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2. Discouraged by low grades, dropping out made sense. revised: Discouraged by low grades, I thought dropping out made sense.
Dangling Gerund(悬垂动名词)
The dangling gerund phenomenon is limited, but we should make a distinction between it and dangling participle. The dangling gerund show a state, and the dangling participle show an action. Use the dangling gerund, please pay attention to the confused logic. 悬垂动名词作状语的现象不太多,但要分清它和悬垂现在 分词的区别。悬垂动名词多表示一种状态,而悬垂现在分词 多表示一种动作。使用悬垂动名词时,请注意逻辑关系的 混乱。
Dangling Present Participle :
Arriving at Beijing , my friend was waiting for me at the station.
One is to increase participle logic subject, and the second is to change participial phrase into clauses 一是增加分词的逻辑主语, 二是把分词短语变成从 句。 ① Arriving at Beijing ,I found my friend was waiting for me at the station. ② When I arrived at Beijing , my friend was waiting for me at the station.
TheDanglingModifier悬 垂修饰
Team members: 胡丽萍 马飞
孙文 杨庆
一、What’s the Dangling Modifier 二、The types of Dangling Modifier 三、How to revise the Dangling Modifier 四、The application of Dangling Modifier
The dangling infinitive is hard to be accepted generally. Because we can't tell the logical relationship between them.
1. Approaching the guard rail on Lookout Mountain,
a vast expanse of farmland could be seen. ×
When we approached the guard rail on Lookout Mountain, a vast expanse of farmland could be seen. √
Dangling Participle (悬垂分词)
It is very common for a sentence to begin with a participle phrase that modifies the subject of the main clause ,but problem arise if the subject is a word to which the participle cannot logically apply. 一般来说。分词结构如果出现在句首,通常是以句 子的主语作为自己的主语的。但有时分词的主语与 其所在句中的主语并不一致。如果一种分词结构无 法确定其逻辑主语,就会引起悬垂修饰语。
Dangling Past Participle :
1.Flattened by the impact, Jane surveyed her wrecked bike. revised: Jane surveyed her wrecked bike, which was flattened by the impact.
一、What’s the Dangling
Hearing the bad news, her heart broke.
hearing the bad news的逻辑主语 she,而句子的主语为 her heart 。即 句子的逻辑主语与主语不一致。
Dangling Participle (悬垂分词) Dangling Gerund(悬垂动名词) Dangling Infinitive(悬垂不定式) Dangling Elliptical Clause(悬垂省略从句) Dangling Prepositional Phrase (悬垂介
一般而言,修饰语都必须有被修饰的对象 ,倘若 某个从句或短语在句中找不到自己要修饰的词语 , 或者与任何词语都没有逻辑上的联系 , 初看好像修 饰某个词语,但实际上什么也没有修饰,而是处于
悬浮状态,无处着落。那么这种修饰语就被称为悬 垂修饰语 。
二、The types of Dangling Modifier
2. In talking with my students, they told me of their suggestions. ×
When I was talking with my students, they told me of their suggestions. √
Dangling Infinitive(悬垂不定式)