中国传统思想(中英) PPT课件
中国传统节日介绍英文版 ppt课件
![中国传统节日介绍英文版 ppt课件](
Origin Brief introduction
The Double Seventh Festival, on the 7th day of the 7th lunar month, is a traditional festival full of romance. It often goes into August in the Gregorian calendar.
Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节) The Double Ninth Festival(重阳节) Winter solstice (冬至)
Spring Festival Introduction
Paste Spring Festival Couplets 贴春联 New Year paintings 年画 Paper-cuts 剪纸 Reunion dinner of the New year eve 年夜饭 The Spring Festival Gala 春节联欢晚会 Pay New Year‘s call 拜年 Lion Dance and Dragon Dance 舞龙 舞狮
Historical material about the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival, there are many different versions, four influential: the first is that the summer solstice customs; The second is that Dragon Boat Festival from the Xia and Shang Dynasties that derived from the ancient times Wuyue national dragon totem worship; Third, the Dragon Boat Festival and the ancient "Bad Moon" and "evil day" linked; final say, most accepted view that the Dragon Boat Festival to commemorate Qu Yuan.
3 一、人与天的关系:天人合一
(二)人与天地不同 人虽为天地所化育,但人又与天地、自然万物截然 不同。人类社会要延续与发展,人就不得不发挥自身 的主观能动性,去改造和利用自然。这也就使得人类 不得不与自然处于对立之中,从而将人与自然、天地 相分离。
历史上最早建立起“天人相分”的思想体系的, 是战国时期的思想家、教育家荀子。
24 一、儒家
7.“五四”的衰落 近代太平天国运动,是对儒学最早的公开冲击。洋务运动则使儒学的实际地位遭到削弱。 第二次鸦片战争后,一批有识之士认识到,当时的中国正面临“四千年未有之变局”和 “四千年未有之强敌”,而仅凭传统儒家的“治平”之道已无法应对这千古未有的强敌。 因此必须学习西方“借法自强”。 随着西学影响的扩大及中国社会变革的深入,革命风潮日益高涨,到20世纪初遂出现了 公开的批儒反孔思潮,孔子和儒学的地位进一步被动摇。虽然清廷试图扼制这股公开的批 儒反孔思潮,但却是徒劳的。其后的白话文运动到“五四” 运动,以及国人高喊着“打倒 孔家店”的口号,否定了统治中华两千多年的儒学,儒学最终走向衰落。
25 二、道家
(一)道家起源 道家的起源,可以追溯到泰古二皇时期。《汉书·艺文志》记载:“道家者流,盖出 于史官,历记成败存亡祸福古今之道,然后知秉要执本,清虚以自守,卑弱以自持,此 君人南面之术也。”即道家是从史官所记录的成败、存亡、祸福的历史中总结发展而来 的。他们从中知道君王之道就是要抓住要点和根本,以清心淡泊、谦卑高洁来自守自持, 这也是教导君王谦虚治国的大道。春秋时期,老子集古圣先贤之大智慧,总结了古老的 道家思想,形成了“无为无不为”的道德理论,这种道德理论标志着道家思想的正式形 成,道家学派得以创立。
16 一、儒家
(二)儒家学派的发展历程 儒家学派的发展历程,大致包括春秋时期的初创,战国时期的发展,西汉的兴起,魏晋南 北朝、隋唐的冲击,宋代的转折,明清的批判和“五四”的衰落7个阶段。
中国传统艺术PPT中英文介绍 sophia
![中国传统艺术PPT中英文介绍 sophia](
Kongming light
Chinese Calligraphy 书法 ---The spirit of Chinese culture
• -Calligraphy is understood in China as the art of writing a good hand with the brush or the study of the rules and techniques of this art. As such it is peculiar to China and the few countries influenced by ancient Chinese culture.
