
英语六级口语考试技巧英语六级口语考试技巧1英语六级口语常用词汇1.contact [“kɑn.tækt] n.接触,联系v.联系eg:Can I contact you by telephone?我能通过电话联系你吗?[拓展]contract ["kɒntrækt] n.合同content ["kɑn.tent] n.内容adj.满足的2.voluntarily ["vɒləntrəli] adv.自愿地eg:He made the promise quite voluntarily.他完全自愿地做出了承诺。
[拓展]voluntary ["vɑlən.teri] adj.自愿的;志愿的;自发的;故意的volunteer [,vɒlən"tɪə] n.志愿者;志愿兵3.assignment [ə"saɪnmənt] n.任务;布置eg:There was no telling what the next assignment would be.不知道下一个任务将是什么。
[拓展]assignable [ə"saɪnəbəl] adj.[经] 可分配的;可指定的;可让渡的assign [ə"saɪn] vt.分配;指派;[计][数] 赋值4.proportion [prə"pɔrʃ(ə)n] n.比例eg:His head is out of proportion to the size of his body.他的头部与身体大小不成比例。
[拓展]proportional [prə"pɔrʃən(ə)l] adj.相应的,成比例的disproportion [dɪsprə"pɔːʃ(ə)n] n.不均衡;不相称5.vulnerable ["vʌlnərəbl] adj.易受伤害的eg:His knee was his vulnerable spot.他的膝盖是容易受伤的位置。

大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)-试卷233(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Translation(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.Part Ⅳ Translation(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________解析:2.上海位于中国东部沿海,是中国的经济中心,也是国际金融中心。
2010年,上海成功举办了世博会(World Expo),其口号是“城市,让生活更美好” (Better city,Better life)。
(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________正确答案:(正确答案:Located on the eastern coast of China, Shanghai is China's economic center as well as the center of international finance. In 2010 World Expo was successfully held in Shanghai, with the slogan "Better city, Better life". Its success further increased Shanghai's reputation in the world. At present, Shanghai is committed to constructing itself into an international tourist city and Shanghai Disney Park will open in 2015. As an ancient yet young city, Shanghai has a glorious past and a bright prospect. Despite its high housing price, Shanghai is an energetic city and its economy is developing rapidly, attracting many college graduates to work and live here.)解析:解析:1.第一句中的“位于中国东部沿海”可处理为过去分词短语作状语的形式located/situated on…。

唐装(Tang suit)广义上是指西式裁剪的满族(Manchu)服饰,而不是唐朝的服装。
它吸取了满清服饰的款式和面料,同时采用了西方服装的立体式剪裁(three-dimensional cutting)。
Tang suits refer to Manchu clothes cut by Westernmethods in a broad sense, instead of clothes of theTang Dynasty.Tang suits use patterns and materialsof Manchu clothes and adopt the three-dimensionalcutting method of Western clothes.Tang suits inmainland people's eyes are Chinese-style clothes in the late Qing Dynasty.Tang suit is actuallythe general name of Chinese-style clothes, and the main reason is that the place where Chinesepeople live overseas is called “Chinatown”,naturally the clothes worn by “Tang people”are“Tang suits”.In addition, some Chinese people abroad also call Chinese-style clothes “Tangsuits' giving the name Tang suits much international flavor.。

社会篇小康社会a well-to-do society人民生活people’s livelihood生活水平living standards生活质量quality of life住房条件housing conditions文化程度educational level就业率employment rate人均收入average income per capita年平均工资average annual pay奖金bonus生活费用cost of living消费价格指数consumer price index环境污染指数environment pollution index衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling购买力purchasing power贫困家庭the needy family贫困地区poverty-stricken region下岗be laid off小康relative affluence安居乐业live a good life共同富裕shared prosperity社会保险social insurance助学金grant-in-aid赈灾救济金disaster relief funds人口population人口分布population distribution流动人口transient population城市人口urban population农业人口agriculture population出生率birth rate自然增长率natural growth rate负增长率negative growth rate普查census户口册household register计划生育family planning/planned parenthood优生优育ensure good prenatal and postnatal care自治区autonomous region民族ethnic groups少数民族ethnic minorities/ minority peoples中国共产党Communist Party of China经济篇宏观经济macro economy社会主义市场经济socialist market economy知识经济knowledge economy网络经济Internet-based economy经济规律law of economy大规模生产mass production生产力productive forces生产关系relations of production公有制public ownership私有制private ownership国有企业state-owned enterprises (SOEs)私营企业private business民营企业privately-run business中小企业small and medium enterprises (SMEs)连锁企业franchise / chain business国民生产总值Gross National Product (GNP)国内生产总值Gross Domestic Product (GDP)实际增长率growth rate in real terms年均增长率average growth rate per annum可持续增长sustainable growth经济效益economic returns投资回报率rate of return on investment衰退recession宏观调控macro control提高经济效益enhance economicperformance扭亏为盈turn a loss-making business into a profitable one优化经济结构optimize economic structure扩大内需expand domestic demand国计民生national interest and people’s livelihood经济特区special economic zones“十二五规划“ the 12th Five-Year Plan for National and Economic and Social Development风险投资venture investment经济繁荣economic boom发达国家developed countries不发达国家underdeveloped countries发展中国家developing countries经济交流economic exchange跨国公司multinational corporation利用外资utilization of foreign capital知识产权intellectual property rights版权copyright专利patent商标trademark互通有无mutual exchange of needed products法治rule of law平等互利equality and mutual benefit电子商务e-business信用卡credit card信息时代information age科教兴国rejuvenate the country through science and education研究开发research and development高新技术innovative and high technology创新innovation尖端科技state-of-the-art technology普及率popularizing rate交通篇航班号flight number头等舱first class商务舱business class经济舱economy class登机牌boarding card口岸customs port客船passenger liner慢车stopping train普快express直快through express直达列车through train特快special express高速火车high-speed train卧铺车厢sleeping coach中铺middle berth下铺lower berth出发站departure station中转站transfer station终点站terminus到达站destination站台platform地铁subway加速speed up减速slow down超车overtaking倒车backing刹车brake高速公路highway十字路crossroads酒后驾驶driving under the influence of alcohol疲劳驾驶fatigue driving历史地理篇孔子Confucius孟子Mencius老子Lao Zi儒学Confucian School论语Analects of Confucius发明纸和瓷器invented paper and porcelain发明火药invention of gunpowder发明印刷术block printing was invented科举制Imperial Examination for recruiting civil servants丝绸之路Silk Route长征Long March解放战争War of Liberation改革开放reform and opening up黄河Yellow River长江Yangtze River珠江Pearl River太湖Lake Tai鄱阳湖Lake Poyang洞庭湖Lake Dongting青藏高原Tibet Plateau东北平原Northeast China Plain华北平原North China Plain长江中下游平原Plain of Middle and Lower Reaches of Changjiang River南沙群岛Nansha Island教育篇素质教育education for all-round development应试教育exam-oriented education system义务教育compulsory education初等教育elementary education中等教育secondary education高等教育higher education职业教育vocational education学院college/institute/school普通高校regular institution of higher learning重点大学key university211工程211Project减轻学生负担reduce burden for students基础课basic course专业课course within one’s major必修课required course选修课elective course学分制credit system入学考试entrance examination入学资格admission qualification择优录取merit-based enrollment中考middle examination高考higher examination报名application/sign up毕业设计diploma-winning design/ graduation project毕业论文graduation thesis毕业证书graduation certificate同学schoolmate/classmate校友alumni节日篇元旦New Year's Day情人节Valentine's Day国际妇女节International Women' Day植树节Tree Planting Day愚人节April Fools' Day国际劳动日International Labor Day中国青年节Chinese Youth Day国际儿童节International Children's Day中国共产党成立纪念日Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China中国人民解放军建军节Army Day中华人民共和国国庆节National Day中国教师节Teacher's Day万圣节Halloween母亲节Mother's Day农历正月初一春节(the Spring Festival)农历正月十五元宵节(Lantern Festival)农历五月初五端午节(the Dragon-Boat Festival)农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day)农历八月十五中秋节(theMid-Autumn Festival)农历九月初九重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)农历腊月初八腊八节(the laba Rice Porridge Festival)春联Spring Festival couplets年画New Year pictures剪纸paper-cuts除夕the eve of the lunar New Year守岁stay up late on the New Year’s Eve放爆竹let off firecrackers拜年pay a New Year visit团圆饭family reunion dinner敬酒propose a toast红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper)舞狮lion dance舞龙dragon dance灯笼lantern灯谜riddles written on lanterns灯会exhibit of lanterns禁忌taboo压岁钱gift money; money given to children as a lunar new year gift祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one’s ancestors元宵rice dumpling踩高跷stilt walking扭秧歌yangge dance扫墓sweep graves of one’s ancestors or loved ones赛龙舟dragon-boat racing粽子zongzi (sticky rice dumpling wrapped in reed or bamboo leaves)赏月appreciate the glorious full moon赏菊admire the beauty of chrysanthemum登高climb mountain六级翻译高频词汇:文化篇昆曲Kunqu oper中国画traditional Chinese painting人物portrait山水landscape花鸟flower and bird草虫grass and insect泼墨paint-splashing style写意impressionistic style工笔elaborate style毛笔writing brush书法calligraphic art书法家calligraphic artist楷体formal script/regular script行书running script宋体Song-dynasty script工艺品handwork/handicrafts手工艺品articles of handcraft art文物cultural relics/antiques国宝national treasure人民大会堂Great Hall of the People故宫博物馆Imperial Palace Museum长城Great Wall外滩the Bund华山Huashan Mountain黄山Yellow Mountain滇池Dianchi Lake洱海Erhai lake孔庙Temple of Confucius故居Former Residence庐山Lushan Mountain少林寺Shaolin Temple长江三峡Three Gorges along the Changjiang黄果树瀑布Huangguoshu Waterfalls敦煌莫高窟Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes大兴安岭Greater Xing’an Mountains小兴安岭Lesser Xing’an Mountains天池Heaven’s Pool布达拉宫Potala Palace日月潭Lake Sun Moon发源地the birthplace煮poach/boiled蒸steamed火锅chafing dish煲;炖;焖stewed煎pan-fried炒stir-fried炸deep-fried烘baked熏smoked泡辣菜pickled hot vegetables北京烤鸭roast Beijing duck炒饭stir-fried rice油条deep fried twisted dough stick烧饼sesame seed cake小笼包steamed dumpling with pork红茶black tea绿茶green tea花茶jasmine tea茶道sado/ tea ceremony功夫茶Gongfu tea陈酒old wine/aged wine烧酒arrack古文化街the Ancient Culture Street模仿imitate商业步行街commercial pedestrianstreet天津市的发祥地the Cradle of Tianjin天后宫Tianhou Temple妈祖庙Mazu Temple古玩antique手工艺制品handicraft民俗用品folk product杨柳青年画Yangliuqing New Yearpainting泥人张彩塑Niren Zhang’sColour-Clay Figurine刘氏砖刻Liu Carving风味小吃snack茶汤Chatang Soup耳朵眼炸糕Earhole Fried Cake四大文明古国the four countries that have an ancient civilization地大物博vast territory with abundantnatural resources 雄伟壮丽的瀑布magnificent waterfalls秀丽的majestic and beautiful利剑sword古迹historical remains以…而自豪boast无数的innumerable历史文物historical relics古迹名胜historic sites and scenic spots建筑edifice紫禁城the Forbidden City长方形rectangular建筑面积floor space现存in existence上朝give audience世界文化遗产World Cultural Heritage。

