
26个英语字母的教学一、提纲上课内容:1. 歌曲引入—26个英文字母歌,播放视频。
2. 把26个英文字母写在黑板上,然后看看小朋友能不能由英文字母联想到生活中见到过的类似的东西,使他们印象深刻,引起学习兴趣;3. 领读26个英文字母,熟练掌握之后做游戏:一个接一个地站起来,我指哪一个就大声读出来,看谁掌握得最快、最准确;4. 教他们书写26个英文字母,讲究规范、美观。
5. 找同学上来默写,看看效果如何。
二、完整版教案时间安排:5分钟:自我介绍并且让小朋友们介绍一下自己,和小朋友们相互了解;5分钟左右:1. 歌曲引入—26个英文字母歌,播放视频(没有多媒体的话就播放音频,手机);2. 与小朋友进行互动,看看谁学得最快,唱给大家听;25分钟左右:1. 把26个英文字母写在黑板上,然后看看小朋友能不能由英文字母联想到生活中见到过的类似的东西,使他们印象深刻,引起学习兴趣;比如:A像金搭,B像眼镜,C像弓,D像有弦的弓,EL像伞,J像工字,I像楼梯,H像手镯,G像电线杆,F像梳子,像转弯,M像山,O像圆等。
做游戏检验一下小朋友们是否掌握了26个英文字母:1. “What's missing?”游戏学了几个字母以后,把字母卡片放在一起让学生认读,然后抽去其中的一张,让学生寻找:“What's missing?”学生注意力高度集中,急于表现自己,识记的效果就会很好。
2. “左邻右舍”游戏学生准备好已经学过的字母卡片,教师出示一个字母,让学生找出它的左邻右舍,请找到的几个学生快速把字母拿到讲台上站在相应的位置上,其余的学生一起认读这几个字母。

自然拼读发音ChantA A A, /æ/ /æ/ /æ/, /æ/ /æ/ a nt, /æ/ /æ/ a pple. (舌头抵住下牙齿,张大嘴巴)B B B, /b/ /b/ /b/, /b/ /b/ b oo k, /b/ /b/ b a g. (双唇紧闭后突然分开让气流出来,声带震动)C C C, /k//k//k/, /k//k/ c a t, /k//k/ cr ayo n.(舌后抬起,形成阻碍让气流出来,不振动) DDD, /d//d/ /d/, /d/ /d/ d o g, /d/ /d/ d u ck.(舌尖抵住上牙齿突然分开让气流出来,声带震动)E E E, /e/ /e/ /e/, /e/ /e/ e l e ph a nt, /e/ /e/ e gg. (嘴吧比-i-张更大,声带振动)F F F, /f//f//f/, /f//f/ f a ce, /f//f/ f oo t.(上齿轻咬下唇,送气,声带不振动)G G G, /g//g//g/, /g//g/ gr ee n, /g//g/ g i ft. (舌后抬起,形成阻碍让气流出来,振动)H H H, /h/ /h/ /h/,/h/ /h/ h a nd, /h/ /h/ h i. (嘴唇微张送气出来,声带不振动)I I I, /ɪ//ɪ//ɪ/,/ɪ//ɪ/ i n,/ɪ//ɪ/ i t. (嘴唇微张舌尖抵住下齿,声带振动)J J J, /dʒ//dʒ//dʒ/, /dʒ//dʒ/ j ee p, /dʒ//dʒ/ j u mp. (嘴唇噘起,像“举”) K K K, /k//k//k/, /k//k/ K a te, /k//k/ k i te.(舌后抬起,形成阻碍让气流出来,不振动)L L L, /l//l//l/, /l//l/ l e g, /l//l/ l o ng.(嘴唇微张,舌尖抵住上牙齿,声带震动)M M M,/m//m//m/, /m//m/ m u m,/m/ /m/ m i lk.(双唇紧闭,发鼻音,声带震动) NNN, /n//n//n/, /n//n/ n o se, /n//n/ n oo dles.(双唇微张,舌尖抵住上齿,发鼻音,声带震动)O O O, /ɒ/ /ɒ/ /ɒ/ , /ɒ/ /ɒ/ o n, /ɒ/ /ɒ/ o r a nge.(嘴唇张开略圆不突出,发音短促) P P P, /p//p//p/, /p//p/ p i g, /p//p/ p e n. (双唇紧闭后突然分开让气流出来,声带不震动)Q Q Q, /kw//kw/ /kw/, /kw/ /kw/ qu ee n, /kw/ /kw/ qu ie t.R R R, /r//r//r/, /r//r/ r e d, /r//r/ r i ce. (舌尖向上齿龈后部卷起,不要贴住)S S S, /s//s//s/,/s//s/ s i x,/s/ /s/ S a r ah.(上下齿轻轻闭合,送气,声带不振动)T T T, /t/ /t/ /t/,/t/ /t/ t i g er,/t/ /t/ t e n. (舌尖抵住上牙齿突然分开让气流出来,声带不震动)U U U, /ʌ//ʌ//ʌ/, /ʌ//ʌ/ u mbr e ll a, /ʌ//ʌ/ u nd er. (嘴巴微张,舌尖抵住下齿,振动) V V V, /v//v//v/, /v//v/ v e t, /v//v/ v e st. (上齿轻咬下唇,送气,声带振动)W W W, /w//w//w/, /w//w/ w e t, /w//w/ w a t er.(双唇圆缩)X X X,/ks/ /ks/ /ks/,/ks/ /ks/ f o x, /ks/ /ks/ b o x. (声带不振动)Y Y Y, /j//j//j/, /j//j/ y e ll ow, /j//j/ y o-y o. (嘴唇微开,舌尖抵住下齿,像“也”) Z Z Z, /z//z//z/, /z//z/ z oo, /z//z/ Z i p.(上下齿轻轻闭合,送气,声带振动)a-e, /eɪ/, /eɪ/ /eɪ/ /eɪ/, /k/ /eɪ/c a k e, /f/ /eɪ/f a c e. (发原本的音)i-e, /aɪ/, /aɪ/ /aɪ/ /aɪ/, / l / /aɪ/ l i k e, /k/ /aɪ/ k i t e. (发原本的音)o-e, /əʊ/,/əʊ/ /əʊ/ /əʊ/, /n/ /əʊ/ n o s e, /k//əʊ/ C o k e. (发原本的音) u-e, /ju:/,/ju:/ /ju:/ /ju:/, /k/ /ju:/ c u t e, /m/ /ju:/ m u t e. (发原本的音) -e, /i:/,/i:/ /i:/ /i:/, /h / /i:/h e, /w/ /i:/w e. (发原本的音)sh, /ʃ/, /ʃ/ /ʃ/ /ʃ/, /ʃ/ /ʃ/ f i sh, /ʃ/ /ʃ/sh e(双唇圆圆噘起,上下齿轻闭,不振动) ch,/tʃ/, /tʃ/ /tʃ/ /tʃ/, /tʃ/ /tʃ/ Ch i na, /tʃ/ /tʃ/ ch air(双唇圆圆噘起,像发出“曲”,声带不振动) th, /θ/, /θ/ /θ/ /θ/, /θ/ /θ/ th i n, /θ/ /θ/ th a nk(牙齿轻咬舌尖,送气,声带不振动) th, /ð/, /ð/ /ð/ /ð/, /ð/ /ð/ f a th er, /ð/ /ð/ m o th er(牙齿轻咬舌尖送气,声带振动) tr, /tr/, /tr/ /tr/ /tr/, /tr/ /tr/ tr y, /tr/ /tr/ tr ee(双唇圆圆噘起,先发t再发r的发音) dr, /dr/, /dr/ /dr/ /dr/, /dr/ /dr/ dr y, /dr/ /dr/ dr aw(双唇圆圆噘起,先发d再发r的发音)。

