



德国MICRO-EPSILON位移传感器、转速传感器、光纤传感器介绍Micro Epsilon是全qiu领xian的传感器制造商之一。



Micro Epsilon为工业应用提供最大范围的高精度位移传感器、红外温度传感器、颜色传感器以及尺寸测量设备和系统。


1)Micro Epsilon的感应传感器基于涡流原理,设计用于位移、距离、位置、振荡和振动的非接触式测量。


Micro Epsilon的感应传感器在需要亚微米精度的情况下提供极其精确的测量。






无论是位移、距离还是厚度测量,Micro Epsilon激光传感器都被认为是同类产品中最hao的传感器之一。




5)用于非接触式距离和厚度测量的高精度白光干涉仪Micro Epsilon的创新白光干涉仪为高精度距离和厚度测量树立了biao杆。


KONGSBERG SeaPos 300 系列导航传感器说明书

KONGSBERG SeaPos 300 系列导航传感器说明书

0575 SEAPOS 300 SERIESSeaPos modelsThe SeaPos 300 series features• an IALA beacon receiver (SeaPos 300)• a GPS receiver (SeaPos 310)• a DGPS receiver (SeaPos 320)IntegrationThe SeaPos 300 series of navigation sensors is designed to be fully integrated with other navigation systems. This means that these models are per default delivered without external display for configuration and operation. All operation and functionality are handled from typically the ECDIS in an integrated bridge system. The SeaPos 300 sensors are hence type approved with ECDIS from different manufacturers and brands, in order to avoid installing a redundant display/ keyboard. One important principle of e-navigation is to reduce the number of displays on the bridge. The navigator needs to have important information easily available in order to reduce response time for decisions. Better integrationwill lead to a better bridge environment as well as a simpler installation.InterfaceThe interface to other navigation systems is provided via network or serial interface (RS-422), in accordance with international standards. Easy to install and maintainThe SeaPos 300 series is by default delivered with a bracket containing a solution for strain relief in both ends. The unit is easily configured via a built-in WEB user interface (UI). Software updates are supported via the WEB UI but alsothe USB interface will automatically detect new software when a USB storage device is inserted. The update willbe accomplished without interfering with the existing configuration. The latest software will continuously be available for download from an FTP server hosted by Kongsberg.Wheel markWhen used for type approved applications the MFD must be used. The SeaPos is delivered with a 7’’ MFD (MFD 307 panel computer) that is connected to the SeaPos via LAN. The MFD 307 is made for flush mount, but a variation of brackets can optionally be delivered.GNSS NAVIGATION SENSORSThe SeaPos 300 series navigation sensors features type approved instruments for use on-board SOLAS vessels. All sensors are designed for integration with other navigation equipment, and will as default be configured and operated from an ECDIS without the need for separate external displays. The sensors are tested and approved in accordance with international regulations, and have the Wheelmark certification.PERFORMANCE50-channel GPS receiver (all in view)Pos. accuracy (GPS 1) 2.5 m CEPPos. accuracy (DGPS 1) 2.0 m CEP (SBAS, IALA) Output rate 2 Hz Acquisition, cold-start 45 seconds INTERFACESCommunication ports 1 x RS-422 (isolated), 1 x RS-232 (service, unisolated), 1 USB 2.0 interface Baud rate 4800 to 115200 Baud Message formats NMEA 0183 Message type GGA, GSA, GSV, GST, RMC, ROT, VTG, ALC, ALF/ALR, BLM, BLS, BLT, NTP LAN Ethernet, 10/100 Mbit/s (autosense),configurable data output on UDP Unicast/Broad cast/Multicast and TCP (server)WEIGHTS AND DIMENSIONS SeaPos Unit 0.85 kg, 260 x 133 x 54 mm IALA antenna 1.0 kg, 1000 mm GPS 4 antenna 0.15 kg, 230 mm x 33 mm IALA/GNSS antenna0.75 kg, 104 x 145 mmPOWER SPECIFICATIONS SeaPos Unit 12 to 32 V DC, 4 W continuous IALA antenna 9 to 15 V DC GPS 4 antenna 5 V DCIALA/GNSS antenna5 to 12 V DC1Dependent upon ionospheric activity, multipath and SVs in view and geometry.ENVIRONMENTAL SPECIFICATIONSOperating temperature range SeaPos Unit -15 ºC to +55 ºC IALA antenna -55 ºC to +71 ºC GPS 4 antenna -50 ºC to +70 ºC IALA/GNSS antenna -30 ºC to +70 ºC HumiditySeaPos Unit < 95 % relative, non-condensingIALA antenna 100 %, hermetically sealed GPS 4 antenna 100 %, hermetically sealed IALA/GNSS antenna95 % non-condensingSTANDARDS AND REGULATIONS Product safety IEC 61010-1/EN 61010-1Environmental IEC 60945/EN 60945Interfaces IEC 61162 series/ EN 61162 seriesGPS receiver IEC 61108-1/EN 61108-1DGPS receiver IEC 61108-4MTBFDesigned for 45.000 hoursOPTIONS INPUT/OUTPUT • Rate of turn (Input)• ECDIS/ECS/Conning display • Radar • Gyro• CommunicationSpecifications subject to change without any further notice.KONGSBERG SEATEXSwitchboard: +47 73 54 55 00Global support 24/7: +47 33 03 24 07E-mailsales:****************************.com E-mailsupport:*******************************/seatexA u g u s t 2018accuracy and integrity. Recommended antenna: IALA/GNSS - Seatex nr.。

