
()二、单项选择1.我国第一个森林公园是()A.黄山国家森林公园B.九寨沟国家森林公园C.张家界国家森林公园 D.五指山国家森林公园2.旅游业是由涉及吃、住、行、游、购、娱等多要素的众多部门组成的综合性产业,其中( )是最重要组成部分,是导致游客产生旅游动机并做出购买决策的主要因素。A.旅游设施B.旅游服务C.旅游交通D.旅游景区3.旅游规划的编制过程的第一个阶段是()A.前期准备B.任务确定C.规划编制D.征求意见4.以下哪一种旅游规划由国家旅游局制定? ( )A.全国旅游规划B.跨省级区域旅游发展规划C.地方旅游规划D.国家确定的重点旅游城市的旅游规划5.世界旅游组织是()A.隶属联合国系统的政府间国际组织 B.非政府间国际组织C.以公司企业为成员的国际组织 D.以社会团体为成员的国际性组织6.人们外出旅游最关注的是()A.旅游景点B.服务质量C.旅游供给 D.旅游安全7.世界旅游组织宣布每年的旅游日是()A.5月18日B.7月15日C.9月27日D.11月5日8.旅游业存在和发展的根本基础是()A.旅游政策 B.旅游机构 C.旅游资源 D.旅游策划9.就某项具体的旅游资源而言,它可能对某些旅游者吸引力很强,而对另外一些旅游者无多大吸引力,甚至根本没有吸引力,这体现了旅游资源吸引力的()A.定量性B.定向性C.自然性 D.变化性10.下面哪种产业不是旅游业的支柱产业? ()A.建筑业B.交通运输业C.餐饮业D.饭店业三、多选题1.按照旅游者的旅游目的不同,旅游可以分为()A.休闲旅游B.商务旅游C.会议旅游D.探亲访友旅游E.修学旅游2.一般来说,余暇时间包括()A.每日余暇B.每周余暇C.公共假日D.带薪假期E.因病休假3.旅游业的支柱产业是()A.建筑业B.交通运输业C.旅行社 D.住宿业E.金融业4.旅游者作为一种特殊的社会活动群体和经济活动群体,表现出的特点有()A.异地性B.消费性C.休闲性D.体验性E.盈利性5.按旅游费用来源分类,可以把旅游者分为哪几种?()A.自费旅游者B.公费旅游者 C.奖励旅游者D.观光旅游者 E.宗教朝觐旅游者四、简答1.旅游者实现旅游活动的主观条件主要有哪些?2.旅游对经济发展的积极影响是什么?3.旅游资源保护的必要性。


《旅游学概论》期末试卷及答案考试时间:120分钟一、名词解释题(本题5小题,每空2分,共10分)1.旅游业:旅游业就是以旅游者为对象,为其旅游活动创造便利条件并提供其所需商品和服务的综合性产业.2.国家旅游组织:是指国家中为国家政府所承认,负责管理全国旅游事物的组织.3.市场细分:指将一个整体市场按照消费者的某种或某些特点分解或划分为不同的消费群的过程.4.可持续发展:满足当代人的需要而又不损害子孙后代满足自身需要的能力.5.旅游交通:是一种为旅游者提供直接或间接交通服务所产生的社会和经济活动,是为旅游者由客源地到目的地的往返及在目的地各处的旅游活动而提供的交通设施及服务.二、填空题(本题11小题,每空1分,共25分)6.根据联合国《国际产业划分标准》和旅游业务的具体情况分析,旅游业主要由《旅游学概论》期末试卷及答案姓名学号装订线1 / 7三大部分构成,即旅行社、旅游交通、住宿业及饭店,这三大部分也是旅游业的三大支柱.7.从根本上讲,旅游业是一项经济性产业.8.在国外,旅行社按其业务类型分为:旅游批发经营商和旅游零售商.9.影响旅游者选择旅行方式的因素有旅行距离、运输价格、旅行目的、旅行偏好和经验.10.国家政府介入旅游发展的动机有政治动机、经济动机、社会动机.11.我国的旅游组织基本上划分为旅游行政组织和旅游行业组织两大类.12.我国旅游行政组织包括国家旅游局、省、自治区和直辖市的旅游局、省级以下的地方旅游行政机构.13.旅游乘数是用以测定单位旅游消费对旅游接待地区各种经济现象的影响程度的系数.14.1987年,联合国世界环境和发展委员会发表了题为《我们共同的未来》的研究报告.正式提出了可持续发展的概念.15.旅游环境承载力主要包括生态承载力、社会承载力、经济承载力、居民旅游者的心理承载力.16.旅游的六要素包括吃、住、行、游、购、娱.三、选择题(请将正确答案填入表中相应题号处,本题20 Array小题,每小题1分,共20分)17.( B )是旅游活动的客体,也是一个国际或地区旅游业赖以生存和发展最基本的条件.2 / 7A、旅游者B、旅游资源C、旅游业D、旅行社18.世界上规模最大的与旅游有关的全球性政府间国际组织是( C ).A、万国邮政联盟B、世界旅游组织C、联合国D、欧洲共同体19.世界上唯一全面涉及旅游事物的全球性政府间国际旅游组织是( A ).A、世界旅游组织B、国际航空运输协会D、世界卫生组织 D、万国邮政联盟20.全面认识影响旅游的主客观要素,对于发展旅游业特别是旅游业的( C )工作有一定实际意义.A、产品定位B、价格制定C、市场营销D、销售渠道21.旅游活动的媒介是( D ).A、旅游资源B、旅游交通C、旅游宣传D、旅游业22.旅游者就是离开自己的常住地到异国他乡访问超过24小时的人,但不包括( B ).A、经商贸易的人B、就业移民的人C、短期进修的人D、探亲访友的人23.出游次数较频繁,对旅游价格不太敏感,要求服务水平较高的是( B ).A、消遣型旅游者B、差旅型旅游者C、家庭事务型旅游者D、自由组合型旅游者24.旅游资源的理论核心是( A ).A、吸引力因素B、多样性因素C、变化性因素D、季节性因素25.任何旅游地都会经历由盛至衰的演变过程,旅游专用概念称其为旅游地的( A ).A、生命周期B、发展周期C、历史周期D、循环周期26.在对旅游资源进行开发时,首先需要解决的问题是( A ).A、交通B、住宿C、基础设施D、娱乐设施27.世界旅游组织的总部设在( D ).3 / 7A、哈瓦那B、巴黎C、曼谷D、马德里28.旅游活动发展的普遍规律是( C ).A、先发展入境旅游,再发展国内旅游B、先发展国际旅游,再发展国内旅游C、先发展国内旅游,再发展国际旅游D、国内旅游、国际旅游同步发展29.( C )具有运载能力大,票价低廉,在乘客心目中安全性强的特点.A、汽车B、飞机C、火车D、轮船30.旅游业是一个高度依托性的行业,下列对依托性表现描述不正确的是( B ).A、旅游业以旅游资源为依托B、高度依托于旅行社C、旅游业发展依托于国民经济D、旅游业依托于相关部门和行业的通力合作31.现代旅游不是纯粹的游山玩水,而被用来作为教育、贸易、文化交流等活动的形式和手段,这表明了现代旅游的( D ).A、综合性B、普及性C、群众性D、社会性32.利用交通为旅游者设计并串联若干旅游点和旅游城市的合理走向,旅游界称之为( D ).A、旅游项目B、旅游区C、旅游区域D、旅游路线33.下列哪项不是旅行社的主要业务( B ).A、产品开发设计B、旅游管理业务C、产品销售业务D、采购业务34.制定旅游政策必须从实际出发,又要高于实际,并能展望未来的发展趋势.这表现了旅游政策的( D ).A、可行性B、协调性C、全面性D、预见性35.被人们称之为“风景名胜”出口的旅游业,较之其它行业创汇的特殊功能是( A ).4 / 7A、循环销售B、综合销售C、连锁销售 D.集团销售36.我国第一个国家森林公园是:( A ).A、张家界国家森林公园B、九寨沟国家森林公园C、武夷山国家森林公园D、五指山国家森林公园四、简答题.(本题6小题,每小题5分,共30分.)37.简答旅游活动对目的地社会文化的积极影响.答:(1)有助于提高民族素质;(2)有助于促进民族文化的保护和发展;(3)促进国民素质和生活质量的提高;(4)增进国际了解,促进世界的和平与发展;(5)有助于推动科学技术的交流和发展.38.简述旅游产品具有的特点.答:(1)无形性:是一种体验或者经历,这一特点决定了购买之前难以查验和客观评价;同时也暗示了如何使其有形化的必要性.(2)不可转移性:旅游产品在地点上的不可转移特;相关的设施和设备在所有权上的不可转移.(3)不可储存性,亦称不耐久性:一旦闲置,所造成的损失将无法追补. (4)生产与消费的同步性:这一特点决定了服务人员的言行举止乃至个人仪容都会对产品质量和顾客满意度产生影响,从而也决定了对服务质量行使控制的重要性.(5)总体旅游产品的综合性:大多数旅游者在选择目的地时,都是将该地多方面的旅游供给情况综合起来权衡.其中任何方面存在问题,都会影响到旅游者对该地的选择,都会影响其他方面的成功经营.5 / 76 / 739.简述我国旅游业国内旅游市场的基本特点. 答:①市场规模大,发展潜力足; ②短程旅游所占比重大; ③活动形式以散客为主; ④消费增长速度快.40.饭店业对旅游业的作用有哪些?答:(1)饭店是旅游者进行旅游活动的重要基地 (2)饭店是创造旅游收入重要部门 (3)饭店为提供社会直接和间接就业机会 (4)饭店是经济交流和社会交往的重要场所41.你认为我国旅游业在国际客源市场竞争中存在哪些问题? 答:(1)我国的地理位置距世界上大多数主要国际客源产生地较远;(2)距离主要客源国较远的旅游目的地最容易遭受经济危机和世界油价上涨的打击;(3)我国旅游产品的开发和质量问题; (4)市场宣传和海外促销工作有待改进.42.你认为旅游市场细分的意义有哪些? 参考答案:(1)有助于选定目标市场 (2)有利于有针对性地开发产品. (3)有利于有针对性的开展促销.专业 年级 姓名 学号装订线《旅游学概论》期末试卷及答案43.阐述国家政府介入旅游业发展的手段?参考答案:一般而言,政府干预旅游发展的主要具体手段可划分为两大类:一类是需求管理手段,一类是供给管理手段.需求管理手段:(1)目的地宣传与促销.(2)为来访游客提供信息服务.分为三种情况:第一,为来访游客提供便利,以丰富其经历.第二,影响和控制游客的流向和流量,以防止交通拥挤和某些局部地区的人满为患.第三,影响来访游客的行为,以维护当地的旅游资源和避免不可接受的文化冲突.(3)通过控制价格去影响需求.这种影响包括直接和间接两大方面.(4)控制游客流入量.供给管理手段:(1)控制土地用途.这是控制旅游供给的最基本手段.各国政府大都有城市规划立法.通过制定土地区划以及采取强制性征购方法是政府推动旅游开发工作的常用手段.(2)对建筑物进行管制.这一手段常用以配合用地控制.管制的内容包括建筑物的规模、高度、形状和颜色以及停车场的安排.停车场的安排是一个不能忽视的重要内容.(3)市场管制.政府可以通过立法和法规对旅游企业的市场行为进行管制和规范.(4)实行特别征税.有些国家或地区对来访旅游者征收旅游税.(5)投资鼓励政策.大致分为三类:同减小投资额有关的优惠政策;同减小经营成本有关的优惠政策;同保证投资安全有关的政策.44.概述《旅游学概论》的主要内容,指出自己最感兴趣的内容(或章节)并分析对本部分内容(或章节)感兴趣的原因.7 / 7。