老龄化社会(an aging society)是指老年人口占总人口达到或超过一定的比例的人口结构模型。
2009年10月26日,中国传统节日重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)到来之际,中国正式启动了一项应对人口老龄化战略研究,以积极应对持续加剧的人口老龄化危机。
【参考译文】An aging society refers to a population structure model in which aging population reaches or exceeds a certain proportion. The region is regarded as entering an aging society according to the UN’s traditional standard that an area’s old people over 60 years old takes up 10% of the total population, while the new standard is old people over 65 years old takes up 7% of the total population. The acceleration of aging will bring enormous pressure to both economy and society. On October 26, 2009 when the Double Ninth Festival, the traditional Chinese festival, came, China formally launched a strategic research on coping with aging of population to deal with increasingly intensifying population aging crisis.【重点表达】达到或超过reach or exceed老龄化的加速the acceleration of aging巨大的压力enormous pressure中国正式启动了一项应对人口老龄化战略研究,以积极应对持续加剧的人口老龄化危机。

Well begunis half done .2.我喜欢他永远忘不掉。
I like him to always forget not to drop .3.来的容易,去的容易。
Easy come, easy go .4.永远和你在一起。
Always with you .5.变化乃生命的调味品。
Variet y is the spiceof life .6.和你永远在一起。
With you always .7.失败是成功之母。
Failur e is the mother of succes s .8 . 爱你到永远。
Love you to arrive always .9.天下没有不散的宴席。
All good things must come to on end .10.我将永远爱你。
I shallalways love you .11.有情人钟情眷属。
All shallbe well ,and jack shallhave jill .12.万事开头难。
All thingare diffic ult before they are easy .13.善有善报,恶有恶报。
As a man sows ,so he shallreap .14.外表美是肤浅短暂的。
Beauty is but skinde ep .15.接近成功时最艰难。
The darkes t hour is that before the dawn .16.说来容易做时难。
Easier said than done .17.经验乃智慧之母。
Experi enceis the mother of wisdom .18.花言巧语是不中用的。
Fine wordsbutter no parsni ps .19.习惯成自然。

/ ә’rei/
/ a:’tikjulit/
/ ә’send/
/ æsә’tein/
/ әs’kraib/
/ ɔ:’θentik/
/ ɔ:’θɔritәtiv/
/ ‘ɔ:θәraiz/
/ ‘siәriәl/
/ ‘sә:tnti/
/ ‘sә:tifai/
/ ‘keiɔs/
/ ‘kæriktәraiz/
/ ‘tʃæriti/
/ tʃa:m/
/ ‘tʃa:tә/
/ tʃæt/

参考译文:Mount Tai, called “East Yue”, has a great reputation for the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains. According to the theory of five elements, the East belongs to mu, which means liveliness. Therefore, the East is a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures. This explains why important emperors made pilgrimages mostly to Mount Tai when they were crowned or in their later years. It is a symbol of loftiness and might, hence, there are the Chinese idioms: “as firm as Mount Tai”and “as weighty as Mount Tai”. Mount Tai was proclaimed world natural and cultural heritage by UNESCO in 1987.词句点拨泰山Mount Tai东岳East Y ue五岳独尊the most important mountain of the Five Holy Mountains享誉have a great reputation五行学说the theory of five elements生发liveliness生命之源、万物之本a place where nature regulated and adjusted its procedures 登基be crowned封禅祭拜make pilgrimages to稳如泰山as firm as Mount Tai重于泰山as weighty as Mount Tai宣布proclaim。

abno rmal 不正常的absurd a .荒缪的abundant a .丰富的acute a .敏锐的锋利的aggressive a.侵略的好斗的ambiguous a .模棱两可的模糊的ambitious a .有雄心的有抱负的appropriate a.合适的恰当的authe ntic a .可靠的可信的average a .一般的普通的barren a .贫瘠的不毛的bound a . 一定的chronic a .慢性的commentary a . 实况报道compact a .紧凑的小巧的competitive a .竞争性的有竞争力的compact a. 紧凑的小巧的compulsory a.强迫的强制的义务的con fide ntiala.机紧的秘密的con servativea. 保守的传统的con siste nt a. 和……一致con spicuousa.的显而易见的引人注目crucial a. 关键的curre nt a. 当前的curre nt a. 当前的decent a. 体面的像样的还不错的delicate a. 精细的微妙的精心处理的destructivea. 毁灭的econo mica. 经济的elega nt a. 优雅的优美的精致的embarrass ing a. 令人尴尬的en ergetica. 精力充沛的equivale nt a. 相等的eter nal a. 永恒的无休止的exclusivea. 独有的排他的ext inct a. 灭绝的ext inct a. 灭绝的绝种的0fatal a. 假的冒充的fatal a. 致命的毁灭性的feasiblea. 可行的feeble a. 脆弱的虚弱的rough a. 粗略的不精确的rude a.粗鲁的不礼貌的sen sitive a. 敏感的sheer a. 完全的十足的shrewd a. 精明的stati onary a. 固定的subordinate a. 次要的从属的subtle a. 微妙的,精巧的细微的superficial a. 肤浅的 suspicious a.对•…」怀疑gloomy a. 暗淡的 greasy a. 油腻的 iden tical a.相同的一样的imagi native a.富有想象力的爱想象 inaccessible a 1.可接近的易使用的in adequate a.不充分的不适当的 in credible a. 难以置信的in differe nee a. .不关心的冷漠的 in dig nant a. 生气的愤怒的 in fectious a. 传染的传染性的 in ferior a. 较次的较劣的 in ferior a. 地位较低的较差的 in here nt a. 固有的,生来的in spirati onal a .灵感的intent a. 专心的专注的in tricate a. 复杂精细的intrin sic a. 固有的本质的内在的irreplaceabl e a.不能替换的不能代literal a.文字的 字面的 逐字逐句massive a. 大规模的大量的merciful a. 仁慈的宽大的的 替的 的mobile a. 活动的流动的naive a. 言行自然而天真的质朴的 negligible a. 可忽略的微不足道的 notorious a.臭名昭著的声名狼藉的 obedie nt a.服从的顺从的obscure a. 模糊不清的 optimistic a. 乐观的 orig inal a.原先的 最早的 pathetic a.悲哀的悲惨的persiste nt a. 坚持不懈的 pote ntial a. 可能的潜在的 prevale nt a.普遍的 流行的 primitive a. 原始的 早期的proficie nt a. 熟练的精通的 profo und a.深刻的 深远的prominent a. 突出的杰出的prompt a. 即刻的迅速的 raw a.自然状态的 未加工的 releva nt a. 与..................... 有关的respectable a. 可尊敬的 rewarding a.值得的 tedious a.冗长的乏味的 trivial a. 琐碎的不重要的 turbulent a.动荡的混乱的 un derly ing a.潜在的 versatile a.多才多艺的vivid a. 生动的栩栩如生的void a. 无效的vul nerable a. 易受伤的worth a.值得deliberately ad. 故意有意地accommodation n.住宿膳宿ack no wledgeme nt n. 承认感谢致谢deliberately ad.深思熟虑地审慎地exclusivelyad. 仅仅地explicitly ad. 明确地forcibly ad. 强行地有力地3formerly ad. 原先地以前从前in creas in glyad. 日益越来越多地in evitably ad. 必然地不可避免地inten ti on allyad. 有意地故意地optimisticallyad. 乐观地outwardly ad. 表面上,外表上地presumablyad. 大概可能据推测simulta neously ad. 同时发生地somewhat ad. 颇为稍稍有几分地spo ntan eously ad. 自发地自然产生startlingly ad. 惊人地地triumphantlyad.(欣喜)胜利地成功un expectedlyac1. 意外地virtually ad. 事实上实际地access n. 入口,通路接触admirati onn.欣赏advocate n. 提倡者拥护者allowa neen. 津贴ambiti on n. 野心雄心an alogy n. 相似模拟类比an ticipati onn. 预期期望appreciation n. 感谢感激array n. 陈列一系列assura neen. 保证blame n.责任blunder n. 错误大错budget n. 预算capability n. 能力才能cash n. 现金expenditure n. 开支ext inction n . 灭绝fashion n. 方式样子flaw n. 裂纹瑕疵fortunen. 财产大笔的钱fraction n. 小部分一点fuse n. 保险丝guara ntee n. 保修单guilt n. 犯罪harm ony n. 与 协调一致和谐 orn ame nt n.—装饰装饰品 hospitality n.友好款待好客participatio n n.参加加入 humor n. 情绪心境 pastime n. 消遣娱乐illusi on n. 错觉假象 pattern n.模式in gredie nt n.成分 pen alty n. 制裁 惩罚in sight n. 理解洞察力pension n.乃养老金in spect ion n.检查视察 pers on ality n. 人格人性in sti net n. 本能直觉 circulati on n.(书报等的)发行量in tegrity n. 止直诚实 commitment n. 承诺许诺 in tuiti on n. 直觉 compe nsati on n.补偿赔偿 in tuiti on n.直觉con siderati on n. 考虑 lease n. 租约契约 con stituti on n.组成构成 legislati on n.立法法律 con sulta nt n.顾问 limitatio n n. 局限性缺点 con troversy n. 争论辩论loyalty n. 忠诚忠心 damage n. 损坏luxury n. 奢侈豪华debate n. 争论 辩论mani festatio nn.表现(形式)den ial n.否认否定拒绝给与(正义,权利)mecha nism n.机械装置digest n.摘要简编mi nority n.少数dilemma n. 窘境困境misfort une n.不幸灾难disti nction n区分辨别morality n.道德美德emerge ncy n. 紧急情况notion n.概念观念理解en courageme ntn.鼓励obligatio n n ( 法律上或道义上的)责任essenee n.本质occasi on n. 场合estimate n. 估计opp onent n.敌人对手 pledge n.保证 誓言positi on n. 位置职位职务surface n. 表面predecessorn. 前任原有的事物temperament n. 气质性格premise n. 前提假设thresholdn. 开端入口prescriptionn. 处方tolera neen. 容忍忍耐力preservati onn. 保护防护transaction n. 处理办理交易prestige n. 威信威望tran siti onn. 过渡转变priority n. 优先(权)trend n. 倾向趋势prospect n. 前景可能性variationn. 变化变动rate n. 速度warehouse n. 货仓rati on n. 比率way n. 方式recessi on n.( 经济)衰退不景气撤退aba ndonv. 抛弃放弃退出ack no wledge v. 对.... 表示谢忱,报reflectio n n. 反映表现偿reputati on n. 名声声望acqua intv. 熟悉认识reservati onn. 贮存贮藏acquire v. (靠自己的能力、努力或行为)获得得到reservati on n. 预订afford v. 付得起revenue n. 税收岁入allege v. 断言宣称rival n. 竞争对手alter nate v. 交替轮流routine n. 常规惯例例行公事an ticipate v. 预期scene n. 景色景象applaud v. 赞扬称赞scorn n. 轻蔑鄙视asce nd v. 上升攀登shortage n. 短缺不足ascribe v. 归因于归功于smash n. 打碎粉碎assemble v. 集合聚集stability n. 稳定(性)稳固assig n v. 分派指派(职务任务)stack n. 堆一堆attribute v. 归因于sta ndard n. 标准base v. 建立在...... 的基础上dedicatev.奉献献身致力于bewilder v. 迷惑弄糊涂defe nd v. 为……辩护breed v. 培育养育magnify v. 放大cling v. 坚守抱紧mean v. 打算意欲coincide v. 相同相一致mi ngle v. 混合起来相混合collaborate v. 合著合作mini mizev. 对.... 做取低估计collide v. 互撞碰撞mon itor v. 检测监测9 commenee v.开始n eglect v. 忽视compensate v. 补偿赔偿occupy v. 占领使忙碌compleme nt v. 与..... 结合补充oppress v. 压迫comply v. 遵守orig in atev. 首创起源conceive v. 想出设想overlap v. 部分重叠concern v. 涉及overwhelm v. 压倒浸没使不安condense v. 压缩浓缩parade v. 游行conflict v. 冲突战争permeatev. 渗入渗透conform v. 符合遵守适应prescribev. 处方开药confront v. 面对面临preside v. 主持con serve v. 保护保存prolong v. 延长拖延con solidate v. 巩固promise v. 许诺con vey v. 表达,传达propel v. 推进推动crash v.(飞机)坠毁protest v. 抗议反对cruise v. 航行,漫游provoke v. 引起激起dazzle v. 使眩目,耀眼deceive v. 欺骗,哄骗radiate v.伸展出辐射状发出从中心向各方decline v. 下降减少recon cilev.使和好调解refresh v. 提神使清新refute v. 证明……不对(是错误的),follow v. 遵从驳诉furnish v. 配备装饰rema in v. 停留依旧是gaze v.凝视注视repel v. 抗御抵拒gear v. 使适应使适合defy v. 违抗藐视grieve v. 使伤心使悲伤deny v. 否认hamper v. 妨碍限制deprive v. 剥夺haul v. 拖拉derive v. 得来得到hin der v. 阻碍妨害desce nd v. 下落hoist v. 举起,升起吊起desce nd v. 下来下去ide ntifyv.认出确认deserve v. 值得ign ite v. 引燃deviate v.( 使)背离(使)偏离immerse v. 使浸没disguise v. 假扮伪装impose v. 把……强加于domin ate v. .统治占据in duce v. 劝诱诱导drain v. 渐渐耗尽in dulge v. 纵容放任duplicate v. 复制重复intend v. 意欲elimi nate v. 消除in terpretv.解释说明en dure v. 忍受忍耐jeopardize v. 危及损坏enhance v. 提高增加lin ger v. 逗留徘徊留恋;迟缓拖延enhance v. 提高locate v. 位于en roll v. 使成为……的成员,注册rescue v. 营救救援evoke v. 引起唤起resig n v. 辞职exclaim v. 呼喊欢呼resort v. 求助凭借诉诸expire v. 到期期满resume v. 重新开始继续explore v. 探险探索revenge v. 报仇报复flap v.(鸟)振翅(飞行)英语六级高频词汇汇总sea n v. 细察审视scrapev. 剥下刮下scratchv. 抓搔shri nk v. 收缩减少sta ndardize v. 使标准化steer v. 驾驶引导strengthen v. 加强使更强壮stretchv. 伸展subscribv. 预订订阅esuck v.( 用嘴)吸吞噬卷入suppress v. 镇压sustai nv. 承受tackle v. 解决处理tempt v. 引诱劝诱tempt v. 引诱劝诱termiv. 终止结束natetran smit. 传播传递vverify v. 证实证明view v. 视为看做wreck v.( 船只)失事。

