



如何去除合成废水中的磷1 引言目前,水体富营养化问题日益严峻,而磷是导致水体富营养化的重要元素,因此,将磷从废水中去除意义重大.与化学除磷和物理除磷相比,强化生物除磷(Enhanced Biological Phosphorus Removal,EBPR)因具有除磷效果好、投资少、污泥产量少等优点而在世界各地的污水处理厂中得到广泛应用.EBPR中起主要作用的微生物为聚磷菌(Phosphate Accumulating Organisms,PAOs),PAOs能够在厌氧的环境中利用细胞内多聚磷酸盐(Polyphosphate,Poly-P)的水解产生腺嘌呤核苷三磷酸(Adenosine Triphosphat,ATP)吸收水体中的挥发性脂肪酸(Volatile Fatty Acids,VFAs),并利用糖酵解(Embden-Meyerhof-Parnas Pathway,EMP)途径或者乙酰辅酶A(acetyl-CoA)通过三羧酸循环(Tricarboxylic acid cycle,TCA)来提供烟酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸(Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide,NADH)在胞内合成聚羟基脂肪酸酯(Poly-β-polyhydroxyalkanoates,PHA).聚磷水解后产生的磷酸盐被释放到水体中,在随后的好氧或者缺氧环境中,PAOs利用水体中的氧气或者硝酸盐(亚硝酸盐)等为电子受体氧化PHA,PHA氧化产生的能量用于超量吸收水体中的磷酸盐并贮存在体内生成聚磷等,最后通过排放富磷污泥来达到减少水体磷含量的目的.在实际的污水处理中,亚硝酸盐作为硝化和反硝化的中间产物广泛存在于污水的脱氮除磷系统中,且在一定条件下能够积累,如DO、温度、pH的变化,以及高浓度的氨氮、硝态氮等.Zeng等(研究发现,亚硝酸盐在传统的A/O工艺中积累量可高达20 mg · L-1.亚硝酸盐积累浓度过高会导致EBPR崩溃.Saito等报道2 mg · L-1 NO-2-N已对PAOs的好氧吸磷造成严重的抑制,而Zeng等报道10 mg · L-1 NO-2-N未对磷的吸收和释放产生抑制.以往研究中对微生物起抑制作用的亚硝酸盐浓度不尽相同,甚至差别很大,这可能与污泥种类、进水成分及反应器的运行条件有关.亚硝酸盐对污水处理厂中微生物的代谢具有严重的抑制作用,包括EBPR中起主要作用的PAOs.亚硝酸盐能够抑制PAOs的好氧吸磷、底物氧化磷酸化、物质主动运输等作用,从而对EBPR造成严重影响的研究表明,PAOs的同化作用(微生物的生长、磷的吸收、糖原质的补给)和异化作用(PHA的氧化)均不同程度地受到亚硝酸盐的影响,且异化作用受抑制程度相对同化作用要小.近期研究发现,在亚硝酸盐的水溶液中真正对微生物代谢起抑制作用的为游离亚硝酸(Free Nitrous Acid,FNA),FNA为亚硝酸盐的的质子化形态,它能够自由地穿过细胞膜.通过严格控制pH等外界条件证实,好氧吸磷的真正抑制成分是亚硝酸盐的质子化形态(即FNA).FNA的浓度与溶液中亚硝酸盐的浓度、温度和pH密切相关,其关系可通过以下公式表示:,其中,T为溶液的温度(℃),Ka为亚硝酸在T温度下的电离平衡常数.本课题组前期研究发现,序批式反应器进水后未经严格厌氧段而适当延长闲置时间在处理合成废水和实际生活污时均能保持良好的除磷性能.将其定义为A/EI(Aerobic/Extended Idle)工艺,A/EI工艺较传统厌氧/好氧(Anaerobic/Oxic,A/O)工艺具有对碳源依赖程度低、操作简单及对pH耐受范围广等优点.不同EBPR工艺中聚磷菌对亚硝酸盐的耐受能力不同,且A/EI工艺特有的运行模式将会导致PAOs代谢机理较传统A/O工艺不同.当进水中含有FNA 时是否会对A/EI工艺除磷性能产生影响,至今尚未明确,这严重阻碍着工艺的进一步完善和推广应用.本文旨在考察FNA对A/EI序批式反应器除磷性能的影响,并通过比较微生物体内储能物质的变化,探究FNA对A/EI反应器除磷性能的影响机制,最后通过恢复试验研究FNA对A/EI反应器抑制作用的可逆性.2 实验材料与方法(Materials and methods) 2.1 实验装置及运行方法活性污泥取自长沙第一污水处理厂回流池,经驯化15 d后平均分配到4个序批式反应器(R1、R2、R3、R4)中.序批式反应器有效容积为1.8 L,各反应器中初始污泥浓度(SS)为4000 mg · L-1左右.污泥沉降性能良好,反应器除磷率均稳定在90%以上.整个实验包含3个时期:驯化期(0~15 d)、试验期(16~105 d)和恢复期(106~130 d).反应器每天运行3个周期,每个周期包含4 h好氧曝气、0.5 h静置沉淀、3.5 h闲置.静置沉淀完成后排出上清液1 L,水力停留时间(HRT)为14.4 h,好氧曝气结束后期排泥水混合物60 mL,污泥停留时间(SRT)为10 d.反应器采用空气压缩机进行鼓风曝气,曝气强度为2 L · min-1.2.2 合成废水本研究进水采用人工合成废水,以磷酸二氢钾作为磷源,浓度为20 mg · L-1(以PO3-4-P 计),以乙酸钠作为单一外加碳源,进水COD值为500 mg · L-1,C/P比(质量比)为25 ∶1,进水氨氮浓度为20 mg · L-1.合成废水其他营养成分包括(以每升计)5 mg CaCl2、5 mg MgSO4、1 mL微量元素,每升微量元素中含有1.5 g FeCl3 · 6H2O、0.15 g H3BO3、0.03 g CuSO4 · 5H2O、0.18 g KI、0.12 g MnCl2 · 4H2O、0.06 g Na2MoO4 · 2H2O、0.12 g ZnSO4 · 7H2O、0.15 g CoCl2 · 6H2O和10 g EDTA.鉴于亚硝酸盐浓度低于2 mg · L-1时对PAOs的好氧吸磷抑制不明显,而当积累量高达20 mg · L-1时会导致EBPR崩溃,本研究选取2 mg · L-1(R1)和20 mg · L-1(R3)及中间浓度10 mg · L-1(R2)3个亚硝酸盐浓度值考察FNA对A/EI工艺除磷性能的影响,R1~R3各反应器FNA浓度分别为5.13×10-5、2.57×10-4和5.13×10-4 mg · L-1,R4作为空白对照.同时,在各反应器进水中添加少量的烯丙基硫脲(ATU)以抑制硝化作用和少量的NaClO3以抑制NO-2-N的氧化.2.3 分析方法SOP(Soluble Orthophosphate)、COD、SS、VSS、氨氮的测定可根据标准检测方法;PHA 测定采用气相色谱法,色谱仪型号为安捷伦6890N;糖原质测定采用苯酚-硫酸法;溶解氧(DO)采用便携式溶解氧仪测定;pH测定采用玻璃电极法3 结果与讨论3.1 FNA对污泥沉降性能的影响各反应器长期运行过程中的污泥体积指数(Sludge Volume Index,SVI)变化情况如图 1所示.由图 1可知,在污泥驯化时期,污泥的SVI值基本维持在103~126 mL · g-1之间,污泥沉降性能良好.在添加亚硝酸盐后,R1、R2和R3中的SVI值均有不同程度的上升,而R4中SVI值始终维持在初始水平,这表明R4中污泥的沉降性能未受到影响.R1中SVI值最高达120 mL · g-1,仍处于正常的沉降范围(50~150 mL · g-1);而R2、R3中最大SVI值分别为211 mL · g-1和310 mL · g-1,表明R2和R3中污泥物沉降性能变差,出现不同程度的污泥膨胀.这些研究结果表明FNA浓度大于2.57×10-4 mg · L-1时会导致污泥沉降性能变差,甚至引发污泥膨胀,而FNA小于5.13×10-5 mg · L-1时对A/EI工艺的污泥沉降性能无明显影响.