英语分类记忆词汇大全 交通规则

2.交通旅游类 1)交通规则类 crash 撞车 amber light 黄灯 cross road ⼗字路 drive without license ⽆证驾驶 excessive speed 超速 green light 绿灯 traffic jam 交通拥挤 narrow road 窄路 red light 红灯 parking place 停车场 speed limit 速度限制 traffic light 红绿灯 traffic police 交通警察 traffic regulation 交通规则 zebra stripes 斑马线 2)旅游类词汇 check-in 登记⼊住 check-out 结帐离开(退房) holiday resort 度假区 one-way ticket 单程机票 place of sightseeing 游览胜地 room service 客房服务 round-trip ticket 来回机票 sightseeing tour 观光旅游 star-rated hotel 饭店 tour group 旅游团队 tour guide 导游 travel service 旅⾏社 vacation tour 度假旅游 tourist attraction 旅游胜地 3.社会热点类 bid for the Olympic Games 申办奥运会 birth control 计划⽣育 brain drain ⼈才外流 bubble economy 泡沫经济 care for senior citizens 关⼼⽼年⼈ comprehensive national power 综合国⼒ compulsory education 义务教育 computer crime 电脑犯罪 divorce 离婚dropout student 失学⼉童 economic globalization\economic integration 经济全球化 education for all-round development 素质教育 exam-oriented education 应试教育 intellectual property rights 知识产权 juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪 knowledge-based economy 知识经济 laid-off worker 下岗职⼯ migrant worker 民⼯ net friend 友 net citizen 民 off line 下线 online love affair 恋 people oriented\people foremost 以⼈为本 pioneering spirit ⾸创精神 preserve the ecological environment 保护⽣态环境 prime time 黄⾦时段 puppy love 早恋 rate of unemployment 失业率 rural population 乡村⼈⼝ self-protection awareness ⾃我保护意识 self-service ticketing ⽆⼈售票 shopping online 上购物 single parent family 单亲家庭 surf the Internet 上冲浪 sustainable development 可持续发展 team spirit 团队精神 reduce study load 学⽣减负 university students‘ innovative undertaking ⼤学⽣创业 virtual net 虚拟络 win-win situation 双赢局⾯ chain debts 三⾓债 assistant president 总裁助理 eliminate illiteracy 扫盲 excusive agency 专卖店 New Human Being 新新⼈类 online trading platform 上交易平台 cost of living\income maintenance ⽣活费⽤ advance with times 与时俱进 A well-paid job 待遇丰厚的⼯作。

交通规则的英语短语篇11、交通规则 traffic regulation2、路标 guide post3、里程碑 milestone4、停车标志 mark car stop5、红绿灯 traffic light6、自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7、红灯 red light8、绿灯 green light9、黄灯 amber light10、交通岗 traffic post11、岗亭 police box12、交通警 traffic police13、打手势 pantomime14、单行线 single line15、双白线 double white lines16、双程线dual carriage-way17、斑马线 zebra stripes18、划路线机 traffic line marker19、交通干线 artery traffic20、车行道 carriage-way21、辅助车道 lane auxiliary22、双车道 two-way traffic23、自行车通行 cyclists only24、单行道 one way only25、窄路 narrow road26、潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27、陡坡 steep hill28、不平整路 rough road29、弯路 curve road ; bend road30、连续弯路 winding road31、之字路 double bend road32、之字公路 switch back road33、下坡危险 dangerous down grade34、道路交叉点 road junction35、十字路 cross road36、左转 turn left37、右转 turn right38、靠左 keep left39、靠右 keep right40、慢驶 slow41、速度 speed42、超速 excessive speed43、速度限制 speed limit44、恢复速度 resume speed45、禁止通行 no through traffic46、此路不通 blocked47、不准驶入 no entry48、不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49、不准掉头 no turns50、让车道 passing bay51、回路 loop52、安全岛 safety island53、停车处 parking place54、停私人车 private car park55、只停公用车 public car only56、不准停车 restricted stop57、不准滞留 restricted waiting58、临街停车 parking on-street59、街外停车 parking off-street60、街外卸车 loading off-street61、当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62、当心牲畜 caution animals63、前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64、拱桥 hump bridge65、火车栅 level crossing66、修路 road works67、医院 hospital68、儿童 children69、学校 school70、寂静地带 silent zone71、非寂静地带 silent zone ends72、交通管理 traffic control73、人山人海 crowded conditions74、拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75、交通拥挤 traffic jam76、水泄不通 overwhelm77、顺挤 extrusion direct78、冲挤 extrusion impact79、推挤 shoved80、挨身轻推 nudging81、让路 give way82、粗心行人 careless pedestrian83、犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84、执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85、危险驾驶 dangerous driving86、粗心驾车 careless driving87、无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor88、无证驾驶 driving without license89、未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90、无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91、未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate92、安全第一 safety first93、轻微碰撞 slight impact94、迎面相撞 head-on collision95、相撞 collided96、连环撞 a chain collision97、撞车 crash98、辗过 run over99、肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100、冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement交通规则的.英语短语篇21、Don't Drink and Drive 严禁酒后开车示例:Consider your safety. Don't drink and drive.为你的安全着想,请不要酒后驾车。