【翻译词汇】中国新年Chinese New Year 春节the Spring Festival除夕Chinese New Year’s Eve 元宵节the Lantern Festival 农历lunar calendar 有差异vary年夜饭annual reunion dinner 驱厄运sweep away ill fortune迎好运bring in good luck 大扫除thoroughly clean the house对联couplets 放鞭炮light firecrackers发红包give money in red envelopes【精彩译文】Chinese New Year is the most important traditional Chinese festival. In China, it is also known as the Spring Festival. New Year celebrations run from Ch inese New Year’s Eve, the last day of the last month of the lunar calendar, to the Lantern Festival on the 15th day of the first month. Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place. However, New Year’s Eve is usually an occasion for Chinese families to gather for the annual reunion dinner. It is also traditional for every family to thoroughly clean the house in order to sweep away ill fortune and to bring in good luck. And doors will be decorated with red couplets with themes of health, wealth and good luck. Other activities include lighting firecrackers, giving money in red envelopes, and visiting relatives and friends.②中华民族的传统文化博大精深、源远流长。

大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)-试卷228(总分12, 做题时间90分钟)4. TranslationPart Ⅳ Translation1.茶是中国人的一种特殊饮料,在中国人的日常生活中占有重要的地位。
中国的茶叶种类繁多,具有代表性的有绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶 (oolong tea)、白茶等。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI2.瓷器 (porcelain)起源于中国,是中华民族对世界文明做出的伟大贡献。
景德镇瓷器产品以其精湛的工艺 (workmanship)、美丽的造型、精致的图案和迷人的色彩享誉世界。
SSS_TEXT_QUSTI3.长江三峡 (the Three Gorges)是长江上最为壮丽的一段大峡谷,西起重庆奉节,东至湖北宜昌,全长193千米。
陡峭的悬崖、危险的浅滩 (shoal)和湍急的 (turbulent)江水构成了三峡壮观的景象,给许多诗人和艺术家带来了创作灵感。
三峡大坝是世界上最大的水电站 (hydropower station)工程,也是中国有历史记载以来所建设的最大工程项目。

