【VIP专享】Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy 顾客驱动型营销战略
门店会员估值方案1. 简介门店会员估值方案是指门店为了更好地了解其客户价值,从而制定更加优化的营销策略,需要对门店的会员进行估值。
2. 门店会员估值方法门店会员估值主要有以下两种方法:2.1 RFM模型RFM模型全称为Recency、Frequency、Monetary模型,即最近一次购买时间、购买频率、消费金额三者的衡量。
2.2 CLTV模型CLTV模型全称为Customer Lifetime Value模型,即顾客生命周期价值模型,它通过分析顾客的历史消费行为来预测其未来价值,是一种复合性更强的会员价值模型。
3. 门店会员估值实践门店会员估值实践分为以下三个步骤:3.1 数据采集和处理门店要先收集会员数据,包括历史消费记录、购买方式、购买频率、购买类别等,同时对数据进行分析和处理。
3.2 计算RFM模型或CLTV模型计算RFM模型或CLTV模型可以使用各种数据挖掘算法,如聚类分析、回归分析等,以判断门店会员的价值。
3.3 实现个性化推荐和营销策略基于门店会员估值结果,针对不同等级的会员可以实现个性化的会员服务和个性化的营销策略,以提升顾客留存度和增加消费。
二、目标设定1. 吸引高端会员关注:通过个性化的推广手段,吸引高端会员对我们的品牌和产品产生兴趣。
2. 提升会员忠诚度:通过独特的会员特权和专属服务,增强高端会员对我们品牌的认同和忠诚度。
3. 增加销售额和市场份额:通过会员销售、会员推荐和口碑传播,实现销售额和市场份额的增加。
三、策略与活动计划1. 策略一:个性化推广个性化推广是吸引高端会员关注的关键。
2. 策略二:会员特权和专属服务提供会员特权和专属服务是高端会员忠诚度的重要保障。
根据高端会员的消费习惯和偏好,构建个性化的会员体系和服务体验,可以包括但不限于:- 会员等级制度:根据会员的消费额度和贡献度划分不同的会员等级,不同等级享受不同的特权和服务。
- 专属礼遇:为高端会员提供专属礼品、定制产品和限量版商品等,展示独特的品牌价值。
- 定制服务:根据高端会员的需求,提供个性化的定制服务,例如私人顾问、定制设计等。
- 会员活动:定期组织会员活动,例如会员专场、品鉴会、私人派对等,提供独特的体验和社交机会。
3. 策略三:会员销售和推荐通过激励会员销售和推荐,增加销售额和扩大市场份额。
某公司谈聚焦营销模式(英文版)Focusing on Marketing Models: A Case Study of X Company Introduction:Marketing plays a crucial role in the success of any business organization. It involves promoting, advertising, and selling products or services to target customers. However, with the changing dynamics of the business world, companies need to evolve and adapt their marketing strategies. In this case study, we will explore how X Company, a leading player in the industry, has successfully focused on innovative marketing models to stay ahead of the competition.Market Analysis:Before we delve into the marketing models implemented by X Company, it is essential to understand the market the company operates in. X Company operates in the technology industry, specifically in the software development sector. This sector is highly competitive, with rapid technological advancements and changing customer preferences. Therefore, X Company needs to be nimble and dynamic in its marketing approach to capture the target customers effectively.Traditional Marketing Model:Like most companies, X Company initially relied heavily on the traditional marketing model. The traditional model typically includes advertising through print media, television commercials, and radio spots. While this was successful to some extent, X Company quickly realized that they needed to broaden their marketing horizons to stay relevant and attract a larger customerbase.Digital Marketing Model:Recognizing the potential of digital platforms, X Company decided to invest in a digital marketing model. They focused on building a robust online presence, utilizing social media platforms, search engine optimization (SEO), and content marketing. This shift allowed them to not only reach a wider audience but also engage with customers in a more meaningful way. X Company launched interactive websites, online demos, and engaged in customer forums and online communities. This digital marketing model played a significant role in increasing brand visibility and attracting more potential customers.Personalized Marketing Model:As the competition in the industry further intensified, X Company understood the need for a personalized marketing model. This model aims to cater to the unique needs and preferences of individual customers rather