the Absolute Control
Some of the opening bombardment was offtarget or not concentrated enough to have any impact,but the specialised armour worked well except on Omaha, providing close artillery support for the troops as they disembarked onto the beaches.
Causes of the Victory of NormandyLanding
Adequate preparation
Realistic training
Strategic inception
Bad weather Absolute control
the Adequate Preparation
Normandy Landing
The Normandy landing battle (also called D-Day), which took place on 6:30a.m. on June 6,1944, was a massive offensive launched by the allies forces in the second world war in the western battlefield in Europe.
The attack on Normandy was launched out the night before the Normandy landing. Airborne troops fought in the air and made massive aerial bombardment. At the battle on the land began on June 6 in the morning. Before landing, the army of the "D - Day" mainly deployed at the south coast of England, especially in Portsmouth. The D-day battle lasted for more than 2 months. In the end, the allieslished the beachhead. On August 25, the liberation of Paris declared the end of the invasion of Normandy.
The little girl did not wait her mother returned and early in one day morning the Nazi soldiers used bayonet to drive the Jews。She and ten thousands of Jews were forced to the execution ground.
The little girl believed it and no longer crying and asking, but to sing many songs mother taught her. From time to time she climbed up the small Cell's window, looking out and hoping to see her mother return.
During World War II, a lot of Jews were held in the concentration camps of Nazi Germany. They suffered from the Nazis tortured and killed so the number was decreasing.
Finally none of the people can escape the holocaust of the Nazis. But the little girl's pure and innocent words shocked people's hearts .So that people could get back the dignity and strength before they dead. Can violence destroy everything? The answer is no. In front of innocent’s love and humanity, violence makes the violencers see their ugliness and tininess. Executioners tremble facing this heart of love, because they see the outcome of their own.
二战期间影片推荐PPT 中英对照
• 这两部影片都是关于二战时期德国纳粹对于犹太人的 屠杀。犹太人大屠杀是纳粹德国在第二次世界大战中 的种族清洗,是二战中最著名的暴行之一。
• Germany slaughtered nearly 6 million Jews in the ethnic cleansing campaign. The Jewish Holocaust in English and German is called "Holocaust". The word comes from Greek. It means "burning with fire".
• First of all, let‘s directly point to the two films I’m going to introduce: the Schindler‘s List and the Pianist.
• 首先,我们直接点,我要介绍的两部电影分别是:辛德勒 名单,钢琴家
1943年,克拉科夫的犹太人遭到了惨绝人寰的大屠杀, 辛德勒目睹这一切,受到了极大的震撼,他贿赂军官,让 自己的工厂成为集中营的附属劳役营,在那些疯狂屠杀的 日子里,他的工厂也成为了犹太人的避难所。
• In 1944, Germany was defeated on the eve of Holocaust action become more and more crazy, Schindler told German officers out of the list of 1200 people who bought the Jewish life. In those days of complete darkness, save one, is to save the world.
• Germany slaughtered nearly 6 million Jews in the ethnic cleansing campaign. The Jewish Holocaust in English and German is called "Holocaust". The word comes from Greek. It means "burning with fire".
• First of all, let‘s directly point to the two films I’m going to introduce: the Schindler‘s List and the Pianist.
• 首先,我们直接点,我要介绍的两部电影分别是:辛德勒 名单,钢琴家
1943年,克拉科夫的犹太人遭到了惨绝人寰的大屠杀, 辛德勒目睹这一切,受到了极大的震撼,他贿赂军官,让 自己的工厂成为集中营的附属劳役营,在那些疯狂屠杀的 日子里,他的工厂也成为了犹太人的避难所。
• In 1944, Germany was defeated on the eve of Holocaust action become more and more crazy, Schindler told German officers out of the list of 1200 people who bought the Jewish life. In those days of complete darkness, save one, is to save the world.
