英语:Unit7 lesson4 sea stories教案(北师大版必修3)

北师大版英语模块三unit 7 lesson 4 《Sea stories 》
《Sea stories 》是北师大版高中英语模块三,unit 7 lesson 4的一篇课文。
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Unit7 lesson4 《sea stories》教案(北师大版必修3)

Lesson4 Sea Stories教案I. Objectives:Students will be able to1.read sections of a story and sequence them, using prediction strategies and linking words2. use linking expressions related to time and sequence3. talk about and give opinions of filmsII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1.Do Ex.1The teacher asks:Have you seen some film in which the sea is important?What did you think of it?( Let Ss discuss and answer them.)2.Show some pictures in Jaws ,Titanic. Free Willy, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Treasure Island.Do Ex.2 Look at the key words and find them in the pictures.barrel, cloud, fisherman, fishing boat, horizon, moon, wave, whirlpoolStep 2 ReadingLook at the pictures and try to put them in right order.1.Read each paragraph, paying attention to the linking words. e.g. one day, suddenly, in the end—2.Decide a possible order for the paragraphs.3.Read them in that order to see if the story makes sense.Step 3 Post-readingi) True or False1.Writer can keep calm in time of danger2.In the whirlpool, only the writer survived. Both of his two brothers died.3.The three brothers first met the whirlpool and then were caught in the storm.4.It was the barrel that carried me to an area where the other fishermen were.5.The writer’s brot her stayed in the heavy boat because he thought it was better to stay there. Keys: TTFFFii) Ex.3Use the Strategies to put the paragraphs A,B and C in the correct order.Keys: BACiii) Ex.4 Read the story again and answer these questions.1.Why did the w riter’s younger brother fall overboard?2.Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?3.Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel?4.Why didn’t his brother do the same?5.Why did his old companions not recognize him?Keys:1.An enormous wave washed him overboard.2.The wind and waves were taking it there.3.Heavier objects went down into the whirlpool quickly. The barrel was lighter.4.He was terrified.5.Because his hair was white, not black.iv) Ex.5 Collect answers from students.v) Ex.6 Complete the sentences below with these words from the text.afterwards, in the end, one day, suddenly, then, when(1) in 1964, Robet Le Serrec was sailing near the Australian coast (2) he decided to stop near an island. (3) , he saw a huge creature resting beside his boat. He took a photograph, and (4) the creature swam away. (5) ,he showed the photograph to scientists, but(6) ,nobody believed him.Step 4 Language points1. that moment 在那一时刻the moment 一……就I was deeply moved and tears run down my cheeks at that moment.The moment Tom went off the taxi he ran towards the hospital.2. great speed以非常快的速度移动也可以写成:with great speed3. on/at the edge ofStanding at the edge of a bridge is rather dangerous.4.near to接近…;close to紧挨着…Flood is coming near to our village.The little child is standing close to her mother.5. tie… to… 将…拴到…上The cowboy tied his cattle to a tree and then he left away.6. terrified 形容词,可怕的。
Unit 7 THE SEA Lesson 4 Sea Stories 教学设计3-优质公开课-北师大必修3精品