M300 系列仪表配套传感器说明书

M300 系列仪表配套传感器说明书

M300 系列仪表配套传感器 电导率/电阻率pH / ORP 溶解氧 溶解臭氧分析传感器纯水分析的领导者THORNTON用于纯水处理过程中的液体分析传感器2梅特勒-托利多 THORNTON M300 系列过程分析仪表可为您提供可靠、精确测量的结果,包括电导率/电阻率、pH/ORP 、溶解氧、臭氧和流量。

传感器的特点和优势■ 采用便捷的电气和过程连接接头,便于维护与校准■ 梅特勒-托利多先进的传感器技术,使传感器性能卓越,使用寿命长■ 采用一体化温度传感技术,确保精准的温度测量和温度补偿■ 在线pH 传感器诊断功能,确保过程检测的可靠性■ 所有参数的传感器均采用直接输入的方式,安装简单方便应用半导体行业超纯水处理、电力/蒸汽补给水处理、制药用水处理。


电厂化水循环和定子冷却过程中,需要进行精确温度补偿的特殊电导率和阳离子电导率测量、pH 测量和低维护溶解氧测量。

满足 USP 、EP 和 JP 电导率要求的制药用水检测分析在电力、半导体和制药等行业的水回收、循环和废水处理过程中,应用于污染物监测、稀释和中和等工艺过程。

M300 系列分析传感器提供可靠的测量结果参数索引pH / ORP 传感器 6-7 pHure 传感器8-9 高性能溶解氧传感器 10-11 耐用型溶解氧传感器 12-13 溶解臭氧传感器 14-15流量传感器请参阅单独的流量传感器数据表 ML0116M300系列传感器3250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2023/4” NPTM 5.19 (132) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2013/4” NPTM 1.35 (34) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2033/4” NPTM 1.35 (34) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 蒙乃尔合金PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2043/4” NPTM 5.19 (132) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 蒙乃尔合金PEEK 0.158 (4) at 268 (131) &100 (7) at 203 (95) &250 (17) at 77 (25)240-222伸缩式安装采用1000-4X 系列护套 ††† 2.75 (70)None/VP 0.02-2,000SS 316L SS PEEK0.1100 (7) at 203 (95) &500 (34) at 77 (25)240-2073/4” NPTM 1.15 (29)None/S 0.02-2,000PVDF 钛PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2131/2” NPTM 1.14 (29) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Noryl 钛PEEK 0.1240-2143/4” NPTM 1.14 (29) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Noryl 钛PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2153/4” NPTM 1.35 (34)10 (3)/S 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1240-2161/2” NPTM 1.14 (29) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2173/4” NPTM 1.35 (34)20 (6.1)***0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1240-2181/2” NPTM 1.14 (29)10 (3)***0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2203/4” NPTM 