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• • [1] 汪晶晶,章锦河,王群,黄剑锋. 旅游生态系统能值研究进展与启示[J]. 生态学报. 2015(02) [2] 刘法建,张捷,章锦河,陈冬冬. 旅游地网络的演化与时空特征研究——以黄山风景区及 汤口社区为例[J]. 地理科学. [3] 刘法建,张捷,章锦河,陈冬冬. 旅游地网络的演化与时空特 征研究——以黄山风景区及汤口社区为例[J]. 地理科学. 2014(12) [4] 丁蕾,吴小根,王腊春,章锦河. 水体旅游地游客感知测度模型及实证分析[J]. 地理科学. 2014(12) [5] 王楠楠,章锦河,刘泽华,钟士恩,李升峰. 九寨沟自然保护区旅游生态系统能 值分析[J]. 地理研究. 2013(12) [6] 束玉洁,章锦河,管飞. 人口统计变量对饭店品牌体验、品牌忠诚的影响分析及启示— —以汉庭连锁酒店为例[J]. 宜春学院学报. 2014(04) [7] 孙景荣,张捷,章锦河,马金海,李莉, 张富生. 中国区域旅行社业效率的空间分异研究[J]. 地理科学. 2014(04) [8] 章锦河. 社会记忆与旅游规划的创意[J]. 旅游学刊. 2014(05) [9] 孙晋坤,章锦河,李曼,周 晶,陈静,杨璐. 近十年国内外旅游环境承载力研究进展与启示[J]. 地理与地理信息科学. 2014(02) [10] 钟士恩,章锦河. 从古镇旅游消费看传统性与现代性、后现代性的关系[J]. 旅游学刊. 2014(07)

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洪永淼自2005年以来,为了让全中国年轻学者有机会了解和把握现代计量经济学和现代统计学的学术发展动 态和最新研究成果,拓宽国际学术视野和提高创新研究能力,洪永淼坚持每年组织举办面向全中国研究生的ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ量 经济学暑期学校,截至2018年11月,学员逾3000人;还多次组织相关的国际、国内研讨会和师资培训班,为学 者们搭建沟通平台,推动中国经济学,特别是计量经济学与国外的合作与交流等。
01 人物经历
03 人物评价
02 主要成就
洪永淼,1964年2月出生,籍贯福建厦门,计量经济学家,发展中国家科学院院士,中国科学院大学经济与 管理学院特聘教授、院长,中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院特聘研究员,中国科学院预测科学研究中心特聘研 究员。
洪永淼于1985年获得厦门大学物理学学士学位;1988年获得厦门大学经济学硕士学位;1993年获得加利福 尼亚大学圣迭戈分校经济学博士学位;1993年7月—1998年6月任美国康奈尔大学经济学系助理教授;1997年7 月—1998年6月任美国康奈尔大学统计科学系助理教授;1998年7月—2001年6月任美国康奈尔大学经济系和统 计科学系副教授;1999年1月—2000年1月任香港科技大学经济学系访问副教授;2001年7月—2020年12月任美 国康奈尔大学经济学系和统计科学系教授;2003年5月—2020年12月任职于美国康奈尔大学应用数学中心; 2005年6月—2020年12月任厦门大学王亚南经济研究院创院院长;2009年12月—2020年12月任计量经济学教育 部 重 点 实 验 室 ( 厦 门 大 学 ) 主 任 ; 2 0 1 0 年 11 月 任 厦 门 大 学 经 济 学 院 院 长 ; 2 0 1 5 年 当 选 为 发 展 中 国 家 科 学 院 院 士 ; 2016年7月—2019年6月任美国康奈尔大学经济学领域研究生事务主任;2020年12月起任中国科学院大学经济与 管理学院特聘教授和中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院特聘研究员;2021年任中国科学院大学经济与管理学院院 长,2月起任中国科学院预测科学研究中心执行主任。

VITAJOHN H. FLAVELLBirthdate: August 9, 1928 Marital Status: Married, 2 children Birthplace: Rockland, MassachusettsEDUCATION:Northeastern University, A.B., 1951 (Psychology)Clark University, M.A., 1952 (Psychology)Clark University, Ph.D., 1955 (Psychology)EMPLOYMENT HISTORY:Professor, Department of Psychology, Stanford University, 1976-Present. Professor, Institute of Child Development, University of Minnesota, 1965-76. Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, 1960-65. Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, University of Rochester, 1956-60. Clinical Associate in Psychology, University of Rochester, 1955-56.Staff Psychologist, Veterans Administration Hospital, Fort Lyon, Colorado, 1954-55. SCIENTIFIC and PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATIONS:American Psychological SocietySociety for Research in Child DevelopmentInternational Society for the Study of Behavioral DevelopmentPROFESSIONAL ACTIVITIES:Member of Governing Council 1975-83, and President 1979-81, Society for Researchin Child Development.President, Division 7 (Developmental), American Psychological Association, 1969-70. HONORS:Recipient of the American Psychological Association's Distinguished Scientific Contribution Award, 1984, and G. Stanley Hall Award (Division of Development Psychology), 1986.Docteur Honoris Causa, University Rene Descartes, Paris 1990Elected to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1990Honorary Degree, University of Rochester, 1991Appointed as Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, 1992Elected to the National Academy of Sciences, 1994Honorary Degree, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece 1994BIBLIOGRAPHYFlavell, J. H. (1955). Repression and the return of the repressed. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 19, 441-443.Flavell, J. H. (1956). Abstract thinking and social behavior in schizophrenia.Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 52, 208-211.Flavell, J. H. (1957). Some observations on schizophrenic thinking: Etiology andonset. Canadian Journal of Psychology, 11, 128-132.Flavell, J. H., & Draguns, J. (1957). A microgenetic approach to perception and thought. Psychological Bulletin, 54, 197-217.Flavell, J. H. (1958). A test of Whorfian theory. Psychological Reports, 4, 455-462.Flavell, J. H., Draguns, J., Feinberg, L. D., & Budin, W. (1958). A microgeneticapproach to word association. Journal of Abnormal Social Psychology, 57, 1-7.Flavell, J. H., Cooper, A., & Loiselle, R. H. (1958). Effect of the number of preutilization functions on functional fixedness in problem solving. Psychological Reports, 4, 343- 350.Flavell, J. H., & Flavell, E. R. (1959). One determinant of judged semantic and associative connection between words. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 58, 159-165.Flavell, J. H.,& Stedman, D. J. (1961). A developmental study of judgments ofsemantic similarity. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 98, 279-293.Flavell, J. H. (1961). Meaning and meaning similarity: I. A theoreticalreassessment. Journal of General Psychology, 64, 307-319.Flavell, J. H. (1961). Meaning and meaning similarity: II. The semantic differential and co-occurrence as predictors of judged similarity in meaning. Journal of General Psychology, 64, 321-335.Flavell, J. H. (1961). Meaning and meaning similarity: III. Latency and number of similarities as predictors of judged similarity in meaning. Journal of General Psychology, 64, 321-335.Flavell, J. H. (1962). Historical and bibliographic note. In W. Kessen, & C. Kuhlman (Eds.), Thought in the young child: Report of a conference on intellective development with particular attention to the work of Jean Piaget. Monographs of the Society for Research on Child Development, 27, No.2, 5-18.Flavell, J. H. (1963). The developmental psychology of Jean Piaget. Princeton, NJ: D. Van Nostrand Co.Flavell, J. H. (1963). Piaget's contributions to the study of cognitive development. Merrill-PalmerQuarterly, 9, 245-252.Flavell, J. H. (1966). The development of two related forms of social cognition: Role taking and communication. In A. H. Kidd & J. L. Rivoire (Eds.), Perceptual development in children. New York: International Universities Press.Flavell, J. H. (1966). Heinz Werner on the nature of development. In S. Wapner & B. Kaplan (Eds.), Heinz-Werner: 1890-1964. Worchester, MA: Clark University Press.Flavell, J. H. (1966). Le langage priv'. Bulletin Psychologique, 19, 8-12.Flavell, J. H., Beach, D. R., & Chinsky, J. M. (1966). Spontaneous verbal rehearsal in a memory task as a function of age. Child Development, 37, 283-299.Flavell, J. H. (1966). Role-taking and communication skills in children. Young Children, 21, 164-177.Keeney, T. J., Cannizzo, S. R., & Flavell, J. H. (1967). Spontaneous and inducedverbal rehearsal in a recall task. Child Development, 38, 953-966.Corsini, D. A., Pick, A. D., & Flavell, J. H. (1968). Production deficiency ofnonverbal mediators in young children. Child Development, 39, 53-58.Flavell, J. H., Botkin, P. T., Fry, C. L., Wright, J. W., & Jarvis, P. E. (1968). The development of role-taking and communication skills in children. New York: Wiley.Flavell, J. H., & Wohlwill, J. F. (1969). Formal and functional aspects of cognitive development. In D. Elkind and J. Flavell (Eds.), Studies in cognitive development: Essays in honor of Jean Piaget. (pp.67-120). New York: Oxford University Press.Flavell, J. H., & Hill, J. P. (1969). Developmental psychology. Annual Review of Psychology, 20, 1-56. Palo Alto Annual Reviews, Inc.Moely, B. E., Olson, F. A., Halwes, T. G., & Flavell, J. H. (1969). Productiondeficiency in young children's clustered recall. Developmental Psychology, 1, 26-34.Flavell, J. H. (1970). Concept development. In P. H. Mussen (Ed.), Carmichael'smanual of child psychology (Vol. 1) (pp. 983-1059). New York: Wiley.Flavell, J. H. (1970). Cognitive changes in adulthood. In L. R. Goulet & P. Baltes (Eds.), Life-span developmental psychology: Research and theory (pp. 247-253). New York: Academic Press.Flavell, J. H. (1970). Developmental studies of mediated memory. In H. W. Reese & L. P. Lipsitt (Eds.), Advances in child development and behavior. (Vol. 5) (pp. 182-211). New York: Academic Press.Flavell, J. H. (1970). Comments on Beilin's paper. Ibid. Pp. 189-191.Flavell, J. H., Friedrichs, A. G., & Hoyt, J. D. (1970). Developmental changes in memorizationprocesses. Cognitive Psychology, 1, 324-340.Larsen, G. Y., & Flavell, J. H. (1970). Verbal factors in compensation performance and the relationship between conservation and compensation. Child Development, 41, 965- 977.Miller, P. H., Kessel, F. S., & Flavell, J. H. (1970). Thinking about people thinking about people thinking about...: A study of social cognitive development. Child Development, 41, 613- 623.Miller, S. A., Shelton, J., & Flavell, J. H. (1970). A test of Luria's hypotheses concerning the development of verbal self- regulation. Child Development, 41, 651-665.Ryan, S. M., Hegion, A. G., & Flavell, J. H. (1970). Nonverbal mnemonic mediation in preschool children. Child Development, 41, 539-550.Flavell, J. H. (1971). The uses of verbal behavior in assessing children's cognitive abilities. In D. R. Green, M. P. Ford & G. B. Flamer (Eds.), Measurement and Piaget (pp. 198-204). New York: McGraw-Hill.Flavell, J. H. (1971). Discussant's comments for the SRCD Symposium: What ismemory development the development of? Human Development, 14, 272-278.Flavell, J. H. (1971). Comments on Beilin's The development of physical concepts. In T. Mischell (Ed.), Cognitive development and epistemology. New York: Academic Press.Flavell, J. H. (1971). Stage-related properties of cognitive development. Cognitive Psychology, 2, 421-453.Flavell, J. H. (1972). An analysis of cognitive-developmental sequences. GeneticPsychology Monographs, 86, 279-350.Appel, L. F., Cooper, R. G., McCarrell, N., Sims-Knight, J., Yussen, S., & Flavell, J. H. (1972). The developmental acquisition of the distinction between perceiving and memorizing. Child Development, 43, 1365-1381.Peterson, C. L., Danner, F. W., & Flavell, J. H. (1972). Developmental changes in children's response to three indications of communicative failure. Child Development, 43, 1463-1468.Masur, E. F., McIntyre, C. W., & Flavell, J. H. (1973). Developmental changes in apportionment of study time among items in a multitrial free recall task. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 15, 237-246.Ritter, K., Kaprove, B. H., Fitch, J. P., & Flavell, J. H. (1973). The development of retrieval strategies in young children. Cognitive Psychology, 5, 310-321.Flavell, J. H. (1974). The development of inferences about others. In T. Mischell(Ed.), Understanding other persons. Oxford, England: Blackwell Basil & Mott.Masangkay, Z. S., McCluskey, K.A., McIntyre, C. W., Sims-Knight, J., Vaughn, B. E., & Flavell, J. H. (1974). The early development of inferences about the visual percepts of others. ChildDevelopment, 45, 357-366.Drozdal, J. G., & Flavell, J. H. (1975). A developmental study of logical searchbehavior. Child Development, 46, 389-393.Wellman, H. M., Ritter, K., & Flavell, J. H. (1975). Deliberate memory behaviorin the delayed reactions of very young children. Developmental Psychology, 11, 780-787.Kreutzer, M. A., Leonard, C., & Flavell, J. H. (1975). An interview study of children's knowledge about memory. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 41, (1, Serial No. 159).Flavell, J. H. (1976). Metacognitive aspects of problem solving. In L. B. Resnick (Ed.), The nature of intelligence. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Salatas, H., & Flavell, J. H. (1976). Behavioral and metamnemonic indicators of strategic behavior under remember instructions in first grade. Child Development, 47, 81-89.Salatas, H., & Flavell, J. H. (1976). Retrieval of recently learned information:Development of strategies and control skills. Child Development, 47, 941-948.Salatas, H., & Flavell, J. H. (1976). Perspective taking: The development of twocomponents of knowledge. Child Development, 47, 103-109.Flavell, J. H. (1977). Cognitive development. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall.Wellman, H. M., & Flavell, J. H. (1977). Metamemory. In R. V. Kail & J. W. Hagen (Eds.), Perspectives on the development of memory and cognition. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Gordon, F. R., & Flavell, J. H. (1977). The development of intuitions about cognitive cueing. Child Development, 48, 1027-1033.Lempers, J. D., Flavell, E. R., & Flavell, J. H. (1977). The development in very young children of tacit knowledge concerning visual perception. Genetic Psychology Monographs, 95, 3-53.Flavell, J. H. (1978). The development of knowledge about visual perception.Nebraska Symposium on Motivation, 25, 43-76.Flavell, J. H. (1978). Metacognitive development. In J. M. Scandura & C. J. Brainerd (Eds.), Structural-process theories of complex human behavior. Alphen a.d. Rijn, The Netherlands: Sijthoff & Noordhoff.Flavell, J. H. (1978). Comments. In R. S. Siegler (Ed.), Children's thinking: What develops. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Flavell, J. H., Omanson, R. C., & Latham, C. (1978). Solving spatial perspectivetaking problems by rule versus computation: A developmental study. Developmental Psychology, 14, 462-473.Flavell, J. H., Shipstead, S. G., & Croft, K. (1978). Young children's knowledge about visualperception: Hiding objects from others. Child Development, 49, 1208-1211.Flavell, J. H. (1978). Developmental stage: Explanans or explanadum? The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 2, 187.Speer, J. R, & Flavell, J. H. (1979). Young children's knowledge of the relative difficulty of recognition and recall memory tasks. Developmental Psychology, 15, 214-217.Keniston, A., & Flavell, J. H. (1979). A developmental study of intelligent retrieval. Child Development, 50, 1144-1152.Flavell, J. H. (1979). Metacognition and cognitive monitoring: A new area of cognitive-developmental inquiry. American Psychologist, 34, 906-911.Flavell, J. H., Shipstead, S. G., & Croft,K. (1980). What young children think you see when their eyes are closed. Cognition, 8, 369-387.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R, Green, F. L., & Wilcox, S. A. (1980). Young children's knowledge about visual perception. Effect of observer's distance from target on perceptual clarity of target. Developmental Psychology, 16, 10-12.Flavell, J. H., Everett, B. A., Croft, K, & Flavell, E. R (1981). Young children's knowledge about visual perception: Further evidence for the Level 1-Level 2 distinction. Development Psychology, 17, 99-103.