Unit 7 THE SEALesson 4 Sea Stories教学设计Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target language语言目标a: Words and expressionsterrible—horrible, freezing—cold, large—huge, frightened—terrified, get away—escape, get better—recover, continue to live—survive, remember—recognizeb:Important structure2. Ability goals能力目标Help students to master the structure of a report.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Learn to write a report by following a certain structure given by the teacher.Teaching important points教学重点By imitating, practicing and paragraph-by-paragraph writing help students learn the basic procedures of writing a good report.Teaching difficult points教学难点Help students give comments and express their own idea clearly.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionActivity one: Check the words and expressionsT: Please paraphrase the words with a similar meaning.Let the Ss match the words according to their memory.Words exercise:terrible—horrible, freezing—cold, large—huge, frightened—terrified, get away—escape, get better—recover, continue to live—survive, remember—recognizeActivity two: Present your storyT: Next I will call a student to present your story to the class.Sa: Here is mine.Sample story:One day I swam across a strip of water to an island. There were many beautiful shells. Though I found many beautiful shells, I found it impossible for me to take them back to the shore I came from, for I could see many dangerous sharks in the sea playing happily. Suddenly, an idea struck me. I pulled off my shirt and cut it into pieces and tied them together into a long rope. Then I cut my leg and dipped some blood in one end of the rope. I threw the end of rope with blood into the sea while I pulled the other end and ran very fast toward the other end of the island. Soon after that, the sharks began to chase the rope because they had smelled the blood. After I succeeded in cheating the sharks to the other side, I ran back and dived into the sea without any delay. In the end, I was able to reach the other side of the shore.StepⅡLead-inActivity one: Make commentsT: Read the comments from the tourists and tell me what opinion they want to express.Let the Ss read the comments and find their real purpose.Sa: The first speaker gave two opinions about the performance of the dolphins.Sb: The second speaker expressed his satisfaction with the iceberg, but he was not content with the conditions.Sc: The third speaker also expressed two sides of opinions. One is to show his satisfaction with the scenery, but he was not content with the food.Sample comments:1. The performance of the dolphins was good, but it was cruel to train them and make them do tricks.2. Seeing the real iceberg was really exciting, but if they could provide better conditions for the exhibition it would be better.3. On the one hand, we loved most of the attractions. On the other hand, I don’t think we enjoy the food.Activity two: Make commentsT: Use the notes and words below to make comments about underwater world.Sa: Seeing real seals and penguins from the polar area was really exciting, however, the food in the café was too expensive.Sb: These unusual fish were interesting, but the dolphin show was cruel.Sc: Sea Theatre brought us great fun. On the other hand, virtual reality voyage was not realistic. Sd: The views from café were very good, but the taste of food and coffee was terrible.Activity three: Read and match the headingsT: Read the report below and match the headings with the report.Sa: The first paragraph is general description.Sb: The second paragraph is the list of good points.Sc: The third paragraph is the list of the bad points.Sd: The fourth paragraph is conclusion.Step III Pre-writingActivity one: Know the requirement of writingT: Suppose your summer job is to help write a tourist guide book about your area. Write a report about a place you have visited. Before you start writing, choose a topic for it.Ss: Discuss with each other and think out a topic for your writing.Sa: In our area we have Beijing Animal Park.Sb: I want to choose the Great Wall as my topic.Sc: I would take Fragment Hill as my topic.Activity two: Language preparationT: Work on your own and list the good points and bad points about your topic. Then I will call astudent to present your works.Let the Ss think out the good points and bad points.Sa: Present the list of good and bad points of Beijing Animal Park.Good points:1. The largest animal park in China.2. Tigers walk around like a king.3. Monkeys are very naughty.4. Elephants look very friendly.5. Children can feed animals.6. Bears are very lazy and funny.Bad points:1. in busy season, too crowded2. not enough seats for people to rest3. not enough toilets, people have to wait in line4. less show programs5. not enough educating themesActivity three: Learn to open and conclude a reportT: When you are required to write a report, you are to give a general introduction of it. In your introduction of this topic, you may include the location, the special feature and other basic information to introduce a place. Please write a general introduction for your topic.The Ss try to include the content in the introduction. And then present their opening paragraphs. Sample opening paragraph:Beijing Animal Park attracts tourist from all over China. It covers a large area with many different parts and this will take tourists at least half a day to see all the parts. It is located in the northwest of Beijing in Haidian District with convenient traffic.T: In the presentation Sa listed the feature, location and traffic of Beijing Animal Park. The introduction is well written and catches the readers’attention easily. Now let’s see how we conclude our topic. Now please read the given report on page 16 and see what the content of the conclusion paragraph of the report is.Ss: There are some pieces of advice on how to enjoy a visit without much trouble.T: In most reports after you have listed the good or the bad points, you may show your own comments on it. So the conclusion of the report is mainly about your own comments or advice. Now please write down some dos and don’ts to conclude your topic.Let the Ss think about the valuable advice and write down them.Show one’s conclusion to the class.Sample conclusion:Never forget to see the monkeys, especially when you are taking children. Remember to take a camera and take photos of the animals. However, don’t choose holidays for your visit and make sure to take your own food.Activity four: Get familiar with the structureT: Since we have the basic knowledge of the language needed in the passage, now please look at the structure. Then write down your report following the structure. Look at the structure and memorize it. Then try to get a general understanding of an attraction report.Sample structure:Step IV WritingActivity one: DraftingT: Please write a passage following the structure and use the language listed by yourselves.The Ss write the report.Activity two: CheckingT: After you have finished, please read through your report and check it by yourself.The Ss check their works.Activity three: Pair checkT: Pair checks your works to see if the grammar is OK and the sentence structures are well organized.The Ss do pair check.One possible version:Beijing Animal Park attracts tourists from all over China. It covers a large area with many different parts and this will take tourists at least half a day to see all the parts. It is located in the northwest of Beijing in Haidian District with convenient traffic.On the one hand, there are several good points about visiting the park.1. Beijing Animal Park is the largest animal park in China, which feeds and owns the largestnumber of animals in China. Therefore, we can enjoy seeing animals from all over the world.2. Tigers walk around like a king on the Tiger Hill.3. Monkeys are very naughty and catch any food from the tourists.4. Elephants look very friendly and wave their big trucks.5. Children can feed some kind of animals and make friends with them.6. Bears are very lazy and funny which amuse children very much.On the other hand, there are some bad sides of Beijing Animal Park.1. In busy seasons the whole park is too crowded.2. On holidays there are not enough seats for people to rest.3. The toilets are not enough and people have to wait in line.4. The show programs are not very attractive.5. Educating themes are not good and young children cannot learn much during their visit.Never forget to see the monkeys, especially when you are taking children. Remember to take a camera and take photos of the animals. However, don’t choose holidays for your visit and make sure to take your own food.Step V HomeworkTask one: Finish exercises 1 and 4 on page 62.Task two: List the good points and bad points of surfing.Task three: Recite the words and phrases of lesson 4.。
北师大版高中英语必修三Unit 7《Lesson 4 Sea Stories》教案 1