交通相关的英语highway 高速公路traffic 交通traffic light 交通信号灯traffic sign 交通标志vehicle 机动车train 火车bus 公共汽车terminal 终点站station 公交站taxi 出租车pedistrain 人行道bycicle 自行车motorcycle 摩托车boat 船ferry 渡船jeep 吉普车1. 交通规则traffic regulation2. 路标guide post3. 里程碑milestone4. 停车标志mark car stop5. 红绿灯traffic light6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯red light8. 绿灯green light9. 黄灯amber light10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road36. 左转turn left37. 右转turn right38. 靠左keep left39. 靠右keep right40. 慢驶slow41. 速度speed42. 超速excessive speed43. 速度限制speed limit44. 恢复速度resume speed45. 禁止通行no through traffic46. 此路不通blocked47. 不准驶入no entry48. 不准超越keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头no turns50. 让车道passing bay51. 回路loop52. 安全岛safety island53. 停车处parking place54. 停私人车private car park55. 只停公用车public car only56. 不准停车restricted stop57. 不准滞留restricted waiting58. 临街停车parking on-street59. 街外停车parking off-street60. 街外卸车loading off-street61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜caution animals63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥hump bridge65. 火车栅level crossing66. 修路road works67. 医院hospital68. 儿童children69. 学校school70. 寂静地带silent zone71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends72. 交通管理traffic control73. 人山人海crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤traffic jam76. 水泄不通overwhelm77. 顺挤extrusion direct78. 冲挤extrusion impact79. 推挤shoved80. 挨身轻推nudging81. 让路give way82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶driving without license89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌driving without a “L" plate92. 安全第一safety first93. 轻微碰撞slight impact94. 迎面相撞head-on collision95. 相撞collided96. 连环撞a chain collision97. 撞车crash98. 辗过run over99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。

旅游行业交通规则英语常用词汇1. 交通规则 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯 red light 8. 绿灯 green light 9. 黄灯 amber light 10. 交通岗 traffic post11. 岗亭 police box 12. 交通警 traffic police 13. 打手势pantomime 14. 单行线 single line15. 双白线 double white lines 16. 双程线dual carriage-way 17. 斑马线 zebra stripes18. 划路线机 traffic line marker 19. 交通干线 artery traffic 20. 车行道 carriage-way21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary 22. 双车道 two-way traffic 23. 自行车通行 cyclists only24. 单行道 one way only 25. 窄路 narrow road 26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡 steep hill 28. 不平整路 rough road 29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路 winding road 31. 之字路 double bend road 32. 之字公路 switch back road33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade 34. 道路交叉点 roadjunction 35. 十字路 cross road36. 左转 turn left 37. 右转 turn right 38. 靠左 keep left 39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow 41. 速度 speed 42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed 45. 禁止通行 no through traffic 46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry 48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead 49. 不准掉头 no turns50. 让车道 passing bay 51. 回路 loop 52. 安全岛 safety island 53. 停车处 parking place54. 停私人车 private car park 55. 只停公用车 public car only 56. 不准停车 restricted stop57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting 58. 临街停车 parking on-street 59. 街外停车 parking off-street60. 街外卸车 loading off-street 61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜 caution animals 63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead 64. 拱桥 hump bridge65. 火车栅 level crossing 66. 修路 road works 67. 医院hospital 68. 儿童 children69. 学校 school 70. 寂静地带 silent zone 71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends72. 交通管理 traffic control 73. 人山人海 crowded conditions 74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam 76. 水泄不通 overwhelm 77. 顺挤extrusion direct78. 冲挤 extrusion impact 79. 推挤 shoved 80. 挨身轻推nudging 81. 让路 give way82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian 83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license 85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车 careless driving 87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶 driving without license 89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance 91. 未挂学字牌driving without a "L" plate92. 安全第一 safety first 93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact 94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision95. 相撞 collided 96. 连环撞 a chain collision 97. 撞车crash 98. 辗过 run over99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver 100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavemen。