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R., Green, F. L., & Wilcox, S. A. (1981). Thedevelopment of three spatial perspective-taking rules. Child Development, 52, 356-358.Flavell, J. H., & Ross, L. (Eds.). (1981). Social cognitive development: Frontiersand possible futures. New York: Cambridge University Press.Flavell, J. H. (1981). Cognitive monitoring. In W. P. Dickson (Ed.). Children's oral communication skills. New York: Academic Press.Flavell, J. H. (1981). Monitoring social cognitive enterprises: Something else thatmay develop in the area of social cognition. In J. H. Flavell & L. D. Ross (Eds.), Socialcognitive development Frontiers and possible futures. New York: Cambridge UniversityPress.Flavell, J. H., Speer, J. R, Green, F. L., & August, D. L. (1981). The development of comprehension monitoring and knowledge about communication. Monographs of the Society for the Research in Child Development, 46 (5, Serial No. 192).Singer, J. B., & Flavell, J. H. (1981). Development of knowledge about communication: Children's evaluation of explicitly ambiguous messages. Child Development, 52, 1211-1215.Beal, C. R., & Flavell, J. H. (1982). The effect of increasing the salience of message ambiguities on kindergartner's evaluations of communicative success and message adequacy. Developmental Psychology, 18, 43-48.Flavell, J. H. (1982). Structures, stages and sequences in cognitive development. Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, 15, 1-28.Flavell, J. H. (1982). On cognitive development. Child Development, 53, 1-10.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R, & Green, F. L. (1983). Development of the appearance-reality distinction. Cognitive Psychology, 15, 95-120.Beal, C. R., & Flavell, J. H. (1983). Young speaker's evaluations of their listeners' comprehension in a referential communication task. Child Development, 54, 148-153.Flavell, J. H., & Markman, E. M. (Eds.). (1983). Handbook of child psychology: Cognitive development (Vol. 3). New York: John Wiley and Sons.Flavell, J. H., Zhang, X-D., Zhou, H., Qi, S., & Dong, Q. (1983). A comparison between the development of the appearance-reality distinction in the People's Republic of China and the United States. Cognitive Psychology, 15, 459-466.Beal, C. R., & Flavell, J. H. (1984). Development of the ability to distinguish communicative intention and literal message meaning. Child Development, 55, 920-928.Flavell, J. H. (1984). Speculations about the nature and development of metacognition. In F. E. Weinert and R. H. Kluwe(Eds.), Metakognition, motivation und lemen. Stuttgart: Kohlharnmer.August, D. L., Flavell, J. H., & Clift, R. (1984). A comparison of comprehension monitoring in skilled and less skilled readers. Reading Research Quarterly, 20, 39-53.Taylor, M., & Flavell, J. H. (1984). Seeing and believing: Children's understanding of the distinction between appearance and reality. Child Development, 55, 1710-1720.Flavell, J. H. (1985). Cognitive development (2nd Ed.). Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall.Bonitatibus, G. J., & Flavell, J. H. (1985). Effect of presenting a message in written form on young children's ability to evaluate its communication adequacy. Developmental Psychology, 21, 455-461.Flavell, J. H., Green, F. L., & Flavell, E. R. (1985). The road not taken: Understanding the implications of initial uncertainty in evaluating spatial directions. Developmental Psychology, 21, 207-216.Pillow, B. H., & Flavell, J. H. (1985). Intellectual realism: The role of children's interpretations of pictures and perceptual verbs. Child Development, 56, 664-670.Flavell, J. H. (1985). Developpement metacognitif. In M. Richelle (Ed.), Psychologie developpementale: Problemes et realities. Hommage a P. Olerson. Bruxelles: Editions Mardaga.Flavell, J. H., Green, F. L., & Flavell, E. R. (1986). Development of knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 51 (1, Serial No. 212).Flavell, J. H. (1986). The development of children's knowledge about the appearance-reality distinction. American Psychologist, 41, 418-425.Flavell, J. H. (1986). Really and truly. Psychology Today.Pillow, B. H., & Flavell, J. H. (1986). Young children's knowledge about visualperception: Projective size and shape. Child Development, 57, 125-135.Flavell, J. H. (1987). Speculations about the nature and development of metacognition. In F. E. Weinert & R. H. Kluwe (Eds.), Metacognition, motivation and understanding. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.Flavell, J. H., Green, F. L., Wahl, K. E., & Flavell, E. R. (1987). The effects of question classification and memory aids on young children's performance on appearance-reality tasks. Cognitive Development, 2, 127-144.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R., & Green, F. L. (1987). Young children's knowledge about the apparent-real and pretend-real distinctions. Developmental Psychology, 23, 816-822.Flavell, J. H. (1988). The development of children's knowledge about the mind: From cognitive connections to mental representations. In J. W. Astington, P. L. Harris, & D. R. Olson (Eds.), Developing theories of mind. New York: Cambridge University Press.Flavell, J. H., Green, F. L., & Flavell, E. R. (1989). Young children's ability to differentiate appearance-reality and Level 2 perspectives in the tactile modality. Child Development, 60, 201-213.