Unit 7 THE SEALesson 4 Sea Stories教学设计Teaching goals 教学目标1. Target Language语言目标a. 重点词汇和短语horrible sight, fell terrified, scream for help, stand in terror, float on the sea, survive the risk, recover from the illness, opposite side, recognize one’s voice.b. Expressions used to solve problems1. If I were on a boat going towards a big whirlpool, I would tie myself to something light.2. If I was on boat and the boat was leaking, I would quickly put on a life-jacket and call for help.3. When I saw our house was on fire and smoke was everywhere, I quickly wetted a towel and put it around my nose.4. If I were lost in a desert, I would use my own shadow to tell directions.5. If I were the president of our country, I would call on people to save the sea.2. Ability goals能力目标Help students read to pick out the information and structure of the text and fully understand the text.3. Learning ability goals学能目标Students will learn how to generalize the structure of the same genre: unusual experiences. Teaching important points教学重点Enable students to follow a certain procedure to put the texts into the right order.Teaching difficult points教学难点Help the students to predict and prove their predictions.Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I RevisionActivity one: TranslationT: Last class we have learnt comparatives. Please translate the following sentences into English and review the usage of comparatives.Let the Ss do translation work and recall the forms of comparatives.Exercise:1. Luke是3个人中最不活跃的一个。

