理工学术英语literature review
Literature Review 英文文献综述模板
Text Recognition with Machine Learning based on Text StructureLiterature ReviewYifan Shi Student ID:27291944Email:ys1n13@MSc Artificial IntelligenceFaculty of Physical Sciences&Eng,University of SouthamptonAbstract—The fast developing Machine Learning algorithms introduced to semantic area nowadays has brought vast techniques in text recognition,classification, and processing.However,there is always a contradiction between accuracy and speed,as higher accuracy generally represents more complicated system as well as large training database.In order to achieve a balance between fast speed and good accuracy,many brilliant designs are used in text processing.In this literature review,these efforts are introduced in three layers:Natural-Language Processing,Text Classification,and IBM Watson System.Keywords—Machine Learning,Natural-Language Processing,Text Classification,IBM WatsonI.I NTRODUCTIONThe growing popularity of the Internet has brought increasing number of users online,with a vast amount of messages,blogs,articles,etc.to be dealt with.These texts,known as natural-language texts,contain possible useful information but take a long time for human to read,understand and deal with.Despite the popular search engine technology nowadays in helping users tofind the sources with keywords,semantic techniques are also needed by many companies to improve their user-friendly working environment.In this literature review,I will introduce several important semantic techniques,starting from the most basic Natural-Language Processing,concentrating in the meaning of words and sentences,followed by Text Classification which is focused on paragraphs and articles.Then,I will introduce a landmark system named IBM Watson,which has DeepQA as its working pipeline.Finally,a conclusion will be included to give some comments on these techniques.II.N ATURAL L ANGUAGE P ROCESSING In order to deal with the human natural-language, it is necessary to transform the unstructured text into well-structured tables of explicit semantics (Ferrucci,2012).According to Liddy(2001), Natural-Language Processing(NLP)is a series of computational techniques used to analyze and represent naturally organized text in order to achieve certain tasks and applications.Collobert and Weston(2008)have categorized NLP tasks into six types:Part-Of-Speech Tagging,Chunking,Named Entity Recognition,Semantic Role Labeling, Language Models,and Semantically Related Words.In addition to this,they also implemented Multitask Learning with Deep Neural Networks to build a successful unified architecture which avoided traditional large amount of empirical hand-designed features to train the system by using backpropagation training(Collobert et al.,2011).III.T EXT C LASSIFICATIONOne of the simple way to represent an article for a learning algorithm is to use the number of times that distinct words appear in the document (Joachims,2005).However,due to the large amount of possible words used in articles,it would create a very high dimensional space of features.Joachims(1999)suggests a TransductiveSupport Vector Machines to do classification because of its effective learning ability even in high dimensional feature space.Rather than using non-linear Support Vector Machine(SVM), Dumais et al.(1998)compared linear SVM with another four different learning algorithms which are Find Similar,Decision Trees,Naive Bayes, and Bayes Nets,which also supports SVM in text classification because of its high accuracy,fast speed as well as its simple model.Sebastiani(2002) also recommends Neural Network as a potential selection in text classification in that its accuracy is only slightly lower than SVM in comparison. The cross-document comparison of small pieces of text,using linguistic features such as noun phrases,and synonyms is introduced by Hatzivassiloglou et al.(1999).The similarity of two paragraphs is defined by the same action conducted on the same object by the same actor. Therefore,drawing features according to nouns and verbs would generally conclude a paragraph into several primitive elements.In addition to the similar primitive elements,restrictions such as ordering, distances and primitive(matching noun and verb pairs)are also implemented to exclude weakly related features.The feature selection methods can effectively reduce the dimensions of dataset (Ikonomakis,2005)while keeping the performance of classification.To make sure which words are to be kept,an Evaluation function has been introduced by Soucy and Mineau(2003)to measure how much information we can get by classifying through a single word.Another improvement by Han et al. (2004)is to use Principal Component Analysis (PCA)to reduce the dimension in transformation of features.Nigam and Mccallum(2000)combine Expectation-Maximization and Naive Bayes classifier to train the classifier with certain amount of labeled texts followed by large amount of unlabeled documents,which realizes the automatic training without huge amount of hand-designed training data.IV.IBM W ATSONThe IBM Watson project has shown us that computer system in open-domain question-answering(QA)is possible to beat human champions in Jeopardy.As Ferrucci(2012) mentioned,the structure of Watson is more complicated than any single agent as it has hundreds of algorithms working together,in the way that Minsky(1988)introduced in Society of Mind.Generally,Watson consists of parts which are DeepQA,Natural Language Processing(NLP), Machine Learning(ML),and Semantic Web and Cloud Computing(Gliozzo et al.,2013).The DeepQA system analyzes the question by different algorithms,giving different interpretations of questions and forming queries for each question (Ferrucci,2012).It provides all the possible answers to the question with the evidences and the scores for each candidate,which would generate a ranking of candidate answers with the likelihood of correctness.The Machine Learning algorithms are used to train the weights in its evaluating and analyzing algorithms(Gliozzo et al.,2013).The clue that Watson uses in searching is named as lexical answer type(LAT),which tells Watson what the question is asking about and what kind of things it needs to look for.Before doing searching, it would generate prior knowledge of type label, known as‘direction’,to each candidate answer and search evidences for and against this‘type direction’(Ferrucci,2012).The DeepQA also has a high requirement in Grammar-based and syntactic analysis techniques,for example,relation extraction techniques in getting possible relations between words,based on a rule-based approach.In addition,the ability of breaking the question down into sub-questions by logics also improved Watsons performance(Ferrucci,2012),which enables Watson tofind results for each smaller questions and combine them together.In correspondence to the ability of breaking down questions,it can also generate the score for the original question based on the evidence for sub-questions.To simulate human knowledge,Watson also uses self-contained database.However,this requirement has led to its great hardware cost.Watson also needs to do automatic text analysis and knowledge extraction to update its database,because of the enormous amount of work and the insurance ofinput-knowledge accuracy.However,the use of self-contained database is costly,that only few institutions can afford the hardware expense,which makes the application of Watson expensive.Another limitation is that the structured resource is relatively narrow compared with vast unstructured natural-language texts.One of the possible improvement is to use online data and ordinary online search engine tofind possible related articles and analyze them with PC clients.Despite the tradeoff between accuracy and cost,because of the possible the unreal data and incorrect information online,it makes the technique more realizable in general.V.C ONCLUSIONAs can be seen from the content above,most techniques used in text analysis are based on‘word feature’extraction,word types,and relations, which are all semantic techniques.While Watson also uses searching techniques tofind the exact answer shown in text.However,the machines lack the ability to conclude the main idea in a paragraph,which is more related with abstract logic thinking.While the way that human read concerns not only on vocabularies and meanings, but also the structure of paragraph and the location of sentences,for example,thefirst sentence in the paragraph usually guides the following content, which helps tell the significance of the sentences and words.Therefore,using machine learning to analyze the structure of an article and combining with the meaning of every sentence might generate the ability to conclude the main idea,which can be used in text scanning and classification.R EFERENCES[1]S.Dumais,J.Platt,D.Heckerman,and M.Sahami,InductiveLearning Algorithms and Representations for Text Categoriza-tion,Proceedings of the seventh international conference on Information and knowledge management,pp-148-155,1998. 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英文读写literature review范文
The influence of mining exploitation on environment and the solution of the disposal of solid waste residue By the year of 2012, China has 8557 State-owned mining enterprises and over 200 thousands individually owned enterprises. The area of destroyed land in mining area adds up to 29 thousand km^2 and grows at the rate of 2% each year (Liao L-P, Gao.H and Yu X-J, 2012). The mining industry has scored tremendous achievements, but meanwhile it threatens the environment. Some individually owned enterprises lack the awareness of environmental protection and take no preventive measure to lower their cost. Furthermore, out-of-date equipment and poor technology cause huge waste in production, which cause serious environmental pollution.The destruction on land resourcesStrip mining and the piling of tailings and waste residue occupies and destroys large land. In china, the waste-occupied land in mining area adds up to 59 thousand km^2 and the resulting deforestation area adds up to 11 thousand km^2 (Ma X-Q, Huang B-L, 2010). Strip mining can result in the destruction of land surface and Land Subsidence and accelerate the water and soil losses. According to official statistics, by the year of 2011, in the mining area of western China, the Soil erosion area annually increases 20 km^2.The increase of the risk of geological disasterThe construction of mining engineering can significantly change the landform in mining area. Digging to a certain depth will threaten the stability of hillside and easily induce some geological disasters, such as landslip, collapse, debris flow, surface subsidence and even earthquake (Cao F-G, 2007). For example, 4 tons of water will be drained off when 1 ton of coal is mined. The loss of groundwater exerts huge pressure on earthcrust (Gibowicz, 1999). In China, there are nearly 2000 sinkholes and the collapse area adds up to 1150 km^2. Almost 40 of the mining cities in China have Cave-in accident, which threatens the life of mine operators and cause heavy property loss, about 120 million dollars on average each year.The influence on water resourceDeep mining engineering will influence the surface water resources and groundwater resources. Excessive groundwater extraction can cause the drop of water level, some problems on water supply and land subsidence (Auclair AD, 2008). The quality surface water will decrease and the course of river might be changed. In some drought region,the drop of groundwater level can lead to the death of land vegetation (Becker M, 2005). More seriously, huge amounts of industrial water are required tosupport over exploitation in mineral-abundant region and most of the water is drawn from agricultural water, which interferes the agricultural production (Shi X-H, 2009). The loss of biodiversitySoil degradation, environmental pollution, the emission of waste and vegetation clearing are fatal to the biodiversity in mining area. After the loss of biodiversity, some high-resistant species can still inhabit the abandoned land in mining area, but because of the barren soil and the deficiency of microorganism activity, the recovery of ecosystem