17 、公共场所、大活动突发事发生后,公安部门反应迅速,体现不包括(C、科学应对快)18、美国危机管理的权威顾问劳伦斯.巴顿提出危机中对要问到的三个为题,不包括(C、为什么会发生)19、现代宪政国家,把突发事件下政府能否(D、依法办事)作为法治和宪政的一个重要标志。
A、学习目旳( )是人类独有旳本质特性和生命体现。
A、尝试回忆法( )体现旳是专利旳价值和市场控制力,是评价发明发明能力以及预测科技、经济未来发展旳重要根据。
C、发明专利拥有量畅谈是头脑风暴法旳( )阶段。
A、创意阶段创新旳“四阶段理论”是由( )。
C、组织构造对专业技术人员来说,( )是创新旳原动力。
A、敬业意识贯彻专业技术人员积极参与原则,实现创新能力培训全员开发与重点提高相结合旳原则,较多地采用( )旳形式。
D、侧向移入马克思主义旳创新概念是指( )。
”A、韩非 D、亚里士多德2012年12月4日中央政治局会议强调,各级党政机关和党政干部要坚持以人为本.执政为民,带头()。
A、改进工作作风 B、深入基层调查研究C、密切联系群众 D、解决实际问题"2012年12月4日中央政治局会议强调,要切实改进文风,()的文件,一律不发。
政风 C民风B 报警时应注意的事项是()。
A、报警时要沉着冷静,及时准确,要说清楚起火的部门和部位,燃烧的物质,火势大小 B、讲清楚起火单位名称、详细地址、报警电话号码 C、指派人员到消防车可能来到的路口接应D、主动及时地介绍燃烧的性质和火场内部情况,以便迅速组织扑救B 爆炸可分为()。
B、化学爆炸D、物理爆炸B 伯特兰德模型的假设有()。
A、产品同质B、两厂商之间不存在任何正式或非正式的串谋行为D、价格竞争模型C 产业结构理论的思想来源主要包括以下经济学家的学说和研究()。
A、配弟D、魁奈C 产业结构优化的内容包括()。
A、供给结构的优化 B、需求结构的优化C、国际贸易结构的优化D、国际投资结构的优化C 产业经济学是一门融合()基本理论的应用经济学科。
A、经济学 B、管理学C、文化学 D、论理学C 产业市场结构主要有以下几种市场关系()。
A、卖方之间的关系B、买方之间的关系 C、买卖双方的关系D、市场内现有的买方,卖方与正在进入或可能进入该市场的买方、卖方之间的关系C 产业应该具有以下某种同类属性或特征()。
A、同类产品或服务B、相互密切竞争相关和替代相关的产品或服务C、具有类似生产技术、生产过程、生产工艺等特征的物质生产活动或类似经济性质的服务活动C 产业政策的研究领域从横的方向看包括()。
第一空表泛指,film意为“电影”,是可数名词,且educational是以元音音素开头的单词,故用an;第二空的后面有形容词最高级most popular,故填the。
第一句提到的Beijing Opera意为“京剧”,属于中国文化。
第一句中的it.指代前文中的my pen;而第二句中的one则泛指pens in that box 中的任意一支。
此定语从句中的先行词是talented young adult,所以关系代词为who。
set out意为“出发”;put out意为“熄灭”;take out意为“取出,去掉”give out意为“分发,发出”。
A.6B.7C.8D.9 2.“不破不立”所体现的思维方式是()。
A.不让子女上学B.子女不爱上学C.师资条件D.小学拆并5.中国共产党对新形势下的高校党建.党对高校的领导要全面加强,契合党的十八届六中全会提出A.请进来,走出去B.全面从严治党 C.中央八项规定D.中国特色高校建设6.下列属于教育信息化十年发展规划工作方针的是()。
2018年度山东专技人员继续教育公需科目答案(五篇)第一篇:2018年度山东专技人员继续教育公需科目答案2018年度专技人员继续教育公需科目答案单选题(共 40题,每题 1分,合计 40分)1[单选题] 对____的依赖性去除得越彻底,发展新动能才越有积极性。
2[单选题] 鼓励龙头企业、中小微企业、科研院所、高校、创客等多方协同打造一批产学研用贯通的众创空间,更多利用_____和资本杠杆推动“双创”示范基地建设,支持众创空间专业化发展。
•••• A.市场机制 B.市场空间 C.市场杠杆 D.市场环境标记本题正确答案:A.市场机制解析:鼓励龙头企业、中小微企业、科研院所、高校、创客等多方协同打造一批产学研用贯通的众创空间,更多利用_____和资本杠杆推动“双创”示范基地建设,支持众创空间专业化发展。
3[单选题] 创客群体的不断扩大,让各地区新企业、新动能呈现快速发展态势,有效带动了________等“四众”生态系统的完善。
•众创、众新、众筹、众扶••• B.众创、众包、众筹、众扶 C.众新、众包、众筹、众扶 D.众创、众包、众筹、众帮标记本题正确答案:B.众创、众包、众筹、众扶解析:创客群体的不断扩大,让各地区新企业、新动能呈现快速发展态势,有效带动了________等“四众”生态系统的完善。
4[单选题] 建设现代化经济体系,基础支撑是以_______为主体的实体经济。
•••• A.先进生产力 B.先进服务业 C.先进制造业先进标记本题正确答案:C.先进制造业解析:建设现代化经济体系,基础支撑是以_______为主体的实体经济。
5[单选题] _____是引领发展的第一动力,是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑。
•••• A.生产力 B.人才 C.创新制造业标记本题正确答案:C.创新解析:_____是引领发展的第一动力,是建设现代化经济体系的战略支撑。
最新-2018年淄博市继续教育考试试题及答案 精品
![最新-2018年淄博市继续教育考试试题及答案 精品](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/97154af681c758f5f61f67d9.png)
17、学生的生命健康权受到侵害主要是由教师体罚(变相体罚) 和不为侵权行为造成的。
18、(平等、民主、合作) 是新型师生关系的基本理念。
20、课程综合性是新课程特点之一,其综合性表现为(加强学科综合) 、设置综合课程、增加综合实践活动课程。
21、教学大纲相对强调教师的教,课程标准更强调(学生的学) ,强调学习的过程与方法。
22、新课程标准从内容上看,关注学生的(学习兴趣与经验;终身学习必备) ,精选的基础知识和技能。
23、能够体现学校办学特色的课程是(校本) 课程。
24、一般认为,传统的课堂教学偏重(科学世界) ,远离生活世界和儿童世界。
25、按照课程资源的功能特点,可以把课程资源划分(素材性资源和条件性资源) 两大类。
26、教师专业化是使教师从(普通职业) 转化成(专业职业)并获得相应专业地位的过程。
常见的酸和碱一、单选题【广东省广州市第二中学2018届九年级3月月考】物质X可发生下列所示的两个反应,则X可能是()1.①X+活泼金属→盐+H2↑ ②X+金属氧化物→盐+H2OA.CaO B.CO2 C.H2SO4 D.NaOH【答案】C【解析】碱可以与酸反应生成盐和水,金属氧化物可以与酸反应生成盐和水,所以X属于酸类物质,分析选项,硫酸属于酸。
除去下列物质中的少量杂质,所用方法正确的是【答案】A3.【湖北省黄冈中学2017年自主招生(理科实验班)预录考试化学模拟试题(D卷)】对下列各组物质的鉴别分析错误的是 ( )A.黑色粉末:FeO、Fe、CuO、C 只用一种试剂即可鉴别B.无色溶液:KOH、H2SO4、CuCl2、NaNO3只用一种试剂即可鉴别C.无色溶液:Na2CO3、AgNO3、BaCl2、HCl 不用其他试剂就可以鉴别D.无色溶液:Ba(OH)2、Na2CO3、BaCl2、HNO3不用其他试剂就无法鉴别【答案】D【解析】A、氧化铁可以与酸反应,现象是溶液由无色变为黄色,铁可以与酸反应,有气泡冒出,溶液由无色变为浅绿色,氧化铁与酸反应现象是溶液由无色变为蓝色,碳不和酸反应,故能用酸来鉴别这四种物质,正确;B、四种物质中,CuCl2是蓝色溶液,将氯化铜加入其余的三种溶液中,有蓝色沉淀生成的是氢氧化钾,然后向剩余两种溶液中加入碳酸钠,有气泡冒出的是碳酸钠,故可以用一种试剂鉴别四种物质,正确;C、四种物质中,硝酸银与其他物质反应都有生成白色沉淀,故可以确定硝酸银,剩余溶液中,碳酸钠与氯化钡生成沉淀,与稀盐酸反应生成气体,故可以鉴别,正确;D、四种物质中,碳酸钠与氢氧化钡反应有沉淀生成,与氯化钡反应也有沉淀生成,可以确定碳酸钠,碳酸钠与硝酸反应有气泡冒出,可以确定硝酸,硝酸与氢氧化钡反应放出热量,而与氯化钡不反应,故可以鉴别四种物质,错误。
专题六 并列连词、复合句及特殊句式(习题)
![专题六 并列连词、复合句及特殊句式(习题)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d45eafe1b14e852458fb57c4.png)
