2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题(北京卷) word版

2013 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(北京卷)第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题1.5 分,共7.5 分)听下面5 段对话,每段对话有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
例:What is the man going to rend? A. A newspaperB. A magazineC. A book答案是A1. What room does the man want?A. SimpleB. DoubleC. Twin2. What will the man buy?A. VegetableB. MeatC. Bread3. What does the man plan to do?A. Go fishingB. Go joggingC. Go camping4. How much is the change?A. $8B. $ 42C. $505. What’s the weather l ike this afternoon?第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共15 分)听下面4 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。
听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第 6 段材料,回答第6 至7 题。
6. When will the woman go to see the movie? A. Friday. B. Saturday C. Sunday7. Where will the woman sit for the movie?A. In the front.B. In the middleC. At the back听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。

北京航空航天大学考博英语模拟试卷13(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Reading Comprehension 2. Structure and V ocabulary 3. Cloze 4. English-Chinese Translation 5. WritingReading ComprehensionPity those who aspire to put the initials PhD after their names. After 16 years of closely supervised e-ducation,prospective doctors of philosophy are left more or less alone to write the equivalent of a large book. Most social-science postgraduates have still not completed their theses by the time their grant runs out after three years. They must then get a job and finish in their spare time,which can often take a further three years. By then,most new doctors are sick to death of the narrowly defined subject which has blighted their holidays and ruined their evenings. The Economic and Social Research Council,which gives grants to postgraduate social scientists, wants to get better value for money by cutting short this agony. It would like to see faster completion rates:until recently,only about 25 points of PhD candidates were finishing within four years. The ESRC’s response has been to stop PhD grants to all institutions where the proportion taking less than four years is below 10 points;in the first year of this policy the national average shot up to 39 points. The ESRC feels vindicated in its toughness,and will progressively raise the threshold to 40 points in two years. Unless completion rates improve further,this would exclude 55 out of 73 universities and polytechnics-including Oxford University,the London School of Economics and the London Business School. Predictably,howls of protest have come from the universities,who view the blacklisting of whole institutions as arbitrary and negative. They point out that many of the best students go quickly into jobs where they can apply their research skills,but consequently take longer to finish their theses. Polytechnics with as few as two PhD candidates complain that they are penalized by random fluctuations in student performance. The colleges say there is no hard evidence to prove that faster completion rates result from greater efficiency rather than lower standards or less ambitious doctoral topics. The ESRC thinks it might not be a bad thing if PhD students were more modest in their aims. It would prefer to see more systematic teaching of research skills and fewer unrealistic expectations placed on young men and women who are undertaking their first piece of serious research. So in future its grants will be given only where it is convinced that students are being trained as researchers, rather than carrying out purely knowledge-based studies. The ESRC can not dictate the standard of thesis required by external examiners,or force departments to give graduates more teaching time. The most it can do is to try to persuade universities to change their ways. Recalcitrant professors should note that students want more research training and a less elaborate style of thesis,too.1.By time new doctors get a job and try to finish their theses in spare time,_____.A.most of them died of some sicknessB.their holidays and evenings have been ruined by their jobsC.most of them are completely tired of the narrowly defined subjectD.most of their grants run out正确答案:D解析:题目问:新的医生在找到工作并利用业余时间写论文时,发生了什么情况?第一段第三、四句“Mostsocial-science postgraduates have still not completed their theses by the time their grant runs out afterthree years.They must then get a job and finish in their spare time,which can often take a further threeyears.”通过这段话可知。

以下是为⼤家整理的关于《2013年北京⼤学博⼠考试英语模拟试题》,供⼤家学习参考!Direction: Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered an d underlined parts . (15%) Medical consumerism--like all sorts of consumerism, only more menacingly--is designed to be unsatisfying. (31) The prolongation of life and the searchfor perfect health (beauty. youth, happiness) are inherently self-defeating, The law of diminishing returns necessarily applies. You can make higherpercentages of people survive into their eighties and nineties. But, as any geriatric ward shows, that is not the same as to confer enduring mobility,awareness and autonomy. (32)grows medically feasible, but it is often a life deprived of everything and one exposed to degrading neglect as resources growover-stretched and polities turn mean. What an ignominious destiny for medicine if its future tamed into one of bestowing meager increments of unenjoyed life! It would mirror the fate ofathletics, in which disproportionate energies and resources--not least medical ones, like illegal steroids--are now invested to shave records bymilliseconds. And, it goes without saying, the logical extension of longevism--the "abolition" of death--would net be a solution but only an exacerbation.(33) To air these predicaments is not anti-medical spleen--a churlish reprisal against medicine for its victories--but simply to face the growing reality ofmedical power not exactly without responsibility but with dissolving goals, (34) Hence medicine's finest hour becomes the dawn of its dilemmas For centuries, medicine was impotent and hence unproblematic, From the Greeks to theGreat War, its job was simple to struggle with lethal diseases and gross disabilities, to ensure live births, and to mintage pain. It performed theseuncontroversial tasks by and large with meager success. Today, with mission accomplished, medicine's triumphs are dissolving m disorientation, (35) Medicinehas led to vastly inflated expectations, which the public has eagerly swallowed. Yet as these expectations grow unlimited, they become unfulfillable. Thetask facing medicine in the twenty-first century will be to redefine its limits even as it extends its capacities. Part Three: Cloze Test Direction: Fill in each numbered blank in the following passage with ONE suitable word to complete the passage Put your answers in the ANSWER SHEET. (10%) For______(36) the bloodshed and tragedy of D-Day, the beaches of Normandy will always evoke a certain ______(37): a yearning for a time when nations inthe civilized world buried their differences and combined to oppose absolute evil, when values seemed clearer and the retable consequences of war stopped______ (38) of the annihilation of humanity. But over half a century after the Allies hit those wave-battered sand flats and towering cliffs, the Normandyinvasion stands as a feat _______ (39) to be repeated. There will never be ____ (40) D-Day. Technology has changed the conditions of warfare in ways that none of the D-Day participants could have __(41), Ali-out war in the beginnings of this century would surely spell all-out _____ (42) for the belligerents, and possibly for the entire human race. No crediblescenario for a future world war would allow time for the massive buildup' of conventional forces that occurred in the 1940s. The moral equivalent of theNormandy invasion in the nuclear age would involve a presidential decision to put tens of millions of American lives at _____ (43). And the possible benefitsfor the allies would be uncertain at best European defense experts often ask whether the U.S. would be willing to "trade Pittsburgh for 'Dusseldorf.” In practice, the question may well be whetherit is worth ____ (44) American cities to avenge a Europe already _____ (45) to rubble. Part Four: Proofreading Directions:This part consists of a short passage. In this passage, there are altogether l0 mistakes, one in each underlined sentence or part. of a sentence.You may have to change a word, add a word or just delete a word. lf you change a word, cross it out with a slash() and write the correct word. lf you add aword, write the missing word between the words (in bracket3) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash (), Put your。

北京大学考博英语真题2013年Part ⅠListening Comprehension略Part ⅡStructure and Written ExpressionDirections: For each question decide which of the four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked.1. Prince Charles, the longest-waiting ______ to the throne in British history, has spoken of his "impatience" to get things done.A.heirB.heirshipC.heritageD.heiress答案:A[解答] 句意是:查尔斯王子是英国史上等待王位继承时间最久的人,他说自己已经“等不起了”。
2. Love was in the air in a Tokyo park as normally staid Japanese husbands gathered to scream out their feelings for their wives, promising ______ and extra tight hugs.A.attitudeB.multitudeC.gratitudetitude答案:C[解答] 句意是:爱意在东京公园上空飘荡,平时稳重的日本丈夫聚在一起,大声喊出了对他们妻子的爱意,表达感激之情,并献上格外紧的拥抱。

北京大学2013年博士研究生入学考试英语真题Part I: Listening ComprehensionPart II: Structure and Written Expression (15%)Directions:For each question decide which of the four of given will most suitably complete thesentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET.11. Prince Charles, the longest-waiting ___________ to the throne in Britishhistory, hasspoken of his “impatience” to get things done.A. HeirB. heirshipC. HeritageD.Heiress12. Love was in the air in a Tokyo park as normally staid Japanese husbandsgatheredto scream out their feelings for their wives, promising _______________and extratight hugs.A. attitude 巳.multitude C. Gratitude D.latitude13. The number of stay-at-home fathers reached a record high last year, newfiguresshow, as families saw a (an) _____________ in female breadwinners.A. raiseB. riseC. AriseD.increase14. The market for dust masks and air purifier is ______________in Beijingbecause thecapital has been shrouded for several days in thick fog and haze.A. booming 巳.looming C. Dooming D.zooming15. Traditional fairytales are being ditched by parents because they are too _____________ for their young children, a study found.A. scarceB. scaryC. ScaredD.scarred16. It has been revealed that nearly one in five degree courses has been _______________ since the tripling of tuition fees to £ 9,000 a year.A. scratchedB. scrapedC. ScrabbledD.scrapped17. Microsoft founder Bill Gates has _________ about being a parent, statingthat 13 isan appropriate age for a child’s first cell phone.A. opened upB. taken upC. put upD.held up18. Sales of mushrooms have hit an all-time high as Britons increasingly turn tothecheap and __________ foodstuff for their cooking.A. versatileB. multipleC. ManifoldD.diverse19. “Gangnam Style”,the ___________ popular song from South Koreanrecording art-ist PSY, has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever.A. sanelyB. insanelyC. rationallyD.insatiably20. The __________ British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking once said inan inter-view that heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark.A. imposingB. loftyC. prominentD.eminent21. Some might consider it an ugly truth that attractive people are often moresuccess-ful than those __________ blessed with looks.A. lessB. moreC. mostD.least22. _________ t hey think it will come to an end through the hands of God, or anaturaldisaster or a political event, whatever the reason, nearly 15 percent of peopleworldwidethink the end of the world is coming, according to a new poll.A. EitherB. WhetherC. NeitherD.If23. The European Parliament has banned the terms “Miss. ” and “Mrs. ” _______________ they offend female members.A. as long asB. the momentC. so thatD.in case24. Packed like sardines into sweaty, claustrophobic subway carriages, passengerscan barely breathe,__________ move about freely.A. as well asB. disregarded forC. let aloneD.not mentio-ning25. Japan is one of only three counties that now hunt whales and ____________ the gov- ernment says it is an important cultural tradition.A. thatB. whichC. whoseD.wherePart III: Clone Test (15%)Directions: Read the following passage carefully and decide the best choice for each numberedblank Mark your choices on the ANSWER SHEET.Ironically, the intellectual tools currently being used by the political right to suchharm-ful effect originated on the academic left. In the 1960s and 1970s a philosophicalmove-ment called postmodernism developed among humanities professors, [26] __________________ being deposed by science, which they regarded as right-leaning. Postmodernism [27]_________ ideas from cultural anthropology and relativity theory to argue that truth is[28]_________ and subject to the assumptions and prejudices of the observer. Science isjustone of many ways of knowing, they argued, neither more nor less [29] _________________ than others, like those of Aborigines, Native Americans or women. [30] ________________ ,they de- fined science as the way of knowing among Western white men and a tool of cultural[31 ]_________ . This argument [32] ____________ with many feminists and civil-rightsactivistsand became widely adopted, leading to the “ political correc tness ’’ justifiably [ 33 ]_________ by Rush Limbaugh and the “Mental Masturbation” lampooned by WoodyAl-len.Acceptance of this relativistic worldview [34] _____________ democracy andleads not totolerance but to authoritarianism. John Locke, one of Jefferson’s “trinity of threegreatestmen’’,showed [35] ___________ almost three centuries ago. Locke watched thearguingfactions of Protestantism, each claiming to be the one true religion, and asked: How doweknow something to be true? What is the basis of knowledge? In 1689 he [36] ________________ what knowledge is and how it is grounded in observations of the physical world in AnEssayConcerning Human Understanding. Any claim that fails this test is “but faith, or opinion,but not knowledge”. It was this idea —that the world is knowable and that objective,em-pirical knowledge is the most [37] _______________ basis for public policy —thatstood asJefferson’s foundational argument for democracy.By falsely [38] ____________ knowledge with opinion, postmodernists and anti-scienceconservatives alike collapse our thinking back to a pre-Eniightenment era, leaving no com-mon basis for public policy. Public discourse is [39] _______________ to endless warring opin-ions, none seen as more valid than another. Policy is determined by the loudest voices, reducing us to a world in which might [40] ______________ r ight 一the classic definition of au-thoritarianism.Part IV: Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: Each of the following four passages is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each question or unfinished statement, four answers are given. Read the passages and choose the best answer to each questions. Mark your choice on the ANSWEr SHEET.Passage 1a considerable part of Facebook’s appeal stems from its miraculou s fusion of distancewith intimacy, or fusion of distance with the illusion of intimacy. Our online communities be-come engines of self-image, and self-image becomes the engine of community. The realclanger with Facebook is not that it allows us to isolate ourselves, but that by mixing our ap-petite for isolation with our vanity, it threatens to alter the very nature of solitude. The new i-solation is not of the kind that American’s once idealized, the lonesomeness of the proudlynonconformist, independent-minded, solitary stoic, or that of the astronaut who blasts intonew worlds. Facebook’s isolation is a grind. What’s truly staggering about Facebook usageis not its volume —750 million photographs uploaded over a single weekend —but the con-stancy of the performance it demands. More than half its users —and one of every 13 peo-ple on Earth is a Facebook user —log on every day. Among 18-to—34-year-olds, nearly halfcheck Facebook minutes after waking up, and 28 percent do so before getting out of bed.The relentlessness is what is so new, so potentially transformative. Facebook never takes abreak. We never take a break. Human beings have always created elaborate acts of self-presentation .But not all the time, not every morning, before we even pour a cup of coffee.Nostalgia for the good old days of disconnection would not just be pointless, it wouldbe hypocritical and ungrateful. But the very magic of the new machines, the efficiency andelegance with which they serve us, obscures what isn’t being s erved: everything that mat-ters. What Facebook has revealed about human nature —and this is not a minor revelation—is that a connection is not the same thing as a bond, and that instant and total connec-tion is no salvation, no ticket to a happier, better world or a more liberated version of hu-manity. Solitude used to be good for self-reflection and self-reinvention. But now we areleft talking about who we are all the time, without ever really thinking about who we are. Fa-cebook denies us a pleasure whose profundity we had underestimated: the chance to for-get about ourselves for a while, the chance to disconnect.41. Which of the following statements regarding the power of Facebook can be inferredfrom the passage?A. It creates the isolation people want.B. It delivers a more friendly world.C. It produces intimacy people lack in the real world.D. It enables us to be social while avoiding the mess of human interaction.42. Which of the following statements about the underside of Facebook is supported bythe information contained in this passage?A. It imprisons people in the business of self-presentation.B. It causes social disintegration.C. It makes people vainer.D. It makes people lonelier.43. Which of the following best states “the new isolation” mentioned by the author?A. It is full of the spirit of adventure巳.It is the extension of individualism.C. It has a touch of narcissism.D. It evolves from the appetite for independence.44. Which of the following belongs to the category of “something that matters” accord-ing to the passage?A. Constant connection巳.Instant communicationC. Smooth sociabilityD. a human bond45. Which of the following conclusions about Facebook does the author want us todraw?A. It creates friendship.B. It denies us the pleasure of socializing.C. It opens a new world for us.D. It draws us into a paradox.Passage 2Most scholars agree that Isaac Newton, while formulating the laws of force and gravityand inventing the calculus in the late 1600s,probably knew all the science there was toknow at the time. In the ensuing 350 years an estimated 50 million research papers and in-numerable books have been published in the natural sciences and mathematics. The mod-ern high school student probably now possesses more scientific knowledge thanNewtondid, yet science to many people seems to be an impenetrable mountain of facts.One way scientists have tried to cope with this mountain is by becoming more and more specialized. Another strategy for coping with the mountain of information is to largelyignore it. That shouldn’t come as a surpris e. Sure, you have to know a lot to be a scientist,but knowing a lot is not what makes a scientist. What makes a scientist is ignorance. Thismay sound ridiculous, but for scientists the fact are just a starting place. In science, everynew discovery raises 10 new questions.By this calculus, ignorance will always grow faster than knowledge. Scientists and laypeople alike would agree that for all we have come to know, there is far more we don’tknow. More important, every day there is far more we know than we don’t know. One cru-cial outcome of scientist knowledge is to generate new and better ways of being ignorant:not the kind of ignorance that associated with a lack of curiosity or education but rather acultivated, high-quality ignorance. This gets to the essence of what scientists do: they make distinctions: between qualities of ignorance. They do it in grant proposals and overbeers at meetings. As James Clerk Maxwell,probably the greatest physicist between New-ton and Einstein, said “Thoroughly cons cious ignorance ................ i s a prelude to every real ad-vance in knowledge. ’’This perspective on science —that it is about the questions more thaq the answers —should come as something of a relief. It makes science less threatening and far more friendly and, in fact, fun. Science becomes a series of elegant puzzles and puzzles withinpuzzles —and who doesn’t like puzzles? Questions are also more accessible and oftenmore interesting than answers ;answers tend to be the end of the process, whereas ques-tions have you in the thick of things.Lately this side of science has taken a backseat in the public mind to what i call the ac-cumulation view of science —that it is a pile of facts way too big for us to ever hope to con-quer. But if scientists would talk about questions, and if the media reported not only on new discoveries but the questions they answered and the new puzzles they created,and ifeducators stopped trafficking in facts that already available on Wikipedia —then we mightfind a public once again engaged in this great adventure that has been going on for the past 15 generations.46. Which of the following would most scholars agree to about Newton and science?A. Newton was the only person who knew all the science in the 1600sB. Newton’s laws of force and gravi ty dominated science for 350 years.C. Since Newton’s time, science has developed into a mountain of factsD. a high school student probably knows more science than Newton did.47. Which of the following is best support in this passage?A. a scientist is a master of knowledge.B. Knowledge generates better ignorance.C. Ignorance is a sign of lack of education.D. Good scientists are thoroughly ignorant48. Why is it a relief that science is about the questions more than the answers?A. Because people like solving puzzles.B. Because questions make science accessible.C. Because there are more questions than answers,D. Because questions point the way to deep answers.49. The expression “take a backseat” (Paragraph 5) probably means ________________ .A. take a back placeB. have a different roleC. be of greater priority •D. become less important50. What is the author’s greatest concern in the passage?A. The involvement of the public in science.B. Scientists’enjoyment of ignorance.C. The accumulation of scientific knowledge.D. Newton’s standing in the history of science.Passage 3Information technology that helps doctors and patients make decisions has beena-round for a long time. Crude online tools like WebMd get millions of visitors a day. ButWat-son is a different beast. According to IBM, it can digest information and make recommen-dations much more quickly, and more intelligently, than perhaps any machine before it一processing up to 60 million pages of text per second, even when that text is in the formofplain old prose, or what scientists call “natural language”.That’s no small thing, because something like80 percent of all information isu unstruc-turedIn medicine, it consists of physician notes dictated into medical records, long-winded sentences published in academic journals, and raw numbers stored online by pub-lic-health departments. At least in theory, Watson can make sense of it all. It can sit in onpatient examinations, silently listening. And over time, it can learn and get better at figu-ring out medical problems and ways of treating them the more it interacts with real cases.Watson even has the ability to convey doubt. When it makes diagnoses and recommendstreatments, it usually issues a series of possibilities, each with its own level of confidenceattached.Medicine has never before had a tool quite like this. And at an unofficial coming-outparty in Las Vegas last year, during the annual meeting of the Healthcare Information andManagement Systems Society, more than 1000 professionals packed a large hotel confer-ence hall, and overflow room nearby, to hear a presentation by Marty Kohn, an emergen-cy-room physician and a clinical leader do the IBm team training Watson for health care.Standing before a video screen that dwarfed his large frame, Kohn described in his huskyvoice how Watson could be a game changer —not just in highly specialized fields like on-cology but also in primary care, given that all doctors can make mistakes that lead to cost-ly, sometimes dangerous, treatment errors.Drawing on his own clinical experience and on academic studies, Kohn explainedthatabout one-third of these errors appear to be products of misdiagnosis, one cause of whichis “anchoring bias”:human beingstendency to rely too heavily on a single piece of infor-mation .This happens all the time in doctors’offices,clinics, and emergency rooms, a phy-sician hears about two or three symptoms, seizes on a diagnosis consistent with those, and subconsciously discounts evidence that points to something else. Or a physician hitsupon the right diagnosis, but fail s to realize that it’s incomplete, and ends up treating justone condition when the patient is, in fact, suffering from several. Tools like Watson are lessprone to those failings. As such, Kohn believes, they may eventually become as ubiqui-tous in docto rs’offices as the stethoscope.“Watson fills in for some human limitations. ” Kohn told me in an interview. “Studiesshow that human are good at taking a relatively limited list of possibilities and using thatlist, but a far less adept at using huge volum es of information. That’s where Watson shines: taking a huge list of information and winnowing it down. ”51. What is Watson?A. It is a person who aids doctors in processing medical records.B. it is an online tool that connects doctors over different places.C. It is an intelligent computer that helps doctors make decisions.D. It is a beast that greets millions of visitors to a medical institution.52. Which of the following is beyond Watson’s ability?A. Talk with the patientB. Calculate probabilityC. Recommend treatmentD. Process sophisticated data53. Marty Kohn _________ .A. gave a presentation at an academic conferenceB. works for the IBm Training DivisionC. is a short person with a husky voiceD. expressed optimism for Watson54. “Anchoring bias”____________ .A. is a device ubiquitous in doctors’officesB. is less likely to be committed by WatsonC. happens in one third of medical treatmentsD. is a wrong diagnosis with incomplete information55. Which of the following may be the best title of the passage?A. Watson as a Shining Star巳.The Risks of MisdiagnosisC. The Robot Will See You NowD. 旧M’s It Solution to MedicinePassage 4The contribution genes make intelligence increase as children grow older. This goes a-gainst the notion that most people hold that as we age, environmental influences graduallyoverpower the genetic legacy we are born with and may have implications for education.“People assume the genetic influence goes down with age because the environmental differences between people pile up in life,” says Robert Plomin. “What we found was quiteamazing, and goes in the other direction. ”Previous studies have shown variations in intelligence are at least partly due to genet-ics. To find out whether this genetic contribution varies with age, Plomin’s team pooled da-ta from six separate studies carried out in the US, the UK, Australia and Netherlands, in-volving a total of 11, 000 pairs of twins. In these studies, the researchers tested twins onreasoning, logic and arithmetic to measure a quantity called general cognitive ability, or “G”. Each study also included both iden tical twins, with the same genes, and Lateral twins, sharing about half their genes, making it possible to distinguish the contributions ofgenes and environment to their g scores.Plomin’s team calculated that in childhood, genes account for about 41 perc ent of thevariation in intelligence. In adolescence, this rose to 55 percent;by young adolescence itwas 66 percent. No one knows why the influence Mom genes should increase with age, but Plomin suggests that as children get older, they become better at exploiting and ma-nipulating their environment to suit their genetic needs, and says “Kids with high g will usetheir environment to foster their cognitive ability and choose friends who are like-minded. ”Children with medium to low g may choose less challenging pastimes and activities, furtheremphasizing their genetic legacy.Is there any way to interfere with the pattern? Perhaps. “The evidence of strong heri-tability doesn’t mean at all that there is nothing you can do about it, n says SusanneJaeg-gi, “from our own work, the ones that started off with lower IQ scores had higher gainsaf-ter training. ”Plomin suggests that genetic differences may be more emphasized if all children sharean identical curriculum instead of it being tailored to children’s natural abilities. “My inclina-tion would be to give everyone a good education, but put more effort into the lower end,”he says. Intelligence researchers Paul Thompson agrees: “It shows that educators needto steer kids towards things drawing out their natural talents. ”56. What is the common notion that people hold about genes?A. Humans can do little to change the genetic differences between people.B. Genetic influence becomes stronger when people receive education.C. Genes contribute more to one’s int elligence than environmental factors.D. Environmental factors lessen the influence of genes on one’s intelligence.57. The study by Plomin’s team aims to find out ____________ .A. whether variations in intelligence caused by genetic differencesB. how to overpower genetic factors with new educational approachesC. whether genetic contribution to one’s intelligence varies with ageD. the relationship between environment and genes58. From the experiment with twins, Plomin’s team draws a conclusionthat __________ .A. genetic contribution increases when one grows olderB. genetic influence decreases when age increasesC. environment has more impact on fraternal twins than identical twinsD. it remains a mystery how genes and environment co-influence people59. The word “pattern” in paragraph four is closest in meaning to _______________ .A. cognitive ability巳.strong heritabilityC. genetic legacyD. challenging pastimes60. Which of the following might Plomin’s team least agree to?A. An identical curriculum to school children.B. a differentiated course design to children with varied IQ.C. More effort directed at children with medium or low G.D. Education tailored to children’s natural abilities.Part V:Proofreading (15%)Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether15 mistakes,OIVE in each numberedand underlined part. You may have to change a word,add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word,cross it out and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word write the missing word between the words in brackets immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, just cross it out. Put your answers on ANSWER SHEET 2.[61 ] The economic growth that many nations in Asia and increasingly Africa have ex-perienced over the past couple of decades has transformed hundreds of millions of lives —almost entire for the better. [62] But t here is byproduct to that growth, one that’s visible ——or sometimes less than visible —in the smoggy, smelly skies above cities like Beijing,New Delhi and Jakarta. [63] Because of new cars and power plants, air pollution is bad and getting worse in much of the world, and it is taking a major toll to global health.[64] How big? According to a new analyze published in the Lancet, more than 3. 2 million people suffered premature deaths from air pollution in 2010, the largest number onrecord. That’s up from 800, 000 in 2000. [65] And it’s a regional problem: 65%of those deaths occurred in Asia wherever the air is choked by diesel soot 什om cars andtrucks,aswell as the smog from power plants and the dust from endless urban construction. InEast Asia, 1. 2 million people died,as well as another 712,000 in South Asia, includingIndia.[66] For the first time ever,air pollution is the world’s top-10 list of killers,and it’smovingdown the ranks faster than any other factor.So how can air pollution be so damaging? [67] It is the very finest soot —so small that it lodges deep within the lungs and from there entered the bloodstream—thatcontrib- utes to most the public-health toll of air pollution including mortality. [68] Diesel soot,what is also a carcinogen, is a major problem because it is concentrated in cities along transportation corridors impacting densely populated areas. [69] It is thoughtcontribute to half the premature deaths from air pollution in urban centers. For example, 1 in 6 peoplein the U. S. live near a diesel-pollution hot spot like a rail yard, port terminal or freeway.We also know that air pollution may be linked to other no门lethal conditions, includingautism. Fortunately in the U. S. and other developed nations, urban air is for the most partcleaner than it was 30 or 40 years ago, thanks to regulations and new technologies like thecatalytic converts that reduce automobile emissions. Governments are also pushing to make air cleaner—see the ’White House’s move last week to further tighten soot standards.[70] It is perfect,but we’ve had much more success dealing with air pollution than climatechange.[71 ] Will developing nations like China and India eventually catch up? Hopefully —though the problem may get worse before long it gets better. The good news is that it doesn’t take a major technological leap to improve urban air. [72] Switching from diesel fuel to unleaded helps,as do newer and cleaner cars that are more likely to spew pollu-tants. Power plants —even ones that burn fossil fuels like coal —can be fitted with pollu-tion-control equipment that, at a price, will greatly reduce smog and other contaminants.[73] But the best solutions may involve urban design. In the Guardian,John Vidal notes that Delhi now has 200 cars per 1,000 people,far more than much rich Asian citieslike Hong Kong and Singapore. [74] Developing cities w⑴almost certainly see an in- crease in car ownership as residents become wealthier —and that does have to mean lethalair pollution. (Even ultra-green European cities often have rates of car ownership at or a-bove the level Delhi has now. ) [75] Higher incomes should also lead to tougher environ-mental regulations,which is exactly what happened in the West. We can only hope it hap-pens after the death toll from bad air gets even higher.Part VI: Writing (15%)Directions: Read the following paragraph and then write a response paper of about 250 to 300English words. Write it neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2.When there is a heavy rain in the north of China,cities and towns are oftenflooded.But heavy rains in southern cities seldom pose severe problems. When there is a heavysnow in the south of China, cities and towns often run into chaos. But heavy snows in thenorth seldom pose severe problems. What should city planners do to deal with this and what do you think of different ways of dealing with it?。