usually need 10-50 years (Xiao H-L, 2011). The loss of biodiversity in some damaged ecosystems is even irreversible.The solution of the disposal of solid waste residueSolid waste residue is the biggest polluter in mining area and the disposal of it still plagues the government and mining enterprises, so it deserves a separate discussion. The heavy metal ion in solid waste is the most harmful substance. Once contacting water source, these ions will dissolve, making the water corrosive and toxic, and it is very difficult to extract them from the water (FAO, 2004).High technology offers two new methods to solve this problem. One is microorganism technology. The removal of heavy metal ions by microorganism is a new applicable technique. Various types of biomass, including bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae have been evaluated for their heavy metal uptake properties. The most prominent features of biosorption are the use of low cost biomass material and the high efficiency of some biomass to uptake heavy metals in very low concentration (Jose T.Matheickal, 2001).Another one is new corrosion-resisting clay. This kind of clay is toughened, innocuous and environmental-friendly. In the process of disposing the waste residue, the clay will be first made into mud. The clay mud covers the surface of waste residue and after it dries out, the clay will become a waterproof layer and can resist the corrosion of any substance in the soil. Then the waste residue can be sequestered underground safely (Moore, 2005).However, Zhu.J.J has pointed out the possible resistance of the implementation of these methods. There is a lack of related Professional Staff. Disposing the waste residue in high-tech methods will increase the cost of enterprises (Zhu J-J, 2009). What’s more, some individually-owned enterprises are even ignorant of the importance of environmental protection, so they may be completely uninterested in these handling methods .Summary and TipsAlong with the enhancing of the people's awareness of the environment,the environmental management has become indispensable in the development of mining industry. Some relative rules, regulations, and standards show be put on to establish a more rational Working mechanism. If the development condition of the mining industry improves, the mining enterprises will no longer pursue profit at the cost of environment.ReferencesAuclair AD. (2008). A case stury of forest decline in western Canada and the adjacent United States. Water, Air and Soil pollution 53(2): 23-31.Becker M. (2005). Silver fir decline in the V osges mountains: Role of climate and natural culture. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 48: 77-80Cao F-G. (2007). Hunan Geology Science & Technology 21(2): 29-31(in Chinese) FAO. (2004). State of the World’s Chemical Industry, 2009. Journal of Applied Chemistry, 15(10): 195-196Gibowicz. (1999). Magnitude and energy of subterranean shocks in Upper Silesia.The Earth's Interior Structure 32(7): 14-15Jose T.Matheickal. (2001). Removal of Heavy Metal Ion from Wastewater by Using Biosorbents from Marine Algae. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 9(2): 133-136 Liao L-P, Gao H, Yu X-J (2012). Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 11(2): 61-64 (in Chinese)Ma X-Q, Huang B-L. (2010). A study on self-poisoning effects of Chinese fir plantation. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University 24(1): 12-16Moore.(2005). Changes in structure and composition of modern Industrial raw materials.Modern Industry Management 208(1/3): 223-225Shi X-H. (2009). Rain and its influence on environmental ecosystem. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 21(1): 109-114(in Chinese)Xiao H-L. (2011). Increased soil temperature and forest decline. Tropical Subtropical Soil Science 4(4): 246-249(in Chinese)Zhu J-J. (2009). A review on fundamental studies of secondary forest management.Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 13(12): 168-169。
How to write a literature review-学术英语写作
(2) Four tasks
A literature review must do these things: 1. be organized around and related directly to the thesis or research question you are developing 2. synthesize results into a summary of what is and is not known 3. identify areas of controversy in the literature 4. formulate questions that need further research
• According to the Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical points of current knowledge and or methodological approaches on a particular topic. Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report any new or original experimental work.
3. How to write: (1)Four stages
1. Problem formulation —which topic or field is being examined and what are its component issues? 2. Literature search —finding materials relevant to the subject being explored 3. Data evaluation —determining which literature makes a significant contribution to the understanding of the topic 4. Analysis and interpretation —discussing the findings and conclusions of pertinent literature
学术英语理工unit4 Abstract & literature review
purpose or objective
human beings are exposed to different source of radiation every
the radiation is not so terrible as they expected
methods & principal process
1)the probability of real reactor accident
2)the radioactive
3)other radiation problem
nuclear power radiation will cause much fewer cancer and death than coal burning
Susan Blumenthal
Radiation and Health:The Aftershocks of Nunclear Disaster(2011) contexts: 1)the duration
2)strength of the exposure
only exposure to high dose of radiation or long-term low dose exposure could lead to acute health problems
put forward the point
discusse different source of nuclear power risks
compare artificial radiation and natural radiation
analyze their impact
学术英语理工综述范文English:In recent years, academic research in the field of science and technology has been increasingly focused on the integration of interdisciplinary knowledge and the application of advanced technologies. This trend has led to the emergence of a new genre of academic writing known as the engineering and technology literature review. This type of literature review aims to provide a comprehensive and critical analysis of existing research and developments in a specific area of engineering or technology. To achieve this, authors typically draw on a wide range of sources, including academic journals, conference proceedings, and technical reports. By synthesizing and evaluating these sources, authors are able to identify key trends, gaps, and challenges in the field, and propose new directions for future research. Furthermore, the use of advanced technologies such as data mining and machine learning has enabled researchers to conduct more comprehensive and systematic literature reviews, leading to a deeper understanding of complex engineering and technological issues. Overall, the academic English used in engineering and technology literature reviews plays acrucial role in disseminating valuable knowledge and insights to a global audience of researchers and practitioners.Translated content:近年来,科技领域的学术研究越来越关注跨学科知识的整合和先进技术的应用。
Literature Review (Sample 1)文献综述1
Literature ReviewC12 英语〔1〕 X X XTess of the D’Urbervilles is generally regarded as Tomas Hardy’s finest novel. Since its publication in 1891, it has encountered considerable concern in literary criticism. Among these numerous essays dwelling on Tess, most criticisms and interpretations focus on probing into the root of Tess’s tragedy. These scholars ponder Tess’s tr agedy from various perspectives and give a multitude of interpretations on this topic. But no one can exhaust such a great work,there is still much room for further consideration about Tess’s tragedy. Through several months’ efforts in searching, collectin g and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning causes of tragedy of Tess, I have learned much and gained a lot of data and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.1.Analyses of Objective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.The Age Characteristic and the Rebel in Tess of the D’U rbervilles – A Feminine Decoding on Tess of the D’U rbervilles by Jiang Lu introduces the economic background of the story. Jiang states that the story of Tess happened during the late half of 19th century, which witnessed the decline and destruction of the English peasantry. It was an age of transition and great social upheavals. With the development of capitalism, England was slowly developing from its former state of a mainly agricultural country to its new condition of a primarily industrial society, because of which the traditional self-sufficient society order in the country was broken. Helplessly confronted with the change, the country villagers were deprived of their lands, houses and other possessions. Then, in possession of few things they were forced to immigrate away from their accustomed land and to be employed as farm workers. Therefore, country peasants were inflicted tragically by the industrial development. This part clearly demonstrates the economic situation of the farmer at Victorian age which is quite beneficial to my paper.An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by YuKun discusses the tragedy of Tess from the perspective of Ecofeminism, this paper practically explores the close relationship between women and nature and women’s tragic fate as the result of industrialization and patriarchal society, which helps me understand Tess’s tragedy from a new angle. It points out that at the late Victorian Age when industrialization began to encroach upon the countryside rapidly and capitalism developed further, the peasants lost their land and many of them were impoverished. Tess’s family,without exception, was poverty-stricken, which turned out to be the very root of her tragedy. Tess, impelled by the economic pressure from her family, had to go to claim kindred with prosperous D’Urbervilles family where she met evil Alec who deprived of her virginity; and it was her poor family that made Tess return to Alec. Besides, the society in the Victorian period was a man-dominated society, woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality. Angel who set a double moral standard for man and woman certainly couldn’t conceive of a relationship of equality with Tess. He couldn’t forgive Tess for her lost of virginity although he himself had dissipated past. Thus he finally abandoned Tess because of her “impurity〞, which gave Tess a fatal blow.The Connotation and Characteristic of “Angels in House〞in Victorian Period of England by Zeng Yayin demonstrates perfect women’s image in people’s mind in Victorian period. It says that a traditional Victorian woman is supposed to be a perfect woman. First, they should be gentle, graceful and charming, that is to keep an attractive appearance. Second, they should be submissive. They were taught to be sympathetic, gentle and considerable to other people. And the most important thing was to be submissive to their father or brothers, and after being married, their submission turned to their husbands. Third, they should have pure bodies. Traditionally, virginity was worshipped as a symbol of honor for an unmarried woman. It was very important for a younger woman to be a virgin before marriage and be loyal to her husband after she married him, and virginity was a girl’s virtue and value as well. Fourth, home was her whole world. She should sacrifice herself for her husband and the family. Taking care of the family and making the home healthy andcomfortable was undoubtedly all her duty. Besides, they were economically dependent, what they should do was to stay at home which was the shelter for them, and to seek for support and protection from them, so marriage was pretty much their best choice. All in all, the idle Victorian woman should be devoted, pure both mentally and physically and submissive. This paper gives me a general idea of the image of women in Victorian period, which will help me a lot in my paper.Analysis of Tragedy of Tess by Tang Xuan points out that Tess is a typical female tragedy, considering the convention and the bourgeois morality of her time. The last years of the nineteenth century were the Victorian period. Victorian