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1. Find the ID, names of all the students from departments whose name contain character '功'.
2. Find the ID, names and total credits of students in 邪门学院 department or in 兵器学院 department whose total credits are higher than 50 credits
3. For the instructor 83821, show course_id and title of all courses taught by the instructor
4. As above, but show the total number of credits for such courses (taught by that instructor). You should use SQL aggregation on courses taught by that instructor.
5. As above, but display the total credits for each of the instructors, along with the ID of the instructor; don't bother about the name of the instructors.
(Don't bother about instructors who have not taught any course, they can be omitted)
6. Find average instructors' salaries for each of courses, along with the course_id and title of the course, taught by instructors of 内功学院, theresult should be sorted from the lowest to the highest according to the average salaries.
7. Find the names of all courses which have been taught in 南疆雨林 ever (there should be no duplicate names)
8. Display the IDs and names of all students who have never registered for a course
9. Find the id and names of the courses which have been registered by some students without evaluated grade.
10. Find the courses which are the Subsequence courses of othercourses. The result should involve the ids and titles of the Subsequencecourses and the ids and titles of its prerequisites (note: the names ofcolumns in result should show the roles of the courses clearly)
????select id,name
from student
where dept_name like '%功%'
select id,name,tot_cred
from student
where dept_name='兵器学院' or dept_name='邪门学院'
and tot_cred>50
group by id,name,tot_cred
select distinct course.course_id,title
from course join teaches on course.course_id=teaches.course_id
where teaches.id=83821
select distinct course.course_id,title,sum(credits) as cre_sum
from course join teaches on course.course_id=teaches.course_id
where teaches.id=83821
group by course.course_id,title
select S.id,sum(credits) as cre_sum
from instructor as S,teaches as T,course
where S.id=T.id and T.course_id=course.course_id
group by S.id
select course.course_id,title,AVG(salary) as avg_sal
from course,instructor as T,teaches
where course.dept_name='内功学院'
and T.dept_name='内功学院'
and teaches.id=T.id
and teaches.course_id=course.course_id
group by course.course_id,course.title
order by avg_sal desc
select distinct T.title
from section as S,course as T
where T.course_id=S.course_id
and S.building='南疆雨林'
select id,name
from student
where id not in(select id from takes)
select S.course_id,S.title,'SubCourse' as Role, T.course_id,T.title,'P
reCourse' as Role
from course as S,course as T,prereq
where S.course_id=prereq.course_id and prereq.prereq_id=T.course_id
Intermediate SQL-2
Using the university schema that you have write the following queries. In some cases you
might need to insert extra data to show the effect of a particular feature.
Recommendation: With clause is strongly recommended for simplifying the query.
1. Find the courses which have been offered for 2 years at least and have sections in spring,
2010. For each course as such, information displayed should involve:
* Identifier of course(i.e. the primary key for section) * Title of the course
* Number of instructors who in charge of teaching the course in spring ,2010
* Total salary all over the instructors who in charge of teaching the course in
spring ,2010
* Total credit hours performed per week( Note: 1 credit hour equals to 50 minutes).
2. USE outer join to construct the following query
Find all information for student registration and course offered.
The students who have
never registered for any courses and the courses has never been offered. For each record in
the result, information displayed should involve:
* Identifier of student(i.e. the primary key for student) * Name of student
* Identifier of section(i.e. the primary key for section) * Title of course.
The result should be like the following
3. USE scalar subquery to construct the following query
For all students, grade information of each student is needed. Those students who have
never registered for any section should also be considered. For each student, information
displayed should involve:
* Identifier of student(i.e. the primary key for student) * Name of student
* Department name of student
* Number of failure for the student to pass some section. (That is the number of grade ‘F’)
* Total number of failure of passing sections for the students in the same department as
the current student.
4. Find students who have registered for some but not all courses(PART COURSE, for short)
taught by instructors of department '拳脚学院'. Furthermore, the registration of these
students for such courses (i.e. PART COURSE above) should have grade, even the grade is
‘F’. Do this using the "not exists ... except ..." structure. For each student as such,
information displayed should involve:
* Identifier of student(i.e. the primary key for student) * Name of the student
* Number of courses, taught by instructors of department '拳脚学院', registered by the
5. Use EXISTS or NOT EXISTS clause in WHERE clause to construct following query.
Find those sections which have no instructor as the teacher. Moreover, these sections
should have never been registered by any student. For each section as such, information
displayed should involve:
* Identifier of student(
i.e. the primary key for student) * Name of the corresponding course.