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R., & Green, F. L. (1989). A transitional period in the development of the appearance- reality distinction. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 12, 509-526.Lillard, A. S., & Flavell, J. H. (1990). Young children's preference for mental stateversus behavioral descriptions of human action. Child Development, 61, 731-741.Lovett, S. B., & Flavell, J. H. (1990). Understanding and remembering: Children's knowledge about the differences between comprehension and memory. Child Development, 61, 1842-1858.Moses, L. J., & Flavell, J. H. (1990). Inferring false beliefs from actions and reactions. Child Development, 61, 929-945.Flavell, J. H., Green, F. L., & Flavell, E. R. (1990). Developmental changes inchildren's knowledge about the mind. Cognitive Development, 5, 1-27.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R., Green, F. L., & Korfmacher, J. E. (1990). Do young children think of television images as pictures or real objects? Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 34, 399-417.Flavell, J. H., Flavell, E. R., Green, F. L., & Moses, L. J. (1990). Young children's understanding of fact beliefs versus value beliefs. Child Development, 61 915-928.Flavell, J. H., Green, F. L., Herrera, C. & Flavell, E. R. (1991). Young children's knowledgeabout visual perception: Lines of sight are always straight. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 73-88.Flavell, J. H. (1991). What young children know about the mind. Contemporary Psychology, 36, 741-742.Flavell, J. H. (1992). Perspectives on perspective-taking. In H. Beilin & P. B. Pufall (Eds.)., Piaget's theory: Prospects and possibilities. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.O'Neill, D. K., Astington, J. W., & Flavell, J. H. (1992). Young children's understanding of the role that sensory experiences play in knowledge acquisition. Child Development, 63, 474-490.Flavell, J. H., Mumme, D., Green, F. L., & Flavell, E. R (1992). Young children's understanding of different types of beliefs. Child Development, 63, 960-977.Flavell, J. H., Lindberg, N. A., Green, F. L., & Flavell, E. R. (1992). The development of children's understanding of the appearance-reality distinction between how people look and what they are really like. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 4, 513- 524.Flavell, J. H. (1992). Cognitive development: Past, present, and future. Developmental Psychology, 28, 998-1005.Lillard, A. S., & Flavell, J. H. (1992). Young children's understanding of differentmental states. Developmental Psychology, 28, 626-634.Flavell, J.H., Green, F.L., & Flavell, E.R (1993). Children's understanding of the stream of consciousness. Child Development, 64, 387-398.Flavell, J. H. (1993). Young children's understanding of thinking and consciousness. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 2(2), 40-43.Lyon, T.D., & Flavell, J.H. (1993). Young children's understanding of forgetting over time. Child Development, 64, 789-800.Flavell, J.H., Miller, P.R., & Miller, S.A. (1993). Cognitive development (3rd ed.). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall.Flavell, J.H. (1993). The development of children's understanding of false belief and the appearance-reality distinction. International Journal of Psychology, 28 (5), 595-604.Lyon, T.D., & Flavell, J.H. (1994). Young children's understanding of "remember" and "forget". Child Development, 65, 1357-1371.Flavell, J.H., Green, F.L., & Flavell, E.R (1995). Young children's knowledge about thinking. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development, 60 (1. Serial No. 243).Flavell, J.H., Green, FL., & Flavell, E.R (1995). The development of children's knowledge about attentional focus. Developmental Psychology, 31, 706-712.Flavell, J.H., Green, F.L., Flavell, E.R, & Grossman, J.B. (in press) Thedevelopment of children's knowledge about inner speech. Child Development.Flavell, J.H. (1996). Piaget's legacy. Psychological Science, 7, 200-203.Flavell, J.H., & Miller, P.H. (1998). Social cognition. In D. Kuhn & RS. Siegler (Eds.). Handbook of child psychology (Fifth Ed.) Vol 2. Cognition, perception, and language development (W. Damon, Editor-in-chief). New York: Wiley.Flavell, J.H., Green, F.L., Flavell, E.R., & Lin, N.T. (submitted). Development of children's knowledge about unconsciousness.Abbott, K., Lee, P.P., & Flavell, J.H. (submitted). Young children's understanding of intention.。

2007年获新加坡举行的亚洲公信力最高的 第六届亚洲明日之星大赛”优秀指导教师奖 (罗马音乐学院)”
高等高等音乐教学, 其中本科生许翎获2007年“第六届亚洲明日之星音乐大赛”钢琴F组金奖; 少年儿童钢琴人才的培养, 其中8岁的学生王姝珺获2012年“法国尼斯国际钢琴比赛”儿童B组一等奖。