range n. 一系列;范围;距离;(山)脉v.变化;漫游;使排列成行episode n. 一个事件;插曲,连续剧的一集abuse n./vt. 滥用;虐待;启口口辱骂rear n. 后部;后方a.后面的;后方的vt.抚养condemn vt. 谴责;半卜•刑vocal a. 直言不讳的;嗓音的n.(常pl.)声乐节目oppose vt. 反对previous a. 以前的;(to)在…之前wander vi. 漫游;偏离正道;走神supervise v. 监督,管理buck n. (一)美元;雄鹿vi.猛然弓背跃起mortal a.终有一死的;致命的;不共戴天的n.人anxiety n. 焦虑;渴望shuttle n. 航天飞机;梭子v.穿梭般来回;短程穿梭运送enrich vt.充实,使丰富;使富裕alliance n. 联盟participate vi. (in )参加generally ad. 通常;普遍地advantage n. 优点;好处exceptional a. 杰出的;异常的hinder vt. 妨碍caution n./vt. 小心;注意(事项),警告somewhat ad. 稍微,有点lessen v. 减少,减轻layman n. 夕卜行appreciate vt. 重视,欣赏;为…表示感激;领会vi.增值sculpture n. 雕刻;雕刻作品weird a. 古怪的;怪诞的carve vt. 切;雕刻hesitate v.犹豫;不情愿compromise n.妥协vi.妥协vt.危及underlying a. 含蓄的,潜在的feedback n. 反馈qualification n.资格,合格证书;限制litter n.废弃物;杂乱的东西v.乱扔废弃物ecology n. 生态;生态学adapt vt. 使适应;修改vi. shepherd n. 牧羊人vt. (to )适应带领eliminate vt. 排除;淘汰acquire vt. 获得;学到migrate vi. 迁徙;移居competence n. 能力,胜任reckless a. 鲁莽的investigate v. 调查penalty n. 处罚,罚金variable a. 易变的;可变的impose vt. (on )把…强加n.可变因素于;征(税等)epidemic n. 流行病;流传accomplish vt. 完成,实现 a.流传极广的sponsor n. 发起者,赞助者calorie n. 大卡;卡(路里)vt.主办;资助;支持appeal n./v. 呼吁,恳求;defect n. 缺点vi.叛变吸引力;上诉,诉诸flexible a .易弯曲的;灵活dominate vt. 支配;耸立于的vi.处于支配地位scent n. 香味,气味;踪迹;reverse v. 撤销;倒转香水n.相反情况;扌坐折a.相反vt.嗅到;察觉的aisle n. 通道plausible a. 似有道理的odo(u)r n. 气味index n. 索弓1;标志;指数collide vi. 碰撞;冲突vt.为…编索弓tragic a. 悲惨的;悲剧的nutrition n. 营养casualty n.伤亡人员;损impair vt. 损害,削弱失的东西constant a. 始终如一的;scare n. 惊恐v.使害怕,不断的;忠实的n.恒量受惊吓regardless ad. 不顾后果terror n. 恐怖;引起恐怖的地,不管怎样人(或事)shiver vi./n. 发抖explosive a.爆炸的;极易deny vt. 否认;拒绝给予引起争论的n.炸药chill vt.使变冷n.寒冷;风寒energetic a. 精力充沛的proportion n. 比例;部分;heighten v. (使)提高均衡passive a. 被动的,消极的calculate vt. 计算;估计;consumption n. 消耗量;计划消耗genetic a. 遗传(学)的n. bald a.秃的;磨光的;不(-s)遗传学加掩饰的offspring n. 后代;崽accompany vt.陪伴;伴identical a. 相同的随;为…伴奏intrigue v.激起…的好奇spill v.(使)溢出,(使)洒心;耍阴谋n.阴谋落n.溢出persist vi. (in )坚持不懈;assemble v. 集合;装配持续assembly n. 立法机构;集seal n.圭寸条;图章;海豹vt. 会;装配(密)封shrink v. (使)收缩;退spectrum n. 谱,光谱;范缩围fluctuate vi. 波动prevalent a. 流行的,普遍revive v. 使复苏;恢复的monopoly n. 垄断;垄断商mature a. 成熟的;成年人品的;sparkle vi. 发光;活跃n. 深思熟虑的;到期的v. 闪烁;活力(使)成熟resort vi. 求助,诉诸n. 求combination n. 结合(体)助,诉诸;lean v.倾斜;靠a.瘦的;求助的对象;胜地贫乏的doubtful a .难以预测的;incline v.(使)倾斜;(使)可疑的倾向于n.斜坡radioactivea.放射性的accelerate v. (使)加快dump vt. 倾卸;倾销n.垃圾场transit n. 运M输yell vi./n. 号叫,叫喊concrete a. 具体的n.混saying n. 谚语凝土forecast n./vt. 预测magnify vt. 放大;夸大brew v.酿造,酝酿;冲泡n. choke v. (使)窒息,呛;冲泡的饮料塞满repression n i. 压抑,镇压poisonous a. 有毒的;恶毒bounce v. (使)弹起,(使)的反弹n.弹,反弹virtual a.实质上的,事实humidity n. 湿度,潮湿上的rational a. 理性的;合理的pedestrian n. 行人utter vt. 说a.完全的thesis n. 论文,毕业论文;tackle vt. 对付;与…交涉;论题阻截shipment n. 装运;装载的n.阻截;用具;辘轳货物doom vt. 注定n.厄运predecessor n .前辈;前身reinforce vt. 增强distribute vt. 分发;散布circulation n .循环,流通;innovation n.新方法;革流传;发仃量新sensation n. 感觉能力;感differentiate v. 区别;使不觉;轰动同encounter vt./n. 遇至U,遭perspective n. 视角;远景;遇透视图perceive vt. 感知;认识到replace vt. 取代;更换;appearance n. 出现;外表把…放回原处export n. 出口(物)v.出traditional a.传统的,惯口例的transfer v./n . 转移;调动,extraordinary a.不平常转学;转车的,非凡的perpetual a. 永恒的;没完prescribe vt. 开(药);规没了的疋rub vt. 摩擦certify vt. 证明;发证书给alien a. 外国人的;陌生的;evolution n. 演变,进化不相容的overcome vt. 克服;压倒n.外国人;外星人substantial a. 大量的;牛prejudice n.偏见vt.使固的;实质的有偏见;损害hazard n. 危险vt. 尝试着dome n. 圆屋顶做;冒…风险vacuum n. 真空;真空吸尘toxic a. 有毒的器V.用吸尘器清扫dioxide n. 二氧化物inject vt. 注射;注入framework n. 框架;参照kidney n. 肾标准;构成方式profile n. 侧面(像);轮廓;absurd a. 荒谬的姿态vt.为…描绘donate v.捐赠compose vt. 组成;创作;ransplant vt. 移栽;移植;使平静使迁移n.移植vigorous a. 有力的;精力ample a. 足够的;宽敞的充沛的dynamic a.有活力的;不fancy vt./n. 喜欢;想象断变化的;动力的(力)a.昂贵的;别致的n.(原)动力;(-s)动力学optical a.光(学)的;眼terrific a. 极妙的;极大的的;视觉的cafeteria n. 自助餐馆consequence n.结果;重nuisance n. 令人讨厌的东要(性)西,讨厌的人astronomy n. 天文学retrieve vt.重新得到;挽catastrophe n. 大灾难回;检索foresee vt. 预见,预知polish vt.磨光;润色n.afflict vt. 折磨擦光剂brochure n. 小册子occupy vt. 占用;使忙碌eligible a. 有恰当资格的;personnel n.人员;人事咅B 合适的门antique a. 古老的n.古consequent a. 作为结果的董motivate vt. 激励memorial a. 纪念的n.纪complicated a. 复杂的念碑offend vt.冒犯;使厌恶;designate vt. 指派;标出违反recreation n. 娱乐活动,消whereby ad. 借以、卓遣incur vt. 招致disregard vt. 漠视n. 忽restore vt. 恢复;修复;归视还overload vt :.超过负荷n. plea n. 恳求;抗辩;借口超载insane a.荒唐的;精神失discharge v. 允许…离开;常的,疯狂的排出;卸(货);放电n.释preview n. 预演;预告(片)放;放电explicit a. 详述的,明晰的;compel vt. 强迫直言的strand n.(线等的)缕;anniversary n.周年纪念个组成部分vt.使搁浅(日)ignorant a. (of)不知道的;approach v.靠近n. 靠无知的近;途径;方法forerunneraggravate vt. 加重;激怒n.先驱;前兆inherent a. (in )内在的,depict vt.描绘固有的proceed vi. 进行,继续下compulsory a .强制性的,去;行进必修的slump vi.暴跌;突然倒下stable a. 稳定的;沉稳的n. n.萧条期,低潮马厩thrive vi. 兴旺,繁荣esteem n./vt. 尊重currency n. 货币;通行exert vt. 尽(力);运用cocaine n. 可卡因digital a. 数字的conserve vt. 保护,保存fraction n. 小部分;分数slash vt. 砍;大幅度削减n. 砍;斜线号bonus n.奖金;额外给予的东西annual a. 每年的n. 年报;一年生的植物metric a. 公制的,米制的profitable a. 有利可图的,有益的precise a. 精确的;严谨的immense a.广大的,巨大的drain v. 排走;渐渐耗尽n. 耗竭;排水管insulate vt. 使绝缘;隔离prototype n. 原型consume vt. 消耗,花费;吃(完);使着迷;毁灭compact a.紧凑的;紧密的vt.把…压实n.合同generate vt.产生;引起notorious a. 臭名昭著的equation n. 方程,等式residential a.居住的,住宅的;寄宿的conventional a.常规的;符合习俗的subsidy n. 补助金tub n.桶,塑料杯;盆,浴缸giant n. 巨人;才智超群的人a.巨大的complex a. 复合的;复杂的n.综合体;情结decisive a. 决定性的;坚定的boost vt. 提高;推动;宣扬n.提高;推动household n.家庭a.家用的;家喻户晓的appliance n. 器具hike n. 徒步旅行;增加v.徒步旅行;提高thermal a. 热的;保暖的specialize/-ise vi. (in )专攻furnace n. 火炉initial a. 开始的n.(常pl.)首字母incentive n. 刺激,鼓励sacrifice n.牺牲;献祭;祭品vt.牺牲;献祭convert v. (使)转变;(使)改变信仰portion n. 部分,份vt. 分配implement vt .使生效,实施n. 工具,器具electrical a. 电的efficient a. 效率咼的derive vt. 得到;追溯…的起源vi. (from )起源keen a.热心的;敏锐的;激烈的;锋利的clutch v.企图抓住;抓紧n.离合器;掌握mall n. 购物中心lounge n. 休息厅vi.(懒散地)躺;闲逛cozy/cosy a. 舒适的;亲切友好的scratch v. 抓;刮擦n.抓,搔;抓痕relieve vt. 使轻松;减轻;使得到调剂;接替precaution n. 预防,警惕permanent a.永久的,固定的skeptical a. 表示怀疑的sensitive a.敏感的;神经过敏的;易受伤害的haunt vt.常出没于;使苦恼;缠绕n.常去的地方vanish vi. 消失;不复存在bankrupt a. 破产的;彻底缺乏的vt.使破产n.破产者freight n.货物vt.运送(货物)integral a.构成整体所必需的exaggerate v. 夸大,夸张remedy n. 补救办法;药品,治疗法vt.补救;治疗defy vt.违抗;藐视;使成为不可能;挑,激routine n. 例行公事a.例行的fake n.假货;骗子a.假的vt.伪造;伪装instruct vt. 指示;教育occasional a. 偶尔的vague a.含糊的,模糊的construct vt. 建造;对…进行构思n.建筑物;构想expose vt. 暴露;使处于… 作用之下;揭露betray vt.背叛;失信于;泄露;暴露behavio(u)r n. 行为;运转情况embrace vt. 拥抱;包括;包围n.拥抱challenge n. 艰巨的任务;怀疑;挑战vt.反对equip vt. 装备;使有准备initiate vt. 开始;使初步了解;接纳n.新加入组织的人occupation n. 职业;消遣;占领gauge n. 测量仪表;厚度;规格vt.估计;计量suspect vt. 推测;对…表示怀疑n.可疑分子a.可疑的casual a.冷淡的;非正式的;偶然的;临时的acquaintance n. 熟人;认识,了解embarrass vt. 使尴尬inferior a. 劣等的;下级的n.下级by 华研外语:www.TopwayEnglish.com华研外语:www.TopwayEnglish.comreward n .报答,奖赏;酬金vt.报答,奖励fulfil(l) vt. 实现;满足survey n./vt. 调查;测量;全面审视,概括论述nurture vt./n. 养育,培育assess vt. 对…进行估价;评论identify vt. 认出;把…等同于vi.认同passion n. 激情;酷爱steer vt. 驾驶;引导vi.驾驶frustratevt.使沮丧;挫败definition n. 定义;清晰(度)attain vt. 达到vision n. 想象(力),幻想;视力statement n. 声明;结算单instance n. 例子estate n. 土地;财产;庄园tender a. 嫩的;疼痛的;温柔的v.提出;投标n.投标appropriate a.适当的vt.私占;拨出(款项等)供专用enlighten vt. 启发illustrate vt. 说明;给…做obstacle n. 障碍(物)插图说明pursuit n. 追求;追赶;(常abandon vt. 放弃;抛弃pl.)嗜好resolution n. 决议;决心;quit v. 停止,放弃;离开解决;分辨率summit n. 最咼点;最咼级evaporate vi.蒸发;消失会议;顶峰vt.使挥发quest n. 寻求,搜索discount n. 折扣vt. 把…surf v.冲浪;上网浏览信息打折扣;漠视n.激浪anyhow ad. 无论如何;随generous a.慷慨的;宽厚随便便地的;大量的instant a. 即刻的;紧急的;optimistic a. 乐观的速溶的n.瞬间impress vt.给…以深刻的misfortune n. 不幸,逆境;印象;压印不幸事故sightseeing n. 观光miserable a. 痛苦的;令人champagne n. 香槟酒难受的entertain 乐v.款待;给…娱trap n.陷阱;圈套;困境vt.设陷阱捕捉;使中圈套refrain vi. 抑制,戒除n. shatter vt. 使粉碎;使破灭叠句vi.碎裂concern n .关心;关系;公enclose vt. 围住;把…装入司vt.有关于;使担心信封collection n.收藏品;收amaze vt. 使大为惊奇集;聚集heroic a. 英雄的,英勇的correspondence n. 信件;unfold vi. 展开,打开;显通信;符合露vt.展开sufficient a. 足够的,充分clip n.(弹簧)夹子;剪;的剪报vt.夹住;修剪;削减划桨;击,敲;combat n. 战斗,斗争vt. 报时的钟声;笔划;抚摸vt. 与…斗争抚摸industrialize/-ise v.(使revenue n. 收入;税收工业化apart ad. 相间隔;分开a. exceed vt. 超过分离的obligation n. 义务,责任originate vi. 起源于vt. coordinate vt. 协调n. 座创造标a.同等的dread vt./n. 担忧,畏惧prime a. 首要的;最好的artificial a. 人造的;矫揉造n.青春;全盛时期vt.使准作的备好inflation n.通货膨胀;膨shift v.转移;转变n.转胀变;(轮或换)班adjust vt.调整;调节vi. disrupt vt. 使中断,扰乱(to)适应graduate n. 毕业生;研究stem n. 茎;词干v.生a.研究生的v.毕业(from )起源于;止住trend n. 趋势;时尚misery n.痛苦;悲惨的境critical a.关键性的;批评遇的multiply v. (使)增加,(使)adequate a. 充足的;胜任繁殖;乘的liberate vt. 解放;释出collapse vi./n. 倒坍;崩溃extravagant a. 奢侈的;过orientation n. 方向;熟悉度的情况classic a.最优秀的;典型devise vt.发明,策划的;传统式样的venture n. 风险投资v.冒n.文学名著;优秀的典范;险;敢于古典文学stroke n. 中风;一次努力;endow vt. 捐赠;赋予provision n. 供应;准备;条款;给养patriot n. 爱国者proposal n. 提议;求婚federal a. 联邦(政府)的democratic a.民主的,有民主精神的analyze/-yse vt. 分析unconscious a.失去知觉的;无意识的desirable a.值得想望的;可取的activity n. 活动;活跃undermine vt. 暗中破坏;侵蚀…的基础flourish vi. 茂盛,兴旺vt. 挥动existence n. 存在;生存deem vt. 认为reservation n. 预订;保留;居留地mere a. 仅仅的;纯粹的aboard prep./ad. 在船上,上船bound a. 一定的;受约束的;准备到…去的v.跳跃;弹回;给…划界n. 跳跃;限制incredible a. 不可信的;难以置信的approve vt. 赞成;批准vi. (of)赞成,称许verge n. 边缘vi. 接近reliable a. 可靠的accommodation n.(常pl.)膳宿temporary a. 暂时的participant n. 参与者rotate v. (使)转动;轮流resemble vt. 像,类似于conduct vt.管理;指挥;传导;表现n.举止;管理exotic a. 奇异的,外来的retreat vi./n. 退去卩,撤退;退缩,隐退(处)orbit n.轨道v.(绕…)做轨道运行fare n. 票价vi.进展conclude v. 推断出;结束;缔结tremendous a. 巨大的;精彩的frequency n. 频率;频繁reluctant a. 不情愿的tenant n. 房客,佃户apply vi. 申请;适用vt.实施;涂diagnose vt. 诊断symptom n. 症状;征兆惩罚;学科vt.训练;惩罚sneak v. 偷偷地走,溜expel vt. 把…除名;驱逐;rally n.集会;公路汽车赛排出v.集合;恢复gamblev./n . 赌博;冒险institution n.社会公共机grieve v.感到悲痛,使伤心构;制度;设立commit vt. 犯(罪行等);.comprehensive a. 综合的使承担义务;把…托付给;rare a.稀有的;珍奇的;稀拨出薄的;煎得嫩的suicide n. 自杀;自取灭亡trim vt. 修剪;削减;装饰a. alphabet n. 字母表苗条的;整齐的n.修剪bloom n. 花;开花(期);compensation n.补偿的青春焕发(的时期)vi.开款物;赔偿花concession n. 妥协;特许;fertilizer n. 肥料承认severe a. 严重的;严厉的;intimidate vt. 恐吓严峻的;朴素的sue v. 控告;(for )请求import n. 进口;进口商品;accurate a. 正确无误的;意义vt.进口精确的addition n.加法;增加的essential a.必不可少的;人或物本质的n.要素;必需品subtract v. 减(去)aviation n. 航空学;飞机制specific a. 特定的;明确的造业n. (pl.)详情distort v. 曲解;(使)变形insight n. 洞察力descend v. 下来;起源cognitive a. 认知的(于);袭击;把身份降至simplify vt. 简化terrain n. 地形bless vt.使有幸得到;为…altitude n. 高度;(pl.)高处祈神赐福discipline n. 纪律;训练;agony n. 痛苦complicate vt. 使复杂化;使卷入vi.变复杂rage n.狂怒;风靡一时的事物vi.狂吹;发怒objective n. 目标a. 客观的abroad ad. 在国外;在传播jet n.喷气式飞机;喷嘴;喷射vi.乘喷气式飞机lag vi. 走得慢n.滞后,间隔aware a. 意识到的grocery n.食品杂货店;食品,杂货incident n. 发生的事;事件concentrate v. 全神贯注;集中;浓缩n.浓缩物metropolitan a. 大城市的deficit n. 赤字,亏损consistent a. 坚持的;一致的poll n.民意测验;政治选举vt.对…进行民意测验;获得reveal vt. 揭露;展现disorder n. 混乱;骚乱;失调institute n. 学院vt.建立disturbance n.打扰;混乱;心神不安immune a. 免疫的;不受影响的;豁免的undo vt. 解开;取消fluid n. 流体a.流动的susceptible a. 易受影响的;过敏的;能经受的infect vt. 传染;影响evidence n. 根据,迹象regulate vt. 管理;调节advanced a. 先进的;高级的;年迈的likelihood n. 可能,可能性register n. 登记v.登记;指示;表示;注意到;挂号affect v.