26个英文字母chantAA, a, baby, baby, very very happy.A, a, cake, cake, I can make.A, a, face, face, mouth, nose, eyes.BB, b, book, book, Read the book.B, b, ball, ball, a Ping Pong ball.B, b, bear, bear, Your home’s there.CC, c, cat, cat. Do you want to catch a rat?C, c, carrot, carrot, good food for a rabbit.C, c, card, card. Play it in the yard.DD, d, dog, dog, a barking dog.D, d, duck, duck, Donald Duck.D, d, deer, deer, Mum’s here?EE, e, he, he. Who is he?E, e, she, she. What is she?E, e, we, we. Where are we?FF, f, fish, fish, jump and splash.F, f, flower, flower, Send her a flower.F, f, fire, fire. Cook on the fire.GG, g, gate, gate. Open the gate.G, g, garden, garden. Pardon? Who’s in the garden? G, g, goat, goat, wearing a woolen coat.HH, h, hand,hand.Shake hands with your friends.H, h, hat, hat. Cover the cat.H, h, hen, hen. Can you use a pen?II ,i , bike, bike, what’s it like?I, i, rice, rice. Smells nice.I, i. kite, kite. Looks nice.JJ, j, jelly, jelly, here comes Kelly.J, j. jam. Jam. I like it on the hamJ, j . juice, juice. Cold and nice.KK, k, key, key. Have you got a key?K, k, kid, kid. Don’t drop the lid.K, k, kitchen, kitchen. Mum’s in the kitchen.LL, l, leg, leg. An egg has no leg.L, l, letter, letter. Write Santa a letter. L, l, light, light. The room is bright.MM, m, map, map. Travel with a map.M, m ,moon, moon. We see no moon at noon. M, m, man, man. Who’s that man?NN, n, nest, nest. It’s a bird’s nest.N, n, nut, nut. It’s h ard to cut.N, n, nurse, nurse. Here is your purse.OO , o ,coke, coke. Drink it cold.O, o, nose, nose, on your face.O , o ,rose, rose, in the vase.PP, p, pen, pen. I have ten.P, p, pig, pig. You are so big.P, p, pear, pear. Here’s a pear.QQ, q, quilt, quilt, sheet, pillow, quilt.Q, q, quarter, quarter, a quarter of a meter. Q, q, question, question. May I ask a question?RR, r, rabbit, rabbit. Eat the carrot.R, r, river, river. A boat is on the river.R, r, red, red. Roses are red.SS, s, slide ,slide. Play on the slide.S, s, snow, snow. It’s white, I know.S, s, salad, salad. Make one for Dad.TT, t, tea, tea. Let’s have tea.T, t, table, table. Sit at the table.T, t, tin, tin, cookies in the tin.UU, u, pupil, pupil, a lovely pupil.U, u, music, music. Listen to music.U, u, tube, tube, a test tube.VV, v, vase, vase, made of glass.V, v, vest, vest, put on your vest.V, v, violin, violin. Which box is it in?WW, w, wall, wall. The wall is going to fall. W, w, wave, wave. Give mum a wave.XX, x , box, box. Put the dog in the box.X, x, fox, fox, a young ox and an old fox.YY, y, sky, sky, kites in the sky.Y, y, fly, fly, high they fly.Y, y, dry, dry. The socks are dry.ZZ, z, zoo, zoo, animals’ school.Z, z, zebra, zebra. Look at my camera. Z, z, zipper, zipper. Zip is zipper.。

