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• 我支局的XX将为您服务,到时她会与您联系。
• 真是太遗憾了,在下个月我们还将举办类似的活动,到时 再和您联系,您看好吗?
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
• 以服务为主线,借助短信平台,主动邀约
您好!XX姐,我是XX行XXX。好久没见,一切都好 ?!……不知有没有收到我们发的短信?是这样的, 近期我行为像您这样的VIP客户提供更细致服务,我们 在X地准备办个小型的沙龙,专门邀请专业人士来授课 交流,还专门精选了几个理财产品供客户选择,来应 对资本市场的波动,同时也准备了几种精美的小礼品 供给挑选,我想邀请您过来听听,向您介绍。您看是 您是一个人过来呢还是同先生一起来?我备薄茶恭候 您们!
会前的培训沟通工作 会务工作的准备
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
1 会前的准备工作 2 会中的操作 3 会后的追踪 4 操作要点
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
1.4.1 场地 1.4.2 时间 1.4.3 礼品 1.4.4 会务分工 1.4.5 各项物料的准备
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
• 不得带小孩,并提前提醒客户,否则没收。 • 提醒客户带上身份证及银行卡。(至关重要) • 对保险极其反感,而且乱说话的不要带。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
第4天 第7天
第14天 第15天
客户接触、 面谈、促成
以时间为节奏点分阶段逐步推进,理财 经理熟练掌握后时间流程可进行压缩。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
• 以提醒服务为主线,提供合理理财建议 ,主动邀约
• 话术:
您好!XX先生,我是XX行XXX 。现在方便通 话吗?是这样的,您在我行办理的XX业务快到 期了,我行近期也专门精选了几个理财产品供给 老客户选择,打算在X地办个小型的沙龙,专门 邀请专业人士来授课交流,顺便看看有没有合适 的产品可以转办,我研究之后觉得有一两款挺适 合您的呢,您看是参加明天下午的21号晚上的? 我备薄茶恭候您!
• 客户类型 • 产品培训及促成话术(也可将理财产品、定
• 邀约及会中注意事项 • 邀约形式(统一电话邀约,个人电话邀约) • 时间、地点等 • 签单奖励等
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
• 统一的电话邀约
• 您好是XX先生吗?我邮政XX支局的工作人员。近期我们 将召开一场理财沙龙,来答谢一直支持我们的新老客户。 XXX将您的信息提供给工作组,说您非常有理财观念,届 时也将邀请专业人士进行理财讲座,并精选了几个理财产 品供客户选择,同时还有机会赢得精美礼品。现在和您确 认下,本月XX号,上午9点,在XX支局举办,您能否参加? 为了保证我支局客户获得更畅通的服务,届时请您带上身 份证和邮政卡方便我们提供服务。
ຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
理财沙龙:理财沙龙是银行网点经营中的一种集 中销售形式,通常邀约同一类型的客户3-19人, 通过沙龙的形式进行集中销售。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.
• 以节日答谢为主线,提供服务,加深友谊
您好!XX女士,我是XX行XXX 。XX节日好!…… 节到了,我行正举办VIP客户答谢活动,借机与大家 会会。拟定在X日X时举办答谢会,到场客户将得到我 行送出的一份节日礼品,一点小意思以表谢意。同时 还安排理财产品介绍,想请您过来参加!……

万 一 网 制 作 收集整 理,未 经授权 请勿转 载转发 ,违者 必究
• 统一的电话邀约
• XX先生您好,我是XX支局的理财经理XXX,近期 我们将举办理财沙龙来答谢新老客户,我将您的 信息已经提供给工作组,您可能会接到工作组的 邀请电话,请您保证最近电话畅通。
The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaoping's theory, the important thought of "three represents" and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.