


而 , 在我 国 目前 的 城市 化 进 程 中 , 无论在 理 论 认识 上 , 还是 实践 当 中都存在 一些 误 区 , 其 表现为 : 第 一 , 过分夸 大 了小 城镇 在 中国城 市化进 程 中的作 用 。 据 统计 194 9 年 全 国有 建 制 镇 2 5田 多个 , 到 198 5 年 也 只有建 制 镇 2 85 1 个 , 而 到 19 2 年 , 建 制 镇 就 达 到 14 18 2 个 , 如 果 加上 3侧义幻 多个 非 建 制镇 , 小 城镇 的 数 量可 达 粼盯阳 多个 。 到 了 19 卯 年 全 国建 制 镇 和 非建制 镇 的总 数接 近 仗以幻 个。 ① 第 二 , 在 城市化 的
农民 的劳动同其 收获 结 合 的经 营方 式 , 极 大 刺 激 了 农 民 的生产 积极性 , 使我 国农 业 经济 出现 了 20 世 纪 so 年代前期 高 速增长 的 时期 。 第 四 次 是 加 世 纪 卯 年代 在 家庭联产 承 包 责任 制 的基础 上 , 出现 了 一次 革命 性 的变革 , 即 农 业 产业 化 经 营 。 这种 经 营模 式
现行 的家庭 联产 承包 责任 制和 推动土 地 的规模 化经
营 。 改革开 放初 期 , 家 庭 联产 承 包 责 任制 曾解决 亿
万农户 生产 经营 自主权 , 激 发 出广 大农 民 生 产经 营 积极性 , 在农 村 改 革 中发 挥 了重 大 作 用 。 但 在经 过
了 20 世纪 so 年代 前 期 的高 速 增 长之 后 , 农 业 发 展 中存在 的诸多 问题 日益 凸 现 。 实 践 证 明 , 依 靠 传 统
难 以进城 的特殊 背景下形成 的 , 是 在地方行政 和银 行
贷款 的大力 支持下 发展起来 的 , 这种个 别地方 的城 市 化模式 , 其他地方不应盲 目仿 效。 在城 市化 道路上 , 城