1.an交通规则 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signallight7. 红灯 red light8. 绿灯 green light9. 黄灯 amber light10. 交通岗 traffic post11. 岗亭 police box12. 交通警 traffic police13. 打手势 pantomime14. 单行线 single line15. 双白线 double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线 zebra stripes18. 划路线机 traffic line marker19. 交通干线 artery traffic20. 车行道 carriage-way21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary22. 双车道 two-way traffice23. 自行车通行 cyclists only24. 单行道 one way only25. 窄路 narrow road26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27. 陡坡 steep hill28. 不平整路 rough road29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road 30. 连续弯路 winding road31. 之字路 double bend road32. 之字公路 switch back road33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点 road junction35. 十字路 cross road36. 左转 turn left37. 右转 turn right38. 靠左 keep left39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow41. 速度 speed42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed45. 禁止通行 no through traffic46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头 no turns50. 让车道 passing bay51. 回路 loop52. 安全岛 safety island53. 停车处 parking place54. 停私人车 private car park55. 只停公用车 public car only56. 不准停车 restricted stop57. 不准滞留 resticted waiting58. 临街停车 parking on-street59. 街外停车 parking off-street60. 街外卸车 loading off-street61. 当心行人caution pedestian crossing62. 当心牲畜 caution animals63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥 hump bridge65. 火车栅 level crossing66. 修路 road works67. 医院 hospital68. 儿童 children69. 学校 school70. 寂静地带 silent zone71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends72. 交通管理 traffic control73. 人山人海 crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam76. 水泄不通 overwhelm77. 顺挤 extrusion direct78. 冲挤 extrusion impact79. 推挤 shoved80. 挨身轻推 nudging81. 让路 bive way82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving licence85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车 careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶driving without aninstructor88. 无证驾驶 driving without licence89. 未经车主同意 without the owner'sconsent90. 无第三方保险 without third-partyinsurance91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L"plate92. 安全第一 safety first93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision95. 相撞 collided96. 连环撞 a chain collision97. 撞车 crash98. 辗过 run over99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement 交通工具2.ambulance 救护车3.bike 自行车4.bicycle 自行车5.motorcycle 摩托车6.cart 二轮马车7.carriage 四轮马车8.car 小汽车9.jeep 吉普车10.tractor 拖拉机11.lorry 重型卡车12.truck 卡车13.bus 大客车14.coach 大客车15.van 厢式货车16.taxi 计程汽车,出租汽车17.subway 地铁18.railway 铁路19.train 火车20.locomotive 火车头21.express 快客列车22.boat 小船23.ship 船24.yacht 游船25.vessel 大船26.warship 军舰27.aeroplane 飞机28.plane 飞机29.aircraft 飞机30.airplane 飞机31.jet 喷气飞机32.spaceship 宇宙飞船33.space shuttle 航天飞机34.helicopter 直升飞机35.bus 公共汽车36.driver 汽车司机37.double decker bus 双层公共汽车38.coach, motor coach, bus 大客车39.taxi, taxicab 计程汽车,出租汽车40.trolleybus 无轨电车41.tramcar, streetcar 电车,有轨电车42.underground, tube, subway 地铁43.stop 停车站44.taxi rank, taxi stand 计程汽车车站,出租汽车总站45.taxi driver, cab driver 出租车司机46.关于乘机旅行的词汇boarding check 登机牌plane ticket 飞机票flight, flying 飞行bumpy flight 不平稳的飞行smooth flight 平稳的飞行ramp 扶梯altitude, height 高度air route, air line 航线extra flight 加班economy class, tourist class 经济座non-stop flight 连续飞行climbing, to gain height 爬升circling 盘旋forced landing 迫降connecting flight 衔接航班speed, velocity 速度ceiling 上升限度cruising speed 巡航速度top speed 最高速度first class 头等night service 夜航airsick 晕机direct flight, straight flight 直飞landing 着陆to rock, to toss, to bump 颠簸to taxi along 滑行to lose height, to fly low 降低to take off, take-off 起飞to board a plane, get into a plane 上飞机to get off a plane, alight from a plane 下飞机to face the wind 迎风47.汽车词汇——Automobile48.汽车品牌汽车术语Benz, Mercedes-Benz 奔驰 Cadillac卡迪拉克 Chrysler 克莱斯勒Chevroler 雪佛莱 Citroen 雪铁龙Ford 福特 Honda 本田 Mazda 马自达Mustang 野马 Porsche 保时捷Renault 雷诺 Rolls-Royce 罗尔斯罗伊斯Santana 桑塔纳 Toyota 丰田Volvo 沃尔沃, 富豪 Volkswagen 大众49.first gear 一档 second gear 二档reverse 倒车档two-stroke engine 二冲程发动机diesel 柴油机limousine 豪华轿车drophead 活动车篷汽车 (美作:convertible)racing car 赛车saloon 轿车 (美作:sedan)roadster 敞蓬车wecker, beat-up car, jalopy 老爷车notchback 客货两用车four-wheel drive 四轮驱动front-wheel drive 前轮驱动trailer 拖车station wagon 小旅行车truck 卡车compact car 小型汽车light-van 小型货车garbage truck 垃圾车automobile carrier 货运卡车fire engine 消防车tractor 牵引车ambulance 救护车taxi 出租车, 计程车trailer truck 拖车sports car 跑车formula car 方程式赛车, 方程式汽车mail car 邮车jeep 吉普车bloodmobile 血浆车bumper car 碰撞用汽车camper 露营车police car 警车wrecker 清障车ambulance 急救车。

1. 交通规则 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯 red light8. 绿灯 green light9. 黄灯 amber light10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road36. 左转 turn left37. 右转 turn right38. 靠左 keep left39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow41. 速度 speed42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed45. 禁止通行 no through traffic46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头 no turns50. 让车道 passing bay51. 回路 loop52. 安全岛 safety island53. 停车处 parking place54. 停私人车 private car park55. 只停公用车 public car only56. 不准停车 restricted stop57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting58. 临街停车 parking on-street59. 街外停车 parking off-street60. 街外卸车 loading off-street61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜 caution animals63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥 hump bridge65. 火车栅 level crossing66. 修路 road works67. 医院 hospital68. 儿童 children69. 学校 school70. 寂静地带 silent zone71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends72. 交通管理 traffic control73. 人山人海 crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam76. 水泄不通 overwhelm77. 顺挤 extrusion direct78. 冲挤 extrusion impact79. 推挤 shoved80. 挨身轻推 nudging81. 让路 give way82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车 careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶 driving without license89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate92. 安全第一 safety first93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision95. 相撞 collided96. 连环撞 a chain collision97. 撞车 crash98. 辗过 run over99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。

