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译文2:我爱我的心上人,因为她是那样地 叫人入迷(Enticing);我恨我的心上人, 因为她已订婚将作他人妻(Engaged);她 花容月貌无可比拟(Exquisite),我劝她 私奔跟我在一起(Elopement);她的名字 叫埃米莉(Emily),她的家就住在东城里 (East)。我爱我的心上人呀,一切都因为 这个E!
许渊冲译文: To face the powder and not to powder the face. 马红军译文: To get dressed to drill, but not dressed to kill.
人曾为僧,人弗能成佛;女卑为婢,女又 可称奴。 钱歌川译文:The man who has been a monk cannot become a Buddha. / The girl who is a bond maid may be called a slave.
The ballot is stronger than the bullet. 选票比大炮更具威力。 选票胜于枪炮。
It was a splendid population – for all the slow, sleepy, sluggish-brained sloths stayed at home.
吃一堑,长一智。 A fall into the pit, a gain in your wit.
I love my love with an E, because she’s enticing; I hate her with an E, because she’s engaged; I took her to the sign of the exquisite, and treated her with an elopement; her name’s Emily, and she lives in the east.
(Dickens, David Copperfield Chapter 22)
译文1:我爱我的爱人为了一个E,因为 她是Enticing(迷人的);我恨我的爱人 为了一个E,因为她是Engaged(订了婚 的)。我用我的爱人象征Exquisite(美 妙),我劝我的爱人从事Elopement(私 奔),她的名字是Emily(爱弥丽),她 的住处在East(东方)。(董秋斯译)
The Prefect Translatation
was I ere I saw Elba.
许渊冲译文:不见棺材不掉泪。 / 不到俄 岛我不倒。 马红军译文:落败孤岛孤败落。 / 若非孤 岛孤非弱。
late than the late.
晚了总比完了好。 宁迟一时,不迟一世。 慢行回家,
吾爱吾爱,因伊可爱;吾恨吾爱, 因伊另有所爱;吾视吾爱,神圣之 爱;吾携吾爱,私奔为爱;五爱名 爱米丽,吾东方之爱。
我爱那个“丽”,可爱迷人有魅力; 我恨我那个“丽”,要和他人结伉 俪;她文雅大方又美丽,和我出逃 去游历;她芳名就叫爱米丽,家住 东方人俏丽。
You reckon your Dodge would help you up to all these dodges again?
你以为坐上你的道奇跑车就可以再 次跑掉么?
The output of the U.N. has not been commensurate with the input. 联合国所起的作用与其所耗的费用已不 相称了。 联合国的作用已难抵其费用。
译文 3: 我爱我的爱,因为她长得实在招人 爱。我恨我的爱,因为她不回报我的 爱。我带着她到挂着浮荡子招牌的一 家,和她谈情说爱。我请她看一出潜 逃私奔,为的是我和她能长久你亲我 爱。她的名字叫爱弥丽,她的家住在 爱仁里。
我爱我的爱人,因为她很迷人; 我恨我的爱人,因已许配他人;她 在我心中是美人,我带她私奔,以 避开外人;她名叫虞美人,是东方 丽人。
行文的时候,我尽力平铺直叙,丝毫没有 加以粉饰。
She has beauty still, and, if it be not in its heyday, it is not yet in its autumn. 她依然很美,如果不是芳华正茂,也还 不到迟暮之年。
While the present century was in its teens, and on one sunshiny morning in June, there drove up to the great iron gate of Miss Pinkerton's academy for young ladies, on Chiswick Mall, a large family coach, with two fat horses in blazing harness, driven by a fat coachman in a three-cornered hat and wig, at the rate of four miles an hour.
Her mind was a store-house of innocuous anecdote and any question about her acquaintances brought forth a volume of detail; but on the subject of Ethan Frome I found her unexpectedly reticent. 赫尔太太的肚子里装满了无恶意的奇闻轶事; 只要是她认识的人,随便问起哪一个,她都能 源源本本的给你说半天,可是关于伊坦· 弗洛 美,完全出于我意料之外,她非常缄默。
was a serious charge: a girl so brought up must be adequately provided for.
一个姑娘,吃的穿的都得像个 样子。...
I have tried to tell a simple, straightforward story, with no attempt at embellishment.
马红军译文:Monastical men make monks, / But become Buddhas barely; / Miserable maidens make maids, / Styled slaves so squarely.
三个臭皮匠,合成一个诸葛亮。 Three cobblers with their wits combined, Equal Zhu Geliang the mastermind.
Those privileged to be present at a family festival of the Forsytes have seen that charming and instructive sight—an upper middle-class family in full plumage. 碰到福尔赛家的喜庆事,那些有资格参加 的人都曾看见过那派中上层人家的兴盛气 象,不但看了开心,也增长见识。
当时我们这世纪刚开始了十几年。 在六月里的一天早上,天气晴朗,契 息克林荫道上平克顿女子学校的大铁 门前面来了一辆宽敞的私人马车。拉 车的两匹肥马套着雪亮的马具,肥胖 的车夫戴了假头发和三角帽子,赶车 子的速度不过一小时四哩。
这帮人个个出类拔萃—因为凡是呆板、 呆滞、呆头呆脑的呆子都呆在了家里。
Begot by butchers, but by butchers bred, / How high his highness holds his haughty head.
译文一:屠夫所生,屠夫所养;如此高贵, 这般高尚。 君居屠户屋,君属屠户后;俯仰何佼佼, 倨傲俨倬倬。
译文1:我爱我的爱人为了一个E,因为 她是Enticing(迷人的);我恨我的爱人 为了一个E,因为她是Engaged(订了婚 的)。我用我的爱人象征Exquisite(美 妙),我劝我的爱人从事Elopement(私 奔),她的名字是Emily(爱弥丽),她 的住处在East(东方)。(董秋斯译)