影响appetite n. 胃口;欲望suppress vt. 镇压;禁止发表;抑制;阻止…的生长destination n. 目的地;目标skip v. 跳;跳绳;跳过n. 跳,蹦跳intersection n. 道路交叉口tame a.驯服的;沉闷的vt. 制服;驯化effective a. 有效的;给人印象深刻的;实际的cavity n. 洞,穴;龋洞attitude n. 态度;姿态政治家grant n. 拨款vt.授予,冋harsh a. 严厉的;刺耳的意alter v.改变access n. 入口;接近;接disguise vt. 假扮;伪装;近的机会vt.存取掩盖n.伪装.indifferent a.冷漠的;instantaneous a. 即刻的般的offensive a.冒犯的;攻击.understanding n. 谅解;性的n.进攻理解a.体谅的twist v.使缠绕;扭歪,扭neglect vt./n. 忽略;疏忽伤;转身;owing a. 应付的曲折前进n.弯曲;扭转garment n. 衣服foam n. 泡沫;泡沫材料vi. interrupt v. 打断,打扰起泡沫timely a. 及时的desperate a. 不顾一切的determination n. 决心;确的:极想望的;绝望的疋representative n.代表a. therapy n. 治疗,理疗有代表性的handicap n .缺陷;障碍vt. automation n. 自动化妨碍application n. 申请;应用;crush vt. 压碎;镇压敷用elementar y a.基本的;初personality n. 个性;人物级的tutor n. 导师;家庭教师v. primary a. 首要的;最初的当家庭教师curriculum n. 课程,全部formula n. 原则;公式;配课程方capable a. 有能力的spit v. 吐唾沫,吐出n.唾outstanding a. 杰出的;未液解决的predict vt. 预测statesman n. 国务活动家,interview n./vt. 会见;面试assure vt. 使确信;确保overlook vt.忽略;宽恕;expire vt. 期满;断气俯瞰update vt. 更新,使现代化external a. 夕卜部的n.最新信息contrary a.相反的n.相反verify vt. 核实;证实事物instal(l) vt. 安装;使就职exclaim v. 呼喊,惊叫virus n. 病毒;病毒性疾病prior a. 优先的,在前的removal n. 除去;移动preference n.偏爱;偏爱patch n. 补丁;斑;一小块的事物(或人)地vt.修补relate vi.有关联;适应vt. available a.现成可使用使互相关联;讲述的;可得到的extreme a. 极度的;末端的insure vt. 给…保险;保证n.极端exploit vt. 剥削;利用,开abnormal a. 反常的发n.业绩decline n./v. 下降;衰退;peer n. 同龄人;贵族vt.谢绝仔细看account n. 记述;账户;解recommend vt.推荐;劝释vi.说明…的原因;占告;使成为可取related a.与…有亲戚关系utility n. 功用,效用;公用的;有关系的事业disk/disc n. 圆盘;磁盘,hacker n. 劈者;电脑黑客光盘intention n. 意图prosecute v. 对… 提起公nonetheless ad. 尽管如止匕诉,起诉;继续从事log n.原木;航海日志vt. release vt./n. 释放;解除;正式记录放开;发布maintenance n.维修;扶security n. 安全;抵押品;养费;维持证券fragment n. 碎片v.(使)成碎片click v.(使)发出咔哒声;点击n.咔哒声document n.文件vt.记载scatter v.撒;使散开,消散handle vt. 处理;操作;拿n.柄,把手theft n. 偷窃,失窃transaction n. 交易,业务subscribe v.订阅;同意;捐助consult vt. 请教;查阅vi.商议appointment n.约会;任命;委任的职位odd a.古怪的;临时的;单的;奇数的;剩余的n.可能性straightforward a.径直的;正直的;易懂的deserve vt. 应受,值得.temper n. 脾气;韧度vt. 调和;使回火.digest vt.消化;吸收n. 文摘enthusiasm n. 热情;巨大兴趣,热衷的事物talent n. 才能,天资;人才versatile a. 多才多艺的;多功能的obtain vt. 获得vi.通用remote a.遥远的;关系疏远的;绝少的;孤高的exchange n. 交换;兑换vt.交换;交流potential a.潜在的n.潜力steep a. 陡的;过高的;急剧的vt.浸泡cliff n.悬崖subtle a. 微妙的;诡秘的;隐约的diverse a.不同的;多种多样的enforce vt. 实施;强迫ceremony n. 典礼;礼节mechanical a. 机械的;力学的;呆板的attach vt.贴;使依恋;认为有;使附属monument n. 纪念碑;历史遗迹veil n. 面纱;遮盖物vt.掩饰controversy n. 争论hoist vt. 举起,吊起n. 起重器械;举起接待;接收效果dignity n. 庄严;尊严prompt vt. 促使;提示a. principal a.主要的n.校敏捷的,及时的n.提词长;资本;主角legislation n. 法律;立法attendance n. 出席人数;lunar a. 月的,月球的参加;护理preserve vt. 保护;保存;decrease v./n. 减小,减少腌制promote vt. 促进;提拔;commend vt. 表扬;推荐推销pirate n. 非法盗印者;海盗promising a. 有希望的,有vt.盗用,非法盗印前途的reproach n./vt. 责备deliberate a. 畜意的;深思meadow n. 草地熟虑的V.仔细考虑swell v.肿胀,膨胀;增强aside ad. 在旁边n.波浪起伏;鼓起;增强sustain vt. 保持;供养;支irrigation n. 灌溉撑;经受negative a. 否定的;消极exhaust vt.使筋疲力尽;的;负的用光;n.底片;负数详尽论述n.排气装置;废multiple a. 复合的,多种多气样的n.倍数atmosphere n. 大气层;空dual a. 双(重)的气;环境associate v.把…联系在一propose v. 提议;提名;打起;结合;交往算;求婚n.伙伴a.副的breed n.品种v.繁殖;养continual a. 不间断的;频育;酿成频的equivalent a. 相等的n. degrade vt. 降低…的身份;等价物使降解reception n. 招待会;接受;contaminate vt. 污染swamp n. 沼泽vt.淹没;的;有节制的]n.持温和观点难倒者v.和缓notable a. 显著的n.名人dramatic a.引人注目的;transition n. 过渡,转变戏剧(性)的n.戏剧表演orient vt. 使适应;使朝向cultivate vt. 耕作;培养n. (the O-) 东方component n. 成分a. 组wrap vt. 包,裹n.披肩,成的围巾addict n. 有瘾的人;入迷hollow a. 空的;沉闷的;的人vt.使成瘾虚伪的n. 洼地.acquaint vt. (with )使了reap vt. 收割;获得解tolerance n.宽容;忍耐.mutual a. 相互的;共同的(力).necessityn.必需品;必要conquer vt. 征服;破除(性)retain vt. 保持disposal n. 丢掉;布置strain n. 拉紧;极度紧张;instalment n.分期付张力;扭伤款;(分期连载的)部分v.拉伤;使紧张;拉紧;尽isolate vt. 使隔离,使孤立力urge vt. 鼓励;竭力主张;flip vt.快速翻动;轻抛;轻催促n.强烈的欲望拍scenery n. 景色;舞台布景n.轻抛a 轻率的irritate vt. 使恼怒;使不适overall a. 总体的;全部的temperament n. 性格ad.总的来说n.工装裤ferry n. 渡船vt.渡运一/ A rz —r*. / . foster vt. 收养;促进a.收commute v. 经常乘车往返养的于两地;减(刑);折合shortage n. 缺少n.上下班交通enhance vt. 提高,增加spacious n.宽广的,宽敞moderate a . 中等的;温和的decay vi. 腐烂;衰落n.腐govern vt. 统治;支配烂;衰败状态confidential a . 秘密的;表interval n. 间隔;幕间休息示信任的;担任机密工作的dental a. 牙齿的boundary n. 边界particle n. 微粒;小品词visible a.看得见的,有形的worthwhile a. 值得的stiff a.僵直的;不灵活的;recruit vt. 招募,吸收n. 拘谨的ad. 极其;僵硬地新兵,新成员provocative a . 挑衅的;挑flee v.逃走;避开逗的surrender v.投降;屈服shed vt. 脱落;流出;发出;(于);放弃n.投降摆脱n.棚屋entitle vt. 给…权利;给…emotional a. 令人动情的;题名情绪激动的;感情的neutral a. 中立的;中性的logical a.逻辑的;合乎常tribute n. 称赞;贡品理的gratitude n. 感激elicit vt. 诱出,探出convict vt .宣判…有罪n. alleviate vt. 缓解囚犯exposure n. 暴露;揭发;liberty n. 自由;许可;(常曝光pl.)放肆overwhelming ) a. 势不可nationality n . 国籍,民族挡的;巨大的cease v./n. 停止definitely ad. 明确地;一定assign vt. 选派;指定;分地配identity n. 身份;个性;同privacy n. 个人自由;隐私一性assume vt. 假定;担任;呈intricate a. 错综复杂的现involve vt. 包含;使卷入;psychiatrist n.精神科医牵涉生sequence n. 连续,一连串;次序strip v.脱光衣服,剥去;theoretical a. 理论的剥夺n.带状物obedient a.服从的,顺从squeeze v. 挤;压榨;捏n. 的挤;握;拮据dub vt. 给…起绰号;为(电descendant n. 后代影等)配音affection n. 喜爱execute vt. 处死;执行regardi ng prep. 关于slip v.滑;溜走;下降;悄constitute vt. 组成;设立,悄放进n.疏漏任命psychology n.心理学;心hatch v. 孵;筹划理n.舱门;开口;孵化positive a.确实的;积极ensure vt. 确保的;正的tuition n. 教学;学费lest conj. 唯恐gasp v. 喘气,喘着气说出motel n. 汽车旅馆n.喘气formidable a.可怕的;难console vt. 安慰n. 控制对付的台bureaucracy n.官僚主.yield v.屈服;倒塌;产生;义;政府机构让出n.产量petition n. 请愿书v.请愿.dividend n. 红利;回报;upgrade vt. 使升级n. 向被除数上的斜坡.premium n. 保险金;额夕卜anyway ad. 不管怎么说;费用;奖品不论以何种方式 a.高级的;售价高的drag v.拖;迫使;拖着脚diploma n. 毕业文凭步走;拖延variation n. 变化;变体;n.累赘;一吸变奏toll n.过路费;伤亡人数v. crucial a. 至关重要的敲budget n. 预算v.做安排;规划a.低廉的liberal a. 开明的;自由的;慷慨的startle vt. 使惊吓,使吃惊admission n. 准许进入;入场费;承认prestige n. 威信,威望consideration n. 考虑;体贴historian n. 历史学家surpass vt. 超过,优于;超过…的界限foundation n. (pl.) 地基;基础;基金会;建立expand v.扩张;膨胀concise a. 简明的radical a.根本的;激进的n.激进分子massive a. 大的;大量的trivial a. 琐碎的,不重要的endeavo(u)r vt./n. 努力,尝试bind vt. 捆绑;使结合;约束;装订facilitate vt. 使变得容易,使便利mobilize/-ise v.动员;调动terminate v. (使)终止comparative a. 比较的,相对的exclusive a.奢华的;独有的;排斥的;不包括…的n. 独家新闻merge v. (使)结合,合并relay n.接力赛;中继转播vt.传送,转述unify vt. 统一;使一致precedent n. 先例,范例;惯例bypass n. 旁道;分流术vt.绕过;置…于不顾interact vi. 相互作用contract n. 合同v.缩小;订合同;感染extend v.延伸;扩大;提供;达到context n. 背景;上下文leaflet n.传单v.散发传单civilian n. 平民,百姓resident n. 居民;住院医生a.居住的;住校的,住院的humo(u)r n. 幽默;情绪confront vt.迎面遇到;正视;使对质confess v. 坦白;承认resist v. 抵抗;抗(病等);criterion n. 标准忍住magnificent a 宏伟的;豪temptation n. 诱惑华的;极好的recognition n. 认出;确认;marginal a .微小的;仅以赏识微弱多数票获胜的;记在页argument n 1. 争论;论据;边的说理segregate vt. 使隔离benefit n. 益处;救济金assimilate v. 吸收;使同化v.有益于,得益concerning prep. 关于productive a.多产的;富intellectual a.智力的n.有成效的知识分子minimum a. 最小的n. monetary a. 货币的,金融最低限度,最少量的medieval a.中世纪的,中patent n. 专禾U (权)a.专古的利的predominant a.占主导地vt.得到…的专利权位的,显著的confirm vt. 证实;确认;批density n. 密集;密度准minimal a. 最小的,最低限novel n. 小说a. 新颖的度的confusion n. 困惑;混淆;capture vt. 捕获;占领n. 混乱捕获indefinite a. 无限期的;含diminish v.变少,变小,糊的降低deviate vi. 偏离impact n./v . 影响;冲击depart vi. 离开;(from )static a. 静的;停滞的背离n.静电;(-S)静力学reserve vt. 保留;预订purity n. 纯净,纯洁,纯正n.储备;保留;替补队员;additional a. 额外的自然保护区motion n. 运动;手势;提 a.平行的;类似的vt.与…议v.打手势相似.partial a. 部分的;偏爱的;proximity n. 接近,邻近偏心的recur vi. 再发生,重现.affiliate vt 使隶属于n. renew v. 重新开始;更新;附属机构延长有效期.solemn a. 严肃的;庄严的recall v. 回忆起;召回;撤.sober a. 有节制的;严肃的销v.(使)醒酒suspension n. 暂停;暂令.consensus n .致(冋意)停止参加;悬架;悬,吊absolute a 绝对的;不受instinct n. 本能任何限制的advisable a. 明智的original a. 起初的;独创deprive vt. (of)剥夺的;原版的n.原件demonstrate v.论证;说orthodox a .传统的;正统明;显示;举行示威游行的candidate n. 申请求职者;presume v .推测;冒昧;投考者;候选人认定;擅自行事image n. 形象;印象;图像; stimulate vt. 刺激形象的描述stimulus n. 促进;刺激accommodate vt. 容纳;nominate vt. 提名;任命向…提供住处;使适应versus prep. 以…为对手;intend vt. 计划;打算使(成与…相对为)distract vt. 使分心qualify v. 胜任,具有资格distinguish vt.区分;看loose a.松的;不精确的;清;使杰出自由的analogy n. 类比client n. 委托人,顾客literal a. 照字面的;逐字的project n. 计划;课题;工parallel n. 相似处;平行线程V.投射;使伸出;设计efficiency n . 效率financial a.财政的,金融的adopt vt. 收养;采用;批准ispense vi. 分配;配(药);实施premise n. 经营场址;前提locate vt. 探明,找出;使坐落于presence n.出席,存在;仪表prospective a. 预期的,可能的capacity n. 容量;能力;身份expense n. 花费;(pl.)开支claim vt. 声称;对…提出要求;使失踪或死亡;需要n.要求;声称widespread a. 分布广的,普遍的resource n. (pl.)资源;办法target n. 目标,靶子vt.瞄准consumer n. 消费者tag n.标签vt. 给…加上标签mislead vt.使误解;把… 带错路;把…带坏sophisticated a.老练的,精通的;复杂的;高雅的arrogant a. 傲慢的hostile a. 敌意的;敌方的chronic a. 慢性的;长久的;积习难改的fantastic a.极好的;难以相信的;异想天开的;奇异的relief n. 轻松;缓解;使得到调剂;接替inflict vt.把…强加给,使遭受pathetic a. 差劲的;引起怜悯的plunge v. 纵身投入;猛冲;猛跌;遭受n.投身入水;猛跌contempt n. 轻视sympathetic a. 同情的;赞同的;和谐的contrive vt.谋划;设法做到;设计panic n. 惊慌v.恐慌scarce a. 缺乏的;罕见的elite n. 上层人士;精英reckon vt.认为;(on )指望;测算送signify vt. 表示…的意思,lure vt.吸引,诱惑n.吸预示引力;诱饵stake n.桩;利害关系;赌formulate vt. 构想出;系统注地阐述vt.以…打赌,拿…冒险confer v. 商议;(on )授予destructive a.破坏的,毁quota n. 定额灭的barely ad. 仅仅,几乎不intensive a.力口强的;精工delete vt.删除细作的abolish vt. 彻底废除attractive a. 有吸引力的initiative n. 主动性;倡议;guarantee vt. 保证n. 保主动权证(书)impulse n. 冲动;推动;脉entrepreneur n. 企业家冲extension n. 伸展;扩大咅E heritage n. 遗产,传统分;电话分机version n. 版本,译本;说expertise n. 专门知识,专法长automatic a. 自动的;不假.soar vi. 猛增;咼飞;咼涨;思索的;必然的高耸n.自动手枪.hover vi.翱翔,盘旋;徘vulnerable a.易受伤的;徊;犹豫易受攻击的.amplify vt. 放大;详述voluntary a. 自愿的.intensify v. (使)增强overtake vt.超过;突然降.circuit n. 电路;环行临于.trait n. 特征,特性fascinate vt. 强烈地吸引,route n. 路线,路程迷住kidnap vt. 绑架dismiss vt.不再考虑;解convey vt. 表达,传递;运雇;解散;驳回professional a.职业的n. 列自由职业者,专业人员vt.将…编入目录amateur n 业余爱好者;dispatch vt. 派遣n. 急外行a.外行的件;新闻报道;派遣prospect n . 前景;景象;responsible a.需负责任可能成为主顾的人,有希望的;有责任感的;责任重大的候选人的suspicion n. 怀疑;少量opportunity n. 机会outcome n. 结果global a. 全球的;总的dedicate vt. 题献词于…significance n. 意义;重要上;把…献给性prosperity n. 兴旺,繁荣fade vi.褪去;变微弱;凋operational a . 运转的;操谢vt.使褪色作上的reflect v.反映;反射;深思selection n .选择;可供选ritual n. 仪式;例行公事择的东西 a.作为仪式部分的;例行process n. 过程;工序;程的序dominant a. 占优势的;居vt. 加工,处理高临下的applause n. 掌声unique a. 唯的,独特的;impressive a.给人印象深极不寻常的刻的contribute v. 捐款;促成;union n. 工会,联盟;结合;投稿团结amid prep. 在…中间probable a. 很可能的spoil v.损坏;宠坏;变质n launch vt. 发动;使开始从战利品,赃物事;使下水;发射n.发射,persistent a. 坚持不懈的;投产持续的catalog(ue) n. 目录;一系cordial a. 热情友好的courtesy n. 谦恭有礼;有的礼貌的举止allocate vt. 分配cater vi.迎合;提供饮食及conscious a. 意识到的;神服务志清醒的;有意的manual a. 手工做的,体力.relativity n. 相对论;相关的n.手册性absorb vt. 吸收;使全神贯.triumph n. 胜利;喜悦vi.注;同化获胜absent a.缺席的;不存在.gravity n. 重力;严重;严的;心不在焉的肃destined a.命中注定的;.define vt. 给…下定义;限以…为目的地的疋arouse vt. 激起;唤醒.flaw n. 缺点,瑕疵sympathy n. 同情(心);.enormous a. 巨大的赞同.frantic a. 慌乱不安的;发humble a. 谦虚的;地位低疯似的下的;简陋的engage vt. 占用;从事于;vt. 使谦恭雇;使订婚echo n. 回音,共鸣awkward a.尴尬的;难操v.发出回声;模仿,附和纵的;不灵巧的outrage n. 义愤;暴行件defendant n. 被告vt.激怒convince vt. 使确信,使信coverage n. 新闻报道;覆月服盖范围counsel n. 律师;劝告vt. given a.规定的;假设的;提议有癖好的prep.虑到preach v. 宣讲;竭力鼓吹;solidarity n. 团结致布道integrate v. (使)成为一体emerge vi. (from )出现;reciprocal a. 相互的,互惠暴露。

