
2019-2020 学年第一学期译林版七年级上册英语期末复习重难点整理复习提优训练一、单项选择1. Which o f the under l ined l e t t e r s "oo" has a d i f fe ren t sound?A. foo tB. noon C . coo l D. too th2. —Sandy , _______ app le on the t abl e i s fo r you . Have i t be fore you go to bed .— Thanks , Mu m. ______ app le a day keeps the doc tor away .A. an ; An 3. Jim’s house is made _____wood and his bedroom is______ the second floor.A. of ; in B . f rom; on C . o f ; onB. the ; AnC. an ; TheD. the ; TheD. f rom; in4. We 'l l have the Term Ending Ceremony ______ 2:30 __________ the a f t e rnoon o f 18 January .A. a t ; in B . a t ; on C . on; in D . on; on5. Young ch i ld ren canno t __________ f i reworks i f the i r pa ren t s a re no t wi t h them.A. th ink abou t 6. There ______ some bread in the k i t chen . You can have some.A. have B . has C. a re 7.—Which o f the t wo apples a re you going to t ake?—I am go ing to t a ke___. One i s fo r m y bro ther and the o the r i s fo r myse l f . We can ea t____m ea l s .A. bo th ; be tween B . bo th ; a m ong C. al l ; be tween D . a l l ; a m ongB. ta lk o fC. f ind ou tD. le t o f fD. i s8. --What do you t hink o f these th ree ha i r c l ips?--________ o f them are n ice . I 'l l t ake t hem.A.EveryB.EachC.Al lD.Both9.--What would you l ike to o rder?--Le t me have a look a t the ________ , p lease .A.bookB.d ishC.menuD.pla te10.—________ do you ce lebra te Chinese New Year?—Al l my fami l i es ge t toge ther and have a b ig d inner .A.WhyB.WhatC.Ho wD. Where11. The ac t iv i ty i s _______. And we send _______ to the ch i ld ren in poor areas .A. enough meaningfu l , enough foodC. mean ingfu l enough , enough foodB. enough meaningfu l , food enough D. mean ingfu l enough , food enough 12.Danie lA.a lways 13.Which o f the fol lowing cities isn’t a capital city?A.Pai r sB. London plays compute r games now because he i s busy wi th h i s a f t e r -school ac t iv i t i es . B. usua l lyC. of tenD. se ldomC. New YorkD. Moscow14. —What ______ b ig f i sh i t i s !—So i t i s ! And ______ f i sh i s my favor i t e food .A. /; /B. a ; theC. /; theD. a ; /15.—______ do you take ______?—Every day . And I am very hea l thy .A. How of ten ; exerc i seB. How long ; exerc i ses D. How many; exerc i sesC. How much; exerc i se 16. It’s polite to__________ the door first before you go into someone else’s room.A. f ind ou t B . knock on C . shout a t D. look fo r17.—The passage i s easy . There a re ____ new words in i t .—Yes, but I don’t think ______can understand it.A. few; anyoneB. a few; anyoneC. few; everyoneD. a few; everyone18.In the baske t ___________a p iece of mea t and some t o matoes .A. hasB. haveC. i sD. a re19. I hope_______t o my b i r thday par t y nex t F r iday .A. them to comeB. they to comeC. them can comeD. they can come20. ―My trousers fit me wel l . What a bout ________?―Mine are too small. I’d like to buy a new _________.A. you ; oneB. yours ; oneC. yours ; pa i rD. you ; pa i r21. — ________ m y purp le g loves?— They a re n ice .A. What do you l ike abou tB. How do you th i nk of D. What do you th i nk ofC. What do you l ike22. —________your b ro ther f ree a t weekends?— No. He______ has much homework to do . A. I s ; a lways B. Does ; a lways C. Does ; se ldom D. I s ; se ldom23. —The new k ind of b ike i s more t han 5000 yuan .—Yes . Good th ings a lways _______ m uch.A. pay 24. My paren t s and I ______ l ike ea t i ng wes te rn food .A. a re a l l B . a l lB. spendC. cos t C. bo thD. takeD. a re bo th25. —Who i s ___________ boy over the re?—He i s To m. He l i kes read ing . He i s read ing ___________ use fu l book .A. the ; an 26. The shopping mal l near our school _________ fo r 12 hours a day . I t _________ a t 9:00 p .m..A. opens ; c loses B . opens ; i s c losed C . i s open ; i s c lose D . i s open ; c l oses27.Lucy’s desk is_____ the classroom and Lily is s tand i ng _____of he r desk now.B. a ; anC. the ; /D. the ; aA. in f ron t o f ; in f r ont o fB. in the f ron t o f ; i n the f ron t o f D. in the f ron t o f ; i n f ron t o fC. in f ron t o f ; in the f ron t o f 28._____students can work out the maths problem on time because it’s too difficult.A. Lots o f 29.To m l ives 3 k i l o mete rs_____ school , so he mus t ge t up ea r ly in the morn ing .A. f rom B . f a r away f rom C . awayB. MuchC. FewD. A fewD. fa r away30. The Spring Festival is usually____January or February and it’s often cold_____this time of year.A. in ; onB. a t ; inC. in ; a tD. on ; a t31. Can you he lp me __________ when the t ra in l eaves?A. look fo rB. f indC. th ink o fD. f ind ou t32. —Do you know ______the Yangt ze River i s?—More than 6,300 k i lomete rs .A.how fa rB. how longC. how manyD. how of ten33. Everyone ge t s a g i f t packe t and i t ______a T-sh i r t and a map .A. matches B . i s match ing C . inc ludes 34. I th ink you ________ your l i f es ty l e . Ea t l e ss and exerc i se more .D. i s inc lud ingA. need keepB. need to keepC. need changeD. need to change35. Look! Mol ly wi th he r baby dogs ___________ on the g rass in the sun. How love ly!A.l i eB.l i e sC.i s ly ingD.a re ly ing36. Our PE teacher _________ an o range T-sh i r t and b lue j eans today. He l ooks younger.A.i s pu t t ing onB.i s wear ingC.i s hav ingD.i s t ry ing37. It’s about 1 a.m. There are very__________ people in the street and cars are running fast.A .few B.a few C.m uch D. many38.一The job real ly ____________you, To m my.一Yeah,I love i t!And i t makes my dream _____________t rue.A.f i t s;to come C.f i t s;comeB. matches;come D. matches;to come39. ___________of my paren t s l ike me very much. ___________ o f us in m y fami ly a re f r i e ndly.A. Al l; Bo thB. Bo t h; Al lC. Al l; Al lD. Both; Both40.I am a me mber o f the ________ Club. Look,in the p i c ture,I am scor ing a goa l.A. Footba l lB.MathsC. Read ingD. Swim ming二、词汇运用1.We can see some (hero) pho tos on the wal l. We should l ea rn f rom them.2. Dr ink ing too much co la i s bad fo r our________(too th).3. To m my i s no t ________(in te res t)in go ing on a p icn i c, he l ikes go ing for a pa r ty.4.Ca thy speaks very good Engl i sh, because she p rac t i ces ________ (speak)Engl i sh wi th he rf r i end in the US A every day.5. Sandy’s boots are ________ (make) of leather. She looks modern in them.6.— Ho w many (r ad io)a re the re in your home?— Only one.7. More and more people beg in to love _________(现代的) a r t.8. There a re a l l k inds o f ________(围巾) in the clothes shop. I don’t know which one to buy.9.To m fee l s i t ve ry (舒适的)to l ive in the house wi th a s wi m ming pool.10. The price of the CDs isn’t(昂贵的),I wan t to buy them.11.(地理)i s an in te rest ing sub jec t,I l ike i t ve ry much.12.—Can you te l l me the (原因)fo r your be i ng la te fo r school?—Sor ry,I go t up l a te th i s morn ing.三、完成句子1.李华和大卫都是运动俱乐部的成员,他们篮球打得很好。

一、选择题(每题1分,共5分)1. What is the meaning of the word "family"?A. A group of people who are related to each otherB. A group of friendsC. A group of animalsD. A group of plants2. Which of the following is a correct sentence?A. I am a student.B. I am a student, aren't I?C. I am a student, am I?D. I am a student, am not I?3. What is the correct way to ask for permission?A. Can I go to the bathroom?B. May I go to the bathroom?C. Should I go to the bathroom?D. Would I go to the bathroom?4. Which of the following is a question word?A. HowB. WhyC. WhatD. All of the above5. What is the correct way to say "I don't have any money" in English?A. I have no money.B. I don't have money.C. I haven't money.D. I don't have any moneys.二、判断题(每题1分,共5分)1. True or False: "Hello" is a greeting in English.2. True or False: "Thank you" is a way to say "please" in English.3. True or False: "Goode" is a way to say "see you later" in English.4. True or False: "Yes" and "no" are question words in English.5. True or False: "I am happy" is a sentence in English.三、填空题(每题1分,共5分)1. The word "book" has _______ letters.2. The word "apple" has _______ syllables.3. The word "school" starts with the letter _______.4. The word "teacher" ends with the letter _______.5. The word "student" has _______ vowels.四、简答题(每题2分,共10分)1. What is your favorite subject in school? Why?2. Describe your best friend.3. What do you usually do on weekends?4. What is your favorite season? Why?5. What is your dream job? Why?五、应用题(每题2分,共10分)1. Write a sentence using the word "play".2. Write a question using the word "where".3. Write a sentence using the word "like".4. Write a question using the word "how".5. Write a sentence using the word "because".六、分析题(每题5分,共10分)1. Analyze the sentence: "She is a good teacher."2. Analyze the question: "What is your name?"七、实践操作题(每题5分,共10分)1. Draw a picture of your family and label each member.2. Write a short dialogue between two friends talking about their favorite hobbies.八、专业设计题(每题2分,共10分)1. 设计一个英语单词拼写游戏,包括游戏规则和示例。