Analysis of the issueIn the transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, because of the difference in the natural recourse, land system and such social and economic factors among countries,the paths and modes of agricultural modernization in different countries are not all the same. There are three types of agricultural development in industrialized countries.The United States and Canada are in the representative of the first type, this kind of country with little amount of but in huge scale of land ,they have the problem of the shortage of labor resources,the path of agricultural modernization’s construction is to improve labor productivity greatly, and to realize the modernization of agriculture by firstly focusing on the basis of agricultural mechanization and secondly turning emphases to the biotechnology;Japan and Holland are in the representative of the second type, this kind of country usually with more people than land, and so have abundant labor resources, the path of the agricultural construction is to improve the productivity of land greatly,to realize the agricultural scale on the development of mechanical technology which based on biotechnology;Britain and France are in the representative of the third type, between the first and the second. the path of the modern agricultural construction is the improvement on both of the land productivity and the laborproductivity(Xiyuan.Liao,2011).In China, there are several reasons for the restriction in agricultural machine industry.1、the mode of family productionOver the past years, the agricultural production in China has always been leasing of land management model which see the family as a unit , the land separation problem is very serious, the level of agricultural production is relatively stly,our country through the land circulation system, unified the decentralized farming land , modified the farmland infrastructure according to the requirements of modern agricultural production (by water, power, road reconstruction),It has laid a solid foundation and created more favorable conditions for the scale management of agriculture, the promotion of agricultural mechanization, and the scaling and intensive production.At present, many large agricultural provinces have started to increase investment, strengthen the agricultural integration and infrastructure reconstruction,the progress of irrigation’s supporting equipment,and road construction is speeding up,the rate of agricultural mechanization is increasing. But most of the rural areas the agricultural performance is still laying behind.2、The Backward in mechanization of agriculture production levelThe performance of China's agricultural machine industry in the world is not very prominent. the agricultural machine enterprises from The United States and Japan have occupied most of the market in Japan, the largest agricultural machinery manufacturer is Kubota,which funded in 1998, the main products are the semi-feed combine harvester ,the rice transplanter,and the half-feed combine harvester.they has accounted for more than 50% domestic market,in 2008, the production and sales of semi-feed combine harvesters had reached 7000 units.John Deal was founded in 1937 in the United States, the world's leading agricultural and forestry fields of advanced products and services provider, listed on the NYSE.,it is a suppliers and service providers whose products are advanced in construction, lawn and field conservation, landscape engineering and also is the major manufacturers who cooperate in sugar cane producing areas in Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan province.Case new Holland is one of most largest agricultural machine manufacturing company, the tractors, combine harvesters and bundling machine sales are in the forefront above the world. Headquartered is in the United States, the products are sold to over 160 countries and regions, by over 11500 distributors above the world, of which agricultural equipment accounted for 76%. Casenew Holland ’s history can be traced back to 170 years ago, there are nearly a hundred years of history in China. last century,the earliest service branch established in China and the earliest tractor introduced to China are both related with Keith brand.Comparatively,the development of agricultural machinery industry in China is a little late, the domestic industry only share a small Chinese market. The rising space of domestic agricultural machine industry is huge.Critical analysisIn China, the promotion of agricultural machine products mainly has the following problems.-----a serious imbalance between the level in mechanization of the different region.In the east region with developed economy, farmer’s income growths rapidly, the purchase of agricultural machineries are in a large number,the development of agricultural mechanization is speeding fastly; compared to the underdeveloped west regions, the amount of agriculture machinery possession is limited, the development of agricultural mechanization is slow. For example, in Guangxi, 2010,the level of rice tractor machine to plough,plant,harvest respectively were 79.4%, 6.3% and 42%, mechanizedfarming level is only 46.3%, which differs from the average difference is 15.7 percentage points; sugarcane only achieved partly plowing,the planting and harvest mechanization level is almost zero.According to statistics, China's arable land in eastern region accounted up 32.1% of the total arable land, and agricultural machines have accounted up 50.2% of the total agricultural machines; the western region accounted for 23.7%, agricultural machines takes up only 15.3%, the relative possessed rate is 2.4:1.Comparison of the level of Agricultural Mechanization in someprovinces---- product structure is not reasonableFirstly, The amount of large and medium-sized machines are in the small scale, the small agricultural machinery are in the large; secondly, the transport machinery are in a large scale but the agricultural machinery in a samll one; thirdly,the agricultural machinery supporting equipments is little and the matching ratio is low; fourth,the high performance machine are less which can adjust to agricultural structure; fifth, the total amount of agricultural machinery growth fast, but the application of advanced technology growth slowly .