
给排水科学与工程英语Introduction to Water Supply and Drainage EngineeringWater supply and drainage engineering is a crucial aspect of urban and rural infrastructure development. It involves the design, construction, and management of systems that provide clean and safe water and remove wastewater from homes and commercial buildings.The science and engineering behind water supply and drainage systems are complex and require specialized knowledge in areas such as hydraulics, environmental engineering, and public health. Engineers in this field need to understand the principles of water treatment, distribution, and storage, as well as the collection, treatment, and disposal of wastewater. In recent years, there has been a growing need for sustainable solutions in water supply and drainage engineering. This has led to an increased focus on the use of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind power, in water treatment and distribution. Additionally, there has been a push for more efficient and cost-effective methods for treating wastewater, such as using natural wetlands to filter pollutants.The importance of water supply and drainage engineering cannot be overstated. Without adequate access to clean waterand proper wastewater management, communities can suffer from a range of health problems, environmental degradation, and economic losses. As such, it is essential that professionals in this field continue to innovate and develop new solutions to meet the needs of a growing global population.In conclusion, water supply and drainage engineering is a crucial component of modern society. As our world continues to grow and evolve, so too must our methods for providing clean and safe water and managing wastewater. By staying at the forefront of scientific and technological advancements, we can ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.。

建筑给排水英文文章一、IntroductionIn the field of architecture, plumbing systems play a crucial role in providing clean water and removing waste from a building. Effective and efficient building plumbing systems are essential for the health and safety of occupants. This article will explore the various aspects of building plumbing systems, including design principles, materials used, installation methods, and maintenance requirements.二、Design PrinciplesA well-designed plumbing system in a building relies on several key principles:1. Water Supply DesignThe design of a water supply system involves determining the source of water, calculating the required flow rate, and sizing the pipes accordingly. Factors such as building size, occupancy, and water demand must be considered. Additionally, backflow prevention devices are installed to prevent contamination of the water supply.2. Drainage System DesignThe drainage system design focuses on removing wastewater from the building and ensuring proper disposal. Gravity is commonly used to move wastewater through a series of pipes and drains. Proper slope, pipe diameter, and venting are important considerations to prevent blockages, odors, and sewer gas leaks.3. Fixture LayoutThe layout of plumbing fixtures, such as sinks, toilets, and showers, should be carefully planned to optimize water usage, convenience, andaccessibility. Adequate space and accessibility for maintenance should be considered during the design phase.三、Materials UsedVarious materials are used in the construction of plumbing systems. The choice of materials depends on factors such as the type of water supply, budget, and local regulations. Common materials used include:1. PipesPipes are typically made of materials such as copper, galvanized steel, PVC (polyvinyl chloride), and PEX (cross-linked polyethylene). Each material has its advantages and disadvantages, such as durability, cost, ease of installation, and resistance to corrosion.2. Fittings and ValvesFittings and valves connect and control the flow of water within the plumbing system. They are available in materials like brass, copper, and plastic. The choice of fittings and valves depends on the specific requirements of the system and its intended use.四、Installation MethodsProper installation of plumbing systems is crucial to ensure their functionality and longevity. Different installation methods are used depending on the building structure and plumbing system design. Some common installation methods include:1. Traditional Open-Cut MethodThis method involves excavating trenches for the placement of pipes. It allows for easy access and repair but can be time-consuming and disruptive, especially in existing buildings.2. Trenchless TechnologyTrenchless technology, such as pipe bursting and pipe lining, is gaining popularity due to its minimal disruption and cost-effectiveness. It involves using specialized equipment to repair or replace pipes without the need for extensive excavation.五、Maintenance RequirementsRegular maintenance is essential to keep building plumbing systems in optimal condition. Neglecting maintenance can lead to leaks, blockages, and water damage. Some important maintenance requirements include:1. Regular InspectionsPeriodic inspections of the plumbing system can help identify any potential issues before they escalate into costly repairs. Inspections should include checking for leaks, proper drainage flow, and functioning of valves and fixtures.2. Clearing BlockagesBlockages in drains and pipes should be promptly cleared to prevent backups and plumbing system failures. This may involve using mechanical tools or chemicals, depending on the nature of the blockage.3. Water Heater MaintenanceWater heaters should be inspected and serviced regularly to ensure efficient and safe operation. This includes checking for leaks, sediment buildup, and testing the pressure relief valve.六、ConclusionBuilding plumbing systems are vital for the functionality and comfort of a building. Proper design, choice of materials, installation methods, and regular maintenance are key factors in ensuring the performance and longevity of these systems. By following the principles discussed inthis article, architects, engineers, and building owners can createreliable and efficient plumbing systems that meet the needs of occupants while adhering to relevant regulations.。

Key words: Sewage treatment, fixed-film and suspended-growth, Activated sludge Origins of sewage Sewage is created by residences, institutions, and commercial and industrial
stream, river, bay, lagoon or wetland, or it can be used for the irrigation of a golf
course, green way or park. If it is sufficiently clean, it can also be used for
waste stream (or treated effluent) and a solid waste or sludge suitable for discharge or
reuse back into the environment. This material is often inadvertently contaminated
Conventional sewage treatment may involve three stages, called primary,
secondary and tertiary treatment. Primary treatment consists of temporarily holding
(effluents) and domestic. It includes physical, chemical, and biological processes to

The activated-sludge processAbstract--This paper introduces the composition and principle of activated-sludge process,recent developments and future developments tendency.It also provides a design scheme and a example.Key words--activated-sludge,aeration tank,computer simulation,design scheme1.IntroductionThe activated-sludge process is a biological method of wastewater treatment that is performed by a variable and mixed community of microorganisms in an aerobic aquatic environment. These microorganisms derive energy from carbonaceous organic matter in aerated wastewater for the production of new cells in a process known as synthesis, while simultaneously releasing energy through the conversion of this organic matter into compounds that contain lower energy, such as carbon dioxide and water, in a process called respiration. As well, a variable number of microorganisms in the system obtain energy by converting ammonia nitrogen to nitrate nitrogen in a process termed nitrification. This consortium of microorganisms, the biological component of the process, is known collectively as activated sludge.The overall goal of the activated-sludge process is to remove substances that have a demand for oxygen from the system. This is accomplished by the metabolic reactions (synthesis-respiration and nitrificaction) of the microorganisms, the separation and settling of activated-sludge solids to create an acceptable quality of secondary wastewater effluent, and the collection and recycling of microorganisms back into the system or removal of excess microorganisms from the system.2.The principle of the activated-sludge process2.1The components of the activated-sludge processBefore beginning a discussion of the biological component of the system, an overview of the physical components that comprise the activated-sludge process would seem to be in order. This will help the reader gain a better understanding of the environment in which a mixed community of microorganisms metabolizes organic matter, settles to form a thickened sludge, and is recycled back into or removed from the system.According to Activated Sludge, Manual of Practice(Water Environment Association, 1987),the activated-sludge process contains five essential interrelated equipment components. The first is an aeration tank or tanks in which air or oxygen is introduced into the system to create an aerobic environment that meets the needs of the biological community and that keeps the activated sludge properly mixed. At least seven modifications in the shape and number of tanks exist to produce variations in the pattern of flow.Second, an aeration source is required to ensure that adequate oxygen is fed into the tank(s) and that the appropriate mixing takes place. This source may be provided by pure oxygen, compressed air or mechanical aeration. Just as there are modifications in the shape and number of aeration tanks that can be used in the activated-sludge process, different equipment systems exist to deliver air or oxygen into aeration tanks.Third, in the activated-sludge process, aeration tanks are followed by secondary clarifiers. In secondary clarifiers, activated-sludge solids separate from the surrounding waterwater by the process of flocculation (the formation of large particle aggregates, or flocs, by the adherence of floc-formingorganisms to filamentous organisms) and gravity sedimentation, in which flocs settle toward the bottom of the clarifier in a quiescent environment. This separation leads ideally to the formation of a secondary effluent (wastewater having a low level of activated-sludge solids in suspension) in the upper portion of the clarifier and a thickened sludge comprised of flocs, termed return activated sludge, or RAS, in the bottom portion of the clarifier. Next, return activated sludge must be collected from the secondary clarifiers and pumped back to the aeration tank(s) before dissolved oxygen is depleted. In this way, the biological community needed to metabolize influent organic or inorganic matter in the wastewater stream is replenished.Finally, activated sludge containing an overabundance of microorganisms must be removed, or wasted (waste activated sludge, or WAS), from the system. This is accomplished with the use of pumps and is done in part to control the food-to-microorganism ratio in the aeration tank(s).2.2The basic process of the activated-sludge processThe process involves air or oxygen being introduced into a mixture of primary treated or screened sewage or industrial wastewater (called wastewater from now on) combined with organisms to develop a biological floc which reduces the organic content of the sewage. This material, which in healthy sludge is a brown floc, is largely composed of saprotrophic bacteria but also has an important protozoan flora mainly composed of amoebae,Spirotrichs,Peritrichs including Vorticellids and a range of other filter feeding species. Other important constituents include motile and sedentary Rotifers. In poorly managed activated sludge, a range of mucilaginous filamentous bacteria can develop including Sphaerotilus natans which produces a sludge that is difficult to settle and can result in the sludge blanket decanting over the weirs in the settlement tank to severely contaminate the final effluent quality. This material is often described as sewage fungus but true fungal communities are relatively uncommon.The combination of wastewater and biological mass is commonly known as mixed liquor. In all activated sludge plants, once the wastewater has received sufficient treatment, excess mixed liquor is discharged into settling tanks and the treated supernatant is run off to undergo further treatment before discharge. Part of the settled material, the sludge, is returned to the head of the aeration system to re-seed the new wastewater entering the tank. This fraction of the floc is called return activated sludge (R.A.S.). Excess sludge is called surplus activated sludge(S.A.S.) or waste activated sludge(W.A.S). S.A.S is removed from the treatment process to keep the ratio of biomass to food supplied in the wastewater in balance. S.A.S is stored in sludge tanks and is further treated by digestion, either under anaerobic or aerobic conditions prior to disposal.Many sewage treatment plants use axial flow pumps to transfer nitrified mixed liquor from the aeration zone to the anoxic zone for denitrification. These pumps are often referred to as internal mixed liquor recycle pumps (IMLR pumps). The raw sewage, the RAS, and the nitrified mixed liquor are mixed by submersible mixers in the anoxic zones in order to achieve denitrification.Activated sludge is also the name given to the active biological material produced by activated sludge plants.4.Developments of activated-sludge process4.1Recent developments of activated-sludge processAn innovative activated sludge system without excess sludge production was introduced to thethree existing treatment plants receiving of petrochemical wastewater totally about 17.5ton CODcr/day and 9,600 m3/day in Japan. In the system, simultaneous sludge treatment and wastewater treatment is possible in the same aeration tank. A part of sludge returning from the secondary settling tank is ozonated to change it to more biodegradable compounds and the ozonated sludge is then put into the aeration tank for biological degradation. The degree of excess sludge reduction is controlled by the changing sludge mass to be ozonated. The kinetics and stoichiometrics of ozonated sludge were incorporated into Activated Sludge Model No.1 (ASM1) to predict MLSS concentration and oxygen uptake rate in the each aeration tank. The prediction by the process & hydraulic models matched very reasonably in the dynamic conditions with the changing influent loading rate and the ozonation. The system has been demonstrated successfully by minimal excess sludge withdrawing for more than four years. The water qualities in the effluent also kept at acceptable levels and below the local regulation.4.2Future developments of activated-sludge processTill now,numerous modifications of activated-sludge process have evolved in the last 10 to 20 years.Many new technologies appear,such as MBR,computer modeling.Nearly all of the various modifications are based on the same fundamental principles of biological treatment.Because the design and operation of the activated-sludge process is becoming more complex,a mathematical model of the activated-sludge process has been derived which considers the fate of bacteria which flocculate, bacteria which do not flocculate, and two forms of ciliated protozoa. Computer simulation techniques have been used to study the population dynamics of these organisms in a single completely-mixed and a series of completely-mixed activated-sludge reactor systems; in both cases steady-state solutions were obtained. At steady state, the concentration of soluble substrate in the effluent is determined by the growth rate (fixed by the sludge-wastage rate) of the sludge bacteria. The concentration of dispersed bacteria in the effluent is similarly determined by the growth rate of the ciliated protozoa. The model predicts that the habit of ciliated protozoa would have a considerable effect on effluent quality. A plant containing only free-swimming ciliates would produce a fairly turbid effluent whereas a plant containing attached ciliates would produce a highly clarified effluent. Activated-sludge plants which contain no protozoa would be expected to deliver very turbid effluents although the concentration of soluble substrates would be precisely the same in all three cases. It was possible to simulate successions of organisms which are qualitatively similar to those observed in practice when an activated-sludge plant is set into operation. The results of the model predictions are discussed in the light of full-scale and experimental-scale observations.5.Design of Activated-sludgedesign scheme5.1Activated Sludge Process VariablesThe main variables of activated sludge process are the mixing regime, loading rate, and the flow scheme.5.2Mixing RegimeGenerally two types of mixing regimes are of major interest in activated sludge process: plug flow and complete mixing. In the first one, the regime is characterized by orderly flow of mixed liquor through the aeration tank with no element of mixed liquor overtaking or mixing with any other element. There may be lateral mixing of mixed liquor but there must be no mixing along the path of flow.In complete mixing, the contents of aeration tank are well stirred and uniform throughout. Thus, at steady state, the effluent from the aeration tank has the same composition as the aeration tank contents.The type of mixing regime is very important as it affects (1) oxygen transfer requirements in the aeration tank, (2) susceptibility of biomass to shock loads, (3) local environmental conditions in the aeration tank, and (4) the kinetics governing the treatment process.5.3Loading RateA loading parameter that has been developed over the years is the hydraulic retention time (HRT), q, dq = VQV= volume of aeration tank, m3, and Q= sewage inflow, m3/d5.4Flow Scheme●The flow scheme involves:●the pattern of sewage addition●the pattern of sludge return to the aeration tank and●the pattern of aeration.Sewage addition may be at a single point at the inlet end or it may be at several points along the aeration tank. The sludge return may be directly from the settling tank to the aeration tank or through a sludge reaeration tank. Aeration may be at a uniform rate or it may be varied from the head of the aeration tank to its end.5.6Design ConsiderationThe items for consideration in the design of activated sludge plant are aeration tank capacity and dimensions, aeration facilities, secondary sludge settling and recycle and excess sludge wasting.5.7Aeration TankThe volume of aeration tank is calculated for the selected value ofq c by assuming a suitable value of MLSS concentration, X.VX = YQq c(S O - S)1+ k d q cAlternately, the tank capacity may be designed fromF/M = QS O / XVHence, the first step in designing is to choose a suitable value ofq c(or F/M) which depends on the expected winter temperature of mixed liquor, the type of reactor, expected settlingcharacteristics of the sludge and the nitrification required. The choice generally lies between 5 days in warmer climates to 10 days in temperate ones where nitrification is desired alongwith good BOD removal, and complete mixing systems are employed.The second step is to select two interrelated parameters HRT, t and MLSS concentration. It is seen that economy in reactor volume can be achieved by assuming a large value of X. However, it is seldom taken to be more than 5000 g/m3. For typical domestic sewage, the MLSS value of 2000-3000 mg/l if conventional plug flow type aeration system is provided, or 3000-5000 mg/l for completely mixed types. Considerations which govern the upper limit are: initial and running cost of sludge recirculation system to maintain a high value of MLSS, limitations of oxygen transfer equipment to supply oxygen at required rate in small reactor volume, increased solids loading on secondary clarifier which may necessitate a larger surface area, design criteria for the tank and minimum HRT for the aeration tank.The length of the tank depends upon the type of activated sludge plant. Except in the case of extended aeration plants and completely mixed plants, the aeration tanks are designed as long narrow channels. The width and depth of the aeration tank depends on the type of aeration equipment employed. The depth control the aeration efficiency and usually ranges from 3 to 4.5 m. The width controls the mixing and is usually kept between 5 to 10 m. Width-depth ratio should be adjusted to be between 1.2 to 2.2. The length should not be less than 30 or not ordinarily longer than 100 m.5.8Oxygen RequirementsOxygen is reqiured in the activated sludge process for the oxidation of a part of the influent organic matter and also for the endogenous respiration of the micro-organisms in the system. The total oxygen requirement of the process may be formulated as follows:O2 required (g/d) = Q(S O - S) - 1.42 Q w X rfwhere, f = ratio of BOD5 to ultimate BOD and 1.42 = oxygen demand of biomass (g/g)The formula does not allow for nitrification but allows only for carbonaceous BOD removal.5.9Aeration FacilitiesThe aeration facilities of the activated sludge plant are designed to provide the calculated oxygen demand of the wastewater against a specific level of dissolved oxygen in the wastewater.5.10Sludge RecycleThe MLSS concentration in the aeration tank is controlled by the sludge recirculation rate and the sludge settleability and thickening in the secondary sedimentation tank.Q r = XQ X r-Xwhere Q r = Sludge recirculation rate, m3/dThe sludge settleability is determined by sludge volume index (SVI) defined as volume occupied in mL by one gram of solids in the mixed liquor after settling for 30 min. If it is assumed that sedimentation of suspended solids in the laboratory is similar to that in sedimentation tank, then X r = 106/SVI. Values of SVI between 100 and 150 ml/g indicate good settling of suspended solids. The X r value may not be taken more than 10,000 g/m3unless separate thickeners are provided toconcentrate the settled solids or secondary sedimentation tank is designed to yield a higher value.5.11Excess Sludge WastingThe sludge in the aeration tank has to be wasted to maintain a steady level of MLSS in the system. The excess sludge quantity will increase with increasing F/M and decrease with increasing temperature. Excess sludge may be wasted either from the sludge return line or directly from the aeration tank as mixed liquor. The latter is preferred as the sludge concentration is fairly steady in that case. The excess sludge generated under steady state operation may be estimated byq c = VXQ w X ror Q w X r = YQ (S O - S) - k d XV6.Design exampleDesign of Completely Mixed Activated Sludge SystemDesign a completely mixed activated sludge system to serve 60000 people that will give a final effluent that is nitrified and has 5-day BOD not exceeding 25 mg/l. The following design data is available.Sewage flow = 150 l/person-day = 9000 m3/dayBOD5 = 54 g/person-day = 360 mg/l ; BOD u = 1.47 BOD5Total kjeldahl nitrogen (TKN) = 8 g/person-day = 53 mg/lPhosphorus = 2 g/person-day = 13.3 mg/lWinter temperature in aeration tank = 18°CYield coefficient Y = 0.6 ; Decay constant K d = 0.07 per day ; Specific substrate utilization rate = (0.038 mg/l)-1 (h)-1 at 18°CAssume 30% raw BOD5is removed in primary sedimentation, and BOD5going to aeration is, therefore, 252 mg/l (0.7 x 360 mg/l).Design:(a) Selection of q c, t and MLSS concentration:Considering the operating temperature and the desire to have nitrification and good sludge settling characteristics, adopt q c = 5d. As there is no special fear of toxic inflows, the HRT, t may be kept between 3-4 h, and MLSS = 4000 mg/l.(b) Effluent BOD5:Substrate concentration, S = 1 (1/q c + k d)= 1 (1/5 + 0.07)qY (0.038)(0.6)S = 12 mg/l.Assume suspended solids (SS) in effluent = 20 mg/l and VSS/SS =0.8.If degradable fraction of volatile suspended solids (VSS) =0.7 (check later), BOD5 of VSS in effluent = 0.7(0.8x20) = 11mg/l.Thus, total effluent BOD5 = 12 + 11 = 23 mg/l (acceptable).(c) Aeration Tank:VX = YQq c(S O - S) where X = 0.8(4000) = 3200 mg/l1+ k d q cor 3200 V = (0.6)(5)(9000)(252-12)[1 + (0.07)(5)]V = 1500 m3Detention time, t = 1500 x 24 = 4h9000F/M = (252-12)(9000) = 0.45 kg BOD5 per kg MLSS per day(3200) (1500)Let the aeration tank be in the form of four square shaped compartments operated in two parallel rows, each with two cells measuring 11m x 11m x 3.1m(d) Return Sludge Pumping:If suspended solids concentration of return flow is 1% = 10,000 mg/lR = MLSS = 0.67(10000)-MLSSQ r = 0.67 x 9000 = 6000 m3/d(e) Surplus Sludge Production:Net VSS produced Q w X r = VX = (3200)(1500)(103/106) = 960 kg/dq c (5)or SS produced =960/0.8 = 1200 kg/dIf SS are removed as underflow with solids concentration 1% and assuming specific gravity of sludge as 1.0,Liquid sludge to be removed = 1200 x 100/1 = 120,000 kg/d= 120 m3/d(f) Oxygen Requirement:1For carbonaceous demand,oxygen required = (BOD u removed) - (BOD u of solids leaving)= 1.47 (2160 kg/d) - 1.42 (960 kg/d)= 72.5 kg/h2For nitrification,oxygen required = 4.33 (TKN oxidized, kg/d)Incoming TKN at 8.0 g/ person-day = 480 kg/day. Assume 30% is removed in primary sedimentation and the balance 336 kg/day is oxidized to nitrates. Thus, oxygen required= 4.33 x 336 = 1455 kg/day = 60.6 kg/h3Total oxygen required= 72.5 + 60.6 = 133 kg/h = 1.0 kg/kg of BOD u removed.Oxygen uptake rate per unit tank volume = 133/1500= 90.6 mg/h/l tank volume(g) Power Requirement:Assume oxygenation capacity of aerators at field conditions is only 70% of the capacity at standard conditions and mechanical aerators are capable of giving 2 kg oyxgen per kWh at standard conditions.Power required = 136 = 97 kW (130 hp)0.7 x 2= (97 x 24 x 365) / 60,000 = 14.2 kWh/year/personReferences[1]Benedict, R. G. and Carlson, D. A. (1971) “Aerobic Heterotrophic Bacteria in Activated Sludge,” Water Research, v. 5, pp. 1023-1030.[2]Curds, C. R. and Fey, G. J. (1969) “The Effect of Ciliated Protozoa on the Fate of Escherichia coli in the Activated-Sludge Process,” Water Research, v. 3, pp. 853-867.[3]Water Environment Association. (1987) Activated Sludge, Manual of Practice #9.[4]Jenkins, D., Richard, M. G.and Daigger, G. T. (1993) Manual on the Causes and Control of Activated Sludge Bulking and Foaming, 2nd ed. Boca Raton: Lewis Publishers.[5]Yasui Hidenari.Recent Developments of the Activated Sludge Process.Kuritakogyo Gikaise,2002[6]SCHULZE K. L. (1965) The activated-sludge process as a continuous flow culture.PartII.Wat.Sewage Wks 112, 11-17.[7]MCI(dNNEY R. E. (1962) Mathematics of a completely mixed activated sludge. J. sanit. Engng Div.Am. Soc. cir. Engrs 88, SA3, 87-113.。