专题六并列连词、复合句及特殊句式【考点集训】考点一并列连词Ⅰ.单句填空1.(2018河北衡水中学五次调考,70)She didn’t know anything about current TV shows fashion trends.答案or2.(2018福建泉州1月质检,67)In China,the question is not“What shall I have?”“What shall we have?”. Food is ordered to share with others,not just for oneself.答案but3.(2018河南中原名校五次联考,61)Around7:30a.m.,she was lying on her surfboard with her left arm in the water a14-foot-long tiger shark attacked her,severing her left arm just below the shoulder.答案when4.(2018湖北黄冈元月调研,67)What all of you really wanted was coffee,not the cup,you went for the best cups and then began looking at each other’s cups.答案but/yet5.(2018江西宜春中学一次诊断,67)As to acute stomachache,there is no need to have an operation;all you need to do is drinking a cup of Chinese herbs,the western way takes more time and money.答案while6.(2018贵州贵阳一中3月月考,50)“In an era when young people are so easily attracted by superstars,Coco reveals the emptiness of such adulation(吹捧),teaching kids to preserve respect the memory of their elders,” wrote reporter Peter Debruge.答案andⅡ.单句改错7.I can’t remember how the tune goes,so I’ll recognize it when I hear it.答案so→but8.Although his left hand was hurt,but he was happy to have saved the bird.答案删除but或将but改为yet9.Because I’ll see him tomorrow so I don’t need to return his call.答案删除so10.The artist was born poor,but poor he remained all his life.答案but→and考点二复合句题组一定语从句Ⅰ.单句填空1.(2018河北衡水中学五次调考,69)After living in Australia for many years,Louise finally returned to the country she was born.答案where2.(2018河北五个一联盟二次联考,43)There are many good websites you can check out the latest in the science world.答案where3.(2018湖北宜昌葛洲坝中学月考,50)Another saying which has come from the fable is“God helps thosehelp themselves”.答案who4.(2018福建厦门期末,66)Then Needham began his lifelong research,ended up creating the greatest work—Science and Civilization in China.答案which5.(2018山东烟台期末,62)His interest started a few years ago,he was in college and studying wildlife science.答案when6.(2018河北百校联盟1月联考,70)There are perhaps40million competitive table tennis players and many ordinary people play less seriously.答案who7.(2018四川雅安下学期三诊,63)He was a great scientist and an extraordinary man work and legacy will live on for many years.答案whose8.(2018云南昆明一中第七次月考,42)That is an Oxford college,famous graduates include the late Benazir Bhutto.答案whose9.(2018四川遂宁三诊,67)But it’s not like many other countries there seems to be tension among the different cultures.答案where10.(2018陕西宝鸡质检,65)Then,a fire,broke out in1969on Cleveland’s Cuyahoga River,shed light on the problem of chemical pollution in water.答案which11.(2018辽宁丹东一模,62)Pupils,usually come from the fifth or sixth grade,are divided into different teams and try to write down every word according to its pronunciation.答案who12.(2018宁夏六盘山高中一模,50)I am already looking forward to their next visit I can show them more of what Seville offers.答案when13.(2017山西晋商四校联考,70)Finally,after four hours,they arrived at the campsite their parents were waiting.答案where14.(2017四川凉山州高中毕业班二检,64)A survey was conducted in16cities with over one million population showed high proportion of urban Chinese have been suffering such health problems.答案that/whichⅡ.单句改错15.(2018吉林长春一模)It will be ten months before I attend the College Entrance Examination,that makes me worried.答案that→which16.(2018山东日照一模)It’s a black square suitcase,what is just as big as a schoolbag.答案what→which17.(2018河南天一大联考Ⅲ)When I was12,I met Mary.She came to China with her parents,whom taught English in a university.答案whom→who18.(2017黑龙江大庆二模)In the year2013which I was15,I joined an exchange student program.答案which→when19.I have an American friend,Marianne,she lives alone but has a pet dog,Sparky.答案she→who题组二名词性从句Ⅰ.单句填空1.(2019届山东烟台一中一次质检,44)There is a very good chance he may rob me.答案that2.(2018河南天一大联考Ⅲ,66)I first have to remove all the rotten parts,and sometimes,is left isn’t enough for my designs.答案what3.(2018湖北襄阳1月调研,64)The WHO has stated that of the56.5million deaths per year around the world,over 50percent are caused by diseases closely associated with unhealthy diet and lack of exercise and many of these deaths could be prevented.答案that4.(2018江西名校学术联盟质检Ⅱ,64)was most difficult was that in order to realize this dream,I needed to find an existent caféthat wasn’t doing well.答案What5.(2018湖南师大附中五次月考,62)The historical reason for beginning the new year in such a time is it is the time between autumn harvest and spring plowing and planting.In other words,it is the time for rest,relaxation and celebration after a year’s hard work.答案that6.(2018安徽六安一中五次月考,69)It’s possible that one way out could be blocked by fire or smoke,so you’ll want to know other ones are.答案where7.(2018辽宁沈阳一模,46)Darwin wondered a great deal about he saw.答案what8.(2018内蒙古呼和浩特质量调研普查,48)It’s time to start by reading aloud to might like it.答案whoever9.(2018陕西渭南质检,67)Actually,children learn violent behavior from adults or from they see on television or on the Internet.