1.35 (34)30 (9)***0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1240-1013/4” NPTM 2.38 (60) 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.002-200Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.01250 (17) at 200 (93)150 (10) at 311 (155) &450 (31) at 77 (25)3.38 (86)Titanium 钛0.1243E221†243E223†1.5” Tri-Clamp 1.5” Tri-Clamp 3.38 (86) 1.5 (0.5)/S 1.5 (0.5)/S 0.02-2,0000.02-2,000316L SS 316L SS PEEKPEEK 0.1243E227†243E301†PEEK PEEK 316L SS 316L SS,0000.02-2,000316L SS 316L SS 1.5 (0.5)/S 1.5 (0.5)/S 4.13 (105)4.13 (105)2” Tri-Clamp DN25BBS 250 (17) at 200 (93)240-4013/4” NPTM 3.38 (86) 1.5 (0.5)/S 50-40,000Teflon/SS Graphite Noryl 10240-2313/4” NPTM 1.35 (34) 1.5 (0.5)/VP 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1250 (17) at 200 (93)250 (17) at 200 (93)240-2363/4” NPTM 5.19 (132) 1.5 (0.5)/VP 0.02-2,000Teflon/SS 钛PEEK 0.1243E233†1.5” Tri-Clamp 3.35 (85)None/VP 0.02-2,000316L SS 316L SS PEEK 0.1150 (10) at 311 (155) &450 (31) at 77 (25)2” Tri-Clamp 4.10 (104)None/VP 0.02-2,000316L SS 316L SS PEEK 0.1243E237†1.5” Tri-Clamp 1.00 (25)None/VP 10-650,000PEEK 316L SS†PEEK 4-E ††2” Tri-Clamp 1.00 (25)None/VP 10-650,000PEEK 316L SS†PEEK 4-E ††200 (14) at 122 (50) &70 (5) at 302 (150)244-633244-6341.5” Tri-Clamp 1.00 (25)None/VP 10-650,000PEEK 哈氏合金C†PEEK 4-E ††1.5” Tri-Clamp 0.5 (12)None/VP 10-650,000PEEK 316L SS†PEEK 4-E ††244-636244-6381” NPTM 1.1 (28)None/VP 10-650,000PEEK 哈氏合金C†PEEK 4-E ††100 (7) at 200 (93) &200 (14) at 77 (25)244-630* MΩ-cm=1/(µS/cm)** 1” NPTM 插入式和 1” NPTM 浸没式*** 镀锡引线-不需要电缆线S =只能连接1XXX-67标准电缆线† 包括满足 EN10204 3.1B 的材料证明。






K=7800 C=0.050 T=0106.5 N=0015 V=0.160K=7800 C=0.050 T=0108.4 N=0016 V=0.165五.仪器的维护:测算仪的维护,短期不用时,必须拨掉插头(断开电源)保存。



六.仪器的全套设备:LS300-A速测算仪一个LS300-A仪旋桨一架信号联线一付*通讯电缆(选配)一付充电器一只附件:LS300-A型便携式流速测算仪使用说明书一本特别提醒:仪器首次次充电应大于3小时. 测试时间请设置20秒以上每次请将电池电用完后再充.(本机有过放过充保护)LS300-A型便携式流速测算仪LS300-A型便携式流速流量仪(简称便携式流速仪)是专门为水文站、厂矿、环保监测站、农田排灌、水文地质调查等部门在野外进行明渠流速流量测量而研制的。