morality imposed rigid norm on women, which demanded women to be pure. The loss of virginity was a fatal blow to Tess as she was turned against and crushed by the social convention. It was a man-dominated society, in which woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality and the use of double standard in sexual matters was the essential feature of the Victorian society. This was why Tess, being violated by Alec, unfairly suffered from being morally and socially spurned and punished while Alec remained free from any social reprimands. What is more, according to the Victorian customs, a man could live a dissipating life as he had once done while a woman could not. This double standard for man and woman made it impossible for Angel who was dominated by the conventional social custom and the bourgeois view of morality to forgive Tess. This part helps get a better idea of the impact of social convention and morality on Tess’s tragedy.The Ruin of a Pure Woman — Analyses of the Tragedy of Tess by Zhou Hong says that Tess is the victim of capitalist law and hypocritical religion. It states that Alec dared to do evil at his pleasure not only because he was a man of money and power, but also because he was under the protection of bourgeois law which was employed as a tool to rule ordinary people and was always at bourgeois’ interest. According to the law, it was ironic that the man who seduced Tess was justified while Tess who suffered damage was sinful. Oppressed by so strong social prejudice, Tess was deprived of the right to protect herself and forced to accept the unfair treatmentimposed on her. Thus, she was doomed to be a victim of power and violence. Besides, hypocritical religion was also closely related to Tess’s tragedy. In capitalis t society, religion was just used as a tool to lull and enslave people. When Tess met Alec again, to Tess’s as tonishment , Alec, the man who seduced her and ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss of tragedy, could resort to Christianity and became a priest who asked people to do good deeds. From this part I can see that both bourgeois law and religion are hypocritical.2. Reflection on Subjective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.Analysis of Tess’s Character by Xu Haibo focuses on Tess’s character to explain the cause of Tess’s tragedy. It points out that the character of Tess is closely related to her fate, it is the tension in her character that leads her to the tragedy. The most obvious ones are those between humility and pride, and between innocence and sensuality. Ultimately it can be said that the tension is the one between obedience and rebellion within her character. It presents that both historical conditions and living environment contribute to the formation of Tess’s character. Tess has the qualities of kindness, honesty, diligence and loyalty which are shared by the label people, besides, she also inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families, but her pride is conflicted with her social and economic position. In this paper, the author gives a detailed explanation with examples about the tension in Tess’s character which helps me better understand his idea. Besides it points out that there is also conflict between acquired conventional belief and instinctive independence of mind, and between ignorance and education in Tess’s character, which can also be seen from many cases. From this article, I get a good knowledge of Tess’s character as well as its relationship with her fate.Study on the Tragic Fate of Tess by Zhou Zhongxin and Wang Yanwen points out that Tess is a pure woman, but, ironically, her purity becomes the decisive factor of her tragedy. It states that Tess’s pure nature is fully embodied by her strong sense of responsibility and self -sacrifice to her family. When their horse is killed in an unexpected accident, nobody blames Tess as she blames herself, therefore, she doesn’trefuse once more her parent’s suggestion to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family although she is not willing to do so. This is the very action that ruins all her life, she is seduced by Alec and later gives birth to an illegitimate baby. Moreover, her sense of responsibility is also clearly revealed when she becomes a mistress of Alec because of the desperate situation of her family. Tess’s purity is also displayed in her honesty and loyalty to love. When she is seduced by Alec, she bravely chooses to leave him at once irrespective of the pressure of her family and the society, because she realizes that she has never loved Alec.As to Angle, she falls in love with him deeply, but she continuously refuses Angle’s wooing because she thinks her being his wife is a shame for him. In order to protect Angle, she is willing to sacrifice her own feeling and happiness. Although she accepts Angle at last, she decides to disclose her past to him because of her honesty and true love for Angle. But her confession only results in an end of their marriage, she is deserted by her heartless husband, which leads to her miserable life soon afterwards. This paper offers me a good idea of the relationship be tween Tess’s purity and her tragedy.A Multi Perspective of the Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervil les by PengYan mentions the persecution of religion on Tess. Brought up in a heavily religious environment, Tess is deeply poisoned by religious thought, which forces Tess to bear enormous psychological pressure and induces her to sink into tragical abyss. Tess is a victim of religious doctrine. When her baby is dying, she suddenly realizes that she hasn’t been baptized and therefore will die without salvation a nd go to hell, but no parson is willing to do it for her baby, so she decides to baptize her baby by herself. Obviously, all her terrors about the hell are coming from the religious doctrine taught to her. Besides, although she used to doubt the existence of God when she feels desperate toward life, she can’t free herself from the shadow of religion. She always uses religious thought to imagine, explain and symbolize her miserable life. When she meets a man writing biblical texts on walls, she consciously feels ashamed and guilty for her loss of virginity, although it is not her fault. She is always self-contempt and keeps torturing herself by hypocritical religion thought. From this part I get to know religion’s impact on Tess.My Opinion about Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Li Honglan points out her family’s role in causing her tragedy. It says that Tess’s parents are ignoran t and vain,which leads directly to Tess’s tragedy. Tess’s father, Jack is lazy, selfish and foolish. When he hears of the news about his noble ancestry, he thinks his family will surely become rich if only Tess go to claim kinship with the wealthy family. When Tess is seduced by Alec, he doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings and lock the door to prevent Tess from going out, the only thing that worries him is what others will think of this collapse of his family pride.Besides, Tess’s mother Joan is no better than Jack. The news of ancestry also affects her, she wants her daughter to rise in the world by making a successful marriage and thus bring fortunes to the whole family. When Tess chooses to leave Alec, she blames Tess for not marrying him and when Tess is deserted by Angle, she thinks it is all Tess’s fault. At the same time, her father doesn’t show sympathy for Tess either, he even doubts about her marriage, which makes Tess unable to live at home any more. Since her parents cannot be relied on, Tess takes on her younger shoulder the family burdens. She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family and at almost every stage of her life it is her concern for family that influences her actions-from her agreement to claim kinship to family D’Urberville right to her final decision to return to Alec is totally due to her responsibility to support her family. From this analysis, I get a comprehensive knowledge about the influence of Tess’s family on her tragedy.Tess一A Pure but Tragic Woman by Zhang Qun discusses the influence of two men —Alec and Angle on Tess’s tragedy. It explains that Alec, typical of a bourgeois villain, m etamorphoses himself into the more dignified style of Alec D’Urberville and decorates himself as a man of nice heart. He takes advantage of Tess’s poverty and innocence, and seduces her on purpose. Thus , Tess intends to look for a way out but is driven by him to a way with a dead end. On the other hand, Angle is a representative of bourgeois intellectuals. He regards himself as a man full of new thoughts who isn’t bound by social customs. However, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t free himself from it. He idealizes Tess as symbol of purity and pursues her enthusiasticaly, but desert her as soon as Tess’s confession. Given up by her husband,Tess can’t support her family on her own and she is foeced by the death of her father and consequent loss of their cottage to succumbe to Alec to be his mistress. But out of her expection, Angle comes back, she is so shocked and regretfull that she kills Alec, because she thinks it is the only way out. From this analysis, I get a sense of these two men’s impact on Tess and I will use some of his idea in my paper.3. Introduction to the A uthor’s Outlook Reflected in the Novel.On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Hu Ye says that Tess’s t raged y is related to Thomas Hardy’s fatalisti c outlook on life. Tess’s life can be divided into several stages and every stage is sprinkled a series of coincidences that push Tess to the doomed abyss. In this paper, it gives details about these coincides. At the outset, Tess’s father John Durbeyfield is so excited at the news of her ancestor that he drink himself drunk, so Tess has to replace her father to send the beehives to the market. Then the accidental death of the horse Prince destroys the family’s livelihood, so Tess is forced to go to claim k in with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family, where she is seduced by Alec.After this great frustration, she happens to meets Angle and falls in love with him. When she is about to marry him, Tess decides to write her past in a letter and thrusts it from unde r the door into Angel’s bedroom. But the paper gets mislaid under the carpet and Angel does not see it, which directly leads to the break of their marriage. When Tess eventually decides to visit Angel’s parents and asks them for help, she unfortunately ove rhears the conversation of Angel’s brothers, then she give up asking help from them. There is also the coincidence that she reencounters with Alec at exactly the moment when she is most vulnerable, then she becomes her mistress. Considering these coincides, I think that there is close relationship between Tess’s tragedy and these coincidences, although they all happen by chance.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragical ness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure by Zuo Yanru says that Thomas Hardy is an inheritor of classical tragedy, so he naturally transplanting the ideas of fatalism into his tragedy novels, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a typicalone. It tells that Hardy’s perspective of fatalism ha s two distinctive features. First, his fatalism often arises from the external environment, both social and physical, and the internal character of the protagonists. This realistic concern is a new aspect of fatalism. Second, in order to achieve the desire d tragic effect, Hardy’s destructive forces are reflected as the combination of accidents and inevitabilities, which aims to produce a strong sense of fate. The two features makes Hardy’s novels produce a strong sense of fatalism. This introduction lets me know the character of Hardy’s fatalism and its influence on the novel.Having read the above literature concerning the analyses of Tess’s tragedy, we have no difficulty to find that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to p ay attention to the field of the cause of Tess’s tragedy. Most of them probe into this field from the perspective of social background, the heroine’s inner factors or the heroes destructive impact, there are not many other interpretations, however, all of them give me good guide to this topic and help me gain a better understanding of various elements relating to Tess’ tragedy, it also evokes my interest towards this topic and stimulates me to study this topic from a new perspective. In my paper, I tend to analyze the tragedy of Tess from individual choices with the help of the achievements of the critical study done by the former Hardy scholars, and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analyzing the literature.ReferencesXu Haibo. Analysis of Tess’s Character [J]. ?语文学刊(高教·外文版)?2007(06) Zhang Qun. Tess—A Pure but Tragic Woman [J]. Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) 2003(20).胡艳.论哈代?德伯家的苔丝?中的宿命论和悲观主义色彩[J].?太原科技大学报?2021(02).蒋橹.?苔丝?中的时代特征与叛逆形象—苔丝的女性主义视觉解析[J].?电影评介?2006(14).[J].?青海师专学报(教育科学)?2005(05).彭焱. “苔丝〞悲剧的多层次透视[J].?内江师范学院学报?2005(20).唐璇.?苔丝?悲剧根源剖析[J].?南华大学学报(社会科学版)?2006(01).于坤. An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles[J]. ?高等教育与学术研究?2007(01).—?苔丝?悲剧分析[J].?电影评介?2007(11).左燕茹.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragicalness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure [D].济南:山东师范大学. 2004.“家庭天使〞的内涵和特点[J].?达县师范高等专科学校学报(社会科学版)?2005(04).[J].? 电影评介?2021(11).。
