




1. 选择合适的酿酒酵母菌株作为基础菌株。

2. 通过PCR或其他基因克隆技术,获得目标基因(例如核酸

3. 将目标基因与适当的表达载体连接。

4. 将表达载体转化到酿酒酵母菌细胞中。

5. 通过筛选、鉴定等方法,获得具有目标基因表达的酿酒酵母菌株。

1. 高产核酸酿酒酵母工程菌可用于生产核酸药物,如核酸疫苗、抗肿瘤药物等。

2. 该菌株还可用于生物反应器中进行大规模生产核酸。

3. 可通过进一步改造该菌株,使其具备其他有益特性,如耐高温、耐久性等,进一步拓展其应用领域。

4. 该菌株也可用于基础科学研究,探索核酸生物学、基因调控等领域。



③易进行载体DNA的导入。DNA转化技 术的不断发展优化,多数酵母菌可 以取得较高的转化率;
④培养条件简单,容易进行高密度 发酵;
⑤能将外源基因表达产物分泌到培 养基中;
⑥有类似高等真核生物的蛋白质翻 译后的修饰功能。
①表达效率相对低; ②酵母常有密码子偏爱性,真核基
①ARS为酵母菌中的自主复制序列,大 小在0.8-1.5Kb,染色体上每30-40bp 就有一个ARS元件。
②由染色体ARS构成的质粒称为YRp,而 由2μ质粒构建的杂合质粒为YEp。
③上述两类质粒在酿酒酵母中的拷贝数 最高可达200个,但是经过几代培养 后,质粒丢失率达50%-70%,主要由 于分配不均匀所致。
许多真核生物的蛋白质在其天门冬 酰胺侧链上接有寡糖基团,常常影 响蛋白质的生物活性。整个糖单位 由糖基核心和外侧糖链两部分组成。
酵母菌普遍拥有完整的糖基化系统,酿 酒酵母细胞内的天门冬酰胺侧链糖基修 饰和加工系统对来自高等动物和人的异 源蛋白活性表达是极为有利的,但野生 型酿酒酵母对异源蛋白的糖基化反应很 难控制,呈超糖基化倾向,因此超糖基 化缺陷菌株非常重要。
①YIP 载体由大肠杆菌质粒和酵母的 DNA 片段组成,可与受体或宿主的染色体 DNA 同源重组,整合进入宿主染色体中,酵母 片段只提供选择性标志,没有复制起点。
②转化率低(只有1-10转化子/微克DNA), 但转化子遗传性稳定,多用于遗传分析。