高考英语道路交通标识类单词一、限令禁止禁止货车及小型客车直行No Straight Turn for Trucks or Minibuses禁止小型客车右转No Right Turn for Minibuses禁止载货货车及拖拉机左转弯No Left Turn for Trucks of Tractors禁止载货货车及拖拉机向左向右转弯No Left or Right Turn for Trucks of Tractors或No Turns for Trucks of Tractors禁止载货货车左转No Left Turn for Trucks禁止外来车辆驶入Staff Vehicles Only禁止二轮摩托车驶入No Motorcycles禁止农用车驶入No Farm Vehicles禁止汽车拖、挂车驶入No Trailers禁止三轮机动车驶人No Motor Tricycles禁止超越;禁止越线Stay in Lane禁止酒后开车Do Not Drink and Drive或 Driving After Drinking Is Prohibited by Law禁止疲劳驾驶Do Not Drive Tired禁止超高Do Not Exceed Height Limit禁止超载Do Not Overload或 Do Not Exceed Weight Limit禁止超速No Speeding或 Do Not Exceed Speed Limit禁止开车使用手机Do Not Use Cellphone While Driving禁止骑自行车上坡Do Not Cycle Uphill禁止骑自行车下坡Do Not Cycle Downhill未经允许货车禁止通行No Trucks Unless Authorized禁止通道两侧停车No Parking on Either Side请勿将头手伸出窗外Keep Head and Hands Inside请勿向窗外扔东西Do Not Throw Anything Out of Window二、指示指令1.指示标志语直行Go Straight向左转弯Turn Left向右转弯Turn Right直行和向左转弯Straight or Left Turn 直行和向右转弯Straight or Right Turn 向左和向右转弯Turn Left or Right 靠右侧道路行驶Keep Right靠左侧道路行驶Keep Left立体交叉直行和左转弯行驶Overpass Ahead//Straight or Left Turn 立体交叉直行和右转弯行驶Overpass Ahead//Straight or Right Turn 环岛行驶Round about单行路〔向左或向右〕One Way〔需要标示单行路“向左”或“向右”的方向时,在使用此译文的基础上辅以相应的箭头图形符号〕单行路〔直行〕One Way〔需要标示单行路“直行”的方向时,在使用此译文的基础上辅以相应的箭头图形符号〕步行Walk鸣喇叭Honk最低限速:____千米/小时Minimum Speed :____ km/h路口优先通行Priority at Intersection会车先行Priority Over Oncoming Vehicles 人行横道Pedestrian Crossing右转车道Right-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕左转车道Left-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕直行车道Straight Lane〔Lane可以省略〕直行和右转合用车道Straight and Right Lane〔Lane可以省略〕直行和左转合用车道Straight and Left Lane〔Lane可以省略〕掉头车道U-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕掉头和左转全用车道Left or U-Turn Lane〔Lane可以省略〕分向行驶车道Road Divides Ahead公交路线专用车道Bus Lane或Buses Only〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕机动车行驶Motor Vehicles Only机动车车道Motor Vehicles Lane或Motor Vehicles〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕非机动车行驶Non-Motor Vehicles Only非机动车车道Non-Motor Vehicles Lane或Motor Vehicles〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕快速公交系统专用车道Bus Rapid Transit Lane或BRT Lane或BRT Only〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕多乘员车辆专用车道High-Occupancy Vehicle Lane或Carpools Only〔用于Lane可以省略的场合〕停车位Parking Space允许掉头U Turn2.其他保持车距Keep Distance或Keep a Safe Distance 谨防追尾WARNING//Rear End Collision平稳驾驶,注意安全Drive Safely 小心驾驶Drive With Caution车辆慢行SLOW雨雪天气请慢行Drive Slowly in Rain or Snow 前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead//Slow Down或SLOW//Bend Ahead前方学校,减速慢行School Ahead//Slow Down前方有事故,减速行驶Accident Ahead//Slow Down 长下坡慢行Long Descent//Slow Down转弯慢行Turn Ahead//Slow Down陡坡减速;陡坡慢行Steep Descent//Slow Down干路先行Yield to Main Road Traffic 车辆绕行Detour施工请绕行Construction Ahead// Detour请按车道行驶;分道行驶Stay in Lane大型车靠右Large Vehicles Keep Right避让行人Yield to Pedestrians请停车入位Park in Bays Only行人绕行Pedestrians Detour人行过街,请走天桥Please Use the Footbridge请下车推行〔指自行车〕Please Walk Your Bicycle停车接受检査Stop for Inspection三、说明提示1.指路标志语错车道Passing Bay人行天桥Footbridge或Pedestrian Overpass 人行地下通道Pedestrian Underpass 残疾人专用设施Accessible Facilities 应急避难设施〔或场所〕Emergency Shelter休息区Rest Area绕行Detour此路不通NoThrough Road或 Dead End车道数变少Fewer Lanes Ahead车道数增加More Lanes Ahead交通监控设备Traffic Surveillance 两侧通行Pass on Either Side右侧通行Keep Right左侧通行Keep Left入口预告Entrance Ahead下一出口预告Next Exit道路交通信息Traffic Information停车领卡Stop for Toll Card车距确认Check Your Following Distance特殊天气建议速度Suggested Speed Under Special Weather 紧急电话Emergency Call救援电话First Aid Call计重收费Toll-by-Weight加油站Petrol Station加气站Natural Gas Station 紧急停车带Emergency Stop Area 服务区预告Service Area Ahead爬坡车道Climbing Lane爬坡车道结束End of Climbing Lane超限检测站Weigh Station2.辅助标志语除公共汽年外〔其他车辆不得进人或停靠〕Buses Only机动车Motor Vehicles货车Trucks货车、拖拉机Tractors私人专属Private向前200米200 Meters Ahead 学校School事故Accident塌方Landslide教练车行驶路线Learner Driver Training Route 驾驶考试路线Driving Test Route校车停靠站点School Bus Stop3.其他硬路肩Hard Shoulder免费通行Toll Free汽车修理Garage或 Auto Repair或 Automobile Maintenance 汽车租赁Car Rental洗车Car Wash或 Auto Wash驾培学校Driving School市区〔指示市区方向〕To City或 To Downtown往地铁站〔指示地铁站方向〕To Metro或 To Subway。