1.文献综述(Literature Review):文献综述是Review文章的核心部分,主要对与主题相关
3.结果与讨论(Results and Discussion):结果与讨论部分主要是对前人研究结果的总结和
英文读写literature review范文
The influence of mining exploitation on environment and the solution of the disposal of solid waste residue By the year of 2012, China has 8557 State-owned mining enterprises and over 200 thousands individually owned enterprises. The area of destroyed land in mining area adds up to 29 thousand km^2 and grows at the rate of 2% each year (Liao L-P, Gao.H and Yu X-J, 2012). The mining industry has scored tremendous achievements, but meanwhile it threatens the environment. Some individually owned enterprises lack the awareness of environmental protection and take no preventive measure to lower their cost. Furthermore, out-of-date equipment and poor technology cause huge waste in production, which cause serious environmental pollution.The destruction on land resourcesStrip mining and the piling of tailings and waste residue occupies and destroys large land. In china, the waste-occupied land in mining area adds up to 59 thousand km^2 and the resulting deforestation area adds up to 11 thousand km^2 (Ma X-Q, Huang B-L, 2010). Strip mining can result in the destruction of land surface and Land Subsidence and accelerate the water and soil losses. According to official statistics, by the year of 2011, in the mining area of western China, the Soil erosion area annually increases 20 km^2.The increase of the risk of geological disasterThe construction of mining engineering can significantly change the landform in mining area. Digging to a certain depth will threaten the stability of hillside and easily induce some geological disasters, such as landslip, collapse, debris flow, surface subsidence and even earthquake (Cao F-G, 2007). For example, 4 tons of water will be drained off when 1 ton of coal is mined. The loss of groundwater exerts huge pressure on earthcrust (Gibowicz, 1999). In China, there are nearly 2000 sinkholes and the collapse area adds up to 1150 km^2. Almost 40 of the mining cities in China have Cave-in accident, which threatens the life of mine operators and cause heavy property loss, about 120 million dollars on average each year.The influence on water resourceDeep mining engineering will influence the surface water resources and groundwater resources. Excessive groundwater extraction can cause the drop of water level, some problems on water supply and land subsidence (Auclair AD, 2008). The quality surface water will decrease and the course of river might be changed. In some drought region,the drop of groundwater level can lead to the death of land vegetation (Becker M, 2005). More seriously, huge amounts of industrial water are required tosupport over exploitation in mineral-abundant region and most of the water is drawn from agricultural water, which interferes the agricultural production (Shi X-H, 2009). The loss of biodiversitySoil degradation, environmental pollution, the emission of waste and vegetation clearing are fatal to the biodiversity in mining area. After the loss of biodiversity, some high-resistant species can still inhabit the abandoned land in mining area, but because of the barren soil and the deficiency of microorganism activity, the recovery of ecosystem usually need 10-50 years (Xiao H-L, 2011). The loss of biodiversity in some damaged ecosystems is even irreversible.The solution of the disposal of solid waste residueSolid waste residue is the biggest polluter in mining area and the disposal of it still plagues the government and mining enterprises, so it deserves a separate discussion. The heavy metal ion in solid waste is the most harmful substance. Once contacting water source, these ions will dissolve, making the water corrosive and toxic, and it is very difficult to extract them from the water (FAO, 2004).High technology offers two new methods to solve this problem. One is microorganism technology. The removal of heavy metal ions by microorganism is a new applicable technique. Various types of biomass, including bacteria, fungi, yeast and algae have been evaluated for their heavy metal uptake properties. The most prominent features of biosorption are the use of low cost biomass material and the high efficiency of some biomass to uptake heavy metals in very low concentration (Jose T.Matheickal, 2001).Another one is new corrosion-resisting clay. This kind of clay is toughened, innocuous and environmental-friendly. In the process of disposing the waste residue, the clay will be first made into mud. The clay mud covers the surface of waste residue and after it dries out, the clay will become a waterproof layer and can resist the corrosion of any substance in the soil. Then the waste residue can be sequestered underground safely (Moore, 2005).However, Zhu.J.J has pointed out the possible resistance of the implementation of these methods. There is a lack of related Professional Staff. Disposing the waste residue in high-tech methods will increase the cost of enterprises (Zhu J-J, 2009). What’s more, some individually-owned enterprises are even ignorant of the importance of environmental protection, so they may be completely uninterested in these handling methods .Summary and TipsAlong with the enhancing of the people's awareness of the environment,the environmental management has become indispensable in the development of mining industry. Some relative rules, regulations, and standards show be put on to establish a more rational Working mechanism. If the development condition of the mining industry improves, the mining enterprises will no longer pursue profit at the cost of environment.ReferencesAuclair AD. (2008). A case stury of forest decline in western Canada and the adjacent United States. Water, Air and Soil pollution 53(2): 23-31.Becker M. (2005). Silver fir decline in the V osges mountains: Role of climate and natural culture. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 48: 77-80Cao F-G. (2007). Hunan Geology Science & Technology 21(2): 29-31(in Chinese) FAO. (2004). State of the World’s Chemical Industry, 2009. Journal of Applied Chemistry, 15(10): 195-196Gibowicz. (1999). Magnitude and energy of subterranean shocks in Upper Silesia.The Earth's Interior Structure 32(7): 14-15Jose T.Matheickal. (2001). Removal of Heavy Metal Ion from Wastewater by Using Biosorbents from Marine Algae. Chinese Journal of Chemistry 9(2): 133-136 Liao L-P, Gao H, Yu X-J (2012). Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 11(2): 61-64 (in Chinese)Ma X-Q, Huang B-L. (2010). A study on self-poisoning effects of Chinese fir plantation. Journal of Nanjing Forestry University 24(1): 12-16Moore.(2005). Changes in structure and composition of modern Industrial raw materials.Modern Industry Management 208(1/3): 223-225Shi X-H. (2009). Rain and its influence on environmental ecosystem. Journal of Inner Mongolia Agricultural University 21(1): 109-114(in Chinese)Xiao H-L. (2011). Increased soil temperature and forest decline. Tropical Subtropical Soil Science 4(4): 246-249(in Chinese)Zhu J-J. (2009). A review on fundamental studies of secondary forest management.Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 13(12): 168-169。
Literature ReviewC12 英语(1) X X XTess of the D’Urbervilles is ge nerally regarded as Tomas Hardy’s finest novel. Since its publication in 1891, it has encountered considerable concern in literary criticism. Among these numerous essays dwelling on Tess, most criticisms and interpretations focus on probing into the root of Tess’s trag edy. These scholars ponder Tess’s tragedy from various perspectives and give a multitude of interpretations on this topic. But no one can exhaust such a great work,there is still much room for further consideration about Tess’s tragedy. Through several months’ efforts in searching, collecting and reading an abundance of scholars and professors’ literature concerning causes of tragedy of Tess, I have learned much and gained a lot of data and create the following essay which summons up the essence of the literature.1.Analyses of Objective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.The Age Characteristic and the Rebel in Tess of the D’U rbervilles – A Feminine Decoding on Tess of the D’U rbervilles by Jiang Lu introduces the economic background of the story. Jiang states that the story of Tess happened during the late half of 19th century, which witnessed the decline and destruction of the English peasantry. It was an age of transition and great social upheavals. With the development of capitalism, England was slowly developing from its former state of a mainly agricultural country to its new condition of a primarily industrial society, because of which the traditional self-sufficient society order in the country was broken. Helplessly confronted with the change, the country villagers were deprived of their lands, houses and other possessions. Then, in possession of few things they were forced to immigrate away from their accustomed land and to be employed as farm workers. Therefore, country peasants were inflicted tragically by the industrial development. This part clearly demonstrates the economic situation of the farmer at Victorian age which is quite beneficial to my paper.An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by YuKun discusses the tragedy of Tess from the perspective of Ecofeminism, this paper practically explores the close relationship between women and nature and women’s tragic fate as the result of industrialization and patriarchal society, which helps me understand Tess’s tragedy from a new angle. It points out that at the late Victorian Age when industrialization began to encroach upon the countryside rapidly and capitalism developed further, the peasants lost their land and many of them were impoverished. Tess’s family,without exception, was poverty-stricken, which turned out to be the very root of her tragedy. Tess, impelled by the economic pressure from her family, had to go to claim kindred with prosperous D’Urbervilles family where she met evil Alec who deprived of her virginity; and it was her poor family that made Tess return to Alec. Besides, the society in the Victorian period was a man-dominated society, woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality. Angel who set a double moral standard for man and woman certainly couldn’t conceive of a relationship of equality with Tess. He couldn’t forgive Tess for h er lost of virginity although he himself had dissipated past. Thus he finally abandoned Tess because of her “impurity”, which gave Tess a fatal blow.The Connotation and Characteristic of “Angels in House” in Victorian Period of England by Zeng Yayin demo nstrates perfect women’s image in people’s mind in Victorian period. It says that a traditional Victorian woman is supposed to be a perfect woman. First, they should be gentle, graceful and charming, that is to keep an attractive appearance. Second, they should be submissive. They were taught to be