Commonly used strains▪▪van Dijken et al. (2000) Enzyme Microb Technol 26:706-714 - compares various characteristics of commonly used lab strains▪Winzeler et al. (2003) Genetics 163:79-89 - uses SFP (single-feature polymorphisms) analysis to study genetic identity between common lab strainsS288CGenotype:MATαSUC2 gal2 mal mel flo1 flo8-1 hap1 ho bio1 bio6Notes: Strain used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD. S288C does not form pseudohyphae. In addition, since it has a mutated copy of HAP1, it is not a good strain for mitochondrial studies. It has an allelic variant of MIP1 which increases petite frequency. S288C strains are gal2- and they do not use galactose anaerobically.The S288C genome was recently resequenced at the Sanger Institute.References:Mortimer and Johnston (1986) Genetics 113:35-43.BY4743Genotype:MAT a/αhis3Δ1/his3Δ1 leu2Δ0/leu2Δ0 LYS2/lys2Δ0 met15Δ0/MET15 ura3Δ0/ura3Δ0Notes: Strain used in the systematic deletion project, generated from a cross between BY4741 and BY4742, which are derived from S288C. As S288c, these strains have an allelic variant of MIP1 which increases petite frequency. See Brachmann et al. reference for details.References:Brachmann et al. (1998) Yeast 14:115-32.FY4Genotype:MAT aNotes: Derived from S288C.References:Winston et al. (1995) Yeast 11:53-55.FY1679Genotype:MAT a/αura3-52/ura3-52 trp1Δ63/TRP1 leu2Δ1/LEU2 his3Δ200/HIS3 GAL2/GALNotes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Winston et al. (1995) Yeast 11:53-55.AB972Genotype:MATα X2180-1B trp10 [rho 0]Notes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD. AB972 is an ethidium bromide-induced rho- derivative of the strain X2180-1B-trp1.References:Olson MV et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:7826-7830.A364AGenotype:MAT a ade1 ade2 ura1 his7 lys2 tyr1 gal1 SUC mal cup BIONotes: Used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Hartwell (1967) J. Bacteriol. 93:1662-1670.XJ24-24aGenotype:MAT a ho HMa HMα ade6 arg4-17 trp1-1 tyr7-1 MAL2Notes: Derived from, but not isogenic to, S288CReferences:Strathern et al. (1979) Cell 18:309-319DC5Genotype:MAT a leu2-3,112 his3-11,15 can1-11Notes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Broach et al. (1979) Gene 8:121-133X2180-1AGenotype:MAT a SUC2 mal mel gal2 CUP1Notes:S288c spontaneously diploidized to give rise to X2180. The haploid segregants X2180-1a and X2180-1b were obtained from sporulated X2180YNN216Genotype:MAT a/αura3-52/ura3-52 lys2-801amber/lys2-801amber ade2-101ochre/ade2-101ochreNotes: Congenic to S288C (see Sikorski and Hieter). Used to derive YSS and CY strains (see Sobel and Wolin).YPH499Genotype:MAT a ura3-52 lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1Notes: Contains nonrevertible (deletion) auxotrophic mutations that can be used for selection of vectors. Notethat trp1-Δ63, unlike trp1-Δ1, does not delete adjacent GAL3 UAS sequence and retains homology to TRP1 selectable marker.gal2-, does not use galactose anaerobically. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.YPH500Genotype:MATαura3-52 lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1Notes:MATα strain isogenic to YPH499 except at mating type locus. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.YPH501Genotype:MAT a/MATαura3-52/ura3-52 lys2-801_amber/lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre/ade2-101_ochretrp1-Δ63/trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200/his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1/leu2-Δ1Notes:a/α diploid isogenic to YPH499 and YPH500. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.Sigma 1278BNotes: Used in pseudohyphal growth studies. Detailed notes about the sigma strains have been kindly provided by Cora Styles.Granek and Magwene, PLoS Genet. 2010 Jan 22;6(1):e1000823, established that certain lineages of theSigma1278B background contain a nonsense mutation in RIM15, a G-to-T transversion at position 1216 that converts a Gly codon to an opal stop codon. This rim15 mutation interacts epistatically with mutations in certain other genes to affect colony morphology.Annotation of the Sigma1278b genome and information about the systematic deletion collection can be found here. SK1Genotype:MAT a/α HO gal2 cup S can1R BIONotes: Commonly used for studying sporulation or meiosis. Canavanine-resistant derivative.The SK1 genome was sequenced at the Sanger Institute.References:Kane SM and Roth J. (1974) Bacteriol. 118: 8-14CEN.PK (aka CEN.PK2)Genotype:MAT a/α ura3-52/ura3-52 trp1-289/trp1-289 leu2-3_112/leu2-3_112 his3 Δ1/his3 Δ1 MAL2-8C/MAL2-8C SUC2/SUC2Notes: CEN.PK possesses a mutation in CYR1 (A5627T corresponding to a K1876M substitution near the end of the catalytic domain in adenylate cyclase which eliminates glucose- and acidification-induced cAMP signalling and delays glucose-induced loss of stress resistance (Vanhalewyn et al., 1999; Dumortier et al., 2000).References:van Dijken et al. (2000) Enzyme Microb Technol 26:706-714W303Genotype:MAT a/MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15} [phi+]Notes: W303 also contains a bud4 mutation that causes haploids to bud with a mixture of axial and bipolar budding patterns. In addition, the original W303 strain contains the rad5-535 allele. As S288c, W303 has an allelic variantof MIP1 which increases petite frequency.The W303 genome was sequenced at the Sanger Institute.References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).bud4 info: Voth et al. (2005) Eukaryotic Cell, 4:1018-28.rad5-535 info: Fan et al. (1996) Genetics 142:749W303-1AGenotype:MAT a {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}Notes: W303-1A possesses a ybp1-1 mutation (I7L, F328V, K343E, N571D) which abolishes Ybp1p function, increasing sensitivity to oxidative stress.References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).ybp1-1 info: Veal et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278:30896-904.W303-1BGenotype:MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).W303-K6001Genotype:MAT a; {ade2-1, trp1-1, can1-100, leu2-3,112, his3-11,15, GAL, psi+, ho::HO::CDC6 (at HO), cdc6::hisG, ura3::URA3 GAL-ubiR-CDC6 (at URA3)}References: K6001 was developed by Bobola et al in Kim Nasmyth's lab (PMID: 8625408), and has become a common model in yeast aging research (PMID: 15489200). Its genome has been sequenced by Timmermann et al (PMID: 20729566)D273-10BGenotype:MATαmalNotes: Normal cytochrome content and respiration; low frequency of rho-. This strain and its auxotrophic derivatives were used in numerious laboratories for mitochondrial and related studies and for mutant screens. Good respirer that's relatively resistant to glucose repression.References:Sherman, F. (1963) Genetics 48:375-385.FL100Genotype:MAT aReferences:Lacroute, F. (1968) J. Bacteriol. 95:824-832.Sources: ATCC: 28383SEY6210/SEY6211Genotype:MAT a/MATαleu2-3,112/leu2-3,112 ura3-52/ura3-52 his3-Δ200/his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901/trp1-Δ901ade2/ADE2 suc2-Δ9/suc2-Δ9 GAL/GAL LYS2/lys2-801Notes: SEY6210/SEY6211, also known as SEY6210.5, was constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers, good growth properties and good sporulation.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48SEY6210Genotype:MATαleu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901 suc2-Δ9 lys2-801; GALNotes: SEY6210 is a MATalpha haploid constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers and good growth properties.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48SEY6211Genotype:MAT a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901 ade2-101 suc2-Δ9; GALNotes: SEY6211 is a MATa haploid constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers and good growth properties.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48JK9-3dThere are a, alpha and a/alpha diploids of JK9-3d with the following genotypes:Genotypes: JK9-3da MAT a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 rme1 trp1 his4JK9-3dα has the same genotype as JK9-3da with the exception of the MAT locusJK9-3da/α is homozygous for all markers except mating typeNotes: JK9-3d was constructed by Jeanette Kunz while in Mike Hall's lab. She made the original strain while Joe Heitman isolated isogenic strains of opposite mating type and derived the a/alpha isogenic diploid by mating type switching. It has in its background S288c, a strain from the Oshima lab, and a strain from the Herskowitz lab. It was chosen because of its robust growth and sporulation, as well as good growth on galactose (GAL+) (so that genes under control of the galactose promoter could be induced). It may also have a SUP mutation that allows translation through premature STOP codons and therefore produces functional alleles with many point mutations. References:Heitman et al. (1991a) Science 253(5022):905-9 and Heitman et al. (1991b) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88(5):1948-52RM11-1aGenotype:MAT a leu2Δ ura3Δ ho::KanNotes: RM11-1a is a haploid derivative of Bb32(3), a natural isolate collected by Robert Mortimer from a California vineyard, as in Mortimer et al., 1994. It has high spore viability (80–90%) and has been extensively characterized phenotypically under a wide range of conditions. It has a significantly longer life span than typical lab yeast strains and accumulates age-associated abnormalities at a lower rate. It displays approximately 0.5–1% sequence divergence relative to S288c. More information is available at the Broad Institute website.References:Brem et al. (2002) Science 296(5568):752-5Y55Genotype:MAT a /MAT alpha HO/HO。








酿酒酵母的基因组只有12052 Kb,其基因组序列早在1996年测序完成,已有约6000个超过100个氨基酸的ORF被报道,只有不到5%的ORF含有内含⼦,其中有约5700个蛋⽩编码基因,分散在16条染⾊体上。









⼈们利⽤PCR的⽅法,在筛选标记基因两侧引⼊待敲除基因(YFG,your favorite gene)特异性序列;随后将PCR产物通过转化传递到酵母细胞内部;在同源重组的作⽤下,⼀些细胞的对应基因位点的内源性序列被含有同源臂的外源序列直接取代,并通过选择培养基筛选出来。