往的研究也表明,在FNA浓度较低时对系统污泥沉降性影响不明显,而浓度较高时会产生严重的污泥膨胀.图 1 长期运行过程中各反应器内SVI值变化情况3.2 FNA对A/EI反应器除磷性能的影响经15 d驯化完成后,4个反应器中磷的去除率均在90%以上,在130 d的长期运行过程中出水磷浓度如图 2所示,各反应器平均出水磷浓度分别为2.3、7.4、11.9和2.0 mg · L-1.各反应器长期运行过程中VSS及SS的平均值见表 1,则各反应器中单位VSS磷的去除量分别为6.0、4.3、3.5和6.3 mg · g-1.可见R1、R4反应器的除磷性能明显强于R2、R3,即FNA抑制了反应器内微生物的除磷能力,并且FNA浓度越高,抑制作用越大.且当FNA浓度为2.57×10-4 mg · L-1时反应器除磷受到严重影响,单位VSS除磷量抑制达到38%.然而,当FNA浓度为5.13×10-5 mg · L-1时反应器仍表现出良好的除磷性能,磷的平均去除率高达89%,单位VSS去磷量的抑制仅为4.75%.可见当FNA的浓度大于2.57×10-4 mg · L-1.时会严重抑制A/EI工艺的除磷效率,而FNA浓度低于5.13×10-5 mg · L-1时对A/EI工艺除磷性能的影响并不明显.表1 各反应器平均VSS、SS及出水氮浓度3.3 典型周期内SOP、DO、COD、PHA及糖原质的变化典型周期内SOP、DO、COD、PHA及糖原质的变化情况如图 3所示.好氧期内,R3和R4的吸磷量分别为3.5和6.3 mg · g-1(以单位VSS的吸P量计),R3的吸磷量远小于R4,这表明FNA能抑制反应器中PAOs的好氧吸磷.即FNA浓度为5.13×10-4 mg · L-1时,反应器中PAOs好氧吸磷受抑制程度达44%.以往研究也曾报道FNA对PAOs的好氧吸磷具有抑制作用,如Pijuan等的研究表明,FNA浓度为5.0×10-4 mg · L-1(相当于2.0 mg · L-1 NO-2-N,pH=7.0)时对A/O工艺好氧吸磷可造成50%的抑制.Saito等研究表明,拥有较高缺氧活动能力的PAOs能够减缓FNA的抑制作用.而本研究系统所特有的延长闲置时期恰好为PAOs提供了缺氧环境,这或许是本研究系统较传统系统拥有较高FNA耐受能力的原因.图 3 典型周期内SOP、DO、COD、PHA及糖原质的变化(实验数据是稳定试验期第40、55、70、85和100 d数据的平均值)除磷的能力取决于聚磷在微生物代谢过程中所起到的作用,当聚磷作为能源物质在代谢过程中提供能量时,就能诱导聚磷微生物过量摄取污水中的磷酸盐.Wang等研究表明,A/EI 工艺在延长闲置期释磷能诱导下一周期好氧吸磷,且闲置期释磷的多少与整个周期磷的去除有极大的关系,闲置期释磷量越大,整个周期磷的去除量就越大.本研究中4个反应器在延长闲置时期均有释磷,而R1和R4闲置期磷的释放量分别为2.28和2.43 mg · g-1,相比之下,R2和R3闲置期释磷量仅为1.21和1.09 mg · g-1.各反应器中聚磷对微生物在延长闲置期前期维持自身的代谢都起到了重要作用,因而释磷量的不同说明聚磷水解在各反应器中提供的能量不尽相同.由于R1、R4闲置期释磷量大于R2、R3,因而R1和R4中磷的去除量明显大于R2和R3.R1仍表现出良好的摄磷和释磷性能,表明FNA小于5.13×10-5mg · L-1时对A/EI反应器好氧吸磷和闲置释磷影响不明显;而FNA大于2.57×10-4mg · L-1时对A/EI反应器中微生物的好氧吸磷和闲置时期的释磷有严重的影响.生物除磷性能的高低同时还与周期内PHA及糖原质的转化密切相关.以乙酸钠为单一碳源时,微生物在体内通过TCA循环将乙酸钠主要转化成聚-β-羟丁酸(Poly-β-hydroxybutyrate,PHB)和少量糖原质.由图 3可知,R4中好氧段前60 min内COD已基本消耗完全,同时PHA合成量达2.7 mmol · g-1(以每g VSS合成的C量计),反应器中出现少量释磷.随后PHA被迅速氧化,且混合液中磷酸盐迅速减少,反应器内出现超量吸磷,吸磷量达6.12 mg · g-1.此外,整个周期中糖原质变化不明显.R1典型周期的变化趋势基本与R4类似,而R2、R3中各物质变化规律与R4相比有显著不同.在好氧段,R2和R3中COD 的去除较慢,曝气结束时R2和R3中COD的去除率分别为82%和90%,PHA最大合成量分别为1.65和1.38 mmol · g-1,糖原质积累量分别为3.61和3.65 mmol · g-1(以每g VSS 积累的C量计).R2、R3中PHA合成量小于R1和R4,而糖原质合成明显比R1、R4多.PHA氧化产生的能量用于好氧吸磷、糖原质的补给及微生物自身的生长,R1和R4在60 min后表现出超量吸磷的原因正是胞内PHA的迅速氧化,而R2和R3没有表现出明显的超量吸磷也正是好氧初期没有合成充足的PHA,以至于整个好氧时期的吸磷量仅为3.87和2.54 mg · g-1.4个反应器进水均采用乙酸钠为单一碳源,乙酸钠进入细胞内经过TCA循环产生的能量及微生物的生长代谢消耗量应一致,理论上生成PHA的量也应一致,而R2、R3中PHA 合成明显少于R1、R4.底物合成PHA的过程也就是合成ATP的过程,而FNA作为一种解偶联剂,对ADP+Pi合成ATP的磷酸化过程具有抑制作用,使生成的能量不能用于ADP的磷酸化,且FNA能提高质子通透膜的通透性,从而导致质子驱动力被破坏,氧化磷酸化的作用随即也被破坏.因此,FNA对A/EI好氧吸磷的抑制可能是由于抑制了PHA的合成,PHA氧化产生的能量不足,进而用于吸磷的能量受到限制.此外,研究发现,FNA浓度越高,PHA合成量就越小,好氧吸磷量也越小.4个反应器好氧段末PHA的含量均降低到初始水平,表明PAOs前期合成的PHA均被充分地利用.PHA的合成量、好氧吸磷及闲置释磷量均与FNA有密切关系.FNA抑制PHA合成,进而导致后续氧化产能不足影响好氧吸磷.由于好氧末期各反应器碳源消耗殆尽且PHA的含量均已降至初始水平(图 3),因此,聚磷水解对闲置期微生物维持自身生命活动意义重大,研究系统闲置时期聚磷的水解是了解除磷性能的关键因素.本研究中FNA抑制闲置时期聚磷的水解,进而下个好氧初期释磷量不明显.生物除磷中普遍存在运行不稳定的现象,聚糖菌(Glycogen accumulating organisms,GAOs)与PAOs的竞争往往是引起不稳定运行的一个因素,GAOs会与PAOs竞争有限的碳源,而对除磷无任何贡献,因而会导致系统除磷性能下降.Mino等和Wang等研究表明,EBPR系统中较高的糖原质转化表明系统中GAOs活性较强,因为糖原质是GAOs主要形式的胞内聚合物.本研究中R2和R3中糖原质合成量明显高于R1和R4,说明R2和R3中GAOs活性相比R1、R4更强.GAOs活性增强会加速其与PAOs之间的竞争,从而导致系统除磷性能下降.可见,FNA 能加速GAOs与PAOs的竞争,为GAOs在竞争中占据优势提供有利条件,同时也说明PAOs相比GAOs对FNA更敏感.3.4 恢复试验恢复试验期停止添加亚硝酸盐,并用去离子水反复清洗污泥以去除污泥表面残留的亚硝酸盐.由图 1可知,R2和R3中SVI值逐渐下降,污泥沉降性能有所提升,然而其SVI值始终未能恢复至初始水平.相比而言,R1中SVI值迅速下降并恢复至初始水平.由图 2可知,经恢复稳定后,R1出水磷浓度为1.99 mg · L-1,和R4中的1.97 mg · L-1相差不大,而R2和R3经恢复稳定后出水磷浓度分别为5.4 mg · L-1和8.46 mg · L-1,磷的平均去除率分别为73%和58%,除磷性能相比R1及空白组R4较弱.结果表明,FNA浓度高于2.57×10-4 mg · L-1时对A/EI工艺除磷性能的影响较严重,撤销影响后系统的除磷能力和沉降性能虽有明显回升,但无法恢复至初始水平.具体参见污水宝商城资料或更多相关技术文档。



