规划结构图 土地利用规划图
公共服务设施规划 规划公共管理与公共服务
设 施 用 地 面 积 为 162.93 公 顷 , 占城市建设用地的比例为8.89%。 商 业 服 务 业 设 施 用 地 294.53 公 顷,占城市建设用地的比例为 16.07%。
绿地系统规划 规划以滁河、八百河滨河
本规划的重点是落实并完善上位规划所确立的发展目标,整合本地区 相关规划成果,落实上位规划相关要求,为城市规划实施提供管理依据, 并为编制下层次规划提供技术依据。
地 址:南京市鼓楼区华侨路高家酒馆15号 邮 编:210029 网 址: 咨询电话:86495514
占总用地比例的86.48%。其中,规划居住用地占规划城市建设用地的 26.51%,公共管理与公共服务设施用地占8.89%,商业服务业设施用地 占16.07%,工业用地占1.32%,物流仓储用地占0.44%,绿地与广场用地 占25.67%,其他为道路与交通设施和公用设施用地;规划非建设用地面积 约为122.12公顷,为水域。
廊。该绿色回廊串联起各大功能片区。 五大功能区域:分别是雄州东路和新篁河以北的“冶浦居住社区”,
位于滁河东侧、雍庭园大道以北的“中心区”和以南的“创新产业社区”, 位于金江公路东侧、雍庭园大道以北的“科教社区”和以南的“灵岩山国 际文化社区”。
土地利用规划 规划范围内总用地面积1954.60公顷;城市建设用地面积1832.48公顷,
南京市规划局 二O一八年一月
说明 1、本材料是为方便公众了解城市规划而制作的参考性文件,不作为法律 文件使用。 2、本规划是城市发展的控制与引导性文件,不代表具体的项目实施计划 和实施方案。一旦有建设行为,应依据规划实施。 3、城市规划是个不断优化更新的过程,规划内容以南京市规划局存档备 查的最新版本为准,同一地区同一内容深度规划若有更新,南京市规划局将尽 量及时在规划局网站上公布,本材料自动作废。 4、本材料版权归南京市规划局所有,未取得版权人的书面授权,谢绝改 变、分发、发布或使用本材料图文资料。 5、本材料最终解释权属南京市规划局。
1. 地理位置:南京位于长江下游中部地区,江苏省西南部,是江苏省的省会城市,也是国家区域中心城市(华东),长三角辐射带动中西部地区发展的国家重要门户城市。
2. 地貌:南京山水城林融为一体,江河湖泉相得益彰。
3. 气候:南京属亚热带季风气候,雨量充沛,年降水1200毫米,四季分明。
4. 资源:南京地处北亚热带,属于中国现代植物资源最丰富、植物种类最繁多的地区。
目录本科 2011 级专业培养计划负责人信息表…………………………………………I 1、化学化工学院化学工程与工艺专业 2011 级培养计划………………………………………………1 化学专业 2011 级培养计划……………………………………………………………5 2、材料科学与工程学院无机非金属材料工程专业 2011 级培养计划................................................8 高分子材料与工程专业 2011 级培养计划...................................................12 金属材料工程专业 2011 级培养计划.........................................................15 复合材料与工程专业 2011 级培养计划......................................................18 冶金工程专业 2011 级培养计划............................................................21 材料科学与工程专业 2011 级培养计划......................................................24 材料学院试验班 2011 级培养计划 (27)3、生物与制药工程学院制药工程专业 2011 级培养计划...............................................................29 生物工程类专业 2011 级培养计划 (32)4、药学院药学类专业 2011 级培养计划………………………………………………………36 5、食品与轻工学院食品科学与工程类专业 2011 级培养计划……………………………………………40 轻化工程专业 2011 级培养计划 (44)6、机械与动力工程学院过程装备与控制工程专业 2011 级培养计划.............................................47 机械工程及自动化专业 2011 级培养计划...................................................51 车辆工程专业 2011 级培养计划......................................................55 风能与动力工程专业 2011 级培养计划 (59)7、电子与信息工程学院计算机科学与技术专业 2011 级培养计划……………………………………………63 电子信息工程专业 2011 级培养计划…………………………………………………67 通信工程专业 2011 级培养计划……………………………………………………71 计算机科学与技术 (软件班专业 2011 级培养计划………………………………75 8、自动化与电气工程学院自动化专业 2011 级培养计划………………………………………………………79 电气工程及其自动化专业 2011 级培养计划………………………………………83 测控技术与仪器专业 2011 级培养计划……………………………………………87 建筑电气与智能化专业 2011 级培养计划……………………………………………90 9、建筑学院建筑学专业2011 级培养计划..................................................................93 城市规划专业 2011 级培养计划...............................................................97 艺术设计 (环境艺术设计专业 2011级培养计划 (102)10、工业与艺术设计学院工业设计专业 2011 级培养计划............................................................106 艺术设计 (装潢艺术设计专业 2011 级培养计划.......................................109 艺术设计 (展示设计专业 2011 级培养计划.............................................112 艺术设计 (景观设计专业 2011 级培养计划 (116)11、土木工程学院土木工程专业 2011 级培养计划............................................................120 工程管理专业 2011 级培养计划............................................................125 建筑节能技术与工程专业 2011级培养计划 (130)12、交通学院勘查技术与工程专业 2011级培养计划......................................................134 交通工程专业 2011级培养计划...............................................................138 交通工程(轨道交通方向专业 2011 级培养计划..............................142 城市地下空间工程专业 2011级培养计划 (146)13、测绘学院测绘工程专业 2011 级培养计划............................................................150 地理信息系统专业 2011级培养计划 (154)14、城市建设与安全工程学院建筑环境与设备工程专业 2011级培养计划…………………………………………158 安全工程专业 2011级培养计划...............................................................162 消防工程专业 2011级培养计划 (165)15、理学院应用化学专业 2011级培养计划...............................................................168 信息与计算科学专业 2011级培养计划......................................................172 信息与计算科学(嵌入式软件专业 2011 级培养计划..............................175 应用物理学专业 2011级培养计划............................................................179数学与应用数学专业 2011级培养计划......................................................182 光电子材料与器件专业 2011 级培养计划.............................................185 资源科学与工程专业 2011级培养计划 (188)16、经济与管理学院工商管理专业 