新编商务英语阅读教程Unit5 Text A Types of Salespersons
商务英语阅读Chapter 5

e.g. The area is remarkable for its scenery
Chapter 5 Brand and trademark visible adj ~ (to sb/sth) 1 that can be seen; in sight 可见的; 看得见的
e.g. This star is not visible to the naked eye. 这颗星 肉眼看不见.
Chapter 5 Brand and trademark overcome v. to defeat or succeed in controlling or dealing with something e.g. to overcome difficulties/obstacles/problems/resistance
What is brand “Name, term, design, symbol”, or any other feature that identifies the seller’s goods and services. expressed in the form of logos , graphic representations
Chapter 5 Brand and trademark
商标:工商企业用于标明商品所有权并区别于其他商品的标 志。商标可以是词或词组、字母、数字、图案、名称、产品 的形状或其他外观、包装或色彩组合。商标(通常用TM表 示,注册后通常用符号表示)是其所有人的财产,受法律保 护,未经授权,他人不得擅自使用。商标所有人不需特地向 美国专利和商标局或其他州政府部门注册便可获得商标或服 务标志(标定服务来源)的法律权利,但经正式注册往往在法 律上更具优势。
新编商务英语阅读教程Unit5 Text B Marge, a Top-notch Salesperson

New words and expressions
• • • • appraisal 评估 sour grapes 酸葡萄 hire sb. away 把某人挖走 year-end performance appraisal 年末业绩考核
Understanding the text
• Story of MaRge
New words and expressions
• • • • • • • • overbuy 买多了 ‘em =them work one’s way up 通过工作努力攀升 garment 衣服 running suit 跑步服 seam 缝,衣缝 come apart 裂开 confrontation 对抗,遭遇
Unit5 Text B Marge, a Top-notch Salesperson
By Jack
New words and • • • • Inc. =incorporate 有限责任公司 a line of 一系列 meet quota 完成定额 dime 一枚硬币 fall part 散开 new accounts 新客户 profit-potential 有可能产生利润的 go in 投身进去
New words and expressions
• • • • • • • • buy into 买入 head buyer 主要买主 up to quota 达到定额 over quota 超过定额 plow back into 再投资于 overhead expense 经常的开支项目 kickback 回扣 escort 护送
• P 102-104
•Preview Unit 6TEXT1
商务英语阅读 unit-5

Professional Words & Expressions
retailer allowance trade deal corporate image reseller stimulate sales force rational appeal lead wholesaler push money point of sale voucher approach
5-2 Task 1
J. a company or individual that purchases goods or services with the intention of reselling them rather than consuming or using them K. involving goods convertible into cash in a short time L. cash paid to salespeople as a bonus when they sell specific items of merchandise. It may be paid by the manufacturer or the retailer
7. rational appeal
5-2 Task 1
8. push money
9. continuity program
10. trade-in
11. leverage
12. allowance
13. reseller J
14. sales force
15. prospect
There are 8 tasks designed for you in this unit. These tasks and the three texts will help you understand sales and promotion and the definition and the techniques of sales promotion as well as personal selling.

① Theme of the unit ② Can you identify the types of the
following movies?
The theme of this unit is the role of entertainment industry in general and filmmaking in particular.
In a good drama film, the audience are able to experience what other characters are feeling and identify with someone. e.g. Little Women, Becoming Jane Austen.
Essential element: Heroism a resourceful character struggling against incredible odds, e.g. life-threatening situations, or an evil villain, with victory achieved at the end after difficult physical efforts and violence. Story and character development are generally secondary to explosions, fist fights, gunplay and car chase.
1. What are the other types of movie? Can you name their characteristics?