----defects in the categoriesThere is a big gap in the level of agricultural mechanization between different crops and production link. At present, the most prominent problem is the level of mechanization in paddy fields and sugar cane industry is too low. As a country with more than 24 million acres of cultivated area ,ranking in the third largest sugarcane producer over the world, sugarcane mechanization rate is less than 1%, only touch the equivalent of the national average level of 0.1/100.----Exist such condition that people can not afford to buy, or using badly.The role of agricultural machinery is to purchase, use and obtain benefits. Although the local government undos activelysubsidies, it still exist such condition,that people can not afford to buy, using badly and the problem of poor efficiency, which get in the way of improving the rate of agricultural mechanization. The performance is: first, can not afford to buy. At present, the large and medium size of the general agricultural machines takes 50 thousand to 100 thousand , a sugarcane harvester will need 1.35 million to 1.8 million , on one-time investment, long payback period of investment. Although many places have introduced the subsidies of agricultural purchase , but the effect is not very obvious. Second,using badly.,Agricultural management is lack of funds, the introduction of agricultural machinery, agricultural technology promotion and free training work is difficult to carried out, causing if some farmers could afford to a buy agricultural machine, but he also can not use it well.At the same time, the promotion of agricultural machinery products in China has a deep relationship with the land transfer policy. In China ,under the mode of agricultural operation in the family unit, the mechanization of agriculture is difficult to promote. One family use some agricultural machinery together, in high cost, high vacancy rate, causing the space smaller, such condition is not convenient also. So if we want to implement the mechanization of agriculture, we must make the agriculturalproduction more scaled.Research questionThe study will use literature review, case study and comparative method, several feature Chinese agricultural policy, agricultural region layout, farmland manage—technology,agricultural management way were briefly combed in this paper.The main points were to explore the following questions:1)Is the agricultural subsidies and agricultural technology extension were the effective means to protect the agriculture sustainable development in Chinese and why?2)Is the agricultural regional layout and mechanical management was the basic premise for improving the production efficiency and reducing the production cost and how?3.Is there any realationship between the development of agricultural mechanization and of the agricultural machinery industry?Bibliography1.xiyuan.Liao,hongfang.Shen,zhigang.Wang.The "three step" strategy of agricultural scale management -- from "the production link" to "the circulation of the management right" and then to "the circulation of contractual right".Agricultural economic problems,2011(12):15—20/xinwen/2016-08/29/content_5103285.htm2.John Stuart Muller. 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The Transformation of Farmers: Past andPresentFarmers, the backbone of society, have experienced significant changes over the years. Once seen as a profession associated with hard labor and limited opportunities, farming has now transformed into a dynamic and diverse field, offering new avenues for growth and prosperity.In the past, farming was primarily an inherited occupation, passed down from generation to generation. Farmers typically worked on small plots of land, using traditional methods and tools to cultivate crops. Their lives were often characterized by hard work and limited resources, with limited access to modern technology and market opportunities. Their income was often unstable and dependent on the whims of nature, making it difficult to plan for the future.However, with the advent of technological advancements and policy changes, the farming landscape has undergone a radical transformation. Modern farming techniques, such as precision agriculture and sustainable farming practices,have increased yields and efficiency while reducing environmental impact. Farmers now have access to a wide range of advanced technologies, including drones, satellites, and smartphones, which provide them with real-time data and insights into their crops, soil, and weather patterns.Moreover, the agricultural sector has become more integrated with the global market, providing farmers with access to a wider range of crops, inputs, and markets. Farmers can now sell their products directly to consumers, bypassing traditional middlemen and increasing their profits. Government policies and subsidies have also played a crucial role in supporting farmers and encouraging innovation in the agricultural sector.These changes have not only improved the economic status of farmers but have also transformed their social and cultural lives. Farmers now have more opportunities to engage in education and training, enabling them to acquire new skills and knowledge. They are also able to participate in community activities and organizations, promoting a sense of community and belonging.In conclusion, the transformation of farmers from a traditional occupation to a dynamic and diverse field is a testament to the power of technological advancements and policy changes. Farmers now have more opportunities to grow and prosper, not only economically but also socially and culturally. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue supporting farmers and investing in agricultural research and development to ensure sustainable and inclusive growth in the agricultural sector.**农民过去与现在的变化**农民,作为社会的中坚力量,多年来经历了显著的变化。