给排水专业英语As a professional in the field of drainage and plumbing, it is essential to have a good command of the specialized English vocabulary related to this industry. Whether you are communicating with colleagues, reading technical documents, or interacting with clients, having a strong grasp of drainage and plumbing terminology in English is crucial for success in this field.One of the most fundamental concepts in the field of drainage and plumbing is the understanding of different types of pipes and fittings. Pipes are used to convey fluids, and they come in a variety of materials such as PVC, copper, and galvanized steel. Each type of pipe has its own advantages and disadvantages, and it is important to be familiar with the properties of each material in order to select the most suitable option for a given application.In addition to pipes, fittings play a critical role in the design and installation of drainage and plumbing systems. Fittings are used to connect pipes, change the direction of flow, and regulate the flow of fluids. Common types of fittings include elbows, tees, couplings, and reducers. It is important to understand the function of each type of fitting and to be able to identify them by their English names in order to effectively communicate with others in the industry.Another important aspect of drainage and plumbing is the design and installation of drainage systems. This involves the use of specialized vocabulary related to the different components of a drainage system, such as drains, traps, vents, and manholes. Understanding the function and English names of these components is essential for effectively communicating with architects, engineers, and other professionals involved in the construction of buildings and infrastructure.Furthermore, it is important to be familiar with the terminology related to the maintenance and repair of drainage and plumbing systems. This includes understanding the English names for tools and equipment used in the industry, as well as the vocabularyrelated to common maintenance and repair tasks such as clearing clogged drains, fixing leaks, and replacing damaged pipes and fittings.In addition to technical vocabulary, it is also important to be able to effectively communicate with clients and colleagues in English. This includes being able to explain complex technical concepts in a clear and understandable manner, as well as being able to understand and respond to the needs and concerns of clients and colleagues.In conclusion, having a strong command of specialized English vocabulary related to drainage and plumbing is essential for success in this field. Whether it is understanding the different types of pipes and fittings, the design and installation of drainage systems, or the maintenance and repair of plumbing systems, having a strong grasp of the relevant terminology is crucial for effective communication and professional success. By continually expanding and refining your vocabulary in English, you can enhance your ability to effectively communicate and collaborate with others in the field of drainage and plumbing.。
英文文献 给排水专业