答案what10.(2018陕西四模,61)Do you know a story gets into the newspaper?Here is an example.答案how11.(2018甘肃西北师大附中三诊,49)Many people say they are impressed by how interesting the show is and they can’t stop laughing when they watch it.答案that12.(2018哈师大附中、东北师大附中、辽宁实验中学二模,64)Some people told stories about old times,and others wrote down they remembered.答案what13.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨三中一模,67)After seemed to be a hundred years,I found my audience applauding—I made it!答案what14.(2017黑龙江哈尔滨三中第一次验收,63)Statistics show over200billion yuan is spent every year on food that ends up in the garbage.答案that15.(2017辽宁沈阳东北育才学校一模,63)From the perspective of consumers,it can save some time for people who don’t have much spare time.Just click the mouse,and they can get they want while staying at home. 答案whatever/whatⅡ.单句改错16.(2018东北三省三校一模)It’s a good thing which the ride lasted for only15minutes.No more air rides for me,I swear!答案which→that17.(2018宁夏银川一中一模)While it was still necessary for my parents to support me economically and mentally at that time,I was old enough to think and decide by myself which I should do.答案which→what18.(2018甘肃西北师大附中三诊)It reminds us that it was the struggles and sacrifices of our forefathers that saved China,so we teenagers must cherish the fruits of the victory,treasure that we own now and preserve national pride.答案第三个that→what19.(2017江西九江十校二联)After living at school,I found it helped me save time and learn what to get on with others.答案what→how题组三状语从句Ⅰ.单句填空1.(2018陕西榆林二中三模,64)there are many positive developments associated with the Internet,there are also certain fears and concerns.答案While/Though/Although2.(2018山东滨州三次统考,64)it’s difficult to master the language,he considers it important for his future career.答案While/Though/Although3.(2018安徽六安一中五次月考,62)Talking about fires can be scary no one likes to think about people getting hurt or their things getting burned.答案because4.(2018福建永春一中等四校联考Ⅰ,62)The Great Wall winds its way from west to east,across deserts,over mountains,through valleys at last it reaches the sea.答案till/until5.(2018河北衡水中学一调,66)The song“A little bit longer” by Nick Jonas is an emotional and inspiring song that whenever I hear it,I always come close to dropping down tears.答案such6.(2018河南南阳一中三次考试,51)We know that tasks your group is given,a few rules need to be followed to ensure a productive and successful experience.答案whatever7.(2017陕西咸阳二模,64)Researchers have found,in their experiment,that a baby’s cries can cause unique emotional responses in the brain,making it impossible for us to ignore them we are parents or not.答案whetherⅡ.单句改错8.(2019届甘肃民乐一中一次诊断考试)In addition,we need to improve our oral English.When we are always learning English,we may not be able to make a fluent speech.We can’t easily communicate with others like native speakers.答案When→Although或Though或While9.(2019届黑龙江哈尔滨二十六中九月月考)However,after I go hiking,I make sure to have all of the proper necessities.First of all,I wear proper clothing and hiking shoes.答案after→before考点三特殊句式题组一倒装句Ⅰ.单句填空1.Jane won’t join us for dinner tonight and neither Tom.答案will2.Try she might,Sue couldn’t get the door open.答案as/though3.John opened the door.There(stand)a girl he had never seen before.答案stood/was standing4.—Is everyone here?—Not yet...Look,there(come)the rest of our guests!答案comeⅡ.句型转换5.I have never had such a special drink before!(改为倒装句)答案Never before have I had such a special drink!6.They reached a decision only after they had discussed the matter for several hours.(改为倒装句)答案Only after they had discussed the matter for several hours did they reach a decision.7.He didn’t begin to know how important the family was for him until he left his home.(改为倒装句)答案Not until he left his home did he begin to know how important the family was for him.8.Chongqing,one of the largest cities in China,lies at the meeting place of the Yangtze River and Jialing River. (改为倒装句)答案At the meeting place of the Yangtze River and Jialing River lies Chongqing,one of the largest cities in China.9.Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school.Our alumni(校友)from home and abroad are attending the ceremony of the50th anniversary this morning.