2018-2019人教版七年级英语上册期末复习单项选择100题( ) 1. Do you have _____ ping-pong balls? I want to play _____ ping-pong.A. 不填; theB. the; theC. the; 不填D. 不填; 不填( ) 2. Jane goes to school _______ her brother.A. ofB. withC. toD. about( ) 3. Mike is my uncle's son. _______ are cousins.A. TheyB. WeC. TheirD. Our( ) 4. —Do you like this game? —No, it's _______.A. boringB. funC. goodD. great( ) 5. Jenny, let's _______ Tom for the interesting storybook.A. to askB. asksC. askD. asking( ) 6. —Does your father have a baseball? —_______. He likes playing it.A. Yes, he doesB. No, he doesn'tC. Yes, he hasD. No, he hasn't( ) 7. Mom, this is my _______ Anna. We are in the same class.A. teacherB. cousinC. classmateD. sister( ) 8. We know Bill _______ an English dictionary.A. don't hasB. don't haveC. doesn't hasD. doesn't have( ) 9. I like the red hat, _______ my parents _______.A. and; aren'tB. but; aren'tC. and; don'tD. but; don't( ) 10. —Jack, what about going to the library? —_______.A. You're welcomeB. Have a good dayC. That sounds goodD. Nice to meet you ( )11. Emma has ______ ping-pong ball, and she can play ______ ping-pong well.A. a; theB. the; 不填C. the; theD. a; 不填( )12. I go to school ______ my brother Mickey.A. toB. forC. withD. under( )13. —Does Mary ______ a ping-pong bat? —No, she ______.A. have; don'tB. have; doesn'tC. has; don'tD. has; doesn't( )14. Jack and John ______ there to have a class.A. goB. goesC. comeD. comes( )15. I don't have a black pen, ______ Gary ______.A. and; doesB. and; doesn'tC. but; doesD. but; doesn't( )16. This is my ______, and his desk is next to mine in the classroom.A. classmateB. teacherC. motherD. uncle( )17. We can go to Julie and Karen's room to play computer games with ______.A. theyB. themC. sheD. her( )18. Max, let's ______ Jimmy for the interesting books.A. askB. askingC. asksD. to ask( )19. —The game is at 10:00. Don't be ______, Jane. —OK, Ms. Smith.A. tidyB. welcomeC. lateD. fine( )20. —Sally, what about going to the classroom? —______.A. You're welcomeB. Have a good dayC. Nice to meet youD. That sounds good( ) 21. —What do you usually have for _____ breakfast? —Milk and _____ egg.A. a; anB. 不填; theC. a; theD. 不填; an( ) 22. The boys in our school _______ basketball and they play it after school. A. like B. likes C. don't like D. doesn't like( ) 23. Ben eats two _______ and drinks (喝) some ______ in the morning.A. hamburgers; orangesB. hamburgers; orangeC. hamburger; orangeD. hamburger; oranges( ) 19. —Does your sister like the red hat? —_____. She likes the blue one. A. Yes, she does B. Yes, she likes C. No, she doesn't D. No, she doesn't like ( ) 20. Let's have some _______ and _______.A. tomato; chickenB. tomato; chickensC. tomatoes; chickenD. tomatoes; chickens( ) 21. Who's that girl? Ms. Green wants _______ her name.A. knowB. knowingC. knowsD. to know( ) 22. We know Mary likes fruits and milk _______ dinner.A. forB. withC. onD. about( ) 23. Alice is a _______ girl and I know her _______.A. well; goodB. well; wellC. good; wellD. good; good( ) 24. They like apples, _______ they don't like bananas.A. andB. butC. soD. or( ) 25. —Let's do some sports after school. —OK. _______ playing basketball?A.How aboutB. What'sC. Why notD. Who's( ) 26. —What do you like for lunch? —I like _____ chicken and ____ burgers.A. a; aB. a; 不填C. 不填; aD. 不填; 不填( ) 27. We eat two ______ and some ______ after dinner.A. ice-cream; strawberryB. ice-creams; strawberriesC. ice-cream; strawberriesD. ice-creams; strawberry( ) 28. —What can we do next? —Let's think ______ it.A. forB. toC. inD. about( ) 29. I like soccer ______ ping-pong, ______ I don't like tennis.A. and; andB. and; butC. but; andD. but; but( ) 30. John wants ______ the basketball for his brother.A. to getB. getC. to playD. play( ) 31. Sally is a ______ girl and I know her ______.A. good; goodB. well; wellC. well; goodD. good; well( ) 32. I like fruit and I always eat ______. A. them B. it C. they D. these ( ) 33. Jane and her sister ______ fat, and they ______ like sports.A. is; aren'tB. are; don'tC. is; don'tD. are; aren't( ) 34. —Is the girl your friend? —Yes, you are ______.A. fineB. niceC. boringD. right( ) 35. —Let's watch TV this evening. —OK. ______?A. What about playing volleyballB. How about the sports gamesC. How are the sports gamesD. How are ball games( )36. Helen wants to buy a schoolbag _______ her brother.A. forB. toC. onD. of( )37. These shoes are very nice. I'll _______ them.A. callB. wantC. takeD. like( )38. His T-shirt _______ white and his shorts _______ yellow.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; areD. are; is( )39. —What's the _____ of the white skirt? —It's 115 yuan.A. colorB. priceC. numberD. name( )40. That chicken burger _______ good. I really want to eat it.A. seesB. watchesC. sellsD. looks( )41. Those two _______ of trousers _______ Ben's.A. pair; isB. pair; areC. pairs; isD. pairs; are( )42. The sweater is too small. I want a _______ one.A. bigB. shortC. greatD. tidy( )43. These _______ are nice.A. big red skirtsB. red big skirtsC. big red skirtD. red big skirt( )44. You can buy these great socks _______ a very good price.A. inB. underC. atD. about( )45. —Lucy, this is your baseball. _______. —Thank you.A. I like baseballB. Let's goC. It's not mineD. Here you are( )46. I want to buy this cup ___ my mom. A. for B. to C. on D. with ( )47. I like these pens and I'll ______ them.A. sellB. takeC. wantD. help( )48. What about this T-shirt? It ______ nice on you.A. seesB. watchesC. soundsD. looks( )49. My shoes ______ brown. This new pair of blue shoes ____ my sister's.A. is; isB. is; areC. are; isD. are; are( )50. This jacket is too big for me. I need a ______ one.A. shortB. smallC. blackD. white( )51. These ______ are on sale, and I want to buy one for my mother.A. nice black skirtB. black nice skirtC. nice black skirtsD. black nice skirts( )52. Let's go to the bookstore. We can get books _____ a very good price.A. inB. atC. ofD. about( )53. —Who are these ______? —They're Jessica's ______.A. woman; auntB. woman; auntsC. women; auntD. women; aunts( )54. —______? —Yes, I want some apples.A. Can I help youB. Are those applesC. Where are applesD. What can I do for you ( )55. —Jack, this is your jacket. ______ —Thank you, Mom.A. Let's go.B. Where is it?C. Here you are.D. What color is it?( )56. They have _____ school trip and _____ art festival this month.A. a; aB. a; anC. an; anD. an; a( )57. David, is your birthday _______ December?A. inB. ofC. onD. for( )58. —When is your mother's birthday? —_______ on May 5th.A. I'mB. She'sC. They'reD. It's( )59. The two women are _______ mothers.A. Mike and Jane'sB. Mike's and JaneC. Mike's and Jane'sD. Mike and Jane ( )60. There are ____ months in a year and December is the ____ month.A. twelve; twelveB. twelve; twelfthC. twelfth; twelfthD. twelfth; twelve ( )61. —Is Mary's grandma very _______? —Yes, she is 88 this year.A. oldB. fatC. funD. tidy( )62. We have a New Year's _______ next week. Can you come?A. bagB. cardC. testD. party( )63. —_______ do Jack and Ben play ping-pong? —After school. A. Who B. When C. Where D. How( )64. _______ Bill _______ English Day this week?A. Do; haveB. Do; hasC. Does; haveD. Does; has( )65. —Happy birthday to you, Lucy. —_______.A. Happy birthdayB. I seeC. Thank youD. I'm fine( )66. We have ______ Sports Day and ______ art festival in our school.A. 不填; aB. 不填; anC. an; anD. an; a( )67. English Day is ______ September. A. in B. at C. on D. for ( )68. —When is Lucy's birthday? —______ next week.A. It'sB. That'sC. She'sD. He's( )69. My grandparents are so _____. My grandpa is 92 and my grandma is 89. A. tidy B. nice C. good D. old( )70. ____ comes after January. A. February B. March C. April D. May ( )71. Ms. Black has ______ sons, and the ______ son is a sports star.A. three; threeB. three; thirdC. third; thirdD. third; three( )72. This is ______ room and it's so big.A. Jack's and Nick'sB. Jack and NickC. Jack's and NickD. Jack and Nick's ( )73. —Let's go to the New Year's ______ this afternoon. It's in Jenny's room.—Sounds good. A. time B. store C. party D. trip( )74. —I will go to Suzhou. —______A. See you.B. Have a good time!C. What about it?D. How much is it?( )75. —Happy birthday, Grace. —______.A. Thank youB. I'm fineC. You're welcomeD. The same to you( )76. Mike needs _______ hour to play soccer.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填( )77. They are in Guangzhou _______ one week.A. atB. ofC. forD. on( )78. Sally likes Monday _______ her favorite subject is on Monday.A. afterB. butC. becauseD. so( )79. I think this dictionary is _______. I want to buy it.A. boringB. difficultC. longD. useful( )80. Today our first _____ is art. A. lesson B. party C. festival D. term ( )81. —What time does your school ____ every day? --At 5:30 in the afternoon.A. goB. meetC. comeD. finish( )82. —What _______ do you like? —I like science.A. subjectB. colorC. sportD. trip( )83. —What ____ your grandma _____ for dinner? —Fruit and vegetables. A. do; have B. does; have C. do; has D. does; has( )84. —_____ is the woman in the picture? —She is my art teacher, Miss Lin. A. Who B. How C. Where D. When( )85. —Mr. Smith's class is very interesting. —___. We all like to take his class.A. You, tooB. That's for sureC. Thank youD. Have a good time( )86. You have ______ hour to watch TV.A. aB. anC. theD. 不填( )87. Linda has a trip this week and it's ______ Saturday morning.A. atB. inC. forD. on( )88. We ______ history and math this afternoon.A. playB. seeC. needD. have( )89. I don't like this CD ______ it's boring.A. becauseB. butC. soD. after( )90. —You look ______ in this black sweater. —Thank you.A. coolB. fatC. tidyD. short( )91. ______ comes after Saturday.A. SundayB. MondayC. TuesdayD. Thursday( )92. —______ do you like this book? —Because it's interesting.A. WhereB. WhyC. WhatD. When( )93. It's our first day of school and we have ______ 1.A. LessonB. ClassC. the LessonD. the Class( )94. The dictionary is ______, so you can buy it.A. boringB. smallC. usefulD. difficult( )95. —The baseball game is great. —_____. Boys in my family all love it.A. Thank youB. That's for sureC. It's very nice of youD. Have a great time ( )96. Thanks ______ the photo_______ your family.A. for, ofB. of, forC. for, onD. of ; on( )97. Uncle Wang ______ two daughters. They______ very nice.A. have, are B, haves; is . C. has, are D. has, is( )98. -Who is that woman? - She is Mrs. White, _________ mother.A. Jim and Mary B Jim's and Mary's C. Jim and Mary' s D. Jim's and Mary( )99. My friend Rose likes oranges. But she ______ apples and bananas.A. don't likeB. don't likeC. doesn’t likesD. doesn’t like( )100. -Excuse me. When is the English party?-It’s_______8;40 a. m.______ Monday morning.A. at, inB. at, onC. on, inD. in, at。