英语ⅲ北师大版unit7lesson4seastories教案1.readsectionsofastoryandsequencethem,usingpredictionstrategiesandlinkingwordselinkingexpressionsrelatedtotimeandsequence3.talkaboutandgiveopinionsoffilmsII.TeachingProceduresStep1Pre-reading1.DoEx.1Theteacherasks:Haveyouseensomefilminwhichtheseaisimportant?Whatdidyouthinkofit?(LetSsdiscussandanswerthem.)2、ShowsomepicturesinJaws,Titanic.FreeWilly,20,000LeaguesUndertheSea, TreasureIsland.DoEx.2Lookatthekeywordsandfindtheminthepictures.barrel,cloud,fisherman,fishingboat,horizon,moon,wave,whirlpoolStep2ReadingLookatthepicturesandtrytoputtheminrightorder.1、Readeachparagraph,payingattentiontothelinkingwords.e.g.oneday,suddenly,intheend —2、Decideapossibleorderfortheparagraphs.3、Readtheminthatordertoseeifthestorymakessense.Step3Post-readingi)TrueorFalse1、Writercankeepcalmintimeofdanger2、Inthewhirlpool,onlythewritersurvived.Bothofhistwobrothersdied.3、Thethreebrothersfirstmetthewhirlpoolandthenwerecaughtinthestorm.4、Itwasthebarrelthatcarriedmetoanareawheretheotherfishermenwere.5、Thewriter’sbrotherstayedintheheavyboatbecausehethoughtitwasbettertostaythere. Keys:TTFFFii)Ex.3UsetheStrategiestoputtheparagraphsA,BandCinthecorrectorder.Keys:BACiii)Ex.4Readthestoryagainandanswerthesequestions.1、Whydidthewriter’syoungerbrotherfalloverboard?2、Whydidtheboatgotowardsthewhirlpool?3、Whydidthewritertiehimselftoabarrel?4、Whydidn’thisbrotherdothesame?5、Whydidhisoldcompanionsnotrecognizehim?Keys:1、Anenormouswavewashedhimoverboard.2、Thewindandwavesweretakingitthere.3、Heavierobjectswentdownintothewhirlpoolquickly.Thebarrelwaslighter.4、Hewasterrified.5、Becausehishairwaswhite,notblack.iv)Ex.5Collectanswersfromstudents.v)Ex.6Completethesentencesbelowwiththesewordsfromthetext.afterwards,intheend,oneday,suddenly,then,when(1)in1964,RobetLeSerrecwassailingneartheAustraliancoast(2)hedecidedtostopnearan island.(3),hesawahugecreaturerestingbesidehisboat.Hetookaphotograph,and(4)thecr eatureswamaway.(5),heshowedthephotographtoscientists,but(6),nobodybelievedhim. Step4Languagepoints1.thatmoment在那一时刻themoment一……就Iwasdeeplymovedandtearsrundownmycheeksatthatmoment.ThemomentTomwentoffthetaxiherantowardsthehospital.2.greatspeed以特别快的速度移动也能够写成:withgreatspeed3.on/attheedgeofStandingattheedgeofabridgeisratherdangerous.4.nearto接近…;closeto紧挨着…Floodiscomingneartoourvillage.Thelittlechildisstandingclosetohermother.5.tie…to…将…拴到…上Thecowboytiedhiscattletoatreeandthenheleftaway.6.terrified形容词,可怕的。

I. Objectives:Students will be able to1.read sections of a story and sequence them, using prediction strategies and linking words2. use linking expressions related to time and sequence3. talk about and give opinions of filmsII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1.Do Ex.1 The teacher asks:Have you seen some film in which the sea is important?What did you think of it?( Let Ss discuss and answer them.)2.Show some pictures in Jaws ,Titanic. Free Willy, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,Treasure Island.Do Ex.2 Look at the key words and find them in the pictures.barrel, cloud, fisherman, fishing boat, horizon, moon, wave, whirlpoolStep 2 ReadingLook at the pictures and try to put them in right order.1.Read each paragraph, paying attention to the linking words. e.g. one day, suddenly, in the end—2.Decide a possible order for the paragraphs.3.Read them in that order to see if the story makes sense.Step 3 Post-readingi) True or False1.Writer can keep calm in time of danger2.In the whirlpool, only the writer survived. Both of his two brothers died.3.The three brothers first met the whirlpool and then were caught in the storm.4.It was the barrel that carried me to an area where the other fishermen were.5.The writer’s brother stayed in the hea vy boat because he thought it was better to stay there.Keys: TTFFFii) Ex.3Use the Strategies to put the paragraphs A,B and C in the correct order.Keys: BACiii) Ex.4 Read the story again and answer these questions.1.Why did the writer’s younger broth er fall overboard?2.Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?3.Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel?4.Why didn’t his brother do the same?5.Why did his old companions not recognize him?Keys:1.An enormous wave washed him overboard.2.The wind and waves were taking it there.3.Heavier objects went down into the whirlpool quickly. The barrel was lighter. 4.He was terrified.5.Because his hair was white, not black.iv) Ex.5 Collect answers from students.v) Ex.6 Complete the sentences below with these words from the text.afterwards, in the end, one day, suddenly, then, when(1) in 1964, Robet Le Serrec was sailing near the Australian coast (2) he decided to stop near an island. (3) , he saw a huge creature resting beside his boat. He took a photograph, and (4) the creature swam away. (5) ,he showed the photograph to scientists, but(6) ,nobody believed him.Step 4 Language points1. that moment 在那一时刻 the moment 一……就I was deeply moved and tears run down my cheeks at that moment.The moment Tom went off the taxi he ran towards the hospital.2. great speed以非常快的速度移动也可以写成:with great speed3. on/at the edge ofStanding at the edge of a bridge is rather dangerous.4.near to接近…; close to紧挨着…Flood is coming near to our village.The little child is standing close to her mother.5. tie… to… 将…拴到…上The cowboy tied his cattle to a tree and then he left away.6. terrified 形容词,可怕的。
Unit 7 Lesson4《The Sea sea stories》教案3(北师大版必修3)