酿酒酵母的完整细胞经碱金属离子(如Li+等)、PEG、热休克 处理后,也可高效吸收质粒DNA,而且具有下列特性: 吸收线型DNA的能力明显大于环状DNA,两者相差80倍 共转化现象极为罕见
酵母菌原生质体和完整细胞均可在电击条件下吸收质粒DNA, 但在此过程中应避免使用PEG,它对受电击的细胞具有较很大的负 作用。电击转化的优点是不依赖于受体细胞的遗传特征及培养条件 适用范围广,而且转化率可高达105 / mg DNA。
a 型启动子
编码a2因子的基因突变型 hmla2-102能产生a2变体,
a 型启动子
酿酒酵母 的半乳糖 利用酶系
由GAL1 GAL7和 GAL10 基因编码 半乳糖诱导时,GAL4高效表达,GAL1、GAL1、GAL10超高效表达
羧肽酶Y 转录水平
许多真核生物的蛋白质在其天门冬酰胺侧链上接有寡糖基团, 它们常常影响蛋白质的生物活性。整个糖单位由糖基核心和外侧糖
酵母菌普遍拥有蛋白 质的糖基化系统,但野生 型酿酒酵母对异源蛋白的 糖基化反应很难控制,呈 超糖基化倾向,因此超糖 基化缺陷株非常重要。
突变类型 生物效应 改善重组蛋白分泌 提高重组蛋白表达 提高重组蛋白表达 作用位点 钙离子依赖型的ATP酶 转录后加工 转录水平



菌 株 传 代 :
将得到的菌株的新鲜培养物转接到适宜的固体培养基及液体培养基中(尽量 增大接种量:如用无菌吸管吸取≥50μl 新鲜培养物至固体培养基,边移动边缓 慢释放),适宜温度下培养,用以菌株的保藏、传代及制备工作菌株。 注 意 事 项 : 1、菌种活化前,将冷冻管保存在低温、清洁、干燥的环境中,长时间室温下放 置会导致菌种衰退; 2、冷冻管开封、冻干粉复溶、菌株恢复培养等操作应在无菌条件下进行; 3、一些菌种经过冷冻干燥保存后,延迟期较长,部分需连续两次继代培养才能 正常生长; 4、苛养菌的培养需采用含特定营养成分的培养基,敬请正确选择,不清楚时来 电询问; 5、某些厌氧菌的培养,自开封到接种完成,均需以无氧气体充填,以保持厌氧 状态;培养过程中亦要保持厌氧状态; 6、某些菌种,如肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、淋病奈瑟菌等需要 5-­‐10%CO2 促 进生长; 7、如发现冷冻管盖松动、复溶液浑浊等异常情况,应停止使用对应产品。 8、部分菌种有致病性、扩散性,请专业人员在专业环境下有保护性操作。 保 藏 条 件 : -­‐20℃保存(复溶液于 2-­‐8℃保存) 保 藏 时 间 : 2-­‐10 年,应根据菌种状况及时转接
简 介 :
INVSC1 是酿酒酵母菌株,属于真核细胞。一般的针对原核生物的抗生
pYES2 系列载体。INVSC1 酿酒酵母可在 YPD 培养基上生长,用电转化的
方法可将质粒转入酵母细胞中,用半乳糖诱导蛋白表达。用 30%的甘油与
培 养 物 混 合 可 保 藏 菌 种 。








1. 转录因子的表达调控转录因子是一类广泛存在于生物体内的蛋白质,它们具有结合到DNA上的能力,并且可以促进或者抑制基因的转录。





2. 翻译后调节除了在转录水平上的调控外,酵母菌的基因还可以通过翻译后事件来调节其表达和调节代谢途径。


此外,酵母菌内还存在一些调节元件,例如microRNA和siRNA 等,在翻译后对基因表达进行调节。

3. 基因组重组酵母菌还具有基因组重组的能力,这个过程有利于适应不同的环境条件。





1. 酵母菌的筛选酿酒中使用的酵母菌通常要在制定酵母菌的工艺流程前经过筛选。




















自酿葡萄酒 常用酵母的型号与特性

自酿葡萄酒 常用酵母的型号与特性
























第十章 酵母基因工程-08级

第十章  酵母基因工程-08级

如果说大肠杆菌是外源基因最成熟的原 核生物表达系统, 核生物表达系统,则酵母菌是最成熟的真核 生物表达系统。 生物表达系统。
全基因组测序,基因表达调控机理比较清楚, ① 全基因组测序,基因表达调控机理比较清楚, 遗传操作简便; 遗传操作简便; ② 具有原核细菌无法比拟的真核蛋白翻译后加工 系统; 系统; 大规模发酵历史悠久、技术成熟、工艺简单、 ③ 大规模发酵历史悠久、技术成熟、工艺简单、 成本低廉; 成本低廉; 能将外源基因表达产物分泌至培养基中; ④ 能将外源基因表达产物分泌至培养基中; 不含有特异性的病毒、不产内毒素,美国FDA FDA认 ⑤ 不含有特异性的病毒、不产内毒素,美国FDA认 定为安全的基因工程受体系统( 定为安全的基因工程受体系统(Generally Recognized As Safe GRAS); ); 酵母菌是最简单的真核模式生物。 ⑥ 酵母菌是最简单的真核模式生物。
对应于营养缺陷型受体的野生型基因:HIS4 (组氨醇脱 对应于营养缺陷型受体的野生型基因: 氢酶基因) 精氨酸合成酶基因); 氢酶基因);ARG4(精氨酸合成酶基因 ;TRP1(色氨酸 精氨酸合成酶基因 色氨酸 合成酶基因); 尿嘧啶合成酶基因) 合成酶基因 ;URA3 (尿嘧啶合成酶基因)。 抗性选择标记:抗生素G418抗性基因和Zeocin G418抗性基因和Zeocin抗性基因 抗性选择标记:抗生素G418抗性基因和Zeocin抗性基因
pUC质粒的复制起点和amp pUC质粒的复制起点和ampr抗性基因 质粒的复制起点和 酵母菌的2μm质粒的复制区 酵母菌的2μm质粒的复制区 酵母转化的选择元件: 酵母转化的选择元件:LEU2(亮氨酸合成酶基因); (亮氨酸合成酶基因)