炎热的气候里使用大型内置活性污泥的UASB反应器对高浓度啤酒厂工业废水厌氧处理的研究W. Parawira a, I. Kudita b, M.G. Nyandoroh b, R. Zvauya a,∗生物化学系,津巴布韦大学,邮政信箱167,双喜山,哈拉雷,津巴布韦b Chibuku啤酒厂摘要被研究了两年的上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)处理传统的高浓度啤酒厂废水最近安装在一个高浓度的啤酒工厂。







UASB 反应器的流出物中含有比流入物更高含量的磷和氮,从而导致这些营养物质在系统中的聚集。












科技名词定义中文名称:聚磷菌英文名称:poly-P bacteria定义:一类可对磷超量吸收的细菌,磷以聚磷酸盐颗粒(异染粒)的形式存在于细胞内。






Enzymatic Activity of Soil Contaminated...译文

Enzymatic Activity of Soil Contaminated...译文

三氮杂苯除草剂污染土壤中酶的活性摘要根据一项 5 年研究 (1996-2000) 的这篇文章尝试回答下列的疑问: 在一个被延长(20 年) 的申请被在个苹果树的果园观察的酶活方面的改变三氮杂苯除草剂在土壤中降解的程序? 有除草剂的土壤引起了休耕地土地, 在仔细研讨下面的酶活受制的一个重要的禁止. 在酶之中分析, 磷酸盐的活性是土壤污染的最敏感的指示器三氮杂苯除草剂. 鉴于被获得的结果, 在果园中的三氮杂苯除草剂的申请批评-相关的教化被证明. 它被推荐他们与杂草的其他方法一起代替控制. 因为土壤的其他类型用,然而,那需要深入对酶活进一步的研究密集地对于果园讲的目的.关键字: 苹果果园,三氮杂苯除草剂,酶活, 土壤的污染说明在苹果园传统的土壤栽培苹果中,基于三氮杂苯除草剂的通常使用,在生产上的有益效果和经济上地被证明,虽然它可能增加不利的变化残留在土壤环境.不像大部分来说农业的植物,由于缺乏在果园中收割交替,土壤管理的相同方法被申请数年或数十年。

应用农业技术的措施对那土壤的效果的财产可能在随着时间的过去而增高. 延长除草剂的维护引起休耕地土地在树排造成除草剂的继续积聚而且在土壤的中分解产品, 如此有特性的生态学因素的合式在土壤上产生.在土壤发生的营养物的所有变形被以他们的覆盖为条件的酶活性刺激转变进入植物能得到的形式和微生物。

酶活性被时常称为土壤环境的纯净度作记号的人. 基于使用的 pedosphere 的监听以方法为基, 酶活性测试使一能够复杂的在评估方面的改变土壤环境在人为因素的影响力.在这篇文章中, 根据一项 5 年研究 (1996-2000), 一种尝试被做回答下列的疑问:做在酶活性活动方面的改变观察在一在被延长 (20 年) 的申请苹果- 树的果园三氮杂苯除草剂指出降解程序进入土壤.材料和方法这项研究被实行在1996-2000这几年之间苹果树的果园 (乔纳森多样性)中那林布边缘东南部, 波兰 (51 ° 14'N;22 ° 34' E). 果园在非规定建立从在泥灰上的淤泥发展的土壤 (Haplic Luvisol). 那供食用之甜菜在 1979 年春天被种植和由除草剂引起休耕的土地已经在那里被维护, 在长条中大约 1.5 m 宽, 一起在被割过的青草之间. 除草剂被应用依下列各项: 在 1996-98 年在四月 - Azoprim(阿特拉津)3 公斤, 在五月驱集过度的(Glyfosat)4 m-3 加 Chwastox 额外之物 (MC PA)2 dm-3; 在 1999-2000 年在四月 - Azotop(simazine)4 公斤·嘿 -1, 在五月 - 驱集 3 dm-3 ·嘿 -1, 加上氨盐基大约硫酸盐化 12 公斤·嘿 -1, 和双重的 720 EC(metolachlorine)dm-3 ·嘿-1.自从 1980 个果园之后已经作为施肥实验藉着园艺的全体教员在农业人Lublin 的大学。

Biological Treatment System中英对照

Biological Treatment System中英对照

Biological Treatment SystemBiological processing is the most efficient way of removing organic matter from municipal waste waters. 生物处理法是去除城市废水中有机物的最有效途径。

These living systems rely on mixed microbial cultures to decompose, and to remove colloidal and dissolved organic substances from solutions.这些生物系统依赖混合微生物培养物质进行分解,并从溶液中去除胶体和溶解有机物质。

The treatment chamber holding the microorganisms provides a controlled environment; for example, activated s ludge is supplied with sufficient oxygen to maintain an aerobic condition. 接受微生物的处理室可提供一可控环境;例如,给活性污泥提供充足的氧气以维持好氧状态。

Waste water contains the biological food, growth nutrients, and inoculum of microorganisms. 废水包含生物食料,生长营养物质和微生物的培菌液。

Persons who are not familiar with waste-water operations often ask where the “special” biolog ical cultures are obtained.不熟悉废水处理的人经常问这些“专门的”生物培养物质来自何处? The answer is that the wide variety of bacteria and protozoa present in domestic wastes seed the treatment units. 其答案是,用生活污水中各种各样的细菌和原生动物向各处理单元接种。





发现疏水部分是EfOM的主要成分,而且还发现疏水性 - 中性级分具有最高的SUVA水平(7.06毫克每毫升),这一点明显不同于国内废水. 柱吸附实验表明,对于EFOM nda-802来说它比其他聚合物吸附剂例如 d-301,XAD-4树脂,具有更高的吸附效率,而且效率可以按连续28批实验周期那样很稳定地持续下去。