交通规则的英语短语篇11、交通规则 traffic regulation2、路标 guide post3、里程碑 milestone4、停车标志 mark car stop5、红绿灯 traffic light6、自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7、红灯 red light8、绿灯 green light9、黄灯 amber light10、交通岗 traffic post11、岗亭 police box12、交通警 traffic police13、打手势 pantomime14、单行线 single line15、双白线 double white lines16、双程线dual carriage-way17、斑马线 zebra stripes18、划路线机 traffic line marker19、交通干线 artery traffic20、车行道 carriage-way21、辅助车道 lane auxiliary22、双车道 two-way traffic23、自行车通行 cyclists only24、单行道 one way only25、窄路 narrow road26、潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27、陡坡 steep hill28、不平整路 rough road29、弯路 curve road ; bend road30、连续弯路 winding road31、之字路 double bend road32、之字公路 switch back road33、下坡危险 dangerous down grade34、道路交叉点 road junction35、十字路 cross road36、左转 turn left37、右转 turn right38、靠左 keep left39、靠右 keep right40、慢驶 slow41、速度 speed42、超速 excessive speed43、速度限制 speed limit44、恢复速度 resume speed45、禁止通行 no through traffic46、此路不通 blocked47、不准驶入 no entry48、不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49、不准掉头 no turns50、让车道 passing bay51、回路 loop52、安全岛 safety island53、停车处 parking place54、停私人车 private car park55、只停公用车 public car only56、不准停车 restricted stop57、不准滞留 restricted waiting58、临街停车 parking on-street59、街外停车 parking off-street60、街外卸车 loading off-street61、当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing62、当心牲畜 caution animals63、前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64、拱桥 hump bridge65、火车栅 level crossing66、修路 road works67、医院 hospital68、儿童 children69、学校 school70、寂静地带 silent zone71、非寂静地带 silent zone ends72、交通管理 traffic control73、人山人海 crowded conditions74、拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75、交通拥挤 traffic jam76、水泄不通 overwhelm77、顺挤 extrusion direct78、冲挤 extrusion impact79、推挤 shoved80、挨身轻推 nudging81、让路 give way82、粗心行人 careless pedestrian83、犯交通罪 committing traffic offences84、执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85、危险驾驶 dangerous driving86、粗心驾车 careless driving87、无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor88、无证驾驶 driving without license89、未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90、无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91、未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate92、安全第一 safety first93、轻微碰撞 slight impact94、迎面相撞 head-on collision95、相撞 collided96、连环撞 a chain collision97、撞车 crash98、辗过 run over99、肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100、冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement交通规则的.英语短语篇21、Don't Drink and Drive 严禁酒后开车示例:Consider your safety. Don't drink and drive.为你的安全着想,请不要酒后驾车。

交通规则英语词汇词块总结交通规则traffic regulation让车道passing bay路标guide post回路loop里程碑milestone安全岛safety island红绿灯traffic light停车处parking place自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light只停公用车public car only红灯red light禁止停车restricted stop绿灯green light禁止滞留restricted waiting黄灯amber light临街停车parking on-street交通岗traffic post街外停车parking off-street岗亭police box街外卸车loading off-street交通警traffic police小心行人caution pedestrian crossing打手势pantomime小心牲畜caution animals单行线single line前面窄桥narrow bridge ahead双白线double white lines拱桥hump bridge双程线dual carriage-way铁路道口level crossing斑马线zebra stripes修路road works划路线机traffic line marker医院hospital交通干线artery traffic儿童children车行道carriage-way学校school辅助车道lane auxiliary寂静地带silent zone双车道two-way traffic非寂静地带silent zone ends自行车通行cyclists only交通管理traffic control单行道one way only人山人海crowded conditions窄道narrow road交通拥挤traffic jam潮湿路滑slippery when wet水泄不通overwhelm陡坡steep hill让路give way不平整路rough road交通肇事committing traffic offences弯路curve road; bend road执照被记违章endorsed on driving license 连续弯路winding road危险驾驶dangerous driving之字路double bend road粗心驾车careless driving之字公路switch back road无证驾驶driving without license下坡危险dangerous down grade未经车主同意without the owner's consent 道路交叉点road junction无第三方保险without third-party insurance 十字路cross road安全第一safety first左转turn left轻微碰撞slight impact右转turn right相撞collided靠左keep left连环撞a chain collision靠右keep right撞车crash慢驶slow肇事逃逸司机hit-run driver速度speed此路不通blocked超速excessive speed禁止驶入no entry速度限制speed limit禁止超越keep in line; no overhead恢复速度resume speed禁止掉头no turns禁止通行no through traffic英语900句(英音版)第一册全文[1] Greetings 问候语1. Hello.你好!2. Good morning.早晨好!3. I'm John Smith.我是约翰、史密斯。

以下是店铺分享给大家的交通规则词汇中英对照,欢迎阅读!1. 交通规则 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯 red light8. 绿灯 green light9. 黄灯 amber light10. 交通岗 traffic post11. 岗亭 police box12. 交通警 traffic police13. 打手势 pantomime14. 单行线 single line15. 双白线 double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线 zebra stripes18. 划路线机 traffic line marker19. 交通干线 artery traffic20. 车行道 carriage-way21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary22. 双车道 two-way traffic23. 自行车通行 cyclists only24. 单行道 one way only25. 窄路 narrow road26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27. 陡坡 steep hill28. 不平整路 rough road29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路 winding road31. 之字路 double bend road32. 之字公路 switch back road33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点 road junction35. 十字路 cross road36. 左转 turn left37. 右转 turn right38. 靠左 keep left39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow41. 速度 speed42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed45. 禁止通行 no through traffic46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头 no turns。