种子培养基(g/L ) : 无氨基酵母氮源(YNB, Difco) 15, 尿嘧啶0. 04, 腺嘌岭0. 04, 色氨酸0. 02,组氨酸0.02, 精氨酸0.02, 蛋氨酸0.02, 苏氨酸0.03。

常规发酵培养基(g/L ) : 大豆蛋白胨(Difco )40, 酵母粉(Difco) 40, 葡萄糖20。

合成培养基由葡萄糖(60 g/L )、氨基酸、微量矿物质和维生素构成。


微量矿物质和维生素的构成如下:微量矿物质(g/L ) : (NH4)2SO4 20, KH2PO4 0.3, M gSO4·7H2O 0.5, EDTA 1.5, ZnSO4·7H2O0.0045, CoCl2 · 6H2O 0.003, M nCl2 · 4H2O 0.001, CuSO4 ·5H2O 0.003, CaCl2 ·2H2O 0.0045, FeSO4·7H2O 0.003, H3BO3 0.001, KI 0.001(121 °C灭菌30 m in)。

维生素(mg/L ) : 生物素0.5, 泛酸0.1, 尼克酸1.0, 肌醇25.0, 硫胺素1.0, 吡哆酸1.0, 对氨基苯甲酸20, 叶酸1, 胆碱15, 核黄素4 (过滤灭菌)。

合成培养基(g/L ):1,(NH4)2SO4 25,KH2PO4 25,MgSO47.3,CaSO4.2H2O 12,YNB 13.4,His 1,Leu 2,Trp 23,PTM1 4ml4,甘油3050%甘油补料(g/L ):1,甘油5002,12ml PTM13,His 1,Leu 2,Trp 220%半乳糖诱导(g/L ):1,半乳糖2002,6ml PTM13,His 1,Leu 2,Trp 2。