Lesson 4 Sea StoriesTeaching aims:①.To read sections of a story and sequence then use prediction strategies and linking words.②.To use linking expressions related to time and sequencing.③.To use wordbuilding techniques to form nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.④.To talk about and give opinions of films.⑤.To practise using the second conditional for speculationTeaching difficult and main points:To master the wordbuilding.To use the linking words.Teaching aids:CAITeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warm upTo look at a pictures of Titanic then raise a question: .Have you seen the film Titanic? Where did the story happen?Ⅱ. SpeakingWork in groups of four to discuss the two questions: Have you seen any other films about the sea? What did you think of them? Tell your classmate.Ⅲ. Pre-readingLook at the key words and find them in the pictures.Ⅳ. ReadingTask1: Now please put Part A, B&C in the correct order.●We can put the paragraphs in order according to (根据):●the pictures●the linking words (连接词) :上下文相关词语的连接Task2: Read the story again and answer these questions.1. Why did the writer’s younger brother fall into the sea?2. Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?3. Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel?4. Why didn’t his brother do the same?5. Why did his old friends not recognise him?Ⅴ. Language points:1. It took less than a single day to change my hair from black to white.(B)2. …3. …Ⅵ. Please find out the phrases about time sequence in the textⅦ. Word buildingⅧ. SpeakingIf I were on a boat going towards a big whirlpool, I would tie myself to something light。
高中英语北师大版必修3TheSea《Lesson4 Sea Stories》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案

高中英语北师大版必修3Unit7 The Sea《Lesson4 Sea Stories》省级名师优质课教案比赛获奖教案示范课教案公开课教案【省级名师教案】1教学目标to be able to sequence a sea storyTo know the usage of some linking expressions related to time;to be able to tell the story with the help of your notes .2学情分析Students may be unfimiliar with activities in which they have to sequence texts. If so they can work in pairs.3重点难点Let students know how to sequence a story with the linking expressions related to time.4教学过程4.1第一学时教学活动1【导入】Greeting and leading inT: Good morning, Class.Ss: Good morning, Sir.T: Today let's begin our class with a video.【用视频来导入新课是英语教师常用的导入法之一,视频能激发学生的学习兴趣,能很快将学生情绪带入课堂。
】T: What is the video about?SS: It's about the film TitanicT: Yes,it is part of the film Titanic . Have you seen the film ?Ss : Yes . It is about a disaster of the ship Titanic .T: today we are going to learn Lesson 4 Sea stories . first of all, please look at the learn ing aims :。
北师大版高中英语必修三 Unit7 Lesson 4 Sea Stories教案设计

Ss read, fill in thetableanddiscuss.
Individual work andgroupwork10’
Task 3
T encourages the Ss toread paragraph C and answer:
2.Is itbetterif we divide paragraph B into two parts?Why or why not.(参阅型)
Ss read, discussand answer.
T then asksanotherquestion:
英语:Unit7 lesson4 sea stories说课课件(北师大必修3)

b). Ability aims:
to read sections of a story and sequence then use prediction strategies and linking words.
to develop the students ability of using wordbuilding techniques to form nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.
However, Senior high school students are not so active in class activities. Therefore, in order to encourage the students to act more actively, group and individual work will run through the whole
2. Teaching aims
According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind, I conclude the following teaching aims.
Ⅱ.The analysis of students
After two-year study, the students have certain knowledge background and have adapted themselves to English learning through various activities, in addition, they have acquired some independent and cooperative learning abilities.