THe purpose of paper cutting
• 主要用于当做艺术品欣赏 people can enjoy its beauty as artwork
Sending the sky lantern放天 灯
放天灯的由来 the origin of sending the sky lantern
放天灯的用途 The purpose of sending the sky lantern
• 现代人在孔明灯上寄语祈祷,男女老少会 将愿望写在孔明灯,让其带上天空。 Modern people put more as the blessing with kongming light. Men and women, old and young hand write down the desire of the blessing, the symbol of the harvest, happy years. Success
“The best cursive handwriting” 行书
莫逆之交:bosom friends总角之交:friendship between people who are friends since childhood一般作宾语,指儿时的朋友。
贫贱之交:friendship between people who are poverty-stricken and from humble circumstances杵臼之交:friendship between people who do not care about the financial condition and social status of each other 杵:舂米的木棒;臼:石臼。
君子之交:friendship between gentlemen小人之交:friendship between villains狐朋狗友:people who often gather together doing something meaningless and even illegal棋友/牌友/球友:people who often meet to play chess, poker, ball. etc.战友:people who get to know each other while serving in the same army unit普通老百姓交的朋友谓“布衣之交”;有钱人与没钱人交朋友谓“车笠之交”;在逆境中结交的朋友称“患难之交”;吃喝玩乐结交的朋友称“酒肉之交”;年岁差别大,行辈不同而交情深厚的朋友称“忘年之交”;幼年相交的朋友称“竹马之交”;交情深厚的朋友谓“肺腑之交”;亲密无间的朋友谓“胶漆之交”;生死与共的朋友谓“生死之交”;情投意合的朋友称“莫逆之交”;哪怕砍头也不改变友谊的朋友称“刎颈之交”;无意中相遇而结成的朋友称“邂逅之交”;在道义上互相支持的朋友称“君子之交”;只见过一次面,交情不深的朋友称“一面之交”;仅点头打招呼,感情不深的朋友称“点头之交”;平淡而浮泛交往的朋友称“泛泛之交”;见过面但不熟悉的人称“半面之交”;旧时结拜的兄弟姊妹称“八拜之交”;交友不嫌贫贱称“杵逆之交”;宝贵而有价值的交往称“金玉之交”。
JuXian bole
秦 穆 公 欲 寻 好 马 , 相 马 师 伯 乐 自 感 年 事 已 高, Qin mu and to find a good horse, The music teacher "in the horse sense years it has high, 于是向秦穆公推荐了年轻的九方堙。 So to QinMu male recommended young nine Yin party. 经过多方努力寻找,九方堙发现了真正的千里马。 After many efforts to find, nine party Yin found real winged steed译)、“Sinology”(意译,指中国学或汉学)。现在一般提到的国学,是指以先秦经学习典及诸子学为根基,涵盖了两汉经学、魏晋玄学、宋明理学和同时期的汉赋、六朝骈文、唐宋诗词、元曲与明清小说并历代史学等一套特有而完整的文化、学术体系。因此,广义上,中国古代和现代的文化和学术,包括中国古代历史、思想、哲学、地理、政治、经济乃至书画、音乐、易学、术数、医学、星相、建筑等都是国学所涉及的范畴。 现在所谓国学,包括中国古代的思想、哲学、科学、技术、历史、地理、政治、经济及书画、音乐、术数、医学、星相、建筑等诸多方面。“国学”之名,始之清末。其时欧美学术进入中国,号为“新学”、“西学”等,与之相对,人们便把中国固有的学问统称为“旧学”、“中学”或“国学”等。
中国传统文化一、“传统节日”单词预热vocabulary work烹调cooking cuisine鱼肉满架well stocked with fish and meat象征意义symbolic significance农历lunar calendar阳历solar calendar端午节Dragon Boat Festival元宵节Lantern Festival清明节Pure Brightness Day重阳节Double Ninth Day放逐be exiled忠臣loyal minister糯米粽子glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵in memory of sb.龙舟比赛dragon boat races中秋节Mid Autumn Festival满月full moon月饼moon cake蜜饯preserved fruits豆沙bean paste蛋黄egg yolk海鲜seafood家禽poultry饺子dumplings八宝饭eight treasure rice米羹rice balls油条fried sticks麻花fried twisted stick炒面Chaomian叉烧包steamed bun with roast pork粥porridge芋头taro葱油饼pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion有关春节的常用词放鞭炮let off firecrackers耍龙灯play the dragon lantern耍狮子play the lion dance拜年pay a new-year callChinese to English:1. 玉器是光辉灿烂的中华民族历史文化宝库中一枝异彩独放的奇葩。
中国传统艺术中英文介绍sophia ppt课件
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calligrapher, crafters, poet, architect, etc.
