外研社初中英语《Module 5 My hometown and my country》

本节课的教学内容是初中一年级下册Module 5 My hometown and country的Unit3复习部分。本节课主要是利用学生故乡和老师故乡的不同来围绕方位,地理等方面比较两个地区的差别,是学生进一步掌握本单元形容词比较级以及一些方位词的实际应用,同时是学生加深了解故乡,增进对故乡的热爱之情。
Teacher: Now who can tell me the information of Shtm)
The XX of Yantai is/ are____ than the XX of Shouguang.)
(四) Writing Task【学生自主独立完成】
1 Students fill in the blank of a pa题
三【教材分பைடு நூலகம்】
(1)教学内容:NSE初中一年级下册Module5 Unint3 My hometown and country
Teacher; I will show you many pictures of my hometown—Yantai.And I will let you translate some information to English so I can check out92&cl=2&lm=-1&st=-1&fm=result&fr=&sf=1&fmq=1332647590109_R&pv=&ic=0&z=&se=1&showtab=0&fb=0&width=&height=&face=0&istype=2&word=%D1/7309.htm
外研版教材七年级下Module 5 My hometown and country教学提纲

外研版教材七年级下Module 5 My hometown and country教学提纲3. 其它目标:通过介绍自己的家乡,增强学生民族自豪感。
二、细化要求1. 方位。
(1)east, north, south, west(2)in the east / north / south / west of2. 地点及特征。
(1)hometown / coast / hill / island /river / church / capital / lake / mountain / village ...(2)high / wide / low / near / famous ...(3)Dalian is smaller than shanghai.(4)China is bigger than the UK.4. 综合运用:Introduce my Hometown or compare two places.Knowledge: A+be+比较级+than+B;Ability: Introduce your hometown or compare two placesResources: in the east / north / south / west of; a new city / an old city / a big city / a small city ...; has ... people / the population of ... / a big city with ... people; the capital of; There are ...; be famous for ...; bigger / smaller / longer / wider / more / noisier / busier / taller ...三、教学建议1. 语法讲解:比较级。

英语:Module 5《My hometown and country》教案(1)(外研版七年级下)一、题材内容本模块话题是“家乡”。
task –cycle:通过整个模块的听说读写的训练,强化对“家乡。
”的表达能力,为完成任务做好铺垫post-task:达成任务,展示成果,反馈学习情况三、教材安排根据学生学习英语的特点和规律,我们把本模块划分为4课时:Period 1: V ocabulary and Listening & Pronunciation and SpeakingPeriod 2 Vocabulary and ReadingPeriod 3. Language in usePeriod 4. Writing& Around the world &Module Task注:教学时应根据学生的学习水平、生活实际水平、接受程度及课堂出现的临时状况进行运用、调整及筛选。

Module 5 My hometown and countryUnit 3 Language in uselword版本可编辑•欢迎下载支持.Direct students' attention to the subject—myhornet r own and give words—hometown,population, million, kilometre metre, island.教学流程1.情景导入mountain.ect.Information about Leshanhometownpopulationmillionsquare kilometersthe Sun IslandBig BuddhaMount EmeiMount EmeiMin RiverLeshan Grand Buddha1 ..Whole-class work:Look at the photos of Leshan, try tothiiirk how to describe it with the givenwords in English.2.1ndividual work:Try to describe Leshan with the givenwords in English in one sentence or in ashort passage・Leshan is my hometown.The population r is 150 million.lword版本可编辑•欢迎下载支持.文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑:•欢迎下载支持.lword版本可编辑•欢迎下载支持.Individual work:Look at the map and leam the new2. 知识新授3.情景操练4.情景回归板书(或课件)设计1 ・ Show the map ofChina.2.Let students finish Activity 7 on Workbook.3.Play the tape of Activity 9 on Workbook.Postercities and do Activity 31.U se the comparison of the adjectivesabove the map to describe thedifferences between different cities andrivers in China・2.F inish Activity 7 on Workbook・3.L isten and read Activity 9 onWorkbook.Module taskMaking a poster comparing two cities orrivers in ChinaActivity 4 on textbook・Activity 5 on textbook・Make a poster on your own.Write down some adjectives, four or eight compass points on the blackboard as well asthe key structures:be famous forbe in the sx)uth ofbe in Southwest Chinabe shorter thajiShow the map of the world.文档从网络中收集,已重新整理排版.word版本可编辑:•欢迎下载支持.lword版本可编辑•欢迎下载支持.。
Module 5 My hometown and country