世界农业World A g ricultur e 1999111(总247)_6_纵观世界农业发展史,可以看出,传统农业有两个最基本特征,即经营目的的自给性和经营手段的技术停滞性。













1780)1835年,英国棉花消费量由247万k g增加到14310万k g,增加了5618倍;1850)1900年,美国棉花消费量增加了611倍,羊毛消费量增加了5倍。
























农业脱贫英文作文高中英文:As someone who grew up in a rural area, I understand the importance of agriculture in poverty alleviation. In my opinion, there are several key factors that contribute to the success of agricultural poverty alleviation.Firstly, it is important to provide farmers with access to modern technology and knowledge. This can include training programs on new farming techniques, as well as access to farming equipment and tools. With the right resources, farmers can improve their crop yields and increase their income.Secondly, it is important to create a market for agricultural products. This can be done through government policies that support local farmers and promote the consumption of locally-grown produce. Additionally, initiatives such as farmers' markets and community-supported agriculture programs can help connect farmers directly with consumers.Finally, it is important to address the underlying causes of poverty, such as lack of education and healthcare. By providing access to education and healthcare,individuals are better equipped to improve their economic situation and contribute to the overall development oftheir communities.Overall, agricultural poverty alleviation requires a holistic approach that addresses both the immediate needsof farmers and the underlying causes of poverty.中文:作为一个在农村长大的人,我理解农业在扶贫中的重要性。







1、现代农业与传统农业的本质区别美国农业发展经济学家约翰·梅勒(John W·Mellor)把传统农业向现代化农业发展过程划分为3个阶段:第一阶段是传统农业阶段。












靼 国
料压盖过紧或机械轴封安装不当 ( 弹簧过紧 ) 、泵轴弯 曲、对 中不 良、叶轮碰擦
或轴承严重磨损等。 ( 3 ) 检查被输送液体 的粘度 、密度是 否超 过设计要求 。
特 另l J .  ̄ : l t a l 2 0 1 3 年5 月第5 期( 下) 2 0 1 3, M a y, N O . 5( u n d e r
此 ,传统 的农业技术如何 向现代的农业技术 转变 ,是 中国农业 的一个迫切 问题 。 3 . 2传统农业技术向现代农 业技术 的转变策 略 3 . 2 . 1传承传统农业技术是基本 1 . 2中国传统农业技术特点 传 统农业技术具有 以下主要特征 :1 )集约型的土地利 用方 式 ;2 ) 人 工精 农 业科技技术是不 同地 区、不同民族人们根据不同的 自然条件 和社会文化 作 的技术特点 ;3)因地制宜 ,适应 当地气候条件 ;4 )以谷物种植为主 ;畜牧 在世世代代继承 中创造 了出来 的 ,它包含了当地的 自然条件和社会条件 ,具有 与种 植 相 结 合 。 明显的地方特点和 民族特点 。因此 ,传承是传统农业向现代农业技术转变 的基 2 、中国农 业技术的创新 本方法。根据实际走 自己的农业 技术现代化道路 ,而不是盲 目模仿某一地 区的 2 . 1农 业技术创新的涵义 模 式。根据我 国的 国情 ,我 国农业 现代化不能照搬西方国家的模式 。中国未来 2 . 1 . 1微观涵义 的农 业技术发展的方 向应该继续可持续 发展之路。我们要强调集约式的传统技 农业 技术创新是指农业 技术和农业经济发展相互 促进、相互转化 的过程 。 术 与现代技术相 融合 。 以新农 业技术作为一种手 段来促 进农业生产农业 和农 村经济发展为 目标 ,它包 3 . 2 . 2改造传统农业技术是关键 含农业 新技术的研究 ,获得 和掌握 ,并包含新技术 传播转让 和渗透 ,还含有农 由于长期 的积累投入 ,传统农业生产要素并没有 发生改 变的。生产率很低 , 业 市场开发 、售后服务 和改进创新 。 但 只要技术状态不变 ,传统农业专项平衡态性质和恢复 ,就只是时间问题 了。 2 . 1 . 2宏观涵义 3 . 2 . 3提升传统农 业技术是根本 从宏 观的角度上讲 ,农 业技术创新是指 由一 系列 的公 共机构和农业企业组 现代农 业是中国传统农业改造 的方 向和 目标。为了实现这一 目标 ,传统农 成 的系统或网络。这些机构 相互 联系 、相互影响 、相互影 响 ,协调与整合决定 业 向现代农业技术提升是最根本 的。从 世界农业 发展的经验来看 ,从传统农业 全 国农业技术创新与扩散 的能力 。 向现代农业 转变 ,农业生产必须满足 目 标 消费的追 求数量转化为商业生产的利 2 . 2农业 技术 创新的特点 润最大化 。 相 比之下 ,工业技术由于受到大多数农业技术与不同层次的公共产品特性、 4、结 论 农业技术 秘密 、农业技术 与资源 利用 、环境保护和农业技术 密切相关的农业技 在现代 化建设的大背景下 ,农业技术进步必然伴 随着一系列与农业技术应 术推广 的影 响 ,使得农业技术创新 显示出前所未有 的参与技术 多和技术创新过 用 的政策 环境、社会环境和市场环境相关 的制度 和机 制上的创新 ,而核心是确 程复杂 、技术创新不确定性 ,技术创新子系统相互作用性强等特点 。 定技术人员在 推动农业 技术转变 中的主体地位 ,实现农业技术 由传 统型向现代 2 . 3农业技术创新 的主体 化转变 。运用科 技技术力量整合政府资源 、市场资源 和社会 资源 ,使农业 技术 2 . 3 . 1农业企业 :企业在市场机制的鼓励下去从事


