1 概述随着城市化和工业化的进程,出水有机物(EFOM)从生物处理后的污水(BTSE)已经成为一个受纳水体有机污染物的主要来源。





大多数EfOM存在可溶性成分,而且以及构成了80%的COD (Shon等人。




Comparison of conventional and inverted A²/O processes: Phosphorus release and uptake behaviorsAbstractTwo full-scale systems operated in parallel, a conventional A2/O system consisting of anaerobic, anoxic and oxic compartments in succession and an inverted system consisting of anoxic, anaerobic and anoxic compartments without internal recycle, were compared in terms of their phosphorus removal performance, with an emphasis on phosphate (P) release behaviors, using both operational data and simulation results. The inverted system exhibited better long-term phosphorus removal performance (0.2 ± 0.3 vs. 0.7 ± 0.7 mg/L), which should be attributed to the higher P release rate (0.79 vs. 0.60 kg P/(kg MLSS·day)) in the non-aerated compartments. The P release occurred in both the anoxic and anaerobic compartments of the inverted system, resulting in more efficient P release. Although the abundances of the ‘Candidatus Accumulib acter phosphatis’ population in the two systems were quite similar ((19.1 ± 3.27)% and (18.4 ± 4.15)% of the total microbe (DAPI stained particles) population in the inverted and conventional systems, respectively, by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH)), the high-concentration DAPI staining results show that the abundances of the whole polyphosphate accumulating organisms (PAOs) in the aerobic ends were quite different (the average ratios of the poly-P granules to total microbes (DAPI stained particles) were (45 ±4.18)% and (35 ±5.39)%. Both the operational data and simulation results showed that the inverted system retained more abundant PAO populations due to its special configuration, which permitted efficient P release in the non-aerated compartment and better P removal.1 Materials and methods1.1 Targeted systems and water sampling he sewage treatment plant studied consists of a conventional and inverted A2/O system, respectively, each of which has a treatment capacity of 200,000 m3/day. The influent distribution ratio of the inverted A2/O was stable (30% to the anoxic tank and 70% to the anaerobic one).The sludge return ratio was approximately 100% for both systems during the sampling period. The detailed descriptions of the two systems are shown in Fig. 1 and Table 1.Asshown in Table 1, the conventional system was a little larger than the inverted one. From February to July 2009,mixed liquor samples were taken weekly from the two ends and the middle of each unit for water quality monitoring, and activated sludge was characterized monthly by taking samples from the ends of the aerobic and anaerobic units.After sampling, samples were immediately transported to the laboratory for analysis. The determination of COD,biological oxygen demand (BOD), mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) and phosphate species followed standard procedures (APHA, 1998). Routine data during 20072009 were kindly provided by the plant. The operating conditions, such as sludge retention time (SRT) and influent distribution were also monitored.1.2 FISH analysis and high-concentration DAPI staining.The FISH analysis was conducted according to Amannetal. (1995). riefly, activated sludge samples w ater fixed for 3 hr with 4% paraformaldehyde at 4°C and stored in a 1:1 (V/ V) mixture of phosphate-buffered saline(PBS, pH 7.4) and ethanol at –20°C. Following son-(PBS, pH 7.4) and ethanol at –20°C. Following sonication on ice for about 3 min, a 3-μL sample was ication on ice for about 3 min, a 3-μL sample was placed in the wells of a slide and immobilized for 3 hr. The slides were then dehydrated for 5 min using50%, 80% and 98% ethanol, respectively.1.3 Activated sludge modelThe full-scale plant mathematic model was constructed by AQUASIM software (EAWAG, license number: 251based on ASM2d (Henzeetal.,2000). Whole biological tanks were considered as CSTR, while the settling compartment was set as an ideal location for solid-liquid separation without biochemical reaction. ASM2d without chemical precipitation of phosphate was employed to mod el the biochemical reactions in both systems. Sensitivity the biochemical reactions in both systems. Sensitivity analysis was used for parameters estimation.The effluent from the aerated grit chamber was analyzed according to the standard Dutch STOWA guidelines for wastewater characterization(Roeleveld and van Loos drecht, 2002). The soluble COD fraction was measured after flocculation with Zn(OH)2and filtration with a 0.45μm filter membrane (Millipore, USA) as recommended in the STOWA protocol. The weekly measured total CODwas fractionated into model components as shown in Table22. P release and uptake behavioursVariations of P concentrations along the reactor lengths were determined from February to July, 2009, and the results are shown in Fig. 2. Because the two systems are different in sizes, the length percentage (the ratio of the distance between the inlet and the sampling point to the total length of the system) was used to represent the reactor length.As shown in Fig. 2, the P release occurred in the anoxic compartment (average, (21.9 ± 8.2) P mg/L), and continued in the anaerobic one (average, (20.2 ± 9.1) P mg/L)of the inverted A2/O system taking into consideration the dilution ratios in the two reactors (dilution ratio: 1.3 in the anoxic compartment and 2.0 in the anaerobic one). Then the P uptake occurred along the aerobic compartment. On the other hand, the P release occurred mainly in the anaerobic compartment in the conventional system, with a P concentration of (19.02 ± 0.96) P mg/L. The Pconcen tration in the anoxic unit was almost constant at (4.61 ±0.96) P mg/L, which was lower than that in the anaerobic compartment taking into consideration the dilution factor of 2.5. Thus the P release stopped in this reactor.3 ConclusionsThe phosphorus removal performance of a full-scale in verted and a conventional A2/O system receiving the same municipal wastewater was compared using both operational data and simulated results, and the inverted system exhibited better phosphorus removal performance. By can celling the internal recycle and reversing the positions of the anaerobic and anoxic compartments, the inverted system retained more abundant PAO populations, which permitted efficient P release.传统的和倒置A2/O工艺的比较:磷的释放和摄取行为摘要两个全面系统并行运作,包括厌氧的传统A2/ O系统,在继承和由缺氧,厌氧和缺氧车厢而不内循环倒置系统缺氧和好氧车厢,是在他们的除磷性能方面相比,重点是磷酸(P)的释放行为,同时使用运营数据和仿真结果。

工程菌E. coli(EC20-irrE)生物强化去除高盐废水中Cd(Ⅱ)的研究

工程菌E. coli(EC20-irrE)生物强化去除高盐废水中Cd(Ⅱ)的研究

工程菌E. coli(EC20-irrE)生物强化去除高盐废水中Cd(Ⅱ)的研究工程菌E. coli(EC20/irrE)生物强化去除高盐废水中Cd(Ⅱ)的研究摘要:高盐废水中重金属污染物的去除一直是环境保护的重要课题之一。

本研究以工程菌 E. coli(EC20/irrE)为材料,旨在探究其在高盐废水中去除Cd(Ⅱ)的生物强化效果。



关键词:工程菌E. coli(EC20/irrE);高盐废水;Cd(Ⅱ);生物强化;去除效果1. 引言随着工业化进程的加快,高盐废水中的重金属污染逐渐成为环境保护面临的严重问题之一。



2. 材料与方法2.1 材料实验所用材料主要包括高盐废水、工程菌 E. coli(EC20/irrE)菌株、培养基等。

2.2 方法首先,从高盐废水中采集样品,并测定其初始Cd(Ⅱ)浓度。

然后,培养工程菌E. coli(EC20/irrE)到对数生长期,并对其进行适宜条件下的预处理。

接下来,将预处理后的工程菌 E.coli(EC20/irrE)添加到高盐废水中,并根据一定时间间隔取样测定Cd(Ⅱ)浓度的变化。


3. 结果与讨论在实验中,观察到添加工程菌E. coli(EC20/irrE)后,高盐废水中的Cd(Ⅱ)浓度明显下降。


通过进一步分析实验数据,发现工程菌E. coli(EC20/irrE)的添加对高盐废水中Cd(Ⅱ)的去除效果具有明显的生物强化作用。

本研究的结果与已有的相关研究成果相吻合,说明工程菌E. coli(EC20/irrE)可以作为一种有效的生物强化剂,用于处理高盐废水中的重金属污染物。


5mM的铅原液的配制,采用在0.01M NaNO3吸附背景液下溶解Pb(N03)2制得。莠去津(纯度>99%)可从AccuStandards购买。莠去津呈中性(pH6.2-6.8),水溶度为34mgL-1。20mgL-1的莠去津原液储存在0.01M NaNO3和0.2%甲醇混合溶液中。
铅的吸附。实验使用60mL的聚丙烯试管来混合0.25g的生物碳(或是活性炭)和50mL 0.01M的NaNO3(其中含有0-5mM Pb)。通过往复式振荡机将混合物于60rph下振荡4h。初步实验表明,在最初的0.5h后,Pb的吸附作用达到平衡状态。
铅化学形态模型。将50mL0.01M NaNO3溶液(其中含有1mM Pb)和0.25g生物碳(或是活性炭)混合。振荡4h后,固液分离,取滤液进行Pb的吸附试验。我们收集一半滤液,用有机碳分析仪进行水溶性有机碳(DOC)测量,用离子色谱法进行阴离子分析(PO4,SO4,Cl,NO3,CO3)。剩余的滤液用pH<2的HNO3酸化,通过原子吸收光谱法分析Pb,Cu,Zn,Ca,Mg,Fe,Al,Mn,Na,K。分析结果(包括pH,DOC,阴离子,阳离子)将通过Visual MINTEQ的化学形态模型计算分析出Pb在固相中的化学形态。
生物碳和吸附物的准备。简单来讲,我们将牛粪风干,在限氧、低于350℃条件下对牛粪裂解处理4小时,然后制备得生物碳。在200℃和350℃裂解得到的生物碳我们分别编号为BC200和BC350。另外,我们取没有经过加热处理、在25℃风干的牛粪样本(编号BC25)和活性炭(AC)作为实验控制。实验所用活性炭(<150μm)采用木本植物制取(JT Baker Chemical Co)。更多生物碳的准备工作和描述可以参考Cao and Harris的资料。我们选定生物碳和活性炭的部分物化特性在下文列出。



附录2 外文资料原件附录3 外文资料译文去除废水中磷的技术Peter F. Strom罗格斯大学.环境科学教授2008年8月这篇简短的文献用以探讨有价值的废水除磷技术,尽管并不详尽或者完整,但包含一些最新的关于除磷技术的报告。









膜生物反应器(MBR 的膜技术,其中包括对悬浮物的二级处理工艺),三级膜过滤(二级处理后),和反渗透(RO)系统已经全部用于大规模的工厂,有良好的结果。



化学应用的部分包括初级处理,二级处理中,或者作为三级处理的一部分(Neethling 和Gu 2006)。




2、4二氯苯酚降解循环过程中循环流量对活性污泥在好氧水解时性能和特点的影响王海涛李青彪王远鹏何宁孙道华化学与生物工程系,化学化工学院,化学生物学重点实验室,福建省,厦门大学,厦门361005,福建,中国摘要:对于退化的分子模型,2 , 4 -二氯苯酚(2 , 4 - DCP),我们研究活性污泥水解–好氧循环过程(HARP)。