(改为倒装句)答案Distinguished guests and friends,welcome to our school.Attending the ceremony of the50th anniversary this morning are our alumni(校友)from home and abroad.10.The power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous is such.(改为倒装句)答案Such is the power of TV that it can make a person suddenly famous.11.Although he was unsatisfied with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.(改为倒装句)答案Unsatisfied though/as he was with the payment,he took the job just to get some work experience.12.Her business was so successful that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.(改为倒装句)答案So successful was her business that Marie was able to set up new branches elsewhere.题组二其他特殊句式Ⅰ.单句填空1.a strange plant!I’ve never seen it before.答案What2.Was it on a lonely island he was saved one month after the boat went down?答案that3.I told them not everybody could run as fast as you did,I?答案didn’t4.He must be helping the old man to water the flowers,he?答案isn’t5.Please do me a favor—(invite)my friend Mr.Smith to Youth Theater at7:30tonight.答案invite6.If you have a job,devote yourself to it and finally you’ll succeed.答案doⅡ.单句改错7.His writing is so confusing that it’s difficult to make out how it is he is trying to express.答案how→what8.It is not who is right but what is right which is of importance.答案which→that9.The little boy came riding full speed down the motorway on his bicycle.How a dangerous scene itwas!答案How→What10.When you’ve finished that book,don’t forget to put it back on the shelf,do you?答案do→will11.There was a loud scream from the backstage immediately after the concert ended,wasn’t it?答案it→there12.Knocking at the door before entering please.答案Knocking→Knock13.There was a lot of homework to do,he didn’t attend the party.答案was→being或在he前加soⅢ.句型转换14.Not until the motorbike looked almost new did he stop repairing and cleaning it.(就画线部分进行强调,改为强调句)答案It was not until the motorbike looked almost new that he stopped repairing and cleaning it.14.If you help others whenever you can,you will make the world a nicer place to live in.(改为“祈使句+and+陈述句”句式)答案Help others whenever you can and you will make the world a nicer place to live in.过专题【五年高考】考点一并列连词1.(2016北京,35)I am not afraid of tomorrow,I have seen yesterday and I love today.答案for2.(2015北京,25)He is a shy man,he is not afraid of anything or anyone.答案but/yet3.(2014北京,21)Some animals carry seeds from one place to another,plants can spread to new places.答案so4.(2014天津,1)Give me a chance,I’ll give you a wonderful surprise.答案and考点二复合句题组一定语从句1.(2018北京,5)She and her family bicycle to work,helps them keep fit.答案which2.(2018天津,2)Kate,sister I shared a room with when we were at college,has gone to work in Australia. 答案whose3.(2018江苏,23)Self-driving is an area China and the rest of the world are on the same starting line.答案where4.(2017北京,31)The little problems we meet in our daily lives may be inspirations for great inventions. 答案that/which5.(2017天津,9)My eldest son,work takes him all over the world,is in New York at the moment.答案whose6.(2017江苏,28)In1963the UN set up the World Food Programme,one of purposes is to relieve worldwide starvation.答案whose7.(2016北京,22)I live next door to a couple children often make a lot of noise.答案whose8.(2016天津,9)We will put off the picnic in the park until next week,the weather may be better.答案when9.(2016浙江,11)Scientists have advanced many theories about why human beings cry tears,none of has been proved.答案which10.(2015天津,15)The boss of the company is trying to create an easy atmosphere his employees enjoy their work.答案where11.(2015安徽,28)Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon school education depends.答案which12.(2015福建,34)China Today attracts a worldwide readership,shows that more and more people all over the world want to learn about China.答案which13.(2015湖南,29)It is a truly delightful place,looks the same as it must have done100years ago with its winding streets and pretty cottages.答案which14.(2015陕西,15)As the smallest child of his family,Alex is always longing for the time he should be able to be independent.答案when15.(2015四川,3)The books on the desk,covers are shiny,are prizes for us.答案whose16.(2015浙江,19)Creating an atmosphere employees feel part of a team is a big challenge.答案where17.(2014天津,12)English is a language shared by several diverse cultures,each of uses it differently.答案which题组二名词性从句1.(2018北京,11)Without his support,we wouldn’t be we are now.答案where2.