传统农业与现代农业英文-modern agriculture and traditional agriculture

传统农业与现代农业英文-modern agriculture and traditional agriculture



As the second session "Modern Youth farmer class" students, I think the name of our class "modern young farmer," the focus has two, one is the "youth" and, indeed, we are college students a new era, we are 90, we are the youngest generation; the other is the "modern", this is the core of our existence is to the future of modern agriculture and services, to help China modernize agriculture, is not that the historic dry traditional agriculture. So, what is traditional agriculture, what is modern agriculture, they have what is the difference? I think this is a young farmer class first thing we have to understand, here is my traditional agriculture to modern agriculture and some of the views and ideas.对于传统农业的定义,不同的人有不同的看法。

The Second Agricultural Revolution

The Second Agricultural Revolution

规模化生产与家庭农场之间存在不可调和的矛盾, 但这确实提高了美国农业的生产能力。 1.劳动生产力。重型机械在农业中的应用。 2.土地生产力。科学的农业生产方法。
Transitional Page
20世纪50年代开始,农民只有两种选择—扩张土地或 者脱离农业生产。 1.一些农民就紧盯着自己以及邻居手中的土地。 2.外来资金开始购买闲置土地进行合作化生产。 结果就是大量没有技能的农民被赶到城市中,同时生 活在贫困中使个体进入农 业生产很困难。 一些专家担心这种发展趋势: 1.农民家庭已经建立了一套稳定的工作标准。 2 .人们已经习惯并喜欢这种生活方式。
The Second Agricultural Revolution
---by Group 4
二次世界大战结束后,农业发生了巨大变化,被 称为第二次农业革命。 1.家庭农场(农户式)减少。 2.机械化种植大幅增加。 造成的趋势是农业分工开始,尤其是商业化农民 增加。总体上,机械代替了雇佣工。


