小学英语c h a n t知识歌HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】《小学英语chant知识歌》第一部分一、英语字母知识歌英语字母26字母又分大小写一般情况用小写特殊需要才大写书写字母成斜体,元音字母有5个,a、e、i、加o、u 辅音字母有21,字母表要牢记!二、问候语知识歌我是I你是you,介绍自己I’m…见面问好说hello告别时goodbye你好吗How are you?我很好,谢谢你:I’m fine, thank you.并且问:And how are you ?回答说:I’m fine too, thank you.我也很好,谢谢你三、颜色知识歌颜色是colourred红色,green绿蓝色blue,yellow黄back,white是黑白pink粉,purple紫,还有橙色orange四、数字知识歌One two three point to the door Four five six point to the windowSeven eight nine tenjump and skipeleven 是十一twelve 是十二数字number牢牢记五、教室和学具知识歌classroom 是教室door 和window是门窗desk书桌chair椅书本book包bagI am pupil小学生要用pencil要用penblackboard teacher 用六、家庭成员知识歌Dad Mum是爸妈,Father mother父母亲哥哥、弟弟brother姐姐、妹妹sister爷爷、外公grandpa奶奶、外婆grandma uncle叔叔,aunt婶七、家人职业知识歌教师teacher 学问深Doctor 医生本领大Nurse护士把针打Driver司机开着car 农民farmer 力气大Policeman 是警察小学生Pupil Engineer工程师八、身体部位知识歌身体body部位多头发hair,头head眼睛eye, nose鼻耳朵ear, mouth嘴眉毛eyebrows要记清顺着neck往下数胳膊arm,腿leg膝盖 knees 脚foot 还有小手是hand九、形容事物知识歌this这个,that那they是他们,是复数大的big,small小高的tall,矮short短是short长是long瘦的thin胖fat又“宽”又“长”wide, long一“新”一“旧”new, old形容事物常用到十、你、我、她、他知识歌我是I你是you, they是他们是复数我的my,你的your女“她”she,男“他”he女“她的”要用her,男“他的”用his 十一、a、an 用法知识歌a、an用法有区别开头字母发元音表达“一个“要用an常见词有这些:一个鸡蛋an egg一个苹果an apple一个桔子an orangeAn orange dog橙色的狗,an hour一小时常见词语要牢记十二、一日三餐知识歌breakfast是早餐,bread面包,milk奶,一个鸡蛋an egg lunch lunch是午餐,多吃蔬菜vegetablefruit水果,meat肉经常食用身体好dinner晚餐,两个“n”想吃米饭rice想吃面条noodles三餐知识记得好,想吃什么说什么!十三、动物知识歌小猫cat 狗dog老虎tiger 狮 lion大象elephant 猴monkey熊猫panda 龙dragon变色蜥蜴chameleon飞的小鸟是bird十四、一般疑问句知识歌一般疑问句朗读用升调回答方式有两种肯定回答、否定答哪词提问哪词答举例子来说明Is it a dragon? Yes, it is. No, it isn’t.(用is来提问的就用it来回答)Do you like meat? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.(用do来提问的就用do来回答)Does Daming like bananas? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.( 用does来提问的就用does来回答)十五、季节与天气知识歌weather天气变化多春、夏、秋、冬各不同Spring warm kite春天温暖放风筝Summer hot swim夏天炎热去游泳Autumn cool 去play秋天凉爽去踢球Winter cold watch TV冬天寒冷看电视阳光明媚是sunny天气阴霾cloudy刮风windy下雨rainSnow飘飘年来到第二部分十六、英语音标知识歌英语音标48元音音标有20辅音音标有28元音又分单和双单元音12个双元音有8个十七、“一周”单词知识歌Sunday Monday Tuesday周日、周一和周二Wednesday Thursday Friday周三、周四和周五最后一天Saturday这是西方排序法十八、月份知识歌Count 数数 month 月January 一月 February 二March 三月 April 四五月、六月 May 、JuneJuly 七月 August 八 september 是九月October 十月份11月份November12月DecemberTwelve months12个月十九、主格、宾格知识歌主格you,宾格you主格I,宾格me主格he,宾格是him主格she,宾格her我们we,宾格是us二十、描述性格知识歌好的,友善nicea nice teacher 你喜欢I am clever, you’re naughty我是聪明,你淘气She’s shy, he’s cool女的害羞,男的酷Sister is cute,妹妹是个小可爱二十一、“三弹、两拉、一敲打”知识歌Play the guitar 弹吉他Play the zither 弹古筝Play the piano弹钢琴Play the erhu 拉二胡Play the vilion拉提琴Play the drum把鼓敲弹拉器乐要加theMusic是音乐Classical是古典Pop pop 是流行二十二、交通工具知识歌交通工具分三种天上飞的记一个地上跑的记5种水中游的分大小天上飞的是plane地上跑的小车car还有大车是truck长长铁轨火车train公共汽车是busTaxi,taxi 招手停小的boat水中划大的ship海中游二十三、有关方向的知识歌east 东方west西south南方north北东西南北不迷路left 左边right右foreward前面 backward后前后左右要记清第三部分二十四、判读句型知识歌判断句型看时间:过去、现在和将来“过去”有:last year是去年, last month上个月,last week 是上周,last day前一天,“last”单词表“过去”,yesterday是昨天Today 、now表现在;将来有:tomorrow是明天next year是明年, next month月,next week是下周, next day第二天,“ next”单词表将来二十五、“人称和系动词”的关系歌只有I用am,过去式I wasShe、 he、it共is,过去式:she was, he was, 还有一个it wasYou, we, they都用are,过去式:you were、we were和they were见了then在那时,yesterday是昨天,要用动词过去式所有的last都这样,千万别把原形用!