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Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a presentation according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to write it on the Translation/Composition Sheet.



题目要求考生写的是开幕式致辞。致辞开始一般都“代表”(on behalf of)谁表示热烈祝贺(warm congratulations),开幕式致辞结束时,致辞人会“祝大会成功”(I wish the conference a great success),并说“我的话讲完了,谢谢大家。”(Thank you or thank you for your attention.)


Dear teachers and my fellow students,

It is my honor to declare open the English Culture Festival. On behalf of the Students’ Union, and in my own name, I would express my warm congratulations to the festival and my heartfelt welcome to all the guests and delegates.

It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure for me to address the evening for the English Culture Festival, convened with the substantial support from the leaders,teachers and students in our college. I believe our cooperative efforts are sure to be productive and may trigger the greatest interest in English study.

I wish the English Culture Festival a great success.

Thank you for your attention.




It is my honor to declare open ... ,意为“很荣幸宣布...开幕”。

On behalf of ... , I would express my warm congratulations to... 致辞开始一般都代表谁表示热烈祝贺




It is indeed a privilege and a pleasure for me to address this evening…,意为“能在晚会上讲话,很荣幸和高兴”。

convene... “召开”

cooperative efforts “共同努力”




I wish ... a great success. 意为“祝愿...圆满成功”。

Thank you for your attention. 意为“我的讲话完了,谢谢大家”。这是致辞结束的常用语。


Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Letter according to the information given below in Chinese. Remember to write the notice on the Translation/Composition Sheet. 假如你是夏雨,你所在的公司将于下个月的某个周六举办年度员工聚会,请给某宾馆写一封信:







March 7, 2008

Dear Sir/ Madam,

We are looking for a suitable site for our annual staff gathering on a Sunday next month. We will need a conference hall that can accommodate 300 people and audio-visual facilities for a whole day.

We understand that your hotel offers a wide range of services. Could you please send us information including detailed descriptions of your facilities? We would appreciate it if you could send the information before this Friday, so that we will be able to make a final selection of the site by the end of this month.

Hope to hear from you soon.

Sincerely yours,

Xia Yu




此处用that从句修饰conference hall,说明需要什么样的会议厅。




此处使用so that句型表明目的,意为“以便于……”。




Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to write a Job–quitting Letter according to the information given below in Chinese. Remember to write the notice on the Translation/Composition Sheet.


两个月前,你在《时装》求得一份编辑工作,但是你现在发现该份工作并不像你所期望的那样,因此你决定辞职。给你的老板张先生写一份辞职信告诉他你的决定,陈述理由并表示歉意。署名Li Ming。



Dear Mr. Zhang,

I am sorry to write this letter to inform you of my decision to resign the editor of the Fashion.I would appreciate it very much if you would accept my resignation.