科技革新:农业转型的引擎In the past few decades, the agricultural sector has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the advancing technologies that have revolutionized the way we cultivate, harvest, and distribute food. The integration of modern technology into agriculture has not only increased productivity but also ensured sustainability and environmental protection.One of the most significant advancements inagricultural technology is the use of precision farming techniques. Precision farming, or precision agriculture, involves the use of high-tech tools such as satellites, drones, and sensors to monitor and manage crop health, soil conditions, and weather patterns. These technologiesprovide farmers with real-time data that helps them make informed decisions about irrigation, fertilizer application, and pest control. The result is a more efficient use of resources, reduced waste, and higher yields.Another key technology that has transformed agriculture is the development of smart farming equipment. These advanced machines are equipped with sensors and othertechnologies that enable them to perform complex tasks with greater precision and efficiency. For instance, autonomous tractors and robots can plant, cultivate, and harvest crops with minimal human intervention. This not only reduces labor costs but also ensures consistent quality and timing in crop production.The rise of hydroponics and vertical farming is another example of how technology has revolutionized agriculture. These indoor farming methods allow farmers to grow crops in controlled environments, regardless of soil quality or climate conditions. Hydroponics involves growing plants in water solutions containing essential nutrients, while vertical farming involves growing plants in stacked layers, maximizing space utilization. These technologies enable farmers to produce high-quality crops year-round, even in areas with limited land or water resources.In addition to these advancements, agricultural technology has also led to the development of precision irrigation systems. These systems use sensors and algorithms to monitor soil moisture levels and apply water to crops exactly when and where it's needed. This not onlysaves water but also ensures optimal growth conditions for crops, leading to higher yields and better quality produce. The integration of technology into agriculture has also led to the emergence of new business models such as community-supported agriculture (CSA) and urban farming. CSAs connect consumers directly with farmers, providing a direct market for local, organic produce. Urban farming, on the other hand, involves growing crops in cities, reducing the need for long-distance transportation and ensuring fresh, local food for urban residents.In conclusion, the integration of technology into agriculture has had a profound impact on the sector, transforming it into a more efficient, sustainable, and environmentally friendly industry. The advancements in precision farming, smart equipment, indoor farming methods, precision irrigation, and new business models have not only increased productivity but have also ensured better quality and access to food for people across the globe. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect further revolutions in agriculture that will help feed the world'sgrowing population while protecting our precious natural resources.**科技如何改变农业**在过去的几十年里,科技的发展彻底改变了我们的耕作、收获和食物分配方式,使农业部门发生了显著的变化。



The Evolution of the Farmer: Past VersusPresentThroughout the ages, the farmer has played a pivotalrole in the fabric of society, serving as the backbone of civilization. However, the landscape of agriculture and the farmer's life has undergone significant transformationsfrom the past to the present. This essay aims to delve into the changes that farmers have experienced, highlightingtheir evolving roles, technologies, and impact on society.In the past, farming was often a laborious and undervalued occupation. Farmers toiled the land using primitive tools and methods, relying heavily on natural resources and the cycles of the seasons. Their lives were often marked by hard work, long hours, and uncertain yields. The social status of farmers was often low, and they often struggled to make ends meet.Today, however, the farmer's life has undergone a remarkable transformation. Technological advancements have revolutionized agriculture, introducing mechanized farming, precision agriculture, and smart farming practices. These advancements have not only increased productivity but havealso made farming more sustainable and environmentally friendly.Moreover, the social status of farmers has improved significantly. Governments and organizations are now recognizing the crucial role that farmers play in food security, climate change, and rural development. Farmers are being provided with better education, training, and access to modern technologies, enabling them to improve their skills and knowledge.Additionally, the farmer's role in society has expanded beyond mere food production. They are now actively involved in value-added agriculture, such as organic farming, agro-tourism, and rural entrepreneurship. These new avenues have provided farmers with additional income sources and opportunities for growth and development.In conclusion, the farmer's life has undergone remarkable changes from the past to the present. Technological advancements, social recognition, and expanding roles have transformed the farmer's life for the better. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue investing in agriculture and farmers, ensuring that theyhave the resources and support they need to thrive and contribute to society's progress.**农民过去与现在的变化**自古以来,农民作为社会的重要支柱,一直扮演着举足轻重的角色。



农耕活动介绍英文作文高中英文回答:Agriculture, the cultivation of plants and the rearing of animals for food and other products, is one of the oldest and most fundamental human activities. It began in the Neolithic period, around 10,000 years ago, when humans first settled down in permanent villages and began to cultivate crops.The development of agriculture was a major turning point in human history. It allowed humans to produce their own food, which gave them more control over their environment and led to the development of civilization.Agriculture is practised in a variety of different ways around the world, depending on the climate, soil, and other factors. In some areas, farmers use traditional methods of agriculture that have been passed down for generations. In other areas, farmers use modern technology to improve theiryields and reduce their costs.Despite the advances in agricultural technology, farming remains a challenging and unpredictable occupation. Farmers must contend with pests, diseases, and weather conditions that can damage their crops. They must also be able to market their products effectively in order to make a profit.However, agriculture is also a rewarding occupation. It provides farmers with a sense of connection to the land and a way to provide for their families and communities.中文回答:农业,即对植物的种植和动物的饲养以获取食物和其他产品的活动,是最古老、最基本的人类活动之一。