sympathetic, gentle and considerable to other people. And the most important thing was to be submissive to their father or brothers, and after being married, their submission turned to their husbands. Third, they should have pure bodies. Traditionally, virginity was worshipped as a symbol of honor for an unmarried woman. It was very important for a younger woman to be a virgin before marriage and be loyal to her husband after she married him, and virginity was a g irl’s virtue and value as well. Fourth, home was her whole world. She should sacrifice herself for her husband and the family. Taking care of the family and making the home healthy andcomfortable was undoubtedly all her duty. Besides, they were economically dependent, what they should do was to stay at home which was the shelter for them, and to seek for support and protection from them, so marriage was pretty much their best choice. All in all, the idle Victorian woman should be devoted, pure both mentally and physically and submissive. This paper gives me a general idea of the image of women in Victorian period, which will help me a lot in my paper.Analysis of Tragedy of Tess by Tang Xuan points out that Tess is a typical female tragedy, considering the convention and the bourgeois morality of her time. The last years of the nineteenth century were the Victorian period. Victorian morality imposed rigid norm on women, which demanded women to be pure. The loss of virginity was a fatal blow to Tess as she was turned against and crushed by the social convention. It was a man-dominated society, in which woman had to suffer the injustices of man-made law, the law by which man and woman were not equally treated in terms of morality and the use of double standard in sexual matters was the essential feature of the Victorian society. This was why Tess, being violated by Alec, unfairly suffered from being morally and socially spurned and punished while Alec remained free from any social reprimands. What is more, according to the Victorian customs, a man could live a dissipating life as he had once done while a woman could not. This double standard for man and woman made it impossible for Angel who was dominated by the conventional social custom and the bourgeois view of morality to forgive Tess. This part helps get a better idea of the impact of social convention and morality on Tess’s tragedy.The Ruin of a Pure Woman — Analyses of the Tragedy of Tess by Zhou Hong says that Tess is the victim of capitalist law and hypocritical religion. It states that Alec dared to do evil at his pleasure not only because he was a man of money and power, but also because he was under the protection of bourgeois law which was employed as a tool to rule ordinary people and was always at b ourgeois’ interest. According to the law, it was ironic that the man who seduced Tess was justified while Tess who suffered damage was sinful. Oppressed by so strong social prejudice, Tess was deprived of the right to protect herself and forced to accept the unfair treatmentimposed on her. Thus, she was doomed to be a victim of power and violence. Besides, hypocritical religion was also closely related to Tess’s tragedy. In capitalis t society, religion was just used as a tool to lull and enslave people. When Tess met Alec again, to Tess’s astonishment , Alec, the man who seduce d her and ruthlessly pushed her into the abyss of tragedy, could resort to Christianity and became a priest who asked people to do good deeds. From this part I can see that both bourgeois law and religion are hypocritical.2. Reflection on Subjective F actors in Tess’s Tragedy.Analysis of Tess’s Character by Xu Haibo focuses on Tess’s character to explain the cause of Tess’s tragedy. It points out that the character of Tess is closely related to her fate, it is the tension in her character that leads her to the tragedy. The most obvious ones are those between humility and pride, and between innocence and sensuality. Ultimately it can be said that the tension is the one between obedience and rebellion within her character. It presents that both historical conditions and living environment contribute to the formation of Tess’s character. Tess has the qualities of kindness, honesty, diligence and loyalty which are shared by the label people, besides, she also inherits the pride traditionally associated with noble families, but her pride is conflicted with her social and economic position. In this paper, the author gives a detailed explanation with examples about the tension in Tess’s character which helps me better understand his idea. Besides it points out that there is also conflict between acquired conventional belief and instinctive independence of mind, and between ignorance and education in Tess’s character, which can also be seen from many cases. From this article, I get a good knowledge of Tess’s character as well as its relationship with her fate.Study on the Tragic Fate of Tess by Zhou Zhongxin and Wang Yanwen points out that Tess is a pure woman, but, ironically, her purity becomes the decisive factor of her tragedy. It states that Tess’s pure nature is fully embodied by her strong sense of responsibility and self -sacrifice to her family. When their horse is killed in an unexpected accident, nobody blames Tess as she blames herself, therefore, she doesn’trefuse once more her parent’s suggestion to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family although she is not willing to do so. This is the very action that ruins all her life, she is seduced by Alec and later gives birth to an illegitimate baby. Moreover, her sense of responsibility is also clearly revealed when she becomes a mistress of Alec because of the desperate situation of her family. Tess’s purity is also displayed in her honesty and loyalty to love. When she is seduced by Alec, she bravely chooses to leave him at once irrespective of the pressure of her family and the society, because she realizes that she has never loved Alec.As to Angle, she falls in love with him deeply, but she continuously refuses Angle’s woo ing because she thinks her being his wife is a shame for him. In order to protect Angle, she is willing to sacrifice her own feeling and happiness. Although she accepts Angle at last, she decides to disclose her past to him because of her honesty and true love for Angle. But her confession only results in an end of their marriage, she is deserted by her heartless husband, which leads to her miserable life soon afterwards. This paper offers me a good idea of the relationship between Tess’s purity and her tra gedy.A Multi Perspective of the Tragedy of Tess of the D’Urbervil les by PengYan mentions the persecution of religion on Tess. Brought up in a heavily religious environment, Tess is deeply poisoned by religious thought, which forces Tess to bear enormous psychological pressure and induces her to sink into tragical abyss. Tess is a victim of religious doctrine. When her baby is dying, she suddenly realizes that she hasn’t been baptized and therefore will die without salvation and go to hell, but no parson is willing to do it for her baby, so she decides to baptize her baby by herself. Obviously, all her terrors about the hell are coming from the religious doctrine taught to her. Besides, although she used to doubt the existence of God when she feels desperate toward life, she can’t free herself from the shadow of religion. She always uses religious thought to imagine, explain and symbolize her miserable life. When she meets a man writing biblical texts on walls, she consciously feels ashamed and guilty for her loss of virginity, although it is not her fault. She is always self-contempt and keeps torturing herself by hypocritical religion thought. From this part I get to know religion’s impact on Tess.My Opinion about Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Li Honglan points out her family’s role in causing her tragedy. It says that Tess’s parents are ignoran t and vain,which leads directly to Tess’s tragedy. Tess’s father, Jack is lazy, selfish and foolish. When he hears of the news about his noble ancestry, he thinks his family will surely become rich if only Tess go to claim kinship with the wealthy family. When Tess is seduced by Alec, he doesn’t care about his daughter’s feelings and lock the door to prevent Tess from going out, the only thing that worries him is what others will think of this collapse of his family pride.Besides, Tess’s mother Joan is no better than Jack. The news of ancestry also affects her, she wants her daughter to rise in the world by making a successful marriage and thus bring fortunes to the whole family. When Tess chooses to leave Alec, she blames Tess for not marrying him and when Tess is deserted by Angle, she thinks it is all Tess’s fault. At the same time, her father doesn’t show sympathy for Tess either, he even doubts about her marriage, which makes Tess unable to live at home any more. Since her parents cannot be relied on, Tess takes on her younger shoulder the family burdens. She has a strong sense of responsibility towards her family and at almost every stage of her life it is her concern for family that influences her actions-from her agreement to claim kinship to family D’Urberville right to her final decision to return to Alec is totally due to her responsibility to support her family. From this analysis, I get a comprehensive knowled ge about the influence of Tess’s family on her tragedy.Tess一A Pure but Tragic Woman by Zhang Qun discusses the influence of two men —Alec and Angle on Tess’s tragedy. It explains that Alec, typical of a bourgeois villain, metamorphoses himself into the more dignified style of Alec D’Urberville and decorates himse lf as a man of nice heart. He takes advantage of Tess’s poverty and innocence, and seduces her on purpose. Thus , Tess intends to look for a way out but is driven by him to a way with a dead end. On the other hand, Angle is a representative of bourgeois intellectuals. He regards himself as a man full of new thoughts who isn’t bound by social customs. However, as a matter of fact, he couldn’t free himself from it. He idealizes Tess as symbol of purity and pursues her enthusiasticaly, but desert her as soon a s Tess’s confession. Given up by her husband,Tess can’t support her family on her own and she is foeced by the death of her father and consequent loss of their cottage to succumbe to Alec to be his mistress. But out of her expection, Angle comes back, she is so shocked and regretfull that she kills Alec, because she thinks it is the only way out. From this analysis, I get a sense of these two men’s impact on Tess and I will use some of his idea in my paper.3. Introduction to the A uthor’s Outlook Reflected in the Novel.On Fatalism and Pessimistic View in Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Hu Ye says that Tess’s t raged y is related to Thomas Hardy’s fatalistic outlook on life. Tess’s life can be divided into several stages and every stage is sprink led a series of coincidences that push Tess to the doomed abyss. In this paper, it gives details about these coincides. At the outset, Tess’s father John Durbeyfield is so excited at the news of her ancestor that he drink himself drunk, so Tess has to replace her father to send the beehives to the market. Then the accidental death of the horse Prince destroys the family’s livelihood, so Tess is forced to go to claim kin with the wealthy D’Urbervilles family, where she is seduced by Alec.After this great frustration, she happens to meets Angle and falls in love with him. When she is about to marry him, Tess decides to write her past in a letter and thrusts it from under the door into Angel’s bedroom. But the paper gets mislaid under the carpet and Angel does not see it, which directly leads to the break of their marriage. When Tess eventually decides to visit Angel’s parents and asks them for help, she unfortunately overhears the conversation of Angel’s brothers, then she give up asking help from them. There is also the coincidence that she reencounters with Alec at exactly the moment when she is most vulnerable, then she becomes her mistress. Considering these coincides, I think that there is close relationship between Tess’s tragedy and these