than adopting a one-size-fits-all approach. X Company implemented customer relationship management (CRM) systems to better understand the customers' behavior and preferences. Armed with this data, they were able to deliver personalized marketing messages and offers to different customer segments. This not only increased customer satisfaction but also improved customer loyalty.Influencer Marketing Model:To enhance brand credibility and reach a wider audience, X Company experimented with influencer marketing. They collaborated with industry experts, social media influencers, andthought leaders to endorse and promote their products. This model allowed X Company to tap into new customer segments that were previously not within their reach. By leveraging the trust and reputation of these influencers, X Company gained credibility and increased brand awareness.Conclusion:The case study of X Company highlights the importance of focusing on innovative marketing models to stay competitive in today's dynamic business environment. X Company successfully shifted from traditional marketing to digital marketing, personalized marketing, and influencer marketing models. As a result, they have expanded their customer base, improved customer satisfaction, and increased brand visibility. This case study serves as a valuable lesson for companies operating in any industry, emphasizing the need to adapt and evolve marketing strategies to meet the ever-changing customer expectations and technological advancements.Continued:Referral Marketing Model:Another marketing model that X Company implemented was referral marketing. Referral marketing relies on the power of word-of-mouth recommendations from satisfied customers. X Company incentivized their customers to refer their friends and family to their products or services by offering discounts, rewards, or other incentives. This not only helped them generate new leads and customers but also built a sense of trust and credibility among potential customers who were referred by someone they know and trust. Referral marketing proved to be an effective way for X Company to acquire new customers at a lower cost compared totraditional advertising methods.Event Marketing Model:X Company also recognized the importance of events as a marketing tool. They started organizing and participating in industry conferences, trade shows, and exhibitions to showcase their products and services. These events allowed them to interact directly with their target customers, understand their pain points, and build relationships with potential clients. X Company also used these events as an opportunity to educate and engage with the audience through workshops, demonstrations, and presentations. By actively participating in events, X Company increased brand awareness and credibility in their industry and also gained valuable insights into the market.Social Responsibility Marketing Model:In recent years, there has been a growing focus on corporate social responsibility (CSR). X Company leveraged this trend by adopting a social responsibility marketing model. They identified key social or environmental causes that aligned with their company values and actively supported those causes. X Company engaged in volunteer work, sponsored community events, and donated a percentage of their profits to charitable organizations. This not only created a positive brand image for X Company but also resonated with customers who prioritize supporting socially responsible businesses.Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) Model:X Company recognized the importance of a cohesive and consistent marketing message across multiple channels andtouchpoints. They implemented an Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) model to ensure that their messaging was unified and communicated effectively across all marketing channels, including advertising, digital platforms, social media, and public relations. This model helped X Company create a seamless customer experience and effectively reinforce their brand identity.Conclusion:X Company's success in staying ahead of the competition can largely be attributed to their strategic focus on innovative marketing models. By moving away from traditional marketing and embracing digital marketing, personalized marketing, influencer marketing, referral marketing, event marketing, social responsibility marketing, and integrating their marketing communications, X Company successfully expanded their customer base, increased brand visibility, and improved customer satisfaction. This case study serves as a valuable lesson for businesses in any industry, emphasizing the importance of continuously evolving and adapting marketing strategies to meet the changing demands and preferences of customers in the dynamic business landscape. By staying ahead of the curve and embracing innovative marketing models, companies can effectively position themselves as market leaders and drive sustainable growth.。
【零售运营中的150个英文缩写】DA(Distribution &Assortment)分销Location:位置Display:陈列Pricing:价格Inventory:库存Merchandising:助销Promotion:促销KA(KeyAccount):重点客户GKA(Global KeyAccount):全球性重点客户NKA(National KeyAccount):全国性重点客户LKA(Local KeyAccount):地方性重点客户RKA(Retail Key Account):零售重点客户SM(ShoppingMall):大型购物消费中心简称销品茂HYM(Hypermarket):巨型超级市场,简称大卖场SPM(Supermarket):超级市场,简称超市S-SPM(Small-Supermarket):小型超市M-SPM(Middle-Supermarket):中型超市L-SPM(Large-Supermarket):大型超市C&C(Cash &Carry):仓储式会员店CVS(ConvenienceStore):便利店GS(GasStation):加油站便利店DS(DiscountStore):折扣店MT(Modern Trade):现代渠道TT(TradiditionalTrade):传统渠道OT(OrganizedTrade):现代特殊渠道OP(On Premise):餐饮渠道HBR(Hotel,Bar,Restaurant):旅馆、酒吧、餐馆等封闭性通路WHS(Wholesaler):批发商2nd tier Ws:二级批发商DT(Distributor):经销商,分销商2ndDT:二级分销商DIST(DistributorSystem):专营分销商MW(ManagedWholesalers):管制批发商PW(PassiveWholesalers):传统批发商DSD(Direct StoreDelivery):店铺直接配送CSTD(Company Sells ThirdParty Delivers):我销他送DC(DistributionCenter):配送中心TPL(Third PartyLogistics):第三方物流CRP(ContiuousReplenishment):持续补货CAO(Computer AssistedOrdering):计算机辅助订货PUR(Purchase):进货OOS(Out ofStock):缺货Inventory of day(IOS)或Day ofstock(DOS):库存天数SKU(Stock KeepingUint):最小库存计量单位UPC:通用产品编码Bar Code:条形码Slim(Slim):纤细,苗条(包装)TC:铁罐包装AC:铝罐包装TP(TETRAPAK):利乐无菌包装(俗称纸包装)PET:宝特瓶(俗称胶瓶)POSM(Point of SaleMaterials):陈列品GE(Gondola End):端架MIT(Marketing InpactTeam):卖场整合性陈列;堆箱TG(Type Genus ):堆头IslandDisplay:堆头式陈列FloorDisplay:落地割箱陈列PalletDisplay:卡板陈列Strip Display:挂条陈列SidekickDisplay:侧挂陈列CheckoutDisplay:收银台陈列CoolerDisplay:冰柜陈列SecondaryDisplay:二次陈列CrossDisplay:交叉陈列PG(PromotionGirl):促销员P-T(Part-timer):临时工,特指临促POP(Point OfPurchase):门店广告Price discount:特价On-Pack:绑赠Sampling:试吃RoadShow:路演,大型户外促销活动DM(Direct Mail):商场快讯商品广告;邮报PR(PublicRelation):公共关系NP(NewsPaper):报纸杂志AD(Advertisement):广告GRP(Gross