2011级培养计划...............................................................192 市场营销专业 2011级培养计划...............................................................195 会计学专业 2011级培养计划 (198)国际经济与贸易专业 2011级培养计划………………………………………………201 人力资源管理专业2011级培养计划…………………………………………………204 金融学专业 2011级培养计划..................................................................207 工业工程专业 2011级培养计划 (210)电子商务专业 2011级培养计划 (214)17、法律与行政学社会工作专业 2011级培养计划...............................................................218 公共事业管理专业 2011 级培养计划......................................................222 行政管理专业 2011 级培养计划............................................................225 法学专业 2011 级培养计划 (228)18、外国语学院英语专业 2011 级培养计划..................................................................232 日语专业 2011 级培养计划..................................................................235 德语专业 2011 级培养计划 (238)19、环境学院环境工程类专业 2011级培养计划............................................................241 给排水科学与工程专业 2011级培养计划...................................................247 水质科学与技术专业 2011 级培养计划 (252)20、能源学院热能与动力工程专业 2011级培养计划………………………………………………257 附表一:通识课程..............................................................................260 附表二:公共基础课一览表..................................................................262 附表三:思政课开设情况一览表 (265)附表四:全校公选课开设一览表 (266)本科 2011级专业培养计划负责人信息表IIIIIIV化学工程与工艺专业 2011级培养计划一、培养目标培养掌握化工生产工艺过程和设备的基本规律和原理,能从事新产品开发、工艺与设备的过程设计、系统优化、生产管理、化工贸易和科学研究。
• 基地印象
• 处于“十里秦淮”的西五华里 • 周边文化节点众多,有深刻的金陵烙印 • 交通便利,地理位置优越 • 基地内有保护文物,古井等文化元素 • 地处繁华,人们的生活却显得安逸柔和 • 曾经手工业发达,是云锦织造地
牛市64号-颜料坊49号 古树
基地内现遗存--- 古井
现在这里依然不乏许多与云锦织造相关的遗迹旧址,为城市的人们保留了近乎 完整的云锦记忆。——《寻城记·南京》
• 设计主题
缓缓流淌的秦淮河诉说着千年古今 纵横的街、坊、巷仿若丝线
在水岸边编织出 巧夺天工、高雅多彩的华彩云锦 绚丽繁华的外围商业 尊荣静谥的宅院空间 新的秦淮符号
尊贵感,序列感 入口廊道
放松、优雅 滨河会客区
开合变化、安静 示范区展示廊道
精致、私密 样板房
围合感、生态感 沿街绿化带
由于云锦作为供品的特殊属性,其图案多与“龙”、“凤”有关。如 “龙凤呈祥”、“凤戏牡丹”等。既显示出宫廷装饰的豪华气派,又渲 染了专制制度不可亵渎的威严气氛,与民间织造相比,云锦有着雄浑大 气、壮丽富贵、金碧辉煌的艺术风格。
泱泱中华向为丝绸之国,“锦绣中华”之“锦”,即为代表最高技 术水平的丝织品,《释名》曰:“锦,金也,作之用功重,其价如金, 故字从金、帛。”集历代织锦工艺艺术之大成、居中国古代三大名锦之 首的,则是被誉为人类丝织品文化“金字塔尖”的古称“寸锦寸金”的 南京云锦。 “中华锦缎甲天下,南京云锦甲中华”。
1986年明德堂维修时⼜修复了两旁的“志道”、 “据德”、“依仁”、“游艺”四斋。
水 今 陵 又 著
已”叫名 有别桂的
鸭 两 称 花 特
千,鸭产 五故,, 百也是属 多称中金 年“国陵 历金地菜 史陵理, 。盐标是
水志金 鸭产陵 ”品菜 ,。
汤包是一种传统特色小吃,早在北宋市 场上就已有售卖,当时称灌浆馒头或灌 汤包子。吃灌汤包,汤鲜是第一位。肉 馅与鲜汤同居一室,吃之,便就将喝汤、 吃面、吃肉三者合而为一,具有独特的 味觉体验。
南 京 简 介
南京,简称“宁”,古称金陵、建康,是江苏省会、副省级市、特大城市、南京都市圈核心 城市,国务院批复确定的中国东部地区重要的中心城市、全国重要的科研教育基地和综合交 通枢纽 。截至2019年,全市下辖11个区,总面积6587平方千米,建成区面积817平方千米 。 2019年,常住人口850.0万人,城镇人口707.2万人,城镇化率83.2%。
PERFORMANCE-BASED EVALUATION FOR THE 450m NANJING GREENLANDFINANCIAL CENTER MAIN TOWERCharles M. Besjak, SE. PE. Director, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP.Brian J. McElhatten, SE, PE. Associate Director, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP.Preetam Biswas, PE. Associate, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, LLP.I NTRODUCTIONIn order to obtain seismic review approval for the Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland Financial Center's Main Tower, one of tallest structures in the world to date, enhanced design measures and performance-based evaluations were utilized. The critical parts of the lateral system were designed for earthquake forces between two and six times that typically required by Chinese code. In addition a full 3-Dimensional Non-Linear Elasto-Plastic analysis for a 2500-year earthquake was completed to determine the structures response and serviceability. A multi-stage axial shortening, creep and shrinkage analysis was also performed to evaluate the long-term load sharing between the central core and the perimeter of the Tower via the outrigger truss system.O VERVIEWThe Nanjing State-Owned Assets & Greenland Financial Center Project (A1 Site) is a mixed-use development consisting of a 450-meter tall (1476'), 70-story office and hotel Main Tower; a 100-meter tall (328'), 22-story Accessory Office Tower; and a 7-story podium building linking the two towers and containing retail space, cinemas and hotel conference center. The total area above grade is approximately 197,000 square meters (2.1 million square feet). The 450-meter tower contains approximately 65,000 square meters of office space on levels 11 through 34 and 60,000 square meters of hotel, club, and restaurant space on levels 