二十六、“like to”“want to”知识歌小学阶段两个‘to’:‘,like to、want to’ ,后面都加动原形Like没有带上to,动词加上ing二十七、助动词do、does 知识歌助动词do,doesdo的过去式did,does的过去式did原形be又分三,is ,am表示单,表达复数要用areis过去式was,am过去式wasare的过去式:四个字母were二十八、现在进行时知识歌现在进行时表示“正在做”“is、am、are”其中选一个再加“动词ing”两部分都不缺才是表达正在做举个例I am listening to music二十九、比较级知识歌形容词比较级第一种直接加er或者只加r第二种双写字母加er,像big,双写g加er(big ger)像fat,双写t加er(fat ter),像hot双写t加er (hotter)瘦的thin,双写n加er(thin ner)第三种特殊记,good、well是betterbad比较是worse单独点出nice ,cute,比较级只加r,(nicer ,cuter )三十、“动词过去式”变化知识歌英语一般过去时动词要用过去式一般情况加ed,如play---play ed,,如listen----listen ed2是有e只加d,如live---live d3是双写字母加“ed”如drop双写p加ed(drop ped)stop双写p加ed(stop ped)skip双写p加ed(skip ped)4是特殊变化要记清如come变c a me,如take变took,如buy变bought遇见meet变met跑是run,变成ran;去是go变wentis、am变was, are的过去式四个字母werehave、has变had, do和does变did三十一、名词变复数知识歌名词分为可数,不可数,可数名词有复数1、一般情况加s、apple s、pear s、boy s and girl s2、后面有‘s’‘x’两个‘ss’,‘ch’,这种名词要加‘es’如bu s---buses bo x---boxes cla ss, gla ss后面都加‘es’(class es, glass es)手表wat ch复数es,读作watches3、复数是本身,只需记3个:sheep绵羊,people人,还有小鹿是deer.4、不可数名词单独记:喝的有milk牛奶,water水,还有饮料是juice;吃的有 rice米饭meat肉,还有面包bread三十二、how many, how much 区别歌How many, how mach 有区别How many 提问可数词How mach 提问不可数How much 还是多少钱提问价钱“how much”这词俩意要牢记三十三、物主代词知识歌物主代词分两种:形容词性,名词性My---mine your ----yours女“她的”her---hers男“他的”his---his “他们的”their---theirs这词特殊要牢记前面是“形”(形容词性物主代词)后面“名”(名词性物主代词)三十四、特殊疑问词知识歌What“什么”who是“谁”Where “哪里”when“时间”询问“怎样”要用how这些单词有规律:五个“w”加“h”三十五、there be 句型知识歌There be 句型分两种‘T here is’‘there are’There is 表示“有”, is 后面跟单数There are 表示“有”,are 的后面跟复数不可数名词作单数,‘is, are’中选‘is’ (there is)三十六、“过去有”知识歌There was there were 都是表示“过去有”There was 后面跟单数,there were 后面跟复数“过去没有”加not,there wasn’t, there weren’t wasn’t、weren’t是缩写wasn’t后面用单数,weren’t后面用复数三十七、国家、首都知识歌常见国家中、英、美澳大利亚、加拿大还有一个日本国China 首都是BeijingEngland 是LondonAmerica 首都WashingtonAustralian Canberra澳大利亚----堪培拉Canada 首都OttawaJapan首都Tokyo按国分人知识歌中、英、美、日、加拿大按照国籍把人分Chinese 中国人English 英国人American 是美国人Japanses日本人加拿大人Canadian三十八、传统节日知识歌Spring Festival 是春节挂灯、包饺、放鞭炮Lantern Festival 元宵节舞龙看灯吃元宵Women’s Day 三八节Labor Day 五一节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节日划龙舟Children’s Day 是六一Army Day 建军节Mid-Autumn Festival中秋团圆吃月饼National day 国庆节十月一日新中国Nea Year’s Day 元旦节阳历新年第一天目录问候语知识歌颜色知识歌数字知识歌室和学具知识家庭成员知识歌家人职业知识歌身体部位知识歌形容事物知识歌你、我、她、他知识歌an\ a、an用法知识歌一日三餐知识歌动物知识歌一般疑问句知识歌季节与天气知识动词过去式变化歌英语英标知歌识一周单词知识歌月份知识歌主格宾格知识歌描述性格知识歌三弹两拉一敲打知识歌交通工具知识歌判断句型知识歌人称和系动词的关系歌助动词do 和does的知识歌现在进行时知识歌比较级知识歌“动词过去式”变化知识歌名词变复数知识歌how many, how much 区别歌物主代词知识歌特殊疑问词知识歌there be 句型知识歌过去有”知识歌国家、首都知识歌传统节日知识歌。

26个字母的英语儿歌一A for apple,B for boy,C for car, andD for dog,E for elephant,F for frog,G for glass,H for hand,I for igloo,J for jelly,K for kiwi,L for lemon,M for monkey,N for nose.O for orange,P for pig,Q for question,R for rainbow,S for snake,T for tiger,U for umbrella,V for vase,W for watch,X for xylophone,Y for yo-yo,Z for zebra.26个字母的英语儿歌二B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P Q R S T UV W X Y ZNow you heard my A B C现在你听了我唱的字母歌tell me what you think of me告诉我你觉得怎么样A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P Q R S T UV W X Y ZNow you heard our A B C现在你听了我们唱的字母歌let us hear your A B C让我们来听你唱吧all together sing with me大家一起跟我唱let us try our ABC我们一起唱字母歌A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P Q R S T UV W X Y ZNow you heard our A B C现在你听了我们唱的字母歌let us hear your A B C让我们来听你唱吧26个字母的英语儿歌三Alphabet song 歌词A B C D E F GH I J KL M NO PQR S TU V WX Y ZNow you know your ABC现在你知道ABC怎么唱了every body sings with me每个人都和我一起唱吧!26个字母的英语儿歌四字母书写有规律,右倾五度正合适。