(2018北京,15)This is my father has taught me—to always face difficulties and hope for the best.答案what3.(2018天津,9)The gold medal will be awarded to wins the first place in the bicycle race.答案whoever4.(2018江苏,21)By boat is the only way to get here,which is we arrived.答案how5.(2017北京,23)Every year,makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival.答案whoever6.(2017天津,4)She asked me I had returned the books to the library,and I admitted that I hadn’t.答案whether/if7.(2017江苏,26)We choose this hotel because the price for a night here is down to$20,half of it used to charge.答案what8.(2017北京,26)Jane moved aimlessly down the tree-lined street,not knowing she was heading.答案where9.(2016北京,24)Your support is important to our work.you can do helps.答案Whatever10.(2016北京,29)The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is one can be entirely free from dust.答案that11.(2016天津,11)The manager put forward a suggestion we should have an assistant.There is too much work to do.答案that12.(2016江苏,21)It is often the case anything is possible for those who hang on to hope.答案that13.(2015北京,33)I truly believe beauty comes from within.答案that14.(2015北京,35)we understand things has a lot to do with what we feel.答案How15.(2015江苏,25)Li Bai,a great Chinese poet,was born is known to the public,but some won’t accept it. 答案Where16.(2015浙江,6)If you swim in a river or lake,be sure to investigate is below the water surface.Often there are rocks or branches hidden in the water.答案what17.(2015重庆,8)We must find out Karl is coming,so we can book a room for him.答案when18.(2015安徽,25)A ship in harbor is safe,but that’s not ships are built for.答案what19.(2014天津,14)I think impresses me about his painting is the colours he uses.答案what题组三状语从句1.(2018北京,2)we don’t stop climate change,many animals and plants in the world will be gone.答案If2.(2018天津,4)Let’s not pick these peaches until this weekend so they get sweet enough to be eaten.答案that3.(2018江苏,29)you can sleep well,you will lose the ability to focus,plan and stay motivated after one or two nights.答案Unless4.(2017北京,25)birds use their feathers for flight,some of their feathers are for other purposes.答案Although/While/Though5.(2017北京,28)If you don’t understand something,you may research,study,and talk to other peopleyou figure it out.答案until/till6.(2017江苏,23)Located the Belt meets the Road,Jiangsu will contribute more to the Belt and Road construction.答案where7.(2016北京,27)My grandfather still plays tennis now and then,he’s in his nineties.答案although/though8.(2016北京,33)I really enjoy listening to music it helps me relax and takes my mind away from other cares of the day.答案because/as9.(2016天津,7)the average age of the population increases,there are more and more old people to care for.答案As10.(2016浙江,5)online shopping has changed our life,not all of its effects have been positive.答案While/Although/Though11.(2015北京,32)the damage is done,it will take many years for the farmland to recover.答案Once/If12.(2015江苏,26)It is so cold that you can’t go outside fully covered in thick clothes.答案unless13.(2015天津,12)We need to get to the root of the problem we can solve it.答案before14.(2015浙江,9)Just a single word can change the meaning of a sentence,a single sentence can change the meaning of a paragraph.答案as15.(2015安徽,23)scientists have learned a lot about the universe,there is much we still don’t know.答案Although/Though/While16.(2015福建,31)the students came from different countries,they got along quite well in the summer camp.答案Although/Though/While17.(2015湖南,33)the job takes a significant amount of time,most students agree that the experience is worth it.答案Although/Though/While18.(2014安徽,25)The meaning of the word“nice”changed a few times it finally came to include the sense “pleasant”.答案before19.(2014湖南,26)You will never gain success you are fully devoted to your work.答案unless20.(2014陕西,24)The young couple,who returned my lost wallet,left I could ask for their names.答案before考点三特殊句式1.(2018北京,8)In any unsafe situation,simply(press)the button and a highly-trained agent will get you the help you need.答案press2.(2016江苏,34)Not until recently they encourage the development of tourist-related activities in the rural areas.答案did3.(2015天津,3)Only when Lily walked into the office she realize that she had left the contract at home. 答案did4.(2015湖南,31)Always(keep)in mind that your main task is to get this company running smoothly.