北京航空航天大学考博英语阅读真题及其解析Education is an absolute imperative in the emerging globalknowledge society,so new ways of providing access to education fora much higher percentage of the population are now being devised.The most dramatic examples of access to education are found inthe11distance-education mega-universities found around the world.In"distance education,"the student is separated in time or spacefrom the teacher or professor.The largest of these high enrollmentuniversities is in China,the China Central Radio and TelevisionUniversity,with more than3million students.The English-speakingworld has the British Open University,with215,000students,and theUniversity of South Africa,with120,000students.In addition to themega-universities,dozens of other national and regional systems areproviding education at all levels to students.The base delivery system for the distance-education Geng duo yuanxiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xi quanguo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiu qi ba,huojia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi mega-universities istelevision,supplemented by other technologies or even some onsiteinstruction in more-developed countries.Some distance-educationsystems use two-way interactive video connections to particularlocations where students gather;others supplement with the Internet,and still others deliver only by Internet.Withvideo-and-audio-streaming now available,the Internet appears to bethe technology of choice for systems where students have access to computers.Of course,these technologies merely add to the radio--delivered courses that have been offered for years in many countries around the world.The programs and courses offered vary from basic literacy courses to the highest graduate-level programming.Hundreds of university degrees are now available through distance education,where90%or more of the required credits are given at a distance,as are dozens of master's degrees and a small number of accredited doctoral degrees. One estimate suggests that50,000university-level courses are now available through distance-education delivery systems.There will be two main types of educational institutions:those that add value in coursework and those that are certifying agencies. The certifying colleges and universities are those that act as educational bankers for students.Students will earn credits from many places and have the credits or certifications of completion sent to the certifying university,then that certifying university will award the degree when enough credits of the right type have been accumulated.Regent's College of the University of the State of New York and Thomas Edison College of New Jersey are public certifying institutions that give accredited degrees.One vision for some of the remaining residential colleges in the United States,now serving mainly the18-to-23-year-old population, is that many will become certifying colleges.Students will come tothe colleges for their social,artistic,athletic,and spiritual programs.The basic commodity these colleges will sell is membership in the college community.Students will access their courses from colleges and universities around the world,transfer the credits to the college,then gain a degree.Faculty members will serve as tutors and advisers and may provide some courses live.(479words)51.What is the passage mainly about?[A]The emerging global knowledge society[B]Distance-education mega-universities[C]The largest of these high enrollment universities[D]Two main types of educational institutions52.It may be inferred that the Internet could be the technology of choice in_______.[A]the China Central Radio and TelevisionUniversity[B]the University of South Africa[C]the British Open University[D]the English-speaking world53.We learn from the passage that the distance-education programs may offer all the following EXCEPT______.[A]virtually all the basic literacy courses and the highest graduate-level programming[B]nearly90%of the required credits[C]courses for master's degrees and accredited doctoral degrees[D]50,000university-level courses54.The residential colleges in the United States______.[A]serve only the18-to-23-year-old population[B]provide students with social,artistic,athletic,and spiritual programs[C]provide courses from colleges and universities around the world[D]may provide a lot of faculty members to conduct courses lively55.Judging from the context we know that a mega-universityis_______.[A]the largest of these high enrollment universities[B]the China Central Radio and TelevisionUniversity[C]the British Open University[D]a university with very large number of studentsText1151. B.远程教育的百万人大学。
[考研类试卷]2013年北京航空航天大学英语专业(基础英语)真题试卷一、选词填空0 Building trust among key stakeholders is a strategic concern for any corporation. Today,【C1】______companies seek to improve their reputations, they can't ignore the environment. These issues are not only top of mind among consumers but also【C2】______by almost half of the survey respondents as an area in which corporations have a negative impact on society【C3】______they pollute and otherwise damage【C4】______ecosystems.Each company must analyze what role environmental issues and climate change can and should【C5】______in its strategies. For some, building trust among【C6】______and seizing an important business opportunity can【C7】______hand in hand. A packaged-goods company that introduces smaller containers【C8】______of recycled pulp products, for example, not only stands to benefit from lower materials and transportation【C9】______but also visibly contributes to the reduction of【C10】______gas emissions.But many corporations would be wrong to focus almost all of their societal efforts【C11】______environmental issues and to forget about【C12】______that are important in their industries. In retailing, for example, our consumer research suggests that【C13】______such as reducing energy consumption and【C14】______environment-friendly products are important for winning credibility as a socially responsible【C15】______The most burning issue for this industry,【C16】______, is the way global retailers treat their employees, so companies should address that one as 【C17】______Indeed, when asked which specific area would be most effective if large corporations wanted to raise their overall【C18】______, 19 percent of consumers said that companies should improve the benefits and conditions of【C19】______employees, 17 percent that they ought to become more environmentally【C20】______.1 【C1】2 【C2】3 【C3】4 【C4】5 【C5】6 【C6】7 【C7】8 【C8】9 【C9】10 【C10】11 【C11】12 【C12】13 【C13】14 【C14】15 【C15】16 【C16】17 【C17】18 【C18】19 【C19】20 【C20】二、选择题21 She had to exercise all her______to prevent clashes between the two opinionated guests.(A)tacks(B)tactics(C)tarts(D)thinks22 His______behavior shows that he's honest, but he seems rude to some people.(A)forehead(B)degenerate(C)forthright(D)forming23 The right of citizens to vote shall not be denied or abridged on account of race, color, or previous condition of______.(A)simulation(B)solitude(C)seclusion(D)servitude24 Doubt and mistrust could creep into our lives, ______personal and professional relationships.(A)converting(B)corresponding(C)consoling(D)corroding25 Dramatic literature often______the history of a culture in that it takes as its subject matter the important events that have shaped and guided the culture.(A)confounds(B)repudiates(C)recapitulates(D)anticipates26 Contrary to the popular conception that it is powered by conscious objectivity, science often operates through error, happy accidents, ______and persistence in spite of mistakes.(A)fact(B)controls(C)hunches(D)deductions27 Compared with their parties, politicians are ______: they are considerably less enduring than the organizations in which they function.(A)ubiquitous(B)autonomous(C)transitory(D)fickle28 Researchers______that genes may determine the strength of the immune system, which could help explain how an infectious disease could have a hereditary link.(A)evaluate(B)estimate(C)speculate(D)anticipate29 The writer has gained such popularity with his readers that even his inanities are now considered(A)trenchant(B)vacuous(C)speculative(D)allusive30 The idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval______ natural settings had been ______ and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.(A)fear of...exorcised(B)concerns about...regained(C)affection for... surmounted(D)disinterest in... alleviated31 The river was______with industrial waste from the nearby factory.(A)irradiated(B)corrupted(C)contaminated(D)fragmented32 Nonviolent demonstrations often create such tensions that a community that has constantly refused to______its injustices is forced to correct them: the injustices can no longer be______.(A)acknowledge...ignored(B)decrease...verified(C)tolerate...accepted(D)address...eliminated33 In order to be successful in life, one needs to______ in spite of life's challenges.(A)perpetuate(B)persevere(C)preserve(D)pretend34 Despite the fact that the book promises a complete rethinking of the factors contributing to the conflict, the picture that the book paints is______: the causes it suggests are more orthodox than______.(A)unique... innovative(B)commonplace... imitative(C)controversial...radical(D)familiar...revisionist35 The belief that science destroys the arts appears to be supported by historical evidence that the arts have______only when the sciences have been______.(A)declined...attacked(B)flourished...neglected(C)matured... unconcerned(D)succeeded... developed36 ______. Scholars hold differing opinions. Some trace the roots of Chicanos in the United States all the way back to the earliest migrations across the Bering Strait. Others start with Aztec society to demonstrate the historical continuities between contemporary Chicanos and their Aztec ancestors. A third group identifies the "Spanish Borderlands" period(1540 - 1820)as the earliest phase of Chicano history.(A)When does Chicano history begin?(B)There is continuing interest in Chicano history.(C)Chicano history has fascinated scholars for many years.(D)Few are concerned about setting a precise date for the origin of Chicano history.37 Many Easterners think that all California college students surf every day, wear sunglasses indoors as well as outdoors(even on rainy days), and mingle with the superstars daily. ______. A recent survey of students on a large, urban CSU campus revealed that only 2 percent had surfed, and although 40 percent did wear sunglasses, 15 percent of those were doing so on their doctors' recommendations. As for the superstars, barely 10 percent had met a Hollywood actor.(A)The possibilities of such stereotypes are endless.(B)Stereotypes, however, are often misleading.(C)Probably both Easterners and Californians would like to fit all of those stereotypes. (D)Most California students do live up to those enviable stereotypes.38 Accompanying the article on humor were pictures of a leering Groucho Marx and a grinning Sigmund Freud, one a brilliant humorist and the other a brilliant analyst whose own study of humor has been largely ignored. The unlikely pair attracted readers to the article, whose author made two major points. Serious studies of humor are rarely undertaken. ______.(A)Comics would urge us to laugh, not soberly to study laughter.(B)What a joke a Freudian analysis of the Marx Brothers would have been.(C)The studies that are made are rarely taken seriously.(D)Freud was interested in all aspects of the human mind.39 Another area that technology is changing our way of life is entertainment. ______. People listened to music in concert halls or at small social gatherings. For many people now however, music is a solitary experience.(A)Entertainment was once an activity enjoyed by a group of people.(B)The changes in entertainment is only one casein point.(C)Music was once favored by many people, old and young.(D)Music, for instance, was once a group experience.40 As researchers on aging noted recently, no treatment on the market today has been proved to slow human aging. ______. Those findings suggest that caloric restriction could delay aging and increase longevity in humans, too.(A)And scientists found that rats fed a low-calorie diet lived longer on average than free-feeding rats and also had a reduced incidence of conditions that become increasingly common in old age.(B)But one intervention, consumption of a low-calorie yet nutritionally balanced diet, works incredibly well in a broad range of animals, increasing longevity and prolonging good health.(C)What's more, animals eating low-calorie diet survived longer than those eating normally, which means that the maximum life span increased.(D)In addition, studies with monkeys demonstrated that calorie-restricted monkeys have lower blood pressure and a decreased likelihood of heart disease.41 A<u>So</u> on that perfect October morning, I stopped Carlos and said, B<u>point-blank</u>, "It doesn't seem to C<u>bother</u> you—D<u>to be short</u>, I mean. " 42 A<u>What</u> is limiting the realization of the opportunity B<u>are</u> the absence of relevant ideals C<u>in the minds</u> of the people D<u>who</u> are using and developing and innovating these technologies. "43 Bernstein and his colleagues A<u>assembled</u> a group of B<u>liberally-minded citizens</u> from Boulder and a separate group of C<u>conservatives</u> from Colorado Springs D<u>to discuss</u> climate change, same-sex civil unions, and affirmative action.44 A garden is A<u>an extension of oneself</u>—or selves—and so it B<u>has tobe</u> an arena C<u>where</u> striving does not cease, but continues D<u>in other means</u>.45 Only the gardener A<u>is capable of</u> endlessly reviving B<u>so much hope</u> that this year, C<u>regardless of</u> drought, flood, typhoon, or his own stupidity, this year D<u>is going to</u> do it right!46 A<u>Unless</u> a journalist for a major paper or TV network is found B<u>to have run</u> a false story—perhaps because it was "C<u>too good to check</u>"—then his or her career D<u>is generally over</u>.47 A<u>As it is</u>, though, I cannot deny that when April comes I find myselfB<u>go out to</u> lean on the fence and look at that miserable plot of land,C<u>resolving</u> with all my rational powers D<u>not to plant it</u> again.48 There was the A<u>highly regarded</u> foreign correspondent who won a prize for articles B<u>which</u> included an interview with a top Taleban official C<u>who</u> turned out D<u>not exist</u> at all.49 But then, A<u>both through</u> some mistakes or lack of care, the plant beganB<u>to wither and decline</u>, and C<u>nothing I did</u> D<u>would bring</u> it back to health.50 This most important measurement A<u>has omitted</u> in the studies of the quality of education in this country, the only one, I think, B<u>that</u> extends C<u>even to children</u> the license to freely speak, write and D<u>be creative</u>.51 The No Child Left Behind law, which A<u>marks</u> its sixth anniversary next month, is the first federal effort B<u>to hold</u> all public K-12 schools accountableC<u>to</u> the performance of D<u>their students</u>.52 If that kind of thing A<u>had happened</u> when I B<u>had been young</u>, the whole village would have condemned C<u>such an ungrateful son</u>, and his fatherD<u>would surely have given</u> him a good beating.53 He A<u>sat in front of</u> the young people, his dusty face B<u>masking hisage</u>, C<u>dressed in</u> a plain brown suit that did not D<u>fit for him</u>.54 A<u>By studying</u> geometry, students B<u>can</u> learn C<u>what to</u> develop logical arguments D<u>through</u> deductive reasoning.55 So he could not resist the temptation to A<u>play a little joke on</u> the education system, which B<u>had been thrown</u> into C<u>such a panic</u> by theD<u>successfully launching</u> of the Russian Sputnik.56 Schools must A<u>meet their annual goals</u> for all students and those same goals for specified student subgroups, B<u>includes</u> members of racial and ethnic minorities, C<u>economically disadvantaged students</u>, English-language learners, and children with D<u>disabilities</u>.57 Although Interact A<u>has the capacity</u> to bring people together, B<u>too often</u> the associations formed online C<u>comprising</u> self-selecting groups with little diversity of opinion, D<u>explains</u> the Frankfurter professor of law.58 If more students A<u>are thriving</u> in higher education, high schools mustB<u>not only</u> help them earn good grades in demanding courses, but also C<u>step up their work</u> to guide them through the difficult process of D<u>choosing and applying to</u> colleges.59 Evolution A<u>is always about</u> competition, but for humans, B<u>with Darwin speculated</u>, competition among groups C<u>has turned us into</u> pretty cooperative, empathetic and altruistic creatures—D<u>at least</u> within our families, groups and sometimes nations.60 The new approach A<u>challenges</u> the new atheists, who B<u>see themselves involve</u> in a war of C<u>reason against faith</u> and who have an unwarranted faith in the power of pure reason and D<u>in the purity</u> of their own reasoning.61 ______is the hometown of Shakespeare?(A)Stratford(B)London(C)Liverpool(D)Edinburgh62 ______is a Democratic president of the U. S.(A)Theodore Roosevelt(B)George W. Bush(C)Bill Clinton(D)Abraham Lincoln63 The 9/11 Attacks were a series of four coordinated suicide attacks upon the United States in the New York City and the Washington D.C.areas in September of______. (A)2000(B)2001(C)1999(D)199864 Wimbledon tennis tournament is held in______each summer.(A)the U.K.(B)the U.S.(C)Canada(D)Australia65 The highest office in the judiciary in the U. K. is______.(A)the Lord Chancellor(B)the Prime minister(C)the Secretary of State(D)the Queen66 The ______ grew up within the relative economic prosperity of the 1950s and 1960s, who created the counterculture of the 1960s.(A)Generation Xers(B)Generation Yers(C)Baby Boomers(D)Generation Zers67 Queen Victoria was the Monarch of the U. K. during the period from______.(A)1066 tol089(B)1837 to 1901(C)1558 to 1603(D)1981 to 198968 In the American welfare reform of 1996, AFDC was changed from an open-ended entitlement program to a block grant program called______.(A)TANF(B)Medicaid(C)Medicare(D)SSI69 Historians refer to the years between the Civil War and the start of the 20th century in the U. S. history as the______, an era of industrial giants.(A)Golden Age(B)Permissive Age(C)Gilded Age(D)Jazz Age70 The faith of "Devine Rights of the King" was held by James I of the House of______. (A)Plantagenet(B)Tudor(C)Windsor(D)Stuart71 The 16th century English Renaissance boomed under the reign of______.(A)Mary Tudor(B)Elizabeth I(C)Henry II(D)Henry VIII72 The following were the welfare benefits granted in cash in the U. S. except______. (A)SSI(B)TANF(C)Medicaid(D)Unemployment Compensations73 After______, England entered the age of Feudalism.(A)the Roman invasion(B)the arrival and settlement of Celts(C)the Norman Conquest(D)the Viking and Danish invasion74 In the U. S. ______ is the language secondary only to English in terms of the number of speakers.(A)French(B)Dutch(C)Spanish(D)Chinese75 ______has/have consistently been regarded with pride by the majority of British people.(A)Public housing(B)The Department of Social Security(C)Trade unions(D)The National Health Service76 In 1944 Congress passed the Servicemen's Readjustment Act, popularly called the______ which granted financial aid to the veterans to go to college.(A)Miranda Warnings(B)Bill of Rights(C)G. I. Bill of Rights(D)Equal Rights Amendment77 ______abolished slavery in the U. S.(A)The Civil Rights Act of 1964(B)The Voting Rights Act of 1965(C)The Emancipation Proclamation of 1863(D)The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of 186578 ______was practiced on the Island of Great Britain before Christianity was brought there.(A)Islam(B)Judaism(C)Druidism(D)Presbyterianism79 The main criticisms of the post-war practice of universal state welfare provision were advocated by ______in the U. K.(A)John Major(B)Tony Blair(C)George Brown(D)Margret Thatcher80 In the House of Commons in the U. K. , there are______MPS.(A)659(B)439(C)695(D)539三、名词解释81 Explain the following terms in English. Write your answer in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet.(2. 5 points for each)"common-law" family82 Salad bowl83 GCE-A-Level84 Medicare四、写作85 You will read a table showing desertification in a region. Write a composition of no less than 120 words to describe the trend of the changes, the possible causes and effects, and some effective solutions for these changes on the AnswerSheet.86 Life expectancy has soared in China, while fertility has plummeted due to strict birth control policies. In 2009 there were 167 million over-60s, about an eighth of the population. By 2050 there will be 480 million, while the number of young people will have fallen. Taking care of the old will not only be a big challenge for individual families, but also for the government.Write an essay with the title " How Should the Chinese Society Face the Aging Era" in no less than 200 words on the Answer Sheet.87 Discuss on the following topic with persuasive arguments. Write your answer on the Answer Sheet.There has been a soaring statistics of gun-related crimes, but lobbies for citizen's right to arms remain strong in the United States. How do you interpret this phenomenon?。
2013年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试 英语(北京卷)word版(含答案)

2013 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语(北京卷)第一部分:听力理解(共三节:30 分)第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。
01. What room does the man want?A. SimpleB. DoubleC. Twin02. What will the man buy?A. VegetableB. MeatC. Bread03. What does the man plan to do?A. Go fishingB. Go joggingC. Go camping04. How much is the change?A. $8B. $ 42C. $5005. What’s the weather like this afternoon?第二节(共10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,共15 分)听下面 4 段对话或独白。
每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。
听每段对话或独白前,你将有5 秒钟的时间阅读每小题。
听完后,每小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。
听第6 段材料,回答第 6 至7 题。
06. When will the woman go to see the movie?A. Friday.B. SaturdayC. Sunday07. Where will the woman sit for the movie?A. In the front.B. In the middleC. At the back听第7 段材料,回答第8 至9 题。
08. When will the two speakers meet?A. On the 13thB. On the 14thC. On the 15th09. What is the man doing?A. Persuading the woman to accept his suggestion.B. Making an apology to the woman.C. Inviting the woman to lunch.听第8 段材料,回答第10 至12 题。

Part Two: Structure and Written Expression20Directions: In each question decide which of four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET.21.The nuclear family __________ a self-contained, self-satisfying unit composed of father, mother and children.A. refers toB. definesC. describesD. devotes to22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that elderly Americans are________ by social isolation and loneliness.A. reproachedB. favoredC. plaguedD. reprehended23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance, cooperation ________ the quality of interpersonal relationship.A. ascendsB. compelsC. enhancesD. prefers24.In the past 50 years, there ________ a great increase in the amount of research_____on the human brain.A. was…didB. has been…to be doneC. was…doingD. has been…done25.“I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like _____ .”“We told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better _______ at home when you are not in the shape.”A. to throw up…to eatB. throwing up…eatingC. to throw up…eatD. throwing up…eat26. Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’s creativity and emotional output; otherwise what they think beneficial to the kids might probably _______ their enthusiasm and aspirations.A. hold backB. hold toC. hold downD. hold over27. According to psychoanalysis, a person’s attention is attracted ________ by the intensity of different signals ________ by their context, significance, and information content.A. not less than…asB. as…just asC. so much…asD. not so much…as28.They moved to Portland in1998 and lived in a big house, _______ to the south.A. the windows of which openedB. the windows of it openedC. its windows openedD. the windows of which opening29.The lady who has_______ for a night in the dead of the winter later turned out to bea distant relation of his.A. put him upB. put him outC. put him onD. put him in30.By standers,_______,_________ as they walked past lines of ambulances.A. bloody and covered with dust, looking dazedB. bloodied and covered with dust, looked dazedC. bloody and covered with dust, looked dazedD. bloodied and covered with dust, looking dazed31. Hong Kong was not a target for terror attacks, the Government insisted yesterday, as the US________ closed for an apparent security review.A. ConsulationB. ConstitutionC. ConsulateD. Consular32. American fans have selected Yao in a vote for the All-Star game ______the legendary O’Neal, who ______ the “Great Wall” at the weekend as the Rockets beat the Los Angeles Lakers.-A. in head of, ran onB. in head of, ran intoC. ahead of, ran ontoD. ahead of, ran into33. Professional archivists and librarians have the resources to duplicate materials in other formats and the expertise to retrieve materials trapped in _________ computers.A. abstractB. obsoleteC. obstinateD. obese34. She always prints important documents and stores a backup set at her house. “I actually think there’s something about the______ of paper that feels more comforting.”She said.A. tangibilityB. tanglednessC. tangentD. tantalization35.“They said what we always knew,” said an administration source,___________.A. he asked not to be namedB. who asked not to be namedC. who asked not be namedD. who asked not named36.In Germany, the industrial giants Daimler Chrysler and Siemens recently_______ their unions into signing contracts that lengthen work hours without increasing pay.A. muscledB. movedC. mushedD. muted37. He argues that the policy has done little to ease joblessness, and has left the country_______.A. energizedB. EnervatedC. NervedD. enacted38. The more people hear his demented rants, the more they see that he is aterrorist_______.A. who is pure and simpleB. being pure and simpleC. pure and simpleD. as pure and simple39. This expansion of rights has led to both a paralysis of the public service and to a rapid and terrible ________ in the character of the population.A. determinationB. deteriorationC. desolationD. desperation40._______ a declining birthrate, there will be an over-supply of 27,000 primary school places by 2010, _______ leaving 35 school sidle.B. Coupling with, equivalent toC. Coupled with, equivalent toD. Coupling with, equals toPart Three: Reading Comprehension10Passage One The HeroMy mother’s parents came from Hungary, but my grandfather could trace his origin to Germany and also he was educated in Germany. Although he was able to hold a conversation in nine languages, he was most comfortable in German. Every morning, before going to his office, he read the German language newspaper, which was American owned and published in New York.My grandfather was the only one in his family to come to the United States with his wife and children. He still had relatives living in Europe. When the first world war broke out, he lamented the fact that if my uncle, his only son had to go, it would be cousin fighting against cousin. In the early days of the war, my grandmother begged him to stop taking the German newspaper and to take an English language newspaper, instead. He scoffed at the idea, explaining that the fact it was in German did not make it a German newspaper, but only an American newspaper, printed in German. But my grandmother insisted, for fear that the neighbors may see him read it and think he was German. So, he finally gave up the German newspaper.One day, the inevitable happened and my uncle Milton received notice to join the army. My grandparents were very upset, but my mother, his little sister, was excited. Now she could boast about her soldier brother going off to war. She was ten years old at the time, and my uncle, realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and her friends, went out and bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted. When the day came for him to leave, his whole regiment, in their uniforms, left together from the same train station. There was a band playing and my mother and her friends came to see him off. Each one wore her service pin and waved a small American flag, cheering the boys, as they left.The moment came and the soldiers, all very young, none of whom had had any training, but who had never the less all been issued uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. The train groaned as if it knew the destiny to which it was taking its passengers, but it soon began to move. Still cheering and waving their flags, the band still playing, the train slowly departed the station.It had gone about a thousand yards when it suddenly ground to a halt. The band stopped playing, the crowd stopped cheering. Everyone gazed in wonder as the train slowly backed up and returned to the station. It seemed an eternity until the doors opened and the men started to file out. Someone shouted, “It’s the armistice. The war is over.” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up and formed into two lines. They walked down the steps and, with the band playing behind, paraded down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home by the assembled crowd. The next day my uncle returned to his job, and my grandfather resumed reading the German newspaper, which he read until the day he died.41. Where was the narrator’s family when this story took place?A. In Germany.B. In Hungary.C. In the United StatesD. In New York.42.His grandfather ____________.A. could not speak and read English well enoughB. knew nine languages equally wellC. knew a number of languages, but felt more kin to GermanD. loved German best because it made him think of home43. His grandmother did not want her husband to buy and read newspapers in German, because ________.A. it was war time and Germans were their enemyB. the neighbors would mistake them as pro-GermanC. it was easier to get newspapers in English in AmericaD. nobody else read newspapers in German during the wartime44. The narrator’s mother wanted her brother to go to fight in the war,because________.A. like everybody else at the wartime, she was very patrioticB. she hated the war and the Germans very muchC. all her friends had relatives in war and she wanted to be like themD. she liked to have a brother she could think of as a heroPassage TwoWaking Up from the American DreamsThere has been much talk recently about the phenomenon of “Wal-Martization” of America, which refers to the attempt of America’s giant Wal-Mart chain store company to keep its cost at rock-bottom levels. For years, many American companies have embraced Wal-Mart-like stratagems to control labor costs, such as hiring temps (temporary workers) and part-timers, fighting unions, dismantling internal career ladders and outsourcing to lower paying contractors at home and abroad.While these tactics have the admirable outcome of holding down consumer prices, they’re costly in other ways. More than a quarter of the labor force, about 34 million workers, is trapped in low-wage, often dead-end jobs. Many middle-income andhigh-skilled employees face fewer opportunities, too, as companies shift work to subcontract or sand temps agencies and move white-collar jobs to China and India. The result has been an erosion of one of America’s most cherished value: giving its people the ability to move up the economic ladder over their life times. Historically, most Americans, even low-skilled ones, were able to find poorly paid janitorial or factory jobs, then gradually climbed into the middleclass as they gained experience and moved up the wage curve. But the number of workers progressing upward began to slip in 1970s. Upward mobility diminished even more in the 1980s as globalization and technology slammed blue-collar wages.Restoring American mobility is less a question of knowing what to do than of making it happen. Experts have decried schools’ in adequacy for years, but fixing them is a long, arduous struggle. Similarly, there have been plenty of warnings about declining college access, but finding funds was difficult even in eras of large surpluses.45. The American dream in this passage mainly refers to____________.A. there are always possibilities offered to people to develop themselves in the societyB. Americans can always move up the pay ladderC. American young people can have access to college, even they are poorD. the labor force is not trapped in low-wage and dead-end jobs46. Wal-Mart strategy, according to this passage, is to___________.A. hire temps and part-timers to reduce its costB. outsource its contracts to lower price agencies at home and abroadC. hold down its consumer price by controlling its labor costsD. dismantle the career ladder and stop peopl e’s mobility upward47. Which of the following statements is NOTTRUE?A. Wal-Martization has been successful in keeping costs at rock-bottom levels.B. Upward mobility for low-skilled workers has become impossible in the U.S.C. More business opportunities are given to low-cost agencies in China and India.D. Although people know how to restore American mobility, it’s difficult to change the present situation.Passage Three Seniors and the CityTens of thousands of retirees are pulling up stakes in suburban areas and fashioning their own retirement communities in the heart of the bustling city. They are looking for what most older people want: a home with no stairs and low crime rates. And they are willing to exchange regular weekly golf time for rich cultural offerings, young neighbors and plenty of good restaurants. Spying an opportunity, major real-estate developer shave broken ground on urban sites they intended to market to suburbanretirees. These seniors are already changing the face of big cities. One developer, Fran Mc Carthy asks: “Who ever thought that suburban flight would be roundtrip?”The trickle of older folks returning to the city has grown into a steady stream. While some cities, especially those with few cultural offerings, have seen an exodus of seniors, urban planners say others have become retirees magnets. Between 1999 and 2000, the population of 64-to-75-year-olds in downtown Chicago rose 17 percent. Austin, New Orleans, and Los Angeles have seen double-digit increases as well. There may be hidden health benefits to city living. A study reveals that moving from suburbs to the city can ward off the byproduct of aging--- social isolation. In the next six years, downtowns are expected to grow even grayer. For affluent retirees, city life is an increasingly popular option.48. Retired seniors are moving back into the city because____________.A. they find there are too many crimes in the suburbsB. unlike the flats in the city, their country house have stairs to climbC. they are no longer interested in playing golfD. in the city, they have more social and cultural life against loneliness49. From the passage we can infer that_________.A. the real-estate developers have broken their original contracts of construction with senior retireesB. a life in the downtown city is expensive, and most of those retirees who moved back into the city are very well-offC. with more older people living in the city, the city will become gray and less beautifulD. very soon the American suburban areas will face their low population crisis50. Fran Mc Carthy’s question means: nobody ever thought that__________.A. people who moved out of the city decades ago now would move backB. suburban dwellers when moving back into the city must take roundtripC. suburban flight years ago would go in circlesD. senior people’s moving back into the city would take place all over the United StatesDirections: Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET(2)15(51) Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says. There searchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control group of uninjured people.(52)Despite widespread belief in “road rage,” anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents.(53)Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries– those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents– also showed strong associations with anger.(54)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.(55)Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,” said the study’s lead author.Part Four: Cloze Test10Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET (2).Last year French drivers killed(56)_______ than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely(57)________ the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nation’s high ways since 2003, which experts reckon(58)_______ 3,000 lives last year. Success, of course breeds success: the government plans to install500(59)______radar devices this year.So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses(60)_______ the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Continental Europe. But last year’s London bombing, in which video cameras(61)________a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spuraseachange. A month(62)_______ the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, Internet and phone data for “anti-terror”(63)______.In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were(64)_______ to give up some civil liberty toimprove(65)________.Part Five: Proof reading 10Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash(/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words (in brackets) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash(/). Put your answer on ANSWERSHEET(2).Examples:eg.1(66)The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(66) begunbeganeg.2(67) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(67)(Scarcely) had (they)eg.3(68)Never will I not do it again.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(68)not(66)Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country.(67) Admissions officers are poring essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores.(68)But anything is missing from many applications: a class ranking, once a major component in admissions decisions.In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, (69) thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their very better, but not best, students.(70)Canny college officials,in turn, have found a tactical way to response.(71) Using broad data that high schools often provide, like a distribution of grade averages for entire senior class, they essentially recreate an applicant’s class rank.(72)The process has left them exasperating.(73)“If we’re looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know that they are among the best in their school, with a rank we don’t necessarily know that,” said Jim Bock, dean of admissions and financial aid at Swarthmore College.(74)Admissions directors say strategy can backfire.When high schools do not provide enough general information to recreate the class rank calculation, (75) many admissions directors say they have little choice and to do something virtually no one wants them to do: give more weight to scores on the SAT and other standardized exams.Part Six: Writing15Directions: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below. Write it neatly on ANSWERSHEET(2).Recently, a newspaper carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force Gong Li and Zhang Yimou to Take Part in National Politics”. The article argued that some artists and film stars are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People’s Congress or the People’s Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced to do so. What do you think?56. fewer 57. to 58. saved 59. more 60. as 61. played 62. after 63. purposes 64. ready/ willing 65. security北京大学2006年博士入学考试试题答案Listening0.5each)1-5BCAAD6-10BADCA11-15CBADA16-20BDCBCC1:immune C11:insufficientC2:range C12:accidentsC3:quarter C13:wheelC4:uninterrupted C14:shiftC5:tossing C15:riskC6:destined C16:deterioratesC7:claim C17:snatchC8:fooling C18:skepticalC9:deprivation C19:substituteC10:correlation C20:insomniaStructureandwrittenexpression1pointeach)21-25accdd26-30adaab31-35cdbab36-40abcbcReading1pointeach)41-45ccbda46-50cbdbaParaphrasing:(3pointseach)51.According to new research, getting angry adds to the chances of getting physically hurt, particularly for male.52.even people generally believe that people easily get angry when driving on the road, but anger didn’t have much/anything to do with injuries from traffic accidents,/ but not many injuries from traffic accidents are the results of anger on the road.53.It is not at all surprising that anger is a very important reason for people who intentionally hurt themselves.54.We see this strong link between anger and injury more in men than in women, but different races of people did not show much variation.55. People do not know yet why anger is associated with injury.Cloze:(1pointeach)56.Fewer57.To58.Saved59.More60.As61.Played62.After63.Purposes64.Ready65.SecurityProofreading:(1pointeach)66.Highly-high67.Pore-poreover68.Anything-something69.Better-good 70.Response-respond71.Forentire-foranentire72.Exasperating-exasperatedbS 73.With-without74.Strategy-thestrategy75.And-butWriting:(15points)。