A. Because people don’t like traditional art.
B. Because people don’t know if it’s good or bad.
C. Because it sends out a certain message about the company.
A. the consultant tell the artist what you want.
B. the artist know what you want.
C. the artist make most of the decisions.
4) The consultant believes that choosing art for the workplace is about
I: So you already have the painting?
AC: Yes, or we can ask an artist to create works for your specific space. In this case, the client has some input but it’s important to remember when choosing workplace art that art is not your brand. If you ask the artist to emphasizes your company image in some way, you’ll just end up with bad art. Either way, you have an art consultant who oversees and project manages the production of any commissioned artwork and makes sure it’s completed and installed on time and within budget. And that also includes fitting appropriate lighting and any other maintenance and fitting.
商务英语阅读 Unit 5 Business Elite

7. monolithic [ ,mɔnəu'liθik ] adj. 整体的;巨石的, 庞大的;完全统一的 n. 单块集成电路,单片电路 8. deteriorate [ di‘tiəriəreit ] vi. 恶化,变坏 vt. 恶化 economic deteriorate 经济萧条 The patient's condition has deteriorated over the last few hours. 几个钟头前病人的病情已恶化。 His sight have begin to deteriorate. 他的视力已经开始下降。 9. hyperbole [ hai'pə:bəli ] n. 夸张的语句;夸张法
10. lust [ lʌst ] n. 性欲;强烈的欲望 vi. 贪求,渴望 The seven deadly sins: Gluttony, Greed , Sloth , Envy , Wrath , Pride and Lust. 这七宗罪:饕餮、贪 婪、懒惰、嫉妒、愤怒、傲慢与欲望。 11. momentous [ məu‘mentəs ] adj. 重要的;重大 的 Today is a momentous day for China. Today is a joyous day for all Chinese people. 今天,是一个全中国普天同庆的日子,是全球华人举 杯同贺的日子。 12. continuity [ ,kɔnti‘nju:iti ] n. 连续性;一连串;分 镜头剧本 continuity axiom 连续性公理
4. According to Dell, Services is a business where the demand is really greater than the supply. T
商务英语阅读第一册上 Unit 5

One caregiver said that she had always been close to her mother; another was the oldest child; another was the youngest child. In a word, they all felt that they could do the job better than anyone else.
Because they often have jobs responsibilities to take care of.
Why is a spouse usually reluctant to use community services to help care for the dependent person?
Pre-reading Expressions
Expressions that are likely to be used to talk about the old people:
A health diet is helpful to the old. Caring of the old can be stressful. Old age is often accompanied by all kinds of diseases such as high blood pressure.
Pre-reading Questions
Should the elderly live with their adult children or by themselves independently?
Live with children: In case of an emergency – a fall, a stroke, they can be looked after; They won’t feel lonely; They will be able to baby-sit their grandchildren; They can help with house chores. Live independently: A feeling of self-reliance is encouraged; Avoid conflicts or tension between generations arising from different values. Avoid being a family burden

《新编商务英语阅读教程》(第二版)练习参考答案Unit OneI.1. 资产C2. 边际变动E3. 市场势力I4. 劳动生产力(率)J5. 经济学A6. 市场失灵G7. 市场经济F8. 机会成本D9. 通货膨胀K10. 外部性H11. 效率B12. 菲利普斯曲线LII.Passage One经济学的研究主要分为两部分:宏观经济学与微观经济学。

the traditional classroom set-up 传统教室的布局
2 不诚实的计划,方案
1 机构,组织,体制
How do I know this isn't a set-up? 我如何才能知道这不 是一个骗人的圈套?
4 装置,装配
3 调试,准备
Para. 3
successive 连续的
Successive governments have tried to deal with this issue. 连续几届政府都努力解决这个 问题。 Some countries lack a suitable economic infrastructure. 一些国家缺乏配套的经济基础设 施。
EX 1: Building Vocabulary 构建词汇 (强调词的搭配与运用) EX 2: Reading 阅读练习 (归纳段落概要) EX 3: Speaking 口语练习 (商务陈述:陈述公司迁址的六大理由,注意 适当展开论述,注意语篇的完整性) EX 4: Report Writing 报告写作 (了解一般商务报告的写作要素以及表达法)
relocate to a place where cheap labor is available 更好的交通网络有利于公司的发展 have access to more skilled workers 能招收到技术工人 adopt follow-the-talent policy 实行追求人才的 政策 cheaper labor costs 更廉价的劳力成本 low rates of corporate tax 较低的企业税 to get closer to the market 更接近市场