诺 曼 底 登 陆 战 役
268万人,在诺曼底 成功进行了诺曼底登 陆战役,开辟了欧洲 第二战场,并在西欧 各国抗德武装配合下, 于1944年秋冬两季完 全解放德占西欧国家。
Reasons of World War II
• 1929—1933年资本主义经济大危机对资本主义 •
国家构成了沉重打击。美国通过罗斯福新政,德 国,意大利,日本则选择战争缓解经济危机! 根本原因:第一次世界大战结束后,帝国主义时 代所固有的各种基本矛盾一个也未解决,而又增 加了战胜国与战败国的矛盾以及帝国主义战胜国 之间的矛盾。随着帝国主义国家间经济、政治和 军事发展不平衡的加剧,军事实力发展较快的德、 意、日三国要求重新划分世界势力范围,使帝国 主义之间的矛盾进一步尖锐起来。
• •
伦 敦 大 轰 炸
10日间,纳粹德国对英国 的各大城市和工业中心 实施战略轰炸。但以伦 敦受创最为严重。一直 到不列颠战役结束,伦 敦已被轰炸超过76个昼夜, 超过4.3万名市民死亡, 并有约齐柏林号飞艇
• •
虽然如此,其工业基础依旧存在, 其强大的生命力足以显示出大国 的风范
112 thank you
第二次世界大战先后有六十多个国家和地区参战,波 及20亿人口(占当时世界人口的80%),战火燃及欧洲、 亚洲、非洲、大洋洲和太平洋、印度洋、大西洋、北冰洋。 作战区域面积为2200万平方公里,交战双方动员兵力达1 亿人,直接军费开支总计约3万亿美元,占交战国国民总 收入的60%至70%,参战国物资总损失价值达4万亿美元。 按1937年的比价计算,日本侵略者给中国造成的直接经济 损失1000亿美元,间接经济损失5000亿美元。 二战 参战国蒙受的全部损失中有41%是苏联的损失。据俄罗斯 公布的材料,苏联在1941年到1945年卫国战争期间,物 质损失按照1941年的价格计算达6790亿卢布。
1940年5月10日至6月22日,在第 二次世界大战中,德军为侵占法国、荷 兰、比利时和卢森堡对英法盟军的实施 的进攻战役。整个战役期间盟军共伤亡 35万人,190万人被俘。德意联军共伤 亡15.5万人,其中阵亡4.5万人,受伤 11万人。德国在此战中取得的胜利证明, 法英两国虽然拥有雄厚的军事和经济潜 力,但无力抵抗德军的强大进攻。
日本 4艘航空母舰(“赤城”“加贺”“苍龙”“飞
龙”),1艘重巡洋舰(“三隈”),332架飞机(包 括备用机,被炸毁于航母约280架,仅被击落42架), 3500人阵亡。
六 折戟沉沙――中途岛海战
中途岛海战是发生在太平洋战场的一 个以少胜多的著名战例。
中途岛海战改变了太平洋地区日美航 空母舰实力对比。日军仅剩大型航空母 舰2艘、轻型航空母舰4艘。
一 幻影突击――波兰闪击战
第一次世界大战德国战败后,被迫割让大片 土地,但泽划归波兰,被辟为自由市,通往波罗 的海的“波兰走廊”将原本连成一片的德国领土 分成了两块,位于“走廊”之东的东普鲁士成了 远离德国本土的飞地。因此德国人一直对失去但 泽和“走廊”地区耿耿于怀。希特勒上台后便发 誓要报这一箭之仇,他以极快的速度重整军备, 在短短的几年间就把德国从《凡尔赛条约》的受 辱者变成欧洲最大的军事强国。
一 幻影突击――波兰闪击战
波兰战役是德国、斯洛伐克与 苏联军队于1939年9月入侵波兰的 行动。1939年,德国军队率先以闪 电战侵略波兰, 战争中,德军首次成 功实施“闪击战”,显示了坦克兵 团在航空兵的协同下实施大纵深快 速突击的威力。一个拥有3400万人 口,100多万军队的国家,就这样 在短短的一个多月的时间里灭亡了。 第二次世界大战由此爆发。
1940年5月10日至6月22日,在第 二次世界大战中,德军为侵占法国、荷 兰、比利时和卢森堡对英法盟军的实施 的进攻战役。整个战役期间盟军共伤亡 35万人,190万人被俘。德意联军共伤 亡15.5万人,其中阵亡4.5万人,受伤 11万人。德国在此战中取得的胜利证明, 法英两国虽然拥有雄厚的军事和经济潜 力,但无力抵抗德军的强大进攻。
日本 4艘航空母舰(“赤城”“加贺”“苍龙”“飞
龙”),1艘重巡洋舰(“三隈”),332架飞机(包 括备用机,被炸毁于航母约280架,仅被击落42架), 3500人阵亡。
六 折戟沉沙――中途岛海战
中途岛海战是发生在太平洋战场的一 个以少胜多的著名战例。
中途岛海战改变了太平洋地区日美航 空母舰实力对比。日军仅剩大型航空母 舰2艘、轻型航空母舰4艘。
一 幻影突击――波兰闪击战
第一次世界大战德国战败后,被迫割让大片 土地,但泽划归波兰,被辟为自由市,通往波罗 的海的“波兰走廊”将原本连成一片的德国领土 分成了两块,位于“走廊”之东的东普鲁士成了 远离德国本土的飞地。因此德国人一直对失去但 泽和“走廊”地区耿耿于怀。希特勒上台后便发 誓要报这一箭之仇,他以极快的速度重整军备, 在短短的几年间就把德国从《凡尔赛条约》的受 辱者变成欧洲最大的军事强国。
一 幻影突击――波兰闪击战