RatingPoint):毛评点;总收视点(媒介用语)Loyalty:忠诚度Penetration:渗透率ValueShare:市场份额AVE(Average):平均数WTD(Weighted):加权NUM(Numeric):数值PP(PreviousPeriod):上期YA(Year Ago):去年同期VOL(Volume):销售量VAL(Value):销售额VAL-PP(ValuePP):上期销售额VAL-YA(ValueYA):去年同期销售额YTD(Year To Date):截至当期的本年累计MTD(Means Month toDate):本月到今天为止SPPD(Sales Per Point ofDistribution):每点销售额BTL(Below TheLine):线下费用ATL(Above TheLine):线上费用ABC(Activity basedcosting):成本动因核算法(又称:巴雷托分析法)U&A(Usage andAttitude):消费态度和行为(市场调查)FGD(Focus GroupDiscuss):座谈会(市调一种)StoreCheck:终端调查,铺市率调查CR:销售代表CR-OP:销售代表-餐饮渠道CR-OT:销售代表-现代特殊渠道CR-MT:销售代表-现代渠道CR-TT:销售代表-传统渠道OTCR:现代渠道销售代表WDR:批发拓展代表ADR:客户拓展代表DCR:分销商合约代表DSR:分销商销售代表KSR:大客户销售主任KAM:重点客户经理CDM:渠道拓展经理MDR:市场拓展代表MDE:市场拓展主任MDM:市场拓展经理TMM:通路行销市场经理TDS:区域拓展主任TDM:区域拓展经理LTDM:高级区域拓展经理UM:业务单位经理(大区经理)GM(GeneralManager):总经理GMDR(General Manager DirectReports ):总经理直接下属VP(VicePresident):副总裁FVP(First VicePresident):第一副总裁AVP(Assistant VicePresident):副总裁助理CEO(Chief ExecutiveOfficer):首席执行官COO(Chief OperationsOfficer):首席运营官CFO(Chief FinancialOfficer):首席财务官CIO(Chief InformationOfficer):首席信息官Director:总监HRD(Human ResourceDirector):人力资源总监OD(OperationsDirector):运营总监MD(MarketingDirector):市场总监OM(OperationsManager):运营经理PM (ProductManager):产品经理BM(BrandManager):品牌经理4P(Product、Price、Place、Promotion):4P营销理论(产品、价格、渠道、促销)4C(Customer、Cost、Convenience、Communication):4C营销理论(顾客、成本、便利、沟通)4V(Variation、Versatility、Value、Vibration):4V营销理论(差异化、功能化、附加价值、共鸣)SWOT(Strengths、Weaknesses、Opportunities、Threats):SWOT分析法(优势、劣势、机遇、威胁)FABE(Feature、Advantage、Benefit、Evidence):FABE法则(特性、优点、利益、证据)USP(Unique SellingPropostion):独特销售主张3A(Avalible、Able、Adsire):买得到、买得起、乐得买PDCA(Plan、Do、Check、Action):PDCA循环管理(计划、执行、检查、行动)OEM(Original EquipmentManufacturer):原始设备制造商,俗称“贴牌”ODM(Original DesignManufacturer):原装设计制造商OBM(Own BrandManufacturer):自有品牌制造商IPO(Initial PublicOffering):首次公开募股LOGO:商标Slogan:广告语FMCG(Fast Moving ConsumerGoods):快速消费品DCG(Durable ConsumerGoods):耐用消费品。
Marketing Segmentation
•中文參考內容部份的版權屬K. L. Chan所有,歡迎轉載。
│LECTURE 4│Marketing Segmentation, Targeting and P ositioning for Competitive Advantage•中文參考內容部份的版權屬 K. L. Chan 所有,歡迎轉載。
1. Target Marketing目標營銷A marketer classifies a market as the set of all actual and potential buyers of a product or service. Facing numerous buyers with varied needs and buying practices, marketers must design strategies to build the right relationships with the right customers. Thus, each company must identify the parts of the market that it can serve best and most profitably.市場上有一大堆現實和有潛力的購買者, 他們的要求不盡相同, 所以市務人員要首先界定 甚麼種類的客人是公司的目標客戶, 然後再利用策略 與他們建立良好關係, (SEIKO, Role x, Patek Philippe, TAG Heuer 的目標市場有甚麼不同?凡勃倫效應 (Veblen Effect) - 挥霍性消费, 即是說,「一件美麗的東西若價格不昂貴,便會被視為不美麗」(A beautiful article which is not expensive is accounted not beautiful )款式、皮質差不多的一雙皮鞋,在普通的鞋店賣180元,進入大商場的櫃檯,就要賣到幾百元,卻總有人願意買。
制定营销策略VIP管理规范,明确各级管理人员职责和权限,确保工作有章可循。 建立完善的客户信息管理制度,确保客户信息安全、准确、完整。
通过客户满意度调查、投诉处理等方 式评估客户忠诚度,高忠诚度客户可 纳入VIP范畴。
考虑客户的购买频率,频繁购买的客 户可视为高价值客户。
收集客户的基本信息、消 费记录、投诉记录等相关 数据。
运用数据挖掘技术,对收 集的数据进行分析,发现 潜在的VIP客户。
根据VIP客户的特点和需求,制定 定期回访计划,包括回访时间、 频率和方式等。
设定明确的改进目标,包括短期和长期目标,确保改进措施的有效 性和可持续性。
customer marketing工作内容
Customer Marketing工作内容1.概述在现代市场中,客户营销(C us to me rM ar k et in g)被认为是一种重要的策略,旨在与现有客户建立紧密的关系,提升客户忠诚度,并最终实现业务增长。