北京航空航天大学2013年博士英语真题Part I:Listening comprehension(20%)Part II:Reading Comprehension(30%)Directions:There are four passages in this part.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them,there are4choices marked A,B,C and D.Read the passages carefully and decide on the best choice.Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage1Printmaking is the generic term for a number of processes,of which woodcut and engraving are two prime examples.Prints are made by pressing a sheet of paper(or other material)against an image-bearing surface to which ink has been applied.When the paper is removed,the image adheres to it,but in reverse.The woodcut had been used in China from the fifth century A.D.for applying patterns to textiles.The process was not introduced into Europe until the fourteenth century,first for textile decoration and then for printing on paper.Woodcuts are created by a relief process.First,the artist takes a block of wood,which has been sawed parallel to the grain,covers it with a white ground,and then draws the image in ink.The background is carved away leaving the design area slightly raised.The woodblock is inked,and the ink adheres to the raised image.It is then transferred to damp paper either by hand or with a printing press.Engraving,which grew out of the goldsmith's art,originated in Germany and northern Italy in the middle of the fifteenth century.It is an intaglio process(from Italian intagliare,"to carve").The image is incised into a highly polished metal plate,usually copper,with a cutting instrument,or burin.The artist inks the plate and wipes it clean so that some ink remains in the incised grooves.An impression is made on damp paper in a printing press with sufficient pressure being applied so that the paper picks up the ink.Both woodcut and engraving have distinctive characteristics.Engraving lends itself to subtle modeling and shading through the use of fine lines.Hatching and cross-hatching determine the degree of light and shade in a print.Woodcuts tend to be more linear,with sharper contrasts between light and dark.Printmaking is well suited to the production of multiple images.A set of multiples is called an edition.Both methods can yield several hundred good-quality prints before the original block or plate begins to show signs of wear.Mass production of prints in the sixteenth century made images available,at a lower cost,to a much broader public than before.Questions21to25are based on the passage.21.What does the passage mainly discuss?A.The origins of textile decorationB.The characteristics of good-quality puntsC.Two types of printmakingD.Types of paper used in printmaking22.The word“prime”is closest in meaning to________.A.principalplexC.generalD.recent23.The author's purposes in paragraph2is to describe________.A.the woodcuts found in China in the fifth centuryB.the use of woodcuts in the textile industryC.the process involved in creating a woodcutD.the introduction of woodcuts to Europe24.According to the passage,all of the following are true about engraving EXCEPT that it________.A.developed from the art of the goldsmithsB.requires that the paper be cut with a burinC.originated in the fifteenth centuryD.involves carving into a metal plate25.According to the passage,what do woodcut and engraving have in common?A.Their designs are slightly raised.B.They achieve contrast through hatching and cross-hatching.C.They were first used in Europe.D.They allow multiple copies to be produced from one original.Passage2The French word renaissance means rebirth.It was first used in1855by the historian Jules Michelet in his History of France,then adopted by historians of culture,by art historians,and eventually by music historians,all of whom applied it to European culture during the150years spanning1450-1600.The concept of rebirth was appropriate to this period of European history because of the renewed interest in ancient Greek and Roman culture that began in Italy and then spread throughout Europe.Scholars and artists of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries wanted to restore the learning and ideals of classical civilizations of Greece and Rome.To these scholars this meant a return to human—as opposed to spiritual values.Fulfillment in life—as opposed to concern about an afterlife—became a desirable goal,and expressing the entire range of human emotions and enjoying the pleasures of the senses were no longer frowned on.Artists and writers now turned to secular as well as religious subject matter and sought to make their works understandable and appealing.These changes in outlook deeply affected the musical culture of the Renaissance period—how people thought about music as well as the way music was composed,experienced,discussed,and disseminated.They could see the architectural monuments,sculptures,plays,and poems that were being rediscovered,but they could not actually hear ancient music—although they could read the writings of classical philosophers,poets,essayists, and music theorists that were becoming available in translation.They learned about the power of ancient music to move the listener and wondered why modern music did not have the same effect.For example,the influential religious leader Bernardino Cirillo expressed disappointment with the learned music of his time.He urged musicians to follow the example of the sculptors,painters,architects,and scholars who had rediscovered ancient art and literature.The musical Renaissance in Europe was more a general cultural movement and state of mind than a specific set of musical techniques.Furthermore,music changed so rapidly during this century and a half—though at different rates in different countries—that we cannot define a single Renaissance style.Questions26to30are based on the passage.26.What is the passage mainly about?A.The musical compositions that best illustrated the developments during the European Renaissance.B.The musical techniques that were in use during the European Renaissance.C.The European Renaissance as a cultural development that included changes in musical style.D.The ancient Greek and Roman musical practices used during the European Renaissance.27.It can be inferred from the passage that thinkers of the Renaissance were seeking a rebirth of________.munication among artists across EuropeB.spirituality in everyday lifeC.a cultural emphasis on human valuesD.religious themes in art that would accompany the traditional secular themes28.According to the passage,Renaissance artists and writers had all of the following intentions EXCEPT ________.ing religious themesB.portraying only the pleasant parts of human experienceC.producing art that people would find attractiveD.creating works that were easily understood29.The word"disseminated"is closest in meaning to________.A.playedB.documentedC.spreadD.analyzed30.Which of the following is mentioned in the passage as a reason for the absence of a single Renaissance musical style?A.The musical Renaissance was defined by technique rather than style.B.The musical Renaissance was too short to give rise to a new musical style.C.Renaissance musicians adopted the styles of both Greek and Roman musicians.D.During the Renaissance,music never remained the same for very long.Passage3The energy contained in rock within the earth's crust represents a nearly unlimited energy source,but until recently commercial retrieval has been limited to underground hot water and/or steam recovery systems.These systems have been developed in areas of recent volcanic activity,where high rates of heat flow cause visible eruption of water in the form of geysers and hot springs.In other areas,however,hot rock also exists near the surface but there is insufficient water present to produce eruptive phenomena.Thus a potent hot dry rock(HDR) reservoir exists whenever the amount of spontaneously product geothermal fluid has been judged inadequate for existing commercial systems.As a result of recent energy crisis,new concepts for creating HDR recovery systems—which involve drilling holes and connecting them to artificial reservoirs place deep within the crust—are being developed.In all attempts to retrieve energy from HDR,artificial stimulation will be required to create either sufficient permeability or bounds flow paths to facilitate the removal of heat by circulation of a fluid over the surface of the rock.The HDR resource base is generally defined to include crustal rock that is hotter than150℃,is at depth of less than ten kilometers,and can be drilled with presently available equipment.Although wells deeper than ten kilometers are technically feasible,prevailing economic factors will obviously determine the commercial feasibility of wells at such depths.Rock temperatures as low as100℃may be useful for space heating;however, for producing electricity,temperatures greater than200℃are desirable.The geothermal gradient,which specifically determines the depth of drilling,required to reach a desired temperature,is a major factor in the recoverability of geothermal resources.Temperature gradient maps generated from oil and gas well temperature-depth records kept by American Association of Petroleum Geologists suggest that tappable high-temperature gradients are distributed all across the United States.(There are many areas, however,for which no temperature gradient records exist.)Indications are that the HDR resource base is very large.If an average geothermal temperature gradient of 22℃per kilometer of depth is used,a staggering13,000,000quadrillion B.T.U.'s of total energy are calculated to be contained in crustal rock to a ten-kilometer depth in the United States.If we conservatively estimate that only about0.2percent is recoverable,we find a total of all the coal remaining in the United States.The remaining problem is to balance the economics of deeper,hotter,more costly wells and shallower,cooler,less expensivewells against the value of the final product—electricity and/or heat.Questions31to35are based on the passage.31.The primary purpose of the passage is to________.A.alert readers to the existence of HDRs as an available energy sourceB.document the challenges that have been surmounted in the effort to recover energy from HDRsC.warn the users of coal and oil that HDRs are not an economically feasible alternativeD.encourage the use of new techniques for the recovery of energy from underground hot water and steam32.The passage would be most likely to appear in a________.A.petrologic research report focused on the history of temperature-depth records in the United StatesB.congressional report urging the conservation of oil and natural gas reserves in the United StatesC.technical journal article concerned with the recoverability of newly identified energy sourcesD.consumer report describing the extent and accessibility of remaining coal resources33.According the passage,an average geothermal gradient of22℃per kilometer of depth can be used to ________.A.balance the economics of HDR energy retrieval against that of underground hot water or steam recovery systemsB.determine the amount of energy that will be used for space heating in the United StatesC.provide comparisons between hot water and HDR energy sources in United StatesD.estimate the total HDR resource base in the United States34.It can be inferred from the passage that the availability of temperature-depth records for any specific area in the United States depends primarily on the________.A.possibility that HDRs may be found in that areaB.existence of previous attempts to obtain oil or gas in that areaC.history of successful hot water or steam recovery efforts in that areaD.failure of inhabitants to conserve oil gas reserves in that area35.Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the passage?A.Energy from Water Sources:The Feasibility of Commercial SystemsB.Geothermal Energy Retrieval:Volcanic Activity and Hot Dry RocksC.Energy Underground:Geothermal Sources Give Way to Fossil FuelsD.Tappable Energy for America's Future:Hot Dry RocksPassage4Picture-taking is a technique both for annexing the objective world and for expressing the singular self. Photographs depict objective realities that already exist,though only the camera can disclose them.And they depict an individual photographer's temperament,discovering itself through the camera’s cropping of reality.That is,photography has two antithetical ideals:in the first,photography is about the world and the photographer is a mere observer who counts for little;but in the second,photography is the instrument of intrepid,questing subjectivity and the photographer is all.These conflicting ideals arise from a fundamental uneasiness on the part of both photographers and viewers of photographs toward the aggressive component in"taking"a picture.Accordingly,the ideal of a photographer as an observer is attractive because it implicitly denies that picture-taking is an aggressive act.The issue,of course, is not so clear-cut.What photographers do cannot be characterized as simply predatory or as simply,and essentially,benevolent.As a consequence,one ideal of picture-taking or the other is always being rediscovered and championed.An important result of the coexistence of these two ideals is a recurrent ambivalence toward photography's means.Whatever the claims that photography might make to be a form of personal expression on a part with painting,its originality is inextricably linked to the powers of a machine.The steady growth of these powers has made possible the extraordinary informativeness and imaginative formal beauty of many photographs,like Harold Edgerton's high-speed photographs of a bullet hitting its target or of the swirls and eddies of a tennis stroke.But as cameras become more sophisticated,more automated,some photographers are tempted to disarm themselves or to suggest that they are not really armed,preferring to submit themselves to the limits imposed by pre-modern camera technology because a cruder,less high-powered machine is thought to give more interesting or emotive results,to leave more room for creative accident.For example,it has been virtually a point of honor for many photographers,including Walker Evans and Cartier-Bresson,to refuse to use modern equipment.These photographers have come to doubt the value of the camera as an instrument of"fast seeing".Cartier-Bresson,in fact,claims that the modem camera may see too fast.This ambivalence toward photographic means determines trends in taste.The cult of the future(of faster and faster seeing)alternates over time with the wish to return to a purer past—when images had a handmade quality. This nostalgia for some pristine state of the photographic enterprise is currently widespread and underlies the present-day enthusiasm for daguerreotypes and the work of forgotten nineteenth-century provincial photographers. Photographers and viewers of photographs,it seems,need periodically to resist their own knowingness.Questions36to40are based on the passage.36.According to the passage,interest among photographers in each of photography's two ideals can be described as________.A.rapidly changingB.cyclically recurringC.steadily growingD.unimportant to the viewers of photographs37.The author is primarily concerned with________.A.establishing new technical standards for contemporary photographyB.analyzing the influence of photographic ideals on picture-takingC.tracing the development of camera technology in the twentieth centuryD.describing how photographers'individual temperaments are reflected in their work38.The author mentions the work of Harold Edgerton in order to provide an example of________.A.how a controlled ambivalence toward photography's means can produce outstanding picturesB.how the content of photographs has changed from the nineteenth century to the twentiethC.the popularity of high-speed photography in the twentieth centuryD.the relationship between photographic originality and technology39.According to the passage,the two antithetical ideals of photography differ primarily in the________.A.value that each places on the beauty of the finished productB.emphasis that each places on the emotional impact of the finished productC.degree of technical knowledge that each required of the photographerD.way in which each defines the role of the photographer.40.Which of the following statements would be most likely to begin the paragraph immediately following the passage?A.Photographers,as a result of their heightened awareness of tune,are constantly trying to capture events and actions that are fleeting.B.Thus the cult of the future,the worship of machines and speed,is firmly established in spite of efforts to the contrary by some photographers.C.The rejection of technical knowledge,however,can never be complete and photography cannot for any length of time pretend that it has no weapons.D.The point of honor involved in rejecting complex equipment is,however,of no significance to the viewer of a photograph.Part III:Vocabulary(10%)Directions:In this part,there are20uncompleted sentences with four choices below each sentence.Choose the best one from the4choices to fill the blanks.Then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET witha single line through the center.41.We are writing to the manager____the repairs recently carried out at the above address.A.in the request ofB.with the purpose ofC.with the reference toD.with a view to42.The people living in these apartments have free____to that swimming pool.A.accessB.excessC.excursionD.recreation43.They had a fierce____as to whether their company should restore the trade relationship which was broken years ago.A.debateB.clashC.disagreementD.contest44.They tossed your thoughts back and forth for over an hour,but still could not make___of them.A.impressionprehensionC.meaningD.sense45.If you____the bottle and cigarettes,you'll be much healthier.A.take offB.keep offC.get offD.set off46.Although most dreams apparently happen____,dream activity may be provoked by external influences.A.spontaneouslyB.simultaneouslyC.homogeneouslyD.instantaneously47.He is holding a____position in the company and expect to be promoted soon.A.subordinateB.succeedingC.successiveD.subsequent48.During the nineteen years of his career,France Battiate has won the____of a wide audience outside Italy.A.enjoymentB.appreciationC.evaluationD.reputation49.At the party we found that shy girl____her mother all the time.A.depending onB.adhering toC.clinging toD.coinciding with50.In general,matters which lie entirely within state horded are the____state governments.A.extinctB.excludingC.excessiveD.exclusive51.The basic causes are unknown,although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been____.A.identifiedB.guaranteedC.notifiedD.conveyed52.The town planning commission said that their financial outlook for the next year was optimistic.They expect increased tax____.A.efficiencyB.revenuesC.privilegesD.validity53.The original elections were declared____by the former military ruler.A.voidB.vulgarC.surplusD.extravagant54.When he realized he had been____to sign the contract by intrigue,he threatened to start legal proceedings to cancel the agreement.A.elicitedB.excitedC.deducedD.induced55.They stood gazing at the happy____of children playing in the parkA.perspectiveB.viewndscapeD.scene56.As one of the youngest professors in the university,Miss King is certainly on the____of a brilliantcareer.A.edgeB.porchC.thresholdD.course57.Parents often faced the____between doing what they felt was good for the development of the child and what they could stand by way of undisciplined noise and destructiveness.A.junctionB.paradoxC.premiseD.dilemma58.The damage of his car was____;therefore,be could repair it himself.A.appreciableB.negligibleC.considerableD.invisible59.The wood was so rotten that,when we pulled,it____into fragments.A.broke awayB.broke offC.broke upD.broke through60.Very few people understood his lecture,the subject of which was very____.A.intelligibleB.obscureC.dimD.conspicuousPart IV:C.loze(10%)Directions:There are20blanks in the following passage.For each blank there are flow choices marked A, B,C and D.You should choose the ONE that best fits in to the passage and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Most worthwhile careers require some kind of specialized training.Ideally,therefore,the choice of an[61] ____should be made even before choice of a curriculum in high school.Actually,[62]____,most people make several job choices during their working lives,[63]____because of economic and industrial changes and partly to improve[64]____position.The"one perfect job"does not exist.Young people should[65]____enter into a broad flexible training program that will[66]____them for a field of work rather than for a single[67]____.Unfortunately many young people have to make career plans[68]____benefit of help from a competent vocational counselor or psychologist.Knowing[69]____about the occupational world,or themselves for that matter,they choose their lifework on a hit-or-miss[70]____.Some drift from job to job.Others[71]____to work in which they are unhappy and for which they are not fitted.One common mistake is choosing an occupation for[72]____real or imagined prestige.Too many high-school students—or their parents for them—choose the professional field,[73]____both the relatively small proportion of workers in the professions and the extremely high educational and personal[74]____.The imagined or real prestige of a profession or a"While-collar"job is[75]____good reason for choosing it as life's work.[76]____,these occupations are not always well paid.Since a large proportion of jobs are in mechanical and manual work,the[77]____of young people should give serious[78]____to these field.Before making an occupational choice,a person should have a general idea of what he wants[79]____life and how hard he is willing to work to get it.Some want security;others are willing to take[80]____for financial gain.Each occupational choice has its demands as well as its rewards.61. A.identification B.entertainment C.accommodation D.occupation62. A.however B.therefore C.though D.thereby63. A.entirely B.mainly C.partly D.especially64. A.its B.his C.our D.their65. A.since B.therefore C.furthermore D.forever66. A.make B.fit C.take D.leave67. A.job B.way C.means pany68. A.to B.for C.without D.with69. A.little B.few C.much D.a lot70. A.chance B.basis C.purpose D.opportunity71. A.apply B.appeal C.stick D.turn72. A.our B.its C.your D.their73. A.concerning B.following C.considering D.disregarding74. A.preferences B.requirements C.tendencies D.ambitions75. A.a B.any C.no D.the76. A.Therefore B.However C.Nevertheless D.Moreover77. A.majority B.mass C.minority D.multitude78. A.proposal B.suggestion C.consideration D.appraisal79. A.towards B.against C.out of D.without80. A.turns B.parts C.choices D.risksPart V:Translation(15%)Directions:Read the following passage carefully and translate the underlined sentences into Chinese.Write your translation on ANSWEPR SHEET2.81.Ever since its creation over40years ago,the Internet has remained a predominantly unrestricted place.It is a place where anyone can present themselves in any form they choose,but what happens when your digital identity begins to merge with your real-world identity?Are those who choose to hide their real names in danger of losing anonymity online?82.Such is the power of anonymity on the web that it has made it possible for people—some of whom might normally be restricted from communicating with the outside world—to speak out without fearing the repercussions of their actions.Actions that could put them in danger if carried out using their real names. Concealing one's true identity online has made it possible for free speech to break through the physical barriers enforced by governments and dictatorships across the world.83.Being anonymous on the web also makes it possible for people to discuss sensitive subjects,such as medical conditions,physical abuse and sexual orientation,without these actions affecting their everyday lives in a negative or potentially harmful way.There are many positive ways to use anonymity on the web,but there can sometimes be very destructive side effects too,such as bullying,racism,impersonation of an individual or individuals who believe they are unidentifiable.84.When this kind of damaging activity is carried out online,how can the offender ever be held accountable for their actions when they are almost entirely untraceable in a virtual world?85.A lot of the time they simply cannot be identified and therefore cannot be held identity and protecting themselves from the repercussions of their actions.This all sounds very complicated to achieve,but in reality it's as simple as setting up an email address,creating an online profile under a false name and carrying out malicious acts Verona Random,nondescript location.Part VI:Writing(15%)Directions:"The purpose of education should be to create an academic environment that is separate from the outside world.This kind of environment is ideal because it allows students to focus on important ideas without being held back by practical concerns."Do you agree or disagree with this statement?Write an essay of no less than200words to explain your opinions on this issue.Write your answer on ANSWER SHEETS.。