第1篇1. Basic Traffic Rules(基本交通规则)- Stop at red lights and go at green.- Yield to pedestrians in crosswalks.- Use turn signals when changing lanes or making turns. - Obey speed limits.2. Crossing the Street Safely(安全过马路)- Always look both ways before crossing the street.- Use crosswalks or designated pedestrian crossings.- Walk, don't run, across the street.3. Bicycle Safety(自行车安全)- Always wear a helmet when riding a bicycle.- Ride in the same direction as traffic.- Use hand signals to indicate turns and stops.4. Car Safety(汽车安全)- Fasten seat belts for all passengers.- Avoid distracted driving (no phone use while driving). - Keep vehicles in good repair.5. Pedestrian Safety(行人安全)- Pay attention to traffic signals and signs.- Stay on the sidewalk when possible.- Be visible to drivers, especially at night.6. Child Safety(儿童安全)- Use child car seats or booster seats as recommended.- Teach children the basics of traffic safety.- Always supervise young children near roads.7. Public Transportation Safety(公共交通安全)- Wait for your ride at designated stops.- Stay alert and aware of your surroundings.- Follow the rules of the transport system.8. Emergency Situations(紧急情况)- Know how to call emergency services (e.g., 911 in the U.S.).- Learn first aid and basic safety procedures.- Understand how to react in a road accident.9. Drunk Driving Prevention(酒后驾驶预防)- Never drive under the influence of alcohol or drugs.- Use designated drivers or public transportation if you've been drinking.10. Weather Awareness(天气意识)- Drive cautiously in adverse weather conditions.- Be aware of slippery roads and reduced visibility.这些内容是交通安全教育的基础,旨在提高人们的交通安全意识,减少交通事故的发生。
英语分类记忆词汇大全 交通规则

交通规则-词汇100例1. 交通规则traffic regulation2. 路标guide post3. 里程碑milestone4. 停车标志mark car stop5. 红绿灯traffic light6. 自动红绿灯automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯red light8. 绿灯green light9. 黄灯amber light10. 交通岗traffic post11. 岗亭police box12. 交通警traffic police13. 打手势pantomime14. 单行线single line15. 双白线double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线zebra stripes18. 划路线机traffic line marker19. 交通干线artery traffic20. 车行道carriage-way21. 辅助车道lane auxiliary22. 双车道two-way traffic23. 自行车通行cyclists only24. 单行道one way only25. 窄路narrow road26. 潮湿路滑slippery when wet27. 陡坡steep hill28. 不平整路rough road29. 弯路curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路winding road31. 之字路double bend road32. 之字公路switch back road33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade34. 道路交叉点road junction35. 十字路cross road36. 左转turn left37. 右转turn right38. 靠左keep left39. 靠右keep right40. 慢驶slow41. 速度speed42. 超速excessive speed43. 速度限制speed limit44. 恢复速度resume speed45. 禁止通行no through traffic46. 此路不通blocked47. 不准驶入no entry48. 不准超越keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头no turns50. 让车道passing bay51. 回路loop52. 安全岛safety island53. 停车处parking place54. 停私人车private car park55. 只停公用车public car only56. 不准停车restricted stop57. 不准滞留restricted waiting58. 临街停车parking on-street59. 街外停车parking off-street60. 街外卸车loading off-street61. 当心行人caution pedestrian crossing62. 当心牲畜caution animals63. 前面狭桥narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥hump bridge65. 火车栅level crossing66. 修路road works67. 医院hospital68. 儿童children69. 学校school70. 寂静地带silent zone71. 非寂静地带silent zone ends72. 交通管理traffic control73. 人山人海crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤traffic jam76. 水泄不通overwhelm77. 顺挤extrusion direct78. 冲挤extrusion impact79. 推挤shoved80. 挨身轻推nudging81. 让路give way82. 粗心行人careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪committing traffic offences84. 执照被记违章endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶driving without license89. 未经车主同意without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌driving without a "L" plate92. 安全第一safety first93. 轻微碰撞slight impact94. 迎面相撞head-on collision95. 相撞collided96. 连环撞 a chain collision97. 撞车crash98. 辗过run over99. 肇事逃跑司机hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。

一、交通工具的英语词汇:1.汽车(Car):- 汽车(Automobile):a car powered by an internal combustion engine- 轿车(Sedan):a car with a separate trunk and seats for four or more people- SUV(Sport Utility Vehicle):a vehicle designed for both on-road and off-road driving- 敞篷车(Convertible):a car with a roof that can be lowered or removed2.自行车(Bicycle):- 自行车(Bicycle):a vehicle with two wheels, pedals, and a handlebar for steering- 山地车(Mountain Bike):a bicycle designed for off-road cycling - 跑步车(Road Bike):a bicycle designed for use on paved roads3.摩托车(Motorcycle):- 摩托车(Motorcycle):a two-wheeled vehicle with an engine- 三轮车(Tricycle):a three-wheeled vehicle with an engine4.火车(Train):- 火车(Train):a vehicle that runs on tracks, used for transporting people and goods- 地铁(Subway):an underground train system5.船(Ship):- 船(Ship):a vehicle for traveling on water- 大客船(Cruise Ship):a large ship used for pleasure cruises二、交通规则的英语词汇:1.交通信号(Traffic Signal):- 红绿灯(Traffic Light):a signal with red, yellow, and green lights that controls the flow of traffic- 斑马线(Zebra Crossing):a marked path on the road for pedestrians to cross- 行人信号灯(Pedestrian Signal):a signal that indicates when pedestrians can cross the road2.交通标志(Traffic Sign):- 禁止停车(No Parking):a sign that prohibits parking in a certain area- 限速(Speed Limit):a sign that indicates the maximum speed allowed- 注意行人(Watch for Pedestrians):a sign that alerts drivers to be cautious of pedestrians3.交通指示(Traffic Direction):- 左转(Left Turn):to turn left- 直行(Go Straight):to continue moving forward- 右转(Right Turn):to turn right4.交通事故(Traffic Accident):- 车祸(Car Accident):an accident involving one or more cars- 撞车(Collision):the act of two or more vehicles hitting each other- 刮擦(Scratch):a minor accident that causes surface damage to a vehicle三、交通出行的英语词汇:1.乘坐交通工具(Using Transportation):- 坐公交车(Take a Bus):to travel by bus- 坐地铁(Take the Subway):to travel by subway- 坐飞机(Take a Plane):to travel by plane- 坐火车(Take a Train):to travel by train2.交通运输服务(Transportation Services):- 出租车(Taxi):a car that can be hired to take passengers to a destination- 租车服务(Car Rental Service):a service that allows individuals to rent cars for a specific period of time- 快递服务(Courier Service):a service that delivers packages and documents3.导航和路线规划(Navigation and Route Planning):- 地图(Map):a visual representation of a geographical area- 导航系统(GPS):a device that uses satellite signals to determine the location and provide directions四、其他相关英语词汇:1.交通堵塞(Traffic Jam):a situation in which the movement of vehicles is severely hindered2.交通管理(Traffic Management):the control and regulation of traffic to ensure safety and efficiency3.交通违法(Traffic Violation):a violation of traffic rules and regulations4.交通运输部门(Transportation Department):the government department responsible for transportation and infrastructure总结:掌握交通工具和交通规则的专业术语对于我们在日常生活中的交通出行非常重要。