Research on Facilitation of Biodegradation for Azo Dye Wastewater by Bioelectrochemical TechnologyZHAO Yuhua,CANG Xiaoyi, JIN Decai, DONG RuijiaoSchool of Municipal and Environment Engineering Shenyang Jianzhu University Shenyang,China 110168 zyh088@, 666xiaoyi@,kingdecai123@, dongruijiao@Abstract—Active brilliant red X-3B is a kind of azo dye which is difficult to biodegrade. The wastewater with azo dye is of chromaticity depth, high content of organic compounds, water quality changing great, and seriously impacts environment. Bioelectrochemical hydrolysis coupled with biological contact oxidation (BEH-BCO) was used to treat azo dye active brilliant red X-3B simulation wastewater. In this experiment, synergy of micro-electrolysis and biological hydrolysis was used to improve the efficiency of hydrolysis reactor, and then improve the biodegradation of azo dye wastewater. In the experiment, the HRT of Hydrolysis reactor kept running 12h, and the HRT of biological contact oxidation reactor 7.95h. The electric current densities used in the experiment were 0.024, 0.048, 0.071mA/cm2. This experiment was compared with the biological hydrolysis and biological contact oxidation (BH-BCO), the single biological treatment. Experiment results showed that, the removal effect of active brilliant red X-3B by bioelectrochemical technology was very good in heavy dye mass concentration in raw water (concentration was 50mg/L); and in the range of current density used in test, the treatment effect was increased with the increase of electric current density; when electric current density was 0.071mA/cm2, the average removal ratio of dye mass concentration, colority, CODCr, and NH3-N reached 98.77%, 91.39%, 69.98%, and 90.41% by bioelectrochemical technology respectively, and 9.65%, 18.21%, 31.32%, and 85.69% respectively by the single biological method. There are some reasons for the results. The first reason is that the dye mass concentration of wastewater in raw water was too high, single biological hydrolysis was difficult [1]. The second reason is that, from the measure results of oxidation reduction potential, the hydrolysis reactor was in anaerobic condition in the experimental process, which produced inhibitory environment to bacteria. The analysis of UV-visible absorption spectrum of the influent and effluent from each reactor indicated that the molecular structure of active brilliant red X-3B was destroyed by bioelectrochemical technology and turned into readily biodegradable small molecular organic compound, but it changed little by biological treatment. The measure results of redox potential showed that, the redox potential of mixed liquor in BEH was about -200mV, which is within the range of azo compound redox required standards (-180mV ~ -430mV); the redox potential of mixed liquor in BH was about -152mV, which is not in the required range, and is also not in the range of hydrolysis reactor working normally (about 0mV). The results of measured azoreductase activity show that the azoreductase activity of the single biological hydrolysis was 1.68 mg/L·h, the azoreductase activity of bioelectrochemical hydrolysis was 55.33 mg/L·h. In a word, bioelectrochemical technology could promote the activity of hydrolysis microbe greatly, and obviously improve the decolorization effect of active brilliant red X-3B wastwater. It plays a great role in promoting biodegradation of azo dye wastewater. Keywords-azo dye wastewater; bioelectrochemical; hydrolysis; contact oxidation; active brilliant red X-3BI.INTRODUCTIONAzo dye is widely used in the trades of printing, food, cosmetics, and so on [2]. Azo dye wastewater with huge volume and extensive distribution, changing water quality greatly, high concentration of toxic organic compounds, heavy colority, and complicated biodegradation, is one of the intractable industrial wastewaters. The routine methods to treat dye wastewater include physical method, chemical method, biological method, electrochemical method, and etc. These methods exist obviously disadvantages when they are used [3]. Bioelectrochemical technology is a method that electrochemical reaction and biochemical reaction are set off in a same reactor. It could make electrochemical reaction and microbial reaction complementary and enhance each other, and improve the efficiency of treating wastewater, and reduce the equipment initial investment [4]. In this test, bioelectrochemical technology was applied to treat active brilliant red X-3B that is in a simulated dye wastewater, researched the strengthening effect of bioelectrochemical technology by the contrast experiments between BEH-BCO process and BH-BCO process, and explored the biodegradation mechanism of active brilliant red X-3B. II. TESTER, MATERIALS AND METHODS A. Tester and methods The schematic of the experiment system was showed in Fig.1. This experiment system was divided into two parts, A and B. Part A was BEH-BCO process. In this process, iron sheet (100cm×50cm) in hydrolysis reactor is as the anode, and graphite column (diameter 4cm, high 100cm) as the cathode. Part B was BH-BCO process.This project is supported by Municipal & Environmental Engineering Key Laboratory Open Foundation of Colleges and Universities in Liaoning Province (No.SZ-200901) and Science and Technology Foundation of Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (No.2010-K7-14).At the bottom of hydrolysis reactor, pulse current which is provided by air compressor play a part in stir mainly, and shall not exceed the limit of dissolved oxygen (DO) in hydrolysis reactor. Continuous aeration was offered to the contact oxidation reactor. Insides of hydrolysis reactor and contact oxidation reactor placed the combination filling (specific surface area 1400-2500 m2/m3). Both BEH-BCO process and BH-BCO process had the same design parameters. Effective volume of BEH reactor was 24L. The hydraulic residence time of BEH was 12h. Useful volume of BCO reactor was 15.9L. The hydraulic residence time was 7.95h. Flow rate was 2L/h. Because the hydrolysis reactor was cylindrical, electric current density distributed uneven. This paper used average electric current density (center plane interfaced between two electrodes with 50% useful volume each).+solution. A standard curve covered colority from 10° to 100° was drawn. The absorbency of the sample which had been centrifugated was measured at wavelength of 350nm. Colority was obtained by calculation [5]. Azoreductase activity was measured by TTC deoxidation method [6]. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The test device adopted domestic sewage inoculation sludge and hanged membrane for 41 days. After the start-up of the device, the results from the contrastively experiments between BEH-BCO process and BH-BCO process to treat active brilliant red X-3B wastewater in electric current density 0.071, 0.048, 0.020 mA/cm2 were showed in figure 2- figure 5. A. Azo dye concentration variety Figure 2 shows the variety of azo dye mass concentration of inflow and effluent to and from every reactor in different electric current density. It depicts that, comparing to the single biological method, treating active brilliant red X-3B by BEH-BCO process has better efficiency. The azo dye concentration of effluent from BEH-BCO process increased with the electric current density declined. When the electric current density was 0.071mA/cm2, the average removal ratio of dye concentration by BEH-BCO process was 98.77%. In BH-BCO process, because of the dye concentration of inflow was too high and the DO in hydrolysis reactor was lower, the bacteria in hydrolysis reactor were restrained. As a result, the average removal ratio of dye concentration was 9.65%.A.BEH-BCO B.BH-BCO 1.Wastewater tank 2..Dosing pump 3.Power 4. BEH reactor 5. Graphite electrode 6 .Packing 7. Iron electrode 8. BCO reactor 9. Aerated conduit 10. Effluent 11. Air compressor 12. Air distributor 13. Time controller 14. Disposed sludge 15. BH reactorFigure 1. Schematic of the experiment apparatusB. Azo dye wastewater Component of simulated azo dye wastewater for experiment is showed in Table I.TABLE ICODCr (mg/L)EXPERIMENTAL WASTEWATER COMPONENTNH3-N/ (mg/L) active brilliant red X-3B/(mg/L) colority pHFigure 2.Variety of Azo dye concentration 122.84-206.41 6.3-7.145.5-128.62.06-6.6240.88-66.26B. Colority varietyC. Analysis method CODCr was measured by fast digestion spectrophotometric method. NH3-N was measured by Nessler's reagent spectrophotometric method. The azo dye concentration was measured at wavelength of 540nm by spectrophotometric method. The sample of the wastewater was centrifugated by a centrifuge at a speed of 4000 revolutions per minute about 10 min. Colority was measured by spectrophotometric method. The dilute H2SO4 solution (ca. 0.02 mol/L) made up of K2Cr2O7 and CoSO4 was used as standard solution for colority measurement. The wavelength of measurement was defined at 350 nm, which was the maximum absorbency of the standardFigure 3. Variety of colorityFigure 3 was the variety of colority of inflow and effluent to and from every reactor in different electric current density. It showed that when electric current density was 0.048 and 0.071mA/cm2, bioelectrochemical technology had a good effect on decolorization to active brilliant red X-3B wastewater. When the electric current density was 0.071mA/cm2, the average decolorization rate reached 91.39%. Biological method had a low decolorization effect to active brilliant red X-3B wastewater. The average decolorization rate was only 18.21%. When the electric current density was 0.020mA/cm2, the colority of the effluent from BCH reactor was higher than the inflow to BCH reactor. The reasons were as follows: on the one hand, when the electric current density was lower, the loose biofilm and the free bacterium in reactor made colority increase; on the other hand, because of the lower electric current density, the OH—produced in cathode was too less, but the Fe3+ produced in anode was excessive, the color of Fe3+ made colority increase. C. Organics varietywhich indicated that hydrolysis process was more efficiency. When electric current density was 0.071mA/cm2, the average removal ratio of NH3-N was 90.41% by bioelectrochemical technology, the average removal ratio of NH3-N was 85.69% by biological method.Figure 5. Variety of ammonia nitrogenousIV.RESEARCH OF PRINCIPLEA. UV-visible absorption spectrum Analysis Azo dye’s active brilliant red X-3B has absorption peaks in the wavelength of 280 nm, 320 nm and 540 nm respectively. The absorption peaks 540 nm in visible light was caused by the n→π system which connected benzene ring to naphthalene ring by azo double-bond. In ultraviolet, the absorption peaks in 280nm, 320nm wavelengths were caused by benzene ring, naphthalene ring, dichloro-methoxy-triazine and so on [7]. When electric current density was 0.071mA/cm2, The analysis of UV-visible absorption spectrum for the influent and the effluent is shown in figure 7.4.0Figure 4. Variety of organics3.5Absorbance(AU)Raw water By BEH By BCO(BEH-BCO) By BH By BCOFigure 4 shows the variety of organics of inflow and effluent to and from every reactor in different electric current density. It depicts that along with the electric current density decreased, the CODCr of effluent from BEH increased. When electric current densities were 0.071, 0.048, 0.020mA/cm2, the average removal ratio of CODCr was 50.08%, 30.11%, 24.71%, respectively. When electric current density was 0.071mA/cm2, the average removal ratio of CODCr was 69.98% by bioelectrochemical technology, and the average total removal ratio of CODCr was 31.32% by biological method. D. Ammonia nitrogenous variety Figure 5 shows the variety of ammonia nitrogenous of inflow and effluent to and from every reactor in different electric current density. As shown in Figure 5, the NH3-N of the effluents from BEH reactor and BH reactor are all higher than raw water. It was because azo double bonds of dye molecule was broken in hydrolysis process, became small molecule organics. Benzenering, naphthalene nucleus or dichlotriazine active group of the dye molecule was broken and ammonia nitrogenous was liberated. So ammonia nitrogenous concentration in the effluent was more than that in the influent,3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 0.0 200 250 300 350 400 450 500Wavelength(nm)550 600650 700Figure 7. UV-visible absorption spectrum of azo dye wastewaterAs shown in figure 7. After the treatment of biological method, the absorption peaks were not changed obviously. It showed that the structure of active brilliant red X-3B was not changed. But, after the treatment by BEH-BCO process, the absorption peaks decreased obviously, and the absorption peaks at 540nm was almost zero. Consider the molecular structure of active brilliant red X-3B, the absorption peaks nearby at 280nm and 320nm are decreased, which explained that benzene ring, naphthalene ring, dichloro methoxy triazine were degraded, unsaturated ring was opened. The absorptionpeaks at the wavelength of 540nm declined obviously, it explained that azo double-bond was opened. But at 215nm, the absorption peaks rose, It explained that there were some aromatic ring compounds in the wastewater [8]. B. Redox potential analysis In order to research the redox potential of BEH and BH, we got some mixed liquors from BEH and BH respectively, then measured the redox potential by potentiometric titrator. The reaction between azo dyes and reduced electronic carrier is nonspecific reduction process. The occurrence of reaction was decided on the redox potential of redox intermediates and azo compound, namely determined by the redox potential (-180mV ~ -430mV) of cell redox cofactor, the NAD(P)H, and the potential of azo compound[9].TABLE II Rector BEH BH REDOX POTENTIAL Electric Current Density (mA/cm2) 0.024 0.048 0.071 Redox Potential (mV) -217 -185 -202 -152V. CONCLUSIONS • Compared with the single biological method, electrochemical function of DC micro-electric field and biological function produced synergy for the degradation processes of active brilliant red X-3B by bioelectrochemical technology. This method improved the activity of microorganism, and promoted the dye biodegradation. In the biodegradation process of azo dye active red X-3B by bioelectrochemical technology, the treatment effect increased with the increase of current density. The treatment efficiency of active brilliant red X-3B was increased with the increase of electric current density. The structure of active brilliant red X-3B was destroyed in bioelectrochemical hydrolysis reactor and turned into readily biodegradable small molecular organic compound. But in biological method, because the concentration of dye wastewater was too high, and the dissolved oxygen in hydrolysis reactor was lower, the bacteria in hydrolysis reactor were restrained. It made the structure of active brilliant red X-3B changed smaller.•••Table II was the redox potential of BEH and BH. Table II showed that, the redox potential of mixed liquor in BEH was about -200mV. It was in the range of azo compound redox requirement (-180mV ~ -430mV). The redox potential of mixed liquor in BH was about -152mV. It was not in the range of azo compound redox requirement, and also not in the range of hydrolysis reactor running normally (about 0mV). C. Azoreductase analysisThe first step of azo dyes biodegradation was the key to open azo double-bond, and produce aromatic ammonia. This step was finished by catalysis of azoreductase[10]. The decolorization ability of bacteria to the dyes mainly depended on the effect of azoreductase. This experiment analyzed azoreductase activity of the bacterium from each reactor. Measured each water sample in the same reactor three times, the average results were in table III.TABLE III BEH (mg/L·h) 55.33 AZOREDUCTASE ACTIVITY IN EACH REACTOR BCO (BEH-BCO) (mg/L·h) 3.17 BH (mg/L·h) 1.68 BCO (mg/L·h) 1.68As shown in table III, azoreductase activity in BEH-BCO system was higher than in BH-BCO system. The azoreductase activity in BEH reactor was 55.33 mg/L·h. It explained that due to the effect of direct current field, the rate of biochemical reactions was enhanced, microbial activity was better. It also explained that except for the electrochemical function and biodegradation function, the electric field could stimulate the activity of microbe and enhance the efficiency of dye degradation.Mi Yilei, Fan Jinhong, Ma Luming. Research on removal of azo dye by bioelectrochem ical technology [J]. Chinese Journal of Environmental Engineering, 2009, 3(8): 1457-1461. [2] Wang Hui. Recent Advance in Biological Treatment of Dyeing Wastewater [J]. Journal of Xia Men University (Natural Science), 2008, 12: 286-290. [3] Liang Hong, Zeng Kangmei. Progress in the Dyes Wastewater Treatment Processes [J]. Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering, 2003, 6: 20-24. [4] Zhang Changsheng, Xue An, Zhao Huazhang. Progress in the studies of electrical bio-technology in environmental engineering[J]. Industrial Water Treatment, 2008, 28(3): 1-5. [5] Yao Guo, Wang Jian wei.Determination of Colority of Sewage Water[J]. PTCA (PART B: CHEM. ANAL.), 2008, 44:61-64. 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土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译-英语论文土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Building drainage of water-saving techniquesWith people's quality of life,the quality and quantity of water are constantly expanding. Implement sustainable water use and protection of water resources from destruction. And access to healthy water, recycling of water, has become the government and the broad masses of the people the focus of attention. All this gave to the construction of drainage works on the design of the many new requirements, water supply advanced technology of the urgent need to accelerate the pace. This paper will explore more of the building for drainage of water-saving technology; we hope to arouse the awareness of water conservation to build water-saving city efforts.Construction of a water-saving project, in addition to the water saving should formulate laws and regulations to strengthen the management and day-to-day publicity and education use price leverage to promote water conservation work, but also take effective measures, to ensure that the construction of water-saving work carried out in-depth and comprehensive. We are aware that the water supply network's coverage, the extension of transmission mains and the construction of the building because arisingfrom the difference in height, will be used to increase the water pressure before the end of ways to protect the most disadvantaged water points will be adequate water supply, This will be a large number of regional supply of high pressure water supply is. Therefore accessories before the water hydrostatic head greater than outflow, the flow was greater than the rated flow capacity. Beyond the rated flow capacity of that part of the normal flow did not have the use efficiency is a waste of water. As a result of this water is being wasted is not easy to detect and understand, it could be called a "stealth" wasting water.It has been in a different type of floor, the building 67 water distribution points so the overpressure from the measured flow analysis, Statistical results are 55% of the iron spiral movements - taps (hereinafter referred to as "ordinary water") and 61% of the ceramic valve - leading the flow of water-saving more than their rated flow, the super-flow pressure from the state. Two endings the largest flow out of the rated flow capacity of about three times [1]. This shows that in our existing buildings, water supply system overpressure out-flow phenomenon is widespread and it is a fairly serious. In distribution point pressure As overpressure flow out of the "invisible" water is not wasted paid enough attention to, So in our existing "building water supply and drainage design" and "construction water supply and drainage design GBJ15-20 00 draft "(hereinafter referred to as" draft "), although the wateraccessories and home support the greatest pressure certain restrictive provisions in [2], but this is only to prevent water from the high pressure parts will lead to damage to the point of consideration, not prevent excess pressure from the out-flow point of view, the pressure is too lenient restrictions on the flow overpressure no fundamental role. Therefore, in accordance with the water supply system overpressure flow from the actual situation, the pressure on the water supply system to make reasonable limit.1.2 measures taken decompressionWater supply system in a reasonable allocation of decompression device is to control pressure within the limits required to reduce excess pressure from the flow of technical support.1.2.1 Jangled nervesRelief valve is a good decompression device, can be divided into proportional (lower left) of direct action and the type (Photo) The former is based on the ratio of the area to determine the proportion of decompression, which can be set under pressure prior decompression, When the water-stop water, you can also be controlling the vacuum tube pressure is not increased, Decompression can achieve dynamic can achieve static decompression.1.2.2 Decompression orifice and conserving Cypriots1106土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译Orifice decompression compared with jangled nerves example, the system is relatively simple, less investment, easy management. The practice of some units, water-saving effects are fairly obvious, If Shanghai Jiao tong University in the school bathroom water pipe installation aperture of 5 mm orifice, water-saving about 43%. But decompression orifice only by the dynamic pressure, static pressure can be reduced and the pressure downstream with the upstream pressure and the flow is changed, is not stable enough. In addition, the vacuum orifice plug easy. In better water quality and water pressure more stable, by using [3]. Cutting expenditure and the role of Cypriot advantages and decompression orifice basically are the same. Suitable for the small diameter and accessories installed to use [3].1.3 adopt water-saving leadingA trial showed that the leading Practical water-saving taps and the general state of the full, flow out of the former than the latter out of the flow. That is the same pressure, the leading water conservation has good water saving, water-saving volume in 20% ~ 30% between. And the higher the pressure ordinary tap water from the larger, water-saving is leading the greater the volume of water-saving. Therefore, should the building (especially in the standard water pressure in water distribution points) leading installation of water-saving, reduce water wastage. In 1999 theMinistry of Construction, State Economic and Trade Commission, State Bureau of Building materials apparatuses jointly issued a document "on the elimination of residential buildings behind the products notified" require large and medium-sized cities in new residential prohibit the use of helical-style cast iron nozzle movements, actively adopt "ceramic cartridge faucets" and "common faucet technical conditions of the ceramic cartridge faucets [4]. Since the main building of our school building earlier in the toilet faucet is still an ordinary spiral movement - iron taps. We have often seen leading loosening and tightening the leading difficulty caused by the leakage phenomenon. In fact, there is such a faucet overpressure caused by the "invisible" huge waste of water. Schools should arouse the concern of the relevant departments, from the long-term interests for the use of water-saving new leader, reduce unnecessary losses.2 vigorously develop the construction of water facilities, "watercourse." As the name suggests is not delivered on the waterways clean water is not sullied by sewage contamination. Residents put a wash, bathing, washing clothes and other water washing and flushing water together, after CO., filtration and disinfection, Sterilization, which imported waterway network, for toilet flushing, washing cars, and pouring green, onto the road and other non-drinking purposes. China therefore waterway is also known as miscellaneous water Road. With a watercourse which cubic metersof water, equivalent to the use of one cubic meters of clean water, emit less nearly a cubic meter of sewage and kill two birds with one stone. Water-saving achieved nearly 50% [3]. Therefore, the channel has many of the world's water shortage in cities used extensively.2.1 full use washing wastewater and other quality miscellaneous drainage The existing water facilities built in most hotels, colleges, and the basic source for the bathroom bathing wastewater. For some small units, smaller than bathing wastewater, and discharge time is too concentrated, Water facilities are not stable and adequate source of water. And washing with water wastewater, the use of time more evenly, water treatment and the advantages of relatively good, as a water source, to be fully exploited.2.2 Develop and implement as soon as possible the return to the new water quality standardsThe current construction of water reused implementation of the existing “life miscellaneous water quality standards.” The total coli form standards and the requirements of "sanitary standard for drinking water," the same, compared to the developed countries and the Chinese water standards apply to the swim-minus III also strict standards. This has led to two problems: First, many of the existing water works is less than the standard; 2 are fulfilled with a certain degree of difficulty, improvethe water project investment and processing cost. So should develop appropriate indicators of the value of water works to promote the spread土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and popularize. Water Saving water is not limiting, or even prevents the water. But reasonable people to water, efficient use of water and not waste. As long as we pay attention to fit the family's bad habits, we will be able to water-saving around 70% [3]. Water and waste a lot of the habits, such as: flush toilets single wash cigarette butts and broken fine waste; to access a cup of cold water. Many people will not venting water; spend the potatoes, carrots after peeling, washing or after the optional vegetables; when the water stopped (open access customers, answer the phone, change TV channels), not turning off the tap; During the suspension, forget turning off the tap; toilets, wash, brush, let the water has been flowing; Before sleep, go out, do not check the faucet; equipment leaks, not promptly repaired. From the following table, we can see in many parts of life as long as we interested to note that the conservation of water is very impressive.3 to promote the use of water-saving devicesIn addition to the family of water-saving attention to cultivate good habits of water, using water-saving devices is very important and also the most effective. Some people prefer laissez-faire, but also refusedto replace water-saving devices, in fact, so much water is a long time down the uneconomical. Thus vigorously promote the use of water-saving devices is the construction of water-saving important ways and means.3.1Water-saving taps3.1.1 Water Saving leading CeramicsCurrently most of the water-saving taps used Ceramics taps. Such taps compared with ordinary taps, water was typically up to 20% ~ 30%; and other types of water-saving compared to the leading and cheap [3]. Therefore, in the residential buildings of architectural vigorously promote the use of such water-saving lead. We taught the fifth floor of the dormitory building and are used by such leading.3.1.2 Closed since delay tapsSince the delay in the water taps closed after a certain time, shut down automatically to avoid Changliushui phenomenon. Water timing to be in a certain range adjustment, both for the convenience of Health has complied with the water-saving requirements suitable for washing in public places with.3.1.3 Photoelectric controlled tapsClosed since the delay of water-saving taps but water while fixed time and meet the different requirements of the use of the object. Photoelectric controlled taps will be able to overcome the above drawbacks, such as the latest one of the type of infrared device control wash, Thefirst installation will be self-inspection of the device in front of or below the fixed reflectors (for example, vanity) and based on the reflectors adjust their distance from work to avoid the past because of automatic water obstacles closer to the front of regular water, Such intelligent device can wash your hands although below action without washing their hands without water. a long time will wash water and do not have long-term can also regularly flush Water Seal failure to avoid a supply shortage ahead of the police [3].3.2The total water-saving flush3.2.1 Use of small volume cisterns commodeChina is promoting the use of water tanks 6 L fecal water-saving devices, and have flushing water to 4.5 L or even less, stood on the stool available. However, we should also pay attention to the drainage system to ensure the normal work of the use of small volume cisterns commode, otherwise they will be brought to plug the pipeline, not a net wash, and other issues. Two respectively flushing cisterns in urine, flushing water for 4 L (or less); Washing stool, Chong stood at 9 L (or less) [3]. (Map is a two-valve I-Yuan annually to the water tanks, to open the stool below the drain urine when opened above the drain Pictured left is the two-block cisterns switch several forms) Israel's construction regulations require all new buildings to install two respectively wash cisterns. China should also vigorously promoted two respectively cisterns, because one day, thenumber is far higher than the urine stool frequency. To three homes as an example, per person per day for a meeting of feces, urine four times and the use of existing water tanks L 9, day to 135 L of water; 6 L of water use, 90 L of water a day;土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译and the use of cisterns two respectively, 75 L of water a day, can be seen using two respectively cisterns 9 L 6 L than using more water-saving cisterns [3]. 6 L Yuan annually to the use of water-saving cisterns better results. The use of tanks in two trances another advantage is not right and the replacement of the total drainage system to carry out reform therefore particularly applicable to existing buildings the total replacement of water tanks.3.2.2-washing UrinalThe United States launched the Urinal-washing, which is not water, the stench from the toilets without using utensils, In fact, only in one end Urinal add special "trap" devices, but because the economic, health, water effectively, So popular station.3.2.3Photoelectric control UrinalUrinal photoelectric controls in a number of public buildings installations.3.2.4 Delayed flushing valve closedIt is the use of guide-work principle, water officials directly connected with the water pressure high enough circumstances, can protect the instantaneous flushing commode needs to replace tanks and accessories, installation is simple and easy to use, health, low prices, Water-saving effect of the obvious characteristics [3]. We carpentry center is used for such cleaning.3.3 in hot water systems installed in various forms of water-saving devicesIf installed in public bathrooms limited flow orifice, in the cold, hot water imported pressure balance between the installation of equipment; Installation of low-flow plumbing. Inflatable hot water thermostat and cooling, hot water mixed hydrants.3.4 to further develop various forms of water-saving devices3.4.1 Development of different water taps outSome countries, in different places with different water out of taps, Singapore provides water for washing vegetables pots 6 L / min, shower water 9 L / min; China's Taiwan Province launched the spray-wash special taps, the flow was 1 L / min. In China, various taps most of the rated flow capacity of 0.2 L / s, that is 12 L / min, excessive [4]. Therefore be reasonable to develop taps the rated flow, and gradually installed in different places different from water taps.3.4.2 Vacuum water-saving techniquesTo ensure that sanitary ware and sewer cleaning effect of vacuum technology can be applied to drainage works Most of the air instead of using water, relying on the vacuum of high-speed gas-water mixture, and rapid disposal of the sewage, dirt-gully clean and save water and drain away the effects of dirty air. A complete vacuum drainage system, including: vacuum valve and with a magnitude of suction devices occupants, the closed aqueduct, vacuum collection containers. Vacuum pumps, control equipment and channels and so on. Together with the vacuum generated 40 ~ 5min the negative pressure of sewage pumped to the collection containers, then will collect sewage pump effluent into the municipal sewer. Different types of construction in the use of vacuum technology, the average water-saving exceed 40%. The use of the office building water-saving will rate-70% [2].3.4.3 Development zone leading to the wash waterIn Japan, many families use with the leading water wash, wash all the wastewater into water tanks for back flushing. If the water tank, they can directly turn on the water faucet open. Irrigation water use, it can not only save water but also reduce the costs. At present, the water in China has sales.土木工程给水排水英文文献及翻译随着人民生活质量的提高,对供水量和质的要求正不断扩展.同时实施水的可持续利用和保护,使水资源不受破坏,并能进入良性的水质、水量再生循环,也已成为政府和广大人民群众关注的焦点。