Lesson 4 Sea Stories 1.recoginze/recogisevt. 认出,辨认出I recognize him the moment I saw him.Vt. 承认,认为The UN recognized the new government误区点拨:Recognize & knowRecognize 指在原先认识的基础上认出,为瞬间动词,不能与段时间状语连用Know 为延续性动词,可与段时间状语连用短语拓展:Recognize one’s handwriting/ voice 认出某人的字迹/声音Recognize sb/sth to be 认为某人/某事是Recognize sb as 承认某人是Know sb/sb well 熟悉某人/事Know right form wrong 分辨是非Be known as 作为。
而出名Be known for 因。
而出名Be known to 为。
所熟知Beyond/out of all recognition 面目全非In recognition of 作为对。
的感谢用recognize 或know 的适当形式填空①.They ____________ him to be a good leader.②.I didn’t ____________ him since he had changed a lot.③.You should ______________ right form wrong.④.He _______________ as a famous lawyer.2. disagree①. vi. 不同意I disagree with you on this point.②. vi. 对。
有不良影响The damp climate disagrees with him.派生:disagreement n.agree vi.agreement n.短语拓展:disagree with 与…不一致/不协调/不适应agree with 同意某人agree to 同意计划等agree on 就。
北师大版高中英语必修三Unit 7《Lesson 4 Sea Stories》教案 4

Lesson 4 Sea StoriesTeaching aims:①.To read sections of a story and sequence then use prediction strategies and linking words.②.To use linking expressions related to time and sequencing.③.To use wordbuilding techniques to form nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.④.To talk about and give opinions of films.⑤.To practise using the second conditional for speculationTeaching difficult and main points:To master the wordbuilding.To use the linking words.Teaching aids:CAITeaching procedures:Ⅰ. Warm upTo look at a pictures of Titanic then raise a question: .Have you seen the film Titanic? Where did the story happen?Ⅱ. SpeakingWork in groups of four to discuss the two questions: Have you seen any other films about the sea? What did you think of them? Tell your classmate.Ⅲ. Pre-readingLook at the key words and find them in the pictures.Ⅳ. ReadingTask1: Now please put Part A, B&C in the correct order.●We can put the paragraphs in order according to (根据):●the pictures●the linking words (连接词) :上下文相关词语的连接Task2: Read the story again and answer these questions.1. Why did the writer’s younger brother fall into the sea?2. Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?3. Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel?4. Why didn’t his brother do th e same?5. Why did his old friends not recognise him?Ⅴ. Language points:1. It took less than a single day to change my hair from black to white.(B)2. …3. …Ⅵ. Please find out the phrases about time sequence in the textⅦ. Word buildingⅧ. SpeakingIf I were on a boat going towards a big whirlpool, I would tie myself to something light。

Unit 7 Lesson4 Sea Stories公开课教学设计(二)Teaching aims:1. To read sections of a story and know how to sequence a story by the order of time.2. To use linking expressions related to time and sequencing.3. To tell a story using linking expressions..Teaching difficulties:1. Students may not know how to sequence the story by finding out the time.2. Students may have problems doing some exercises.Teaching procedures:Ⅰ. Lead-in1. Talk about films of Titanic and The Old Man and the Sea to introduce the sea story adapted fromA Descent into the Maelstrom.2. Use pictures to review the key words:whirlpool, edge, barrel, float, survive, terrified etc.Ⅱ. Pre-readingStudents use pictures and linking words to decide the correct order of the events. Students are introduced the idea of linking words and its function of sequencing. Ⅲ. Reading for general ideaStudents listen to the tape and find out: When and where did the story happen? Who were involved? What happened?Ⅳ. Careful readingTask1: Read the story again and answer these questions.1. Why did the author’s younger brother fall into the sea?A. He fell into the sea by accident.B. He jumped into the sea in order to survive.C. He was washed overboard by huge waves.D. He wanted to save his brother.2. Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?A. They drove it toward the whirlpool to save the younger brother.B. The wind and waves were in that direction.C. They wanted to go to safer places.D. Nothing could save them.3. Why did the author tie himself to a barrel?__________________________________________4. Why didn’t his brother do the same?___________________________________________5. Why couldn’t his old friends recognize him?A. Because he was too old to be recognized.B. Because his hair was white, not black.C. Because they didn’t want to recognize him.D. Because they didn’t know him at all.Task2: (Linking words in the paragraphs)Para B_________________________, something terrible happened._________________, my brothers and I came back from the islands in a boat full of fish.________, the sky was covered with dark clouds.I was trying to recover_______ my elder brother screamed “Whirlpool”.Para A_____________, I felt calmer on the edge of the whirlpool.________, we went over the edge of the whirlpool.Para C______________, my elder brother sank into the bottom of the whirlpool. _____________, the whirlpool became less violent and I survived._____ the sky was clear, the wind calmer._________, other fishermen picked me up.Ⅴ. Post reading:Task1. (Classification of linking words)Just then, later, The next day, Many years ago, Before long, (and) then, After a while. Once upon a time, At last, Long long ago, a week later, All of a sudden, Finally, One morning, Once, EventuallyBeginning_________________________________Development_______________________________End_________________________________________Task2. Connect the events using linking words.In 1964, Robert was sailing near the coast of Pacific Islands of Oceania. He decided to stop near an island. He saw a huge creature resting beside his boat. He took a photograph. The creature swam away. He showed the photograph to scientists, but nobody believed him.IV. Speaking: Better the story told by my elder brother using linking words.My two younger brothers and I were coming back from the islands. We were caught in a storm. My youngest brother fell into the sea. I saw a terrible whirlpool in front. Our boat was going in the direction of the whirlpool. We went over the edge. We were going round in circles at great speed. I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do. I saw my brother tying himself to a barrel. He dived into the sea. I sank into the bottom of the whirlpool with the boat. Some huge, unknown creature carried me. I woke up. I found myself on an island. A passing fishing boat picked me up…V. SummaryVI. HomeworkBlackboard design:Lesson 4 Sea StoriesI.Linking words---- sequencing ParaA …. …. Par aB …. …. ParaC …. ….II. Making a story logical and vivid III. Summary。
高中英语 Unit7 lesson4 sea stories-grammar学案 北师大版必修3