Module 5 My hometown and country主讲:席文冬一、一周课程概述在这一模块中我们要完成以下学习任务:1.理解、掌握关于方位、位置的表达方法。
本模块应掌握的词组和短语有:East China, South China, the Bund, Victoria Peak, 1.5 kilometres long, 554 metres high, the population of, in the east/west/south/north of, on the River Cam, be famous for, the capital of, with, low mountains, on the coast, region本模块要掌握的基本句子有:(1)What’s the population of Shanghai? 上海有多少人口?(2)And is Hong Kong bigger than Shanghai? 香港比上海大吗?(3)Cambridge is in the east of England. 剑桥位于英格兰的东部。
(4)It’s on the River Cam. 它位于康河河畔。
(5)It’s famous for Cambridge University. 它因剑桥大学而闻名。
(6)London is the capital of the UK, with seven million people, so it’s bigger and busier than Cambridge.伦敦是英国的首都,拥有700万人口,所以说,它比剑桥要大并且更繁荣。
(7)The river is 336 kilometres long. 这条河(泰晤士河)长336公里。
(8)There are lots of small villages on the coast. 在岸边有许多小村庄。
Module 5 My hometown and country

外研版英语七年级下册Module 5 My hometown and country Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge山东省临朐县东城街道双语初中张慧Module 5 My hometown and countryUnit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge山东省临朐县东城街道双语初中张慧【教案背景】《国家英语课程标准》明确指出:“教师要充分利用现代教育技术,开发英语教学资源,拓宽学生学习渠道,改进学生学习方式,提高教学效果。
” 21世纪是信息技术迅猛发展的世纪,网络在我们日常生活以及学习中正扮演着一个举足轻重的角色,有了网络环境,我们教与学的环境和手段也在悄然发生着巨大的变化。
【教材】外研版初一英语下册Module 5 My hometown and country Unit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge【教材分析】本模块围绕“Places”这一话题和单音节形容词比较级这一语法为两条主线,展开了听说读写方面的活动。
【教学目标】1、知识目标:词汇:east west south north church famous capital region语音:掌握形容词比较级形式及读音词组:in the east/west /south/north of …;the capital of …;be famous for …a region of, …; a region of…; … kilometerslong/ high; never… or…等句型:it is +数字+单位+形容词;eg:The river is 336 kilometers long The mountains are about 1,000 metres high London is bigger and busier than Cambridge2、能力目标:1)、能理解含形容词比较级的语篇。
七年级英语下册 Module 5 My hometown and country课件 外研版

The baby ’clothes are newer than the girl’s clothes. The girl’s clothes are older than the baby’s clothes.
The man on the right is taller than the man on the left.
longer • This pen is ______than that one. (long) newer • Is Hong Kong _______than Shanghai?(new) • Is Shanghai ______in warmer winter than Hong Kong ?(warm) cooler • Is Hong Kong ______than Shanghai?(cool) bigger • It’s ______than Cambridge (big)
coast south
What is missing?(Ⅲ)
north my hometown capital east
coast s missing? (Ⅳ)
north my hometown capital east
Work in pairs and think of cities you know in China .Ask and answer ing big ,small,hot ,cold or new.
Listen again and answer the following questions.