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营销才是大牌的策略英语Many successful brands and companies attribute their success to effective marketing strategies. Marketing, often considered the lifeblood of a business, plays a vital role in attracting and retaining customers, increasing sales, and ultimately, building brand value and reputation. This is why marketing is the key strategy for achieving big success in the competitive business world.Firstly, marketing allows a company to reach and engage with a larger audience. Through various marketing channels such as social media, television advertisements, print media, and online platforms, companies can showcase their products or services to potential customers. The art of marketing lies in creating persuasive and compelling messages that resonate with the target audience, enticing them to take action.Moreover, marketing helps to differentiate a brand from its competitors. In today's crowded market, where multiple companies offer similar products and services, effective marketing allows a company to stand out from the rest. By highlighting unique selling points, value propositions, and creating brand recognition, marketing helps to establish a distinctive brand identity that sets the company apart.Marketing also plays a crucial role in generating sales and revenue. Through various marketing campaigns, companies can promote their products and services, stimulate demand, and attract customers. By employing effective sales tactics and strategies, marketing teams can create a sense of urgency and drive consumers to make purchasing decisions. The ability to convertpotential customers into paying customers is a direct result of well-executed marketing efforts.Furthermore, marketing helps to build and maintain brand loyalty. By consistently delivering value, engaging with customers, and providing exceptional customer experiences, marketing fosters strong connections between the brand and its consumers. Loyal customers not only make repeat purchases but also become brand advocates, spreading positive word-of-mouth and enhancing the brand's reputation.Lastly, effective marketing strategies contribute to long-term business growth. By constantly analyzing and adapting to market trends and consumer behaviors, companies can identify opportunities and adjust their marketing efforts accordingly. With a deep understanding of customer needs and preferences, companies can continuously innovate and develop new products or services that cater to these demands. In turn, this drives sustainable growth and ensures the company remains competitive in the market.In conclusion, marketing is the key strategy for achieving big success in any business. It allows companies to reach a wider audience, differentiate themselves from competitors, generate sales and revenue, build brand loyalty, and foster long-term growth. By investing in marketing efforts, companies can position themselves as industry leaders and maximize their potential for success.。
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 7
Understanding the Marketplaceand Customer NeedsCustomer Value and SatisfactionExpectations
Copyright ◎ 2010 Pearson Education,Inc.
12Chapter 1- slide 12
to go after
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategySelecting Customers to ServeDemarketing is marketing to reduce demand temporarily or permanently; the aim is not to destroy demand but to reduce or shift it
Copyright ◎2010 Pearson Education, Inc.