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AnalysisoftheissueInthe transformation from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, because of the difference in the natural recourse, land system andsuch social and economic factors among countries,the paths and modes of agricultural modernization in different countries are not all the same. There are three types of agricultural development in industrialized countries.The United States and Canada are in the representative of the first type, this kind of country with little amount of but in huge scale of land ,they have the problem of the shortage of labor resources,thepath of agricultural modernization’s constructionis to improve labor productivity greatly, and to realize the modernization of agriculture by firstly focusing on the basis of agricultural mechanization and secondly turning emphases to the biotechnology;Japan and Holland are in the representative of the second type, this kind of country usually withmore people than land, and so have abundant labor resources, the path of the agricultural constructionis to improve the productivity of landgreatly,to realize the agricultural scale on the development of mechanical technology which based on biotechnology;Britain and France are in the representative of the third type, between the first and the second. the path of the modern agricultural construction is the improvement on both of the landproductivity and the labor productivity(Xiyuan.Liao,2011).In China, there are several reasons for the restriction in agricultural machine industry.1、the mode of family productionOver the past years, the agricultural production in China has always been leasing of land management model which see the familyas a unit , the landseparation problem is very serious, the level of agricultural production is relatively stly,our country through the land circulation system, unified the decentralized farming land , modified the farmland infrastructure according to the requirements of modern agricultural production (by water, power, road reconstruction),It has laid a solid foundation and created more favorable conditions for the scale management of agriculture, the promotion of agricultural mechanization, and the scaling and intensive production.At present, many large agricultural provinces have started to increase investment, strengthen the agricultural integration and infrastructurereconstruction,the progress of irrigation’s supportingequipment,and road construction is speeding up,therateof agricultural mechanization is increasing. But most of the rural areas the agricultural performance is still laying behind. 2、The Backward inmechanization of agriculture production level The performance of China's agricultural machineindustry in theworld is not very prominent. the agricultural machineenterprises from The United States and Japan have occupied most of the market in Japan,the largest agricultural machinery manufacturer is Kubota,which fundedin 1998, the main products are the semi-feed combine harvester ,the rice transplanter,and the half-feed combine harvester.they has accounted for more than 50% domestic market,in 2008,the production and sales of semi-feed combineharvesters had reached 7000 units.John Deal was founded in 1937 in the United States, the world's leading agricultural and forestry fields of advanced products and services provider, listed on the NYSE.,it is a suppliers and service providers whose products are advanced in construction, lawn and field conservation, landscape engineering and also is the major manufacturers who cooperate in sugar cane producing areas in Guangxi, Guangdong, Yunnan province.Case new Holland is one of most largest agricultural machine manufacturing company, the tractors, combine harvesters and bundling machine sales are in the forefront above the world. Headquartered is in the United States, the products are sold to over 160 countries and regions, by over 11500 distributors above the world, of which agricultural equipment accounted for 76%. Case new Holland ’s history can be traced back to 170 years ago, there arenearly a hundred years of history in China. last century,the earliestservice branch established in China and the earliesttractorintroduced to China are both related with Keith brand. Comparatively,the development ofagricultural machinery industry in China is a little late, the domestic industry only share a small Chinese market. The rising space of domestic agricultural machineindustry is huge.Critical analysisIn China, the promotion of agricultural machine products mainly has the following problems.