26个字母英语歌合集A collection of 26 alphabet English songsLearning the alphabet is one of the first steps in language acquisition for children. To make this process more engaging and fun, there are numerous alphabet English songs available. These songs are not only educational but also entertaining, making it easier for children to remember the letters of the alphabet.One popular collection is the 26 alphabet English songs. Each song is dedicated to a specific letter of the alphabet, with lyrics that highlight words starting with that letter. This collection is a fantastic resource for parents, teachers, and caregivers who want to introduce the alphabet to young learners.Starting with the letter "A," the songs take children on a musical journey through the entire alphabet. The catchy tunes and rhymes make it easy for children to memorize the sequence of letters. The songs often incorporate actions and gestures that further enhance the learning experience. This multisensory approach helps children remember the letters and their corresponding sounds.The 26 alphabet English songs collection is designed to cater to the needs of different learning styles. Some songs focus on the pronunciation of the letter, while others emphasize the letter's appearance and formation. This variety ensures that children with different learning preferences can benefit from the collection.Additionally, the songs in this collection often introduce words that start with the featured letter. This helps expand children's vocabulary and introduces them to new words and concepts. For example, the song for the letter "B" may introduce words like "ball," "bird," and "banana." The repetitive nature of the songs also aids in reinforcing the letter-sound associations and word recognition.Using music as a teaching tool has proven to be highly effective. Research has shown that music enhances memory and cognitive abilities. When children engage with the 26 alphabet English songs, they not only learn the alphabet but also develop theirauditory and linguistic skills. Furthermore, the rhythmic patterns and melodies stimulate the brain and promote language development.Moreover, the 26 alphabet English songs collection is not limited to young learners. Older children, who are learning English as a second language, can also benefit from these songs. The catchy tunes and repetitive lyrics make it easier for non-native speakers to remember the alphabet and improve their pronunciation.In conclusion, the 26 alphabet English songs collection is a valuable resource for anyone teaching the alphabet to young learners. These songs combine education and entertainment, making the learning process enjoyable and effective. By incorporating actions, gestures, and a variety of learning styles, the collection caters to the needs of diverse learners. Whether it is for native English speakers or non-native English learners, the 26 alphabet English songs provide a fun and engaging way to learn and remember the alphabet.。

26个英文字母英文儿歌一、字母歌歌词A B C D E F GH I J K L M NO P QR S TU V WX Y ZNow you see, I can say my A B C二、字母发音1. A:[ei],发音时,由[e]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
2. B:[bi:],双唇紧闭,然后突然放开,让气流冲出,声带振动。
3. C:[si:],发音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量接近,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
4. D:[di:],舌尖抵住上齿龈,形成阻碍,然后舌尖突然下降,使气流冲出口腔,声带振动。