LS300-A型智能流量流速仪可配套新型流速旋浆传感器, 该传感器是采用先进的技术于2004年底最新研制成功,旋浆螺旋角、螺距、制作工艺和材料等都进行了重新设计,旋浆直径分别为Φ15mm和Φ12mm(旋浆反光面采用先进的电镀工艺,耐磨损,信号强),起动流速≤1cm/s,起动流速、测速范围、线性度、同心度、率定系数和均方差等指标均较以往传感器有很大的改进和提高。

SITRANS FCS300流量传感器说明书

SITRANS FCS300流量传感器说明书

SITRANS FC (Coriolis)OverviewSensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorThe SITRANS FCS300 sensor is available in DN 15 to DN 150 mm sizes in stainless steel AISI 316 L or nickel allow wetted material. The sensor design consists of process connections, inlet and outlet manifolds mounted in a stiff frame and two parallel tubes equally sharing the pro­cess medium flow.The sensing tubes are curved in the CompactCurve shape which gives high sensitivity and low pressure loss. The CompactCurve shape was selected to ensure that the smallest flows are measured with optimal signal to noise ratio.The compact sensor design with a split flow dual tube design with high driver frequency is suitable for high end applications in all industry segments e.g. Chemical, Oil & Gas , Refineries, F&B and Power.A variety of process connections available to cover all common process connections and pressure ratings.The sensor has a solid stainless steel fully welded enclosure to protect the measuring tubes from any harsh environments. For hazardous area applications the FCS300 comes in a number of common harzardous area approved like Atex, IECEx, cCSAus, EAC, and NEPSI.Flow Measurement© Siemens AG 2023SITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorThe SITRANS FCS300 sensor is suitable for both indoor and outdoor installation and meets the requirements of Protection ClassIP67/NEMA 4X. Optionally the sensor can be ordered with hazard­ous certification to Zone 1 and Div 1 (ATEX, IECEx, cCSAus, EAC Ex, NEPSI).The flowmeter is bidirectional and can be installed in any orienta­tion. The sensor is self-draining in many positions, with vertical mounting preferred.It is important to ensure that the sensor tubes are always com­pletely filled with homogeneous fluid; otherwise measuring errors may occur. Suitable fluids are clean liquids, pastes, light slurries or gases. Condensing vapours, aerated liquids or slush are not recom­mended.The materials in contact with the process medium must be evalu­ated for corrosion and erosion resistances for long sensor life.The pressure drop through the sensor is a function of the properties of the fluid and the flow rate. A pressure loss and accuracy calculat­or can be found on the Siemens internet site . The preferred flow direction is indicated by an arrow on the sensor. Flow in the direction of the arrow will be measured as positive. The flow direction can be adjusted at the transmitter to compensate for reverse installation.Installation orientationThe optimal installation orientation is vertical with the flow upwards. This ensures that suspended solids or bubbles are com­pletely pushed through the sensor. A drain valve below the sensor will allow the pipe and sensor to drain completely.SupportsIn order to support the weight of the flowmeter and to ensure reli­able measurements when external effects exist (e.g. plant vibra­tions), the sensor should be installed in rigidly supported pipelines. Supports or hangers should be installed symmetrically and stress-free in close proximity to both of the process connections.Shut-off devicesTo conduct a system zero adjustment, secure shut-off devices are required in the pipeline.Where possible, shut-off devices should be installed both upstream and downstream of the flowmeter.Installation guidelines•The mass flowmeter does not require any flow conditioning or straight inlet pipe sections. Care should be exercised however to ensure that any upstream valves, gates, sight glasses etc. do not cavitate and are not set into vibration by the flow.•It is always preferred to place the flowmeter upstream of any con­trol valve or other pipeline component which may cause flashing, cavitation or vibrations.•The presence of gas bubbles in the fluid may result in erroneous measurements, particularly in the density measurement. There­fore the flowmeter should not be installed at the lowest pressure point in the liquid piping system or where vapour can collect. Install the meter in pipeline sections with high pressure to main­tain system pressure and compress any bubbles.•Drop lines downstream from the flow sensor should be avoided to prevent the meter tube from draining during flowing conditions. A back-pressure device or orifice is recommended to ensure that flow does not separate within the flow sensor but the metering section remains at positive pressure at all times while there is flow.•The flowmeter should not come into contact with any other objects. Avoid making attachments to the housing except for the pressure guard components (if required).•When the connecting pipeline is larger than the sensor size, suit­able standard reducers may be installed. A selection of oversize and undersize connections can be ordered - refer to the sizes tables below.•The flow sensor may be supported at the junction between pro­cess connection and the manifold, but should not be used to sup­port adjacent piping. Ensure that the piping is also supported on both sides so that connection stresses are neutral.•If strong vibrations exist in the pipeline, they should be damped using elastic pipeline elements. The damping devices must be installed outside the supported flowmeter section. Direct connec­tion of flexible elements to the sensor should be avoided.•Make sure that any dissolved gases, which are present in many liquids, do not outgas. The back pressure at the outlet should be at least 0.2 bar (3 psi) above the vapour pressure of the process fluid.