-----a serious imbalance between the level in mechanization of the different region.In the east region with developed economy, farmer’s income growths rapidly, the purchase of agricultural machineries are in a large number,the development of agricultural mechanization is speeding fastly; compared to the underdeveloped westregions, the amount of agriculture machinery possessionis limited, the development ofagricultural mechanization is slow. For example, in Guangxi, 2010,the level of rice tractor machine to plough,plant,harvest respectively were 79.4%, 6.3% and 42%, mechanized farming level is only 46.3%, which differs from the averagedifference is 15.7 percentage points; sugarcane only achieved partly plowing,the planting and harvest mechanization level is almost zero. According to statistics, China's arable land in eastern region accounted up 32.1% of the total arable land, and agricultural machines have accounted up 50.2% of the total agricultural machines; the western region accounted for 23.7%, agricultural machinestakes up only 15.3%, the relative possessed rateis 2.4:1.Comparison of the level of Agricultural Mechanization in someprovinces---- product structure is not reasonableFirstly,The amount of large and medium-sized machines are inthe small scale, the small agricultural machinery are in the large; secondly, the transport machinery are in a large scale but the agricultural machinery in a samll one; thirdly,the agricultural machinery supporting equipments islittle and the matching ratio is low; fourth,the high performance machine are less which can adjust to agricultural structure; fifth, the total amount of agricultural machinerygrowth fast, but the application of advanced technologygrowthslowly .----defects in the categoriesThere is a big gap in the level of agricultural mechanization between different crops and production link. At present, the most prominent problem is the level of mechanization in paddy fields and sugar cane industry is too low. As a country with more than 24 million acres of cultivated area ,ranking in the third largest sugarcane producer over the world, sugarcane mechanization rate is less than 1%, only touch the equivalent of the national average level of 0.1/100.----Exist such condition that people can not afford to buy, or using badly.The role of agricultural machinery is to purchase, use and obtain benefits. Although the local government undos activelysubsidies, it still exist such condition,that people can not afford to buy, using badly and the problem of poor efficiency, which get in the way ofimproving the rate of agricultural mechanization. The performance is: first, can not afford to buy. At present, the large and medium size of the general agricultural machinestakes 50 thousand to 100 thousand , a sugarcane harvester will need 1.35 million to 1.8 million , on one-time investment, long payback period of investment. Although many places have introduced the subsidies of agriculturalpurchase , but the effect is not very obvious. Second,using badly.,Agricultural management is lack of funds, the introduction of agricultural machinery, agricultural technology promotion and free training work is difficult to carried out, causing if some farmers could afford to a buy agricultural machine, but he also can not use it well.At the same time, the promotion of agricultural machinery products in China has a deep relationship with the land transfer policy. In China ,under the mode of agricultural operation in the family unit, the mechanization of agriculture is difficult to promote. One family use some agricultural machinery together, in high cost, high vacancy rate, causing the spacesmaller,such condition is not convenient also. So if we want to implement the mechanization of agriculture, we must make the agricultural production more scaled.ResearchquestionThestudywilluseliteraturereview, casestudyandcomparativemethod, severalfeatureChineseagriculturalpolicy, agriculturalregionlayout, farmlandmanage—technology,agriculturalmanagementwaywerebrieflycombedinthispap er.Themainpointsweretoexplorethefollowingquestions:1)Istheagric ulturalsubsidiesandagriculturaltechnologyextensionweretheeffective meanstoprotecttheagriculturesustainabledevelopmentinChineseandw hy?2)Istheagriculturalregionallayoutandmechanicalmanagementwast hebasicpremiseforimprovingtheproductionefficiencyandreducingthe productioncostandhow?3.Is there any realationship between the development of agricultural mechanization and of the agricultural machinery industry?Bibliography1.xiyuan.Liao,hongfang.Shen,zhigang.Wang.The "three step" strategy of agricultural scale management -- from "the production link" to "the circulation of the management right" and then to "the circulation of contractual right".Agricultural economic problems,2011(12):15—20/xinwen/2016-08/29/content_5103285.htm2.John Stuart Muller. Principle of political economy. China Press,2009。