七年级上册英语专项练习—选择填空()1.——Hi!My name’s Gina,what’s your name?—-—______.A. My name Linda B。
She is Mary C. His name’s Mike D. I’m Kate ( )2.——Are Miss Liu? –No, ______.A。
you,I am B. your,I'm not C. you,I amn’t D. you,I’m not( )3.--What’s your ______ number?—It’s 232—4672.A. photoB. potato C。
phone D. e-mail( )4.Her______name is Smith, you can call her Smith.A。
family,Mr B。
last,Miss C. first,Mrs D。
last,Mr( )5.Please call Emma _______ 85984215. A。
in B. to C. of D. at ()6.——What's that in English?—- _______。
A. It's an UFOB. That’s a ring C。
It is a orange D。
It’s an ID ()7. _______ do you spell your name?—-J—O—H-N。
Can B。
How C. What D. Why()8.Are these her dictionaries? Yes,_______ .A. these areB. they areC. they're D。
we are()9._______ they? They’re my grandparents.A。
who is B. who are C. How are D。

七年级英语下册期末基础专项练习班级考号姓名总分Units 1~4一、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。
1.Listen! Someone is (唱歌)in the next room.2. Her home is the closest to school, so she often (走路)to school.3.f Mike works hard, his (梦想)will come true.4. (规则) on the popular game have come out to protect minors(未成年人).5.I have to get up e in the morning to catch the bus, or I will belate for school.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1.Amy practices (play) the piano for over two hours every day.2.-How does your English teacher go to the school?- She usually (drive) to the school.3.-Excuse me, could you please tell me where I can get some food (quick)?- Sure,there is a restaurant on Center Street.4. All the family members are busy getting ready for my father's (forty) birthday party.5.Beijing Opera brings to life many ancient (story) that help shape Chinese culture.三、翻译句子。

A.She’s from England B。
She likes pandas. C。
She is a teacher。
()2. A。
He’s tall。
He’s eating. C.He’s in China.()3. A.I’d like some dumplings. B. Thank you。
C.In a shop。
( )4。
A.Great B。
Big C.Tall( )5。
A.He’s interesting. B。
He likes English C。
He has short hair。
( )6。
I go to school. B。
We are students。
I went to New York City。
(共4小题,每小题1分;计4分)A B C D7.____________ 8____________ 9____________ 10____________三、听对话,根据对话内容和问题选择正确答案。
He works in a shop。
B. He works in a bank. C。
He works in a restaurant.()12 A. An actor. B。
A teacher。
A nurse。
()13 A.He is doing his homework。
(期末复习专题卷)人教版英语7年级上册专题03 阅读理解

【期末复习专题卷】人教版英语七年级上册专题03阅读理解一、阅读单选Alice is a nice girl.She lives in London.She studies(学习)in a middle school.She gets up at six every day.She likes learning English.She is a bright(聪明的)girl.She draws well. After school,she often reads newspapers(报纸)with her grandmother.At seven o’clock in the evening,Alice has dinner at home.Every evening at eight she does her homework and she goes to bed at half past nine.1.Alice lives in________.A.London B.New York C.Canada D.China 2.What does Alice like doing?A.She likes reading storybooks.B.She likes singing.C.She likes reading Chinese.D.She likes learning English. 3.Alice is a________girl.A.short B.tall C.lazy D.bright 4.What does Alice often do after school?A.She draws pictures.B.She watches TV.C.She reads newspapers with her grandmother.D.She does her homework.5.What time does she go to bed?A.At8:00.B.At9:30.C.At6:30.D.At7:30.My name is Robert and I have a good friend.Her name is Lisa.She is friendly and kind. We go to the same school.Her favorite subjects are math and geography.I prefer biology and history.We live in the same street.I have two brothers and she has two sisters,Fiona and Julie. She was born in America but her parents are both English.Her father worked in Australia when she was born.He is a doctor(医生).Her mom is beautiful.She has long blonde curly hair and green eyes.Lisa has dark hair and blue eyes.On weekends we often go to the shopping center and have some coffee or ice-cream. Sometimes,we go to the cinema.We both love funny movies.In summer,I go to the beachand Lisa goes to the mountains because her parents have a nice house there.6.What are Lisa’s favorite subjects?A.Math and history.B.Math and geography.C.Biology and history.D.Biology and geography.7.Lisa was born in__________.A.China B.England C.Australia D.America 8.The underlined word“prefer”means“__________”in Chinese.A.证明B.研究C.更喜欢D.讨厌9.Which of the following is NOT true?A.Robert and Lisa study in different schools.B.Lisa’s father is a doctor.C.Lisa’s mother is beautiful.D.Robert and Lisa love funny movies.10.What’s the best title(标题)for the passage?A.My good friend B.Lisa’s family C.My weekends D.Lisa’s favorite subjectsHello,my name is Alice.Do you want to know something about Chinese food?In China, there are many different kinds of food.Some of them are popular.Among them,dumplings (饺子)are the real Chinese food.Everyone in China likes dumplings very much,and there are many different kinds of dumplings.Some have beef and vegetables in them,and some have eggs and carrots in them. But I love eating dumplings with vegetables and pork(猪肉).Usually people make dumplings at home.If you have no time to make them,you can buy them in a supermarket.Then you take them home and eat them with vinegar(醋).The Spring Festival is very important in China.When it comes,we make dumplings,and usually we put a coin(硬币)in a dumpling.We think that if one eats the dumpling with the coin in it,he can be lucky in the new year.Welcome to China.I’ll ask you to eat the real Chinese food:dumplings.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。

初一英语(上册)期末复习试题集锦一一.单选题1. –What’s that?-- .A. It’s a AaB. It’s AaC. An AaD. Its Aa2. –How are you?--I’m , thank you.A. fineB. FineC. goodD. five3. Good morning !A. mr wangB. mr LinC. Mr ChenD. Mr chen4. Can spell names?A. you, youB. their, theyC. they, theyD. they, their5. –What ?--It’s 12.A. Class are you inB. is eleven and oneC. is thisD. number is your telephone二.任务型阅读, 先填写对话, 后根据句子填表.Mike: What’s 1 name?Tom: My 2 is Tom. And what’s 3 4 ?Mike: I’m 5 .Tom: How 6 are you?Mike: I’m 10. Are you 7 , too?Tom: No, I’m 9. What c lass 8 9 in?Mike: I’m in Class 2, Grade 2.三.阅读理解This is an English boy. His name is Jim Green. He is eleven. His school is No.2 Middle School. He is in Class 2, Grade 1. He is Number 5. He is in Row 3. Team 6. Miss Gao is his English teacher. She is a woman. Li Ying is not here. She is at home. Li Ying is Jim’s friend.( ) 1. The boy’s name is Jim Green.A. EnglishB. AmericanC. Japanese( ) 2. This is No. Middle School.A. TwelveB. TwoC. Six( ) 3. His teacher is .A. a girlB. a manC. a woma( ) 4. I think Li Ying is .A. at homeB. not at homeC. at school( ) 5. is Jim’s friend.A. Li MingB. GreenC. Li Ying四.用人称代词I, you, she, he, it填空.1. Lucy is a girl. is ten .2. This is Mr Green. is my teacher.3. That’s a bike. I think is a beautiful bike.4. Are in Grade Two? Yes, am.五. 改错:画出错误并改在横线上.1.It’s a dog. I don’t know it’s name.2.–How are she? --She is fine.3.Is that man your sister?4.My father is a teacher. She is 35.5.Is this an apple? Yes, this is.6.How old are your English teacher?六.将下列句子改成一般疑问句.1.Ann is at school today.2.She can speak English.3.I’m in Class 5, Grade 1.4.The woman is my mother.5.Polly is a nice bird.七. 完形填空.Jim is a boy. He is a nice English 1 . He is 2 . He has a cat. 3 name is Mimi. How4 is it? I think5 three. Jim is a student. He is6 school today.7 is here today.( ) 1. A. girl B. man C. boy D. bird( ) 2. A. forteen B. fourty C. fourteen D. fourth( ) 3. A. It’s B. It C. Is D. Its( ) 4. A. fine B. old C. many D. /( ) 5. A. it B. its C. it’s D. is( ) 6.A.at B.in C.on D.of( ) 7. A. Someone B. Everyone C. Nobody D. Something初一英语(上册)期末复习试题集锦二一.单选题:1. Jim and Tom are my classmates. books over there.A. His, areB. Their, areC. Their, isD. He, is2. He is a new student. Can you ?A. look him afterB. look after himC. look after heD. look he after3. I have bag. bag is purple.A. the, TheB. a, AC. the, AD. a, The4. Who’s that man? He’s brother.A.Tony father’sB. Tony’s fatherC. Tony’s father’sD. Tony father5.–This way, please.-- .A. Th anksB. All rightC. That’s OKD. OK6.Is Kate’s cat English Chinese?A. andB. orC. butD. not7.Mum, is my friend Kate. Kate, is my mother.A. she, sheB. that, thatC. this, thisD. this, that二.选择括号中正确的词填空.1. This is a boy. name is Lin Tao. ( He’s, His)2. –Who’s that woman? -- Mrs Wang. (She’s, Her)3. Jim is a boy. twelve. (He’s, His)4. borther is in Grade Th ree. (You’re, Your)5. This is a bird. name is Polly. (It’s, Its)6. I’m a girl. name is Wang Lan. (I’m, My)三.将下列句子变由复数形式.1.He is a Chinese.2.Is that a box?3.What’s it? It’s an apple tree.4.She is at work.5.I am a teacher.四.阅读理解.This is an English boy. His name is Peter. He is twelve. He is in No. 5 Middle School. He is in Class One, Grade Two. Kate is a girl. She is twelve. She is in No. 5 Middle School, too. But she is in Class Two, Grade One. Miss Gao is Kate’s En glish teacher. She is a good teacher. ( ) 1. Peter is boy.A. a EnglishB. an AmericanC. an EnglishD. a Japanese( ) 2. He is .A. twelveB. thirteenC. elevenD. fifteen( ) 3. He is in Middle School.A. No. 5B. No. 6C. No. 7D. No. 8( ) 4. is a girl.A. PeterB. KateC. Miss LiD. He( ) 5. Miss Gao is teacher.A. Jim’sB. Peter’sC. Kate’sD. Mary’s五.完形填空.Today we have 1 students in our school. They are 2 . Their names are Lucy and Lily. Lucy 3 Lily. They look the same. They are 4 . They are in Class 3, Grade 1. They are in the same 5 , too. The students 6 them and they look after them very well. ( ) 1. A. two new B. new two C. one new D. new three( ) 2. A. American B. America C. Americas D. Americanes( ) 3. A. looks B. looks like C. look like D. like( ) 4. A. twin’s sisters B. twin C. twins sisters D. twin sisters( ) 5. A. row B. class C. schools D. grade( ) 6. A. likes B. are like C. like D. look like六.选词填空I’m Jim. I’m English boy. Look, this is Wu Dong. is a Chinese boy. He is a student. He is in No. 8 . He is Class Three, Grade One. Wu Dong isgood friend. He likes English. I like , too. We are in class. Teacher is Miss Zhang. She is a good . We like .七.任务型阅读.阅读短文,完成下面表格.Hi, I am Helen Green. I’m sixteen years old. I’m English. My home is in London. But now I am in Hangzhou with my father and mother. I’m in No.2 Middle School. I’m in Class 1, Grade 2. I have two Chinese friends. They are Li Ming and Li Mei. We are in the same Class. Miss Gao is初一英语(上册)期末复习试题集锦三一.单选题1.That’s nice pen. pen is brown(棕色的).A. a, AB. the, TheC. the, AD. a,2.in the box?–Some eggs.A. W hat’sB. Where’sC. WhatD. Where are3.What’s in the bag? some bananas.A. They’reB. There isC. These areD. There are4.–What’s on the floor?-- a chair on it.A. That’sB. There’sC. Here’sD. It’s5. Please look at photo. It’s photo of my uncle.A. a, theB. the, aC. a, aD. the, the6.There’re two tall trees behind hisA. roomB. houseC. homeD. family7. He in the tree house.A. likeB. likes and playsC. like to playD. play to like8.-- , whose are those coats ? -- , I don’t know.A. Hello, SorryB. Sorry, Excuse meC. Hello, Because meD. Excuse me, Sorry二.用正确的介词填空.1. Who’s duty today?2. What class are they ?3. You look a doctor.4. The ball is the floor.5. Look the book. What’s in it?6. What’s this Chinese?7.Tom is not home. He is school.8. They are the same row.9. Put these pencil your bag. Let’s go.三.在必要的地方填入冠词a, an, the1. –Can you see clock in picture?--Yes, I can.Where is clock?--It’s on wall.2. –What’s that?--It’s eraser.--Is that your eraser?--Yes, it is.3. This is old bus. It’s English bus.4. Li Ling isn’t at school today.She’s at home.5. This is picture of classroom.What can you see in classroom.I can see some desks, chairs and blackboard.6. She is American girl. Her father is in China.四.阅读理解.This Chinese boy is Jack. He’s thirteen. He’s in No. 3 Middle School. He’s in Class Two, Grade One. His good friend is Mike. He’s an English boy. He’s in Jack’s school. He’s in Class One, Grade Two. Mrs Read is an English teacher in their s chool. She’s an English woman. Mike and Jack have a secret-Mike is their English teacher’ son.根据短文内容,选择回答各题的正确答案.( ) 1. Who’s in No. 2 Middle School?A. Mike and Jack.B. We don’t knowC. Jack, Mike and M ike’s mother.( ) 2. What grade in Mike in?A. He’s in Grade One.B. He’s i n Grade Two.C. He’s in Class One.( ) 3. How old is Mike?A. He’s fourteen.B. He’s not fourteen.C. Sorry, I don’t know.( ) 4. Is Mrs Read an English teacher in No. 3 Middle School?A. Yes, she is.B. Yes, she isn’t.C. Mrs Read is.( ) 5. Is Mike their Chinese teacher’s son?A. Yes, he isB. No, he isn’tC. he is此题系励耘精品之《课时导航》初一(上册)第37页第7题改编。