Chapter 1- slide 14
Designing a Customer-Driven Marketing StrategyMarketing Management Orientations
15Chapter 1- slide 15
Capture value from
superioபைடு நூலகம் value
customers in return
and wants
Understanding the Marketplace and Customer NeedsCore Concepts· Customer needs, wants, and demands · Market offerings● Value and satisfaction· Exchanges and relationships● Markets
销售常用术语及释义1. 时间4) 客户角度∙case-fill rate 订单满足率∙Category Management 品类管理∙Shopper traffic 客流量∙Basket value 客单价5) 品牌角度∙Awareness 品牌认知度∙Trail 尝试率∙Repeat 重复购买率∙Loyalty 忠诚度∙SOV 线上广告份额(在嘈杂的竞争品牌广告中, 我们的声音占了多少) * 从Awareness 一直到Loyalty, 是层层递进的6) 比较基数∙Benchmark 基准∙Vs. target 和目标相比∙Vs LY 和去年同期相比∙Vs competitor 和竞品相比Sell-in, Offtake, DTS∙MER Merchandise executive representative 理货员7. 合作部门Franchise 品牌市场部 (品牌建设和开发, 更多是线上的投入, 以及新品开发) Consumer Insight 消费者洞察部(为市场部提供消费者研究结果以及尼尔森等外部数据源) Trade marketing 市场推广部 (设计线下推广策略) Channel marketing 渠道推广部 (负责具体到活动SOP以及与销售同事沟通)Logistic 后勤 (物流)Finance 财务8. 价格表中的常见语RSP (Retail selling price) 零售价如43g, 6.5元Listing Price 供价如43g, 5.42元Margin 利润如, 43g, 20%公司MTP中期计划中的策略方向, 资源分配和结果追踪都围绕这四大战役, 我们销售也应该了解我们为何而战…今年为四大战役, 缩写连起来是SIGN(标语)MWB S (SNK) 士力架战役MWB I (Impulse Channel) 冲动渠道战役MWB G (Gifting) 礼盒战役MWB N (New needs) 开发新需求(包括M&M’s以及新品)12. 销售衡量指标 SalesMetricsUniverse 存在店数Coverage 覆盖店数Distribution Points 分销点。
一、市场营销策略1.1 目标市场(Target Market)目标市场是企业选择的最有利于开拓的市场,通过对目标市场的研究和分析,企业可以确定适合的产品定位和营销策略。
1.2 定位(Positioning)定位是企业在目标市场中找到自己在消费者心目中的位置,通过定位可以明确产品的特点和所针对的消费群体,以便更好地满足消费者的需求。
1.3 市场细分(Market Segmentation)市场细分是将整个市场分割为多个子市场,并在这些子市场中开展定制的营销策略,以更好地满足不同的消费者需求。
1.4 品牌定位(Brand Positioning)品牌定位是通过市场调研和分析,确定品牌在消费者心目中的独特位置,以便让消费者对品牌有清晰的认知和印象。
1.5 营销渠道(Channel Marketing)营销渠道是指产品销售和配送的途径,包括直销、零售店、电子商务等多种形式,企业需要选择合适的渠道来进行产品销售。
1.6 客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)客户关系管理是企业与客户之间建立长期稳定的合作关系,通过定制化的服务和沟通,提升客户满意度,提高客户忠诚度。
二、广告2.1 广告媒体选择(Media Selection)广告媒体选择是企业根据产品特点和目标市场,选择适合的广告媒体进行宣传,包括电视、广播、报纸、杂志、互联网等多种形式。
2.2 广告创意(Advertising Creative)广告创意是广告内容的设计和制作,包括文字、图片、音频、视频等元素的搭配和编排,以吸引消费者的注意力和刺激消费欲望。
培训员工服务意识 和态度
培训员工沟通技巧 和礼仪
培训员工解决问题 能力和应变能力
培训员工客户满意 度和忠诚度
设定明确的目标和期望 提供培训和发展机会 奖励优秀表现和成果 建立良好的企业文化和价值观
定期召开内部会议,让员工 了解公司的业务和战略,提 高员工的意识和能力。
建立内部沟通平台,方便员 工之间的交流和协作。
提供个性化服务:根据客户需求提供定制化服务,建立良好的客户关系 保持沟通:与客户保持及时沟通,了解客户需求变化,提供及时有效的解决方案 建立信任:通过良好的服务和沟通,与客户建立信任关系,提高客户忠诚度 增加客户满意度:通过优质的服务和良好的沟通,增加客户满意度,提高客户回头率
Part Five
定义并识别客户的需求和期 望
持续改进和创新服务模式, 以适应市场变化和客户需求
通过有效的沟通和反馈机制, 确保客户满意度得到不断提 升
关注市场趋势, 及时调整服务策 略
了解客户需求, 提供个性化服务 方案
不断优化服务流 程,提高服务效 率和质量
引入新技术新模 式,提升客户体 验和满意度
鼓励员工提出建议和意见, 激发员工的创造性和参与度。
建立内部培训机制,提高员 工的专业技能和服务水平。
Part Six
建立客户反馈机制,了解客户需求和意见 分析客户反馈,找出服务中的不足和问题 制定改进措施,优化服务流程,提高客户满意度 持续关注客户反馈,不断改进服务流程
设计和实施个性化的服务方 案
定期与客户沟通,了解他们的需求 和期望
对收集到的反馈进行分析,找出问 题并制定改进措施
通过调查问卷、电话访问等方式收 集客户反馈
Customer Driven Marketing Strategy
Customer-Driven Markn
It involves dividing a market into smaller segments of buyers with distinct needs, characteristics, or behaviors that might require separate marketing strategies or mixes.