波兰战役是德国、斯洛伐克与 苏联军队于1939年9月入侵波兰的 行动。1939年,德国军队率先以闪 电战侵略波兰, 战争中,德军首次成 功实施“闪击战”,显示了坦克兵 团在航空兵的协同下实施大纵深快 速突击的威力。一个拥有3400万人 口,100多万军队的国家,就这样 在短短的一个多月的时间里灭亡了。 第二次世界大战由此爆发。
英文 二战广岛长崎原子弹事件PPT课件
In July 28th, the Japanese government refused to accept the "Potsdam declaration". For reasons of military and political, American government in accordance with the original plan, used the atomic bomb on Japan.
Page 4
At eight o'clock on the morning of August 6, 1945, 3 B-29 from the sky into Hiroshima ocean. When a lot of people in Hiroshima did not enter the shelter, but lookded at the plane. Prior to this, B-29 has several consecutive days flied over Japanese airspace for training, but 3 aircrafts of this time, there was a aircraft which had been fitted with a 5-ton of atomic bomb. At this point it was ordered to bomb Hiroshima.
Page 2
Background 1945
In April 12, 1945, the white house. A painter in the painting portraits to President Roosevelt, the president suddenly coma , and died in the afternoon. In the evening, Vice President Harry Truman was sworn in as president of the United states. Just a minute. In the evening, the Secretary of the army told the new president, the one thing he never heard, a few years ago, President Roosevelt accepted the recommendation of the famous physicist Albert Einstein, decided to start a new weapon to develop a kind of unprecedented power. Planned to keep strictly confidential, except for few people, all the people engaged in this work did not know their research will be used where, did not know their products were used to do. This could completely reverse the entire war weapons within 4 months after it was developed, it was called an atomic bomb.
Page 4
At eight o'clock on the morning of August 6, 1945, 3 B-29 from the sky into Hiroshima ocean. When a lot of people in Hiroshima did not enter the shelter, but lookded at the plane. Prior to this, B-29 has several consecutive days flied over Japanese airspace for training, but 3 aircrafts of this time, there was a aircraft which had been fitted with a 5-ton of atomic bomb. At this point it was ordered to bomb Hiroshima.