初一年级英语上册单项选择1、---What's her name?--- ZhaoJun.A.His name is B.My name is C.Hername is3、--- everyone here today?---Yes,we are all here.A.Are B.Is C.Am4、-Where is your eraser?--- is in the pencil-box.A.My B.Your C.It D.That5、-Is Alice a doctor?-No,.A.he isn't B.she isn't C.I am not D.she doesn't6、-Thanks a lot.- .A.That's all right B.That is all C.That's right D.No thank7、-What's your name?- .A.Good morning B.I'm fine C.My name is Lucy8、- are those markers?-They are blue.A.What colour B.What C.Which9、Every day we there our friends.A.walk to;and B.walk;with C.walk;by D.on foot;with10、Do you like ?A.vegetables B.vegetable C.eat vegetables D.green vegetable12、-Is the shirt from ?-Yes,it is.A.Li Ming's father B.Li Ming father C.your D.Li Ming's 13、-Is Tom's pencil new or old?- .A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't C.It's new D.It's a new 14、-Do you have any ?A.shorts B.skirt C.hat D.dress15、I like .A.this skirt B.skirt C.blue skirt D.some skirt16、Here17、If your friend two black umbrellas.A.is B.are C.has D.be happy,you happy.A.are;are B.feel;are C.is;are D.feel;feel18、How you feel?you tired today?A.do;is B.are;Are C.do;Do D.do;Are19、Put your right hand in.Don'tout.A.take B.take it C.put D.look20、I my books the bag.A.take;in B.put;in C.shake;with D.put;with 21、Ihave hands andfingers.A.two;two B.two;five C.one;ten D.two;ten 22、Let's asong for you.A.sing B.singing C.give D.like23、How many do you like?A.finger B.fingers C.any fingers D.the fingers24、-____?-It is warm and sunny.A。

七年级英语上册期末基础专项练习班级考号姓名总分Units 1~4(含 Starter)一、根据句意并结合汉语或首字母提示写单词。
1.This is our classroom and (你们的)is across the hall.2.-Knowledge is treasure.- So it is, but practice is the (钥匙)to it.3.This is a (地图)of China.4. Now all the e-bike riders in Ningbo (必须)wear helmets while riding.5.Throwing the litter h and there is a bad habit.6.B is the color of the sky on a fine day.7.The boy in black is my c , my uncle's son.8.The firefighters saved eight people in the big fire, three men and f women.二、用括号中所给词的适当形式填空。
1.It's about one (hour) bus ride from my home to the airport.2.Jenny has found it easy to make (friend) at school.3.The boy got the (one) place in the singing competition.4.It's not my book. It's (her).5.You must (go) to the doctor because your temperature is higher than usual.三、翻译句子。
1.劳驾,这是去车站的路吗?- ,is this the way to the station?2.学生们在学校学习过关于急救的知识。

七年级英语期末模拟试卷笔试部分I. 单项选择(30)( )1. I want to eat some ________.A. milk B。
juice C。
tea D。
hot dogs()2. Give me ________bread and _________orange,please.A. some; an B。
some;a C. some; any D。
a;an ()3. ——-Would you like a small hamburger?-—-_________.A. No,I would like B。
No,I wouldn’tC. No, thanks D。
No,I don’t()4。
-—-_____is your address?-—--56 Tianjin Road.A。
What B. Where C. How D. Who()5. -——-—_________did you go there?—-——By bus。
A. How B。
When C. What time D. Where()6。
I’m _______TV in my room。
watch B. watched C. watches D. watching()7。
The students are _________. They are having classes _______。
quiet; quiet B。
quiet;quietly D. quietly; quiet( )8. Can you see some________ flying kites?A. man B。
woman C。
men D. mans()9. Danny is hungry. He wants__________ a snack。
A. buy B。
to buy C。
buying D。
buys( )10. We write ________of the postcard。

初一英语选择题100 题1.It's cold today. You must the coat.A. take offB. put onC. take downD. put in2.I have two pencils. One is green, and is red.A. oneB. otherC. the otherD. others3.How many eggs in the bag?A. hasB. haveC. is thereD. are there4. me, please.A. ListenB. sayC. Listen toD. talk5.--- day is tomorrow? ---It's Tuesday.A. WhoseB. WhatC. WhichD. When6.Would you like tea?A. someB. aC. anyD. many7. morning she gets up at six. A. Every day B. On every C. In every D. Every8.Don't late next time! A. is B. are C. be D. /9.O h, it's . How are you? A. you B. your C. yours D. he10.Mary doesn't her homework after lunch. A. does B. / C. do D. doing11.----How do you Tuesday? ----Er.T-U-E-S-D-A-Y. A. say B. speak C. talk D. spell12.Write your exercise-books. A. down it in B. it down in C. down it on D. it down on13.The shop "Closed". A. writes B. talks C. says D. speaks14.My favourite school days Friday and Saturday. A. is B. am C. are D. be15.Do you have any coloure pens? Sorry, I don't have . I think he has .A. any...anyB. sone...someC. some...anyD. any...some16.Where is London? It’s in . A. America B. Japan C. English D. England17.Are they from ? A. Australian B. English C. American D. Canada18.One of my from Hangzhou. A. friends are B. friend is C. friends is D. friend are19.You can she likes bananas a lot. A. look B. watch C. see D. to see20.You are a teacher.What about ? A. she B. Li Pin brother C. her D. your21.There much on the table. A. is...bread B. is...breads C. are...bread D. are...breads22.What his friends doing? A. do...likes B. does...like C. do...like D. does...likes23.His son goes to a different school . A. to his B. from him C. from he D. from his24.One of the boys is English. All are Chinese.A. the others boyB. the other boyC. the other boysD. other boys25.I can't the words(单词).They are too small. A. look B. see C. watch D. say26. Alice's brother. A. His B. He's C. Her D. She's27.The map China is the wall. A. on...of B. of...on C. of...in D. of...at28.Some postcards in the box. A. is B. are C. there is D. there are29.Mr John is working Jack. A. with B. to C. at D. and30.Our teacher often talks us English. A. to...on B. with...on C. with...in D. to...at31.Who hard in your class?A.worksB. studysC. workingD. studying32.It's very nice meet you. A. to B. for C. of D. /33.Is the blue cup yours mine? A. and B. but C. for D. or34.are good friends. A. Mike and I B. I and Mike C. Mike and me D. Me and Mike35.It's bus. A. red's B. green C. a blue D. yellow a36.Are here today? A. all we B. all of we C. we all D. all of boys37.Could I have ? A. full one B. a full ones C. full one bottle D. a full one38.Please give abottle of .A.me...orangesB. she...orangeC. him...orangeD. her...oranges39.I want to put in the basket.A. this thingsB. these thingsC. that thingsD. those thing40.The car is full, . A. too...too B. to...too C. too...to D. to...to41.Jim, please come . A. there B. to here C. to home D. here42.It's time to games. We all like games.A. playing...playingB. play...play C .playing...play D. play...playing43.Let . He must go to school. A. he go B. him go C. he to go D. him to go44.I'd like a cup of teA. A. to eat B. to drink C. eat D. drink45.---Thanks very much.--- . A. No thanks B. All right C. You're welcome D. you, too46.Linlin, what's that English? A. in B. at C. for D. with47.Can he a bike? A. to ride B. rides C. riding D. ride48.are they? They are at home. A. What B. How C. Who D. Where49.She often gets late. A. to home B. home C. to here D. to there50.I go to school bike every day. A. in the B. on my C. by the D. by my51.School over at four in the afternoon. A. are B. be C. is D. /52.On way to school she often helps the old man. A. his B. she C. my D. her53.Don't late for class. A. to be B. / C. can't D. be54.What time you and Jim up? A. does...get B. do...gets C. does...gets D. do...get55.He is us. We all like him. A. friend B. friendly C. friend to D. friendly to56.There only bread and rice. We must go to buy some meat. A. are B. is C. be D. have57.Linlin, get the basket! A. shop B. shoping C. shopping D. big shoping58. is this pen? A. How much B. How many C. What D. Who's59.He doesn't want to late for school. A. is B. does C. be D. goes60.The first class at eight o'clock. A. begin B. is beginning C. beginning D. begins61.Miss Gao lunch at school. A. has not B. doesn't has C. don't has D. doesn't have62.She can a little Japanese. A. speak B. say C. speaks D. says63. bread would you like? A. Many B. Much C. How many D. How much64.There are old men over there. A. an B. much C. a lot D. a lot of65.I often buy something to eat on my way . A. school B. to school C. to home D. to shop66.Is this watch? Yes, it's . A. your...mine B. yours...mine C. yours...my D. your...my67.Let him the kite. A. to fly B. flying C. flies D. fly68.I have to do. A. many work B. much works C. much work D. many works69.She is English girl. A. a B. an C. the D. /70.How old you? I ten. A. are...is B. is...am C. are...am D. am...are71.What's that? . A. It is desk B. It is a desk C. This is desk D. That is a desk 72. ------- What does your father do?--- . A. work B. doctor C. He is working D. He’s a worker73.. Are you Miss Sue? ——,I'm mot.A. Sorry...Excuse meB. Excuse me...SorryC. Sorry...SorryD. Excuse me. Excuse me74.? I'm in Class Three. A. Are you in Class Three B. What class you are in? C. Whatclass are you in D. in what class75. These are . A. an egg B. a egg C. their egg D. eggs76. I'm in . A. Class Three, Grade Two B. Grade Two, Class Three C. class three, grade two D. grade two, class three77. Is this ruler? A. he B. his C. you D. /78. Sorry, I 79. Is this a car?No, know. A. am not B. am C. do D. do not. A. it isn't B. it is C. it's D. this is not 80. old she? A. What...is B. What...are C. How...is D. How...are81.This is a birD. name is Polly. A. It's B. Its C. its D. It82. 83. Is this a this?This is Wang Lin. A. Who is B. Who are C. What is D. What are pencil-box? A. she B. her C. your D. /84. They are .A. banana tree B. banana trees C. bananas tree D. bananas trees85.---Is the ship now?---No,it's .A. open,closeB. open,closedC. opened,closedD. opened,close86.Is this ruler or eraser? A. an...a B. A. ..an C. A. ..a D. an...an87.Are these boxes? A. you B. I C. me D. your88. everyone here? A. Is B. Are C. Am D. /89. There aren't many people in the shop Mondays. A. in B. on C. at D. by90. she have breakfast at school? A. Do B. Has C. Does D. Is 91.Look, the boy near the house. A. is siting B. sit C. sits D. is sitting92.Where your father ?A. does...from B. come...from C. are...from D. i s...from93.Would you give to me, please? A. them B. they C. their D. they're94.Do you like basketball? A. play B. playing C. plays D. is playing95.Her sister Japanese at school. A. study B. studying C. studies D. is study96.Does Wang Kai go to bed ten in the evening? A. at B. in C. for D. on 97.Tom every morning. A. cleans his bike B. cleans bike C. clean a bike D. clean bike98.It's time morning exercises. A. do B. does C. to do D. doing99.Do you want to English with me? A. ask B. speak C. talk D. say 100.Who your good friend? A. am B. are C. is D. doesKey:1-5 BCDCB6-10 ADCAC11-15 DBCCD16-20 DDCCC21-25 ACBCB26-30BBBAC31-35 AADAC36-40 CDCBA41-45 DDBBC46-50ADDBB 51-55 CDDDD56-60 BCACD 61-65 DADDB 66-70 ADCBC 71-75 BDBCD 76-80 ABDAC 81-85 BADBB 86-90 BDABC 91-95 DDABC 96-100 AACBC。