二、填空题(本题11小题,每空1分,共25分)6.根据联合国《国际产业划分标准》和旅游业务的具体情况分析,旅游业主要由三大部分构成,即旅行社、旅游交通、住宿业及饭店,这三大部分也是旅专业年级姓名学号装订线第 1 页共 7 页游业的三大支柱。
三、选择题(请将正确答案填入表中相应题号处,本题20小题,Array每小题1分,共20分)17.( B )是旅游活动的客体,也是一个国际或地区旅游业赖以生存和发展最基本的条件。

A. 被迫性和求生性B. 被迫性和自由性C. 独立性和求生性D. 独立性和自由性2.在奴隶制时代的西方社会中,奴隶制国家的繁荣,客观上为旅行活动的发展提供了物质条件,这一点在古罗马帝国表现得最为典型A. 古埃及王国B. 波斯帝国C. 古罗马帝国D. 巴比伦帝国3.以托马斯·库克为代表的旅行社行业的出现标志了近代旅游业的诞生A. 现代旅游业B. 近代旅游业C. 古代旅游业D. 商业旅游业4.人们通常将旅行社、住宿业和交通运输业称为旅游业的“三大支柱”。
构成了旅游业收入的主要来源A. 旅行社、餐饮业和交通运输业B. 旅行社、住宿业和交通运输业C. 旅游景点、住宿业和交通运输业D. 旅行社、住宿业和旅游管理组织5.旅游产品必须同时满足外部标准(能够实现顾客满意)和内部标准(符合并满足该项服务工作本身的规范要求)的要求。
A. 外部标准和内部标准B. 主观标准和客观标准C. 国内标准和国际标准D. 宏观标准和微观标准6.美国是世界上私家车拥有率最高的国家A. 日本B. 英国C. 美国D. 德国7.1999年我国第一部关于旅游景点质量等级的国家标准—《旅游区(点)质量等级划分与评定》正式颁布从高到低依次为5A级、4A级、3A级、2A级、A级A. 5A级、4A级、3A级、2A级、1A级B. 5A级、4A级、3A级、2A级、A级C. 4A级、3A级、2A级、1A级、A级D. A级、B级、C级、D级、E级8.狭义的国际旅游组织是指其成员来自多个国家并服务于多国利益的专职性旅游组织。
例如世界旅游组织(WTO)A. 联合国(UN)B. 国际旅游联盟(AIT)C. 世界旅游理事会(WTTC)D. 世界旅游组织(WTO)二、多项选择题(本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)9.封建时代旅行发展的特点(P18)A. 旅行活动的发展与社会的政治经济状况有着直接的联系B. 出于易货经商的需要自发开展的一种经济活动C. 商贸旅行在其中仍占据主导地位D. 客观上为当时的旅行发展提供了便利的物质条件E. 参加者多为统治阶级及其附庸阶层10. 旅游活动的基本特征包含A. 旅行与逗留的合成性B. 异地性C. 季节性D. 暂时性E. 非移民性和非就业性11.旅游活动的类型以旅游目的为标准划分有A. 团体旅游B. 观光旅游C. 商务旅游D. 探亲旅游E. 徒步旅游12.现代旅游活动具有以下特点A. 社会性B. 普及性C. 成长性D. 地理集中性E. 季节性13.美国著名的旅游学教授麦金托什提出旅游动机的基本类型有A. 身体方面的动机B. 思想意识方面的动机C. 文化方面的动机D. 人际(社会交往)方面的动机E. 地位和声望方面的动机14.旅游消费者购买动机(购买行为或决策)的内在影响因素包含A. 文化水平和受教育程度B. 年龄C. 性别D. 社会阶级E. 微社会群体15.因公差旅型旅游者的特点是A. 出游频繁高B. 出游活动无季节性C. 出游活动的自由度小D. 消费水平高E. 价格敏感度低16.旅游资源开发价值的评价标准包括1 2 3A. 以历史价值为评价标准B. 以美学价值为评价标准C. 以社会/文化价值为评价标准D. 以实际价值为评价标准E. 以市场价值为评价标准17.旅游产品具有的特点是A. 无形性B. 不可转移性C. 不可存储性D. 生产与消费的同步性E. 综合性18.连锁饭店的经营优势包括A. 集团化经营的优势B. 技术经济优势C. 市场营销优势D. 集中采购优势E. 管理效率方面的优势非选择题部分三、填空题(本大题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)19.1841年7月5日,托马斯·库克利用包租火车的方式参加在拉夫堡市举行的禁酒大会。

A.可支配收入B.可随意支配合收入C.旅游消费D.收入水平2.延长旅游点生命周期的根本办法,是A.市场宣传B.降价出售C.连续发展D.延长成熟期3.下列划分旅游市场的标准中,属于微观标准的是A.游客的来访目的B.省行政区划C.市行政区划D.地区行政区划4.从来华旅游人次的绝对数上看,据我国旅游业的第一大客源国的是A.美国B.英国C.德国D.日本5.判定一个企业或行业是否属劳动密集型的标准是A.其雇用的职工人数的多少B.其工资成本在其全部营业成本中所占比例的高低C.工资成本的多少D.其投资数额与职工人数的比例大小6.旅游现象的______特征将要在旅游高等教育的教学和学术活动中反映出来,这个特征将使旅游高等教育涉及较多的专业范围A.经济B.多元系统结构C.文化D.社会7.德国学者葛留克斯曼(G.Glvcksmann)认为,应当从_____的角度去考察旅游现象A.经济学B.人类学C.不同科学D.社会学8.1855年,托马斯·库克组织了从英国华斯特前往法国巴黎的旅游,开创了_____A.洲际旅游B.国际旅游C.国际包价旅游D.团体旅游9.就整个世界而言,人类有意外的外出旅游应始于____,并在奴隶制社会时期得到发展A.原始社会早期B.原始社会末期C.新石器时代中期D. 新石器时代晚期10.按组织的____划分,国际性旅游组织可分为全球性组织和地区性组织A.成员B.范围C.地位D.工作内容三.多选1.一项旅游资源的价值取决于A.旅游资源的组合状况B.所在地区社会经济条件C.资源本身固有的质量D.资源座落点2.继发效应是以下哪种效应之和A.直接效应B.间接效应C.诱导效应D.乘数效应3.下列属于旅游营销的工作在A.产品设计B.产品开发C.市场调研D.产品定价4.美国旅游学家麦金托什(McIntosh)认为,一个旅游目的地的旅游供给可划分为____等几类。