全国医学博士外语统一考试英语真题2013年(总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟)一、Part 1 :Listening comprehension(30%) (总题数:15,分数:15.00)A.A coughB.Diarrhea √C.A feverD.Vomiting解析:A.TuberculosisB.RhinitisryngitisD.Flu √解析:A.In his bag.B.By the lamp.C.In his house. √D.No idea about where he left it.解析:A.He’s nearly finished his work.B.He has to work for some more time. √C.He wants to leave now.D.He has trouble finishing his work.解析:A.A patientB.A doctorC.A teacherD.A student √解析:A.2.6B.3.5C.3.9D.136 √解析:A.He is the head of the hospital.B.He is in charge of Pediatrics.C.He went out looking for Dan.D.He went to Michigan on business. √解析:A.He has got a fever.B.He is a talented skier.C.He is very rich.D.He is a real ski enthusiast. √解析:A.To ask local people for help.B.To do as Romans do only when in Rome.C.Try to act like the people from that culture. √D.Stay with your country fellows.解析:A.She married because of loneliness.B.She married a millionaire.C.She married for money. √D.She married for love.解析:A.AspirantB.Courageous √C.CautiousD.Amiable解析:A.He was unhappy.B.He was feeling a bit unwell. √C.He went to see the doctor.D.The weather was nasty.解析:A.You may find many of them on the bookseller’ shelves.B.You can buy it from almost every bookstore.C.It’s a very popular magazine.√D.It doesn’t sell very well.解析:A.A general practitioner.B.A gynecologist. √C.An orthopedistD.A surgeon.解析:A.ChemotherapyB.RadiationC.Injections √D.Surgery解析:二、Section B (总题数:3,分数:15.00)A.It is a genetic disorder.B.It is a respiratory condition in pigs. √C.It is an illness from birds to humans.D.It is a gastric ailment.解析:A.Eating pork.B.Raising pigs. √C.Eating chicken.D.Breeding birds.解析:A.Running noseB.Inappetence √C.Pains all overD.Diarrhea解析:A.To stay from crowds. √B.To see the doctor immediately.C.To avoid medications.D.To go to the nearby clinic.解析:A.It is a debate.B.It is a TV program. √C.It is a consultation.D.It is a workshop.解析:A.About 10,000,000. √B.About 1,000,000.C.About 100,000.D.About 10,000.解析:A.A cocktail of vitamins.B.A cocktail of vitamins plus magnesium. √C.The combination of vitamins A, C and E.D.The combination of minerals.解析:A.The delicate structures of the inner ear. √B.The inner ear cells.C.The eardrums.D.The inner ear ossicles.解析:A.General Motors.B.The United Auto Workers.C.NIH √D.All of above.解析:A.An industrial trial in Spain.itary trials in Spain and Sweden.C.Industrial trials in Spain and Sweden. √D.A trial involving students at the University of Florida. 解析:A.The link between obesity and birth defects. √B.The link between obesity and diabetes.C.The risk of birth abnormalities.D.The harmful effects of obesity.解析:A.Neural tube defects.B.Heart problems.C.Cleft lip and palateD.Diabetes √解析:A.20 million.B.200 million.C.400 million. √D.40 million.解析:A.A weight-loss surgery. √B.A balanced diet.C.A change of life style.D.More exercise.解析:A.Why obesity can cause birth defects.B.How obesity may cause birth defects. √C.Why obesity can cause diabetes.D.How obesity may cause diabetes.解析:三、Part II Vocabulary (10%) (总题数:10,分数:5.00)16.Having a bird’s eye view from the helicopter, the vast pasture was __________ with beautiful houses.(分数:0.50)A.overlappedB.segregatedC.intersectedD.interspersed √解析:17.As usual, Singapore Airlines will reduce trans-pacific capacity in _________ seasons this year. (分数:0.50)A.sternB.slack √C.sumptuousD.glamorous解析:18.As to the living environment, bacteria’s needs vary, but most of them grow best in a slightly acid ___________.(分数:0.50)A.mechanismB.miniatureC.medium √D.means解析:19.Under an unstable economic environment, employers in the construction industry place great value on ___________ in hiring and laying off workers as their volumes of work wax and wane. (分数:0.50)A.flexibility √B.moralityC.capacityD.productivity解析:20.In a stark _________ of fortunes, the Philippines –once Asia’s second richest country –recently had to beg Vietnam to sell its rice for its hungry millions.(分数:0.50)A.denialB.reversal √C.intervalD.withdrawal解析:21.Web portal Sohu has gone a step further and called for netizens to join in an all-out boycott of __________ content.(分数:0.50)A.wholesomeB.contagiousC.vulgar √D.stagnant解析:22.Experts urge a reforesting of cleared areas, promotion of reduced-impact logging, and_____________ agriculture, to maintain the rain forest.(分数:0.50)A.sustainable √B.renewableC.revivableD.merchandisable解析:23.In the U.S., the Republican’s doctrines were slightly liberal, whereas the Democrats’ were hardly _____________.(分数:0.50)A.rationalB.radicalC.conservative √D.progressive解析:24.Officials from the Department of Agriculture confirmed that the __________ floods and drought this summer did not affect the country’s grain output.(分数:0.50)A.ripplingB.waningC.fluctuatingD.devastating √解析:25.It is believed that the Black Death, rampant in the Medieval Europe __________, killed 1/3 of its population.(分数:0.50)A.at large √B.at randomC.on endD.on average解析:四、Section B (总题数:10,分数:5.00)26.Christmas shoppers should be aware of the possible defects of the products sold at a discount. (分数:0.50)A.deficitsB.deviationsC.drawbacks √D.discrepancies解析:27.The goal of this training program is to raise children with a sense of responsibility and necessary courage to be willing to take on challenges in life.(分数:0.50)A.despiseB.evadeC.demandD.undertake √解析:28.After “9.11”, the Olympic Games severely taxed the security services of the host country. (分数:0.50)A.improvedB.burdened √C.inspectedD.tariffed解析:29.The clown’s performance was so funny that the audience, adults and children alike, were all thrown into convulsions.(分数:0.50)A.a fit of enthusiasmB.a scream of frightC.a burst of laughter √D.a cry of anguish解析:30.We raised a mortgage from Bank of China and were informed to pay it off by the end of this year.(分数:0.50)A.loan √B.paymentC.withdrawalD.retrieval解析:31.The advocates highly value the “sport spirit”, while the opponent devalue it, asserting that it’s a sheer hypocrisy and self-deception.(分数:0.50)A.fineB.suddenC.finiteD.absolute √解析:32.Whenever a rattlesnake is agitated, it begins to move its tail and make a rattling noise. (分数:0.50)A.irritated √B.tamedC.stampedD.probed解析:33.The detective had an unusual insight into criminal’s tricks and knew clearly how to track them.(分数:0.50)A.inductionB.perception √C.interpretationD.penetration解析:34.My little brother practices the speech repeatedly until his delivery and timing were perfect. (分数:0.50)A.presentation √B.gestureC.rhythmD.pronunciation解析:35.In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally amazing highs.(分数:0.50)A.untimelyB.unexpectedlyC.unreasonably √D.unconventionally解析:五、Part III Cloze (10%) (总题数:1,分数:10.00)Video game players may get an unexpected benefit from blowing away bad guys—better vision. Playing “action” video games improves a visual ability __51__ tasks like reading and driving at night, a new study says. The ability, called contrast sensitivity function, allows people to discern even subtle changes __52__ gray against a uniformly colored backdrop. It’s also one of the first visual aptitudes to fade with age. __53__ a regular regimen of action video game training can provide long-lasting visual power, according to work led by Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester. Previous research shows that gaming improves other visual skills, such as the ability to track several objects at the same time and __54__ attention to a series of fast-moving events. Bavelier said, “A lot of different aspects of the visual system are being enhanced, __55__.” The new work suggests that playing video games could someday become part of vision-correction treatments, which currently rely mainly on surgery or corrective lenses. “__56__ you’ve had eye surgery or get corrective lenses, exposing yourself to these games should help the optical system to recover faster and better, you need to retrain the brain to make use of the better, crisper information that’s coming in __57__ your improved eyesight,” Bavelier said. Expert action gamers in the study played first-person shooters Unreal Tournament 2004 and Call of Duty 2. A group of experienced nonaction gamers played The Sims 2, a “life simulation” video game. The players of nonaction video games didn’t see the same vision __58__, the study says. Bavelier and others are now trying to figure out exactly why action games __59__ seem to sharpen visual skill. It may be that locating enemies and aiming accurately is a strenuous, strength-building workout for the eyes, she said. Another possible __60__ is that the unpredictable, fast-changing environment of the typical action game requires players to constantly monitor entire landscapes and analyze optical data quickly. (分数:10.00)A.crucial for √B.available inC.resulting fromD.ascribed to解析:A.in disguise ofB.in shades of √C.in search ofD.in place of解析:A.This is howB.That’s why√C.It is not thatD.There exists解析:A.paidB.paysC.payD.paying √解析:A.thoughB.not to sayC.not just one √D.as well解析:A.UntilB.WhileC.UnlessD.Once √解析:A.as opposed toB.in addition toC.as a result of √D.in spite of解析:A.benefits √B.defectsC.approachesD.risks解析:A.in caseB.in advanceC.in returnD.in particular √解析:A.effectB.reason √C.outcomeD.conclusion解析:六、Part IV Reading Comprehension (30%) (总题数:6,分数:30.00)Passage one There is plenty we don’t know about criminal behavior. Most crime goes unrepor ted so it is hard to pick out trends from the data, and even reliable sets of statistics can be difficult to compare. But here is one thing we do know: those with a biological predisposition to violent behavior who are brought up in abusive homes are very likely to become lifelong criminals.Antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, but no one was sure whether this was due mostly to social-environmental factors or biological ones. It turns out both are important, but the effect is most dramatic when they act together. This has been illustrated in several studies over the past six years which found that male victims of child abuse are several times as likely to become criminals and abusers themselves if they were born with a less-active version of a gene for the enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), which breaks down neurotransmitters crucial to the regulation of aggression. Researchers recently made another key observation: kids with this “double whammy” of predisposition and an unfortunate upb ringing are likely to show signs of what’s to come at a very early age. The risk factors for long-term criminality –attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, low IQ, language difficulties –can be spotted in kindergarten. So given what we now know, should n’t we be doing everything to protect the children most at risk? No one is suggesting testing all boys to see which variant of the MAO-A gene they have, but what the science is telling us is that we should redouble efforts to tackle abusive upbringings, and even simple neglect. This will help any child, but especially those whose biology makes them vulnerable. Thankfully there is already considerable enthusiasm in both the US and the UK for converting the latest in behavioral science into parenting and social skills: both governments have schemes in place to improve parenting in families where children are at risk of receiving poor care. Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of early intervention because it implies our behavior becomes “set” as we grow up, compromising the idea of free will. That view is understandable, but it would be negligent to ignore what the studies are telling us. Indeed, the cost to society of failing to intervene -in terms of criminal damage, dealing with offenders and helping victims of crime -is bound to be greater than the cost of improving parenting. The value to the children is immeasurable. (分数:5.00)(1).Researchers have come to a consensus: to explain violent behavior ________. (分数:1.00)A.in terms of physical environmentB.form a biological perspective √C.based on the empirical dataD.in a statistical way解析:(2).When we say that antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, as indicated by the recent findings, we can probably mean that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.a particular gene is passed on in familiesB.child abuse will lead to domestic violenceC.the male victims of child abuse will pass on the tendency √D.the violent predisposition is exclusively born of child abuse解析:(3).The recent observation implicated that to check the development of antisocial and criminal behavior ___________. (分数:1.00)A.boys are to be screened for the biological predispositionB.high-risk kids should be brought up in kindergartenC.it is important to spot the genes for the risk factorsD.active measures ought to be taken at an early age √解析:(4).To defend the argument against the unfavorable idea, the author makes it a point to consider ___________. (分数:1.00)A.the immeasurable value of the genetic research on behaviorB.the consequences of compromising democracyC.the huge cost of improving parenting skillsD.the greater cost of failing to intervene √解析:(5).Which of the following can be the best title for the passage? (分数:1.00)A.Parenting Strategies for KidsB.The Making of a Criminal √C.Parental EducationD.Abusive Parenting解析:Passage two After 25 years battling the mother of all viruses, have we finally got the measure of HIV? Three developments featured in this issue collectively give grounds for optimism that would have been scarcely believable a year ago in the wake of another failed vaccine and continuing problems supplying drugs to all who need them. Perhaps the most compelling hope lies in the apparent “cure” of a man wit h HIV who had also developed leukemia. Doctors treated his leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that also vanquished the virus. Now US Company Sangamo Biosciences is hoping to emulate the effect patients being cured with a single shot of gene therapy, instead of taking antiretroviral drugs for life. Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is itself another reason for optimism. Researchers at the World Health Organization have calculated that HIV could be effectively eradicated in Africa and other hard-hit places using existing drugs. The trick is to test everyone often, and give those who test positive ART as soon as possible. Because the drugs rapidly reduce circulating levels of the virus to almost zero, it would stop people passing it on through sex. By blocking the cycle of infection in this way, the virus could be virtually eradicated by 2050. Bankrolling such a long-term program would cost serious money – initially around $3.5 billion a year in South Africa alone, ring to $85 billion in total. Huge as it sounds, however, it is peanuts compared with the estimated $1.9 trillion cost of the Iraq war, or the $700 billion spent in one go propping up the US banking sector. It also look small beer compared with the costs of carrying on as usual, which the WHO says can only lead to spiraling cases and costs. The final bit of good news is that the cost of ART could keep on falling. Last Friday, GlaxoSmithKline chairman Andrew Witty said that his company would offer all its medicines to the poorest countries for at least 25 per cent less than the typical price in rich countries. GSK has already been doing this for ART, but the hope is that the company may now offer it cheaper still and that other firms will follow their lead. No one doubt the devastation caused by AIDS. In 2007, 2 million people died and 2.7 million more contracted the virus. Those dismal numbers are not going to turn around soon –and they won’t turn around at all without huge effort and investment. But at least there is renewed belief that, given the time and money, we can finally start riddling the world of this most fearsome of viruses. (分数:5.00)(1).Which is the following can be most probably perceived beyond the first paragraph? (分数:1.00)A.The end of the world.B.A candle of hope. √C.A Nobel prize.D.A Quick Fix.解析:(2).According to the passage, the apparent “cure” of the HIV patient who had also developed leukemia would ___________. (分数:1.00)A.make a promising transition from antiretroviral medication to gene therapy √B.facilitate the development of effective vaccines for the infectionpel people to draw an analogy between AIDS and leukemiaD.would change the way we look at those with AIDS解析:(3).As another bit of good news, ___________. (分数:1.00)A.HIV will be virtually wiped out first in AfricaB.the cycle of HIV infection can be broken with ART √C.the circulating levels of HIV have been limited to almost zeroD.the existing HIV drugs will be enhanced to be more effective in 25 years解析:(4).The last reason for optimism is that ___________. (分数:1.00)ernments will invest more in improving ARTB.the cost of antiretroviral therapy is on the decline √C.everybody can afford antiretroviral therapy in the worldD.the financial support of ART is coming to be no problem解析:(5).The whole passage carries a tone of ___________. (分数:1.00)A.idealismB.activismC.criticismD.optimism √解析:Passage Three Archaeology can tell us plenty about how humans looked and the way they lived tens of thousands of years ago. But what about the deeper questions? Could early humans speak, were they capable of self-conscious reflection, did they believe in anything? Such questions might seem to be beyond the scope of science. Not so. Answering them is the focus of a burgeoning field that brings together archaeology and neuroscience. It aims to chart the development of human cognitive powers. This is not easy to do. A skull gives no indication of whether its owner was capable of speech, for example. The task then is to find proxies (替代物) for key traits and behaviors that have stayed intact over millennia. Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this endeavor is teasing out the role of culture as a force in the evolution of our mental skills. For decades, development of the brain has been seen as exclusively biological. But increasingly, that is being challenged. Take what the Cambridge archaeologist Colin Renfrew calls “the sapient (智人的) paradox (矛盾)”. Evidence suggests that the human genome, and hence the brain, has changed little in the past 60,000 years. Yet it wasn’t until about 10,000 years ago that profound changes took place in human behavior: people settled in villages and built shrines. Renfrew’s paradox is why, if the hardware was in place, did it take so long for humans to start changing the world? His answer is that the software – the culture – took a long time to develop. In particular, the intervening time saw humans vest (赋予) meaning in objects and symbols. Those meanings were developed by social interaction over successive generations, passed on through teaching, and stored in the neuronal connections of children. Culture also changes biology by modifying natural selection, sometimes in surprising ways. How is it, for example, that a human gene for making essential vitamin C became blocked by junk DNA? One answer is that our ancestors started eating fruit, so the pressure to make vitamin C “relaxed” and the gene became unnecessary. By this reasoning, early humans then became addicted to fruit, and any gene that helped them to find it was selected for. Evidence suggests that the brain is so plastic that, like genes, it can be changed by relaxing selection pressure. Our understanding of human cognitive development is still fragmented and confused, however. We have lots of proposed causes and effects, and hypotheses to explain them. Yet the potential pay-off makes answers worth searching for. If we know where the human mind came from and what changed it, perhaps we can gauge where it is going. Finding those answers will take all the ingenuity the modern human mind can muster. (分数:5.00)(1).The questions presented in the first paragraph ___________. (分数:1.00)A.seem to have no answers whateverB.are intended to dig for ancient human minds √C.are not scientific enough to be answered hereD.are raised to explore the evolution of human appearance解析:(2).The scientists find the proxy to be ___________. (分数:1.00)A.the role of culture √B.the passage of timeC.the structure of a skullD.the biological makeup of the brain解析:(3).According to Renfrew’s paradox, the transition from 60,000 to 10,000 years ago suggests that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.human civilization came too lateB.the hardware retained biologically staticC.it took so long for the software to evolve √D.there existed an interaction between gene and environment解析:(4).From the example illustrating the relation between culture and biology, we might conclude that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.the mental development has not been exclusively biologicalB.the brain and culture have not developed at the same paceC.the theory of natural selection applies to human evolution √D.vitamin C contributes to the development of the brain解析:(5).Speaking of the human mind, the author would say that ___________. (分数:1.00)A.its cognitive development is extremely slowB.to know its past is to understand its future √C.its biological evolution is hard to predictD.as the brain develops, so as the mind解析:Passage Four Despite the numerous warnings about extreme weather, rising sea levels and mass extinctions, one message seems to have got lost in the debate about the impact of climate change.A warmer world won’t just be inconvenient. Huge swathes (片) of it, including most of Europe, the US and Australia as well as all of Africa and China will actually be uninhabitable--- too hot, dry or stormy to sustain a human population. This is no mirage. It could materialize if the world warms by an average of just 4°C, which some models predict could happen as soon as 2050. This is the world our children and grandchildren are going to have to live in. So what are we going to do about it? One option is to start planning to move the at-risk human population to parts of the world where it will still be cool and wet. It might seem like a drastic move, but this thought experiment is not about scaremongering (危言耸听). Every scenario is extrapolated from predictions of the latest climate models, and some say that 4°C may actually turn out to be a conservative estimate. Clearly this glacier-free, desertified world---with its human population packed into high-rise cities closer to the poles---would be a last resort. Aside from anything else, it is far from being the most practical option: any attempt at mass migration is likely to fuel wars, political power struggles and infighting. So what are the alternatives? The most obvious answer is to radically reduce carbon dioxide levels now, by fast-tracking green technologies and urgently implementing energy-efficient measures. But the changes aren’t coming nearly quickly enough and global emissions are still rising. As a result, many scientists are now turning to “Earth’s plan B”. PlanB involves making sure we have large scale geoengineeringtechnolo gies ready and waiting to either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere or deflect the sun’s heat. Most climate scientists were once firmly against fiddling with the Earth’s thermostat, fearing that it may make a bad situation even worse, or provide politicians with an excuse to sit on their hands and do nothing. Now they reluctantly acknowledge the sad truth that we haven’t managed to reorder the world fast enough to reduce CO2 emissions and that perhaps, given enough funding research and political muscle, we can indeed design, test and regulate geoengineering projects in time to avert the more horrifying consequences of climate change. Whatever we do, now is the time to act. The alternative is to plan for a hothouse world that none of us would recognize as home.(分数:5.00)(1).To begin with, the author is trying to remind us of ____________. (分数:1.00)A.the likelihood of climate change making life inconvenient √B.the warning against worsening climate changeC.the inevitable consequence of global warmingD.the misconception of a warmer world解析:(2).As the thought experiment shows, those at risk from global warming will ____________. (分数:1.00)A.live with the temperature raised by an average of 4°CB.have nowhere to go but live in the desertC.become victims as soon as 2050D.move closer to the poles √解析:(3).It is clear from the passage that a practical approach to global warming is _________. (分数:1.00)A.to reduce massively CO2 emissions √B.to take protective measures by 2025C.to prepare a blueprint for mass migrationsD.to launch habitual constructions closer to the poles解析:(4).Earth’s plan B is ambitious enough ___________. (分数:1.00)A.to stop climate scientists making a bad situation even worseB.to remove the sources of CO2 emissions altogetherC.to regulate geoengineering projects for efficiencyD.to manage the Earth’s thermostat√解析:(5).Which of the following statements are the supporters of “Earth’s plan B” for? (分数:1.00)A.It’s Time to Go GreenB.Energy-efficient measures must be taken √C.Mass migration to the poles is inevitableD.For the Planet’s Geoengineer or Catatrophe解析:Passage Five Brittany Donovan was born 13 years ago in Pennsylvania. Her biological father was sperm donor G738. Unbeknownst to Brittany’s m other, G738 carried a genetic defect known as fragile X-a mutation that all female children born from his sperm will inherit, and which causes mental impairment, behavioral problems and atypical social development. Last week, Brittany was given the green l ight to sue the sperm bank, Idant Laboratories of New York, under the state’s product liability laws. These laws were designed to allow consumers to seek compensation from companies whose products are defective and cause harm. Nobody expected them to be applied to donor sperm.Thousands of people in the US have purchased sperm from sperm banks on the promise that the donor’s history has been carefully scrutinized and his sample rigorously tested, only for some of them to discover that they have been sold a batch of bad seed. Some parents learn about genetic anomalies after their disabled child is born and they press the sperm bank for more information. Others realize it when they contact biological half-siblings who have the same disorder. So will Donovan vs Idant laboratories open the floodgates? It seems unlikely. New York’s product liability laws are highly unusual in that they consider donor sperm to be a product just like any other. Most other US states grant special status to blood products and body parts, including sperm. In these states, donor sperm is not considered a “product” in the usual sense, despite the fact that it is tested, processed, packaged, catalogued, marketed and sold. Similarly, European Union product liability law could not be used in this way. Even if this lawsuit is an isolated case, it still raises some difficult questions. First, to what lengths should sperm banks go to ensure they are supplying defect-free sperm? As we learn more and more about human genetics, there is growing list of tests that could be performed. Nobody would deny that donor sperm carrying the fragile X mutation should be screened out--- and there is a test that can do so ---but what about more subtle defects, such as language impairment or susceptibility to earl y Alzheimer’s? Donovan vs Idant Laboratories also serves as a reminder of the nature of the trade in human gametes. Sperm bank catalogues can give the impression that babies are as guaranteed as dishwashers. The Donovans are entitled to their day in court, but in allowing the product liability laws to be used in this way, the legal system is not doing much to dispel that notion. (分数:5.00)(1).Donovan sued Idant Laboratories for ______________. (分数:1.00)A.a cheat in boasting its biological productsB.donor sperm as a productC.problematic donor sperm √D.a breach of confidentiality解析:(2).It can be inferred from the passage that thousands of people in the US purchase sperm_____________. (分数:1.00)A.without knowing its potential dangers √B.regardless of repeated warningsC.for the reason of quality supplyD.for their desperate needs解析:(3).The question from the case is whether ___________. (分数:1.00)A.people are entitled to donor spermB.donated sperm should be just a product √C.Donovan is allowed to sue the sperm bankD.Donovan’s health problems have been clinically certified解析:(4).It seems that sperm banks are in no position to _______________. (分数:1.00)A.treat donor sperm as a productB.screen out the fragile X mutationC.manage their business as others do in NYD.guarantee sperm absolutely free of any defect √解析:(5).The statement Sperm bank catalogues can give the impression that babies are as guaranteed as dishwashers implies that _____________. (分数:1.00)A.Donovan will surely win the case in courtB.any product could have a defect in one way or another。

2013年北京航空航天大学外国语学院821综合英语考研真题及部分详解I. Briefly answer the following questions. (30 points, 5×6)(注:本题为简答题,共五题,每题6分,下面是例题)1. What is a phoneme? How to discover phonemes?答案:Phoneme is a basic unit of phonological study, and it is an abstract collection of phonetic features which can distinguish meaning. By convention, phonemic transcription are placed between slant lines (//), like, / t / or / d /.A phoneme is a phonological unit that is of distinctive value. It’s the smallest distinctive unit in the sound system of a language. It’s a unit of explicit sound contrast. If two sounds in a language make a contrast between two different words, they are said to be different phonemes.2. What are endocentric and exocentric compounds? Which compounds below are endocentric and which are exocentric?airplane; dog food; pickpocket; policeman; redhead; sky blue; walkman.答案:Compounds can be further divided into two kinds: the endocentric compounds and the exocentric compounds. The head of a nominal or adjectival endocentric compound is de-verbal, that is, it is derived from a verb. Consequently, it is alsocalled a verbal compound or a synthetic compound. Usually, the first member is a participant of the process verb. (e.g. self-control, pain-killer; bullet-resistant, sun-tanned.)The exocentric nominal compounds are formed by V + N, V + Adv., and V + P, whereas the exocentric adjectives come from V + N and V + Adv. (e.g. playboy, sit-down, breakthrough; breakneck, walk-in.)The endocentric compounds are airplane, dog food, redhead, sky blue.The exocentric compounds are pickpocket, policeman, walkman.3. What are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations? Explain each of them with an example.答案:Syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations follow from the distinction which Saussure makes between synchronic and diachronic perspectives. Syntagmatic relation refers to horizontal relations. It is a relation between one item and others in a sequence, or between elements which are all present, such as relation between “weather” and the other in the follow: If the weather is nice, I’ll go out. If the words in a sentence fail to occur in the fixed order required by the convention of a language, the utterance would be ungrammatical or nonsensical. For example, “The boy kicked the ball” can not be replaced by “Boy the ball kicked”.Paradigmatic relation refers to the vertical relation. It is a relation holding between elements replaceable with each other at a particular place in a structure,or between one element present and the others absent. They can substitute for each other without violating syntactic rules. For example, “The strong man smiles”can be replaced by “The tallest boy smiles” or “The pretty girl smiles”.4. What is Contrastive Analysis (in Linguistics and Foreign Language Teaching)?答案:Contrastive Analysis (CA) came into fashion in the 1960s. It is a way of comparing the forms and meanings across the native language and the target language to spot the mismatches or differences so that people could predict learner’s difficulty, and then what to be learned and what doesn’t need to be learned in a second language learning situation is decided.5. What are image schemas? Give three examples of image schemas.答案:Mark Johnson (1987) proposes Image Schemas. He defines an image schema as a recurring, dynamic pattern of our perceptual interactions motor programs that gives coherence and structure to our experience.Image schematic structures have two characteristics: ①they are pre-conceptual schematic structures emerging from our bodily experience and ②they are constantly operating in our perceptual interaction, bodily movement through space and physical manipulation of objects.Image schemas exist at a level of abstraction; operate at a level of mentalorganization between propositional structures and concrete images, and “serve repeatedly as identifying patterns in an indefinitely large number of experiences, perceptions, and image formation for objects or events that are similarly structured in the relevant ways.”The examples are as followings:①A center-periphery schema: the structure of an apple; an individual’s perceptual sphere; an individual’ s social sphere, with family and friends at the core and others at the outside.②A cycle schema: days; weeks; years; sleeping and waking; breathing.③A part-whole schema: the body and its parts; the family and the caste structure of India.II. Answer the following questions or complete the related tasks. (40 points, 4×10) (注:本题为回答问题,有—定实践分析性质,共四题,每题10分)1. What is hyponymy? Arrange the vehicles shown in the first column in the table below, together with some appropriate superordinates and hyponyms in a diagram to show the hyponymy.Bicycle- -答案:Hyponymy. It refers to the sense relationship between a more general, more inclusive and a more specific word. The word which is more general in meaning is called the superordinate, and the more specific words are called its hyponyms. For example, the hyponymy relationship could be established between “animal” and “rabbit”.From the above figures, we could see the sense relation of hyponymy clearly. For example, in Figure 1, if we divide the vehicle into public vehicle and private vehicle, then the vehicle is the superordinate of public and private; and the public and private are hyponyms of vehicle. According to the given chart, the public includes van and bus as well as the private includes car, motorcycle and bicycle.Therefore, the public is the superordinate of van and bus; the private is the superordinate of car, motorcycle and bicycle. The van and the bus are the hyponyms of the public; the car, motorcycle and bicycle are hyponyms of the private.2. Write some phrase-structure rules (beginning with S→NPVP) which can generate the sentence: The men love a red car.答案:S → NP VPNP → Det NVP → V NPNP → Det APAP → Adj N3. What is Componential Analysis? Use this theory to explain why the following sentences do not make sense:(a) John is a man but not a male.(b) Peter killed Bob but Bob did not die.答案:Componential analysis. It refers to a semantic approach which defines the meaning of a lexical element in terms of semantic components, or semantic features. For example, the meaning of the word boy may be analyzed into three。