36 through 65. The project has 4 below-gradelevels under the entire site with a partial mezzanine between the first basement floor and the ground floor. Total(A) Architectural Rendering(B) Construction PhotographFigure 1: Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main TowerD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .below-grade area is approximately 64,000 square meters. These floors contain retail, mechanical systems, hotel support, loading docks, car parking, and bike parking.Across the street from the A1 Site is the Nanjing Greenland International Commercial Center Project (A2 Site), which is a thirteen-story multi-use building containing office, retail, dining and parking facilities. Surface parking is contained at basement Level B2. Retail, dining and atrium spaces occur from Level B1 to Level 3. Following are nine floors of office space with a partial mechanical floor and atrium at the top. Typical floor-to-floor heights are 6.3m at the retail floors and 4.2m at the office floors. The overall height of the building is 66.2m (217') above grade with a total area of 46,000 square meters (495,000 square feet).Structural topping-out of the Main Tower was completed in September 2008. Cladding installation has been completed and interior fit-out is currently underway. When finished the Main Tower will be the 5th tallest building in the world according to the CTBUH criteria.The overall project was a competition that was awarded to the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) in 2004. The schematic design and design development phases along with the seismic review process for the A1 Site were completed by SOM by the middle part of 2005 and then turned over to the Local Design Institute (LDI), East China Architectural Design and Research Institute (ECADI), for completion of the construction documents and construction administration phases. Schematic design for the A2 Site was completed by SOM in January 2005, and then turned over to ECADI to complete the remainder of the design phases. ECADI is the engineer of record for both the A1 and A2 sites.Given the height of the Main Tower and the requirements for super-tall buildings which are well beyond the limits of the Chinese code, an extensive performance-based evaluation approach was employed. Particular emphasis and effort was put into the seismic design, analysis and review process including an elasto-plastic analysis on one of the tallest buildings in the world to date. The steps taken for the seismic design and approval of the Main Tower will be the primary focus of this paper.S TRUCTURAL S YSTEM FOR THE M AIN T OWERThe Main Tower consists of a composite system utilizing both structural steel and reinforced concrete elements to resist both gravity and lateral loads. Typical floor-to-floor heights are 6m to 7m in the podium zone, 4.2m in the office zone and 3.8m in the hotel zone. Mechanical floors are generally double-height spaces at 8.4m tall. The lateral-load resisting structural system provides resistance to both seismic and wind loading. Refer to Figure 2 for graphic of overall lateral system. The primary lateral system is comprised of an interior reinforced concrete “super-core” shear wall system and exterior composite columns. Shear wall thicknesses range from 300mm to 1500mm over the height of the building with reinforced concrete link beams joining adjacent sections of shear wall around door openings and major mechanical penetrations. The closed form of the "super-core’s" perimeter provides a large amount of the overall torsional stiffness of the building. The core wall thicknesses were optimized in order to better balance the triangular-shaped core for both bending stiffness and torsional rigidity. This resulted in thicker walls near the "tip" of theFigure 2: Main Tower Lateral SystemSteel Braced Frame and Shear WallOutrigger andBelt Truss System Perimeter Moment Frame “Super-Core” to Primary RoofOutrigger and Belt Truss System Perimeter Moment FrameOutrigger andBelt Truss SystemD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .core for the trapezoid-shaped closed form and slightly thinner walls for the rest of the core. Figure 2 shows a photo of the