题号I II III IV V VI…总分总分人分数得分评卷人I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (10%)1.tourist flow2.travel propensity3.niche market4.family life cycle5.repeat patronage得分评卷人II. Define the following terms in English (10%)1.image2.strategic marketing3.infrastructural accessibility4. GIS5.destination life cycle得分评卷人III. Decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put “T” in the space provided and “F” if it is false. (20%)1. ___________ Climate is also a kind of tourist attraction.2. ___________ Horizontal integration occurs when a firm obtains greater control over elements ofthe product chain outside its own sector. For instance, a larger tour operator gainscontrol over a company that manufactures small tour coaches.3. ____________ Tourism industry is mainly distributed in tourist origin regions.4. ____________ The majority of people in Phase Two countries began to travel abroad.5.____________ Time, especially distribution of time is very important for travel and tourism.6.__________ Stereotypes will boost cross-cultural understanding betweentourists and localpeople.7.__________ Commodification probably erodes the authenticity of the touristproducts orindigenous culture.8.__________ Most of the Chinese, especially those in the coastal areas are infavor of 4Stourism.9.__________ The direct revenue of tourism is always more than the indirectrevenue of tourism.10.__________ Upon research of the economics of the local communities, all of thetravel expensescirculate in the destinations.得分评卷人IV. Brief summary (20%)1.What factors are likely to increase the probability that a destination willexperience negative sociocultural impacts upon the Qiang Stockaded Village asa result of tourism?得分评卷人V. Calculation (20%)Direction: Calculate the profit or loss of Sichuan Everest Hotel for the year of 2005 according to the statistics given below. Explain the reasons why the hotel gained or lost profit in the past three years. What measures can the hotel manager take to gain the profit?1. 100% occupancy in 2003Fixed cost: 64,000Variable cost: $16,000Revenue: 50 pairs@$2000each=$100,000Profit: $20,0002. 80% occupancy in 2004Fixed cost: 64,000Variable cost: $10,000Revenue: 40 pairs@$2000each=$80,000Profit: $6,0003. 60% occupancy in 2005Fixed cost: 64000Variable cost: $4000Calculation:Revenue: 30 pairs@$2000each=Profit =Loss =Reasons:Measures:得分评卷人VI. Case study (20%)The Archaeological Sites in GreeceGreece has, perhaps, the richest collection of archaeological sites in the world. The management of these sites is perhaps the greatest problem because thenumber of sites puts a great strain on government resources. Furthermore, the volume of great archaeological sites may also have led to those sites and their value, being rather underrated by the Greeks. However, in recent years the Greek government, together with the European Commission and UNESCO has been trying hard to improve the way in which sites inGreece are both conserved and interpreted for visitors.Some of the key issues facing archaeological site managers in Greece are as follows:1. Finding enough money and expert staff to ensure that sites are systematically excavated and then protected.2. Deciding whether artefacts should be displayed on site or removed to major archaeological museums. In recent years excellent new museums have opened or been remodelled across Greece, from Athens to Mytillene, Her-aklionto Thessaloniki. However, it might be argued that finds should be seen by visitors in situ to help them understand the context of such finds and therefore better appreciate their history and significance.3. Many sites still have little or no on-site interpretation and what there is may be old-fashioned, such as wordy guidebooks or display panels. Little use has yet been made of interactive computer technologies or live interpretation, by actors, at Greek archaeological sites. Clearly, these things could threaten the sense of place at sites but it could attract more visitors. For foreigners, many of whom have littleknowledge of ancient Greek history it could also help them better to understand the sites.4. At most sites visitor services are very limited and of mediocre quality, from toilets to souvenir shops.5. Many sites appear to be rather under-priced for their inherent quality and rarity value. This reduces the income that could be generated which could then be reinvested in conservation and interpretation.6. Some guides that double as guardians of the site appear to be undertrained and are unable to do justice to some wonderful sites.Furthermore, often, even the major Greek sites are not user-friendly to tourists in terms of opening hours. For example, the Acropolis does not open in the evening. It sometimes closes in mid-afternoon. Longer opening hours might help to spread out the visitors more and reduce overcrowding. Evening opening would also give visitors an unforgettable experience. It is also closed on seven public holidays a year, a lot for a site of world significance. At the same time, the Agora in Athens is only open for six days of the week, as is the Kerameikds and the Tower of Winds. At the great site of Delphi, the closing time at the weekend is 3 p.m., and there is no shop or cafe.One very positive development in recent years has been the growing use of sites for live performances of Greek plays and operas. For example, a festival of ancient dramas takes place every summer at the superbly preserved ancient theatre at Epidaurus, and at the theatre at Dodoni Epirus.On the one hand it could be argued that Greece represents a refreshingly, non-commercialized approach to heritage at its archaeological sites. On the other hand, it could be suggested that Greece, whose tourism market faces growing competition from Mediterranean and Asian destinations, is missing an opportunity to further develop and widen its cultural tourism market. The pressure for change in the way sites are managed could increase as heritage Interpretation improves in other parts of the world, and as new places seek to establish themselves as competitive cultural tourism destinations.Questions:1.Why does the Greece fail to compete with the Mediterranean and Asiancountries recently?2.Do you prefer to replace the relics in the museums or keep them at the site?Why?3.What measures can the Greek tour operator take to revitalize the Creektourism?4.What can you learn from the case so as to manage the archaeological sitesin China?四川师范大学历史文化与旅游学院旅游管理专业XXXX-XXXX学年度第一学期期末考试旅游学概论试卷A参考答案与评分细则I. Translate the following terms into Chinese (10%)1.Tourist flow 旅游流(游客流量)(2分)2.Travel propensity 旅游倾向性(2分)3.Niche market利基市场(2分)4.Family life cycle家庭生命周期(2分)5.Repeat patronage重游率(重复购买)(2分)II. Define the following terms in English (10%)1.Image: in tourism, the sum of the beliefs, attitudes and impressions thatindividuals or groups hold towards tourist destinations or aspects ofdestinations. Destination image is a critical factor in attracting or repellingvisitors. (2分)2.Strategic marketing: marketing that takes into consideration an extensiveanalysis of external and internal environmental factors in identifying strategies that attain specific goal. The means of SWTO analysis, an analysis of a company or destination’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats thatemerges form an examination of its internal and external environment, is often applied. (2分)3.Infrastructural accessibility: the extent to which a destination is physicallyaccessible to markets by air routes, highways, ferry links, etc., and throughentry/exit facilities such as seaports and airports. (2分)4.GIS: The full name of GIS is the geographic information system. It is asophisticated computer software program that facilitates the assembly, storage, manipulation, analysis and display of spatially-referenced information. (2分)5.Destination life cycle: the theory that tourism-oriented places experience asequential process of birth, growth, maturation, and them possibly something similar to death, in their evolution as destinations. (2分)III. Decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put “T” in the space provided a nd “F” if it is false. (20%)1. True(2分);2. False(2分);3. False(2分);4. False(2分);5. True(2分);6. False(2分);7. True(2分);8. False(2分);9. False(2分); 10. False(2分)IV. Brief summary (20%)(1). commodification(2分)(2). demonstration effect(2分)(3). increase of crime(2分)(4) extensive inequality in wealth between tourists and residents(2分)(5). cultural and behavioral differences between tourists and residents (Cultural borrowings) (2分)(6). overly intrusive or exclusive contact(2分)(7). high proportion of tourists relative to the local population(2分)(8). rapid growth of tourism(2分)(9). dependency(2分)(10). different expectations with respect to authenticity(2分)V. Calculation (20%)1. Calculation:Revenue: 30 pairs@$2000each=$60,000Loss = —$8,000(2分)2. Reasons:1.High occupancy is very essential for gaining profit of a hotel. Unfortunatelythe occupancy of Sichuan Everest Hotel decline from 100% to only 60%.(2分)2.Fixed cost has much higher proportion of the total cost for operations ofSichuan Everest Hotel while only small percentage of the variable cost may be reduced in the off-season of tourism. (2分)3.Measures:1. Increase demanda. Product modification and diversification(1分)b. Alteration or strengthening of distribution channels(1分)c. Identification of new or alternative sources of demand(1分)d. Pricing discounts(1分)e. Reassessment of promotional strategies(1分)2. Reduce supplyReduce the variable cost in the off-season. (2分)3. Redistribute supplyRedistribution or restructuring of supply is necessary when the existing product is no longer suited to the demand it was originally designed to satisfy. (2分)4. Innovation(5分)VI. Case study (20%)1.Proposition (points of views)(5分)2.Application of the theories (3)3.Argumentation (7)4.Innovation (5)。

二、填空题(本题11小题,每空1分,共25分)6.根据联合国《国际产业划分标准》和旅游业务的具体情况分析,旅游业主要由三大部分构成,即旅行社、旅游交通、住宿业及饭店,这三大部分也是旅专业年级姓名学号装订线1 / 7游业的三大支柱。
三、选择题(请将正确答案填入表中相应题号处,本题20小题,Array每小题1分,共20分)17.( B )是旅游活动的客体,也是一个国际或地区旅游业赖以生存和发展最基本的条件。

operator gains
control over a company that manufactures small tour coaches.
3. ____________ Tourism industry is mainly distributed in tourist origin regions.
Revenue: 50 pairs@$2000each=$100,000 Profit: $20,000 2. 80% occupancy in 2004 Fixed cost: 64,000 Variable cost: $10,000 Revenue: 40 pairs@$2000each=$80,000 Profit: $6,000 3. 60% occupancy in 2005 Fixed cost: 64000 Variable cost: $4000 Calculation: Revenue: 30 pairs@$2000each= Profit = Loss = Reasons: Measures:
III. Decide whether the statements are true or false. If it is true, put
space provided and
“ F” if it is false(2.0% )
1. ___________ Climate is also a kind of tourist attraction.
四川师范大学旅游学概论期末考试试题 A
四川师范 大学历史文化与旅游学院旅游管理专业

(A)A旅游科学专家联合会(AIEST) B世界旅游组织( WTO )C旅游旅游理事会(WTTC)2.旅游是人们离开自己的左居地,去异国他乡的活动。
(A)A第一阶段B第二阶段C第三阶段D当代旅游阶段5.下而哪次活动标志着近代旅游及旅游业的开端()?(A)A 1841年,托马斯?库克利用包租火车的方式组织了570人从莱斯特前往拉夫巴罗参加禁洒大会。
B 1845年8月,托马斯?库克旅行社在莱斯特正式诞生。
C 1855年,托马斯?库克先后组织数十万人参加在伦敦举办的第一届世界博览会和巴黎万国博览会。
D 1856年,托马斯?库克推出欧洲大陆游,从伦敦出发,途经安特卫?普、布鲁塞尔、滑铁卢. 科隆、莱茵河、美因兹、法兰克福、海徳堡、巴登一巴登、斯特拉斯堡,最终到达巴黎。