coincidences, although they all happen by chance.Tragic Consciousness Inherited and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragical ness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure by Zuo Yanru says that Thomas Hardy is an inheritor of classical tragedy, so he naturally transplanting the ideas of fatalism into his tragedy novels, and Tess of the D’Urbervilles is a typicalone. It tells that Hardy’s perspective of fatalism has two distinctive features. First, his fatalism often arises from the external environment, both social and physical, and the internal character of the protagonists. This realistic concern is a new aspect of fatalism. Second, in order to achieve the desired tragic effect, Hardy’s destructive forces are reflected as the combination of accidents and inevitabilities, which aims to produce a strong sense of fate. The two features makes Hardy’s novels produce a strong sense of fatalism. This introduction lets me know the character of Hardy’s fatalism and its influence on the novel.Having read the above literature concerning the analyses of Tess’s tragedy, we have no difficulty to find that more and more scholars and professors both at home and abroad begin to pay attention to the field of the cause of Tess’s tragedy. Most of them probe into this field from the perspective of social background, the heroine’s inner factors or the heroes destructive impact, there are not many other interpretations, however, all of them give me good guide to this topic and help me gain a better understanding of va rious elements relating to Tess’ tragedy, it also evokes my interest towards this topic and stimulates me to study this topic from a new perspective. In my paper, I tend to analyze the tragedy of Tess from individual choices with the help of the achievements of the critical study done by the former Hardy scholars, and I hope that I can make some contribution to this field by reading extensively and analyzing the literature.ReferencesXu Haibo. Analysis of Tess’s Character [J].《语文学刊(高教·外文版)》2007(06) Zhang Qun. Tess—A Pure but Tragic Woman [J]. Journal of Donghua University (Eng.Ed.) 2003(20).胡艳.论哈代《德伯家的苔丝》中的宿命论和悲观主义色彩[J].《太原科技大学报》2008(02).蒋橹.《苔丝》中的时代特征与叛逆形象—苔丝的女性主义视觉解析[J].《电影评介》2006(14).李洪兰.苔丝悲剧之我见[J].《青海师专学报(教育科学)》2005(05).彭焱. “苔丝”悲剧的多层次透视[J].《内江师范学院学报》2005(20).唐璇.《苔丝》悲剧根源剖析[J].《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》2006(01).于坤. An Ecofeminist Reading of Thomas Hardy’s Tess of the D’Urbervilles[J]. 《高等教育与学术研究》2007(01).邹红.一个纯洁女人的毁灭—《苔丝》悲剧分析[J].《电影评介》2007(11).左燕茹. Tragic Consciousness Inherite d and Future Developed in Hardy’s Novels On The Tragicalness in Tess of D’Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure [D].济南:山东师范大学. 2004.曾亚英.英国维多利亚时期“家庭天使”的内涵和特点[J].《达县师范高等专科学校学报(社会科学版)》2005(04).周忠新,王艳文.苔丝的悲剧命运研究[J].《电影评介》2008(11).。
英语硕士论文Literature Review范文----文献综述论文-->正如上面提到的,短期事件研究可以在实证检验的有效市场假说被应用。
这密切关系到著名的“合并后的绩差谜”在阿格拉瓦尔及谢斐(2000 )提出的。
Literature Revieentioned above, short-run event study can be applied in the empirical test for EMH. On the other hand, event studies using long horizon (1-5 years post acquisition) data can be applied to evaluate the effect of M A event on long-term stock market performance of firms. This closely relates to the famous “post-merger underperformance puzzle”proposed in Agrap; Jaffe (2000). In that article, they documented the conclusions made by various researchers on the long-run underperformance of acquiring firms in the stock market. Hopirical methods used by various authors in examining the long-run performance. The first difficulty encountered in long-run event studies is the calculation of expected returns. Different choices of benchmark models could lead to exactly opposite conclusions, since small measurement errors accumulate in the long-run (Kothari and itchell and Stafford(2000) also shoes higher than the appropriate t-statistics. Fama (1998) advocates the use of calendar time portfolio in correcting for cross-sectional correlation problem. On the other hand, Barber and Lyon (1997) proves that the use of reference portfolio or asset pricing model in calculation of abnormal returns suffers three types of biases in long-run study. The proposed solution is to match sample firms to non-sample parable firms of similar market capitalization and market-to-book ratios. The usefulness of another benchmark model -- the Fama- French three-factor model –seems to be less efficient than the previous tethods (Barber and Lyon 1997, Brav 2000).Another difficulty arises from houlate abnormal returns over time. It is mon to use cumulated abnormal returns (CAR) for short-run study, but Barber and Lyon (1997) argues that this measure is conceptually flaeasure ore sensible based on conceptual grounds is the buy-and-hold abnormal returns (BHAR) etric sums of abnormal returns rather than arithmetic sums as in CAR. Ho simulation shoal returns more often. To correct f-->or such bias, Lyon, Barber and Tsai (1999) proposes the bootstrappedskepirical study in the current paper is focused on short-run period around the event date. Tine the significance of abnormal returns. The first one is to test ent of M A on share performance is significant or not, ation content of MA announcement. This is done by testing for the significance of abnormal returns on single days. The second one is to test for the significance of the event over a short period. This closely relates to the leakage of information ahead of such events and the question of hoarket responds to such events. This is done by testing for the significance of cumulative abnormal returns for a short interval. Since ance of all the sample panies, the individual abnormal return during the event period is averaged across 91 firms, as ulative abnormal return.Define t as the day measured in event time. The date that each acquiring firm announces its merger/acquisition corresponds to t = 0. For each firm, closing share price and contemporaneous FTSE All share index data from t = -100 (100 trading days before the firm’s merger announcement) until t = +5 (5 days after the announcement) are collected. Let and denote the simple daily return for security i and market index at day t, respectively. In the current paper, the estimation period runs from t = -100 to t = -10, and the event period runs from t = -5 to t = +5.The first step is to measure abnormal return, denoted by , for firm i at day t in the event period. Ordinary least squares (OLS) is applied to estimate the market model for firm i, that is, OLS is used to estimate alpha () and beta () parameters for each firm using daily returns from the estimation period, and the abnormal return for each day in the event period is calculated using the folloal return is often affected by firm-specific characteristics, the abnormal returns from equation (1) are averaged for analysis based on the ple of firms. For a given day t in the event period, let denote the average daily abnormal return over all the sample firms, and denote the cumulative average daily abnormal return from the first day in event period (-5) till day t. Similarly, the cumulative daily abnormal return for a specific firm i, denoted by , can be defined. Therefore,Folloal return is then normalized by the sample standard deviation for the daily return--> of corresponding security, denoted by , to yield a standardized abnormal return, (See also Serra 2002):Averaging it over all sample firms, the average standardized abnormal return for day t, denoted by , can be calculated. The test statistic for a given day in the event period (-5 through +5) is as follople size of firms, the central limit theorem that under the independent and identically distributed condition, the statistic in equation (6) should be standard normally distributed asymptotically. The null hypothesis for the first testis that the average standardized abnormal return for day t is 0, i.e. =0. The hypothesis test can also be constructed concerning a period of time. Let , (-530). The null hypothesis for the second test is that the cumulative average abnormal return during the period [,] is 0, i.e. =0.。
下面是理工专业通用学术英语的基础篇:1. 科研报告 (Research Presentation)- Good morning/afternoon everyone. Today, I would like to present my research on…- The purpose of my study is to investigate/examine/analyze…- The findings/results of my research indicate/suggest/demonstrate that…- In conclusion, my research contributes to the field of… and provides insights into…2. 学术论文 (Academic Paper)- This paper aims to explore/investigate/a nalyze the impact of…- The methodology used in this study includes…- The results of the experiment/survey indicate/reveal that…- Based on the findings, it can be concluded that…- This study contributes to our understanding of…3. 文献综述 (Literature Review)- This literature review examines/evaluates/analyzes previous studies on…- The main findings of these studies indicate that…- However, some limitations/challenges exist in the current research.- Future research should focus on/address the gaps in the literature.- In conclusion, this literature review provides a comprehensive overview of…4. 研究方法 (Research Methods)- This study adopts/utilizes a quantitative/qualitative research approach.- The sample/participants in this study were selected using a random/snowball sampling method.- Data was collected through interviews/surveys/experiments.- Statistical analysis/Content analysis was applied to analyze the data.- The limitations of the research methodology should be acknowledged.5. 结果与讨论 (Results and Discussion)- The results of the study suggest that there is a positive/negative correlation between A and B.- The findings support the hypothesis/theory that was proposed.- These results are consistent with previous studies/research in the field.- The implications of these findings for theory/practice are discussed.- Future research should focus on further validating/exploring the results.以上是理工专业通用学术英语基础篇的一些常用表达和句型,可以帮助学生在学术交流和学术写作中更加准确和流利地表达自己的观点和研究成果。
重庆科技学院学术英语课程论文文献综述题目:A Preliminary Exploration on theConstitutional Principles andFormative Methods of Euphemism委婉语的构造原则和构成方式初探学生姓名:指导教师:院系:专业、班级:学号:完成时间:2015年6月说明:封面标题要用中英双语,英文题目在上。
学生姓名、教师姓名等一律用黑体三号,单倍行距Literature Review说明:标题Literature Review 首字母均须大写,字体:西文Arial;字号:3号;段落安排:段前24磅,段后18磅;单倍行距。
1. IntroductionAs a widespread and popular rhetorical device, euphemisms came into people‟s life long time ago. …….And the research of euphemisms has a long history ……………..建议:综述前写一导言,简介研究课题主要内容,概括研究现状,研究目的。
2. The definition of euphemism说明:标题序号与标题名之间,加圆点,并空1个英文字符;标题第一个单词的首字母大写;字体:西文Arial;字号:小3号;段落安排:段前空24磅,段后空6磅;行距:固定值20磅。
The word euphemism comes from Greek; the prefix eu- means good and the stem phemism means speech; the whole word…s literal meaning is word of good omen. In early 1580s, the British writer George Blunt first created the word euphemism …and defined it as …a good or favorable interpretation of a bad word‟. (Shu, 1995:17)(正文中直接引用原文,必须加引号并标出确切的页码)……………………………(正文字体:小四号罗马体,行距为固定值20磅,对齐方式:两端对齐;段首空四个英文字符)3. Researches abroad3.1 Researches from socio-linguistic perspective说明:标题序号与标题名之间,不加圆点,空1个英文字符;标题第一个单词的首字母大写;字体:西文Arial;字号:四号;段落安排:段前空12磅,段后空6磅;行距:固定值20磅。