Demographic Segmentation
Demographic segmentation divides the market into segments based on variables such as age, life-cycle stage, gender, income, occupation, education, religion, ethnicity, and generation. There are two reasons:
Behavioral Segmentation
Behavioral segmentation divides buyers into segments based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses concerning a product.
Consumer needs, wants, and usage rates often vary closely with demographic variables.
Demographic variables are easier to measure than most other types of variables.
外文翻译:用积分抓住你的顾客原文来源:IS Gradshteĭn, IM Ryzhik, A Jeffrey, D Zwillinger ,WITH INTEGRAL GRAB YOUR CUSTOMERS[M],2007译文正文:现在的消费积分方式越来越多,打电话有积分、刷银行卡有积分、订机票有积分、汽车加油有积分、购物有积分、餐饮有积分、旅游有积分、电子商务网站也有积分......,这些积分模式对企业、消费者的价值有多大?在Hello KITty 的专卖店,330个积分可以购买一只33元的零钱包,1280积分可以购买一只128元的特别玩偶,在招商银行的商户联盟系统中,积分与人民币的比值是10比1,并可以自由切换成不同的币种购物。
自己现将最罕见的150余条英文销售术语整理如下,以飨职场新人:DA(Distribution & Assortment):分销Location:位置Display:陈列Pricing:价格Inventory:库存Merchandising:助销Promotion:促销KA(Key Account):重点客户GKA(Global Key Account):全球性重点客户NKA(National Key Account):全国性重点客户LKA(Local Key Account):地方性重点客户RKA(Retail Key Account ):零售重点客户SM(ShoppingMall):大型购物消费中心简称销品茂HYM(Hypermarket):巨型超等市场,简称大卖场SPM(Supermarket):超等市场,简称超市S-SPM(Small-Supermarket):小型超市M-SPM(Middle-Supermarket):中型超市L-SPM(Large-Supermarket):大型超市C&C(Cash & Carry):仓储式会员店CVS(Convenience Store):便当店GS(Gas Station):加油站便当店DS(Discount Store):折扣店MT(Modern Trade ):现代渠道TT(Tradiditional Trade):传统渠道OT(Organized Trade):现代特殊渠道OP(On Premise ):餐饮渠道HBR(Hotel,Bar,Restaurant):旅馆、酒吧、餐馆等封闭性通路WHS(Wholesaler):批发商2nd tier Ws:二级批发商DT(Distributor):经销商,分销商2ndDT:二级分销商DIST(Distributor System):专营分销商MW(Managed Wholesalers):管制批发商PW(Passive Wholesalers):传统批发商DSD(Direct Store Delivery):店铺直接配送CSTD(Company Sells Third Party Delivers):我销他送DC(Distribution Center):配送中心TPL(Third Party Logistics):第三方物流CRP(Contiuous Replenishment):持续补货CAO(Computer Assisted Ordering):计算机辅助订货PUR(Purchase):进货OOS(Out of Stock):缺货Inventory day:库存天数SKU(Stock Keeping Uint):最小库存计量单位UPC:通用产品编码Bar Code:条形码Slim(Slim):纤细,苗条(包装)TC:铁罐包装AC:铝罐包装TP(TETRA PAK):利乐无菌包装(俗称纸包装)PET:宝特瓶(俗称胶瓶)POSM(Point of Sale Materials):陈列品GE(Gondola End):端架MIT(Marketing Inpact Team):卖场整合性陈列;堆箱TG(Type Genus ):堆头Island Display:堆头式陈列Floor Display:落地割箱陈列Pallet Display:卡板陈列Strip