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1.什么是圣诞节?What's Christmas?


It's a Western holiday. On a holiday, people don't work. Children don't go to school. 3.圣诞节是个特殊的节日。我们有圣诞树,饰灯和圣诞老人。

Christmas is special. We have Christmas tree, lights and Santa.

4.这是一棵圣诞树。This is a Christmas tree.

5.这些是我们房子上的圣诞饰灯。These are Christmas lights on our house.

6.谁是圣诞老人?他是一个穿着红色衣服的快乐老人。孩子们说他在圣诞节会带来很多玩具。Who is Santa? He is a merry man in red clothes.

Children say he brings toys on Christmas.

7.我们邀请我们的家人和朋友们来我们家。We invite our family and friends to our house.

8.他们给我们带来礼物。They bring gifts for us.

9.我们也给我们的家人和朋友们礼物。We give our family and friends gifts, too.

10.什么时候是圣诞节?12月25号。When is Christmas? It's December twenty_fifth.

11.珍妮昨天早餐吃了麦片。Jenny ate cereal for breakfast yesterday.

12.昨天我给学校带来了一棵圣诞树。I brought a Christmas tree to school yesterday.

13.丹尼经常走着去公共汽车站。Danny often walks to the bus stop.

14.我给圣诞树带来饰灯。I bring lights for the Christmas tree.

15.丹尼明天要走着去公园。Danny is going to walk to the park tomorrow.


We write Christmas cards to our friends and family.

17.你想寄一张贺卡吗?Do you want to send a card?

18.让我们找一张带有圣诞老人的卡片吧。Let's find the card with Santa.

19.做得好!Good work!


Jenny's family is getting ready for the Christmas holiday.


Yesterday I helped Mr. Smith with the Christmas lights.

22.今天我们买圣诞礼物。Today we are buying Christmas gifts.

23.明天我们要装饰圣诞树。Tomorrow we are going to put up the Christmas tree.


Danny and Li Ming are shopping for Christmas gifts in a big department store.


At Christmas, department stores usually have Santas.

23.我想为家人买一些圣诞礼物。I want to buy something for my family for Christmas.

24.你想买什么?What do you want to buy?

25.你认为他们想要一把大绿伞吗?Do you think they would like a big, green umbrella?

26.伞是用来挡雨的,并且现在外面下着雪。Umbrellas are for rain, and it's snowy outside.


Are you going to give something to Jenny's family?


I am going to give them something special from China for their Christmas tree.

29.圣诞节你想要点什么,小伙子?What would you like for Christmas, young man?

30.我想要一辆崭新的大汽车。I would like a big new car.

31.我知道我想要什么了。I know what I would like.

32.昨天我们买了礼物。Yesterday we bought gifts.

33.今天我们要装饰圣诞树。Today we are putting up the Christmas tree.


Tomorrow is Christmas. We are going to open our gifts.


Let's invite Danny to help us put up the tree.