In recent years, physical distribution activities have received increasing attention. A major reason is that these functions represent almost half of total marketing costs.Historically, management's focal point for cost cutting was production. But managers now recognize that production efficiency has reached a point at which further cost savings are difficult to achieve. Increasingly , managers are turning to physical distribution activities as a possible cost-saving area. Currently, total physical distribution costs amount to approximately 20 percent of the nation 's GNP.A second-and equally important-reason for the increased attention on physical distribution activities is their role in providing customer service. By storing goods in convenient locations for shipment to wholesale and retail customers, firms create time utility. Place utility is created primarily by transportation.The study of physical distribution is one of the classic examples of the systems approach to business problems. The basic notion of a system is that of a set of interrelated parts. The word is derived from the Greek word systemα, which refers to an organized relationship among components. The firm 's components include such interrelated areas as production, finance, and marketing. Each component must function properly if the system is tobe effective and organizational objectives are to be achieved.近年来,物流活动日益受到重视。
商务英语阅读 unit 5

Reading Skill Focus
I. Read the following news and discuss the questions. 3. What is Tweet-a-Coffee?
Tweet-a-Coffee lets customers give a $5 gift card to a friend by putting both “@tweetacoffee” and the friend’s handle in a tweet.
第五版 (专业篇I)
总主编:刘杰英 主 编:吴思乐 侯雁慧 任奎艳 审 校:Chuck Thode
Unit 5 Promotion
Promotion involves spreading information about a product, product line, brand or company. Promotional strategies can be roughly divided into two separate camps: push strategy and pull strategy. Common promotional techniques include advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations.
Launched on Oct. 28, Tweet-a-Coffee let customers give a $5 gift card to a friend by putting both “@tweetacoffee” and the friend’s handle in a tweet. To do so, users had to link their Starbucks accounts to Twitter and their credit cards to the accounts.
商务英语阅读(基础篇)unit 5 English as Business language

I. Reading Practice
Text A
Overseas assignments are becoming increasingly important to advancement within executive ranks. The executive stationed in another country no longer need fear being “out of sight and out of mind.” He or she can be sure that the overseas effort is central to the company’s plan for success, and that promotions often follow or accompany an assignment abroad. If an employee can succeed in a difficult assignment overseas, superiors will have greater confidence in his or her ability to cope back in the United States where cross-cultural considerations and English are becoming more and more prevalent .
I. Reading Practቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱce
Text A
The Role of English Language as Business Language
New technology links the world as never before. Our planet has shrunk. It’s now a “global village” ① where countries are only seconds away by fax or phone or satellite link. And, of course, our ability to benefit from this high-tech communications equipment is greatly enhanced by foreign language skills.
商务英语Unit 5 参考答案