常用酿酒酵母菌株基因型Commonly used strains▪▪van Dijken et al. (2000) Enzyme Microb Technol 26:706-714 - compares various characteristics of commonly used lab strains▪Winzeler et al. (2003) Genetics 163:79-89 - uses SFP (single-feature polymorphisms) analysis to study genetic identity between common lab strainsS288CGenotype:MATαSUC2 gal2 mal mel flo1 flo8-1 hap1 ho bio1 bio6Notes: Strain used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD. S288C does not form pseudohyphae. In addition, since it has a mutated copy of HAP1, it is not a good strain for mitochondrial studies. It has an allelic variant of MIP1 which increases petite frequency. S288C strains are gal2- and they do not use galactose anaerobically.The S288C genome was recently resequenced at the Sanger Institute.References:Mortimer and Johnston (1986) Genetics 113:35-43.BY4743Genotype:MAT a/αhis3Δ1/his3Δ1 leu2Δ0/leu2Δ0 LYS2/lys2Δ0 met15Δ0/MET15 ura3Δ0/ura3Δ0Notes: Strain used in the systematic deletion project, generated from a cross between BY4741 and BY4742, which are derived from S288C. As S288c, these strains have an allelic variant of MIP1 which increases petite frequency. See Brachmann et al. reference for details.References:Brachmann et al. (1998) Yeast 14:115-32.FY4Genotype:MAT aNotes: Derived from S288C.References:Winston et al. (1995) Yeast 11:53-55.FY1679Genotype:MAT a/αura3-52/ura3-52 trp1Δ63/TRP1 leu2Δ1/LEU2 his3Δ200/HIS3 GAL2/GALNotes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Winston et al. (1995) Yeast 11:53-55.AB972Genotype:MATα X2180-1B trp10 [rho 0]Notes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD. AB972 is an ethidium bromide-induced rho- derivative of the strain X2180-1B-trp1.References:Olson MV et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:7826-7830.A364AGenotype:MAT a ade1 ade2 ura1 his7 lys2 tyr1 gal1 SUC mal cup BIONotes: Used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Hartwell (1967) J. Bacteriol. 93:1662-1670.XJ24-24aGenotype:MAT a ho HMa HMα ade6 arg4-17 trp1-1 tyr7-1 MAL2Notes: Derived from, but not isogenic to, S288CReferences:Strathern et al. (1979) Cell 18:309-319DC5Genotype:MAT a leu2-3,112 his3-11,15 can1-11Notes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Broach et al. (1979) Gene 8:121-133X2180-1AGenotype:MAT a SUC2 mal mel gal2 CUP1Notes:S288c spontaneously diploidized to give rise to X2180. The haploid segregants X2180-1a and X2180-1b were obtained from sporulated X2180YNN216Genotype:MAT a/αura3-52/ura3-52 lys2-801amber/lys2-801amber ade2-101ochre/ade2-101ochreNotes: Congenic to S288C (see Sikorski and Hieter). Used to derive YSS and CY strains (see Sobel and Wolin).YPH499Genotype:MAT a ura3-52 lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1Notes: Contains nonrevertible (deletion) auxotrophic mutations that can be used for selection of vectors. Note that trp1-Δ63, unlike trp1-Δ1, does not delete adjacent GAL3 UAS sequence and retains homologyto TRP1 selectable marker.gal2-, does not use galactose anaerobically. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.YPH500Genotype:MATαura3-52 lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1Notes:MATα strain isogenic to YPH499 except at mating type locus. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.YPH501Genotype:MAT a/MATαura3-52/ura3-52 lys2-801_amber/lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre/ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63/trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200/his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1/leu2-Δ1Notes:a/α diploid isogenic to YPH499 and YPH500. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.Sigma 1278BNotes: Used in pseudohyphal growth studies. Detailed notes about the sigma strains have been kindly provided by Cora Styles.Granek and Magwene, PLoS Genet. 2010 Jan 22;6(1):e1000823, established that certain lineages of theSigma1278B background contain a nonsense mutation in RIM15, a G-to-T transversion at position 1216 that converts a Gly codon to an opal stop codon. This rim15 mutation interacts epistatically with mutations in certain other genes to affect colony morphology.Annotation of the Sigma1278b genome and information about the systematic deletion collection can be found here. SK1Genotype:MAT a/α HO gal2 cup S can1R BIONotes: Commonly used for studying sporulation or meiosis. Canavanine-resistant derivative.The SK1 genome was sequenced at the Sanger Institute.References:Kane SM and Roth J. (1974) Bacteriol. 118: 8-14CEN.PK (aka CEN.PK2)Genotype:MAT a/α ura3-52/ura3-52 trp1-289/trp1-289 leu2-3_112/leu2-3_112 his3 Δ1/his3 Δ1 MAL2-8C/MAL2-8C SUC2/SUC2Notes: CEN.PK possesses a mutation in CYR1 (A5627T corresponding to a K1876M substitution near the end of the catalytic domain in adenylate cyclase which eliminates glucose- and acidification-induced cAMP signalling and delays glucose-induced loss of stress resistance (Vanhalewyn et al., 1999; Dumortier et al., 2000).References:van Dijken et al. (2000) Enzyme Microb Technol 26:706-714W303Genotype:MAT a/MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15} [phi+]Notes: W303 also contains a bud4 mutation that causes haploids to bud with a mixture of axial and bipolar budding patterns. In addition, the original W303 strain contains the rad5-535 allele. As S288c, W303 has an allelic variantof MIP1 which increases petite frequency.The W303 genome was sequenced at the Sanger Institute.References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).bud4 info: Voth et al. (2005) Eukaryotic Cell, 4:1018-28.rad5-535 info: Fan et al. (1996) Genetics 142:749W303-1AGenotype:MAT a {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}Notes: W303-1A possesses a ybp1-1 mutation (I7L, F328V, K343E, N571D) which abolishes Ybp1p function, increasing sensitivity to oxidative stress.References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).ybp1-1 info: Veal et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278:30896-904.W303-1BGenotype:MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).W303-K6001Genotype:MAT a; {ade2-1, trp1-1, can1-100, leu2-3,112, his3-11,15, GAL, psi+, ho::HO::CDC6 (at HO), cdc6::hisG, ura3::URA3 GAL-ubiR-CDC6 (at URA3)}References: K6001 was developed by Bobola et al in Kim Nasmyth's lab (PMID: 8625408), and has become a common model in yeast aging research (PMID: 15489200). Its genome has been sequenced by Timmermann et al (PMID: 20729566)D273-10BGenotype:MATαmalNotes: Normal cytochrome content and respiration; low frequency of rho-. This strain and its auxotrophic derivatives were used in numerious laboratories for mitochondrial and related studies and for mutant screens. Good respirer that's relatively resistant to glucose repression.References:Sherman, F. (1963) Genetics 48:375-385.FL100Genotype:MAT aReferences:Lacroute, F. (1968) J. Bacteriol. 95:824-832.Sources: ATCC: 28383SEY6210/SEY6211Genotype:MAT a/MATαleu2-3,112/leu2-3,112 ura3-52/ura3-52 his3-Δ200/his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901/trp1-Δ901ade2/ADE2 suc2-Δ9/suc2-Δ9 GAL/GAL LYS2/lys2-801Notes: SEY6210/SEY6211, also known as SEY6210.5, was constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers, good growth properties and good sporulation.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48SEY6210Genotype:MATαleu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901 suc2-Δ9 lys2-801; GALNotes: SEY6210 is a MATalpha haploid constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers and good growth properties. References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48SEY6211Genotype:MAT a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901 ade2-101 suc2-Δ9; GALNotes: SEY6211 is a MATa haploid constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers and good growth properties.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48JK9-3dThere are a, alpha and a/alpha diploids of JK9-3d with the following genotypes:Genotypes: JK9-3da MAT a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 rme1 trp1 his4JK9-3dα has the same genotype as JK9-3da with the exception of the MAT locusJK9-3da/α is homozygous for all markers except mating typeNotes: JK9-3d was constructed by Jeanette Kunz while in Mike Hall's lab. She made the original strain while Joe Heitman isolated isogenic strains of opposite mating type and derived the a/alpha isogenic diploid by mating type switching. It has in its background S288c, a strain from the Oshima lab, and a strain from the Herskowitz lab. It was chosen because of its robust growth and sporulation, as well as good growth on galactose (GAL+) (so that genes under control of the galactose promoter could be induced). It may also have a SUP mutation that allows translation through premature STOP codons and therefore produces functional alleles with many point mutations. References:Heitman et al. (1991a) Science 253(5022):905-9 and Heitman et al. (1991b) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88(5):1948-52RM11-1aGenotype:MAT a leu2Δ ura3Δ ho::KanNotes: RM11-1a is a haploid derivative of Bb32(3), a natural isolate collected by Robert Mortimer from a California vineyard, as in Mortimer et al., 1994. It has high spore viability (80–90%) and has been extensively characterized phenotypically under a wide range of conditions. It has a significantly longer life span than typical lab yeast strains and accumulates age-associated abnormalities at a lower rate. It displays approximately 0.5–1% sequence divergence relative to S288c. More information is available at the Broad Institute website.References:Brem et al. (2002) Science 296(5568):752-5Y55Genotype:MAT a /MAT alpha HO/HONotes: Y55 is a prototrophic, homothallic diploid strain that was originally isolated by Dennis Winge. Many auxotrophic mutant derivatives have been created by John McCusker by using ethidium bromide treatment to eliminate non-auxotrophs. Y55 background strains have been used to study the timing of meiotic recombination (Borts et al. 1984); to isolate almost all the subunits of the proteasome (McCusker and Haber 1988a, 1988b); to get mutations in PMA1 and related genes (McCusker 1986); and to do meiotic mapping and interference experiments (Malkova et al. 2004).。