5. E:[i:],舌尖抵下齿,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
6. F:[ef],上齿轻轻接触下唇,然后吹气,使气流从唇齿间通过,声带振动。
7. G:[dʒi:],发音时,舌身压低并后缩,舌尖不抵下齿,舌身后缩至舌尖不抵下齿,舌身尽量向软腭抬起并振动声带。
在单词中有时发[g],如go(去);有时发[d ʒ],如giraffe(长颈鹿)。
8. H:[eitʃ],气流不受阻碍,自由呼出,声带不振动。
9. I:[ai],由[a]滑向[i],舌尖抵住下齿,舌身向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形。
例如ice cream(冰淇淋),ice(冰)。
10. J:[dʒei],发这个音时,舌尖抵住下齿,舌面前部向硬腭尽量抬起,嘴唇向两旁伸开,成扁平形,声带振动。

26个字母发音及对应单词的chant英文版26个字母发音及对应单词的chantA is for apple, a-a-aB is for Ball, b-b-bC is for Cat, c-c-cD is for Dog, d-d-dE is for Elephant, e-e-eF is for Fish, f-f-fG is for Gorilla, g-g-gH is for Hat, h-h-hI is for Iguana, i-i-iJ is for Jet, j-j-jK is for Kangaroo, k-k-kL is for Lion, l-l-lM is for Monkey, m-m-mN is for Nose, n-n-nO is for Octopus, o-o-oP is for Penguin, p-p-pQ is for Queue, q-q-qR is for Rhino, r-r-rS is for Snake, s-s-sT is for Tiger, t-t-tU is for Umbrella, u-u-uV is for Vase, v-v-vW is for Whale, w-w-wX is for X-ray, x-x-xY is for Yak, y-y-yZ is for Zebra, z-z-zNow you know the sounds of all the letters in the alphabet, and the words they make! Practice this chant often to improve your pronunciation and vocabulary skills.中文版26个字母发音及对应单词的顺口溜A是苹果,a-a-aC是猫,c-c-cD是狗,d-d-dE是大象,e-e-eF是鱼,f-f-fG是大猩猩,g-g-g H是帽子,h-h-hI是鬣蜥,i-i-iJ是喷气式飞机,j-j-j K是袋鼠,k-k-kL是狮子,l-l-lM是猴子,m-m-m N是鼻子,n-n-nO是章鱼,o-o-oP是企鹅,p-p-pQ是队伍,q-q-qR是犀牛,r-r-rS是蛇,s-s-sU是雨伞,u-u-uV是花瓶,v-v-vW是鲸鱼,w-w-wX是X光,x-x-xY是牦牛,y-y-yZ是斑马,z-z-z现在你知道字母表中所有字母的发音和它们构成的单词了!经常练习这个顺口溜,以提高你的发音和词汇能力。

26个英文字母chantAA, a, baby, baby, very very happy.A, a, cake, cake, I can make.A, a, face, face, mouth, nose, eyes.BB, b, book, book, Read the book.B, b, ball, ball, a Ping Pong ball.B, b, bear, bear, Your home’s there.CC, c, cat, cat. Do you want to catch a ratC, c, carrot, carrot, good food for a rabbit. C, c, card, card. Play it in the yard.DD, d, dog, dog, a barking dog.D, d, duck, duck, Donald Duck.D, d, deer, deer, Mum’s hereEE, e, he, he. Who is heE, e, she, she. What is sheE, e, we, we. Where are weFF, f, fish, fish, jump and splash.F, f, flower, flower, Send her a flower.F, f, fire, fire. Cook on the fire.GG, g, gate, gate. Open the gate.G, g, garden, garden. Pardon Who’s in the garden G, g, goat, goat, wearing a woolen coat.HH, h, hand,hand.Shake hands with your friends.H, h, hat, hat. Cover the cat.H, h, hen, hen. Can you use a penII ,i , bike, bike, what’s it likeI, i, rice, rice. Smells nice.I, i. kite, kite. Looks nice.JJ, j, jelly, jelly, here comes Kelly.J, j. jam. Jam. I like it on the hamJ, j . juice, juice. Cold and nice.KK, k, key, key. Have you got a keyK, k, kid, kid. Don’t drop the lid.K, k, kitchen, kitchen. Mum’s in the kitchen.L, l, leg, leg. An egg has no leg.L, l, letter, letter. Write Santa a letter. L, l, light, light. The room is bright.MM, m, map, map. Travel with a map.M, m ,moon, moon. We see no moon at noon.M, m, man, man. Who’s that manNN, n, nest, nest. It’s a bird’s nest.N, n, nut, nut. It’s hard to cut.N, n, nurse, nurse. Here is your purse.OO , o ,coke, coke. Drink it cold.O, o, nose, nose, on your face.O , o ,rose, rose, in the vase.PP, p, pen, pen. I have ten.P, p, pig, pig. You are so big.P, p, pear, pear. Here’s a