答案keep5.(2014北京,24)(observe)carefully if any change occurs when doing experiments in the lab.答案Observe6.(2014陕西,17)No sooner Mo Yan stepped on the stage than the audience broke into thunderous applause.答案had7.(2014大纲全国,26)Not only the nurses want a pay increase,they want reduced hours as well.答案do8.(2014重庆,10)—I spent two weeks in London last summer.—Then you must have visited the British Museum during your stay,you?答案didn’t【三年模拟】时间:50分钟分值:98分A组2017—2019年模拟·基础题组考点一并列连词1.(2019届四川棠湖中学一次月考,62)There were many people waiting at the bus stop,some of them looked disappointed.答案but2.(2019届江西抚州七校10月联考,67)Maybe,when dancing,you think you’re not exercising entertaining yourself.答案but3.(2019届河南省实验中学二次月考,37)In their opinion,universities are public assets—they should serve not only the students and faculty the general public as well.答案but4.(2019届吉林汪清六中9月月考,65)Smoking not only does harm to their health to others.答案but(also)5.(2019届山东淄博实验中学、淄博五中一次诊断,66)They are not like us to finish it in one drink,prefer to drink by taking a small amount at a time.答案but6.(2018湖南师大附中一次月考,64)“I’ll tell you how you can improve your memory,” they say,they start their advice.答案and7.(2018河南郑州外国语学校二次调研,64)He or she can also attend classes from wherever they are recovering—whether at home from a hospital bed.答案or8.(2018贵州遵义四中一次月考,44)Many people seem too busy to take time to understand one another.my father sees taking time to listen as essential to any relationship,whether it involves family,friendship,or work.答案But9.(2017山西省重点中学协作体一模,68)He overcame many difficulties,he was not fortunate enough. 答案but/yet考点二复合句题组一定语从句1.(2019届吉林长春市实验中学开学考试,61)Dragon Head Raising Day,falls each year on the second day of the second lunar month,is one of the Chinese traditional festivals.答案which2.(2019届宁夏六盘山高级中学一次月考,66)There is a phrase describes the noodle-making process:“One noodle in the boiling water,one flying in the air,and one just being cut.”答案that3.(2019届河北武邑中学二次调研,65)Contrary to the popular belief,there is a great degree of personal freedom in this country,it’s relatively easy to set up a business and it’s extremely safe.答案where4.(2019届安徽皖南八校10月联考,70)In reality,FIFA rules the new cup as a mobile prize,means no matter which team wins the championship,it can not occupy the cup forever.答案which5.(2019届河南天一大联考一次联考,67)A diet that lacks vitamin B-12or iron can cause anemia,a condition in your blood doesn’t supply your body with enough oxygen.答案which6.(2019届辽宁葫芦岛协作校一次月考,68)This was the most valuable opinion of a Chinese person was given by a foreigner two centuries ago.答案that7.(2019届四川绵阳南山中学一诊,69)It is increasingly clear that China,is no longer copying western ideas,is leading in many new ways.答案which8.(2018浙江温州普通高中高考适应性测试,58)He had skin cancer,made him ready to give up.答案which9.(2018湖南永州一模,63)There are certain dates throughout the year the entire country takes a vacation at the same time.答案when10.(2018浙江湖州、衢州、丽水三地市教学质检,63)Analysts in China say there are three factorscontribute to the sudden increase of bikes.答案that11.(2018浙江宁波十校联考,59)is known to all,everyone has his own weaknesses and strengths.答案As12.(2018河北名校联盟质检Ⅰ,70)Therefore,university is a place you attain knowledge,to develop your values and to accept those who may be different.答案where13.(2018河北唐山五校月考,67)The pressure put on high school students by excessive schoolwork can cause serious depression,is unhealthy physically and mentally.答案which14.(2017河南豫南九校质量考评Ⅴ,70)No one had tried to understand what the real problem was except the headmaster,helped me out simply by listening and hugging.答案who15.(2017河南八市重点高中10月质检,65)The sharks followed the warm currents may have changed northward during this period.答案that/which题组二名词性从句1.(2019届吉林长春市实验中学上学期期初考试,70)It was believed on this day the well was full of dragon eggs which would bring the collector good harvest.答案that2.(2019届宁夏六盘山高级中学一次月考,70)One can find hand-made noodles all over China today,but Shanxi Province is special,for it’s the art of noodle-making has reached its top.答案where3.(2019届四川成都经济技术开发区实验中学9月月考,65)If we want to truly understand animals are eating plastic in the ocean,we have to think about how animals find food.答案why4.(2019届辽宁沈阳东北育才学校一次模拟,42)I couldn’t imagine it is like to lose your home and everything that you had.答案what5.