2 , 4 - DCP和化学需氧量(COD)总去除效率为98%和96%时,在回收过程中的循环流量以15毫升/分钟后24小时降解。






1、前言在许多行业包括石油化工废水排放,炼油厂,农药,纸浆和造纸,塑料,杀菌剂,木材防腐和保温材料中经常发现异污染物存在氯酚是–[ 1 4 ]。

由于其高毒性,排放刺激性的气味和持久的可致癌性与病毒活生物体,因此,氯酚造成严重的生态环境污染问题[ 3 ]。



一个降解氯酚的比较具体方法[5-7 ],因为微生物可以通过矿化好氧或厌氧条件[ 8 ]。

关键的一步是降解氯酚要求去除卤素,取代从芳香核的氧化,还原或水解酵素,或环卵裂其次是自发的损失的卤化物水解–[ 9 11 ]。

虽然大多数可以使氯酚降解的微生物有必要用酶降解其芳香环,他们才有能力去除部分的卤素[ 10 ]。

因此,这些难以去除的毒性氯酚降解效率主要取决于微生物的能力和卤素的去除效率[ 12 , 13 ]。

我们对氯酚降解进行了大量的研究,特别是对有关悬浮培养使用不同的细菌和真菌等物种,例如假单胞菌,固氮菌,产和不动杆菌[ 14–18 , 20–27 ]。



目录介绍: (1)1实验性 (2)1.1污水和活性污泥 (2)1.2实验性设定和过程 (3)1.3测试和监视抽样采取从混杂的醇中过滤 (4)2.结果 (5)2.1泥浆化颗粒化 (5)2.2 EGSB操作流出物的稳定酸碱度 (6)3 .TPD污水的理论演算和讨论 (7)3.1酸平衡和中间转换能力酸碱度 (7)3..2VFA在厌氧过程用二种主要方式的二个主要小组细菌介入降低有机基体 (8)3..3VFA和强碱性平衡强碱性的典型的变异 (8)4.结论 (9)命名原则 (10)参考文献 (10)Introduction (12)1Experimental (14)2 Results (16)3 Theoretical calculation and discussions (19)4 Conclusions (22)recomference: (23)稳定性的膨胀的颗粒状污泥床对涤纶人造丝印染废水的处理摘要涤纶人造丝印染污水(TPD污水),包含平均7.0mg/L对苯二甲酸(技术援助)作为主要碳来源和特性污染物,从属于膨胀的颗粒状污泥床(EGSB)过程。



废水的 TA 的高集中造成充份的缓冲能力使中立脂肪酸 (VFA) 从培养基降格产生而且提供了没有空气而能生活强的系统挥发性基础抵抗 pH 减少到低于6.5 。






关键词:膨胀的颗粒状泥床;稳定;绝氧处理;印染污水介绍:为了获得柔韧的和优雅的如丝一样涤纶结构、涤纶本色布总是同碱分解过程被预先处理, NaOH以某一温度和压力涤纶纤维被水解在某种程度上。



总磷和氨氮去除工艺流程英文回答:To remove total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen from wastewater, various treatment processes can be employed. One common method is the biological treatment process,which includes both aerobic and anaerobic processes.In the aerobic process, microorganisms are used to convert organic matter and ammonia nitrogen into nitrates and nitrites through nitrification. This is typically achieved through the use of activated sludge systems or trickling filters. The nitrates and nitrites can then be further converted into nitrogen gas through denitrification, which occurs in anoxic conditions. This process helps to remove both organic matter and ammonia nitrogen from the wastewater.In the anaerobic process, microorganisms are used to break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen. Thisprocess, known as anaerobic digestion, produces biogas (mainly methane) as a byproduct. While anaerobic digestion is primarily used for organic matter removal, it can also contribute to the removal of phosphorus through the release of phosphorus-rich solids, known as struvite, during the digestion process.Another method for phosphorus removal is chemical precipitation. This involves the addition of chemicals, such as aluminum or iron salts, to the wastewater to form insoluble precipitates with phosphorus. These precipitates can then be removed through sedimentation or filtration processes. Chemical precipitation is often used in combination with biological treatment processes to achieve efficient phosphorus removal.In addition to these treatment processes, advanced technologies such as membrane bioreactors and constructed wetlands can also be used for total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen removal. These technologies provide additional treatment and filtration capabilities to ensure effective removal of these contaminants.Overall, the choice of treatment process for total phosphorus and ammonia nitrogen removal depends on various factors, including the characteristics of the wastewater, the required effluent quality, and the available resources. It is important to consider these factors and select the most appropriate treatment process to achieve efficient and sustainable removal of these contaminants from wastewater.中文回答:要去除废水中的总磷和氨氮,可以采用多种处理工艺。



反硝化作用反应条件: 反硝化作用反应条件:
温度:20~40℃ pH:6.5~7.5 DO<0.5mg/L,一般为0.2~-0.3mg/L(缺氧) 产生一定碱度,补偿硝化过程消耗碱度一半左右 BOD5/TN≥3~5
硝化、 硝化、反硝化反应中氮的转化
–Ⅲ –Ⅱ 氮 的 氧 化 还 原 态 –Ⅰ 0 +Ⅰ +Ⅱ +Ⅲ +Ⅳ +Ⅴ 硝酸根NO3亚硝酸根NO2硝酰基NOH 羟胺NH2OH 氮 的 氧 化 还 原 态 氨离子NH4+ –Ⅲ –Ⅱ –Ⅰ 0 +Ⅰ +Ⅱ +Ⅲ +Ⅳ +Ⅴ 硝酸根NO3亚硝酸根NO2硝酰基NOH 羟胺NH2OH N2 氨离子NH4+
据报道,在生物除磷系统中污泥含磷量的典型值在 左右 左右, 据报道,在生物除磷系统中污泥含磷量的典型值在6%左右, 有些能达到 8%~12%,而普通活性污泥含磷量只有 ,而普通活性污泥含磷量只有2%。 。
生物除磷反应条件: 生物除磷反应条件:
温度及pH DO,区别对待 污泥龄 BOD负荷及有机物性质
硝化作用: 硝化作用:
硝化反应是指好氧条件下,亚硝酸菌将 硝化反应是指好氧条件下,亚硝酸菌将NH4+转 化为NO2-和硝酸菌将 和硝酸菌将NO2-转化成 转化成NO3-的过程。 的过程。 化为 电子受体
在厌氧区内, 在厌氧区内,聚磷菌在既没有溶解氧也没有原子态氧的厌 氧条件下,吸收乙酸等低分子脂肪酸,合成聚β-羟 氧条件下,吸收乙酸等低分子脂肪酸,合成聚 羟基丁酸盐 (PHB)贮于细胞内,所需的能量来源于菌体内聚磷的分解, 贮于细胞内, 贮于细胞内 所需的能量来源于菌体内聚磷的分解, 并导致磷酸盐的释放。在好氧区内, 并导致磷酸盐的释放。在好氧区内,聚磷菌以游离氧为电子 受体,将积贮在胞内的PHB好氧分解,并利用该反应产生的 好氧分解, 受体,将积贮在胞内的 好氧分解 能量,过量摄取水体中的磷玻盐,在胞内转化为聚磷, 能量,过量摄取水体中的磷玻盐,在胞内转化为聚磷,这就 是好氧吸磷,好氧吸磷量大于厌氧放磷量, 是好氧吸磷,好氧吸磷量大于厌氧放磷量,通过剩余污泥排 放可实现生物除磷的目的。 放可实现生物除磷的目的。