Unit 5 EmploymentPart I Business V ocabularyDirections:There are 10 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1 Intelligence levels decline _____B_______, but change little over their working life.A honestlyB modestlyC rarelyD sharply2 Most people like to think that personality can change, particularly the more _______C_________ features such as anxiety, low esteem, impulsiveness or a lack of emotional warmth.A positiveB activeC negativeD passive3 People can be groomed for a job. Just as politicians are carefully _____B_________ through dress, hairstyle and speech specialists, so people can be sent on training courses, diplomas or experimental weekends.A repackedB repackagedC refinedD reset4 However, his employer told him that he must not come to work in a collar and tie to dive his 17-tonne lorry. If he did so, he faced the A .A sackB bagC packD package5 They wanted him to _______D_______ the company’s new image of casual clothing such as T-shirts or sweat shirts.A agree toB comply toC follow toD conform to6 His employer, Mr Yamago, believed that behavior like Mr Nishiura’s _______C_________ company discipline and corrupted morale.A undertookB underlinedC underminedD damaged7 When you enter a company, you_____B_______ your human rights.A sign onB sign awayC sign forD sign in8 Mr Nishiura is going to sue his employer for unfair _____C___________.A employmentB unemploymentC dismissalD job title9 There are always several fitness instructors _______A__________ to advise people and provide them with personalized fitness programmes.A on handB in handC by handD hand in hand10 The clubs aim to _______B_________ people of all ages and income groups.A attract toB appeal toC conform toD respond to11 The carrying vessel departed from Shanghai on February 28 and is _____D____in San Francisco on March 12.A because ofB becauseC due toD due12 We are pleased to advise you that the 500 dozen blouses under the above order_____B____ loaded onto the M.V. “Evergreen” on March 28,A areB wereC isD was13 We are now enclosing our commercial invoices in triplicate ____C______US$12,000.A ofB atC forD by14 This sum is payable by irrevocable letter of credit confirmed _____B_____ anAmerican bank.A inB withC underD on15 If you have any queries, please ______D_______ us.A contact withB to contact withC to contactD contact16Since the transaction is made _____C____ CIF basis, you are to ship the goods.A atB byC onD in17 In our letter of May 5, we made ____D____ clear that shipment is to be effected inJune.A youB themC thatD it18 Please make every effort to get the goods ____C_____ immediately.A to dispatchB dispatchingC dispatchedD dispatch19 We have shipped your order on board M/V, which sails _B__ your port tomorrow.A atB forC toD from20 After inspection, we found five cartons ______A________.A damagedB to damageC damagingD damagePart II Phrase TranslationDirections:Directions: There are 20 Chinese phrases in this part. You are required totranslate them into English and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, one point for each phrase.1星座 astrological sign2家庭背景 family background3婚姻状况 marital status4血型 blood type5缺勤记录 absentee record6智力水平 intelligence level7新闻发言人 press officer8新闻发布 press release9年度报告 annual report10公司宣传资料 company literature11着装要求 dress code12营销部 marketing department13人权 human rights14不公平解雇 unfair dismissal15年终奖金 end-of-year bonus16员工流失率 staff turnover17社交活动 social activity18以客户为中心的文化 customer-oriented culture19业绩记录 track record20商机 business opportunityPart III Sentence TranslationDirections: There are 10 sentences in this part. You are required to translate them into Chinese and write down your translation on the Answer Sheet. This part totals 20 points, two points for each sentence.1. Most people like to think that personality can change,particularly the more negative features such as anxiety, low esteem, impulsiveness or a lack of emotional warmth.大多数人认为性格是可以改变的,特别是像焦虑,缺乏自尊,冲动或感情上缺乏温暖这样更负面的特征。

Unit 5 Electronic CommerceText A 什么是电子商务今天我们能从阿里巴巴、易趣、雅虎等各种网站购买到从日常用品到工业机械设备等各种产品。

Creating business letter in English
letterhead date Inside address Reference line Salutation
Complimentary close (signature) SEMI-BLOCKED FORMAT LETTEer envelope components
Sender’s name Address stamps
Leave a little space between your return adress and the top and left edges.
Recipient’s name Company name Street address or P.O.box City,state abbreviation,zip code country
In addition to conforming to the standard formats, a good business letter has some other merits.
• To be concise and to the point • State your purpose in the opening sentence of the letter • The sentences should be no longer than 21\2 lines each, preferably shorter. • Avoid using slang and idiomatic expressions. • Use active voice instead of passive voice. • Pay attention to your grammar. • Reread your letter. • Use paper of good quality.

Unit 5 Electronic CommerceText A 什么是电子商务今天我们能从阿里巴巴、易趣、雅虎等各种网站购买到从日常用品到工业机械设备等各种产品。
- 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
- 3、如文档侵犯您的权益,请联系客服反馈,我们会尽快为您处理(人工客服工作时间:9:00-18:30)。
New words and expressions
solely 单独 goodwill 好感 be engaged in 从事, 参与…. pharmaceutical 制药的 druggist 药商 characteristic 特点,特征 processalesman
getter(current customer sales, new-business sales) Order taker(inside order taker and field order taker) support personnel(Missionary salespersons, trade salespersons, technical salespersons)
By Jack
New words and expressions
personnel 人事人员 perform 扮演 inform 知悉,预示 current customers sales 现有客户销售 new-business sales 新业务销售 sample 体验,抽样检查 perpetuate 使永存,维系 extensive sales 广泛的销售
New words and expressions
order getter 销售过程中拿到订单并积极扩大业 绩的人 order taker 接单员, 拿到订单但不积极扩大业绩 的人 missionary salesperson 传教士销售人员 trade salesperson 贸易型推销人员 technical salesperson 技术型销售人员
salespersons salespersons
P95 -97
Preview text b
See you !
Order Getter
customer sales
Order taker
order taker
order taker
Support personnel
Missionary Trade
New words and expressions
sufficient 足够的 routinely 日常 track 跟踪 inventory 存货清单 periodically 定期地 bulk 大块 functionary 公职人员 facilitate 促进,助长