•Assure that operation below the vapour pressure cannot occur particularly for fluids with low latent heat of vaporisation.•The sensor should not be installed in the vicinity of strong electro­magnetic fields, e.g. near motors, pumps, variable frequency drives, transformers etc.•When operating meters on a common mounting base the sensors should be mounted and spaced separate from each other to avoid cross-talk and other vibration interferences.•When operating meters in interconnected pipelines the pipes should be decoupled to prevent cross talk.Remote system cablingThe system is designed so that standard instrumentation cable with four cores and overall screen or two screened pairs can be used, or cable sets can be ordered with the flowmeter. The cable can be ordered in various set lengths and terminated in the field.Be aware of maximum sensor length cable depending on product selection, currently 75 m. Data transmission speed and process vari­able update rates may be affected by the cable characteristics. For best results, choose a cable with the following electrical character­istics:Flow MeasurementFlow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorThe flowmeter system applies maximum 15 V DC in operation andis certified intrinsically safe. The complete system is insulationtested to 1 500 V in production.Cabling solutions which can be ordered with the flowmeter are asfollows:1. High performance plugged cable using M12 connectors into preparedsockets2. Cable glands for either metric or NPT threaded terminal housings3. Plain cable in set lengths to be passed through flexible and rigid conduit(not supplied) for metric or NPT threaded terminal housingsCable for items 1, 2 and 3 are available either gray for standardapplications or light blue for Ex applications to identify the circuit asintrinsically safe.Insulation and heatingFor applications where pipeline insulation is required for personnelprotection or process temperature maintenance, theSITRANS FCS300 flow sensor may also be insulated. The form andmaterial of insulation is not prescribed and entirely depends on thepractices at the application location or plant.Insulation must not be crowded around the sensor pedestal butshaped at a 45° cone to allow the pedestal to radiate excess heatand maintain a suitable working temperature within the front-endtransmitter housing.Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor1)Increased error can be expected for gas mass flow measurement (for gas measurement typically + 0.40 % error).2)For gas applications the max. flowrate is calculated at Mach-Number = 0.3.3)Hastelloy C is a registered trademark of Haynes International. C4 nickel alloys are equivalent to Hastelloy C4.4)Valid for the 0.1% sensor.Pressure/temperature curvesWith two major exceptions, the pressure rating of the flow sensors is independent of the process medium temperature. Design rules for flange connections in both the EN 1092-1 and ASME B16.5 standards dictate pressure derating with increasing temperature. The charts below show the effect of process medium temperature on the pressure ratings for the flanges within the FCS300 product program.Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorEN1092-1 flanged sensors in AISI 316LStainless steel ASME flange 1.4571/1.4404 (AISI 316Ti/316L) up to DN200 (8")Nickel alloy DIN flange C4 (2.4610) or nickel alloy C22 (2.4602) up to DN200 (8")Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorNickel alloy ASME flange C4 (2.4610) or nickel alloy C22 (2.4602) up to DN200 (8")Sanitary connectionsSensor variantsSITRANS FCS300 sensors are available in a wide range of process connections. The available combinations of type, sensor size and connec­tion size are shown in the tables below.Standard variantsFlow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor1)Apply class 600 p and t ratings for class 900 and class 1500 flanges.Hygienic sensor variantsThe hygienic sensors will have to be ordered with stainless steel tubes 316L/1.4435/1.4404 (polished). Hygienic sensors are offered with process connection conforming to various international quick-connect clamps or threaded connectors. Pressure ratings are according to the relevant standard and the sensor size.NAMUR sensor variantsThe NAMUR variants have built-in lengths according to NAMUR recommendation NE 132. The recommendations of NE 132 are stated for sensors with flanges the same size as the sensor nominal size, and for flanges to EN 1092-1 PN 40 with B1 flange facing. For DN 100 and DN 150 flanges to PN 16.Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorSensor dimensionsFlow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor1)For FCT030 compact add 4 kg (8.8 lb)SITRANS FCS300, dimensions in mm (inch), weights in kg (lb), for a EN 1092 PN 40 flanged version.The built-in length D depends on the flange.Overall lengthThe overall length (built-in length D) of each sensor depends on the connection standard and the pressure rating. The tables below sum­marize the dimensions available at the time of publishing. Please contact Siemens for further information about our desired process connec­tion specification.Sensor in AISI 316L: 7ME463.-...Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensorSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor3/237Sensor in nickel-alloy C4: 7ME463.-...Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow MeasurementSITRANS FC (Coriolis)Sensors and Flowmeter systems / SITRANS FCS300 flow sensor3/238Siemens FI 01 · 2023Flow Measurement。