through their understandings of the
Chinese people, society and environment ,
which is presented to us, reflecting China's
→草书grass script
→行书running hand ( in Chinese
甲骨文 Oracle Bone Script
篆书 Seal script
金文 Inscriptions on bronze
隶书和楷书 Calligraphy and script
Kongming light
Chinese Calligraphy 书法 ---The spirit of Chinese culture
• -Calligraphy is understood in China as the art of writing a good hand with the brush or the study of the rules and techniques of this art. As such it is peculiar to China and the few countries influenced by ancient Chinese culture.
made by cutting paper with sci ssors to form different pattern s and pasting them on walls, wi ndows, doors and ceilings.
中国传统文化一、“传统节日”单词预热vocabulary work烹调cooking cuisine 鱼肉满架well stocked with fish and meat象征意义symbolic significance 农历lunar calendar阳历solar calendar 端午节Dragon Boat Festival元宵节Lantern Festival 清明节Pure Brightness Day重阳节Double Ninth Day 放逐be exiled忠臣loyal minister 糯米粽子glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves祭祀亡灵in memory of sb. 龙舟比赛dragon boat races中秋节Mid Autumn Festival 满月full moon月饼moon cake 蜜饯preserved fruits豆沙bean paste 蛋黄egg yolk海鲜seafood 家禽poultry饺子dumplings 八宝饭eight treasure rice米羹rice balls 油条fried sticks麻花fried twisted stick 炒面Chaomian叉烧包steamed bun with roast pork 粥porridge芋头taro 葱油饼pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion有关春节的常用词放鞭炮let off firecrackers 耍龙灯play the dragon lantern耍狮子play the lion dance 拜年pay a new-year call二、有关“介绍”的翻译•我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。
→I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays.表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译 share with you brief information•在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。
中国传统文化一、“传统节日”单词预热vocabulary work烹调cooking cuisine鱼肉满架well stocked with fish and meat象征意义symbolic significance农历lunar calendar阳历solar calendar端午节Dragon Boat Festival元宵节Lantern Festival清明节Pure Brightness Day重阳节Double Ninth Day放逐be exiled忠臣loyal minister糯米粽子glutinous rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves 祭祀亡灵in memory of sb.龙舟比赛dragon boat races中秋节Mid Autumn Festival满月full moon月饼moon cake蜜饯preserved fruits豆沙bean paste蛋黄egg yolk海鲜seafood家禽poultry饺子dumplings八宝饭eight treasure rice米羹rice balls油条fried sticks麻花fried twisted stick炒面Chaomian叉烧包steamed bun with roast pork粥porridge芋头taro葱油饼pan-fried cake with sesame seeds and green onion有关春节的常用词放鞭炮let off firecrackers耍龙灯play the dragon lantern耍狮子play the lion dance拜年pay a new-year call二、有关“介绍”的翻译•我很高兴向各位介绍中国的主要传统节日。
→I am very happy to have the opportunity to talk to you about major traditional Chinese holidays.表示“介绍情况”时,我们可以这样翻译 share with you brief information•在此,我愿意向朋友们介绍这些方面的情况。
中国传统艺术中英文介绍 PPT
![中国传统艺术中英文介绍 PPT](
• 我国传统艺术的遗产极其丰富并且辉煌。绘画、书法、音乐、 戏曲、剪纸、放天灯、陶土艺术、刺绣、皮影戏,传统美食、 传统服饰等等,中国是一个有着五千年悠久历史和文化传统 的文明古国,传统人文文化底蕴深厚。
• The heritage of traditional Chinese art is extremely rich and brilliant; there are Chinese Painting,Calligraphy, Music,Dancing, Chinese opera, Paper Cutting,Sending the sky lantern,Clay Art, Embroider , Shadow Play , Traditional food, Traditional costume. Etc. China, a ancient country of over 5,000 years of history and cultural tradition, has a profound traditional cultural foundation
Part 1 中国传统艺术 Part 2 Paper Cutting 剪纸
02~04 05~10
Part 3 Sending the sky lantern 放天灯
Part 4 Calligraphy 书法 Chinese painting 国画
Part 5
16~25 26~31
Part 6 Embroider 刺绣 Part 7 Shadow Play 皮影戏
• With their long history, papercuts, which origina ted in China, have been very popular among the ordinary people of China. The first papercut can be traced back to the Northern and Southern D ynasties (386~581) period. The initiation and sp read of papercuts had a close relationship with Chinese rural festivals. People pasted papercuts on walls, windows and doors at wedding cerem onies or festivals to enhance the festive atmosp here.