《旅行学概论》期末考试一试卷号学考试时间: 120 分钟考试日期:2016年12月题号一二三四五总分得分评卷人复查人一、名词讲解题(本题 5 小题,每空 2 分,共 10 分)得分名姓1.旅行业:旅行业就是以旅行者为对象,为其旅行活动创立便利条件并供给其所需商品和服务的综合性产业。
线 2. 国家旅行组织 : 是指国家中为国家政府所认同,负责管理全国旅行事物的组织。
订装级年3.市场细分 : 指将一个整体市场依照花销者的某种或某些特点分解或划分为不同样的花销群的过程。
业专得分二、填空题(本题 11 小题,每空 1 分,共 25 分)6.依照联合国《国际产业划分标准》和旅行业务的详尽情况解析,旅行业主要由三大多数构成,即旅行社、旅行交通、住宿业及饭店,这三大多数也是旅精选游业的三大支柱。
14.1987 年,联合国世界环境和发展委员会公布了题为《我们共同的未来》的研究报告。

《旅游学概论》试题一一、单项选择题 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)1. 旅游理论研究中,通过对旅游发展的常规道路和非常规道路的成功经验的分析,寻找发展的规律性的方法属于 [ ]A.观察法;B.个案法;C.模式分析法;D.社会统计法;E.归纳法2. 古波斯帝国修建的第一条公路称为 [ ]A.驰道;B.御道;C.直道;D.神道;E.国道3. 中国最早开办的旅行社的名称是 [ ]A.华侨服务社;B.中国旅行社;C.现代旅行团;D.踪萍旅行社;E.友声旅行团4. 探亲访友在各类旅游动机中应属于[ ]方面的动机A.身心;B.文化;C.社会;D.经济;E.休闲5. 现代旅游与古代旅游最根本的区别在于有无专业化生产与经营的旅游 [ ]A.服务;B.技术;C.设施;D.知识;E.资源6. 我国规定,国际旅行社应交纳的质量保证金不得少于 [ ]A.30万元;B.60万元;C.90万元;D.120万元;E.150万元7. 现代旅游活动所利用的主要交通工具中,安全性最好的是 [ ]A.轮船;B.飞机;C.火车;D.汽车;E.缆车8. 住宿业的本质产品是 [ ]A.客房;B.生活环境;C.设施设备;D.场地;E.服务9. 20世纪60年代,“分时住宅”首先兴起于 [ ]A.法国;B.英国;C.美国;D.瑞士;E.西班牙10. 旅游市场竞争的主要对象是 [ ]A.旅游价格;B.宣传方法;C.客源;D.服务质量;E.旅游资源二、多项选择题 (本大题共10小题,每小题2分,共20分)1. 旅游三要素中的主体可包括 [ ]A.旅游者;B.访问者;C.旅游对象;D.旅游交通E.旅行社2. 下列人中属于我国国家统计局规定的国际来华旅游者有 [ ]A.驻华使馆人员;B.来华登山的日本运动员;C.驻华新闻记者;D.参加广交会的外国商人;E.回大陆探亲的台湾同胞3. 属于余暇的时间包括 [ ]A.看电视时间;B.自学外语时间;C.上下班坐车时间;D.郊游时间E.家务劳动时间4. 旅游资源的变化性主要指 [ ]A.生态环境的变化;B.管理体制;C.资源体的自然损耗;D.旅游地的扩建;E.资源吸引力的变化5. 旅游区点的可进入性所包含的主要内容有 [ ]A.交通;B.管理体制;C.政策;D.社会安定程度;E.当地居民对旅游业的态度6. 人们习惯上的旅游服务质量评价标准所包括的四个方面是 [ ]A.服务态度;B.服务技能;C.服务项目;D.消费档次;E.价格低廉7. 在非主要交通工具中,缆车的主要优点有 [ ]A.运载能力大;B.减少环境污染;C.占地面积小;D.消费价格低廉;E.减少植被破坏8. 衡量一个国家或地区旅游接待能力强弱的主要因素包括 [ ]A.机场吞吐量;B.住宿业建设水平;C.旅游资源数量;D.服务质量;E.当地人的好客程度9. 住宿业建设在突出民族特色和地方风格方面需要注意解决的矛盾是 [ ]A.民族化与现代化;B.便利性和低价位;C.高档次和艺术性;D.简朴性和多样性;E.实用性与艺术性10. 国际旅游者首先选择近距离地区流动的主要原因是 [ ]A.比较经济花费较少;B.能当日往返;C.连续假日较短时也可出游;D.交通便利,易于掌握旅游时间;E.民族习惯和文化传统上比较接近三、填空题 (本大题共20个空,每空1分,共20分)1. 旅游是集_____________化交往模式和_____________化交往模式优点的积极而健康的交往。

A.可支配收入B.可随意支配合收入C.旅游消费D.收入水平2.延长旅游点生命周期的根本办法,是A.市场宣传B.降价出售C.连续发展D.延长成熟期3.下列划分旅游市场的标准中,属于微观标准的是A.游客的来访目的B.省行政区划C.市行政区划D.地区行政区划4.从来华旅游人次的绝对数上看,据我国旅游业的第一大客源国的是A.美国B.英国C.德国D.日本5.判定一个企业或行业是否属劳动密集型的标准是A.其雇用的职工人数的多少B.其工资成本在其全部营业成本中所占比例的高低C.工资成本的多少D.其投资数额与职工人数的比例大小6.旅游现象的______特征将要在旅游高等教育的教学和学术活动中反映出来,这个特征将使旅游高等教育涉及较多的专业范围A.经济B.多元系统结构C.文化D.社会7.德国学者葛留克斯曼(G.Glvcksmann)认为,应当从_____的角度去考察旅游现象A.经济学B.人类学C.不同科学D.社会学8.1855年,托马斯·库克组织了从英国华斯特前往法国巴黎的旅游,开创了_____A.洲际旅游B.国际旅游C.国际包价旅游D.团体旅游9.就整个世界而言,人类有意外的外出旅游应始于____,并在奴隶制社会时期得到发展A.原始社会早期B.原始社会末期C.新石器时代中期D. 新石器时代晚期10.按组织的____划分,国际性旅游组织可分为全球性组织和地区性组织A.成员B.范围C.地位D.工作内容三.多选1.一项旅游资源的价值取决于A.旅游资源的组合状况B.所在地区社会经济条件C.资源本身固有的质量D.资源座落点2.继发效应是以下哪种效应之和A.直接效应B.间接效应C.诱导效应D.乘数效应3.下列属于旅游营销的工作在A.产品设计B.产品开发C.市场调研D.产品定价4.美国旅游学家麦金托什(McIntosh)认为,一个旅游目的地的旅游供给可划分为____等几类。

旅游学期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 旅游的定义是什么?A. 一种休闲活动B. 一种经济活动C. 一种社会活动D. 一种文化活动答案:B2. 世界旅游组织成立于哪一年?A. 1960B. 1970C. 1980D. 1990答案:C3. 下列哪项不是旅游的三大支柱产业?A. 交通B. 住宿C. 餐饮D. 教育答案:D4. 旅游者在旅游过程中产生的消费行为属于哪种经济效应?A. 直接效应B. 间接效应C. 诱导效应D. 综合效应答案:A5. 旅游目的地的可持续发展包括哪些方面?A. 经济B. 社会C. 文化D. 以上都是答案:D6. 旅游规划的主要目标是什么?A. 提高旅游收入B. 保护环境C. 促进地方经济发展D. 以上都是答案:D7. 旅游市场营销的4P理论包括哪些要素?A. 产品、价格、地点、促销B. 人员、过程、物理证据、促销C. 产品、价格、地点、人员D. 产品、价格、地点、过程答案:A8. 旅游者选择旅游目的地的主要因素是什么?A. 价格B. 目的地形象C. 旅游产品D. 以上都是答案:D9. 旅游危机管理中,预防措施包括哪些?A. 风险评估B. 应急预案C. 培训演练D. 以上都是答案:D10. 旅游者在旅游过程中的权益受到侵害时,可以通过哪些途径维权?A. 向旅行社投诉B. 向旅游主管部门投诉C. 通过法律途径D. 以上都是答案:D二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 旅游者在旅游过程中的权益受到侵害时,可以向_________投诉。
答案:旅行社2. 旅游规划的主要目标是促进地方经济发展、保护环境、提高旅游收入。
答案:促进地方经济发展、保护环境、提高旅游收入3. 旅游市场营销的4P理论包括产品、价格、地点、_________。
答案:促销4. 旅游目的地的可持续发展包括经济、社会、_________。
答案:文化5. 世界旅游组织成立于_________年。
答案:1980三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述旅游的定义。

旅游英语期末试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the most common way to greet someone in English-speaking countries?A. HelloB. HiC. Good morningD. All of the above2. When you are checking into a hotel, what should you do first?A. Show your passportB. Pay the billC. Get your room keyD. Ask for a wake-up call3. Which of the following is NOT a type of public transportation?A. BusB. TrainC. TaxiD. Airplane4. What does the acronym "ATM" stand for?A. Automatic Ticket MachineB. Automatic Teller MachineC. Advanced Technology MachineD. All of the above5. If you want to ask for directions to the nearest subway station, you can say:A. "Where is the subway?"B. "How can I get to the subway?"C. "Do you have a subway?"D. Both A and B6. What is the meaning of the phrase "check out" in a hotel context?A. To look at something carefullyB. To leave the hotelC. To make sure everything is in orderD. To book a room7. When you are at a restaurant and want to order food, you should say:A. "I would like to order, please."B. "I need to book a table."C. "Can I have the bill?"D. "I am checking in."8. What does "I'd like to make a reservation" mean?A. I want to save a seat.B. I want to book a table.C. I want to reserve a room.D. I want to keep something.9. If you need to ask for help with your luggage, you can say:A. "Can you help me with my bags?"B. "I need a bag for my luggage."C. "Do you have a luggage rack?"D. "I want to check my bags."10. Which of the following is a common phrase used to express gratitude?A. Thank you very much.B. I'm sorry.C. Excuse me.D. Goodbye.二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)11. When you arrive at the airport, you need to _______ your luggage.A. check inB. check outC. check upD. check over12. If you are lost, you can ask a local for _______.A. informationB. directionsC. recommendationsD. reservations13. To make a reservation for a flight, you can call the_______.A. hotelB. restaurantC. airlineD. taxi company14. When you are ready to leave a restaurant, you should ask for the _______.A. menuB. billC. reservationD. receipt15. If you want to visit a museum, you might need to buy a _______.A. ticketB. passportC. mapD. guidebook16. When you are at a hotel and need to call reception, you can dial _______.A. 911B. 112C. 0D. 117. If you want to know the time of a train, you can ask, "What time does the _______ leave?"A. busB. trainB. planeD. taxi18. When you are at a hotel and want to request a wake-up call, you can say, "Can you _______ me at 7 a.m.?"A. callB. wakeC. ringD. all of the above19. If you need to exchange money, you can go to a _______.A. bankB. post officeC. grocery storeD. gas station20. When you are at a hotel and want to know the Wi-Fi password, you can ask, "What is the _______ for the Wi-Fi?"A. codeB. numberC. priceD. address三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)21. Describe the steps you would take to book a hotel room online.22. Explain how to ask for assistance at an information desk in an airport.23. What should you do if you lose your。