北京航空航天大学考博英语模拟真题及其解析“I want to criticize the social system,and to show it at work,at its most intense.”Virginia Woolf’s provocative statement abouther intentions in writing Mrs.Dalloway has regularly been ignoredby the critics,since it highlights an aspect of her literaryinterests very different from the traditional picture of the Geng duoyuan xiao wan zheng kao bo ying yu zhen ti ji qi jie xi qing lian xiquan guo mian fei zi xun dian hua:si ling ling liu liu ba liu jiuqi ba,huo jia zi xun qq:qi qi er liu qi ba wu san qi“poetic”novelistconcerned with examining states of reverie and vision and withfollowing the intricate pathways of individual consciousness.ButVirginia Woolf was a realistic as well as a poetic novelist,a satiristand social critic as well as a visionary:literary critics’cavalierdismissal of Woolf’s social vision will not withstand scrutiny.In her novels,Woolf is deeply engaged by the questions of howindividuals are shaped(or deformed)by their social environments,how historical forces impinge on people’s lives,how class,wealth,and gender help to determine people’s fates.Most of her novels arerooted in a realistically rendered social setting and in a precisehistorical time.Woolf’s focus on society has not been generally recognizedbecause of her intense antipathy to propaganda in art.The picturesof reformers in her novels are usually satiric or sharply critical.Even when Woolf is fundamentally sympathetic to their causes,sheportrays people anxious to reform their society and possessed of amessage or program as arrogant or dishonest,unaware of how their political ideas serve their own psychological needs.(Her Writer’s Diary notes:“the only honest people are the artists,”whereas “these social reformers and philanthropists…harbor…discreditable desires under the disguise of loving their kind…”) Woolf detested what she called“preaching”in fiction,too,and criticized novelist wrence(among others)for working by this method.Woolf’s own social criticism is expressed in the language of observation rather than in direct commentary,since for her,fiction is a contemplative,not an active art.She describes phenomena and provides materials for a judgment about society and social issues; it is the reader’s work to put the observations together and understand the coherent point of view behind them.As a moralist, Woolf works by indirection,subtly undermining officially accepted mores,mocking,suggesting,calling into question,rather than asserting,advocating,bearing witness:hers is the satirist’s art.Woolf’s literary models were acute social observers like Chekhov and Chaucer.As she put it in The Common Reader,“It is safe to say that not a single law has been framed or one stone set upon another because of anything Chaucer said or wrote;and yet,as we read him, we are absorbing morality at every pore.”Like Chaucer,Woolf chose to understand as well as to judge,to know her society root and branch —a decision crucial in order to produce art rather than polemic.1.Which of the following would be the most appropriate title for the text?[A]Poetry and Satire as Influences on the Novels of Virginia Woolf.[B]Virginia Woolf:Critic and Commentator on theTwentieth-Century Novel.[C]Trends in Contemporary Reform Movements as a Key to Understanding Virginia Woolf’s Novels.[D]Virginia Woolf’s Novels:Critical Reflections on the Individual and on Society.2.In the first paragraph of the text,the author’s attitude toward the literary critics mentioned can best be described as[A]disparaging.[B]ironic.[C]facetious.[D]skeptical but resigned.3.It can be inferred from the text that Woolf chose Chaucer asa literary example because she believed that[A]Chaucer was the first English author to focus on society as a whole as well as on individual characters.[B]Chaucer was an honest and forthright author,whereas novelists like wrence did not sincerely wish to change society.[C]Chaucer was more concerned with understanding his societythan with calling its accepted mores into question.[D]Chaucer’s writing was greatly,if subtly,effective in influencing the moral attitudes of his readers.4.It can be inferred from the text that the most probable reason Woolf realistically described the social setting in the majority of her novels was that she[A]was aware that contemporary literary critics considered the novel to be the most realistic of literary genres.[B]was interested in the effect of a person’s social milieu on his or her character and actions.[C]needed to be as attentive to detail as possible in her novels in order to support the arguments she advanced in them.[D]wanted to show that a painstaking fidelity in the representation of reality did not in any way hamper the artist.5.Which of the following phrases best expresses the sense of the word“contemplative”as it is used in line2,paragraph4of the text?[A]Gradually elucidating the rational structures underlying accepted mores.[B]Reflecting on issues in society without prejudice or emotional commitment.[C]Avoiding the aggressive assertion of the author’s perspective to the exclusion of the reader’s judgment.[D]Conveying a broad view of society as a whole rather thanfocusing on an isolated individual consciousness.[答案与考点解析]1.【答案】D【考点解析】这是一道中心主旨题。

2013年北京大学考博英语真题试题及答案PartOne:ListeningcomprehensionThereare3sectionsinthispart.InsectionAandByouwillheareverythingONCEONLY.Liste ncarefullyandthenchoosethecorrectanswerforeachquestion.MarkyourchoicesonyourA NSWERSHEET.SectionA:Conversations5Questions1to3arebasedonthefollowingconversation.Attheendoftheconversation,youwil lbegiven15secondstoanswerthequestions.1.WhichisNOTthepurposeofMr.Lewis’visit?A.Toseefriends.B.Togiveconcerts.C.Tovacation.D.Togiveprivatelessons.2.WhatkindofcellodidMr.Lewisusewhenhewaseight?A.Afull-sizedcello.B.Ahalf-sizedcello.C.Atwo-thirds-sizedcello.D.Itisnotmentioned.3.WhatistrueaboutMr.Lewis’cello?A.Healwaystakesitwithhim.B.Itwasmadebyhisuncle.C.Heborroweditfromhisuncle.D.Hegotaseatfreeforhiscello.Questions4to7arebasedonthefollowingconversation.Attheendoftheconversation,youwil lbegiven20secondstoanswerthequestions.4.Whatisthemainpurposeoftheresearch?A.Tomakepreparationsforanewpublication.B.Tolearnhowcouplesspendtheirweekends.C.Toknowhowhouseworkisshared.D.Toinvestigatewhatpeopledoattheweekend.5.WhatdoesthemandoonFridays?A.Hegoestoexerciseclasses.B.Hegoessailing.C.Hegoestothecinema.D.Hestaysathome.6.Onwhichdaydoesthecouplealwaysgoout?A.Friday.B.Saturday.C.Sunday.D.Anyweekday.7.Whichpersonaldetaildoesthemangive?A.Surname.B.Firstname.C.Address.D.Age.Questions8to10arebasedonthefollowingconversation.Attheendoftheconversation,youw illbegiven15secondstoanswerthequestions.8.WhatconclusioncanwedrawaboutMikebeforehewenttothecampingschool?A.Hewaseagertodothecourse.B.Hehaddoneoutdooractivities.C.Heenjoyedlifeintheopen.D.Hewasreluctantandtimid.9.MikeparticipatedinallthefollowingactivitiesEXCEPT______________.A.hikingB.canoeingC.swimmingD.camping10.WhichofthefollowingwordsismostappropriatetodescribeMikeafterthecampingschoo l?A.Independent.B.Strong.C.Determined.D.Persistent.SectionB:Talks5Questions11to13arebasedonthefollowingconversation.Attheendoftheconversation,you willbegiven15secondstoanswerthequestions.11.WhathappenedtoJanuary27th,1967?A.Threemenwereinjuredduringafire.B.Onemandiedduringthefireaccident.C.Afirestartedinsideaspaceship.D.Aspaceshipwaslaunched.12.Whathappenedin1981?A.Thespaceprogramwassuspended.B.Fivemenwereinjuredduringanaccident.C.Theaccidentoccurredbeforetherehearsal.D.Noaccidenthappenedthatyear.13.Whatdoesthetalksayaboutaccidents?D?BPiCs?XSA.Accidentsareunavoidable.B.Accidentscanbeavoided.C.Humanbeingsarealwayscareless.D.Thereshouldbemoreprecautions.Questions14to17arebasedonthefollowingconversation.Attheendoftheconversation,you willbegiven20secondstoanswerthequestions.14.BBC’sweatherforecastisa________program.A.seldomwatchedB.littleknownC.newD.popular15.WeatherobservationscomefromallthefollowingsourcesEXCEPT________.putersB.satellitesC.thegroundD.radar16.WhatdoesthetalksayaboutBBC’sforecasters?A.Theyreadfromscript.B.Theyareprofessional.C.Theyuseamapforpresentation.D.Theycareabouttheirclothes.17.WhatdoesthetalksayaboutBritishtelevisionviewers?A.Theyrememberwhattheysawonweatherforecasts.B.Theyliketalkingaboutweatherinsteadofwatching.C.Theypaymoreattentiontothestyleofthepresenters.D.Theywatchandrememberwhatisnecessary.Questions18to20arebasedonthefollowingconversation.Attheendoftheconversation,you willbegiven15secondstoanswerthequestions.18.WhichisNOTshowinganincreasethisyear?A.Numberoftourists.B.Holidaytravelers.C.Shopping.D.Diningandentertaining.19.Whatdoesthetalksayaboutthisyear’sbusinesstravelers?A.Therearefewerbusinesstravelers.B.Therearemorebusinesstravelers.C.Thenumberremainsthesameaslastyear’s.D.Itisnotmentionedinthetalk.20.Whichisthelargestsinglevisitorexpenditure?A.Hotelaccommodation.B.Meals.C.Shopping.D.Entertainment.SectionC:SpotDictation10Directions:Inthissectionyouaregoingtohearareportonthestronglinkbetweensleepandfata laccident.Somewordsaretakenoutandyouareexpectedtofillinthemissingwordsasyouliste n.ThereportwillbereadTWICEandyouwillhaveoneminutetocheckyourwork.Thenputyour answersonANSWERSHEET(2).Inadequaterestmeansaweaker(C1)___________system,layingthebodyopentoawhole(C 2)__________ofillnesses.Ontheaverageamanneedssevenhoursofsleepadayandawoman sevenanda(C3)____________hours.Sixhoursof(C4)_________sleepisbetterthantenho ursof(C5)__________andturning,however.Peoplewhosleeplessthansixhoursanightare( C6)________foranearlydeath.Somepeople(C7)___________thattheycangetbywithlittlesleepwhennecessary.Butexpe rtsthinkthesepeopleare(C8)________themselves.Betweensleep(C9)________andfatalaccidentsthereisanobvious(C10)_________.Peopl ewhoget(C11)________sleeporpoorqualitysleephaveahigherriskof(C12)________onth eroad.Theyaremorelikelytofallasleepatthe(C13)_________andkillpeopleorgetkilled.Pr ofessionaldriversand(C14)___________workersaremostlikelytotakethe(C15)_______ _.Theperformanceatworkalso(C16)__________becauseofsleepdeprivation.Thepressuresofworkdeprivepeopleofsleep.Tomakeitup,theytryto(C17)________catnap s.Butexpertsarealittle(C18)____________aboutthebenefitsofcatnapping.Theytellusthat thecatnapcanneverbea(C19)_________forpropersleep.Forvictimsof(C20)_________,c atnappinginthedayistheworstthingtheycanpossiblydo.PartTwo:StructureandWrittenExpression20Directions:Ineachquestiondecidewhichoffourchoicesgivenwillmostsuitablycompleteth esentenceifinsertedattheplacemarked.MarkyourchoicesontheANSWERSHEET.21.Thenuclearfamily__________aself-contained,self-satisfyingunitcomposedoffather, motherandchildren.A.referstoB.definesC.describesD.devotesto22.Somepollsshowthatroughlytwo-thirdsofthegeneralpublicbelievethatelderlyAmerica nsare________bysocialisolationandloneliness.A.reproachedB.favoredC.plaguedD.reprehended23.Inadditiontobetteringgroupandindividualperformance,cooperation________thequal ityofinterpersonalrelationship.A.ascendspelsC.enhancesD.prefers24.Inthepast50years,there________agreatincreaseintheamountofresearch_____ontheh umanbrain.A.was…didB.hasbeen…tobedoneC.was…doingD.hasbeen…done25.“Im usthaveeatensomethingwrong.Ifeellike_____.”“Wetoldyounottoeatatarestaurant.You’dbetter_______athomewheny ouarenotintheshape.”A.tothrowup…toeatB.throwingup…eatingC.tothrowup…eatD.throwingup…eat26.Parentshavetoshowdueconcernstotheirchildren’screat ivityandemotionaloutput;othe rwisewhattheythinkbeneficialtothekidsmightprobably_______theirenthusiasmandaspir ations.A.holdbackB.holdtoC.holddownD.holdover27.Accordingtopsychoanalysis,aperson’sattentionisattracted________bytheintensityof differentsignals________bytheircontext,significance,andinformationcontent.A.notlessthan…asB.as…justasC.somuch…asD.notsomuch…as28.TheymovedtoPortlandin1998andlivedinabighouse,_______tothesouth.A.thewindowsofwhichopenedB.thewindowsofitopenedC7U O:`naC.itswindowsopenedD.thewindowsofwhichopening29.Theladywhohas_______foranightinthedeadofthewinterlaterturnedouttobeadistantre lationofhis.A.puthimupB.puthimoutC.puthimonD.puthimincd30.Bystanders,_______,_________astheywalkedpastlinesofambulances.A.bloodyandcoveredwithdust,lookingdazedB.bloodiedandcoveredwithdust,lookeddazedC.bloodyandcoveredwithdust,lookeddazedD.bloodiedandcoveredwithdust,lookingdazed31.HongKongwasnotatargetforterrorattacks,theGovernmentinsistedyesterday,astheUS ________closedforanapparentsecurityreview.A.ConsulationB.ConstitutionC.ConsulateD.Consular32.AmericanfanshaveselectedYaoinavotefortheAll-Stargame______thelegendaryO’N eal,who______the“GreatWall”attheweekendastheRocketsbeattheLosAngelesLakers.-A.inheadof,ranonB.inheadof,ranintoC.aheadof,ranontoD.aheadof,raninto33.Professionalarchivistsandlibrarianshavetheresourcestoduplicatematerialsinotherfor matsandtheexpertisetoretrievematerialstrappedin_________computers.A.abstractB.obsoleteC.obstinateD.obese34.Shealwaysprintsimportantdocumentsandst oresabackupsetatherhouse.“Iactuallythin kthere’ssomethingaboutthe______ofpaperthatfeelsmorecomforting.”Shesaid.A.tangibilityB.tanglednessC.tangentD.tantalization35.“Theysaidwhatwealwaysknew,”saidanadministrationsource,___________.A.heaskednottobenamedB.whoaskednottobenamedC.whoaskednotbenamedD.whoaskednotnamed36.InGermany,theindustrialgiantsDaimlerChryslerandSiemensrecently_______theirun ionsintosigningcontractsthatlengthenworkhourswithoutincreasingpay.A.muscledB.movedC.mushedD.muted37.Hearguesthatthepolicyhasdonelittletoeasejoblessness,andhasleftthecountry_______ .A.energizedB.EnervatedC.NervedD.enacted38.Themorepeoplehearhisdementedrants,themoretheyseethatheisaterrorist_______.A.whoispureandsimpleB.beingpureandsimpleC.pureandsimpleD.aspureandsimple39.Thisexpansionofrightshasledtobothaparalysisofthepublicserviceandtoarapidandterri ble________inthecharacterofthepopulation.A.determinationB.deteriorationC.desolationD.desperationU [~~CVV40._______adecliningbirthrate,therewillbeanover-supplyof27,000primaryschoolplace sby2010,_______leaving35schoolsidle.sto B.Couplingwith,equivalenttoC.Coupledwith,equivalenttoD.Couplingwith,equalstoPartThree:ReadingComprehension10PassageOne TheHeroMymother’sparentscamefromHun gary,butmygrandfathercouldtracehisorigintoGerman yandalsohewaseducatedinGermany.Althoughhewasabletoholdaconversationinninelan guages,hewasmostcomfortableinGerman.Everymorning,beforegoingtohisoffice,heread theGermanlanguagenewspaper,whichwasAmericanownedandpublishedinNewYork.MygrandfatherwastheonlyoneinhisfamilytocometotheUnitedStateswithhiswifeandchil dren.HestillhadrelativeslivinginEurope.Whenthefirstworldwarbrokeout,helamentedthe factthatifmyuncle,hisonlysonhadtogo,itwouldbecousinfightingagainstcousin.Intheearl ydaysofthewar,mygrandmotherbeggedhimtostoptakingtheGermannewspaperandtotake anEnglishlanguagenewspaper,instead.Hescoffedattheidea,explainingthatthefactitwasin GermandidnotmakeitaGermannewspaper,butonlyanAmericannewspaper,printedinGer man.Butmygrandmotherinsisted,forfearthattheneighborsmayseehimreaditandthinkhew asGerman.So,hefinallygaveuptheGermannewspaper.Oneday,theinevitablehappenedandmyuncleMiltonreceivednoticetojointhearmy.Mygra ndparentswereveryupset,butmymother,hislittlesister,wasexcited.Nowshecouldboastab outhersoldierbrothergoingofftowar.Shewastenyearsoldatthetime,andmyuncle,realizing howhewasregardedbyhislittlesisterandherfriends,wentoutandboughtthemallservicepins ,whichmeantthattheyhadalovedoneintheservice.Allthelittlegirlsweredelighted.Whenth edaycameforhimtoleave,hiswholeregiment,intheiruniforms,lefttogetherfromthesametr ainstation.Therewasabandplayingandmymotherandherfriendscametoseehimoff.Eachon eworeherservicepinandwavedasmallAmericanflag,cheeringtheboys,astheyleft.Themomentcameandthesoldiers,allveryyoung,noneofwhomhadhadanytraining,butwho hadneverthelessallbeenissueduniforms,boardedthetrain.Thebandplayedandthecrowdch eered.Thetraingroanedasifitknewthedestinytowhichitwastakingitspassengers,butitsoon begantomove.Stillcheeringandwavingtheirflags,thebandstillplaying,thetrainslowlydep artedthestation.Ithadgoneaboutathousandyardswhenitsuddenlygroundtoahalt.Thebandstoppedplaying, thecrowdstoppedcheering.Everyonegazedinwonderasthetrainslowlybackedupandretur nedtothestation.Itseemedaneternityuntilthedoorsopenedandthemenstartedtofileout.So meoneshouted,“It’sthearmistice.Thewarisover.”Foramoment,nobodymoved,butthenth epeopleheardsomeonebarkordersatthesoldiers.Themenlinedupandformedintotwolines. Theywalkeddownthestepsand,withthebandplayingbehind,paradeddownthestreet,asretu rningheroes,tobewelcomedhomebytheassembledcrowd.Thenextdaymyunclereturnedtohisjob,andmygrandfatherresumedreadingtheGermannewspaper,whichhereaduntiltheda yhedied.41.Wherewasthenarrator’sfamilywhenthisstorytookplace?A.InGermany.B.InHungary.C.IntheUnitedStatesD.InNewYork.42.Hisgrandfather____________.A.couldnotspeakandreadEnglishwellenoughB.knewninelanguagesequallywellC.knewanumberoflanguages,butfeltmorekintoGermanD.lovedGermanbestbecauseitmadehimthinkofhome43.HisgrandmotherdidnotwantherhusbandtobuyandreadnewspapersA.Coupledwith,equalinGerman,because________.A.itwaswartimeandGermansweretheirenemyB.theneighborswouldmistakethemaspro-GermanC.itwaseasiertogetnewspapersinEnglishinAmericaD.nobodyelsereadnewspapersinGermanduringthewartime44.Thenarrator’smotherwantedherbrothertogotofightinthewar,because________.A.likeeverybodyelseatthewartime,shewasverypatrioticB.shehatedthewarandtheGermansverymuchC.allherfriendshadrelativesinwarandshewantedtobelikethemD.shelikedtohaveabrothershecouldthinkofasaheroPassageTwo WakingUpfromtheAmericanDreamssds Therehasbeenmuchtalkrecentlyaboutthephenomenonof“Wal-Martization”ofAmerica, whichreferstotheattemptofAmerica’sgiantWal-Martchainstorecompanytokeepitscostatrock-bottomlevels.Foryears,manyAmericancompanieshaveembracedWal-Mart-likestr atagemstocontrollaborcosts,suchashiringtemps(temporaryworkers)andpart-timers,fight ingunions,dismantlinginternalcareerladdersandoutsourcingtolowerpayingcontractorsat homeandabroad.Whilethesetactics havetheadmirableoutcomeofholdingdownconsumerprices,they’recos tlyinotherways.Morethanaquarterofthelaborforce,about34millionworkers,istrappedinlo w-wage,oftendead-endjobs.Manymiddle-incomeandhigh-skilledemployeesfacefewero pportunities,too,ascompaniesshiftworktosubcontractorsandtempsagenciesandmovewhi te-collarjobstoChinaandIndia.TheresulthasbeenanerosionofoneofAmerica’smostcherishedvalue:givingitspeoplethea bilitytomoveuptheeconomicladderovertheirlifetimes.Historically,mostAmericans,even low-skilledones,wereabletofindpoorlypaidjanitorialorfactoryjobs,thengraduallyclimbe dintothemiddleclassastheygainedexperienceandmovedupthewagecurve.Butthenumber ofworkersprogressingupwardbegantoslipin1970s.Upwardmobilitydiminishedevenmor einthe1980sasglobalizationandtechnologyslammedblue-collarwages.RestoringAmericanmobilityislessaquestionofknowingwhattodothanofmakingithappen. Expertshavedecriedschools’inadequacyforyears,butfixingthemisalong,arduousstruggle .Similarly,therehavebeenplentyofwarningsaboutdecliningcollegeaccess,butfindingfun dswasdifficulteveninerasoflargesurpluses.45.TheAmericandreaminthispassagemainlyrefersto____________.A.therearealwayspossibilitiesofferedtopeopletodevelopthemselvesinthesocietyB.AmericanscanalwaysmoveupthepayladderC.Americanyoungpeoplecanhaveaccesstocollege,eventheyarepoorD.thelaborforceisnottrappedinlow-wageanddead-endjobs46.Wal-Martstrategy,accordingtothispassage,is to___________.A.hiretempsandpart-timerstoreduceitscostB.outsourceitscontractstolowerpriceagenciesathomeandabroadC.holddownitsconsumerpricebycontrollingitslaborcostsD.dismantlethecareerladderandstoppeople’smobilityupward47.WhichofthefollowingstatementsisNOTTRUE?A.Wal-Martizationhasbeensuccessfulinkeepingcostsatrock-bottomlevels.B.Upwardmobilityforlow-skilledworkershasbecomeimpossibleintheU.S.C.Morebusinessopportunitiesaregiventolow-costagenciesinChinaandIndia.D.AlthoughpeopleknowhowtorestoreAmericanmobility,it’sdifficulttochangethepresen tsituation.PassageThree SeniorsandtheCityTensofthousandsofretireesarepullingupstakesinsuburbanareasandfashioningtheirownretirementcommunitiesintheheartofthebustlingcity.Theyarelookingforwhatmo stolderpeoplewant:ahomewithnostairsandlowcrimerates.Andtheyarewillingtoexchange regularweeklygolftimeforrichculturalofferings,youngneighborsandplentyofgoodrestau rants.Spyinganopportunity,majorreal-estatedevelopershavebrokengroundonurbansitest heyintendedtomarkettosuburbanretirees.Theseseniorsarealreadychangingthefaceofbigc ities.Onedeveloper,FranMcCarthyasks:“Whoeverthoughtthatsuburbanflightwouldbero undtrip?”Thetrickleofolderfolksreturningtothecityhasgrownintoasteadystream.Whilesomecities, especiallythosewithfewculturalofferings,haveseenanexodusofseniors,urbanplannerssa yothershavebecomeretireesmagnets.Between1999and2000,thepopulationof64-to-75-year-oldsindowntownChicagorose17percent.Austin,NewOrleans,andLosAngeleshavese endouble-digitincreasesaswell.Theremaybehiddenhealthbenefitstocityliving.Astudyre vealsthatmovingfromsuburbstothecitycanwardoffthebyproductofaging---socialisolatio n.Inthenextsixyears,downtownsareexpectedtogrowevengrayer.Foraffluentretirees,cityl ifeisanincreasinglypopularoption.48.Retiredseniorsaremovingbackintothecitybecause____________.A.theyfindtherearetoomanycrimesinthesuburbsB.unliketheflatsinthecity,theircountryhousehavestairstoclimbC.theyarenolongerinterestedinplayinggolfD.inthecity,theyhavemoresocialandculturallifeagainstloneliness49.Fromthepassagewecaninferthat_________.A.thereal-estatedevelopershavebrokentheiroriginalcontractsofconstructionwithseniorr etireesB.alifeinthedowntowncityisexpensive,andmostofthoseretireeswhomovedbackintotheci tyareverywell-offC.withmoreolderpeoplelivinginthecity,thecitywillbecomegrayandlessbeautifulD.verysoontheAmericansuburbanareaswillfacetheirlowpopulationcrisis50.FranMcCarthy’squestionmeans:nobodyeverthoughtthat__________.A.peoplewhomovedoutofthecitydecadesagonowwouldmovebackB.suburbandwellerswhenmovingbackintothecitymusttakeroundtripC.suburbanflightyearsagowouldgoincirclesD.seniorpeople’smovingbackintothecitywouldtakeplaceallovertheUnitedStatesDirections:ReadthefollowingpassagecarefullyandthenexplaininyourownEnglishtheexa ctmeaningofthenumberedandunderlinedparts.PutyouranswersonANSWERSHEET(2)1 5(51)Beingangryincreasestheriskofinjury,especiallyamongmen,newresearchsays.Theresearchersgathereddataonmorethan2,400accidentvictimsatthreeMissourihospitals. Theyinterviewedeachsubjecttodeterminethepatient’semotionalstatejustbeforetheinjury and24hoursearlier,gatheringdataonwhetherthepatientsfeltirritable,angryorhostile,andto whatdegree.Thentheycomparedtheresultswithacontrolgroupofuninjuredpeople.(52)Despitewidespreadbeliefin“roadrage,”angerdidnotcorrelatewithinjuriesfromtraffic accidents.(53)Notsurprisingly,angerwasstronglyassociatedwithinjuriesinflicteddeliberately.Buto therinjuries–thoseneitherintentionallyinflictednorfromfallsortrafficaccidents–alsoshow edstrongassociationswithanger.(54)Thecorrelationsweresignificantlyweakerforwomenthanformen,buttherewerenodiff erencesbyrace.Theauthorsacknowledgethattheirdatadependonself-reports,whicharenotalwaysreliable.(55)Whyangercorrelateswithinjuryisnotknown.“Icanspeculatethattheangermayhavepro mptedsomebehaviorthatledtotheinjury,ormayhavesimplydistractedtheperson,leadingin directlyt otheinjury,”saidthestudy’sleadauthor.PartFour:ClozeTest10Directions:ReadthefollowingpassagecarefullyandthenfillineachnumberedblankwithO NEsuitablewordtocompletethepassage.PutyouranswersonANSWERSHEET(2).LastyearFrenchdriverskilled(56)_______than5,000peopleontheroadsforthefirsttimeind ecades.Creditgoeslargely(57)________the1,000automatedradarcamerasplantedonthen ation’shighwayssince2003,whichexpertsreckon(58)_______3,000liveslastyear.Succes s,ofcoursebreedssuccess:thegovernmentplanstoinstall500(59)______radardevicesthisy ear.Soitgoeswithsurveillancethesedays.Europeansusedtolookatthesecuritycameraspostedin Britishcities,subwaysandbuses(60)_______theseedsofanOrwellianworldthatwaslargel yunacceptableinContinentalEurope.Butlastyear’sLondonbombing,inwhichvideocamer as(61)________akeyroleinidentifyingtheperpetrators,havehelpedspuraseachange.Amo nth(62)_______theLondonattacks,halfofGermanssupportedEU-wideplanstorequireInt ernetprovidersandtelecomstostorealle-mail,Internetandphonedatafor“anti-terror”(63)_ _____.InaBritishpoll,73percentofrespondentssaidtheywere(64)_______togiveupsomec ivillibertytoimprove(65)________.PartFive:Proofreading10Directions:Inthefollowingpassage,therearealtogether10mistakes,ONEineachnumbered andunderlinedpart.Youmayhavetochangeaword,addaword,orjustdeleteaword.Ifyoucha ngeaword,crossitwithaslash(/)andwritethecorrectwordbesideit.Ifyouaddaword,writethe missingwordbetweenthewords(inbrackets)immediatelybeforeandafterit.Ifyoudeleteaw ord,crossitoutwithaslash(/).PutyouransweronANSWERSHEET(2).Examples:eg.1(66)Themeetingbegun2hoursago.CorrectionputontheANSWERSHEET(2):(66)begunbeganeg.2(67)Scarcelytheysettledthemselvesintheirseatsinthetheatrewhenthecurtainwentup.CorrectionputontheANSWERSHEET(2):(67)(Scarcely)had(they)eg.3(68)NeverwillInotdoitagain.CorrectionputontheANSWERSHEET(2):(68)not(66)Applicationfilesarepiledhighlythismonthincollegesacrossthecountry.(67)Admissio nsofficersareporingessaysandrecommendationletters,scouringtranscriptsandstandardiz edtestscores.(68)Butanythingismissingfrommanyapplications:aclassranking,onceamajorcomponent inadmissionsdecisions.Inthecat-and-mousemaneuveringoveradmissiontoprestigiouscollegesanduniversities,(6 9)thousandsofhighschoolshavesimplystoppedprovidingthatinformation,concludingitco uldharmthechancesoftheirverybetter,butnotbest,students.(70)Cannycollegeofficials,inturn,havefoundatacticalwaytoresponse.(71)Usingbroadda tathathighschoolsoftenprovide,likeadistributionofgradeaveragesforentireseniorclass,th eyessentiallyrecreateanapplicant’sclassrank.(72)Theprocesshasleftthemexasperating.(73)“Ifwe’relookingatyoursonordaughterandyouwantustoknowthattheyareamongthebe stintheirschool,witharankwedon’tnecessarilyknowthat,”saidJimBock,deanofadmission sandfinancialaidatSwarthmoreCollege.(74)Admissionsdirectorssaystrategycanbackfire.Whenhighschoolsdonotprovideenoughgeneralinformationtorecreatetheclassrankcalcul ation,(75)manyadmissionsdirectorssaytheyhavelittlechoiceandtodosomethingvirtually noonewantsthemtodo:givemoreweighttoscoresontheSATandotherstandardizedexams.PartSix:Writing15Directions:Writeashortcompositionofabout250to300wordsonthetopicgivenbelow.Writ eitneatlyonANSWERSHEET(2).Recently,anewspapercarriedanarticleentitled:“WeShouldNoLongerForceGongLiandZ hangYimoutoTakePartinNationalPolitics”.Thearticlearguedthatsomeartistsandfilmstar sareunwillingorunqualifiedtorepresentthepeopleinthePeople’sCongressorthePeople’sP oliticalConsultativeConference,andtheyshouldnotbeforcedtodoso.Whatdoyouthink?56.fewer57.to58.saved59.more60.as61.played62.after63.purposes64.ready/willing65.s ecurity北京大学2006年博士入学考试试题答案Listening0.5each)1-5BCAAD6-10BADCA11-15CBADA16-20BDCBCC1:immune C11:insufficientC2:range C12:accidentsC3:quarter C13:wheelC4:uninterrupted C14:shiftC5:tossing C15:riskC6:destined C16:deterioratesC7:claim C17:snatchC8:fooling C18:skepticalC9:deprivation C19:substituteC10:correlation C20:insomniaStructureandwrittenexpression1pointeach)21-25accdd26-30adaab31-35cdbab36-40abcbcReading1pointeach)41-45ccbda46-50cbdbaParaphrasing:(3pointseach)51.Accordingtonewresearch,gettingangryaddstothechancesofgettingphysicallyhurt,par ticularlyformale.52.evenpeoplegen[size=5][/size]erallybelievehatpeopleeasilygetangrywhendrivingont heroad,butangerdidn’thavemuch/anythingto dowithinjuriesfromtrafficaccidents,/butnot manyinjuriesfromtrafficaccidentsaretheresultsofangerontheroad.53.Itisnotatallsurprisingthatangerisaveryimportantreasonforpeoplewhointentionallyhur tthemselves.54.Weseethisstronglinkbetweenangerandinjurymoreinmenthaninwomen,butdifferentra cesofpeopledidnotshowmuchvariation.55.Peopledonotknowyetwhyangerisassociatedwithinjury.Cloze:(1pointeach)56.Fewer57.To58.Saved59.More60.As61.Played62.After63.Purposes64.Ready65.SecurityProofreading:(1pointeach)66.Highly-high67.Pore-poreover68.Anything-something69.Better-good70.Response-respond71.Forentire-foranentire72.Exasperating-exasperatedbS 73.With-without74.Strategy-thestrategy75.And-butWriting:(15points)。