Hong Kong kungfu star Bruce Lee's family plans to shoot a new movie about the martial arts and film legend to dispel the myths that have arisen since his death 33 years ago. Speaking at a gathering to mark the anniversary of the star's death in 1973, younger brother Robert Lee Chun-fai said the legend had never faded but few people knew the real Bruce Lee. He said this year the whole family decided to launch a book to mark his birthday in November and they would record a film to show the other side of Bruce, how he was growing up, his secrets and his philosophy from the never-seen perspective of his brothers and sisters. The film will be shot next year by JA Media in co-operation with brothers Robert and Peter and sisters Phoebe and Agnes, and is scheduled to air on the 35th anniversary of Bruce Lee's death in 2019. JA Media movie producer Stephen Shin Kei-yin said they would trawl the world to find the right actor to portray Lee
●friendship between sworn brothers or sisters●friendship between very close friends whounderstand each other and remend each otherat the sacrifice of their own interests莫逆之交:bosom friends总角之交:friendship between people who are friends since childhood一般作宾语,指儿时的朋友。
贫贱之交:friendship between people who are poverty-stricken and from humble circumstances杵臼之交:friendship between people who do not care about the financial condition and social status of each other 杵:舂米的木棒;臼:石臼。
君子之交:friendship between gentlemen小人之交:friendship between villains狐朋狗友:people who often gather together doing something meaningless and even illegal棋友/牌友/球友:people who often meet to play chess, poker, ball. etc.战友:people who get to know each other while serving in the same army unit普通老百姓交的朋友谓“布衣之交〞;有钱人与没钱人交朋友谓“车笠之交〞;在逆境中结交的朋友称“患难之交〞;吃喝玩乐结交的朋友称“酒肉之交〞;年岁差异大,行辈不同而交情深厚的朋友称“忘年之交〞;幼年相交的朋友称“竹马之交〞;交情深厚的朋友谓“肺腑之交〞;亲密无间的朋友谓“胶漆之交〞;生死与共的朋友谓“生死之交〞;情投意合的朋友称“莫逆之交〞;哪怕砍头也不改变友谊的朋友称“刎颈之交〞;无意中相遇而结成的朋友称“邂逅之交〞;在道义上互相支持的朋友称“君子之交〞;只见过一次面,交情不深的朋友称“一面之交〞;仅点头打招呼,感情不深的朋友称“点头之交〞;平淡而浮泛交往的朋友称“泛泛之交〞;见过面但不熟悉的人称“半面之交〞;旧时结拜的兄弟姊妹称“八拜之交〞;交友不嫌贫贱称“杵逆之交〞;珍贵而有价值的交往称“金玉之交〞。
Chinese Pottery may be the oldest artwork(艺术品) of
human beings. As far back as the Neolithic[,ni:əu'liθik] Age(新石器时代) (more than 8,000 years ago), people began mixing(v. 混合) clay and water then baking it until it held its shape. Ancient people attached the word 'pottery' to their discovery and used it to create various vessels(容器) and tools to improve the quality of life. Over the course of thousands of years, pottery became dominant['dɔminənt](支 配的) wares in people's daily life: used to cook, to store things, and to hold cuisine or waters as dishes.