Page 2
Background 1945
In April 12, 1945, the white house. A painter in the painting portraits to President Roosevelt, the president suddenly coma , and died in the afternoon. In the evening, Vice President Harry Truman was sworn in as president of the United states. Just a minute. In the evening, the Secretary of the army told the new president, the one thing he never heard, a few years ago, President Roosevelt accepted the recommendation of the famous physicist Albert Einstein, decided to start a new weapon to develop a kind of unprecedented power. Planned to keep strictly confidential, except for few people, all the people engaged in this work did not know their research will be used where, did not know their products were used to do. This could completely reverse the entire war weapons within 4 months after it was developed, it was called an atomic bomb.
• Poland is located in the eastern part of Europe, on the east of Russia, on the west of Germany, on the north of Czechoslovakia(捷克斯洛伐克). And its northern boundary is near the Baltic Sea. Because of its special geographical position, Poland becomes the transportation hub of Europe, which owns a strategic importance. Poland was one of the most powerful military forces among the European allies. If Germany occupied Poland, Germany not only had access to a large number of military and economic resources, but also greatly improved its strategic position: it not only could eliminate the worries of the British and French attack, but also to establish a base for attacks on the Soviet Union.
Monument to the "September Veterans" of 1939 in southern Poland.
blood, toil, tears and sweat. We have
before us an ordeal of the most
grievous kind.ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้We have before us
many, many months of struggle and
suffering. You ask, what is our policy? I
never surpassed in the dark and
lamentable catalogue of human crime.
That is our policy. You ask, what is our
aim? I can answer in one word, It is
victory. Victory at all costs-victory in
spite of all terrors-victory, however
long and hard the road may be, for
without victory there is no survival. Let
that be realized. No survival for the
British Empire, no survival for all that
say it is to wage war by land, sea and
air. War with all our might and with all
the strength God has given us, and to
wage war against a monstrous tyranny
• disaster [dɪ‘zɑːstə] n. 灾难,灾祸;不幸 He attained the rank as an officer of the British Army at the time of graduation.
②In war there is no prize for the runner-up. 一个士兵最好的归宿,是在最后一仗中被最后一颗子弹打死。
• genius [‘dʒiːnɪəs] n. 天才,天赋;精神 ——General Omar Bradley
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
• catalyst [‘kæt(ə)lɪst] n. [物化] 催化剂 deserve [dɪ‘zɜːv] v.
• On 3rd of Sept, 1939, Great Britain and France declared 【公开宣布】war on Nazi Germany. On the same day, Winston Churchill entered his second term of office as the First Lord of Admiralty【海军大 臣】. On May the 10th, 1940, Churchill succeeded Chamberlain【张伯伦】 as the Prime Minister of Britain【英国 首相】. At that time, Britain was fighting a difficult war against Nazi Germany on itself. In the face of such adversity 【逆境】Churchill vowed【发 誓】 to fight to the very end. By doing so, Britain greatly influenced the course of the war.
②In war there is no prize for the runner-up. 一个士兵最好的归宿,是在最后一仗中被最后一颗子弹打死。
• genius [‘dʒiːnɪəs] n. 天才,天赋;精神 ——General Omar Bradley
Royal Military Academy Sandhurst
• catalyst [‘kæt(ə)lɪst] n. [物化] 催化剂 deserve [dɪ‘zɜːv] v.
• On 3rd of Sept, 1939, Great Britain and France declared 【公开宣布】war on Nazi Germany. On the same day, Winston Churchill entered his second term of office as the First Lord of Admiralty【海军大 臣】. On May the 10th, 1940, Churchill succeeded Chamberlain【张伯伦】 as the Prime Minister of Britain【英国 首相】. At that time, Britain was fighting a difficult war against Nazi Germany on itself. In the face of such adversity 【逆境】Churchill vowed【发 誓】 to fight to the very end. By doing so, Britain greatly influenced the course of the war.
Bomb damage in North London
❖ The war was over, but it was a disaster.
❖ It claimed the lives of 2,700,000 men and disfigured twice as many again.