core construction. The exterior composite columns are linked to the "super-core" by structural steel outrigger trusses at the 8.4 meter tall mechanical floors at Levels 10, 35, and 60. Outrigger trusses typically align with theweb walls in the core and extend from the perimeter column through the core to the other perimeter column on the opposite side of the building. Figure 4 shows a typical outrigger and belt truss configuration at a major mechanical floor. Figure 4 is typical elevation of one of the outrigger trusses showing the proposed detailing. Note that the outrigger truss was carried through the core walls as an added layer of redundancy at the request of the seismic review panel. Embedded steel columns near the edges of the core walls were extended for a minimum of three floors above and below the outrigger trusses to aid in transferring the force couples developed under lateral loading. Figure 5 shows a photo of one of the outrigger trusses being erected. The exterior composite columns at these levels are linked together by a structural steel belt truss system at the perimeter to provide a more uniform load distribution in the columns. A portion of the belt truss system can be seen in the photo of Figure 6. Composite column sizes range from 900mmdiameter to 1750mm diameter over the height of theFigure 3: Photograph of Core Wall ConstructionFigure 4: Outrigger and Belt Truss Configuration D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .building. From Level 63 to 67 a portion of the reinforced concrete core continues up in combination with a braced steel frame to form the lateral system. Above Level 67 to the Roof at 381m, the lateral system consists of small reinforced concrete core and a perimeter moment frame structure. A structural steel spire continues to 450m. The secondary lateral system for the Main Tower consists of a moment-resisting frame at the perimeter of the building. The perimeter moment frame system provides additional torsional stiffness, structural integrity, and redundancy for the overall building.Figure 5: Typical Outrigger Truss ElevationFigure 6: Photograph of Outrigger Truss ConstructionD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .The gravity load-resisting structural system consists of structural steel floor framing supporting a 155mm thick composite metal deck floor slab. Typical floor framing is spaced at 3 meters on and welded, headed shear studs are used to provide composite behavior between the slab and supporting beams (see Figure 8). Floor framing inside the "super-core" consists of reinforced concrete beams supporting a reinforced concrete one-way slab. The central reinforced concrete "super core" and the exterior composite columns then transmit the floor framing loads to the foundations. Refer to Figures 8 and 9 for typical floor framing plans in the office and hotel portions of the building, respectively.The below grade levels where constructed of reinforced concrete using a temporary, internally-braced slurry wall retention system. A permanent reinforced concrete foundationwall was then constructed insideFigure 7:Photograph of Belt Truss ConstructionFigure 8: Photograph of Typical Floor ConstructionD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .of the slurry wall system. Figure 10 shows the basement level excavation with temporary cross-lot bracing. The foundation system for the Main Tower consists of a 3500mm thick, cast-in-place reinforced concrete mat under the entire footprint of the building supported by cast-in-place reinforced concrete belled caissons in the underlying rock.L ATERAL L OADINGR EQUIREMENT AND E VALUATIONBoth wind and seismic loading were evaluated in the analysis and design of the Main Tower.Figure 9 (B): Typical Hotel FloorFigure 9 (A): Typical Office Floor Figure 10: Photograph of Basement Excavation and Temporary Internal BracingD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .A 100-year return period wind was required for this project due to the height of the building. Wind tunnel testing was performed by RWDI Laboratories in Ontario, Canada to determine more accurately the actual wind pressures applied to the building as well the translational