《幼儿钢琴入门》(1-5册) 《哈农钢琴练指法教学指导》 《拜厄钢琴基本教程教学指导》

翁博士已获得了一些重要的奖项,其中包括2019年泰勒和弗朗西斯终身成就奖,美国地理学会2015年的Miller地理学杰出贡献奖与2011年的遥感杰出贡献奖,美国摄影测量和遥感学会的2010年Erdas最佳遥感科学论文奖 (第一名) 和Robert E. Altenhofen纪念奖学奖(1999),国际地理信息基金会的最优异学生撰写论文奖(1998)和美国航天局研究金(2008)。
他还获得了2006年印第安那州立大学Theodore Dreiser杰出研究奖(该校授予优秀教授的最高荣誉)和2005年的Lilly基金会教授奖金(以表彰他在实践学习和鼓励学生参与社会方面的贡献,是文理学部唯一获奖者)。

3. 海洋生态系 统研究
焦念志教授还致力于 海洋生态系统方面的 研究。他通过对海洋 生态系统的全面分析 ,揭示了各种生物之 间相互作用的复杂性 和规律性,为保护和 管理海洋生态系统提 供了科学依据
Thank You
焦念志教授长期致力于海洋生 态学的研究,特别是在微型生 物在海洋碳循环中的作用方面
他的研究团队通过对海洋微型 生物的深入观察和研究,揭示 了这些生物在海洋碳循环中的
他们的工作成果对于理解全球 气候变化和海洋生态系统的关
1. 海洋微型生物研究
他将继续领导他的研究团队探 索和理解全球气候变化的机制,
为应对全球气候变化提供更多 的科学依据
焦念志教授将继续致力于海洋 生态学的研究,特别是在微型 生物在海洋碳循环中的作用方 面 同时,他也将积极推动公众对 海洋生态系统的认识和保护意 识的提高,通过教育和宣传活 动,让更多的人了解和关注海 洋生态系统的重要性
焦念志教授对海洋微型生物的研 究具有开创性。他首次提出了" 微型生物碳泵"(Microbial Carbon Pump)的概念,这一概念 指的是海洋微型生物通过生产和 消耗有机碳,对全球气候变化产 生重要影响的过程。这一概念的 提出极大地推动了海洋生态学的 研究进展

夏新界, 博士,博导,首席研究员中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所地址:湖南省长沙市芙蓉区远大二路644号邮编:410125夏新界(英文名;James Xia)博士,博士生导师,研究员,教授。
毕业于湖南师范大学生物系,1985年获北京师范大学植物学硕士学位,1985年留学加拿大,1992年获加拿大奎尔夫大学(University of Guelph)分子遗传学博士学位,1993年在加拿大奎尔夫大学作物科学系作博士后研究工作,2005年应中国科学院邀请从美国回国工作,现为中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所首席研究员,博士生导师, 作物耐逆境分子生态学研究中心主任;同时兼四川农业大学教授, 博士生导师, 未来农业与人类健康国际研究中心执行主任。
先后在美国、加拿大多个大学、研究听、知名生物技术公司担任过研究员、研究部主任、科学家、资深科学家等职务,包括加拿大农业与食品部、加拿大国家研究院生物科学技术研究所(NRC,PBI)、加拿大皇家甜料国际技术有限公司、美国华盛顿大学(St. Louis)、美国Simplot公司等。
回国前在世界最大的农业生物技术公司 - 美国孟山都(Monsanto) 公司作为资深科学家从事分子生物学、分子育种、农业生物技术研究工作近7年。
2005年获中国科学院引进国外杰出人才“百人计划”资助, 1994-97年获加拿大国家研究院 (NRC) 研究基金;1993年获加拿大农业食品部(AAFC)研究基金;1986-1991年期间,获多次加拿大 University of Guelph 和 University of Regina 国外研究生奖学金。

多年来为本科生和研究生 主讲人权法 、国际法课程 。曾在 《 国法学 》 、 《 中 法律科 学 》 、
《 环球法 律评论 》 、 《 法学评论 》、 《 法学杂志 》、 《 政法论坛 》、 《 华东政法学 院学 报 》 、
《{同司法 》、 《 f l 中国 国际法 年刊 》等学术 刊物发 表论文 ,其 中多篇被人 大复 印报 刊资料全文
转载。 主编 南同内外 学者 合作撰写 并 由法律 出版社 出版 的 《 止就业 歧 视 :国际标准 和 国内实 禁 践 》 一 .}版 个人 々著 《 书 f j 国际法院 问题 研究 》;撰写 高等政法院校通用 教材 《 人权法学 》、
2 0 年 赴瑞 典 和挪 威 的 R ol l neg ntue N rei stto ui i t两 个 人 02 au Wal b r Istt 和 o g nI tu H i nRg s e i w a ni ef l a h
权研究 所作高级 访问学 者。20 年受 加拿大政府 资助赴加拿 大蒙 特利尔 、渥太华 和多伦多进行 05
李薇薇 ,女 ,山东青 岛人 ,法学院教授 、深圳大学宪政 人权研 究中心执行 主任 、硕士 研究
生导师 ,现 主要 从事围际人权法 和反歧视法 的教学和研究 。18 年获 巾同政法大学 国际法硕 士 . 98
学位 。19 — 9 9 9 7 19 年赴澳大利亚新南威 尔士大学 留学 并获得国际法硕士学位 。18年起在两北政 98 法大学任教。20 年调入深圳大学任教 。 04
高等政法院校 系列教 材 《 现代 同际法学 》和跨世纪法学 系列教材 《 国际法 》并担任这三 本著作

Title: Guì Hǎi Cháo: Astronaut Profile and Resume Hello everyone! Today, I want to share with you the incredible journey of Guì Hǎi Cháo, the renowned astronaut. Imagine being able to travel to space and explore the mysteries beyond our planet. Well, G uì Hǎi Cháo is living that dream!Guì Hǎi Cháo was born in China, where he developed a fascination with space from a very young age. He would spend hours gazing at the stars, dreaming of one day venturing into space himself. His passion for space exploration only grew stronger as he got older.After completing his education in aerospace engineering, Guì Hǎi Cháo joined the prestigious space program in China. His dedication, intelligence, and hard work quickly caught the attention of his superiors, and he was selected to be a part of a historic mission to the International Space Station (ISS).In 2020, Guì Hǎi Cháo made history by becoming the first Chinese astronaut to set foot on the ISS. His journey was not easy, as he faced many challenges and obstacles along the way. However, his determination and resilience saw him through, and he successfully completed his mission, conducting experiments and research that contributed to our understanding of space.But Guì Hǎi Cháo's journey didn't end there. He continue d to push the boundaries of space exploration, participating in several more missions to the ISS and even venturing into deep space on one occasion. His bravery and pioneering spirit have inspired countless people around the world, especially young aspiring astronauts like myself.As a child, I've always been fascinated by space and the stars. Hearing about Guì Hǎi Cháo's incredible journey fills me with awe and wonder. It makes me believe that anything is possible if you're willing to work hard and follow your dreams.In conclusion, Guì Hǎi Cháo is not just an astronaut; he is a symbol of human potential and the endless possibilities that lie beyond our planet. His story reminds us to never stop reaching for the stars and to always dare to dream big.Thank you for joining me on this journey of discovery. Until next time, keep looking up at the stars and dreaming of the wonders that await us in the great beyond.。

3.《官府、宗族与天主教:17-19世纪福安乡村教会的历史叙事》(专著),北京:中华书局,2009 年出版。
4.《闽南文化百科全书· 宗教与民间信仰卷》(主编),福州:福建人民出版社,2009年出版。


自2011 年加入厦门大学,组建“氮循环实验室”,成功建立了国际领先的稳定同位素示踪技术平台。
在国际期刊发表200余篇SCI论文,以通讯作者在Nature Communication、EPSL、Geology、GRL、ACP、L&O、JGR、Biogeosciences及Paleoceanography 等国际重要期刊发表多篇论文,文章总引超过5400次,H-index 41。