(2) ARS-结合蛋白 ORC:由6种分子质量分别为120kD、72kD、62kD、 57kD、53kD和50kD的蛋白质以复合物的形式组成,这种蛋 白质复合体叫做起始识别复合物(origin recognition complex,ORC)。相当于Dna A和 λ的O蛋白,与 A/B1 结合。 Cdc6:相当于DnaC,及λ的P蛋白,使Mcm蛋白结合到复合 体上。此对在Origin上起始复制是必须的。
端粒是真核生物线性染色体两端的特殊DNA-蛋白质复合体 结构,这种复合体结构是由 DNA重复序列和与之相结合的蛋 白质分子构成的。
在大多数生物中,端粒DNA只是由几个碱基组成的DNA重 复单位通过串联重复而形成,长度从20bp到几个kb不等。
酿酒酵母端粒DNA的长度约为300bp,其DNA重复单位为 5′C1-3A 3′G1-3T
第九章 酵母菌遗传
酵母菌属于真核微生物,其细胞内除了具有与原核生物不同 的由核膜包围的核以外,还像其他真核细胞一样,含有如下 成分:内质网、高尔基体、线粒体、液泡和过氧化物体,它 是最简单的真核生物。
酵母菌同时又具有原核生物的某些特征,如它们可以像细菌 一样在平板上迅速生长形成单菌落,也可像细菌一样进行分 裂,重要的是酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevtsiae)的 基因组只是大肠杆菌的2.6倍,因此酿酒酵母已成为目前在 分子水平上研究真核生物的重要材料。
1.着丝粒(centromere) 着丝粒是真核细胞染色体DNA上的一段特殊序列。在有 丝分裂和减数分裂时,纺锤丝 (着丝粒结合蛋白)与着丝粒 结合,将染色体拉向细胞的两极 。
第一种:短着丝粒 (约200bp),又叫点着丝粒(point centromere),酿酒酵母的着丝粒就属于这种类型。 第二种:区域着丝粒(regional centromere),其着丝粒序 列较长(从 40kb到几个Mb),含有很多重复序列, 真菌(如脉孢菌)、果蝇、哺乳动物和人的着丝粒都 具有这种结构特征。 所有真核生物的着丝粒功能都相同,但其DNA却具有种的 特异性。

12-198 酿酒酵母EBY100菌种使用手册v1点0

12-198 酿酒酵母EBY100菌种使用手册v1点0

天净沙系列CAT#:12-198低温运输和-80℃保存酿酒酵母EBY100 Saccharomyces cerevisiae EBY100使用手册V1.0 北京天恩泽基因科技有限公司北京市海淀区上地信息路26号北京市留学人员海淀创业园中关村创业大厦506 网址:;电话:400-6765278;电邮:order@产品及特点EBY100是酿酒酵母菌株,属于真核细胞,具有氨苄和卡那霉素抗性。


此菌株必须生长在营养丰富的培养基中,例如YPD培养基,无法在minimal media中生长。



此菌株的基因型如下:MATα ura3-52 trp1 leu2∆1 his3∆200pep4::HIS3 prb1∆1.6R can1 GAL (pIU211: URA3)。

规格及成分成份编号热封袋包装酿酒酵母EBY100 12-198 1 mL使用手册1份运输及保存低温运输,-80℃保存,有效期一年。

自备试剂YPD培养基、TE缓冲液(pH 7.5)、乙酸锂、DTT、山梨醇、超纯水等使用方法本手册提供一个质粒转化酵母的电转化方法,供参考。

一、感受态细胞制备1.挑一环酵母菌接种于5 mL YPD培养基中,30℃、250-300 rpm培养过夜;2.取适量的过夜培养液分别接种于两瓶50 mL YPD培养基中,30℃、250-300 rpm培养约16-18小时(OD:1.3-1.5);3.于4℃,4000 g离心收集菌体,用25 mL冰浴的无菌水洗涤一次后,细胞用10 mL冰浴的无菌水重悬,可换成较小的离心管;4.加入1 mL的10×TE缓冲液(pH 7.5),摇晃均匀,再加入1 mL 10×乙酸锂,旋转摇匀,于30℃轻轻摇动45分钟;5.再加入0.4 mL 1 mol/L DTT,并同时旋转摇动,于30℃轻轻摇动15分钟;6.于4℃,4000-6000 g离心,弃上清(用枪吸),再用25 mL冰浴的无菌水洗涤后4℃离心,收集菌体;7.用2.5 mL冰冷的1 mol/L山梨醇重悬细胞,离心收集菌体,弃上清(用枪吸);8.每管用100 uL 1 mol/L的山梨醇溶解,分装于EP管中(80 uL/管),于-70℃冰箱保存。



第一部分酿酒酵母培养基和培养平板配方所有的液体培养基需用磷酸缓冲液配制:Na2HPO4-7H2O, L, NaH2PO4-H2O L. 称量好所需组分,先把氨基酸、氮源等添加到水中,再添加糖最后添加10X的磷酸缓冲液。


液体选择培养基和丰富培养基可以选择过滤除菌,但是琼脂平板培养基必须高压灭菌丰富非选择培养基2 x (YEPD or) YPD = Yeast Extract Peptone Dextrose20g酵母粉yeast extract(OXOID LP0021)40 g 蛋白胨peptone (OXOID LP0042)40g葡萄糖dextrose**(国药14434-43-7)把除葡糖糖之外的所有组分加入500ml水中溶解,定容至900ml,高压灭菌配置20%的葡萄糖过滤除菌,添加100ml。