第一天:1、He walks after school , but I don't walk , I take a bus.A. his home, to homeB. to his home, to homeC. to his home, homeD. his home, home2、I usually listen to the sports news the radio.A. onB. inC.byD./3、. Our English teacher is very . And we all like .A. fun, heB. funny, heC.fun. himD. funny,him4.Do you know girl two big eyes.A . the;have B.a;have C.a;with D.the;with5.We will go shopping if it tomorrow.A don't rainB didn't fainC doesn’t rainD isn’t rain6. The teachers says we shouldn’t read_comic books.A. much tooB.too muchC. too manyD. many too7.Does Mr. Wu Chinese? 一No, he doesn’t.A.reaches yourB. teach yourC. teach youD. teaches you8. I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. I’m looking forward you there.A.to meetB. meetingC. meetD. to meeting9.—Simon, how are you today? 一I am feeling today. Thank youA.goodB. wellC.betterD. best10. Here are .A. my friends and me C. my friend and meB. me and my friends D. my friends and I11. Jim and his cousin sandy always on Sundays.A. meet to each otherB. meets up each otherC. meet each otherD. meets up with each other12. Kate was born America, October, 1990.A. in, inB. in, onC.in, atD. at,in13. I think Brad Pitt is actor the world.A. a best, onB. a best, inC. the best, onD. the best, in14.Where my glasses? I can't find .A. is, itB. does,itC. are, themD. do,them15.一Can you tell me how to write 14:45?A. Fourteen forty fiveB. Two forty fiveC. Fourteen forty-fiveD. Two forty-five16.Let’s twenty to ten. ?A.meet on;shall weB.to meet at;will youC.meet in;will youD.meet at;shall we17. They know you ,and like you too.A. very much; very muchB. very well; Very wellC. very much; very wellD.very well; very much18. Mother wants the house. Could you please her.A. clean;helpB.clean;to helpC. to clean;helpD.to clean;to help19. of the students in Class 2 looks happy.A . AllB .Each C. Both D.Every20.----Is your brother's name Tom? -----Yes, is.A.its B . he C. she D .it第二天:1、------ you free on Sunday?------Yes . I have too much homework to do at weekends.A. Are ;aren't B Are; don't C.Do;don't D.Do;aren't2、Tony is a quiet student, he is active(活跃的) in classA.soB.andC.butD.or3、---would you like my new school this weekend? -----Yes, .A .to visit; I'd like B.visit;I'd like to C.visit;I'd like D.to visit;I'd like to4、----Excuse me, when the supermarket ?----Early in the morning and it from 8 a.m to 9 p.m.A. does open, opensB. is open, is openC. does open ,is openD. does open,opens5、-----Is your brother's name Tom? ---- Yes , isA .its B.he C.she D.it6、We often talk each other lunchtime.A .to;at B. about;in C.with;at D.about;on7、---Who cooks dinner in your home every day ? -----Mother .A.cooksB. isC.areD.does8、----Do you want to play with us? ------ .A .Thank you very much. B.Yes ,I 'd love toC. No ,I don't think soD. You're welcome9、-----Do you know girl two big eyes? ----Yes, She is my English teacher's dau ghter.A. the ;haveB.a;haveC.a;withD.the;with10、Eating too much is bad you, you are too fat.A .of ;because B. for;because C.for;so D .of ;so11. Do you have homework to do every day?A.a lotB. much C . many D. lots12. Simon knows about English . What about you?A. a lot ofB. a lots of C .a lot D. lots of14.----Excuse me, when the supermarket ?---- Early in the morning and it frome 8 a.m to 9 p.m .A .does open,opens B.is open,is open C.does open,is open D.does open ,o pens15. ----Who you English? ----- Mary .A.teach;doesB. teaches;isC.teaches;doesD.teach; is16.The red dress is very beautiful. It must nice you.A .look;onB .looks; in C.be look; on D.look like; to第三天:1、Eddie eats food every day. Hobo thinks he needs some .A. too much; exercisesB. too many ;exercisesC. too many ;exerciseD. too much; exercise2、----Grandma,I wang to you something about my new friend.----Pardon ? Mille, I can't you well. can you it again?A. tell; hear;say B . talk;listen to; speakC. tell; hear;speak D .talk;listen to; say3、------Can I go to the museum this Sunday?------N o. It only from Monday to Friday.A . opensB . openC . is openD .is opened4、It‘s too early now .The shop at 10 a.m. every daysA .is closed B. closes C.is open D .opens5、-------Do you often chat with your friend at weekends?------- N o. I often watch games .A. on phone; on TVB. on the phone ;on the TVC . on phone; on the TVD . on the phone ;on TV6、----Is your cousin good at ?Yes, .A. swim ; he doesB. swims; he is C . swimming;he is D . swimming;he does7、there interesting news in today’s newspaper?A.Is ;some B . Are; some C.Is; any D.Are ; any8、----- a year do you visit your grandparents ?----- Five or six times. Usually at weekends.A. How often B . How long C. How many times D .How many9、would you please come , please?A. that wayB. this wayC. in the wayD. on the way10、The girl a red sweater is a new student in our school.A . on B.in C.has D.with11、If you can't English, you can the word in Chinese.A .speak; sayB .talk; speak C. speak; tell D. tell;say12、If you want to my new house ,you can come after dinner.A. watchB.lookC.findD. look at13、---Does your uncle usually take the bus to work ?----No ,he usually gets there.A .by bikeB .by the bike C. take the bike D.ride the bike14、---Thank you me clean the room ,Helen.----you are welcomeA .to helpB .to helpingC . for helping D.for help15、Teaching young children is ,but the teachers always .A. a hard work ;hard workB. hard work; work hardC. a hard work ;work hard D .hard work; hard work16、Look, there is sheep on the hill. Whose can it be?A .a few B. few C.a little D.little17、I was born the morning of September 1st.A .in B. of C. at D.on18、If you too late ,the host will be unhappy.A .arriveB .get toC . reachD . arrive at19、----Shall we in the river? -----Sorry ,I can't. What about a film at home?A. swim; watchingB.swim;watchC. swimming ;watchingD.swimming;watch20、----I want to go to school early tomorrow,Mum.----OK. Don't worry. I can at 6:00 in the moring.A. wakes you upB.wake you upC. wake up youD.wake up to you21、Mary's daughter looks good the dress.A.with B .in C .on D.at22. On your way , please bring the books .A . to back ; to home B. back;here C. back; there D. to back;to there23. I hope you to see me soon.A .to comeB .will come C. comes D. are come24. -----Do you know the teacher glasses? ------Oh,he is Mr Wang.A. hasB. wear C .with D .in25、----How ofen do you go to see a film?----- .A . Sometimes B. Some timesC . Some time D.Sometime26. Do you know the teacher long hair?A. hasB. haveC. withD. having27. ----Who is at the meeting? -----Mr Zhang is.A .saying B. telling C. talking D. speaking28. It's cold outside . would you please the window?A . much too ; not open B.much too ; not to openC. too much; not to openD.too much; not open第四天:1、The picture looks . I like it very much .A. interestingB.wellC. nicelyD.badly2、They each a CD in their bags.A. haveB.hasC.isD.are3、the weather in Hangzhou? It 's cloudy.A. How 'sB.WhatC.HowD.What's4、------would you like my new school this weekend? ---- Yes, .A. to visit; I'd likeB. visit; I'd like toC. visit; I'd likeD. to visit; I'd like to5、--- does he go to fly kites?--- a month.A. how long ; one timeB.how soon ; onceC. how often; once timeD.how often; once6. he this film?A.What do ,think ofB. What does , thinks ofC.How is , likeD.How does ,lik e7. Read , and you will get high marks.A.muchB.the mostC.moreD.many8.---My son never reads books at home.A.aB.anC.someD.any9. Don 't eat snacks or meat if you want to keep healthyA. too many; too manyB.too much; too manyC. too much; too muchD.too many; too much10. ---We will have a picnic next week .---- .A . Have a good time B.we will too C. I'm happy to hear it D .Don't for get it11. breakfast ,I usually eat an egg,some bread and a glass of milk.A . AtB .On C.In D .For12.We'd better wait more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon.A .a few B.few C . a little D .little13. This is a secret(秘密) between and .A. I and youB. me and youC. you and ID.you and me第五天:1、Sandy and Amy often chat each other and help each other.A. with ;withB./ ; withC. with ; /D. / ; /2. I plan to get Nanjing the evening October 20.A .to, at ,on B.to, on ,on C.at , in ,on D. to, on ,of3. he this film?A .What do,think of B.What does, thinks of C. How is, like D. How does,like4. Read , and you will get high marks.A. muchB. the mostC. moreD.many5. I enjoy going , But I don't want today.A .shopping ; to shop B. shopping , to shopC. to shopping ;to shop D .to shop ;shopping6. I plan to get some information the Internet this eveing.A . about ,atB . on ,on C.from, / D. for ; /7. She always has a good time .A. playB.playing C .to play D .played8. Would you please basketball with?A .to plaay B. playing C. play D.to playing9. What will you about this thing with us?A. talk B .tell C. say D .speak10. The picture looks . I like it very much .A . interesting B. well C.nicely D .badly11. We 'll have fun in English this term.A . a lot B. lots of C. a lots of D. many12.---My son never reads books at home. What can I do?-----You can try reading books with him.A.aB.anC.someD.any13. Every day Mrs Black is busy and she has housework to do,so she has no time TV.A.much too ;too much ;watchingB. too much; too many; to watchC. too much; too many;watching D .much too ; too much ;to watch14. Our Engiush teacher often says to us , “English well is very important."A. Learning B . Learn C. Learned D. To learning15. I read the newspaper breakfast.A. asB. forC. atD.in第六天:1. Dancing on the piayground makes her great.A . feel B. to feel C. feeling2. Mike doesn't like reading books, but he goes to school library .A . sometime B.some times C. some time D.sometimes3. She likes the building a big garden.A. haveB. hasC. andD. with4. ----Look! How beatiful she looks the dress.----Yes . The dress looks really nice her.A . on ; on B. in ; on C. on ; in D. in ; in5.---- Is it time sports ? -----Yes ,it's time to sports.A . to ; haveB . for ; have C. to have; / D. for; /6. What about ?A. go walkingB. going walkingC. go to walkD. going to walk7. ---- Was your cousin born the evening 31st of January? ----Yes!A. on ; ofB. at ; ofC. in ; onD. in ; of8. I think doing eye exercises everyone .A . is good at B. is good for C . are good at D. are good for9. Everyone in my family TV.A . like watching B. likes watching C. like to watch10. -----What's the time? -----It is 9:00 the morning.A . at ; in B. /, in C. at, / D . /, at11. ----Jim likes to with his friends on QQ . What about you? ----- Me too.A. talkB. tellC. speakD. say12. There are books in our school library and the teachers in it are very us stud ents.A . kind of ; kind to B. kinds of ; kind for C. kinds of ; kind to D . kind of ; kind for13. The boy every day. He has to do morning in the morning.A .exercises; exercise B. exercise; exercises C. exercises; exercises D.exercise; ex ercise 14.14. Harry a little wine and we have some in the party.A. drinks; drink B . drinks; drinks C. drink; drinks D . drink; drink第七天:1、I want my story book. please .A. give me itB. give it meC. give it to meD. give it for me2. Let Simon and friends.A. I beB. I amC. me beD. me are3. Class 3 will have a party the evening of December 31st.A . on B. in C. at D. to4. People usually eat moon cakes and watch the moon the evening Mid-Autumn fes tival.A . on ,at B. in, of C. in, at D. on , in5. Children usually make the lanterns big orange pumkins a knife.A. out of; inB. from; withC. out of, withD. from, in6.----Do you often spend half an hour your homework every day? -----Yes ,I do.A. forB.inC.atD. on7. The boy paints his face reed and blue. I don't know who .A. he isB. is heC. he doesD. can be he8. Don't play tricks your classmaters.A. inB. onC. toD. with9. I am very in the film.A. interesting; interestedB. interested; interestedC. interesting; interestingD. interested; interesting10. Can you help me when the train leaves this afternoon.A. look forB.findC.find outD. watch11. My faamily always a party the evening of my son's birthday.A. have ;inB.has; inC. have; onD. has ; at12. It to be right to buy a new flat in 2012.A. looksB. seemsC. likes D . is like13. Harry a little wine and we have some in the party.A. drinks; drinkB.drink ;drinksC. drinks;drinksD.drink ;drink第八天:1. -- do you like better, the blue one or the green one? --- The blue one.A WhyB . Which C. How D. When2.Would you like more wonderful things at the party?A. to find offB. to find outC.to lookD. finding out3.--- What do we have lunch?--- Some rice and fish. Mother tells us about that breakfast.A. for, atB. at, forC. for , forD. at, at4. His family often tricks on each other April Fool's Day.A. plays, onB. play, onC. play, atD. plays, for5. Tomny, play baskerball in the street next time. Yoy may get bit by a car.A. doB. don'tC. mustD. mustn't6.RT-Supermarket at 9 a.m. and it for 10 hours every weekend.A. opens; opensB. opens; is openC. is open ; opensD.open; is open7. the guest will arrive here the night 1 May.A. at ; ofB. in ; ofC. on, ofD. on, in8. I two yuan for a packet of milk every morning.A . spend B. take C.pay D. cost9. To protect the environment, supermarkets don't free plastic bags for shoppers.A. takeB. showC. provideD. carry10.--- are they going to visit?--- They are going to visit China.A. WhereB. WhatC. what placeD. when11. I am busy my wallet, but I can't it.A. looking for; findB. finding ; look forC. with ; findD. seeing; look for12.There is a new shopping mall Times Shopping Mall near my home.A. are playingB.playC.playingD. to play13. There are ten apples and twelve girls here. So we need apples.A. Still twoB. more twoC. two moreD. two another14. There different kinds of food in the supermarket.A. areB. isC. hasD. have15. This pair of jeans her at all.A. fitB. doesn't fitC. don't fitD. fits16. The shopping mall very early and it after 10:00 p.m.A. opens, closesB. is open, is closedC. opens, is closedD. is open, closes17. ---Do you mind my closing the window?---- . It's much too noisy outside.A. Yes, pleaseB. Of course not.C. All rightD. That's all right18. --- How about nice? ---- Thank you.A. someB. anyC. manyD. two19. --- How long do you think the terrible weather will ?--- Why not listen to the weather report?A. appearB. lastC. changeD. discover20. The is just around the corner and you won't miss it.A.bicycle's shopB. bicycle shopC.bicycle shopsD.bicycles' shop21. ---Can I help you? --- Yes, I'd like .A.two kilos of bananaB.two kilo of bananaC.two kilo of bananasD.two kilos of bananas22. This school is different others.A. offB. fromC. ofD. for23. My favourite blouse me $ 150.A. takes B . spends C. costs D. pays24. --- Are you ready to order ,sir? --- .A. Yes, you are welcomeB. Yes, that 's fineC. some orange juice, pleaseD. That 's OK25.Running in the morning is good for your .A. healthyB. healthC. be healthyD. be health26. can help you stay .A. Do exercise; healthyB. Doing exercise; healthyC.Doing exercises; healthD. Do exercise; health27.--- Excuse me , How can I get to the nearnest bus stop?--- Go down this road . It is about walk.A. five minute'sB.five minutes'C. five -minutesD.five -minute。