《旅游学概论》期末试卷及答案考试时间:120分钟考试日期:2016年12月一、名词解释题(本题5小题,每空2分,共10分)1.旅游业:旅游业就是以旅游者为对象,为其旅游活动创造便利条件并提供其所需商品和服务的综合性产业.2.国家旅游组织:是指国家中为国家政府所承认,负责管理全国旅游事物的组织.3.市场细分:指将一个整体市场按照消费者的某种或某些特点分解或划分为不同的消费群的过程.4.可持续发展:满足当代人的需要而又不损害子孙后代满足自身需要的能力.5.旅游交通:是一种为旅游者提供直接或间接交通服务所产生的社会和经济活动,是为旅游者由客源地到目的地的往返及在目的地各处的旅游活动而提供的交通设施及服务.二、填空题(本题11小题,每空1分,共25分)6.根据联合国《国际产业划分标准》和旅游业务的具体情况分析,旅游业主要由专业年级姓名学号装订线1 / 8三大部分构成,即旅行社、旅游交通、住宿业及饭店,这三大部分也是旅游业的三大支柱.7.从根本上讲,旅游业是一项经济性产业.8.在国外,旅行社按其业务类型分为:旅游批发经营商和旅游零售商.9.影响旅游者选择旅行方式的因素有旅行距离、运输价格、旅行目的、旅行偏好和经验.10.国家政府介入旅游发展的动机有政治动机、经济动机、社会动机.11.我国的旅游组织基本上划分为旅游行政组织和旅游行业组织两大类.12.我国旅游行政组织包括国家旅游局、省、自治区和直辖市的旅游局、省级以下的地方旅游行政机构.13.旅游乘数是用以测定单位旅游消费对旅游接待地区各种经济现象的影响程度的系数.14.1987年,联合国世界环境和发展委员会发表了题为《我们共同的未来》的研究报告.正式提出了可持续发展的概念.15.旅游环境承载力主要包括生态承载力、社会承载力、经济承载力、居民旅游者的心理承载力.16.旅游的六要素包括吃、住、行、游、购、娱.三、选择题(请将正确答案填入表中相应题号处,本题20小题,Array每小题1分,共20分)17.( B )是旅游活动的客体,也是一个国际或地区旅游业赖以生存和发展最基本的条件.2 / 8A、旅游者B、旅游资源C、旅游业D、旅行社18.世界上规模最大的与旅游有关的全球性政府间国际组织是( C ).A、万国邮政联盟B、世界旅游组织C、联合国D、欧洲共同体19.世界上唯一全面涉及旅游事物的全球性政府间国际旅游组织是( A ).A、世界旅游组织B、国际航空运输协会D、世界卫生组织 D、万国邮政联盟20.全面认识影响旅游的主客观要素,对于发展旅游业特别是旅游业的( C )工作有一定实际意义.A、产品定位B、价格制定C、市场营销D、销售渠道21.旅游活动的媒介是( D ).A、旅游资源B、旅游交通C、旅游宣传D、旅游业22.旅游者就是离开自己的常住地到异国他乡访问超过24小时的人,但不包括( B ).A、经商贸易的人B、就业移民的人C、短期进修的人D、探亲访友的人23.出游次数较频繁,对旅游价格不太敏感,要求服务水平较高的是( B ).A、消遣型旅游者B、差旅型旅游者C、家庭事务型旅游者D、自由组合型旅游者24.旅游资源的理论核心是( A ).A、吸引力因素B、多样性因素C、变化性因素D、季节性因素25.任何旅游地都会经历由盛至衰的演变过程,旅游专用概念称其为旅游地的( A ).A、生命周期B、发展周期C、历史周期D、循环周期26.在对旅游资源进行开发时,首先需要解决的问题是( A ).A、交通B、住宿C、基础设施D、娱乐设施27.世界旅游组织的总部设在( D ).3 / 8A、哈瓦那B、巴黎C、曼谷D、马德里28.旅游活动发展的普遍规律是( C ).A、先发展入境旅游,再发展国内旅游B、先发展国际旅游,再发展国内旅游C、先发展国内旅游,再发展国际旅游D、国内旅游、国际旅游同步发展29.( C )具有运载能力大,票价低廉,在乘客心目中安全性强的特点.A、汽车B、飞机C、火车D、轮船30.旅游业是一个高度依托性的行业,下列对依托性表现描述不正确的是( B ).A、旅游业以旅游资源为依托B、高度依托于旅行社C、旅游业发展依托于国民经济D、旅游业依托于相关部门和行业的通力合作31.现代旅游不是纯粹的游山玩水,而被用来作为教育、贸易、文化交流等活动的形式和手段,这表明了现代旅游的( D ).A、综合性B、普及性C、群众性D、社会性32.利用交通为旅游者设计并串联若干旅游点和旅游城市的合理走向,旅游界称之为( D ).A、旅游项目B、旅游区C、旅游区域D、旅游路线33.下列哪项不是旅行社的主要业务( B ).A、产品开发设计B、旅游管理业务C、产品销售业务D、采购业务34.制定旅游政策必须从实际出发,又要高于实际,并能展望未来的发展趋势.这表现了旅游政策的( D ).A、可行性B、协调性C、全面性D、预见性35.被人们称之为“风景名胜”出口的旅游业,较之其它行业创汇的特殊功能是( A ).4 / 8A、循环销售B、综合销售C、连锁销售 D.集团销售36.我国第一个国家森林公园是:( A ).A、张家界国家森林公园B、九寨沟国家森林公园C、武夷山国家森林公园D、五指山国家森林公园四、简答题.(本题6小题,每小题5分,共30分.)37.简答旅游活动对目的地社会文化的积极影响.答:(1)有助于提高民族素质;(2)有助于促进民族文化的保护和发展;(3)促进国民素质和生活质量的提高;(4)增进国际了解,促进世界的和平与发展;(5)有助于推动科学技术的交流和发展.38.简述旅游产品具有的特点.答:(1)无形性:是一种体验或者经历,这一特点决定了购买之前难以查验和客观评价;同时也暗示了如何使其有形化的必要性.(2)不可转移性:旅游产品在地点上的不可转移特;相关的设施和设备在所有权上的不可转移.(3)不可储存性,亦称不耐久性:一旦闲置,所造成的损失将无法追补.(4)生产与消费的同步性:这一特点决定了服务人员的言行举止乃至个人仪容都会对产品质量和顾客满意度产生影响,从而也决定了对服务质量行使控制的重要性.(5)总体旅游产品的综合性:大多数旅游者在选择目的地时,都是将该地多方面的旅游供给情况综合起来权衡.其中任何方面存在问题,都会影响到旅游者对该地的选择,都会影响其他方面的成功经营.5 / 86 / 839.简述我国旅游业国内旅游市场的基本特点. 答:①市场规模大,发展潜力足; ②短程旅游所占比重大; ③活动形式以散客为主; ④消费增长速度快.40.饭店业对旅游业的作用有哪些?答:(1)饭店是旅游者进行旅游活动的重要基地 (2)饭店是创造旅游收入重要部门 (3)饭店为提供社会直接和间接就业机会 (4)饭店是经济交流和社会交往的重要场所41.你认为我国旅游业在国际客源市场竞争中存在哪些问题? 答:(1)我国的地理位置距世界上大多数主要国际客源产生地较远;(2)距离主要客源国较远的旅游目的地最容易遭受经济危机和世界油价上涨的打击;(3)我国旅游产品的开发和质量问题; (4)市场宣传和海外促销工作有待改进.42.你认为旅游市场细分的意义有哪些? 参考答案:(1)有助于选定目标市场 (2)有利于有针对性地开发产品. (3)有利于有针对性的开展促销.专业 年级 姓名 学号装订线7 / 8《旅游学概论》期末试卷及答案43.阐述国家政府介入旅游业发展的手段?参考答案:一般而言,政府干预旅游发展的主要具体手段可划分为两大类:一类是需求管理手段,一类是供给管理手段.需求管理手段:(1)目的地宣传与促销.(2)为来访游客提供信息服务.分为三种情况:第一,为来访游客提供便利,以丰富其经历.第二,影响和控制游客的流向和流量,以防止交通拥挤和某些局部地区的人满为患.第三,影响来访游客的行为,以维护当地的旅游资源和避免不可接受的文化冲突.(3)通过控制价格去影响需求.这种影响包括直接和间接两大方面.(4)控制游客流入量.供给管理手段:(1)控制土地用途.这是控制旅游供给的最基本手段.各国政府大都有城市规划立法.通过制定土地区划以及采取强制性征购方法是政府推动旅游开发工作的常用手段.(2)对建筑物进行管制.这一手段常用以配合用地控制.管制的内容包括建筑物的规模、高度、形状和颜色以及停车场的安排.停车场的安排是一个不能忽视的重要内容.(3)市场管制.政府可以通过立法和法规对旅游企业的市场行为进行管制和规范.(4)实行特别征税.有些国家或地区对来访旅游者征收旅游税.(5)投资鼓励政策.大致分为三类:同减小投资额有关的优惠政策;同减小经营成本有关的优惠政策;同保证投资安全有关的政策.44.概述《旅游学概论》的主要内容,指出自己最感兴趣的内容(或章节)并分析对本部分内容(或章节)感兴趣的原因.8 / 8。