曾获台湾“年轻学者研究著作奖”(1996-2010年间海洋学科唯一获奖人)、TAO(Terrestrial, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences)“最佳文章奖”等。


汪教授目前以唯一发明人拥有国家专利授权50余项,发表SCI/SSCI/EI 收录的学术论文20余篇,出版学术专著3部。
他的工作专长包括: 现代物流供应链管理,政府物流战略规划、交通运输计划及优化、车队管理与配送、自动化物流配送中心设计、需求预测以及大规模微观交通仿真。

小 儿 髋 关 节 半 脱 位 6 7 例 》发 表 于 《针 灸 推 拿 医 学 》英 文 版 , 《江 西 省 部 分 高 中 生 体 质 健 康 状 况 调 查 与 分 析 》发 表 于 《中
国校 医 》。 先后 荣获上 饶 师 范学 院教学竞赛二 等奖 1次 、 多媒 体课件竞赛二 等奖1次 、 优 秀科研 成果 三 等奖 1次 。
绩 。 陈苏赣教授 的主要研 究方 向是体育保健 与运 动康复 , 在体育保健特别是针灸 推拿领域有 独 到研 究 , 在 “ 中文 核 心 期 刊 ” 和 省级 专业 学术 刊 物 上 发 表学 术论 文 2 0 多 篇 , 其 中 《针 刺 耳 后 经 脉 治 疗 急 性 结 膜 炎 》发 表 于 《中 国 针 灸 》 , 《针 灸 按
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
摩 功 能 锻 炼 治 疗 面 瘫4 2 例 》 、 《运 动 针 刺 结 合 按 摩 治 疗 踝 关 节 扭 伤 5 8 例 》 、 《针
刺 推 拿 治 疗 犁 状 肌 综 合 症 3 6 例 》 、 《针 罐 配 合 推 拿 治 疗 颈 肩 背 综 合 症 3 2 例 》发 表
于 《针 灸 临 床 杂 志 》 , 《推 拿 配 合 功 能 锻 炼 治 疗 肩 周 炎 》 、 《按 摩 手 法 复 位 治 疗
等 学 校 中青 年 骨 干 教 师 。 陈苏赣教授从 教2 2年来 , 系统 主讲过 专项侧重课 ( 排球 ) 、 普通 体育课 、 保
健 体育课 等专业 体育课程 , 长期开设 体育保健 与运 动康复公选课 , 普遍 受到大学 生 好评 。 多次带领 学 院排球 运 动 队训 练 和参加全 省大学 生 排球联赛并取 得较好成
陈苏赣 教授
k堂 ‘
厦门大学英语教授 方克华简历介绍

厦门大学英语教授方克华简历介绍全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1Professor Fang Kehua is a distinguished English professor at Xiamen University. With an illustrious career spanning over three decades, Professor Fang has made a significant impact on the field of English language teaching and research in China.Professor Fang obtained his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in English language and literature from Peking University in the 1980s. He then went on to pursue his Ph.D. in English linguistics at the University of Cambridge in the United Kingdom. His doctoral thesis on the syntax of English interrogatives garnered critical acclaim and laid the foundation for his subsequent research in the field.After completing his Ph.D., Professor Fang returned to China and joined the faculty of Xiamen University as a young lecturer. Over the years, he rose through the ranks to become a full professor and eventually the head of the English department. Along the way, Professor Fang published numerous researchpapers in top-tier international journals and authored several influential books on English grammar and syntax.In addition to his scholarly contributions, Professor Fang is also known for his excellence in teaching. He has mentored countless students, many of whom have gone on to pursue successful careers in academia and beyond. Professor Fang's classes are always in high demand due to his engaging teaching style, in-depth knowledge of the subject, and commitment to student success.Outside of his academic work, Professor Fang is actively involved in professional organizations and academic conferences. He has served as a keynote speaker at several prestigious events and has been invited to lecture at universities around the world. Professor Fang's expertise in English linguistics and his passion for teaching have earned him a reputation as a leading figure in the field.In recognition of his contributions to the field of English language teaching and research, Professor Fang has received numerous awards and honors, including the National Outstanding Educator Award and the Xiamen University Distinguished Scholar Award. Despite his many accolades, Professor Fang remains humble and dedicated to his work,constantly pushing the boundaries of knowledge and inspiring the next generation of scholars.In conclusion, Professor Fang Kehua is a renowned English professor whose passion for teaching and research has left an indelible mark on the field of English linguistics in China. His dedication to his students, his innovative research, and his unwavering commitment to excellence make him a true luminary in the world of academia.篇2Professor Fang Kehua is a distinguished figure in the field of English education at Xiamen University, with a remarkable career spanning over three decades.Professor Fang obtained his Bachelor's degree in English Language and Literature from Xiamen University in 1985. He then went on to pursue his Master's degree in English Linguistics at the same institution, graduating with flying colors in 1988. His thirst for knowledge and passion for the English language led him to further his academic pursuits, culminating in a Ph.D. in English Linguistics from the prestigious Beijing Foreign Studies University in 1995.After completing his doctorate, Professor Fang returned to Xiamen University as a faculty member in the Department of English Language and Literature. Over the years, he has made significant contributions to the university's academic community through his exceptional teaching and research work. He has taught a wide range of courses in English linguistics, translation, and literature, inspiring countless students with his knowledge and enthusiasm.Professor Fang's research interests are diverse and encompass various aspects of English linguistics, including