大学英语六级改革适用(段落翻译)-试卷231(总分:12.00,做题时间:90分钟)一、 Translation(总题数:6,分数:12.00)1.Part Ⅳ Translation(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 解析:2.城镇化进程(urbanization process)是指由农业为主的乡村社会向以工业和服务业为主的城市社会逐渐转变的历史过程。
中国城镇化发展还将持续几十年,将产生巨大的住宅需求和基础性建设 (infrastructure construction)需求。
(分数:2.00)__________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:(正确答案: The urbanization process refers to a historical process in which the agriculture-based rural society is gradually transformed into the urban society dominated by industry and service. As a social and historical phenomenon, urbanization embodies the advancement of material civilization and stimulates the development of spiritual civilization. Since the reform and opening-up, China has gradually released its control on population flow, thus a large number of rural labor swarm into the cities. In recent years, the urbanization process in China has been accelerated gradually. By the end of 2012, China had a total urban population of 712 million and the urbanization rate exceeded 50%. Urbanization in China will continue for decades, which will create immense demand in housing and infrastructure construction.)解析:解析:1.第一句的定语“由农业为主的乡村社会向以工业和服务业为主的城市社会逐渐转变的”很长,可处理成which引导的定语从句.修饰“历史过程”a historical process。

2014年12月英语六级真题及答案——段落翻译目录2014年12月英语六级真题及答案——段落翻译 (2)2014年12月英语六级真题及答案:段落翻译3 (2)2014年12月英语六级真题及答案:段落翻译2 (2)2014年12月英语六级真题及答案:段落翻译1 (3)2014年12月英语六级真题及答案——段落翻译2014年12月英语六级真题及答案:段落翻译3反应在艺术和文学中的乡村生活理想是中国文明的重要特征。
The ideal rural lifestyle reflected in the art and literature is a great characteristic in Chinese civilization. It is largely attributed to the Taoism affection to nature.There are two most preferred topics in traditional Chinese paintings. One kind depicts various happy scenes of family life in which the elderly play chess and drink tea, young men farm and harvest in the field, women weave or sew clothes and kids play in the outside. The other depicts the recreations of rural life. In these paintings, fishermen fish on the lake, famers hew or collect herbs on the hills and scholars compose poems or paintings under pine trees. These two themes respectively represent the ideal life of Confucianism and Taoism.2014年12月英语六级真题及答案:段落翻译2中国将努力确保到2015年就业者接受过平均13.3年的教育。