❖ 1) Naval Rivalry
❖ In 1898 the Germany Kaiser announced that he intended to develop the Germany navy.
❖ Britain was afraid that Germany navy would be able to compete on neat equal terms,
Britain in the Two World Wars
❖ Britain and First World War ❖ Britain and the Second World War ❖ The Post War Britain
The Rivalry between Britain and Germany
❖ In 1917, the United States joined the Allies.
❖ The war lasted four years. Germany surrended in November 1918, and the side of Entente won the victory.
The Postwar UK
Nationalization The Thatcher Era Northern Ireland Problems
The declaration of United Nations(《联合国家宣言》) On January 1, 1942, the United States, su, Britain, moderate 26 countries in Washington to sign the declaration. Signatories agree with the purposes and principles of the Atlantic charter, the signing of the declaration marked the anti-fascist war a decisive factor for the final victory, namely the antifascist alliance with the united front. 1942年1月1日,美、苏、英、中等26个国家在华盛顿签署该宣言。 签字国赞同《大西洋宪章》的宗旨和原则,宣言的签署标志着反法西 斯战争取得最后胜利的决定性因素,即反法西斯联盟与统一战线的正 式形成。 宣言主要内容是:签字各国赞成《大西洋宪章》的宗旨与原则;各国 政府保证对与之作战的三国同盟成员国及共附从者使用其军事或经济 的全部资源,保证与本宣言签字国政府合作,并不与敌人缔结单独的 停战协定或和约;凡在战胜希特勒主义的斗争中给予物质上援助和贡 献的其他国家均可加入宣言。
The act of Westminster(威斯敏斯特法案)
I,The Balfour declaration on December 11, 1931 passed by parliament, become the act of Westminster, formally established in the UK and the dominion of the relationship. II,Westminster act of the commonwealth is a free, equal state of loose, affirmation of the independent status of the dominion and the equality of suzerain legislative power, as legal basis of modern commonwealth, known as "the great charter of the British commonwealth. 《巴尔福宣言》在1931年12月11日获得议会通过,成为威斯敏斯特 法案,正式确立英国和各自治领的关系。 威斯敏斯特法案规定英联邦是一个自由、平等国家的松散联合,肯 定了各自治领的独立地位和与宗主国的平等立法权,成为现代英联邦 的法律基础,被称为《英联邦的大宪章》。
The declaration of United Nations(《联合国家宣言》) On January 1, 1942, the United States, su, Britain, moderate 26 countries in Washington to sign the declaration. Signatories agree with the purposes and principles of the Atlantic charter, the signing of the declaration marked the anti-fascist war a decisive factor for the final victory, namely the antifascist alliance with the united front. 1942年1月1日,美、苏、英、中等26个国家在华盛顿签署该宣言。 签字国赞同《大西洋宪章》的宗旨和原则,宣言的签署标志着反法西 斯战争取得最后胜利的决定性因素,即反法西斯联盟与统一战线的正 式形成。 宣言主要内容是:签字各国赞成《大西洋宪章》的宗旨与原则;各国 政府保证对与之作战的三国同盟成员国及共附从者使用其军事或经济 的全部资源,保证与本宣言签字国政府合作,并不与敌人缔结单独的 停战协定或和约;凡在战胜希特勒主义的斗争中给予物质上援助和贡 献的其他国家均可加入宣言。
The act of Westminster(威斯敏斯特法案)
I,The Balfour declaration on December 11, 1931 passed by parliament, become the act of Westminster, formally established in the UK and the dominion of the relationship. II,Westminster act of the commonwealth is a free, equal state of loose, affirmation of the independent status of the dominion and the equality of suzerain legislative power, as legal basis of modern commonwealth, known as "the great charter of the British commonwealth. 《巴尔福宣言》在1931年12月11日获得议会通过,成为威斯敏斯特 法案,正式确立英国和各自治领的关系。 威斯敏斯特法案规定英联邦是一个自由、平等国家的松散联合,肯 定了各自治领的独立地位和与宗主国的平等立法权,成为现代英联邦 的法律基础,被称为《英联邦的大宪章》。