2024年人教版初一英语上册期末考试卷一、选择题:5道(每题1分,共5分)1. The word "family" means ________.A. A group of people living togetherB. A kind of animalC. A type of plantD. A brand of clothes2. Which of the following is the correct way to say "I am happy" in English?A. I am happyB. I am happinessC. I am a happyD. I am the happy3. What is the past tense of the verb "eat"?A. AteB. EatenC. EatD. Eats4. How do you spell the word "apple"?A. apleB. appleC. apulD. aple5. What is the meaning of the word "teacher"?A. A person who teachesB. A person who learnsC. A person who writesD. A person who sings二、判断题5道(每题1分,共5分)1. The word "cat" has three letters. ( )2. The past tense of the verb "go" is "goed". ( )3. The word "book" is a noun. ( )4. The word "school" means "home". ( )5. The word "goode" means "hello". ( )三、填空题5道(每题1分,共5分)1. I have a ________.2. She is a ________.3. He is ________.4. The cat is ________.5. The book is ________.四、简答题5道(每题2分,共10分)1. What is your name?2. How old are you?3. What is your favorite color?4. What is your favorite food?5. What is your favorite subject?五、应用题:5道(每题2分,共10分)1. Write a sentence using the word "apple".2. Write a sentence using the word "book".3. Write a sentence using the word "teacher".4. Write a sentence using the word "school".5. Write a sentence using the word "cat".六、分析题:2道(每题5分,共10分)1. Analyze the sentence "I am happy" and explain the meaning of each word.2. Analyze the sentence "The cat is on the table" and explain the meaning of each word.七、实践操作题:2道(每题5分,共10分)1. Draw a picture of your family and label each member.2. Write a short story about your favorite animal.八、专业设计题:5道(每题2分,共10分)1. Design a poster about the importance of learning English.2. Create a conversation between two friends about their favorite subjects.3. Write a short poem about the beauty of nature.4. Draw a map of your city and label the important places.5. Design a brochure for a new school event.九、概念解释题:5道(每题2分,共10分)1. Explain the concept of past tense in English grammar.2. Describe the difference between a noun and a verb.3. Define the term "adjective" and provide an example.4. Explain the purpose of using capital letters in English writing.5. Describe the process of forming plurals in English.十、思考题:5道(每题2分,共10分)1. What is the importance of learning a second language?2. How can you improve your English speaking skills?3. What are some challenges you might face when learning English?4. How can you make learning English more fun?5. What are some benefits of being bilingual?十一、社会扩展题:5道(每题3分,共15分)1. Discuss the impact of technology on language learning.3. How can English language proficiency contribute to career opportunities?4. Discuss the cultural differences that can affect language learning.5. How can language learning promote cultural understanding and tolerance?一、选择题答案:1. A2. A3. A4. B5. A选择题主要考察学生对基础词汇和语法知识的掌握程度。