and torsional accelerations experienced at different levels. In general, the loads determined by the wind tunnel were substantially lower than those required by the Chinese code and were used for both serviceability checks. Per Chinese Code requirements, the interstory drift ratio under the 100-year wind load could not exceed 1/500. Strength design was done using forces calculated from the code. Seismic requirements in the Chinese Code are somewhat different that that encountered in many other building codes around the world. There are three separate levels of earthquake that are considered depending on the type, height and complexity of the structure:1. Frequent Earthquake - 63% chance of being exceeded in 50 years (50-year return period)2. Moderate Earthquake - 10% chance of being exceeded in 50 years (~ 500-year return period)3. Major Earthquake - 2% chance of being exceeded in 50 years (~ 2500-year return period)For small to medium buildings without irregularities, only the Frequent earthquake is generally used for all strength and serviceability checks.Nanjing is defined as Seismic Intensity VII which is roughly equivalent to a Zone 2A per the UBC Code. A site-specific seismic evaluation study was done on the site, and it was found that a fault line ran through it. This led to an increase in the parameters provided for use in creating Response Spectrum and Time History curves. As an example, the peak value on the site-specific response spectrum curve for the Frequent earthquake was 50% higher than that required by the basic code values for Nanjing. From a serviceability standpoint, interstory drift ratios under the Frequent earthquake were also not to exceed 1/500 per code.Comparing the wind tunnel loads with the site-specific response spectrum for the Frequent earthquake, it was found that wind load controlled in the weak direction of the Tower (narrow direction of the core) while seismic controlled for the strong direction.S EISMIC D ESIGN AND R EVIEW P ROCESSThe Main Tower at 450m in height is substantially over the code limit of 190m for a concrete core-steel frame structure. In addition there were vertical and horizontal irregularities created by transfer elements at the major mechanical floors, diaphragm cutouts at various floors over the height of the building and torsional movements near the base of the Main Tower where it supported the majority of the lateral loads on the Podium structure. As a result of the height and the irregularities, the Main Tower was defined as an Over-Limit and Complex structure per the Chinese Code. This resulted in additional measures required for analysis and design and for the seismic review process. A performance-based evaluation approach would be required to satisfy the seismic experts and building authorities that the Tower would be safe and behave appropriately.One of the primary structural requirements for the Tower was the implementation of "Super Grade I" design and detailing for major components of the lateral system. This involved amplification factors on the seismic loads for the core walls and the perimeter moment frame system as well as large increases in the size and reinforcing details for boundary elements within the core wall system.Beginning with the Jin Mao Tower in Shanghai in the mid-1990's, SOM has completed numerous projects in China which were super-tall and beyond the limits of the Chinese code. Additional design and analysis measures are always required on these projects to prove their behavior and gain approval from seismic review panels and building authorities.The seismic review process for the Main Tower first began in the April 2005 in the early part of design development. Due to the size and nature of the Tower, a national panel of experts from universities and design institutes from various parts of China was assembled. SOM presented the structural system and behavior with theD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .assistance of ECADI, who was required by Chinese Code to develop their own separate, concurrent structural model for comparison with SOM's ETABS model. Knowing that the structure was beyond the code limits and that additional measures would surely