100个交通规则专用英语单词!转载自:每日学英语 daily-english如有版权问题,请联系我们!特此感谢!•o 1. 交通规则 traffic regulationo 2. 路标 guide posto 3. 里程碑 milestoneo 4. 停车标志 mark car stopo 5. 红绿灯 traffic lighto 6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light o7. 红灯 red lighto8. 绿灯 green lighto9. 黄灯 amber lighto10. 交通岗traffic posto11. 岗亭police boxo12. 交通警traffic policeo13. 打手势pantomimeo14. 单行线single lineo15. 双白线double white lineso16. 双程线dual carriage-wayo17. 斑马线zebra stripeso18. 划路线机traffic line markero19. 交通干线artery traffico20. 车行道carriage-wayo21. 辅助车道lane auxiliaryo22. 双车道two-way traffico23. 自行车通行cyclists onlyo24. 单行道one way onlyo25. 窄路narrow roado26. 潮湿路滑slippery when weto27. 陡坡steep hillo28. 不平整路rough roado29. 弯路curve road ; bend road o30. 连续弯路winding roado31. 之字路double bend roado32. 之字公路switch back roado33. 下坡危险dangerous down grade o34. 道路交叉点road junctiono35. 十字路cross roado36. 左转 turn lefto37. 右转 turn righto38. 靠左 keep lefto39. 靠右 keep righto40. 慢驶 slowo41. 速度 speedo42. 超速 excessive speedo43. 速度限制 speed limito44. 恢复速度 resume speedo45. 禁止通行 no through traffico46. 此路不通 blockedo47. 不准驶入 no entryo48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead o49. 不准掉头 no turnso50. 让车道 passing bayooo51. 回路 loopo52. 安全岛 safety islando53. 停车处 parking placeo54. 停私人车 private car parko55. 只停公用车 public car onlyo56. 不准停车 restricted stopo57. 不准滞留 restricted waitingo58. 临街停车 parking on-streeto59. 街外停车 parking off-streeto60. 街外卸车 loading off-streeto61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing o62. 当心牲畜 caution animalso63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge aheado64. 拱桥 hump bridgeo65. 火车栅 level crossingo66. 修路 road workso67. 医院 hospitalo68. 儿童 childreno69. 学校 schoolo70. 寂静地带 silent zoneo71. 非寂静地带 silent zone endso72. 交通管理 traffic controlo73. 人山人海 crowded conditionso74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with peopleo75. 交通拥挤 traffic jamo76. 水泄不通 overwhelmo77. 顺挤 extrusion directo78. 冲挤 extrusion impacto79. 推挤 shovedo80. 挨身轻推 nudgingo81. 让路 give wayo82. 粗心行人 careless pedestriano83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offenceso84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license o85. 危险驾驶 dangerous drivingo86. 粗心驾车 careless drivingo87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor o88. 无证驾驶 driving without licenseo89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent o90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance o91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a 'L' plateo92. 安全第一 safety firsto93. 轻微碰撞 slight impacto94. 迎面相撞 head-on collisiono95. 相撞 collidedo96. 连环撞 a chain collisiono97. 撞车 crasho98. 辗过 run overo99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run drivero100. 冲上人行道drive onto the pavement。


所以下面我们就来看看关于交通规那么的短语吧!1. 交通规那么 traffic regulation2. 路标 guide post3. 里程碑 milestone4. 停车标志 mark car stop5. 红绿灯 traffic light6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light7. 红灯 red light8. 绿灯 green light9. 黄灯 amber light10. 交通岗 traffic post11. 岗亭 police box12. 交通警 traffic police13. 打手势 pantomime14. 单行线 single line15. 双白线 double white lines16. 双程线dual carriage-way17. 斑马线 zebra stripes18. 划路线机 traffic line marker19. 交通干线 artery traffic20. 车行道 carriage-way21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary22. 双车道 two-way traffic23. 自行车通行 cyclists only24. 单行道 one way only25. 窄路 narrow road26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet27. 陡坡 steep hill28. 不平整路 rough road29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road30. 连续弯路 winding road31. 之字路 double bend road32. 之字公路 switch back road33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade34. 道路穿插点 road junction35. 十字路 cross road36. 左转 turn left37. 右转 turn right38. 靠左 keep left39. 靠右 keep right40. 慢驶 slow41. 速度 speed42. 超速 excessive speed43. 速度限制 speed limit44. 恢复速度 resume speed45. 制止通行 no through traffic46. 此路不通 blocked47. 不准驶入 no entry48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead49. 不准掉头 no turns50. 让车道 passing bay51. 回路 loop52. 平安岛 safety island53. 停车处 parking place54. 停私人车 private car park55. 只停公用车 public car only56. 不准停车 restricted stop57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting58. 临街停车 parking on-street59. 街外停车 parking off-street60. 街外卸车 loading off-street61. 留神行人 caution pedestrian crossing62. 留神牲畜 caution animals63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead64. 拱桥 hump bridge65. 火车栅 level crossing66. 修路 road works67. 医院 hospital68. 儿童 children69. 学校 school70. 寂静地带 silent zone71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends72. 交通管理 traffic control73. 人山人海 crowded conditions74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam76. 水泄不通 overwhelm77. 顺挤 extrusion direct78. 冲挤 extrusion impact79. 推挤 shoved80. 挨身轻推 nudging81. 让路 give way82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian83. 犯交通罪 mitting traffic offences84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving86. 粗心驾车 careless driving87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor88. 无证驾驶 driving without license89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate92. 平安第一 safety first93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision95. 相撞 collided96. 连环撞 a chain collision97. 撞车 crash98. 辗过 run over99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement 以上就是的关于交通规那么的,愿你平安。

