I know…;Personally…Step2: Ask students to r ead the passage and underline each writer’s main points. Then make the reasons for their opinions.Studying abroad: Is it a good or bad idea?Wang Li Zhang Yimain points Disadvantages for youthsaregreater Advantages are much greater.reasons 1.Costly tuition fees andliving expenses.2.Tremendous pressure3.Different approaches toteaching and learning canbe as a shock4. Studying in China has agreat future 1.Personal growth.2.The increased chance for cultural exchange.3.Provide a great opportunity to contribute to the development of our motherland.4.Help to build character and increase p eople’s understanding of cultural diversity.Step 3: Read it again to underline all the connectors in the text and then use connectors below to rewrite the following sentences.As a result besides for instance that is to say1.Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. They should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.2.Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. They may feel lonely and miss theirfamilies.3. Studying abroad will give students a good education. It also helps them to gain a global perspective.4.Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world. As a result, young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed.keys:1.Students who want to study abroad must consider their parents budget. That is to say, they should think about whether they can afford the costs of studying overseas.2. Studying abroad can put great pressure on young people. For instance, they may feel lonely and miss their families.3. Studying abroad will give students a good education. Besides, it also helps them to gain a global perspective.4. Global development strategies help to make connections between China and the rest of the world.As a result, young people with language skills and strong cultural awareness are needed. Step 4: Ask studentst o discuss the following questions to foster their critical thinking competence. Which parent would you like to side with? And why?keys:I would like to favor the first parent. Because studying abroad is too costly for my family. Additionally, our country’s high education is as good as the foreign education and even much better in some fields. If I am an excellent learner, then I can be further educated in my motherland and attain a good job career in the future.Step 5: Writing instructionsHow to write the augmentative letters本模块要求写一篇正反观点对比类议论文,写作时应注意下面几点:1.主体结构:本文可分为三部分:1)开头部分:论点的提出;2)第二部分:使用论据来论证论点;3)第三部分:得出结论或提出解决问题的措施或建议。
《Unit 2 Using Language》第1课时教学设计【高中英语人教版】

Unit 2 Healthy LifestyleUsing Language Period 1 教学设计教材分析本节课为Using Language板块的第一部分,该部分的活动主题是“改变坏习惯的建议”,聚焦于前面阅读语篇中介绍的习惯循环原理在现实生活中的具体运用,侧重谈论如何识别不良习惯的触发因素(Cue)和惯常行为(Routine),认清两者之间的关系,找到更优的替换行为,养成良好的行为习惯。
教学目标在本课学习结束时,学生能够:1. 学会用表格记录听力内容的要点;2. 运用习惯循环原理识别不良习惯的触发因素(Cue)和惯常行为(Routine);3. 区分信息中的观点和事实;4. 正确使用有关建议的功能句,礼貌得体地向他人征求意见、给他人提意见、接受或拒绝他人的建议。
教学重难点【教学重点】1. 学会用表格记录听力内容的要点;2. 运用习惯循环原理识别不良习惯的触发因素(Cue)和惯常行为(Routine);3. 区分信息中的观点和事实;【教学难点】指导学生正确使用有关建议的句式,礼貌得体地向他人征求意见、给他人提建议、接受或拒绝他人的建议。
教学过程Step 1 Warming-upT asks Ss to talk about the questions.(1) What good habits do you know? Why are these habits good?(2) What bad habits do you know? Why are these habits bad?设计意图:引导学生思考身边的好习惯和坏习惯,激活学生关于习惯的背景知识。
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Nonstandard words→informal style
2. Let several students to read the following sentences and point out the kind of words used in it and the style of the sentences
1. Formal style
2. Informal style
3. Medium style
Types of words
施教时间earn classification
知识:Types of words
能力:Distinguish different kinds of words
Specific sentences
formal words, used for formal speech
IV. Deal with Task 1
1. Give the students 5 minutes to read the essay and then ask someone to identify the style of the essays.
a. Used by people who are not well educated or by people of special group (eg:Scotland, Negro)
b. Changeable: some may be not understandable to the general and disappear, some may become acceptable and join the common words
Answer: speaking, gesture, writing…
2. Writing is very important: for some formal purpose (thanks, business, letters, etc), something not easily be expressed by mouth (apologies, love letter, etc), and most practically: examination…
c. We need to understand them but avoid using them unless in special situations.
III. Identify the style of one paragraph by the words used in it.
1. Common words→informal style, medium style
c. We should know some of them, especially those related to the field we will work in or be associated with
4. Nonstandard words (eg: ain’t, neat, hot, etc)
a. Used by ordinary people for ordinary purposes
b. Most useful and is the core of English vocabulary
c. Words we must learn and remember
3. Formal and technical words
b. When the trolley came it was full. … reached the post office. (by William Faulkner)
common words, used to describe sth about daily life
Five score years ago, … to end the long night of their captivity. ( by Martin Luther King)
a. Jist, tryin’, out’n, youngin’, you’s, huntin’.
b. different, wrong, result, hits, hears, head, pull, another, hit, listening, talk, give, make, family
2. a. Nonstandard words, informal style
b. Common and formal words, kind of medium style
c. Common words, medium style
3. Let the students fill in the blanks and then check the answer
a. Used by people of special professions or fields on special occasions or for special purposes
b. Including political words (eg: the Foreign Secretary外交大臣), legal words (eg: legislation), technical words (eg: millennium bug千年虫, e-bank电子银行)…
II. Types of words
1. Give the students 5 minutes 5 minutes to read and try to find out words can be divided into how many types.
2. Common words (eg: talk, write…)
a. I saw a ghost, and I was frightened to death.
common words, informal style
I saw an apparition, and it reduced me to a condition of mental terror.
formal words, formal style
c. happy, problems, proper, little, early
V. Homework
Do Task 2
I. Types of words
1. Common words
2. Formal and technical words
3. Non-standard words
II. Styles
I. Introduction: Let the students know the importance of writing.
1. Ask students a question: When you communicate with others what kinds of methods would you use?