be required, SOM suggested in this initial meeting that all structural members of the lateral system should be designed to remain elastic under the site-specific response spectrum for a Moderate earthquake rather than the code-prescribed Frequent earthquake. The seismic experts agreed this was an appropriate approach but suggested the use of the Code-prescribed response spectrum for the Moderate earthquake in lieu of the site-specific values. Discussions during this meeting led to several additional measures:1. An elasto-plastic time history analysis for the Major earthquake would be performed to verify overallstructural behavior and determine any weak points in the structure.2. The core walls would be designed for the shear forces resulting from the Major earthquake.3. The outrigger trusses and belt trusses would be designed to remain elastic under the Major earthquake. SOM developed the following table to summarize the performance-based evaluation approach that would be utilized including the purpose of and requirements for the Frequent, Moderate, and Major earthquakes as well as the Elasto-Plastic analysis. This served as a useful tool for guiding the process as well as summarizing the approach for review by the seismic experts at subsequent meetings.Reviewing Table 1 Parts A and B, it is seen that all members of the lateral system were designed for the larger of:1. The Frequent earthquake using the site-specific Frequent response spectrum, factored load combinations,reduced material design values, and all "Super Grade I" amplification factors;2. The Moderate earthquake using the code-specified Moderate response spectrum, factored loadcombinations, reduced material design values, but no "Super Grade I" amplification factors. In addition to the seismic forces, all members were checked against the 100-year Code-prescribed wind loads for strength. The overall structure was then checked for serviceability interstory drift ratios for both 100-year wind tunnel loads and the site-specific response spectrum for the Frequent earthquake.In Part C, the additional measures taken for the shear walls and outrigger/belt truss systems are documented. Because of the importance of the outrigger and belt trusses in transferring load between the interior and exterior systems and in controlling the drifts of the building under seismic loads, the forces in the trusses were designed for the Major earthquake using the code-specified Major response spectrum with service-level load combinations, unreduced material design values and no "Super Grade I" amplification factors. Similarly, since the majority of the shear forces on the structure are taken by the core walls and an alternate load path to carry these shear forces does not exist, the shear forces in the walls were designed for the Major earthquake using the code-specified Major response spectrum with service-level load combinations, unreduced material design values and no "Super Grade I" amplification factors.Lastly in Part D, an elasto-plastic analysis was performed to further confirm the structure's behavior assuming that hinges could form in some members of the lateral system and that the forces in the outrigger and belt trusses and the shear in the core walls did not exceed the elastic design values accounted for in the response spectrum analysis for the Major earthquake. The interstory drift ratios were also checked to verify that acceptable movements were occurring. Three separate time-history curves were used that had been scaled up by six times that provided by the local geotechnical engineer for the Frequent earthquake to simulate the Major earthquake event. Two of the time history curves were scaled versions of actual earthquake records while the third was a simulated earthquake record. The methodology and results of the elasto-plastic analyses will be described in greater detail below.The next seismic review meeting was held in early July 2005 a few weeks before the end of the design development phase to present the progress of the design approaches noted above incorporating the expert's requirements from the first meeting. For the most part everything was satisfactory to them with a few additional