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Unit 1 Can you play the guitar


help sb.with sth. 在……方面帮助某人

【经典例句】Could you help me with my English?你能帮我学英语吗?

【考点聚焦】在help sb.with sth.结构中,with是介词,故后面要跟名词或动名词作宾语。该结构相当于help sb.do sth.。


I often help him do his homework.

I often help him his homework.

be good with... 与……相处得好;与……合得来

【经典例句】He is very good with children.他与孩子们很合得来。

【考点聚焦】1)同义词组:get on well with

2)注意与be good...的其他词组意思的差别:

be good at意为“擅长做某事”;be good for意为“对……有益处”。


Can you play the guitar?你能弹吉他吗?

【剖析】Can you...?用来询问对方能否做某事,意思是“你能/会……吗?”,肯定回答用“Yes,I can.”否定回答用“No,I can’t.”

【拓展】can(能、会),may(可以;可能),must(必须)都是情态动词,后面跟动词原形。其否定结构在后面加上not,can not通常缩写为can’t;must not缩写为mustn’t;may not一般不缩写。

Can you play the piano,the trumpet,the drums,or the guitar?



【拓展】1)回答时,不用yes或no ,而是选择其中一种回答。




Hi,everyon e!I’m “can”.Welcome to come and see my show!



He can speak English.他会说英语。

2.表示许可,意为“可以”,这时可以和may 通用,但是比may较正式。如:Can I use your pen?我可以用你的钢笔吗?


It can’t be true.这不可能是真的。


Can you help me?你可以帮助我吗?当can与动词一起作句子的谓语时,无论主语是第几人称或单数、复数形式,




Mary can play the drums.玛丽会敲鼓。


He can’t play the piano.他不会弹钢琴。



—Can you play chess?你会下象棋吗?

—Yes,I can.是的,我会。(肯定回答)

—No,I can’t.不,我不会。(否定回答)


What can I do for you?我能为你做点什么呢?


( )1. Can you ______ English?

A. speak

B. talk

C. say

D. tell

( )2. --- ________ can you play?

--- The drums.

A. When

B. How

C. What

D. Where

( )3. --- ______ you sing?

--- Yes, I can.

A. Do

B. Can

C. Are

D. Am

( )4. I want to ______ the chess club.

A. join

B. join in

C. join to

D. join for

( )5. Tom wants ________ to you. Are you free?

A.to tell B.tells C.to talk D.talks

( )6. Can you help me with _______?

A. dance

B. dancing

C. dances

D. to dance

( )7. ---What club ______ you want to join?

--- Chess club.

A. does

B. do

C. can

D. are

( )8. Her sister can play ______ piano, but she can’t play _____ basketball. A.

the; the B. /; the C. the; / D. /; /

( )9. My brother can play the guitar,______ he can’t play it very well. A. and

B. so

C. or

D. but

( ) 10. ---- Can you play volleyball?

--- Sorry, I ______.

A. don’t

B. do

C. can’t

D. can

( )11. --- Are you good ______ your students?

--- Yes, I am.

A. at

B. with

C. for

D. of

( )12. --- Are you ______?

--- Yes, I am.

A. a musician

B. musicians

C. musician

D. A and B

( )13. --- Can he _____ a student?

--- Yes. A. is B. be C. are D. does

( )14. We want some singers(歌手) ____ our rock band.

A. for

B. of

C. to

D. at

( )15. My brother _______ the trumpet and he play it _____ .

A. can plays, good

B. can’t play, good

C. can play, well

D. doesn’t play, well

( )16.Can you paint? ________.

A.Yes, a little B.Yes, little C.No, a little D.No, little

( )17.Please call me ________ 8989766.

A.in B.at C.about D.with

( )18.________ like to go swimming ________ summer.

A.Children, on B.Children, in C.A child, on

D.A child, in

( )19. Can you help me ________ my English?

A.with B.of C.learning D.about

( )20.What can you do, Lin Tao? ________.

A.I like sports B.I want to join the music club

C.I am well D.I can do Chinese Kung Fu

( )21.Hi, can I help you? ________.

A.Yes, please B.No, I can’t C.Yes, I can D.You are welcome

( )22.________ you can ________ our school concert.

A.Maybe, in B.Maybe, be in

C.May be, in D.May be, be in

( )23.We want two good ________ our rock band.

A.music for B.musician in C.music in D.musicians for

( )24.Little Tom can draw ________.His drawings are very ________.

A.good, well B.well, good C.good, good D.well, well

( )25.Can he ________ it in English?

A.speak B.speaks C.say D, talk


A: I want some students for the school concert. What can you do, Bill?


B: No, I can’t. But I can play the guitar.

A: You can play the guitar! Good. OK, Lily, ____(2)

C: I can sing and _________(3)

A: You can! Great, Jennifer. _________(4)

D: No, I can’t. Victor can play the piano.

A: Victor, can you play the piano?

E: Yeah, I can’t sing or dance, ________(5)

( )1. A. Can you play the piano? B. Can you sing?

C. You can play the guitar.

D. Can he play the piano?

( )2. A. Can you play the piano? B. Can you sing?

C. Can you play the guitar?

D. You can play the guitar.

( )3. A. I can’t play the dr um. B. I can play the drum.