旅游学概论试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 旅游学研究的核心对象是()。
A. 旅游资源B. 旅游市场C. 旅游者D. 旅游目的地答案:C2. 旅游者的基本特征包括()。
A. 经济性B. 娱乐性C. 异地性D. 短暂性答案:C3. 旅游活动的基本要素包括()。
A. 旅游者、旅游资源、旅游服务B. 旅游者、旅游市场、旅游目的地C. 旅游者、旅游交通、旅游设施D. 旅游资源、旅游市场、旅游政策答案:A4. 旅游活动的经济效应主要体现在()。
A. 增加就业机会B. 提高居民收入C. 促进地区经济发展D. 所有上述选项答案:D5. 旅游规划的主要目的是()。
A. 保护环境B. 促进旅游发展C. 提高旅游服务质量D. 增加旅游收入答案:B6. 旅游市场营销的核心是()。
A. 产品B. 价格C. 促销D. 渠道答案:A7. 旅游产品的特点包括()。
A. 无形性B. 不可分割性C. 不可储存性D. 所有上述选项答案:D8. 旅游服务的提供者是()。
A. 旅游者B. 旅游企业C. 旅游目的地D. 政府答案:B9. 旅游目的地的吸引力主要取决于()。
A. 旅游资源B. 旅游政策C. 旅游服务D. 旅游者需求答案:A10. 旅游可持续发展的核心是()。
A. 环境保护B. 经济发展C. 社会进步D. 所有上述选项答案:D二、填空题(每题2分,共10分)1. 旅游学是一门研究旅游活动及其影响的______学科。
答案:综合性2. 旅游者进行旅游活动的主要目的是______。
答案:休闲、娱乐3. 旅游活动的经济效应包括直接效应和______效应。
答案:间接4. 旅游规划的基本原则包括科学性、______和可持续性。
答案:合理性5. 旅游市场营销的4P策略包括产品、价格、______和渠道。
答案:促销三、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1. 简述旅游活动的社会文化效应。

旅游学概论期末考试试卷一、填空题(每空1分,本大题共20分)1. 托马斯·库克的活动说明了十九世纪末期人们对旅游的需求已经成熟,的问世标志了近代旅游业的诞生。
2. 就整个世界而言,人类有意识的外出旅行活动应始于末期,并在时期得到了迅速的发展。
3. 旅游业“三大支柱说”中的三大支柱分别指、、。
4. 在欧美国家中,人们根据旅行社所经营的业务类型,将旅行社企业划分为和。
5. 我国旅游业的国际客源由三部分人构成,分别是、、。
6. 促发旅游动机产生的精神需要,主要有以下两种,一种是积极的的需要,或者说好奇心的需要,另外一种是消极的的需要。
7. 国际旅游还可以根据游客的流向区分为两种情况。
8. 旅游交通不仅要解决往来不同地点间的问题,而且更重要的是要解决其中的问题。
9. 世界旅游组织正式成立于1975年1月2日,其总部位于。
10. 按照旅游者的罗马会议定义,凡纳入旅游统计中的来访人员统称为“游客”,游客下分两大类,一类是在目的地停留过夜的游客,称为“”;另一类是在目的地不停留过夜,当日往返的游客,称为“”。