A basin with the pattern of
human face and fish, Neolithic Age
a pottery from
Yangshao Culture
As time passed, the technique became more and more consummate(至上的 ). Different kinds of pottery appeared in different times and regions. Yangshao Culture, 5,000 - 7,000 years ago to today, developed a technique for painted pottery. Qujialing Culture and Longshan Culture, dating back about 4,000 years ago, were known for their black pottery. During the Shang Dynasty (16th - 11th century BC) bronze vessels grew into somewhat(几分) of a status symbol(社会地位象征) ; common people, though, still used traditional clay pottery. Workshops of grey and white potters took the artistic features of bronze wares(商品) and decorated their articles ornately.
英语介绍中国文化 ppt课件
![英语介绍中国文化 ppt课件](
The Symbols Chinese Culture
Construct Dress Eat Culture
Greet wall
China is an old ancient country with the Great Wall as the wintness of its long history. Great Wall is 6,700 kilometers long. It starts at the Jiayuguan Pass of Gansu Province in
many different kinds of dumpings .Some have meat and vegetables in them, others have
sugar ,eggs and so on .I like dumplings with vegetables and pork better than any other kind . Usually people make dumplings at
dumplings , usually we put a coin in a dumpling. If one eats the dumpling with the
there are many people were nodding commends. in fact, and are in china, fried in
soy sauce
even in the world, and a reputation. in the ordinaryA foreigner, fried in soy sauce with the spirit of chinese cuisine, it's just like us to recognize certain japanese sushi is in the world. the chinese
评比性文化又分为优性文化与劣性文化,非评比性文化即中 性文化。所谓优性文化,一般指先进的科技、发达的教育、 优质的服务以及价值观念中的强调独立性反对依附性,重视 现实,赞赏创造性和奋斗精神,反对墨守成规和不求进取性 等。而吸毒、卖淫、同性恋、高犯罪率和颓废思想等文化糟 粕,即属劣性文化。有人亦称其为畸形文化、鸦片文化等。
中国传统文化,具体而言,就是1840年鸦片战争以前的中国文 化。展开来讲,中国传统文化,就是指在长期的历史发展过程 中形成和发展起来,保留在中华民族中间具有稳定形态的中国 文化,包括思想观念、思维方式、价值取向、道德情操、生活 方式、礼仪制度、风俗习惯、宗教信仰、文学艺术、教育科技 等诸多层面的丰富内容。
• 指中国古代封建王朝所施行的文治和教化的总称。
族民时本就学品狭造的一是的文纯狭 性族代质是、,义的方般人内学粹义
精结最质、制化成能,切是术创化 神合核和科度,果力广精一、造是
从世界文化的角度看,有先进与落后、优秀与低劣之分。但这些因素是可以转化的,由于时代不同,同是 一种文化,它在这个时代是先进的,过了几个世纪,甚至仅仅一个世纪,先进文化就变成落后的文化,这 样的例子屡见不鲜。
一、大陆民族的文化 二、农业社会的文化 三、宗法制度的文化
文化包括文明,它的范围比文明更广泛。因为文化是人类的一种活动,而 文明属于文化活动的成果、表象。
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内容提要 Essentials
1. 中国历代重要的思想家
Chinese Key Philosophers Through the Ages
2. 中国传统思想的继承与革新
Inheritance and Innovation of Chinese Traditional Thoughts