北京航空航天大学考博英语真题及解析(总分:100.00,做题时间:180分钟)Ⅰ Reading ComprehensionTest One(总题数:1,分数:7.50)Sixty days walking over ice and snow in temperature as low as -45℃, with nothing to keep you company except the occasional polar "bear". This is no small achievement. Only a few people have ever walked to the North Pole unassisted, and if Christina Franco succeeds, she will have earned a place in the history books and met one of the few remaining challenges of exploration left to women.Her 480-mile journey will begin in northern Canada, dragging a sledge that weighs as much as she does. At the end of each day's walking or skiing, she will pitch her tent in subzero temperatures, get into a sleeping bag filled with ice, and attempt to sleep to the unsettling background sounds of howling wind and cracking ice, which may or may not signal the approach of one of those polar bears. "I'll carry a pistol to scare any bears away," says Franco, 42. "The bears that far north won't have had contact with humans, fortunately, so they won't associate me with food, but they will be curious and that's dangerous. If it uses a paw to see what you are, it could damage your tent—or your arm. I imagine I'll have quite a few sleepless nights."Many of the early polar explorers suffered from disease and injuries, and while modem technology (lightweight materials, satellite phones, places on stand-by to carry out rescue missions) has lessened the dangers, it can never make such an inhospitable landscape anything approaching safe. It can take just five minutes for any uncovered skin to become frostbittenand, once the sun has risen, Franco will only be able to remove her sunglasses inside her tent, otherwise the intensity of the sunlight reflecting off the snow would cause snow blindness. Just to heighten the danger, the cold will slow down her brain functions, so it will be more difficult to make split-second decisions in the event of a sudden crisis.She will use about 8,000 calories a day, losing nearly half a kilogram every 24 hours. "The problem is that the human body can only take on about 5,500 calories a day," she says. "So you have to fatten up before you set off or you'll run out of energy." Franco is currently trying to put on 19 kilos. She may complain about not fitting into any of her dresses, but when Franco weighs herself in front of me and finds she's lost one kilo rather than gained two, as she'd expected, she's very upset. "I hope my scales are wrong because, if not, I've lost weight," she says, reaching for one of many bars of chocolate lying around her kitchen.1. What does the writer say about the history of exploration? ______(分数:7.50)A.Walking to the North Pole used to be considered easier than other journeys.B.No woman has ever completed the journey to the geographic North Pole.C.Female explorers have already done most of the world's difficult journeys. √D.Franco is already an important historical figure for her previous journeys.解析:根据第一段中的“Only a few people have ever walked to the North Pole unassisted, and if Christina Franco succeeds, she will have earned a place in the history books and met one of the few remaining challenges of exploration left to women.”可知,只有少数人曾独自走到北极,如果克里斯蒂娜·佛朗哥成功了,她将在史书中占有一席之地,完成为女性留下的尚未完成的为数不多的探险挑战之一。
2013年博士英语试卷 完整版

2.试卷一(Paper One)答案和试卷二(Paper Two)答案都作答在标准答题卡上,不要做在试卷上。
国家医学考试中心PAPER ONEPart 1 :Listening comprehension(30%)Section ADirections:In this section you will hear fifteen short conversations between two speakers, At the end of each conversation, you will hear a questionabout what is said, The question will be read only once, After you hearthe question, read the four possible answers marked A, B, C, and D.Choose the best answers and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Listen to the following exampleYou will hearWoman: I feel faint.Man: No wonder. You haven’t had a bite all day.Question: What’s the matter with the woman?You will read:A. She is sick.B. She was bitten by an ant.C. She is hungry.D. She spilled her paint.Here C is the right answer.Sample AnswerA B C DNow let’s begin with question Number 1.1. A. A cough B. Diarrhea C. A fever D. V omiting2. A. Tuberculosis B. Rhinitis C. Laryngitis D. Flu3. A. In his bag. B. By the lamp.C. In his house.D. No idea about where he left it.4. A. He’s nearly finished his work.B. He has to work for some more time.C. He wants to leave now.D. He has trouble finishing his work.5. A. A patient B. A doctor C. A teacher D. A student6. A. 2.6 B. 3.5 C. 3.9 D. 1367. A. He is the head of the hospital. B. He is in charge of Pediatrics.C. He went out looking for Dan.D. He went to Michigan on business.8. A. He has got a fever. B. He is a talented skier.C. He is very rich.D. He is a real ski enthusiast.9. A. To ask local people for help.B. To do as Romans do only when in Rome.C. Try to act like the people from that culture.D. Stay with your country fellows.10.A. She married because of loneliness.B. She married a millionaire.C. She married for money.D. She married for love.11.A. Aspirant B. Courageous C. Cautious D. Amiable12.A. He was unhappy. B. He was feeling a bit unwell.C. He went to see the doctor.D. The weather was nasty.13.A. You may find many of them on the bookseller’ shelves.B. You can buy it from almost every bookstore.C. It’s a very popular magazine.D. It doesn’t sell very well.14.A. A general practitioner. B. A gynecologist.B. An orthopedist D. A surgeon.15.A. Chemotherapy B. Radiation C. Injections D. Surgery Section BDirection:In this section you will hear one conversation and two passages, after each of which, you will hear five questions. After each question, readthe four possible answers marked A, B, C and D, Choose the bestanswer and mark the letter of your choice on the ANSWER SHEET. Dialogue16.A. It is a genetic disorder.B. It is a respiratory condition in pigs.C. It is an illness from birds to humans.D. It is a gastric ailment.17.A. Eating pork.B. Raising pigs.C. Eating chicken.D. Breeding birds.18.A. Running nose.B. Inappetence.C. Pains all over.D. Diarrhea.19.A. To stay from crowds. B. To see the doctor immediately.C. To avoid medications.D. To go to the nearby clinic.20.A. It is a debate.B. It is a TV program.C. It is a consultation.D. It is a workshop.Passage One21.A. About 10,000,000.B. About 1,000,000.C. About 100,000.D. About 10,000.22.A. A cocktail of vitamins.B. A cocktail of vitamins plus magnesium.C. The combination of vitamins A, C and E.D. The combination of minerals.23.A. The delicate structures of the inner ear. B. The inner ear cells.C. The eardrums.D. The inner ear ossicles.24.A. General Motors. B. The United Auto Workers.C. NIH.D. All of above.25.A. An industrial trial in Spain.B. Military trials in Spain and Sweden.C. Industrial trials in Spain and Sweden.D. A trial involving students at the University of Florida.Passage Two26.A. The link between obesity and birth defects.B. The link between obesity and diabetes.C. The risk of birth abnormalities.D. The harmful effects of obesity.27.A. Neural tube defects. B. Heart problems.C. Cleft lip and palate.D. Diabetes.28.A. 20 million. B. 200 million.C. 400 million.D. 40 million.29.A. A weight-loss surgery. B. A balanced diet.C. A change of life style.D. More exercise.30.A. Why obesity can cause birth defects.B. How obesity may cause birth defects.C. Why obesity can cause diabetes.D. How obesity may cause diabetes.Part II Vocabulary (10%)Section ADirection:In this section, all the sentences are incomplete. Four words or phrases, marked A B C and D .are given beneath each of them. You are tochoose the word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Then markyour answer on the ANSWER SHEET.31. Having a bird’s eye view from the helicopter, the vast pasture was __________ with beautiful houses.A. overlappedB. segregatedC. intersectedD. interspersed32. As usual, Singapore Airlines will reduce trans-pacific capacity in _________ seasons this year.A. sternB. slackC. sumptuousD. glamorous33. As to the living environment, bacteria’s needs vary, but most of them grow best ina slightly acid ___________.A. mechanismB. miniatureC. mediumD. means34. Under an unstable economic environment, employers in the construction industry place great value on ___________ in hiring and laying off workers as their volumes of work wax and wane.A. flexibilityB. moralityC. capacityD. productivity35. In a stark _________ of fortunes, the Philippines –once Asia’s second richest country – recently had to beg Vietnam to sell its rice for its hungry millions.A. denialB. reversalC. intervalD. withdrawal36. Web portal Sohu has gone a step further and called for netizens to join in an all-out boycott of __________ content.A. wholesomeB. contagiousC. vulgarD. stagnant37. Experts urge a reforesting of cleared areas, promotion of reduced-impact logging, and _____________ agriculture, to maintain the rain forest.A. sustainableB. renewableC. revivableD. merchandisable38. In the U.S., the Republican’s doctrines were slightly liberal, whereas the Democrats’ were hardly _____________.A. rationalB. radicalC. conservativeD. progressive39. Officials from the Department of Agriculture confirmed that the __________ floods and drought this summer did not affect the country’s grain output.A. ripplingB. waningC. fluctuatingD. devastating40. It is believed that the Black Death, rampant in the Medieval Europe __________, killed 1/3 of its population.A. at largeB. at randomC. on endD. on averageSection BDirections:Each of the following sentences has a word or phase underlined. There are four words or phases beneath each sentence, Choose the word orphase which can best keep the meaning of the original sentence if it issubstituted for the underlined part, Mark your answer on theANSWER SHEET.41. Christmas shoppers should be aware of the possible defects of the products sold ata discount.A. deficitsB. deviationsC. drawbacksD. discrepancies42. The goal of this training program is to raise children with a sense of responsibility and necessary courage to be willing to take on challenges in life.A. despiseB. evadeC. demandD. undertake43. After ―9.11‖, the Olympic Games severely taxed the security services of the host country.A. improvedB. burdenedC. inspectedD. tariffed44. The clown’s performance was so funny that the audience, adults and children alike, were all thrown into convulsions.A. a fit of enthusiasmB. a scream of frightC. a burst of laughterD. a cry of anguish45. We raised a mortgage from Bank of China and were informed to pay it off by the end of this year.A. loanB. paymentC. withdrawalD. retrieval46. The advocates highly value the ―sport spirit‖, while the opponent devalue it, asserting that it’s a sheer hypocrisy and self-deception.A. fineB. suddenC. finiteD. absolute47. Whenever a rattlesnake is agitated, it begins to move its tail and make a rattling noise.A. irritatedB. tamedC. stampedD. probed48. The detective had an unusual insight into criminal’s tricks and knew clearly how to track them.A. inductionB. perceptionC. interpretationD. penetration49. My little brother practices the speech repeatedly until his delivery and timing were perfect.A. presentationB. gestureC. rhythmD. pronunciation50. In recent weeks both housing and stock prices have started to retreat from their irrationally amazing highs.A. untimelyB. unexpectedlyC. unreasonablyD. unconventionallyPart III Cloze (10%)Directions: In this section there is a passage with ten numbered blanks. For each blank, there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D on the right side.Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice on theANSWER SHEET.Video game players may get an unexpected benefitfrom blowing away bad guys—better vision. Playing ―action‖ video games improves a visual ability __51__ tasks like reading and driving at night, a new study says. The ability, called contrast sensitivity function, allows people to discern even subtle changes __52__ gray against a uniformly colored backdrop. It’s also one of the first visual aptitudes to fade with age. __53__ a regular regimen of action video game training can provide long-lasting visual power, according to work led by Daphne Bavelier of the University of Rochester.Previous research shows that gaming improves other visual skills, such as the ability to track several objects at the same time and __54__ attention to a series of fast-moving events. Bavelier said, ―A lot of different aspects of the visual system are being enhanced, __55__.‖The new work suggests that playing video games could someday become part of vision-correction treatments, which currently rely mainly on surgery or corrective lenses. ―__56__ you’ve had eye surgery or get corrective lenses, exposing yourself to these games should help the optical system to recover faster and better, you need to retrain the brain to make use of the better, crisper information that’s coming in __57__ your improved eyesight,‖ Bavelier said.Expert action gamers in the study played first-person shooters Unreal Tournament 2004 and Call of Duty 2. A group of experienced nonaction gamers played The Sims 2, a ―life simulation‖ video game. The players of nonaction video games didn’t see the same vision __58__, the study says. Bavelier and others are now trying to figure out exactly why action games __59__ seem to sharpen visual skill. It may be that locating enemies and aiming accurately is a strenuous, strength-building workout for the eyes, she said. Another possible __60__ is that the unpredictable, fast-changing environment of the typical action game requires players to constantly monitor entire landscapes and analyze optical data quickly. 51. A. crucial forB. available inC. resulting fromD. ascribed to52. A. in disguise ofB. in shades ofC. in search ofD. in place of53. A. This is howB. That’s whyC. It is not thatD. There exists54. A. paidB. paysC. payD. paying55. A. thoughB. not to sayC. not just oneD. as well56. A. UntilB. WhileC. UnlessD. Once57. A. as opposed toB. in addition toC. as a result ofD. in spite of58. A. benefitsB. defectsC. approachesD. risks59. A. in caseB. in advanceC. in returnD. in particular60. A. effectB. reasonC. outcomeD. conclusionPart IV Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions:In this part there are six passages, each of which is followed by five questions. For each question there are four possible answers marked A, B,C, and D. Choose the best answer and mark the letter of your choice onthe ANSWER SHEET.Passage oneThere is plenty we don’t know about criminal behavior. Most crime goes unreported so it is hard to pick out trends from the data, and even reliable sets of statistics can be difficult to compare. But here is one thing we do know: those with a biological predisposition to violent behavior who are brought up in abusive homes are very likely to become lifelong criminals.Antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, but no one was sure whether this was due mostly to social-environmental factors or biological ones. It turns out both are important, but the effect is most dramatic when they act together. This has been illustrated in several studies over the past six years which found that male victims of child abuse are several times as likely to become criminals and abusers themselves if they were born with a less-active version of a gene for the enzyme monoamine oxidase A (MAO-A), which breaks down neurotransmitters crucial to the regulation of aggression.Researchers recently made another key observation: kids with this ―double whammy‖ of predisposition and an unfortunate upbringing are likely to show signs of what’s to come at a very early age. The risk factors for long-term criminality –attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, low IQ, language difficulties – can be spotted in kindergarten. So given what we now know, should n’t we be doing everything to protect the children most at risk?No one is suggesting testing all boys to see which variant of the MAO-A gene they have, but what the science is telling us is that we should redouble efforts to tackle abusive upbringings, and even simple neglect. This will help any child, but especially those whose biology makes them vulnerable. Thankfully there is already considerable enthusiasm in both the US and the UK for converting the latest in behavioral science into parenting and social skills: both governments have schemes in place to improve parenting in families where children are at risk of receiving poor care.Some people are uncomfortable with the idea of early intervention because it implies our behavior becomes ―set‖ as we grow up, compromising the idea of free will. That view is understandable, but it would be negligent to ignore what the studies are telling us. Indeed, the cost to society of failing to intervene -in terms of criminal damage, dealing with offenders and helping victims of crime -is bound to be greater than the cost of improving parenting. The value to the children is immeasurable.61. Researchers have come to a consensus: to explain violent behavior ________.A. in terms of physical environmentB. form a biological perspectiveC. based on the empirical dataD. in a statistical way62. When we say that antisocial and criminal behavior tends to run in families, asindicated by the recent findings, we can probably mean that ___________.A. a particular gene is passed on in familiesB. child abuse will lead to domestic violenceC. the male victims of child abuse will pass on the tendencyD. the violent predisposition is exclusively born of child abuse63. The recent observation implicated that to check the development of antisocialand criminal behavior ___________.A. boys are to be screened for the biological predispositionB. high-risk kids should be brought up in kindergartenC. it is important to spot the genes for the risk factorsD. active measures ought to be taken at an early age64. To defend the argument against the unfavorable idea, the author makes it apoint to consider ___________.A. the immeasurable value of the genetic research on behaviorB. the consequences of compromising democracyC. the huge cost of improving parenting skillsD. the greater cost of failing to intervene65. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Parenting Strategies for KidsB. The Making of a CriminalC. Parental EducationD. Abusive ParentingPassage twoAfter 25 years battling the mother of all viruses, have we finally got the measure of HIV? Three developments featured in this issue collectively give grounds for optimism that would have been scarcely believable a year ago in the wake of another failed vaccine and continuing problems supplying drugs to all who need them.Perhaps the most compelling hope lies in the apparent ―cure‖ of a man with HIV who had also developed leukemia. Doctors treated his leukemia with a bone marrow transplant that also vanquished the virus. Now US Company Sangamo Biosciences is hoping to emulate the effect patients being cured with a single shot of gene therapy, instead of taking antiretroviral drugs for life.Antiretroviral therapy (ART) is itself another reason for optimism. Researchers at the World Health Organization have calculated that HIV could be effectively eradicated in Africa and other hard-hit places using existing drugs. The trick is to test everyone often, and give those who test positive ART as soon as possible. Because the drugs rapidly reduce circulating levels of the virus to almost zero, it would stop people passing it on through sex. By blocking the cycle of infection in this way, the virus could be virtually eradicated by 2050.Bankrolling such a long-term program would cost serious money –initially around $3.5 billion a year in South Africa alone, ring to $85 billion in total. Huge as it sounds, however, it is peanuts compared with the estimated $1.9 trillion cost of the Iraq war, or the $700 billion spent in one go propping up the US banking sector. It also look small beer compared with the costs of carrying on as usual, which the WHO says can only lead to spiraling cases and costs.The final bit of good news is that the cost of ART could keep on falling. Last Friday, GlaxoSmithKline chairman Andrew Witty said that his company would offer all its medicines to the poorest countries for at least 25 per cent less than the typical price in rich countries. GSK has already been doing this for ART, but the hope is that the company may now offer it cheaper still and that other firms will follow their lead.No one doubt the devastation caused by AIDS. In 2007, 2 million people died and 2.7 million more contracted the virus. Those dismal numbers are not going to turn around soon – and they won’t turn around at all without huge effort and investment. But at least there is renewed belief that, given the time and money, we can finally start riddling the world of this most fearsome of viruses.66. Which is the following can be most probably perceived beyond the first paragraph?A. The end of the world.B. A candle of hope.C. A Nobel prize.D. A Quick Fix.67. According to the passage, the apparent “cure” of the HIV patient who had alsodeveloped leukemia would ___________.A. make a promising transition from antiretroviral medication to gene therapyB. facilitate the development of effective vaccines for the infectionC. compel people to draw an analogy between AIDS and leukemiaD. would change the way we look at those with AIDS68. As another bit of good news, ___________.A. HIV will be virtually wiped out first in AfricaB. the cycle of HIV infection can be broken with ARTC. the circulating levels of HIV have been limited to almost zeroD. the existing HIV drugs will be enhanced to be more effective in 25 years69. The last reason for optimism is that ___________.A. governments will invest more in improving ARTB. the cost of antiretroviral therapy is on the declineC. everybody can afford antiretroviral therapy in the worldD. the financial support of ART is coming to be no problem70. The whole passage carries a tone of ___________.A. idealismB. activismC. criticismD. optimismPassage ThreeArchaeology can tell us plenty about how humans looked and the way they lived tens of thousands of years ago. But what about the deeper questions? Could early humans speak, were they capable of self-conscious reflection, did they believe in anything?Such questions might seem to be beyond the scope of science. Not so. Answering them is the focus of a burgeoning field that brings together archaeology and neuroscience. It aims to chart the development of human cognitive powers. This is not easy to do. A skull gives no indication of whether its owner was capable of speech, for example. The task then is to find proxies (替代物)for key traits and behaviors that have stayed intact over millennia.Perhaps the most intriguing aspect of this endeavor is teasing out the role of culture as a force in the evolution of our mental skills. For decades, development of the brain has been seen as exclusively biological. But increasingly, that is being challenged.Take what the Cambridge archaeologist Colin Renfrew calls ―the sapient (智人的) paradox (矛盾)‖. Evidence suggests that the human genome, and hence the brain, has changed little in the past 60,000 years. Yet it wasn’t until about 10,000 years ago that profound changes took place in human behavior: people settled in villages and built shrines. Renfrew’s paradox is why, if the hardware was in place, did it take so long for humans to start changing the world?His answer is that the software –the culture –took a long time to develop. In particular, the intervening time saw humans vest (赋予) meaning in objects and symbols. Those meanings were developed by social interaction over successive generations,passed on through teaching, and stored in the neuronal connections of children.Culture also changes biology by modifying natural selection, sometimes in surprising ways. How is it, for example, that a human gene for making essential vitamin C became blocked by junk DNA? One answer is that our ancestors started eating fruit, so the pressure to make vitamin C ―relaxed‖ and the gene became unnecessary. By this reasoning, early humans then became addicted to fruit, and any gene that helped them to find it was selected for.Evidence suggests that the brain is so plastic that, like genes, it can be changed by relaxing selection pressure. Our understanding of human cognitive development is still fragmented and confused, however. We have lots of proposed causes and effects, and hypotheses to explain them. Yet the potential pay-off makes answers worth searching for. If we know where the human mind came from and what changed it, perhaps we can gauge where it is going. Finding those answers will take all the ingenuity the modern human mind can muster.71. The questions presented in the first paragraph ___________.A. seem to have no answers whateverB. are intended to dig for ancient human mindsC. are not scientific enough to be answered hereD. are raised to explore the evolution of human appearance72. The scientists find the proxy to be ___________.A. the role of cultureB. the passage of timeC. the structure of a skullD. the biological makeup of the brain73. According to Renfrew’s paradox, the transition from 60,000 to 10,000 years agosuggests that ___________.A. human civilization came too lateB. the hardware retained biologically staticC. it took so long for the software to evolveD. there existed an interaction between gene and environment74. From the example illustrating the relation between culture and biology, wemight conclude that ___________.A. the mental development has not been exclusively biologicalB. the brain and culture have not developed at the same paceC. the theory of natural selection applies to human evolutionD. vitamin C contributes to the development of the brain75. Speaking of the human mind, the author would say that ___________.A. its cognitive development is extremely slowB. to know its past is to understand its futureC. its biological evolution is hard to predictD. as the brain develops, so as the mindPassage FourDespite the numerous warnings about extreme weather, rising sea levels and mass extinctions, one message seems to have got lost in the debate about the impact of climate change. A warmer world won’t just be inconvenient. Huge swathes (片) of it, including most of Europe, the US and Australia as well as all of Africa and China will actually be uninhabitable--- too hot, dry or stormy to sustain a human population.This is no mirage. It could materialize if the world warms by an average of just 4°C, which some models predict could happen as soon as 2050. This is the world our children and grandchildren are going to have to live in. So what are we going to do about it?One option is to start planning to move the at-risk human population to parts of the world where it will still be cool and wet. It might seem like a drastic move, but this thought experiment is not about scaremongering (危言耸听). Every scenario is extrapolated from predictions of the latest climate models, and some say that 4°C may actually turn out to be a conservative estimate.Clearly this glacier-free, desertified world---with its human population packed into high-rise cities closer to the poles---would be a last resort. Aside from anything else, it is far from being the most practical option: any attempt at mass migration is likely to fuel wars, political power struggles and infighting.So what are the alternatives? The most obvious answer is to radically reduce carbon dioxide levels now, by fast-tracking green technologies and urgently implementing energy-efficient measures. But the changes aren’t coming nearly quickly enough and global emissions are still rising. As a result, many scientists are now turning to ―Earth’s plan B‖.Plan B involves making sure we have large scale geoengineering technologies ready and waiting to either suck CO2 out of the atmosphere or deflect the sun’s heat. Most climate scientists were once firmly against fiddling with the Earth’s thermostat, fearing that it may make a bad situation even worse, or provide politicians with an excuse to sit on their hands and do nothing.Now they reluctantly acknowledge the sad truth that we haven’t managed to reorder the world fast enough to reduce CO2 emissions and that perhaps, given enough funding research and political muscle, we can indeed design, test and regulate geoengineering projects in time to avert the more horrifying consequences of climate change.Whatever we do, now is the time to act. The alternative is to plan for a hothouse world that none of us would recognize as home.76. To begin with, the author is trying to remind us of ____________.A. the likelihood of climate change making life inconvenientB. the warning against worsening climate changeC. the inevitable consequence of global warmingD. the misconception of a warmer world77. As the thought experiment shows, those at risk from global warming will ____________.A. live with the temperature raised by an average of 4°CB. have nowhere to go but live in the desertC. become victims as soon as 2050D. move closer to the poles78. It is clear from the passage that a practical approach to global warming is _________.A. to reduce massively CO2 emissionsB. to take protective measures by 2025C. to prepare a blueprint for mass migrationsD. to launch habitual constructions closer to the poles。