Title: English Literature Review: AComprehensive PerspectiveIn the realm of academic research, the literature review serves as a critical component, particularly in the field of English literature. This paper aims to provide an extensive overview of the significant developments and trends within the discipline, drawing upon a diverse range of sources and perspectives.Firstly, it is essential to recognize the evolving nature of English literature, which has been shaped by various historical, cultural, and societal influences. The early works of Shakespeare, for instance, have been extensively analyzed for their thematic depth andlinguistic intricacies. Modern scholars continue to delve into these classics, offering fresh interpretations that resonate with contemporary audiences.Moreover, the emergence of new literary genres and movements has significantly broadened the scope of English literature. Postmodernism, for example, has challenged traditional narrative structures and perspectives, introducing elements of ambiguity and fragmentation. Thistrend has been explored in numerous studies, highlighting the diverse ways in which authors have responded to and shaped the postmodern era.Furthermore, the intersection of English literature with other disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, and anthropology, has opened up new avenues for research. The exploration of character psychology in literary texts, or the analysis of societal norms and values reflected in literature, are just a few examples of thisinterdisciplinary approach.In terms of methodologies, the literature review has also undergone significant transformations. With the advent of digital technologies and online databases, scholars now have access to vast repositories of information, enabling them to conduct more comprehensive and rigorous reviews. However, the challenge lies in effectively synthesizing and evaluating this vast amount of data.One notable trend in recent years has been the increasing focus on global perspectives in English literature. With the growth of international literary movements and the rise of multiculturalism, scholars arenow more inclined to explore the global dimensions of literary works. This approach not only broadens our understanding of English literature but also promotes cross-cultural understanding and exchange.Moreover, the impact of gender and race on English literature has also been a topic of increasing interest. The examination of how gender roles and racial identities are represented and constructed in literary texts has provided valuable insights into the complex intersections of identity, power, and representation.In conclusion, the literature review in English literature is a dynamic and evolving field that continues to shape our understanding of the discipline. By exploring diverse themes, genres, and methodologies, scholars are able to delve deeper into the rich tapestry of English literature, revealing new meanings and perspectives that resonate with our contemporary world.**英语文献综述:全面视角**在学术研究领域,文献综述是一个至关重要的组成部分,尤其在英语文学领域更是如此。
review怎么写1.Literature Review 怎样写简洁来说就是用本人的话,把前人相关讨论的观点,结论等paraphrase一下。
所以,1. 你首先要确定好本人的讨论方向2. 然后,找出这个讨论领域相关的讨论材料,最好是权威人士的文章,论文等。
阅读材料,摘选经典的,突出的,有利于你绽开论文的论点,写下来,同一论点的归一类,并记录出处(以便以后写bibliography)3. 接下来就是paraphrase别人的话了,记住,这不是抄袭,由于这些是我们的论点所在,前人的讨论结果。
4. 最终,将写好的literature review再看一遍,看看能否符合规律。
2.如何写好Review首先需要将“文献综述(Literature Review)”与“背景描述(Backupground Description)”区分开来。
其次,文献综述是评论性的(Review就是“评论”的意思),因而要带着作者本人批判的眼光(critical thinking)来归纳和评论文献,而不只仅是相关领域学术讨论的“堆砌”。
Literature+Review(精选五篇)第一篇:Literature+Review什么是Literature Review?Literature Review 就是回顾总结过去所发生的事,回顾总结前人所写的文献。
Literature Review通常出现在毕业论文里面的第一部分。
为什么写Literature Review?写Literature Review的目的,就是为了通过回顾前人所做的研究和文献,来确定自己毕业论文的研究方向(确保自己的论文是研究出新的成果,做出新的贡献,而不是重复前人研究出来的东西,比如说,1+1=2,这个就没必要研究了,之前已经有无数人反复研究过,并验证过了)。
而且在论文里面写Literature Review,是为了让阅读的人对这篇毕业论文有一个大体的了解。
怎么写Literature Review?在Literature Review里面,主要是总结前人的文献,和过去发生的事。
一定是要写总结,很多学生只是把以前的资料在Literature Review里复述一遍,是不行的。
而且,Literature Review千万不能得出结论,比如说,你的毕业论文是调查有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,还是穷人家庭的学生成绩好,Literature Review就是要写总结之前各个学者做的研究,新闻的报道,为什么有些学者觉得有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,或有些学者觉得穷人家庭的学生成绩好,两面性都要总结出来,之后你下一部分的分析(Findings Analysis),也就是你这篇毕业论文的成果,才是你要得出的结论:有钱人家庭的学生成绩好,或是穷人家庭的学生成绩好。
topic of potential risks of nuclear radiation.
2 Radiation is not so terrible as expected and human beings are exposed to different sources of radiation
1 Writing a literature Review
Enhancing your academic language
Complete the following expressions or sentences. 1 a small breach (缺口) in the dam 2 shallow (浅的) foundation 3 implement (履行) a promise 4 the survivor(s) (幸存者) of the earthquake 5 hypothetical (假设的) situation 6 initiate (发起) a reform 7 have potential (潜力) as an artist 8 despite (不顾) their strong disagreement 9 neutralize (中和) acids 10 be in contact (联系) with each other 11 transport (运输) goods by lorry 12 the volume (大量) of exports
1 Writing a literature Review
3 Amber Cornelio holds a different attitude from the other three authors. He believes that radiation exposure will
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2015-2016学年第二学期学术英语理工类期中考试班级:材料成型及控制工程145班学号:5901214047姓名:朱亿成绩:Computer SecurityThe two following articles are on the security of computer.The first one was in the view of hackers,which was talking about the ways to utilize computer vulnerabilities.The first paper firstly redefines the term “hacker”, “cracker” and “getting inside” the computers and describes the procedure in detail. The term “unauthorized user” (UU) will be a better choice for defining the insider group. The known and unknown vulnerabilities will be taken advantage of by UUs ranging from poor password protection to leaving a computer turned on and physically accessible to visitors in the office. The first step of employing technical exploits will be the determination of the specifications of the target system. There are two ways of attacking including being through capabilities inherent in hypertext transfer protocol (http) and being preprogrammed against specific vulnerabilities and launched without any specific target.(Julie,2004) The variability of hacking action including the weak system and the strong system warns the users to choose the right way to protect the computer and do not authorize the computer to others easily. Lastly, the solution of avoiding vulnerabilities has been given, including updating patches, making complex passwords, getting information only from the reliable websites or services, updating anti-virus software and backing up the data to protect the computer not being hacked.Then,the second work was like a supplement to the first article.which involved getting imformaton only from the reliable websites,which was refered in the second article.Always,people are not to know how to use computer safely, update patches, make complex passwords, get information from the reliable websites or services, updae anti-virus software and back up the data to protect the computer not being hacked.So,this article would play a pivotal role in the aspect of computer security.It was a websites guide leading to the security imformation and service for acounts.This guide is intended to present a selected list of sites that cover the basic issues of computer security and which provide useful information for the non-expert (librarian, undergraduate student, office manager, etc.) who wants to learn more about this increasingly important subject. The categories are intended to offer points of departure for some of the many aspectsof computer security. For the sake of brevity, this guide stops short of entering the vast realm of commercial software products, consulting firms, and the like. The individual who is in the market for security products or services should have no trouble finding descriptions, reviews, and comparisons on the web and through other media. ReferenceJulie J.C.H. Ryan(2004), an assistant professor at The George Washington University and co-author of Defending Your Digital Assets Against Hackers, Crackers, Spies, and Thieves, explains.Jane F. Kinkus(2002),Mathematical Sciences Librarian,Purdue University. /02-fall/internet.html.How do computer hackers "get inside" a computer? Julie J.C.H. RyanThis seems like a straightforward question but it's actually quite complex in its implications, and the answer is anything but simple. The trivial response is that hackers get inside a target computer system by exploiting vulnerabilities, but in order to provide more detail, let's start from the beginning.The term hacker is fairly controversial in its meaning and interpretation. Some people claim that hackers are good guys who simply push the boundaries of knowledge without doing any harm (at least not on purpose), whereas crackers are the real bad guys. This debate is not productive; for the purposes of this discussion, the term unauthorized user (UU) will suffice. This moniker covers the entire spectrum of folks, from those involved in organized criminal activities to insiders who are pushing the limits of what they are authorized to do on a system.Next let's explore what it means to get inside a computer. This can refer to gaining access to the stored contents of a computer system, gaining access to the processing capabilities of a system, or intercepting information being communicated between systems. Each of these attacks requires a different set of skills and targets a different set of vulnerabilities.So what do UUs take advantage of? Vulnerabilities exist in every system and there are two kinds: known and unknown. Known vulnerabilities often exist as the result of needed capabilities. For instance, if you require different people to use a system in order to accomplish some business process, you have a known vulnerability: users. Another example of a known vulnerability is the ability to communicate over the Internet; enabling this capability, you open an access path to unknown and untrusted entities. Unknown vulnerabilities, which the owner or operator of a system is not aware of, may be the result of poor engineering, or may arise from unintended consequences of some of the needed capabilities.By definition, vulnerabilities may be exploited. These can range from poor password protection to leaving a computer turned on and physically accessible to visitors to the office. More than one technical exploit has been managed simply by sitting at the receptionist's desk and using his computer to access the desired information. Poorpasswords (for example, a username of Joe Smith with an accompanying password of joesmith) are also a rich source of access: password cracking programs can easily identify dictionary words, names, and even common phrases within a matter of minutes. Attempts to make those passwords more complex by replacing letters with numbers, such as replacing the letter O with the number zero, don't make the task much harder. And when a UU can utilize a valid username-password combination, getting access to a system is as easy as logging in.If a target system is very strongly protected (by an architecture that includes both technical controls such as firewalls or security software, and managerial controls such as well defined policies and procedures) and difficult to access remotely, a UU might employ low-technology attacks. These tactics may include bribing an authorized user, taking a temporary job with a janitorial services firm, or dumpster diving (rifling through trash in search of information). If the target system is not so strongly protected, then a UU can use technical exploits to gain access.To employ technical exploits a UU must first determine the specifications of the target system. It would do no good whatsoeverfor a UU to use a technical exploit against a Microsoft vulnerability if the target system is a Macintosh. The UU must know what the target system is, how it is configured, and what kind of networking capabilities it has. Once these parameters (which can be determined remotely through a variety of methods) are known, then the UU can exploit the configuration's known vulnerabilities. The availability of preprogrammed attacks for common configurations can make this task quite simple; UUs that use these scripted capabilities are somewhat derisively known as script kiddies.One way a technically proficient UU can remotely determine the configuration of a target system is through capabilities inherent in hypertext transfer protocol (http). Users who access certain Web sites actually send configuration information, such as the type of browser being used, to the requesting site. Once the system configuration is known, then exploits can be selected. An example of an exploit that takes advantage of system-specific vulnerabilities is described in the following statement from the U.S. Computer Emergency Response Team (US CERT): Exploit code has been publicly released that takes advantage of a buffer overflow vulnerability in the Microsoft Private Communication Technology (PCT) protocol. The vulnerability allows a remote attacker to execute arbitrary code with SYSTEM privileges.Another type of attack is one that is preprogrammed against specific vulnerabilities and is launched without any specific target--it is blasted out shotgun style with the goal of reaching as many potential targets as possible. This type of attack eliminates the need