1.秦是中国成为中央集 权的统一国家,在政 治力量的推动下,书 写文字趋于简单,客 观上促进了主流文化的 传播。
秦统一文字 Qin unified the character
2.秦政府严禁知识分子私人拥有包括儒家经典在内 的诸子百家的著作。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
汉武帝的时候: 董仲舒: 主张“独尊儒术”,儒家思想成为古代中国的 政 治思想与社会伦理的主导。 “经学”贡献:著名的经学家有许慎和郑玄。 许慎:《说文解字》是中国最早的汉字典,也是古代知 识 分子的必读书。 郑玄: 是汉代经学的集大成者, 注释儒家经典,并被当做固定的标准, 使经学成为带有官方色彩的学术。
Hundred Schools of Thought: Golden Time of Chinese Thought “百家争鸣” “诸子百家”、“先秦诸子” 春秋时期:老子、孔子、墨子
战国时期:孟子、荀子、庄子,及法家、名家、 阴阳家、纵横家、杂家、农家和小说家等思想流 派的代表人物。
3. 传统思想对中国社会及中国人的影响
Influences of Traditional Thoughts upon Chinese Society and Chinese People
Pre-Qin Times: The Making and Prosperity of Chinese Thought
老子像 Portrait of Laozi
人性本来是“恶”的, 善只是一种伪装而已。 为了避免成为恶人,必须要 接受教育,改造自己。 国家既应重视“礼治”,也 要 用刑法来压制百姓。
荀子像 Portrait of Xunzi
后世有人认为荀子不是一个纯正 的儒家。
庄子是老子之后,道家学派最 重要的思想家。 “道”是宇宙万物的本原, “道”通过“气”来产 生万物。 如果通过“道”来观察宇宙 万 物的话,那么,事物彼此的 差别就是相对的,可以互相 转化。
庄子像 Portrait of Zhuangzi
“五经” “经学”
西周和春秋时期,《诗》 《书》、《易》、《礼》、 《春秋》等古代经典也被 创造出来,它们是中国早 期思想文化的结晶。 “五经” 孔子
《诗经》 Shijing or The Book of Songs
商周时期的礼乐文明 以及先秦诸子的各种思想 成果,无可置疑地登上了 当时世界文化的高峰,并 且成为几千年中国社会发 展以及思想文化革新的渊 源。
The Formation of Humanism 商周时代,人们相信“天命”。 西周(前1046—前771)后期,社会动荡,人 们开始怀疑“天命”的作用。 春秋(前770—前476)时期,重视人事、关注 现实社会的人本主义思想迅速发展起来。 子产(?—前522) :“天道远,人道迩”。 孔子
孔子像 Portrait of Confucius
“孔子学院” “孔子 课堂”。
墨子是墨家学派的创始人。 “墨者” “兼爱”
墨子像 Portrait of Mozi
孟子是孔子之后最著名的儒家大师。 人性本善 仁政
对于国家的发展而言,人民 是最重要的,国王并不重要。
老子是道家学派的创始人。 “道”是天地万物的本源。 宇宙中的各种事物都有对 面,但相互依存的,相互转 化。
老子像 Portrait of Laozi
在政治上,主张“无为而 治”。
孔子是儒家学派的创始人, 也是春秋时期人本主义思想 的集大成者。 “仁” “礼” “中庸之道” 教育家 今天:中国文化的象征,
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions
1. 孔子为中国古代思想和教育作出了哪些贡献? What contributions did Confucius make to Chinese ancient thought and education? 除了孔子之外,你还了解哪些著名的中国古代思想家? 他们各自生活在什么样的时代,主要的思想分别是什 么?他们对中国思想的发展和繁荣产生了哪些影响? Besides Confucius, do you know any other famous ancient Chinese philosophers? What epoch they lived respectively in, and what was their main ideas? What influences did they bring forth to the development and prosperity of Chinese thoughts?
汉代思想的统一与活跃 Integration and Vibrancy of Thought in Han Dynasty
读前思考 Pre-reading Questions
你知道中国的第一部字典是什么吗?它的作者是 谁?你们国家的第一部字典是什么?是什么时候 出现的?请比较一下它们出现的时代背景或思 想渊源。 Do you know what was the first dictionary in China? Who was the author? What was the first dictionary in your country? Please make a comparison about their historical background and ideological origin in which they appeared.