生长选择合成培养基(Selective Growth Synthetic Media)2x (SD – CAA)1)用于EBY100菌株配套pYD 系列载体,或者二配体酵母配套pPNL20 和pPNL30 载体10 g/L 酪蛋白水解物casamino acids (-ade, -ura, -trp)(库存货号:Fluka A2427-250G)40g/L 葡萄糖dextrose(国药14434-43-7)14g/L YNB Yeast Nitrogen Base with ammonium sulfate w/out amino acids (SIGMA Y0626)g/L Na2HPO4(国药10039-32-4)g/L NaH2PO4(国药14431-43-7)442)用于YVH10 with pPNL30系列载体10 g/L 酪蛋白水解物(casamino acids (-ade, -ura, -trp)40g/L 葡萄糖dextrose14g/L YNB (Yeast Nitrogen Base with ammonium sulfate w/out amino acids )40mg/L色氨酸(tryptophan)g/L Na2HPO4g/L NaH2PO43)用于JAR with pPNL20系列载体10 g/L 酪蛋白水解物(casamino acids (-ade, -ura, -trp) (BD Bacto #223050)40g/L 葡萄糖dextrose14g/L YNB (Yeast Nitrogen Base with ammonium sulfate w/out amino acids )(BD Difco 233520)20mg/L Uracilg/L Na2HPO4g/L NaH2PO4Selective scFv (or Fab or ligand) Induction Media抗体scFv (or Fab or 配体)的选择诱导培养基2x (SG-CAA)10 g/L酪蛋白水解物casamino acids (-ade, -ura, -trp) (BD Bacto #223050)2 g/L半乳糖galactose2 g/L棉子糖raffinoseg/L葡萄糖glucose14g/L YNB Yeast Nitrogen Base with ammonium sulfate w/out amino acids (BD Difco 233520)g/L Na2HPO4g/L NaH2PO4YEPGR or YPGR = Y east E xtract P eptone Galactose/Raffinose10g 酵母粉yeast extract20 g 蛋白胨peptone2%半乳糖galactose2%葡萄糖raffinose14g/L YNB Yeast Nitrogen Base with ammonium sulfate w/out amino acids (BD Difco 233520)g/L Na2HPO4g/L NaH2PO4尿嘧啶和色氨酸母液的配置色氨酸配制成4mg/ml的100X的母液,过滤除菌尿嘧啶配制成2mg/ml的100X的母液,过滤除菌酵母培养基的配置和选择培养基的种类:应用最广泛的酿酒酵母培养基是YPD培养基(酵母粉、蛋白胨、葡萄糖),单克隆在YPD上的生长通常受尿嘧啶、精氨酸和色氨酸的限制。