for the first step, but is less predictable in both outcome and effectiveness against any given target.It's important to recognize that the end goal of unauthorized access varies depending on the UU's motivations. For example, if a UU is trying to gather a lot of zombie computers for use in a distributed denial of service attack, then the goal is to sneak a client program onto as many computers as possible. One way to do this fairly effectively is through the use of a so-called Trojan horse program, which installs the malicious program without the knowledge or consent of the user. Some of more recent mass Internet attacks have had this profile as an element of the attack pattern.Protecting yourself against attacks is a multistep process, which aims to limit and manage the vulnerabilities of your system. (It's impossible to eliminate them all.) First, make sure you have all the latest patches for your operating system and applications--these patches generally fix exploitable vulnerabilities. Make sure your password is complex: it should include letters, numbers, and symbolic characters in a nonsensical manner. Also, consider getting a hardware firewall and limiting the flow of data to and from the Internet to only the few select ports you actually need, such as e-mail and Web traffic. Make sure your antivirus software is up-to-date and check frequently to see if there are new virus definitions available. (If you are using a Windows system, you should ideally update your virus definitions every day.) Finally, back up your data. That way if something bad does happen, you can at least recover the important stuff.Science and Technology Resources on the InternetComputer SecurityJane F. KinkusThe term computer security is used frequently, but the content of a computer is vulnerable to few risks unless the computer is connected to other computers on a network. As the use of computer networks, especially the Internet, has become pervasive, the concept of computer security has expanded to denote issues pertaining to the networked use of computers and their resources.The major technical areas of computer security are usually represented by the initials CIA: confidentiality, integrity, and authentication or availability. Confidentiality means that information cannot be access by unauthorized parties. Confidentiality is also known as secrecy or privacy; breaches of confidentiality range from the embarrassing to the disastrous. Integrity means that information is protected against unauthorized changes that are not detectable to authorized users; many incidents of hacking compromise the integrity of databases and other resources. Authentication means that users are who they claim to be. Availability means that resources are accessible by authorized parties; "denial of service" attacks, which are sometimes the topic of national news, are attacks against availability. Other important concerns of computer security professionals are access control and nonrepudiation. Maintaining access control means not only that users can access only those resources and services to which they are entitled, but also that they are not denied resources that they legitimately can expect to access. Nonrepudiation implies that a person who sends a message cannot deny that he sent it and, conversely, that a person who has received a message cannot deny that he received it. In addition to these technical aspects, the conceptual reach of computer security is broad and multifaceted. Computer security touches draws from disciplines as ethics and risk analysis, and is concerned with topics such as computer crime; the prevention, detection, and remediation of attacks; and identity and anonymity in cyberspace.While confidentiality, integrity, and authenticity are the most important concerns of a computer security manager, privacy is perhaps the most important aspect of computer security for everydayInternet users. Although users may feel that they have nothing to hide when they are registering with an Internet site or service, privacy on the Internet is about protecting one's personal information, even if the information does not seem sensitive. Because of the ease with which information in electronic format can be shared among companies, and because small pieces of related information from different sources can be easily linked together to form a composite of, for example, a person's information seeking habits, it is now very important that individuals are able to maintain control over what information is collected about them, how it is used, who may use it, and what purpose it is used for.Scope of this GuideThis guide is intended to present a selected list of sites that cover the basic issues of computer security and which provide useful information for the non-expert (librarian, undergraduate student, office manager, etc.) who wants to learn more about this increasingly important subject. The categories are intended to offer points of departure for some of the many aspects of computer security. For the sake of brevity, this guide stops short of entering the vast realm of commercial software products, consulting firms, and the like. The individual who is in the market for security products or services should have no trouble finding descriptions, reviews, and comparisons on the web and through other media.MethodsThe web sites in this list were collected through various methods, including searches of Internet directories such as Google and Yahoo, the Librarian's Index to the Internet, the {Scout Report}, and the World Cat database (userid and password are required); burrowing through information security portals such as {InfoSysSec} and {Packet Storm Security}; and exploring links from within quality sites as they were encountered. Emphasis has been placed on sites that provide practical information rather than merely advertise products; accordingly, most of the sites selected are hosted in .edu, .gov, and .org domains. However, commercial sites were not discounted if they provided substantive information in addition to product information.General SourcesCenter for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security/CERIAS's mission is to be recognized as the leader in information security and assurance research, education, and community service. To these ends, CERIAS offers a free security seminar on diverse security topics on Wednesday afternoons during the fall and spring semesters; attendees may show up in person or through a live internet stream. The CERIAS web site also includes extensive computer security resources for K-12 teachers, including background information, lesson plans, and links to other web resources. TECS: The Encyclopedia of Computer Security/TECS provide a forum for visitors to seek the opinions of one or several security experts on a broad scope of security questions. Users range from individuals asking about their home computers to students working on projects to IT professionals; TECS's panel of volunteer security experts tend to work for computer or security consulting companies. Questions are sent via listserv to the experts, whose answers are then published, along with the question, on the web site. The site owners request that the experts try to provide balanced answers that do not gratuitously advertise specific products; vendors are free to list full product descriptions in the TECS Security Product Database.CYBERCRIME/This site is maintained by the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section (CCIPS) of the Criminal Division of the U.S. Department of Justice; the information available at this site is presented from a legal, rather than technical, perspective. It provides a plethora of information about the various ways computers can be used to commit crimes, how and to whom to report computer crimes, and what to do if you are the victim of computer crime. It includes links to cases, laws, legal issues, and policy issues surrounding hacking, intellectual property infringements, and other online offenses.Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures/MITRE, a not-for-profit national resource that provides systems engineering, research and development, and information technology support to the government, has created CVE in an attempt tostandardize the names of vulnerabilities and other information security exposures. MITRE's goal is to increase data communication across network tools by encouraging software companies and developers to use the common names found at the CVE web site; according to CERIAS, "CVE is the key to vulnerability database compatibility." To date, over 60 major organizations have agreed to make their products and services CVE compliant.Stay Safe Online{/}The National Cyber Security Alliance, comprised of corporate and government organization members, sponsors Stay Safe Online to educate home and small business computer users in basic computer security practices, thereby helping to protect the nation's internet infrastructure. The site offers a personal computer security self-test, beginner's guides on various security topics, and a one-hour online course on security fundamentals.Security Statistics{/}Because online banks, retailers, and other businesses may wish to protect their reputations by not reporting problems associated with online attacks, statistics about such can be difficult to find. The Security Statistics site is a portal to data on computer security incidents. Statistics are pooled from a wide range of sources, and includes information about security spending, known vulnerabilities, numbers of reported security breaches, economic impact of incidents, arrests and convictions, and more. The site does not guarantee the accuracy of reported statistics, but the sources of each statistic are included.EthicsComputer and Information Ethics on WWW{http://www.ethics.ubc.ca/resources/computer/}This site is a subdivision of a website on ethics resources which is maintained by the University of British Columbia's Centre for Applied Ethics. The site provides lists of web sites, as well as lists of electronic and print publications, pertaining to various ethical issues in computing. There is a section on courses in computer ethics, which provides links to online syllabi to classes taught at other institutions,and a list of links to relevant organizations. The breadth of this site is limited, but it's a good place to begin exploring the ethical issues of network computing.Ethics in Computing{//}This site is administered by Dr. Edward F. Gehringer, an NCSU professor in Electrical & Computer Engineering and Computer Science who teaches several undergraduate and graduate classes in computer science and computer ethics. The site organizes computer ethics into a simple hierarchy of topics, starting with basic information on ethics. The articles are not necessarily recent, although many concepts pertaining to ethics may remain constant over time. An interesting feature is the site map, which looks like a real map, which offers a graphical representation of how the concepts are related.PrivacyEFF Privacy Now! Campaign{/issues/privacy}The Electronic Frontier Foundation was founded in 1990 to confront civil liberties issues raised by new technologies. EFF's interest in privacy issues runs the gamut from Internet anonymity and pseudonymity to medical privacy to the privacy risks posed by the nation's post-9/11 increased interest in surveillance, biometrics, and a national identification system. This site goes beyond mere tips and offers a thoughtful analysis of the privacy (and social) consequences of our increasingly automated society. Look for Carabella-an interactive adventure game that illustrates some of the privacy and fair use issues associated with online music shopping.Privacy Rights Clearinghouse/The Privacy Rights Clearinghouse is a nonprofit consumer advocacy organization. Their web site is full of information on privacy rights in an online environment. The main issues addressed on this site include personal privacy, financial privacy, and identity theft. Information sources include fact sheets covering specific privacy issues, news items and articles about privacy, and transcripts of PRC speeches and testimony from conferences and legislative hearings.。