(1) In Leiper’s model, he points out three elements of the tourism system. What are the three elements in the system? How does the system work?The three elements are: geographical elements, tourist, and tourism industry.The traveler-generating region is the generating market, which stimulates and motivates travel. The tourist destination functions as the tourism object in the market and provides an area for most of the tourism activity. The tourist, as the tourism subject,gives impetus to the development of it. A tourist constitutes the primary flow of energy within this system. Every tourist must simultaneously meet certain spatial, temporal, and purposive criteria. The tourism industry helps to promote the tourism product.(2) What are the ‘pull’ and ‘push’ factors? Why are they called so?The tourist destination functions as a “pull” factor in the market and provides an area for most of the tourism activity. It attracts different kinds of tourists through the attractions and the quality of management and service. The tourist, as the tourism subject and located in the traveler-generating region, is the “push” factor and gives impetus to the development of it.(3) What are the major pre-conditions for people who can offer to travel? Disposable income is one of the pre-conditions for people to travel. The demand for tourism is in accordance with people’s personal income. The more people’s incom e is, the higher their demand for travel. Disposal time is another pre-condition for tourists to travel. Without disposal time, people cannot travel.(4) What are the most important factors that stimulate the mass tourism?The emergence of mass tourism is largely due to the growing economics of the tourism industry. Because of the Industrial Revolution people have more disposal income and the middle class appear. Change of the institution has offered people more time to travel. Great changes in transport technology have accelerated travel. People began to take package holidays or inclusive tours in large scale. So the costs for travel are reduced. All those have encouraged people to travel more. In return, economies of scale appear, and the cost for travel is further reduced. Falling costs, rising demand and the emergence of economies of scale are the most important factors that stimulate the mass tourism. (disposal income, disposal time, industrial revolution, hospitality industry, travel regulation)(5) What are the common factors shown by individuals at each stage of the life cycle?1)Preoccupations – the mental concern out of motivations;2) Interests –feelings of what an individual would like to do or represent the awareness of an idea or opportunity;3) Activities – the actions of an individual(6) What effects does the cultural commercialization have on the destination?Serious social problems may appear because of the loss of cultural identity and the subsequent breakdown of traditional standards and structures that helped to maintain social stability. Besides, there are many problems appearing in the community. For example, how to distribute income? How much the performers and producers should be paid? The issue becomes worse because the explosion may happen in a relatively short period of time as tourism spreads in an area so that the community cannot makea timely response and adopt effective and appropriate measures.(7) What are the frontstage and the backstage? How can we distinguish frontstage and backstage?The frontstage is an area where the large number of tourists can enjoy themselves by watching commercial and possibly changed shows and displays, while the backstage is an area where local people live and maintain their traditions, beliefs and lifestyle. We can distinguish them with some kinds of barrier. These barriers include the crude canvas screens set up to prevent their lives from being disturbed by tourists, walls, ditches and ‘do not enter’ signs that attempt to keep tourists out o f the backstage. Moreover, time can also be used to distinguish them. For example, tourists are allowed to some areas during certain hours while only local people are permitted at other times.(8) What are the major departments in most hotels? And which part belongs to the ‘back of the house’?There are usually six major departments constituting the organizational structures of most hotels, such as administration, front office, housekeeping, food and beverage, engineering and security. The “back of the house” which includes the kitchen, storage areas, administration, engineering, and security is often ignored by the guest.(9) What are the main distribution methods(旅游分销)as far as channel network is concerned?There are generally three main distribution methods as far as channel network is concerned.1) Intensive distributionThis form allows a product to be distributed in the given market through as many intermediaries as possible.2) Selective distributionCompared with intensive distribution, the number of intermediaries used in this form is smaller. It focuses on certain selected markets and assists the producer to achieve their economic goals with the help of those intermediaries.3) Exclusive distributionExclusive distribution refers to the practice of selling products or services within a certain area through a single intermediary or agent.(10) What are the two situations in which serious revenue leakages(严重漏损)are more likely to occur?There are two situations in which serious revenue leakages are more likely to occur. First, less-developed countries, which cannot provide goods and services up to the standard required by the tourism industry, have to import. In addition, in such destinations, it is non-local or foreign businesses instead of local residents who possess sufficient capitals to develop tourist resort up to the desired level. As a result, when these investors take their profits back to their country of origin, revenue leakage arises. Second, enclave resort developed in some destinations. Consumers are encouraged to consume everything within the resort in which the goods offered are imported or bought from outside the local community.(11) What are the problems caused by the change of seasons?A large amount of economic and social disruption would appear. The problem can be explained from two aspects. One is under capacity, the other is overcapacity. During the off-season, the sharp decrease of the number of visitors usually results in the increase of laid-off workers, which may have a serious influence on the economy at the destination. In contrast, during the high season, the number of visitors is so large that the destination may be overcrowded, which can bring heavy pressure on infrastructure and lead to shortages of goods and services.。
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旅游学概论(双语)期末考试试题库CATALOGUEI.Filling the blanks (1)II.True or False Questions (3)III.Choose the correct answer (6)IV.Explain the following tourism terms in English (13)V.Briefly answer the following questions in English (15)VI.Topic Discussion (17)I.Filling the blanks1.Tourism must be,above all,defined as the movement of people away from their.2.First,it is important to recognize that tourism is just one form of,along with sports activities,hobbies and pastimes.3.The characteristic of means that tourist product is a service rather than a tangible good.4.The refers to travel taken exclusively within the national boundaries of the traveler’s country.5.Tourism is now generally regarded as one of the most important,, and influences of modern times.6.Leiper’s Model includes,and three fundamental geographical elements.7.Following the collapse of the Roman Empire,and the onset of the so-called Dark ages,travel became more.8.According to Maslow,there is a hierarchy of universal and found in every human being.9.Before anyone can choose to undertake a holiday,they must aware of from which they can choose,and obtain information about them.10.Factors that influence motivations of tourists are generally divided into psychological factors and.11.The World War I had influence on the expansion of tourism.12.According to Maslow,there is a of universal wants and needs found in every human being.13.When a tourist walks into a travel agent’s office to tour—a product—he is also buying many.14.Tourist products have several characteristics that distinguish them from the products of other industries.These include,,,and simultaneous production and consumption.15.The tourism product is unique in terms of its rang and.16.The service product is intangible when it cannot be easily evaluated or in advance of its purchase.17.Tourism products are often referred to as being inseparable which means the product is often consumed and produced.18.Tourism involves the purchase of an expensive product that cannot easily be or,prior to consumption.19.An IT is an(a)that offers both transportation and accommodations and often entertainment as well.20.Parity means that competing companies offer the.21.There are many examples of countries which have suffered from lack of sufficient control over building and development,leading eventually to as tourists turn to less exploited destinations.22.Apart from the economic reasons for which governments become involved in tourism,there are also.23.Sometimes governments are caught up in conflict between the needs forand for protection of a cherished site.24.Tourism brings about both benefits and costs to the destination areas.So the final goal for the management of the destination is to and.25.The subject increasingly drawing the attention of social scientists and tourism planners is the cultural and social impact on a host country of large numbers of people,sharingdifferent.26.Some tourists are interested in destinations with different cultures but when are in the place, they will have culture shock.They are most probably.27.Tourism planning in the past often failed to take_____in to consideration.II.True or False Questions1.The World War I had very short and little influence on the expansion of tourism.In somesense,it encouraged an interest in seeing more of the world.()2.By the end of the eighteenth century,the custom had become institutionalized for the gentry.As a result,European centers were opened up to the British travelers.()3.The package tour depends upon the ability of tour operators to charter aircraft for theirclientele,in order to drive down prices.()4.Recreation means the action and activities of people engaging in constructive and personallypleasurable use of leisure time.()5.By the end of the nineteenth century,the internal-combustion engine came into being,and wasadopted to motor vehicles,and became popular when the World War I broke out in1914.()6.So far no one has developed a definition for tourism that is universally accepted.()7.The developing countries in the world have not yet recognized the significance of tourism.()8.To define international tourism seams easier than to define domestic tourism,because thelatter is more various.()9.Before the sixteenth century there were three modes for people to travel on land—walk,horse,litter or carrier’s wagon.()10.Tourism currently accounts for at least6per cent of the world’s gross domestic product(GDP),and the employs127million people around the world,one job in every fifteen.()11.More specifically mass tourism is used as a term to describe“participation in tourism in largenumbers,a general characteristic of developed countries in the second half of the twentieth century,in contrast to earlier times when travel was limited to very few.()12.Tourism is neither a phenomenon nor a simple set of industries.It has multidimensionalaspects.()13.The tourist destination region(also refer to the origin region)represents the generating marketfor tourism and,in a sense,provides the“push”to stimulate and motivate travel.()14.The need for belonging is manifested in the desire to visit friends or relatives,to meet newpeople and make new friendships.()15.Although needs are felt by us,we do not necessarily express them,and we may not recognizehow travel actually satisfy our particular needs.()16.Tourist product can be easily evaluated and demonstrated because it can be standardized.()17.The steamed vehicles appeared in the nineteenth century,though very slow,it was very agileto go anywhere the travelers wanted to go.That heralded its bright prospective and made themonopolies of railway feel threatened.They tried in vain to block it from developing.() 18.While it is relatively easy to agree on technical definitions of particular categories of tourism,it is by no means so to produce a conceptual definition for tourism.()19.Tourist product is,from the stand point of the tourist,a total of experiences a tourist gets fromthe trip.()20.According to WTO,China is one of the ten leading tourism-generating countries in the wholeworld,ranking the sixth and one of the ten leading tourism-receiving countries ranking the ninth.()21.A tourist product may be easily visualized as everything that a tourist uses,consumes oracquires on one trip.()22.Perishabilty means that service products can be stored for sale on future occasion.()23.A package tour,or even a flight on an aircraft,can be consistently uniform.()24.The challenge for the marketer of tourism is that the tourism products tend to vary instandards and quality over time and under different circumstances.()25.If a country is highly dependent upon tourism for its economic survival,its government islikely to become far more involved in the industry.()ernments also have a duty to safeguard a nation’s heritage.()27.Tourism can help to improve the environment if well planned and well managed.()28.Tourism will surely bring destruction to the environment of the destination.()29.Too many people go to visit a site will cause both dissatisfaction to the tourists and thedestruction to the environment.()30.The psychological capacity of a site is the degree of congestion which tourists will toleratebefore the site starts to lose its appeal.()31.Physical capacity of an area is the finite limit to the number of tourists it can accommodate orabsorb at any given time.()32.To meet the needs of tourists many facilities and amenities have to be constructed,but thismay in turn lead to the drop of visits.()33.To attract more tourists modern and high hotels should be built at the resort area.()34.Any influx of tourism,however small,will make some impact on a region.()35.Any influx of tourism,however small,will make some impact on a region,but the extent ofthe impact is dependent just on the numbers of tourists that the region attracts.()36.The relationship is further unbalanced by the status of the visitors in term of the fact that thetourists are on holiday while the local are likely to be at work,being paid to serve the needs of the tourists.()37.Sometimes,some of the buildings can be visual pollution because they lack character and areout of keeping with surroundings.()38.Tourists may have a misunderstanding about the local culture because they do not want to get in touch with the local people.()39.The resentment by local people toward tourists can be resulted from the differences in political system between tourists and the local people.()40.The social impacts of tourism include the following changes of value systems,breaking down of stereotypes,changes of the traditional cultures and so on so forth.()41.Destination attractions may include political and economic systems.()42Tourism planning can make up for the lack of experience on the part of some governments and private sector.()43.Tourism planning can coordinate the development,which involves other sectors and industries.()44.Tourism planning can maximize benefits and minimize negative effects.()45.Tourism planning can take the place of old fashioned administration.