requests related to clarifying certain design procedures used and some additional information on particular detailing elements.D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .SOM's design continued until the end of the design development phase at the end of July 2005 at which time a formal seismic review calculation report was assembled and presented at the third seismic review meeting. This report was several hundred pages and documented the overall design of the structure as well as addressing all of the expert's recommendations and requirements from the previous meetings. Concurrently, SOM performed a Staged Construction and Creep-Shrinkage Analysis to determine long-term load transfer between core wall and the perimeter column via the outrigger truss system. At the conclusion of this meeting, seismic design approval was granted for the project. A handful of comments were made related to additional design considerations to be incorporated by ECADI during the construction document phase. Given the size and complexity of the project, the seismic review process went very smoothly with a limited number of review meetings. The performance-based evaluation approach taken by SOM including the enhanced design measures, creep and shrinkage analysis, and elasto-plastic analysis resulted in a very efficient and successful structure.Table 1: Summary of Analysis and Design Approach for Seismic and Wind LoadingD o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .N ONLINEAR E LASTO -P LASTIC T RANSIENT D YNAMIC A NALYSIS USING T IME H ISTORY C URVESA three dimensional Transient Dynamic Analysis with material nonlinearity was performed to determine the rare earthquake (2% in 50 year probability) demand on the building’s structural system. The Nonlinear Time History Analysis was carried out in order to evaluate the maximum drifts and verify that they were less than the allowable code maximum elasto-plastic drift ratio limit as per Chinese code. Work done by outriggers and belt-truss members were analyzed and compared to member capacity designed by elastic analysis so as confirm that they remain elastic during the Major earthquake event.Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis versus Nonlinear Elasto-Plastic Time History AnalysisIn the case of nonlinear static pushover analysis, usually the response spectrum curve representing the occurrence of a Major earthquake is applied to the elastic model and the generated story shears are used for loading purposes. A static load equal to the above mentioned story shears are applied in increments to the model to generate hinge formations and corresponding stress redistribution in the lateral system. After the entire load has been applied, the building interstory drift is plotted and compared to the allowable limit as per code. Another method is incremental loading of the structure until target deflection is exceeded; resulting in forces generated in the members appropriate to a major earthquake and; observe hinge formation and corresponding stress redistribution in the lateral system. This method is an approximation of the seismic response since it’s a static load and not actual forces generated by accelerations from a time history curve.One the other hand a more exact method for seismic response is nonlinear elasto-plastic analysis, where accelerations from at least three time-history curves are applied to the model to generate hinge formations and corresponding stress redistribution in the lateral system. The structure is analyzed for each of the 3 time-histories in very small time step increments (50steps/second) for a total duration of 3-4 times the primary building period. With up to 10 iterations at every step in order to achieve equilibrium, this is a very intense analysis and requires significant computational time. At the conclusion of the required duration of the time history, building interstory drift for each time step is recorded and the maximum at any given time is plotted and compared to the allowable limit as per code.For the performance based evaluation of Nanjing Greenland Financial Center Main Tower the more accurate ‘Nonlinear Elasto-Plastic Time History Analysis’ was employed.Three