syntax, semantics, phonetics, and sociolinguistics. He has published extensively in international journals and conferences, with his work receiving accolades from peers in the academic community. His groundbreaking research has shed light on the complexities of the English language and opened new avenues for exploration in the field of linguistics.In addition to his teaching and research duties, Professor Fang has also held numerous administrative roles at Xiamen University. He has served as the Head of the Department of English Language and Literature, as well as the Dean of the School of Foreign Languages. In these positions, he hasdemonstrated strong leadership skills and a genuine commitment to fostering academic excellence and innovation.Professor Fang's dedication to his work and his students is truly commendable. He is known for his approachable and caring demeanor, always willing to go the extra mile to support and mentor his students. Many of his former students have gone on to achieve great success in their own careers, a testament to his exceptional teaching and guidance.In recognition of his outstanding achievements, Professor Fang has received numerous awards and honors throughout his career. He is a highly respected figure in the academic community, both within China and internationally. His contributions to English education and linguistics have enriched the academic landscape and inspired generations of students and scholars.In conclusion, Professor Fang Kehua is a shining example of academic excellence and dedication. His passion for the English language, coupled with his exemplary teaching and research achievements, make him a true asset to Xiamen University and the field of English education. He continues to inspire and empower students and colleagues alike, leaving a lasting impact on all those fortunate enough to work with him.篇3Dr. Fang Kehua is a distinguished professor of English at Xiamen University in China. He holds a Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Cambridge and has been teaching at Xiamen University for over 20 years.Dr. Fang is well-known for his research in the field of English Literature, particularly in the area of Shakespearean studies. He has published numerous articles in prestigious academic journals and has authored several books on Shakespeare's plays and their significance in the modern world. His groundbreaking research on the role of gender and power in Shakespearean drama has earned him international acclaim.In addition to his research, Dr. Fang is also a dedicated teacher who is passionate about helping students develop their English language skills. He has taught a wide range of courses at Xiamen University, including courses on Shakespeare, English literature, and academic writing. His innovative teaching methods and engaging lectures have inspired countless students to pursue further studies in English.Outside of his academic work, Dr. Fang is also actively involved in promoting cultural exchange between China and therest of the world. He has organized numerous international conferences and workshops on English literature and has served as a visiting professor at universities in the United States and Europe.Overall, Dr. Fang Kehua is a highly respected scholar and educator who has made significant contributions to the field of English Literature. His dedication to teaching and research has had a profound impact on the academic community and has inspired countless students to pursue their own interests in English literature.。

01 人物经历
03 人物评价
02 主要成就
韩家淮,1960年1月出生于安徽省淮南市,细胞生物学家,中国科学院院士,厦门大学生命科学学院教授、 博士生导师,厦门大学医学院院长,厦门大学实验动物中心主任,细胞应激生物学国家重点实验室主任。
韩家淮于1982年从北京大学毕业;1985年获得北京大学硕士学位;1990年获得比利时布鲁塞尔大学博士学位; 1990年至1992年在美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心从事博士后研究工作;1993年至2007年担任美国斯克利普斯研 究所助理教授、副教授、教授;2001年至2007年兼任厦门大学特聘教授;2007年在厦门大学做全职教授;2013年 增选为中国科学院院士 ;2014年至2020年担任厦门大学副校长;2018年担任厦门大学健康医疗大数据国家研 究院院长;2019年被聘为中国医学科学院学部委员。
韩家淮长期从事炎症应激反应的信号通960年,韩家淮出生于安徽省淮南市。 1982年,从北京大学毕业,获得学士学位。 1985年,从北京大学毕业,获得硕士学位。 1990年,从比利时布鲁塞尔大学毕业,获得博士学位。 1990年—1992年,在美国德克萨斯大学西南医学中心从事博士后研究工作。 1993年—2007年,担任美国斯克利普斯研究所(Scripps Research)助理教授、副教授、教授。 2001年11月—2007年7月,兼任厦门大学特聘教授。 2007年8月,在厦门大学做全职教授,并兼任美国斯克利普斯研究所教授 。 2011年,进入中国科学院院士增选候选人名单。 2013年12月,增选为中国科学院院士 。 2014年8月—2020年4月,担任厦门大学副校长 。
2012年,韩家淮指导博士生张端午的毕业论文《RIP3作为细胞凋亡与细胞坏死相互转换的分子开关的发现及 机理研究》被评为福建省优秀博士论文一等奖,以及全国优秀博士学位论文 。
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Rajeev Ahuja教授简介
Rajeev Ahuja 博士为瑞典乌普萨拉(Uppsala)大学物理系教授,在计算材料学和凝聚态物理研究领域享有很高的国际声誉。
Ahuja教授主要研究领域为计算材料理论及其应用等,已在Nature、Science、PNAS、PRL、Nano Letters、Angew. Chem.等国际高影响因子的杂志上发表学术论文400多篇,论文被引用5000多次,h-因子35。
Ahuja教授曾在国际会议上做特邀报告45次,是美国、加拿大、瑞典、荷兰等国家多所研究资助机构的评审专家,Research Physics Letters和International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 编委,任美国Florida International University 和法国University of Science and Technology, Lille等几所著名大学的兼职教授。