bacto nutrient broth 成分

bacto nutrient broth 成分

Bacto Nutrient Broth(细菌营养琼脂基地)是一种常用的培养基,用于培养微生物。

1. 蛋白胨(Peptone)或消化酪蛋白(Digest of casein):提供微生物所需的氮源和碳源。

2. 蛋白胨消化物(Peptone Digest):提供氮源、碳源和维生素。

3. 干酵母提取物(Yeast extract):提供氮源、碳源和维生素。

4. 水解酱油提取物(Hydrolyzed soybean meal):提供氮源、碳源和维生素。

5. 葡萄糖(Glucose):提供碳源。

6. 二氧化碳生成剂(Carbon dioxide generator):在培养过程中产生二氧化碳供微生物利用,促进生长。

7. 氯化钠(Sodium chloride):提供必需的离子平衡。

8. 磷酸二氢钾(Potassium dihydrogen phosphate):提供磷酸根离子。

9. 氯化镁(Magnesium chloride):提供镁离子。

10. 酒石酸二钾(Potassium bitartrate):在调节pH值时使用。

11. 氯化钾(Potassium chloride):提供钾离子。

12. 色谱纯水(Deionized water):用于配制培养基。





2 . 4微 生 物 脱 磷
微 生 物 浸 矿 是 微 生 物 直 接 或 间接 地 参 与 金 属 硫 化 物 或 氧 化 物
氧化和溶解 的过程 。对脱磷微生物而言 , 一方 面微生物需 吸收磷
1酸 性 矿 山废 水 治 理
1 . 1中 和 法
来构成细胞组分 ; 另 一方面微生物通过吸收磷来 合成 三磷酸腺苷 ( A T P ) , 进行能量代谢 , 用微生物法处理含磷废水 , 去除其 中的磷 已
A MF提 高废 水 中植物 的除磷 能力 属离子在细胞 中的位置 , 一般 可分为细胞外 吸附 、 细胞 内吸 附和 3
A M F提高植物 的除磷能力 主要是通过促 进植 物的迅速生 长 , 目前 , S R B法处理 酸性 矿山废 水在 国内研 究较少 , I v a n N a l l — 生物量增加 , 对磷 的吸 收加 快 , 使废 水 中磷 含量 降低 . 与此 同时 , O 与土壤中的钙离子 及废水 中的磷 反应沉淀 c u c h e o 等用嗜酸菌去除酸 眭矿山废水中的重金属 , T s u k a mo t o T K等 植物 呼吸释放的 C 将S R B经过驯化适应后在酸性条件下还原 S O , 收到了很好效果。【 大 J 而使磷得到去除。肖敏等对菲芘复合污染土壤中的 3 种酶 的活性
利用微 生物提 高酸性矿 山废水 中除磷 的能力
张 智 钧 ( 广东省环境科学研究院 广 东广州
5 1 0 0 4 5 )
度, 提 高酸浸效果 。 超声波可清洗矿物表面形 成的 C a S O 、 C a C 1 2 等 难溶膜 , 消除它们对 磷浸出过程 的阻碍 , 提高脱磷 率 . 使铁精矿含 磷量 明显降低。
用 产 生 的 光 合 产 物 ,丛 枝 菌 根 真 菌 则 从 土 壤 中 为 植 物 吸 收 更

外文翻译--由 Fe–Mn 的二进制氧化物吸附水中磷酸盐的去除方法

外文翻译--由 Fe–Mn 的二进制氧化物吸附水中磷酸盐的去除方法

Removal of phosphate from water by a Fe–Mn binary oxide adsorbent(由 Fe–Mn 的二进制氧化物吸附水中磷酸盐的去除方法)AbstractPhosphate removal is important in the control of eutrophication of water bodies and adsorption is one of the promising approaches for this purpose.A Fe–Mn binary oxide adsorbent with a Fe/Mn molar ratio of 6:1 for phosphate removal was synthesized by a simultaneous oxidation and coprecipitation process. Laboratory experiments were carried out to investigate adsorption kinetics and equilibrium, in batch mode. The effects of different experimental parameters, namely contact time, initial phosphate concentration, solution pH, and ionic strength on the phosphate adsorption were investigated. The adsorption data were analyzed by both Freundlich and Langmuir isotherm models and the data were well fit by the Freundlich isotherm model. Kinetic data correlated well with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model, suggesting that the adsorption process might be chemical sorption. The maximal adsorption capacity was 36 mg/g at pH 5.6. The phosphate adsorption was highly pH dependent. The effects of anions such as Cl ; SO₄²ˉ, and CO₃²﹣on phosphate removal were also investigated. The results suggest that the presence of these ions had no significant effect on phosphate removal. The phosphate removal was mainly achieved by the replacement of surface hydroxyl groups by the phosphate species and formation of inner-sphere surface complexes at the water/oxide interface. In addition, the adsorbed phosphate ions can be effectively desorbed by dilute NaOH solutions. This adsorbent, with large adsorption capacity and high selectivity, is therefore a very promising adsorbent for the removal of phosphate ions from aqueous solutions.摘要除磷是重要的水体富营养化的控制和吸附是有前途的方法之一为此目的。



【摘要】据荷兰 Smit Transformatoren 公司报导,用它所开发的高梯度磁力分离法(HGMS 法)处理废水中的磷,可将废水中的磷酸盐降到1mg/l(以磷计)以下。

1.利用废氨水除去冷却水钙硬度的实验研究 [J], 潘小军;袁进
2.改性粉煤灰除去废水中的磷 [J], 肖文香
3.铜蚀刻废泥生产硫酸铜工艺中氯的除去 [J], 蒋福宾;陈彤
4.在流化床反应器中用结晶法除去废水中的磷 [J],
5.用电解技术除去排水中的氮和磷 [J], 乐志强

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附录毕业设计(论文)外文资料翻译学院(系):资源与环境工程学院专业:环境工程姓名:学号:外文出处:http://protein.bio.msu.ru/biokhimiya/ontents/v65/full/65030405.html附件: 1.外文资料翻译译文;2.外文原文。































EBPR 中新陈代谢方面的研究主要是基于对浓集的混合培养基的研究而不是纯培养基。













据发现在高浓度PAB中PHAs的积累由4部分组成3HB, 3HV, 3H2MB,和3H2MV。




为了解释在没有电子受体情况下减少电能这个过程,Mino 和Arun提出一个假设模型。


这种模式现在被称为Mino模型,其相关的一些研究者已证实,理论化学计量学根据模型依照显示能定量地解释通过PAB 污泥将醋酸盐和糖朊转换成PHA ,成功地采用了类似的概念来解释在EBPR中厌氧吸收率问题。

EBPR中厌氧碳新陈代谢模型另一个假说是由Matsuo、Comeau和 Wentze提出来的。









另一方面,有证据表明有可能介入的局部TCA循环发电,减少电能是在EBPR 厌氧阶段。


迄今为止,这是唯一可能的实验结果显示了运行周期迈进的阶段厌氧Ebpr的过程. 循环的功能迈进的碳排放源的厌氧吸收率以及对微生物的筛选过程Ebpr有待进一步调查.EBPR的过程中,受到其他微生物碳厌氧环境和丰富的碳有氧环境恶劣. 这一交替的、综合和退化三种形式临时医院引起循环和新陈代谢,是通过这些微生物完成的。











有人建议由几个不同EBPR污泥组织,醌最丰富、Q-8,仅占总数约PAB污泥的31%(磷含量1.94、60mG悬浮固体);第二个最丰富的人,Q-10,占8.5%; 第三、MK-8(H4)、6.5%。