人教版七年级下英语期末专项复习语法选择专项训练一、单项选择题1. — ____ is your sister?— She is a doctor.A. WhatB. HowC. WhoD. Where2. I usually go to school ____ bus.A. inB. byC. onD. at3. She ______ music, and she _______ basketball, too.A. likes; likesB. likes; likeC. like; likesD. like; like4. — Can you play basketball?— No, I can't. But I can play ______A. the pianoB. chessC. the guitarD. the violin5. My sister and I _______ TV in the evening.A. am watchingB. watchesC. is watchingD. are watching6. — How often do you visit your grandparents?— I ______ visit them once a month.A. alwaysB. usuallyC. oftenD. never7. There _______ a football match this afternoon.A. hasB. is going to haveC. is going to beD. is going to8. — What _____ your cousin doing in the park now?— She ______ a book under the tree.A. do; readsB. is; readsC. is; is readingD. does; is reading9. Tom usually gets up ____ 6:30 ____ the morning.A. at...inB. at...onC. on...inD. on...on10. — _____ you _____ for school every day?— Yes, I often ______.A. Do; walk; doB. Do; walk; do itC. Are; walking; doD. Are; walking; do it二、完形填空题Once upon a time, a beggar (乞丐) went to ask for food at the door of a house. A __11__ woman was cooking lunch. She gave him a piece of bread and a glass of milk. But as the beggar was about to down them, a dog ran up and __12__ his bread away. Next moment, a cat ran up and drank up his milk. The beggar __13__ nothing to do but sit sadly and watch the animals eating the bread and drinking the milk.Suddenly, a little girl __14__ up and saw the beggar watching. She asked the beggar to __15__ to her home. "You can __16__ there," she said. The beggar went with her to her home. The little girl __17__ the poor old man, and the old man __18__ her. The old man became the old woman's husband. And the little girl had a(n) __19__ "father". From then on, the beggar, the old woman and the little girl lived __20__ and happily in the house.> 11. A. poor B. rich C. young D. old> 12. A. pushed B. brought C. gave D. copied> 13. A. found B. liked C. had D. looked> 14. A. got B. went C. woke D. turned> 16. A. live B. keep C. stay D. move> 17. A. hoped B. asked C. saw D. followed> 18. A. married B. disagreed C. divorced D. hugged> 19. A. new B. old C. little D. big> 20. A. happily B. quietly C. tiredly D. friendly三、阅读理解题Last week, on my way home from school, I saw a girl walking backward. She was about 12 years old, just a little older than me, I think. She was walking slowly and confidently down the street.Just as I was about to pass her, I noticed an unusual thing. She was riding her bicycle on only one wheel!I stopped and looked at her in surprise. She was balancing on one wheel very well, with the rest of her body not touching the ground. But she was going only a short distance, just a few meters at most.Then she jumped off the wheel and came to me."Why did you do that?" I asked."For fun," she answered with a big smile."You can really do it well," I said, "But aren't you afraid of falling off?""Sometimes," she answered. "But if I fall, I just try again. It's not really difficult, you know."I looked at her again, feeling surprised but also a little jealous. I wished I could do that, but I didn't have the same courage.> 21. How old was the girl?> A. About 10. B. About 11.> C. About 12. D. About 13.> 22. What was the girl doing when the writer saw her?> A. She was walking backward.> B. She was riding her bicycle.> C. She was riding her bike on one wheel.> D. She was walking and carrying her bike.> 23. What was the writer doing when the girl came to him?> A. Waiting for her. B. Riding his bike.> C. Talking to somebody. D. Walking home from school.> 24. Why did the girl do that?> A. She wanted to practice riding her bike.> B. She liked to show off to the writer.> C. She wanted to have fun.> D. She wanted to scare the writer.> 25. How did the writer feel?> A. Tired. B. Surprise and a bit jealous.> C. Relaxed.> D. Angry.四、写作题请你写一段话,描述一下你自己 (about myself)。
- 深圳罗湖区初一英语期末试题( Word版,含答案)

2020-2021学年度第一学期教学质量检测七年级英语试卷第一部分选择题(50分)I.完形填空(10分)阅读下面短文,从短文所给的A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。
(共10 小题,每小题1 分)Paul is the owner of the bookstore called Bookends. He 1 the bookstore four years ago. This year, because of his____2____, he didn't feel very well. Paul thought it was time for him to stop running the bookstore. He would like to have more time to take care of himself.If Paul sold the____3_____to someone, he would get $39,000.____4____Paul was not going to do that. He wanted to___5___ it to someone. "I think it's better to see someone make their dream of ___6____ a bookstore come true." Paul said.Paul had a raffle( 抽奖) in his store. Over the last three months, if people ___7___ more than $26 at the bookstore, they were able to take part in the raffle to win the bookstore. ___8___, Van from the Netherlands won the bookstore."Van often visits my bookshop. He likes reading very much and I'm___9___to know it was him -- he wants to have it, and I am sure he will be the right person." Paul said. Van now lives in Lammas, Wales. He plans to run the shop with a friend from Iceland. "It is such an ____ 10____ thing for us. We believe that we can bring the store a brighter future.”Van said.1. A. left2. A. illness3. A. books4. A. So5. A. give6. A. planning7. A. took8. A. Easily9. A. sorry10. A. amazing B. found C. sold D. opened B. idea C. interest D. invention B. bookstore C. clothes store D. music B.But C.And D.OrB. sellC. makeD. lendB. carryingC. havingD. buying B. spent C. got D. costB. CarefullyC. UnluckilyD. Finally B. happy C. surprised D. sadB. annoyingC. awfulD. angryII.阅读理解(40分)第一节阅读下列短文,从下面每小题所给的A、B、C、答题卡上将相应的字母编号涂黑。