pear.QQ, q, quilt, quilt, sheet, pillow, quilt.Q, q, quarter, quarter, a quarter of a meter. Q, q, question, question. May I ask a questionR, r, rabbit, rabbit. Eat the carrot.R, r, river, river. A boat is on the river. R, r, red, red. Roses are red.SS, s, slide ,slide. Play on the slide.S, s, snow, snow. It’s white, I know.S, s, salad, salad. Make one for Dad.TT, t, tea, tea. Let’s have tea.T, t, table, table. Sit at the table.T, t, tin, tin, cookies in the tin.UU, u, pupil, pupil, a lovely pupil.U, u, music, music. Listen to music.U, u, tube, tube, a test tube.VV, v, vase, vase, made of glass.V, v, vest, vest, put on your vest.V, v, violin, violin. Which box is it inWW, w, wall, wall. The wall is going to fall. W, w, wave, wave. Give mum a wave.XX, x , box, box. Put the dog in the box. X, x, fox, fox, a young ox and an old fox.YY, y, sky, sky, kites in the sky.Y, y, fly, fly, high they fly.Y, y, dry, dry. The socks are dry.ZZ, z, zoo, zoo, animals’ school.Z, z, zebra, zebra. Look at my camera.Z, z, zipper, zipper. Zip is zipper.。

Unit 1 A-Let's talk.英语课文翻译Hello, I’m Miss White.你好,我是怀特小姐。
Hello, I’m Wu Yifan.你好,我是吴一凡。
Hi, I’m Sarah.你好,我是萨拉。
Unit 1 A-Let's chant.英语课文翻译I have a ruler. Me too!我有一把尺子。
我也有!I have a pencil. Me too!我有一支铅笔。
我也有!I have a crayon. Me too!我有一支蜡笔。
我也有!I have an eraser. Me too!我有一块橡皮。
我也有!Unit 1 A-Let's sing.(英文歌曲)中英对照A B C song字母歌Aa-Bb-Cc-Dd-Ee-Ff-Gg,Aa—Bb—Cc—Dd—Ee—Ff—Gg,Hh-Ii-Jj-Kk-Ll-Mm-Nn,Hh—Ii—Jj—Kk—Ll—Mm—Nn,Oo-Pp-Qq,Rr-Ss-Tt,Oo—Pp—Qq,Rr—Ss—Tt,Uu-Vv-Ww-Xx-Yy-Zz.Uu—Vv—Ww—Xx—Yy—Zz。
Xx-Yy-Zz, now you see, I can say my ABCs.Xx—Yy—Zz,现在你看,我会说我的ABCs。
Unit 1 B-Let's talk.英语课文翻译Hello, I’m Mike. What’s your name?你好,我是迈克。
你叫什么名字?My name’s John.我叫约翰。
Goodbye!再见!Bye, Miss White.再见,怀特小姐。
Unit 1 B-Let's check-Listen and number.英语课文翻译1. Miss White: Hello, I’m Miss White.1. 怀特小姐:你们好,我是怀特小姐。
Boys and girls: Hello, Miss White!孩子们:你好,怀特小姐!2. Zoom: Hello! I’m Zoom.2. 祖姆:你好!我是祖姆。
小学英语《Unit 1 It's the ABC song》优质教案、教学设计

Module 1 Unit1 It's the ABC Song一、Teaching aims(教学目标)1.知识目标:(1)全体学生能理解词汇song,TV,favourite。
(2)全体学生能掌握26 个英文字母的发音,会唱字母歌。
2.能力目标:(1)全体学生能初步运用词汇song,TV, favourite.(2)全体学生能够运用26 个字母唱英文歌曲。
二、important points(教学重点)(1)能够听懂并说出26 个英文字母。
(2)学唱英文歌三、Difficult points(教学难点)能根据英文字母表对英文字母进行排序。
四、Teaching aids(教学准备)字母卡片、人物图片、奖励贴纸、课文动画、PPT。
五、Teaching procedures(教学过程)Step1.Warm up(1) GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Goodmorning , Miss Li.T: How are you today?Ss: I’m fine, thank you. And how are you?T: I’m fine too. Thank you.(2)sing a song.(唱一首歌,学生边唱边做动作。
)T: Do you like sing songs? Ss:yes!T: Then let’s sing a song together.Step2.Presentation(新课呈现)(1)活动一内容导入T: Are you happy today? Ss:Yes!T: Today there is someone also very happy. (教师拿出Lingling 的头像问学生)Who is she?Ss: She’s Lingling.T: yes. Lingling is very happy today. Do you know why? (让学生思考一下再给出答案。

a.He’s Mr Green.
a.Mr 先生 a.green绿色的 Green 格林
a.Mr Green b.格林先生
a.Tip:在英语国家与人交往时 , 直呼其名或者直言其 b. 事都是不太礼貌的。通常人们都把Mr , Miss等 c. 称谓语加在姓或姓名前 , 以示尊重。 d.●Mr用于男子的姓或者姓名前 , 意思是〞先生”。 e.●Miss用于未婚女子的姓或者姓名前 , 意思是〞小姐 f. 〞女士”。
1 pencil/:pencil/ (名词) 铅笔 2 pen/pen/〔名词〕钢笔 3 ruler /'r u ː l ə/ (名词直尺 4 crayon/k reɪən/(名词)彩色蜡笔(或粉铅笔) 5 pencil box 铅笔盒
点击〞新词展示” , 跟 我一起学词汇吧 !
小喇叭朗读开始 了 , 点一点音箱 ,
1.What’s this ?