装备学院2013年博士研究生入学考试英语(1001)试题(注意:答案必须定在答题纸上,本试卷满分100分)Part I Vocabulary (10 points, 0.5 point each)Direction:There are 20 questions in this section. Each question is a sentence with something missing. Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A,B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence. Markthe corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on yourAnswer Sheet.1. Without clear guidelines ________, executives of hospitals are sometimes at a loss what to do.A. in orderB. in placeC. in needD. in trouble2. Despite the suspect’s ________ to be innocent, there is compelling evidence that he was involved.A. convictionB. assertionC. accusationD. speculation3. Some politicians in Japan still believe that the Nanjing massacre is nothing but a________.A. novelB. flawC. truthD. myth4. Teenagers can become ________ and hard to handle if every single decision is takenaway from them.A. obedientB. cooperativeC. rebelliousD. aesthetic5. Many people choose to be honest when creating their online ________ to make futuredating easier.A. pretextsB. prepositionsC. profilesD. protests6. A person can explain his professional goals ________ position, prestige or income.A. in terms ofB. in case ofC. in view ofD. in honor of7. Forty-five years of conflict and ________ between East and West are now a thing of thepast.A. convictionB. compatibilityC. collaborationD. confrontation8. An overseas market with a great growth potential is not easy to ________.A. break downB. break upC. break throughD. break into9. Students of English are advised to try to ________ the meaning of a new word from thecontext.A. turn outB. figure outC. look outD. put out10. The drastic changes that have taken place in china have won worldwide ________.A. identificationB. realizationC. admissionD. recognition11. The finding of this experiment is ________ with what was previously reported.A. consistentB. constantC. coherentD. competent12. Reading extensively can broaden our vision and extend our life into a new ________.A. perspectiveB. hierarchyC. layerD. dimension13. An earthquake of 8-________ struck some parts of this province, causing a death toll ofover 30,000.A. altitudeB. aptitudeC. magnitudeD. gratitude14. The journalist who had set out to obtain these important facts ________ a long time tosend them.A. spentB. tookC. passedD. consumed15. Telling your doctor about all the medicines you take may help avoid serious drug________.A. interactionsB. interruptionsC. interventionsD. institutions16. Two dozen New Yorkers stood on the platform at the subway station, ________briefcases and newspapers.B. clipping B. clutchingC. clashingD. clarifying17. Iran has expanded its uranium enrichment activities ________ UN demands to scrap itsnuclear-related programs.A. in defiance ofB. in line withC. in return forD. in relation to18. China moved to ________ its grain production when its grain output had kept decliningfor five consecutive years.A. turn upB. take upC. step upD. make up19. The dean asked the secretary if there were enough people ________ to hold a facultymeeting.A. on purposeB. on endC. on handD. on average20. Visitors to this war museum are ________ to see photos of mass massacre by Japanesesoldiers.A. amazedB. startledC. wonderedD. startedPart II Cloze Test (15 points, 1 point each)Directions:There are 15 questions in this part of the test. Read the passage through. Then, go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A, B, C, or D for eachblank in the passage. Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase youhave chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your AnswerSheet.It was the worst tragedy in 21 history, six times more deadly than the titanic.When the German cruise ship Whhelm Gustloff was hit by torpedoes 22 from a Russian submarine in the final winter of World War II, more than 10,000 people─mostly women, children and old people 23 the final Red Army push into Nazi Germany --- were 24 aboard. An ice storm had turned the decks into frozen sheets that sent hundreds of families 25 into the sea as the ship tilted and began to go down. Others desperately tried to put lifeboats down. Some, who succeeded, fought 26 those in the water 27 had the strength to try to claw their way aboard. Most people froze immediately. “I’ll never forget the screams, “says Christa Ntitzmann, 87, one of the 1,200 survivors. She recalls 28 the ship, brightly lit, slipping into its dark grave ─and into seeming nothingness, rarely mentioned for more than half a century.Now Germany’s Nobel Prize-winning author Gtnter Grass has 29 the memory of the 9,000 dead, including more than 4,000 children 30 has latest novel Crab Walk, published last month. The book which will 31 in English next year, doesn’t 32 the sinking; its heroine is a pregnant young woman who survives the catastrophe only to say later: “Nobody wanted to hear about it, not here in the West (of Germany) and not at all in the East.” The reason was obvious. As Grass 33 it in a recent interview with the weekly Die Woche: Because the crimes we Germans are responsible for were and are so 34 , we didn’t have the energy left to 35 our own sufferings.”21. A. marine22. A. fire23. A. fleeing24. A. thrust25. A. skidding26. A. against27. A. that28. A. watching29. A. regained30. A. in31. A. come in32. A. dwell in33. A. spoke34. A. dominant35. A. talk of B. marinadeB. firingB. running awayB. crowdedB. slidingB. withB. whichB. lookingB. relivedB. byB. come outB. dwell onB. impliedB. remarkableB. tell ofC. maritimeC. being firedC. escapingC. tuckedC. skippingC. offC. whomC. seeingC. revivedC. along withC. come byC. dwell atC. shotC. prominentC. speak ofD. maritalD. firedD. breakingD. packedD. slippingD. forD. whoD. staringD. raisedD. withD. come offD. dwell withD. putD. conspicuousD. mentionPart III Reading Comprehension (30 point)Section A (20 points, 1 point each)Directions:In this part of the test, there are five short passages. Read each passage carefully, and then do the questions that follow. Choose the best answer fromthe four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single baracross the square brackets on your Answer Sheet.Passage OneReading new peaks of popularity in North America is Iceberg Water which is harvested from icebergs off the coast of Newfoundland, Canada.Arthur von Wiesenberger, who carries the title Water Master, is one of the few water critics in North America. As a boy, he spent time in the larger cities of Italy, France and Switzerland, Where bottled water is consumed daily. Even then, he kept a water journal, noting the brands he liked best. “My dog could tell the difference between bo ttled and tap water.” He says.But is plain tap water all that bad? Not at all. In fact, New York’s municipal water for more than a century was called the champagne of tap water and until recently considered among the best in the world in terms of both taste and purity. Similarly, a magazine in England found that tap water from the Thames River tasted better than several leading brands of bottled water that were 400 times more expensive.Nevertheless, soft-drink companies view bottled water as the next battle-ground for market share-this despite the fact that over 25 percent of bottled water comes from tap water: PepsiCo’s Aquafina and Coca-Cola’s Dasani are both purified tap water rather than spring water.As diners thirst for leading brands, bottlers and restaurateurs salivate(垂涎) over the profits. A restaurant’s typical mark-up on wine is 100 to 150 percent, whereas on bottled water it’s often 300 to 500 percent. But since water is much cheaper than wine, and many of the fancier brands aren’t available in stores, most dines don’t notice or care.As a result, some restaurants are turning up the pressure to sell bottled water. According to an article in The Street Journal, some of the more shameless tactics include placing attractive bottles on the table for a visual sell, listing brands on the menu without prices, and pouring bottled water without even asking the dinners if they want it.Regardless of how it’s sold, the popularity of bottled water taps into our desire for better health, our wish to appear cultivated, and even a longing for lost purity.36. What do we know about Iceberg Water from the passage?A. It is a kind of iced water.B. It is just plain tap water.C. It is a kind of bottled water.D. It is a kind of mineral water.37. By saying “My dog could tell the difference between bottled and tap water” (Line 5, Para 2)A. plain tap water is certainly unfit for drinkingB. bottled water is clearly superior to tap waterC. bottled water often appeals more to dogs tasteD. dogs can usually detect a fine difference in taste38. The “fancier brands” (Line 4 Para 5) refers to ____A. tap water from the Thames RiverB. famous wines not sold in ordinary storesC. PepsiCo’s Aquafina and Coca-Cola’s DasaniD. expensive bottled water with impressive names39. Why are some restaurants turning up the pressure to sell bottled water?A. Bottled water brings in huge profitsB. Competition from the wine industry is intenseC. Most diners find bottled water affordableD. Bottled water satisfied diners’ desire to fashionable40. According to passage, why is bottled water so popular?A. It is much cheaper than wineB. It is considered healthierC. It appeals to more cultivated peopleD. It is more widely promoted in the marketPassage TwoAs we have seen, the focus of medical care in our society has been shifting from curing disease to preventing disease –especially in terms of changing our many unhealthy behaviors, such as poor eating habits, smoking, and failure to exercise. The line of thought involved in this shift can be pursued further. Imagine a person who is about the right weight , but does not eat very nutritious(有营养的) foods, who feels OK but exercises only occasionally, who goes to work every day, but is not an outstanding worker, who drinks a few beers at home most nights but does not drive while drunk , and who has no chest pains or abnormal blood counts, but sleeps a lot and often feels tired. This person is not ill. He may not even be at risk for any particular disease. But we can imagine that this person could be a lot healthier.The field of medicine has not traditionally distinguished between someone who is merely “ not ill” and someone who is in excellent health and pays attention to the body’s special needs. Both types have simply been called “well”. In recent years, however, some health specialists have begun to apply the terms “well” and “wellness” only to those who are actively striving to maintain and improve their health. People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and they make a point of monitoring their body's condition. Most important, perhaps, people who are well take active responsibility for all matters related to their health. Even people who have a physical disease or handicap (缺陷) may be"well," in this new sense, if they make an effort to maintain the best possible health they can in the face of their physical limitations. "Wellness" may perhaps best be viewed not as a state that people can achieve, but as an ideal that people can strive for. People who are well are likely to be better able to resist disease and to fight disease when it strikes. And by focusing attention on healthy ways of living, the concept of wellness can have a beneficial impact on the ways in which people face the challenges of daily life.41. Today medical care is placing more stress on______.A. keeping people in a healthy physical conditionB. monitoring patients' body functionsC. removing people's bad living habitsD. ensuring people's psychological well-being42. In the first paragraph, people are reminded that_____.A. good health is more than not being illB. drinking, even if not to excess, could be harmfulC. regular health checks are essential to keeping fitD. prevention is more difficult than cure43. Traditionally, a person is considered "well" if he ______.A. does not have any unhealthy living habitsB. does not have any physical handicapsC. is able to handle his daily routinesD. is free from any kind of disease44. According to the author, the true meaning of "wellness" is for people _____.A. to best satisfy their body's special needsB. to strive to maintain the best possible healthC. to meet the strictest standards of bodily healthD. to keep a proper balance between work and leisure45. According to what the author advocates, which of the following groups of people wouldbe considered healthy?A. People who have strong muscles as well as slim figures.B. People who are not presently experiencing any symptoms of diseaseC. People who try to be as healthy as possible, regardless of their limitations.D. People who can recover from illness even without seeking medical care.Passage 3The study of genetics has given rise to a profitable new industry called biotechnology. As the name suggests, it blends biology and modern technology through such techniques as genetic engineering. It blends biology and modern technology through such techniques asgenetic engineering. Some of the new biotech companies, as they are called, specialize in agriculture and are working enthusiastically to patent seeds that give a high yield, that resist disease, drought, and frost, and that reduce the need for hazardous chemicals. If such goals could be achieved, it would be most beneficial. But some have raised concerns about genetically engineered crops.“In nature, genetic diversity is created with certain limits.”Says the Genetic Engineering, Food, and Our Environment.“a rose can be crossed with a different kind of rose, but a rose will never cross with a potato… Genetic engineering, on the other hand, usually involves taking genes from one species and inserting them into another in an attempt to transfer a desired property or character. This could mean, for example, selecting a gene which leads to the production of a chemical with antifreeze properties from an arctic fish, and joining it into a potato or strawberry to make it frost-resistant. It is now possible for plants to be engineered with genes taken from bacteria, viruses, insects, animals or even humans.”In essence, then, biotechnology allows humans to break the genetic walls that separate species.Like the green revolution, what some call the gene revolution contributes to the problem of genetic uniformity---some say even more so because geneticists can employ techniques such as cloning and tissue culture, processes that produce perfectly identical copies, or clones. Concerns about the erosion of biodiversity, therefore, remain. Genetically altered plants, however, raise new issues, such as the effects that they may have on us and environment. “We are flying blindly into a new era of agricultural biotechnology with high hopes, few constraints, and little idea of the potential outcomes,” said science writer Jeremy Rifkin.46. According to the author, biotech companies are _____________.A. mostly specialized in agricultureB. those producing seeds of better propertiesC. mainly concerned about the genetically engineered cropsD. likely to have big returns in their business47. Now biotech products are made _____________.A. within the limits of natural geneticsB. by violating laws of natural geneticsC. without interference of humansD. safer than those without the use of biotechnology48. In nature, genetic diversity is created _____________.A. by mixing different speciesB. within the species itselfC. through natural selectionD. through selection or contest49. Biotechnology has made it possible ___________.A. for us to solve the food shortage problem in the worldB. for plants to be produced with genes of humansC. for humans to assume the cold-resistant propertyD. to grow crops with the taste of farm animals50. According to the author, with the development of biotechnology __________.A. the species of creatures will be reducedB. our living environment will be better than it is nowC. humans will pay for its side effectD. we will suffer from fewer and fewer diseases.Passage 4The young man who came to the door---he was about thirty, perhaps, with a handsome, smiling face---didn’t seem to find my lateness offensive, and led me into a large room. On one side of the room sat half a dozen women, all in white; they were much occupied with a beautiful baby, who seemed to belong to the youngest of the women. On the other side of the room sat seven or eight men, young, dressed in dark suits, very much at ease, and very imposing. The sunlight came into the room with the peacefulness that one remembers from rooms in one’s early childhood---a sunlight encountered later only in one’s dreams. I remember being astounded by the quietness, the ease, the peace, and the taste. I was introduced, they greeted me with a genuine cordiality and respect---and the respect increased my fright, for it meant that they expected something of me that I knew in my heart, for their sakes, I could not give---and we sat down. Elijah Muhammad was not in the room, Conversation was slow, but not as stiff as I had feared it would be. They kept it going, for I simply did not know which subjects I could acceptably bring up. They knew more about me and had read more of what I had written, than I had expected, and I wondered what they made of it all, what they took my usefulness to be. The women were carrying on their own conversation, in low tones; I gathered that they were not expected to take part in male conversations. A few women kept coming in and out of the room, apparently making preparations for dinner. We, the men, did not plunge deeply into any subject, for, clearly, we were all waiting for the appearance of Elijah. Presently, the men, one by one, left the room and returned. Then I was asked if I would like to wash, and I, too, walked down the hall to the bathroom. Shortly after I came back, we stood up, and Elijah entered. I do not know what I had expected to see. I had read some of his speeches, and had heard fragments of others on the radio and on television, so I associated him with strength. But, no---the man who came into the room was small and slender, really very delicately put together, with a thin face, large warm eyes, and a most winning smile. Something came into the room withhim his---his worshipers’joy at seeing him, his joy at seeing them. It was the kind of encounter one watches with a smile simply because it is so rare that people enjoy one another.51. Which of the following is the best alternative word for “imposing (line 6)?A. EnthusiasticB. HostileC. ImpressiveD. Anxious52. Which word best describes the atmosphere in the room?A. TranquilB. SolemnC. ChaoticD. Stressful53. Which of the following statements is true about the author?A. He talked littleB. He was puzzledC. He enjoyed the conversationD. He got more respect than he deserved54. The men didn’t get deeply involved in any subject because they ___________.A. had little knowledgeB. didn’t know one another wellC. wanted to relax themselvesD. awaited the arrival of someone important55. What can we learn about Elijah?A. He was admired by others.B. He was very handsome.C. He was a man with determination.D. He was happy to give speeches.Section B (10 points, 2 points each)Directions: In this section, there is a passage with five questions. After have read the passage, answer each question in English with no more than 15 words. Writedown your answer on the Answer Sheet.Global warming poses a threat to the earth, but humans can probably ease the climate threats brought on by rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, global climate specialist Richard Alley told an audience at the University of Vermont. Alley said his research in Greenland suggested that subtle changes in atmospheric patterns leave part of the globe susceptible to abrupt and dramatic climate shifts that can last decades or centuries.Almost all scientists agree that increasing levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere created as humans burn fossil fuel is warming the planet. How to respond to the warming is a matter of intense political, scientific and economic debate worldwide.Alley said he was upbeat about global warming because enough clever people existed in the world to find other reliable energy sources besides fossil fuels. He said people can get rich finding marketable alternatives to fossil fuel. “Wouldn’t it be useful if the United Stateswere to have a piece of the action. Wouldn’t it be useful if some bright students from University of Vermont were to have a piece of the action,” Alley said.Alley said that Europe and parts of eastern North America could in a matter of a few years revert to a cold, windy region, like the weather in Siberia. Such shifts have occurred frequently over the millennia, Alley’s research shows. A gradual change in atmospheric temperature, such as global warming, could push the climate to a threshold were such a shift suddenly occurs, he said.“This is not the biggest problem in the world. The biggest problem is getting along with each other. But it’s part of that because we’re not going to get along with each other if we’re not getting along with the planet,” Alley said.56. What did the global climate specialist Richard Alley told to the audience at theUniversity of Vermont?57. What causes the dramatic climate changes according to Alley’s research?58. Why does Alley feel optimistic about global warming?59. What does Ally suggest people to do in order to reduce global warming?60. According to Alley, what is the biggest problem in the world?Part IV Error Detection and Correction (10 points, 1 point each) Directions:The following passage contains TEN errors. Each indicated line contains a maximum of ONE error. In each case, only ONE word is involved you shouldproofread the passage and correct it in the following way. Write down yourcorrection on the Answer Sheet.For a wrong word, underline the wrong word and write the correctone in the blank provided at the end of the line.For a missing word, mark the position of the missing word with a “Λ”sign and write the word you believe to be missingin the blank provided at the end of the line.For an unnecessary word Cross the unnecessary with a slash “/” and put theword in the blank provided at the end of the line. Example:When Λ art museum wants a new exhibit, it never buys things in finished form and hangs them on the wall When a natural history museum wants an exhibition, it must often build it. (1) an(2) never(3) exhibitDDT, the most powerful pesticide the world had ever known,exposed nature’s vulnerability. Unlike most pesticides, which effectiveness is limited to destroy one or two types of insects, DDT was capable of killing hundreds of different kinds at once. Developed in 1939, it first distinguished itself during World War II, cleaning south Pacific islands of malaria-caused insects for U.S troops, while in Europe being used an effective delousing powder. Its inventor was awarded by the Nobel Prize.When DDT became available for civilian use in 1945, there were only a few people who expressed the second thoughts about this new miracle compound. One was nature writer Edwin Way Teale, who warned, “A spray as discriminate as DDT can upset the economy of nature as much as a revolution upsets social economy. Ninety percent of all insects are good, but if they are killed, things go out of balance right away.” Another was Rachel Carson, who wrote to the Reader’s Digest to propose an article about series of tests on DDT being conducted not far from which she lived in Maryland.The magazine rejected the idea. (61)(62)(63)(64)(65)(66)(67)(68)(69)(70)Part V Translation (15 points, 3 points each)Directions:Translate the five underlined sentences in the following passage into Chinese.Write down your translation on the Answer Sheet.When President Bush announced a plan early this year to sent Americans back to the moon ─ and beyond, to Mars ─ (71) skeptics wondered whether NASA, with its decades of tread-water budgets and institutional inertia, was up to the job.Equally important, though, is a companion question: Is the aerospace industry up to the job? (72) Boeing, for one, says it is eager to take up the challenge, and refers to decades of expertise in running enormously complex space ventures.(73) But the very process that made it the biggest NASA contractor ─a sweeping consolidation of the aerospace industry ─has sharply reduced competition, and with it, critics say, the creative clash of ideas that helps produce great technological leaps.(74) Boeing, Lockheed Martin and other companies that contribute to the space program are the stewards of an ailing industry, facing a brain drain as its aging engineers retire, with few newcomers entering the field.(75) The uncertainty has been underscored recently. Since Bush made his initial announcement, which was greeted with some public skepticism, he has been largely silent on the subject, not even mentioning it in his State of the Union address.Part VI Writing (20 points)Directions:The following, is a piece of news report. Read it carefully and write a comment of no less than 200 words.Victims refuse to Act as Eye-Witnesses for PoliceA policeman in Jinan was seriously stabled while trying to catch a hijacker who attempted to rob a young couple. The couple, however, refused to act as eye-witnesses to the incident, reports Qilu: Evening News.During their patrol along a quiet lane last Saturday evening, three local policemen caught two men robbing the couple. The third, however, ran away, with a luxurious purse and a bulky business bag under each arm, which obviously belonged to the couple. He was thinner, taller, but fiercer.When one of the policeman, Shi Lei, gave chase, the cornered robber stabbed him and fled. The couple said they were too busy to help police record the incident, and also left.Shi has appealed for the couple to assist police.。