座位号 题 号 一 二 三 四 五 六 总 分 得 分 ……………………………………装………………………………………订………………………………线…………………………………………学校: 姓名: 班级: 考号:一年级英语学科期末考试试题一、听力测试(27分) A )请听下面 8 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项,并将其填到答题卷的相应位置。
听完每段对话后,你将有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅 读下一小题。
每段对话读(每小题1 分) ()1. How does Helen go to work? A. By bike. B. By car. C. On foot. ( )2. What time did the class start this morning? A. At seven o’clock. B. At nine o’clock. C. At eight o’clock. ( )3. What does Mary want to listen to? A. The music. B. The radio. C. The teacher. ( )4. What is the girl’s mother doing? A. Reading. B. Shopping. C. Cleaning. ( )5. How was Maria’s weekend? A. Boring. B. Relaxing. C. Great. ( )6. What did Mike do yesterday afternoon? A. He played tennis. B. He played soccer. C. He played chess. ()7. What language can’t the boy speak? A. English. B. Chinese. C. Russian. ()8. Where did the boy go? A. He went to the zoo. B. He went to the park. C. He went to the school. B )请听下面 5 段对话或独白。
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第一天:1、He walks after school , but I don't walk , I take a bus.A. his home, to homeB. to his home, to homeC. to his home, homeD. his home, home2、I usually listen to the sports news the radio.A. onB. inC.byD./3、. Our English teacher is very . And we all like .A. fun, heB. funny, heC.fun. himD. funny,him4.Do you know girl two big eyes.A . the;have B.a;have C.a;with D.the;with5.We will go shopping if it tomorrow.A don't rainB didn't fainC doesn’t rainD isn’t rain6. The teachers says we shouldn’t read_ comic books.A. much tooB.too muchC. too manyD. many too7.Does Mr. Wu Chinese? 一No, he doesn’t.A.reaches yourB. teach yourC. teach youD. teaches you8. I am going to Shanghai tomorrow. I’m looking forward you there.A.to meetB. meetingC. meetD. to meeting9.—Simon, how are you today? 一I am feeling today. Thank youA.goodB. wellC.betterD. best10. Here are .A. my friends and me C. my friend and meB. me and my friends D. my friends and I11. Jim and his cousin sandy always on Sundays.A. meet to each otherB. meets up each otherC. meet each otherD. meets up with each other12. Kate was born America, October, 1990.A. in, inB. in, onC.in, atD. at,in13. I think Brad Pitt is actor the world.A. a best, onB. a best, inC. the best, onD. the best, in14.Where my glasses? I can't find .A. is, itB. does,itC. are, themD. do,them15.一Can you tell me how to write 14:45?A. Fourteen forty fiveB. Two forty fiveC. Fourteen forty-fiveD. Two forty-five16.Let’s twenty to ten. ?A.meet on;shall weB.to meet at;will youC.meet in;will youD.meet at;shall we17. They know you ,and like you too.A. very much; very muchB. very well; Very wellC. very much; very wellD.very well; very much18. Mother wants the house. Could you please her.A. clean;helpB.clean;to helpC. to clean;helpD.to clean;to help19. of the students in Class 2 looks happy.A . AllB .Each C. Both D.Every20.----Is your brother's name Tom? -----Yes, is.A.its B . he C. she D .it第二天:1、------ you free on Sunday?------Yes . I have too much homework to do at weekends.A. Are ;aren't B Are; don't C.Do;don't D.Do;aren't2、Tony is a quiet student, he is active(活跃的) in classA.soB.andC.butD.or3、---would you like my new school this weekend? -----Yes, .A .to visit; I'd like B.visit;I'd like to C.visit;I'd like D.to visit;I'd like to4、----Excuse me, when the supermarket ?----Early in the morning and it from 8 a.m to 9 p.m.A. does open, opensB. is open, is openC. does open ,is openD. does open,opens5、-----Is your brother's name Tom? ---- Yes , isA .its B.he C.she D.it6、We often talk each other lunchtime.A .to;at B. about;in C.with;at D.about;on7、---Who cooks dinner in your home every day ? -----Mother .A.cooksB. isC.areD.does8、----Do you want to play with us? ------ .A .Thank you very much. B.Yes ,I 'd love toC. No ,I don't think soD. You're welcome9、-----Do you know girl two big eyes? ----Yes, She is my English teacher's daughter.A. the ;haveB.a;haveC.a;withD.the;with10、Eating too much is bad you, you are too fat.A .of ;because B. for;because C.for;so D .of ;so11. Do you have homework to do every day?A.a lotB. much C . many D. lots12. Simon knows about English . What about you?A. a lot ofB. a lots of C .a lot D. lots of14.----Excuse me, when the supermarket ?---- Early in the morning and it frome 8 a.m to 9 p.m .A .does open,opens B.is open,is open C.does open,is open D.does open ,opens15. ----Who you English? ----- Mary .A.teach;doesB. teaches;isC.teaches;doesD.teach; is16.The red dress is very beautiful. It must nice you.A .look;onB .looks; in C.be look; on D.look like; to第三天:1、Eddie eats food every day. Hobo thinks he needs some .A. too much; exercisesB. too many ;exercisesC. too many ;exerciseD. too much; exercise2、----Grandma,I wang to you something about my new friend.----Pardon ? Mille, I can't you well. can you it again?A. tell; hear;say B . talk;listen to; speakC. tell; hear;speak D .talk;listen to; say3、------Can I go to the museum this Sunday?------N o. It only from Monday to Friday.A . opensB . openC . is openD .is opened4、It‘s too early now .The shop at 10 a.m. every daysA .is closed B. closes C.is open D .opens5、-------Do you often chat with your friend at weekends?------- N o. I often watch games .A. on phone; on TVB. on the phone ;on the TVC . on phone; on the TVD . on the phone ;on TV6、----Is your cousin good at ?Yes,.A. swim ; he doesB. swims; he is C . swimming;he is D . swimming;he does7、there interesting news in today’s newspaper?A.Is ;some B . Are; some C.Is; any D.Are ; any8、----- a year do you visit your grandparents ?----- Five or six times. Usually at weekends.A. How often B . How long C. How many times D .How many9、would you please come , please?A. that wayB. this wayC. in the wayD. on the way10、The girl a red sweater is a new student in our school.A . on B.in C.has D.with11、If you can't English, you can the word in Chinese.A .speak; sayB .talk; speak C. speak; tell D. tell;say12、If you want to my new house ,you can come after dinner.A. watchB.lookC.findD. look at13、---Does your uncle usually take the bus to work ?----No ,he usually gets there .A .by bikeB .by the bike C. take the bike D.ride the bike14、---Thank you me clean the room ,Helen.----you are welcomeA .to helpB .to helpingC . for helping D.for help15、Teaching young children is ,but the teachers always .A. a hard work ;hard workB. hard work; work hardC. a hard work ;work hard D .hard work; hard work16、Look, there is sheep on the hill. Whose can it be?A .a few B. few C.a little D.little17、I was born the morning of September 1st.A .in B. of C. at D.on18、If you too late ,the host will be unhappy.A .arriveB .get toC . reachD . arrive at19、----Shall we in the river? -----Sorry ,I can't. What about a film at home?A. swim; watchingB.swim;watchC. swimming ;watchingD.swimming;watch20、----I want to go to school early tomorrow,Mum.----OK. Don't worry. I can at 6:00 in the moring.A. wakes you upB.wake you upC. wake up youD.wake up to you21、Mary's daughter looks good the dress.A.with B .in C .on D.at22. On your way , please bring the books .A . to back ; to home B. back;here C. back; there D. to back;to there23. I hope you to see me soon.A .to comeB .will come C. comes D. are come24. -----Do you know the teacher glasses? ------Oh,he is Mr Wang.A. hasB. wear C .with D .in25、----How ofen do you go to see a film?----- .A . Sometimes B. Some timesC . Some time D.Sometime26. Do you know the teacher long hair?A. hasB. haveC. withD. having27. ----Who is at the meeting? -----Mr Zhang is.A .saying B. telling C. talking D. speaking28. It's cold outside . would you please the window?A . much too ; not open B.much too ; not to openC. too much; not to openD.too much; not open第四天:1、The picture looks . I like it very much .A. interestingB.wellC. nicelyD.badly2、They each a CD in their bags.A. haveB.hasC.isD.are3、the weather in Hangzhou? It 's cloudy.A. How 'sB.WhatC.HowD.What's4、------would you like my new school this weekend? ---- Yes, .A. to visit; I'd likeB. visit; I'd like toC. visit; I'd likeD. to visit; I'd like to5、--- does he go to fly kites?--- a month.A. how long ; one timeB.how soon ; onceC. how often; once timeD.how often; once6. he this film?A.What do ,think ofB. What does , thinks ofC.How is , likeD.How does ,like7. Read , and you will get high marks.A.muchB.the mostC.moreD.many8.---My son never reads books at home.A.aB.anC.someD.any9. Don 't eat snacks or meat if you want to keep healthyA. too many; too manyB.too much; too manyC. too much; too muchD.too many; too much10. ---We will have a picnic next week .---- .A . Have a good time B.we will too C. I'm happy to hear it D .Don't forget it11. breakfast ,I usually eat an egg,some bread and a glass of milk.A . AtB .On C.In D .For12.We'd better wait more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon.A .a few B.few C . a little D .little13. This is a secret(秘密) between and .A. I and youB. me and youC. you and ID.you and me第五天:1、Sandy and Amy often chat each other and help each other.A. with ;withB./ ; withC. with ; /D. / ; /2. I plan to get Nanjing the evening October 20.A .to, at ,on B.to, on ,on C.at , in ,on D. to, on ,of3. he this film?A .What do,think of B.What does, thinks of C. How is, like D. How does,like4. Read , and you will get high marks.A. muchB. the mostC. moreD.many5. I enjoy going , But I don't want today.A .shopping ; to shop B. shopping , to shopC. to shopping ;to shop D .to shop ;shopping6. I plan to get some information the Internet this eveing.A . about ,atB . on ,on C.from, / D. for ; /7. She always has a good time .A. playB.playing C .to play D .played8. Would you please basketball with?A .to plaay B. playing C. play D.to playing9. What will you about this thing with us?A. talk B .tell C. say D .speak10. The picture looks . I like it very much .A . interesting B. well C.nicely D .badly11. We 'll have fun in English this term.A . a lot B. lots of C. a lots of D. many12.---My son never reads books at home. What can I do?-----You can try reading books with him.A.aB.anC.someD.any13. Every day Mrs Black is busy and she has housework to do,so she has no time TV.A.much too ;too much ;watchingB. too much; too many; to watchC. too much; too many;watching D .much too ; too much ;to watch14. Our Engiush teacher often says to us , “English well is very important."A. Learning B . Learn C. Learned D. To learning15. I read the newspaper breakfast.A. asB. forC. atD.in第六天:1. Dancing on the piayground makes her great.A . feel B. to feel C. feeling2. Mike doesn't like reading books, but he goes to school library .A . sometime B.some times C. some time D.sometimes3. She likes the building a big garden.A. haveB. hasC. andD. with4. ----Look! How beatiful she looks the dress.----Yes . The dress looks really nice her.A . on ; on B. in ; on C. on ; in D. in ; in5.---- Is it time sports ? -----Yes ,it's time to sports.A . to ; haveB . for ; have C. to have; / D. for; /6. What about ?A. go walkingB. going walkingC. go to walkD. going to walk7. ---- Was your cousin born the evening 31st of January? ----Yes!A. on ; ofB. at ; ofC. in ; onD. in ; of8. I think doing eye exercises everyone .A . is good at B. is good for C . are good at D. are good for9. Everyone in my family TV.A . like watching B. likes watching C. like to watch10. -----What's the time? -----It is 9:00 the morning.A . at ; in B. /, in C. at, / D . /, at11. ----Jim likes to with his friends on QQ . What about you? ----- Me too.A. talkB. tellC. speakD. say12. There are books in our school library and the teachers in it are very us students.A . kind of ; kind to B. kinds of ; kind for C. kinds of ; kind to D . kind of ; kind for13. The boy every day. He has to do morning in the morning.A .exercises; exercise B. exercise; exercises C. exercises; exercises D.exercise; exercise 14.14. Harry a little wine and we have some in the party.A. drinks; drink B . drinks; drinks C. drink; drinks D . drink; drink第七天:1、I want my story book. please .A. give me itB. give it meC. give it to meD. give it for me2. Let Simon and friends.A. I beB. I amC. me beD. me are3. Class 3 will have a party the evening of December 31st.A . on B. in C. at D. to4. People usually eat moon cakes and watch the moon the evening Mid-Autumn festival.A . on ,at B. in, of C. in, at D. on , in5. Children usually make the lanterns big orange pumkins a knife.A. out of; inB. from; withC. out of, withD. from, in6.----Do you often spend half an hour your homework every day? -----Yes ,I do.A. forB.inC.atD. on7. The boy paints his face reed and blue. I don't know who .A. he isB. is heC. he doesD. can be he8. Don't play tricks your classmaters.A. inB. onC. toD. with9. I am very in the film.A. interesting; interestedB. interested; interestedC. interesting; interestingD. interested; interesting10. Can you help me when the train leaves this afternoon.A. look forB.findC.find outD. watch11. My faamily always a party the evening of my son's birthday.A. have ;inB.has; inC. have; onD. has ; at12. It to be right to buy a new flat in 2012.A. looksB. seemsC. likes D . is like13. Harry a little wine and we have some in the party.A. drinks; drinkB.drink ;drinksC. drinks;drinksD.drink ;drink第八天:1. -- do you like better, the blue one or the green one? --- The blue one.A WhyB . Which C. How D. When2.Would you like more wonderful things at the party?A. to find offB. to find outC.to lookD. finding out3.--- What do we have lunch?--- Some rice and fish. Mother tells us about that breakfast.A. for, atB. at, forC. for , forD. at, at4. His family often tricks on each other April Fool's Day.A. plays, onB. play, onC. play, atD. plays, for5. Tomny, play baskerball in the street next time. Yoy may get bit by a car.A. doB. don'tC. mustD. mustn't6.RT-Supermarket at 9 a.m. and it for 10 hours every weekend.A. opens; opensB. opens; is openC. is open ; opensD.open; is open7. the guest will arrive here the night 1 May.A. at ; ofB. in ; ofC. on, ofD. on, in8. I two yuan for a packet of milk every morning.A . spend B. take C.pay D. cost9. To protect the environment, supermarkets don't free plastic bags for shoppers.A. takeB. showC. provideD. carry10.--- are they going to visit?--- They are going to visit China.A. WhereB. WhatC. what placeD. when11. I am busy my wallet, but I can't it.A. looking for; findB. finding ; look forC. with ; findD. seeing; look for12.There is a new shopping mall Times Shopping Mall near my home.A. are playingB.playC.playingD. to play13. There are ten apples and twelve girls here. So we need apples.A. Still twoB. more twoC. two moreD. two another14. There different kinds of food in the supermarket.A. areB. isC. hasD. have15. This pair of jeans her at all.A. fitB. doesn't fitC. don't fitD. fits16. The shopping mall very early and it after 10:00 p.m.A. opens, closesB. is open, is closedC. opens, is closedD. is open, closes17. ---Do you mind my closing the window?---- . It's much too noisy outside.A. Yes, pleaseB. Of course not.C. All rightD. That's all right18. --- How about nice? ---- Thank you.A. someB. anyC. manyD. two19. --- How long do you think the terrible weather will ?--- Why not listen to the weather report?A. appearB. lastC. changeD. discover20. The is just around the corner and you won't miss it.A.bicycle's shopB. bicycle shopC.bicycle shopsD.bicycles' shop21. ---Can I help you? --- Yes, I'd like .A.two kilos of bananaB.two kilo of bananaC.two kilo of bananasD.two kilos of bananas22. This school is different others.A. offB. fromC. ofD. for23. My favourite blouse me $ 150.A. takes B . spends C. costs D. pays24. --- Are you ready to order ,sir? --- .A. Yes, you are welcomeB. Yes, that 's fineC. some orange juice, pleaseD. That 's OK25.Running in the morning is good for your .A. healthyB. healthC. be healthyD. be health26. can help you stay .A. Do exercise; healthyB. Doing exercise; healthyC.Doing exercises; healthD. Do exercise; health27.--- Excuse me , How can I get to the nearnest bus stop?--- Go down this road . It is about walk.A. five minute'sB.five minutes'C. five -minutesD.five -minute。