高级英语第一册Speech on Hitler’s Invasion of the U.S.S.R ppt课件
• 日本法西斯投降
61个国家和地区,20亿以上人口被卷入战 争,一亿零221万余人丧生。。。
骨那 。集 。中 。营
里 堆 积 如 山 的 尸
那 整 车 拉 走 的 尸 体 。 。 。
那 些 无 家 可 归 的 人 们 。 。 。
1941年6月22日凌晨,德国突袭苏联当晚9点, 英国丘吉尔发表演说,宣布援苏
美国很快也宣布援助苏联 斯大林马上予以回应 7月12日,英苏联合 1942年1月1日,国际反法西斯同盟正式建立 从某种意义上说,因为这次演讲,英国乃至全 世界人民反法西斯的信心被唤醒了, 人类的,命运也出现了转机。。。
Aged seven
In military uniform
• Churchill’s Quotations
• 1. Never, never, never, never give up. • 永远,永远,永远,永远都不要放弃。 • 2. History is written by the victors. • 历史是由胜利者书写的。 • 3. Courage is going from failure to failure • without losing enthusiasm. • 勇气就是不断失败,而不丧失热情。 • 4. Courage is what it takes to stand up and • speak; courage is also what it takes to sit • down and listen. • 站起来说话需要勇气;坐下倾听同样需要。
•Many countries became socialist(社会主义) or democratic and many colonies(殖民地) won their independence.
The second war reveal to the important of word peace
•World War Two cost more than thirty-six million were left homeless.
World War Two cost more than 60 million people lose their lives.
In April 1945, just at the end of the war, a conference was called at San Francisco in America to organize the United Nations.
•1941,6,22 Germany attack Soviet Union(苏联). •It means Germany to failure. will trend
1941,12,7 Japan attacked to Pearl Harhour .
As America appreciated isolationism(孤 立主义) at that time, most of Americans oppose to attend the war. The event of Pearl Harhour broke the balance.
•1944,the second European front was opened. The allied armies of Britain and the US landed on the beaches of Normandy.
12OUTBREAK OF WORLD WARII(在二战之前鲜为人知的秘密英文版)PPT课件
▪ In 1933, Hitler turned Germany into a totalitarian state and he ruled Germany until 1945
Totalitarianism in Germany
▪ Nazism was the name given to the doctrine of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the Nazi Party).
▪ known by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle 我的奮鬥) in 1923.
Nazism Major Ideas
▪ Racial superiority and anti-Semitism ▪ Germany must be ruled by a totalitarian
Nazism Major Ideas
Way to War
▪ After Hitler again the power, and the fulfilled the ideas of Nazism, Hitler began his aggression and invaded other countries
▪ the cartoon showing why the League of Nation failed to solve the problems.
Way to War
▪ Failure of Naval Disarmament, during the period 1921-34, the powers called three meetings to discuss naval disarmament, but they all failed and started the race of armament again
Totalitarianism in Germany
▪ Nazism was the name given to the doctrine of the National Socialist German Workers' Party (the Nazi Party).
▪ known by Hitler in his book Mein Kampf (My Struggle 我的奮鬥) in 1923.
Nazism Major Ideas
▪ Racial superiority and anti-Semitism ▪ Germany must be ruled by a totalitarian
Nazism Major Ideas
Way to War
▪ After Hitler again the power, and the fulfilled the ideas of Nazism, Hitler began his aggression and invaded other countries
▪ the cartoon showing why the League of Nation failed to solve the problems.