关于给排水的专业英语作文As a professional in the field of drainage and plumbing, it is essential to have a deep understanding of the principles and practices involved in this industry. From designing efficient drainage systems to installing and maintaining plumbing fixtures, there is a wide range ofskills and knowledge required to ensure the proper functioning of water supply and waste disposal systems.In the realm of drainage and plumbing, it is crucial to stay updated with the latest technologies and innovations. With the continuous advancements in materials and equipment, professionals in this field must be adaptable and open to learning new techniques to improve efficiency and sustainability in their work.One of the key aspects of drainage and plumbing is ensuring the proper disposal of wastewater. This involves designing and implementing effective sewage systems thatcan safely and efficiently remove waste from residential,commercial, and industrial buildings. It is important to consider environmental impact and public health when dealing with wastewater management.In addition to wastewater disposal, another important aspect of drainage and plumbing is the installation and maintenance of water supply systems. This includes ensuring a consistent and safe supply of clean water to buildings, as well as maintaining and repairing water distribution networks to prevent leaks and contamination.In the field of drainage and plumbing, it is essential to prioritize safety and compliance with regulations. Professionals must adhere to building codes and standards to ensure that their work meets legal requirements and is safe for public use. This includes proper installation of fixtures, use of appropriate materials, and adherence to best practices for drainage and plumbing systems.Effective communication and collaboration are also crucial in the field of drainage and plumbing. Professionals must be able to work closely with architects,engineers, and other construction professionals to ensure that drainage and plumbing systems are integrated seamlessly into building designs and construction plans.In conclusion, the field of drainage and plumbing requires a diverse set of skills and knowledge, from understanding technical principles to staying updated with the latest technologies. It is a dynamic and essential industry that plays a critical role in ensuring the safety, health, and efficiency of water supply and waste disposal systems.。

关于给排水的专业作文英语Title: The Significance of Plumbing Engineering: A Comprehensive Overview。
Plumbing engineering, often overlooked but indispensable, serves as the lifeline of modern infrastructure. In this discourse, we delve into the multifaceted realm of plumbing, exploring its significance, challenges, and future prospects.Firstly, let us elucidate the fundamental importance of plumbing in contemporary society. Plumbing systemsfacilitate the supply of clean water, crucial for sustenance and sanitation. Without adequate plumbing infrastructure, access to potable water would be severely compromised, leading to dire health consequences. Furthermore, plumbing plays a pivotal role in wastewater management, preventing environmental pollution and safeguarding public health.Beyond its basic functions, plumbing engineering encompasses a spectrum of specialized areas, including water distribution, drainage systems, and fire protection. Each component requires meticulous design and implementation to ensure optimal performance and safety. For instance, hydraulic calculations are conducted to determine pipe sizing and flow rates, guaranteeingefficient water distribution throughout buildings.Moreover, plumbing engineers are tasked with mitigating various challenges inherent in their field. Aging infrastructure, inadequate maintenance, and rapid urbanization pose significant hurdles to effective plumbing management. Addressing these issues demands innovative solutions, such as retrofitting existing systems with modern technology and implementing sustainable practices to conserve water resources.In recent years, advancements in plumbing technology have revolutionized the industry landscape. Smart plumbing systems equipped with sensors and automation have emerged, enabling real-time monitoring and predictive maintenance.Additionally, the integration of renewable energy sources, such as solar water heaters and rainwater harvesting systems, underscores the shift towards eco-friendly practices in plumbing engineering.Looking ahead, the future of plumbing engineering is poised for continued evolution and adaptation. The growing emphasis on environmental sustainability necessitates the development of eco-conscious plumbing solutions, including water-efficient fixtures and greywater recycling systems. Furthermore, the advent of Building Information Modeling (BIM) promises to streamline the design and construction process, enhancing collaboration and efficiency within the industry.However, amidst the promising prospects, plumbing engineers must remain vigilant against emerging challenges, such as cybersecurity threats to interconnected plumbing networks. Safeguarding critical infrastructure from cyber attacks requires proactive measures, including robust encryption protocols and stringent access controls.In conclusion, plumbing engineering occupies a vital role in modern society, underpinning essential aspects of public health, safety, and environmental sustainability. As we navigate the complexities of the 21st century, the significance of plumbing in shaping our built environment cannot be overstated. By embracing innovation, sustainability, and resilience, plumbing engineers can forge a path towards a safer, healthier, and more sustainable future for generations to come.。
给水排水专业英文文献 -人工湿地技术在发展中国家的应用潜力综述

Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–560The potential for constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse in developing countries:a reviewAmelia K.KivaisiUni6ersity of Dar es Salaam,Botany Department,Applied Microbiology Unit,P.O.Box35060,Dar es Salaam,Tanzania Received12February1999;received in revised form4May2000;accepted5June2000/locate/ecoleng1.IntroductionThe primary renewable source of freshwater is continental rainfall,which generates a global sup-ply of40000–45000km3per year.This more or less constant water supply must support the entire world population,which is steadily increasing by roughly85million per year(Stikker,1998).Thus, the availability of freshwater per capita is decreas-ing rapidly.About80countries and regions,rep-resenting40%of the world’s population,are experiencing water stress,and about30of these countries are suffering water scarcity during a large part of the year(Gleick,1993).During the last four decades,the number of countries experi-encing water scarcity,most of which are develop-ing countries,has increased.The number is expected to reach34by the year2025(Table1) (Stikker,1998).To compensate,these countries have begun ex-ploiting reserves that are not sufficiently being replenished.This short-term strategy is likely to have detrimental long-term effects on the availability of freshwater for human communities and native ecosystems.The consequences of re-gional and national water scarcity will lead to aE-mail address:akivaisi@amu.udsm.ac.tz(A.K.Kivaisi).0925-8574/01/$-see front matter©2001Elsevier Science B.V.All rights reserved. PII:S0925-8574(00)00113-0A.K.Ki6aisi/Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–560 546depletion of reserves.This scarcity will also give rise to competition for water between nations and regions,as well as among sectors such as agricul-ture,industry and municipalities.As Stikker (1998)puts it,‘thefight for freshwater will be about who takes how much for what purpose,out of the rivers and out of the ground,and at what price?’Apart from the natural scarcity of freshwater in various regions and countries,the developing countries in particular,the quality of the available freshwater is also deteriorating due to pollution, hence intensifying the shortage.It is estimated that today throughout the world,more than5 million people(mostly children)die annually from illnesses caused by drinking poor quality water. The number of people lacking access to safe drinking water,mainly in developing countries, will increase between two and three billion in the year2000(Stikker,1998).Liquid wastes such as untreated sewage or in-dustrial waste are the major sources of pollutants in developing countries.Municipal sewage and industrial wastewaters containing readily biodegradable organic matter,inorganic and or-ganic chemicals,toxic substances and disease causing agents are frequently discharged into aquatic environments(oceans,rivers,lakes,wet-lands)without treatment.This unregulated prac-tice results in contamination of water that is then unsuitable for human consumption,land irriga-tion,fish production or recreation.In rural areas and unplanned high density urban settlements, contamination of surface and groundwater by domestic wastewater occurs through infiltration and surface run-off of poorly placed pit-latrines especially during the rainy-season(Denny,1997). The situation is getting worse with rapid urban-ization and a continuing lack of proper sanitation in developing areas.Increased use of fertilizers in agriculture is also contributing significantly to non-point source pollution through run-off.The water issue was dealt with at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Devel-opment(UNCED,1992)in Rio in1992,in Chap-ter18of Agenda21,called‘Protecting and managing freshwater?’,and set goals for the year 2000in order to achieve universal water supply in 2025.Considering the World Bank budget and the prevailing short-term priorities to befinanced, it is unlikely that goals set for the year2000will be achieved in the projected time frame(Stikker, 1998).In order to survive,it is up to individual countries,especially those suffering from waterTable1Countries experiencing water scarcity in1955,1990and2025(projected),based on availability of less than1000m3of renewable water per person per year(Stikker,1998)Countries in water scarcity categoryIn1955By2025under all UN population growthIn1990By2025only if they follow UN medium orprojections(added)high projections(added)QatarMalta Libya CyprusZimbabweDjibouti OmanSaudi ArabiaBarbados TanzaniaMoroccoUnited ArabEmiratesYemen Egypt PeruSingaporeIsraelBahrain ComorosSouth AfricaTunisiaKuwaitSyriaJordan Cape VerdeKenya IranBurundi EthiopiaHaitiAlgeriaRwandaMalawiSomaliaA.K.Ki6aisi/Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–560547stress or scarcity to take initiatives within the framework of Agenda21.Reduction of exploita-tion of water reserves through saving,recycling, and pollution control should be on the main agenda.Wastewater reuse is an important strategy for conserving water resources,particularly in areas suffering from water shortage.This practice has been reported in developing countries including Morocco,Tunisia,Egypt,Sudan,Namibia,India and China where sewage is used to irrigate vegeta-bles and other short-term crops and to support fish culture(Shuval et al.,1986).Although there is an economic benefit on the side of fertilizer value of nutrients in the wastewater,there is a high risk of easy transmission of water-borne diseases when raw sewage or semi-treated sewage is used(Krish-nan and Smith,1987).Epidemiological evidences exist for water-borne disease transmission by food stuffs irrigated with untreated sewage orfish cul-tured in poorly treated stabilization ponds effluent in certain developing countries(Shuval et al., 1986;Stott et al.,1999).There is a need for adequate treatment of wastewater prior to reuse and re-distribution into the environment.One of the most striking examples of the nega-tive impact of increasing human activities on im-portant natural water sources is Lake Victoria. Lake Victoria,the second largest lake in the world,covers a surface area of68800km2dis-tributed between Tanzania(49%),Uganda(45%), and Kenya(6%).The type of stress facing the lake and its wetlands from direct and indirect anthro-pogenic activities has been recently elaborated (Rutashobya,1996;Kassenga,1997).This impor-tant natural resource has become severely threat-ened by poorly controlled wastewater deposition into the lake by shoreline communities,agricul-ture and industry.Documented changes in the health of Lake Victoria ecosystem include:1.A twofold increase in algal productivity lead-ing to decline in water transparency.2.Phytoplankton,particularly,the cyanobacteria(blue green algae),have dominated the zooplankton.3.Phosphate concentration has doubled and iscurrently in excess of algal requirements.4.About50%of the lake bottom is anoxic.As a consequence of eutrophication,the lake has recently been infested with a free-floating macrophyte,the water hyacinth(Eichhornia cras-sipes)which is almost covering over600ha of the shoreline on the side of Tanzania.The weed is spreading fast,choking biota,and providing breeding habitats for mosquitoes and vector snails of Schistosomiasis.Densely packed water hy-acinth beds obstruct navigational activities and interfere withfishing activities;thus,this plant is generally considered to be a problematic weed. The negative image of water hyacinth in Lake Victoria has complicated development of manage-ment schemes that might consider how this wet-lands species could alternatively be effectively exploited in wastewater treatment and used as a potential natural resource.This paper summarizes current information on low-cost wastewater treatment methods in devel-oping countries.Basic information on wetlands composition and function is summarized,and in-formation on the types and application of con-structed wetlands(CWs)in developed countries is briefly reviewed.The paper further examines the potential of constructed wetlands for wastewater treatment and reuse in developing countries by looking at the results of current research initia-tives towards implementation of the technology in these countries.2.Wastewater treatment in developing countries In most developing countries,there are very few wastewater treatment facilities.This is mainly due to high costs of treatment processes and lack of effective environmental pollution control laws or law enforcement.A wide range of centralized sewage treatment methods are used instead in developing countries,including stabilization pond systems,septic tanks,activated sludges,trickling filters,anaerobic systems and land application systems(Canter et al.,1982;Von Sperling and Marcos,1996).The most widely used treatment systems are stabilization ponds.This is due to their low cost of installation and maintenance, and optimum climatic conditions for ponds found in tropical areas where many developing countriesA.K.Ki6aisi/Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–560 548are located.Von Sperling and Marcos(1996)have provided a comparison among the main wastewa-ter treatment systems in developing countries. Typical characteristics of these systems are shown in Table2.The elimination of all pollutants(pathogens, organic,and inorganic chemicals)is the current wastewater treatment goal in developed countries. In contrast,the main wastewater treatment goal in developing countries is protection of public health through control of pathogens in order to prevent transmission of waterborne diseases and eutrophication of surface waters(Canter et al., 1982).The performance of wastewater stabiliza-tion ponds in achieving the goals for developing countries appears to be satisfactory in many cases. At loading rates of180–500kg biological oxygen demand(BOD)per acre per day in the tropics, removal efficiencies of BOD,nitrogen,phospho-rus and indicator bacteria have been reported to be75–90;30–50;20–60and60–99%,respec-tively(Canter et al.,1982;Shuval et al.,1986;Von Sperling and Marcos,1996).Most importantly, well-designed and well-operated stabilization ponds can achieve almost total removal of helminthes(99.99%),enteric bacteria and viruses (99%),leaving an odor free effluent which is at-tractive for agriculture(Shuval et al.,1986).How-ever,residual nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus could become a problem unless they can be directly utilized to support agriculture or fish farming.When the stabilization pond effluents are released without further treatment back into environment,they can contaminate downstream ground and surface water making it unsafe for drinking and other uses.In combina-tion with established stabilization ponds,wetland technology,which also employs a natural system, could be used to achieve a better removal of nutrients and pathogens from the wastewater prior tofinal release into the water supply. Watson et al.(1989)and Kadlec and Knight (1996)have discussed the advantages of using wetland technology for wastewater treatment. Compared to conventional treatment systems, wetland technology is cheaper,more easily oper-ated and more efficient to maintain.Minimal fossil fuel is required and no chemicals are neces-sary.An additional benefit gained by using wet-lands for wastewater treatment is the multi-purpose sustainable utilization of the facil-ity for uses such as swampfisheries,biomass production,seasonal agriculture,water supply, public recreation,wild life conservation and scien-tific study(Santer,1989;EPA,1993;Knight, 1997).Being low-cost and low-technology sys-tems,wetlands are potential alternative or supple-mentary systems for wastewater treatment in developing countries.3.WetlandsWetlands are transitional areas between land and water and are distinguished by wet soils, plants that are adapted to wet soils,and a water table depth that maintains these characteristics. Since land and water can merge in many ways, there is no single correct definition for all pur-poses.On the basis of the dominant plants,wet-lands can be classified into three groups:salt and freshwater swamps,marshes and bogs.Swamps areflooded areas dominated by water-tolerant woody plants and trees,marshes are dominated by soft-stemmed plants and bogs are dominated by mosses and acid-loving plants(Hammer and Bastian,1989;Kadlec and Knight,1996). Wetlands are characterized by high organic matter accumulation due to a high rate of pri-mary productivity and a reduced rate of decom-position due to anaerobic conditions(Hammer and Bastian,1989).Incoming nutrients support the growth of vegetation,which converts inor-ganic chemicals into organic materials,the basis of the wetland food chain.As a result of ample light,water and nutrient supply,the primary pro-ductivity of wetland ecosystems is typically high (Brix,1993a).Many natural and constructed trop-ical wetlands have net primary productivity of more than1000g C m−2/yr−1which is greater than most other ecosystems(Neue et al.,1997). Hammer and Bastian(1989)have reviewed the functions of natural wetlands.Wetlands support a rich diversity of wild life andfisheries by being stopping-off points and nesting areas for migra-tory birds and spawning grounds forfish andA .K .Ki 6aisi /Ecological Engineering 16(2001)545–560549T a b l e 2T y p i c a l c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e m a i n w a s t e w a t e r t r e a t m e n t s y s t e m s i n d e v e l o p i n g c o u n t r i e s (V o n S p e r l i n g a n d M a r c o s ,1996)T r e a t m e n t s y s t e m s T o t a l H R T Q u a n t i t y o f R e m o v a l E f fic i e n c i e s (%)R e q u i r e m e n t sC o n s t r u c t i o n c o s t (U S $s l u d g e t o b e (D a y s )PC o l i f o r m s L a n d /I n h a b i t a n t .)P o w e r B O DN r e m o v e d (W /I n h a b .)(m 2/I n h a b .)(m 3I n h a b −1y r −2)0 0B 0.00102–8––0–5P r e l i m i n a r y 0t r e a t m e n t 020–300.1–0.5P r i m a r y t r e a t m e n t 0.6–1.335–4010–2510–2030–400.03–0.05010–3015–30–60–99F a c u l t a t i v e p o n d 20–6030–5075–852.0–5.020–6075–9060–99.913–3.5 010–2512–24–30–50A n a e r o b i c p o n d /F a c u l t a t i v e p o n d 0.25–0.51.0–1.710–253–9–F a c u l t a t i v e 75–9030–5020–6060–96a e r a t e d l a g o o n 60–990.2–0.51.0–1.710–254–930–50–75–9020–60C o m p l e t e l y m i x e d A e r a t e d s e d i m e n t p o n d 85–9360–900.2–0.313–2.860–1200.4–0.61.1–1.530–40C o n v e n t i o n a l 30–45a c t i v a t e d S l u d g e 15–3010–2065–900.25–0.3523–4.040–800.8–1.20.7–1.2E x t e n d e d a e r a t i o n 93–98(c o n t i n u o u s flo w )0.2–0.31.5–1.050–800.4–1.230–400.7–1.5S e q u e n c e b a t c h 85–9530–4560–90r e a c t o r30–4560–900.5–0.70.2–0.650–90N A a0.4–0.6L o w r a t e t r i c k l i n g 30–4085–93fil t e r 80–9060–900.3–0.450.5–1.040–70N A1.1–1.530–40H i g h r a t e t r i c k l i n g 30–45fil t e r60–900.05–0.1020–4060–800.3–0.510–250.07–0.110–20U p flo w a n a e r o b i c s l u d g e B l a n k e t r e a c t o r 60–900.2–0.4 030–80S e p t i c 1.0–2.070–900.07–0.110–2510–20t a n k -a n a e r o b i c fil t e r10–5010–2094–99N AS l o w r a t e 65–9575–99\99i n fil t r a t i o n \991–6 05–15N A 10–80R a p i d i n fil t r a t i o n 30-9986–98\9990–981–55–15N A10–4085–95S u b s u r f a c e i n fil t r a t i o n 05–15N A 90–\9910–801–6O v e r l a n d flo w85–9520–50aN A ,n o t a p p l i c a b l e .A .K .Ki 6aisi /Ecological Engineering 16(2001)545–560550Table 3Nutrient uptake capacities of a number of emergent,free-float-ing,and submerged macrophytes (Brix,1994)MacrophyteUptake capabilities (kg ha −1yr −1)NitrogenPhosphorous Cyperus papyrus 1100501202500Phragmites australis 1000Typha latifolia180350Eichhornia crassipes 240040900Pistia stratiodes500Potamogeton pectinatus 4010Ceratophylum demersum100understanding nutrient accumulation,release and removal processes in wetlands (Kadlec,1989;Davido and Conway,1989;Stengel and Schulz-Hock,1989;Hsieh and Coultas,1989;Reddy et al.,1993;D’Angelo and Reddy,1994a,b;Koch-Rose et al.,1994;Newman et al.,1997;Von Felde and Kunst,1997;Reddy et al.,1998).The hydrology of the place,vegetation and soil have been reported to be the main factors influ-encing water quality in wetlands.The hydrologi-cal cycle is the main factor,which influence the type of vegetation,microbial activity,and biogeo-chemical cycling of nutrients in soil (Mitsch and Gosselink,1993).The role played by wetland plants (macrophytes)in influencing the treatment processes in wetlands is well documented (Reddy and DeBusk,1985;DeBusk and Reddy,1987;Brix,1994,1997;Greenway 1997;Koottatep and Polprasert,1997;Mars et al.,1999;Greenway and Wooley,1999).Table 3summarizes the nutrient uptake capacities of commonly used macrophytes in wetlands.Microorganisms play a central role in biogeo-chemical transformation of nutrients (Hoppe et al.,1988;Madigan et al.,1997)and their capabil-ity in removing toxic organic compounds added to wetlands has been reported (Pitter and Chu-doba,1990;Kadlec and Knight,1996;Fliermans et al.,1997;Orshanky and Narkis,1997;Reddy and D’Angelo,1997;Suyama et al.,1998;Savin and Amador,1998).The key processes in the soil and water column as related to nutrient retention and release by wetlands have been reviewed by Reddy and D’Angelo (1994)and Reddy and D’Angelo (1997)).The results of a recent study (McLatchey and Reddy,1998)show that organic matter turn over and nutrient cycling appears to be strongly correlated with electron acceptor availability and redox conditions in wetland soils.3.1.Constructed wetlandsCWs for wastewater treatment involve the use of engineered systems that are designed and con-structed to utilize natural processes.These sys-tems are designed to mimic natural wetland systems,utilizing wetland plants,soil,and associ-shellfish.Those along the coasts,riverbanks and lakeshores stabilize shorelines and protect them from erosion.Some wetlands may function as discharge areas for surfacing groundwaters,allow-ing stored groundwater to sustain base-flow streams during dry seasons.Above all,wetlands are ‘natural purifiers of water’.The functional role of natural wetlands in water quality improvements has offered a compelling argument for wetland preservation.Although studies have shown that natural wetlands are able to provide high levels of wastewater treatment (Nichols,1983;Knight et al.,1987;Kadlec and Knight,1996;Mander et al.,1997),there has been concern over (1)possible harmful effects of toxic materials and pathogens in wastewaters;and (2)long-term degradation of wetlands due to addi-tional nutrient and hydraulic loadings from wastewater.Efforts have therefore been made to-wards using constructed wetlands (CWs)for wastewater treatment (Hammer and Bastian,1989).Wetland systems reduce or remove contami-nants including organic matter,inorganic matter,trace organics and pathogens from the water.Reduction is said to be accomplished by diverse treatment mechanisms including sedimentation,filtration,chemical precipitation and adsorption,microbial interactions and uptake by vegetation (Watson et al.,1989).However,these mechanisms are complex and not yet entirely understood.In recent years,a number of studies have aimed atA.K.Ki6aisi/Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–560551ated microorganisms to remove contaminants from wastewater effluents(EPA,1993).Most CWs emulate marshes because soft-stemmed plants in the marshes require the shortest time compared to plants in bogs and swamps for full development and operational performance (Hammer and Bastian,1989).In developed countries,CWs are used for treating various wastewater types e.g.domestic wastewater (Cooper et al.,1997;Schreijer et al.,1997),acid mine drainage(Kleinmann and Girts,1987; Brodie et al.,1989;Howard et al.,1989;Wener-ick et al.,1989),agricultural wastewaters (DuBowry and Reaves,1994;Rivera et al., 1997),landfill leachate(Dombush,1989;Traut-mann et al.,1989;Staubitz et al.,1989),urban storm-water(EPA,1993),and for polishing ad-vanced treated wastewater effluents for return to freshwater resources(Schwartz et al.,1994; Gschlo¨ßl et al.,1998).CWs are also used for treating eutrophic lake waters(D’Angelo and Reddy,1994b),and for conservation of nature (Worrall et al.,1997).Wetlands have recently been suggested as alternative for treating nitrate contaminated aquifers,denitrification of nitrified sewage effluents and irrigation returnflow (Baker,1998).Denitrification efficiency in wet-lands treating high-nitrate waters with low or-ganic carbon has been shown to depend on C:N ratio,with peak efficiencies occurring at C:N ra-tios\5:1(Baker,1998).CWs are classified according to the life form of the dominating large aquatic plant,or macrophyte,in the system.CWs with emergent macrophytes are widely used for wastewater treatment in Europe and North America (Kadlec and Knight,1996).Various designs for emergent macrophyte CWs have been recently reviewed by Vymazal(1998),and are categorized according to surface(SF)or sub-surface(SSF) wastewaterflow patterns.CWs with free-floating macrophytes may contain large plants with well-developed submerged roots such as water hy-acinth,or small surfacefloating plants with little or no roots such as duckweed(reviewed by Greenway,1997).Due to its large potential for nutrient removal from wastewaters,the water hyacinth is the one that stimulated extensive ex-perimentation.The plant has been reported to double its biomass in6days and to give a yield of88–106Mg ha−1/year−1(Reddy and Sutton, 1984).This section will therefore focus on CWs with water hyacinth.3.1.1.Constructed wetlands with water hyacinth The capability of water hyacinth to purify wastewater is well documented(Reddy and Sut-ton,1984;Reddy and DeBusk,1985;DeBusk et al.,1989;Reddy and D’Angelo,1990;Vymazal, 1998).The extensive root system of the weed provides a large surface area for attached mi-croorganisms thus increasing the potential for decomposition of organic matter.Plant uptake is the major process for nutrient removal from wastewater systems containing water hyacinth plants,and it is related to nutrient loading to the system(Reddy and Sutton,1984).Nitrogen is removed through plant uptake(with harvest-ing),ammonia is removed through volatilization and nitrification/denitrification,and phosphorus is removed through plant uptake.Treatment sys-tems with water hyacinth are sufficiently devel-oped to be successfully applied in the tropics and sub-tropics(Vymazal,1998)where climaticTable4Recommendations for application of water hyacinth a systems(Vymazal,1998)Depth(m)Total detention time(days)Hydraulic load cm d−1 TreatmentB1.5\40Secondary advanced\2Secondary8\0.966Tertiary8BB0.9a Plant density(loosely packed plants,80%coverage)12–22kg m−2.A.K.Ki6aisi/Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–560 552conditions favor luxuriant and continuous growth of the macrophyte for the whole year.In Table4 recommendations for their applications are shown.WH wastewater treatment systems produce large amounts of excess biomass given the rapid growth rate of the plant.To sustain an effective treatment system based WH,the management plan must include provision for harvesting and use of the excess plant material.Integration of WH-systems for wastewater treatment into meth-ane/carbon dioxide production projects as means of using excess water hyacinth biomass has proved successful(Hayes et al.,1987).At a sewage loading of440kg ha−1day−1and a hydraulic retention time of3days,the water hyacinth system removed81%of BOD5and80% of suspended solids.From a pond area of0.75ha, a biomass production of68mg ha−1year−1was achieved.A methane yield of0.47m3kg−1VS added was obtained in the anaerobic digester. For water hyacinth wastewater treatment sys-tems integrated with methane production or ani-mal feed production,optimization of productivity of water hyacinth has been shown to require frequent harvesting to maintain moderate high plant densities.This practice is suitable for maxi-mum removal of phosphorus but not for maxi-mum removal of nitrogen(DeBusk and Reddy, 1987).Depending on the scale,the cost factor to be involved in extra biomass harvesting must be considered.Despite its enormous potential for large-scale wastewater treatment and biomass production, use of the water hyacinth on full scale in devel-oped countries has not been extensively pursued. One of the reason may be poor performance in Northern Hemisphere winters given its optimum growing temperature range between20and30°C (Reddy and Sutton,1984).Another likely reason is the economic feasibility of the systems.The major cost for water hyacinth systems integrated with energy production are(1)purchase of land and construction;(2)periodic harvesting;and(3) construction,operation and maintenance of an anaerobic digestion system.Given these expenses, WH systems may not compete well with the exist-ing energy generating systems.4.Potential for application in developing countriesAlthough about a half of the world’s wetland area(\450million ha)is found in the tropics (Neue et al.,1997),the rate of adoption of wet-lands technology for wastewater treatment in these regions has been slow.The implementation of the technology in developing countries was critically discussed by Denny(1997).Denny found that aid programs from developed countries tend to favor the more overt technologies that have commercial spin-off for the donors.Additionally, developed world‘advisors’may be entrenched in appropriate technologies for their countries and are unable to transfer their conceptual thinking to the realities and cultures of the third world.Thus, rather than assisting developing countries to de-velop their own constructed wetland technologies, the tendency has been to translocate‘northern’designs to tropical environments.Depending on the country’s policy andfinancial situation,other reasons may hold.The potential for application of wetland tech-nology in the developing world is enormous.As mentioned earlier,most of the developing coun-tries have warm tropical and subtropical climates that are conducive for higher biological activity and productivity,hence better performance of wetland systems.Tropical and subtropical regions are known to sustain a rich diversity of biota that may be used in wetlands.Although land may be a limiting factor in dense urban areas,constructed wetlands are potentially well suited to smaller communities where municipal land surrounding schools,hospitals,hotels and rural areas is not in short supply.This section looks at efforts made in exploring this potential.There is limited information on the level of development of wetland technology in developing countries.It appears that in some countries,basic research is being carried out,while in others,the technology has reached pilot and full scale levels for various applications.For convenience,infor-mation on types of CWs,i.e.CWs with free floating and emergent macrophytes will be re-viewed separately.A.K.Ki6aisi/Ecological Engineering16(2001)545–5605534.1.CWs with freefloating macrophytesThese systems have been recommended for use in the tropics and subtropics(Vymazal,1998).The most commonly usedfloating plant is water hy-acinth.However,the concept of using water hy-acinth for wastewater treatment in developing countries is controversial.This is because the plant is exotic and has invaded many water bodies causing a lot of ecological and economical prob-lems leading to negative image of the plant in areas like Lake Victoria region(Harley,1990;Cilliers, 1991;Mugasha,1995;Greenway,1997).There-fore,management efforts are focused towards eliminating the weed rather than exploiting its potential use in wastewater treatment(Cilliers, 1991).Despite this negative attitude towards the water hyacinth,some research initiatives are being made to use the plant for wastewater treatment.Under semi-arid conditions,E.crassipes,a water hyacinth species was tested in CWs for purification of domestic wastewater for reuse in Morocco (Mandi,1998).A good reduction of organic load (COD,78%;TSS,90%)and a parasitic load (helminthes eggs,100%)under a retention time of 7days was achieved.The effluent satisfied WHO (1989)conditions for reuse to irrigate cereal crops, fodder crops,pasture and trees.However,the system suffered evapotranspiration loss of up to 60%during summer as well as proliferation of mosquitoes.Success of an integrated rural wastewater treat-ment with water hyacinth has also been demon-strated in Brazil for a small community(Roquette et al.,1998).The system is partly used to treat stream water for domestic use,and partly for treating domestic wastewater,piggery,cattle-pen and poultry wastewater.Clean water is returned into the stream.Excess plant biomass is used for biogas production(60%methane)which is used for generating electricity.Excess biomass is also composted for horticulture,and used as animal feed for the community.4.2.CWs with emergent macrophytesThese systems have been tested for treating various wastewaters under various conditions in different countries.A study on the purification of domestic wastewater under semi-arid conditions has been conducted(Mandi et al.,1998).At a hydraulic application of0.86–1.44m3d−1,reed beds with Phragmites australis,organic removal of 48–62%,TSS of58–67%and a parasitic removal of71–95%were obtained in Morocco.Further experiments to improve on the reed beds purifying efficiency are carried out.In Egypt,Stotts et al. (1998)achieved a100%removal of parasitic ova from domestic wastewater intended for agriculture use.In Iran,a subsurfaceflow reed bed(P.aus-tralis)of150m2was tested for treating municipal wastewater.At an organic loading of200kg/ha/ day which is higher than previously recommended (B133kg/ha/day)(Metcalf and Eddy Inc,1991), removal efficiencies of86,90,89,34,56and99% for COD,BOD,TSS,TN,TP,and fecal coliform bacteria,respectively,were obtained.No clogging problems were experienced(Badkoubi et al.,1998). In Thailand,wetland systems have been investi-gated for improving effluents of lagoons treating industrial wastewater(Panswad and Chavalparit, 1997).The copper rich(5.7mg/l)effluent and difficult to degrade(COD:BOD=17)was treated in a Typha latifolia and Ipomes spp.SF beds at a retention time of3days and a hydraulic loading of 30cm/d.BOD removal was very poor and some-times increased to about10%whereas TN removal was29%,TP removal was30%and copper re-moval was61%.Similar to what was reported previously(Sinicrope et al.,1992),there was more copper in the wetland sediments(7.6g/kg dry weight)than in the cattails and water spinach(0.5 and0.044g/kg dry weight,respectively).In the same study a correlation betweenfiltered BOD and the presence of certain nematodes and protozoa was established(Panswad and Chavalparit,1997). These organisms have been suggested to be bio-in-dicators of different water qualities in wetland systems.Experimentation on the suitability of local and indigenous wetland emergent macrophytes for re-moval of nutrients and heavy metals has been going on in several countries.Ojo and Mashauri (1996)demonstrated the capability of the wetland plants in Tanzania,Cyperus exaltatus,tifolia and Phragmites australis,in uptake of heavy。

毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译文献、资料中文题目:饮用水水质问题及对策文献、资料英文题目:文献、资料来源:文献、资料发表(出版)日期:院(部):专业:给水排水工程班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:翻译日期: 2017.02.14毕业设计外文文献翻译学生姓名:学号:所在学院:专业:给水排水工程论文题目:Drinking Water Problems andSolutions Abstract指导教师:2007 年6月15日Drinking Water Problems and Solutions Abstract1 Introduction:Chlorination oxidation Introduction nearly half a ce ntury, the world economy has been developing rapidly, modernizationof industries, in particular synthetic chemical is used. Thesechemicals through most of human activities into a body of water, such as sewage and industrial wastewater discharges Agricultural use of fertilizers, pesticides wastage so that the water body accepted the physical and chemical traits a significant change [1]. Early 1980s found that more than 2,000 water organisms, water is more than 700, Among them, 20 kinds of carcinogens, suspected carcinogens 23 species, 18 species of croton oil, and 56 kinds of mutagens [2]. Now the world has attached great importance to trace organics pollution and human health.Currently many of the world's developing countries for drinking water purification methods, basically conventional coagulation sedimentation → → → sand filter chlorine disinfection process. This process for clarifying water to eliminate pathogens in water is very effective. After generally considered the conventional process, filter water after E. coli bacteria and infectious diseases such as HIV have access to basic removal. But with the water pollution, the intensification of a wide variety of organic matter into a body of water formed real solution, the conventional process is almost powerless. China's GB5749-85 "standard of drinking water" [3] Water detected a total of 35 projects. EC Directive provides drinking water were 66, the World Health drinking water regulations is 47. Compared with China, mainly to the increase in the trace organics project. Organic pollution of the drinking water situation, we must find new approaches.2 Commonly used method of disinfection of water treatmentIt is low cost, simple equipment, operation and management easy. But with the water chlorination of organic reaction occurred replace skull organic compounds, the so-called "three to" material, right, poses a potential human health hazards.1970s, the Netherlands and the United States found that treatment workers, chlorination, drinking water produced trihalomethanes (TCM) compounds, mainly chloroform,dichloroacetic acid, chlorine and bromine between the intermediate product. After the chlorination of drinking water has not only generated three skull methane, but also generate other skull Organics (TCO), concentration of TCM general concentration of 5 ~ 10%, which on human health have the same adverse effects [4]. TCM TCO and the main precursorof the three major categories : ①wreckage from the plant as a result of humic acid and fulvic acid degradation products, such as resorcinol, homovanillic acid and fulvic acid degradation products; ②algae from the pyrimidine amino acid, tryptophan, proline, uracil, protein; ③ industrial wastewater of certain compounds, such as phenols. Use chlorine to disinfect TCM TCO and the emergence of awareness of the existence of the hidden danger. Thus, non-chlorine disinfection technology research to develop rapidly.3 measures and the development trend [5] to solve the drinking water problem of pollutionthere are two ways : ①protection of drinking water sources;②strengthen water treatment processes. Generally speaking, the quality of our water environment is also hard to improve short period of time. To the increasing demands for drinking water, water pollution from access to quality drinking water, alternative method is to strengthen the water treatment process that uses advanced deep water treatment technology. Is briefly described below4 ConclusionClosing above the new water treatment technology now have their own shortcomings, to be further explored and examined. If UV-ozone and UV-CO2 is the most promising of the two photochemical oxidation, desire of the family or group users of drinking water depth and special treatment of organic wastewater treatment play an important role. UV-O3 combinedtechnique has been USEPA (EPA) to address the identification of multiple chlorobenzene the most effective technology. But the process in the current obstacles to the use of CO2 is separated from the water, choose a suitable carrier and fixed method, preparation or other forms of photo-catalyst, and research and development of photochemical oxidation and water needs to deal with the combination of UV light or metal skull of lights, so power, wavelength suitable and convenient. Membrane operate with convenience, good effect, but easy to silting and pollution, with its investment and operating costs are too high. KMnO4 and ozone oxidation, often generate many intermediate products, and even some organic fundamental ineffective. Therefore, in recent years more and more emphasis on the treatment of workers in physical, chemical, biological purification organically combine bold attempt, Research such as O3 - H2O2 - BAC, O3 - coagulation-activated sludge, KMnO4 - BAC O3-UV-H2O2, O3-film processing, O3-stripping and other possible joint technology, give full play to their respective means of the technical features and advantages of comprehensive management, in order to achieve the best removal.饮用水水质问题及对策1 引言近半个世纪以来,世界各国经济迅速发展,现代化工业,尤其是合成化工业更是突飞猛进,这些化学物质的大部分通过人类活动进入水体,如生活污水和工业废水的排放,农业使用化肥、杀虫剂的流失等,使接纳水体的物理化学性状发生了显著的变化〔1〕。