Display:挂条陈列Sidekick Display:侧挂陈列Checkout Display:收银台陈列Cooler Display:冰柜陈列Secondary Display:二次陈列Cross Display:交叉陈列PG(Promotion Girl):促销员P-T(Part-timer):临时工,特指临促POP(Point Of Purchase):门店广告Price discount:特价On-Pack:绑赠Sampling:试吃Road Show:路演,大型户外促销活动DM(Direct Mail ):商场快讯商品广告;邮报PR(Public Relation):公共关系NP(News Paper):报纸杂志AD(Advertisement):广告GRP(Gross Rating Point):毛评点;总收视点(媒介用语)Loyalty:忠诚度Penetration:渗透率Value Share:市场份额AVE(Average):平均数WTD(Weighted):加权NUM(Numeric):数值PP(Previous Period):上期YA(Year Ago):去年同期VOL(Volume):销售量VAL(Value):销售额VAL-PP(Value PP):上期销售额VAL-YA(Value YA):去年同期销售额YTD(Year To Date ):截至当期的今年累计MTD(Means Month to Date):本月到今天为止SPPD(Sales Per Point of Distribution):每点销售额BTL(Below The Line):线下费用ATL(Above The Line):线上费用ABC(Activity based costing):成本动因核算法(又称:巴雷托分析法)U&A(Usage and Attitude):消费态度和行为(市场调查) FGD(Focus Group Discuss):座谈会(市调一种)Store Check:终端调查,铺市率调查CR:销售代表CR-OP:销售代表-餐饮渠道CR-OT:销售代表-现代特殊渠道CR-MT:销售代表-现代渠道CR-TT:销售代表-传统渠道OTCR:现代渠道销售代表WDR:批发拓展代表ADR:客户拓展代表DCR:分销商合约代表DSR:分销商销售代表KSR:大客户销售主任KAM:重点客户经理CDM:渠道拓展经理MDR:市场拓展代表MDE:市场拓展主任MDM:市场拓展经理TMM:通路行销市场经理TDS:区域拓展主任TDM:区域拓展经理LTDM:高级区域拓展经理UM:业务单位经理(大区经理)GM(General Manager):总经理GMDR(General Manager Direct Reports ):总经理直接下属VP(Vice President):副总裁FVP(First Vice President):第一副总裁AVP(Assistant Vice President):副总裁助理CEO(Chief Executive Officer):首席执行官COO(Chief Operations Officer):首席运营官CFO(Chief Financial Officer):首席财务官CIO(Chief Information Officer):首席信息官Director:总监HRD(Human Resource Director):人力资源总监OD(Operations Director):运营总监MD(Marketing Director):市场总监OM(Operations Manager):运营经理PM (Product Manager):产品经理BM(Brand Manager):品牌经理4P(Product、Price、Place、Promotion):4P营销理论(产品、价格、渠道、促销)4C(Customer、Cost、Convenience、Communication):4C 营销理论(顾客、成本、便当、沟通)4V(Variation、Versatility、Value、Vibration):4V营销理论(差别化、功能化、附加价值、共鸣)SWOT(Strengths、Weaknesses、Opportunities、Threats):SWOT分析法(优势、劣势、机遇、威胁)FABE(Feature、Advantage、Benefit、Evidence):FABE法则(特性、优点、利益、证据)USP(Unique Selling Propostion):独特销售主张3A(Avalible、Able、Adsire):买得到、买得起、乐得买PDCA(Plan、Do、Check、Action):PDCA循环管理(计划、执行、检查、行动)OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturer):原始设备制造商,俗称“贴牌”ODM(Original Design Manufacturer):原装设计制造商OBM(Own Brand Manufacturer):自有品牌制造商IPO(Initial Public Offering):首次公开募股LOGO:商标Slogan:广告语FMCG(Fast Moving Consumer Goods):快速消费品DCG(Durable Consumer Goods):耐用消费品。