3. 高速度测量范围:DRS05雷达速度传感器的测量范围为0至300km/h,适用于各种车辆和船舶的速度监测需求。













速越大,水流对球体的推力也就越大。水平推力的大小 决定了拉力的大小和方向,而拉力的方向决定了拉力和 重力的夹角角度。球体受到的重力和浮力为已知量,因 此只要测量出拉力与重力的角度,然后根据三角几何关 系,即可推求水流对球体的水平推力,该水平推力即为 流体阻力,再根据流体阻力方程,即可计算出水流的速 度。
所以压差阻力由物面形状决定,也称形状阻力。相同流 速条件下,流体阻力与物体的形状的联系如表 1 所示。
形状和流场 压差阻力 摩擦阻力
其中:Re 为雷诺数;ρ为流体密度;V 为流速;D 为 特征长度,球体即为直径;μ为动力粘度;ν为运动粘
度。 关于阻力系数与雷诺数的相关性,很多学者和科研
如图 3 所示,当水流流速为零时,水流不对球体产
器的初始加速度向量 A(X0,Y0,Z0),假设如图 4 中 C 所示,
如上图所示,该重力式流速传感器由光滑球体、连 加速度向量为 A(0,0,-1);当水流流速大于零时,水流
用在物体表面上的切应力在来流方向的总和。压差阻力 球体的 A=πD /4=πr 。
上式中的阻力系数 Cd 与雷诺数密切相关。雷诺数是
边界层内的黏性阻力,压差阻力主要是由于边界层分离 流体力学中表征粘性影响的相似准则数。是一种可用来

通达仪表 TD-60手持式电波 雷达 流速仪使用说明书

通达仪表 TD-60手持式电波 雷达 流速仪使用说明书

-I -TD-60手持式电波(雷达)流速仪使用说明书江苏通达仪表有限公司谢致谢首先对您选择通达仪表产品表示衷心的感谢!TD-60电波流速仪是一款先进的流速测量仪器,其使用雷达技术实现简单、快捷的非接触式水面流速测量。




