初中英语教学课堂实录教材:外研社版初一下册课题:Module 5 My hometown and countryUnit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge课型:读写课青州市庙子初级中学岳海玲[教学目标]知识目标:1.能正确运用下列词汇:in the east/north/south/ west of, be famous for , on, a region of, …kilometers long/ high, never…or…2.熟练理解和掌握London is bigger and busier than Cambridge. 等结构,并运用此结构谈论Cambridge 和London两大城市的区别。
[重点难点]重点:1、掌握重点词汇:in the east/north/south/ west of, be famous for , on, a region of, …kilometers long/ high, never…or…, 等词汇.2、理解课文。
3. 参照范例,能用所学语言简单介绍自己熟知的城市。
[教学过程]I. Warming-up1、GreetingsT: Good morning, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss Yue !2、Lead-inT: please look at these beautiful pictures, ( 看幻灯片创设情境,展示英国名胜,并让学生回答是什么地方.以激发兴趣,导入课题。
) What are they?Ss: They are Cambridge University、 Tower bridge、 Big Ben、 Buck ingham Palace 。
英语:module 5《my hometown and country》教案(3)(外研版七年级下).doc

英语:Module 5《My hometown and country》教案(3)(外研版七年级下)一. 教学内容:Module 5 My hometown and country二. 重点、难点形容词比较级(1)三. 具体内容(一)形容词比较级(1)在英语中,如果A比B大、比B高或比B长,该如何表达呢?首先请看下列例句:Dalian is smaller than Shanghai. 大连比上海小。
Shanghai is busier than small cities. 上海比小城市繁忙。
New York is bigger than Cambridge. 纽约比剑桥大。
形容词比较级之后要用than 引出比较的对象。
但是在加er时,不同的形容词在形式上还会有不同的变化,请看下表:than 连接所比较的对象。
譬如,原来的句式是Shanghai is busy,在与另一个城市相比时,则只将busy变成busier,后面加上“than+比较对象(如small cities)”即可。
如果基本句式是在与其他城市比较时,也是将形容词变成比较级的形式,其他结构不变,然后再接“than+比较对象”即可,如than Hong Kong。
这样就出现了类似下面的句子:Tom is a taller boy than my son. 汤姆是个比我儿子高的男孩儿。
Hong Kong is a busier city than Tianjin. 香港是个比天津繁忙的城市。
(二)Text:1. Victoria Peak 太平山太平山(Victoria Peak)海拔554米,位于香港岛西南部,是香港岛的第一高峰,它一直被视为香港的标志。
外研社2013版 八年级(上)英语课文原文及翻译

外研社2013版八年级(上)英语课文原文及翻译Module 1 How to learn English第一单元怎样学习英语Unit 1 Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.第一课让我们尽可能多地讲英语Ms James: Welcome back, everyone! Today, we’re going to talk about good ways to learn English. Ready? Who has some advice?詹姆斯老师:同学们,欢迎回来!今天,我们打算谈论一下学习英语的好方法。
准备好了吗?谁有一些建议?Lingling: We should always speak English in class.玲玲:在课堂上我们应该总是讲英语。
Ms James: Good! Let’s try to speak English as much as possible.詹姆斯老师:好!让我们尽可能多地讲英语。
Daming: Why not write down the mistakes in our notebooks?大明:为什么不在我们的笔记本上记下错误呢?Ms James: That’s a good idea. And don’t forget to write down the correct answers next to the mistakes. What else?詹姆斯老师:那是个好主意,而且不要忘记在错误旁边写上正确的答案。
还有其他的什么吗?Lingling: It’s a good idea to spell and pronounce new words aloud every day.玲玲:每天大声拼读生词是一个好主意。
Ms James: Thanks a lot, Lingling. How about listening to the radio?詹姆斯老师:非常感谢你,玲玲。
Module 5 My hometown and country教学设计

The population of Shanghai
2)以字母e结尾的形容词,直接加- r
应先双写该字母,再加- er
4)以“辅音字母+ - y ”结尾的形容词,先把y变成i,再加- er
Step 4 Listening
Show the photos of Yaoming andJackie Chan,then talk about their hometowns and listen to the tape.