(2019届福建三明一中返校考试,50)They were disappointed at they saw—the damage from the weather was just too bad.答案what6.(2019届黑龙江哈尔滨六中10月月考,61)Massive Open Online Courses,called MOOCs,are changing people learn in many places.答案how7.(2019届四川成都经济技术开发区实验中学9月月考,69)Everyone on the bus began talking about the girl had done,and the crowd of strangers suddenly became more friendly to each other.答案what8.(2018江西红色七校一联,65)There is no doubt the Asian Games will attract more visitors to enjoy visiting this wonderful city.答案that9.(2018辽宁重点高中协作校监测,41)Ann stepped outside her front door to see the weather was like. 答案what10.(2018四川雅安中学一次月考,66)When Rose realized the gift was,she was in total shock.答案what11.(2018河北衡水中学一调,63)I mainly listened to my parents were listening to.答案what/whatever12.(2017山东师大附中二模,63)My first task was to decide where to go and to get there.答案how13.(2017山东烟台一模,65)began as a small activity has taken the shape of an inspiring institution of international standards.答案What14.(2017福建龙岩五校期中,62)Therefore,it is advisable you should value and treat them with care.答案that15.(2017安徽黄山二模,62)While visiting Hangzhou’s West Lake and its surrounding beautiful hills,you’ll understand it’s been a great source of inspiration for artists,poets and philosophers throughout Chinese history.答案why题组三状语从句1.(2019届内蒙古赤峰二中二次月考,47)afternoon tea can be enjoyed at home,the best way to experience it is at a smart hotel or a café.答案Though/Although/While2.(2019届江西新余四中9月月考,68)They are pretending to keep a healthy and wise attitude towards failure simply they are incapable(无能力的)of succeeding.答案because3.(2019届广西桂林十八中二次月考,62)He speaks so slowly and strangely it takes patience to understand what he is saying.答案that4.(2019届四川邻水实验学校9月月考,70)No matter we go or what we do,we always embrace the adventure.答案where5.(2019届甘肃民勤一中一次月考,49)The condition was terrible that all the work was done by hand.答案so6.(2019届河南天一大联考一次联考,70)Healthy weight loss doesn’t mean severe calorie reduction.However, you’re anxious about your weight,speak with an expert to help ensure physical and mental health.答案if/when/whenever7.(2019届辽宁沈阳东北育才学校一模,46)Together,those volunteers and the Northern Essex Community College students worked to clear rubbish out of a three-story building.They put on protective suits and gloves they entered the building.答案before8.(2018江西红色七校一联,63)hosting the Asian Games will cost the government a lot,the benefits are easy for us to see.答案Though/Although9.(2018江苏启东中学一次月考,25)The doctor suggests that I should sleep with the window open it’s very cold.答案unless10.(2018广西钦州一次质检,70)They called911and waited with me,one holding my hand and speaking gently to me that they would stay help came.答案until/till11.(2018内蒙古集宁一中一次月考,49)In my opinion,the best choice is a good major at a good university.If we cannot obtain both,the first thing to consider is a good major,because no matter we study,we can still achieve a lot in a certain field if we try our best.答案where12.(2018江苏南通中学期初考试,33)the rising temperature and higher seas wouldn’t have had a direct effect on dinosaurs,they could have played an indirect role in their decline in numbers.答案While/Although/Though13.(2017江西九江十校二次联考,63)Hunting elephants was so profitable from1979to1989the number of elephants in Africa fell from1.3million to600,000.答案that14.(2017福建龙岩3月质检,67)But for now,they all have to postpone their plans the winter storms pass. 答案until/tillB组2017—2019年模拟·提升题组1.(2019届甘肃敦煌中学一诊)All too often,most children just take it for granted that their parents should serve them unconditionally.My dear mum or dad,thank you very much for bringing me up.答案or→and2.(2019届广东惠州市实验中学月考)We can choose between staying at home and taking a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about the world.答案第一个but→and3.(2019届广东中山一中二次统测)Besides,it’s common that the young or middle-aged sit on the bus when the elderly have to stand.Measures must be taken to change this situation.答案when→while4.(2019届甘肃静宁一中一模)This is a place where I am always dreaming about.答案去掉where或where→that或which5.(2019届福建建瓯市芝华中学一次月考)Later,my teacher,she realized my problem,had a face-to-face talk with me.答案she→who6.(2019届江西吉安三中10月月考)About two years ago,I worked hard and entered a local key school,which my parents were proud of it.答案删掉it7.(2019届云南曲靖一中质量监测卷五)So that he could do was to read it in the shop.答案that→what8.