Lesson4 Sea Stories-grammar学案语法知识:定语从句(一)限定性定语从句一、关系代词(在句中作主语、宾语或定语)二、关系副词(在句中作状语)关系副词=介词+关系代词表原因:why=for which表地点:where=in/ at/ on/ ... which (介词同先行词搭配)表时间:when=during/ on/ in/ ... which (介词同先行词搭配)(二)非限定性定语从句非限定性定语从句的作用是对所修饰的成分作进一步说明,通常是引导词和先行词之间用逗号隔开,将从句拿掉后其他部分仍可成立1. which引导的非限定性定语从句来说明前面整个句子的情况或主句的某一部分2.当先行词是专有名词或物主代词和指示代词所修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的,例如:Charles Smith, who was my former teacher, retired last year. 查理·史密斯去年退休了,他曾经是我的老师。
My house, which I bought last year, has got a lovely garden. 我去年买的的那幢房子带着个漂亮的花园。
This novel, which I have read three times, is very touching. 这本小说很动人,我已经读了三遍。
3.非限制性定语从句还能将整个主句作为先行词, 对其进行修饰, 这时从句谓语动词要用第三人称单数,例如:He seems not to have grasped what I meant, which greatly upsets me. 他似乎没抓住我的意思,这使我心烦。
Liquid water changes to vapor, which is called evaporation. 液态水变为蒸汽,这就叫做蒸发。
4. 有时as也可用作关系代词5. 在非限定性定语从句中,不能用关系副词why和关系代词that,而用who, whom代表人,用which,whose代表事物.;(三)介词+关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词在定语从句中做介词宾语时,从句常由介词+关系代词引导。
高中英语新北师大版版精品教案《北师大版高中英语必修3 Lesson 4 Sea Stories》5

Leon 4 Sea Storie
本课是第7 单元第 4 课,话题是“海上的故事”。
本课的学习重点是:1 通过阅读提取信息,了解海洋上发生的故事;2 在阅读的过程中,根据时间衔接词、短语对文章段落排序,学习使用时间衔接词、短语了解事件发生的先后顺序;3 使用时间衔接词、短语组织信息,进行故事叙述和交流。
话题:Sea Storie (阅读)
词汇:重点词汇:horribe, float, at great , in, tie to, ou, ou, barre, whire otivate tudent’interet
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Ste S chec anwer in eaning in contet Then S match the word with definition
Write down the tor。
高中英语新北师大版版精品教案《北师大版高中英语必修3 Lesson 4 Sea Stories》66