Listen again and answer this question:
§ What is the population of Shanghai and Hong Kong?
Listen again and answer this question:
§ Underline all the comparative usages in Module 5, and try to summarize the rules.
Where is Hong Kong and Shanghai in this map?
What is Hong Kong and Shanghai famous for?
The Bund.
Victoria Peak
§ The population of Shanghai is 13 million. § The population of Hong Kong is 7 million.
13 million > 7 million
Listen again and answer this question:
§ What is the population of Shanghai and Hong Kong?
§ What is the population of Shanghai and Hong Kong?
§ The population of Shanghai is 13 million.
七年级英语下册 Module 5 My hometown and country导学稿(无答案) 外研版

Module 5 My hometown and country Unit 1 Shanghai is biggerthan Hong Kong.【学习目标】知识目标:1掌握下列重点单词和词组的意思及用法:hometown, than, east, south, metre, kilometre, population, the answer to the question……2.掌握部分形容词的比较级的用法能力目标:能够听懂学习材料中关于祖国、方位、位置等的语言表述;运用所学的形容词比较级进行口头陈述、询问如:Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai. Is Shanghai newer than Hong Kong?No, it isn’t. It’s older.3. 情感目标:通过对城市地理、文化本经的了解,增强学生对祖国的热爱。
【教学重难点】:1.重点句式:Hong Kong is smaller than Shanghai. Is Shanghai newer than Hong Kong?2.难点:形容词的比较级。
【教学过程】1.[课前朗读]: 朗读:2.根据音标读出单词并了解汉语意思,养成学生自主学习词汇的习惯,促使学生迅速进入学习状态。
一、情境导入教师可指着图片问学生: What city is it? Can you guess ? Do you think it is beautiful? How many foreign cities do you know about?通过问答的形式调动学生用英语思维的积极性。
继续提问:What’s your favourite city?引入East China, Hong Kong, 借此引导他们做Activity 1.二、小听力(自主完成,合作释疑)听Activity 2 ,Listen and matchShanghai on the Huangpu River near the East China seaOn the coast of South China SeaBigBusy13 million peopleHongkong 7 million peopleBuildinghigh三、对话处理(多层听)I Listening before reading一层听听录音完成课本Activity4二层听:选择正确的答案1.What is the population of Shanghai?A. 13 millionB. 4 millionC. 30 millionD. 70million2. What’s the population of Hongkong?A. 13 millionB. 4 millionC. 30 millionD. 70million3. Which city is bigger ?A. ShanghaiB. Hongkong4. Which city is hotter ?A. HongkongB.Shanghai B. Beijing5. How old is Shanghai?A. 800years oldB. 700 years oldC. 17years old D 18years oldII Read after listening1.小组内合作解决activity 3的汉语意思,找出不懂的地方。
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Module 5 Unit 2 (Grade 7 book 2)Module 5 My hometown and my countryUnit 2 London is bigger than Cambridge.一、教材分析(teaching materials)本模块是围绕“家乡”这一话题,展开对形容词比较级的学习、练习和应用。
二、学情分析(Analysis students)学生在本模块的第一单元中已经学习了如何比较两个城市,对形容词的比较级有了初步简单的认知,这就为本单元继续学习形容词的比较级做了较好的铺垫。
对于本模块话题“My hometown and my country”学生比较熟悉,这就为本节课的开展做好了情感上的铺垫,鉴于以上分析,我确定本节课的教学目标如下:三、教学目标(Teaching Aims)知识目标:1.掌握方位的表达方式。
情感目标: 通过了解英国的主要城市和河流,描写自己的家乡和祖国。
鉴于以上分析,我确定本节课的教学思路如下:【教学实录】Read the new words before class.1. Greetings.T: Good morning, boys and girls..Ss: Good morning, Miss Gao.2. check the new words.Step I .