1. traffic regulation 交通规则2. guide post 路标3. milestone 里程碑4. mark car stop 停车标志5. red light 红灯6. green light 绿灯7. amber light 黄灯8. traffic post 交通岗9. traffic police 交通警10. pantomime 打手势14. single line 单行线15. double white lines 双白线16. dual carriage-way 双程线17. zebra stripes 斑马线18. artery traffic 交通干线19. carriage-way 车行道20. lane auxiliary 辅助车道21. two-way traffice 双车道22. cyclists only 自行车通行23. one way only 单行道24. narrow road 窄路25. steep hill 陡坡26. curve road ; bend road 弯路27. winding road 连续弯路28. double bend road 之字路29. dangerous down grade 下坡危险30. road junction 道路交叉点31. cross road 十字路32. turn left 左转33. turn right 右转34. keep left 靠左35. keep right 靠右36. slow 慢驶37. speed 速度38. excessive speed 超速39. speed limit 速度限制40. resume speed 恢复速度41. no through traffic 禁止通行42. blocked 此路不通43. no entry 不准驶入44. keep in line ; no overhead 不准超越45. no turns 不准掉头46. passing bay 让车道47. loop 回路48. parking place 停车处49. private car park 停私人车50. resticted waiting 不准滞留。
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1. 交通规则 traffic regulation
2. 路标 guide post
3. 里程碑 milestone
4. 停车标志 mark car stop
5. 红绿灯 traffic light
6. 自动红绿灯 automatic traffic signal light
7. 红灯 red light
8. 绿灯 green light
9. 黄灯 amber light
10. 交通岗 traffic post
11. 岗亭 police box
12. 交通警 traffic police
13. 打手势 pantomime
14. 单行线 single line
15. 双白线 double white lines
16. 双程线 dual carriage-way
17. 斑马线 zebra stripes
18. 划路线机 traffic line marker
19. 交通干线 artery traffic
20. 车行道 carriage-way
21. 辅助车道 lane auxiliary
22. 双车道 two-way traffic
23. 自行车通行cyclists only
24. 单行道 one way only
25. 窄路 narrow road
26. 潮湿路滑 slippery when wet
27. 陡坡 steep hill
28. 不平整路 rough road
29. 弯路 curve road ; bend road
30. 连续弯路 winding road
31. 之字路 double bend road
32. 之字公路 switch back road
33. 下坡危险 dangerous down grade
34. 道路交叉点road junction
35. 十字路 cross road
36. 左转 turn left
37. 右转 turn right
38. 靠左 keep left
39. 靠右 keep right
40. 慢驶 slow
41. 速度 speed
42. 超速 excessive speed
43. 速度限制 speed limit
44. 恢复速度 resume speed
45. 禁止通行 no through traffic
46. 此路不通 blocked
47. 不准驶入 no entry
48. 不准超越 keep in line ; no overhead
49. 不准掉头 no turns
50. 让车道 passing bay
51. 回路 loop
52. 安全岛 safety island
53. 停车处 parking place
54. 停私人车 private car park
55. 只停公用车 public car only
56. 不准停车 restricted stop
57. 不准滞留 restricted waiting
58. 临街停车 parking on-street
59. 街外停车 parking off-street
60. 街外卸车 loading off-street
61. 当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing
62. 当心牲畜 caution animals
63. 前面狭桥 narrow bridge ahead
64. 拱桥 hump bridge
65. 火车栅 level crossing
66. 修路 road works
67. 医院 hospital
68. 儿童 children
69. 学校 school
70. 寂静地带 silent zone
71. 非寂静地带 silent zone ends
72. 交通管理 traffic control
73. 人山人海 crowded conditions
74. 拥挤的人 jam-packed with people
75. 交通拥挤 traffic jam
76. 水泄不通 overwhelm
77. 顺挤 extrusion direct
78. 冲挤 extrusion impact
79. 推挤 shoved
80. 挨身轻推 nudging
81. 让路 give way
82. 粗心行人 careless pedestrian
83. 犯交通罪 committing traffic offences
84. 执照被记违章 endorsed on driving license
85. 危险驾驶 dangerous driving
86. 粗心驾车 careless driving
87. 无教员而驾驶 driving without an instructor
88. 无证驾驶 driving without license
89. 未经车主同意 without the owner's consent
90. 无第三方保险 without third-party insurance
91. 未挂学字牌 driving without a "L" plate
92. 安全第一 safety first
93. 轻微碰撞 slight impact
94. 迎面相撞 head-on collision
95. 相撞 collided
96. 连环撞 a chain collision
97. 撞车 crash
98. 辗过 run over
99. 肇事逃跑司机 hit-run driver
100. 冲上人行道 drive onto the pavement。