1.pencil /pen s l/(名词) 铅笔
复数形式 : pencils 例句 : Jenny has four pencils.珍妮有四支铅笔
2.pen /pen/ (名词)钢笔 复数形式 pens
这是询问某人有多少物品及其回答的句型。此句为how many引导的特殊 疑问句,用来询问可数名词的数量。how many后跟可数名词复数形式。 句型结构: How many + 可数名词复数形式 + do you have? 回答: I have + 数量 + 物品. 如:How many toy cars ?你有多少玩具汽车 ?I have four.我有四辆.

根据新课程标准的要求,激发小学生学习英语的兴趣是小学阶段英语教学的重要任务之一。 小学阶段是儿童获得语言的关键时期,而小学生活泼好动,注意力易发生转移,但模仿能力强、爱唱爱跳。歌曲和童谣节奏感强,琅琅上口、容易背诵,这些特点符合小学生的认知特点和身心发展的要求。它们使教学变得生动、丰富,使枯燥的语言知识变得有趣。另外,经常唱英语歌曲、说英文童谣,有助于小学生形成良好的语音、语调,使他们对英语的重音、节奏有一个初步的认识。学生们和老师一起快乐地唱着歌,不知不觉地就学习了语言和常识,由此获得的知识,不易忘记, 具有相当的持久性。
One ,two , three, four, six, seven, eight ,nine, ten
two,two,go to the zoo.
three,three,swim in the sea.
Spitting, spitting, would you mind?
Are you sleepy in class? E-I-E-I-O And,no,no, I’m awake in class . E-I-E-I-O I’m awake, I’m awake. I said I was not worried. I’m not worried about study. E-I-E-I-O
Sunday ,Monday ,Tuesday ,
Wednesday,Thursday, Friday ,

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A, a, baby, baby, very very happy.
A, a, cake, cake, I can make.
A, a, face, face, mouth, nose, eyes.
B, b, book, book, Read the book.
B, b, ball, ball, a Ping Pong ball.
B, b, bear, bear, Your home’s there.
C, c, cat, cat. Do you want to catch a rat?
C, c, carrot, carrot, good food for a rabbit.
C, c, card, card. Play it in the yard.
D, d, dog, dog, a barking dog.
D, d, duck, duck, Donald Duck.
D, d, deer, deer, Mum’s here?
E, e, he, he. Who is he?
E, e, she, she. What is she?
E, e, we, we. Where are we?
F, f, fish, fish, jump and splash.
F, f, flower, flower, Send her a flower.
F, f, fire, fire. Cook on the fire.
G, g, gate, gate. Open the gate.
G, g, garden, garden. Pardon? Who’s in the garden? G, g, goat, goat, wearing a woolen coat.
H, h, hand,hand.
Shake hands with your friends.
H, h, hat, hat. Cover the cat.
H, h, hen, hen. Can you use a pen?
I ,i , bike, bike, what’s it like?
I, i, rice, rice. Smells nice.
I, i. kite, kite. Looks nice.
J, j, jelly, jelly, here comes Kelly.
J, j. jam. Jam. I like it on the ham
J, j . juice, juice. Cold and nice.
K, k, key, key. Have you got a key?
K, k, kid, kid. Don’t drop the lid.
K, k, kitchen, kitchen. Mum’s in the kitchen.
L, l, leg, leg. An egg has no leg.
L, l, letter, letter. Write Santa a letter. L, l, light, light. The room is bright.
M, m, map, map. Travel with a map.
M, m ,moon, moon. We see no moon at noon. M, m, man, man. Who’s that man?
N, n, nest, nest. It’s a bird’s nest.
N, n, nut, nut. It’s hard to cut.
N, n, nurse, nurse. Here is your purse.
O , o ,coke, coke. Drink it cold.
O, o, nose, nose, on your face.
O , o ,rose, rose, in the vase.
P, p, pen, pen. I have ten.
P, p, pig, pig. You are so big.
P, p, pear, pear. Here’s a pear.
Q, q, quilt, quilt, sheet, pillow, quilt.
Q, q, quarter, quarter, a quarter of a meter.
Q, q, question, question. May I ask a question?
R, r, rabbit, rabbit. Eat the carrot.
R, r, river, river. A boat is on the river.
R, r, red, red. Roses are red.
S, s, slide ,slide. Play on the slide.
S, s, snow, snow. It’s white, I know.
S, s, salad, salad. Make one for Dad.
T, t, tea, tea. Let’s have tea.
T, t, table, table. Sit at the table.
T, t, tin, tin, cookies in the tin.
U, u, pupil, pupil, a lovely pupil.
U, u, music, music. Listen to music.
U, u, tube, tube, a test tube.
V, v, vase, vase, made of glass.
V, v, vest, vest, put on your vest.
V, v, violin, violin. Which box is it in?
W, w, wall, wall. The wall is going to fall. W, w, wave, wave. Give mum a wave.
X, x , box, box. Put the dog in the box.
X, x, fox, fox, a young ox and an old fox.
Y, y, sky, sky, kites in the sky.
Y, y, fly, fly, high they fly.
Y, y, dry, dry. The socks are dry.
Z, z, zoo, zoo, animals’ school.
Z, z, zebra, zebra. Look at my camera.
Z, z, zipper, zipper. Zip is zipper.。