读前导设计意图:引领学生由生活走入教材,我以学生熟悉的地图作为切入点,问学生如下问题:T: Can you read a map?Ss: Yes.T: Can you find Weifang from the map of China?Ss: Yes.T: Where is Weifang in China?Ss: Weifang is in the east of China.T: Well done! Class, look at the map of China, where are these cities?Beijing Guangzhou Nanjing UrumqiWhere is Beijing?Ss: Beijing is in the north of China.T: Where is Guangzhou?Ss: Guangzhou is in the south of China.T: Where is Nanjing?Ss: Nanjing is in the east of China.T: Where is Urumqi?Ss: Urumqi is in the west of China.T: Good. Work in pairs.Ss: A: Where is …?B: It’s in the … of China.T: OK! Can you read this map? Which country is it? Ss: Yes, it’s England.T: Work in groups. Where are these cities?Cambridge London Bristol ManchesterSs: Cambridge is in the east of England.London is in the south of England.Bristol is in the west of England.Manchester is in the north of England.T: Good! Where are you in our classroom?Ss: (their own answer)【简析】通过学生看课本第一部分的第二张地图,中国地图上标注城市的方位,学习如何表达城市的方位。
然后要求学生阅读第二张地图,识别该地图为a map of England,练习如何表达城市的方位。
Step II . 读中读设计意图:通过泛读和精读活动的设置,培养学生阅读能力的同时熟练掌握教材内容。
T:The hometown of Tony Smith is Cambridge of England,Do you want to know something about it?Ss: Yes.1. Fast reading.T: Read the passage quickly and find out the main idea of each paragraph.Ss: Paragraph 1 CambridgeParagraph 2 LondonParagraph 3 The north and the west of EnglandParagraph 4 Britain and the weather【简析】泛读,让学生迅速阅读课文,把握文章脉络。
2. Careful readingT: OK! Let’s read one by one.Read paragraph 1&2 ca refully and fill the form:Ss: (Give the answers)T: Good! Let’t try to retell these two paragraphs. Work in groups.A: …is in the … of England.B:It has … people.C: It’s on the River ….D:It’s famous for…Ss: Practise and present【简析】通过表格任务让学生获取细节内容,并一材多用,让学生依据表格复述相应的段落。
T: Great! They are in the east and the south of England? (在地图上标注) How about the north and the west? Read the third paragraph.Ss: In the north of England there are some lakes and low mountains.In the west of Engla nd you’re always near the sea. There are lots of small villages on the coast.T: Good! Do you know the relationship between England and Britain?How about its weather? Read paragraph 4.Ss: England is a region of Britain, and Britain is an island.T: T he weather?Ss: It’s never very hot in summer, or very cold in winter.(生描述时标注于简图上)【简析】精读任务的完成中,把教师呈现的简图逐步的完善完成,一目了然,简明清晰,对于学生复述课文也有很大的帮助。
教师讲析my hometown and my country的写作结构,以便学生合理安排下面的写作。
Step III .读中学设计意图:通过泛读和精读活动的设置,培养学生阅读能力的同时熟练掌握教材内容。
T: Read and find your questions.Ss: (read and underline)T:The river is 336 kilonetres long.The mountains are about 1,000 metres high.主语+系动词be+数字+长度单位+long/tall/wide.翻译:桥大约十米宽。
The bridge is about ten metres wide.T: London is the capital of the UK, with seven milli on people, so it’s bigger and busier than Cambridge. What’s the meaning of with?Ss: with是介词,表示“有,带有”的意思。
T: Translate: 他是个有很多钱的人。
Ss: He is a man with a lot of money.Beijing is a city with lots of old buildings.【简析】通过读中读的环节,学生对本文内容已经了然于胸,但对文章的语法及其个别词汇还存在疑点,因此设置了读中学的环节。
Step IV .读后用设计意图:通过以上的学习,学生对文章结构,相关词汇、语法都有了一个总体的把握,教师引领学生走出教材,走入生活,进入学以致用的环节。
T: Work in groups and answer the questions.Where is Weifang in China?What’s its population?What is it famous for?Is it the capital of China?How old is it?What’s the weather like?Ss: practise and present in groups.【简析】既练习了方位的表达,又描述了自己的家乡,了解自己的家乡,以家乡为荣,达成情感目标。
Step IV . My hometownT: Good! Write down the sentences about your hometown and your country.【简析】作业是对说和读的内容的输出,学生能够把学习到的写作结构和语言运用到自己的作文当中,实现语言的输入到输出。