毕业论文外文资料翻译系别:环能学院专业:给水排水工程外文出处:Wan Fang foreign languagesliterature datebase附件:1、外文原文;2、外文资料翻译译文。
1、外文原文Supplying and draining waterin hospital construction With the fact that modern medicine science promptness develops,new technique , the new armamentarium are continuing without end , modernized medical treatment thereby consonant with that is building a hospital , are also are confronted with new design idea and new technology applying. Disregarding secondary hospital building function , what whose gets along environment, still , finclause the hospital builds equipment and is equipped with system, the request is without exception higher and higher. Because of it is to ensure daily work living not only need the rapid and intense life relevance recovering from the illness , avoiding crippling , rescuing, and promote with giving treatment to a patient. Not only the design accomplishing to the special field draining away water need to satisfy the request being unlike a function in hospital building on equipment , but also safety is be obliged to reliable. Following is built according to the hospital.一HOSPITAL GIVES A SEWERAGE1) Modernized hospital equipment and equipment system content is numerous , the function is peculiar , the request is very high. Except demanding to swear to continue supplying with the use water according with quality level sufficiently, need more according to demand of different medical treatment instrument and different administrative or tehcnical office to water quality , water pressure , the water temperature, classify setting up water treatment system and be in progress to system to increase pressure reduction.2) The hospital operating rooms , the delivery room operation the water hygiene, saliva washing hands by shower bath water , the dentistry dentistry chair ought to adopt the water purifying degassing. In the homeland few are large-scale , the high rank hospital centre supplies aroom, the centre disinfecting has also adopted to purify the water disinfecting, now that swear to there be no dust , the sterility , to remove the pathopoiesia source , to avoid the blockage infecting , cutting down equipment microtubule.3) Hospital preparation rooms preparation uses water to adopt distilled water, and sets up in making distilled water system to have part pressure boost facilities. The handicraft responds to according to different hospital preparation handicraft but fixes concrete system distilled water, should satisfy demand of whose handicraft to water quality , water yield , water pressure act in close coordination that the preparation handicraft reserves corresponding to drain-pipe and allocation chilled water circulatory system by the special field draining away water.4) Hospital operating rooms , delivery rooms , baby rooms , supply rooms , medical treatment of the dermatological department wards, door emergency call, cures skill every administrative or tehcnical office and the request difference that the staff and worker logistics branch supplies to hot water need to set up hot water respectively supplying system more. Ordinary circumstances door emergency call, cures skill administrative or tehcnical office , centre supply a room , the staff and worker logistics branch supplies hot water to water supply the regular time, the comparison supplying time is consistent. The hospital is based on major part at present financial resources, ward building hot water supplies basic to the regular time , ought to be that 24 hs supply hot water judging from long-term angle but. Operating room , the delivery room operation wash hands, the hygiene h by the fact that the shower bath ought to be 24 supplies hot water, moreover the block of wood5) Considers beautification to the environment , is inadvisable to adopt the steam boiled water stove , completely eradicates occurrence aroused the ward building pantry inner floor moistness , avoided interior wall mustiness phenomenon by leak or sparse steam water implement aerofluxus thereby. The hospital disregards size , boiled water supplies to should adopt automation volume or the electricity boiled water stove, a general disease area considers one , volume ascertains that according to using condition. The first easy to protect labor is managed, two is supplying ensuring that to the patient , improves the internal environment of ward at the same time.6)Especially infecting the section ward every door emergency call administrative or tehcnical office, every consulting room , the hand movement water curing a room , washing a basin should set up mistake chew , may adopt elbow style , knee style or dyadic switch of pedal. If using the dyadic switch of pedal to must use the product guarding against leakage, the floor is to avoid usinga place often damp , makes the patient , the medical personnel slip down , an accident happened. Operation waits for the operating room , the delivery room to wash hands should adopt the constant temperature muddy water valve , the constant temperature to produce water, taking as an example infrared ray induced electromagnetic valve control mode for fine. Cure skill part control laboratory , laboratory of administrative or tehcnical office have the peculiar request , water chews the form should ascertain whose water according to every administrative or tehcnical office coming functional request chewing.7)Many administrative or tehcnical office, especially downstream pipelines such as pickling bath , the pool disinfecting , develop pool in administrative or tehcnical office such as checking the room , the control laboratory , emitting section responds to of hospitals are adopt to be able to bear the rotten PVC2U draining off silent stock tube.8) Pair of filth , waste water of all kinds must classify strictly according to the country in connection with the effluent standard , the field carrying out a pertinency with different treatment handicraft deals with and handles.9) Uses a function to need since the modern hospital needs to be satisfied with not only , wants to think that the interior outside environment is beautiful too at the same time. The building needs especially door emergency call, cures skill sometimes because of medical treatment function , give the horizontal stroke draining away water , erect a tube arrange to lie scattered comparatively, more bright dew is in interior, warm the pipeline exchanging special field up in addition sometimes , make the pipeline that the room inner clearly shows more than the correct or required number , both inelegant, and affect hygiene. This demands right away in the process of engineering design , the rational arrangement the structure form should fully utilize not being the same as is carried out, needs to make the various pipeline conceal arrangement to the full according to the function , pays attention to beautiful befitting one's position or suited to the occasion under not affecting the premise being put into use. Certainly, these require that building structure special field is dense. Tier of furred ceilings and the basement top sometimes are every special field pipeline aggregation field , every special field norm and request having every special field , each sometimes arranges if the building designs middle in the ward,whose result either increase building storey height, or cannot attend to one thing without neglecting another. For overcoming this one abuse, should think in general that bigger flue pipe arrangement be in the most superjacent, it's on the down part is that several special field arrangement props up the publicspace being in charge of , down part is to arrange to give draining off , driving force , strong , weak electricity every system to do a tube again. Such is arranged than form arrangement is other comparatively economical , pragmatic.10) Exchangers forms choice. In the system the tradition hospital hot water is supplied, people adopt volume mainly dyadic exchanger. Have been to think that what be provided steam amounts and hot water supplies the adjustment amounts dispatching value between maximum value mainly , have diminished a steam boiler designing amounts , have decreased by boiler room Zhan field area , have saved one time investment. People demands but more highly, and more highly, especially the example discovering army group bacterium pathopoiesia in life hot water to water quality now , the altitude arousing people takes seriously. Be a bacterium mainly because of in the water 55 ~C is the easiest to breed an army group in 30 ~C ~, WHO (WHO) is recommended by for this purpose: "Hot water responds to in 60 ~C use And cycle at least above 50 ~C. Come if some users, need to fall to 40 ~C or 50 ~C or so with the faucet water temperature, to come true being able to use a thermoregulation to blend a valve at this time. The growth being a temperature Bu Li Yu pneumonia diplococcus swear to store water, is a regulating valve's turn to should set up the place closing down and suspending operation of point in drawing near". This be especially important to the hospital. Because of being in hospital the weak having disease,if bacterium of army group happened within the hospital is to be harmful for patient to treat and recover from the illness,the hospital has a grave responsibility. At present small hospital within the hospital especially a little condition is relatively poor , include the part area level hospital, 24 unable hs supply hot water, and volume the dyadic converter inner water temperature is to use echelon in inside of exchanger, the water temperature very difficult to make keeps in 60 ~C or so. Thereby, lead to volume produce the bacterium of army group in the pipeline supplying hot water system within dyadic exchanger , change a hospital using the exchanger form to respond to be a task of top priority. Adopt half to be to heat up style or be a dyadic hot exchanger , make whose hot water supply the system water temperature keeping the water supply being in progress in all above 60 ~C area all the time, occurrence propagating , completely eradicating the bacterium of army group in order to avoiding the bacterium of army group.二MULTILAYER WATER SUPPL Y SYSTEMAt present, great majority cities municipal administration pipe network pressure can maintain above 2 kilograms in the homeland , take place individual small town water pressure can reach 4kilograms even. The pressure therefore, building the municipal administration pipe network's to the same multilayer has been already sufficient , has been in a small town especially since but municipal administration pipe network water yield supplying water , water pressure fluctuation are bigger. Have several kinds the following types mainly for overcome these shortcomings , multilayer water supply system design.1) Direct water supply type is that pressure , direct water supply , sort making use of municipal administration pipe network directly apply to slightly high area of municipal administration pipe network pressure or higher range of water works vicinity pressure inner. The shortcoming it is water yield , water pressure to be able to not ensure that. This water supply scheme economy function is very good but, to less pipe network of scale , does not need any other equipment or measure.2) Water box water supply types have led municipal administration pipe network water to roof water box , discrepancy in elevation , gravity depending on a water box and using the water appliance have supplied water , have overcome water pressure water yield block of wood stability and then. Since but, secondary pollution, moreover, water box volume that the water box there exists in possibility is bigger,this way does not encourage therefore.3) Water boxes , pipe networks ally self with a type when the ordinary time water yield water pressure is sufficient , unnecessary water enters the roof water box when covering water supply , overpressure as with a net directly from municipal administration, think that the water box supplies water to the consumer by gravity automation when pressure or the water yield is insufficient. The main force who is that regular directness supplies water on physics structure stretches the top cut-over water box , sets up and one exhalent siphon from the water box. Owe a scheme the volume having diminished a water box, and make water not need to enter a water box staying this one step , hygiene reliability increase by. The problem is (that the municipal administration now pipe network can accomplish) but if longtime stabilivolt supplies water , the water sojourn time in water box is on the contrary greatly increase by , easier to be contaminated. And, the water box all must readjust oneself to a certain extent in the building in all usage water boxes system most higher place, attractive looks being able to affect a building in some occasion , the physical design building even.4) Pressure jars supply water since insecure water box factor , reason why use the jar sealing off reliable pressure to replace, and the pressure jar does not need, high position lay down,attractive looks and structure not affecting a building bearing , go down well very much over the past few years. Pressure jar system requires that the water pump and autocontrol system have to fit but , feasible cost increases by to some extent. However, in the late years whose market price already lets many consumers be able to choose.Systematic pressure jar principle is to make use of a water pump water compression to be sent to receive the pipe network building the inside , thinks that water enters the pressure jar , reaches certain pressure time , water pump motor stoppage or reduces the speed when pressure is too big,While pressure is smaller than regulation value, the pressure jar conveys water to the outside and starts the water pump or acceleration at the same time (frequency conversion water pump).5) Two time of compression types can make do for to small-scale consumer ,if the building , the pressure jar are only systematic. The direction that the dwelling house spends at present to housing estate develops but, shows for the cluster arrangement that multilayer builds , concentrates stabilivolt mainly. The ability can not satisfy a request with pressure jar volume , the water pump concentrates compression therefore having appeared give first place to, pressure jar stabilivolt (remove the system water hammer) is subsidiary way. Economy cost rises only , also needs the specially-assigned person upkeep. Besides, pipe network system belongs to low pressure since tier of numbers are not many, pipeline, the direct cut-over without exception with layers consumer is be OK , comparatively simple. The steel tube prepares pipeline material with low pressure low pressure PPR silent stock tube give first place to.2、外文资料翻译译文医院建筑给水排水随着现代医学科学的迅速发展,新技术、新医疗设备层出不穷,从而与之相符的现代化医疗建筑———医院,也面临着新的设计理念和新技术的运用。

给水排水杂志投稿模板英文回答:Water Supply and Drainage Journal Submission Template.Introduction:Water supply and drainage systems play a crucial role in ensuring the efficient and sustainable management of water resources. In this article, I will discuss various aspects of water supply and drainage, highlighting their importance, challenges, and potential solutions.Water Supply:Water supply is an essential service that provides clean and safe drinking water to communities. The availability of reliable water supply is vital for public health, sanitation, and economic development. However, ensuring a consistent water supply can be a challengingtask, especially in areas with limited water resources or inadequate infrastructure.One of the key challenges in water supply is the issue of water scarcity. Many regions around the world face water scarcity due to factors such as population growth, climate change, and inefficient water management practices. For example, in arid regions, water scarcity is a constant concern, and communities often rely on alternative sources like desalination or water recycling.To address the challenge of water scarcity, it is crucial to promote water conservation practices and invest in water infrastructure development. This can include the implementation of efficient irrigation techniques, rainwater harvesting systems, and the use of advanced technologies for water treatment and distribution.Drainage Systems:Proper drainage systems are essential for effective wastewater management and preventing flooding. In urbanareas, efficient drainage systems are necessary to remove excess rainwater and wastewater from streets and buildings. Without adequate drainage systems, cities can face serious consequences such as waterlogging, property damage, and the spread of waterborne diseases.One of the main challenges in drainage systems is the issue of urbanization. As cities expand and populations grow, the demand for adequate drainage systems increases. However, the existing infrastructure often struggles tocope with the increased volume of wastewater and stormwater. This can lead to frequent flooding and environmental pollution.To overcome the challenges in drainage systems, it is crucial to adopt sustainable drainage practices and investin infrastructure upgrades. This can include theconstruction of larger sewer networks, the implementationof green infrastructure solutions like rain gardens and permeable pavements, and the use of advanced technologiesfor monitoring and managing wastewater.Conclusion:In conclusion, water supply and drainage systems are essential for the sustainable management of water resources. The challenges faced in these areas, such as water scarcity and urbanization, require innovative solutions and investments in infrastructure. By promoting water conservation, adopting sustainable drainage practices, and utilizing advanced technologies, we can ensure a reliable water supply and efficient wastewater management forpresent and future generations.中文回答:给水排水杂志投稿模板。