()III.Choose the correct answer1.It is very hard to define tourism conceptually,because.A.the meaning of tourism is not clearB.people do not know tourism very wellC.tourism has multidimensional aspectsD.tourism is in no existence2.Tourist product can also be defined as offered for sale by different tourism enterprises or tourism related enterprises to satisfy the different needs of the tourist during his trip.A.the specific segments of the servicesB.a total of experiencesC.total sum of all servicesD.everything that a tourist uses,consumes or acquires on one trip3.However,in order to take a holiday,the tourist requires both time and money.These factors make it possible for prospective tourists to indulge in their desires.They are known as.A.General motivationsB.Specific motivationsC.facilitatorsD.both A and B4.A seat on a plane,ship,train or bus,a room or bed in a hotel or a table in a restaurant,and so on, when not used by tourists,are considered as.A.tourist productsB.tourist goodsC.tourist facilitiesD.services5.The traveler-generating region(also refer to the origin region)represents the generating market for tourism and,in a sense,provides.A.the“push”to stimulate and motivate travelB.the“pull”factor for the touristC.the supply side for the touristD.the bookings and information6.The simultaneity of tourist product means that.A.tourist product is created and consumed in the same place and at the same timeB.it is created by both the suppliers and the touristsC.it is produced at the same time when other products are producedD.all above7.According to Maslow,the lower levels of the hierarchy are.A.the needs for survival which range from physiological needs to the needs for security and safetyB.needs to belongC.needs for self-esteem,self-respected and the esteem of othersD.the needs for self-actualization or self-realization8.The need for belonging is manifested in the desire to.A.go sightseeingB.enjoy dancing and singingC.visit friends or relatives and to meet new peopleD.go for spa9.According to Plog’s research,people are divided psychologically into the following five types:psycho-centric,near psycho-centric,mid-centric,near allo-centric and allo-centric.The psycho-centric are.A.cautious to travel too farB.likely to take ventures to travel far to see different people with different culturesC.a mix type without striking characterD.All above10.The feature of industry of tourism industry is not obvious like other industries as motor industry and fashion industry,because.A.it is not composed of enterprises that produce similar productsB.it comprises different sectors or companies that produce products and services for touristsC.it is not included in SIC(Standard Industry Classification)in most countriesD.All above11.Tourist product is,from the stand point of the tourist,a total of a tourist gets from the trip.A.tangible goodsB.attractionsC.accommodationD.experiences12.To study the tourism behavior of individuals,groups of people,and the impact of tourism on society is considered as.A.Managerial ApproachB.Product ApproachC.Sociological ApproachD.Economic Approach13.Tourist product is the total sum of all services provided to a tourist during the total process of his tour,including.A.attractions and accessB.amenities and ancillary servicesC.travel informationD.both A and B14.There are three basic elements of Leiper’s model:.A.Geographical elements,tourist and tourism industryB.traveler-generating region,destination and attractionsC.tourist,tourism industry and attractionsD.destination,transit route region and generating region15.Meals offered in a restaurant,drinks in a bar,local products in a souvenir shop,etc.are known as.A.tourist productsB.tourist goodsC.tourist facilitiesD.services16.was the first person to organize tour by chartering a train.A.Thomas CookB.Rowland Hill D.Robert Hill D.George Cook17.If the tourist decides to take the holiday in the Swiss Alps,where he will be able to take walks in fresh mountains air and enjoy varied scenery,good food and hotel relaxation,these are knownas.A.General motivationsB.Specific motivationsC.facilitatorsD.both A and B18.Tourism is a human activity,which encompasses human behavior,use of resources,and interaction with___________.A.other people,economies and environmentsB.exchange of cultural interestsC.political problems and social problemsD.sports activities,hobbies and pastimes19.will a consumer be motivated to buy the product.A.Only after information about a destination is given to himB.Only if the perception of the need and of the attraction matchC.Only when an advertisement is madeD.Only when he feels there is no risk20.One of the best known model to explain the process of buying behavior is.A.IADA ModelB.AIDO ModelC.IDAI Model D,AIDA Model21.※Which country is most likely to exercise stronger control over tourism development?A.A country where tourism has only relatively recently become a significant factor in economy.B.A country where tourism has developed slowly over a long period of time.C.A country where tourism is not important to the economy.D.A country where tourism does not exist.22.Which of the following roles should not be taken by government?A.Adequate public services.B.Planning and facilitating of tourismC.Designing of the tour itinerariesD.Promotion of the nation and its products.23.Sometimes,some of the buildings can be visual pollution becauseA.they lack character and are out of keeping with surroundings.B.they are of concrete.C.they are not well planned.D.All above24.Which group of people will bring most noticeable cultural and social impact in less developed countries?A.ExplorersB.Mass touristsC.ElitesD.Back-packers25.Who is most likely to adapt to the local culture?A.Independent travelerB.ExplorerC.backpackerD.mass tourist26.Some tourists are interested in destinations with different cultures but when are in the place, they will have culture shock.They are most probably.A.ExplorersB.Mass touristsC.Independent travelersD.Back-packers27.Tourists bring with them their own value of systems by.A.expecting or demanding the lifestyle and facilities to which they are accustomed in their own country.B.telling the local people their own culturesC.showing the local people that their culture is superiorD.asking people to follow them28.Tourists may have a misunderstanding about the local culture because.A.they do not want to abandon their own cultureB.they do not want to get in touch with the local peopleC.they can’t have enough time and opportunity to get to know the local people wellD.they local people do not want them to approach.29.The resentment by local people toward tourists can be resulted from following reasons except.A.the economic gap between tourists and the local peopleB.the differences in lifestyle between tourists and the local peopleC.the conflict of interests between tourists and the local peopleD.the differences in political system between tourists and the local people30.The social impacts of tourism include the following except.A.changes of value systemsB.breaking down of stereotypesC.changes of the traditional culturesD.preservation of wildlife sanctuaries.mercial jet aircraft enjoys the following advantages except_______.A.greatly increased travel speedsB.much wider range of air travelC.greater seating capacity for passengersD.much more varied seating configuration32.Which of the following is irrelevant to the definition of destinations?A.Particular area.B.Travelers.C.Time.D.Size.33.The following features are necessary for destinations except______.A.partially or completely self-containedB.outcome of natural or artificial developmentC.appeal or attraction,psychological or tangiblecational institutions34.Nine motivators are listed,which can influence a traveler’s choice of destination.Which of the following groups is not included?A.Recreation,culture,nature.cation,events,health.C.Religion,friends and relatives,business.D.Sightseeing,touring,landscape.35.Destination attractions may include the following except____.A.natural and cultural resourcesB.recreational facilitiesC.events and activitiesD.political and economic systems36.The major elements in planning for destination development are the following except_____.A.market analysisB.assessment of available resourcesC.environment and social impactD.political stability analysis37.One proposed model for tourism planning was to provide answers to the following aspects of planning except______.A.number and category of touristsB.type and scope of tourist services and activitiesC.profitabilityD.seasonal distribution of tourist activities38.Before the era of mass tourism,tourism planning was______as a whole.A.inadequateB.well doneC.adequateD.appropriate39.Tourism planning in the past often failed to take_____in to consideration.A.tourist facilitiesB.transportationsC.site planningD.environment40.Tourism can generate various problems such as the following except_______.A.economic distortionB.environmental degradationC.loss of cultural identityD.cross-cultural communication41.Which of the following statements about the necessity of tourism planning is not correct?A.Tourism planning can make up for the lack of experience on the part of some governments and private sector.B.Tourism planning can coordinate the development,which involves other sectors and industries.C.Tourism planning can maximize benefits and minimize negative effects.D.Tourism planning can take the place of old fashioned administration.42.The most appropriate approach to tourism development is one,which balances economic, environmental and social objectives within the framework of______development.A.regionalB.nationalC.sustainablemunity43.Which of the following statements about tourism planning is not correct?A.The international planning is rather weak because of its dependence on multi-country cooperation.B.The regional planning is usually more specific than international and national planning.C.The national planning of a small country may be as detailed as the regional planning of a large country.D.Within a country the national and the regional planning are worked out independently from each other.44.Which of the following statements about the relationships between tourism and environment is not correct?A.Environment is becoming the most important consideration in tourism development.B.Tourism can have either positive or negative effects on environment depending on whether tourism development is well planned and implemented or not.C.Profitability is second to environmental consideration in tourism development.D.Environment has always been a top priority in tourism development.45.In order to deal with the problems of environment preservation in tourism development,the following concepts have been proposed except_______.A.ecotourismB.nature tourismC.alternative tourismD.capacity tourism46.The most important elements in ecotourism are the following except_____.A.economic benefitsB.social and cultural developmentC.nature conservationD.psychological needs47.Ecotourism can provide the following benefits except________.A.creation of jobs and income to the local peopleB.funds made available for nature conservationC.higher education to touristsD.heritage and environmental preservation and enhancementIV.Explain the following tourism terms in English1.tourism environments2.discretionary uses of our leisure time3.price elastic market4.resort5.tourism destination6.Domestic tourist7.traveller-generating region8.permanent residence9.recreation10.discretionary income11.tour operators12.Multiplier effect13.Tourist carrying capacity:14.Tourist Attraction15.Tourism Amenities16.Sustainable Development17.Tour Operator18.leakage19.Balance of payment20.Conceptual definition and technical definition21.tourism industry22.Normal place of residence(usual place of residence)23.Discretionary uses of leisure time24.The host community25.Multidimensional aspects26.Disposable income(discretionary income)27.Excursionist28.Tourism Arrivals29.Tourism Receipts30.International tourism31.Internal tourism or domestic tourism32.Excursion33.Incentive trip34.Catering service35.Price inelastic market36.Urbanizationbour-intensive industry38.Expenditure39.Accommodation40.Facilities41.ITX,IT and CIT42.Tourist transit route43.Benefits of size44.General Motivation45.Specific Motivation46.Physical motivators47.Cultural motivators48.Interpersonal motivators49.Intangibility of tourism product50.Simultaneity of tourism product51.Perishability of tourism product52.Inseparability of tourism productplimentarily of tourism product54.Variability of tourism product55.spa56.Cruising57.Down-market58.Up-market59.Horizontal integration60.Vertical integration61.Access of tourism62.The tour wholesaler63.Impacts of tourism64.Superstructure of tourism65Infrastructure of tourismV.Briefly answer the following questions in English1.To develop a technical definition of tourism,what are the basic aspects to be considered?2.Tell different functions of the three regions in Leiper’s model.3.What are the main characteristics of tourist product?4.What is Grand Tour?5.What is Maslow’s hierarchy of wants and needs?6.Why is the definition of‘tourism’problematic?7.How to understand the intangibility of the tourist product?8.In what way is the tourist product different from other products of other industries?9.When did mass tourism appear,what are its main features?10.What are the characteristics of tourism industry?11.Why is tourism development planning so necessary?12.What are the possible social impacts of tourism upon local people of an area?13.How does tourism development affect the social structure of a host area?14.What are the major costs and benefits of tourism development,economically,socially,environmentally?15.How do you understand tour operators as“Middlemen”?16.Why do a lot of Asian countries try to develop tourism industry?17.Find from textbooks any three definitions of tourism.Do they agree?If not,why do you think not?18.Explain in your own words the discrepancy between consumer’s,producer’s, and researcher’s view of tourism.19.Tell the location of tourism industry.20.Tell the different functions of the three regions.21.What is your understanding of the system?22.What interactions may happen in the system?23.What is your understanding of tourist?24.What problems do we likely meet when we are doing marketing and promotion ofthe tourist product?25.What are the reasons for tourism to come into being historically and economically?26.When did mass tourism appear,what are its main features?27.Why is it said that the development of trade probably mark the beginning oftravel?28.What are the changes that distinguish mass tourism from tourism in the past?29.Apart from motivations,what other facilitators are necessary for people to travel?30.Why is culture and curiosity an important motivator of travel?31.What is the relationship between travel and human needs?32.How human needs and wants are satisfied in travel?33.What are the characteristics of tourism industry?34.Identify the difference between the trade organizations and the professionalorganizations.35.What are the key economic benefits of tourism?36.What social and cultural problems may be brought about by tourism?37.Why tourism planning is necessary?38.Why tourism is described as a New-colonialism?Is it true?39.What can developing countries do to solve the problems and to achievesustainable tourism?VI.Topic Discussion1.Apart from motivations,what other facilitators are necessary for people to travel?2.What kind of role did Thomas Cook play in the development of mass tourism?3.What problems do we likely meet when we are doing marketing and promotion of the tourist product?4.Do you agree with Maslow’s hierarchy of wants and needs?Why and why not?5.In what way is the tourist product different from other products of other industries?6.What problems do we likely meet when we are doing marketing and promotion of the tourist product?7.My Understanding of Tourism System8.How did the First World War affect the development of mass tourism?And what about the Second World War?9.How do you understand“selling holiday is like selling dreams.”?10.How do you understand the importance of tourism to the local economy in tourisma destination place?(host place)11.How do you describe the prospects of the tourism in China in the future,say by2020?12.How do you identify tourism products from tourism goods?13.How is the need for belonging reflected in travel?14.In what way is travel associated with the physical well-being of human beings?15.Provide some examples of how a resort hotel’s marketing director can use the fourbasic travel motivators in creating next year’s marketing program.16.Some people don’t think tourism is an industry.What is your opinion?17.Try to analyze the relationship between tourism industry and the common-interestorganizations.18.Distinguish between the different forms of integration within the industry,andidentify the reason for this integration.19.How do you understand the significance of integration in tourism industry?20.How do you understand the role of tour operators as middlemen?21.State the relationship between development of transportations and thedevelopment of tourism.22.How do you understand the necessity of government involvement in tourism?23.Analyze the Positive and negative socio-cultural effects of tourism.24.Explain why the principle of‘fair trade’must be insisted on in tourism.25.Is there any evidence of‘blindly trust’on tourism in your hometown?Give an。