Dimensional Nonlinear ModelingOnly the elements that were part of the lateral system of the structure i.e. reinforced concrete shear wall supercore, perimeter moment resisting frames comprising of steel beams and composite columns; and built-up structural steel outriggers and belt-truss connecting the supercore to the perimeter moment frame were modeled with nonlinear properties. The nonlinear model was built in SAP2000 V8 Non-Linear product of CSI (Computer and Structures, Inc.).Mass and Rigid DiaphragmsNodes at every level were linked with rigid diaphragms. A rigid diaphragm slaved the lateral displacement and the in-plane rotation of the nodes connectedto it. The seismic mass was calculated from the self weight of the structure and applied superimposed loads.Figure 11: Simplified Frame Modelin SAP2000D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S CE .F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .Gravity LoadsFor an elasto-plastic time history analysis the effect of the dead load on the modeled elements was important. The dead load was used to “pre-load” the structure before applying the earthquake time history, resulting in initial stressing of the members. Loads in the model were applied as area loads on shell elements (slabs) and line loads on horizontal linear elements (beams).Software, Model, Material Properties, Elements Description and HingesSoftwareThe software used for modeling was SAP2000 V8 Nonlinear, a finite element software product of Computer and Structures Inc. In order to run a non-linear analysis the software requires the elastic elements to be defined with nonlinear hinges; and since nonlinear hinges can only be applied to frame elements, all shear wall elements were modeled as vertical frame elements and connected together using rigid links. At each time step of the elasto-plastic analysis, the software solves equations for the entire structure, locating the formation of nonlinear hinges and redistributing the force level accordingly before proceeding to the next time step.Simplified Frame ModelFor the purpose of elasto-plastic analysis, a simplified frame model of comparable structural properties was built and compared to the ETABS elastic model in which the shear walls were modeled as shell elements. The two models were found to be comparable to each other in terms of their net reactions at base, building modes, modal mass participation ratios etc.Concreterelationship is related to the reinforcement and theconfinement of the section. To represent the different concrete material possibilities, six different concrete models were set up: they were with properties for confined and unconfined C50, C60 and C70 respectively. The stress-strain curves are based on Mander’s model for concrete behavior with confining stresses computed from the detail properties. As an example C60 material property and corresponding inputs into XTRACT are shown in Figures 12Typical Material Properties assigned in the analysis program – XTRACT are based on the following assumptions. Asan example material properties of C60 arelisted below:Figure 12: C60 Concrete Model Stress-Strain Curve Figure 13: XTRACT Input for Concrete (a) Confined Concrete (b) Unconfined Concrete D o w n l o a d e d f r o m a s c e l i b r a r y .o r g b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y O f T e c h o n 11/07/12. C o p y r i g h t A S C E . F o r p e r s o n a l u s e o n l y ; a l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .。
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• 南京奥体中心位于南京河西新城 区中心区域,其西南部为南京地 铁一号线终点站,正在建设中的 地铁二号线在其东面。奥体中心 占地面积89.6公顷,总建筑面积 约40.1万平方米,总投资约40亿 元,于2002年8月18日正式开工 ,2004年底建成,2005年5月1日 交付运行。
南京,简称“宁”,原中华民国法定首都,现为中华人民共和国江 苏省省会、副省级城市。南京是“中国四大古都”之一,有“六朝 古都”之称。南京位于长江下游沿岸,是长江下游地区重要的产业 城市和经济中心,中国重要的文化教育中心之一,也是华东地区重 要的交通枢纽。
吴诗金 09058042
世 神 界 道 遗 景 产 色 明 孝 陵
玄 武 湖
雨 花 台
中 山 陵
夫 子 庙
南京南站项目部给出的精确数据是:南京南站南北长417米,候车大厅东 西宽156米,整体东西宽度450米,总高59.96米(二层平台在12.4米高空 ,三层平台在22.4米高空)。总建筑面积45.8万平方米
2005年9月,南京地铁1号线正式投入商业运营,南京成为内地 第6个、世界上第136个拥有地铁的城市 。
• 新街口属于南京白下区,南京新街口 荣膺首届十大“中国著名商业街”, 成为仅次于北京王府井、上海南京路 的中国第三大商业街。其商业密集度 为十大商业街之首;有新街口商圈、 新街口中央商务区等称谓。是南京的 中央商务区(CBD),这一地区分布的 金融机构、咨询公司、法律事务所、 会计事务所和大公司总部、办公室数 量居南京之首,其中世界500强企业机 构近百家。