北师大版Boo 3 Unit 7 The eaLeon 4 Sea torie阅读语篇教学设计福建省三明市第九中学汪冬梅主题语境:人与自然〔自然灾害、平安常识与自我保护〕语篇类型:记叙文〔短篇小说改编〕授课时长:1课时教材分析本课是一篇关于Sea Storie的记叙文。
该文改编自埃德加爱伦坡〔Edgar Aan 〕,讲述了一个年轻的渔夫出海捕鱼的故事。
本单元的话题是“The ea〞。
教学重点1 学生学会使用排序〔equencing〕的阅读策略梳理文章结构;2 学生通过阅读,获取海上故事的细节信息,并在教师的帮助下,对文本进行分析和解读。
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Lesson4 Sea Stories教案I. Objectives:Students will be able to1.read sections of a story and sequence them, using prediction strategies and linking words2. use linking expressions related to time and sequence3. talk about and give opinions of filmsII. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Pre-reading1.Do Ex.1The teacher asks:Have you seen some film in which the sea is important?What did you think of it?( Let Ss discuss and answer them.)2.Show some pictures in Jaws ,Titanic. Free Willy, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea, Treasure Island.Do Ex.2 Look at the key words and find them in the pictures.barrel, cloud, fisherman, fishing boat, horizon, moon, wave, whirlpoolStep 2 ReadingLook at the pictures and try to put them in right order.1.Read each paragraph, paying attention to the linking words. e.g. one day, suddenly, in the end—2.Decide a possible order for the paragraphs.3.Read them in that order to see if the story makes sense.Step 3 Post-readingi) True or False1.Writer can keep calm in time of danger2.In the whirlpool, only the writer survived. Both of his two brothers died.3.The three brothers first met the whirlpool and then were caught in the storm.4.It was the barrel that carried me to an area where the other fishermen were.5.The writer’s brot her stayed in the heavy boat because he thought it was better to stay there. Keys: TTFFFii) Ex.3Use the Strategies to put the paragraphs A,B and C in the correct order.Keys: BACiii) Ex.4 Read the story again and answer these questions.1.Why did the w riter’s younger brother fall overboard?2.Why did the boat go towards the whirlpool?3.Why did the writer tie himself to a barrel?4.Why didn’t his brother do the same?5.Why did his old companions not recognize him?Keys:1.An enormous wave washed him overboard.2.The wind and waves were taking it there.3.Heavier objects went down into the whirlpool quickly. The barrel was lighter.4.He was terrified.5.Because his hair was white, not black.iv) Ex.5 Collect answers from students.v) Ex.6 Complete the sentences below with these words from the text.afterwards, in the end, one day, suddenly, then, when(1) in 1964, Robet Le Serrec was sailing near the Australian coast (2) he decided to stop near an island. (3) , he saw a huge creature resting beside his boat. He took a photograph, and (4) the creature swam away. (5) ,he showed the photograph to scientists, but(6) ,nobody believed him.Step 4 Language points1. that moment 在那一时刻the moment 一……就I was deeply moved and tears run down my cheeks at that moment.The moment Tom went off the taxi he ran towards the hospital.2. great speed以非常快的速度移动也可以写成:with great speed3. on/at the edge ofStanding at the edge of a bridge is rather dangerous.4.near to接近…;close to紧挨着…Flood is coming near to our village.The little child is standing close to her mother.5. tie… to… 将…拴到…上The cowboy tied his cattle to a tree and then he left away.6. terrified 形容词,可怕的。
n. terror adj. terrible/terrified v. terrify7. survive vt./vi.活下来,幸存Few of houses survived the war. vt.(经过――)活(保存)下来Only three of the wounded survived.8. less than少于… more than多于此…9. be covered with 覆盖着…The Antarctic is covered with heavy throughout the year.10. As you can see, I did escape. did在这里起强调作用,对谓语进行强调。
I did come here yesterday.在祈使句中,也借用助动词do强调说话人的祈使语气。
如:Do give her my regards.11.…and I cannot expect you to believe me more than the fishermen did.EXERCISESFind words in the story that the writer uses to describe his feelings.Keys: terrified horrifying calmer exhaustedYou can often make different forms from one word. Complete the table with words from the story.Make new words from the words in brackets to complete the gaps. Use a dictionary to help you. (1) (terror) experiences at sea are not (2) (common). In 1977, Japanese fishermen caught a (3) (mystery) sea cr eature in their nets. It’s(4) (long ) was ten meters and, (5) (fortune) for the fishermen, it was(6) (death). It smelled very bad and they thought it might be (7) (safe), so they threwit overboard. Because the photographs are(8) (clear),(9) (science) have been unable to (10) (identify) the creature.Step 5 HomeworkWrite a composition:Imagine his brother didn’t die.One day they met and his brother talked about his story.。