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【英文摘要】With the spread of the Internet, online game was popular in the world, it not only fostered numerous players, but also contributed to a new industry-online games value-added

services. Because the developmen of this industry is relatively late and the research literature is also very little, The most enterprises in the industry are going ahead in the dark, which has brougut great restrictions to industrical development. Based on this reason, this paper analyzed the profit pattern of value-added services in order to make contribution to the industry. The study uses methods of literature-studying, comparative research and mathematical statistics.Firstly, this paper explained relevant online games at home and abroad, value-added service of online games and related literature of profit model, told the online game value-added services apart the concept of online game value-added services’profit model and studied the elements of the online game value-added services’profit model. Through reviewing and combing to the relative literatures deeply,I gained the main theoretical basis of this study.Secondly,this paper classified online game value-added services’profit model according to business type of the online game value-added services, it was divided into five types,such as virtual goods mode, exercise-substituting mode, peripheral product mode, game assisting mode and trading platform. I analysed the characteristic, nature, prospects and risk of each profit-making mode deeply.Finally, I summarized

different profit-making mode and discussed the developing direction and innovating thought on online game value-added services’profit model in order to indicate road to the developing direction of the online games value-added services.





【英文关键词】online game online game value-added services profit model


10-11ABSTRACT11第一章绪论12-151.1 研究背景与意义

12-141.1.1 研究背景12-131.1.2 研究意义13-141.2 研究内容与

方法14-15第二章相关研究15-262.1 网络游戏15-182.1.1 网络游戏的定义152.1.2 网络游戏的分类15-162.1.3 网络游戏发展历程16-182.2 网络游戏增值服务18-212.2.1 网络游戏增值服务涵盖内容192.2.2 免费网络游戏的增值服务商业模式19-202.2.3 网络游

戏与增值服务的关系20-212.3 盈利模式21-26第三章网络游戏增值服务业的PEST分析26-303.1 政治法律因素26-273.2 经济因素273.3 社会因素27-283.4 技术因素28-30第四章网络游戏增值服务业盈利模式30-414.1 网络游戏增值服务业盈利模式的定义

30-314.2 网络游戏增值服务业盈利模式的构成要素31-324.3 网络