六级作文必备英语单词a) stoppage: 中止;中断b) abstention: 弃权c) clinical trial: 临床试验d) ChrysanthemumThrone:天皇王位e) Footage:电影胶片f) Incumbent:现任者,在职者g) Military Chief:军事最高统帅h) State Visit:国事访问i) Permanent Member:常任理事国j) academic career 学历,学业k) academician 院士l) Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖m) academy sciences 科学院n) accreditedjournalist 特派记者o) acquit / beacquitted 宣告无罪 / 无罪释放p) acting president 代总统q) box office smash 卖座率高的演出r) boycott 联合抵制s) brain drain 人才流失t) brain gain 人才引进u) confiscate 没收,充公v) conscience forum 道德法庭w) conscript 征兵,入伍x) tornado 龙卷风y) rep =representative 代表z) red-letter day 大喜之日aa) senate 参议院bb) off-the-job training 脱产培训cc) overpass (人行)天桥dd) news flash 短讯,快讯ee) notions 小商品ff) idle money 闲散资金gg) kiosk 小卖部hh) judo 柔道ii) interimgovernment 过渡政府jj) knock-out system 淘汰制kk) hypermedia 多媒体ll) hit parade 流行歌曲排行榜mm) grass widow /widower 留守女士 / 留守男士nn) exclusive interview 独家采访oo) flying squad 飞虎队pp) epidemic 流行病qq) full house 满座rr) curtain call 谢幕ss) cultural undertakings 文化事业tt) working couple 双职工uu) well-to-do level 小康水平vv) township head 乡长ww) township enterprises 乡镇企业x) red-carpet welcome 隆重欢迎yy) assembly hall 会议厅zz) armed intervention 武装干涉aaa) launch pad: 发射台bbb) Power Plant:发电站ccc) Relevance:意义,实用性ddd) UraniumEnrichment:铀浓缩eee) Denunciation:谴责、指责fff) Heart Bbypass Surgery:心脏搭桥手术ggg) Benchmark:基准点,衡量标准hhh) Step Down:辞职,下台iii) Procurement: 采购jjj) Stake: 股份英语六级的分值六级的分值为710分。

坐北朝南的房屋称为正房(main house),东西两边的称为厢房(side house),南房称为倒座房(reversely-set house)。
QuadrangleThe quadrangle is the most typical and representative building among various traditional Chinese residences. Quadrangles, large or small, consist of courtyards surrounded by houses along their four sides. The house on the north facing the south is called the main house or principal house, the house lies on the east or west sides is called the side house or wing house and the one stands on the south is called the reversely-set house. The main house and the side houses of the nobles or the rich are often connected together by corridors. Life in a quadrangle is calm and quiet, but not without joy and harmony. The quadrangle reflects to some extent the hierarchical order of the society and the concept of superiority and inferiority in the family. The time-honored quadrangle is a carrier of Chinese traditional culture with profound cultural connotations.。

众所周知,“可口可乐”就是“CocaCola” 原来Coca和Cola是两种植物的名字,英语中指古柯树和可乐树 “可口可乐”译名的成功之处在于: 一,保留了原文押头韵的响亮发音; 二,完全抛弃了原文的意思,而是从喝饮料的感受和好处上打攻 心战,手段高明; • 三,这种饮品的味道并非人人喜欢,很多人甚至觉得它像中药, 但它却自称“可口”,而且喝了以后还让人开心。善于进行自我 表扬,讨好大众。
2013年12月新题型 大学英语六级考试
2013年12月新题型 大学英语四级考试
• 翻译是把一种语言文字所表达的意义用另一种语言文 字表达出来。
• 翻译界长期信奉的原则是“信”、“达”、“雅”三 原则。 • 所谓“信”,就是要忠实、准确。 • 所谓“达”,就是要通顺、流畅 • 所谓 “雅”,就是要优美、自然,
中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史, 在明朝和清朝时期 (the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。 参考译文:Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years. 学生译文: 1. …… has one thousand and five hundred years history. (汉语语序) 2. …….have more than 1500’s history. / 1050 / 1750 / hestory 3. ……. a history of more than one thousant five hundred history. / one thousand and five houndrand
• Part IV Translation (30 minutes) • Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer She, 考题只考查汉译英,没有英译汉。大学英语 精读教材中,每课都有汉译英译句练习,应该是学生 非常熟悉的题型。 • ☆其二,内容单纯,不需要专业理论知识,也不涉及 英美文化背景知识 ,没有大主题语境,对翻译界长期 信奉的 “信”、“达”、“雅”三原则,在四、六级 考试中,所以我们只要做到“信”和“达”就可以了。