Dgge 的技巧也显示分离,扩大碎片rDNA和EBPR淤泥中的一些主要的DNA序列不同的碎片,暗示研究Ebpr结构多样性。




这一结果显示,有特定集团作用. 然而,只有14%的被占领,基因总数在少数的高磷污泥。







大多数基因阳性菌具有很强的DNAG+C 含量,依据实验样品的rDNA碎片从高浓度-污泥浓缩(磷含量,12%的悬浮固体)、污泥很低磷酸盐含量(2%悬浮固体)。













Microbial Selection of Polyphosphate-Accumulating Bacteria in Activated Sludge Wastewater Treatment Processes for EnhancedBiological Phosphate RemovalAbstract:Activated sludge processes with alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions (the anaerobic-aerobic process) have been successfully used for enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) from wastewater. It is known that polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria (PAB) play an essential role for EBPR in the anaerobic-aerobic process. The present paper reviews limited information available on the metabolism and the microbial community structure of EBPR, highlighting the microbial ecological selection of PAB in EBPR processes. Exposure of microorganisms to alternate carbon-rich anaerobic environments and carbon-poor aerobic environments in the anaerobic-aerobic process induces the key metabolic characteristics of PAB, which include organic substrate uptake followed by its conversion to stored polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) and hydrolysis of intracellular polyphosphate accompanied by subsequent Pi release under anaerobic conditions. Intracellular glycogen is assumed to function as a regulator of the redox balance in the cell. Storage of glycogen is a key strategy for PAB to maintain the redox balance in the anaerobic uptake of various organic substrates, and hence to win in the microbial selection. Acinetobacter spp., Microlunatus phosphovorus, Lampropedia spp., and the Rhodocyclus group have been reported as candidates of PAB. PAB may not be composed of a few limited genospecies, involve phylogenetically and taxonomically diverse groups of bacteria. To define microbial community structure of EBPR processes, it is needed to look more closely into the occurrence and behavior of each species of PAB in various EBPR processes mainly by molecular methods because many of PAB seem to be impossible to culture.KEY WORDS:activated sludge, anaerobic-aerobic process, ecological selection, enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR), Lampropedia, microbial community, (PHAs), polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria, wastewater treatment Phosphate can cause eutrophication (extraordinary growth of algae) when it is excessively discharged into closed natural water bodies like lakes and inland seas. To control eutrophication, phosphate removal from wastewater is often required before wastewater is discharged to the receiving water bodies. Activated sludge processes with alternating anaerobic and aerobic conditions have been successfully used for enhanced biological phosphate removal (EBPR) from wastewater. This anaerobic-aerobic alternation can be achieved either by spatial configuration of anaerobic and aerobic zones in series in continuous flow systems with sludge recycle or by temporal arrangement of anaerobic and aerobic periods in sequence batch reactors. Such EBPR processes are referred to as the anaerobic-aerobic oranaerobic-oxic process. It has been shown in previous studies that polyphosphate-accumulating bacteria (PAB) play an essential role for EBPR in the anaerobic-aerobic process. To achieve high and stable EBPR performance, it is essential to maintain PAB in the system.A basic configuration of the anaerobic-aerobic process is schematically shown in Fig. a. This process is structurally characterized by the presence of an anaerobic stage in which absolute anaerobic conditions are kept with neither oxygen nor NO2-/NO3- available as electron acceptor for activated sludge bacteria. Organic substrates are supplied from influent wastewater into the anaerobic stage and the return sludge comes into contact with the carbon source only in the anaerobic stage. Faster uptake of organic substrates in the anaerobic stage is the key for bacteria to win in the microbial selection in the EBPR process. The mechanism of proliferation of PAB can be described as follows. It is typically observed in the anaerobic stage that the activated sludge releases Pi to the bulk solution with concomitant uptake of organic substrates. In the subsequent aerobic stage, it takes up more Pi than has been released in the previous anaerobic stage. The Pi removed from the wastewater is accumulated in the cell as polyP. Polyphosphate is a high-energy compound and its hydrolysis can supply energy to various biochemical reactions in the cell. In the anaerobic stage, the hydrolysis of intracellular polyP enables PAB to obtain the energy they need to take up organic substrates. Without electron acceptors (oxygen, NO2-/NO3-), aerobic bacteria and denitrifying bacteria are unable to obtain the energy required for the utilization of organic substrates, and they are thus unable to compete with PAB. Therefore, the introduction of the anaerobic stage leads to the precedence of PAB and to a rise in phosphorus content of the sludge. By withdrawing the phosphorus-rich sludge from the system as excess sludge, high phosphate removal efficiency can be achieved.Fig. 1. a) Basic concept of anaerobic-aerobic process for EBPR. b) Behavior of PO4-P, orthophosphate present in the bulk solution; glycogen, glycogen stored in the cells; PHA, polyhydroxyalkanoates stored in the cells.Although the anaerobic-aerobic process for EBPR is an established process from an engineering point of view, it has not been clearly defined in microbiological terms. For example, the phylogenetic or taxonomic groups responsible for EBPR have not been identified, and general structures of the EBPR microbial community have not been successfully described yet. Very few pure cultures have been isolated as candidates of PAB playing a key role in EBPR processes. Studies on metabolic aspects of EBPR have been mainly done based on enriched mixed cultures but not on pure cultures. This has resulted in lack of definitive and conclusive informationabout the microbiology and biochemistry of EBPR. Thus, the mechanism of microbial ecological selection of PAB in EBPR processes has been understood very poorly. The present paper reviews limited information available on the metabolism and the microbial community structure of EBPR, highlighting the selection of PAB in EBPR processes.CARBON METABOLISM ADOPTED BY POLYPHOSPHATE- ACCUMULATING BACTERIA IN EBPR PROCESSES In terms of microbial metabolism, the anaerobic stage involves the uptake of organic substrates from wastewater by bacteria. Since the sludge comes into contact with organic substrates under anaerobic conditions, organisms that can utilize organic substrates more rapidly in an anaerobic environment gain precedence. Therefore, the reason why PAB can achieve a very high rate of organic substrate uptake under anaerobic conditions has been a major subject of concern. It has been well known that short chain fatty acids like acetate are favorable carbon sources for EBPR, and acetate metabolism has been intensively studied as a model carbon metabolism substrate in EBPR. A critical problem in such studies lays in the fact that none of the bacteria isolated from EBPR processes have exhibited all the key characteristics of the EBPR sludge and that any isolated pure cultures had never been verified to be primarily responsible for EBPR in an anaerobic-aerobic system until recently . This is the reason that metabolic aspects of EBPR have been studied using mixed cultures enriched with PAB. Such PAB-enriched cultures have usually been obtained from lab-scale activated sludge reactors simulating the anaerobic-aerobic process fed with synthetic wastewater.In anaerobic batch experiments with acetate as the carbon source, the activated sludge enriched with PAB typically take up acetate rapidly, accumulate PHAs in the cell, consume previously stored intracellular carbohydrate, and release Pi as a result of utilization of stored polyP. These typical behaviors of key substances involved in EBPR are graphically shown in Fig.. The acetate taken up is converted to and accumulated as PHAs. Satoh et al. [found that the PHAs accumulated in the PAB-enriched sludge are composed of four monomeric units: 3HB, 3HV, 3H2MB, and 3H2MV. Inoue et al. analyzed the chemical structure of these PHAs by NMR and verified that they are co-polymers composed of the above four monomeric units. As for carbohydrate, Liu et al. proved enzymologically that the carbohydrate stored in the anaerobic-aerobic sludge is a polymer of glycosyl units with the alpha-1,4- and the alpha-1,6-linkages, or glycogen. When acetate is fed as the carbon source, 3HB-rich PHAs are formed in the anaerobic stag. The conversion of acetate to PHA requires reducing power, because PHA is a more reduced compound than acetate. To explain the source of the reducing power under the conditions without electronacceptors, a hypothetical model was proposed by Mino et al. and Arun et al.. In that model, anaerobic degradation of stored glycogen to acetyl-CoA as well as its partial oxidation to CO2 is assumed to account for the generation of the reducing power for PHA synthesis. This model is now called the Mino model, and its relevance has been confirmed by several researchers. The outlines of the model are shown in Fig. The theoretical stoichiometry based on the model could quantitatively explain the observed conversions of acetate and glycogen to PHA by PAB-enriched sludges, as shown in the table. Satoh et al. [successfully applied a similar concept to explain the anaerobic uptake of propionate in EBPR processes (see the table).Fig. 3. A conceptual model for anaerobic carbon metabolism in an EBPR process (after references).Another hypothesis was postulated by Matsuo et al., Comeau et al. [, and Wentzel et al. [to account for the source of the reducing power in anaerobic acetate metabolism. According to this hypothsis, the TCA cycle is assumed to operate under anaerobic conditions in order to oxidize a part of acetate to CO2 and to generate reducing power in the form of NADH. This model is referred to as the Comeau-Wentzel model. Usually the TCA cycle operates only under aerobic or anoxic conditions. The oxidation of succinate to fumarate in the TCA cycle requires a terminal electron