(2018江西红色七校一次联考)It is hard to be mean to someone is being nice.答案someone后加who9.(2018吉林百校联盟联考)Neither of them was willing to say sorry but the quarrel continued.答案but→so/and10.(2018河北名校联盟质监Ⅰ)I’m grateful to all these people,with whom help I have been accustomed to American culture.答案whom→whose11.(2018河北名校联盟质监Ⅰ)That I want to say first is that the teachers here are very friendly.答案I前的That→What12.(2018湖南长郡中学二次月考)I have to spend periods of time figuring out how each is saying.答案how→what13.(2018辽宁重点高中协作校阶段考试Ⅰ)First,list all the tasks which must be done and decide which one requires immediate attention.答案第一个which→that14.(2017东北三省四市联考Ⅰ)An art gallery made me an offer of$5,000for this painting and I nearly sold it,so then I decided not to.答案so→but15.(2017河南豫南九校质量考评Ⅴ)A blog will be opened on the website of our school,that aims to help students to communicate better.答案that→whichC组2017—2019年模拟·综合题组Passage1(定语从句)There was a time1I was tired of learning English and disliked speaking English.And this was the reason 2my father forced me to join in a30-day training in an English club before I went to senior high school.When I first came to the club,3I met many strangers,I missed my parents very much.So I packed up my things and wanted to go home.Fortunately,my guide,4teacher was Yu Minhong,communicated with meface-to-face,from5I gained some useful instructions.He also introduced a good partner to me,and we got along。
3、《中国式跨越:新经济引领新常态》一书是由中国人民大学出版社出版29、2015年2月,哪个国家发布了《2015-2018数字经济战略》(Digital Economy Strategy 2015-2018)?英国7、2017年4月李克强总理在山东省考察时希望该省加快推动新旧动能转换6、青岛红领集团采用了C2M 模式实现了大规模个性化定制68、以下哪个不是财政部开展田园综合体建设第一批试点的省份?安徽77、“信息化与工业化融合”最早是在哪次会议上提出来的?党的十七大47、中国下一代互联网示范工程是在哪一年启动的?2003年51、《推进“互联网+政务服务”开展信息惠民试点实施方案》中提出建设哪个库?电子证照库76、大数据(Big Data)概念最早是在哪一年提出的?2011年43、工业和信息化部的4G 牌照是在哪一年发放的?2013年21、美国有经济周期记录以来持续时间最长的一次增长是1991-2000年45、中国第一家在美国纳斯达克上市的互联网企业是哪个?中华网38、2016年,全国网络零售额占社会消费品零售总额的比例达到多少?15.5%25、供给侧结构性改革“三去一降一补”中的“降”是指降成本20、六西格玛是质量管理类企业管理方法?8、《国务院关于积极推进“互联网+”行动的指导意见》确定了11个“互联网+”重点行动17、陇南市是全国首个电商扶贫试点市?18、2005年的政府工作报告首次提出“努力建设服务型政府”?24、第一批国家高端智库建设试点单位有25家?26、截至2017年6月,中国互联网普及率是多少?54.3%31、申报国家现代农业庄园,渔业类庄园面积不能小于多少亩?1000亩33、提出在新旧动能转换方面当好排头兵、驱动器、示范区的是哪个市?青岛市35、哪种思维不属于互联网思维?逆向思维41、互联网WWW 是在哪一年推出的?1989年46、中国“企业上网工程”是在哪一年启动的?2000年49、《互联网时代的国家治理》一书是由哪个出版社出版的?中共党史出版社56、申报国家现代农业庄园,种植类庄园面积不能小于多少亩?5000亩59、2016年全国软件和信息技术服务业完成软件业务收入多少?4.9万亿元63、以下哪类标准不是政府主导制定的标准?团体标准69、中国是在哪一年正式接入国际互联网的?1994年B Z S X F J全选、二十国集团(G20)领导人杭州峰会发布的《二十国集团创新增长蓝图》提出了哪些行动?创新、新工业革命、数字经济、结构性改革全选、以下哪些是互联网时代的新型政府?整体政府、智慧政府、开放政府、服务型政府全选、大数据具有如下哪些特征?数据差异化程度大、数据容量极大、处理速度快、数据可视化全选、RFID 标签具有以下哪些特点?体积小、寿命长、容量大、可重复使用全选、以下哪些属于先进制造业?智能制造、网络化协同制造、大规模定制、服务型制造全选、哪些区县被列为第一批双创示范基地?北京市海淀区、沈阳市浑南区、常州市武进区、成都市郫县全选、智慧旅游包括哪些方面的智能化?旅游服务、旅游管理、旅游营销、旅游体验全选、以下哪些属于大数据特征?数据差异化程度大、数据容量极大、时效性强、复杂度高82、以下哪些属于新一代信息技术?物联网、云计算、移动互联网、大数据92、物联网在以下哪些行业的产品信息化领域得到了应用?汽车行业、家电行业、工程机械行业100、《国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划纲要》提出制造业要朝哪些方向发展?智能制造、绿色制造、服务型制造104、《国务院关于深化制造业与互联网融合发展的指导意见》提出培育三种制造新模式是指哪三种模式?网络化协同制造、个性化定制、服务型制造130、以下哪些属于创新2.0的特点?协同创新、开放创新、用户参与132、《国务院关于深化制造业与互联网融合发展的指导意见》提出形成三大效应是指哪三大效应?叠加效应、聚合效应、倍增效应138、党的十九大提出推动以下哪些技术和实体经济深度融合?互联网、大数据、人工智能139、山东省省长龚正提出以“四新”促“四化”,其中“四化”是指哪些?产业智慧化、智慧产业化、跨界融合化、品牌高端化142、《关于推进“互联网+”智慧能源发展的指导意见》是由哪些部委联合印发的?国家发展改革委、国家能源局、工业和信息化部144、党的十九大报告提出在哪些领域培育新增长点、形成新动能?中高端消费、共享经济、现代供应链146、哪些国家农业采取智能化设施农业模式?日本、以色列、荷兰149、哪些高校被列为第一批双创示范基地?清华大学、南京大学、四川大学B Z S X F J165、国内第一个田园综合体是田园东方。
3.( A )是激励组织内创新活动的主要动力。
A、团队文化B、核心竞争力C、团队运动D、学习型团队4.( B )进行领导活动,率领其团队去实现一定的目标。
A、组织者B、领导者C、追随者D、个体5.( B )是管理者应具备的一个重要的心理品质。
A、求知欲B、坚定的意志C、创新精神D、宽大胸怀6.( B )是领导的基本功能,是领导活动的灵魂。
A、果断B、决策C、英明D、组织力7.( B )是指按照一定的目的,有两个或两个以上的雇员组成的团队中发生的所有形式的沟通。
A、团队合作B、团队沟通C、凝聚力D、执行力8.( B )是指团队在发展过程中形成的,为团队成员所共有的思想作风、价值观念和行为规范。
A、团队精神B、团队文化C、传统观念D、团队绩效9.( B )是指一个人能够以小组成员的身份有效地工作的行政能力,并能够在他所领导的小组中建立起合作的能力。
A、技术能力B、人事能力C、管理能力D、设计能力10.( B )最大的敌人就是思维定势,开发的思维才能让创新绽放活力。
A、实践B、创新C、幻想D、创造11.( C )的团队的表现是:成员对团队里表现突出的同事心怀怨恨;甘于平庸;缺乏明确的时间观念;把责任推到团队领导一个人身上。
A、缺乏信任B、惧怕冲突C、逃避责任D、漠视结果12.( C )是一个经济学范畴的概念,必须有收益。
A、创造B、开创C、创新D、开拓13.( C )是一个新观念、新设想,不能创造任何经济价值。
A、发现B、发展C、发明D、开发14.( A )是合作的基础。
A、沟通B、倾听C、决策D、诚信15.( A )是团队对其成员的吸引力和成员之间的相互吸引力,是无形的精神力量。
A、团队凝聚力B、合作能力C、沟通D、领导16.( A )是指专业技术人员在前人发现或发明的基础上,通过自身的努力,创造性的提出新的发现、发明和新的改进、革新方案的能力。
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A、学习目标( )是人类独有的本质特征和生命表现。
A、尝试回忆法( )体现的是专利的价值和市场控制力,是评价发明创造能力以及预测科技、经济未来发展的重要依据。
B、英国心理学家沃勒斯提出的创新的本质是( )。
D、侧向移入马克思主义的创新概念是指( )。