Way to War
▪ Failure of Naval Disarmament, during the period 1921-34, the powers called three meetings to discuss naval disarmament, but they all failed and started the race of armament again
日本:庆祝成功偷袭 中国蒋介石说:“这就对了” 德国希特勒兴奋地说:“德国追随 日本,向美国宣战” 英国丘吉尔:“好了,我们总算赢 了” 苏联斯大林:“可以得到美国地援 助了”
World War II
World War II
World War II
1943年2月,苏联军 民大败德军。斯大林 格勒保卫战是第二次 世界大战的转折点。
World War II
1 9 4 4 年 6 月 ,W美o r 、 英 l d W a r 盟I I 军 在法国实施了代号为“霸王” 的诺曼底登陆。开辟了欧洲第 二战场,使德军陷入苏军和美 英盟军的东西夹击之中,加速 了德国法西斯的灭亡。
背景:法西斯国家的大肆侵略,激起世界各国人民的愤怒, 全世界反法西斯 国家开始逐渐走向____。 标志:___________________ ①签署:________年1月(时间),美、英、苏、中等26个国家的代表在美 国首都_______(地点)签署。 ②意义:《联合国家宣言》的发表,标志着世界反法西斯联盟的正式形成。 意义:反法西斯国家为了一个共同的目标,相互支援,协同作战,逐渐扭转了 战争的形势。
World War II
1945年7月,美、 英、苏三国首脑在 波茨坦会晤,以三 国名义发表了敦促 日本投降的《波茨 坦公告》,公告重 申《开罗宣言》的 条件必须实施。
World War II
World War II
World War II
1943年2月,苏联军 民大败德军。斯大林 格勒保卫战是第二次 世界大战的转折点。
World War II
1 9 4 4 年 6 月 ,W美o r 、 英 l d W a r 盟I I 军 在法国实施了代号为“霸王” 的诺曼底登陆。开辟了欧洲第 二战场,使德军陷入苏军和美 英盟军的东西夹击之中,加速 了德国法西斯的灭亡。
背景:法西斯国家的大肆侵略,激起世界各国人民的愤怒, 全世界反法西斯 国家开始逐渐走向____。 标志:___________________ ①签署:________年1月(时间),美、英、苏、中等26个国家的代表在美 国首都_______(地点)签署。 ②意义:《联合国家宣言》的发表,标志着世界反法西斯联盟的正式形成。 意义:反法西斯国家为了一个共同的目标,相互支援,协同作战,逐渐扭转了 战争的形势。
World War II
1945年7月,美、 英、苏三国首脑在 波茨坦会晤,以三 国名义发表了敦促 日本投降的《波茨 坦公告》,公告重 申《开罗宣言》的 条件必须实施。
Time: 1st September 1939------15th August 1945 The character(性质)of the War :It can be divided into two phases-imperialist war(帝国主义战争) and anti-Fascism war(反法西斯战争) Two opposing military alliances :the Allies and the Axis
Total 62,171,400 (3.17 至 4.00)
deaths 至
12Байду номын сангаас
Material and Methods
• According to our report ,we can know a lot of details about the second world war. World War II, create a tremendous impact to the fate of mankind, is a major turning point in human history. The Second World War II were launched by the group of Germany, Japan and Italy fascist state. Their purpose is not only to compete for the colony, but also to establish their own hegemony in the world and to enslave people all over the world. The victory of the anti fascism war stopped countries from being fascist slavery and saved the destruction of world civilization.
Time: 1st September 1939------15th August 1945 The character(性质)of the War :It can be divided into two phases-imperialist war(帝国主义战争) and anti-Fascism war(反法西斯战争) Two opposing military alliances :the Allies and the Axis
Total 62,171,400 (3.17 至 4.00)
deaths 至
12Байду номын сангаас
Material and Methods
• According to our report ,we can know a lot of details about the second world war. World War II, create a tremendous impact to the fate of mankind, is a major turning point in human history. The Second World War II were launched by the group of Germany, Japan and Italy fascist state. Their purpose is not only to compete for the colony, but also to establish their own hegemony in the world and to enslave people all over the world. The victory of the anti fascism war stopped countries from being fascist slavery and saved the destruction of world civilization.