acceptor with a redox potential (E0´) more positive than that of fumarate/succinate couple (+32 mV). Only O2 (O2/H2O, E0´= +818 mV), NO3- (NO3-/NO2-, E0´ = + 433 mV), and NO2- (NO2-/N2-, E0´ = +970 mV) appear to meet these conditions. Contradictory to this thermodynamic theory, a complete TCA cycle has been found to operate in some anaerobic eubacteria or archae. These microorganisms can oxidize acetate completely to CO2 via the TCA cycle by utilizing elemental sulfur, thiosulfate, or sulfate as electron acceptor. It is believed, however, that major part of the required reducing power should be generated through the glycogen metabolism as described in the Mino model rather than through the TCA cycle as predicted by the Comeau-Wentzel model. The reasons are as follows: 1) the theoretical stoichiometry for the glycogen metabolism can explain very well the experimentally observed anaerobic acetate uptake, PHA formation, glycogen utilization, and CO2 production by PAO-enriched sludges ; 2) a 13C tracer experiment using NMR indicated that the acetate taken up by the sludge anaerobically was not oxidized to CO2 and thus not metabolized through the TCA cycle, and 3) experiments using 13C-NMR [demonstrated that glycogen is involved in the anaerobic metabolism of EBPR sludges.On the other hand, there is evidence that indicates the possibility of partial involvement of the TCA cycle in the generation of reducing power by PAB in the anaerobic stage of the EBPR process. Namely, 13C-labeled carbon in the acetate fedto a PAB-enriched sludge was found to be released as CO2 under absolute anaerobic conditions. So far, this is the only experimental result indicating the possible functioning of the TCA cycle in the anaerobic phase of the EBPR process. The function of the TCA cycle in the anaerobic uptake of carbon sources by PAB as well as its contribution to the microbial selection in the EBPR process remains to be further investigated.In the EBPR process, microorganisms are exposed to alternate carbon-rich anaerobic environments and carbon-poor aerobic environments. By this alternation, synthesis and degradation of three kinds of biopolymers (polyP, PHA, and glycogen) are induced and metabolic cycling through these biopolymers is established in microorganisms. Such metabolic cycling is energy consuming and not favorable for microorganisms in terms of energy utilization efficiency. Ecologically, however, this metabolic cycling enables PAB to win in the microbial selection in the anaerobic-aerobic process. To explain how this metabolic cycling is regulated in the cell, a metabolic flux model was developed by Pramanik et al.. This model contains a complete set of metabolic pathways involved in biosynthesis and energy production and accounts for energy requirements for macromolecule synthesis and metabolite transport across the cell membrane. The model not only supports the hypothesis that the biopolymer metabolism provides a means for PAB to balance intracellular energy supplies, but also suggest pathways at which metabolic regulation should occur.MICROBIAL COMMUNITY STRUCTURE OF ENHANCED BIOLOGICALPHOSPHATE REMOV AL PROCESSWhen Acinetobacter was first proposed as PAB, there were very few researchers who raised the question of whether Acinetobacter is the only bacterium responsible for EBPR. It may have been somehow assumed that EBPR sludges with high phosphate removal capability were dominated by a single group of microorganisms, and few attempts were made to find candidates of PAB other than Acinetobacter. Now, new and powerful tools for the analysis of microbial community structures have been developed and used to analyze EBPR sludges. They include chemotaxonomic methods like quinone profiling and molecular methods like the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH), the clone library approach, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), terminal restriction fragment length polymorphisms (T-RFLP), etc.High microbial diversity of the EBPR sludge has been demonstrated by using these new techniques. Quinone profiling was applied to characterize activated sludge community structures. The type of quinone in biological samples can be quantitatively determined, and the quinone patterns should explicitly reflect thechemotaxonomic composition of the examined samples. It was suggested that EBPR sludges consist of several different chemotaxonomic groups. The most abundant quinone, Q-8, accounts for only about 31% of total quinone in a PAB-enriched sludge (phosphorus content, 1.94 mmoles or 60 mg/g of suspended solids); the second most abundant one, Q-10, accounts for 8.5%; the third, MK-8(H4), 6.5% (calculated from Hiraishi et al.). The FISH technique with group-specific oligonucleotide probes targeting rRNA showed that an EBPR sludge contained the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subclasses of proteobacteria, the cytophage group, and Gram-positive bacteria with high G+C DNA contents (13, 25-33, 10-12, 1, and 17-27% of the total cell count, respectively). In other words, the EBPR sludge phylogenetically consisted of several different microbial groups, which has been confirmed using FISH by other researchers as well. The T-RFLP of PCR-amplified 16S rDNA more directly showed the high population diversity; about 19-24 different numerically dominant ribotypes were observed in a highly PAB-enriched sludge (phosphorus content, 12% of suspended solids). The DGGE technique also showed that PCR-amplified 16S rDNA fragments of EBPR sludges contained a number of dominant DNA fragments with different sequences, implying that the examined EBPR communities had high genotypical diversity. All these results strongly suggest that PAB are not a single genotype or a few limited genospecies, but involve phylogenetically and taxonomically diverse groups of bacteria.Bond et al. applied PCR cloning to two activated sludges, one with high phosphate removal performance as well as the typical metabolism of PAB and the other without. They found that the Rhodocyclus group belonging to the beta-subclass of proteobacteria was present in significantly higher numbers in the high-phosphate sludge than in the low-phosphate sludge. This result suggests that the Rhodocyclus group may have a specific role in EBPR. However, the Rhodocyclus group occupied only 14% of the total isolated clones in the high-phosphate sludge. It is not certain that this can account for the observed high phosphate removal performance. As discussed before, an EBPR community was reported in which a type of Rhodocyclus was overwhelmingly dominating (81% of total bacteria) bacterium was shown to be essentially responsible for EBPR. Kawaharasaki et al. used dual staining with DAPI for polyP and rRNA-targeted oligonucleotide probes specific to different bacterial groups to identify PAB in situ. Many of the Gram-positive bacteria with high G+C DNA content and the alpha-subclass of proteobacteria gave the fluorescent DAPI signal of polyP. Therefore, these two groups were considered to accumulate polyP in the EBPR sludge examined. Christensson et al. reported that the Gram-positive bacteria with high G+C DNA content was suspected to play an important role in EBPR becauserelatively high occurrence of this bacterial group was observed in a clone library from an EBPR process. A significant portion of the clones of Gram-positive bacteria with high G+C DNA content was phylogenetically close to Terrabacter tumescens. Based on comparison of the electrophoregrams of T-RFLP of 16S rDNA fragments from a highly PAB-enriched sludge (phosphorus content, 12% of suspended solids) and a sludge with very low phosphate content (2% of suspended solids), Liu et al. concluded that the Gram-positive bacteria with high G+C DNA contents are not the only major component of PAB. Hiraishi et al. showed using the quinone profiling approach that the quinone patterns of activated sludges treating municipal sewage were similar to each other irrespective of the type of activated sludge process; sludges from EBPR processes and conventional processes had very similar quinone patterns. The comparison of quinone patterns from different activated sludges suggested that introduction of the anaerobic stage into the fully aerobic conventional activated sludge process does not result in significant population shift. These findings described above may again lead to the conclusion that PAB, which physiologically possess unique metabolic characteristics, should include different phylogenetic and taxonomic bacterial groups: most probably the alpha-, beta-, and gamma-subclasses of proteobacteria and the Gram-positive bacteria with high G+C DNA contents are the candidates.FUTURE PERSPECTIVESThe present review shows that PAB are not composed of a few limited genospecies, but involve phylogenetically and taxonomically diverse groups of bacteria. The type of bacteria responsible for EBPR may vary among different situations. To clearly define the microbial community structure of EBPR processes and to describe mechanism of ecological selection for PAB in EBPR processes, a closer look into occurrence and behavior of individual species of PAB in various EBPR processes will be needed. Since many of PAB seem to be impossible to culture, molecular methods are surely powerful tools for this purpose. A common EBPR metabolism seems to exist in phylogenetically diverse microbial populations of PAB. This suggests the possibility that the key genes of the EBPR metabolism are common among different bacteria. It is important and interesting to determine such key genes and to find how they are regulated genetically or enzymologically.REFERENCES1. Barnard, J. L. (1975) Water Res., 9, 485-490.2. Fuhs, G. W., and Chen, M. (1975) Microb. Ecol., 2, 119-138.3. Buchan, L. (1983) Wat. Sci. Tech., 15, 87-103.4. Lotter, L. H. (1985) Wat. Sci. Tech., 17, 127-138.5. Mino, T., Kawakami, T., and Matsuo, T. (1984) Wat. Sci. Tech., 17, 93-106.6. Mino, T., Kawakami, T., and Matsuo, T. (1985) Wat. Sci. Tech., 17, 11-21.7. Arun, V., Mino, T., and Matsuo, T. (1988) Water Res., 22, 565-570.8. Marais, G. v. R., Lowenthal, R. E., and Siebritz, I. (1982) Proc. Post Conf. Seminar on Phosphate Removal in Biological Treatment Processes, V ol. 2,pp. 5-6. 9. Mino, T., Tsuzuki, Y., and Matsuo, T. (1987) Proc. 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