* Credits of the course
with course_twoYear(course_id) as
(select course_id from teaches where
course_id in
(select course_id
from teaches where year=2009)
(select course_id
from teaches where year=2010 and semester='Spring')), number(course_id,ID,num) as (select
course_id,ID,COUNT(sec_id)from teaches
where year=2010 and semester='Spring' group by course_id,ID),
tot_time(course_id,times) as (select
course_id,SUM(credits*50) from course group by course_id)
select course.course_id ,title ,num,SUM(salary)as tot_sal,times
from course_twoYear ,course ,number,instructor,tot_time where course.course_id=course_twoYear.course_id and number.course_id=course.course_id and
instructor.ID=number.ID and
group by course.course_id ,title ,num,times;
with stu_take(course_id,name,sec_id,year,semester) as (select course_id,name,sec_id,year,semester from student left join takes on student.ID=takes.ID)
select name,sec_id,year,semester,title from stu_take full join course on stu_take.course_id=course.course_id;
select student.ID,,student.dept_name, (select COUNT(takes.grade)from takes where
takes.ID=student.id and takes.grade='F'),
(select COUNT(takes.ID)
from student,takes
where student.ID=takes.ID and takes.grade='F') from student;
with T(student_name,total_course)as
(select ,COUNT(course.course_id)
from student join takes
on student.ID=takes.ID
join course on takes.course_id=course.course_id where course.dept_name='拳脚学院'
group by )
select ID,name,total_course
from student join T on =T.student_name where not exists(
(select student_name from T where T.total_course=(select COUNT(course_id)from course where course.dept_name='拳脚学院'))
(select student_name from T)
select course.course_id,title,credits
from course Full outer join teaches on course.course_id = teaches.course_id
Full outer join takes on course.course_id = takes.course_id
Full outer join section on course.course_id = section.course_id
where course.course_id not in((select course.course_id
from teaches ,course ,takes ,section
where teaches.course_id = section.course_id and takes.course_id = course.course_id
and section.course_id = takes.course_id ) )
Using the university schema that you have write the following queries. In some cases you
might need to insert extra data to show the effect of a particular feature.
1. Insert each student as an instructor of department ‘拳脚学院’, with salary=40000
2. Now delete all the newly added "instructors" above (note: already existing
instructors who happened to have salary=40000 should not get deleted)
3. Update the salary of each instructor to 10000 times the number of course sections they have taught.
4. The university rules allow an F grade to be overridden by any pass grade (for example, A).
Now, lists students who have fail grades that have not been overridden. For each student as such, information displayed (in one row) should involve:
l Identifier of student
l Name of student
l Count of F grades that have not been overridden.
5. In one result, list the instructors who have never taught any courses and the students who have never registered for any courses. For each person, information displayed (in one row) should involve:
l Id of the person
l Name of the person
l Role of the person. The value of role should be ‘student’ or ‘instructor’.
insert into instructor
select S.id,,'拳脚学院',40000
from student as S
where S.id not in (select instructor.id from instructor)
delete from instructor
where name+id in (select name+id from student)
sp_help instructor
sp_helpconstraint instructor
alter table instructor
drop constraint CK__instructo__salar__1920BF5C
update instructor
set salary= 10000*
(select COUNT(*) from teaches where instructor.id=teaches.id)
with S(id,course_id)
as (select distinct id,course_id
from takes
where grade='F'),
as (select distinct T.id,T.course_id
from takes as T,S
where T.id=S.id
and T.course_id=S.course_id
and T.grade<>'F' )
select student.ID,,count(*) as FailedTimes
from (select * from S except select *from R) as target,student
where target.id=student.id
group by student.ID,
select S.id,,'Student' as Role
from Student as S
where S.id not in(select takes.id from takes)
select T.id,,'Instructor' as Role
from instructor as T
where T.id not in (select teaches.id from teaches)