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常用酿酒酵母菌株基因型Commonly used strains▪▪van Dijken et al. (2000) Enzyme Microb Technol 26:706-714 - compares various characteristics of commonly used lab strains▪Winzeler et al. (2003) Genetics 163:79-89 - uses SFP (single-feature polymorphisms) analysis to study genetic identity between common lab strainsS288CGenotype:MATαSUC2 gal2 mal mel flo1 flo8-1 hap1 ho bio1 bio6Notes: Strain used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD. S288C does not form pseudohyphae. In addition, since it has a mutated copy of HAP1, it is not a good strain for mitochondrial studies. It has an allelic variant of MIP1 which increases petite frequency. S288C strains are gal2- and they do not use galactose anaerobically.The S288C genome was recently resequenced at the Sanger Institute.References:Mortimer and Johnston (1986) Genetics 113:35-43.BY4743Genotype:MAT a/αhis3Δ1/his3Δ1 leu2Δ0/leu2Δ0 LYS2/lys2Δ0 met15Δ0/MET15 ura3Δ0/ura3Δ0Notes: Strain used in the systematic deletion project, generated from a cross between BY4741 and BY4742, which are derived from S288C. As S288c, these strains have an allelic variant of MIP1 which increases petite frequency. See Brachmann et al. reference for details.References:Brachmann et al. (1998) Yeast 14:115-32.FY4Genotype:MAT aNotes: Derived from S288C.References:Winston et al. (1995) Yeast 11:53-55.FY1679Genotype:MAT a/αura3-52/ura3-52 trp1Δ63/TRP1 leu2Δ1/LEU2 his3Δ200/HIS3 GAL2/GALNotes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Winston et al. (1995) Yeast 11:53-55.AB972Genotype:MATα X2180-1B trp10 [rho 0]Notes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD. AB972 is an ethidium bromide-induced rho- derivative of the strain X2180-1B-trp1.References:Olson MV et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 83:7826-7830.A364AGenotype:MAT a ade1 ade2 ura1 his7 lys2 tyr1 gal1 SUC mal cup BIONotes: Used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Hartwell (1967) J. Bacteriol. 93:1662-1670.XJ24-24aGenotype:MAT a ho HMa HMα ade6 arg4-17 trp1-1 tyr7-1 MAL2Notes: Derived from, but not isogenic to, S288CReferences:Strathern et al. (1979) Cell 18:309-319DC5Genotype:MAT a leu2-3,112 his3-11,15 can1-11Notes: Isogenic to S288C; used in the systematic sequencing project, the sequence stored in SGD.References:Broach et al. (1979) Gene 8:121-133X2180-1AGenotype:MAT a SUC2 mal mel gal2 CUP1Notes:S288c spontaneously diploidized to give rise to X2180. The haploid segregants X2180-1a and X2180-1b were obtained from sporulated X2180YNN216Genotype:MAT a/αura3-52/ura3-52 lys2-801amber/lys2-801amber ade2-101ochre/ade2-101ochreNotes: Congenic to S288C (see Sikorski and Hieter). Used to derive YSS and CY strains (see Sobel and Wolin).YPH499Genotype:MAT a ura3-52 lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1Notes: Contains nonrevertible (deletion) auxotrophic mutations that can be used for selection of vectors. Note that trp1-Δ63, unlike trp1-Δ1, does not delete adjacent GAL3 UAS sequence and retains homologyto TRP1 selectable marker.gal2-, does not use galactose anaerobically. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.YPH500Genotype:MATαura3-52 lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1Notes:MATα strain isogenic to YPH499 except at mating type locus. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.YPH501Genotype:MAT a/MATαura3-52/ura3-52 lys2-801_amber/lys2-801_amber ade2-101_ochre/ade2-101_ochre trp1-Δ63/trp1-Δ63 his3-Δ200/his3-Δ200 leu2-Δ1/leu2-Δ1Notes:a/α diploid isogenic to YPH499 and YPH500. Derived from the diploid strain YNN216 (Johnston and Davis 1984; original source: M. Carlson, Columbia University), which is congenic with S288C.Sigma 1278BNotes: Used in pseudohyphal growth studies. Detailed notes about the sigma strains have been kindly provided by Cora Styles.Granek and Magwene, PLoS Genet. 2010 Jan 22;6(1):e1000823, established that certain lineages of theSigma1278B background contain a nonsense mutation in RIM15, a G-to-T transversion at position 1216 that converts a Gly codon to an opal stop codon. This rim15 mutation interacts epistatically with mutations in certain other genes to affect colony morphology.Annotation of the Sigma1278b genome and information about the systematic deletion collection can be found here. SK1Genotype:MAT a/α HO gal2 cup S can1R BIONotes: Commonly used for studying sporulation or meiosis. Canavanine-resistant derivative.The SK1 genome was sequenced at the Sanger Institute.References:Kane SM and Roth J. (1974) Bacteriol. 118: 8-14CEN.PK (aka CEN.PK2)Genotype:MAT a/α ura3-52/ura3-52 trp1-289/trp1-289 leu2-3_112/leu2-3_112 his3 Δ1/his3 Δ1 MAL2-8C/MAL2-8C SUC2/SUC2Notes: CEN.PK possesses a mutation in CYR1 (A5627T corresponding to a K1876M substitution near the end of the catalytic domain in adenylate cyclase which eliminates glucose- and acidification-induced cAMP signalling and delays glucose-induced loss of stress resistance (Vanhalewyn et al., 1999; Dumortier et al., 2000).References:van Dijken et al. (2000) Enzyme Microb Technol 26:706-714W303Genotype:MAT a/MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15} [phi+]Notes: W303 also contains a bud4 mutation that causes haploids to bud with a mixture of axial and bipolar budding patterns. In addition, the original W303 strain contains the rad5-535 allele. As S288c, W303 has an allelic variantof MIP1 which increases petite frequency.The W303 genome was sequenced at the Sanger Institute.References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).bud4 info: Voth et al. (2005) Eukaryotic Cell, 4:1018-28.rad5-535 info: Fan et al. (1996) Genetics 142:749W303-1AGenotype:MAT a {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}Notes: W303-1A possesses a ybp1-1 mutation (I7L, F328V, K343E, N571D) which abolishes Ybp1p function, increasing sensitivity to oxidative stress.References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).ybp1-1 info: Veal et al. (2003) J. Biol. Chem. 278:30896-904.W303-1BGenotype:MATα {leu2-3,112 trp1-1 can1-100 ura3-1 ade2-1 his3-11,15}References: W303 constructed by Rodney Rothstein (see detailed notes from RR and Stephan Bartsch).W303-K6001Genotype:MAT a; {ade2-1, trp1-1, can1-100, leu2-3,112, his3-11,15, GAL, psi+, ho::HO::CDC6 (at HO), cdc6::hisG, ura3::URA3 GAL-ubiR-CDC6 (at URA3)}References: K6001 was developed by Bobola et al in Kim Nasmyth's lab (PMID: 8625408), and has become a common model in yeast aging research (PMID: 15489200). Its genome has been sequenced by Timmermann et al (PMID: 20729566)D273-10BGenotype:MATαmalNotes: Normal cytochrome content and respiration; low frequency of rho-. This strain and its auxotrophic derivatives were used in numerious laboratories for mitochondrial and related studies and for mutant screens. Good respirer that's relatively resistant to glucose repression.References:Sherman, F. (1963) Genetics 48:375-385.FL100Genotype:MAT aReferences:Lacroute, F. (1968) J. Bacteriol. 95:824-832.Sources: ATCC: 28383SEY6210/SEY6211Genotype:MAT a/MATαleu2-3,112/leu2-3,112 ura3-52/ura3-52 his3-Δ200/his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901/trp1-Δ901ade2/ADE2 suc2-Δ9/suc2-Δ9 GAL/GAL LYS2/lys2-801Notes: SEY6210/SEY6211, also known as SEY6210.5, was constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers, good growth properties and good sporulation.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48SEY6210Genotype:MATαleu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901 suc2-Δ9 lys2-801; GALNotes: SEY6210 is a MATalpha haploid constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers and good growth properties. References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48SEY6211Genotype:MAT a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 his3-Δ200 trp1-Δ901 ade2-101 suc2-Δ9; GALNotes: SEY6211 is a MATa haploid constructed by Scott Emr and has been used in studies of autophagy, protein sorting etc. It is the product of crossing with strains from 5 different labs (Gerry Fink, Ron Davis, David Botstein, Fred Sherman, Randy Schekman). It has several selectable markers and good growth properties.References:Robinson et al. (1988) Mol Cell Biol 8(11):4936-48JK9-3dThere are a, alpha and a/alpha diploids of JK9-3d with the following genotypes:Genotypes: JK9-3da MAT a leu2-3,112 ura3-52 rme1 trp1 his4JK9-3dα has the same genotype as JK9-3da with the exception of the MAT locusJK9-3da/α is homozygous for all markers except mating typeNotes: JK9-3d was constructed by Jeanette Kunz while in Mike Hall's lab. She made the original strain while Joe Heitman isolated isogenic strains of opposite mating type and derived the a/alpha isogenic diploid by mating type switching. It has in its background S288c, a strain from the Oshima lab, and a strain from the Herskowitz lab. It was chosen because of its robust growth and sporulation, as well as good growth on galactose (GAL+) (so that genes under control of the galactose promoter could be induced). It may also have a SUP mutation that allows translation through premature STOP codons and therefore produces functional alleles with many point mutations. References:Heitman et al. (1991a) Science 253(5022):905-9 and Heitman et al. (1991b) Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 88(5):1948-52RM11-1aGenotype:MAT a leu2Δ ura3Δ ho::KanNotes: RM11-1a is a haploid derivative of Bb32(3), a natural isolate collected by Robert Mortimer from a California vineyard, as in Mortimer et al., 1994. It has high spore viability (80–90%) and has been extensively characterized phenotypically under a wide range of conditions. It has a significantly longer life span than typical lab yeast strains and accumulates age-associated abnormalities at a lower rate. It displays approximately 0.5–1% sequence divergence relative to S288c. More information is available at the Broad Institute website.References:Brem et al. (2002) Science 296(5568):752-5Y55Genotype:MAT a /MAT alpha HO/HONotes: Y55 is a prototrophic, homothallic diploid strain that was originally isolated by Dennis Winge. Many auxotrophic mutant derivatives have been created by John McCusker by using ethidium bromide treatment to eliminate non-auxotrophs. Y55 background strains have been used to study the timing of meiotic recombination (Borts et al. 1984); to isolate almost all the subunits of the proteasome (McCusker and Haber 1988a, 1988b); to get mutations in PMA1 and related genes (McCusker 1986); and to do meiotic mapping and interference experiments (Malkova et al. 2004).。