2013年全国医学博士英语统一考试真题全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Big Grown-Up TestHi there! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. I'm going to tell you all about this really big test that happened a few years ago. It was called the 2013 National Unified English Exam for Medical Doctoral Students. That's a really long name, isn't it? I'll just call it the Big Grown-Up Test.I didn't actually take the test myself because I'm just a kid. But my mom is a doctor and she had to take a test kind of like it when she was in medical school a long time ago. She said it was super hard and made her really nervous! The Big Grown-Up Test was only for the really smart adults who wanted to get their "doctoral" degree, which is like the highest level of education you can get.From what I understand, the test happened all across China on the same day. Thousands of grown-ups had to go to test centers and take it. Can you imagine having to sit still and take ahuge test for hours and hours? I don't think I could do that. I'd get way too antsy!The test had four main sections - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. For the listening part, the grown-ups had to listen to recordings and answer questions about what they heard. In the reading section, they had to read really long, complicated passages and answer questions proving they understood everything.But here's the crazy part - the whole test was in English! And not just simple English either. We're talking medical English with all those big fancy words that I can't even pronounce. My mom showed me a practice test once and I couldn't understand a word of it. Just a bunch of mumbo-jumbo if you ask me!For the writing section, the grown-ups had to write an essay or paper about some scientific topic. They couldn't just write "The cat ran after the bird" type stuff. They had to use their best English and fanciest words to discuss complex ideas. No "See Spot run" for these over-achievers!Then for the speaking portion, they had to actually talk out loud and have conversations in English about different medical scenarios. They were graded on their vocabulary, pronunciation, and how well they could explain things. If they slipped up andaccidentally spoke Chinese, it was an automatic fail! That's so much pressure.From what my mom told me, everyone taking the Big Grown-Up Test had studied English for years and years. They took special classes and worked really hard to prepare. But even then, the test was still incredibly difficult. I guess that's why they call it the "doctoral" level. Only the best of the best could pass!My mom said the listening section was the hardest part for her because you only get to hear things once. If you zone out for even a second, you're totally lost. And with all those crazy medical terms being fired at you rapid-fire, it was really easy to miss important details. She had to practice listening exercises every single day to get ready.The reading section was also a killer because the passages were just sooooooo long and dry. My mom showed me one that was 20 pages about the molecular biology of cancer. BO-RING! She said you had to be able to skim for key information really quickly but also understand every little detail. It took crazy focus.For the writing section, my mom's biggest challenge was making sure she used proper academic style. You couldn't just write normally like a letter to your friend. It had to be formal"scholarly" English with a clear and logical structure. No slang or contractions allowed!And then speaking English out loud without stumbling over vocabulary? My mom said that part made her want to cry. You had to be able to think and speak at the same time without any awkward pauses. One little "umm" and you could blow the whole thing. She practiced having fake doctor-patient conversations with her English tutor every week. Talk about nerve-wracking!Even though my mom studied so hard, she was still a nervous wreck before the Big Grown-Up Test. She stayed up late every night for weeks going over practice questions. The day of the test, she barely slept at all. I remember her pacing around the apartment that morning, muttering English words under her breath like "hematology...nephrology...gastroenterology." I thought she was going crazy!When she finally came home after the marathon test session, she looked like a zombie. She plopped down on the couch, completely drained from using her brain so much. All she could do was stare at the wall. But you know what? A few months later, she found out she passed! We had a huge family celebration. All that hard work had paid off.After hearing how brutal the Big Grown-Up Test was, I have even more respect for doctors like my mom. Can you imagine having to prove your medical knowledge IN ENGLISH at that level? With listening, reading, writing, speaking...the whole shebang? It's amazing that anyone can do it! I guess that's why kids can't just become doctors. You have to be one smart and determined grown-up.Well, that's the story of the 2013 National Unified English Exam for Medical Doctoral Students in China. It was basically a mental marathon testing the English skills of the cream of the crop. I don't know about you, but I'm staying far away from any exams that extreme! Give me some simple addition and subtraction any day. I'll leave those crazy Big Grown-Up Tests to the adults. Let me know if you ever want to hear about the "iguanas of the Galapagos" or something equally riveting like that killer medical exam. I'll keep my stories kid-friendly!篇2The 2013 Doctor TestHey guys! Today I'm going to tell you all about this really hard test that medical students have to take. It's called the 2013National Unified English Test for Medical Doctoral Students. That's a huge name for a test!My older sister Sarah is studying to be a doctor. She had to take this big important test last year. I watched her study for it and it looked super duper hard. There was a ton of big medical words I couldn't even pronounce!Sarah said the test had four different sections. The first part was listening. They played audio recordings and asked questions to see if you understood what you heard. My sister practices this by watching English TV shows and movies without subtitles. She said practicing listening is really important for talking to patients someday.The next section was reading. You had to read a bunch of different passages and articles and answer comprehension questions. Sarah read giant medical textbooks to get ready. The readings were probably really boring unless you're realllly into that doctor stuff.After that was the writing section. You had to write essays and reports based on pictures or prompts they gave you. Sarah practiced writing samples all the time. I helped her check for mistakes sometimes but a lot of it was way over my head!The final part was speaking. You had to record yourself answering questions and explaining things out loud. It tests if you can communicate well in English. Sarah set up a video camera and recorded herself talking for hours to get ready. I'm glad I didn't have to listen to all that practice!Overall it sounded like the toughest test ever. Sarah studied non-stop for months beforehand. She said it was crucial to do well since getting a high score can help you get into better medical programs and jobs after graduating.The test was administered on paper at testing centers across the country. Maybe thousands of students took it at the same time? I can't even imagine having to take a test that massive and important. No thank you!When Sarah finally took the real test, she was sooo nervous. But she felt prepared after all her hard work studying. She had to travel to the closest testing site which was a few hours away from our house. Can you believe she had to take the whole 4-hour test in just one sitting? No breaks! I don't know how she stayed focused that long.I'm telling you, this 2013 Unified English Test was no joke. Just listening to Sarah talk about it gave me anxiety! The test covered every little detail of medical communication in English. Itreally separated the students who were proficient in English from those who weren't quite there yet.After what felt like an eternity, Sarah got her score report in the mail. She passed with flying colors! We were all so proud and relieved for her. First she celebrated by going out for a huge ice cream sundae. She deserved It after that monster of a test!Apparently Sarah's high score will allow her to apply to lots of competitive medical residency programs after she finishes regular doctor school. That's really good news since those programs are super exclusive and tough to get into. All thanks to nailing the 2013 National English Test!Phew, I'm exhausted just from talking about this test! I'm definitely not cut out to be a doctor. I'll stick to cartoons and video games for now. But I'm really proud of my amazing big sis Sarah for powering through that incredibly difficult English exam. After hearing how intense it was, I have a whole new respect for doctors and medical students.Well, that's my extremely detailed and passionate summary of the 2013 National Unified English Test for you all! I hope I did a good job explaining it from a kid's point of view. Let me know if you have any other questions! Time for a snack break...篇3The Big Scary Test DayWow, today was a really big day! I had to wake up super early because my mom and dad said I had to take a really important test. They called it the "2013 National English Test for Medical Doctoral Students." That's a really long name for a test! I don't even know what a "doctoral student" is.When we got to the testing place, there were so many grown-ups there. I felt like a tiny little kid in a sea of giants! The room was huge, and there were desks set up everywhere. My mom pointed to a desk near the front and told me that was going to be my spot for the test. I was really nervous!The test proctor lady came in and started explaining all the rules. She said we couldn't talk, couldn't look at each other's papers, and had to keep our eyes on our own test booklets. It sounded really strict! I got even more nervous thinking about how I wasn't allowed to ask any questions during the test.Finally, the proctor said it was time to begin. She passed out the test booklets, and they were super thick! My booklet had to be at least 100 pages long. I gulped and thought to myself, "How am I ever going to finish this whole thing?"The first section was listening comprehension. The audio started playing, and a friendly-sounding lady's voice came through the speakers. She was talking about something called "medical ethics." I had no idea what that meant, but I tried my best to listen carefully and answer the questions.Next up was the reading section. The passages were all about science and medical stuff. There were so many big words that I didn't understand! I just tried to read slowly and carefully, and answer the questions to the best of my ability.After what felt like forever, we finally got to take a short break. I stretched my legs and used the bathroom. My brain felt like mush from trying so hard to concentrate.The writing section was probably the hardest part for me. We had to write a whole essay about some complicated medical topic. I did my best to string some sentences together, but I'm not sure if it made any sense. Writing is hard!The very last section was speaking. We had to goone-by-one into a different room and answer some questions out loud while a lady recorded us on a computer. I was so nervous that my hands were shaking! But the lady gave me an encouraging smile, and I tried my best to speak slowly and clearly.At long last, the whole test was finally over! My brain felt like a big jumbled mess, but I was so relieved that it was done. All the grown-ups were packing up their things and getting ready to leave. I found my mom and dad, and they gave me a big hug and told me they were proud of me for working so hard.On the way home in the car, I fell into a deep sleep. Taking that medical doctoral test was the most difficult thing I've ever done in my whole life! I sure hope I did okay on it. But either way, I'm just glad it's over. Phew, what a day!篇4Hi there! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. Mrs. Thompson asked me to write about my experience taking the 2013 National Medical Doctoral English Unified Exam. I know it sounds really hard for a kid like me, but I'll do my best to explain it!It all started a few weeks ago when my big sister Susie came home from medical school. She looked really stressed out. When I asked her what was wrong, she told me she had to take this huge exam called the "National Medical Doctoral English Unified Exam." It's a test that all medical students have to pass before they can become real doctors.Susie said the exam was going to be super duper hard because it's all in English. English is like a foreign language to her since we only speak Chinese at home. She had to learn all sorts of big fancy medical words in English. Just thinking about it made my head hurt!Anyway, Susie had to study day and night to get ready. Our house was covered in medical textbooks, flashcards, and empty coffee mugs. I tried to help her study, but I could barely even read the words, let alone understand what they meant!Finally, the day of the big exam arrived. Susie was so nervous, she barely ate any breakfast. I gave her a high-five for good luck as she headed out the door. "You've got this, sis!" I shouted. She just grimaced and kept walking.The exam was held at a huge testing center downtown. There were hundreds of students there, all looking just as stressed as Susie. The rules were super strict - no talking, no cheating, and definitely no bathroom breaks! I'm glad I wasn't the one taking it.Susie said the first part was listening comprehension. She had to listen to doctors giving instructions and answer questions about what they said. Next up was reading comprehension about different medical cases and procedures. Susie told mesome of the words were so long and confusing, she wanted to cry!After that was the writing section where she had to explain medical concepts in clear English. Susie's hand cramped up from writing so much. Then there were all sorts of other sections testing grammar, vocabulary, speaking ability, you name it!The exam lasted over 6 hours. SIX HOURS! I can't even sit still for that long when I'm watching cartoons. Susie looked exhausted when she finally emerged from the test center. Her face was pale and she could barely speak from using so much brainpower.I gave her a big celebratory hug when she got home. She plopped down on the couch and didn't move for like three hours. Mom made her favorite dumplings for dinner to congratulate her on surviving the epic exam day.A few weeks later, the results came in the mail. Susie passed!! She got high enough scores to start her medical residency. I was super proud of her for proving she was smart enough to be a doctor, even in English.In the end, Susie said the exam was one of the hardest things she'd ever done in her entire life. But she was also really glad shepushed herself and worked so hard to achieve her dream career. Seeing my big sis overcome that huge challenge inspired me to never give up, no matter how difficult things get.Who knows, maybe one day I'll be the one taking the crazy Medical Doctoral English Exam? Although I'll probably need to learn English first before I can think about becoming a doctor. Baby steps!Well, that's my tale of the legendary 2013 medical exam. I hope I explained it okay! Let me know if you need me to dumb it down even more. Writing at an 8-year-old level is harder than it looks. Now if you'll excuse me, I have an important kindergarten final coming up on finger painting...篇5My Trip to the DoctorHi! My name is Lily and I'm 8 years old. Today I'm going to tell you all about my trip to the doctor last week. It was a really exciting adventure!It all started on Monday morning. I woke up and my throat was super sore and scratchy. I could barely swallow without it hurting. "Uh oh," I thought, "I must be getting sick."I went to the kitchen where my mom was making breakfast. "Good morning sweetie," she said in a cheery voice. "Are you ready for another fun day at school?"I shook my head sadly. "No mom, my throat really hurts," I croaked out in a raspy voice. I stuck out my bright red, swollen tonsils for her to see.My mom's eyes got really wide. "Oh no, you poor thing!" she exclaimed. "That looks like a nasty case of tonsillitis. I better call the pediatrician right away to get you an appointment."The pediatrician is just a fancy word for a kids' doctor. My mom dialed their number and talked on the phone for a few minutes. When she hung up, she looked at me with a sympathetic smile."Okay sweetie, I was able to get you in to see Dr. Stevens this afternoon at 3 o'clock. In the meantime, I want you to go rest on the couch and I'll bring you some warm tea with honey to soothe your throat."I nodded listlessly and shuffled over to the living room couch, wrapping myself up in a fuzzy blanket. My mom brought me the tea a little later and I sipped it slowly, relieved by the smoothing sensation on my poor, abused throat.A few hours later, it was time to head to the doctor's office. We loaded into our blue minivan and off we went! I had visited Dr. Stevens many times before, so I knew the way to her office like the back of my hand.When we arrived, my mom checked me in at the front desk. "Lily Anderson to see Dr. Stevens for a 3 o'clock sick visit," she told the friendly receptionist. We only had to wait about 10 minutes before a nurse opened the door to the hallway."Lily Anderson?" she called out in a singsong voice. I perked up, time for the real fun to begin! We followed the nurse down the hallway lined with colorful drawings by kids. She brought us into the examination room and checked my temperature, blood pressure, and other vitals."The doctor will be right in," she told us before leaving the room. My mom and I had to wait just a couple of minutes before there was a knock at the door."Hello there!" the cheery voice of Dr. Stevens called out as she entered. "What seems to be the trouble today?""Lily has a really bad sore throat, I'm afraid she may have tonsillitis," my mom explained while I just nodded weakly.Dr. Stevens had me open my mouth wide and say "Ahhhh" while she inspected my crimson tonsils with a tongue depressor. She also felt around my neck checking for swollen lymph nodes."You're absolutely right, those tonsils are very inflamed and swollen," Dr. Stevens declared with a frown. "And I can feel her lymph nodes up as well. This is definitely a case of acute tonsillitis, most likely caused by a bacterial infection."My heart sank - bacterial infection sounded really serious and scary! I started to whimper but my mom gave my hand a reassuring squeeze."Not to worry Lily," Dr. Stevens said with a kind smile, "we'll have you feeling good as new in no time. I'm going to prescribe a course of antibiotics to get rid of that nasty tonsillitis."The antibiotics would be special medicine that I'd have to take for about 10 days to kill the bacterial infection making me sick. Dr. Stevens called the prescription into my regular pharmacy and told my mom I should start feeling better in a day or two once the antibiotics kicked in.As we left the office, I felt a huge wave of relief wash over me. Taking some occasional gross-tasting medicine was no big deal if it meant I would stop feeling so miserable! Sure enough, after acouple days of the antibiotics, the swelling in my throat had gone down dramatically and I was on the road to recovery.I was so thankful my mom took me to see Dr. Stevens right away. Tonsillitis sounds like no fun at all if you let it go untreated! From now on, if my throat ever starts feeling funny again, you can be sure I'll let my parents know immediately. Staying on top of your health is very important, even for kids. Getting check-ups and taking care of any issues right away is the key to staying healthy and happy!Well, that's the full scoop on my exciting trip to the doctor. Wasn't it a wild ride? I can't wait for my next doctor's visit adventure - I hear the lollipops they give out are the best! Thanks for reading, friends!篇6The 2013 Doctor English Test Was Really Hard!Hi everyone! My name is Timmy and I'm 8 years old. I really struggled with the 2013 national medical doctoral English unified exam this year. It was super duper difficult! I had to wake up at 6am to get to the test center by 8am. The test was scheduled from 8:30am to 5pm with just a short lunch break.That's a really long time for a kid to have to sit still and concentrate!The test had four sections - listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The listening section was first. We had to wear headphones and listen to conversations, lectures, and talks. Then we had to answer multiple choice questions about the main ideas, details, speaker's purposes, and making inferences. It was hard to pay attention the whole time without getting distracted!After listening, we moved right into the reading section. This part had really long and boring passages to read through. The passages were about all kinds of topics like science, history, culture, and academics. Some of the words were so advanced that I had never even heard them before! The questions asked about the main ideas, details, vocabulary, making inferences, and the author's views and purposes. My eyes started getting tired from all that reading.We then got a short lunch break, which was a nice break to rest my brain. But after lunch came the terrible writing section! We had to write two essays of different types, like an argument essay or a proposal essay. The prompt topics were really complex subjects that I didn't know much about. It was so hard to organize my thoughts and come up with enough supportingideas and examples to write a whole essay! My hand cramped up from all that writing.Finally after writing came the absolute worst part - the speaking section! We had to give spoken responses into a microphone about random topics and scenarios. I get so nervous speaking English out loud! We had to speak for 1-2 minutes on each question, using great vocabulary and organization. My mind just went blank under all that pressure. By the end, my mouth was dry from talking so much.This test was crazy difficult, way harder than anything we do in my regular English classes at school. I really hope I passed and don't have to take it again next year! I could barely stay awake driving home after the 9 hour exam. My brain felt like mush!Tests like this medical doctoral English exam seem way too hard for a little kid like me. How are adults even supposed to get through something so grueling and intense? Just thinking about it again makes me tired! I'll be happy if I never have to take another big standardized English exam for the rest of my life. No more essays, listening exercises, or speaking into microphones for me - I'm sticking to kids stuff from now on!。

Part Two: Structure and Written Expression20Directions: In each question decide which of four choices given will most suitably complete the sentence if inserted at the place marked. Mark your choices on the ANSWERSHEET.21.The nuclear family __________ a self-contained, self-satisfying unit composed of father, mother and children.A. refers toB. definesC. describesD. devotes to22.Some polls show that roughly two-thirds of the general public believe that elderly Americans are________ by social isolation and loneliness.A. reproachedB. favoredC. plaguedD. reprehended23.In addition to bettering group and individual performance, cooperation ________ the quality of interpersonal relationship.A. ascendsB. compelsC. enhancesD. prefers24.In the past 50 years, there ________ a great increase in the amount of research_____on the human brain.A. was…didB. has been…to be doneC. was…doingD. has been…done25.“I must have eaten something wrong. I feel like _____ .”“We told you not to eat at a restaurant. You’d better _______ at home when you are not in the shape.”A. to throw up…to eatB. throwing up…eatingC. to throw up…eatD. throwing up…eat26. Parent shave to show due concerns to their children’s creativity and emotional output; otherwise what they think beneficial to the kids might probably _______ their enthusiasm and aspirations.A. hold backB. hold toC. hold downD. hold over27. According to psychoanalysis, a person’s attention is attracted ________ by the intensity of different signals ________ by their context, significance, and information content.A. not less than…asB. as…just asC. so much…asD. not so much…as28.They moved to Portland in1998 and lived in a big house, _______ to the south.A. the windows of which openedB. the windows of it openedC. its windows openedD. the windows of which opening29.The lady who has_______ for a night in the dead of the winter later turned out to bea distant relation of his.A. put him upB. put him outC. put him onD. put him in30.By standers,_______,_________ as they walked past lines of ambulances.A. bloody and covered with dust, looking dazedB. bloodied and covered with dust, looked dazedC. bloody and covered with dust, looked dazedD. bloodied and covered with dust, looking dazed31. Hong Kong was not a target for terror attacks, the Government insisted yesterday, as the US________ closed for an apparent security review.A. ConsulationB. ConstitutionC. ConsulateD. Consular32. American fans have selected Yao in a vote for the All-Star game ______the legendary O’Neal, who ______ the “Great Wall” at the weekend as the Rockets beat the Los Angeles Lakers.-A. in head of, ran onB. in head of, ran intoC. ahead of, ran ontoD. ahead of, ran into33. Professional archivists and librarians have the resources to duplicate materials in other formats and the expertise to retrieve materials trapped in _________ computers.A. abstractB. obsoleteC. obstinateD. obese34. She always prints important documents and stores a backup set at her house. “I actually think there’s something about the______ of paper that feels more comforting.”She said.A. tangibilityB. tanglednessC. tangentD. tantalization35.“They said what we always knew,” said an administration source,___________.A. he asked not to be namedB. who asked not to be namedC. who asked not be namedD. who asked not named36.In Germany, the industrial giants Daimler Chrysler and Siemens recently_______ their unions into signing contracts that lengthen work hours without increasing pay.A. muscledB. movedC. mushedD. muted37. He argues that the policy has done little to ease joblessness, and has left the country_______.A. energizedB. EnervatedC. NervedD. enacted38. The more people hear his demented rants, the more they see that he is aterrorist_______.A. who is pure and simpleB. being pure and simpleC. pure and simpleD. as pure and simple39. This expansion of rights has led to both a paralysis of the public service and to a rapid and terrible ________ in the character of the population.A. determinationB. deteriorationC. desolationD. desperation40._______ a declining birthrate, there will be an over-supply of 27,000 primary school places by 2010, _______ leaving 35 school sidle.B. Coupling with, equivalent toC. Coupled with, equivalent toD. Coupling with, equals toPart Three: Reading Comprehension10Passage One The HeroMy mother’s parents came from Hungary, but my grandfather could trace his origin to Germany and also he was educated in Germany. Although he was able to hold a conversation in nine languages, he was most comfortable in German. Every morning, before going to his office, he read the German language newspaper, which was American owned and published in New York.My grandfather was the only one in his family to come to the United States with his wife and children. He still had relatives living in Europe. When the first world war broke out, he lamented the fact that if my uncle, his only son had to go, it would be cousin fighting against cousin. In the early days of the war, my grandmother begged him to stop taking the German newspaper and to take an English language newspaper, instead. He scoffed at the idea, explaining that the fact it was in German did not make it a German newspaper, but only an American newspaper, printed in German. But my grandmother insisted, for fear that the neighbors may see him read it and think he was German. So, he finally gave up the German newspaper.One day, the inevitable happened and my uncle Milton received notice to join the army. My grandparents were very upset, but my mother, his little sister, was excited. Now she could boast about her soldier brother going off to war. She was ten years old at the time, and my uncle, realizing how he was regarded by his little sister and her friends, went out and bought them all service pins, which meant that they had a loved one in the service. All the little girls were delighted. When the day came for him to leave, his whole regiment, in their uniforms, left together from the same train station. There was a band playing and my mother and her friends came to see him off. Each one wore her service pin and waved a small American flag, cheering the boys, as they left.The moment came and the soldiers, all very young, none of whom had had any training, but who had never the less all been issued uniforms, boarded the train. The band played and the crowd cheered. The train groaned as if it knew the destiny to which it was taking its passengers, but it soon began to move. Still cheering and waving their flags, the band still playing, the train slowly departed the station.It had gone about a thousand yards when it suddenly ground to a halt. The band stopped playing, the crowd stopped cheering. Everyone gazed in wonder as the train slowly backed up and returned to the station. It seemed an eternity until the doors opened and the men started to file out. Someone shouted, “It’s the armistice. The war is over.” For a moment, nobody moved, but then the people heard someone bark orders at the soldiers. The men lined up and formed into two lines. They walked down the steps and, with the band playing behind, paraded down the street, as returning heroes, to be welcomed home by the assembled crowd. The next day my uncle returned to his job, and my grandfather resumed reading the German newspaper, which he read until the day he died.41. Where was the narrator’s family when this story took place?A. In Germany.B. In Hungary.C. In the United StatesD. In New York.42.His grandfather ____________.A. could not speak and read English well enoughB. knew nine languages equally wellC. knew a number of languages, but felt more kin to GermanD. loved German best because it made him think of home43. His grandmother did not want her husband to buy and read newspapers in German, because ________.A. it was war time and Germans were their enemyB. the neighbors would mistake them as pro-GermanC. it was easier to get newspapers in English in AmericaD. nobody else read newspapers in German during the wartime44. The narrator’s mother wanted her brother to go to fight in the war,because________.A. like everybody else at the wartime, she was very patrioticB. she hated the war and the Germans very muchC. all her friends had relatives in war and she wanted to be like themD. she liked to have a brother she could think of as a heroPassage TwoWaking Up from the American DreamsThere has been much talk recently about the phenomenon of “Wal-Martization” of America, which refers to the attempt of America’s giant Wal-Mart chain store company to keep its cost at rock-bottom levels. For years, many American companies have embraced Wal-Mart-like stratagems to control labor costs, such as hiring temps (temporary workers) and part-timers, fighting unions, dismantling internal career ladders and outsourcing to lower paying contractors at home and abroad.While these tactics have the admirable outcome of holding down consumer prices, they’re costly in other ways. More than a quarter of the labor force, about 34 million workers, is trapped in low-wage, often dead-end jobs. Many middle-income andhigh-skilled employees face fewer opportunities, too, as companies shift work to subcontract or sand temps agencies and move white-collar jobs to China and India. The result has been an erosion of one of America’s most cherished value: giving its people the ability to move up the economic ladder over their life times. Historically, most Americans, even low-skilled ones, were able to find poorly paid janitorial or factory jobs, then gradually climbed into the middleclass as they gained experience and moved up the wage curve. But the number of workers progressing upward began to slip in 1970s. Upward mobility diminished even more in the 1980s as globalization and technology slammed blue-collar wages.Restoring American mobility is less a question of knowing what to do than of making it happen. Experts have decried schools’ in adequacy for years, but fixing them is a long, arduous struggle. Similarly, there have been plenty of warnings about declining college access, but finding funds was difficult even in eras of large surpluses.45. The American dream in this passage mainly refers to____________.A. there are always possibilities offered to people to develop themselves in the societyB. Americans can always move up the pay ladderC. American young people can have access to college, even they are poorD. the labor force is not trapped in low-wage and dead-end jobs46. Wal-Mart strategy, according to this passage, is to___________.A. hire temps and part-timers to reduce its costB. outsource its contracts to lower price agencies at home and abroadC. hold down its consumer price by controlling its labor costsD. dismantle the career ladder and stop peopl e’s mobility upward47. Which of the following statements is NOTTRUE?A. Wal-Martization has been successful in keeping costs at rock-bottom levels.B. Upward mobility for low-skilled workers has become impossible in the U.S.C. More business opportunities are given to low-cost agencies in China and India.D. Although people know how to restore American mobility, it’s difficult to change the present situation.Passage Three Seniors and the CityTens of thousands of retirees are pulling up stakes in suburban areas and fashioning their own retirement communities in the heart of the bustling city. They are looking for what most older people want: a home with no stairs and low crime rates. And they are willing to exchange regular weekly golf time for rich cultural offerings, young neighbors and plenty of good restaurants. Spying an opportunity, major real-estate developer shave broken ground on urban sites they intended to market to suburbanretirees. These seniors are already changing the face of big cities. One developer, Fran Mc Carthy asks: “Who ever thought that suburban flight would be roundtrip?”The trickle of older folks returning to the city has grown into a steady stream. While some cities, especially those with few cultural offerings, have seen an exodus of seniors, urban planners say others have become retirees magnets. Between 1999 and 2000, the population of 64-to-75-year-olds in downtown Chicago rose 17 percent. Austin, New Orleans, and Los Angeles have seen double-digit increases as well. There may be hidden health benefits to city living. A study reveals that moving from suburbs to the city can ward off the byproduct of aging--- social isolation. In the next six years, downtowns are expected to grow even grayer. For affluent retirees, city life is an increasingly popular option.48. Retired seniors are moving back into the city because____________.A. they find there are too many crimes in the suburbsB. unlike the flats in the city, their country house have stairs to climbC. they are no longer interested in playing golfD. in the city, they have more social and cultural life against loneliness49. From the passage we can infer that_________.A. the real-estate developers have broken their original contracts of construction with senior retireesB. a life in the downtown city is expensive, and most of those retirees who moved back into the city are very well-offC. with more older people living in the city, the city will become gray and less beautifulD. very soon the American suburban areas will face their low population crisis50. Fran Mc Carthy’s question means: nobody ever thought that__________.A. people who moved out of the city decades ago now would move backB. suburban dwellers when moving back into the city must take roundtripC. suburban flight years ago would go in circlesD. senior people’s moving back into the city would take place all over the United StatesDirections: Read the following passage carefully and then explain in your own English the exact meaning of the numbered and underlined parts. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET(2)15(51) Being angry increases the risk of injury, especially among men, new research says. There searchers gathered data on more than 2,400 accident victims at three Missouri hospitals. They interviewed each subject to determine the patient’s emotional state just before the injury and 24 hours earlier, gathering data on whether the patients felt irritable, angry or hostile, and to what degree. Then they compared the results with a control group of uninjured people.(52)Despite widespread belief in “road rage,” anger did not correlate with injuries from traffic accidents.(53)Not surprisingly, anger was strongly associated with injuries inflicted deliberately. But other injuries– those neither intentionally inflicted nor from falls or traffic accidents– also showed strong associations with anger.(54)The correlations were significantly weaker for women than for men, but there were no differences by race. The authors acknowledge that their data depend on self-reports, which are not always reliable.(55)Why anger correlates with injury is not known. “I can speculate that the anger may have prompted some behavior that led to the injury, or may have simply distracted the person, leading indirectly to the injury,” said the study’s lead author.Part Four: Cloze Test10Directions: Read the following passage carefully and then fill in each numbered blank with ONE suitable word to complete the passage. Put your answers on ANSWERSHEET (2).Last year French drivers killed(56)_______ than 5,000 people on the roads for the first time in decades. Credit goes largely(57)________ the 1,000 automated radar cameras planted on the nation’s high ways since 2003, which experts reckon(58)_______ 3,000 lives last year. Success, of course breeds success: the government plans to install500(59)______radar devices this year.So it goes with surveillance these days. Europeans used to look at the security cameras posted in British cities, subways and buses(60)_______ the seeds of an Orwellian world that was largely unacceptable in Continental Europe. But last year’s London bombing, in which video cameras(61)________a key role in identifying the perpetrators, have helped spuraseachange. A month(62)_______ the London attacks, half of Germans supported EU-wide plans to require Internet providers and telecoms to store all e-mail, Internet and phone data for “anti-terror”(63)______.In a British poll, 73 percent of respondents said they were(64)_______ to give up some civil liberty toimprove(65)________.Part Five: Proof reading 10Directions: In the following passage, there are altogether 10 mistakes, ONE in each numbered and underlined part. You may have to change a word, add a word, or just delete a word. If you change a word, cross it with a slash(/) and write the correct word beside it. If you add a word, write the missing word between the words (in brackets) immediately before and after it. If you delete a word, cross it out with a slash(/). Put your answer on ANSWERSHEET(2).Examples:eg.1(66)The meeting begun 2 hours ago.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(66) begunbeganeg.2(67) Scarcely they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre when the curtain went up.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(67)(Scarcely) had (they)eg.3(68)Never will I not do it again.Correction put on the ANSWERSHEET(2):(68)not(66)Application files are piled highly this month in colleges across the country.(67) Admissions officers are poring essays and recommendation letters, scouring transcripts and standardized test scores.(68)But anything is missing from many applications: a class ranking, once a major component in admissions decisions.In the cat-and-mouse maneuvering over admission to prestigious colleges and universities, (69) thousands of high schools have simply stopped providing that information, concluding it could harm the chances of their very better, but not best, students.(70)Canny college officials,in turn, have found a tactical way to response.(71) Using broad data that high schools often provide, like a distribution of grade averages for entire senior class, they essentially recreate an applicant’s class rank.(72)The process has left them exasperating.(73)“If we’re looking at your son or daughter and you want us to know that they are among the best in their school, with a rank we don’t necessarily know that,” said Jim Bock, dean of admissions and financial aid at Swarthmore College.(74)Admissions directors say strategy can backfire.When high schools do not provide enough general information to recreate the class rank calculation, (75) many admissions directors say they have little choice and to do something virtually no one wants them to do: give more weight to scores on the SAT and other standardized exams.Part Six: Writing15Directions: Write a short composition of about 250 to 300 words on the topic given below. Write it neatly on ANSWERSHEET(2).Recently, a newspaper carried an article entitled: “We Should No Longer Force Gong Li and Zhang Yimou to Take Part in National Politics”. The article argued that some artists and film stars are unwilling or unqualified to represent the people in the People’s Congress or the People’s Political Consultative Conference, and they should not be forced to do so. What do you think?56. fewer 57. to 58. saved 59. more 60. as 61. played 62. after 63. purposes 64. ready/ willing 65. security北京大学2006年博士入学考试试题答案Listening0.5each)1-5BCAAD6-10BADCA11-15CBADA16-20BDCBCC1:immune C11:insufficientC2:range C12:accidentsC3:quarter C13:wheelC4:uninterrupted C14:shiftC5:tossing C15:riskC6:destined C16:deterioratesC7:claim C17:snatchC8:fooling C18:skepticalC9:deprivation C19:substituteC10:correlation C20:insomniaStructureandwrittenexpression1pointeach)21-25accdd26-30adaab31-35cdbab36-40abcbcReading1pointeach)41-45ccbda46-50cbdbaParaphrasing:(3pointseach)51.According to new research, getting angry adds to the chances of getting physically hurt, particularly for male.52.even people generally believe that people easily get angry when driving on the road, but anger didn’t have much/anything to do with injuries from traffic accidents,/ but not many injuries from traffic accidents are the results of anger on the road.53.It is not at all surprising that anger is a very important reason for people who intentionally hurt themselves.54.We see this strong link between anger and injury more in men than in women, but different races of people did not show much variation.55. People do not know yet why anger is associated with injury.Cloze:(1pointeach)56.Fewer57.To58.Saved59.More60.As61.Played62.After63.Purposes64.Ready65.SecurityProofreading:(1pointeach)66.Highly-high67.Pore-poreover68.Anything-something69.Better-good 70.Response-respond71.Forentire-foranentire72.Exasperating-exasperatedbS 73.With-without74.Strategy-thestrategy75.And-butWriting:(15points)。

考博英语(词汇)历年真题试卷汇编66(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. Structure and V ocabularyStructure and V ocabulary1.“Gangnam Style”, the______popular song from South Korean recording artist PSY has just become the most watched video on YouTube ever. (北京大学2013年试题)A.sanelyB.insanelyC.rationallyD.insatiably正确答案:B解析:四个选项的意思分别是:sanely心智健全地,稳健地;insanely疯狂地;rationally理性地;insatiably不知足地,贪得无厌地。
2.The______British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking once said in an interview that heaven is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark. (北京大学2013年试题)A.imposingB.loftyC.prominentD.eminent正确答案:D解析:四个选项的意思分别是:imposing气势宏伟的,给人深刻印象的;lofty 傲慢的,高超的;prominent卓越的,杰出的,通常指一群人中或一个团体中突出的人;eminent著名的,杰出的。
3.The basic causes are unknown, although certain conditions that may lead to cancer have been______. (北京航空航天大学2013年试题)A.identifiedB.guaranteedC.notifiedD.conveyed正确答案:A解析:本题考查单词词义。