1 景区简介全球范围对饮用水需求的增加,选择水源满足这一需求的方式从传统的来源,如水库、湖泊,转换到较常规来源,如污水二级污水处理。

地铁给排水设计英语作文Subway Drainage System Design。
Subway systems are vital components of modern urban infrastructure, facilitating efficient transportation for millions of people worldwide. However, the effective management of water within subway networks is crucial to ensure their functionality, safety, and longevity. In this essay, we will explore the principles and considerations involved in designing drainage systems for subways.Firstly, understanding the sources of water within subway tunnels is essential. Water can infiltrate subway systems through various means, including precipitation, groundwater seepage, and even leakage from adjacent water pipes or sewage systems. Therefore, a comprehensive drainage system must be designed to handle both expected and unexpected water ingress.One key aspect of subway drainage design is theincorporation of effective gutter and channel systems along the track bed. These channels collect surface water and direct it towards drainage outlets strategically located throughout the tunnel. Proper slope gradients must be maintained to ensure efficient water flow towards these outlets, preventing water accumulation on the tracks and platforms.Moreover, the design should account for emergency situations such as heavy rainfall or flooding events. In such cases, the drainage system must be capable of rapidly evacuating large volumes of water to prevent inundation of the subway infrastructure. This may involve the use ofhigh-capacity pumps or emergency drainage gates to expel water from the tunnels efficiently.Additionally, considerations must be made to prevent the accumulation of debris or pollutants within the drainage system, which can impede water flow and compromise its effectiveness. Regular maintenance protocols, including debris removal and cleaning of drainage channels, are essential to ensure the continued functionality of thedrainage infrastructure.Another critical aspect of subway drainage design is the integration of measures to mitigate the impact of groundwater ingress. Subterranean water tables can exert significant pressure on subway tunnels, leading to seepage and potential structural issues if not adequately managed. Techniques such as waterproofing membranes, grouting, and dewatering systems may be employed to address this challenge effectively.Furthermore, environmental sustainability should be a priority in subway drainage design. Measures such as rainwater harvesting and reuse can help reduce the reliance on external water sources while minimizing the environmental footprint of subway operations. Additionally, the implementation of green infrastructure elements, such as permeable pavements and vegetated swales, can enhance stormwater management and improve overall drainage efficiency.In conclusion, the design of drainage systems forsubway networks is a complex and multifaceted endeavor that requires careful consideration of various factors. By integrating effective gutter and channel systems, addressing emergency scenarios, preventing debris accumulation, managing groundwater ingress, and promoting environmental sustainability, subway drainage systems can ensure the continued functionality and resilience of urban transportation infrastructure.。

给水毕业设计英语作文As I embark on my final year of university, the capstone project for my water engineering degree looms large. It's a culmination of all the knowledge and skills I've acquired, a chance to apply them to a real-world challenge.The topic I've chosen is both daunting and exciting: optimizing water distribution in urban areas. The goal is to create a model that can predict and improve water flow efficiency, ensuring equitable access to this vital resource.Research is the cornerstone of my project. I'm delving into existing literature, analyzing case studies from cities around the world, and learning from their successes and failures in water management.Collaboration is key. I'm working closely with my peers and professors, exchanging ideas and insights that enrich my understanding of the complexities involved in water distribution systems.The design phase is where theory meets practice. I'm using advanced software to simulate different scenarios, testing the resilience and adaptability of my proposed solutions to various demands and conditions.Sustainability is at the heart of my design. I'm exploring ways to incorporate renewable energy sources andsmart technologies that can reduce the environmentalfootprint and operational costs of water systems.Challenges arise, but they are opportunities for growth. Each obstacle I encounter teaches me something new about the intricacies of water engineering and the importance of innovative thinking.As my project progresses, I'm gaining a deeper appreciation for the role of water in society. It's not just about the science; it's about the impact on people's lives and the environment.In conclusion, my water graduation design is more than an academic exercise; it's a step towards contributing to a more sustainable and equitable future. It's a testament to the power of engineering to solve pressing global issues.。

Water and Wastewater EngineeringFinal Class ProjectTitle:Applications of municipal wastewater treatment in livesCollege _____C。
E__________ Major ___ _WWE__________Class ____ _______Number_____ ____Name____ _____Data_____________________Applications of municipal wastewater treatment in livesAbstract:This article describes the following sections:sequential combinationof photocatalytic oxidation with constructed wetlands is the study and theexperimental evaluation of an alternative and innovative wastewater treatmentsystem, which combines the action of photocatalytic oxidation with the surfaceflow constructed wetlands。
A new contact oxidation filtration separationintegrated bioreactor was used to treat municipal wastewater。
the syntheticpolymers normally used in the coagulation—flocculation treatment of wastewater requires sustainable alternatives.Keywords:bioreactor;coagulation;flocculation;photocatalytic oxidation; Combination of photocatalytic oxidation with constructed wetlandsWastewater treatment systems have been designed to minimize the environmental impacts of discharging untreated wastewater。
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PARTICLE EXPOSURE THROUGH THE INDOOR AIR ENVIRONMENTGYULA DURA∗ and BRIGITTA SZALAYFodor Jozsef National Centre for Public Health, NationalInstitute of Environmental Health, Gyali ut 2-6, Budapest 1097,HungaryAbstract: Sources, exposure and measuring techniques for indoor particulate matters (PM) are overviewed. To evaluate indoor air quality in two subway sta-tions in Budapest, concentrations of PM10, PM2.5 and total suspended particu-lates (TSP) were measured during a 5-day period in a preliminary study. The following results were found: PM10 pollution was 2–3 times higher in the metro station than in matched sampling in the street. The levels of PM2.5 were much less. PM pollution level was not influenced by the depth of the platforms. Keywords: indoor environment, particulate matter, exposure, PM on subway1.IntroductionIt is well known that air quality has a significant impact on human health. We can drink bottled water if piped water contains too much chlorine. We can select higher-quality food, so-called bio-products currently on the market, if we are afraid of chemical residuals. However, we cannot choose the air we breathe. We spend a large part of our life indoors, at home, or other public environ-ments, such as schools or restaurants. Having clean indoor air is very important for the health of the population as a whole and it becomes particularly impor-tant for infants, children and the elderly or people predisposed to disease, parti-cularly respiratory or cardiovascular diseases.The public health significance of indoor air pollutants, including particulate matter (PM), is studied worldwide and scientific evidence shows a significant impact on the health of the population (/pages/publica-tions/factsheets.asp). Environmental tobacco smoke (ETS), combustion products, volatile organic compounds and biological pollutants are all responsible for, or increasing respiratory diseases and in some cases, cardiovascular diseases ∗ To whom correspondence should be addressed.271P.P. Simeonova et al. eds.,Nanotechnology – Toxicological Issues and Environmental Safety, 271–276.© 2007 Springer.PARTICLES AND THE INDOOR AIR ENVIRONMENT272(Gamble, 1998). When exposures are sufficient to cause acute health effects in a population (as may occur in certain accidental catastrophes) causal rela-tionships are easier to demonstrate. However, low-level exposure environ-mental or occupational exposure is difficult to investigate. In principle, there are two basic approaches commonly used to address indoor air issues. The most obvious is to reduce indoor exposure to known air pollutants for which health impacts have been established or are strongly suspected. The second is to promote investigations aimed at a better understanding the exposure – health effect relationship in order to support policy development and implementation (WHO/Euro, 2006). Regarding PM, we have to reduce sources of emissions or take measures, such as optimizing building design and ventilation, to keep indoor concentrations of pollutants as low as possible. There is also a need to conduct investigations on the source, hazard, exposure and effect of different types of airborne particles and informing the populations at risk on behaviours that minimizes exposure. This strategy is already followed by many national and international organizations such as WHO and EU.2.Sources of Indoor PMThe major indoor source of fine-particle exposure, besides smoking, is cooking, particularly from frying and broiling. For ultra-fine particles, gas-burners, gas ovens, and electric toasters are also important point sources (Ott and Siegmann 2006). Other sources of indoors air polluatants are derived from the day-to-day activities of humans and dosmestic animals, as well as handling of organic materials like firewood. Biological particles that have settled indoors, along with other particulate matter, may become resuspended into the ambient air through normal household activities and other mechanical disturbances. The relative importance of these sources depends on the environment and lifestyle of the occupants. Particles present in the indoor environment may also be bound to surfaces, attached to dust accumulated in the building, or present in internal parts of the building structure or their operating system, such as air-condi-tioning units, and ducts (Morawska and Salthammer 2003).Besides active indoor sources, particles generated by outdoor sources can penetrate from outdoor into indoor air either through open windows or doors, or through cracks, gas or holes in the building envelope. Particle deposition on indoor surfaces is related to particle size and surface characteristics, with rough surfaces resulting in higher deposition than smooth ones. The depositing parti-cles contribute to the surface accumulation, and thus the process of deposition can also be described in terms of an increase in deposited materials on the sur-faces. The deposition of house dust has been the subject of many studies.There is a significant difference in the role of outdoor air, as a source of indoor particles, compared to the role of indoor sources. Indoor sources, whilePARTICLES AND THE INDOOR AIR ENVIRONMENT 273 affecting outdoor characteristics to varying degrees, have a direct effect only in houses in which they are present. Since the characteristics of the sources and pattern of their usage differ from house to house, the resulting particle-concen-tration levels and other characteristics will differ from house to house as well. Outdoor air, however, provides the same background levels for all houses in the area. Although the fraction of outdoor particles penetrating a building differs due to differences in air-exchange rates or the filtering systems, the time variation of this background tends to remain the same.The indoor/outdoor (I/O) relationship for mechanically ventilated buildings is even more complex than that for naturally ventilated buildings. The mechani-cally ventilated buildings investigated, in most cases, have been non-industrial workplaces or public buildings, such as offices, hospitals, restaurants, schools, shopping centers or public transport buildings (Poupard et al. 2005). A common characteristic of indoor areas in all such buildings is that the mechanical venti-lation and filtration systems affect the characteristics of PM entering the build-ing in terms of concentration and size distribution.3.Exposure to Indoor PMHuman movement has frequently been shown to result in an increase in particle-mass concentration. Activities such as walking, cleaning or dressing can significantly increase the concentration of PM in the air. It has been demon-strated that even light activities could be a significant source of PM. However, such physical activities do not contribute to PM in the air, which are basically non-resuspendable under conditions present in residential environments.In addition, the impact of cigarette smoking on particle concentrations has been investigated in terms of the increase in particle concentrations in the houses of smokers compared to the houses of non-smokers based upon various averaging periods, number of cigarettes smoked and indoor/outdoor ratios for houses with and without smokers. Increased concentrations of PM2.5, as a result of cigarette smoking, have been found in many places. Moreover like smoking, the effect of cooking on indoor particle mass concentration levels has been in-vestigated and expressed in a number of ways (Saraga et al. 2006).For the assessment of human exposure to indoor pollutants, the analysis of settled house dust and adsorbed organic, inorganic, and biologically active compounds is of increasing scientific and medical interest. Particulates pass into the body through oral and dermal intake. The main mechanism for intake of airborne particles by the human body is through inhalation of particulates and deposition in the respiratory tract (Morawska et al. 2005). Large-sized particulates mainly deposit in the upper part of the respiratory tract due to impaction, interception, gravitational sedimentation as well as turbulent dispersion (Oberdorster et al. 2005). Very fine particles, such as those generatedPARTICLES AND THE INDOOR AIR ENVIRONMENT274 through combustion processes, have a high probability of deposition in deeper parts of the respiratory tract, due to their high diffusivities. An understanding of the mechanisms of particle deposition in the human respiratory tract and the ability to quantify the deposition in individual parts of the respiratory tract is of fundamental importance for dose assessment from inhalation of particles, which can then be used for risk assessment (Gwinn and Vallyathan 2006). Over the last three decades, a large number of studies have been conducted to investi-gate particle deposition in the human respiratory tract (Donaldson et al. 1998, Oberdorster et al. 2005).4. Measurement Techniques for Indoor PMElectronmicroscopy is the most common technique used for particle analysis at both the morphological and chemical levels. Scanning electron microscopy men. Characterization of indoor PM, by combining scanning and transmission et al. 2005). It should be noted, however, that no single electron-microscope technique will provide a total elemental characterization of a specimen and a synergistic approach is generally required, which includes several other micro- analytical techniques.5. Preliminary Results on Indoor Air-Quality Assessmenton Underground Platforms in BudapestAs people spend about 10% of their time per day with transportation, and a large number of people are exposed to traffic-related pollution in big cities every day (http://www.levego.hu/caag.htm). Nowadays the underground trans-port mode has an important role in Budapest as 23% of the inhabitants make use of the metro. This represents 863,140 persons travelling by underground lines on average in 1 day last year. The main sources of respirable tunnel dust in the underground rail system are particles from abrasive forces acting on rails and wheels from traction and braking. These are likely to contain iron and par-ticles shed from humans and their clothes. The results of a study by Hurley et al. (2003) showed that dust in the London Underground differs from outdoor particles and accordingly risks from outdoor particles are misdirecting for esti-mating its health effects. Tunnel dust is coarser, being generated by interaction(SEM) can provide information on particle surface structures or 3D interpre-tations. The added advantage of SEM is the capacity to determine the elemental levels that yield specific information about the elemental features of a speci-composition of airborne particles at both the individual and bulk-particle electron-microscopy, yields additional information about the size, morpho-logy, and the chemical and phase composition of individual particles (HoflichPARTICLES AND THE INDOOR AIR ENVIRONMENT 275 of brakes, wheels and rails rather than by combustion, with higher-mass con-centrations and lower-particle numbers. It contains about 90% iron, 1–2% quartz and the remains of other metals. One of the main aims of their work was to characterize the physical quality and composition of the dust and to make measurement that would allow evaluation of the exposure levels of the London underground workers.The goal of our investigation was to establish the passenger’s exposure to PM on two metro platforms being at different depths (deep and subsurface) of stations in Budapest. Manual sampling was carried out using a high-volume sampler (TSP) and a Harvard impactor (PM10 and PM2.5) during 24 h on 5 con-secutive days. Gravimetry analysis was performed. Energy-dispersive x-ray SEM was used for the characterization of particles morphology as well as for the elemental composition.It was found that the differences for PM2.5 between the metro stations and the above-ground sampling location were less than for PM10. Five-day means of the PM10 were 200 ug/m3 on the subsurface and deep metro stations. The outdoor (ambient-air) concentrations were between 55 and 95 ug/m3. Five-day means of the PM2.5 were 60 and 80 ug/m3 on the subsurface and deep metro stations, respectively. The ambient air concentrations were under 50 ug/m3. Hourly TSP concentrations exceeded the national standard (200 ug/m3) for ambient-air.Morphology and element composition was analysed by SEM. Regarding the composition of particulates the major components of PM10 fractions sampled in metro stations were Fe (30%), O (23%) and C (29%). PM2.5 fractions contained less Fe (10%) and more C (50%) than PM10 particles. These outcomes in some ways are similar to the composition of tunnel dust received in the London underground. Morphology of particles with iron content was found in amor-phous and needle forms as well. Mutagenicity assay of TSP samples taken on metro platforms showed moderate mutagenic activity with responses varying from 1,47 (1,19) to 4,42 (3,31) revertants per metric cube depending on depth of the station.Our preliminary results indicate absences of elevated risk to the traveling public from exposure to PM in Budapest metro and have firmed that the dust metro is mainly from abrasion comprised of iron. Since concentrations of PM found in the subway indicate meaningful presence of these contaminants, fur-ther control measures should be considered.AcknowledgmentsAuthors thank Mrs. Eva Vaskövi for kindly providing data of the measurements on metro stations.PARTICLES AND THE INDOOR AIR ENVIRONMENT276ReferencesDonaldson, K., Li, X.Y., and MacNee, W., 1998, Ultrafine (nanometre) particle mediated lung injury, J. Aerosol. Sci.29(5/6):553–560.Gamble, J.F., 1998, PM2.5 and mortality in long-term prospective cohort studies: cause-effect or statistical associations? Environ. 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