技术说明书 茎流传感器 - SF100,SF200,SF300

技术说明书 茎流传感器 - SF100,SF200,SF300

技术说明书 茎流传感器 - SF100,SF200,SF300产品介绍由格林斯潘和澳大利亚英联邦科学与工业研究组织(CSIRO),联合研制开发的SF 系列茎流传感器,采用先进的热脉冲技术,可以精确、可靠的监测树木水分利用状况,为农业研究人员、园艺和林业管理人员提供简单、低价位的树木水分自动监测系统。

传感器包括以下型号:SF-100,SF-200,SF-300主要特点SF 系列传感器采用先进的热脉冲监测技术来测定树木茎流。








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热脉冲或者叫补偿方法被誉为“最准确的流速监测技术”(Zimmerman 1983)在1928年被Rein 用来监测动物体内血液的流速,后来在1932年被Huber 用来监测树木木质部分的水流速度。












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雷达类型: K 波段 24.125GHz/24.200GHz 多普勒雷达,27 dBm EIRP
发射角度: 12°方位角,24°仰角
探测距离: 100m
速度范围: 0.10-25m/s(更高可定制)
测量精度: 0.03m/s
防护等级: IP66
串行接口: 1 个串行 RS-485 1 个串行 RS-232(双线接口)
多普勒雷达流速仪 RS300 多普勒雷达流速仪 -非接触表面流速传感器
K 波段雷达,流量测量与监控传感器
RS300 多普勒雷达流速仪用于监测大型开放式通道和下水道管道,可结合安装浸入式液位 传感器构成一个安全的内涝流量监测。结合非接触式超声波液位传感器,将有一个免维护的 非接触流量监测平台。与雷达技术相结合的双波的多普勒传感器配合可查看流底部和顶部的 流动剖面。安装流速传感器,您将随时监测水移动的速度,包括大明渠和湍急的河流。 特点: •结构紧凑,低功耗设计 •宽输入电压范围,适用于太阳能供电应用 •支持多种通信接口(RS-232,RS-485,CAN,报警漏极开路输出) •IP66 外壳,适合室外和恶劣环境应用 •K 波段 24.125 GHz 或 24.200 GHz 选择可在全球各地运行 •高级的 phyTrack 对象跟踪算法 •监控对象数据的详细统计 •可配置的传入,传出或两个对象检测与统计数据的积累为选定的方向 •自定义的通信协议 •雷达的设置,实时监控和统计分析的 PC 应用程序软件 •易于在杆,墙壁或机柜上安装 •可选的 OEM 嵌入式模块 •可选的 GPRS 通信模块 •可选一体化太阳能供电模组
FCC 第 15 部分子部分 C
RS300 是在 K 波段工作的多普勒雷达速度传感器,先进的 phyTrack 速度检测和跟踪算法。
专为水流速测量设计,RS300 雷达传感器报告目前所有检测到的速度列表,高达每秒 20 次以
上的串行或 CAN 接口。
RS300 传感器支持 ASCII-S 和 GLX-NMEA 串行接口数据协议,并支持更多的协议可以根据
客户的要求添加。经过现场验证的 RS300 雷达传感器是根据欧洲和美国的标准设计制造的,
高级的 phyTrack 速度检测和跟踪算法为实时检测到的速度进行分析,并提取目标的精确
RS300 雷达传感器有可在现场安装 IP66 外壳,适合与各种工业控制模块通讯,满足你的
波特率: 1200 -115200 bps
CAN 接口: 1Mbps 的 CAN2.0(可选)
报警输出: 2 个继电器开路输出,最大 50V 200mA(可选)
扩展端口: 1 个通用 16 针定制扩展模块
电源输入: 9-22 VDC
<1.35 W(典型 1.0 W)
最大电流: <250mA
温度范围: -40°C - +65mmx 65mmx 25mm
外壳尺寸: 127mm x121mmx188mm
FCC&CE 认证:
EN61000-3-2:2006+ A1:2009+ A2:2009,