英语六级段落翻译常⽤句型英语六级段落翻译常⽤句型(⼀)1. Sth gradually developed a style which featured……某物形成了以……为特⾊的风格。
2.Sth can be classified into several categories……某物可以被分为以下⼏类。
3.Industrious Chinese laboring people勤劳的中国⼈民。
4.China has made great headway in narrowing the gap among different social classes.中国在缩⼩不同社会阶层间的差距⽅⾯也在努⼒。
5.The core of “harmonious society” is“human-centered,” which means the improvement of people?s livelihood.和谐社会的核⼼是以⼈为本,这就意味着要促民⽣。
6. We not only aspire to build China into a prosperous, strong and modern socialist country, but also into a democratic, culturally advanced and harmonious one.我们不只是希望把中国建设为现代,繁荣和富强的社会主义国家,⽽且使中国成为⽂化先进的,民主的和和谐的国家。
7. During the long course of history, the Chinese people have, working with diligence, bravery and wisdom, created a beautiful homeland where all ethnic groups live in harmony, and developed a great and dynamic culture在漫长的历史进程中,中国⼈民依靠⾃⼰的勤劳、勇敢、智慧,开创了民族和睦共处的美好家园,培育了历久弥新的优秀⽂化。
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英语六级段落翻译常用词汇:中国经济企业文化corporate culture ;企业形象 corporate image创业精神 enterprising spirit外资企业 foreign-funded enterprise State-owned enterprise假日经济holiday economy电子工业electronic industry;汽车制造业car industry ;娱乐业entertainment industry ;信息产业information industry ;轻工业 light industry;制造业manufacturing industry ;服务业service industry市场经济market economy ;Planning economy市场监管 market supervision ;购买力purchasing power;熊市 bear market牛市 bull market城镇化urbanization全球化globalization房地产real estate经济全球化economic globalization经济特区special economic zones (SEZ)经济增长economic growth纳税人tax payer二十国集团 Group of Twenty (G2O)财政部长finance minister经济走廊 economic corridor谋求利益最大化to maximize profit地方性政府债务 local government debt/liability 债务管理 debt management信用支持 credit support英语六级段落翻译常用词汇:中国社会改革开放the reform and opening up小康社会 a well-to-do society奔小康strive for a relatively comfortable life生活水平living standards生活质量quality of life生活条件living conditions改善民生improve people’s well-being住房条件housing conditions共同富裕shared prosperity社会稳定social stability衣食住行food, clothing, sheltering and means of traveling厉行节约practice economy缩小收入差距narrow the income gap人均收入average income per capita文化程度educational level城镇居民urban citizen / city residents失业保障unemployment security/rate人口问题the issue of population全面发展all-round development发达国家developed country发展中国家developing country人口老龄化population aging养老保险old-age insurance社会保险social insurance计划生育family planning独生子女政策one-child policy城市人口urban population农业人口agriculture population普查census社会事业social programs人才市场talent market人才交流talent exchange人才外流brain drain应届高校毕业生new college graduates 农民工rural migrant workers公务员civil servant市民citizen名人celebrity残疾人the disabled就业率employment rate失业率unemployment rate出生率birth rate死亡率death rate寿命life span贫困地区poverty-stricken region 欠发达地区underdeveloped area摆脱贫困shake off poverty用电量electricity consumption森林覆盖率forest coverage产业结构industrial structure基础设施infrastructure自然灾害natural disasters本土化localization体力劳动manual labor可持续发展sustainable development 沙尘暴sandstorm建筑灰尘construction dust市政府the municipal government违章建筑unlicensed construction严厉地处罚impose tough punishments on sb 主要污染源major sources of pollutants建筑灰尘construction dust炫富show off wealth热词hot word/ buzzword品位taste大众传媒mass media社会保障 social security独生子女 the only child in a family单亲 single parent福利彩票 welfare lotteries家政服务 household management service全民健身运动 nationwide fitness campaign 全国人口普查 nationwide census暂住证 temporary residence permit/card青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency性骚扰 sexual harassment走私 smuggling性别歧视 gender/sexual discrimination年龄歧视 age discrimination工作歧视 job discrimination文盲 illiteracy盗版 pirated/illegal copies一国两制 One Country, Two Systems法制观念 awareness of law法制国家 a country with an adequate legal system和谐并存 harmonious coexistence计划生育基本国策 the basic state policy of family planning精神文明建设 the construction of spiritual civilization 物质文明和精神文明 material and spiritual civilization一个中国原则 the one-China principle与时俱进 keep pace with the times综合国力 overall national strength共同愿望common desire“走出去”(战略) going global社区服务 community service道德法庭 court of ethics盗用公款embezzlement英语六级段落翻译常用词汇:教育成人夜校 night school for adults在职进修班 on-job training courses政治思想教育 political and ideological education毕业生分配 graduate placement;充电 update one's knowledge初等教育 elementary education大学城 college town大学社区 college community高等教育 higher education高等教育“211工程”the “211Project” for higher education高等学府 institution of higher education综合性大学 comprehensive university文科院校 colleges of (liberal) arts理工科大学 college / university of science and engineering师范学院 normal college /university高分低能 high scores and low abilities高校扩招 the college expansion plan教育界 education circle教育投入 input in education九年义务教育 nine-year compulsory education 素质教育education for all-round development/ quality education应试教育exam-oriented education普通高校regular institution of higher learning 入学考试entrance examination高考(university/college) entrance examination研究生入学考试postgraduate entrance examination课外活动 extracurricular activities必修课 required/compulsory course选修课 elective/optional course基础课 basic courses专业课 specialized courses课程表 school schedule教学大纲 teaching program; syllabus学习年限 period of schooling学分 credit商务英语证书 Business English Certificate (BEC)适龄儿重入学率 enrollment rate for children of school age升学率 enrollment rate重点大学key university减轻学生负担reduce burden for students应届高校毕业生new college graduates招生办公室admission office入学资格admission qualification升学率proportion of students entering schools of a higher grade奖学金scholarship学费tuition专业课course within one’s major学分制credit system毕业论文graduation thesis毕业证书graduation certificate毕业文凭diploma学生会students’ union中小学生primary and secondary school student 本科生undergraduate研究生postgraduate同学classmate/fellow student教授professor副教授associate professor讲师lecturer助教teaching assistant学前教育preschool education中国科技篇中国科技相关表达科技是第一生产力science and technology constitute a primary productive force科技体制改革reform of the science and technology management system尖端科技state-of-the-art technology研究开发research and development治理污染curb the environmental pollution 核电站nuclear power plant应用科学applied science3D打印3D printing人造器官artificial organs节能减排energy conservation and emission reduction工业升级industrial upgrading高速铁路high-speed rail科学发展观scientific outlook on development科技发展scientific and technological advancement生态农业environmentally-friendly agriculture 创新innovation高科技园区high-tech park国家重点实验室national key laboratory研究成果research result人工智能artificial intelligence信息高速公路information superhighway网民netizen网上购物online shopping网上交易平台online trading platform产能production capacity英语六级段落翻译常用词汇:中国历史与文化京剧 Peking opera功夫Kung fu太极Tai Chi杂技 acrobatics相声 cross talk刺绣 embroidery苏绣 Suzhou embroidery泥人 clay figure书法 calligraphy中国画 traditional Chinese painting水墨画 Chinese brush painting中国结 Chinese knot中国古代四大发明 the four great inventions of ancient China火药 gunpowder印刷术printing造纸术 paper-making指南针 the compass青铜器 bronze ware瓷器 porcelain; china武术 martial arts儒家思想Confucianism儒家文化 Confucian culture道教 Taoism孟子 Mencius老子 Lao Tzu庄子 Chuang Tzu墨子 Mo Tzu孙子Sun Tzu文房四宝(笔墨纸观)the Four Treasures of the Study (brush, ink stick, paper, and ink stone《大学》The Great Learning 《论语》The Analects of Confucius《孟子》The Mencius《孙子兵法》The Art of War《三国演义》Three Kingdoms《西游记》Journey to the West《红楼梦》Dream of the Red Mansions《水浒传》Heroes of the Marshes《资治通鉴》History as a Mirror《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《史记》Historical Records《诗经》The Book of Songs旗袍 cheongsam中山装 Chinese tunic suit唐装 Tang suit风水 Fengshui;阳历 Solar calendar阴历 Lunar calendar闰年 leap year春节 the Spring Festival元宵节 the Lantern Festival清明节 the Tomb-sweeping Day端午节 the Dragon-boat Festival中秋节 the Mid-autumn Day重阳节 the Double-ninth Day七夕节 the Double-seventh Day庙会 temple fair爆竹 firecrackers年画(traditional) New Year pictures 压岁钱 New Year gift-money舞龙dragon dance元宵rice dumplings花灯 festival lantern灯谜 lantern riddle舞狮 lion dance赛龙舟 dragon boat race胡同hutong山东菜 Shandong cuisine川菜 Sichuan cuisine粤菜 Canton cuisine扬州菜 Yangzhou cuisine月饼 moon cake年糕 rice cake豆浆 soybean milk馒头 steamed buns花卷 steamed twisted rolls包子 steamed stuffed buns北京烤鸭 Beijing roast duck馄饨 wonton (dumplings in soup)豆腐 tofu / bean curd烧饼 clay oven rolls火锅hot pot长城 the Great Wall of China秦士台皇陵the Mausoleum of Emperor Qinshihuang兵马俑 Terracotta Warriors and Horses丝绸之路the Silk Road敦煌莫高窟Mogao Grottoes华清池 Huaqing Hot Springs五台山"Wutai Mountain九华山 Jiuhua Mountain蛾眉山Mount Emei )泰山 Mount Tai黄山 Mount Huangshan; the Yellow Mountain 故宫 the Imperial Palace天坛 the Temple of Heaven大运河 the Grand Canal)护城河the moat九龙壁 the Nine Dragon Wall黄帝陵 the Mausoleum of Emperor Huangdi 十三陵 the Ming Tombs苏州林园 Suzhou gardens西湖the West Lake九寨沟 Jiuzhaigou Valley日月潭 the Sun Moon Lake布达拉宫the Potala Palace鼓楼the drum tower四合院 quadrangle; courtyard complex孔庙 Confucius Temple乐山大佛 Leshan Giant B uddha。